The Skinner Co. Network

FCM007 - Bacon Beans

Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2013
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Join us for a brief conversation about Paula Deen's racism, and porn career, on this warm Thursday evening.

[music] Hello, and welcome to Flashcast Mini-Soad 7, a Skinner Co presentation. Skinner Co, creators of The Mechanical, the robot that eats itself. This episode is also brought to you by generous donations from Colorado Joe. Many thanks. [music] Alright, so the last few weeks have been a little insane. Really? Yes, I am. Skinner Co has been traveling a lot. And we've had visitors. Balticon kicked it off, oh, and we had visitors as well. But between Balticon, weddings, other work-related travels. I'm mentioning we have visitors. Should we also mention that we have a visitor right now? We do indeed have a special guest in the studio for this mini-soad. Who do we have with us? Hey, guys. Giant or? Dog out. Our favorite giant from the north. Absolutely. So, this is actually going to be the last weekend of this sort of madness for us over the summer. I think the rest of the summer is pretty Skinner Co dedicated. We've dedicated ourselves to stay home in order for one of our children to do something special. Yes. So, we will be absolutely about, but this will be, please allow this episode to fill the gap till Tuesday-ish until we continue the current coffin story masks. I really wanted to have an episode up before we go into the woods in camp, which is what we're doing this weekend with the group or the whole employee base. The Northern woods. Yeah, the Northern woods. It's pretty specific. Yeah. And if we're talking in the future, we actually have Mr. Richard Jefferson writing a tale at this time for your ears. It is a two-parter. Oh, yeah. It is a bunny-wester. I'm really excited. I'm telling you much more than I ever asked him if I could be, but it is coming up and we are extremely excited. So, next week we're doing edits and talking story and working on it. So, that makes sense. He says that I'm going to hate him at the end of this. Yes. And hoping that she knows how to learn languages. I'm game. So, yeah. So, I'm looking forward to that. Yes. And you can look forward to 336 on Tuesday. But in the meantime, we didn't want to rush the quality just to get an episode out. Yeah. Quality over quantity. Yeah. Word. So, we'll be back on Tuesday with a fully functional battle station. But not one with Rihanna. Or... Oh, no, that's about it. Eric. Eric. Eric. Eric. No, I like calling him Eric. We had to cut that film short. We really did. Yeah. I think I yelled. I'm like, I am. Wasn't that a Neeson in that too? Yeah, unfortunately. Why not? Listen, Liam Neeson. Liam Neeson has a long history of being in films like this. And I'm finding it, he kind of had this dalliance with serious films somewhere in the middle of his career, where he started as Dark Man and then he went into Michael Collins' territory. No, he seems to be looping back into punching wolves. Is this it? Yeah. That was disappointing because he doesn't actually ever punch the wolves. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But maybe scroll to... or crawl to crawl to? Oh, uh... Oh, yeah. The glaive. The glaive, yes. Okay. So, listen, Dragantor. You're here on hand. I was going to save this mail for Flashcast91. But I thought that it would be worth addressing now because we're both men of the north. And we have sort of a similar upbringing background. So Scott Roche wrote in. Uh, and he was re... he was listening to 90. And he had some responses to, we were talking about Paula Deen. Uh, and how rural areas have different standards of conduct, let's say. And as unfortunate it is, racism is a little more codified. You heard about this Paula Deen thing? You're familiar with the Paula Deen thing? Yeah. Yeah, okay. So, Scott Roche. We're going to give Scott Roche a lady voice. Hello! No. Hi, Scott Roche. So, Scott Roche says. Listening to 90. And feel obligated to say that being from the south and living in a remote area is no excuse for racism. There are lovely people from very rural areas down here. Also, there are plenty of people in places all around the country who have the internet that are racist jerks. This PSA brought to you by a love for this region. It's people. And the good things that exist south of Maryland. Like grits. Uh, no, grits are not one of the good things that exist south of Maryland. Oh, don't hurt the Americans. They love their grits. Uh, no, some of them do. Um... The ones in the south. Now, I thought this was a good point because I found that in our northern locale, in our rural area, there were certainly our share of racists. Yeah. But I found it was more of an ignorance, though, because we didn't have a lot of race to be experienced. There wasn't a lot of variety. Now, here's... There's so much, like, population in Canada, but it's so, like, concentrated in areas. Yeah, so, I mean, you... The 100, right? The 100K or whatever that everybody lives within America. Exactly. And you could live in a very remote area in Canada and never really interact with anything. And interact with any kind of diversity there. Yeah, like, in the north, I find it's not so much, like, African-Americans. It becomes natives and, you know, the... Yeah, natives. Yeah, but here's the thing. And