Elsies Little Pickles’s Podcast


The latest episode of Elsie's Little Pickles dives into the controversial Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity that has the potential to change the United States forever. Hosts discuss the implications of this ruling, stressing its impact on every American regardless of political affiliation. They passionately urge listeners to share the episode widely to raise awareness and spark meaningful conversations.

After a heavy introduction, the show lightens up with sports updates, including exciting news about the Detroit Lions. The hosts also tackle intriguing and humorous listener questions, providing a much-needed break from the intense political discourse. Despite the levity, the episode underscores the urgency and gravity of the current political climate, emphasizing the importance of staying informed and engaged.

1h 5m
Broadcast on:
06 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

The latest episode of Elsie's Little Pickles dives into the controversial Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity that has the potential to change the United States forever. Hosts discuss the implications of this ruling, stressing its impact on every American regardless of political affiliation. They passionately urge listeners to share the episode widely to raise awareness and spark meaningful conversations.

After a heavy introduction, the show lightens up with sports updates, including exciting news about the Detroit Lions. The hosts also tackle intriguing and humorous listener questions, providing a much-needed break from the intense political discourse. Despite the levity, the episode underscores the urgency and gravity of the current political climate, emphasizing the importance of staying informed and engaged.

The Supreme Court decision came down on the first, and I gotta tell you, this is not the best we can do. It's with no pride I say this, we are at a breaking point, and sadly some things must be said. So with all humility, I beg you as listeners to post this particular podcast all over social media. I beg you to send links to everyone you know, not because we're interested in profit or promotion, fame or fortune. We are absolutely concerned for the country. No matter your political views, the Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity will affect everyone, yourself included, negatively at some point. It will affect the country negatively. It is the scab on this republic peeled off way too early, and for all the wrong reasons. We the people are not meant to be ruled, we the people are the rulers, that's a basic fact I would think everyone of every political stripe could agree upon. There are times where if you know your history, you know that you have the opportunity not to make the same mistakes twice. We as a country are at that moment. I want to bring us to common ground. So if you're maga or super conservative or whatever illegal aliens are not taking your job because you're not picking crops, you're smarter than that. Do not believe the bullshit. If anything is taking your job, it's AI or AI augmented robotics. And that's going to happen a lot quicker than you think. I will not try to convince you of anything. I only ask you to think of what you see as victories from the losing sides point of you. Because sooner rather than later, you will find yourself there. And how refined will the work arounds be by then? Perhaps not in your favor. So the common ground is this. Do we want a dictatorship or a king? I think as Americans, we can all agree. We do not. Welcome back to Elsie's Little Pickles. That's another pickle pod with me and him. That's right. It's us, the two of us. And I know that there was a heavy intro and not one I'm happy that I had to do. And we'll get into the Supreme Court decision and maybe several of the decisions later on. However, I do think that it's important that people actually understand that that Supreme Court decision has altered this country potentially forever. So please, if you're a listener, I've never asked this before. I'll probably never ask it again. Please share this episode. Please talk with those around you. If you learned anything from this episode, if you agree with anything from this episode, please, please keep in mind what's at stake. And with that, we're going to try to brighten things up a little bit because that was very heavy, especially for Elsie's little pickles. But it was, it was a devastating decision in my point of view. So hopefully you can perk me up with some news. Well, first I would like to reiterate, I think it was Benjamin Franklin's quote about democracy. We've given you a well, we've given you a republic. And now it's up to you to decide whether you can keep it. Correct. Yeah. And I think that is true or now the never. Yeah. And again, we'll get to that. We'll get to that. But let's try to, let's try to find a little something interesting. I heard something about the lions you were talking about something. Oh, yeah. I was going to give that for last for a little. All right. I don't want it. I don't want it. I'll bring it up now because I love football. The Detroit Lions offensive line has been ranked number one in the NFL. Woohoo. I love it. I know that their defensive line was very good this past year, surprise many, and they've upgraded it. Your secondary is going to be absolutely terrifying on the field for any passing games. So I think. You think it's going to be a Super Bowl? You think we're going to do that? You think we're going to the Super Bowl? I think we were a couple of minutes away from going to the Super Bowl last year. This team is even better this year. All right. I'm looking forward to it. And I don't even like football. I know. Well, I don't know if you were dropped on your head as a kid. I was. Or what? No. I was. I was dropped on my head many times. Sometimes I'm nervous. Football is such a beautiful game. Yeah. I will. It's a good check. I will take your word for it. Really the reason why I don't follow sports is because I become obsessed with compulsive and then I only want to watch it. And then I get too wrapped up in the fucking team and then in the competition and next thing, you know, fucking going crazy and screaming at the TV and making fucking weird noises. It's beautiful. It's the drama. Yeah. Well, human drama. I'm a little bit more no drama Obama than