Elsies Little Pickles’s Podcast

IBS- Irritable Biden Syndrom

Welcome back to another episode of Elsie's Little Pickles, the pickle pod of all pickle pods! In this week's episode, we dive into a variety of intriguing and humorous topics that will keep you entertained from start to finish.

First, we discuss the latest mysterious monolith discovery in Las Vegas and explore the various theories behind these strange structures appearing worldwide. Are they art installations, alien artifacts, or just elaborate pranks?

Next, we turn our attention to the political realm, where we dissect the recent actions of Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry. From his controversial decision to display the Ten Commandments in public schools to the implications of his statement, "I can't wait to be sued," we unpack what this means for the separation of church and state.

We also touch on the ongoing gun violence issue in the United States and how local and state elections have played a role in shaping current laws. Additionally, we discuss the ethics and behavior of Supreme Court Justices, particularly focusing on Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

To lighten the mood, we share some funny and heartwarming anecdotes, including a trip to Home Depot and the joys of simple childhood pleasures. Plus, we delve into the fascinating life of Monica Lewinsky and why she remains a compelling figure in the public eye.

Join us for a rollercoaster of topics, laughs, and thought-provoking discussions in this latest episode of Elsie's Little Pickles!

1h 15m
Broadcast on:
26 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

Welcome back to another episode of Elsie's Little Pickles, the pickle pod of all pickle pods! In this week's episode, we dive into a variety of intriguing and humorous topics that will keep you entertained from start to finish.

First, we discuss the latest mysterious monolith discovery in Las Vegas and explore the various theories behind these strange structures appearing worldwide. Are they art installations, alien artifacts, or just elaborate pranks?

Next, we turn our attention to the political realm, where we dissect the recent actions of Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry. From his controversial decision to display the Ten Commandments in public schools to the implications of his statement, "I can't wait to be sued," we unpack what this means for the separation of church and state.

We also touch on the ongoing gun violence issue in the United States and how local and state elections have played a role in shaping current laws. Additionally, we discuss the ethics and behavior of Supreme Court Justices, particularly focusing on Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

To lighten the mood, we share some funny and heartwarming anecdotes, including a trip to Home Depot and the joys of simple childhood pleasures. Plus, we delve into the fascinating life of Monica Lewinsky and why she remains a compelling figure in the public eye.

Join us for a rollercoaster of topics, laughs, and thought-provoking discussions in this latest episode of Elsie's Little Pickles!