there's, like, kind of a rivalry ignorance, but it's not... I don't know how things were in your area because you were... You went through high school in a slightly different area than I did, like, close, but not the same place. Right. But there were a lot of natives in our day-to-day classes. They were everybody was coming in off of Bear Island. And that was... It just became, like, I became friends with a lot of people. Like, you... It was just another standard of student, whatever. And I think that maybe... Obviously, I'm stating whatever one... Cosmopolitan areas, there's more variety, you get more used to people. That's why racism is lower there. I think that the reason people point to the south isn't because everyone's a racist there, but because when you live that far, it's mushrooms in the dark, right? When you live that far from any sort of other experience, it's very easy to become virulent in your... Yes. Belize. Right. Because you don't have any kind of... And there's, like, an unwillness to change almost. Yeah, but there's... There's not only an unwillingness to change, there's no call to change because it's never, like, your beliefs are challenged. Nothing's challenging. I can point... Not to point to figure out Scott specifically, but I happen to think of him as a very... Even though he has some beliefs that I would not necessarily agree with, he's a very open guy, he's great to talk to and argue and challenge, and he's open to changing his mind about things. But it's... Maybe because he's on the internet, he can be challenged like that. And I believe that, yes, there are plenty of racists on the internet, like... Any opinion you want to take on the internet, you can find plenty of people on the internet who want to have, you know, sexual relations with live animals. And that's, you know... The internet has everything in it. Yeah, and protects you because you're not necessarily always there in person where... Yeah, well, there's also... And it's become a poison. Yes. If you're anonymous, you can be a girder dickwad. Yeah. That's absolutely also the case. But I think that a lot of the people who are consistently racist on the internet are still the people who, although they're on the tubes, they haven't had that experience of actually interacting with people of color or whatever the situation is. They're still with that base community having the same discussion that it would be on their porch, but they're doing it on the internet. They're not using the internet to actually... If all you do... If you're on a comfort zone that they've ever had to get out of and realize that the comfort zone just gets bigger. It's like trying to become a vegan. It's the same thing, you know? You're so used to eating it. Jamie has been pushing us on the veganism. If all you do is hop on the internet and join the Blink 182 forum not to date myself at all, all you're going to interact with is people who have exactly the same. If you're going on the internet to look for people that are going to hate the same thing, you're going to hate. You're going to find it. It's like it's in the nerd community. If you want to find someone that's going to trash the Star Wars movies, it'll be easy. It's your responsibility as a human fucking being. To challenge yourself. Yes. And to become better. Some people are like being challenged. That's all. Okay, so now, now. Not saying they're good people. I feel we've addressed Mr. Rocha's point. But you say to yourself some people want to be challenged. How challenged do you want to be? Do you want to be challenged by say a porn company offering six-figure deal to Paula Deen to do a porn flick? What? Because that happened. What? She is doing very well on the cruise circuit. She's going to do Paula Deen Cruises. She's getting Paula Deen Paula Cruises? No, not Paula Cruises. And there is a lot of people supporting her who, you know, have been long time polity and fans. And because of that, she's still going to have access to not as much money, but still lots of money. So I don't think she's going to have to do the porn. But man, what does she want to do? I would love to see a Paula Deen porn with like lots of butter and, you know, just sprinkles and whipped cream and cherries, but on people. Team Z reports that a porn company that features older women called sent a letter to Deen offering her a six-figure deal to endorse the site. "Full-figured or thin, arthritic or diabetic, you embody our perfect spokesman," the company wrote to Deen, adding that she's a milk. And that they are willing to offer her six figures for very little work, since there's no nudity required. Ooh. So all she has to do is... Open her mouth. Tricky Basters? I can see turkey basters coming from that. Not necessarily open her mouth, but maybe like, you know, smack her in... a chicken or something. She can make a salad, but own a man's salad. No, it'll be one of those things where... That's something on a boy. No, it'll be... they'll film all of the reaction shots in a perfectly normal setup if you won't see anything. Right, yeah. It'll just be like, make a fix like this, make a face like this, make a face like this. And then they'll just keep cutting to somebody else. Yeah. And if they really want to push it, they'll get a body double. So then it's somewhere in the wig and like a shoulder shot. But yeah, when I want to