
Kamala is a Big Government California Socialist

Judging by her record in the Senate and as Joe Biden’s loyal Vice President, Kamala Harris is a spender, a taxer, and a regulator. It's big government socialism. Think of it as the California model of everything, which we are learning is a failed model.

With Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), Steve Moore, Katie Pavlich, Tammy Bruce, Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-TX), and Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 1m
Broadcast on:
23 Jul 2024
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Judging by her record in the Senate and as Joe Biden’s loyal Vice President, Kamala Harris is a spender, a taxer, and a regulator. It's big government socialism. Think of it as the California model of everything, which we are learning is a failed model. 

With Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), Steve Moore, Katie Pavlich, Tammy Bruce, Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-TX), and Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX).

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Crypto currency services are provided to US and US territory customers by Payward Interactive Inc. PWI, DBA Kraken. The Hello, folks. Welcome to Kudlow. I'm Larry Kudlow. Secret Service Chief Kimberly Cheetell is officially out, but still plenty of other questions about the failed Trump assassination attempt. Senator Tommy Taberville on that and much more in just a few moments. But first up, Fox News. Aisha Hasney on Capitol Hill with the latest. Aisha, the story is not closed even though she's gone. What's cooking up there? Mm-hmm. Larry, this is just the beginning. House Democrats and Republicans are telling me that Kim Cheetell resigning is simply not enough. And that is why House Speaker Mike Johnson and Democrat leader Hakeem Jeffries today jointly announced a bipartisan task force to look into this assassination attempt. They want Congress to step in. And part of that oversight actually happened today, Larry. With the Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner testifying here on the Hill, he revealed that the two officers with the Butler County Emergency Services Unit, they were inside that AGR building where the shooter was up atop of. And to the best of his knowledge, he said that they had a clear view of where that gunman would have climbed up on top of that roof. But, Larry, listen to this, they were apparently told to move to go search for him. Lawmakers are now questioning, who the heck made that decision? Between the time he was spotted on the ground and identified as someone suspicious, until the shooting, they had left that post to go look for him. Is that what you're saying? My understanding is, yes, along with other municipal officers that responded to that area. And that's based on interviews that we've conducted. And I want to be very clear that I don't want to establish a timeline minute by minute because we don't have that yet. I think that's revelatory. Now, Kim Cheadle was supposed to be here today. She declined before she resigned. FBI Director Christopher Ray will testify here tomorrow. Of course, the FBI is leading this investigation. They're the ones that are supposed to put that report out in 60 days. So perhaps we will get even more answers. But the more we find out, Larry, the worse the story gets. Larry. Aisha, can you tell us anything about this task force, bipartisan task force, seven Republicans, six Democrats? And who is going to staff up this task force? Will there be experts? Because, you know, I don't really trust the leaders of these agencies anymore. Is there any new info on that? Yeah. It's going to be made up of lawmakers, Larry. So both Speaker Johnson and Leader Jeffries are appointing lawmakers onto this. And there's been a lot of interest by many, many members on both sides of the aisle to be a part of this task force. So that shows you that there is a bipartisan push to get to the bottom of this. This isn't a joke. This isn't jockeying, as AOC put it yesterday. This is a matter of the highest security measures for some of the most important people in this country. So Congress is very much shaking this seriously. The only thing I want to point out is they don't have a whole lot of time to look into this because there's a talk now that the House could leave at the end of this week for their summer vacation, their summer break for about 12 weeks. So I don't know how much they can actually get done by Friday. Sure, of course. Of course, take a vacation. Why not go fishing? Anyway, Aisha has me. Thank you ever so much. Folks, we will return to this story in just a moment. But before that, Kamala Harris, a big government Californian socialist, plain and simple. And that's the subject of the riff. Kamala Harris was ranked the most left-wing senator in 2019, even more left-wing than Bernie Sanders, that according to government track, which is an independent government tracking website. And today's Wall Street Journal had a beauty of an editorial entitled "What Kamala Harris Believes." Looks like big government socialism to me, California progressive style, which is even scarier. Let me quote from the journal. So mark her down as endorsing the spending blowouts that caused inflation, the Green New Deal, entitlement expansions, and student loan forgiveness. Until she says otherwise, we should also assume she's in favor of Mr. Biden's $5 trillion tax increase in 2025. All right? As Joe Biden's loyal Veep, his Harris can be accountable for the 20% cumulative rise in the cost of living, as well as the more than 4% drop in average weekly wages. Both factoids, a big blow to hard work in middle-class folks who find themselves trapped in the Biden-Harris affordability crisis, that has a long tail over the course of their term. But there's much more. Ms. Harris is a strong opponent of fracking. Indeed, in 2019, she endorsed a nationwide ban on oil and gas fracking. She is totally hostile to fossil fuels during her Senate years. And since then, she talks about something called environmental justice. Well, guess what that means. The Green New Deal war on fossil fuels will continue if she ever wins the White House. Of course, she's a big supporter of EVs and would end gasoline-powered cars, sending millions of jobs to China. But I would say, under those policies, gasoline and electricity, which have already gone sky-high during the Biden-Harris years, well, they have blow completely sky-high under the vice president's California-style policies. You ain't seen nothing yet. But there's even more to this. Back to her environmental justice model, OK? She links this to racial justice, economic justice, housing justice, and education justice. Phew, that's a mouthful. Sounds very woke to me. Cancelled traditional culture and history, DEI on a grand scale, diversity, equity, and inclusion. During the summer riots of 2020, she advocated defunding the police. Although she was regarded as the so-called border czar, at one point, she supported eliminating the