The Skinner Co. Network

FC87 - Just the Tibb

Broadcast on:
27 Apr 2013
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Prepare yourself for: A variety of illegal meats, book banning, space movies, Walk The Fire, proactive Dracula, and Mulligan Smith.

Some days, gloomy, my hours are slumberless Dearest, the shadows I live with by nonetheless Little white flowers will never awaken Not where the bright coach of sorrow ends taking you Angels have no fire of evolution in you Or they'll be angry if I sort of join in you Hello, and welcome to Flushcast 87 A Skinner coke presentation Skinner coke, bet you can't spot the clone This episode is also brought to you by Jenner's donations from Nutty and Scott Roche Many thanks, big surprise If you'd like to sponsor an episode, please feel free to use the donate button on the site But now, prepare yourself For a variety of legal meets, book banning, space movies, walk the fire, proactive Dracula and Mulligan's myth Thanks guys Hello, my name is Opoponax And joining me in a crack commando unit That was sent to prison by a military court For a crime we didn't commit, our Jessica May Hello, and J.R.D Hello Intense, that was beautiful If you feel spent now, you're like, "Okay, cool, I need a drink" Well, any smoke It's kind of a nice day for it, we got the wind up open It's very nice We have a rare Friday afternoon recording We have the junior execs outside It's still spring, but you can feel, you know, maybe the Mungo Jerry's coming off Maybe you're starting to feel that summer vibe What? Wait, what did you just say when we do? In the summer time, when the weather is high You can stretch right now, up and there's this guy When the weather's fine, you got wind, but you got wind, but on your mind Have a drink, have a drop, go out and see what you can find I don't think that's appropriate, sir I don't think that's appropriate at all No, so many levels Speaking of inappropriate summertime action actually Maybe you're dressing down for the summer Maybe you're considering taking a few layers off Yeah Of your surrounding neighbors Oh, well, no, it wasn't actually even the neighbors Back it up here Just recently, and I'm talking like March Okay, so yeah Alright, yeah, March In Milton, which isn't that far from us? A very nearby town, we are not quite in Toronto proper We are just outside on the outskirts of Toronto How far away would you say Milton? But it's 15-20 From here? Yes, it's about 20 minutes Okay, so a man was arrested in Milton Don't you see? Which is not all that uncommon, actually It's going to be a big city This man, actually it was the neighbor that saw him Walking around in nothing but socks Entering the elderly neighbor's house Okay, no idea why So they called the police The police came and picked the guy up And the old man gave him a rope to wear And the naked dude said that he was on drugs That he needed to go to the hospital Okay, so the police brought him to Milton hospital And when he got there, he started jumping up and down on his stretcher Getting really upset He was fairly calm up until then Yeah, it wasn't until he wanted to go to the hospital He took him there, started freaking out, jumping up and down on the stretcher And he bit two cops Oh, so it wasn't the neighbors he bit No, it didn't bite the neighbors It was definitely the police I'm going to skip the obligatory bacon jail at this point So there was this guy like just disoriented And running around nay-nay biting people And breaking into houses He has no connection whatsoever with this old man who has he broke into Interesting, so essentially Pac-man's out there Running around, chewing up If you see a naked man in socks, do not approach him I know that generally you would, you'd be like, "Hey man, what's going on?" And whatever you do, don't get your fingers near his mouth Yes, yes, yes, don't be like, "I can help you!" It was kind of weird to see something so close to home Actually All right, so see if you can spot the theme in these first few stories Take this one with a bit of skepticism A grain of salt? Yeah, I didn't want to go down the road, but yes A grain of salt So cliche above Well, it's not that, it's the theme It's the real meat of the story North Korean reveals cannibalism is common after escaping starving state Now, this is from And whenever I hear this sort of sensationalistic claim I stop, right? Because I'm always reminded of the killing babies and their incubators claim From, what was it, the invasion of Kuwait? Like a rack invading Kuwait And how that was a really big flaring point for the reason We went to war there, or America went to war and we gave them high fives And... It turns out it's all just a dramatic ploy to get you there To demonize your enemy and to... Well, it's not just that like... It's to get everyone on board, right? Yes, but there's so many moving parts to something like this Because sometimes there's just people who are dramatic Like you may just get a guy who left North Korea He's in a new place, he wants some attention Yeah, or he's like, "Please don't send me back, there's cannibals" Yeah, anyhow They'll eat your babies and their incubators I'll put this link in the notes, obviously, but sing Min Young, I'm gonna say 44 claims that in Shang Jin, a city at the top of the North Korean coast A shopkeeper serves up human meat One of his strongest thoughts is, if he didn't take steps to leave North Korea He would have become an earth Korean who ate human flesh And an interpreter for Mr. Young told And they're not allowed to leave, right? So that's like a big deal if you're