I am getting into screaming at my television because I somehow or another all of a sudden know how to make a play better than the professional. So it's entertaining to watch probably me watch sports that I love. Because there are times I have to be quiet. Yeah. Because that's what scares me and so I'll just sit there doing the the death mute screaming at the screen all while being quiet and if I shake the RV a little too much, I blame the dog. Well, that dog and shake an RV. Let's tell him. Let's tell the people the truth. All right. What else? And in other news, voters kick all the Republican women out of the South Carolina Senate. The only three Republican women in the South Carolina Senate took on their party and stopped a total abortion ban from passing in their state this past year. In return, they lost their jobs. Well, I think that that is very representative of what it means to be a Republican these days, which is if you vote your conscience and you don't toe the party line and the party line is being held by Donald Trump and the Supreme Court. If you don't do what they want, instead of being able to represent what you think is the right thing in your district, they will vote you out. Now, the thing of it is, is that was a Republican primary. So what they've done now is they've removed the incumbents and they've opened up a door for the Democrats to to win. And with abortion, I think that that is such a contentious topic, at least on state levels. I think that it's very possible you could see those three seeds turn, which I mean, that's good. But the bad side about that is you can't be a Republican who thinks for themselves. You know what I mean? Like ensure you could make that argument with Democrats too, but I mean, you don't see very many Democrats getting primary because they were trying to stop an abortion bill or a ban. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know, it's such a weird fucking time. It's just such a weird fucking time. Every time every time you turn around. So like as an example, look at Kinzinger and Cheney, all right, Trump basically called for military tribunal for Cheney that he wants televised. Okay. Yes. And what was her? What was her big sin? She represented Republicans on that panel, same with Kinzinger. They were willing to be on that panel because they saw they experienced they were there and they went, this is a step too far. Let's get to the bottom of this. They need Republican representation and they both got ousted. So really. Well, Kinzinger decided to retire because of the threat to his family. Okay. He was receiving. Again, I don't doubt that. I thought he got private. Well, no, no, no, you're right. He did. Didn't he? He did retire. But Cheney, his children were receiving death threats. Cheney was clearly ousted. That you know what I mean? So even when you're doing what could potentially be in the party's best interest, which is being a Republican representative on a committee or an investigative circumstance is if Trump doesn't like it. Guess what? He gets back in office, military tribunal, televised. We're going to show you what that gets to the Supreme Court, but we'll get to that in a minute. I'm not going to push that one. I'm just. I'm sorry. I'm just so chapped about that fucking thing. I really am. I'm fucking pissed. Like I haven't been this angry about any Supreme Court, even Roe v. Wade, okay? I was like, man, that is devastating. And I totally disagree with that decision. But that doesn't change the dynamic of the country in the same way that this last decision did. All right. Sorry. Go on. Mark Ruffalo. That has gone viral in response to Tara P. Henderson's live at the BET Awards, her rant against Project 2025. He retweeted her rant and added to it. Project 2025 is not a game. It is white Christian nationalism. It is a sharia law of the Christian crazy people who weren't Christian at all, but want to control every aspect of your life through their narrow and exclusionary interpretation of Christ's inclusive and kindly teachings. Do not be fooled by Project 2012's extremist and perverse ideology. Trump is bringing it to all of our lives. Abortion LGBTQIA plus rights, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of education, and equality between the races and genders, gone, forced birth and forced religion, Trump's American Taliban. And he's absolutely right. Yes. You know, I think he goes overboard sometimes. You don't like he's a little bit much at times, but he's got to be, but he's absolutely right. He's absolutely right. And I don't. Yeah. I don't fault him for going overboard. He's passionate about this stuff. You know, as am I, as are you, the, the issue that we run into is that there's very little time and there's so much at stake. And I've been, you know, getting hit up by friends and family members and, and people online saying, Oh, don't you think that Biden needs to drop out and don't you think that it would be great? Like our friend, our friend Kirk Nolan, he, he and I were talking about this on Sunday and he's of the opinion that Michelle Obama will, will step up, that she's the reluctant hero that you hear about in, in all the, you know, all the great movies and stories. Somebody who doesn't want the job, but sees that there's no one better than herself in order to fulfill that position. And I think that that would be interesting. I think that would be great, but she's not going to do it. And in the perfect ticket would be Michelle Obama and, and Gretchen Whitmer, that would be an amazing ticket, but it's not going to happen. There's just too many things in the way of that happening. First and foremost is Joe Biden. Now, look, the Democrats have always been bedwaters when it comes to any issue, you know, that's why Al Franken's not a senator anymore, because, oh, my God, you know, he did a joke, right. But in the meantime, in the meantime, you've got all these Republicans and you got Matt Gates, who's under investigation for trafficking a minor for fuck's sake. And he is not dropping out and he's not even being asked to drop out by the Republican party. And even if they, there are Republicans in the party or leaders or whatever that have asked him to, to step aside because of these things, he's got enough backing from MAGA and enough backing from the Freedom Caucus. He's not doing shit. You know, it's again, it's just, there's so