The Skinner Co. Network

FC90 - Buttery Crucifixion

Broadcast on:
02 Jul 2013
Audio Format:

Prepare yourself for: Foxy thieves, a solar sail of death, American visitors, wifi Bedouins, and Thomas Blackhall.

Some days, gloomy, my hours are slumberless Dearest, the shadows I live with are none less Little white flowers will never awaken you Not where the bright culture saw a lens taking you Angels have no fire of evolution in you Or they'll be angry if I so don't join in you Ooooh, Sunday Hello and welcome to Flashcast90, a Skinner Co presentation Skinner Co, we never go up against a Sicilian when death is on the line This episode is also brought to you by generous donations from David Went and our Heron, many thanks If you'd like to sponsor an episode, please feel free to use the donate button on the site But now, prepare yourself for Foxy Thieves A solar sail of death, American visitors, Wi-Fi Bedwins, and Thomas Blackhall And in my week, ever know that I'm glad to go Death is no dream for a death I'm caressing you With a spread of my soul, I'll be blessing you Blue Sunday Hello, my name is Opopenex And yes, this is Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, California It's about five o'clock in the morning That's the homicide squad, complete with Jessica May, Hello, and Charity Hello, although despite the noir opening, it is actually Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, or California Or five o'clock in the morning Although this is the homicide squad This is actually Canada Day It is, Happy Canada Day I'm rare mid-aftering and recording because it's Canada Day Yeah And why not? So we have the window open, you may want to prepare yourself at home for random Brian Adams being blared by passing cars, possibly rush Or some... Tragically hip Some random hockey player may accidentally be hip checked through the window I don't know, you never know what's going on in Canada We've had our Tim Hortons and our donuts Yeah, we didn't intend to play under the stereotype But we did play to the cliche unfortunately They were red and white sprinkled donuts We bought firewood for fire later, we're making s'mores Oh yes, okay, hold on You're not just making s'mores though, clarify for the folks How are you planning on making these s'more likes? We may have not been able to find graham crackers And there was so much chocolate missing in the store I think everyone was making s'mores Anyways, we are going to be using chewy chipsahoey cookies As the cookies with marshmallow and chocolate They were actually that Chocolate stuffed chipsahoey cookies? Wow It was a layer too far for me, I could not But you're said no Oh That's too much chocolate Which actually is possible Yeah So there were some sad adjustments to the notes there Yeah, it's not a sadder note Yeah, on a much sadder note There were some sad adjustments notes made to the notes Over the course of the last few days Because we had some visitors When we kept hoping to get to the mic But they were so much fun that we couldn't Actually sit down, do you? Yes Gina and Liz from the mob And Liz from Alabama And Ray from the bog, he also came Jack Antor, he had Jack Antor swung down Indeed But I had a few things in store for Gina to do and to record But I know that she has been recording more on her phone So even if she can't do it here She may be able to do it remotely In spirit It'd be nice to have her accent hanging around I found myself slipping into a southern accent Like Throughout the visit Fairly frequent I would say something to you And you would turn around and respond to them in an accent And I would have to try to guess If you were doing it in some sort of joking manner Or if you had just forgotten to speak normal But it's just so easy It's not the same without them No They were here and gone so fast And Gina actually drives a car that was my first car And she let me drive it around town And was so much fun New York Century Oh the memory So it was the car I was driving when I met her And we had poutine And we're here Yeah they had poutine together They had all the napkins But yeah They were ridiculous fun They brought us way too many presents Including tea They were outstanding guests Yeah, oh yes they brought us Not just tea but a tea maker But listen, we'll get back to this We've got Skinner, Conan, Elson So we've got the mailbag We'll get it We're getting out of ourselves I want to talk of Americans who are considerably less Nice Okay Have you heard of the quote-unquote Foxy thieves of Florida? Are they Foxy? Wait, didn't J&S and Bob do a movie about this? Actually, not entirely that far off They are Broward County As you will Four suspects in their 20s They have warrants out on all four of them Spokesmen from the Sheriff's Office Danny Marcella I'm reading this out of a CNN article Which I will link in the notes as always They're attractive women that go into a bar And they have a scam that they work again and again Attractive women walking into a bar As the article notes The scam works like this Go to an upscale bar Flirt with a middle-aged or older man Wearing expensive jewelry Go back to his home Slip a drug in his drink Rub him and leave him before he wakes up Which is not entirely All four of them go back to his place Yeah, I think he thinks he's hit the jackpot And then they just clean him out This is what Sabana Bea 25 Jonina Miller 25 Kesha Clark 27 And Ryan Elkins 23 Ryan Elkins despite their male name Is still a female They probably would have got away with it too If it wasn't for those Mad Link kids If they had not done it so often Because it seems like a pretty easy anonymous crime Yeah, like you don't really want to be like I brought these four ladies home from a bar And they robbed me Okay, yes I think that there have been a few people Who have spoken up specifically But I think it's also the extent of the robbery Because they don't get any insurance money Unless they admit they were robbed, right? So they haven't done They've done something kind of See, that's where you should just go for the expensive watch And get the heck of a dodge Scott Rosen 54 told CNN Two of the suspects paired up When they worked this game on him So he only met two of them Rosen said But although at the same time he Yeah Rosen said He met the two of them at Yolo Which frankly deserved to be beaten if you walk in And two of you uncalled Yolo Anyway, sorry, I'm Letting personal opinion flavored my texture A popular bar in Fort Lauderdale's business district And the three left the bar for his house There Rosen said one of the women distracted him While the other made him a drink I got drugged Rosen said Sorry for the stereotype of the accent The next thing Rosen remembers is waking up to discover Over $250,000 worth of his personal items are gone Okay, well that Hand guns, diamonds, and a Rolex watch he was wearing Along with the women It could have been worse Somebody stole the women too It could have been worse, he noted That could have shot me with my own handgun I suppose Yeah, so the cops are clearly looking for the Pretty heavily, but I guess they raised an interesting note Because they're actually worried about them accidentally killing somebody Like drugging the wrong person and having a reaction Or going too heavy with the dosage So are they suggesting you don't Get stupid drunk and bring home some complete strangers to your house? Don't bring home multiple partners That you don't know That you don't know Yeah Only multiple partners you do know people Stay safe So that will lead us directly, I believe, into Wow, that was pretty rough While we're talking about the south actually It may be worth mentioning that And rice Well, let's back this up a step Has come to the aid of Paula Deen I didn't read what she wrote Because I think Anne Rice is kind of cray-cray Of rice She had never heard of She had never heard of Paula Deen Until today she posted on her Facebook form Seriously But what she saw looked like a crucifixion Oh really, really we're going And then she describes Paula Deen's crucifixion in detail I might be wrong, but aren't we becoming something of a lynch mob culture Is this a good example of that? What are your feelings? So I guess you could look at it as she was so incredibly sheltered She had no idea what was going on But I think that she's just so incredibly sheltered She doesn't understand why what Paula Deen did was horrible Like, okay, this is my thinking on the matter If you are from the south And you don't have a lot of influence Like internet influence anything else Like if you just got the fox news And I can understand that Like you may use terms that are outdated But nobody really corrects you So you don't really understand But like Paula Deen Paula Deen goes around claiming that she's not this thing Yeah, she keeps also in secret Saying these things That she knows that people would not want her to do Yeah She knows better Where others do not And she, you know, even knowing it's wrong She goes out and does it again And that's my problem with Paula Deen Screw you, Ben Rice All crucifier and watch the butter just spill out of her Aw, that's a good guess Well, I think I think I hope you have a more positive Yeah, more More positive lady influence Over in the UK Lady literature Yes, lady literature Not like Anne Rice's quote-unquote Lady literature Over in the UK I discovered they have a very interesting system With their bank notes, actually Okay They have always two bank notes For every denomination, right? Okay So As soon as I was like two tensed to Yeah Okay But only one is in circulation And they always have a backup And it generally Yeah They have a backup In case there's a problem with the first one for some reason They have to have a backup Do they print all of these notes And just store them in a warehouse somewhere In case they're like The other tens of just suddenly Cause spontaneously combusted We need to bring in the new tens now Go go go I don't think so But they do have one that is Designed? Yeah And completely like Oh Available to print, you know So is it more like Oh, we've just realized Prime Minister X was a raging racist We need to get these out of circulation Yeah Let's flood the market with However, yeah However it is The $10 bank note Currently is Represented by Elizabeth Fry Who is a social reformist Yeah Yeah, yeah Absolutely And she happens to be the only Jessica used to work, I believe At the Elizabeth Press Society I did indeed Yeah That's right We have a half of his own Terrible troubles So there's the Elizabeth Fry $10 bank note But it's going to be replaced With the new 10 pound Winston Churchill note And they're concerned that There's not going to be any Least on the bank notes anymore So what they're actually doing Is I believe it's the five Don't quote me on that Cause I could be wrong But I think Currently Charles Darwin's on the five Okay And the backup note For Charles Darwin Is a Jane Austen note So um So you're going to swap in Jane Austen Yes Although the 10 will be Winston Churchill Replacing Elizabeth Fry Jane Austen will Be the new lady in the house Charles Darwin just gets swapped out Yep Yeah It's kind of sad They're like Darwin and Elizabeth Fry Are both pretty They are But I mean I guess they're not Churchill and Austen You can't keep them forever Either I guess Cause I'm not going to have one of them Yeah I guess they'll get back in the circulation The coach would call them back on to the ice At some point Yeah Yeah It's Canada day So I got a confusion on two things But I found that really interesting I didn't know that they always had a note In the wings In the wings Yeah that's interesting Yeah And typically if they have one that's waiting Well they also have one that's waiting But typically the one that's waiting Is the one that will replace it in the future Right They've had this Jane Austen note for a while It's just not in circulation All right, getcha So yeah Interesting Well while we're talking writers I just wanted to quickly touch on a little article I found Apparently, okay You know Arthur C. Clark, right? 