Elsies Little Pickles’s Podcast


In this episode of Elsie's Little Pickles, we dive into the aftermath of a troubling and often sickening debate. Despite the chaos, we strive to make the best of what we've got. Join us as Keith shares an intriguing news story about possible alien travel through space warp drives, leading to a fascinating discussion on the topic.

We then shift focus to the shocking performance in the recent debate. From Biden's troubling appearance to Trump's numerous falsehoods, we dissect the moments that stood out. Our political correspondent, Colton Brewer, joins in to provide his insights and predictions for the future.

As the episode unfolds, we discuss potential candidates for the Democratic side, the implications of last night's debate, and the importance of being prepared for any outcome. Whether you're looking for political analysis or a touch of humor, this episode has it all.

Broadcast on:
30 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

In this episode of Elsie's Little Pickles, we dive into the aftermath of a troubling and often sickening debate. Despite the chaos, we strive to make the best of what we've got. Join us as Keith shares an intriguing news story about possible alien travel through space warp drives, leading to a fascinating discussion on the topic.

We then shift focus to the shocking performance in the recent debate. From Biden's troubling appearance to Trump's numerous falsehoods, we dissect the moments that stood out. Our political correspondent, Colton Brewer, joins in to provide his insights and predictions for the future.

As the episode unfolds, we discuss potential candidates for the Democratic side, the implications of last night's debate, and the importance of being prepared for any outcome. Whether you're looking for political analysis or a touch of humor, this episode has it all.

(upbeat music) (upbeat music) - All right, it's time for the Elsie's Little Pickles post-debate debacle. This was a very troubling at times disturbing and often sickening debate. However, in true Elsie's Little Pickles fashion, we will try to make the best of what we've got. So let's just get to it. Keith, what is the news? - I've got one news story for you and I think it's pretty interesting. - Is this debate related or is this? - No, this is completely off topic. - Well, that's a good way to start a post-debate fucking show, but go ahead. - Yeah, it goes into things we've talked before. - Okay. - That news study finds evidence of possible alien travel through space warp drives. - You know, I caught that headline, but I did not read that story because I got distracted. So lay that out on me. - It's easy to do lately. - Yeah, I mean, there's so much fucking shit going on. It's like everywhere you turn, there's another fucking dumpster fire happening. - Yeah, instead of a two-day news cycle, it's more like a two and a half hour news cycle. - It's getting a little crazy. So lay this on me, they think that aliens can travel through time. - Yes, a new study has found a theory, a theory which means that it starts out as a hypothesis. Once there's evidence for this hypothesis, it becomes a theory. - Oh, scientific method. - So scientific method. - What's that? - Scientific method. How fucking cool. - That's right. - The theory that warp drives could be possible. This method of fast travel would be known to many sci-fi and Star Trek fans, or these super-powered space engines can manipulate space time as it compresses, what's in front of it and expands behind it. - Well, you think that basically it creates a warp bubble? - Okay, so warp drive. - Yes. - Okay. So my next question is, do you think that they're using warp drive to place all these fucking monoliths all over the fucking place? Because-- - I would-- - There was another one found. There was another one found. And I think it was Colorado. So you had the one in Vegas that was just found, and then you just had one in Colorado that was found. And that brings the total, I think, to 254 of these fucking monoliths. And I gotta be honest with you, I'm starting to think that maybe aliens do use rebar and concrete to make sure this shit stays in place. Because again, it was a rebar concrete deal. So-- - Yes. - But I just think it's interesting that they're finding evidence of warp drives. - Well, that's interesting-- - But it does leave a trail. - Well, yes, that is interesting and absolutely fascinating, but I think it's far more fascinating to think that aliens are using concrete and rebar. I mean, let's face it, these motherfuckers are traveling through space and time. - Well, if you're going to communicate to a bunch of-- if you're gonna communicate to a bunch of hairless monkeys, what's better than rebar and concrete? - Now I think you got a point there. - All right, so next news story. - Yes. - The shit show of 2024. - Oh, and was it ever a shit show? It was a shit show of the liking that I have never anticipated or seen before. It was a shit show between two, it was like Angry Old Men. Remember that movie, Angry Old Men? - You know what? I do believe in the last show. I predicted a Terence versus Philip. Like this was fucking ridiculous. The entire time from beginning to end, it did have some of its moments, but I believe that of the 51.3 million people that tuned in, most of them did what I did, which was in the first 10 minutes had to fucking walk away because you just felt like it was abusive to Biden. You felt like the DNC was just culpable of elder abuse. I have since gone through and rewatched it. There were moments where Biden was as articulate, at least as I am currently, still getting over the cold. However, I found it to be an exercise in how many times the camera could go to Biden and find him looking confused with his mouth open