much, you know, like I don't want, I would love for this podcast to be nothing more than me and you telling silly stories and laughing all the time, but there is so much happening in the world of politics, especially politics. I mean, there's, we, there are plenty of other stories we could talk about. Apparently, there's been like six earthquakes in California in recent weeks. And there's concern that, you know, the big one's going to happen and San Andreas fault is going to fucking lose its shit. And then we're sitting with what, you know, California is fucking Pacific Ocean. You know, I mean, so there are other things to talk about, but well, I'm sure Trump will show up with some paper top. Yeah. He'll just be throwing, you know, we can just dry this up. Here you go. Here's some, here's some bounty, but they wouldn't, he wouldn't even bring down me. He'd like negotiate some deal where it was Trump paper towels won't pick up shit. Maybe they should have raked up their force. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. Like I said, I, I, I get where Ruffalo is coming from and I'm thankful that somebody who has the platform that he does is stepping up and not afraid to talk. I, I agree with him a hundred percent on this one project 20, 25 is a danger. And we're seeing all of the, we're seeing all of the, the, the Republican specifically the far, far right Republican agenda in a position that they're just unloading, unloading it, unloading it and that we need to be able to stop that if we want to recognize this country at all. It is, it is, they've got the Supreme court. That's what they've been waiting for this playbook. They've been waiting for a guy like Trump, who is too lazy to actually understand and and think of his own policy and try to move the country forward. That's why they got project 20, 25. They weren't ready for them. They, I don't think that they thought that he was going to win in 2016, but when he did, they went, oh, okay, that's open to door. And then by the time he put that, Amy, calling you Barrett on the fucking Supreme court three weeks before the fucking election. That gave them the opportunity to go, it doesn't matter if it's Trump or anyone else. The next conservative, we need to have a playbook for it. And we need to push this agenda forward. That's project 20, 25. So Trump set it up with this Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump set up the Supreme court in an effort for them to be able to pull shit like project 20, 25, putting fucking 10 commandments in every classroom, ending abortion, you know what I mean? And in creating a circumstance where they think it's going to be in their best interest to have presidential immunity as stated by the Supreme court in their decision seems to me, a lot of this, you know, I hear it all the time, politics and everything that's going on. It's hard. It's so hard to put up with. It's hard. It's like finding a needle in a haystack. Well, you know what, finding a needle in a haystack is stupid easy. I'm sorry. It is. You know how you find a needle in a haystack? Fucking magnet. You bring, you bring a fucking magnet. Yeah. Simple. Simple. And that's what we needed anyway. That's what we needed Biden to be. He needed to be the magnet magnet at that magnet. He needed to be the magnet at the debate, and he did fall hard. And we've already had the master debaters part one and two show. So I'm not going to, I'm not going to go back to that. What I will say is that the fallout since then has been impressive. And I don't necessarily think that Biden or his, his team are handling it well. I think that the Supreme Court decision, I think that they were hoping that that was going to happen on Friday morning. So that that was what people were talking about, not the debate performance, but instead Biden got Friday, Saturday, Sunday getting raked over the coals for his performance, setting that in the minds of every American and putting doubt on whether or not he'll make it through the rest of his term, much less any of the next term. So you got everyone with their hair on fire on both sides, right? However, I don't know where this goes. I don't think Biden stepping aside. And if he does step aside, all these fucking little wet dream ideas of it's going to be Kamala or it's going to be Michelle Obama or it's going to be Gretchen Whitmer or Gavin Newsome, that's, that's not going to happen. It's just not. If it's going to be like anyone, it's going to be Kamala. And I don't think that she necessarily could pull it off on her own. She just is not appealing to people. Yeah. Sorry. Kamala. And she apparently is pissed about this. Well, she's already playing the race card saying it would look really, really bad if they overlooked me and put a white person in. So she's already playing a race card, which I, that turned me off on her 100% right there. So if that's the choice, Biden or Kamala, just off of that fucking statement, you lost me. So for me, I'm riding with Biden. I am, you know, I'm there. I don't care if he is sitting in his own shed and drooling on himself. I'm voting for Biden. And the reason is Trump is just not acceptable at this point. And it's time for the Republicans to admit, just like it's time for the Democrats to admit that these two candidates are both flawed. They're both horrible. You have not given us any good choices here. And the sad part is is there's no third party person that's not either got brainworms or is not viable. Okay. I mean, RFK is as close to a viable candidate sitting right around 24%. But he's fucking nuts too. So I'm at my wits end with this and I'm ready to throw a catch a bottle at the wall. You know what? I wouldn't throw the bottle because I'd have to fix the dent it made. But I might throw a couple ketchup packets from McDonald's at the wall. I'm a Diet Coke at the wall. This is insanity. All right. Any other news stories? That is pretty much it. That's news. Yeah. Donald Trump is behind by a point in the news week poll. One point is not much. No, it's within the margin of error so that you can't really take that as worth and it's news week. News week polls aren't, you know what I mean, they're not the greatest just so that there's a better news. I'll bring this up again, football, UFO star kicker, Jake Bates, assigned to the Detroit Lions and explained in the story why he signed with the Lions basically he was