
Netanyahu's Stirring, Forceful, Tough, Bipartisan Speech

Bibi Netanyahu was at the top of his game today in his Congressional address. President Biden has too often been too ambiguous about supporting our number one Middle East ally. Israel's natural political ally is Donald Trump. The Israeli cause is just, and its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu showed a ton of energy in defending that cause today.

With House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-MO), Newt Gingrich, Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL), Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL), and Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 0m
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24 Jul 2024
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Bibi Netanyahu was at the top of his game today in his Congressional address.

President Biden has too often been too ambiguous about supporting our number one Middle East ally. Israel's natural political ally is Donald Trump.

The Israeli cause is just, and its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu showed a ton of energy in defending that cause today.

With House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-MO), Newt Gingrich, Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL), Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL), and Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL).

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For the forces of civilization to triumph, America and Israel must stand together. Because when we stand together, something very simple happens. We win. They lose. I love that we win. They lose. That was one of Reagan's favorite lines about the old communist Soviet Union. Anyway, throughout the speech, the Israeli Prime Minister took great care to conjoin Israel and the United States. Here are some of it. Our enemies are your enemies. Our fight is your fight. And our victory will be your victory. There you go. And he also took great care to make his appeal a bipartisan one first to President Biden. Take a listen to this. I want to thank President Biden for his tireless efforts on behalf of the hostages and for his efforts to the hostage families as well. He rightly called Hamas sheer evil. And then a nod to former President Trump. Here it goes. I want to thank President Trump for his leadership in brokering the historic Abraham Accords to recognizing Jerusalem as our capital and moving the American embassy there. But, but, but, but, but Mr. Netanyahu spared no scorn for a Pro Hamas protesters when he launched this one. Take a listen. Well, I have a message for these protesters. When the tyrants of Tehran who hang gains from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair are praising, promoting and funding you, you have officially become Iran's useful idiots. Yes, useful idiots. He also rebutted charges that Israeli troops were using excessive force among civilians in Gaza. Plus, he cited impressive numbers, rebutting another criticism that Israel is somehow starving Gaza. Take a listen to this. Israel has enabled more than 40,000 8 trucks to enter Gaza. That's half a million tons of food. And that's more than 3,000 calories for every man, women and child in Gaza. If there are Palestinians in Gaza who aren't getting enough food, it's not because Israel is blocking it. It's because Hamas is stealing it. Of course they are. But then the prime minister defended the Israeli army. The defense forces calling the soldiers unbound, undaunted, unafraid, and referred to them biblically as the lions of Israel. And he made it very clear that Israel intends to complete. It's destruction of Hamas and continue the fight. And that fight includes the fight against Hezbollah, the fight against Houthis. And most importantly, the fight against the terrorist banker and puppeteer Iran. Then Mr Netanyahu concluded with this thought. May God bless Israel. May God bless America. And may God bless the great alliance between Israel and America forever. All right, and I will conclude with this thought. Bibi Netanyahu was at the top of his game today in his congressional address. And I think he did himself and the cause of Israel a lot of good. President Biden has too often been too ambiguous about supporting our number one Middle East ally. And the Democrats' new standard bearer Kamala Harris has too often criticized Israel in public and even in worse terms in private. Israel's natural political ally is Donald Trump who will meet with Netanyahu in Mar-a-Lago on Friday. But the Prime Minister was wise to make today's speech a bipartisan one. The Israeli cause is just. Its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu showed a ton of energy in defending that cause today. And I thought it was just what the doctor ordered. All right, my take. Anyway, joining us now, great pleasure. Speaker of the House, Mr. Mike Johnson. Mike, thank you, Mr. Speaker. I know you're very busy with the Netanyahu thing, which I thought was brain. And let me just, what did you take away from that? What were your key thoughts as you were listening to that speech? Well, I agree with your analysis, Larry. I thought he hit a home run. I think he did exactly what he needed to do. And that is, project strength on the part of Israel. Commit to the return of the hostages, both American and Israeli hostages. And clarify what the mission is there. We must defeat and vanquish Hamas and ultimately Iran. Iran, of course, is using proxy. Hamas and Hezbollah and the Houthis and all the rest. So it all has the same root of the problem. And I thought he did a very good job of tying it all together. It was a bipartisan speech. I think that's important. The support of America for Israel has always been a bipartisan matter. I was rather shocked that Kamala Harris chose to boycott the speech today. She should have been sitting next to me up there. It's pretty shameful. And I think she'll have to answer for that. It was a masterful stroke, though, appealing on a bipartisan way. And I thought, sir, it was masterful to conjoin United States and Israel again and again during the speech. And to thank America for its help, you know, look, Joe Biden started out. It seemed to me very strong supporter. Then he got so ambiguous. And then sometimes it sounded like he was turning against it. What's your assessment of the Biden administration and Israel right now? Well, it's really been all over the map. And that's the problem. That ambivalence has been a problem. We've been encouraging the White House all along to be more forceful, to project strength, to make clear that we're not equivocating between Israel and Iran. At multiple points along the way, they have appeased the wrong party. The Biden-Harris administration has appeased Iran, which is the source of the problem. And they have questioned Israel. They have withheld weapons deliveries at certain times. I mean, it's really been a problem. And so we've got to project peace through strength. We maintain peace through strength. We've got to project strength to do that. And we need a strong commander in chief who has that resolve. I think what BB did in the room today in the chamber was very important. And I think we got Democrats in the room to applaud at the right spots. But many of them set through some of those