trying to catch flies. - I think that's just as normal look. - It might be at this point, but god damn. I mean, yeah, yeah. It was painful, at least for the first 10, 15 minutes. And then there were multiple times throughout. So what I've done, and we're very fortunate to have the budget for this, I have hired a political correspondent for Elsie's Little Pickles. - Yay. - Well, I wouldn't say so much hired him as much as hijack- - In enslavement? - Well, no, not enslavement, necessarily. - Inventured servitude. - That's more like it, indentured servitude, because I am paying him with college tuition money. - Which he will pay back in 30 years when he's wiping your butt. - Well, I call him my retirement fund. I call him my IRA. I have referred to him as the person who will take me out of my misery when I am looking like Biden. Our political, Elsie's Little Pickles political course wanted a man who needs no introduction, but we're gonna give him one anyway. My son, Colton Brewer. And-- - Hello, hello. - Yeah. - Hello. And first of all, yes, I am your IRA, but not in the way that you think. - Oh boy, here we go. - My IRA, like Irish Liberation Trump. - Yeah, that's what he's talking about, he's like, I know when you start looking like Biden to put the red dot on your forehead. - And hold up, you get a Biden. I know I said it in the pre-show, but I have to say it for the audience. He looked like the cryptkeeper. - He did. - You're absolutely right. - George A. Romero couldn't have dreamed up a more ghoulish creature than him. - It was sad. - And the only thing that was sadder was Jill Biden helping him down that one little six inch step after the debate. - I didn't even see that. - Oh my God, it was so bad. So let me intervene real quick before we get back to you, Colton, the overall feeling that I have is that when it comes to Elsie's little pickles, most people think we just pick on Trump. And that would be historically accurate. However, I have said time and time again that that's not necessarily what we're about, what we're about is calling balls and strikes. We are in the bleachers, we are spectators. And when a political figure is fucking up specifically, I mean, we've gone after Marjorie Taylor Greene, we've gone after Bobert, we've gone after Trump, we've gone after Jim Jordan and an occasion. What's that? - Deservedly so, across the board. - But there have been times where we've had to go against even AOC and so on and so forth. But in this particular circumstance, in this particular 90 minutes that we were subjected to, there's no way that we cannot call out Biden for a horrific performance. The bar was that low, he didn't even make it over that bar. And say what you will about Trump, the only thing that he did well. So the only thing that Trump did well was he didn't lose his shit and interrupt more than normal. He was just a very subdued version of himself at a rally in many ways. But what he did do, so I wanna point this out ahead of time, what Trump did do is look better than Biden. And what he also did was- - He got his jabs in. - He did get his jabs in, but on top, well Biden got a couple in there too. Saying that, hey, I'm looking at the only person on stage who's a convicted felon, saying dude, basically you slept with a porn star, you got the morals of an alley cat. So Biden got a couple of jabs in too. I think when it comes to the jabs, it was pretty equal. However, the only thing everyone's talking about, and the only thing that's been on my mind all day is how bad Biden looked. And the only saving grace is how good he looked at his North Carolina rally today. That's the only thing that saves him, if at all. So there's a lot of calls for him to bow out that, in my opinion, will not happen. - Not really, no. - No, he's not gonna pull out. And we'll get to that in a minute. But what I wanted to do was, first off, Keith, I wanted to get your take on it, and then I wanted to come back to you, Colton, if you don't mind. But, Keith, I'm very interested, because me and Colton actually were on the phone last night talking as this shit show was happening. So I've got a pretty good idea of where he's coming from. But you and I haven't had an opportunity to speak about this. So based on what you saw, you know, give me your lowdown. - My notes, I try to be brief. I'm going to expound a little bit on each as I go. But yes, Biden looked tired, and at times confused, he did have a cold, which affected his voice. I get that. - Yeah, I get that too. - As if he couldn't have gotten-- - Wow, that's beautiful. - Yeah, he could have gotten something. He could have gotten a shot of B-12 in his ass, and then his jacket. - He needed a little bump, if you know what I mean. - Yeah. - Well, hey, I thought it was very fun when he said, "I'm sorry, what was that?" - Hunter, what do you got in your bag? (laughs) I mean, it's not like he had to go outside the family to get some cocaine. It's all I'm saying. I'm sure that Hunter still had some connections on speed dial. - At least a Red Bull. - Something for fuck's sake, a coffee. - Your bones would turn to dust on the first sip. (both laugh) - How about a good cup of Joe for Joe? - No, he could have used something. - I loved the fact that he said that Trump had the morality of an alley cat. - Yeah, I did like that. I also didn't like the moderators. They were complete shit. They wouldn't force Trump to actually answer. - Well, they asked-- - An actual question. - So like, what was it? - Yeah, like they could. But I believe they asked the question, will you accept the results of the 2024 election four times? - Yes. - And he continuously-- - That was the only time that they kept pressing. - And I thought-- - And that was towards the end. - I thought there was gonna be a lot more real-time fact-checking than what I saw. - Yes, that is actually, the next step is to do a debate, especially with a personality like Trump, his history. They needed life fact-checking. They did fact-checking about 45 minutes after the debate was over and nobody was watching. - Right, that's what I saw too. And that is just fucking useless. 