ICE, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Also, as borders are, she never once spoke to the border patrol chiefs, Jason Owens, or Raoul Ortiz. As senator, she teamed up with Bernie Sanders in favor of his Medicare for all legislation. That was estimated to cost, wait for it, $35 trillion. That's $35 trillion to nationalize our health care system. By the way, pay for it with higher income taxes, she said. Probably would require about a 95% marginal tax rate, but I'm just guessing on that one. Another beauty is her support for confiscating all firearms through some kind of buyback plan. And on top of all this, as a senator, she supported universal basic income or guaranteed income, as it's called. And she also supported rent and utility payment controls. So it's fair to say, judging by her record in the Senate and as Joe Biden's loyal veep, Kamala Harris is a spender. A taxor, a regulator. That's why I refer to her as big government socialism. She's a redistributist. Take from Peter and give to Paul. Now, think of it as the California model of everything, which we have learned is a failed model. Mr. Trump, on the other hand, is a growth guy. Make the economic pie larger or cutting taxes, minimizing regulations, limited spending, drill baby drill. Think of that as the Florida or the Texas model of everything. Who do you trust? Blue state socialism or red state capitalism? Well, I'm putting all my chips on red. And that's the riff. All right, joining us now, we bring back our great friend Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville. Senator Tuberville, I'm betcha you'd put your chips on red too, sir. Good to see you again. Thanks for coming on. Let me just play. I've got some sound. Hang on one second. I've got some sound. Trump and Vance discussing this whole assassination attempt and their views on Jesse Waters' primetime last night's center. Just please, won't take but a moment. They had a policeman that actually saw the man with a gun, and you would have thought that that would have been conveyed to other people. And he was up there for a long period of time, because they have tape of him moving all over the place. And then they see him, and they don't report him. I think the fact that there's been no transparency here is what makes a lot of us say, well, what the hell happened, and why are we actually taking steps to ensure it doesn't happen again? So Senator Tuberville, I want to get your thought on this. I mean, you've got these house hearings OK, and Ms. Cheetell has resigned, and OK, fine. But that's not going to really solve anything. And my biggest concern is that the FBI is running this investigation, and/or the Secret Service is running part of this investigation, and/or the Department of Justice will have a hand in. And Senator, I must tell you, in recent years, I do not trust them. And I would like to see some outside experts don't know if that's possible. What say you? I'm with you, Larry. I wouldn't trust anybody, then, in the three letter agencies up here, especially in any kind of law enforcement, at the top of the ring. We come within a few millimeters or losing, possibly the next president of the United States and the 45th president. Organization is the key to success. I know a lot of the Secret Service agents that work with President Trump. I play golf with it. I've seen them a lot. They work very hard. They're diligent. But there was no communication at this site. No communication between the Secret Service and the local police. Somewhere the ball was dropped there. You keep thinking about this young man, 20 years old, on top of this 10 roof, that in the middle of the day was probably 130, 40, 150 degrees. How in the world does that happen? You can't be up there long. It just almost a devastating ending to this. It was when we lost the firemen and two other people got hit. But Larry, this was totally, totally mishandled. And it all starts at the White House, where there was not enough people. It was a skeleton crew of Secret Service trying to do the job of probably, should have been 20, 30, or 40 more people. Well, you know, Mr. Trump has said, I don't know, yesterday or last night, he said that sheadle from the Secret Service turned him down several times for more protection. He asked for more protection. He was turned down. So I think right there is a problem. Somebody has got to be culpable for that. I don't understand it. And I want to raise another point. You know, you mentioned 130 degrees up on the 10 roof. There was a Secret Service person at one time, I think, on that roof. And the person left. Why they left? No one seems to know. But they found the rangefinder, right? They located the rangefinder. And let me just read you this brief timeline. At 5.45, quarter to 6 PM, local police identified the individual and called the report in. At 5.51, a few minutes later, the Secret Service spots the assassin. At 5.53, the individual was identified by the Secret Service as a threat. And then at 6 PM, an officer reports on the Open Security Channel that he has spotted the individual atop the building using the range fighter. And then 6.02, despite the presence of clearly a threat, the Secret Service lets Trump go on the stage. Now that's a skeleton. Senator Ron Johnson has a much more detailed timeline. But I think that timeline, they knew. They knew. They had information. They saw with their own eyes and their equipment and so forth and let Trump go on the stage. Senator Tupperville, it's an unbelievable story by the grace of God and Mr. Trump is still alive. But this is an incredible story. - Well, it goes back to what I said earlier, Larry. Communication, there was no communication from the local law enforcement to the Secret Service. There's no way the people around President Trump every day and I know most of them, they would have never let him go out on that stage. Had they known there were been any type of threat. I've been to many of these rallies with him. I've introduced him. I've sat backstage with him. He's well protected when it comes to the Secret Service. It was just a drop of organizational skills from people all around. I'm still shocked that I know the lady that was in charge of Secret Service, 3.1 billion budget, 8,000 employees. And she was a DEI basically, a pointee from Jill Biden, a good friend of hers. So we almost lost a friend and a former president, a great leader of this country. Hopefully the future leader of this country again. But there's no excuse for this. We're very fortunate that we came out with him not losing his life, but we did lose other people. And the job for this Secret Service is to keep everybody safe from something like this. And again, when he pulled that trigger, the Secret Service lost this battle because that's their job to keep them from pulling a trigger on anybody around any type of person like President Trump. - Well, I think, Senator Bill, I hope that these congressional investigations bring in outside experts, nonpartisan people, outside experts who can go through hammer and tongs, you know? Verse by verse, because I'm not gonna believe