Elsies Little Pickles’s Podcast


Welcome to another exciting episode of Elsie's Little Pickle! In this episode, we dive into the highly anticipated presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. This historic event marks the first time a sitting U.S. President will share a stage with a previous president who is also a convicted felon. Join us as we discuss the pre-debate atmosphere, the implications of this unprecedented face-off, and the various external factors shaping the political landscape today.

From the controversial decisions of the Supreme Court to the rise of Christian nationalism, we cover the pressing issues that will undoubtedly influence the debate. We also explore the potential outcomes and what each candidate needs to do to come out on top. Will Biden's experience and composure shine through, or will Trump's fiery rhetoric and resilience dominate the stage? Tune in to find out!

Stay tuned for our follow-up episode where we will provide a post-debate analysis, breaking down the key moments and assessing the impact on the upcoming election. Don't miss this comprehensive two-part series that delves deep into one of the most significant political events of our time.

1h 1m
Broadcast on:
30 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

Welcome to another exciting episode of Elsie's Little Pickle! In this episode, we dive into the highly anticipated presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. This historic event marks the first time a sitting U.S. President will share a stage with a previous president who is also a convicted felon. Join us as we discuss the pre-debate atmosphere, the implications of this unprecedented face-off, and the various external factors shaping the political landscape today.

From the controversial decisions of the Supreme Court to the rise of Christian nationalism, we cover the pressing issues that will undoubtedly influence the debate. We also explore the potential outcomes and what each candidate needs to do to come out on top. Will Biden's experience and composure shine through, or will Trump's fiery rhetoric and resilience dominate the stage? Tune in to find out!

Stay tuned for our follow-up episode where we will provide a post-debate analysis, breaking down the key moments and assessing the impact on the upcoming election. Don't miss this comprehensive two-part series that delves deep into one of the most significant political events of our time.

It's time for another pickle pod, LC's little pickles coming to you now! Exciting times. Coming at you live! Coming at you hard! Live on tape! Yeah, exactly. I was a little aggressive with that. Coming at you hard! That's a rock and roll snarl, man. Yeah, I mean, I think I actually... And Steve little pickles! I think that was actually more of your fascination with wrestling rubbing off on me. Coming at you hard! I think he's pickled him, Dan. My God, he appears to be brined out. So, again, where he's entered the ring with a chair, what's he going to do? He's standing on the chair! My God! This guy has lost his mind! Another amazing and interesting week and the week isn't over. There's been a lot going on with Supreme Court. This is going to be a little bit different, LC's little pickles, I think, because we're going to do this in a two-part pod. The reason is, is because there is so much going on. So this is going to be part one where it's prior to the historical debate of Biden versus Trump. Now, what makes that historical is the fact that this is, I believe, the first time in history where a previous president is going to debate a current president. Also, the first time that a sitting US president has to share a stage with the convicted felon. Yeah! Again! This is where we're at in this country. Yeah. And apologies. I'm still suffering from this goddamn cold. So, if you hear me, if you hear me cough or you hear me sneeze, I apologize. I'm still incredibly stuffed up and I'm doing my best to just push through. But like I said, there is a lot of interesting things going on aside from the debate. However, I think that the debate which is, we're recording on Thursday, we're recording just prior to the debate, we're recording about two hours prior to it happening. And then we're going to record again tomorrow and put out a post-debate analysis. What I do think... Go ahead. Let me ask you a quick question about the debate. What do you think the reaction nationally would be if Biden standing there, kind of knelt back and you heard him take a shit and the moderator is like, "What did you just do? I just thought about Trump's policies." I think it would probably go down as Biden should his pants. I don't think people would find the irony. I don't think they'd get the joke. So we've had a lot of interesting things happen in the last couple of days and there's going to be more come tomorrow. I think it's interesting that the Supreme Court held the decision on Trump's immunity claims until after the debate. I think that was actually probably a smart idea on the Supreme Court and I don't give the Supreme Court much credibility nowadays. They have definitively devolved into a... Yeah, they've lost a lot of credibility. Yeah, they really, really have. And I would say that that does not... While part of it is the fact that their decisions just seem to be insane and I was always somebody that prior to this current iteration of the Supreme Court with the majority of them being conservative and three of them having been appointed by Trump, prior to that I was like, "You know what? I mean, I'd agree, but I may not like the decision, but I respect it and that's fine." I'm quite shocked at some of the decisions people like Kavanaugh and Barrett have made. They've actually surprised me too because when I thought they were going to go right, they went center, not necessarily left, but they went center. Yeah, they went center. So they... I'm willing to give them credit. Yeah, I feared the worst and so far they've proven me wrong. Well, it'd be interesting to see because who was it? Was it Kennedy? That was like... He was kind of conservative, but he would... He would also... He was like really right down the center, I think it was Kennedy. So that's why it was a very well-balanced court when he was on because he really was kind of like not about ideology. He was like, "This is how I'm interpreting the law." And sometimes it benefited