leaving Apparently the thought that he'd have to eat another human being was what drove him to escape Back in March 2011 Just 'cause one guy's serving up hums Well, hums I like that you're already trying to work at the lingo Okay, how can we take this on line for delivery? Come on, Humburgers There's a slice of pickle Yeah, help me Get some bacon gravy Anyway, that's pretty bad Fears that fam and stricken North Koreans are being forced to eat human flesh heightened earlier this year Following claims a man was executed for murdering his two children for food Oh my god While his wife was away on business, he killed his eldest daughter And because his son saw what he had done, he killed his son as well When the wife came home, he offered her food saying "No!" We have meat Oh my god 'Cause I guess they wouldn't regularly, right? So he's like, "Guess what I have, meat" But his wife's suspicious Good Suddenly that they have meat, I suppose Notified the Ministry of Public Security, which led to the discovery of part of their children's bodies under the eaves Now again, I don't really see this as just one person's independent story So we may be hearing cannibalism urban legends, or we may be hearing Wow, that is horrific Truth or not? Yeah, I was thinking, "What if it's really something that some North Korean JRD is working on at his computer?" Yeah But either way, that's still pretty horrific Sorry, one last According to reports, requests by the United Nations World Food Program to access farmers markets In quotes, "Where he would meet was said to be traded were turned down by Pyongyang citing security reasons" Anyway, so That's interesting If that isn't indication of the theme, let's move on to this next one This one is actually a little less, this is slightly off-tech But speaking of those Really, 'cause that's a pretty tender subject Oh, speaking of Have both of these This is actually looping back to you much closer to... Yeah, you see that You're like sinking your teeth in there Much closer to home and in a slightly different market Have you heard this story about what's going on in Toronto? In regards to cannibalism? No, not exactly cannibalism But We are a nation of many nations in a sense The Canadians are always raised with the mosaic ideal Not the American melting pot We all respect each other's cultures in high five and it's great Yes Part of that, however, is that like any major city We tend to end up with little clusters of like-minded or common-origin individuals We have China towns, we have whatever That includes western central Africans, right? Yeah, okay, yeah And when you live in these areas, when you come from those things Obviously, the palate, the meats that are available You're used to making your own food and you're not used to making it necessarily with cow and chicken all the time So, maybe you're interested in what they call African bush meat Which is, you know, rodents from the forests generally bats, sometimes gorillas Eat what you got? Other endangered primates, you know, fish that we don't generally get here And apparently, there are markets in Toronto where people smuggle meat in In their like, suitcases coming out of Africa And then they bring it to the market and you can buy bat meat Or you can buy eight meat You can buy- Crazy! Let's go get ourselves some bat wings And it's not a legal thing, these are basically black markets Black markets, meat places, so we might not even be able to get in "We know a lot of it comes in through personal luggage," says Breshears "In October last year, several hundred kilos of African bush meat including monkey and pangolin An animal that resembles an anteater Were found in passenger bags at Charles De Gaulle Airport, reportedly destined for a Paris market" Really? The contraband also arrives through the postal system and in cargo shipments Breshears learned of a seizure of 10,000 primate parts at a land border crossing between Canada and the US They were drawn to the issue because the boxes were saturated in bloodies Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! You gotta seal that shit up in some ziploc, help me to sound As much as it piques my curiosity, I want to be able to go cook a bat or have a chance to stay on a cargo ship Who knows how long? Well, aside from even that, you can't help it Not appreciate the fact that that's supporting poachers Yeah, it's supporting poachers, it's a endangered species that are already on the brink I mean, I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to just willy-nilly kill gorillas It is estimated, again from McLean's, that 25 million kilograms of bush meat arrive in the United States each year Wow, that's a lot of... Although it is kind of funny, it's also pretty horrible and terrible Breshears, Justin Breshears, or whatever his name is, is actually, I think he's putting together a book if I remember correctly I'm trying to find it here in the article, but I don't see it He's out of the University of California, but he's been coming to Toronto to interview and study these meat markets And to try to get a feel for how much is actually moving through We're a very diverse culture Anyway, I thought that was an interesting story Yeah, we got a lot of stuff close to home this week A little too close to home, I guess Okay, well, moving on to something a little, I don't know, disturbing, but on a different beat, I guess Every year, the US Library Association announces its top-challenged books These are basically people putting complaints about certain books And then they ask to have them removed from libraries