already here playing for the Michigan Panthers, which is small time league. The reason why the Lions were interested is because he kicked a 64 yard field goal. Totally. In point, they would have done it at 68 yards, but it's the second longest in pro football history. Wow. A second longest. Wow. All right. Now I'm going to I'm going to shit the bed with more of this Supreme Court stuff. All right. You shit that bed. I'm going to shit that bed. All right. Granted, this is coming from the Huffington Post, the story, so a little bit of a grain of salt. However, they're referring to statements made by an authoritarianism expert and the headline is authoritarian expert gives Trump immunity ruling an alarming label. Human expert Ruth Ben Chiat suggested the Supreme Court's decision in Donald Trump's favor to grant presidential total immunity for officials or for official acts as effectively the autocrats fantasy authoritarianism is at its root is about taking rights away from the many that's Dobbs and there's also voting rights that come into play and allowing the few, the cronies, the oligarchs, the leader, most of all to have no checks or fewer fewer regulations on their lawlessness. She said on MSNBC's date line is it white or dead line, dead line White House on Monday. Anyways, here's the quote. So it's about transforming the rule of law into rule by the lawless. She continued and so removing immunity from the head of state is the autocrats fantasy. It's why Trump adheres or admires Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin and all of those autocrats because that's his fantasy because it's he's so corrupt. She called the sixth three decision unspeakable. It's a product of these far right activists who are using the court to, you know, destroy democracy from within, she said. The court's six conservatives justices agreed in the ruling that Trump is immune from prosecution for official acts undertaken during his presidency. The question of what constitutes an official act will now need to be parsed by the lower courts, effectively ending chances of Trump's federal election conspiracy case going to trial before the November election. All right, so let's unpack that for a minute. I said when we were talking, when you told me about the Ten Commandment story with Landry, and I mentioned that he could not wait to be sued because it was going to go to the Supreme Court, that's where right now the biggest problem is. This setup of these six justices, and mind you, I've actually been a bit impressed with Amy Comey Barrett for, for the most part. I don't agree with her on a lot of things, but I think you got to give credit where credits do. So I don't know that I really have a huge, huge problem with her aside from the fact that she went with them on this, okay? And I believe she went with them on the Dobbs ruling. So those are the two issues I have with her, but aside from that, I've seen her stand up a few times and kind of mark her own territory and her own turf. So I'm still not a hundred percent against her. However, Alito, Thomas, those two motherfuckers got to go. Yes. They are as corrupt as corrupt gets, and I'm starting to wonder about Roberts as well. Well, the Chevron decision is very troubling, very troubling. They now know, they think they know, I don't know all the ins and outs of that, but essentially what it boils down to is they're fucking people out of the money owed to them. And I think that that's a backroom deal. I think that that's Clarence Thomas's last RV or his last vacation. This Supreme Court is full of corrupt individuals and specifically Alito and Thomas. Thomas more than any of them. Thomas, if no one else, I know AOC is supposedly bringing articles of impeachment up. I don't know if that's for all six justices that are conservative or if it's just for a few, but it should definitively be for Clarence Thomas and Alito. They got to go. They have got to go. They are as corrupt. Well Biden can do now. I'm not going to giggle snort and say you should send SEAL Team Six after Trump. No, you can't say that first off, because that is what Harry Sisson is that? Yes, I'm glad this is why I was bringing that up. Expect a visit. Right. So Harry Sisson, who's like a 21, 22 year old kid, right, but he's a very big democratic influencer for the youth wrote according to the Supreme Court, Biden could now send in SEAL Team Six to take all of them out. He could send in the military to take out Trump. He has immunity for official acts now. And President Trump's campaign manager, Chris LaSivita, I think this is how you pronounce it. I'm not trying to be disrespectful. It's just, I don't know how to pronounce that name. It's L-A-C-I-V-I-T-A La Savita, it would be my guess, tells Harry since a since Sisson to expect a visit after his recent post about using the military to take out Trump. So you can't say that. You can't say that. The problem is, is I feel... Stormtroopers are common, man. Jack Boots up your ass. Don't you see? Well, it would be the incorrect choice, because you would just be stooping, you know, to that low. Well, that's what I've said, is that Biden would never do... Biden could do, is sign an executive order of felons cannot run for public office across the board. Yeah. I mean, that would make sense. Why not? They can't hold a mayor's office, they cannot hold the governor's office. I don't know why that doesn't exist already. Yeah. And that is the correct way to go. Not at all, an executive order preventing a Supreme Court justice from accepting kickbacks. Yeah. Why not? Why not? Well, here's the thing. How about an executive order expanding the Supreme Court and putting four judges? Yeah. At least three. Again, at this point, I think Biden would be well within his rights to do all of those things. Yes. He won't because, again, he's old school. He believes that he has a responsibility to do the right thing, not the convenient thing. And those things will never happen. I feel sometimes like I'm Sean Connery and the untouchables, they send one of the orders to the hospital, you send one of theirs to the border. This is the plan and it's a well constructed plan. We win enough on state and local levels so that we can effectively use those politicians to create a stir with whether it's, and it's usually social type issues, but to create a stir and in doing so, once we have the Supreme Court loaded enough