'Cause Trump, not once, answered an actual question with directly. - That's why I'm saying I think that-- - He used his time to start his revenge tour. He used his time to complain, basically. - Right. - And you know, how many lies did he tell? How many times did he take credit for something that Biden actually did? - I've heard two different numbers on that. I've heard 26 and 29, and I'm not quite sure which one's correct, but I have heard that he lied, misspoke, or didn't tell the truth in between 26 and 29. - Yeah, and greatly embellished things. I mean, one of the numbers, the fact checker said he was off by about 100 billion. (both laughing) - I don't want to interject and derail your list, but I do have to point out one thing. - Please do. And I will come back to this once it's my turn with the talking story. - Honestly, you're the smartest one on the fucking pod right now. You interject whenever the fuck you want. - So, again, I will return to this when it's my turn with the talking pillow. But-- - You're here with Steve, who makes dick jokes. I make stupid silly songs. - Yeah, yeah. - So it's pretty safe to say. - That you're gonna have the right answer. - Yeah, you got the gravitas. - The only singular thing that I caught on my first watch through that Trump actually was correct about was when they were discussing Israel Hamas, Biden said, "Everyone has agreed except for Hamas "to this ceasefire plan." And Trump, I can say, "Actually, no, Israel is the aggressor." But then he came at it the complete wrong way when he said, "But they should just finish the job." - Yeah, and it was actually interesting because it was like, "How do I take both sides of this "and try to make it like I know what I'm talking about?" - Yeah. - So I felt that that response was like, "I'm gonna ride the fence." I mean, did you get that? - I definitely did. But for me, it really, it felt more, it felt more he was right for the wrong reason. - Right. - Than anything else. - Right. - I think that the idea of going into it where the other candidate would be muted actually hurt Biden. Oddly it did. - Because it was supposed to help him and he flubbed it. - Yeah, he absolutely did. - Well, this around like the 2020, you got the sound bites of, you know, will you just shut up, man? - Yeah, you lost that opportunity. I think that- - Yeah. - To load 'em our larky. - Yeah. - Like you didn't get- - And it did work on the larky and like twice. - Yeah. - But- - Well, I mean, again, he just seemed to be a step or two off. - I will say the times where he ended early and there, we have 45 seconds left, President Biden. And he would- - Yeah, he did the freeze. - Yeah. So like I said- - But I didn't look it. - I find that we're in a situation where based on what I saw last night, it is the worst example of politics in the sense of typically we're trying to pick who's the lesser piece of shit, not necessarily the one that we like, but the one that's not gonna fuck things up too bad. And if that's the metric that we're using, I'm still riding with Biden because- - I am. Go ahead. - I was just gonna say I'm still riding with Biden only because there's no other option that looks good. I'll be honest with you, he could have shit his pants on stage last night, fell over dead and had an eyeball pop out of his fucking skull. If they still had a heartbeat, I'd still be voting for him. Now, you know, Colton, that I did not feel that way last night at all. I was even going, maybe I need to fucking look at RFK. However, with a little bit of time, I realized, oh no, that's a bad option too. - Yeah, I'm sorry, choosing to vote for someone that admitted to having brain worms. - Yeah. - Not a good choice. - Brain worms, brain worms. - I don't know. - How do you get rid of brain worms? Wave a piece of cheese for the ears. - When you're a shithead, you just have to take a fucking laxative. - Long enough to what Ivermectin probably would help. - Yeah, exactly. (laughing) - Beautiful, beautiful well played. - Well played, son, well played. All right, so Colton, what were your takeaways? - It's jover, it's 100% jover. That's about it. I mean, Trump didn't say one truthful thing coherently, but at least he said it in a string of words that could be considered coherent. - Well, I don't want to make fun of anyone's stutter or anything because that's obviously a really shitty thing to do. But Biden was not with it. Sure, maybe he had a cold, maybe it was not a good day. He's the president of the goddamn United States. This is America and he is the president. - Yeah, and when you find yourself in a position of a debate, my view is, yes, this is a very difficult time to, especially when you don't have notes, you don't have, you have to think on your feet, you gotta be ready to roll. And I would say that that is probably the same type of circumstance that a president would find themselves in multiple times throughout the week where you're on the phone with a leader and you need to be able to recall facts like that. - Exactly, how many, I mean, for as many international incidences Trump almost or did you get us in? How many has Biden like stumbled into? - Yeah, yeah, again, I agree with you on that. So, I will say it's very easy. Trump brought off Afghanistan and the shitstorm. - Yeah, see, that pissed me off. - However, yeah, 'cause he set that up. - Yeah, yeah, that was his. - He broke her to deal with Al Qaeda. - So, I don't like the fact that Trump tried to take credit for