the DOJ. I'm not gonna believe the FBI. I hate to say that. The field people are terrific. It's the leadership, there's the problem. Senator Taubville, moving right along, I guess I've painted Kamala Harris as a big California, big government, socialist, progressive. And I think Mr. Trump is running a kind of Texas, Florida, pro-capitalist, grow the pie business guy. Am I wrong? Am I being too hard on her? I just, I mean, she's gonna have to deal with the problems of the administration, the affordability crisis and so forth. What she said in the past in the Senate, she was the most liberal Senate voting record. I mean, I don't wanna be too hard on her. It's not personal, I don't really, I don't believe it to remember. What do you think about this? California versus Texas, the way I say it, or California versus Florida, or heck, let's call it California versus Alabama, how about that? - Yeah, and she was the deciding vote Larry on the inflation reduction act. She came over as vice president and made that vote. But there couldn't be two different types of leadership, or supposedly leadership from the left. I call it weak leadership if there's any leadership at all, but the idea of what they can do on the left with all this socialism and Kamala Harris can not stand law enforcement, any type of law enforcement. She wants to give up our streets, our neighborhoods. Everybody should be the same. Everybody's not the same. Everybody's not the same because you gotta go by the law first. Well, she doesn't, she's a lawyer, but she doesn't care anything about the law. But President Trump is so different in terms of growth of our country, building our country back, drilling for oil. She hates oil, she hates fracking. We got no chance for somebody like Kamala Harris. She is even father left and Joe Biden. I didn't think they could pick anybody any worse, but they did. They picked somebody that's going to be, I think they're nominee. Now, President, former president Obama had endorsed her, and that makes me think he might wait around a little bit to see if she's gonna pick up her poll numbers. If she doesn't, they might put somebody else in her place. So he's gonna set this out for a while. So we'll see what happens, but some of the people up here starting to jump on the ship. But that makes no difference. You know, the American people have seen what's happened, and they've had to live what's happening. Larry, that's the main thing. They've had to live through this sore economy that we're going through, the open borders that Kamala Harris herself has been in charge of. I mean, how can you put somebody in charge of a situation where you let 15, possibly even 20 million people come in our countries? Now, some of these people are good, but most of them are garbage. They come from jails and prisons from other countries, and they've known that, and we're gonna live in very tough times in years to come because of a lot of these people that have come in here with different agendas other than living in the great country that we live in now. Just 30 more seconds, Senator. Can't help myself. I love talking to you. You know, in 2020, when the riots were happening, she was for defund the police, and of course her whole history is DEI, Diversity, Exclusion, and Equity. I mean, inclusion and equity. I mean, what does that tell you? It's totally woke and it's anti-cops. Among all the other things, putting the economics aside, more DEI, defund the police, def eliminate ICE, never even talk to the chiefs of the Border Patrol. I mean, really? How's she gonna stand up to that? - Well, she's for globalization. She's for one world government. She's for this country going the way of socialism, maybe even father than that. There's no way the American people are gonna go for that. They're gonna have to do a great selling job, and she's gonna have to change her tune, but she's not able to do that. She is from California. She believes in that nonsense that they've put that great state of California in, and we've seen what's happened there. They've almost, they have put them under. We've bailed them out several times from the federal government. So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be hard because we know what we're fighting as trying to get President Trump across the finish line, but thank God he's safe, and let's go. - Thank you, sir. Senator Tommy Turperville, as always, we appreciate visiting with you. All right, folks, coming up, President Trump has the growthiest platform, okay? Just wanna make sure that his VP, Mr. Vance, is on board with the growthiness. So we're gonna ask Steve Moore, all that, when Cudlow returns. (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) - You don't need to climb a skyscraper or cross a bridge to appreciate the omnipresence of steel. Just look around the house. Most of your major appliances, steel, those canned goods and the pantry, steel. Perhaps the television or computer you're watching right now. Yeah, there's a good bit of steel in those, too. And don't even get me started on what's in the garage. But it's there because, whether an item's large or small, steel is a fundamental building block for modern America. And these days, with construction booms kicking off across the country, it's more in demand than ever. That's why the people at Gridal Steel in Midlothian, Texas are working tirelessly to produce a record 5,000 tons of it today. And all that effort culminates here at the rolling mill under the watchful eye of operator, Jeremy Dutchman. - Steel, it's so many different applications in today's world. I mean, it's all your infrastructure, then you're automotive. I mean, there's so many different things and an endless amount of things. - Today, it's up to Jeremy and his team to make about 700 tons of those things. And to do that, they're using a tried and true technique known as rolling. - We started out with a bill that came from the melt shop. It's a six and a half by six and a half. You have 34 to 40 foot long bill. We put it in our reheat furnace. Comes out of the mill. Yeah, stands one through four down there. Each one of them, a little different shape, a little different design. They all work together and changing the shape of that six and a half, six and a half square to produce whatever the chair will try and make. - At the moment, Jeremy and crew are trying to make an order of thread bar, which is used in the construction of things like dams and bridges. But with so many moving parts exerting so much force, they'll have to keep a close eye on every stage of the production and adjust as necessary. And for that, all Jeremy needs is a piece of wood, his own two eyes, and about 15 years of milling experience. - There's a lot of different things that Burner and Wick can tell you. I can be looking for scratches on the bar or anything. That's a defect. I'm checking guide equipment, making sure it's lined up to the past. Wanna raise that entry up a little bit. - To make doubly sure the thread bar is rolling out as it should, Jeremy also takes samples throughout the process. - That's great. Gotta