to our side, all of those, those, those issues will eventually bubble up and we have six justices, two of which definitely one, if not more, are in the pocket of the conservative party donors, the donor class. So we're going to circumvent Congress. We're going to circumvent the American people and we're going to take everything to the fucking Supreme Court, which we already know how they're going to rule because we bought that ruling for the last 10, 15, 20 years. That's where we're at. I mean, that's where we're at and you're seeing that with the 10 commandments, you're seeing that with, you know, the abortion issue, you're seeing that with the bomb stock issue, you're seeing that with the Chevron issue, you're seeing that with the immunity issue, the list is long. And the only thing that they have not achieved yet is getting project 2025 in place with a willing participant. And guess what? Trump is that willing participant? Yes. I, I don't know how much planer we can say this, you know what I mean? Like problem is, is that your average, my conservative wants that. Okay. Well, that's less than a third of the country or a nine and a third of the country is not even a third of the country. It's a third of the voting electorate. Less than a third, you're talking like 22, 25% is the base right now, even if you give them the benefit of the doubt and you go a full 33, you're still talking the minority. And this is the problem. People do not understand if you like your religious belief system, whether you're a catholic, whether you're a baptist, if you're a Christian, whether you're fucking Buddhist, whether you're fucking Muslim, whether you're fucking Jewish, whatever it is that you are, atheists included. Guess what? Once they make the decision that, oh, no, this argument about this country not being a Christian nation, we're going to make that law and the Supreme Court's going to go, well, do I do okay? Where's my new RV? Where's my next vacation? I mean, come on. What the fuck are we doing? Everyone out there who loves their religious freedom should be voting Biden. Everyone out there who loves the idea of living in a democracy, a republic, a democratic republic should be voting for Biden, not because he's the best candidate, not because he's even fucking checked in, he's checked out, but what matters is saving the fucking republic. Wake the fuck up, sit up, take notice, and understand it's better to have a dementia-ridden old man in Biden than it is to take even the slightest, slightest risk with Trump. This is, how many times have I tried to give the republican side benefit of the doubt? How many times have I said that I'm not about picking sides? Every fucking show we've done, I've said this, well, guess what? That changed because of the fucking Supreme Court decision on immunity. That's changed. My opinion on whether or not come November, all I want somebody to do is vote and regardless of who they pick, I'm going to be okay with that, that changed. That's no longer even an option. We're talking about the survival of the fucking republic. And for those of you-- The same thing is as I saw this coming. Oh, I saw it coming too, but I didn't think that when it came to this, this particular decision, I did not think, hey, I didn't think that the Supreme Court would even take it up, and that was naive on my part. And then I thought, okay, well, if they do take it up, the only thing that they're going to do is agree with the lower court's decision because that was a solid decision. I mean, the lower court even, and one of them, one of the judges, well, are you telling me that if a president wanted to assassinate a political opponent, they could? And the lawyer said, well, technically, blah, blah, blah, blah, yes. This is what our Supreme Court just gave Trump. I could say that nowadays we do have a banana republic. It just became yesterday. Put that on your fucking calendars, July 1st. What happens if that political head cheese decides to take out his aggression to people? Well, that's my point. People don't understand. This is not about Republican or Democrat. It has nothing to do with that. It does not even have anything to do with Trump and Biden, really, though we could see the negative effects of this come quicker with Trump, but at some point, at some point, unless Trump goes full dictator, full fucking king of the United States, which I would not be surprised if he did, because he wouldn't be able to be a held accountable. He's got full immunity. If he wants to get if he wants to say I'm king of America, well, guess what? Now he's king of America because he can't be prosecuted. I mean, if you don't think that he's going to wipe his ass with the bill of rights and the Constitution, given this decision, you are thinking that the election in 2028, he could nullify elections permanently, and he would be able to get away with it because he could not be convicted under this set of rules, because that would be an official presidential in office. It could do it as an executive of the world. Yeah. This is the way that you get rid of Congress. This is the way you get rid of the Senate. This is the way you become a dictator, a king, an oligarch. Some of those people weren't paying attention to what happened in Rome. They weren't. That gets back to what I said at the beginning of the show. If you know your history, you know how to avoid making the same mistakes twice. And unfortunately in this country, you know what? History class doesn't matter as much as STEM. History class doesn't matter as much as football. History class and government and civics don't matter as much as any sport. That's what we care about. We care about. My last question is going to be my last question from last week, where we move it to. Again, I'm a ride or die because I mean, I don't see it much better. You mean, look, look at what just happened in France, okay? The far, far, right. Basically the female version of Trump won and Macron is out. But why is he out? Because they say he's out of touch. He's an elitist. He doesn't. He hasn't done anything about inflation. Well, that's the same fucking arguments that are being made here. He didn't do enough about immigration. He didn't do enough of. All right. Wait a minute. We're going to give up all of that and go this way. That doesn't make sense. And when you look at inflation globally, the United States is looking