things that he did not do. And I did not like the fact that he tried to lay blame on Biden for things that he did do. - But that's from Paul M.O. - Well, that's my point. And that's my point is that we're stuck in this fucking stupid-ass two-party system. And in the course of that, what we end up finding is we have literally two geriatric old fucks that neither of them deserve the title of president. I think we can all agree on that at this point based on that debate, if nothing else. Now it becomes a situation where we're having to decide as voting public, right? As the constituents of the United States, we're in a position where now the choice is, do we go with a guy that is not going to make it across the finish line? And probably is being more guided by his staff than is guiding his staff. Or do we go with somebody that's going to fucking destroy the Republic? - You know what they need to do? For future debates, don't have Joe step in. Have someone like Bernie Sanders go in. Under the guys said, Joe doesn't have to debate you. - I can do it on my own. - I'm not even warning for president and I can do this. I can debate on behalf by proxy. - I am once again asking for your help. - I'm once again telling you that what we have with Donald Trump is a fucking lunatic. Look, I'm wearing mittens, that's how bad it is. And I'm inside. - I'm wearing mittens and I'm cranked. - And by the way, I want a bagel and I want a bagel stat. (laughing) - So one other thing that I do have to point out, what was with that whole huffing their own farts about their golf handicap? - That was insane. Yeah, that was insane. - I thought the presidential debate. - Yeah, who knew what I would have liked to do here? - Trump golfing with his employees. - No, Kid Rock, he's golfing with Kid Rock. - And it's true, he's golfing with Kid Rock. But to that point, the best thing that Biden could have said in that moment would have been, yeah, I don't worry about my handicap because I'm too busy running the country. - I don't worry, but the property brought it up. - Again, this is "Unforced Errors" by Biden. You know what I mean? There were a lot of, he just, it was as if you won't get this reference, Colton, but Keith, you might. Marv, I think it was Marvin Hagler against Ali and Hagler got his ass handed to him, which was a very big surprise at that point in both of their careers. And Hagler came out and basically said, "I overtrained, my legs gave out." And I kind of think that that's what happened with Biden. I think that they spent too much time in Camp David. - Yeah, all week. - They spent an entire week, I guarantee you, they were running him through the scripts and through these trials of, you know, well, this is what he says at the conventions or at his rallies. This is what we have to focus on. Honestly, I think that if Biden would have been left to his own devices just to speak about how he's done things that have benefited the country, and that was the whole thing was, is they said, we're not going to talk about his record because that hasn't moved the needle. So we're going to just go on the attack. And I think in going on the attack, if you lay with pigs, you're going to get dirty and there's nobody dirtier than Trump. - I do want to push just the slightest bit real quick. While Biden does have a better record than some presidents, especially the two that we had on stage, he has the better record. And you can discuss the extent to which, you know, MAGA is harming this political action or anything, you know, you can have that discussion. But Biden has been so milk toast on everything. He has not made good on a single promise in full. - No, I would agree with you on that. However, what I would say is it's better to be fulfilling promises made halfway that are in the best interest of the country than it is to fulfill all of your promises that are not in the best interest of the country. And that's what I see with Trump. I see somebody who makes promises but doesn't necessarily have policy that reflects something that's going to be in the best interest of the country. So what I would say, and, you know, this is going to be a shorter version of Elsie's Little Pickles because this is the second part of our previous episode because we wanted to do a before the debate and after the debate show. But what I would say is that in my opinion, now we are faced as the American people are faced with this choice. And the choice is, do you take a chance with somebody who is teetering obviously on not being able to do the job? But even if he only made it a year or two in his second term, is that not better than having four years more of Trump? So I think that we're in as a country, my view is we have two bad choices, but which one is less likely to destroy the Republic? And I, again, I go with Biden. - I still would vote for Biden because I would also vote for an Apple over Trump. - That may be possible destruction of our democracy. Honestly, I still feel like it's not a bad choice to vote for Biden because at least that presidential group, they have chosen good people in places. They have picked a very good cabinet, they're getting shit done. - I kind of feel the same way, like I don't like to admit it, but how about you, Colton? - In my opinion, I think that it sucks because I agree with you, but for a different reason. I agree that in a two-party system where you have, do you wanna step in shit or do you wanna lay in shit? Right? Obviously I'd rather step in shit than lay in it. - You can always clean your shoes off later. - Yeah, so to me, like obviously between the two, Biden is the better choice. But A, even if he does make it through, no one is expecting him to make it more than another couple of years. - Right, I would agree. - Before he, that's not gonna sell. That's