Shades of Grey Shades of Grey, top of the list Of course I think that one's not really surprised If you guys remember, back when he was Mr. Maybe 7 He read Mr. 10, read Captain Underpants, head or whatever his name is Do you recall this? It's essentially like a ridiculous... Superhero with underwear pants? Yeah, it's very, I recall it being very fart-laden Like a very of that intended gross out genre for children Oh yeah, I see now I thought of it as harmless fun, I don't think he's learned any bad habits because of it Well, he does say fart a lot Well, he used to, that's like his joke, now Mr. 3 does that I'm just saying that was his joke Yeah, that was his joke, can't fart But what's wrong with that? Captain Underpants, yeah, that's his name See you here from the article on Top of the list was no story of the bedroom, but the bathroom Dev, Pilky's Captain Underpants books for offensive language and unsuited for age group Followed by Sherman, Alexis, prize winning the absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian Which had offensive language racism in sexual... It was sexually explicit Well... And then a few other books that I really haven't heard about Thirteen reasons? Oh beloved, Tony Morrison's beloved Anyway, and it's interesting because they get a comment from Pilky, the children's author Who is essentially saying that it's exciting to be on a list that usually features Mark Twain And Harper Lee and Maya Angelou Mmm, there it is Yeah, and her fart humor is on the same list I wonder, these efforts to... Well, I guess they are trying to censor it I mean, I don't think the library association actually takes anything off the shelf because of them No, and just as long as you know the proper age group is reading it Yeah, that's fine Come on, fart humor, everybody likes a good project Well, clearly not this It says the present of Scholastic's trade division said in a statement that The appearance of Captain Underpants on the 2012 ALA List coincides with the publication of Dave Pilky's first new Captain Underpants book in six years And the return of the series to national bestsellers lists Wow, I see, yeah So it's almost like, oh yeah, everybody Captain Underpants, that's right, let's go get it You know, when it's supposed to be detracting, so that's pretty great Yeah, publicity is publicity Pilky said his characters are based in part on teachers and headteachers he had Some of whom were villains who got away with it because they were authority figures None of the children in my school, including me, thought to question them, he said So I do feel there's real value in showing kids that not all authority figures are good or kind or honorable Excellent, that's right Yes, that is absolutely true Don't just take it, you know, people deserve respect when they earn it When they earn it, yeah Even if you're old No, still on book news I found this one interesting, this is a little less pulp related I mean, usually it's pulp that lands on the censored list, but There's a bookseller in the UK Oh, no, sorry, Sydney, my bed I don't mean to insult any Australians Or British, anyway Depending who you are Depending on who you are or where you are and what your perspective is Yes An Australian bookseller, this is also from The Guardian, has announced that he will no longer stand passively by While Amazon steals their customers and steals their reading choices, that's all a quote And his urging readers to throw their kindles in a specialty, especially provided bin So basically, you bring in your kindle, you chuck it in the bin, it'll give you a $50 Australian, about $34 gift voucher To buy the store's ear reader And it's like a Really? That is such a cool idea It's an interesting idea And depending on how good their actual reading is Because they're replacing it, just be something that's not so monopolized I find it hard to argue, like, hmm No, I don't like monopolies in business, I think, that competition is good But does it, like, limit what you can get Which is the only things that the store provides or the one I think you've got to make a decision based on And I like, based on the features that are offered, and I don't have that listed here But I do like the mom and pop approach On the other hand, though, it's hard to argue with Amazon, I don't think of them in the same sort of Walmart Yeah, it's just thinking Walmart and exactly Yeah They're not that omnipresent, I mean the kindle is all over the place But I still feel like it's because of Merit and not just because of I know you can get, like, a shit ton of stuff out of Amazon Like, you can get, like, lamps and shoes and Yeah Whatever But honestly, I do not go to Amazon to look for a pair of shoes, you know? A lot of Amazon I go to Amazon for books You know, that's what Amazon is to me, so I can't really give that up for a local Because it just doesn't seem as omnipresent and is Like, everything is available to you, because I want those books And that's the bottom line for you Yeah Yeah Well, I mean, I have Kobo on my iPad and I have Kindle And I just, it depends on where the book is available that I want to read But generally, like, when I get books from Amazon, it's a hardcover It's like an actual paper book Yeah, and I don't even Go with the "E" Yeah, well, you're not much of an "E" book person Anyhow So, Christopher Nolan I think we can all agree, one of our preferred directors Yep Not always perfect, but definitely quality Generally brings something great to the table He's doing a new science fiction space film Oh And I'm wondering, we saw Moon, everyone, I think everyone