pretty good comparatively. I mean, I don't know if we've got the lowest inflation in the world, but we're in. You know, we're in the, as far as inflation goes, we're in the bottom three. As far as like how high our inflation is, we've, we've kind of got it under control. And the only reason we don't have it under control because the inflation that's currently going on is self-inflicted. It's businesses that got greedy during COVID realizing they could charge more because supply was low and they adjusted their fucking business plan accordingly. We're going to keep stock low. We're going to keep production low and we're going to raise prices. And that's what they did and that's what they're still doing. This is all got to end, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, it's all got to stop. And the only way it stops is if we, the people stop it. Now the argument is pick the lesser of two evils. Well, that's always been the argument, hasn't it? Yeah. Maybe it's time that we don't do that. Maybe it's time we put a little bit of a block so we can make the time to make the right choice. I don't need Biden in office for four years. I just need him to win only to stop Trump and stop this project 2025 and stop this fucking Supreme Court from going so far to the right that we won't recognize the world we live in, even if you are mega, you won't recognize you will find. So let's what they call it, super mega ultra mega. Like that's like as good as you can get in mega world. I'm super ultra mega lava mega nuclear mega, right? This is going to affect you too. At some point, they don't realize this is bad for everyone. All we need is enough time to prevent this from happening. And the only way that we get that is by getting either Biden or anyone but Trump in office. I'm for anyone, but Trump, that's who I'm actually for anyone but Trump. But when you look at the the polling, the only one that's even coming close is Biden. It's not third party candidates. It's not the people that have been floated. They've both done a great job of keeping those out. Yeah. And this is what we get. It's sad. It's horrific. And again, I will ask our listeners, please, please share this podcast with as many people as you can before November. This is not because we want anything out of it other than to hopefully warn people what's going on. We are just a group of people who don't plan on voting because they read one today. They just want to see everything burn. Why? Why? Well, they won't they won't feel that way. If it burns in a direction that they don't feel comfortable. It's one thing when you're watching the fire from a distance, but when it creeps up to your door and starts affecting you, you'll wish you would have voted. You will. Mm hmm. All right. I honestly, I can't take any more of that depression. Why don't you get me with my blood pressure pill? Yeah. I mean, Christ almighty. I mean, I know I sound fired up and I, you know, I don't want to scare people off. But goddamn, we're in a bad position right now and it's interesting to see that even while Democrats are in control, there are so many levers being pulled by the Republicans and they are moving that agenda forward in a way that I honestly, I don't think even the most hardcore supporters of Trump will come to a point where they realize this is not what we wanted. This is not what we were talking about. When you are forced or your children are forced to study the Bible. Okay. Well, if you're a Christian, maybe you don't have a problem with that, but how would you feel if it was the Quran that they were being forced to study? How would you feel if it doesn't even matter? If you don't get it at this point, fuck you. You deserve what you fucking get. I mean, I'm trying to be as nice about this as possible. But at the end of the day, if you are so fucking ignorant to what is just being unfolded in front of you, you and you still don't either vote or you vote Trump, you deserve the life he gives you. Tell me something funny. Get me out of this funk because, like I said, I've been I've been spun out since 10 a.m. yesterday. I've been literally just spun out by this. Nothing has really just sent me off like this in a very long time. All right, so I have got some stories for you that need to be answered. Okay. Are you ready to dispense some wisdom to these online people? I think I might be able to help with the wisdom. This first one says, "My mother died and my 15-year-old son gave a tribute at her funeral. His arms and legs were shaking while he was speaking. How do I raise a better son who doesn't panic in these situations and worsens events due to his uncomfortables?" You don't. You're an asshole. You're a fucking asshole. He's 15. You don't get, first off, public speaking is like the number one fear in the world. Okay? You're not. I mean, the only way that you get comfortable doing public speaking, and I've done it for over 30 years, and even at that, at our mom's funeral, I was not comfortable. You know what I mean? It's a different situation when you're doing, if you're performing, it's a different situation if you're in a play as a kid, in a school play, there's so many different situations like that. But the hardest one, I'll give you two. I'll give you two. I was best man at your wedding, and I had to give the toast. And if anyone, especially at that point in my life, with all the experience I had being in front of large crowds and speaking, should have been comfortable doing it, it should have been me. So both as a best man at your wedding and at giving the eulogy at our mother's funeral, I was not comfortable because it's different when it's family and friends. It's a lot harder. That father should go fuck himself, he's an asshole. And now another one. If homosexuality isn't contagious, then why do I always have had or homosexual thoughts whenever my friend takes off his shirt? Because you're gay. You want to suck your friends dick. I think that that's pretty obvious. You know what I mean? But see, here's the thing. All right. This is the problem. I actually, I'm wondering if I can even find it right now, but I read this story. Ah, here it is. People are very, very uncomfortable talking about anything that could be considered homosexual. So this story is anal sex is stigmatized due to homophobia experts say. You don't say you think okay, it's time we start talking about it. Talking