not gonna sell. - No, because Kamala Harris isn't gonna sell. - Exactly, and two, I think that barring a few very select few examples that are dwindling quickly because of the APAC money cannon, I am of the opinion that the Democrats are broadly the most pushover, do nothing group of jack-offs. - Well, there are a lot of better- Yeah, there are a lot of better watters in the Democratic Party. All right, so- - I mean, for God's sake, just look at betterment. - Better, so he ran as a progressive. And I believe truly that when he was running, he was a left Democrat, right? And just, you know, full transparency, I'm not interested in hiding my allegiances or anything like that. I'm a communist, right? I'm a Marxist, I'm in the middle of reading capital. So to me, basically everyone in power in America is to my right. I have my opinion that I'm not gonna hide them. - Nor should you, you should absolutely speak out. - When it comes to betterment, specifically. And there are other examples, but betterment is the most recent. He ran as a progressive, and I truly believe that at the time he was running, he was. And then, whether it was his stroke or whether it was, you know, his car crashes or whatever it was, the APAC money cannon that I mentioned earlier. - Sorry, the car crashes got me. - It got me to a little bit, I got me out of the way. - Oh, I'm a conservative. - Instead of a bitch, I'm fucking them going to vote for the conservative party now. - That's what he said. He said between the stroke and the first car crash, that's what made him more conservative. - And to be fair-- - So we need to get him to crash again, maybe at all on the side. - Yeah, 'cause two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts too. But no, three crashes. Yeah, that's all we need. - Oddly enough, there is actually like psychological studies proving that brain damage causes conservatism and conservatism causes brain damage. - Yeah, that doesn't surprise-- (laughing) - That doesn't surprise me at all. - It is a two-way street, my friends. (laughing) - All right, so I got three questions. (laughing) - Hold on a second, I gotta piss my pants. (laughing) - Okay, Biden. (laughing) - 'Cause brain damage causes brain damage and brain damage creates conservatives. (laughing) - It's so true, it's so true. - Oh, you all knew it, but now there's actually-- - Oh God, damn. - Oh, this fucking is-- (laughing) - You all knew it, but how does Evan? - All right, so first-- - Roll along when he said Brandon. - Oh, shit. - You know, I feel like he pulled it out of the bag for himself when he was like, "I don't even know what the last thing he said was." - And I don't think he does either. - Yeah, yeah, that was a fucking great line. - My first question is-- - And Brandon, that was it. - Yeah, did Trump, I'm a little confused on this still, but did Trump actually deny that Charlottesville happened? - Yes. - That's what I thought. That's how he took-- - And he also-- - Which is-- - He also claimed that Democrats are willing to allow abortion even after the baby was born. Unfortunately, that's called murder, it's still illegal in all 50 states. That's not what happens. - And also, unfortunately, that's not the letter of the law of Roe v. Wade. - Exactly. And we could go in, we could keep going with some of the fallacies, I mean, obviously-- - Oh yeah, that would be a two hour show. - Yeah, but that's not what this is gonna be. - Two, let me ask the two of you, if you could choose someone to run for the Democrat side, who would you choose? - Well, it's interesting that you ask that question because that obviously was the topic, because you were of the day. So there's been a lot of calls and a lot of pundits and a lot of even diplomats that have said he needs Biden needs to step aside. The problem with that is, how does that work, okay? Now, logically, the way it would work would be at the Democratic National Convention, it would become a brokered deal. That's the most obvious way that it would happen. However-- - But there's an easier way. - What's that? - There's an easier way. - And that is. - So the most obvious way would be either Biden steps down and they nominate someone else. - Right. - But then they have to run very quick primary. What they're probably gonna have to do instead and what I'm hoping that they do is, and I'm hoping they don't fuck us on this, but what they could do is wait until, after he's nominated, but before the ballots are printed, because at that point, Biden says, "I'm done," or they do a vote of no confidence or something to that. - Well, I think that the most logical way would be a brokered convention, but here's why I don't think that'll happen. First off, in order for it to go to a brokered convention, Biden would have to step down before the convention. I don't think he's going to do that. I don't think he's going to step down at all. If it goes to a brokered convention without him stepping down, you are in a circumstance where you've had no primary and now you're running a candidate who hasn't had the opportunity to deal with the pressure of running for office from a primary point of view all the way up and it's a gradual ramp that they take. So to throw somebody into that right out of the gate, even if it's somebody that's a governor, and that would be the way they would go. So there's a lot of talk about the governor of Illinois, there's a lot of talk about Whitmer and the governor of Kentucky. So even Newsom has been bandied around for quite some time as far as that goes. I don't think that that will happen. I think that in the end, it will be Biden versus Trump. And if I had to call it, I don't know, I think it'll be very, very close. It won't be the blowout that 2020 was definitive. If I were to give a plus or minus percentage