see that, I don't know. Well, you wanted to be challenged. Speaking of challenges. Speaking of challenges. So I had a few items rattling around the true crime Tuesday. Not quite usable bin, which I figured would be perfect for him any so. What cuts, like, what ends up unusable for a true crime Tuesday? Well, it's... How bad do you have to be? Okay. A, we should mention that anybody who's unfamiliar every Tuesday... Hmm, some Tuesdays, most Tuesdays. Most Tuesdays. I post a true crime Tuesday piece over on So if you visit on Tuesday below the menu, you generally see the menu of the episodes we have coming out below that. There should be a true crime Tuesday posted at some point during the day. Generally... Okay. There's the first cut of stories that I take. It's a pool that I maintain, a bookmarks pool, where it is stories that are ridiculous. Yes. But the thing is... It's just like you're a research father or a folder. Exactly. But the thing is that there's a certain sort of narrative that I want to pull along as I'm doing the true crime Tuesday. If you will, it is... It is me taking the chicken and making a sandwich of it, if you will. And some of these stories don't have enough meat. Like, something is ridiculous, but if it's a one-off ridiculousness, like... Yes. There's just not enough talking. There's no way to string along several stories. Yes, exactly. Or you can't connect it to any of these things. It's like a punchline. Yeah, I don't want it to just be me quoting an exact musical. And then heading. Yeah. That was hilarious. Yeah. That's like... Yeah. Exactly. So, this comes from Okay. So, there was this woman, Diane Stout. I guess that's how you would want to pronounce that. Stout. And so, like many people, she had some family members get sick, so she was posting a lot of Facebook, please prairie for my family. My whole family is suddenly directly ill. Oh, no. Her daughter, her son, her husband... turns out she was poisoning them all. Oh, isn't there a name for this? Yeah, there's a syndrome. Munchausen. Munchausen syndrome. No, Munchausen by proxy. Yes. Munchausen by proxy. Munchausen is when you make yourself sick and then try to get pity. Munchausen by proxy is when you cause somebody else. Yes. You know what this always reminds me of? Remember the sixth sense? Yes. Yes. Yes. That's right. This is... It's interesting because... Oh, no. I've talked about this before, right? With the Nancy Gray situation in that if you read enough of these stories constantly all the time, you notice that everything is something that's been done before? Oh, poisoning your family. Yeah, I never heard about that before, lady. How can Nancy Gray still be shot before her? Yeah. Go. So yeah, I mean, this is totally a common situation. Mother poisons family for a little bit of sympathy and... Yeah, you gotta come up with clever ideas because those are so readable. They're so like, they're in the stories, man. Okay, but... Tripp Kebber. Kebber? This is from Tripp Kebber, and all of these will be up in the show. I'll throw you a quick show notes for this. You speak of crimes that are, you know, nothing to do under the sun, but, as you know, recently in, I believe it was Colorado that he's from, they've legalized pot, which is a fairly recent development. That's not something. So there's all of this new interesting crime coming out of that. Dogs having too much marijuana is one of them. That's interesting. Oh yeah, we were reading with that previously. What's the right amount? Well, none at all. The thing is now you. Apparently it's very, very not good for your dogs. Now, but previously people would just let their dog be sick because they didn't want to go to the vet and say my dog gave him a bunch of weed. And now, you know, he's... I think he does? No, it's because people, because it's more readily available, think that maybe my dog would like to have some and then... Oh, is that really what it is? Yes, that is. Whatever the case, now they can actually go to their vet. Now they can go to their vet and say... It's marijuana. You had too much marijuana? My dog is sitting in the box. Okay. It's very not good. So tripkeeper, or kebber, is the founder of a drink company called Dixie Elexers. Are you familiar at all? No, not at all. Dixie Elexers are essentially, I believe, marijuana energy drinks. Okay. Or THC based energy drinks, if you want to get more specific about it. And very, you know, as I mentioned, I believe he lives in Colorado. I'm skimming this. Yeah, exactly. So he lives in Colorado. It's not a crime where he's from to have a little bit of weed. Yeah. And I think this is something you and Pope had mentioned on a previous episode. Problem is, he wandered down to Alabama visiting. Oh. That's not good. He had so many. No, but sure. Nobody should be in Alabama. Yeah, he had the sheriff's deputy representatives as the deputy found something sharp in kebber's pocket. It was turned out to be liquid THC with toothpicks in it. Here we have me. Two folks. I'm not sure if he was taking, like, he was just sucking on these toothpicks so that he could look casual. Oh, okay. So this is a whole weird subsection of what's going on here. But he essentially took something that would have been perfectly fine in Colorado. Didn't even realize he had it on it. He just forgot it on his person as far as I'm reading this article. And they