comments, and that's a real concern. Yes, it always is. Let's move on to some other topics, Mr. Speaker. You are putting together with how King Jeffries, a bipartisan task force I'm going to call it. That may not be the right term, whatever you're going to call it, to investigate the Secret Service catastrophe and the near assassination of former President Trump. And I wondered whether you would talk to it, because I have said to some of our guests this week, well, I'm 100 percent in favor of such a task force. I sure don't want to let the FBI leadership in Washington, or the Secret Service leadership in Washington, or the Justice Department leadership in Washington. I don't want them to be able to use their usual tricks and whitewash their mistakes and hide from the American people what happened. And, you know, let the swamp win this one once again, because the stakes were so high, as the President, former President Self has said, only by the grace of God is he around today and so forth and so on, can you just tell us a little bit about this task force and who's going to staff it up, sir? Who's going to do the staffing and the actual investigating? Yeah, great questions, Larry. The reason for the task force is precisely what you just outlined there. We have to move with precision. We have to be efficient and accurate. We've got to get the answers between the American people and the accountability that the American people are owed. You're right, President Trump is here, but for the grace of God, it could have gone just one centimeter difference. We're having a totally different conversation. We're happy that the director of the Secret Service resigned, but she took a week and a half, too long to do so. It should have happened immediately. I called upon President Biden to fire her. Of course, he took no action. So we've had a lack of leadership and really many lapses in security. So the purpose of the task force is to move quickly with precision if they're going to have subpoena authority, the resolution will pass on the house for today. You'll be seven Republicans, six Democrats and the people that will populate this committee are folks with expertise and insight into the issues that will be investigated. The objective is to move quickly, get the answers, ensure that this never happens again because, as you noted, the stakes are far too high. I mean, one thing just occurs to me as a layperson. This is not my field of expertise. I hope your investigators will be experts. But, you know, I'd like to know how the Secret Service agent in charge of Pittsburgh who presumably ran this Butler field operation. I'd like to know what all of the Secret Service Asians who were present on the field that day, what were they thinking? When you look at the timeline and the discoveries and the information and what the ordinary folks attending the rally were doing, it's just inconceivable that they let former President Trump on the stage at whatever it was, 602 PM, inconceivable. Inconceivable is the right word. We're all scratching our heads, trying to figure out how in the world such mistakes could have happened. I don't think there was a big conspiracy. I just think it was utter incompetence at the highest levels and the stakes are so high and it's so dangerous. We got to get down to the bottom of it. We have to ensure that the Secret Service can do its job and its primary mission is to protect our officials, presidents, former presidents and high executives in the government. It's a simple mission. It's an important one. It's a complex one, but we need people in place who can handle that. On the night of the assassination, the failed assassination attempt, within probably six hours of the event, I was on the phone with Secretary Mayorkas at DHS. The buck stops at his desk and I ask him very simple questions like the one you're asking. I ask, were there drones? Did we employ drones in the area? He couldn't answer the question. It doesn't appear that happened. There were lots of lapses and I think the information is going to be alarming, but it has to get out there. And you think the task force will report by when? Well, they have a deadline for a final report in early December, but we expect interim reports along the way. As they uncover the information, the objective will be to get it out as quickly as possible. We're going to have serious people doing serious work and I'm confident they'll be able to get that done. All right. One last one, Mr. Speaker, and you're always wonderful with your time. We appreciate it, as always. This is an odd story, I guess. We have a president in the United States, but he's not going to be his party standard bearer. That's going to be the vice president. Some people are asking who's really in charge. You yourself have said they've disenfranchised 14 million democratic small-dee voters in the course of this. I think you're right about that. I'm curious to what Mr. Biden's going to say tonight. I mean, you've got rumors out there. Democratic big wigs pressured him with the 25th Amendment if he didn't step down. You've got other rumors that he might resign from his post as president. And in general, it's like, I'm trying to figure out who's on first and what's on second. That was an old Abbott and Costello routine when I grew up. I don't know whether you knew them either. But what do you think about this whole story? I remember the reference, and it feels like Abbott and Costello are around here right now. I mean, we're asking the same questions. I cease to be amazed by the Biden-Harris administration. It's the Keystone cops running the Oval Office over there. Who knows what Joe Biden will come up with? He's going to stick close to a teleprompter. I can assure you of that, at least. But we've made the point, look, if he's not fit to run for office for four months, he's certainly not fit to run the greatest nation and the leading superpower in the world. I think this is a tough and obvious truth that everybody can see with their own eyes. What we're concerned about, Larry, is that our adversaries can see that as well. And we live in a very dangerous time. And we don't want China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, or any of their allies to think that this is in any way an opportunity. So I'll say to you, as I say, at the end of each one of these interviews, I'm letting our adversaries know the United States Congress and the United States military and the American people are ready and willing to act in our interest at any moment. The drama surrounding Joe Biden has nothing to do with the resolve of the American people. Well, that's a very important point. Thank you for that. The other thing is, all the Democratic leaders, including Ms. Harris, is praising Joe Biden to the high heavens. He did the greatest job in the history and all the rest of it. So my thought is, you know, Mr. Speaker, if he did such a good job, why are you dumping him? Well, wait a minute, we're dumping them because, what, he's too old, he's too fragile, his cognitive skills, but you told us a few weeks ago he was fine. I mean, from the top to the bottom, everyone said he was fine. So he did a great job. He's really fine, no health problems at all. Therefore, I can't figure out why they got rid of him. Don't understand it, sir, but I'm not that good at