(upbeat music) It's time for another LC's Little Pickles. It's the pickle pod of all pickle pods. It's LC's Little Pickles. So glad to be back. It's been a week. - I just pictured a pod full of little pickles. - Little pickle pod. - It's a little disturbing. - All those little gherkins. - You're looking a little better. You're not so snotty and-- - Yeah, it's been a rough weekend. - I had horrible, horrible summer cold, and it kicked my ass and actually put us behind an episode, which hopefully we can make up at some point this week. But it did put me, it really put me under the table. And that was because I was at a gay bar. No, the worst part of it, aside from just not feeling well, was I had time, I had that extra amount of time to just kind of like absorb a lot of news and that's always fucking depressing. And really the saddest part was Donald Trump, or not Donald Trump, Donald Sutherland. (both laughing) - Oh, that's awesome. - Yeah, my hopes up. - It would be so much better if it was Donald Trump instead of Sutherland. (both laughing) Oh shit, that's fucking awesome. Donald Sutherland, who has always been one of my favorite actors, I think he's a fine actor. - Trade? - What, huh? - Can we trade them? - Trade what? - Oh shit. (both laughing) - Oh my God. - Honestly, you could take mine with it. - Yeah, I did be fine. Let's do a double. So, Donald Sutherland passed away. I mean, he was up there in age or whatnot. And apparently this has been coming for a long time. But it was sad to see that, you know? And then I perked up a little bit when I saw that Justin Timberlake got a DUI, which I don't know why I found that a little bit funny at the time, but the first thing I went through my mind is, oh, look, this motherfucker bringing tipsy back. So, but I mentioned this to you before and you said that apparently, somebody from the bar ratted him out. - Yes, because apparently somebody tattletailed on him. - That's bullshit. I mean, it's bad that he drove, but we've all been there. Okay, I don't encourage drinking and driving by any stretch of the imagination, especially when you're a multi-millionaire and, you know, multi-platinum. Music star and you have the money to Uber or call a chauffeur or call a car. - That's just irresponsible. - And that was just irresponsible on his part. - But at the same time, there's a small part of me that's just like, what kind of a low life, oh, please. I think Justin's having too much drink. - Yeah, that's just-- - He might try. - That's just being shitty. That's just being shitty. If you want, if you want, why wouldn't you-- - And the bartender said that while Justin was there, he had one beer. - Well, apparently he told the cops, he had one martini. - So maybe that was it? Or maybe it was just-- - I don't know. - Anyway. - I don't know. - It doesn't matter. - He's the way he should have hired a driver. He should have known. - Right, and it's not like he's gonna do jail time or anything like that. I mean, he's fucking Justin Timberlake. It's first time offense, I'm sure, you know, but he did get run through the media with it, you know, and social media. - And it-- - He'd better hope that in jail, he doesn't get to see, you know, a whole dick in a box. - Ah! (laughing) - Those show them a dick in a box. (laughing) - What's that? - The box. - But it did stir up all that, all the anti-abortion people who were saying all the shit about him forcing Brittany Spears to get an abortion, which I don't buy that he forced her. I think that if anything, he might have encouraged it because I think at that point he started to realize that she wasn't, you know, fully there. - But yeah, so-- - Yeah, and then she won't stop twirling. (laughing) - If she's got knives-- - Stop twirling. - Why are you dancing with knives, you psycho? - So, obviously, I know you got some new stories as well. I'm more interested in yours than mine. So hit me. - Hit you baby one more time. (laughing) (laughing) - Oh, you motherfucker. Oh, you always catch me. - Well, Loewen Bobart faces calls to lose her guns in a letter to the ATF. The next group is demanding that Colorado representative, Loewen Bobart, have her guns taken away pending investigation. They requested over allegations of illegal drug use. - I can't say that, you know, after the Hunter Biden thing, I can't say that I disagree with the idea of that. You know what I mean? - Well, there's allegations from sources that Loewen Bobart had been using meth in marijuana-- - Oh, really? - And dad-- - There's a report that she was allegedly cut off from alcohol service at a GOP event in December. - I don't doubt that. I mean, I could see her, I mean, she's so small. You know what I mean? It's like a thimble full of wine would fucking knock her on her ass. - So small. - Yeah, she's, you could put her in a curio cabinet, I bet. She's like elf on the shelf, right? You know what I mean? Like you just put her up on the fucking mantle in her little legs dangle, you know? I'm not joking, that's how I view her. She's a little elf on the shelf. - Well, we could always ask her in person, let's try a bull bark, bull bark, bull bark. - No, no, she didn't appear. She's not like-- - It's not like Beetlejuice, all right. - Yeah, I don't know about that, man. I think, first off, I don't think that she is the best spokesperson for like second amendment. - Anything? - Well, anything, but definitely, you know, firearms. I mean, she has had a rough, and I am not a fan of Bobert at all. I would love to see her. What the fuck was that? Did your dog just have a fucking seizure? - Well, first he sneezed on me from across my couch, and then he proceeded to cough, and I think he just said, "My precious." (laughing) - But with back to back. (laughing) - You're an asshole. - I don't know what got into you today. What the fuck got into you today? - He was looking me like you asshole. - How are you talking about me? - The Bobert thing is, and in mind you, I'm no fan of Bobert whatsoever. I think that she'll probably win again because, you know, she's got the most name recognition, even though she's moving districts from the third to the fourth. I think she's got the most name and recognition. And because of that, and being an incumbent is going to be pretty tough to be. - Pretty soon she'll be moving from the fourth to the fifth. I'm talking 700 milliliters. - Yeah, but I do. I think that, you know, she's such a tiny, tiny person. I think, you know, it would literally be a thimbleful of any alcohol. - You heard of helping a shelf. (laughing) - Yeah, she's a piece of work. She's almost, no, anyway, next story. (laughing) I don't want to jump ahead. - Oh yeah. - And Trump claims he was punished and tortured in Fulton County jail when he was arrested. - Now, apparently with that story from what I read, it was a typo. Now, I don't know how you get a tortured to come out in a typo, but I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt on that. And the reason I'm going to give a-- - Well, can we just give a collective? - Oh, you four thing, tortured how? They took your fingerprints. They took your picture. - Well, that could be torture, I mean, over tiny hands. (laughing) - Yeah, I believe-- - This picture, any chick around has got little tiny fingerprints all over their asses 'cause of Trump. - I think that-- - When child grabbed your ass, oh, it's Trump, my bad. (laughing) - 'Cause it still has the ink, a little ink residue. - I think while they said it was a typo, I believe what ended up happening was they said, let's do this. And if we get called out on it, we'll say it was a typo. And I think that it was probably a pretty profitable fundraising letter that went out on that one. Because they'll believe it, they'll believe anything, especially like the deep, deep, deep, deep hardcore, nuclear fucking maga-minded retards, they will-- - Oh, he was tortured now. I think that-- - Yeah, yeah. - Have you seen the pictures of him with Ivan Kinda's lab? 