busted him for having liquid THC with toothpicks. How do you get busted for having liquid THC on your toothpicks? How does somebody... They would have had to take that away and like test it, I would imagine. Maybe a dog. Oh, yeah, maybe. Yeah, I don't know. But how often do, like, loaded toothpicks do they come across? Like, is that a common thing? I don't know. To check the toothpicks? So what did he get? He was at a music festival and they decided to search him for something. Maybe he was just being a little exuberant. I have no idea. I can't see them having, like, drug dogs at a... Well, they just searched him. Wait, wait, wait. You can't see anybody having drug dogs at a music festival? Well, not in Canada, at least. In Canada, it's not something we bother doing. Because we'd be like, "Is there drugs here?" "Oh, yeah, that guy. I see the smoke. I can smell it." That guy's clearly not even trying to hide it, actually. But in America. But the situation is that he actually... Somebody came over to him, asked him to be, like, if he was comfortable being searched. He was just a security guy for the music festival. And he thinking that he had nothing on him said, "Yeah, fine, go for it." But I guess he had these toothpicks in his backpack that he'd forgotten about. That just strikes me as, like, the guys must have known what they're... Like, you know what I mean? Like, to narrow down on just, like, some toothpicks? That seems kind of weird. Unless... Sorry. No, he pleaded guilty to misdemeanor marijuana possession resulting in a two-year, probationary sentence that includes random drug and alcohol testing. Oh. So he has to abstain. Keeper says he's required to phone in daily and take a test whenever he's told to do so. Daily. And if he doesn't succeed with these tests, he can go to jail. But here's the thing. What's the situation that if he's visiting Alabama and he lives in Colorado... When he goes home... Are they really going to be like... Well, to have, like, a warrant, I'm wanted in one state. Yeah. I can never go back to Alabama. Yeah. Oh, I wonder. Poor dude. I mean... I heard a rumor. I knew that's probably pretty good anyway. I'm not, like, condoning it. If I heard, like, if you get, like, say in Canada, if you were driving around in Quebec and you got a speeding ticket... You could technically not ever have to pay it. And they can't really go after you unless you end up going back again. Yes. No, that's, that's true. That's definitely something I have heard before. Yeah. But would they send, like, marshals or something? Is that only for Quebec, though? Because I know laws... Okay. The weird thing about Canada is we have all these provinces and territories. Well, okay. We don't have that many territories. But we have a lot of provinces. And generally, a lot of our laws are pretty similar. But then Quebec gets accepted from so much. Or excluded, rather. Yeah. Exactly. It gets excluded from so much that they like. Listen, you consider that... I think blah, blah, blah, except in the province of Quebec. You consider that a large difference based on the exceptionalism, or whatever you want to call it, of Quebec being French. But the thing is that while you think of that, Quebec is having a lot of individual rights compared to the rest of the country... In the States, man. It's states right, states right, states right, states right. They have a lot more variation between locations. I know. Which is to say Colorado versus Alabama. It's interesting that we sort of have that, but only for Quebec now. I wonder... 'Cause I know I was watching this one documentary on the Discovery Channel. But I wonder if they have... 'Cause they don't like California, is it? Where the emerald is? The diamond? Anyway. Where they grow a lot, they either... It's state legal, but it's not federal. Open triangles. So they can still bust them anyway. Yes, yes. But it's not illegal in the States. So I wonder if that's sort of the same situation going on with Colorado. They... But illegal, they don't allow it. Yeah. Yeah. It is weird in California. I'm not sure if it's the same in Colorado, where in the state it's legal, but federally they don't allow it. So then they have these federal agents going in and taking away all of their stuff and resting them when it's perfectly legal, state-like state-less. Hmm. Okay. Time for Skinderko announcements, I think. Just a couple quick notes before we check out of here and get camping. Fantasy Movie League. Still open in the forum. I'll be closing it up Friday next week, if you want in. Oh, yes. Do you sign up yet? I expressed interest when you mentioned it. I didn't actually do anything on that, though. Yeah. Put your name in. I will list, draft order is basically going to be the sign up order with myself at the end. So we will do the snake back and forth. That is to say, early a sign up will go first, down to the last sign up, and then we will return back to the top to the list. You're going to set a list to contain that. Yeah. Okay, well put me on that list, even though I know what I'm doing. Well, go to, and you can put yourself on that list. But we will also be having mob movie night next Friday. That is July 19th. We are watching a 1970s exploitation flick called The Amazing Mr. No Legs, which part of me is actually kind of uncomfortable with, even though I picked the film. He's like, this is either going to be the best or the worst. Yeah. This is going to be great, or it's really not going to happen. You have some bar step pretty high, though. Yeah. We have room. Ask Zombie. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh. Yeah. You have like the Frankenstein. Twill of Death, yes, sir. Franken Hooker. Franken Hooker. Okay. Here's the thing. I posted this movie. I wasn't really considering whatever. I posted this film, and then Dylan Ryan, who we haven't heard from for a while, shows up, and he basically says to me, oh yeah, I'll be there because now I'm also Mr. No Legs. Oh. He was apparently in a motorcycle accident. That's right. And had both of his feet broken. So he's going into therapy pretty soon to be like he's going from a wheelchair to, like, oh, it's just got to take physio. Yeah. Yeah. He's got to do the whole thing, relearn to walk. So like the bar is like, yeah. The whole thing. The whole spard movie scene. Getting stronger. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. But can you film us like one of those video montages? Yeah. You make light, but man, that is rough. Like we're talking weeks and weeks of rehab. It's like rehab and, anyway, I'll be, I'll be there. Dylan, I'll be standing there with the boombox, playing eyes of the dagger, eyes of the dagger. That'll be there for you. Follow you on a bike. Yeah, absolutely. So, last skinner co-announcement, the Sophia Esperon game has started. It is indeed underway. So if you want to spectate, hop on the mob skinner at FM/Mob. Yeah. Um, I think I just recently ended day one. Not that long. Yeah. I've never heard that as of yet. That's right. Nobody's been murdered lynched yet. Bum, bum, bum. Guess what time it is. Mailbag. So we're really not doing a full mailbag, but we are going to taste the Janelle. I'm trying to work on the title here because we have the box and we have the straws box. The spaz box. Janelle Velope? I don't know. I like the Janelle Velope. No, Gina had a name for hers. Just because you don't know. Doesn't mean it doesn't have a name. No, it doesn't. Gina. Janelle. Gina has a box name that's like the evil something, but it's box like. Yeah. That's, yeah. Okay. And Janelle's, I don't know, but I thought you were referencing Gina's. No, I was saying the Janelle Velope. I think Gina has one that sounds very evil boxy. Are you saying you have to eat one of these again? So here's the thing. I don't know. Three of the four of us have already sampled these. It's almost too big. Okay. Hold on. Hold on. Oh, God. Okay. So these are bacon beans. They come in a very bacon-y-looking tin that I'm going to keep after they're done. Okay. I really like that we have a bacon tin, because now we also have a tin that's for nachos, like nachoments, and I also have a pickle mint tin. So I want to keep all these tins together, a pretty weird candy. Fantastic. Boost actually made the tin. So my brother was here, and he's like, "Hey, let's try one," or whatever. So he like threw one in our mouths, not realizing that we should probably do this when we're recording. Wait for the flash gas, yeah. Because I have to tell you guys, I think this is like, and maybe because I was like drunk last time, but I have to tell you, this is like the worst candy I've ever tasted in my entire life. You certainly wasn't drunk enough. You're not entirely undrunk this time, but let's do this. Okay. So, as I... No, you know what? I'm not tainting it. Let's get Gigantor's impression, and then I'll tell you what I do. Oh, I can't believe I'm joking. Barf into the microphone, okay? Oh, is it going to be that bad? I don't know. It really is that bad. Why did I even do this? Why did I do this? Oh. I'm sorry. Oh. Don't get it in your teeth because it stays forever. Don't get it in your teeth. I can't follow it. I have some ice tea if anybody needs to sip it. There you go. It has a weird, plastic-y kind of... Yes. Like burning plastic. Other than that, I could get by it. No, this wasn't worse. If it wasn't worse. You know what? I could be okay with it. Here you go. It is the worst. Oh, do you know what? This is the worst. It is the worst. Oh, do you know what? This is the worst. Oh, do you know what? Oh, do you know what? Oh, my God. You know what? Oh, a black licorice. I would eat all the black licorice over this. Oh, God. He's going for more. I don't know. I still... I'm seriously sucking out a lemonade. Oh, my God. He seriously actually took another one. All right. If you don't want to tell Gigantor how... Oh, my God. How wrong he is, you can send it in to Save me before I damage myself. Save him from himself. Oh, you're already damned. I can't believe you. Oh, my God. It's so terrible. I think I got rid of my teeth. Enjoy the show. Tell a friend. Really enjoy the show. We've got a donate button on the site. Thanks, Janelle. Thanks, Janelle. Thank you. We appreciate the thought because I know you didn't taste these first. So if you have comments, questions, suggestions. Maybe she did. You can find us at or email us. Text her in p3s to come to The entire run out of flashpot can be found at or be in the search for our iTunes. Flashcast is released under the Creative Commons attribution on commercial 3.1 ported license. And you'll have no thought of ever returning you. Would they be angry if I thought of joining you? You missed some days. You missed some days.