like Moon, right? Do you feel that, maybe this is just me, but do you feel like Moon sort of reinvigorated the space genre, like the space movie? Yeah, it seemed like we had let it drop, kind of, like we did Apollo 13 But that was very realistic, and then I don't... And it was such a different style It kind of opens the door to just so many different Well, what's weird to me is Moon felt like it was looping back It was erasing everything that happened in the 80s and 90s in space movies And looping back to the 70s, sort of, grimy Yeah, adventure, the very beginning Like the solitude of it, the space of it all Where it's not like people in their space cars and space outfits But also less Star Wars looking, more industrial robots Yeah, they're more like what we would think humans in space, like early space And I think, I don't know if it was the introduction of the internet But it seems like we went through a period Maybe starting in the mid 90s, maybe a little bit earlier until Not that long ago, where science fiction and Well, both books and movies got a little afraid to guess the future I don't know if the internet, just kind of, it was so out of the blue And no one could really expect it And it changed so many things It almost, it was like our science fiction went to being instead of Like 300, 400 years in the future, to like 20 years in the future Oh, really? But just very up close and yeah At least, that's my feeling Maybe it's more relatable Yeah, I think there was also maybe a little bit of burnout Because that's also the time that next generation was sort of I wonder if like the privatization of space and spacecraft right now is going to change Also, I think it's definitely helping bring back some of the I do think that the grittiness you see in Moon has something to do with People actually just getting up there and doing it, you know what I mean? Yeah, not necessarily having maybe all of the answers they should Yeah, they're going for it Well, you look at something like the Federation and Star Trek And if you compare it across to something like NASA, it's very much the idea of It's a government batch Yes, we are an organization here to do things Mm-hmm, mm-hmm And okay, we'll loop back to the same detail With the prime directive Yeah, exactly We'll loop back to that whole discussion in a bit Okay, so we did start watching a House of Cards Mm-hmm, we've seen one of Kevin Spacey, Jeff Blake Fantastic show Yeah, really great One of the things that struck me in the first to discuss this idea Of us not being comfortable with our own current science fiction future There's some scenes in House of Cards where they do the text message thing Where somebody texts somebody and you see like a little almost thought bubble come up from the phone And you see what the message is And this is something that I originally noticed in Shrewock, where they do it very cleverly Mm-hmm But we've had text messaging as a purely regular thing for quite a while now And it just seems like pop culture is catching up to the point where we're being able to comfortably insert it without it looking weird Tastefully Yeah, so I wonder if we're catching up to our own future Like we're starting to acclimatize Anyhow, I'm really interested to see what Nolan's going to do with this space film Yes Because we're on that cusp where we can start looking maybe a little more forward again And he of all people usually brings an interesting perspective Even if I don't always agree with his approach to it It's usually at least worth looking at But But Out of this project Mm-hmm You may have heard, may or may not have heard Matthew McConaughey Who is part of the movie, what's the name of the movie again? Interstellar This is the Christopher Nolan film Matthew McConaughey, I don't know if he's playing the lead, he's involved Do you remember his last science fiction outing? His last really big famous Contact, he was the priest guy for contact I liked contact Up until the end Superhero hype, the website Did an interview with him, that circulated a little bit Because he gave You've seen kind of modern day train Rick McConaughey, I'm sure around Just seeing him around, poking through the trash I mean on the internet Smoking at the side of the building I felt like I don't know if I can I don't know if I can McConaughey my way through this I'm so drunk Superhero hype As a fan of contact, this is the website As a huge fan of contact, I was thrilled to learn you were going to lead Interstellar Oh, I guess he is a lead Did you experience with Carl Sagan act as a primer for the crazy astrophysics theories of Kip Thorne? Interstellar is based on a work by Kip Thorne, he was an astrophysicist He's kind of like a modern Carl Sagan-y fella Matthew McConaughey I don't know because I really haven't dug down and got into it The one one liner I got out of the contact experience Three hours I got to spend with Carl Sagan was God's backyard is a lot bigger than I thought I always used to say I'd rather be a sailor than an astronaut Because if you go over the same land that man has gone over Before it's all still the first time because it's through your eyes the first time This is Yeah, you're talking about astronaut stuff You're talking about galaxies, you're talking about new frontiers completely First time by any man stuff This is much more of an aspect I can realize and get my head around But it doesn't seem that far It's that same thing when you're a kid Your neighborhood is as far as you can go Then you get older, it's your county, your city, your state, your nation And then all of a