politics. Well, they said he was more than fine. They said he was quite literally running intellectual circles around the staff and worked harder and longer than anyone. He was going to compete in the Olympics if you listen to him. And remember, Kamala Harris was the lead prognosticator for all that. She was the lead cover-up agent. And I think it was the biggest cover-up in American political history. They painted themselves into a corner because they said things that they knew were not true for a long, long time. I think they did a big disservice to the American people. And I think the American people are going to, I think the ultimate poll that really matters is November 5. And I think it's going to go well for President Trump. Yes, sir. Mr. Speaker, Mike Johnson, thank you, sir. As always, we appreciate very, very much sharing your time. Talk soon. Thank you, thank you. All right, folks, coming up on Kudlow. So, what is Joe Biden going to say in the Oval Office address tonight? Some folks are wondering if he's going to resign. I don't know. Well, last Senator Eric Schmidt, he's a very smart guy. He'll probably know all that and more when Kudlow returns. [Music] I'm Bill Maloochan. I'll be covering Democracy 24 on the campaign trail. Every four years, this country gets to argue and bicker with each other, but come together on one day and make a choice for the country. And regardless of where you stand on a political scale, we're lucky to be able to do that. I see a lot of those people coming across the border waving American flags because they want that. They're fleeing from countries that don't happen. And here, we get a chance to make our voices heard. [Music] The company's first ever automated infinite kitchen location in Naperville, Illinois achieved restaurant level margins of 26% above the typical new sweet green restaurant. What will the salad bots do for sweet green sales and the future of the stock? Co-founder and CEO, Jonathan Neiman is here. Was that you in the video? Yeah. That is so cool. Tell us about the salad bots and how they are working. Because at a time when the workforce is slow to come back to certainly fast food or fast casual, you got to explain to me what this is doing for your business. Absolutely. So first of all, people are the key ingredient of our success. We do think automation can be a huge enabler for us to create a better experience for our customers and our team members and create a better financial model. So we've been piloting automation, what we call the infinite kitchen. It's automation. It's a technology that we built in-house in partnership with a company that we acquired a couple years ago. Wait, you acquired the robotic company? Correct. About two years ago, we acquired a company out of Boston, four brilliant students, four brilliant entrepreneurs out of MIT, excuse me, called Spice Kitchen. They joined the company two years ago and we began to develop the automation for Sweet Green. So just about two months ago, we opened our first unit and we still make all of the food from scratch in the restaurant. You can see it all right in front of you. Hand cut by people. Hand cut by humans. Humans are washing the food, chopping the food, roasting the food fresh. They are then loading the machine and then the machine actually just assembles the bowls. It can make up to 500 bowls an hour, which is 50% more than a front and digital make line in a normal restaurant. Perfect accuracy, perfect portioning, just a beautiful and fast experience that our team members love. It is then, we like to say, starts and ends with human hands. Humans then, you know, one of our wonderful team members will take the bowl, add the avocado, put on the herbs. Just give it a little, you know, finish it off and hand it over to you. That's a gutsy move to actually purchase a robotic food company in the early stages of having, you know, growing. Well, actually not that early. Tomorrow is your 16 year anniversary of opening their first door, Washington, D.C., Georgetown. Correct. Yeah. You've grown so much. How many stores do you expect to open this year? We'll open about 35 this year, bringing in today. We have around 210 locations today. 110 locations. You know, what kind of feedback are you getting about the quality of the order being filled by robots? I mean, because a lot of people that want this or they want that, they customize everything. Call this Generation C, customize. Yeah, that's actually what we were so excited about. You know, 80% of our orders are customized. 80%, even that either they're going, starting from scratch and creating a bowl or they're taking something off our menu and making it their own. [MUSIC] Hello to our friends watching in Costa Rica on cable tica. Thank you for choosing Fox. Keep it right here. Nobody. The consumer is strong. The balance sheets are strong. Breeze your America's business news. There's so much going on. And what it means for you. We want to get some breaking news to you right now, Fox Business Alert. Like Fox Business, keeping you ahead of the curve. All the insiders selling by some of the richest people on Earth. With insight into the impact of US and global markets. That's where the recipe for inflation comes from. The people you can trust. That's absent from the business. America's business network. One piece of non-political news, stocks tumbled big time today. I guess after disappointing big tech earnings, our own Jerry Willis standing by with more. Jerry, what do you think? Oh, Larry, that's what investors are saying. Those stocks plunging as earnings from big tech companies. Disappoint investors. The S&P 500 and the NASDAQ having their worst day in two years. Let's take a look at the close. Here's what's happened. The Dow was off 504 points. That's over a percent. The S&P off 128. The NASDAQ down 654. That's three and a half percent. Now, it was lackluster results from Tesla and Google fueling fears that the dominance of mega cap tech stocks may be ending. Trouble for Google came in the form of high capital spending weighing down profitability. While Tesla reported week EV demand, profit margin fell to a five year low. Now, the new sent other big cap tech stocks like Apple, Amazon and Microsoft. You can see here they all moved lower. Microsoft by nearly 3.6%. Defensive sectors at the close doing the best. Utilities and healthcare names doing very well indeed. Larry, whoever said that earnings are the mother's milk of stocks. Well, the converse, no earnings. It's like poison, right? The mother's milk of stocks. I said that about 35 years ago. It's one of the few things I got right. Thank you, Jerry Willis. We appreciate it very much. Joining us now is Missouri Senator, Mr. Eric Schmidt, Mr. Schmidt. Welcome, sir. As always, I'm not going to ask you about stocks and profits and all the rest of that. Although, feel free if you have a strong opinion. But what I am interested in, among other things, what is Joe Biden, President Joe Biden, not Democratic standard bear, but President Joe Biden? You say tonight, and what exactly do you think happened making him step down after denial, denial, denial, denial? Well, I think it's important to put this speech or whatever he's doing, this address tonight in context. Larry, we're about five weeks removed from, you know, the White House claiming that the videos of Joe