tell you, James, the Wick measurement's pretty good there. (tense music) - The bar measures bigger than what it's supposed to be, so now we'll go upstream here to stand six and seven and we'll pull them down a little bit, get it back to the dimension it's supposed to be. (dramatic music) (dramatic music) - I'm Jackie Heinrich, I'm a White House correspondent, and I'll be covering the president's campaign in 2024. Covering the White House, everything moves so fast, but when you walk through the front gate, it's hard not to stop dead in your tracks and say, "Wow, I have a really great job." - The White House has been hard pressed. - This is a huge privilege to be asking questions for the American people in a front row seat as we watch history unfold. (dramatic music) - Hello to our friends watching in Costa Rica on cable tica. Thank you for choosing Fox. Keep it right here. - Nobody. - The consumer is strong, the balance sheets are strong. - Breeze your America's business news. - There's so much going on. - And what it means for you. - We want to get some breaking news to you right now, Fox Business Alert. - Like Fox Business, keeping you ahead of the curve. - All the insiders selling by some of the richest people on earth. - With insight into the impact of US and global markets. - That's where the recipe for inflation comes. - For the people you can trust. - That's absent, probably. - Fox Business, America's Business Network. (dramatic music) (dramatic music) - All right, growthier. Growthier always wins. - Joining us now is Steve Moore, the committed unleash for us very hotline and a host of more money on WABC Radio. Steve Moore, here's a quote from Mr. Trump on growthier. Hold on, here it comes. - We're gonna reduce your taxes. Still further, we gave you the biggest one, as I said. We're going to give you more, and it's going to lead to tremendous growth. We want growth in our country. - Growth, can't get enough that growth, it's terrific stuff. Steve Moore, though, for all the good things, J.D. Vance is saying, and his credentials and his story, he has appeared several times at the convention and since the convention, and he was in Ohio yesterday's hometown. J.D. Vance has not once talked about the Trump tax cuts or deregulation, not once. And I'm not sure I understand why, or whether that's a problem, just seems like it's becoming consistent, and I don't think that's a healthy thing. What do you think about that? - Well, I've gotten to know J.D. Vance. I endorsed him strongly when he ran for the Senate back in Ohio. I think he's a good man, I think he served our country, and I have great admiration for him. Now, do I agree with him on every issue? No, but frankly, I don't agree with Donald Trump on every issue. I probably 85 to 90% of the issues I do. But when it comes to tax cuts, I think maybe you and I in Art Laughter have to sit down with him for a little bit and just explain the supply side model. I think he's going to get it. I mean, he voted, I believe he voted for the Trump tax cuts. And then, you know, look, on trade, I'm in Art Laughter are more free traders than probably he is. But look, I'm not worried about it, Larry. I think growth is a good way to describe what Trump is talking about. That was the most supply side, pro-growth, anti-regulation speech that I've heard a president give since Ronald Reagan left the White House. So I'm not worried about it, but I do think maybe J.D. Vance, maybe we need to nudge him a little bit in our direction. You know, look, the growth message, including, all right, drill baby drill, which Mr. Vance does talk about. Okay. And I like the fact that J.D. Vance, you know, up from poverty, he's aiming at the work in folks. I like that a lot. A great patriot as a Marine and a venture capitalist. I mean, the second word in that phrase is capitalist. But Mr. Trump's campaign has so much to do with lower taxes and a rollback of regulation, really as a way of cleaning out the swamp as well as promoting economic growth. I think it's essential that J.D. Vance adopt that language. I mean, after all, he's the running mate. It's Mr. Trump who sets the policy and wrote the platform. - Yeah, and Trump has said he wants to continue to lower corporate and small business tax rates, which you and I are very much in favor of. Look, I think J.D. Vance is gonna come around to that position. I think he may need a little bit more economic education on that stuff. I am a little worried about, you know, there's a big government conservatism that's emerged a little bit. There were some conservatives want to use big government to advance conservative causes. I don't think that's gonna work, Larry. I think the swamp is real. I think that the deep state is real. We want to decentralize, take power out of Washington, back to the states and the people. It's the 9th and 10th amendments tell us to do. Trump is all aboard that agenda. And I think J.D. Vance will be there. You are so right, by the way, that if you do the pro-drilling policies, you continue to cut tax rates and you reduce these regulations. I really believe this economy is just gonna explode with growth. There was almost nothing in that speech that Donald Trump gave that I disagreed with. And I just want to say one other quick thing. I love the fact that the Republicans are talking about universal school choice for every child. That is an economic issue, Larry. We need our kids to be the smartest and best educated and trade kids in the world. Well, and Mr. Vance agrees with that and he hasn't mentioned that to his credit. Again, he said a lot of good things, but he hasn't said those things on taxes and regulations. By the way, Donald Trump, the convention said lower tax rates produce higher revenues. I love it. That's gotta be a historical first. And he's right, he's right. It worked in the '20s, the '60s, the '80s and it worked for Trump, sorry. It always works. Thanks very much, we appreciate it. All right, folks, coming up here on Kublow as Borders are, Kamala Harris wants to abolish ICE and never even spoken to the Border Patrol Chiefs. She's supposed to be the Border's are. Anyway, we're gonna talk about that and some other things with Congressman Wesley Hunt. Next up on Kublow. (dramatic music) (upbeat music) - Points with Maria on Fox Business. - Every morning, I want to empower my viewers to move their families forward and seize the day. - All the news that drives the markets and beyond. Warnings with Maria on Fox Business. Invested in you. (dramatic music) (crickets chirping) - Some classic airports grew into greatness. Take JFK, Reagan National, even LaGuardia. But one airport had to be built all at once from scratch and it was that blank slate that gave birth to a remarkable burst of innovation. - Engineering isn't about doing calculations. Anybody can be trained to do calculations. Computers can do that. Engineering is about solving problems. - Rothberg's split finger gate design solved O'Hare's space problem. But when the first 707 landed at O'Hare, the engineers had a whole new set of woes. It was the start of an era