'Cause there's a bunch of 'em. Whether it's a little like, yeah, yeah, I would not be doing that with my kid. - Yeah, he was in creepy all over. - Yeah, I mean, well, I mean, he's partied with Epstein. Epstein's housekeeper was saying that, you know, he was a regular dinner guest. - No, I don't doubt that. - But a lot of 'em are like, oh, that's all AI photos. Well, you know what, those photos existed for the last 20 years for AI existed, thank you very much. - Yeah, and I'm not, I don't know, I just think that what he does is he will find any way possible to try to manipulate the situation to his benefit. So that's why I think it probably was from him said, no, but I was tortured in there. And then if they call us out on it, we'll say it was a typo. I mean, you're already seeing, like this is what I don't get when it comes to Trump. What I don't get is why people continuously fall for the victim thing. This guy's supposed to be a winner, yet he keeps losing, you know, whether it's court cases, whether it's presidencies, whether it's popular vote, whether, you know what I mean, like electoral vote he lost. I mean, he lost, you know, when he was in office, he lost control of the Congress, you know, the house. - He continuously moved down to, in 1973, he lost a discrimination case for not renting to African Americans. - Right. - So he was a convicted discriminist. - The Trump charity, what was that called? - Trump U, I don't know, that was the first thing. - That was the other one, yeah. - Trump University, he got convicted for fraud. - But that was your felony, though. - No, no, it wasn't a felony, it just, they lost, they settled because they were defrauding people. - I mean, you could go back, the Trump charity, they were taking money to buy personal shit and to put it into his campaign. - Right. - So, and they settled with that, which means that he was guilty of it. Now he's felony, but he's always telling the truth. - Right, no he isn't. - Well, that's the thing, though, is that, but he also, he has the same M.O. through all of it. And like even, you know, we got the debate between him and Biden coming up, which is gonna be an absolute shit show, for both sides, I think. But he's already trying to pad, you know, he's already trying to feather the nest. And it's, well, if I don't do good, it's because of this format. We didn't like this format. Well, no, you guys agreed to that format. So if you didn't like it, you didn't have to agree to it. First off, well, you know, it's gonna be three against one because, you know, they're rigged against me. No, that's not true either. You know, Biden's gonna be, you know, he goes from sleepy Joe to jacked up Joe. So now he wants, you know, a drug test before it, which I don't think that, you know, like, I don't know who thinks, honestly, that Trump is telling the truth and believes that Joe Biden is on cocaine. But clearly there's no evidence of that. Not in any way, shape, or form, specifically in his level of energy. I'll go with sleepy Joe. I'll believe that. But you can't go from sleepy Joe to jacked Joe. You know what I mean? - How about instead of a debate, we have an IQ test live on here. - How about a spelling test? How about a spelling bee? How about just that, right? I mean- - Famously they misspelled burgers. - Yeah. - To birders, birders, yeah. So like when it comes to all of that with Trump, I guess my point is, is that he's used this playbook of if I lose, it's because it's rigged. And he did that in 2016. He did that in 2020. He did that through the impeachment hearings. I mean, this is his, it's so- - It doesn't live in business. Everything grabbed it, how many businesses? - And it's always, never anyone's fault. - How many people do you know? File bankruptcy for a casino. - I know. - And I just won three. Three. - Yeah, you really gotta try to fuck up that business. So I just don't understand why people think he's a successful businessman. I don't see why people think he'll be a successful president. This is clearly going to be, you know, get even tour for him, if he's elected. And you know what, I don't care one way or the other. I'll be honest with you, at this point, I honestly don't care one way or the other how it goes because A, I am really putting myself into the bleacher seats on this election to the best of my ability. I'll comment on it. I'll scream at the screen like a fan. - I want to be like that. But there's a large part of me that's like, I'm starting to not care what happens in the election. However, Project 2025 is what-- - They're trying to spin that around as if it's the Democrats idea. Did you see that? - Yeah. - They're trying to say project 2025 is what the Democrats are doing. And it is-- - No. - It's from the Heritage Foundation, for fuck's sake, at least if you're going to make that accusation. - You know what, they're making that accusation because their people are fucking dumb. - No, they're making that-- - The comic cult is dumb. - Yeah, all right. So I would agree with you, the cult is dumb and will believe that bullshit. I disagree that the people who are saying it on his behalf are that dumb, they know. And they're just trying to put all the bullshit out there. I don't know, man, I think that you're-- All right, so you're looking at it from a little different perspective. I'm trying to stay the spectator, but I'm a very nervous spectator. And the reason I'm such a nervous spectator is because I know the amount of damage that a president can do specifically like him on a revenge tour to the country. You're talking, if that Project 2025 does get implemented, government as we know it, the United States as we know it, the way that the system works as we know it, the foundation of this country, the pillars on which it's built, that all goes away. - I got a question for you. If the right are calling the left and saying that we have Trump arrangement syndrome, I now think that we need to counteract that by claiming that they have IBS. Irritable Biden syndrome. (laughing) That's my new thing. - Oh, I like that. That is the name of this podcast. IBS. Irritable Biden syndrome. I like that. (laughing) - I'm just saying. - So it'll be interesting to see what happens on the debate. I'm kind of excited to see it because I love a train wreck and I think it's gonna be a fucking train wreck. I am concerned about what the outcome of the election will be only because unlike a lot of people in this country and I'm looking at you, MAGA, I actually do believe in our FBI, I do believe in the system. I'm not saying it doesn't mean correction. I don't think that it's 100% pure. - The new thing that I'm saying online lately. Is people sit, you know, are you gonna sit around for the next round when Biden shuts down the country? - Well, what are you talking about? - Well, we had the quarantines during COVID. That's Biden's fault. - No, the first quarantine started March 14th, another one March 20th of 2020, who was president at that time. - They forget, they forget. Like all the things that they dislike, whether it's the masks or any of that shit, the vaccine, they forget it all came from him. And I think that that would be actually a very, very interesting approach for Biden is to go, you know what, all your MAGA fans, I wanna speak to you, all those things that you dislike, masking, quarantine, all that stuff, vaccines, that all happened under him. And then continued for a very short time under me. And now because of me, we're not doing that anymore. I think that would be an interesting way to put Trump on his heels for the debate. I don't think it'll happen, but I think that that would, you know, like the only way that Biden really wins this debate is by shaking Trump up and getting him to explode. Because if you can get under Trump's skin and he loses his shit, that's where you're gonna see, that's where you're gonna see the difference between the character of the two men. - I mean, let's face it, who's the most likely to lose their cool and have a tantrum? Like a straight up child's tantrum live on air? - Yeah, I mean, it's not even a... - The worst Biden we'll do is... - Yeah, I mean, you might get... Yeah, you might get Biden freezing, trying to think of something. And you see those eyes get crazy for a second. You know what I mean? - I'm trying to... - I'm trying to remember my... - What, what, what was that like? - He needs to put on those aviators and look at Trump and be like, "That's the fact, Jack." - Yeah, yeah, if he did something like that, I think that would be actually to his defense. - Entertaining. - And now, let's go from one weirdo and their child to another weirdo and his 12th child. You know, on Musk just confirms his 12th child. - I don't know how many women this is from. I know it's not from just one. I know that there's at least three... - Yeah, at least three. - Maybe four. - Who needs 12 kids? - Anyone who's starting a religion, you gotta have your disciples. I think that's what he's doing. I think he's turning himself into Elon Christ. And he's got his 12 disciples now. And look, this is something that he's spoken about for a long time. I don't agree with Elon all the time, but I think a lot of the time he sees things a little bit clearer than the general public. He has been saying... - I'm not always sure about that, but he is entertaining. - He's definitely entertaining. You know what I mean? Again, I look at him like he's, you know, kind of the Henry Ford of our generation. He didn't invent the wheel. He didn't invent the engine. He didn't invent the car. He just invented the way to make it quicker and cheaper. So I look at him in that fashion, but he has been speaking for an incredibly long time about population collapse. And he's like, look, you know, everyone needs to have as many children as they possibly can. And he's clearly, you know, he's sticking to at least his ideology. But 12 kids, that's a bit much, yeah. But I mean, when you have that kind of money, I guess it doesn't fucking matter. You know what I mean? Like we look at it. - You cannot hear names. - Yeah. And we look at it. I mean, those kids will never really know. I mean, he works a hundred hours a week. I mean, he's not spending... - I think as kids have to wear name tags. - Oh, if