2001 Yep Yes A little bit of his DNA A couple of strands of his hair Will be flying into space Huh They're going on a There's a company Just a sec here So there's a company or an organization called Celestus Which runs memorial space flights Okay So people who are deeply into space Can have a little moment Or a little piece of themselves In space So he's actually going to be on The first flight of the sun jammer Which is really just a solar sail I believe And it's basically a test flight My understanding is that it's a test flight Between NASA and the Celestus company To try a new technology So do they just re-enter the atmosphere and burn up? I believe that what's going to help in with the sun jammer Is that It's just going to fly into the sun essentially So it's not going to burn up in the atmosphere But Yeah Still You know arguably cooler than the ground on earth Yeah Yeah And I mean it's only a couple of his hairs But to be fair he was a bald guy I believe he even associated it Yeah there was a note here it is Here are a few strands I would give you more but I don't have any despair That's cool I dig out Yeah Yeah it's an interesting Clark dead a while ago But it's nice to see this thing actually happening You'd think they could have like a more somber name For the thing that sun jammer The sun jammer is named after a ship from one of his books Okay All right Oh it's it's actually Yes it's a it was a story written by Clark About a race using solar sails All right Called sun jammer That's a bad So he was He was an oddly beachy fellow anyway Uh On a much sadder note for science fiction Although As sad as Yeah it's kind of sad Uh On an even sadder note though I will argue Independence day two is coming out Yes that is July 3rd 2015 I heard Will Smith is not involved Will Smith is not involved Which They don't have enough money for Will Smith I don't know if it's that or Will Smith Doesn't want to go back to the well Yeah Isn't he not he doesn't want to do blockbusters anymore Isn't that his deal But he just did after What was it called after earth or whatever the terrible was? Did you hear he turned down Django? Because he wanted to be the one that Killed candy or something like that He didn't like the script or something Yeah Well good I mean I got my own issues with Jamie Foxx But he didn't Yeah I don't I thought Jamie Foxx did a good job in the film But I don't like Jamie Foxx in general Yes Exactly I don't think he's a good I don't think he's terribly great at acting I don't think he's terribly good at singing I think he's really good at selling himself Yes He sings Uh Let's make sure to do it Yeah No I would even play it But I'm not going to on the show So I'm going to keep an eye on the impending doom That is Independence Day 2 But I just the idea here Jeff Goldblum Anyway That's right Go to space I'd watch that At the end of the movie The plug's just laptop Into the alien computer Yeah At the end of the movie Jeff Goldblum blows up Roland Emmerich to save us all As a fly Joss Whedon On a much Yep my good friend Solid or grand Yeah our good friend Joss He says that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch will be a huge part of the Avengers 2 That should be fun I wonder if they're going to call in Magneto at all I'm a Okay actually let's get to that in a second But I'm a big fan of Scarlet Witch's character I think she's fun There's a lot going on there Yeah He never likes Quicksilver Quicksilver has always just struck me As a bad knockoff of the Flash And just an extra filler character Who never really had anything interesting I thought it'd be more of a like A brother to the Scarlet Witch You know Meghan is a kid But he's definitely And that was his thing It was like Oh yeah he's a mutant But it's more like His circumstance Actually it's really interesting that you say that Because the one thing that Okay Back up a step Your first thought was Are they going to bring Magneto in right? Because his story is deeply interlinked with theirs But clearly they can't Because everyone knows that there's a studio split I can't remember Paramount or somebody owns the X-Men rights Whereas Marvel's with Disney to make the Avengers films So They can actually have The Scarlet Witch ends Quicksilver There's a special deal where either franchise can use them But if the X-Men use Scarlet Witch Because apparently they Quicksilver I believe at least is going to be appearing In the next X-Men film Okay And they will both have like Two different Quicksilver's on the screen in these coming years Weird The one in the X-Men movie Can make no mention of the word Avengers Cannot in any way reference the Avengers And the one in the X-Men And the really weird part is the one The Scarlet Witch and the Quicksilver in the Avengers film Cannot reference mutants At all There's They're not I don't think they're going to be mutants I think they're just dudes So there's going to be opposing like The franchises have come to a point where they're actually Covering the same ground now Making the weird split up of Marvel's IP even weirder That is crazy So They can't be mutants Does that mean they can't I mean Can they not mention Magneto? I would assume so because his character is entirely Apparently the deal only covers Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver So they can't mention, yeah I know Anyway now is probably the time to return to the topic we were discussing earlier so The international incident The international incident Yes It was fantastic it was very nice It was fun to have us uh Be the bridge between people coming down from the north and people coming out from the south All the way from Bama roll time Although that was a bit of an adventure So they're I'm told they're going to record a little bit of an audio segment for us Discussing the trip They had some crazy things happen Crazy in the way here Oh and the way back And the way back yes So they're going to record some discussion of it for us and send it in That should be in next week Love that But it was fantastic to have them Mm-hmm Yeah, yeah there was Giant steaks that came from America lots of American cow Oh, yeah lots of American cow lots of American And uh mac and cheese Oh, yes With ritz cracker crumbly top lasagna cupcakes I'm constantly uh Lots of liquor Succling at the nipple of the Mr. Coffee tea maker Yeah, the well you got like an actual teapot And you got an iced tea maker Oh, yeah We got so many snacks There was so much liquor They brought us moonshine and mason jar Yeah, and we hollowed out watermelon We poked giant holes in it And then let it like seep in And then squished it out Our rummer melon Oh my god and my 18 carat gold A martini shaker A martini shaker Yeah, anyway It was fantastic It was really good Seriously Seriously Uh It was amazing Yeah Not to move away from how fantastic that was But we'll actually be looping back Because we have some tasty but Things that I cannot really read the description of Rice roll egg yolk flavor Made in Taiwan Yeah Which we'll be tasting in the mail bag Another thing that we did with them While they were here is We took down some notes for our Maboos cruise Oh, yes That's actually That's something we should be That will definitely be happening 2014 I think that I think we should probably just Say upfront that that's probably our 2014 con I'd love to go back to Baltimore con It was fantastic Yeah But I think that We can really only afford one of these at a time And for 2014 I think it's going to be the Boos cruise Mm-hmm So it'll be a three or four day cruise, right? Yeah, that's what we're looking at We're thinking Probably In the fall Okay So fall of 2014 Yeah Early fall hopefully Yeah, we've got some notes that we're taking down And we're taking names of people who are interested That maybe we'll I know we have a forum on the mob thread Or a thread in the mob forum Okay So skin it out of them slash mob If you want to sign up Or you want to even just ask for details I'll add the details that we've got so far Now I must say if you're signing up for the forum Please be clear in your naming Or just let me know ahead of time That you're going to be using an odd name Because we've been getting a lot of spam Bob's sweeping in recently Creating And we feed them to the box And I just yeah But the box is eating them rapidly And I don't He wants real souls I want to make sure that You're not accidentally getting swept up as well That's right It's deep and dark and dank in there Speaking of mob business though We will be having our first mob movie night in a while Coming up On July 19th are you excited? Great Yeah I've got the film picked It was a shade Shade was supposed to pick She was the one who came away last session Having chosen But she Just I think she got a little anxious about having to pick the movie So I've just picked one on her behalf We'll be watching The Amazing Mr. No Legs Oh wow Sounds very promising It a film from 1979 I'm sorry That reminds me of that guy in Kids Yeah Oh yeah I have no legs Yeah Um Marllelelelelelelelelele We should pick a beverage to make that we have yet to make And we have it on movie On mob movie And you're Starting cocktail threads over on the mob format Yeah Yes Because we're starting up a mob cocktail club as well Mm-hmm So that we can all sample the same cocktails At the same time Yeah we'll have them at the same time in the movie nights Something like that We can all take a shot at the same time on the Google Hangout Yeah Talk about our drink on So Friday July 19th Details available on the uh Facebook page flash mobsters Or uh on the forum Skinnard and fam slash mob And again the Sophia SRON mafia game Is just about ready to go up If you've never played mafia If you've never been involved with mob doings This is the time It's a simple game to play It's a lot of fun And it's a great way of Actually getting to mix it up with the other mobsters Mm-hmm It takes place over a couple of days So there's really no rush for anything Hours and hours You just gotta check in once a day basically Yeah pretty much So go check that out on the mob if you're interested As soon as I get my laptop back I should be starting up a game But I'll give everybody a couple of days notice While you're there you may also want to check out the uh fantasy movie league That'll be starting this fall Mm-hmm We got a lot going on Yeah I didn't really realize until we pulled together these notes And by the way Uh But yeah we we get a fantasy movie league So Anybody everybody signs up You essentially will hold a draft for the films That'll be coming up in a week or so Yeah I've never known how the fantasy football leagues work Or anything like that So this is kind of new to me But yeah well this is Doing it with movies It's a tough time Uh it's press present on a huge sports guy So I'd much rather bet on how well movies are gonna do But we've got a system in place to balance it out Between critical reception And actual box office Yeah So the math is all there Check it out at our femslash mob Look in the gaming room That's