
Tax Cutters Win, While Tax Hikers Lose

Vice President Harris cast the decisive votes for Joe Biden's two biggest and most inflationary spending sprees. The contrast between Trump's tax cuts, deregulation and drill, baby, drill and Kamala Harris' tax hikes, big government spending, and war on fossil fuels couldn't be any clearer.

With David Malpass, Scott Bessent, Kellyanne Conway, Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA), Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Charlie Hurt, and Byron York. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 0m
Broadcast on:
25 Jul 2024
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Vice President Harris cast the decisive votes for Joe Biden's two biggest and most inflationary spending sprees. The contrast between Trump's tax cuts, deregulation and drill, baby, drill and Kamala Harris' tax hikes, big government spending, and war on fossil fuels couldn't be any clearer.

With David Malpass, Scott Bessent, Kellyanne Conway, Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA), Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Charlie Hurt, and Byron York.

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This episode is brought to you by Amazon Business. Amazon Business offers smart business buying solutions, so you can spend more time growing your business and less time doing the admin. Learn more at The IKEA Business Network is now open for small businesses and entrepreneurs. Join for free today to get access to interior design services to help you make the most of your workspace. Employee well-being benefits to help you and your people grow. And amazing discounts on travel, insurance, and IKEA purchases, deliveries, and more. Take your small business to the next level when you sign up for the IKEA Business Network for free today by searching IKEA Business Network. Hello, folks. Welcome to Cudlow. I'm Larry Cudlow. So, in the first days of the campaign, Kamala Harris has already steered to the left. We're going to talk to David Malpass and Scott Bessin in just a few moments about that and some other things. But first up, our own Edward Lawrence, standing by at the White House. It wouldn't be a good day without Edward Lawrence by the White House. What's cooking, my friend? Well, I tell you, you know, the markets might think it's a good day. We were up at one point, what? 200-some odd points. Now, it finished, looks like, around 88 points up. So, the market lost some steam there, but the push by this administration is to look past, ignore the 19 percent increases in prices since President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris got into office. Now, in a statement about the GDP that came out today, President Biden said this, "Thanks to my and Vice President Harris's economic agenda, our economy grew a robust 2.8 percent over the last quarter based on strong American consumers and business investment." Now, he neglected to mention also government spending adding to the GDP. The Vice President cheering on the policies that put the economy in the shape it is today with no specifics. Today, we face a choice between two very different visions for our nation. One focused on the future and the other focused on the past. And we are fighting for the future. Fighting for the future, she cast the deciding vote to pass the American Rescue Plan, which pushed inflation. The Vice President also cast the deciding vote to move along the inflation reduction act, supporting all the spending that President Biden signed into law, and people are still struggling to pay bills. There's a new CNN poll out that says 39 percent of adults worry most of the time, or all of the time, that their income will not be enough to meet expenses. Prices were up 19 percent since President Biden and Powell Harris, so the Vice President came into office. How long do Americans have to wait until this worry goes away? So look, too many families are still struggling to make ends meet. That is something that the President understands, and that is why he works every single day to make sure that we address these issues for hardworking Americans. And still, no answers to exactly when the higher prices would come back down, Larry. All right, thank you very much, Edward Lauren. So, folks, tax cutters always win, tax hikers always lose, and that's the subject of the riff. The lead Wall Street Journal editorial today reads, "In her campaign debut, Kamala Harris steers left." Well, nobody should be shocked at this. She talked about student loan cancellations, new entitlements for health care, child care, seniors, and more progressive culture war, banning guns, overriding state abortion limits, of course, tax hikes on successful learners and businesses. Oh, let's not forget the ban on oil and gas fracking. All this befits a good solid left liberal progressive from San Francisco, a big government California socialist. And this is at the very beginning of the campaign. Now, here's one I nearly forgot. Kamalaflation, hat tip to Breitbart's John Carney. Quote, "How Harris caused inflation by casting decisive votes for the Biden's economic agenda." Very important, Vice President Harris cast the decisive votes for Joe Biden's two biggest and most inflationary spending sprees. In March of 2021, she cast a tie-breaking vote for the so-called American Rescue Plan. That's a $1.9 trillion special, and that's what launched a 9% inflation rate. And still, today, the long tail of that inflation surge has caused an affordability crisis with cumulative inflation up 20%, and a more than 4% drop in average weekly wages for middle-class working folks. But even that was not enough for the Biden's insatiable spending appetites. In August 2022, Vice President Harris cast the tie-breaking vote for the $1.2 trillion misnamed Inflation Reduction Act. On judging by her first days on the campaign trail, there's more of that kind of overspending and borrowing should she ever be elected president. Of course, she never talks about economic growth or making the economic pie grow larger. Those are two staples of Mr. Trump's economic platform. In fact, the contrast between Trump's tax cuts, deregulation, and drill-baby drill, and Kamala Harris' tax hikes, big government spending, and war on fossil fuels, couldn't be any clearer. On these economic issues, Mr. Trump has a huge advantage. I've always believed that tax cutters win while tax hikers lose. Just call it growthier. All right. Joining me now is David Malpass, former president of the World Bank Group. We're looking for Scott Bessent. We'll plug into him in just a minute. David, thanks for coming on set. Let's play some sound from Ms. Harris on the campaign trail. Here it comes. Donald Trump and his extreme allies want to take our nation back to failed trickle-down economic policies, back to union busting, back to tax breaks for billionaires. All right, failed trickle-down policies, unions. I forget what the third one was. Failed