conservatives and sometimes it benefited the liberal point of view. It'll be interesting if we see Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett kind of turn into a two-person version of that, which I would like. I mean, honestly, I think that would be fantastic if they could honestly be looked upon because those were both very controversial appointments. But if they could actually revive their reputation by solely just going, "Well, this is exactly what the law says." And I know you want me to go right with that, but I'm going left or vice versa. If they became kind of the Kennedys, I think, "Is that right? Is it Kennedy?" My Supreme Court knowledge is not... Are you thinking of Breyer? Maybe. Maybe. I don't know. My history knowledge... The Kennedy part is not clicking with me. My history knowledge of the Supreme Court is fucking lacking. It really is, and I'm not afraid to say that. I'm not afraid to wear black dresses, which is slimming in certain lights. Yeah, but it also makes it confusing because they all look the same. I can't tell the difference between Clarence Thomas and Sotomayor. But... So again, pardon me, I'm not... Yeah, well, because I've constantly got, you know, some sign of strange. Oh, it's been crazy that I am. Yeah. But I'd like to point out that I'd like to congratulate the state of Texas. Okay. We have reached a new high. Is this an actual high or is it a new high low? Well, a high low is used to move giant pallets of crap, which is exactly what I'm saying, because more often than not, anything coming out of Texas is a giant palette of crap with Abbott. Are you kidding me? Yeah. I mean, that guy has... As I said, I'd like to congratulate them. They have reached a new high, and the exact number is 2,240. Okay. And what is that? Do you know what that number is? No, I don't. It's not my credit score, but it is the number of infant deaths this year. Yay! Way to go, Texas! Woo! You did it! You did it! You did it! You do everything bigger! 255 more than in 2021. And what do they attribute this to? Well, it's attributed to the anti-abortion laws, and more importantly, the declining maternity care in that state. So you mean to tell me the very thing that everyone said would happen? It has happened. It's been more than that. Like it's exceeded expectations. It's exceeding expectations, because they said, I believe, I remember hearing at some point, the conversation was, if you're going to put these laws into place, you're going to lose OBGYNs in your state. And they're going to move to states that are friendly to what they do, because they're not willing to risk going to jail because they make a medical decision that's in the best interest of the child and the mother. Since 2021, the number of babies who died soon after birth from congenital conditions and maternity care have jumped mine nearly according to this account, 25% in just one year. Now, granted, some of those would have been avoided, had the mother and father found out that there was no way that this baby was going to be born healthy, and then they could have early on made a decision to abort the child. But because of the law, they're not allowed to abort the child, and instead they have to suffer going through the entire pregnancy, knowing that they're going to lose the child shortly after and to everyone's surprise, surprise, surprise, surprise. The fucking baby dies. Yep. Well, by the way, at least they don't have a person, at least they don't have abortion, no. As a comparison, infant mortality rates dropped 2% across the country. And you're going to have to say that again, because infant mortality rates across the nation have dropped by 2% because of states that abortions legal or in states where if a mother has a baby that hasn't been born yet, and it has congenital fetal anomalies, they will abort that if the family wants it. So that has dropped by 2%. And what do you attribute that to? Then taking the precautions and like, hey, you're not going to have a like baby when you're a baby. So wait, let me make sure I understand this. When you give the opportunity for an abortion before the baby's born with a defect that it's going to kill it, yes, you do add a tick on the abortion side, but you also lose a tick on the fetal death side, okay, so let me get this straight. One side or one choice is a little bit more compassionate. The other choice is just fucking awful. This actually leads me to a question that I'm going to GTS it just because I am curious. Yes. Google that shit. I mean, what is your question? Because my question is what would you rather have mother and father or just a mother if it's a single mother go through having to carry to full term a baby that they know they're going to have to bury probably within days, if not weeks of it being born or being able to terminate that pregnancy utilizing abortion months before the baby's born. I don't know. If it's me, I'm leaning towards let's let's get to the inevitable as quickly as possible because it seems the most humane for everyone involved. According to this website, baby births since COVID and the first year to rose by four percent post 2021 has dropped by seven percent. Okay. And the across the US right, but the row ruling was what two years ago? Yes. As of what yesterday or the day before. So we're looking at 2022 is when that happened, June of 2022. So COVID births during that time went up four percent because most people were just home and they had nothing else to do but fuck. Yeah. Yeah. That's fine. As the the national pussy song says, keep on fucking it's it rose four percent. And then post COVID and post the abortion ban has dropped by seven percent while you're not taking into the musk factor either, which is well, I mean, I think if we just trying to raise that other seven percent, I think he will. I think he will. I think. I think I think I think I think I think he's on 40 infant deaths in Texas. It's insane. You know what I mean? Yeah. I guess, I guess really what it boils down to in Texas and in any of these states, red states that are putting these horrific abortion restrictions on the population, it's really when do you want to bury the baby? When do you want to bury the baby? When do you want to, you know, like how much pain and suffering do you want to put a family through? Not just physically, but also emotionally. You know, there just comes a point where you just got to go, you