where you'll find the sofias Braun stuff and the fantasy movie league That's right We'll be starting the draft in about a week Basically you'll just pick your movies And then depending on how well they do You may or may not win I think we'll want to put up like a list of the movies to pick from And stuff like that Yep And I believe we'll be giving away prizes Yeah Top three Fabulous prizes Top three will all receive a little something Although I'm playing So I may receive my own gift I love how you don't exclude yourself from receiving my gift You're like And I might just get it I'm going to be number one, two, and three Bitches I don't know Interesting collection of items In the grab bag today I think we're going to actually start with a Doc Blue item But not a Doc Blue item Yes This week he has reviewed a book for us I think he's on summer vacation So Oh, it's nice for him to show up and do it I appreciate it Yeah, yeah, absolutely It's always fantastic But just to sit on the beach Perhaps and read a book I'm wondering if that's what happened Yeah, he did just have his Beach BK Well, that's what I choose to believe then Stamped it Green splash mob, Doc Blue here In lieu of another Doc Azrael episode Which is outlined but not written A quick book review for your pleasure I'm spot leaking specifically Of The Shambling Guide to New York City by Merle Lafferty Now, in terms of full disclosure I have been a friend and a fan of Merle's for Better than 10 years But with Shambling Guide, Merle has reached a whole new level in her writing I have known Merle since we're both white writing freelance for White Wolf and other RPG products And though we've only met in person a few times I've watched her career with What You Interest She is responsible for the For a number of podcasts and patio books including the Afterlight's Life series And I've really been impressed with her creative tivity in writing But recently she has been taking the effort to Work on her master's degree in writing and it really shows But about the book itself, The Shambling Guide to New York City Is about a travel guide writer from North Carolina Who finds herself without a job for Less than desirable reasons and returns home to New York City As her Funds are running out, she is looking for a new job and Finds a posting for an underground publishing company looking to publish travel guides The individuals she talks to about these postings discourage her from doing it From applying for the job because she won't fit in But her persistence pays off and she finds herself working Out of an old theater editing a series of travel guide books Now the thing about these travel guide books is they're for monsters And up until she gets the job The main character has no idea monsters exist It's a great premise and if I stop if you stop there Your imagination will take you all sorts of wonderful places. Muir does it one better She takes and shows you this world um And then kicks it up a notch There are some wonderful easter eggs for those who have followed her career She's done a series of Christmas stories over the years that are Unrelated, but you certainly can see aspects of those worlds in in this book and I really can't Recommend it highly enough that two individuals Two of the individuals I've recommended to in person have Not only purchased the book right away, but read it to the end and Praise it equally highly. So if you haven't read the sampling guide to New York City by Merlafferty yet I strongly strongly recommend it Anyway, I'm going to get back to my sunday afternoon Hopefully I will actually get the latest chapter of doc hasrael written And uh, we'll have to hopefully see that in the next flashcast Have a great week all and uh took car with rises. I'm doc blue. Oh, thanks doc blue. Yeah, um Obviously as fiction podcasters, it's hard for us not to know of Mer and her history uh, it's really exciting to me to see her Reaching a much larger audience now having come out of the podcasting background and You know her work's always been excellent. So yeah Thanks for the recommendation to look up to yeah, and well, I mean, I would definitely on my list of tickets But now even more so yeah, I hope you got back to an enjoyable sunday there. Mm-hmm Thank you, sir Next I believe we have an amble and ramble with tibi Okay, here we go rambling amble in Oregon on a sunday early early afternoon late morning And the tractor is broken and so the sweetie is doing some mowing with The hand push electric mower. So you may hear that in the background As i'm walking and it's hot in Oregon today. It's in the 80s and in for Oregon. That's the heat wave I know Arizona there got 120 Las Vegas places like that, but here in Oregon We're wet. We're cloudy most of the time. So it doesn't take much for it to be a heat wave speaking of ambling around and walking around wanted to kind of do this one base base this on a comment that uh that uh the skinner's made about being being at ulticon in their phone not having service so Jared had to find Wi-Fi and whenever he'd find Wi-Fi he'd suddenly go quiet Well, I find that I have an iPod touch which I absolutely love but i'm dependent on Wi-Fi And so when i'm away from home I do that too and i was thinking about that and i'm thinking wow You know Wi-Fi looking for free Wi-Fi public Wi-Fi is a lot like roaming the desert looking for water holes You find a water hole And you stop and you fill up your cantines and in our case we find the free Wi-Fi and we stop and we check our email or we do a four square or we uh Play maybe even play game or or vine if there's enough bandwidth and so i've become an expert on On where where Wi-Fi free Wi-Fi in Oregon is and I can tell you For almost assuredly that if you find a safe way with a Starbucks you will find free Wi-Fi there in Salem if you uh Salem Oregon if you find Roth's has free Wi-Fi but Albertson doesn't pennies some of the the department stores I discovered pennies has awesome free Wi-Fi And if you four square there a lot of times you can get a coupon for stuff. So It's sort of like finding a water hole that has um Date trees growing and you can uh get something to eat It's just the whole you know roaming roaming around and Checking your settings and checking for any Wi-Fi servers And then of course every once in a while you'll you'll be somewhere in town like for instance I'll be down in Junction City and uh There'll be uh a couple of the the smaller municipality Municipality entities will have free Wi-Fi not a lot of bandwidth. So you don't want to try to vine or do any massive uh video uh up or downloads, but you know you can twitter fine And I see and there was something else I was going to say about that, but now I can't remember It's hot my brain is starting to melt Well, that's about it for now. Just just the whole how Looking for Wi-Fi has turned us into to uh better winds of of the Wi-Fi desert Uh, oh, that was it. The last thing I was going to talk about is how come there isn't free Wi-Fi in in a town or a city and I was reminded of San Francisco tried to do that. They tried to do uh some kind of uh A joint thing with earthlink and and it just it all went really horribly bad And so there is no free city-wide Wi-fi, but there is You can actually look that up on Wikipedia if you look for city-wide uh Wi-Fi There's somebody's keeping up a list of Wi-Fi found in different townships and cities Around the world actually there's there's places in Africa that the town a small town will have free Wi-Fi So yes Wi-Fi has become very important to me these days with my iPod touch and Is going to hopefully be more accessible and more available as as time goes on and that's it That's my amble and i'm going to go inside now and try and cool off and Uh, that's it. Okay. Bye I really enjoyed this particularly because Quite often people look upon others with telephones perhaps if they don't understand Quite all the things that the telephone can do now where it's not just a matter of You know talking and being distracted, but you know, you're sharing your lives in very many ways and I like how to be Like and it you know to water in the desert. It seems like a necessity, but that it's also something that's just Changing with the times, but we're communicating and it's a positive thing and yes, I get frustrated with those Meme pictures you'll see where it's about people wasting their lives and it's a group of people and they're all looking at their phone And you know like a quarter of those pictures are posed because everyone was laughing that everyone was on their phone or It's everyone trying to coordinate at the start of a meal like not people just I'm a i'm a instagrammer. I'm a tweetest. I will post things on facebook I'm a pretty social media guy on the go and but that's not everything you do Yeah, you take your picture you have a tweet your thing and then you put it down. It's not Uh, I think it's just a matter of knowing politeness in a modern setting And you know what I also like about the idea of okay, maybe there's a bunch of people and they're all sitting together and they're all on their phones Maybe they're talking to their friends who are like a zillion miles away in another country And they wouldn't have had those friends without like the internet and some kind of social media and you don't have to Pick your friends just on who is right next to you. Yeah. Well, it's always fun. I appreciate that there's that feeling of We have the friends that we see in person when we go to baltcon or when they come visit us from america Or whatever the case is and then we try to share that experience with our friends who can't visit us Yeah, and without the phone or without the camera. I wouldn't be able to do that. That's the amount of Reflection I do now So much more on my life than as opposed to like a camera where I have 24 pictures and you have to figure out like You know, which one is best you got to save your photos and then half them don't come out anyway It's like it's just the prevalence of it is is a lot easier for me to You know what happened to me in the last 24 hours because it goes by so quickly technology is a good thing Yeah, as to the Wi-Fi pools we've had experiences in the past I certainly had experiences in the past where critical projects need to be done on a deadline and I'm thinking specifically okay when we were selling the previous house uh We had to go back post having actually moved out of it To deal with some matters locally, but because we didn't really want to rent a hotel room We just brought it out of air mattress. We still had a house there So why don't you just set up in the house? But none of our goods were there including internet So this project had to be completed along the same time and we ended up having to creep out in the middle of the night in a car and just go cruising around It's actually work driving looking for unsecured Wi-Fi access. There was a welcome center Which was basically just like a shack Yeah, it was an inter information kind of thing. Yeah, it was a town based It was it was set up by the town and it was meant for travelers And if you parked close enough, it was really really good internet. Yeah, especially at four o'clock in the morning. Yeah So I've been on that to the request Yeah, where it finally like you see something come up and it's unsecured And it's funny because you even get the flip side the marauders where you think you found what you were looking for and then it just doesn't work Or you drive by and you have to back up slowly Where do Wi-Fi go or even like