they don't, I'd be surprised. I mean, I'm sure that there's at least some sort of scanner like they barcode it. - Can I just show up with like a musketag? Like, dad, can I have a, I don't know, a hundred million? Got a browser guy I want to work on. - Yeah, really? Yeah, I'm building a tree house dad. I need a loan. I don't understand how that family dynamic would work. You know what I mean? Because they are spread out. Like I said, I think it's four women. These 12 kids are spread out across. But again, you know, he's got the kind of money. He didn't have to worry about it. He didn't have to worry about it. - I think I need to have, I mark this down. Reality TV, my idea. It's Nick Cannon and Elon Musk. Sharing a house. Random visits from their kids. - Yeah, and we'll call it, whose baby is it? Or we could call it, who's your daddy? - Who's your daddy? - Is anyone's guess? - Anyone's guess. I don't know, man. Like I said, I don't agree with him a hundred percent of the time, but at least he is walking the walk. You know, he says it and he's doing it and good for him, I guess, 'cause he didn't afford it. And he figured like 12 kids to him. Like you and I look at it from the point of view of we would have to work, you know, 17 jobs. We would never sleep, you know? And granted, he's working 17 jobs and never sleeps, but he's also got the benefit of being the owner and, you know, multi-billionaire. - I'm sure he's hired some kind of HR manager to manage his kids. - There's gotta be some kind of organization going on there. There's gotta be like some sort of, you know, I mean, he probably just bought a nanny service, like the whole fucking service. He's like, all right, I know you were super nannies. - No, it's nanny ex. (both laughing) I don't know. - It's no longer a molly maid. It's a molly maternity. - I saw a story that I thought was interesting that actually two stories, same guy, Bannon, Steve Bannon. - Yeah. - He is due to, like all the requests that he put in, I've been denied, he is due to report to prison on July 1st. But somewhere in between the denial and of his appeals, he was calling for fucking violence, basically. I didn't catch that whole story. - Did you read your death? - This is what he said. We have to take it, you know, leave it all on the battlefield. What battlefield? - Yeah. I mean, what-- - You do realize that-- - Are you gonna watch from your boat that you stole the money for to buy? - Well, I mean, if the battlefield is the elementary gymnasium, which most of the voting that I've done in my life has taken place on, I don't know. I don't know how to even digest it. Is it just, you know, like, I look at that and you see it in politics, you see like, you know, this is the fight for our life and, you know, we've got to fight harder and, you know, what all the rhetoric. And I don't know if this could be just considered the same kind of rhetoric that you've heard from politicians or if this is actually a dog whistle calling for violence. And I tend to think it's a dog whistle calling for violence. And I think that because, I mean, in many ways, you're seeing all the work that the Republicans did in the last 30 years kind of coming to fruition. And the only thing that is a spoiler in a lot of this is that they don't have, at this moment, complete control of Congress and the White House. - But let me ask you something. There was a shooting in Michigan, correct? - At the local county, at the water splash pad. - Yeah, splash pad. - Do we know anything about the shooter now? - No, I haven't found anything that-- - Anything, no. And then there was a shooting in Arkansas. The guy who lived, they haven't been jailed. There's been no information about why he did this. - Well, even the Surgeon General came out and said, "Look, we got to do something about gun violence." Like, this is it. I mean, it is-- - But nothing will get done 'cause people will be outraged for four or five days. - And then-- - It's not even that long. - It'll be squashed. - It's not even that long anymore. It used to be, you could count on a mass shooting being in the news no less than a week, no less, you know? And if kids were involved, it was definitively gonna be, you know, top of the hour, news coverage, 24/7. Every hour on the hour, they were talking about it. And it was always, you know, one of the top leading stories. Now it's got to the point, it lasted a day or two, maybe three. - I just think it's a little strange that no information has come out. - Well, I'm not saying that there's not information out there. I'm saying that I haven't come across it. And I didn't-- - I had to come across it. Now I'm a news hound. - I know, but were you digging for it specifically? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah, I wasn't digging specifically because I've gotten to the point where I'm numb to it. I just, I really have gotten to the point where it's like, well, yeah, I mean, this is just gonna happen with, this is just what it means to live in the United States. There's gonna be mass shootings. And no one's gonna do anything about it except thoughts and prayers. Well, you know, that doesn't do fuck all nothing. So, you know-- - Both the prayers. They absolute least that you can do. - Yeah, yeah. And like I said, what I think is interesting though, is if you look at pretty much a 30 year cycle of the Republican Party, and kind of how they have specifically focused on local, you know, local, state, county elections, they really put a lot of effort into that early on specifically, but have really built quite a machine moving forward. And that's why you're seeing a lot of these laws being passed. You're seeing a lot of these things on a local level. And now speaking of these laws, tell me about what's going on in Louisiana. (laughing) - Well, that's all kinds of fucked, okay? So there's essentially, it's two parts to this story, right? The first one is they're going-- - Well, three parts really. - Yeah, three parts. They're doing chemical castration, I guess now. Do you have that story available or no? - A little bit, not so much the castration part, but there's a group of states that have that, Texas is one of them. - Which means, I can't remember the other states, but-- - Which means Elon better be careful, otherwise he's not going to have child 13. (laughing) He's going to be fucked. - Oh, he'll be fine, he's got money. That's all that matters. - So really the one that I think has caught everyone's imagination is this, the governor signed into law, I believe, already, that he had just Landry. Landry has decided that the Ten Commandments should be in every school prominently displayed. - But no school lunches. - No, we're not going to feed you, we're just going to indoctrinate you. Now, that's a quick shot actually. Well, hold on a second, let me back up for a second. That's a cheap shot, the indoctrination, because actually I read something somewhere that somebody said, and I don't know where the fuck I read it, but it was actually on point. And he said, every school is going to indoctrinate your children. It's just a matter of what kind of indoctrination. Okay, well, that is true. Some people call that education. Some people call it indoctrination. I don't believe that one plus one equals two is indoctrination. I believe that's education. I get where they're coming from. However, I am very much a proponent of the separation of church and state, and I am definitively against the idea of a public school having any religion in it whatsoever. I don't think it belongs there. It's a public school, and there are going to be Christians, and probably the majority of them are going to be Christians. But there's also going to be Muslims, there's also going to be, you know, I mean, Buddhist, there's going to be Jewish kids, there's good. Come on. Can't we just have something without religion? Can't we just have this opportunity to just educate? We both went to the same church. Yeah. How many churches have you been to? I actually, quite a few, oddly, because our, or mine, because I think he stopped by the time you were coming up, my Sunday school teacher, Dennis, he, after we got taken into the church, the following Sunday, he congratulated us all on becoming full-fledged members of the church, and said, you guys really worked hard. You know, we, in the course of this, we've read the entire Bible, front to back. We've studied it. I'm so proud of you. You are all going to be great members of this church. However, I do not want to see you here for a year, and we all were like, what? He's like, nope, I want you to go out, and I want, it may have been the summer. I can't remember if it was a year, if it was just over the summer, but basically six months at a minimum. And he gave us the date when we were going to all meet back, and he encouraged us to take every Sunday and go to a different church, or a mosque. I did the same thing. Okay, you did, okay. Did you have Dennis? No. Or was that just because you knew that I had done that? No. He passed her, passed her pad. Oh, he encouraged us to go to, yeah. He actually