trickle-down policy, David Malpass. You were former under secretary of the treasury before you were put out there to deal with the World Bank. Let's talk about that one, although you did a very good job under the circumstances. But in all seriousness, we were both involved in the tax cut. Was these failed trickle-down policies? No, they weren't. The median income went up. Workers did well. There was more manufacturing, and that's the core of this policy. You have to have a growth mindset. I think what the current economy is doing, it's an elitist mindset. It's not benefiting anyone within the economy. And as you look at it, the thing that concerns me most is the forecast for the Biden-Harris economic plan. CBO just put out the new numbers in June, and it shows the growth in 2025 falling to 2%, and then going down from there 1.8%. So that simply is not enough to benefit people in the manufacturing sectors that are so important to the elbow. Can't we do better than that? 1.8%. Can't we do better than that? Just parents back up. Today's GDP report was up 2.8%. But the first half of the year, you have 2.1% growth, 3.3% core inflation. So I'll repeat the question. Can't we do better than that? We have. Reagan, at this point in his Morning in America campaign in 1984, and you caused some of it, 7.5% growth in this second quarter GDP. So you got 2.8 on the one hand, 7.5 on another. And so I would love it if Biden-Harris came out and said, we really want the economy to do well. And so that means we're going to change our policies. I think the burden is really on them and on her to say, what are you going to do differently that brought us to this slow growth point? Are you going to change your tax policies, your regulatory policy, your energy policies, anything going to be different? Because otherwise, CBO has already forecasted its way down for all the way out into the foreseeable future. So that's what I asked, you know, looking at the Wall Street Journal editorial today, right at the outset, she's leaning left. There's no evidence that Kamala Harris will have a different spending policy or a different tax policy or regulatory policy. And she's been very vocal in ending fracking and so forth. So the war against fossil fuels. I mean, there's no -- I don't see any evidence that anything will change, and there actually may be some evidence that she would govern to the left of Mr. Biden. They're trying to say that this is good enough. Remember, they keep repeating the idea that this economy is a good economy somehow, but that doesn't show up in the data, nor in, as you were showing, the people's sentiment indicators. People know what's going on, and they know that there should be some plan for the U.S. economy at some point to do better than 2 percent. And they just don't have a plan. Trump does. If you cut taxes, you produce energy alone, you know, is going to help all parts of the U.S. economy. It also helps the whole world. You can float the world. That means buyers for U.S. products. And so you can really turn it around by changing policy from what we're doing. Who's there? We got Scott Besant from someplace down south. I believe Charleston, South Carolina. Scott, show yourself. Come on, buddy. I hear you're there. There you are. There you are. It's nice to be -- It's nice to be to come by, Scott Besant. It's a pleasure to see you. Now, we got off to a little bit of a head start, but we want to bring you into the conversation. For starters, we've got first half of the year. GDP is up 2.2. No, 2.1 percent. Inflation is up 3.3 percent. I asked David Montpas who was on set here, and you know him well. Can't we do better than that, Scott Besant? Can't we do better? Sure. We can, and we have done better. We did it better under the President Trump. We had solid, non-inflationary growth. And the real story of the Biden-Harris economy is we had a government demand shock that was met by a regulatory morass, and that's how we got the inflation. You know, as no one knows better than you, under Donald Trump, we had a private sector demand shock that was met by the deregulation. That's how we were able to have all the non-inflationary growth. Is there, Scott, is there any evidence? I mean, we talked earlier in the show, the Wall Street Journal editorial, the first couple of days of her new presidential campaign, Ms. Harris went out there, and is, if anything, leaning left, talking about entitlements and tax hikes and so forth, particularly entitlements, by the way. She wants to sign on to the Bernie Sanders Nationalized Healthcare Bill, which is $3.2 trillion. But I mean, is there any evidence that she might change Biden policies? Mindful, she was the decisive tie-breaking vote for the big inflation bills of 21 and 22. The American Rescue Act, which was $1.9 trillion, and the misnamed inflation reduction act, which was $1.2 trillion. Do you see any evidence that Kamala House would behave any differently if she were president, Kamala Harris? No, I think it would be more of the same on steroids. And as you rightly mentioned, she was the tie-breaker for the American Rescue Plan and the IRA. She owns those. If not for Kamala Harris, casting the deciding vote, they would not have passed. Joe Manchin and Christian Cinnima refused to vote for them. So she got them across the line, and look, she is a California progressive. I really don't want the California occasion of the United States. I think the market is starting to sniff it out. I'm the one who coined the phrase the Trump rally. Well, I think yesterday we had the Kamala crash. Well, okay. Let me just play some sound. Here's Mr. Trump on the growth trail, on the tax cut trail. Here comes some sound. Take a listen, fellas. We gave you already the largest tax cut in the history of our country. We're going to slash regulations. We're going to bring down energy prices very rapidly. We're going to reduce your taxes still further. We gave you the biggest one. As I said, we're going to give you more. And it's going to lead to tremendous growth. We want growth in our country. That's what's going to pay off our debt. Now, David, not past. That's the most, any presidential candidate in a convention speech has mentioned the word growth. Growthier is what I call, I mean, really no. He talked nothing but growth. Tax cuts, deregulation, deregulate the energy, and stop the war on fossil fuels. Now, I think that appeals. I think growthier wins. I think tax cuts win. What do you think? Think who the audience is. If you're small businesses that hire people, that sounds really good. If you look at Biden and Harris, they put their budget out in March, which was for much more taxes. So, the stock market, small cap, does better under Trump. And the people that employ new workers do better with this approach. And so, the audience has to hear this and say, I would rather have that future than the one that's in Biden. That's an important point. Scott Bessin, I want to give you the last word