know what, I got to take my own morality and realize that I can only use that in my decisions, not on decisions I'm making other people make because they don't see that full picture. They just see, oh, you're pregnant and you want to get an abortion, whether it's because you think they think it's of convenience or whatever, but they don't understand that, you know what, a lot of fetuses are not viable. I mean, that's just nature. So now you're saying, well, we don't care if it's viable or not. All we care about is that you give birth to it, which goes back to my original point when it comes to anti-abortion. They are not, and they're not pro-baby. They are only anti-abortion, which means that they're not pro-woman. They're not pro-baby. They're pro-birth. That's all they want is the birth to happen. So when all you care about is the birth happening, but you don't understand that there is a large amount and Texas is proving it 20, they're what, almost 20 points higher than the rest of the country on in 10, 22, but you said it was what, 22 point. I don't remember the point number, but it's almost 23, yeah, it's almost 23%. So they're literally almost 20% higher with their infant mortality in their state than the rest of the country on average. And I know what people are thinking. It is not that they're hanging babies from there and heading them like a pinata. That is totally, that's just so inappropriate. But God, would that be? That would be interesting. How do you get the candy in? A funnel? Oh, okay. So simple. It was time going. The answer was in front of me all along. I'm going hell. Fucking funnel. It's getting warm in here. And in other news, Russia shoots down the U.S. drone for Black Sea as World War Three Fears intensify. I apologize now for my terrible Russian accent to our Russian listeners. Yeah. That's awesome. Well, here's the thing. I think we're already in World War Three. You think so? Yeah, I do. And I think that because I think that everything war, I don't know why I've been thinking about this a lot lately, but I mean, obviously because there's so many conflicts going on in the world, but I'm no military strategist, I'm no military, like I don't follow that historically. I have obviously spent a lot of time learning about World War One, World War Two, not so much about Vietnam. And then we live through like desert storm and, you know, the war, the 20 year war in Afghanistan and all that. So I'm not what you would call a war buff. But one thing I noticed is that there's always been, and you can take this all the way back throughout history. There's always been in major conflicts a change in how it's executed. Okay. So World War One and World War Two were completely different in every way, shape or form that you can think of from the weaponry, from the, the, the strategy from the, I mean, the fact that, you know, in World War One, they were still on fucking horseback and then in World War Two, we're dropping nuclear bomb out of planes. So these are major differences in how these wars were fought, and you can even take that a step further with the Korean War and how that was fought, which it wasn't too far off from World War Two and as far as like strategy, military, weaponry, technology that was available. But then you jump to Vietnam, and again, it's a whole different war. Then you jump to desert storm, and again, it's a whole different war. So I started thinking about this in terms of because everyone's like, oh, we're afraid of World War Three, we're afraid of World War Three, and I think maybe the evolution of how war is being waged is matured and developed in a different way now. And the reason I say that is, is it seems like we learned a bit of a lesson from Iraq and Afghanistan. And I think that that lesson was it's better to do it via proxy, okay? And while you can't really call what's going on in Ukraine, a true proxy war, you can look at other conflicts and realize that they're kind of more of a proxy war. Looking at you, Syria. So you take an area, right, you take an area that has backing from whether that big military power is Russia or whether it's United States or whether it's China or whatever, right? The bigger, you know, in that area, in that region, the two major powers. And if all they're doing like, you know, kind of like what we're doing with what's going on with the Gaza Strip and kind of like what we're doing with Ukraine, we're not putting boots on the ground, but we are supplying the weaponry and we are supplying the money. And it's ultimate goal is to, you know, in that case, stop Russia, which I think Russia, I think, I think Putin fucked up by going into Ukraine. I do think, I mean, you know, this isn't exposed their aging war machine. Well, not just that though, okay, not just that. I think that, and again, apologies to our Russian listeners if this upset you, it's not meant to. I am not against Russian people. I'm not at all. I think that they're lovely people. I think Ukrainian people are lovely people in Michigan. We have a huge contingency specifically of Ukrainian, but I mean, we also have a lot of Russians and there's some of the nicest people I've ever met. They're great. So some of my favorite hockey players are Russian. Absolutely. You cannot be a powerful Pavel Dotzuk. Congratulations on the whole thing, by the way, Dotzuk. Yeah, you can't be a Red Wings fan, which if you're a Michigander, you better be a fucking Red Wings fan. You can't be fine. Do you if you're not? Yeah, you can't be a Red Wings fan and not have a lot of love specifically for the Russian players, but I mean, they're just great. The momentum in the Northeast, the New England area, I do wear my Red Wings paraphernalia around. Oh, do you? And I've never had any bad words said to me, but rather just how amazing the Red Wings had been in the past. Oh, yeah. That whole time period that people just love them. Yeah, I mean, the Russian five. Goddamn. I mean, yeah. Like you didn't even have to be a fan. Like you know me. I don't pay attention to any sports, but I'll be fucking watching a Red Wings game, especially if they're going into the playoffs. I'm that kind of fan. Once I get to the playoffs and I'm in here, I figured I'd throw this in really quick. Well, let me back up for just a second because I want to make this quick point. And the quick point is this, I want people to know that when we criticize a country for their