points, I could see Biden eking out a four point advantage. I think he would be just outside of the margin of error. But I don't think that it, first off, I just don't think that it's a circumstance that the Democrats wanna be in, trying to pull a candidate and then put a new candidate in who quite frankly hasn't had the opportunity to show themselves to the American public over a campaigning period of time. So when you do that, you find yourself in a circumstance, if you're the DNC, you find yourself in a circumstance of we can put out a candidate who might have named recognition. Gavin Newsom has absolute name, brand recognition. Whitmer has named brand recognition, but when you're talking about who would probably be the strongest candidate, it's actually gonna be the guy from Kentucky because he won in a red state. He knows how to talk the language that would get people on board, but you're not giving him enough time between the convention and the election to be able to accomplish what he accomplished in Kentucky on a national level. I don't think that that's even close to fair. I think that setting whoever would be willing to step in, I think it's setting them up for disappointment, quite frankly, I don't think that that's the smart thing. I think that we are in a circumstance where the cake is pretty much baked overall, and we do have that eight to 14, 12, 14, 15% of undecideds, but I think that those undecideds really have already made up their mind. And all of that anywhere from eight to 15% that claim that they haven't, I think that the last night's debate is probably only going to change the minds of maybe two or three percent. Still within the margin of error, that's the problem. Even if you go three, four, five percent, it's still within the margin of error. - So no, this is a total electoral college decision at this point, which I have my issues with, but that's for a different day. - Yeah, that's a whole different ballgame. - I think a great way of turning everything on its ear, keeping Biden, honestly, you know what they should do. Get Kamala Kamala, what I-- - I think it's Kamala. - I think it's Kamala. - And I mean it with all due respect. I mean, I'm not trying to disrespect her, but I've heard it said so many different ways. I think it is actually, though. I think the way she pronounces it is Kamala. - I always call her Kamala, only because there was a pro-rustler named Kamala. - Yeah. (laughs) - But it always goes back to fucking wrestling with you. - Yes, it does, 'cause let's face it, promos, you got to sell your character, and that's what these two have to do. - Hell yeah. - One of them doesn't have any character, but-- - No, he's now okay. - I want to turn it their ear and really cause confusion and cause a hubbub that would probably sell is keep Biden as president, have Kamala step down and bring in Kinzinger. - That would do it, I, you know what? - Either do something. - If you brought in either Kinzinger or Liz Cheney. - Yeah, you might be actually onto something right there. - Yes. - Because I think that Kinzinger is definitely Republican. - I say Kinzinger because he's got a military background. - He's got a military background, he's Republican, and there's no two ways about that, but he's Reagan Republican, he's old school Republican. - Yes, but that's what they need. They need to bring those people who are like, I'm a Republican, but I really don't want to vote for Trump, but I have to, but if they have someone on the right as a VP, they split ticket like that. - What do you think about that? - That would cause enough of a confusion and turn over the applicant. - So the way I, okay, so my perfect set up, balancing, you know, electability, balancing policy, balancing enough ambition to actually fucking do something and throw some weight around on like every Democrat right now, like actually put some weight behind your policies. I'm still with Marianne Williamson, is she perfect? No, do I like that she's some spiritual guru nut? No, but she has policy. - She doesn't have the name recognition, that's the problem. - You know why though? Because even though she was running in the Democratic primary, mainstream media completely wrote her all. She got more play on Fox than she did on any other network. - You're not gonna get an argument. Okay, so like when it comes to non-traditional candidates, whether they're running as a Democrat or a Republican or an independent or green or any number of labels we can put on it, you're not gonna get an argument for me that the media only gives a shit about the Republican and the Democrat, the primary people because they know that that's where it's probably going to go. So you're not gonna get an argument for me on that. However, where I think that you may be wrong on this and where Uncle Keith might be right is the fact that you do something that is so unusual. All right, so like bringing in Marianne Williamson, yeah, granted, unusual, but not unusual in favor of people that might be holding their nose to vote for Trump. Whereas if you bring in a Cheney or a Kinzinger as a VP, now you're getting those people to go, okay, well, look, if he dies in office or if he's no longer able or we have to pull the 25th Amendment on him. - Yeah, see, I have my problems but I'll wait until you're done. - Well, my only point is that the general public who doesn't understand fully politics and only understands Democrat and Republican, which is the vast majority because let's face it, our school systems have failed us when it comes to government and civics. We're more interested in making sure that the football team is bringing in full bleachers and selling a lot of hot dogs because that's how we pay for our education these days. So when you look at it from that point of view, and again, you