because, to me, a president who projects growth and opportunity and basically saying to the middle class, I am going to cut your taxes. It's like, I'm going to give you an immediate wage increase by lower taxes right then and there. That is an optimistic president, but that creates a confident, hopeful electorate, something we don't see in any of the consumer confidence numbers. Give me the last word, Scott Bessin. Yeah, look, the American people want prosperity. They've had it before. I think what we've seen for three and a half years under the Biden-Harris economy, they've spent, spent, spent. We've run up the debt 7% of GDP deficits and we're going to have to re-privatize the economy. Well, we lost them down there. I don't think they have a lot of electricity. I want to add energy because it's so important. Look at that. Just goes to show it. Charleston needs more electricity. Drill baby drill. There's less than Trump wants more. That's very good in the office. All right, we thanks Scott Bessin anyway and of course we thank David Malpass for coming around. Coming up, folks, is Trump pivoting to Kamala from Biden. We're going to ask Kellyanne Conway about that. The big Trump pivot right here on set next up on Cudlow. More electricity for South Carolina. Drill baby drill. That's fabulous. Absolutely. [Music] As WTI's four-week flight phase begins, pilots immediately take to the air to hone their skills before tactical exercises begin. The F-18 Hornet is the plane made famous in top gun. Whether it's dropping bombs or dog fighting, the F-18 is known for its speed and tactical ability. This year only four elite F-18 students have been invited here. Two pilots and two wizzos are weapon systems officers who ride in the back seat, you know, like Maverick and Goose. The four students have been separated into two teams. Spritz with Nita Meyer, Uncle with IMS. You'll almost never hear their real names because they go by these call signs. Each earned in their own unique way. So this is my first unit and I just look pretty old evidently. So everyone I checked in, everyone thought I was a colonel. Turned into undercover colonel. Just got shorted in the uncle. So I ended up with uncle. Uncle is the pilot. IMS is the wizzo. Just similar to myself and Nita Meyer. They're coming from a couple different squadrons. So they're coming together to kind of build some of that nonverbal communication. Trying to figure out how to build that synergy with your crewmate. F-18 students Spritz and Nita Meyer had been flying in the same squadron for years, setting them up for success here and giving them a bit of a head start on uncle and IMS. But out of the pack, Spritz is the clear front runner entering the course as an already decorated pilot. Spritz is a top gun graduate. So he's a pretty good stick and understands how to tactically employ the aircraft. So looking forward to seeing how well they do. My goal coming here is to become a better mission commander. I do hold a high standard and I want to win and I want to be invited back as an instructor if that's where it goes. In only 72 hours, the F-18 students will be thrown into the fire participating in their first combat exercise. And while Spritz is ready, fellow pilot uncle feels what's at stake. Very nervous coming in here. This is a reputation of not an easy place to go through. I think I'm an average fighter pilot at best. I'm not a great public speaker. I'm not great in front of a room with people and organizing. That's just never been my strong suit. I'm Neil Cavuto and I'll be covering Democracy 24 on Fox. There's a certain jazz to what we do here. This is not a chore. This is not a job. This is our passion. And I'm part of that process. I'm that kid who's grown into doing one thing he always wanted to do. Be in the room. Be at the event. There's something about that that's unexplainable. You can't bottle it. Fox here is all over the world including Peru. I'd telephonica. Keep it here. Nobody. The consumer is strong. The balance sheets are strong. Breaks you America's business news. There's so much going on. And what it means for you. We want to get some breaking news to you right now. Fox Business Alert. Like Fox Business. Keeping you ahead of the curve. All the insider selling by some of the richest people on earth. With insight into the impact of U.S. and global markets. That's where the recipe for inflation comes from the people you can trust. That's absent from the Fox Business. America's Business Network. All right. We've been in our great friend Kellyanne Conway, former counselor to President Trump, Fox News contributor and host of Here's the Deal on Fox Nation. That's a must see. Kellyanne, welcome back. It's been a long time since we saw each other a couple of hours ago. But it's a pleasure to have you on set for this show. My question to you is, is Mr. Trump pivoting now to deal with Kamala Harris, who is different than Joe Biden? And let me just play some sound from his rally in North Carolina. Coming right up. She said that a 70 to 80 percent tax hike is quote a bold idea that should be discussed. She wants it 80 percent. You know, I gave you the largest tax cuts in history. She wants to take them away and increase your taxes. Not bad. And he also reminded people that she favored the Bernie Sanders nationalized health care, which was $32 trillion. So in your judgment, is he pivoting enough rapidly and getting the message across? Yes. President Trump has done a great job pivoting from Biden to Harris, not letting her forget. She is the second part of the Biden, Biden Harris record. That's been a disaster on the border and the wars abroad, obviously even crime in our communities, the inflation problem everywhere at Larry. But Kamala gives a whole new treasure trove of clips of positions of really radical ideas that were that were completely rejected by Democratic primary voters in 2019. She left that race, her own race for president with her staff and shambles really angry with her. This guy, Gil Doran, has been quoted as saying, if you can't manage a campaign, how can you manage a country or a world? That's pretty significant stuff coming from somebody on the inside. But she left there with as many electoral votes as you and I got zero. She was too liberal, even for a primary where Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren stayed and Michael Bloomberg sashayed in there at some point. Why do I say this? Well, it's important because we have tape of her, not just with the cackling and the gaffs, the important policy prescriptions, which is what you and me care about most. And on that, she is to the left, even of Joe Biden, who ran and promised it as an awkward dress to be a unifier, to be a moderate. She makes no such promise. She makes a such, I think we've gone from Scranton Joe to San Francisco Kamala, and there's a big difference. Trump says now Biden was a fake liberal, but she was the real that I like that actually. And knew it