when miss 10 is in a different city and I can tell her, you know I know there's Wi-Fi across the street from where you're staying. So you can bring your iPod over there and you can chat. Yeah, yeah Excellent thoughts to be you can find to be a pleasure. I to be on twitter. It's always nice to go for a walk with tv I hope she didn't melt too hard. Yeah Up next I think we have a comic book review from our man hue Welcome to hue likes comics today. I'm talking about high crimes written by chris sabella with art by ibra heem stafa How far can you run from yourself? zan jansen was an olympic snowboarder with a bright future ahead of her until she fell and saw her chance at a gold medal slip away After that everything fell apart. She fled to catmandu where she is drowning herself in substance abuse and guiding tourists sub k2 But her real business is a bit darker than that With the spike in adventure tourism more and more people are climbing Mount Everest and not all of them are coming back down When someone dies on the mountain they're left where they fall It is one of the hazards of the climb So far zan hasn't climbed Everest herself. She's savoring it For her climbing the summit is literally climbing out of the spiral she put herself into She says that she'll climb Everest and keep going But her boss has And every time he goes up he comes down with something that someone left behind A hand and what personal effects they carried Once he and zan identify the corpse he contacts the survivors and offers to ship them back something to bury For a fee of course It isn't exactly illegal, but it's dirty work Of course Some things are meant to stay buried and when her boss recovers the corpse so a black gop's government agent gone missing Things start to go very bad and zan finds herself on the run from a whole new set of demons Although the coloring's a bit bright Mustafa's line art is very fitting for this kind of noir piece His figures are stiff, but he takes some interesting risks particularly layout That give the piece a nice atmosphere If there's any flaw in this comic it is the writing which is a bit stilted at times and the bad guys Which is today the bad bad guys Are a bit too cartoonishly evil The military commander who is hunting them even says Quote He went rogue to protect the world from people like us After he shoots one of his own men in this face for asking a question So that's kind of a sour note, but at a buck on commexology each high crimes is another monkey brain book That at least is doing something interesting Even if it doesn't reach the heights that it's aiming for That totally sounds like something I would totally love watching or not watching the reading. Yeah follow up with it. Yeah It's interesting because we've discussed previously that Netflix has become the new You know cheap rental place slash drive-in slash Whatever the the bulk distributor where people can go and try to Try out weird or different ideas or just try to make you know Frankly sometimes it's just a slasher piece or whatever But it's it's the the pulpy area. It's the bulk bin. It's the it's yeah It's the equivalent of when we used to go to the movie store and just like random pick something off the floor Yeah, yeah, yeah, and we've discussed why that was right when vhs first came out They needed to fill the shelves with something to rent most of the films hadn't come out on vhs yet Anyway, I think that commexology really has a chance to be the new that for comics like the comic industry has been slowly evaporating for Decades they've never come back from that peak golden era And they have spikes like the 90s they picked up and then they fell back and obviously with the new movie Boom, that's also really helping business, but it's not going to last and even if you think of how that's going right now Even so it's like online everybody You know, it's yeah, but it's it's people go to the movies and then some of them pick up the comics It's not like there's this massive comic industry that's driving people to the films People are vaguely familiar They've had encounters with our man or the avengers over like the decades that the books have been printed But it's not like everyone filling a seat is somebody who's regularly picking up avengers. Yeah It's people who used to watch like spider-man. Yeah, they have some knowledge of it, but they're not necessarily super into it Um, but commexology. I feel like we're in a new indie boom almost And that part of that is commexology That people have the ability to get their material distributed in a level that's going to pay their bills But at the same time they can take some some unexpected paths some experimental courses and And people are still going to be willing to pay for it. Yeah, I'd like in a buck-a-pop, right? Exactly. It's the uh, it's not too much Yeah, it's it's the spinner racket the local convenience store. Oh Uh, hey mister, he's removing the blanket off a popen axe He's stealing a pop-a-block it as he drinks a fla frosty frosty froster froster What do you want to say? We're on flash gas. Do you want to say hi to the mom? Yes. Okay, say hi to the mom All right, can you hear back down? Thank you man Okay, well, you gotta wait a few minutes. Okay, but yeah Let it melt a bit. Good luck I must say however that cartoonishly evil villains are Such a frustrating Achilles heel to run into like any black and white like any of the like um Back who gone or like the character ones. Yeah, they're so ridiculous like You got to give your your villains enough of a motivation to make them feel realistic or you just anyway Unless that's your point. Yeah Anyhow fantastic review you Uh, you can find it all if you use business over away at the buffalo podcast top But to round out this magazine portion of the show. I believe we have another piece by j and cast And Hello and welcome to yet another episode of masterpiece audio theater. I'm your hosts a heck to stew it Joining us again today. We've got tom later barbed and billy graph Men chick majanovic j line jans and the other vigilant jeffrey vantura speaking of vigilance jeffrey. What on earth are you doing? Make an instruction booklets instruction booklets for what exactly the revolution People got to know what to do in the event of a government takeover We can't end up like those loonies jeffrey. You know that this was just fiction, right? There's no such thing as a moon colony or or people called loonies Yeah, I know that art. That's loonies everywhere. Where may we hear there was gentlemen, please We need to focus need. I remind you that this is a podcast. We haven't even finished the introductions I gave you all a well-detailed list on how this is supposed to go Now then gentlemen, please say hello to our audience. Hey, yeah people have the interrupts good afternoon Harry Hello Top of the man into you? Never let you guard down. You never know when it's going down Jeffrey, please what? Now back to the audiobook we listened to this week As some of our listeners may have already ascertained the audiobook under review this week is the moon is a harsh mistress Written by robert highline narrated by loid james It was 14 hours and 12 minutes in length and produced by blackstone audio ink We downloaded this book from Would anyone care to start the discussion this week? Yes, I do Book was after all about our oceans living on the moon We're always ahead of americans and space technologies Now you just hold on there a minute. Didn't your space station crash? Minor detail clearly we improved the design You guys realize this isn't a story about real people, right? Don't speak of money that way he should be hero. He is hero. He said hold that thought men check no spoilers Come on who hasn't read this book yet? Referee in 1960. It's one a whack of awards I know I know but we've got to keep in mind those people who have not read a lot of science fiction Since you enjoyed the book so much men check would you read the good reads book jacket for us? Yes It is year 2076 and the moon is the dumping ground for the rebellious and the unwanted of earth Faced with little choice these exiles have banded together in order to live and survive in their harsh non forgiving environment Creating new social conventions and beliefs Confronting them is luna authority They have a handed earth administration that seeks to extract as much wealth from the loonies as possible for return to earth As the situation slowly deteriorates The inhabitants of the moon come to realize that they have little choice But to revolt against the earth government in order to save themselves from economic strangulation and environmental disaster A small band of dissidents emerged to lead the revolution This consists of a one-armed computer jock a radical young woman A past his prime academic and a nearly omnipotent computer named mike These people ignite the fires of revolution despite the near certainty of failure and death Thank you men check would anyone like to comment further before we get into the voting? Only that I sure am glad that I listened to this I tried reading it once and I got so confused. It's written like men check talks over there But when I but when I listened to it everything made sense like a movie with no pictures I'd have to agree, but if it weren't for the audio, I'd have never gotten through it However, I did find parts that are a little too heavy on philosophy And I was a little disappointed in why I was character She's described as being strong. Yeah, most of the time she waited to be told what to do For once me brother and I are on the same page the guy's philosophy was a tad bit too much to take I personally didn't mind that part, but it could be because of the performance Lloyd James did a great performance Jay, what would you give it out of 10 for narration then a solid 10 out of 10 His range between manny and mike was great a very good contrast He played mike just how I'd expect computer voice to sound men check Hmm. Yes, I like it a lot, but I give him in nine because nobody's perfect National fire. I think he gets a tan from making the read sound enjoyable I'm giving him a nine I give him an eight russians. That's not a vote. Jeffrey what? Oh, his narration was bang on and give him a tan Well, I felt as if it could have been performed better personally. I give him a seven That means as a group we give him a nine out of ten on narration Jeffrey. What score would you give the writer? This is like a textbook on revolution. Everyone should read it. It's a tan as far as I'm concerned It should be on a book lists and schools. I disagree You've got to be careful with that type of writing Who's got some questionable ideas about family? Combine that with a ransom. I give this book a five out of ten I'm surprised to say this but I'm with bub a five Yes, but spools seldom differ. I think this book is very good I give it a 10. I give it a nine I think it's one of Heinlein's best The book itself is like I said hard to read I give the story a seven if I add my eight to the total we get a seven point seven out of ten So as a group we recommend listening to this story well performed But as some of our panel have said it is a little heavy in the personal few points of the writer himself We would like to thank you for listening. This has been masterpiece audio theater. Good evening and good night I Greatly enjoy these pieces. I very much do and this one was interesting because I've actually read this book I haven't heard the audio version that he's discussing but I've at least read it that they were discussing Yes, sorry