that many saw coming, but it came quicker than just about anybody imagined. - The 707 carried 189 passengers and weighed more than 300,000 pounds. - Everything changed is 'cause, you know, you have tire pressures that are like 135 psi and they were hell on pavement life. But in O'Hare, what they ended up doing was having 12 inches of concrete over 24 to 36 inches of aggregate base. That had never been done anywhere before. People thought they were crazy. - The 707 also had a 130-foot wingspan. That threatened to crowd out the traffic on Rothberg's tarmac. - This was the part where he was really a genius. He realized during the war, we really tried to minimize the number of fuel trucks because fuel trucks were the number one target. So what we did in the Pacific and in the Atlantic is we built underwater pipelines and we always distributed the petroleum oil and lubricants on buried pipelines. And so, Ralph Berg's team recognized that, you know, fuel trucks are just gonna get in the way of everything out there. - Berg ran five million feet of fuel pipe under the tarmac. Within a decade, O'Hare would pump in more than 60 million gals of fuel per month. - Berg and his team were the first ones to take the aircraft fuel systems underground in pipes at the commercial airport. - In Southern Alabama, the solid waste management company known as MDI has agreed to let our cameras tag along for the day. Let's hope they don't regret it. - And we're good to go. - Here, just one residential trash collector will empty more than 1,000 cans of garbage in a typical day. But for driver Samantha Moten, today will be trickier than most. MDI is experiencing a company-wide staff shortage with just as much garbage to pick up as ever. So collectors like Samantha and her partner Jerry are working double time to pick up the slack. - With the driver and tipper shortage, might put us a little bit more behind, but this trash has to get picked up. - At all, Samantha and her colleagues at MDI have just 10 hours to gather 200 tons of refuse and get it all to landfills before they close. If they don't, come morning, they'll face double that workload, an impossible amount. - We come rain or shine, you know? We don't, it's gotta get picked up. - To pull it off, they're relying on perhaps the most common kind of garbage truck, the rear loader. These 15 ton machines are designed to take loose trash and using a hydraulically powered slab of steel known as a blade, crush and scrape up to 30,000 pounds of waste into their hull. Today, the US will create enough trash to fill about 60,000 trucks like these. Luckily for Samantha and Jerry, they just need to worry about filling the one. - So this process is pretty simple. You just put the garbage can on here, and dump the garbage into this hopper. And then this is the blade, this is the sweet blade. Now, bring it down like this to sweep it up into the body of the truck. - Nothing to it. (upbeat music) - The bottom line with Dagan and Duffy on Fox Business. - We view the world the same way. - I'm sure we'll have some disagreements, but you don't wanna get her mad. - No, you don't. - The bottom line with Dagan and Duffy on Fox Business, invested in you. - All right, Kamala Harris versus Donald Trump, young and minority voters. They've been flocking to Trump. Is that gonna change? And some of these center races gonna change? I don't know, we'll see. Joining us now, Katie Pavlich, editor of, Fox News contributor. And if that weren't good enough, Tammy Bruce, Fox News contributor and author of the new book, Fear Itself, exposing the left's mind-killing agenda on shelves today, ladies, welcome. A lot of loose talk about race. Okay, there always is, that's Democrats do. So I'll ask both of you, Katie, begin with you. Is Kamala Harris gonna stop Trump's momentum for minority voters, young minority voters, working voters, young voters themselves? Is that any of that's gonna change? - She may not stop the momentum with people in those demographics who want a better economic policy. But she may be able to enthuse young voters who didn't want to vote for Joe Biden, but maybe want to come out now and vote for the Democratic ticket. They're kind of trying to refresh her. They certainly will buy into a lot of the repackaging. The certainly all of the Vogue magazines and Cosmopolitan will be all over this, saying she's the most amazing woman ever and women have to support women in that aspect. And quite frankly, she has been pretty good on the campaign trail on things like abortion and getting out the vote. So that is something that they do have to worry about. But in terms of economic policy, I don't think she's gonna be able to take those voters away from that problem. - That's the thing. I mean, she was part and parcel of the affordability crisis, cost of living, jobs 20%, energy, gasoline, groceries, real wages are down. I don't know, Tammy, do you think? I mean, I, no, you answer the question. I ask the question. I'm gonna zip it and let you answer the question, please. - Well, you know, already there's one headline where someone in the Democratic Party was saying that Kamala Harris is, you know, against the status quo. She's the person who's gonna like bust up the system. She's the sister, she's a perfect example of the system. But I do think that your point and what this could mean, bringing out a certain sliver of a section of a group of people could affect the down ballot races. In particular districts, let's say in Minnesota or Michigan, Wisconsin, that if they're worried about the nature of the House and maybe less the Senate in this regard, that it could have an impact on those races. Maybe, I was thinking she wouldn't wanna be a sacrificial lamb and just lose in her first time out in this regard, but she may see 24 as her year. And so, otherwise it doesn't really make a lot of sense because Trump's gonna do a very good job on the issues, talking about the issues. Clearly her behavior, not just, look, not doing anything about the border is a passive aggressive thing to do. It's not just a failure. - You played that. - You added into the absolute catastrophe and the same with the economy. So, to try to pass her off as somebody new who has nothing to do with any of this is an insult to the voter and they're not gonna like it. - To quote Churchill when he ran against Atley the second time, I believe 1951. Gotta hope I get that right. I'm in the right ball, but anyway. He said, Clement, you're a sheep and sheep's clothing, meaning you're a socialist and socialist clothing. That's what Kamala is. It's the California model. So, she says and has repeated, she's against fracking, okay? Green New Deal, but she's against fracking. No oil, no gas, no LNG. So, I'm just looking at some of these Senate races. Sherrod Brown in Ohio versus Marino. Ohio is an oil and gas state. John Tester in Montana, they do coal, they do copper. They do oil and gas as well. What good is that? It's a cattle. - And then, wait a second, go into Nevada. Jackie Rosen's running in Nevada, she's the incumbent. Nevada's pretty close to the border. The