sudden continents become part of your backyard Then as you get older you go, well the moon's just a chip shot at way 2 Then you wonder what's in our solar system It's just one solar system How many more solar systems make up the universe? How many universes are there? It's an idea I can't scientifically lay out to you But it started off when Galileo said "The world's not flat" Then the other man went "Yes it is" Wow Alright alright alright Who's like Matthew McConaughey who's in the room with me? Yeah, you're right So yeah, whatever that means I hope the film is good God's back yet God's back yet (Singing) It's gonna call it out, it's... So I guess let's ease into it with the TNG rewatch We're still in season 2, we seem basically must admit We're not watching them at a clip Well I mean we get a few episodes in a week But we're not chain watching them, that's certainly Yeah we just watch the one with the... The like Picard from Six I was in the future Oh yeah, yeah Yes, where they meet each other except for conveniently One Picard can't speak Until the end At the end he can Remember when he gets closer to his own time It's just cracks of nonsense physics that they get into It gets fun Time shifting and plot devices just I like it, you gotta imagine here, it's like anything else In the future you can do that, this future physics Exactly But we also saw the... And Picard was totally badass, he killed himself Yeah he did, the Pulaski... Well actually, it wasn't an episode about Pulaski But after Timmy's... not rant But statements last episode about Oh it's talking about Pulaski About her take on the Pulaski character I've been watching the show through her eyes a little more Me too, absolutely More redemption for Pulaski And there's the episode where Riker's dad comes aboard Yes, and I'd like to refute Yes I don't believe it was Strasbot I could be wrong, but I believe Strasbot said he thought That maybe Pulaski... Pulaski Fick would probably be of a different nature Yeah, because she very much... She had had a saucy past with Riker's dad Who wears like... I don't know, his onesie just looks different I don't know if it's 'cause he's like grey or what But he looks more like he's in pajamas Like he's not used to the outfit When you get to a certain age, you grow... There's not the same bladder control No Uh... We also... So that was an interesting episode There's a really goofy... Star Trek fight fight scene At the end where... Which unfortunately I fell asleep for... The ultimate... It's the ultimate martial art of the future It was always that show American gladiators It was totally American gladiators It was great They were fighting with giant Q-tips Nice And they were wearing BMX gear But they had helmets Oh yeah, they didn't blind Blinded them For some reason Because in the ultimate martial art you need to not be able to see anything Which is so ridiculous Just because the way they were hitting They wouldn't... Anyways, it just... Oh my god... But it was so much fun to watch It was just like... So goofy So goofy Um... Okay, but I do want to take this back a moment There was an episode I think of it as the Space Casino episode They go to this casino They find a casino on an otherwise uninhabitable world They beam down and when they're outside the casino There's the sub-home guy But then they go inside the... Rotating doors Yep And there's a casino inside And they eventually unlock the puzzle That it's all based on this book That The last astronaut of this accidentally destroyed spacecraft Had... Happened to have with him Yeah, happened to have with him And these aliens felt really bad For having accidentally blown up his crew So they built him a little life bubble on this planet Yes, based on the novel So when you go back to Revolt and go like a... But it was like a... A gangster... A gangster... A gangster novel Yeah, it was very pulpy Which is cool in and of itself And it's a ridiculous... It's one of those science fantasy, ridiculous concepts Where it's a lot of fun to watch and to go through It was a good episode in that sense But it's not science fiction Like there's no science about it really Yes But... They leave, okay? They find a plot device where they can sort of inject themselves in the plot And they find a way to get out of the casino Because every time they try to exit the doors They find themselves just back inside Back in, yeah, and they can't beam up Yeah, whatever, they can't beam up for various reasons So... Exactly So... Eventually they can become the foreign investors And by the casino, and at the end of the book There's a big climax where the foreign casino... Or the foreign investors walk out And that's when they'll leave And they go through this whole process of winning a bunch of money And data gambles and cheats And that's all weird But... They leave, they win the casino, they buy the casino And they depart Now To me that means That through the entirety of the rest of the series Somewhere on the edge of space Will Riker and his partners, Wolf and Data Are running and operating A space casino Because they bought the casino Everyone within believes they're the owners of the casino Yes, and to them They are the owners They actually own a space casino If they could somehow work the mechanism out So that they could get in and out a little easier Yeah, they could show up often And just, like, get some monies Okay, you remember Golden Palace? The spinoff from Golden Girls? They lost B.R. there, but they went off and ran a hotel? Okay, maybe we don't have a car around anymore But, because of But, Riker? Hear