and I have had many discussions regarding while we agree that these people or these policies or these ideas are truly what's best for the country and perhaps the world in many ways. There is a caveman mentality and an uneducated when it comes to politics and when it comes to understanding of how the government machine works. There's a large, in fact, I would say it's larger than we even anticipate of people. - Well, it's tribal, well, it is tribal. It's not only tribal, but it's also ignorant. And I say that in the most generous way. So I don't think, so to me, there's a difference between being stupid and being ignorant, okay? When you're ignorant, you just don't have, you haven't had the opportunity to be exposed to that experience or that education. That's ignorant. And there's no shame in being ignorant on something. I'm ignorant on most things because I haven't had the opportunity to be exposed to it. - Stupid one is ignorant on most things. - Everyone's ignorant on most things. Stupid is willful ignorance. You just don't want to hear it because you already disagree with it before you even have the opportunity to be educated by it. - Yeah. - So that's the difference. And I think that the vast majority of our political electorate, those who actually vote, the vast majority are actually ignorant. Not stupid, just haven't been exposed enough to politics in the workings of the machine of government to understand how this could work. - Yeah, and you were right to point out that that can be drawn down to a failure of our political and educational system. - I absolutely believe that. I think that the fact that there's not a heavy emphasis in our educational system on civics and government is to our detriment. And I think that that's how we ended up with a fucking reality TV star as the 45th president. - I genuinely think that the only reason that I, a political science major working on my masters in public administration right now, straight up, honestly, is because I got caught in the perfect shit storm of watching Trump get elected months before entering my high school civics class. - Yeah, well, you wouldn't have had that. You wouldn't have had it. - If it weren't, I would have had to take civics, sure, but come on, you telling me I would have been this interested if Hillary was president? - No, you wouldn't. No, it's because of that problem. But I mean, and not to, you know, kind of turn this into a pet dad on the back situation, the reason why you were aware of all of that was why. Because when we were having dinner, if we wanted the TV on, it had to be the news. - Exactly. And that doesn't happen enough in most houses, I think. I think that most houses allow the children to bring their tablets or their phones to the table or whatever will distract them and keep them quiet and keep them, you know, pacified through this 30, 45 to an hour dinner instead of engaging in what's, you know, the conversation. So like, whenever you have a child, the hardest thing to get any child to do, yourself included was tell me about your day. Well, it was good, dad. Okay, well, I guess that conversation's over. (laughing) Bye. - But what was good? - Yeah, exactly. Like it was like pulling teeth. However, what I found was when you were like, can't we watch TV while we're eating dinner? And when I said yes, we can, but it has to be the news. Now you were in a circumstance where you could not watch Rick and Morty or whatever, you were in a circumstance where you were forced to deal with what was going on. But that was better than having to have the conversation. So it was like, you were learning passively and oddly getting introduced to it. - Importantly, when something was happening, I remember this happening at least a handful of times, probably more, when something was happening and I didn't understand, I was raised to, if I have a question, ask it. - Right. - So I was getting caught up on a fucking Iraq war when I was a child. - Right. - You know, I was getting an age-appropriate fill-in on what led to this and why this is happening this way or, you know, I mean, I remember, I remember us having like a full-on Super Bowl style, like party at the house, obviously not with friends 'cause, you know, but-- - I didn't let people in. - Yeah, I didn't like people. - I remember watching the 2008 election. - And it was an event. - Like it was the Super Bowl. - Yeah. Yeah, I had fucking chips, dip, fucking subs, let's go. - Yeah. So like, I mean, that was my real introduction into it. - Before I ask my third question, let me ask an asterisk question. This has all made us drink, what are we drinking today? - Oh, yes. I am on my black barrel, Jameson black barrel. - Jameson black barrel, what are you drinking there, Golden? - I'm working on some tealing single grain. - Huh, nice, very nice. - Very nice, very nice. - I have got a $300 bottle with Ardbeg anamorphic limited dish in that I'm drinking yes from the fucking bottle. - And that is basically a summation of our family. We are simply whiskey drinkers, pissed off at politics and looking for a dick joke to laugh at. I think that's actually-- - So my third question. - Good. - Before you try to cut it, my last question is very important, which is where are we all moving to? (laughs) - Yeah, because it does seem like, I mean, let's be honest, it seems like based on last night's performance, and I would be shocked if the polls don't reflect this on the next go around. It would seem like Trump has a lead right now. And it would seem like-- - I think-- - It's very potentially possible that he could win. - I listened to NPR all day and the talk was then yes, Biden, the horrible, but Trump told like 50 lives-- - Right, yeah. - That has been a lot of talk. The fact that he told the crap load of lies and he never