last night, just said what you said that she's the San Francisco liberal that Jean Kirkpatrick railed against many, many years ago during the Reagan era, and which you properly point out, the Democratic Party rejected those kinds of politics when she first ran. So you think that the whole Trump apparatus now has shifted and they've got their their focus is on Kamala Harris? Sure. I just like to see more of everybody doing that for him as well. He can't be the only messenger. And he's not the only messenger. But this is the other thing. I would do less about her race and her gender and this that and the other, and I would do much more about policy. She has this way of talking where she says, let's have a conversation about that. Let's study that. Let's discuss that. And that that is usually crazy stuff. So she is out there in these very crisp sound bites and sometimes even more substantive ones, Larry, pushing things that are totally out of sync with America, not just our beliefs, but also what we're telling pollsters are most important to us. So if you stick with the big issues, the economy inflation, the border and security and immigration, she's on the wrong side of this. Even Israel Hamas took her way too long to condemn what happened yesterday. Why is that important? Because Israel Hamas and border security immigration are the two issues on which Biden Harris have been struggling mightily against Trump, now Trump fans in everybody's polling. Why here you have Trump on school choice and you have Kamala defending the National Teachers Union, which is the most retrograde union there is practically in America. So there's another contrast. It's a huge contrast and it's one of the Trump campaign answered in kind today. I was very happy to see them distribute Donald Trump as an education president and talking about his accomplishments and his and his favorability toward an inclination toward expanding educational opportunities beyond conventional school systems. Larry, I think three years after COVID was done, four years after it hit this country, we still are not having enough conversation about loss learning, the mental health problems and a lot of these teens are saying they have, they're the ones saying it. These, you know, your kitchen island has a classroom, a screen time, a school time, all of that really hurt these kids. Kamala Harris's answer to that is to go to Houston today and accept the endorsement of the second largest teachers union in the country and Randy why Martin helped keep those kids locked up and messed up. And Donald Trump's response to that was to remind everybody, he's the person who refuses to allow anybody, bigots all across this country standing in the schoolhouse door, preventing kids from all backgrounds of exiting those failing schools and letting our tax dollars follow that child into a school to get a quality affordable education where they are his or her humanity in dignity. I mean, this is something that should be non-partisan and bipartisan. Go find me a single Democrat, not named even Mosquitz who left her seat in the city council many years ago as a Democrat because she dared say we need educational alternatives. Go find me a Democrat who's four school choice in charter schools. Let's go back. So you said Mr. Trump can't do everything. Okay. And I agree with that. A lot of people are concerned and I'm going to put myself in this camp. JD Vance has a lot of good things to say at the convention. His story is a good story up from poverty, Yale Law School, Marine Venture Capital. But for some reason, in all his appearances, including the convention, while Mr. Trump talks about tax cuts and growth, you don't hear those words from JD Vance. I don't know quite what to make of that. What do you think? Hopefully we will. I think he's new to the trail, not new to the Senate necessarily, but new to the trail. Obviously, he echoes President Trump's policies against Bidenomics and for what you might call Trump, comics. I'll just call it free market, capitalism and growth. We do need to hear that from him because it's the arc of his story. You don't just get out of poverty and that upbringing and drugs in his family, etc. And go to Yale Law School and that's it. What else happened? You know, he was in the tech world, he's in the business world and he's in public office. I think it's a good argument for school choice in charter schools too. It's not that he got what it is for. He's for school children. He said that. But his story also. So finish the arc of your story and talk about how the only way to make sure other people can have that kind of American dream is to have capitalist policy. He's not socialist politics. And like, listen, everybody better get on board with health care because you want to reach women. This we are the chief chief health care officers of our households. We control two out of every three health care dollars spent. Health care is not just COVID and foul tea. It's not just prescription. It's not just abortions. It's everything. People, 26 million Americans have no health insurance. 14 years after Obama, Biden, Harris and the rest of them lied to America. Keep your keep your plan. Keep your doctor. Everyone's gonna have insurance. This is a sleeper issue. I don't know why the Republicans don't talk more about it. And finally, there's a new gender gap in politics. Emerson College just proved it. They came out with a brand new poll in the swing states. Larry Trump versus Harris. He's way up among men, double digits. She only leads among women by single digits. The new gender gap in politics is Kamala Harris's problem with male voters. Whoa, there you go. That's it. Kellyanne Conway, the best, the best. Holy cow. You doing anything else today? I'm taking my kids to see Billy Joel and his last concert in Madison Square Garden. Fantastic. All right. Thank you very much. We appreciate coming up. FBI director Christopher Ray said Trump may not have been hit by a bullet. Really? Really? This is the FBI director? Good heavens. Good heavens. This is all I can say. Meanwhile, Congressman Dr. Ronnie Jackson, who examined the president hours after the shooting, will join us next with Congressman Scott Perry to rebut this most ridiculous assertion by the FBI. I'm cut. That will be right there. An annuity sale boom. What should you know before buying? Plus Trump's crypto announcement. If elected, what could the future of the currency be? Jack breaks it all down on Baron's Roundtable, brought to you by Global X, Beyond Ordinary ETFs. Now, some of you might have pets at home to take care of when hurricanes hit, but what about our zoos or animal sanctuaries? Like here at Flamingo Gardens, where they have hundreds to take care of when the storms come. We hate using the H word around here. We've been spared pretty good here, you know, recently. A good thing for Michael Rugary and over 400 animals that live at Fomingo Gardens. We're home to permanently injured Florida native wildlife. When they go through a rehab center, the injuries were so severe that it would never really heal correctly. It could be released in the wild. We can give it a permanent home. Instead of lions and tigers and bears, it's more like flamingos, bald eagles and peacocks, even talking crows. When the H word does come around, keeping these guys safe is the focus. 