me out here, hear me out, guys Data, Wolf, they run a little casino In the edge of space Always having wacky misadventures Or data, like, when everyone dies And he just wants to be someone Yeah, he's the only one left He writes the rest of the career He landed, like, and they always work together Oh, oh, that's so touching Nicely done, Jessica Meyer Thank you Good night But, okay, so you did stumble across a book A funny little piece of nonsense Yeah, yeah, some outtakes that they were doing during T&G T&G It's so much fun to see episodes That you've recently seen and how they messed up How many times they messed up Yes, I recognize that So many times, like, one person would set them off And then the next seven times Somebody else would screw it up And, like, you're just hoping to God That everyone else could pull it down Data, yeah, yeah, yeah He is so funny His timing is amazing Not to mention Patrick Stewart's face is Yes And how he, like, constantly He'll grab someone's shoulder He'll be like, "Hold me I can't take it" He doesn't say that, but that's sort of Oh, Patrick! I'm getting the vapus Yellowtail pizza Get it stuck I still got A cup of water for Michael, please save the Action I don't think this is a rant Keep rolling, keep rolling, so I'm gonna get a little closer together Okay, that's good Captain, I'm going to sleep with you Captain, I'm going to sleep with you Captain, what do you see when you look out there? Home? A script would be nice Once again, please Okay, on more Skinner Co-related news We did a interview with the way of Buffalo And you, who will hear from later in the show And his new cya, or I don't want to say "Cykick" That's not fair to Patrick His new co-host, Patrick Toner Yes, and it was recently Released Yeah, so that's over at As I'm sure I'll know it again later When we hear "you like scombs" So, I had a lot of fun I thought it was pretty interesting Yes, I, uh, I like I wasn't paying attention Oh, I wasn't paying attention Like, I thought I heard something I heard flashcast and so the flash pop So I answered something incorrectly And now it's all I can think about It was just my first interview I'll get better, I'm sorry Oh, you're ridiculous Thanks a lot, you. Thanks, Pat Yeah, I appreciate you letting us Come and chat with you I do always, I think I mentioned this after the book guys interview we did It does feel sometimes like when we show up at somebody else's sandbox And we ended up turning it into a bit of a flashcast In an all sort of way But hopefully we didn't Kick over too much of their stuff So we chat a lot Okay, so, uh Oh, I really wet their car Yeah, I kinda I didn't want to point anything out Can I have my own (music) Speaking of other people's sandboxes Actually, uh, John B. Rowe was very kind In inviting me to Participate in his next Walk the Fire anthology I'm very excited. That'd be so cool. Yeah, it's a neat little story too Like a universe that's set in Yeah, you may recall A Pope had narrated a piece not long ago for him That's, that is good It's a nice little turn Uh, I'll be submitting a story to him The, the anthology itself is currently kick-stuttering So if you'd like to donate, uh, we'd all really appreciate it If you head over to Indeed Please, right now This moment Try now From this moment And as if our egos weren't stroked in just this last week We, uh, were nominated for a parsec again this year That is what I hear We are nominated in the first... You know, opening nominations This isn't the final list list This isn't down the road This is just everyone who, you know, some fan out there It was kind of after submitting our name and we really appreciate that Everybody you tell about the show, you, uh, be a parsec Or just your friend is deeply appreciated Absolutely For real sees Spread the word Mm-hmm So I'm sure we will be babbling more about the parsecs as they approach But I was pretty excited to wake up to that Mm-hmm Yeah, one of the finalists called Awesome We don't know, okay, um, we'll figure that out for next time Is there any way that they can show our some support for the parsecs? Uh, no, I think at this point It's mostly down to... They listen to us and see if we can go Yeah, there's a judging committee I've got to go and submit some information Back then, ah, great Mm-hmm I got a parsec, ladies and gentlemen Yeah, you do It's decided, yes Yeah, if you do want to show us a part, though You can make your own awards and send them to us Yeah, that would be fantastic So, actually, you recall that he did send us, uh, yeah She did make us an award, which was fabulous You can head over to And see the new form, and if you want to support us, just sign up there And there's some nice chat there, too Yeah, there's a group of people about that Yeah, that's Jessica May's She's not comfortable with forms after It looks, there's no, there's no pictures All it is, is grey, and liney And when you're chatting, there's, like, so much info about the chat That you can't see the chat, like, it's just It's so computer-y 01, be bop, bop, bop, bop It's wonderful, Abby Get there, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop I'm hoping we'll be able to, uh, host a new mafia game there soon Yep, Doc Blue's already on top of getting it together It's going to be another Doc Ezreal theme And we've got a thread about the, uh, mob boost cruise Ooh, yes, Gina 2014, you want to go on a boost cruise with me? There may be a mystery aspect involved, right? Like we may have a murder mystery lying on top of our That's the hope That's the hope Yes Which would be fun Another way of