about sex is sometimes uncomfortable and settling. And for some unsexy talking about anal sex, though, is a whole other level. Many wouldn't dare bring it up in the first place. Dr. Evan Goldstein, founder and CEO of bespoke surgical bespoke. Okay. Well, a health practice specializing in gay men's sexual health and wellness. I guess I didn't read all the article is trying to change the conversation around anal sex from something strange to something educational and empowering. His book bought b-u-t-t seriously out May 28 aims to do just that. We can't just meet people where they are sexually he ponders. No judgment, no stigma, create a safe space or create safe spaces and support so and support so people can get to wherever they want to be yet anal sex is particularly taboo. Which say that because many think of it as morally wrong due to the lingering effects of homophobia, the only way to combat concerns about the sexual practice is to learn about it. Everyone's got a butt and it's full of rich nerve endings which can make anal sex pleasurable says Dr. Carlton Thomas, a gay gastro-nologist who posts sexual health tips on social media. Anal sex is for all genders and sexualities. There is no masculinity, femininity, sexuality or gender role assigned to it. Where does the stigma from anal sex come from anal sex has long been demonized dating back to the religious texts but cultures including the Romans and Greeks frequently had anal sex anyway and it has been represented in art going back thousands of years including from Asia, South America and Europe says Debra Lynn Herbenick, professor at the Indiana University School of Public Health and author of Yes Your Kid, What Parents Need to Know About Today's Teens in Sex. The moral stigma has persisted anyway as anal sex has long been associated with gay men. There's discourses that demonize homosexuality and non-reproductive forms of sexual intimacy in particular also shape how the public views anal sex says Cornell Gray, assistant professor of gender sexuality and women's studies at Western University in Canada. When we talk about the stigmatation of anal sex we also have to confront homophobic stigma as well. This has even played out in the doctor's office. Most people don't feel comfortable going to the doctor to talk about these issues, Ed's Goldstein and most doctors don't feel comfortable as well talking about it. Well, I mean it is a little bit that's a that's a tough topic to bring up. So how's things going I mean you know is this just a check up well actually I had some questions. I've been getting fucked in the ass a lot and I'm worried about any repercussions. Yeah, it's a difficult topic but why why is it a difficult topic that haven't been around me at all? No, because you would fuck him in the ass in a heartbeat. I bring up anal sex all the time with my female friends like literally all over but he's a bit of a pin in the butt if you know what I mean, wing, wing. Here's the problem that again this this goes back to the idea of here's a person who obviously a may not be gay, may be bisexual, he may just be curious or whatever okay. The movie the 300 did not depict this. Yeah, they did not cover that. But they definitively had sex with each other because it was thought that you would be more protective of the person that you just had sex with and there weren't and there weren't any women in the 300 and there weren't any Spartans that were you know like Spartan soldiers that were women. This was a common practice it was a common practice in Greece it was a common there's so many things that used to be common practices not even thought of as like well that's odd or you know, lascivious behavior. This is one of them okay. Get over yourself dude if if you can't if you can't even get to the point where you can look at another man and go wow that's a very handsome man and there are some people I know that can't even do that they can't even admit like Brad Pitt no matter what you think of them is a handsome man Chris Helmsworth is a handsome man Jason Manmoa is a handsome man like the list goes on Robert Downey Jr. is a handsome man you should be able to say that without feeling like oh my friends are going to think I'm gay and you should be able to look at your friend take off his shirt and go fuck if I was gay I would I would be all over that. Get over yourself what the fuck is going on in this country where every little sexual thought is is is horrific and if you're not making a baby oh my god you're just you're just fucking for fun yeah I'm fucking for fun I enjoy fucking that's what I want to do if I had the choice between going to work and fucking guess what one I'm choosing well what if your job was fucking even better but I can't get anyone to pay me to fuck them and another news my cat does not like her food because it is vegetables but I can't give her meat since I am a vegan how do I get her to like vegetables I mean children are the same way but they can learn okay well first off cats are carnivores secondly it's never going to happen and third stop imposing your fucking dietary restrictions on your fucking animal again this is ridiculous you don't have to you're not eating it you're not eating it well if Albert Einstein was so smart then why did he die I don't know why did he die I'm guessing fucking old age how can I convince my girlfriend to taper fingers together and pretend she's a dinosaur you don't you don't convince her of it you wait till she falls asleep and then you tape her fingers together and then you tape her toes together too because then she'll have no choice but to walk like a fucking t-rex oh my god how you can read like this guy with this guy honestly wanted to know how he can convince this is serious like it's not a joke no that's what it said oh my god we're look we're fucked we're fucked when that is when that's a question like a legit question we as a country are completely and totally fucked enjoy your Supreme Court enjoy Trump enjoy project 2025 we're done you know you at that point you might as well be going is it weird that I jack off to pictures of Mitch McConnell yes yes yes it is but if you have to ask if you have to ask come on if my neighbors bees routinely steal pollen from my flowers and make honey that my neighbor profits from selling can I soothe them for a portion of that profit oh my god yeah go ahead do that what are we