33 years in at the sanctuary, Michael has experienced many of them, including Andrew. Irma, she did a lot of damage too. She took down a couple of our champion trees. One of them was considered about the tallest tree in the peninsula of Florida. So, when systems approach and it's time to shelter the animals, we have to literally catch each one. Flamingos, they went into the ladies room on birder praise and all my educational animals that are glove trained and handable. Those were all put in craze. They were put into administration. My eagles and all that were actually put in craze and put into the gallery. Now we have a brand new building, our learning center, which is a fortress, costing 1.6 million and made to withstand major hurricanes. It actually looks like wood, but it's actually concrete, so it has a good seal to it. I will be able to put all our animals into one location and we're all going to feel very secure. That's hope it won't be needed soon, but when it is, he'll look to the forecast and animals to get things started. A lot of times I pay attention to the ibis and if all the ibis take off and they're gone, that means the hurricane's going to hit you. And then after the hurricane comes through, they're one of the first birds to come back to the area. Then recovery starts and residents will be returned to their habitats among the Everglades and Flamingo Gardens. Fox is so you think you can dance continues with auditions where Judge Allison Holger-Boss advises dancers to stay present. Take it all in. Just be aware of what's going on around you and enjoy it. The good times, the bad times, the sore bodies, the blood, the sweat, the hurt feet. The former All-Stars dancer and Emmy-nominated choreographer admits she can be a tough judge. I could be a little hard, but it's all because I want to see them grow and be the best version that they can be. She's excited to be back on this stage, which launched her career. I was 18 years old when I was a contestant and then I just continued on this journey with the show. It's really been a part of my love journey, my joy journey, my friends and family. And so I just feel like it's been this full circle moment for me. Holger met her late husband Steven Twitch-Boss on the show. Boss died by suicide December 2022. Allison says joining the series is part of how she is honoring him and going into this year with purpose. Stepping into 2024 felt like a fresh start for my family, a new beginning and a chance for us to understand and grow and learn from what has transpired the last year for us, but then also to step into new phases of who we are and allow ourselves to feel a little bit of freedom in that in that choice. Holger also wrote the children's book Keep Dancing Through with Twitch in 2021 and decided to release it this year in his memory. If I can help encourage them and their parents to keep moving and keeping themselves lifted and their spirits lifted and know that they still have purpose and love to see in the world, then I knew I had to do it. Next dancer, please. In Hollywood, Ashley Devorkin, Fox News. The Bottom Line with Dagan and Duffy on Fox Business. We view the world the same way. I'm sure we'll have some disagreements, but you don't want to get her mad. No you don't. The Bottom Line with Dagan and Duffy on Fox Business invested in you. All right Joe Biden, timely talk to the nation last night after exiting the race. Fox News senior White House correspondent Peter Ducey has whatever. I'd say all the details Peter, but I'm still looking around for details, but you tell us. So are we. And Larry, it turns out that the president's address was just the beginning of a long farewell. It turns out there is more to say President Biden just isn't ready to share it yet. Maybe there's will be more that he wants to share. It's an emotional moment for everyone, you know, including me. It's an emotional moment. You know, this is, you know, you do these jobs. They don't, they don't pay all that well as you know. As focus now shifts to Kamala Harris as Democratic standard bearer, Democrats are desperate to distance her from a disastrous few years of border crossing statistics distributing a list of talking points to elected Democrats on the Hill. So the first one says Vice President Harris was never appointed borders are. There's never been such a position it doesn't exist. Why are Democrats so sensitive about vice president and the border? Why are Republicans so sensitive about actually not owning up to them getting in the way of a border deal? Why? Why won't they own up to that? Why won't they own up to the last president told them not to move forward? It was a bipartisan deal on just right there available to them and they voted twice against it. The vice president is now back in Washington, D.C. after some political stops in Houston, Texas. And she's about to have her own sit down with Benjamin Netanyahu. President Biden already has his she gets her own sit down with him. That'll happen any minute. Larry. All right, Peter Giusei. I can't wait any minute. Thanks for the update. We appreciate it. All right. We've got another slightly different story. FBI director Christopher Ray. I guess yesterday I missed this says it wasn't a bullet that hit Mr. Trump. Really joining us now Pennsylvania Congressman Scott Perry and Texas Congressman Dr. Ronnie Jackson, former White House physician. We're going to play quick sound on this gentleman here. It comes back to former President Trump. There's there's some question about whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that you know that hit his ear. All right. There you have it. Bullet or shrapnel, Ronnie Jackson. I know you examined President Trump. What's Ray talking about? And do you agree or not? Absolutely not, Larry. This is absolutely ridiculous that he would make a comment like this. This degrades any level of credibility that this man may have had after years of weaponizing the FBI and the DOJ against the president. It was absolutely a bullet. I examined it. It was a track of a bullet. It was scooped out in the in the just as it would be in the track of a bullet. It had the telltale other damage that is associated with it. All the surrounding tissue in the ear was swollen and edimitous. His ear looked like you know a wrestler's ear when it's it was fat and swollen. And that goes along with the trauma from a high velocity bullet as it passes through tissue. That's that's a hallmark of a gunshot wound is that the tissue outside around the bullet track is also traumatized and damaged. And that would not happen from from a piece