Biden looking lost were cheap fakes. Now, that feels like a thousand years ago, but it's like a month and a half ago. And I think what the debate proved, it showed in prime time what everybody knew that the mainstream media was covering up was that this guy isn't capable, right? And so I think they got to him because they don't think he can win. That's the only thing that changed here. Everybody knew that he was having these issues, but they knew he was going to lose to Trump. And so the Democrats then decided, I guess, to disenfranchise tens of millions of voters to install the elites, to install their selected candidate, which is totally bizarre. But if he had any honor at all, he would resign tonight, but he won't. He won't resign. He should. But if he, listen, if he's not capable of being a candidate, he's not capable of being president, which is why I've called this week, Larry, for the 25th amendment to be invoked by the cabinet. Well, that leads me to two related questions. Okay. Number one, some people are speculating in the media and so forth that the big wigs in the Democratic Party, I guess Barack Obama on down, but I'll just call them big wigs because I don't know much about the Democratic Party anymore. I haven't been a Democrat in over half a century. But they're saying that Mr. Biden was bullied, that if he didn't step down, they were going to somehow push the 25th amendment to get rid of them all together. They just dumped them all together. You put any credence in that? It's possible. I wouldn't put anything past them because the only thing that the Democrats, they're studying guiding principle is power and control. It's certainly not about a Democratic process. It's certainly not about, you know, not trying to put your cheap political opponent in jail for the rest of his life. It's certainly not. They don't have any problems with censoring Americans they disagree with. So they're willing to bulldoze all the rules, all the norms, everything to win. And so when they finally came to the conclusion that Biden could win, they tried to push him out and they were successful. But I think something like that had to have happened, Larry, because after that NATO summit just a few weeks ago, he was defiant. Nothing changed. Nothing changed between now and then. So I think they had to, you know, made a real run at him to move to step aside. The other sort of semi-bizarre thing in this whole story is, so now the last day or two, as this dirty deed is done, you have Ms. Kamala Harris and all the big wig Democrats aforementioned praising Joe Biden as the greatest president since George Washington, perhaps even exceeding the presidency of George Washington. So my thought is being a simple-minded kind of guy. If he was such a good president, why aren't you running him again? Yeah, that's right. I mean, look, the fact is he is the worst president this side of Woodrow Wilson. There's no doubt about that. But he was committed to running, he wanted to run against President Trump one more time. He was going to lose. And like I said, the Democrats have their convention. They wanted to make a move. But look, they're putting Kamala Harris into this role now. And I liken it to sort of a football analogy. Everybody kind of likes the backup quarterback until the backup quarterback gets into the game. And you realize there's a reason why that's not the starting quarterback. There's holes in the game. She's going to be exposed in a way she hasn't been since that primary where she, you know, had to bow out very early. And she'll be exposed. She's the borders are. We've got 10 million people here illegally. She's for the Green New Deal. That displaces blue collar workers. So once people start to examine her record, I think she's going to be problematic for them. But right now, it's the only thing they can do. But Trump, I think, fares well against her as well. I mean, just a moment on the borders are issue because that is such a hot topic. You know, open borders, the crime wave that's gone along with the open borders, the lack of public safety, it becomes a national issue. I know with the economy and inflation, but just not in the border. I don't see how she can possibly defend. First of all, the Biden position on open borders, as you say, 10 million with all the attendant crime, fentanyl, drugs, and so forth and so on. But she herself, if anything, is more radical. She never talked to any of the border patrol chiefs. She has always defended and wants to provide financial assistance to the illegal immigrants coming across the border. And I will just add to that, way back in 2020, when we had to go through those awful riots in various cities during the COVID year, she was a defund the police person. Now, how are they going to get around that? How are they going to get around that? As you say, the backup quarterback is now in play. It's third down in 12. How are they going to deal with that? Yeah, and here comes the blitz. And she doesn't know how to check down. She doesn't have that in the playbook, right? She's in real trouble because once she's exposed for who she is, she's totally out of step with real America, Larry. She was the most liberal senator, more liberal than Bernie Sanders during her time in the Senate. She called for eliminating all criminal violations at all. If you come here illegally, she wanted to be civil violations. She has full-blown open borders and amnesty. She is full-blown to defund the police. She talks about reimagining policing, talking about taking money away from police departments. Once this stuff comes out, the honeymoon is going to last for however long it's going to last. Once we get past Labor Day, Larry, and the campaign is in full swing, the people are going to have a choice, right? They're going to have a choice between when they were prosperous, when they were safe, we had a secure border versus the most radical nominee any party has ever had in the history of this country, and that will be the choice. Yeah, yes, sir. Senator Eric Schmidt, thank you, sir. As always, we appreciate it. Thanks, Larry. All right, folks. We're going to talk to Newt Gingrich. Former Speaker Newt Gingrich. We have today's speaker, and we have former speaker. Newt Gingrich says President Trump has had an amazing nine days. Amen to that. Unfortunately, by the grace of God, he's still around. And folks, don't miss our special live coverage of President Biden's Oval Office address tonight, starting at 8 p.m. Eastern Time, and you can watch it right here on Fabulous Fox Business. I'm Kudlow. We'll be right back. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ I want you to tell me about your Pinot Noir project. I'm told you are planting 500 acres? That enormous. It is enormous. With the Brown family, a really great farming family in Washington state. In the ancient Lake area, in Frigtman Hills, we planted 500 acres of Pinot Noir. Simply because it made sense this is a place where Pinot Noir should be. And so... Why Pinot Noir? Is there an expanding market for it? It is because the thing is, it is exactly the same latitude. You have the great wines of France are the same latitudes. We are at 47 degrees. And then it is also, the soils are limestone. We are a continent of climate. So you check a lot of boxes. This seems like this would be the perfect place to plant Pinot Noir. I mean, think about the 1960s when David let decide I am going to plant Pinot Noir in Oregon. And there he goes, "You are crazy!" But now he is the grandfather, the godfather of Oregon wine. And everything he was, you know, a genius. So... I talked to my son this morning. He is in Australia. Right. And he is a wine maker. And he said, "Ask Charles about growing wine in California." Because he says, "Climate change is making California too hot to grow wine." Well, I saw somebody sent me on their dashboard a screenshot of 115 degrees in Sonoma this summer. Grapes don't like to be 115 degrees. They don't grow in the desert now. So is optimum wine growing going north through Oregon into Washington? I think it's becoming much more viable even more so than we've been for the last 30 years. Absolutely. How many, I suppose, you measure stuff in cases, don't you? How many cases of Pinot Noir can you extract from 500 acres eventually? Well, it will grow eventually to 150,000 cases of single vineyard Pinot Noir, which is unheard of. Sustainably farmed, native fermented, nothing but the grapes and the vessel the resting in. I think here in Arizona, the most important thing is to find the perfect sunlight. And ours just happened to be our front yard. Nicole Hood is very proud of her front yard garden. When she says, "Wouldn't be as lush and bountiful without farm yard." So for about three seasons, I tried to plant on my own with no success. And then a friend told me about farm yard and Rebecca and Troy came over and just kind of gave me some of the fundamentals on how to plant, how to water. And suddenly, everyone in my neighborhood thought I had a green thumb and I'm going to completely take credit for it. We are a design, build and maintain edible garden company. So we build custom raised beds for our clients, we make our own compost, we do irrigation systems. Rebecca Kidwell, co-owner of Farmyard LLC. So she and her husband, who runs a company with her, give their clients as little or as much assistance as they want or need. Their main interest is to show people how to grow their own food. So many people come from back east or in the Midwest where they're used to dropping a seed into the soil and it immediately taking. And so out here, so many people are frustrated with growing because they think that they can do the same in our desert soils. That's not the case. You can grow fruits and vegetables 12 months out of the year in Arizona, according to Kidwell. She's preparing for spring and summer by planting melons and pumpkins and corn that she says thrive in triple digit weather. There's something to getting your hands in the soil, grounding, getting dirty, you know, that's kind of fun to do at the end of the day and getting to share. I mean, having a garden in the front yard, we have met so many neighbors. We've kind of become a little stop on people's walks. I would tell anyone that the opportunity to grow your own food and allow your children to be part of the process is so wonderful. Talk about getting your kids to eat their vegetables. Hood says her children are just as excited as she is to harvest the garden and sit down together as a family for a healthy meal they help to grow. Anita Roman, Fox 10 News. The bottom line with Dagan and Duffy on Fox Business. We view the world the same way. I'm sure we'll have some disagreements, but you don't want to get her mad. No, you don't. The bottom line with Dagan and Duffy on Fox Business, invested in you. All right, former speaker and my dear friend Newt Gingrich says President Trump has had an amazing nine days. Quote, "We've just lived through a truly historic series of unpredictable and profoundly dynamic events. Even as I lived through them, I couldn't process everything that was happening immediately." What do I agree with all that joins us now? Newt Gingrich, former speaker and Fox News contributor. I mean, it was information, shock, that's for sure. But, I mean, the headline to me, I just unleash you on this thought. "By the grace of God, Mr. Trump's survival and assassins bullet." Okay, "By a millimeter and by the grace of God," as the former president has said. And then it goes into what I thought was the most positive, remarkable, good, vibe, growthy Republican national convention. Probably the best one we've seen in a very long time. And I think, by the way, that RNC convention was so good, it was a knockout punch for Joe Biden and the Democrats. I don't -- they still don't know what to do about that convention. But anyway, I'm leading it into you. You can take the bit and run with it, Mr. Speaker. [ Laughter ] Well, this was my -- you know, this was my ninth convention. And first of all, I don't think you can overstate the providential nature of President Trump's survival. He's looking over here. He comes back at exactly the right second, so the bullet which would have hit him in the head hits his ear. He could have been dead. And we have been in a totally different country at that point. So that really set the stage for everything. In all nine conventions, I would say this was the most unified, the most enthusiastic. And I thought very professionally done. Cliff and I were both given a chance to talk to the convention in the country. She did on religious liberty, and I did on national security and foreign policy. And people were very attentive. They wanted to learn, they wanted to be involved. They knew how historic this was going to be. I think that J.D. Vance's introduction was very effective. His wife was charming, although I have to say, I think that Ty Trump, the granddaughter, probably stole the show. But the net effect of all of it was very, very powerful and set them up. And then, of course, on Sunday, I remember, we were totally relaxed. Everything was calm, and all of a sudden, Cliff says, "Oh, by the way, Biden just withdrew." I thought initially it was the Babylon Bee. It just didn't make it, I mean, to have something posted on X, just crazy. Just like that. So, here we are. Yes, here we are. And then we acquired a San Francisco radical as the Democratic nominee, so it's going to be wild. Couple quick bullets on this. There's so much to talk about. Substantively, I thought Mr. Trump's platform and speech. Now, the first part of that speech was incredible when he described, when he narrated the attempt at assassination. But, Newt, beyond that, much has been written about that. Not so much written about the fact that Trump gave probably the growthiest speech I've ever heard, even going back to Reagan. I mean, a time and time again, Trump talked about cutting taxes. At one point, he did the laughter curve. He said, "You know, revenues went up after we cut taxes." And he talked about drill, baby drill, and, of course, deregulation and growth, growth, growth. I mean, that is a very strong statement, and I, you know, I think growth people win redistribution is lose. I think tax cutters win and tax hikers lose. What do you think? Well, I think, first of all, that the Republican National Committee should make a huge effort to get the platform in the hands of every American. It's very short. It was personally edited by Trump, and it is his statement, and it's very effective. I think you'll find that virtually everything in there, as you know, we run a project called the America's New Majority