answered a question. - Right. - So that did happen. However, one thing that I learned spending 30 years in show business is that content is not necessarily the winning thing, it's appearance. So when appearance trumps, excuse the pun, content-- - I dare you. - Because, I mean, let's face it, when Biden spoke and didn't stutter or lose his train of thought, he was right. I mean, he was nailing what the policies were. He was on point as far as what he had achieved. And in many ways, if you could take the doddering old man aspect out of it and losing his train of thought and giving up time, like all the negative that he brought, if you could take that out and just focus for a moment on what he actually said, clearly he won. Because Trump didn't really answer anything, he just listed his grievances as he often does. He did it in a much more controlled style, he did it in a much more calm demeanor, but it was still nothing more than his script from the rallies in many ways. - Yes. - Biden did bring up policies. Trump never did, right. - Trump's job is to filibuster. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, I would agree with you. So to put a pin in it and kind of let this horrific nightmare of a debate go, where do you find yourself thinking the country will be on November 6th? Is it Trump or is it Biden or is it somebody else? - Also, just this performance and maybe they'll do another debate, maybe they won't. Off of just this performance, Trump wins it. And because of that, every American citizen needs to have a game plan. If you're not willing to sit through it, have a current passport, do it now, get it over. Do it because not to bring it straight to the Nazi reference, but how many Jewish people did not think that Hitler was gonna be a problem? - Right. - If you are like myself and you're too stubborn to do that, know your rights, know your way around weapons, know how to use them and know how to protect yourself, because when those squads start roaming the streets, that's not when you wanna be learning. - Right, right. How about you, Keith? - For me, I spent last night and this morning answering three messages from people that I know who are in the LGBTQ community. And each one of them asked me where they should go, because after last night they felt that the pendulum had swung in Trump's favor and they all felt like their lives were going to be in danger. Eight months from now. - Okay. - And they only have to live there for a year. Just putting that out there. If you do plan on moving somewhere, make it Ireland. It's beautiful there. And you literally will be a full blown citizen for living there for a year. - Iceland is pretty nice. There's actually an area of Iceland where they don't even require a passport. - I'm gonna ride this shit out. I'm a rider die guy. I have. - I would like to think that I am, but I'm beginning to get to that whole debilitating case of apathy. - Well, the reason I say that, and let me qualify that. I'm a rider die for four years. If Trump does win, I feel like I can make it through four years personally. I don't know the country can. - Four years. - Was that? - It's not stopping at four more years. - Well, that's my point. So my view will change once I realize that my worst fears are coming true. - But what if you can't get out then? - Well, that may be a possibility, but I mean. - That's what I keep thinking. - I have a lot of guns. - Yeah, for me, I'm too stubborn to go anywhere. - Yeah, I kind of want to stay in the fight for it. - The plain fact to my eyes is that if Trump wins, it's not gonna be four more years. He's going to try to set up a dynasty. - Yes. - And everything is looking like that's the way it's gonna go. Every single Supreme Court decision that's been coming out since 2018 has been - Or even the most recent ones. - Even the most recent ones. Today's, you know, I'm waiting, I guess Monday is when we're gonna find out about the presidential immunity decision. That actually, that will be a very big deciding factor in how I view all of this. Because if they give in to Trump in any way, shape or form on that, the game over Republic dead done. And, you know, I mean. - Yeah. - There will be civil unrest unlike you've never seen. - We fought one revolution to get rid of the king and so helped me God. If there is another king that I see in my lifetime on US soil, come hell or high water, I'm doing everything that I can. - Yeah, I think that that's, I think that a lot of people feel that way. Like, you know what, I'm not willing to move because I love this country and I'm not willing to give it up because of a fucking reality TV star. And I think that that is an awesome place to leave it for all of our listeners. Fight for what you believe in. Fight and vote and vote and if you have to fight, fight. But at the end of the day, just vote and vote for Biden, vote for anyone but Trump. Look, if you're a Trump. Don't be afraid to say that you're wrong. - Yeah, that's the biggest thing is like, we live in a country where it's like, we're so tribalistic at this point. We have forgotten to say, you know what, I don't know everything. You know, and even, like I said, look, I don't give a shit if you can't hold your nose and put the vote in for Biden, put it in for our FK. Just don't put it in for Trump. If you can't, if you're finding yourself like on the fence about Trump, just throw it to RFK if you can't pull the trigger for Biden. The important thing I think is is that we, as a country, shut down this far right wing MAGA Christian nationalist agenda as quickly as possible because what is coming if we don't is not an America you want to live in. And with that. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) That's your pickle pod, go vote, motherfucker. So, Colm, have you heard of...