grew up outside of the U.S. but he still loved it. And looking back, it still makes me chuckle, but he would always introduce himself. My name is Peyton Rhimes with C. Yeah. And he would laugh, but a super great guy. Yeah, he was a great guy. I remember him. We actually had some good conversations. I had left the church by that point, and we had some interesting deep discussions. Well, my question for you is how many churches have you been to that actually had the Ten Commandments on display? I don't think any. I don't think any. Yeah. I don't think it definitively was not on display at our church. I have yet to be in a Catholic church and see it unless I missed it. And I've been in a number of Catholic churches, a number of Baptist and Southern Baptist churches, handful of Lutheran. And, you know, obviously it wouldn't be in any way. You know, it's nice to be in a Buddhist temple, but. Let me quote Homer Simpson with a, oh, my hot take. (laughing) I think though the Simpson sire. This is not about the Ten Commandments. Okay, and the reason I know it's not about, the reason I know it's not about the Ten Commandments, all right, is because this same governor came out and said, I cannot wait to be sued. And I thought, wait a minute, what's this about? And then I started thinking about it, doing a little bit more research. And I realized, ah, he knows that this is unconstitutional based on three or four prior decisions by the Supreme Court. I mean, this goes back to what, 1964? Or something like that? Not like that. And it was brought up again in, I think in the '80s and then again in the '90s or early 2000s, and it's been shot down by the Supreme Court every single time. But there's a difference now. And the difference is, all that time, the Supreme Court was pretty evenly balanced, you know? You had four and four and then one that could go either way, kinda, and that was pretty consistent throughout the '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s, and all the way into the Trump. I mean, so now they have conservative majority and we know Alito's view on more religion needs to be instilled in society, specifically Christian religion. So we know he's at least one sympathetic Supreme Court justice. And that's what this is about, is they have been very, very successful at stacking local, community, state level slots with Republicans and very, very patient and methodical and strategic in getting a majority in the Supreme Court that's conservative. Now, the interesting thing about that is, is look at now since the Supreme Court has gone majority conservative, how badly the faith and their polling is. That's an institution that's failing in front of us. You know, Roberts is allowing the one thing that he always said he wouldn't allow, which is the integrity of the court to be questioned, but he is allowing it. And now he's in a position where it's like, there's so many, every week, there's a new story about Supreme Court justice. Well, it's specifically Alito and Thomas, or the main ones, but you know. - Well, we're watching Christian nationalism take over. - Well, that's what it is. So we stack the court thanks to McConnell, right? McConnell, you know, nine months before an election. That's too soon. The American people need an opportunity to vote on the person who's gonna make a decision on somebody that's gonna make a life appointment. - Well, you know, fast forward three weeks before, three or four weeks before an election, McConnell had no problem putting Amy Coney Barrett in there. - Yeah. - So it's the hypocrisy and the policy and the political gamesmanship that the Republican party has done. Now they've just gotten to the point where it's like, they used to try to pretend at least that they weren't being hypocrites. Now they're like, we don't care what you think. We're just doing this. And you don't have to like it because we were right and you're wrong and fuck off. But I think that this is actually, so I think it's gonna backfire on them at some point. - I've got a second question for ya. Are you familiar with the Louisiana Purchase? - To a degree, yeah. - It was in 1803 and we got Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, parts of Minnesota, New Mexico, Montana, Wyoming and Colorado. - Is it a fire sale? - Basically. - Jesus Christ. - And we got them for $15 million. - Buy one state, get one state free. - And so it's basically 13 states, purchased in Louisiana Purchase for $15 million. - And we got all that from France, right? - Yeah, from France. Now, little known fact, as I have the receipt, I'd like to get a refund. (laughing) - At least on the piece. - Talk to the manager, please. - There's a couple of states in there that we'd like to refund on. - They don't say-- - Colorado can stay, they're fun. - I'll even keep Montana, that's great. All right, fine. - Yeah, I've got the Minnesota's cool. - All right, they don't, cold. - Yeah, cool, that's why it's so cool. - Yeah, there's a lot in there. - They're entertaining. But the rest of them, maybe not so much. - Yeah. - I don't blame a-- - I would just like maybe, let's say, 13 million back. Well, we'll call it deep. - I think A, that was a hell of a deal. And I'm sure that whatever that equates to in modern day money, it's still a hell of a deal. I mean, was that work out to you? - Well, I'm sure that deal is going to be, the credit for it will somehow end up under Trump. - Yeah. - Hi, bro, good bad deal. - I wonder what that worked out to per acre. It had to be in the like, what, three, four cents an acre? Maybe 30 cents an acre? - Yeah, maybe. - 'Cause it's, so here, 828,000 square miles. - Yeah, I don't know what that works out to an acre is, but I mean, that's still a fucking, I think that's a fucking steal. I think that's a deal. - But getting back to this, I think that what people don't realize is that the reason why he was so excited, and I don't think he should have done that. I don't think he should have shown his cards like that, because now the cat's out of the bag, you know what I mean? The worst thing that you could do is go, I can't wait to get sued, because then people are gonna go, well, why? And if you don't answer it, you're just like, (laughing) like a little fucking creep like he is, they're gonna start thinking about it and they're gonna start going, oh, I get it, because what you're trying to do is go around the people the constituency, the voters, and go right to the Supreme Court so that you can get your Christian nationalist bullshit codified by the Supreme Court instead of having it gone through, go through in Congress or through legal ways, because you don't like that. - Oh. - The bill. The bill that the governor signed was signed into law at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School in Lafayette. - Again, I mean, the people-- - I just wanted to throw that in there. - People do not seem to realize, or they don't care, or they just disagree with this. But the fact of the matter is, you have got to have a separation of church and state in order for it to not become a theocracy. Eventually, if you can, so if you take this Christian nationalism to its natural end, it's a theocracy. And now you're going to have laws put into place that are going to be restrictive. Really, I think what they're trying to get at, at some point, is actually making Christianity the national religion. I think that that's really what they want to do. I mean, it's one thing when you say Christian nationalism, that's one thing. - It's going to be the theocracy. - It is, and again, that's if you vote-- - My next question. - If you vote Trump, that's what you're going to get. If this country literally went theocracy, what do you plan on doing? - See, that's a good question. I don't know that I could put up with it. I don't know that I could, you know, I mean, there's a lot of people that go, "Well, I'm gonna fucking live and come "and move to Canada, or I'm going to move "out of the country or whatever." Well, you know what, that sounds great. Most people don't do it. I don't know, I honestly don't know, because there's a risk of that no matter where you go, but Finland's looking nice. Amsterdam's looking nice. - Amsterdam, Iceland. - Iceland's looking nice. Ireland's looking nice, you know, in some parts. Some parts not so much. I don't know, man. I don't know that I could live in a theocracy. I don't think that I, because I'm not going to stop being an atheist just because I live in a theocracy, which eventually they're going to come knocking on my door, you know, so I don't know. I don't know what I would do. - That's a great question, though. Fucking great question. - Yeah, like, I'm not even trying to be cute. It's just a, what do you do? - Yeah, I've never been to Finland. - Where do you go? - I've never been to Finland, and it's a little bit close to Russia. But, you know, that area, Finland, Switzerland, Iceland, they all really have high happiness rates in their citizenry. - Canada's listed at number four. - Yeah, you know, I mean. - And I think about Canada because there's so much land. - Yeah, I agree. I