actions, we're criticizing their politicians and leaders, not the people. And we're doing it from the point of view as an outsider. So we don't know necessarily what the environment is like in Russia. And maybe under that environment, they think that Putin is truly phenomenal in doing the right thing. I find it hard to believe though that any civilization, any society thinks that going to war, if it's avoidable is a good idea. And that was absolutely avoidable. There was no reason that I know of and please, if you're a listener and I'm totally speaking out of school here with no knowledge on this, please correct me. I'd rather be corrected than consistently go on jabbering a fucking idiot about something that everyone else seems to have a better grasp on than I do. But with that being said, I think that what's going on in the Gaza Strip is wrong. I think that it was wrong for Hamas to do that October 7th bullshit. But I do also think that it's wrong that this conflict is still going on and that this is turning into an Israeli land grab so that they can just wipe out all that shit that's there and create luxury tourism because it's beachfront property. You have to do something with these Palestinian people. You have to envelop them into your society. You have to figure out how to give them some autonomy. So again, I'm actually against Hamas, but I'm pro Palestinian. I'm actually pro Israeli people, but anti Netanyahu, because I think that he's making some bad decisions and it's the same thing with Putin. I'm pro Russia, I'm, you know, I'm pro with Russian people. I think that they're just like every other person on the fucking planet. Get up, go do your job, try to do your best, keep your head down, try to keep out of trouble because you don't want any bullshit in your life or any drama. And you know, okay, well, I guess this is what's fucking happening. But the problem is, is that I mean, even in the United States, we've seen they've now part of it. They've now changed the selective services. When you turn 18, you have to sign up for the draft if you were a guy, right? Well, now I guess there are many selective services. Yep. Selective services that now I guess they're making that just automatic. So you don't have to actually sign up, it just happens. But there's also discussion about doing that with girls that turn 18. And I've heard arguments on both sides of that for, you know, good or bad. I mean, you know, one, one Senator said, or I think it was a Senator, it might have been just Congressman said something to the effect of, you know, like 20 or 30% of our military is women and they're amazing. And if we don't do this, we have phenomenal resource that we're leaving by the wayside and then utilize or used the example of Israel where everyone has to be in the military for like two years or whatever in men or women, it doesn't matter. You're going in, right? So I'm on the fence about that in some ways because it seems to me like when you do that type of shit, it's kind of like, okay, well, what do you know that I don't know? And it sounds like you're saying that we're about to go into a World War three type situation. Well, again, I don't care who the leader is, whether it's Biden or Trump, I think the conflict, if we can avoid it, we should. However, when you have lunatics like Putin, who wants to put together the former Soviet Union again, and you got countries that don't want to be a part of it, but he's like, well, no, you were before you'll be again. That was my Russian. Not bad. Huh? I was a lot better than mine. I will break you. I will break. I will break you. It just seems like again, going back to Rodney King, why can't we just all get along and it would seem like we could accept for our leaders. By the way, did you know that Dolph Lundgren, you know, Mr, I will break you. He's like a fucking jean master's in chemistry. Yeah. He's like a fucking genius. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. I love, I love knowing that that's who he is. I must make you with the periodic table. Stallone actually said he goes, he goes, you know, I hired him for that movie. He goes, I hated him from the get go. He goes, he was a big, built, blonde, beautiful, and educated. He's like everything, everything that he was, I was like, oh, I feel inferior to him. And I hate him. So let me, let me get to this advice question. I think it would be nice to have an advice section on the show. Okay. And so I've got a question because you're a parent here. Let me just hit you with this question. Let me see if I can get some quick advice from you. In jilted parent 65, since he was 13 years old, my son has had to pay a daily parenting fee to live with us. Now he is 18 years old and moved out and refuses to pay them. How do I punish him? What the fuck? This is a real question. What kind of fucking cycle a parenting fee? Yes. Yes. So for five years, this kid is getting shaken down by his mom and dad for his lunch money. I want to know if it will appear in his credit report. Yeah. Really? So, I mean, look, it's bad enough this kid has to deal with any bullies he has to deal with at school. But now he's coming home and he's dealing with his mom and dad going with you at school. He was also homeschooled. So that's the worst, a parenting fee. Do they say what this was? I mean, where are we talking? No, just a parenting fee to live with them every day. That's the craziest fucking shit I've ever heard. Well, Timmy, you haven't paid your fee, so I'm going to stomp your transformers. Yeah. I mean, like, how was that enforced and where was this kid getting the money? The money. Yeah. That's what I want. Were they forcing him to work like a part-time job or something or? And another question. No, no. Let's get back to the fact that he moved out at 18 and said, fuck you on your fees. And now they're trying to figure out how to punish. I'm sorry, man. I don't see anything even worth responding to that. That's the craziest shit I've ever heard. It's just parents bullying their kid. And the second question really quick, my husband gave our 18-year-old daughter a bare-bottom spanking for not doing her homework. What should I do? Divorce your husband. He's a fucking creep and he needs to go to jail immediately. Immediately. I don't care. Look, that's a level. I mean, no, fuck you. That's just creepy. Now I don't know more about the kid paying guarantee fee. I kind