that they were discussing And it's interesting you speaking of the cast. I'm beginning to know the characters and and sort of how they'll fall which is a fun process. Yes Um I have to agree with their points that there's a lot of arguing you can do with Heinlein. I do all the time I really enjoy his work, but there's a lot of his philosophical beliefs that I do not fall in line with and I don't know It's the George C Scott problem, right? Like you got to take the good with the bad and be critical about That which strikes you as incorrect But the nice thing about the way the cast is handled is that it it seems like I don't know how much of Jay's personal opinion Jay is putting into the character of Jay but It's nice that there's the differing perspectives and you can get a feel for And in what types of people How these different types of people would feel yes, it's it's well written to It's a conspiracy. Yeah, I love Jeffrey. I'm doing that character. Not bosses. Oh shoot Yeah, and to loop back to to Heinlein's philosophy. There's a lot uh to like there, but there's a lot to dislike as well like I I feel like he was pro feminist in a lot of ways but at the same time he was pro feminist with the blinders of his time and so Although he would say they were fantastic a lot of times his female characters would fall flat because he didn't know how to write a strong female He wasn't the guy that uh wrote gift from earth, was he? No, you're thinking of Larry Niven. Okay. Yes, sorry And it's interesting that you mentioned that because there was a little comment about Heinlein's ideas on family which kind of uh falls into line with uh Larry Niven's idea of lockstep and marriages and There's a lot more experimentation in the sevenies with how those things were done and Yeah, yeah Yeah People could be really experimental with types of marriage and family Yeah Anyway to leave that hanging there, uh I feel like This book specifically although there are points where the philosophy intrudes a little bit And it gets a little bit too I don't want to say without Getting too specific in any one camp not to say it's too libertarian because that's not right But it does get too into its own BS frankly Despite that though, there's a lot of clever mechanics that underlie the book So every time you wander into one of those corners that you start thinking maybe i'm just going to put this down Something interesting happens story wise that keeps you interested and it's not based on philosophy. It's You know gravity catapults and I don't want to give things away, but Less on the bull shit Yeah, the more bus blue sheet Yeah, so great piece sir. Yes. Thank you so much If you want to find more jays work, you can head over to And I believe now is the time for So we have some items to sample Indeed History Asian snacks Yes, I will let's discuss the research question and we will lead into the tt after that So Our friendly americans Genentless brought us rice roll egg yolk flavors They look like a stack of them here There are various flavors as well, but we're opening up the yolk we're yes, we're opening up the egg yolk flavors Okay, you want me to eat something that's egg yolk flavor, Gina I love you Gina. Also, because I love listen, it's vegetarian health food delicious nutrition These are the only English words on the package eggs roll cream biscuit Oh, it's an egg roll cream biscuit There's all kinds of like Beans and stuff on the packaging and like dried corn. Okay. So the actual thing itself looks like I don't know. What does this look like? Eggs roll cream biscuit. Oh my gosh. I don't know what that is. A little bit pastry It smells salty It's salty and sweet. Is it? She's looking at charity. I haven't bitten into mine yet. It's sort of like a sweet sour cheeto Yeah, um More sweet and salty Which kind of throws me off a little bit. The sweetness is a little weird if it was saltier I think I'd be more on board, but I just said that. Yes. Yeah, we're on the same page It's almost like there's peanut butter inside I don't think I can Well, that was interesting. Hang on. Well, I have some I think they're like There's another two packages of these different flavors Maybe you all believe in Halloween Was it was it the taste or the texture because really it just was like a really sweet cheeto taste wise Like a hollow cheeto was something in the middle, but the problem was the texture for me It was like cheeto exterior with a creamy center And yeah, you know what I reminded me of it was an egg yolk cream I I don't know, but it's like but we have other flavors plus the flavor Maybe what I'll do is later on. I'll capture a little vine video or Of the kids And we'll send them when we send stickers. We'll send one out. So I can try it. Oh, yeah I'm sure that's legal Well, thank you if you and Liz for that. Yeah, thank you And we got plenty more in the box to sample as the weeks continue. Oh, they hadn't tried them either So, oh, oh, so it's blind. Where's the guinea pigs? Are you sure? They didn't hadn't had any fun. It tastes like something you could chop up and put in milk for cereal Anyhow, not that I worked If you have something you want to send along, you can send your comments questions or suggestions to comments at or send us candy Yeah, yeah, I mean that creamy eggs roll candy They can get in touch with us if you want to send us things off Before we get to the tts mail, I wanted to mention I get a couple shoutouts on twitter. Uh duck blue was saying that We had mentioned the food network and how it was becoming more prevalent during exercising and things like that He was mentioning that in house blue Actually, no, I believe it's the crayon box. I believe if they call it the crayon box because they'll have a specific color That's right magenta mom. Yeah Uh He says they watch the food network while they eat because it's the only programming that everyone in the family can consistently agree upon Everyone likes food Um because maybe like why am we eating that? Mythbusters Um, it's quite often family if we're going to eat Pawn stars or Star Trek the next generation with food is that everyone likes different things So you don't really want to watch fish with people. They're like fish and you have but if it's a fun episode of iron chef Yeah, where's that or like eat street? We used to watch um diners drive-ins and dies But then we found out that that guy was like totally a racist and stuff and anti-simile that guy named guy Yeah, so yeah that guy guy Sky for that guy. We watch the area or whatever his name And you know what same thing with uh With uh good eats. We can't support good eats anymore Yeah, we used to watch the old brown We thought he was Jesus, but then we heard that he had some views that were so anti-us that we don't really feel like we can support the dude Mm-hmm. It's unfortunate. It is. Yeah, it is But you're gonna be like that. I'll still watch a recipe of this or something I will like screw you up in bran. Well, I make it No, I spit in the recipe. I use one of holladines recipes and then I found out about whatever and then Oh, yeah, that's interesting. That's interesting. Can you Whoa, wait, can you in the Let me think this through for a second If you have carbon offset where you can plant a forest to help Deter the like the pearl jam tour thing. Yeah, it's gonna be like like pearl jam Yeah, where and algores is a thing for a while. I don't I assume it's still being done somewhere But they would have a certain amount of what they would call carbon offset where they would plant trees Or do something somehow to reduce carbon emissions based on the amount of carbon emissions. They're Specific project like pearl jam. They would say the same thing should go for polidine No, can you because the thing is Alton brown you can look at his Personal views and disagree with things that he believes in and I frankly do But the thing is that it doesn't really influence how delicious the food he makes is Are you following me? Absolutely. Like the the part that I would consider unpleasant or not evil But let's just say evil for the sake of sounding fun. The evil doesn't taint the food But what about the fact that you're giving hits to okay on the internet But what I am suggesting is that perhaps what we need in the same sense that we have a carbon offset What we need to implement is an evil offset Where we can somehow quantify these things and say one using one alton brown recipe is equal to Making a meal for a neighbor Whatever. Yeah a gay neighbor A black gay neighbor To offset his terrible personal views Tell them the recipe is yours not alton brown No, that's theft and that's just tinking the evil again Well, no, it's it's not really cuz you're not You're not selling it in the kidney. Yeah, anyways, somebody set up the morality bank Word now. I believe it is time to find out Before we get to his recorded comments rich did uh also send in a little entry for the sunday Research question. Yes. Yes. He gave us a little rundown of his sundays He says during the bulk of the year. Olora takes the kids to rula just school at the synagogue And walks with a friend while waiting to pick them up I usually walk the dog grab starbucks or go for a long run Then we all go out to a late family lunch with mom granny And the rest of the afternoon. This is great. We prep lunches for the week Is that awesome? And we'll watch some junk tv swamp people storage wars oddities etc or a movie There will be practicing music and homework finishing up for the kids And then the kids go to bed and I rage against the coming of monday See I do that as soon as I wake up on some day, but yeah And he says the summer is a bit more freeform usually walks shopping. Maybe a movie etc. Huh? So the sorry just the religious school only lasts as long as the normal school year. Anyhow I got a few Of these uh submitted over the last week, but really this one is the perfect example of everything There's always a little bit of church. Not always. There was often a little bit of church There was a lot of lolligagging And then I go to the church of lolligagging. Yeah, well, that's essentially the extent of my worship efforts Uh, and then the occasional note about raging against monday. Yep So I think we all agree that sunday is just a lazy day. Well, we also record flashcasts Yeah, I suppose we need your stuff. We don't church. We do record I'm coming to the studio as close as I suppose we get to a church. Yeah, we got pretty lighting in here We have beautiful sounds and smells the confessional in the corner. We sacrifice up to our mobsters The goats. Yes. Yeah. There's that we have everything we need in this room Oh, yeah, occasionally I do pray to Thor and here. I hope he was without confession. You don't think differently about me Yeah, there is actually that oddly segues well into what I want to ask is the next research question and this is not don't don't think of this as uh Audience testing this is not intended to be there's no right or wrong. No, we're not introducing the you know the new son to the family who will be all cool and Have a skateboard skateboard and talk extreme But I am interested in hearing what fantasy creature people feel doesn't get enough attention Like what is that one thing that you've always felt was a really neat or interesting fantasy uh beast It didn't get Or anything There's so many to go by and I think well, why do I know those ones and don't Well, are they just way too obscure or whatever? I okay. So my first thought I have a deep love of gnomes, right? and although you See gnomes and what is