of glass or even from a fragment. That was a bullet. Everybody saw it. The whole world witnessed what happened. That's why this man's being butchered right now because it was on live television. But I also but Ronnie, I also have read that that bullet ricocheted off of Mr. Trump's ear area and hit one of the injured one of the people in the crowd. Right that bullet went somewhere. I mean it passed through the top of his ear. It didn't stop there. So you know they need to find out what happened. This is the organization that's tasked with the investigation of the assassination attempt. And it's irresponsible for this man to make these kind of comments as a sitting FBI director because all he does is add fuel to the fire for the morons and the assassination deniers like Joy Reed and Keith Oberman and other idiots like that that are out there that don't want the public that are trying to minimize what happened to the president. He almost died Larry. It's as close as you can come to get as close as you can get to dying. So this was a big deal and for them to try to minimize it just pisses me off quite frankly. Scott Perry, bring in on this. You know Scott, this is why I mean I've argued this to the speaker last night and I've said this every night this week. I don't want the heads of the FBI in Washington, the heads of the Secret Service in Washington or the heads of the CIA or the heads of the Justice Department. I don't want them running this investigation. Okay. The congressional task force, the house task force may be fine, but I don't want them to in any way rely on the heads of these agencies for all the reasons that Ronnie Jackson just talked about. I don't want it. Let's go to the rank and file and let's bring in some expert investigators and not rely on these agencies. Yeah, I absolutely agree with you. I think Christopher Ray must be reading the tea leaves six months ahead here and he's auditioning for his next job on CNN. If you're going to make a statement like that, you better have some credible answer that that answers the charge like Representative Jackson said. We all saw it happen and you know, it's part of this. It's part of this continued three ring circus that is the Biden administration, the Democrat party and the left in general and there has to be we cannot count on. We cannot count on the FBI, the DOJ, the Secret Service to do any investigation here, which is why the speaker has made a task force and put together a task force that we just voted on to oversee this thing and look at it because as Ronnie said, Americans don't trust the premier investigative services in our country anymore because we've just been lied to over and over again and right in front of our faces. They have what 12 days ago, we all saw it and now they're lying about it already or they're at least offering explanations that don't make any sense and not offering any explanations that do make any sense. Meanwhile, not really answering a whole lot of questions. It's just going to real fast. It's just got 20 seconds left. Scott, are you satisfied with this task force concept? Are you okay with it? Well, it has to be an outside look. We cannot rely on the normal agency. So that's as close as the House of Representatives can come. Ronnie Jackson, what do you think? I think the task force has a great idea. Just like Scott said, we don't have any confidence in the number one law enforcement agency in this country right now. And if he's going to come make statements like that, he better have some evidence of what he's talking about. There was no fractured glass on the patella prompters or anything else. So if it wasn't a bullet, what was it and where did it come from? Yes, sir. I got it. Fellas, thank you very much for today. We appreciate Scott Perry and Ronnie Jackson. I appreciate it very much. All right, folks, joining us now, Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan, Senator Sullivan. Welcome back to the show. Senator, can you just tell me? I don't know if anyone can. So Netanyahu is meeting with Biden, and then he's meeting later with Kamala Harris. He gave a brilliant speech yesterday. That I think is for sure you would agree with me, but he has to meet with both of them. So does that mean that we're going to have two separate policies toward Israel right now? Maybe they're both going to be lousy? I don't know. But can you walk us through this, sir? Well, look, the speech Netanyahu gave yesterday was outstanding and in part because he framed the entire issue. That is at stake with regard to our national security in Israel's in its Iran. As you know, Larry, they are the puppet masters of chaos all throughout the Middle East. They are at war with the United States. And I will tell you this, I certainly hope in these meetings with the president today and with the vice president that Netanyahu says your appeasement policy against Iran is not working. You know, I fear Kamala Harris is more anti-Israel than even Biden is. So it's going to be important that he meets with both of them, in my view, but the key is no appeasement from the Biden administration, and that's unfortunately a huge failure on their part. What specifically do you know, Senator, if anything, is Kamala Harris's view with respect to the Israel war against Hamas? I mean, it doesn't sound to me like she wants total victory or what some call homosification and that there'd be Netanyahu who should finish the job. It doesn't sound that, but you tell me, what do we know about her policy? Well, her policies are kind of opaque, but her policies are to the left of Joe Biden's. By the way, her policies are to the left of Joe Biden's on almost everything. But when it comes to Israel, I don't think I've heard her once say this phrase, which is Israel should have the opportunity in means to destroy Hamas. That is what we were all saying right after October 7th. That's what I still say. That's what Prime Minister Netanyahu said yesterday. I've never heard Kamala Harris say those words. She's always talking about a ceasefire. And unfortunately, Larry, I think she's behind this issue of delaying weapons to Israel, which is a scam in outrageous, outrageous indeed. Senator Dan Sullivan, thank you, sir. And we appreciate it very much as always. All right, folks. Coming up. The question is, have Democrats rallied around the worst possible candidate? Well, we've got Charlie hurt and Byron, you keep saying this. Byron, maybe you're right. He often is. I'm Kudlow. We'll be back with those two. We view the world the same way. I'm sure we'll have some disagreements, but you don't want to get her mad. No, you don't. The bottom line with Jagan and Duffy on Fox Business. Parents are desperate for high quality options. One of those options like Vertex Partnership Academy in the Bronx is charter schools, which according to a new study outperform public schools. Students who are enrolled in charter schools get more learning in a year's time in both reading