Project. I think everything in that platform tracks with what the American people overwhelmingly believe, and if the better it's understood, the better Republicans are going to do this fall. Second, I think it's important to recognize that Reagan really captured supply-side economics, but Reagan wasn't an entrepreneur. Trump really gets the growth thing. And Trump really understands that you can bring this country back together if everybody's working, if incomes are going up, if there are more goods and services, and so I think he has a vision of a very dynamic, very positive American future. And I think the more he communicates that, particularly if you contrast it with Kamala Harris' San Francisco radicalism, her desire to raise taxes, her desire to kill the energy industry, you know, go down the list of everything she believes. She is far and away the most radical nominee in Democratic Party history, including George McGovern. She is more radical than McGovern would have been. But anyway, McGovern later in life, as you may know, when he became an innkeeper in New England, became a capitalist. He really did and talked about it in some way. I interviewed him once in place on a different network. Is this not the George McGovern that I learned when I was a child? Anyway, Newt Gingrich- He wrote a great Wall Street Journal article explaining that he'd been wrong. I'm sorry, Newt Gingrich, you're the best of the best, all my best to Ambassador Kalista. All right, folks, joining us now, Florida Congressman Brian Mast and Corey Mills. Gentlemen, welcome. You know, you guys, it just occurred to me talking to Newt Gingrich, who always puts me in a great frame of mind. You've got this San Francisco, California ultra-progressive Democrat. This was my riff last night, fellas. You guys are both from Florida. And I said that I want a red state like Florida's economic model, which is no income tax, low regulations, pro-business, et cetera, et cetera, instead of the California blue state model. I don't know, I'll start with Brian Mast. I mean, it's time to speak up for the Florida red state model. That's going to determine this election. Everybody that moves to Florida knows that as soon as they move there, they get a raise because they're not paying more and more and more in taxes like in New York City or anywhere in California. What do you think about that? Well, it's exactly right. And the only difference between a New Yorker and a Floridian is about six months because they look at the soft on crime catch and release and the taxation. They come to the great state of Florida, which is the freest state in the nation, and they understand what real leadership looks like. But they also understand that in Florida, we know limited government. We don't lock down our citizens. We allow them to be free as our Constitution intended. Yeah, I know. I mean, this is in some sense, Mr. Trump now resident of Florida. This is the Florida model versus the California or as nude put at the San Francisco model. And it's a clash of titans. I think I know who's going to win, but we'll see. Anyway, gentlemen, let me go back. Brian masked. What do you think of Bebe Netanyahu's speech today? I would say he summed up the one line that stuck out to me where he summed up the genesis of the war and what's going on with the war when he said to Israel, every civilian death is a tragedy and to Hamas. Every civilian death is a strategy. That is what this war is all about. Wow. That's putting it. Yeah, we had a lot of clips. We didn't play that one. Corey Mills, if I might, I spoke to Speaker Johnson earlier in the show. Corey, are you satisfied with this bipartisan panel that's going to investigate the secret service fiasco? Will we get to the bottom of it? Will we get to the line operators, the agents who are on the ground? Will we interview the civilians who are actually there pointing out this horrible kid on the roof and so forth? Are you satisfied with what's going down here? Well, not yet because we haven't actually have formed this J-13 Commission yet, but I do look forward to being able to do a true and thorough investigation of not just the events at hand to determine whether or not it was negligence, it was dereliction of duty or an actual purposeful intent. I don't think we can take anything off the table without the investigation, but also what occurred prior to what was the search engine of the 20 year old? What 20 year old does not have a social media presence? What was the encrypted accounts that he had overseas? And also what has been the response of the federal law enforcement officers and their coordination efforts? So, you know, I was a counter sniper and advanced team member with the State Department for years. I've done about a thousand of these advances in counter sniper operations, and I can tell you that we should be requesting the advanced platform, the security plan, the comms plan, as well as for the counter sniper sketchbook to understand what exactly they had done with their range fans, and where they determined the mitigating measures for the threats that they would perceive, especially with a building that's 160 yards away, line of sight adjacent to the stage. These are mistakes that need to have answers to the American people and need transparency and accountability, not behind closed doors, not in classification, but in front of the American people to give confidence, this won't occur again. Brian Mass, what do you expect President Biden to say tonight? This whole thing is a mystery to me. The fact that he's out, he's out as the nominee, but he's in as president. He was the greatest president since George Washington, so why aren't they running him? I don't understand anything about this, but I haven't been a Democrat in about 55 years. What do you think he's going to say tonight, Brian? Whatever he says, it's going to be weak, you know, and I say that jokingly, but I say it truthfully. Remember, this guy that just got pushed out for president is the same attitude that got him pushed out of Afghanistan, which was the first major dominant, and it's the same guy that's allowed us to be pushed around on our border. It's that weakness, that's the same guy that just got pushed out of this race, and that's who's leading America, so we're told. You know, that's such an interesting point, Cory Mills, if he's as bad shape as they now admit after this cover-up of his health and so forth cognitive abilities are lacked thereof, then he is a national security risk. As Brian Mass is suggesting, as others have suggested, I mean, he really isn't it, because China's watching, Iran's watching, Russia's watching, North Korea's, all our enemies are watching very carefully, Lord knows what they're going to do. Well, that's exactly right. Look, if you're not fit to be able to run for re-election, you're not fit to run the country as it is today. And our adversaries, they're seeing this, but as Speaker Johnson had said in the warning to our adversaries, if you think that the weakness invites aggression, just because of Joe Biden sitting in the White House, you've forgotten the real strength and might of the United States Armed Forces. And I'll tell you right now that when it comes to Joe Biden, he talks about wanting to preserve democracy, but this is the same party who's denying millions