border's gonna be a big problem. I mean, Kamala Harris has done nothing on the border. She can't live that down. It's gonna hurt the under ticket. - Well, President Trump did a phone call today with reporters and on the call, he directly went after Kamala Harris's record on the border, not letting her run away from the fact that she was in charge of willfully opening the border and completely destroying the legal system when it comes to how immigration is supposed to be processed in this country. So, they're not running away from that. On the issue of the industries, once you get outside of the coast and she is from San Francisco, California, she has supported every single, and led the charge of every single regulation that has been completely debilitating to industry. When you talk about industry, you're talking about thousands of jobs and people who should just build solar panels or do something else. - Good jobs to China. - Exactly. - You've got some tape on Trump, the points you were making here at Kamala Harris. - Kamala Harris was appointed borders are, as you know, in March of 2021. And since that time, millions and millions of illegal aliens have invaded our country. And countless Americans have been killed by migrant crime because of her willful demolition of American borders and laws. - There you have it. She can't climb out of that. She can't climb out of the fracking and she can't climb out of the cost of living. - Her being now at the top, supposedly, you know, it looks like it's gonna happen, is an indication of the disconnection of the Democratic Party, of the level of chaos that's occurred. This is what America cares about. We know what the top issues are. And she is the representative. Well, she hasn't had much scrutiny. She has definitely been presented as the person who's been responsible for this. So when we say she hasn't done anything, she's done a lot. And the result is what we see every single day. So these are-- - The California model. I just thought the California model, Trump is running the Texas model or the Florida model. - Yeah. - I mean-- - Which is an anti-central planning model that allows industry to thrive. Take the regulation off of industries of people who thrive. - Creating jobs. She wants to redistribute jobs. - One of the things they're counting to save. - Trump wants to get it, make the economic pie larger. - And it goes to-- - That's like a 1980s thing. - Their line is that Trump is gonna take us back. Well, I hope so. And so do Americans, and that should be embraced. Of course, we wanna go back to energy independence, to better wages, to full employment, to a peaceful world where the bad guys are cowering in their caves and we send a dog after them. That is the world. - Yes. - We want to go back, embrace it. - We need Trump's up. Can you think cheap and cheap clothing is-- - Okay, I was gonna ask you about that. So, a sheep in sheep's clothing is just a socialist in sheep's clothing, right? So, what about-- - Don't try to fool me. - Don't try to fool us into thinking you're just a mob-- - Is that a communist? - Is that a communist then? I think once you get enough layers in there, it turns into something else. - Clement Attlee was a socialist trying not to be a socialist, and Churchill wouldn't let him get away with it. - We like it. - So, I actually won that. I thought it was pretty good. I was still around that, you kids anyway. Katie Coughletch and Tammy Bruce, no sheep. - Thank you. - Joining us now, Texas Congress and Wesley Hunt, Mr. Hunt, welcome back. Let's see, we have some tape about today's hearing, so we have some tape. All right, there's no tape. We're just gonna go, just you and me. I do not understand, Wesley Hunt. I do not understand your former military man. What these committees and investigations are gonna do, unless they bring in outside experts, because I don't, frankly, I hate to say this, but I'm gonna say it. I do not believe the Justice Department, sir. I do not believe the leadership of the FBI. I do not believe the leadership of the Secret Service. I do believe in the rank and file for the Secret Service and the FBI, but I do not believe in the Washington leadership. Therefore, I'm suggesting that whatever investigations occur, it cannot be left to them, Wesley Hunt. They've gotta bring, and lawmakers may mean well here. You've got bipartisan support. I get it, but I think you've gotta bring in outside experts to organize and catalog and research. What you think about that? - I don't disagree with anything that you just said, and Christopher Ray is gonna be in front of the House Judiciary Committee tomorrow, and I'm gonna be asking him some very pointed questions about what happened. What we saw with President Trump was an absolute colossal failure, and as a military guy, somebody that understands, tactically, how things should work. That was a complete blunder, and I'm very glad that the head of the Secret Service resigned, but that's not going to be enough. A, an American president was shot, and I don't really care who it is. We, as a, we, the people, we, this country, should be disgusted with what we saw, and we should absolutely get to the bottom of this so that it never happens again. Your skepticism toward the FBI, your skepticism toward the CIA, sir, it's warranted. We all feel, we all understand it, but we also have to go through this process of having these investigations, having these hearings, and kind of making sure that we have an idea of what happened, so that doesn't happen again, and that we make sure that we put people in charge that are competent that can protect President Trump moving forward. - I would favor Congress, I am in favor of the investigations, don't get me wrong, but I'm worried about who's going to run them. You know, my friend, Cash Patel, has a big op-ed about this. He's been in charge, yes, he's a wonderful guy, and he's been in charge of some of these kinds of investigations, and he wants, you know, a new team. The overseers, the legislative overseers, I'm fine with that. Seven Republicans, six Democrats, I mean, I'm good with that, but it's the people that do the actual work. I don't want to leave that up to the FBI and the Secret Service. And the other thing was, look, if you read the timeline, I'm sure you've read the timeline. - I have. - It's inconceivable to me. I mean, literally, it's inconceivable to me that the service would have let Mr. Trump go on the stage, knowing what they knew about this shooter, about the Pathfinder. I mean, it's inconceivable to me. This is one of the greatest mysteries in history, how they could have done that, because the Secret Service knows better. They know better. I don't get that at all. - Well, there was a five-minute window where we could have taken this guy out. It's my understanding that the rules of engagement are that when the president isn't in direct line of slight. The site, it could actually be fired upon. It's up to us to do two things. Either we take out that shooter, or we get President Trump off the stage. And it was plenty of time to do both. And again, thank