it expedient commercials? There's a travelocity one of the one of the travel sites They have their gnome Which is fun, but it's not you're not getting stories about gnomes I think the only movie that I can recall was gnomeo and juliette and that was like a kid's movie that was terrible Yeah, but there are so many gnomes present in games and well I'm thinking of next and stuff like this puzzle agent which was something straws Uh recommended to me and his you have gnomes in like the warcraft wrinkles that hidden people in that game Were terrifying like they were just normal gnomes, but they could even though it was just a cartoonish puzzle game playing that Three in the morning. I would occasionally be like Is that a feeling of uncomfortable? Yeah, um, I certainly I considered gnomes Because you have your elves and your dwarves and stuff like that, but I I the more I thought of it I think gnomes are kind of yeah, that's what I that was what I was feeling and there are so many Things that I went through like okay, how about gorgons? Well, no, you've got like your Medusa knockoffs and video games and stuff like that and okay, um I thought kelpies because You know, but that that's a little bit obscure even that's that's not a very like they're cute Not well, they're not cute, but they're yeah, they're interesting in their way there I I think of that as too narrow a class almost okay, and um, I thought okay. Well, uh, what about you know the Sphinx or something like that, but you see those around too And I thought what about Manticores? Manticore when was the last time you heard anything about a manticore? Can you what's an ianticore? It's it's a lion with the face of a man But there's more to it than that right? I think there's also have a scorpion tail No, that's a shamera or chimera Doesn't that one has a goat in a chair like that? Doesn't who have a picture like that? I don't know very that's true. That's true But yeah lion with the face of a man. I remember choose your own adventure book that happened have a The Manticore is a Persian legendary creature similar to the Egyptians Sphinx It has the body of a red lion a human head with three rows of sharp teeth like a shark And a trumpet like voice other aspects of a creature vary from story to story It may be horned winged or both the tail is that either of a dragon or a scorpion And it may shoot poisonous spines to either paralyze or kill its victims It devours its preyhole and leaves no close bones or possessions of the prey behind Yes, so the basic basic manticore So your basic manticore is uh, you know lion with the face of a man and a blurry voice, but it can get A little bit more complicated. Sometimes you put a spoiler on sometimes you get some lights underneath Sometimes you get a scorpion tail a good base system. Mm-hmm. Yeah The blaring voice. I thought you already said that three disc's changer in the trunk Three disc changer in the trunk man that would be That's intense You know what fantasy creature I totally want to see what it was totally more prevalent as a child Was ewoks man. I had books Oh, you want to see that's a buzzy creature modern fantasy creature, but yes, it was like It was I always wanted like a tree house like that You know, it was like I guess I just the world of the ewoks was very enticing to you Yeah, you know the other's torches at nighttime like it hears like birds and bugs Actually, me walk man If we're gonna talk modern fantasy creatures like that, I have to say the one that I've Not to say I don't know that this necessarily counts for the question because the question is technically What do you feel needs to get more attention? But when I was a kid, I was deeply in love with the idea of having a pet leg gizmo Yeah, very I think I mentioned this to you before. Yeah, even now I I saw I wouldn't feed it after me Would love to have some sort of replica on my shell. It would be so much better than these people Yeah, I would listen to the rules me. Yeah, it'd be really good That's interesting because ewoks is sort of an odd item It's it's an alien creature from a movie and whatever, but it does kind of have its own mythos to it Like you know what ewoks culture and everything. Yeah, and then the gremlins are more modern entry of a myth like you can tell you can tell this the gremlin story to a kid and be like There's these things and this is what happens and they evil. Yeah, whereas ewoks were just they were happier It was a safer happy thing Well, I want to like get a pile of them and snuggle you say that but if you recall I believe they ate a bunch of stormtroopers and well, you get hungry. Why are you judging me? They were gonna eat hon and lamb Tasty meats So Please and and here's the thing. I'm not just asking this Uh because I want to hear what you know, I don't want suggestions on creatures Although I suspect that some of these answers probably will spark a story or two down the line because they'll be like Oh, yeah, I used to love those things. I bet you anyhow But please include when you send these into comments at or tweet them to us Just give me an idea if I don't already know about where you are because I suspect that For example, some of the people from the UK may have interestingly different answers than some of the people from Alabama So if I don't hear what ingrid had to say, yeah, that'd be great. Oh, that'd be fantastic House sprites. We were discussing that while everybody was over Anyhow Fantastic now onto rich Onto the TT Love the box Yes, the box specifically has Spit up a bag of sweet tarts jelly beans. You just want to eat these later. I know you. Well, here's the thing My love My love of sweet tarts is well known But equally well known is my dislike for jelly beans So are we about to encounter some mutant hybrid that I will enjoy or is this just going to be like are you gonna bomb it all over me egg flavoured rolls I want to say that the influence of the box is actually spreading Because when Gina and laser rod they too had a box And they had decorated their box as I'm sure some of you have seen with like a compilation of just like every single phobia and its definition And they got one of my favorites and that is complete sarcasm I can't remember what the name of the phobias, but it's a fear of little holes That's just a phobia together. It's it's horrible. It's really horrible And so then they drew a bunch of little circles all over the box too. Thank you very much Yeah, they worked so hard on the wrapping of those boxes. Mm-hmm. It was a box of terror I feel like rolling these jelly beans jelly beans like dummies seven, eleven or doubles, baby. These are good They've got a nice not necessarily jelly bean feel to it. They don't bounce back when it gets stuck in your teeth. Mm-hmm Oh, this is odd He'll look so puzzled guys. I like them. Me too. Jared's looking troubled. Mm-hmm His brow is creased. I think I think they may actually circumvent all of the problems I have with jelly beans, which is mostly a texture issue I find There's something with jelly beans I don't enjoy the chewing of but these are just enough There's just enough sweet tart genetics in these To keep them that gritty. Mm-hmm. They're good. They're delicious Yeah, thank you. I don't think those are gonna last long. It is a win Hide them from the children. Yeah, those are one of the children don't get it. We should put them in the s'mores No, oh my lord. No, okay. Oh wait that totally reminds me of something that uh jina had mentioned earlier Um, they had passed to denny's on their way up here And I guess denny's isn't that prevalent in the states and it's not so much here either No, denny's just pretty common in the states. Yeah, maybe just not in the south. I guess. Yeah, I think the south has their own Correct barrel. Yeah. I think they they said there's like a denny's line. You know, yeah, I believe yeah, I believe yeah the mason denny's line She had gotten I think she said it was like a grilled cheese But instead of like just cheese in the middle. It was like mozzarella sticks Isn't that isn't that crazy? And it came with marinara. So you totally made me think of it when you're like, let's put these in the s'mores. I was like, oh my god putting Crazy things and other crazy things. That's interesting. We should make like homemade Friggin mozzarella. Oh, how can we not it speaking of a gourmet one? Yeah, speaking of homemade oddities Um, they brought us a large number of taco shells from taco bell. Yes, the dorito taco loco shells I don't I don't know if we want to uh nacho. I don't know if we want to let them tell the story themselves Oh, yes, maybe we should but I can tell you that the results, whatever they uh say them as are delicious Yes, it was kind of funny how they got them, but maybe I'll leave that for them to tell And now speaking of telling on to Richard Hello flashpulp crew and fellow mobsters rich the time traveler here Remember time travelers. He who does not know his history is doomed to forget where he parked his time machine Mulligan smith and can't live with them was an interesting tale You definitely wrote some completely unsympathetic male characters there But I have to take exception I'm assuming you made up the name of the knife company since we both know that four out of five psychopaths prefer cut code knives over all other brands Oh And mr. And mrs. Carver Narrowing my eyes. I'm watching you Skinner Regarding the porn stats from the last flashcast. I don't mind that you mentioned. I sent them that link A friend posted it on facebook and it was far too good not to share it Of course, he was discussing the interesting terms. It showed up when you drill down into the states Um in the southern us in detail and how was interesting giving the history of that region And i'll leave it at that You're questioning the source of the data I did not get the impression that they're scraping that from google or any other search engine I got the impression it was from searches on their own network using source ip for g for geolocation So it's probably fairly accurate unless everyone is using onion browsers or proxies, which seems unlikely I know I mentioned the tv series touch at least once before And how my wife had a hard time with some of the more hot heart string plucking bits in them I eventually decided to make it make a run through it for myself I finished the first season and i'm working my way through the second I must say if some of the model and aspects turn you off it might be worth it to come back to this one They developed several subplots created a couple of different bad guys Along with a few think they're good, but could be bad guys And really spun a semi spiritual semi scientific world spanning conspiracy into the story Definitely a good watch The rest of the segment is going to be a bit of a game of palooza I should spread these out a bit, but given that i've gotten segments in fairly irregularly. I didn't want them to wait First up is ace of spies This is the game jrd a pope and I played at vultagon It's basically a set collection game where each player is attempting to gather the cards they need to finish spy missions The goal is to be the one with the most points at the end of the game and be declared the ace of spies The cards you collect are divided into three cities London Berlin and Paris And in each city there are cards of multiple types intelligence data locations spy gear and agents There are also interrupt cards that you can play to interrupt other players actions and get the game a bit of a screw your neighbor mechanic The mission