of people who gave him the electoral votes whenever it comes to the nomination. And now they're denying the voice of the American people. So I don't want to hear them talk about fighting for democracy anymore, because we know that President Trump's the only one who's actually taking a bullet for democracy when it comes to the two of them. By the way, he's taking a bullet. He's the only one fighting to make this country worthy of the sacrifice of veterans, in my opinion. Representatives of the Red State of Florida, in the battle of this election, gentlemen, can't thank you enough, Brian Mass and Corey Mills, House of Members, terrific stuff. All right, folks, we're going to talk to Senator Katie Britt. Next up, she says Kamala Harris is the last person we should entrust our nation's future with. How about that? I'm Kudlow. We'll hear from Senator Katie Britt in just a moment. ♪♪ ♪♪ I talk to the big names moving to markets and the power players impacting the global economy. The claim and countdown on Fox Business, infested in you. ♪♪ Bringing in the new oil well is essential to Cameron Energy's survival. But so, too, is ensuring that the 2,000 other wells on the property keep the oil flowing for the American public. And making sure that happens is up to well tenders like Brad Baughton. So, we've got a busy day today. I'm going to try and get as many wells pumped as we can, and I'm pretty eager to get home, because it is my son's birthday, so we're going to get pumping. Across the U.S., wells like these extract more than 4,000 gallons of oil per second, or about enough to fuel your average car for 10 years. But, unlike larger operations, which can pump oil around the clock, the wells at Cameron Energy need to be routinely shut off to allow oil reservoirs to refill underground. Years of experience and a pretty strict schedule tell Brad when they're ready to be fired up again. I open up the production valve where the oil is going to come up the tubing. ♪♪ Pump jacks like this are the workhorses of the oil industry, and their mechanics are ingeniously simple. A gas or electric motor powers the above-ground assembly, which connects to a rod running 2,000 feet down to the oil reservoir. There, a pair of one-way valves work in tandem to pump oil up to the surface, and here in Pennsylvania, that oil is one of a kind. So, if you notice the yellow is chanting this oil, you won't see it anywhere else in the world. This Pennsylvania crude oil is yellow because it's a paraffin-based oil, lightest, sweetest oil in the world. So, I've got a bunch more to get to right now, and we're going to get moving. ♪♪ Artificial intelligence potentially reshaping American agriculture. Yes, the farms even. Farmers are turning to automated equipment to get the job done. Madison Alworth with Fox Business is in Pembroke, Kentucky. She's got more. Hi, Madison. Hey, good morning, Dana. You know, farming agriculture, it's the backbone of the U.S. economy, but farmers, they're facing real struggles right now, and ad-co thinks the future is autonomous vehicles. I showed you that tractor in the brake, and now you actually see it moving here. We have it moving up, driving all on its own, no driver inside, and this is their latest tech. This is their first piece of autonomous vehicles. What they're hoping is, the value ad for farmers is that right now, everything is up in cost. Feed is up in cost, fertilizers up in cost, and they are facing severe labor shortages. And you can see it cut it real close, but right there, no collision. The big value ad being that they can have that all run without a person inside. One last person, they have to hire one last expense. So I want to bring in Brad Arnold with ad-co. So, Brad, let's talk about this vehicle right here. What difference would that make when it gets on a farm? Because right now, you guys are an R&D. We're not yet releasing it, but what's the hope there for farmers? You know, harvest season is a super stressful time for farmers, and they add a significant amount of labor to get through the harvest season, and so when we can actually take away the need to hire a complicated role, or fill a complicated role in the graincar operation, it's a significant value to the farmer. And then when you think about autonomous vehicles, you think cars, you don't necessarily think tractors. So how are you attracting engineers and talent to a farm in Kentucky? Well, we actually started with all of this technology came from a company called JCA Technologies that we acquired about a year ago, and so since then we've added dramatically to their team in Winnipeg. We've also started at Tech Hub, which is a great place to hire autonomous engineers in Phoenix. And so we're actually able to attract a lot of autonomous engineers from automotive over into agriculture because it's actually an industry that's got a significant purpose in producing food. Thank you so much, Brad. So that's the first piece. The hope is that by 2030, they will have an entire fleet of autonomous farm vehicles. All right, joining us now, we welcome back Alabama Senator Katie Britt, Senator Britt. Thank you, ma'am. Thanks for coming back to the show. You know, we had Newt Gingrich on just a few moments ago, and he talked about Kamala Harris as a quote San Francisco Democrat, ultra liberal Democrat. That's a phrase that goes way back in time, 1984, the great Jean Kirk Patrick, former ambassador for Reagan, who was a Democrat, said she left the party because of the liberal San Francisco Democrats. And I think, you know, as Newt always does, he kind of hit it on the head. You can go through all the issues, economy, inflation, crime, of course, the open border, housing costs, interest rates, too far in wars. I mean, Ms. Harris, I don't get personal. It's not about personal. It's about policy. But she has taken positions as Biden's co-pilot, but also as Senator. Way to the left of even the Biden administration, it seems to me. Look, I mean, Kamala Harris has failed miserably as the Vice President of the United States. First, obviously, there are very few jobs that she actually has, but the ones they have given her, she has proven that she's not up to the task. You think about the border. You mentioned it yourself. She was the self-proclaimed, and Biden gave her the responsibility of being the border czar. What do we have? We have the worst border crisis in our nation's history. Now, contrast that with the fact that she actually inherited the most secure border of all time because of President Trump and because of his policies. You think about the ceremonial things she's supposed to do, like standing in for the President when he cannot. She was not even there to greet Netanyahu there on the tarmac. And then you think about today. Here we have Prime Minister Netanyahu giving a joint address. She is supposed to be presiding over that, and she chose to attend a conference instead. And, look, Larry, I have no issue with her attending a conference. But the truth is that conference was five days long. She could have chosen to go at any time. You know, they would have accommodated the Vice President whenever she could make it. But yet she chose to do that instead of standing here with Israel, showing that, in fact, she does not. She is with the far left wing of her party and could not even show up to stand with