God President Trump turned to say to thank God that he is still with us. But I don't want to just rely on thanking God. I want to rely on making sure that we, in the future, protect this man properly with a proper detail, with the people with the right intent and with the right skill set to make sure that we keep him safe. You are right. I am skeptical about all of these agencies at this point, and that's how we have to have these hearings to get to the bottom of it. But at the end of the day, we cannot allow this to happen in the future. There's definitely a heightened sense of awareness right now around here. There's actually a bunch of protesters in the Canada Rotunda, around the capital right now. Everybody has a heightened sense of awareness, which I think is a very good thing. But what I don't want to see is President Trump put in a position where he has to display yet another display of courage under fire because we can't keep him safe. - Well, yeah, I mean, you all are gonna go out. You have your summer recess coming in or whatever, and you're gonna leave it up to the bureaucrats again. And that's what troubles me. The bureaucrats love this. This is tailor-made for them 'cause they're always working 24/7 to defend their self-interest. And it's the swamp. It's the swamp, Wesley. And the swamp has to be upended and ripped apart. And this is a good place to start because of the bipartisan concern over what happened. I'm just saying, you and I have to talk about-- - This is what President Trump has got to come back. We have to have President Trump back. If we want to drain the swamp and get rid of this and start stripping some of these agencies away from all their power, it's shipping away some of the power from all these bureaucrats. This is what democracy is all about. Democracy is on the line here on November the 5th. It is critical that we get hit back in office, Larry. - All right. I got to jump, Congressman Wesleyan. Thank you, sir. We appreciate it. Very, very nice. - As always, you bet. - Yes, sir, thank you. - All right, folks, coming up to Senate's finally getting serious about permitting reform. How about this? We could have a drill-baby drill situation and another part, a senator who served with Kamala Harris in the Senate, that being Senator John Cornyn of the great state of Texas. And don't miss a brand new season of American dynasty on Fox Nation. Featuring yours truly, my goodness, if you can stand it, giving you a front row seat to the families who helped build America. It's The Gilded Age, one of my favorite parts of American history, new episodes available every Tuesday. Starting today, so please check it out. I'm Kamala, I'll be right back. (upbeat music) - We viewed the world the same way. - I'm sure we'll have some disagreements, but you don't want to get her mad. - No, you don't. - The bottom line with Jagan and Duffy on Fox Business. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Dead birds could soon be taking to the skies. Researchers at New Mexico Tech are taking a unique approach to studying wildlife and flight by transforming dead birds into drones. (drum roll) The birds are preserved through taxidermy to make them as real as possible. The team calculates the flapping frequency, angle and the weight of the birds while they were still alive. - They have their tail, they have their wings, they have their head, the body, everything is there. - The mechanical birds are not ready yet to try to blend in with a real flock. So researchers are running tests inside a drone cage. They say this can help them better understand the flight patterns and the formation of migratory birds. And these studies can also be used to help improve the aviation industry. If you learn how they, how these birds, they manage the energy between themselves. We can apply them into the future aviation industry to save more energy and save more fuel. - Researchers also believe a bird's color has more of a purpose than just camouflaging or attracting mates. We've done experiments and determined that for fixed-wing aircraft applying certain color can change the flight efficiency. The experiment is raising, however, privacy concerns with some advocates saying that the drones could be used by the military or law enforcement to spy on people. Researchers say they will continue to study and develop the bird drones for the next couple of years. The current models fly for a maximum of 20 minutes. Just incredible. I'm Kevin Cork, Fox News. (upbeat music) - Let's talk about your book now, "Light for Today," because you were not intending on writing a book, but you were pushing out information, devotionals every day, and then someone said, "This should be a book." 'Cause people would really learn a lot from it. Tell us about "Light for Today." - Well, I came out really after, I was writing these thoughts for the day after my first book was published more than five or six years ago, and they were just thoughts for the day of my daily readings, daily Bible readings, daily devotionals, daily prayers, and these thoughts for the day came out, and soon or early, I had over 450 of them, and I thought, "Well, that's a lot." And then about a year and a half ago, someone from Broad Street approached me and said, "Hey, would you like to write a devotional?" I said, "Well, just so happens." I do have these thoughts that really can be converted into a devotional, and it really is just working out daily life. I mean, we go to church on Sundays to get our batteries recharged, to connect with other believers, but our real living out of faith happens seven days a week. It happens in the workplace. It happens on the subways and the trains and the buses. That's where our faith has really lived out. - Beautiful. I believe you have an excerpt from the book. I'd love for you to share with our viewers as well, from "Light for Today." - I'm going to read it, it's just from one day, it says, "Doubt and unbelief are real aspects of our lives. Sometimes we're embarrassed to admit we have doubts, but Jesus understands." Jesus knows that the world's sounds and visions, what we see and hear are so strong that they often have greater influence on us. It's the seeing is believing philosophy, but Jesus operates on the believing is seeing track. He has compassion for our unbelief, especially when we boldly admit it and ask for his help to overcome it. You know, it's just the phrase that says, becomes, you know, "I have faith, but overcome my unbelief." I mean, that's what we're all going through, right? - Absolutely, that in such wisdom there, Lauren, and I would encourage our viewers to check it out. The book is "Light for Today." It's not too late to start a devotional for the year. Lauren Green, congratulations. - Thank you so much, babe. - Thank you so much. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - All right, joining us now, Texas Senator John Cornyn, very important, that Texas part. Senator Cornyn, there's a couple of things here. The first one is a story about this permitting bill, oil, gas, coal, rare earth minerals. Mr. Barasso, Joe Manchin. This could be a very big thing if you had a good president and a good Senate. - Yeah, the impediments to actually building things in America is a lot of it's self-inflicted because of permitting problems. And so I congratulate Senator Barasso, Senator Manchin for getting this conversation started. I have no doubt that under a Trump administration we'll be able to get this addressed, but it's a good place to start now. - I mean, people may not understand it, but, you know, permitting, you know this, but permitting cuts the red tape. It cuts the timeframe. It makes one, I think, one federal decision-making just gets stuff done. I mean, actually, it's green stuff, as well as fossil stuff, as well as rare earth stuff. - Absolutely, well, you need transmission lines to transmit green energy as well as that produced by natural gas or nuclear power, but you can't build those transmission lines without permits. In Texas, we do it fast, not so much the rest of the country. - Yeah, got it. And Kamala Harris is totally against fracking and against fossil fuels. And I just want to ask, you had the distinction, Senator Cornyn, observing in the Senate with Kamala Harris. Is it true that she had the most liberal left voting record even further out there than Bernie Sanders? - Well, it is very similar to Bernie Sanders, but Larry, it was so short a time she passed through. It was almost like a drive-by, but all of her policies, that all of her policies really are anti-American energy, which is really anti-American influence around the world because we're selling this to our friends and allies, so they don't have to buy it from Russia. - I mean, has that kind of play in the election? You've got all these states, you know, including important Senate races, I need not tell you, where they're in states that deal in fossil fuels. And she's 100% against fossil fuel, places like Ohio or Montana, just to name a couple. - Yeah, Pennsylvania. - Pennsylvania, exactly. I think this is good, should be an important issue in the election. They know where President Trump stands, drill baby drill. It was great for America, great for American jobs, and great for our support for friends and allies. But apparently Kamala Harris wants to go back to the battle days before American energy was something that we produced here at home. - Senator, is this Senate gonna weigh in to this Secret Service investigation and so forth, which has become such an incredible scandal? I know the Director Chito resigned, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. Is there anything going on in the Senate on this? - Yeah, there's going to be an ongoing investigation. I know there is already in the House, but yeah, we shouldn't let this just pass. This isn't just the ineptitude, the negligence or incompetence of the Director. It was that, and she should have resigned, and I'm glad she did. But this is more systemic, and having a presidential candidate, a former president be nearly assassinated is a traumatic event for the country, not to mention the people immediately involved, or the families of those who lost loved ones during that terrible shooting. But we need to get to the bottom of this, 'cause the number one job of the Secret Service is to protect the president, and they didn't do it. - Yes, sir. - 100%. - Senator Cornyn, thank you for joining us again, sir. We appreciate it very, very much. Folks, be right back with my last word. (dramatic music) - Congress is calling on CrowdStrike's CEO to testify after a flawed software update caused airlines, banks and businesses around the globe to go offline Friday. Delta is still struggling with delays in cancellations, as its CEO says it could take days to fully recover. - This is a monster in convenience, and while the passenger bill of rights says, there's nothing an airline could do about it, I think they should. - Americans are drinking Coca-Cola. The company is seeing strong demand for its sodas, energy drinks, and juices in the U.S. and international markets. Coca-Cola's earnings and revenue top forecasts, and it is raising its outlook for the year. A new study by Bankrate says Delaware is the best state for Americans to retire in. Delaware, taking to crown with a reasonable cost of living, high quality healthcare and low crime. West Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina and Missouri, rounding out the top five. Alaska, ranked the worst state to retire with lack of affordability and bad weather. This, as a new survey reveals nearly half of Gen Z adults need financial help from their parents. According to that Bank of America survey, 46% of adults ages 18 to 27 still get financial assistance from mom and dad. That's Business, I'm C.J. Papa. (upbeat music) Ben Weiss, when he first started, had card tables out on the street giving people free tastes of his drink. He started at the very bottom. Billion Dollar Idea is now the latest addition to the FBN Prime lineup and billionaire businessman. Ben Weiss is searching for the next big billion dollar idea. Here he is, joining us in studio. Welcome to the Fox Business team. - Well, thank you for having me. - We're thrilled to have you here, but I love this story idea. And tell me, is it like a game show? How does it work? Is it like, you know, you get ideas and you see which ones smell good and taste good? - Well, I wouldn't call it a game show. It's basically the search for the next big billion dollar idea and the entrepreneur behind the idea. 'Cause as you know, and you and I go back, I mean, it's as much about the entrepreneur as it is about the idea. But what's great about the show is that it takes me to 15 cities to see 15 entrepreneurs. I literally knock on their door. They meet me for the first time when I knock on the door. I get to meet their idea. I get to meet them. They take me into their basement. I get to meet their families because, make no mistake, the families go on these journeys with you and you need that support. You need to dream alongside your loved ones. And I determine of the 15, I choose six to come back to my basement, which is this underground speakeasy in Trenton, New Jersey. And it sits underneath my new entrepreneurial company called Crook and Marker. And in the basement in New Jersey, they get to compete with challenges that are based on my book, Basementality, that really measures their mentality, their ability to usher an idea to market when, quite frankly, nobody cares. - When nobody cares and everybody's saying no or this is important-- - Constant rejection. - Constant rejection. And you sat in your basement for years, whipping up by and making it happen. What is that special something that you look for in both the entrepreneur and the idea? I mean, have you met a great entrepreneur who is a stinker of an idea? - Yeah, I'm one of them. I failed as much as I've succeeded. - And I'd rather have the great entrepreneur than the great idea, 'cause ideas come and go. (upbeat music) - Hello to our viewers in Canada right now watching on Rogers. Thanks for choosing Fox. 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