cards you choose to keep show you how many of each intelligence location spy gear and agents you'll need to complete a mission All along with which city they must come from or if they can be from any Once a mission is completed the player can lay it down as score points But be careful as other agents and interrupts allow your opponents to steal your missions or cards from it to take the points for themselves Generally, it's a quick game once you know the rules probably 20 to 30 minutes for three players And you can play two to five players It's published by albino dragon games and runs $35 from amazon It's a great addition to any game library and as a pope and i discussed is a game right for expansions in the future So I predict a lot of replayability Next up is agricola for ios sorry no android version yet If you've been around board games you've likely already heard of or played this highly acclaimed uve rosenberg board game To put it lightly agrico cola is a worker placement and resource management game You are simple farmers living in a village and must improve your farm while growing and feeding your family The game is divided into multiple stages and each stage consists of multiple rounds At the end of a stage you must have enough food to feed your family If not you take a begging card for each food unit you are short and those are big negative points at the end of the game On each round the players take turns placing their family members or workers On the various places on the game board to determine their role that round These spaces might be gathering wood collecting grain Building fences with previously collected wood Sewing previously collected grain in a field or baking it into bread for food and so on There is even an family expansion role As the rounds go by additional spaces open up to introduce new things Like stone or additional livestock types beyond the starting sheet There are also upgrades you can make to your house expanding it to fit more family upgrading the wooden hut to mud and then stone major improvements like ovens to more efficiently bake bread and so on Scoring occurs at the end of the game and can be a bit complicated Essentially you get points for every field that zone expansion into your house New family member having one of each crop type having one of each livestock type, etc But there are also negative penalties if you don't have the minimum of some of these items Also, this is the simple or family version of the game There's also the basic version that deals each player a random set of minor improvements they can build And professions they can train their family to perform These add a bit of complexity Players of the board game version might note that there's also a set of interactive cards That allow more player versus player actions that are not currently included These are planned as a later update and as an in-app purchase Play mode supported are the single player solitary game single player versus AI Local multiplayer pass-and-play and online asynchronous multiplayer The game rings in at seven dollars in the us app store and is a universal iphone ipod ipad app Though I wouldn't want to learn it on the small screen to start with All in all, I cannot tell you how highly I recommend this game It sounds complicated, but if you work through the tutorials It makes a lot of sense The next mobile game is Eclipse This is another iOS only app so sorry again android fans This is also converted from board game. Although I haven't played the original This one is a space exploration game where each person plays one faction that starts in a different part of the galaxy Their goal is to become the most influential race and to control the center of the galaxy Issue is as you explore Not only do you have to worry about your opponents But also when coming into an unexplored sector There might be the remnants of an ancient dying race that used to control the galaxy still hanging around To put it in technical terms. This is a resource gathering and management area control strategy game Each term players take turns taking actions or passing Until all the players have passed the actions are things like exploring a new sector Researching new technology building ships etc The interesting part is each thing you do increases your influence in the galaxy And increases the amount of money you must pay an upkeep at the end of each round Run out of money and bad things will happen to your empire I know this has been a very bare description of the game But it's pretty deep and complicated If you're up for a hardcore strategy game then this one is worth the $7 price tag Although be warned it is ipad only no iphone or ipad The game mode supported our local single player versus ai Local pass and play with ais as well if desired an online multiplayer One bird of warning about online play The servers seem to be a bit picky if no moves are made in a game for more than a day or so They seem to just drop the sessions This happened to us a few times and for those who play carcals on with me, believe it or not It wasn't my fault And last but certainly not least is the console game. I'm about halfway through completing and fully in love with The last of us Sorry xbox and we fans. This is a playstation 3 exclusive At its most basic this is a post zombie apocalypse survival horror game But it also has elements of third-person action and stealth as well It reminds me a lot of Tomb Raider and Uncharted Which makes sense as the developers naughty dog studios were also responsible for the latter I will say that the first 15 minutes of this game were some of the most powerfully moving moments I've ever been through The story is immersive and engaging I find my pulse pounding and hand shaking at times playing it There is great dialogue and interplay between the characters I won't spoil the story, but the premise for the zombies is one of the better done and most plausible i've ever seen Now the game does have some negative things, but these spring premise survival horror roots Supplies are painfully hard to find at times and combat can quickly turn deadly The last part is mitigated by a pretty good autosay feature that drops you back Generally to a good spot right before everything went to hell so you can try another approach Also, the levels are a bit linear, but again that harkens from the third-person action survival horror background To sum it up. I want to say that i'm enjoying this game so much That not only should you get it if you have a ps3 But if you don't borrow a rent or buy one to play this game It is that good And hey, even if you don't play many ps3 games after this one It still makes a great 3d blu-ray player and media extender Why are you still sitting there? Go get the game shoe As always i've sent links for all these to jrd to include in the show notes If anyone the mob must have placed some agricola or eclipse or even karkuson or ticket to ride Hit me up on twitter at device gnoll Drop a message in the facebook mob or post over at But for now Tell the last of us are consumed by karwick. This is rich You you like tell us that we should be going to this link about the porn right And about key searches yep depending on your demographic where you are in the world And he says well Most interestingly is like the southern us oh, yes the leadin But then he totally doesn't tell us, but anyway. Yeah, exactly such a tease Now we'll have to look now i'm gonna have to go back and look i do wonder though Listen i admit i'm not terribly well versed on porn md Do they have a specialization porn md to me implies maybe they mostly have a doctor related porn I don't know anyway i'm just saying it may be shaping their Doing their results. Yeah, maybe i don't know So ace of spies That was lots of fun to play. Yeah, I greatly enjoyed ace of spies. I would definitely recommend that game Yeah, I think we played that melabi. Well, jamie was taking a nap and it was so much fun Yeah, sleeping it off. Yes. Yes But it was so much fun playing that game and it really didn't take that long and it was very easy to follow Uh, agricola and the clip sound of both very excited. Yeah, i've actually already got agricola on my phone Yeah, while we were listening to the segment you were Yeah, that shouldn't be long coming. I'm always jaredy skinner If you want to play with anybody because i'm terrible. I'm so terrible with playing games with people That i just generally she forgets about you and leaves you hanging and you're like Yes, you're fine You're fine if it's like let's play a game of x and we're both sitting in the same room with our phones and we play through Yeah, it's not that I forget. It's that something comes up and then So i can't get back to the user turn Well, I can't get back to the game right away and then it's been a while So I feel anxious about it and so I avoided and it just doesn't end up happening Yeah, maybe this then will i don't know Maybe you're just afraid to lose like the time travel there before yeah Before we get off board games, um It's fun that we're coming into this age Where there are rock stars of board gaming now there are people who make board games that people follow To see what's going to come out like steve jacks and especially is getting up there But there are you know, there are german creators. There are people who are international board game rock stars Yeah, ravens bird Thanks rich for the comments. I can't live with them. Yeah cutter. I Are carver i pointed that i'm like, what's that? purpose Uh, yeah, I did Change the name away from cut co perhaps But I had something that I really needed specifically in mind is it is fun that he noted that it was an imaginary company Is anyone ever looked it up? But I wanted to make sure that I could come through and you may notice some odd sort of thematic links between this story and A bit of what's going on currently. Yeah, that's true. The hippo crowd is just scalpel Hippo crates uh, yeah Anyhow, i'm not gonna get too much into why that's the case but threads upon threads, yes and I think you you were saying something about possibly saying mr. Carver again at some point too Yeah, yeah, because it's a weird character Either sometimes you'll get these characters that will have like a little too much to them And i'll be like, we're seeing this guy again, aren't we? What's up with this guy because he's not just a regular background guy, you know, too much dirt response, huh? Yeah, we'll see you think so, huh? Or or interesting answers her question with a question. Yeah, I love that Do you The last of us I since sending in this bit of commentary rich has actually contacted me to expressly And he just wants to be sure that his recommendation for the last of us is like tripled Yeah, he seems to really enjoy this game And I want to play it. I probably couldn't because it sounds very intense, but I would want to watch Jared play it So go get a PlayStation, okay Perhaps I would definitely maybe want to check one down for this. This sounds I'm hearing a lot of game of the generation talk and I just went through Bioshock Infinite And I really enjoyed it, but I don't seem to be hearing the same sort of occasional disappointed note With this yeah, so we'll see I have heard um There was something about like a Swedish newspaper or something like that or Swiss newspaper Just recently where they had been uh doing some gaming review of the last of us And they totally photoshopped the girl out of the picture How would they do that? Exactly. Why would they do it because it's like kudos. It's the cover of the the game, right? So it's not like it was their spoiler It's not like it was their um artworks they would have actually had to Pay somebody to spend some time to remove the lady to see or the girl I should say as I just seems Totally ridiculous But whatever I'm excited about the game nonetheless Yeah, what's nice is that the game developers actually contacted the magazine and were like, hey, uh, why why did you do that? You know, and what did they say? I don't know if they they got a response, but they were like the fact that the game developers even cared and we're like, hey, it's not cool that you would do that That's nice. Also nice, Richard's comments. Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir, for taking the time and you're busy And jelly beans. I will be sure to post your links up in the show notes Now I believe it is time. Oh wait one last reminder before we go before we close up the sec Uh, if you have comments questions suggestions commentaries recommendations personal confessions Especially the personal confession secrets to whisper, uh, just throw them all at comments at Whisper them into a mic And then into our ear But now I believe it is time for Are you a daddy of hope? I was just so busy entertaining my american friends That I was unable to practice my guitar You're kind of wondering in a polity in territory there. I was thinking tree trunks I'll use my woman the charms I saw how my computer back and I have photoshop Backroom plot Whoa, we're just whipping through these today. Yeah, we're getting so much not done Uh, I have been working hard. Thank you madam. You know what we recorded two episodes while we had house guests Yeah, and I appreciate their patience, but the machine must continue. Appreciate my patience No, I think we're getting stuffed in regardless of Yes, although Yes, lack of top trying to do our best to work with what we have a little they uh black hall three part well coffin crossover Yeah, I was hoping you could slip a little mulligan in there but yeah There's only so much juggling one can do and stay within reasonable boundaries Um, we're up to the second part as of the release of this episode I liked uh, I liked the character of guru even though he doesn't really like he don't really get very much into detail But he can't be that bad if like he just kind of likes that with this little boyfriend Well, that's interesting. We haven't necessarily seen the last of guru. Yeah, well Hard to the last of yeah, exactly So, I don't know. I thought that was interesting to be like and that's how black hole and star with this one And it's it's even better because it's coffin telling the stories not even like They both had interactions with sarah thistle, but you'd think the person telling the Story of how black all met sarah thistle would be black. Oh, yeah, we would see it firsthand So I almost wonder like are we gonna get back into that or hmm. It's interesting. Are we? How about that? That's another jared heism. How about that? Although I have to say I did have a few times during this last weekend where After being collide with enough liquor. I let slip a couple of the secrets by accident I think jagantor might know more than he should you were applied with a lot of like a What does j what does jagantor know? You'll have to talk to jagantor. Yeah, I can't Honestly, I would tell you but I can't even remember what I've told him right now. I've told him look a few things Uh, but the third part is coming up back to black hole. This is I know I've been saying this for a while But this is actually the capstone of sort of the perth cycle Velocity we've been on for a while. Yeah, he's getting a junt back uh Or is he uh I hope so And then I think from here we're gonna go back to a little bit more chronolo Chronologically Well, unchronological, I should say hopping Just back to the old school jumping around here and there. I want to hear more about mcdumbry smith surprise surprise. Do you? How about that? How about that, huh? but We're getting to an interesting point because there's a lot of black hole back story being told in this three-parter in in odd sort of ways and There's a lot of mulligan action coming up. That's going to sort of punt that ball into a different court really and then 400 we'll see the introduction of redacted So there's a lot going on Just plot-wise and I don't want to get I've always we've always kind of used the x-files as a very easy touchpoint, right? Although this happens to a lot of series where We don't want to get to the I don't want to get to the point where I feel like I'm overloading people with Background plot items. It's not t1,000 all the time I just want to go out and fight a monster every now and then Uh, but at the same time There's no like it's unavoidable. We're getting to the conclusion. We're approaching that and we're almost to 400 We're almost into the final act now That's an odd sort of feeling here Getting to the conclusion in the final act. Wow a flashpelt Yeah, well it had to happen someday. We've been chipping away at this beast for christ. Does this mean mulligan's gonna end? well I have to admit and we've we've thrown around ideas about what might happen after Uh, what might happen after 600 Everything's going black I think There are characters that I feel like it's mulligan probably the lead on that That I feel I could write a novel Separate of the serial Output of flashpulp. I could do a mulligan novel and I wouldn't mess up the rest of the universe The rest of this the history of the universe because it would just be another thing that happened to mulligan sometime You know what I mean one of those Unchrodmological tales. Yeah, because that's all mulligan is at this point. Anyhow, right? It's just random events Well, you know what I mean though. Can I ask you a candid question that I think people would want to know oh Are you at all disappointed that we're at this point in the show and we don't have like Advertising money just big bank coming in or bank No, not at all. No, this is To put this against any comparable internet venture Creative venture it takes forever man anything to There are people who put out novel after novel after novel and go nowhere if you compare it to the web comics community That's a 10-year uptake probably like you need to invest in 10 years before you're going to be Able to stand on your profits and that It sucks. It takes forever, but it's the same with with anything. I'm sure many of our musician Uh listeners know that if you've got a band like you need to keep working on that and it's not Although we get the impression of these overnight successes and there's the occasional One direction or whatever that are honestly not made up by themselves getting the other and being like let's form a band It's actually people who have invested 30 years in the music industry And money and that they're the people who have put in the work and these guys just happen to be lucky enough to be Lived up. Yeah, the figureheads But if you look at any band that Is doing their own music. They're they're coming forward with their own product. They're not coming out First five years of their work and and being lifted up to a international stage or anything It takes a takes a long time working at your craft so No, I'm really happy with the friends and the mob that we've achieved like I I don't Hate calling people fans because I don't think They're just all friends like we've got a bunch of friends and we know we've have this huge pool of friends That's just getting louder all the time And that's fantastic. Well, of course. Yeah, there's definitely advantages to everything that we have for sure I was just wondering if that's side of it. Is it disappointing? I mean everyone hopes that Everyone has that moment where they're like, maybe this will just be you know Somebody some publisher will read this and be like, oh my god, I'm gonna give you A massive advance and a bunch of whiskey Yeah, you gotta be realistic with it. And that's not where we're at and I'm really happy with where we are so It's worth it to continue doing despite it not being our day job It's my day job. Yeah true true. Anyway, if you want to hear about our day jobs, you can follow us on twitter No, I suppose not a hear better selves Are nocturnal doings. Yeah, that doesn't sound right either Look how good just go check this day. Okay Uh, if you just want to hear random things from us from random points in the day You can follow us on twitter as jaredy skinner the jessica may And a popanax with a zero or you can just follow the skinner core account, which will dispense occasional factoids Staff memos and comics the links to everything that we do basically Big thanks to jim For hosting Still looking for volunteers if you're interested you want to head over there We're just ready to stir up a user and Start editing away. That would be fantastic Nothing makes a pope happier or a pope. No, I fear Janelle. Oh, I know Janelle's fantastic. I know So hey, yeah, we should talk about Janelle for a minute here because she loves it when we're talking about her on flashcast She's totally worth it. She's sending us candy Okay, I'm so excited about that candy except canada pose it won't deserve it. It's sweet Does it want you? Well, this looks back to you say Am I pleased with where we're at or whatever? Like she's making magnets and getting out there and promoting and that's really that is so awesome That is awesome because whenever we get an ear they always stick around guys It makes a big difference when you have somebody join us Okay, you know what? I'm even going to a minor bounty and I'll put this in the notes to mention last next time because people may have already been like Oh, they're doing the outro fast forward done but I'm gonna put a bounty out there if you if you you go out the woods today If you go out and you print off the propaganda posters are still available the ruby posters are still available on Yep, you go to You look for the propaganda section. There's printable pds You post you'll see the poster. It's very easy to print out and post it. Yeah, cut off the bottom a little bit Yeah, just like you would if you were advertising for babysitting Yeah, post a picture of yourself Doesn't have to you don't have to be in the frame. Just post a picture of a poll with the poster up or if you want to be in it Yeah, it'd be great if you weren't Send it in to comments at Provide us a mailing address along with that email And we will send you stickers, but not just stickers not just the flashpulp Uh, you in a caption contest or you send us something stickers We have a special run of stickers coming up Yes, the vaulting on stickers that we will know not the both can stickers Oh We have a special run stickers coming up. You will get the special stickers And you will also get one item that we've sampled some on the show Selection on the show. Oh, that's gonna be an egg cream biscuit Now before you taste the egg cream biscuit wait, we want people to actually send in the audio Before you to yeah, that'd be also hilarious But before you do that if you enjoy the show telefermed if you really enjoy the show We've got a donate button on the site, but do that before the egg biscuit because you're not sure what you want to hear If you have comments questions or suggestions, you can advise or email us text The entire run of flashpulp can be found on or via the switch bar nightunes flashcast is released under the creative commons attribution my commercial 3.0 important lessons You You You You You You [MUSIC PLAYING]