support, I was thinking about Would it be handy for people to review us on the iTunes? Cause I know that if you get on, like, the noteworthy section or whatever, it's, like, pretty cool And they haven't said anything about us Some people, like, it's just, it's not fair, guys, life is not fair I have had some vague indications that we have been considered for the, uh, spotlight thing But there are certain restrictions Which he looks at me for Based on your artwork because of the resolution of the iPad That they want you to, uh, meet and we do not- Really, that's it? That's what we're waiting on? Yeah, he wants me to read you, like, all the artwork Whoa You kind of have to Okay, we'll just do one for the goddamn iTunes Then we'll add another one and then another one Give me your hands, I'll do it All right, give me your hands, done Give me your hands, michate Yeah, and then I'll just, like, slap some on paper And then the work, like, I want 'em to Yeah Okay, anyways, everyone pressure a pope Yeah, yeah, everybody pressure me That's great We want more listeners, just, like, our awesome listeners currently, just more Give me your money Speaking of a fella who's always listening I think now it's time for a nice word from, uh, our friend The Fish Fresh fish, a new batch of cinematic pulp With the always listening Three-day fish Hey, flash gas Three-day fish is back This time with a review of oblivion Now, I'll be the first to admit that sci-fi is a hard genre to sell It's hard to put into words why It's just, I guess it just doesn't have the mass appeal Other genres have, 'cause, like, action movies, like, guys can enjoy the action Girls can enjoy the hot-bods of the action, guys Uh, comedies are pretty... pretty catch-all, stuff like that But sci-fi is a little bit hard And... When it comes to a movie like oblivion, it's right there in the... almost Like, there were things that were good about oblivion Like, it definitely looked good It was kind of cool to see, um, Jamie Lannister being all sci-fi-ing-ish and stuff But the story itself was kind of like, meh, meh Uh, there's, like, one twist That might catch you off guard But for the most part, you're probably gonna figure out what's really going on fairly quickly Um... It definitely looked good The CGI was fairly well done Uh, a lot of it looked Real And CGI was just used for scenes that just wouldn't have been Feasible using, like, real bits and pieces So yeah, uh, I'd have to say this movie is a yellow light You know, if you like sci-fi, it'll be worth watching If you don't, maybe not That is all, always listening I do, I do like science fiction movies I don't know that I like Tom Cruise films, however There is that, I actually It's got Jamie Lannister in it, though Yeah, I love that he called him Jamie Lannister I hear he pushes a kid out the window Yeah, one time, one time that I think that happened Uh, but I just hope he has no sister care I was looking at this thing, it was, like, a whole bunch of Tom Cruise movies Where he's taller than everybody else, even though he's actually shorter than everybody else Yeah, I was wondering, like, does he have preferred boxes, like, with a non-slip surface? Like, does he carry around his own box? Did we discuss the, uh, Julian Anderson scully box on the show? Is it a scully box? Oh, obviously not, she's so short that when she was in a two-shot with the Covenee And where they would have to be looking like they're having a serious conference face-to-face Yeah, and she's like, "Mlder!" They built a custom box A custom box? Because, you know, you're supposed to stand on an apple crate or whatever There's always some sort of, but Because it was such a common thing that they would have to do And they also wanted to be able to do walking scenes They built her a box, but it was sort of How did you just grab this? You could extend it? Yeah, it was a large rectangle, essentially So that she had, like, three or four feet where she could walk Yeah, and they could do a little or she could deliver a line and then walk away I didn't like, did I have her name on it? Like, all these things? Well, these are the details I want to know I remember reading in an interview that she, they ended up calling it the, or she called it the "Jilly Box", I believe "Jilly Box", where's my "Jilly Box"? She makes some sort of comment about It's so great Falling off of it, forgetting that she was on a box And, like, trying to walk in a direction She's pretty badass, I love that lady Yeah, anyway, just to get back to Oblivion I am always a fan of using effects, like, model effects over CGI I think we've discussed that before But, uh, I do find anything Tom Cruise is in Somehow, I don't know if it's a production team he brings with him or what it is It is almost always overproduced Like, that's what it feels like And I hope that, uh... Like, you're in a video game? Yeah, he's, it's interesting because I feel like whoever's picking his scripts Uh, is doing a very interesting job Because he's picking up all these, like, based on manga movies it seems like Or these interesting sort of out there science fiction blockbuster kind of films And I like that, I like that he's punching high or whatever You just don't like him But, it tends to be that on the actual delivery The concept of his movies are almost always interesting to me But the delivery of his films, yeah I love Mission Impossible the original And I feel like the Mission Impossible movies could have been a lot better without him If you had had somebody who was a really solid, actual, solid lead And not just a placeholder