doing why don't you just ask him as they'll give you five bucks because you tone it goddamn and this is where the country is this is where we are you're going to sue over bees getting pollen from your fucking flowers you petty cunt you fucking petty cunt why does my two-month-old son react very badly when I feed him bread bull I'm not even going to respond to that why look part of the reason why we were able to adopt you was because the nurse at the Lutheran Center that you were being originally at was feeding you potato chips at seven weeks eight weeks old if you don't know that you can't give a two year old a month old oh two month old I'm sorry red bull the first question I have is what does red bull do it amps you up it's full of caffeine why would you want a fucking two-month-old jacked up on red bull like what what what do you think in there and and this I'm going to guess this is somebody that's against abortion I'm just going to I'm going to step out on a ledge there and go this is somebody that went I would never get an abortion and that's a woman's voice for this person I would never get an abortion smoking cigarette and I tell me why my two-month-old reacts negatively when I put my cigarettes out on its feet come on am I wrong this is the world around us Jesus Christ where the fuck do you find this shit is the world around I want to know where the fuck you're looking to get these stories I hand right piece all the time that's hard core though feeding a fucking two-month-old red bull that that's hard core stupidity on a level that and now our last one six months ago I bought a golden face monkey okay I have trained him I have raised him and constantly he acts out am I the asshole we're always whining to spank my monkey okay so let's assume that that's a legit story I'm thinking that's one you hand wrote but let's assume that that's a legit story are you assuming this because I spank my monkey yes I am and bad muggy I know that you call your ears a golden face so what they're referring to is a golden face kapuchin alright and oddly I have experience with golden face kapuchin's I kept one at our house for about a month and a half two months as a friend or as a favorite to a friend and then I was in a position of almost bringing one home that was for sale and and the one thing that I learned was a you can't spank that monkey they do you can well you know you can try you can try but I can tell you for a fact that the first one I had was a full grown fully matured had had gone through puberty and was not easy to deal with it like you had to handle her with welding gloves and even then she could bite you so fucking hard through the welding glove that that you were you were in serious pain you don't want and this is coming from somebody I like if I had followed the path that I was on as a kid I would have become a you know I would have I would have been involved in one way or another studying apes and primates I would have gone the Jane Goodall route I was absolutely fascinated read every book mom drove me to every library within 30 miles of the house to get every book including the college libraries I was at seven eight nine years old reading college level texts on on anything that had anything to do with with primates were were the great apes they are not meant to be pets end of story I always wanted one as a pet I would love to win the lottery so that I could all I could start a primate or great ape sanctuary like honestly that would be something that I would that would fill me with joy to be able to create a sanctuary for all of the and then you got me yeah and it and that solved all the problems because you were as hairy as an ape and you can climb the fuck out of a tree and and I threw poop occasionally but the funny thing was what you did with peanuts always bouncing them off your dick I told you you're fucking nuts that well you you got to get a good bounce that gets high enough and you catch up my mouth but that's the thing is is that if we bring this back around to what we were talking about with the government Supreme Court Trump Congress so on and so forth and where the country's going that's exactly where we are you got a bunch of leaders who are literally looking at us as if we're dumb apes and that we can't see through this and that we're not going to be able to stop it and we can stop this again a small favor pass this around and if you don't want to pass it around have the conversation with your friends have the conversation with your family explain what's at stake because if you don't you're going to be in the same shit show that we're all in and while you might like it for a bit at some point it's going to become more than you can bear and with that that's another L C's little pickles city lights are growing shadows start to fall in the alleys and the corners you can hear the nightlife calls she's got a smile that's painted lipstick red as white the rise are always searching for the next in hookers and blow under me on skies hookers and blow stones on her thigh hookers and blow wherever that won't end hookers and blow away how much did I spend he's a stranger in a suit looking for a thrill money in his pocket he's got time to kill she whispers it is here promises tonight together now get lost in talking shows and cover crews and blow under me on skies hookers and blow snoring from her thigh hookers and blow wherever that won't end hookers and blow away how much did I spend he's a stranger in a suit looking for a thrill money in his pocket he's got time to kill she whispers it is here promises tonight together now get lost in talking there's a dark side secrets every place around I can't shut up their eye she's like a powder donut pleases the same it stains while it's empty on my car as she cuts from the stain talking says she's born out leaking rubber water side hookers and blow under me on skies hookers and blow snoring from where is that the car oh hookers and blow where we're sitting as me hookers and blow how's the window leave it talking leave it talking city lights are fading dawn begins to break the echoes of the night our memories we make hookers and blow hope she forgets my name hookers and blow so we can with a talk here with a talk here again again. City lights are fading dawn begins to break the echoes of the night our memories we make hookers and blow hope she forgets my name [BLANK_AUDIO]