of do too. For as creepy as an 18-year-old girl getting a bare-bottom spanking from her father is, and that's fucking creepy. That is creepy. I mean, that family needs to be investigated, obviously. However, I am intrigued by the shakedown that goes on with this 13-year-old to 18-year-old kid. Like, what the fuck, what is with people? I don't know. Anyways, would you like new story one or new story two? Oh, I'm going to go with one. New story one. Well, let me rephrase this. You want me to get to the meat potatoes or an entertaining one? No, let's go entertaining first. Okay. Entertaining. Hm. X-ray of alien mummy shows huge head and three-fingered hand. I saw that story. I think that, okay, so we spoke about the monolith on the last episode a little bit. And that's all well and good. I mean, that's just fun, you know what I mean? And it would be great if it was like an alien monolith, but like I said, I don't think aliens are using quick, dry cement and rebar to hold up their monoliths. But there are a lot of things that are coming out that are interesting. And we spoke about this briefly and at some point, I think we should do a whole show on it, but Harvard, apparently a bunch of Harvard researchers came out and said that aliens may be living among us. You see these, these mummies as an example. Don't tell the mug of people this. Well, I think they are the aliens. So you're starting to see things that are historical depictions or historically provable that they're carbon based life forms and that they don't necessarily meet up or match up with our expectations. Now, as far as those mummies go, that one in particular, it could have been a deformed baby. It's possible. But I believe if I'm not mistaken that they tried to do some sort of DNA testing on that as well. And it came up inconclusive. No. Oh, no, it wasn't inconclusive. No, it did not contain human DNA. So again, I mean, like at what point? I think that this is we're founded in 2017, by the way, in Nazca, Paris. Well, this, this is, I think this is, again, this is one of those things where I think that there's, there's a huge difference between controlled and catastrophic disclosure. And I think we're going through a drip, drip, drip phase of controlled disclosure. Now what will be interesting is to see if they take too long to control it and then we end up in catastrophic. If aliens exist, if, if all the stories are true, or even half of the stories, I mean, there's so many stories about alien encounters, about abductions, about sightings, about UAPs and not just from, you know, Chuck and George out in the field in Alabama. I mean, these are coming from fucking pilots, the U.S. military Air Force pilots. There, there is something going on that we don't know. And we don't know what it is. And it's potentially possible that it's always been going on. And it's potentially possible that it happens and fits and spurts. It's very potentially possible that we could go all the way back to the Anunnaki, we could go all the way back. I mean, you can, you can see all these stories historically. You could talk about the fact that dragons exist in every culture or the great flood exists in every culture. Well, not every culture. There are some that do not have a great flood. Well, all the major ones do, don't they? No. Won't one doesn't? Or ones? I'll have to top my head, I can't think of the different cultures, but there are some cultures that don't have a great flood, that live during that. Well, I mean, I think when you're talking about the great flood, you almost have to go back to the Younger Dryas aspect of it. Because that all kind of happened right around the same time, if I'm not mistaken, yet the Younger Dryas incident and then the great flood stories. So I would imagine that it would be dictated specifically by all of the cultures and societies that lived within the range of that particular event. And maybe not. I don't know. Again, I'm not, I'm fucking, you know, I'm a fucking idiot that doesn't know anything, but the Pertilists are really quick ancient Ireland cultures did not have a flood. Yeah. But that's an island that's elevated. You know what I mean? Like they could have had a flood and not even known it. Have you seen some of the cliffs? They're fucking huge. I mean, when you're, when you're that high above, when you're that high above sea level, thinking that you can afford a little flooding and not even notice it, or am I wrong? I don't know, trying to ask Dr. Google, and that was because of my own curiosity. So my, I guess my point is is that we've seen this, we've seen this mythology regarding aliens. I mean, you know, was it Pumipunku, I think they have, it was easy for you to say. I know. I think it was Pumipunku where they have representations of different faces in, in this like enclosure garden area. And so right off the bat, indigenous, Australian, do not have a flood myth. The Inuits do not have a flood myth. The Bushmen of South Africa do not have a flood myth, but you do have Polynesian cultures, do not have it. Okay. But you do have it in Arabic areas or all throughout the Middle East, right? So you have it all throughout the Middle East. You have it across Egypt, if I'm not mistaken, Africa. You have it in China, you have it in Japan, believe even when you get into all the other nieces, Taiwanese, Japanese, Vietnamese, I think they all have. Are you allowed to say that the nieces? I don't know. I don't know. I'm confused with the sneezes. No, I think though that it is actually a very accurate depiction because they are all ending with eases. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but you know, Vietnamese, I mean, the only ones not as Korean because you can't have Koreanese. I just picture people with shorts on and you can see their knees and they're all short legged and they got that kind of Asian knee kiss and knobby little knees. Well, I mean, I think that when it comes to offending people on something like that, that saying the nieces would be a bit much show we retry to offend everybody. Oh, I think that that's pretty much been every show that we've done so far, but we just weren't trying. I think we've offended a number. I mean, we haven't covered the Canadians who are apparently, according to the Trey Parker, they have bug eyes and floppy heads. You know what? Fuck the Canadians because they aren't listening to this show until I get a Canadian listener. I'm going to be a lot nicer to my German and Russian listener. Well, welcome back. Apparently we had a technical terrorist attack. Yeah, I think the DDOS attack says that it came actually from Prince Edward Island. In response to Steve's condemnation of Canada apparently I pissed somebody off Prince Edward Island to be bolted. So we were talking about aliens and we were talking about controlled disclosure a little bit. And I don't want to show to necessarily be about that. I just got a text message from Prince Edward Island. They said, sorry. It's all right, we forgive you. It's actually interesting though to think, and I don't want to stay on this too long, but it is interesting to think that there is a controlled disclosure happening regarding aliens right in front of us. Whether that controlled disclosure is being forced by advocacy groups trying to get to the bottom of it, or whether that's because of what Dave Grush did with his hearings. I don't know, but I do know that it's interesting to me at least to see all these stories. And quite frankly, even when you're looking online, it's a pretty common occurrence about weekly that there's a story about UFO disclosure or artifacts found or any of this. When Harvard gets involved and actually comes out and goes, well, they might be living among us. You know, at that point, you're going, okay, do you know something that you're just not able to tell us fully? It's the nieces, isn't it? It might be the nieces. It's those damn Koreanese. So all right, what I want to do is I want to create because tonight's the debate, the presidential debate. And I definitely want to have a post-debate show. So what I'd like to do is I'd like to create this almost as a two-parter. The post-debate breakdown is obviously not going to be a full episode, but I think it's important to talk about it as quickly after the event. And there's a lot of hay being made here about this. I mean, if you're watching CNN who's hosting the debate, you would think that this was Ali versus Frazier. You know, I mean, you would, they're really putting a lot of effort into hyping up. This is Ali versus Frazier. It's Tyson versus Holyfield. It is Terence versus Philip. No, it's Biden versus Trump. It's two, two, 80 year old men at our Hogan versus the ultimate war. No, no, no, no, it's, it's not, it's Biden and Trump and Jake Tapper and Danabash. So, but surrounding that, there's been a lot of things happening. Do you think that part of the preparation, and I'm not talking age for Biden, is standing for 90 minutes? Yeah, I do. I think that, you know, when you're, he's what, 82, 83, I don't even know how something like that. You're 80. I know that. I think they should both be able to sit behind the desk. No, no, I want to, no, I want to see if they can, if they can make the full 90 standing. And I'm sure when they cut to commercial breaks, both of them are going to have like, you know, one of those little Walker stools that they could kind of just sit down on, you know, like dad uses that it's good. It's the Walker with the seat. But there's a lot of things that are happening outside of that that I think are important to the debate. I'm going to, I'm going to be paying attention to Trump taking the slips of water if they show it. Oh, yeah. Or if they cut away. Yeah, it'd be interesting to see if he does the two handed thing again. But neither here nor there, proof that he has tiny hands regardless of the debate, which is absolutely historic because again, it's the first time a previous president and a sitting president have had a presidential debate. So we know the history of both of them. We know what each of them have done in their first terms. So there's a lot of a discussion that can happen around that. But I think that it's more important to talk about going into the debate. It's more important to think about and to talk about the outside factors that are, that are guiding and pushing our politics forward. Now in the last episode, we talked about Governor Landry with the 10 Commandments in every school and him boastfully saying, I can't wait to get sued, which really was him just giving up his real quick question. Do you think it's a standing debate so that Trump doesn't fall asleep like he did in the court? Yeah. Yeah, it might be the case. What was that? No, I don't think Trump's going to have any problem standing for 90 minutes. I think that he's used to doing his rallies, I mean, I would have a problem with standing for 90 minutes. I'm not sure these guys, yeah. But I think Trump is kind of used to it from doing the debates or the rallies rather. I think if anyone's going to have an issue with it, it will be Biden and I think it'll be Biden because A, he is a little bit older than Trump and he just doesn't have rallies like Trump does. So he's not, he's not in the habit of, of not only standing for 90 minutes, he's not in the habit of speaking for 90 minutes. He's not in the habit. And it's interesting because typically the- He did great at the state of the union for 90 minutes. No, he did. And I think that that's what we're going to see tonight. I think we're going to, you know, in a lot of the, you know, the Republican machine or the Trump machine or the MAGA machine, a lot of the pundits have been saying, you know, kind of parroting what Trump is saying, oh, he's going to be all jacked up on some drugs and, you know, we need to get drug tested. The last thing Trump really I would think would want is to be drug tested. Like it's one thing to say, I want Biden drug tested. But if you have to do it too, I don't know that that's really what you want. I think he is stepping on the ledge and trying to pad his nest a little bit, feather his nest a little bit and giving himself excuses for losing this debate. Because I mean, in all honesty and the last, those two debated, I think twice before, and he didn't look good in either of them. Trump didn't. I don't think that when it comes to debates that Trump is specifically in the circumstances of this debate, no studio audience. So he doesn't have the opportunity to kind of like make the snarky remark or the funny, you know, jab and get people to cheer him. And I think that when he's in those circumstances where he doesn't have, you know, kind of like the support of the audience, I think that that a lot of his little jabs kind of come across as mean instead of entertaining. I