and mathematics than they would have gotten had they gone to their local district schools. For the last 15 years, Stanford University measured K-12 student achievement. In 2009, public schools outperformed charters. Four years later, they tied, but the latest study shows in both reading and math on standardized statewide tests, charter school students outperformed those in nearby public schools with 16 added days of learning and reading, six more in math. That translates to more than two extra weeks of school. Imagine having your child go to school two extra weeks every year, year in, year out. That accumulates charter school networks operating multiple schools did even better with their students gaining 27 extra days in reading 23 in math. Typically, charters are given more flexibility and freedom to create an incredible learning environment for their kids. The study also found gains are especially strong for black and Hispanic students who advanced more than their public school peers by large margins. It wasn't because they were somehow getting a more advantaged group of kids and we found the opposite is true. This nonpartisan report provides a strong argument for parents fighting for school choice as it concludes that charter schools provide the same or better education as public schools at a lower cost. In Los Angeles, William Legendess, Fox News. I think here in Arizona, the most important thing is to find the perfect sunlight and ours just happened to be our front yard. Nicole Hood is very proud of her front yard garden when she says wouldn't be as lush and bountiful without farm yard. So for about three seasons I tried to plant on my own with no success and then a friend told me about farm yard and Rebecca and Troy came over and just kind of gave me some of the fundamentals on how to plant, how to water and suddenly everyone in my neighborhood thought I had a green thumb and I'm going to completely take credit for it. We are a design, build and maintain edible garden company. So we build custom raised beds for our clients. We make our own compost. We do irrigation systems. Rebecca Kidwell, co-owner of Farmyard LLC says she and her husband, who runs a company with her, give their clients as little or as much assistance as they want or need. Their main interest is to show people how to grow their own food. So many people come from back east or in the Midwest where they're used to dropping a seed into the soil and it immediately taking and so out here so many people are frustrated with growing because they think that they can do the same in our desert soils. That's not the case. You can grow fruits and vegetables 12 months out of the year in Arizona according to Kidwell. She's preparing for spring and summer by planting melons and pumpkins and corn that she says thrive in triple digit weather. There's something to getting your hands in the soil, grounding, getting dirty, you know, that's kind of fun to do at the end of the day and getting to share. I mean having a garden in the front yard, we have met so many neighbors. We've kind of become a little stop on people's walks. I would tell anyone that the opportunity to grow your own food and allow your children to be part of the process is so wonderful. Talk about getting your kids to eat their vegetables. Hood says her children are just as excited as she is to harvest the garden and sit down together as a family for a healthy meal they help to grow. Anita Roman, Fox 10 News. I love my country more. It's been the honor of my life to serve as your president. But in the defense of democracy, which is a stake, I think is more important than any title. No, I have no idea what that means. Joining me now, Charlie Hurt, Washington Times opinion editor, Fox News contributor, Byron New York, chief political correspondent at the Washington Examiner and Fox News contributor. I don't know, Charlie, help me out here. What did what did you, what does that have to, what does a doesn't lead to be? I mean, I don't understand what he was saying. And by the way, he just disenfranchised 14 million Democrats who voted for him in the primary. I wouldn't say that's defending democracy. And Donald Trump took a ball for democracy. If you want to talk about that, but why did he drop out? He didn't tell us last night why he dropped out, did he? No, he did not. And it just, I think further underscores the fact that obviously the only reason he dropped out is because he was losing in the polls and they didn't like it. And you know, they're all in favor of democracy until it costs them on election. And then they're going to want to throw it all out. The other thing I don't get is everybody talking about how selfless he is. There's nothing selfless about the decision he made. He got forced out. It wasn't like his own decision there. Yeah, Byron, it was a push. It was a Soviet style communist push. And the American people deserve to know what had actually happened because President Biden was absolutely, totally ready to go. He said it was full speed ahead. Seven days ago, he contracts COVID. He goes into isolation. And then under pressure from his party's power brokers, he decides that he's going to withdraw from the presidential race shortly after saying he was in it for the long run. And the American people deserve an explanation of how this happened. President Biden had a chance to give that last night and he didn't do it. There's going to be campaign issue, Charlie Hurt, you think? I think the problem is actually it goes to the heart of credibility. And the thing with Kamala Harris, what did she know? When did she know it? Why did she spend all this time trying to cover this up? It goes to the heart of credibility. And I think that she has a real credibility problem anyway, even the things that people tend to make fun of her about, like her laugh and the weird things that she says and her evasiveness about responsibility for the border and things like that. It all goes to credibility. And so in big picture, in terms of what did she do for how long to sort of keep this cover up going, goes to the heart of her credibility. And a politician who loses her credibility, they don't get it back. And you don't recover from that. And it colors everything. You don't regain popularity once you lose that credibility. I don't know. It's like, what did she know and when did she know it? I mean, they're making him out to be these same Democrats who just worked this push, as I call it, Soviet stop, push. They're saying he was a great president, perhaps the greatest president we've ever had, better than George Washington even. Now, I was there. I know he wasn't any better than Washington because I was there at that time. But that mean, what did she know and when did she know it? I mean, that's it. Now, Byron, one of the things though, you're saying the Dems have gone to the worst possible candidate. Why is this? You know, well, I think she probably is the worst possible candidate. And I