would, that would probably end up just out of convenience because I could just go across the bridge. - Much easier to do a Where's Waldo in Canada than a lot of other countries. - Well, the thing is that while that would be the easy choice and the most financially easy choice to make, I don't know, well, I guess it would depend. You know, it would depend where in Canada. You know what I mean? I don't want to be in a big city, but I also don't want to be in the middle of nowhere. You know, so there's a lot of nowhere in between coasts on Canada. - Kind of like that, though. - Yeah, I mean, I dig that to a degree, but I mean, there's a lot. (laughing) Like, a lot. - A lot. - I'm kind of in the middle of nowhere at the moment. And yesterday I went somewhere, started nowhere, and there was a lot of people. - Yeah. - And I did not like-- - Yeah, that sucks. You get used to it. You see, that's things you do get used to. Now, mind you, I'm in, for this area in the state, I'm what you would consider in the sticks, but I'm only 20 minutes either way from civilization. Not even really, you know? I mean, I could go 10 minutes and find shops and whatnot. Yeah, I like to be just on the outskirts. You know, like, nothing's more than a half hour away. I don't want, I don't really don't want more than a half hour drive to get food. Or groceries, you know what I mean? Or, you know, a fucking Home Depot and shit like that. Hey, maybe they'll sponsor us. Home Depot, when you want to walk into a big fucking store and stare for hours at shelves not knowing what the fuck you're trying to do or what you need to buy. Home Depot, they're here for you. - Once upon a time, I was dating a girl that had some kids and we-- - Or they heard so. - Yes. - All right. And it was really funny to me because I ended up, you don't even remember how it happened, but the kids were enthralled with tile, the different types of tile. - Okay. - And I ended up buying them little squares of tile. They got to pick one out and they're static. - Yeah, and it cost you about tile. Like a buck a piece or 50 cents a piece for tile. - Yeah, it was like 55 cents a piece, but they love those tiles. - Yeah, if it fucking, I was like, all right, let's go get some mortar. All right, let's do the bathroom. - Cool. - What do you say, kids? - I can't wait. (laughing) - Yeah, you can literally stay in there for hours just looking at stuff. - Yeah, see, that's my problem is like, I walk into Home Depot or Lowe's or any of those big box stores. And I know what I'm looking for. You know, I may not know exactly what I'm looking for, but I do find myself, the problem is, is that I prefer like the old ACE and ACOs, like the ones that, you know, like were just jam-packed overflowing with shit. - Yeah, you can find, you can then it's away. - Yeah, there was always that area where they had the little slide out boxes with all the different, you know, fasteners and whatnots and you know, you still got those. - You would find things that they would stock that you couldn't find at Home Depot. - But I give Home Depot credit because I mean, like it's an easy place to go to and find what the fuck you're looking for. I mean, if you want patio furniture and lumber and drywall plaster all in the same shop, you got it. They got you covered. But I think those big box stores are gonna start going away. I think that people are starting to get to the point where it's like, I don't want my feet to hurt just because I had to walk from one end of the store to the other end of the store. You know, like, you ever do that Home Depot where you-- - Welcome to Vermont where big box stores are not a thing. - Oh, that's fantastic. - I like quite literally, you know how many Walmart's are here in the state? - One, three, three, three. - Wow. - Otherwise they're smaller branches. It's really big on the mom-popping here. - Yeah, I dig that though. - Real cool. It's all shop local. I mean-- - Yeah, I've really got to make-- - Vermont, I never made it to you in my travels. I do want to come out-- - It's interesting. I want to see that, you know what I mean? - They have an annual day called Green Up Vermont and you'll see kids like from middle school to high school out along roads in fields picking up trash. What, it's a holiday here at Vermont. - I wouldn't say it's the most clean. - It's not the most popular holiday, probably. - I'm going to guess-- - The kids want to do it. - I'm guessing-- - It is a huge thing. - I'm guessing Halloween's a little bit bigger to them than Green Up Day. - So let me get this straight. One day I get to go out and dress like a monster and I get to knock on people's strangers' doors and they're going to give me candy and you're going to let me eat candy from strangers. Okay, I like that. I like all of that. And what's the other one you're talking about? Oh, I get to go out into a field with a bag and pick up garbage. I don't get it. (both laughing) - Do I get to keep the garbage? (both laughing) - There's some pannies, I get to see them. - No, but it's a billboard or not a thing here. - That's cool. - Yeah, that's cool. - It is crazy. I'll be driving down one of the dirt roads to get to where we're staying and it is just like almost a tunnel. It's the entire way of trees and bushes. - Yeah, I dig that. - I do dig that. - It's extremely rural. I was in the capital yesterday or no, the day before yesterday. And you blink, you missed it. There's no McDonald's in the capital. It's the only capital in the country that doesn't have fast food. - Yeah, and that's probably the perfect fast food. - Yeah, it's probably also the only state or the only capital in the country that doesn't have a bunch of fucking fatasses trying to scarf down a Big Mac. - Yeah. - What are you trying to say? I like Big Macs. - I know I like them too. Not as chubby as you, but I'm there. - I'm at McDonald's the other day and I decide, you know what? I'm gonna get a Big Mac meal. And so I ordered, you know, do the faceless kiosk ordering 'cause I love that. Don't have to deal with people. No judgment if I want four patties on my Big Mac. And no wonder my thing, sit down. And you know, 20 minutes pass, half hour passes. Just like, how hard is it to make a Big Mac? - Yeah. - And they come over, they drop off a Hot Bud Sunday. Like, oh we're sorry, we're taking so long. Here's a Hot Bud Sunday. All right, that's kind of cool, all right? I eat it, waiting for my food. Another 20 minutes pass. And finally, my meal comes. And it has another Hot Bud Sunday. - Oh, so you got two Hot Bud Sundays. - Yeah, I have diabetes, so I watch what I actually gave it a way to a thing that had a kid who was screaming behind me. It was like, maybe this will shut the bread up. - Yeah. - It did, it did. But yeah, just, you know. That's the way it is in Little Vermont. - It shut the kid up because you jammed it in his fucking face, let's be honest. - Well, we're not going there. We're not bringing that part. - Oh, you want to talk about that? Apparently that's something that we don't want made public on the podcast. The fact that you took a fucking five year old and shoved the fucking Hot Bud Sunday in this fucking face. - Contrary to popular rumors, there was not a spoon already in it. Well, when I jammed it into a space, a irresponsible speculation. - Yeah, yeah, that there's absolutely no truth. - There's no proof, no, but even the video footage doesn't show the spoon. So I mean, I think I have scrubbed it from the internet. - I think that the court case is going to go well for you, but maybe. - All right, so another interesting thing, at least I find this interesting, I think you will too. Another monolith was discovered. So our buddy Kirk, friend of the show sent me this. I had seen the story, but he was actually kind enough to, because he was working on something and was doing some research and came across some, you know, some information that he thought he would share with us. - Yeah, I remember reading this about two years ago. - Well, we had that happen like two years ago, but this has just happened in Vegas. - Exactly. - Right? So in the last, so he actually went back and found, you know, he texted me, he's like, hey, I think this is an interesting story. I think that you guys would, you know, can have fun with this and sent us a bunch of information on it. It was fantastic. Again, thank you to Kirk Nolan. Make sure if you're a fan of Elsie's Little Pickles, you check out Kirk's social media. It's Kirkland Nolan on, I believe, Facebook and Instagram. And then he does the minute. - He made the video for my song, "Hookers and Blows." - He did. He made the video for "Hookers and Blows." He's an incredible friend to the show. - And to both of us. - Get him back on again soon. - I know I wanna have him back on soon. I've actually been doing some recording for his videos with him, which has been just a blast. You know, I don't get, over the last few years, we have not had the opportunity to be creative together because we are schedules and different stuff, you know, life. So it's been really great because I've been taken, you know, an