think that that's going to throw him. And I think that when he actually has to talk policy, I don't know that he he's good at that. You know what I mean? He claims that they haven't really done any debate prep. I think that that's going to show tonight. If that's true, I think that he's actually done more debate prep than than he's leading on because I think he understands that he's got to win this debate. If Trump does not win this debate, it pretty much means that, you know, he he's putting himself in a position by not not winning this debate. That means that he'll have to deal with every one of his trials. So I think that for Trump, it's more of a life or death situation, which is why I think that he's actually spent more time preparing for this than he's leading on. I think he's trying to give the image of, Oh, this is just natural. This is just how I am. I'm ready all the time. And I don't think that that's the way it works in a debate. At least it doesn't seem like that that would be a smart way to approach something where so much is on the line. Now back to what I was saying, though, is is that outside of the debate, there's a lot of things going on. So we've seen, like we discussed in the last episode, what was going on with Governor of Louisiana, Landry, and the installation of the Ten Commandments in all schools. Now in Oklahoma, apparently, what's the guy's name? Well, let me let me let me read it. Okay. Yeah. Bring the story up. Just too short parrot. All right. After I cough, all Oklahoma schools are now required to incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments and the curriculums, effective immediately. The state's chief education officer announced in a memorandum on Thursday at a state board of educating at education meeting, apparently I need some education, Oklahoma state superintendent of public instruction, Ryan Walters said that the Bible is one of the most foundational documents used for the Constitution and the birth of our country. Okay. None of that's true. No. No, it's just not true. First off, secondly, this is again another white Christian nationalist attempt. Yes. And I would say that it is too too. So remember in the last episode, I said that I had read a guy saying online, every school is meant to indoctrinate our children. It's just a matter of what they're going to be indoctrinated with. And I think that that's what's going on with the white Christian nationalist movement right now is they are, they are very, very smart in this sense. They figured out that if it goes to the Supreme Court, they've got a, they've got a better than 50%, 50% chance that they're going to get their bullshit approved. Even though it had been shot down by previous Supreme Courts, there's never been this 6-3 mix. Right. Okay. So Landry, instead of just shutting his mouth and not saying, I can't wait to be sued. He gave up that game. He's now, now whether that is a red flag to the Supreme Court or whether that's red flag to the voting public, it has yet to be seen. But the fact of the matter is is that the playbook that they're going by is we're going to enact laws that we know have previously been shot down, but we want still. So we're just going to enact them and we're going to fight until we get to the Supreme Court. And once we get to Supreme Court, we know we have a 6-3 advantage of sympathetic ears to our cause. Specifically after the tape came out with Alito talking about the fact that religion needed to be more a part of American society. So that to me is horrific because this particular law does not carve out exceptions for either teachers nor students who are not of that faith of Christianity. And I think that that's horrific. And I think that that's also very much showing, if not on a federal level, but definitively on a state level, that there is no separation between church and state. And in fact, we will impose our religious beliefs upon our electorate. And I don't think that that's I don't see that being good under any circumstance. It goes further when you have Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House, who is also going to attempt to put forward a law that will eliminate no fault divorce, which was a law that was signed into, it was a bill signed into law by Ronald Reagan. So now they're even going against Reagan policies. So I'm not quite sure where this train ends with them. But what I do know is that the election coming up, and we've always heard this, we've always heard this, God, oh, this is the most important election of our lives. Well, God damn it. Here we are again. And it's because we keep going further off the edge as a society. And when I say that, I don't mean that in the sense of liberal values, though the liberals have gone too far. But in this case, it is very much a situation of Christian nationalism going too far. And if we don't stop that now, you're not going to recognize the country or you're living in, in five years, you just won't. You won't be able to get under abortion. You won't be able to get a divorce. You won't be able to get medical care. If it has anything to do with pregnancy for women, you're going to be in a circumstance where everything is, is every law is going to be circumvented or looked at through the lens of the Bible. And for those of us that don't subscribe to your fantasy of magical sky daddy, that's a problem. And for those that do subscribe to some sort of sky daddy, just not yours, that's a problem. So I think that that setting up a big issue, you know, moving forward, that's not just going to be about religion in this country, but I think that we're coming to a point in this country where there's going to have to finally be a showdown between secularism and religious belief and hopefully secularism wins. A Hindu religious leader has requested in Louisiana that the Hindu statutes are also put on display in the classrooms. Well, you have to do it for everyone. If you do it for one, you have to do it for every religion. And I don't have a problem with that. If you're going to do it for every religion, great. Yeah. But when you're singling out one out of the many, I mean, I don't even care if you said, well, we're just going to keep it, Abrahamic religions, I wouldn't be thrilled with that. But at least I could say, okay, well, you know, Christianity, Judaism, and Islamic belief or, you know, Muslim belief is all represented. I would prefer that