think she proved that in her 2019 run for the Democratic nomination. It wasn't good enough to make it to 2020. So I think she kind of proved that at that time. And what we're going to see though is the Democrats didn't have a lot of choice in this. She is the vice president of the United States. She's the constitutional successor to the president. If he were to die or become disabled, she would be the president of the United States. In addition, the Democratic Party is obsessed with identity, especially race and gender. So the question is, would they push aside the first woman, vice president of color, in favor of somebody who might pull a little better? I don't think that would happen. So I do think that even if they had a slower process, they might end up in the same place, which is Kamala Harris. No, really. What's fun? But you know, Charlie, on the point that Jason raised the identification, Jason Riley, who was African American columnist for the Wall Street Journal, a very smart guy, we all know him, he's writing in the journal today, Kamala is not the change the Democrats need. So it echoes, it echoes what Byron is saying from a different perspective. And you know, when you play all these identity politics and you wind up wind up with the DEI candidate, DEI vice president, who by the way, even after Joe Biden picked her as his vice president, he talked about her as the sort of the chief DEI person in his administration. So the idea that they're running away from this now is kind of funny. But the ultimate thing that exposes Democrats for everything is their open, Democrat media is openly talking about how she can't pick a popular governor of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro, because he's Jewish, that she can't pick him because of his religion. That's where we are with these people. And I can't even believe that I'm repeating it. I can't believe that they are saying it openly in public. It's just shocking, but this is the real end result of identity politics in DEI toxin. Byron, who is she going to pick? Who do you think she's going to pick? Well, all the speculation is that she is looking for a white man to be her running mate Mark Kelly, the senator from Arizona, who was an astronaut, has seemed to have an inside track on this, possibly Josh Shapiro. I know what what Charlie just said, but he's still certainly in the running. But it does look like people like Gretchen Whitmer, who had been considered and mentioned about this, who said she wouldn't take it, are just not in the running anymore. Thank you, gentlemen. Charlie Hurt and Byron York. I'm Kudlow. Be back with the last word. Flights are back to normal at Delta Airlines after days of cancellations and delays, which was caused by the global power outage last week. The airline issued an apology for the disruptions and says they plant issue 10,000 sky miles to customers who are impacted. In short, losses from crowd strikes outage could cost between 400 million and one and a half billion dollars. Delta is also planning to reimburse reasonable expenses as they continue to cooperate with federal investigators. Meanwhile, no more scrambling for a seat on a Southwest Airlines flight. The airline is scrapping open seating after more than 50 years. Starting sometime next year, Southwest will assign seats and offer premium seating options with extra leg room on all flights. And Netflix wins when viewers binge it shows. Now it's hoping they'll do the same with video games. You guys ready for this? Expanding with four new games based on unscripted shows, perfect match, too hot to handle three, the ultimatum choices and Netflix stories selling sunset. Our relationship is perfect. Seriously? Emily and Paris fans can look for a game inspired by the popular series coming soon. Emily in Paris season four drops in August. Don't overthink it. That's business. I'm CJ Papa. We're at the desert research Institute here in Las Vegas, Nevada. We're talking about the potential for sunscreen on Mars. And so NASA is involved with this, the DRI and the University of Nevada in Reno. They're all studying this right here. This is lichen, a natural symbiotic relationship between bacteria and also fungi. Now you look at this and you're thinking, is this even a living organism? It is. And this is what we found in the desert in the red rock canyon area. And the reason why they're using the desert and this form of lichen is because it's as similar as we can get to here on earth with the harsh conditions that Mars will experience. Now, we're looking at this potential and how they absorb this solar radiation and protects the cells underneath. And so I talked to a microbiologist here at the DRI, Henry's son, about why it's important to develop this sunscreen. We're hoping that by studying these organisms, we can learn how to make a better sound block that that is natural, that is organic, that is very protective. And these colors or pigmentation is what scientists are studying, trying to understand how it absorbs the solar radiation while still protecting those vital cells and utilizing some of their findings. Researchers are actually hoping to develop a supplement that can be consumed by astronauts that will give them the same protective effects that lichens have, like having sunscreen, but actually it protects you from the inside. And again, I talked with Henry and I said, so far in your research project, what have you found? And so this study has been going on for a few years. What have you learned so far during your research? What do we learn is that that life finds a way on earth, even you're living in a desert that we're living is very hard because of desiccation because of UV exposure, but life always finds a way. Other applications of these pigments might be more commercial, such as a deck paint that withstands sun exposure for longer periods of time. Hello to our Fox fans watching in Mexico. Thanks for watching Fox on Sky. If you have any questions or comments about one or all of our shows, email us at And we begin with this Fox News alert. America turns to Fox News Channel. We are feeling the impact all across the country. Stream it now on the Fox News International app. It's the place for top political coverage. It's a very big day here at the White House. With must-see insight and analysis, you won't get anywhere else. We will never be the media mob. And stay on top of the US markets with Fox Business. Watch your favorite shows live or get them on demand. Download the Fox News International app now from the Apple or Google Play stores. Also available on Amazon Fire. In politics and the economy, tax cuts always beat tax hikes. And growthier always wins. Cut low proverb. And next up, the baton goes to Tammy Bruce. This is Jimmy Phala, inviting you to join me for Fox Across America, where we'll discuss every single one of the Democrats dumb ideas. Just kidding. It's only a three hour show. Listen live at noon eastern or get the podcast at