hour or two every week and recording with him as well, helping him with his channel. But anyways, back to this, the monolith. In the last decade, particularly since 2020, numerous mysterious monoliths have appeared all around the world while the exact count is difficult to determine. At least 87 monoliths were reported to have been appeared worldwide within a month after the discovery of the first one in Utah on November 18, 2020. - He said '87 of them? - Yes. - Well, there's only 86 left because I know one was taken down by some rednecks and they scrapped it. - Oh, did they? - Yeah. - Yeah. - So this is what's interesting, right? So you've got, they've been found in various locations according to his research in Utah, in the United States, Romania, California, New Mexico, in the United States, Isle of Wight, in the UK, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Columbia, and Hungary. Now, the vast majority of them are these very, very polished metal monoliths that typically stand six to 10 feet, I believe it is. So yeah, he goes on. The monoliths are typically described as tall, shiny metal structures, often resembling the monolith from the film 2001, Space Odyssey, their sudden appearance and disappearance have sparked curiosity and speculation worldwide with some being claimed by artists or pranksters while others remain unexplained. Now, obviously, they've removed a lot of these. And so we can remove, you know, we can discount the idea of aliens, although that pains me to the depths of my soul to say that this couldn't be aliens. Most, obviously, most obvious is that it's artist installations. Many believe the monoliths are works of art, possibly inspired by the Land Art movement of the 1960s and 70s, some have speculated that the Utah monolith might be the work of minimalist sculptor, John McCracken, or tribute to his style. The number two one, the one I wanted, alien artifact, while not taking entirely seriously, some jokingly suggest the monoliths could be of extraterrestrial origin, drawing parallels to the monolith in the film 2001, Space Odyssey. Now, I would love that to be true, but I'm pretty sure that aliens don't use rebar and cement to shore up their monoliths. - Yes. - Then there's speculation it could be a marketing campaign. There's a speculation that the global appearance of monoliths could be part of an elaborate marketing campaign or a marketing strategy for an unknown product or event. I don't buy that one because they would have already taken advantage of the marketing, especially since 2020, we're talking four years now. Pranksters are copycats, that makes sense. An artist's collective, an anonymous group called the most famous artist claimed responsibility for the monoliths in Utah and California, though they did not take credit for all global appearances. Now, that makes sense. I could see artists in the United States and artists in all these other countries kind of going, well, here's the blueprint. This is what you do, this is how you do it. They share their little tutorials with each other and then boom, it becomes a global thing. And then the last is individual artists. Some monoliths have been attributed to specific artists or designers such as Tom Dunford, who claimed responsibility for the Isle of Wight monolith. Okay, so at least that one we know. So then it really kind of becomes a question of why and I don't think that there's a reason. I think it's just fucking with people. I think that it's just, it's just the way it is. You know, when you get a bunch of artists, and that's my guess is that it's just artists working together on a collaborative kind of fuck you prank joke for the world. And I think that that's fantastic. I think the idea of just inspiring people to think or dream or wonder or contemplate how and why, I think that's enough, don't you? Like, isn't it kind of the point of art is to just go, everyone gets to interpret it differently. - Yeah, that is the point of art is interpretation. So it's always subjective, that's the beauty of it. - Yeah, I really do believe that. I believe that you have to have this opportunity for people to see something that doesn't, it's kind of like when you hear a song, okay? And you might think that that song is about one thing and it's totally not, you know what I mean? Like, you might think it's a love song and it turns out every breath you take, I remember Sting in an interview said, he goes, I cannot tell you how many people have said, this is the song we dance to at our wedding. And he's like, yeah, okay? All right, not really what the song is about. But they interpreted it as a love song, all right? But it's about fucking stalking. - Yes. - All right? And he actually had to write on his next hit when he did a solo album, he had to write kind of the antidote to that song. Oh God, what was it? It's from Dreams of the Blue Turtle, fuck. Let me look it up. - DTS that shit. - What's that? - DTS? - I am. - Google that shit. - I'm Googling that shit. If you love somebody, set them free, okay? So that was the antidote to every breath you take. So I do dig that- - That I'm free. - Yeah. And I dig that idea that people can interpret a piece of art in their own way, whether that's a painting, a sculpture, a song, it doesn't matter what it is, you know. - It used to be a Mona Lisa smiling or not smiling. - Right, exactly. Which leads me to, and this wasn't something that we were actually gonna talk about, but this leads me to the pornography argument that's going on in the Republican party. And specifically with being pushed by Christians and Christian nationalists, where they're saying that pornography needs to be made illegal. Now we've talked about this a little bit before, but I think it's worth bringing up again, specifically because of the Louisiana Ten Commandments issue. If you look at pornography and don't think that that's freedom of speech, and you look at the Ten Commandments being jammed in everyone's face and you say that that's free speech, where does the art come in? Because at the end of the day, there's going to be somebody that's going to look at a historic, I mean, it could be a statue of David and go, that's pornographic. Because there's a different tolerance for nudity for all kinds of people. There's a different tolerance for sexuality and the expression of sexuality for everyone. Some people are very vanilla, you know? Some people are asexual. Some people are very easily offended. But some of us aren't. And some of us can look at a picture or a painting or a video or whatever and go, no, I see the beauty in that. And the idea that Christianity would, in any way, shape or form, be upset with any part of nudity when Adam and Eve is where it all began. And they didn't always have the fig leaf. So I think that what-- I love the story of Adam and Eve. Bitch didn't have a belly, but-- (laughing) Well, it's just the whole, that's the start of civilization. Well, you know, they had only three boys. So how did that work? How did that work, exactly? But most importantly, in all of the pictures of Adam and Eve, they're both depicted with fucking belly button. Fuck you, no belly button. You don't get a belly button. You don't get a belly button when you're made from a fucking rib. You don't get a belly button when you're a fucking lump of clay. You don't, I'm sorry. You don't get it. Even the fucking Bill's Berry, don't man. - Bill's Berry, don't boy. - Yeah, he didn't have a fucking belly button. (laughing) So I think that the reason why I bring that into the discussion is because this fucking, what's this name again, Louisiana governor? - Landry. - Landry. - Death lander. - He spilled the fucking milk when he said I can't wait to be sued. And I think that that is ultimately the plan that they're going to continuously use. You watch, this is gonna happen with, it's gonna happen with pornography. They're gonna, it's some state, whether it's Louisiana or another state, is gonna make pornography illegal. You saw that, was it in Texas that they banned? - Not the porn hub banned Texas from their website. - But didn't Texas have some sort of issue with them? - Well, I think it had to do with payments, something like that. I'm not sure what the cause, I can't remember. - Yeah, I can't remember. - The porn hub was just like, well, fuck you Texas, if you have a Texas IP, you can't access that anymore. - And good for them. You know what I mean? Like good for them for going, you know what? We don't give a fuck, we don't need you, you know. But I think that what people need to understand is that this policy of making a law on a state level, jamming it through, and then waiting to be sued so that you can get to the Supreme Court because you know that you've got six sympathetic sets of ears. If that doesn't chill your shit, if that doesn't make you realize that some hardcore choices have to be made on who we're allowing into office. - I will say though that Barrett has made some interesting rulings that didn't quite go the conservative way they thought they would with her. - No, she has actually gone up against, wasn't