our great ally, Israel, today. You know, I didn't know about that, that that conference was five days long. I did not know that. That's very good information. The other thing, Senator Britt, you're going to be our economic expert. I mean, as far as the Vice President is concerned, you look at her track record. Obviously, the 20 percent rise in inflation during the Biden term, she was his co-pilot. She signed on to the spending bill. She was a deciding vote for the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act. But also, she's a huge regulator. I mean, I'm just, again, this is not personal. I'm just going down her policies. She's very much in favor of regulating business. She's very much in favor of raising taxes on successful earners and businesses. And she's totally opposed to anything about fossil fuels that might bring down energy costs and might help our national security overseas. Again, I'm not getting personal here. These are economic issues she's going to have to defend. What do you think? Oh, completely. And let's not forget that she said she wants to make sure that every migrant who comes here illegally has all of the financial benefits and opportunities that an American citizen has. So, she keeps going. You mentioned, obviously, energy. She is of the mindset that America should produce none, essentially. We need to be not only energy independent. We need to be energy dominant. And she just doesn't get it. You and I know that that not only drives down costs for everyday Americans, whether we're talking about when they go to the grocery store or the gas pump or anything in between, but we also know we need to do it for national security purposes. She has not wrapped her head around that. In fact, her policies are even more liberal than Joe Biden. People need to wake up. Go listen to what she has said. Listen to her track record. And you will see that she is left of left. She is not what America needs. America doesn't need to become California. We need the good common sense policies of Donald Trump securing our border, creating stable prices and actually achieving peace through strength. You know, it's important linkage. I've not heard Ms. Harris talk about it. I actually never heard her talk much about foreign policy in general. But to your point, Senator Britt, if you produce more energy, just more, okay, produce more coal, produce more oil, produce more natural gas is the ultimate winner, I think. You're going to put more supplies on the market. The price will fall. When the price falls, Iran gets hurt, Venezuela gets hurt, Russia gets hurt, and even China gets hurt because China's been buying that oil from all these enemies of ours. So all our enemies would be hurt and the United States would win. Now, I'd love to hear her on that subject. I never have seen a link between energy security and national security. That's right. And she has a lot of questions to answer, Larry. And she absolutely does because when we produce less, too, it allows our adversaries to hold our allies in the palm of their hand. She's not capable. Katie Britt, thank you ever so much. The flight may or fall out from the CrowdStrike outage continues. Delta Airlines still experiencing cancellations and delays. It's CEOs saying, quote, Thursday is expected to be a normal day with the airline fully recovered and operating at a traditional level of reliability. Delta says it will be cooperating with the new federal investigation into the airline after CrowdStrike's global outage costs airports, banks and other businesses to go offline. They've got to figure out why this has gone on now for four or five days. CrowdStrike says a bug in their safety mechanism caused flawed data to go out in a botched update. Apple is working on a new foldable iPhone due out as soon as 2026, according to a new report. The tech giant allegedly contacting suppliers in Asia for new parts for the project. The phone would reportedly fold in a similar fashion to the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip. The project is not guaranteed as Apple often cancels new rollouts. And as we get closer to the Paris Summer Olympic Games, Salt Lake City, Utah, wins the bid for the 2034 Winter Olympics. The last time the Olympics were in Salt Lake City was back in 2002. That's Business. I'm C.J. Papa. ♪♪ Airmen from the Air National Guard. 109th Air Lift Wing regularly travel all the way to Antarctica to assist scientists as part of Operation Deep Freeze. Here to further explain is Navigator for the 109th Air Lift Wing. Major Jefferson Wood. So what exactly is your mission in Antarctica? And what kind of work are the scientists that you are transporting doing out there? So the 109th Air Lift Wings mission is to provide logistical support to the scientific researchers who operate in Antarctica. A lot of people don't know, but the United States Antarctic Program operates a research station in McMurdo, which is on the coast of Antarctica as well as right at the South Pole. And part of our job is to ferry supplies from the base in New Zealand down to the Antarctic base at McMurdo. And then once we get to McMurdo, we're ferrying supplies for the scientists, as well as the scientists themselves, to their research stations, both at the South Pole and elsewhere around the continent of Antarctica. And we're looking at conditions. It looks like conditions that would really delay most airplanes. But how is your aircraft customized so that it can take off as well as land in the kind of weather you find in Antarctica? Sure. Yeah, obviously, when you think of Antarctica, you think of a whole lot of snow and ice, and that's true. There's not really anywhere to put a gravel runway on the Ross Ice Shelf, which is where the research station is. So our landing fields actually directly on the ice on a 70-foot-thick piece of floating ice at the edge of the Ross Ice Shelf. That is wild. It's almost like a penguin sliding on its belly down a hill there. Have you ever had bad conditions that were so bad you couldn't land? Well, that's the interesting thing about this. So it's about a 2,000-mile flight from New Zealand down to Antarctica in our aircraft. And we only have enough fuel for a one-way trip. So regardless of what the weather is, we have to land. ♪♪ Hello to our viewers in Canada. Thanks for watching Fox on Rogers. For the latest reports from our correspondence, visit and ♪♪ When news breaks... And we begin with this Fox News alert. America turns to Fox News Channel. We are feeling the impact all across the country. Now, on the Fox News International app, it's the place for top political coverage. It's a very big day here at the White House. With must-see inside an analysis, you won't get anywhere else. We will never be the media mob. And stay on top of the US markets with Fox Business. Watch your favorite shows live or get them on demand. Download the Fox News International app now from the Apple or Google Play stores. Also available on Amazon Fire. ♪♪ Congrats to Prime Minister Netanyahu for an absolutely brilliant speech before Congress today. Now, let's back him up for heaven's sakes. And let's all listen to Edward Lawrence. Hey, it's Clay Travis. Join me for Outkick The Show as we dive deep into a mix of topics. New episodes available Monday to Friday on your favorite podcast platform. And watch directly on