if that the word of the case that you also had, you know, Jainism and Buddhism and Hinduism and in the list goes on and on and on. Unfortunately, most schools don't have enough wall space for all of that. So that's why that won't happen. It's just not enough fucking walls. So anyways, we'll kind of wrap this up here in a minute. But the thing that I'm looking at right now is what will happen with this debate tonight. So what's your opinion? Who do you think comes out on top and why? I'm going into this without a preconceived notion of who will come out on top or not. Every now for me, it is 50% let's see what their stances are because, quite frankly, I don't think Trump has a stance. But is there anything he could say that could sway you to go, you know, like, is there anything that could happen tonight where you went, okay, maybe you can't vote for either of them. And at the end of the night, you go, I'm going with RFK. Is there anything that could, I guess my question is, is there anything that could convince you based on their performances, I cannot vote for Biden. I might be able to vote for Trump. But if I can't vote for Trump, I'm going to pull the trigger for RFK. I can't take RFK serious. Does that make sense? Yeah. No, I get you. Some people can. Some people can't. I've seen him do really well in interviews and I've seen him eat shit. Yeah, that's that's absolutely true. But I've also seen him spout some crazy shit. Looking ridiculous, crazy shit. And I'm talking, I'm still leaning towards Biden because liberal, he's not liberal enough for me, but he's the closest thing. Is there anything that could happen that would make you vote for Trump? Like what would have to say or promise? You would have to completely disavow and denounce Project 2025. You would have to adopt more liberal ideals. And yeah, I don't think that would happen. You know, I don't think it would happen, but I think that that's actually who he is. I think that he ran Republican because he knew that there was going to be his easiest route to get what he wanted, which was ultimately there are other shadowy things going on. That I just can't abide by. Oh, I agree. I mean, you know, you are the company you keep. Mom always said that to us. Absolutely. When you look at his company, it is not good company. There's a lot of felons now in that fucking company. There's a lot of problem people in that company. There's a lot of people that he fired from their jobs because they were actually doing it the right way. He just didn't like the outcome because it didn't favor what he wanted. So I agree with you there. I think that and I am not giving Biden a love fest because there are things that I don't care for. There's a ton of shit I don't like about by a and it really is the lesser of two evils. I feel like I'm also half, you know, 50% watching to see if stupid shit happens. Well, there's always a moment that gets played over and over again. There's always. I think there needs to be an over under like a betting squares if Trump gets annoyed with the microphone being cut off. He crosses over to Biden's trust to take his microphone. So yeah, that'd be great. So I think that that's a legitimate question. I mean, think back to 2016, he kept crossing over behind Hillary Clinton and she was on camera. Absolutely weird and creepy and show that is a narcissist. Yeah. So, all right, friendly bet, okay, friendly bet or a dollar. Who has the biggest gaff? Oh, geez, well, you can count on Biden. He does have a natural stutter. Yeah, but I don't count that against him, honestly, because I actually find that endearing because it's something he's worked his entire life to try to overcome in every once in a while. You know, he still struggles with that. I don't hold people's natural disabilities against them. I'm talking about a fuck you get out there and just completely shits the bed with all the stress he's been under. I've seen some of the speeches he's given at his rallies. Yeah, where he's losing his words out just a rambling mess. Of word salad. Yeah. I think that that's more likely to happen. So do I. And that's not like because I want that to happen. I just think that there's no way that you can be going through the amount of legal stress that Trump's been going through and on top of that deal with the amount of stress of running for president. I think they do a very good job of presenting that he's not having an issue with it. But I agree with you. You see that that does come out in him. Yes. From time to time. It's not always. You know, it is time to time where all of a sudden you go, Oh, he just went completely that chuchu left the train track and he doesn't have the word salad to get it back on. So I'm leaning more towards Trump having a gaff like a true gaff. But I could see Biden, honestly, I could see Biden saying something just stupid. You know what I mean? And when I say that, I know your friend of the show truly feels that Trump is in fact mentally losing it. A lot of people and not in a funny way, no, and they's concerned like sad way. Yeah. Like is this olderly abuse? Well, the same has been said about Biden, though, like under any other circumstance. He would see common has kept it together far better, whereas the stress of everything has gotten to Trump and just starting to lose it. Yeah, I know. Which people do. I don't know. That's why I wanted to do this as a two-parter. So we'll probably leave it here. But that's why I wanted to do it as a two-parter because I think it's interesting to see what our expectations are going in versus what the reality is coming out. Is there an overunder on if Trump jerks off two men at the same time? He's, what was that? What was that? That weight called? Yeah, that's, there used to be like late night TV, they would advertise shake weight. That's what it was. Shake weight. Yeah. Shake weight. It's like he's doing shake weights. All right. Was that, I'm going to go watch this debate. You're going to go watch this debate. We're going to come back tomorrow. We're going to try to put this all together into a two-part series and see if we get attacked again by Canada, hopefully not. I'm interested. I like Poutine Canada. I do too. Yeah, I'm not mad at you. I'm just saying that you need to, you know, I don't know. Check in every once in a while because we're worried about you. And with that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.