it Clarence Thomas, she had an issue with the bomb stock there? - Oh yeah, she also just recently called into question his ethics and morals and the court. - Well, I think that Clarence Thomas had gotten way too comfortable being there as long as he had, and it's that situation of grandpa, you can't say that shit anymore. Grandpa, you can't do that shit anymore. And I think Amy Coney Barrett is just young enough to where she's going, what the fuck are you doing? What the fuck are you doing? You're gonna ruin it for all of us because you're being Greek. - You're gonna end up with a pube on her coke can. - Oh, I guarantee, you know what I mean? Like it wouldn't surprise me because he obviously seems to care fuck all nothing for the law. You know what I mean? Like you can't convince me that it's not, when they say activist judges, if you don't look at Clarence Thomas and Alito as activist judges, I don't, I mean, I mean, I'll give credit to Amy Coney Barrett 'cause she has stepped up and said a few things. I'll give credit to even Kavanaugh who's pushed back on a few things. - Yes, but Thomas and Alito, those two motherfuckers gotta go, they gotta go. They are the linchpin problem with Roberts Supreme Court. And really also the retired Justice Breyer has come out several times and questioned some of the kickbacks and the moral ethics of some of the justices, primarily Roberts and Alito and Clarence. - Yeah, I'm sorry, Clarence. - I don't know if, no, I fucking drawn a blank on me. - Yes, definitely with Thomas and there's much to be questioned with Alito. - Yes. - But the rest of them, I don't know that I have reason to question their ethics yet. The rest of them seem, you know, like even if I disagree with them, you know, on their views and their politics and their judgments, I don't really have much I can bitch about yet as far as Amy Coney Barrett or Kavanaugh. And I didn't like Kavanaugh, I think he, you know, I think-- - I didn't like he the one, but there have been rulings where I'm like, holy crap, they put aside their personal beliefs. - And actually ruled on the law. And I don't think that that's happening anymore with Thomas or Alito. - I think that they're in the pocket of the billionaires. I think they're like, well, I guess I just need to have a bigger RV and yes, I can make that happen for you. I guess I just need a trip to, you know, St. Bart's and I can make that happen for you, you know what I mean, but Roberts, that's the one that I'm curious about. Is there, because I haven't heard anything negative about Roberts aside from the fact that he's lost control of his court. - I have not heard anything other than that. - Okay, and that alone, at this point in his career, he definitely should have more control over Alito and Thomas, I mean, I think that because he's younger than they are, he tends to get bullied by them and because he came to the court after they came, I think, I mean, definitely he came after Thomas, but I'm not sure about Alito, is it, was it? - Well, Alito's been there. - What's that? - Alito has, like he's been there. - But prior to Roberts, do you know, off the top of your head? I don't think so. I think Alito was there. - I don't think so. - Yeah, I think Alito was there before Roberts. And if we're wrong, our fans will tell us. - I can look it up. I'll GTS that. - Yeah, GTS that shit, motherfucker. So I think that, you know, at the end of the day, what we got to look at is that we, for anyone who's listening, just start paying attention to those court decisions that are coming out. And start paying attention to what, you know, serious Republican governors are putting into law. They gave their hand up with, "I can't wait to be sued." And this 10 commandment thing. - Alito was appointed in 2005, and Roberts has been there since 1996. - Okay, well, I definitely think that, Clarence thinks that he can get away with bullying everyone in the court. I don't see why he wouldn't think that he could just-- - Oh no, I take that back. Roberts was also appointed in 2005. - Same year as Alito? - Yes. - No. - No. - Roberts 2005, Alito in 2006. - Okay, that makes sense. But I think Alito's got that fucking swagger in that arrogance that he thinks he can push people around. And I think that Roberts is probably just one of those kind of like cordial guys who, you know, all right, that's just the way he acts, whatever. But I think it does affect the court. And I think that Thomas and Alito probably throw their weight around with the other justices as much as they think they can get away with. That wouldn't surprise me at all. And I think that that couldn't be part of the reason why Amy Cooney bears like, who the fuck are you, bitch? You can't talk to me like that. And I don't think that those two understand that, you know, you can't, just because they're women doesn't mean that you can talk to them that way. Definitely Clarence Thomas doesn't understand that, clearly, you know what I mean? He doesn't understand how to talk to a woman properly and with any respect. I mean, we know that from his confirmation hearings, you know, with Anita Hill. People forget that name, but that poor woman fucking stood up and took all that abuse because she was doing the right thing. There was nothing in it for her. And yet, this son of a bitch still got in. And, you know, I mean, this is shit. Anyways, now I've depressed myself. So, thanks a lot. - Yeah. - God damn it. All right, well, with that, depressing little fucking note, I think it's good time to put a pin in it. What about you? You got anything else? I'm trying to think of anything happy. - Let's go with something happy. - Trying to think of anything happy. Well, I don't know if that's really all that happy. - Yeah, well, you know, you tried. - Monica Lewinsky wants Judge Eileen Cannon overseeing the Trump classified documents in Peach. - I love Monica. - Monica Lewinsky, you said, right? - Yes. - I don't know what it would take. I don't know how we could do it. I don't know how it could ever happen, but I would absolutely. This is like, yes, I've got a lot of dream guests, you know, that will never happen. - Yes. - But man, I would so love to spend an hour or two interviewing Monica Lewinsky. I think she is amazing. The way that she has stood up to all the bullshit that has transpired and all of the negative press and all the jokes and all the shittiness that she had to endure from her 20s, early 20s, all the way now, she's a grown woman. And she is just, every time I see an interview with her, she's amazing. Every time I read a tweet, it's with great humor and just that little bit of snarkiness, I'm just fascinated with her and how she was able to survive. That is to me, because she was definitively case zero. I mean, she was, when it came to the internet, fucking a person's life up and making-- - She was vilified. - She was vilified, and goddamn, like if there's anyone who's ever listening that has any way to get in contact with Monica Lewinsky and try to convince her to sit down to what would be nothing more than a friendly interview. I'm not trying, I would never try to get her with gotcha questions. I got too much respect for her for that. I think she's been through enough and anything that she wanted to talk about would be all I would talk about. I think that that would be one of the most fascinating interviews you could possibly have to me personally, because I look at all the shit that she's had to deal with since the Clintons and man, that would just be fascinating. Monica, goddamn it, please reach out to us. - If the Clintons are always about murdering people who upset their little apple cart, which she been number one. - No, I don't think so because she was too high-profile. - Too high-profile, yeah, that makes sense. - Yeah, and it would have been obvious. I mean, it's like if a wife or a woman gets married, they always look to the spouse or to the boyfriend first, right? - No, that's true. - Well, you know, if given the fucking graveyard that the Clintons have left behind, I'm pretty sure, I think that that's the only thing that kept her safe, to be honest with you, is the fact that, you know, it would have been too obvious and there would have been blowback on Bill and Hillary. But yeah, I mean, like, that to me would be, that would be a dream interview. I would love to do that. - It would be. - All right, so we agree on that. We love Monica Lewinsky. And for all the right reasons, not the reasons you're thinking you sick little fucking pickles. - You dirty little puppies. - And we got nothing. That's the end of the show. See you, motherfucker. Doo doo doo doo. (upbeat music) - Just come up and put in the end, thank you. - I just put fucking, other shit in it. The intro, what's that? - The outro didn't want to work, so I put the fucking intro in. And we're recording right now. So everyone hears this. They're gonna hear this conversation between me and you, arguing about the fucking outro in the intro. - And you know what? I'm okay with it. I still want Monica Lewinsky on the show. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)