for a lead Yeah, he should just stick to the zenu and give that to somebody else Yeah, maybe I'll watch his movies I'm like, "Oh, it's a Tom Cruise film, I'll skip it" I feel like he plays that aging character What was that, uh, anyway? In every movie, what? No, that agent, no, sorry, I meant like the film's dark Yeah, the, what film was that in? He plays the fat fellow with a Oh yeah, that was Tropic Thunder Yes, there you go, I knew it was something to that effect Anyway, I think that that is a little more who he actually is I think if he was to be, if he was to go over to the dark side And just become a straight Hollywood agent he would be very effective I think he's a lot better at Contractions, production negotiation than he is at actually acting Yeah Anyhow, thanks a lot, Fish I'm still gonna totally check it out because I'd love science fiction movies Thank you You can follow Fish on Twitter at @3dayFish And you should And you should, you can also follow this next fellow at Gibraltar42 Because I think now it's time for Coming from beyond to save us from our own past Gibraltar has found only one solution to protect us Here, now, is your horrible history Huh, what? Ah, playing Dark Souls No! That's not too far away No! No! No! What do you mean it's April? No! No! No! No! No! No! Fire up to the ether! It's a scop on air! I don't care! Just, just, just a flick! Ohio State Penitentiary was built in Columbus in 1834 Throughout its history it had a poor reputation The color epidemic swept through the facility In 1849, killing 121 comics In 1893 the prison superintendent wrote that 10,000 pages of history of the Ohio penitentiary gave one idea to the inward richness of its 1,900 inmates The unread history would know, would be known only to God itself The prison built to hold 1,500 people was almost almost overcraft and notorious for its poor conditions At the time of the 1930 fire, there were 4,300 prisoners living in the jail Destruction crews were working on an expansion The scaffolding would set up along one side of the building on the 9th of April 21st, a fire broke out on the scaffolding The cell block adjacent to the scaffolding housed 800 prisoners Most of whom were already locked in for the night The inmates begged to be landed out of the cell as a smoke-filled cell block However, most reports claimed that the guards not only refused to unlock the cells but continued to lock up other prisoners Meanwhile, the fire spread to the roof and dated the inmates on the prison's upper level as well Finally, two prisoners forcibly took the keys from the car and began their own rescue effort Approximately 50 inmates made out of their cells before heavy smoke stopped the impromptu evacuation The roof then caved in on the upper cells, about 160 prisoners burned in Although some guards did work to save the lives of their charges, the seemingly willful indifference displayed by other guards led to a general riot Firefighters initially could not get access to the fire because angry prisoners pelted them with rocks By the time the fire was controlled, 320 people were dead and another 130 were seriously injured The tragedy was roundly condemned by the presser as preventable It also led to the repeal of the laws on minimal sentencing that had been the head imparted caused the overcrowding of the prison The Ohio Parole Board was established in 1931 and within the next year, more than 2,300 prisoners from the Ohio penitentiary were released on parole Ugh, I couldn't get that one out of the way Hey, why don't you play Dark Souls? This was all the tips you can get at the gate, wasn't it? Bye! Bye! Bye! Until next time, my fellow officers [Music] And Wolfie, I'd be remembered if I didn't tell you that, up until 1920s, pink was considered a boy's color Because red is the color of passion and fire, and we'll see it's man's color And pink is a division of form of red [Music] Gibraltar is making reference to Wolfie wearing pink I don't know if you guys saw it, but he gets bullied, Mr. Ford gets bullied because he wears pink sometimes to school because he really loves pink So I ask some people, you know, if you want to support Wolfie wear something pink Send me a picture on the Facebook And it's worked out really well In fact, I need you to talk to Gina about getting the benefits of the Tumblr page Yeah, those two Yes, those ladies went above and beyond So I appreciate your words, Gibraltar, I'll make sure that Wolfie gets a listen The color of passion, that's nice He is a passionate boy He is, sorry, when he needs something he's always Lovely for beauty, he's four On Ales, a pleasant note There are so many little things about this story Yeah, wow Colora, color outbreak Colora is really easily recovered from all you have to do is just drink a lot of water And it'll pass, you'll be able to survive simply by drinking a lot They didn't know that at the time? I don't know, I don't know if they didn't know that or if they just weren't probably Oh my god And then, what I found most disturbing though, the horblest, the most horrible part of the horblest The most horrible of this part of history But consider this, if that, so there was the riot and it burnt down and all these people died And then they went and reformed parole laws What kind of things were the people who burned to death actually sentenced for? If there wasn't even a parole system in place to deal with the more minimal crimes Like all the sort of fine related, if you can't pay a fine, that sort of thing That's terrible The poor people crimes, anyway Mhm Thanks a lot, your brother, as always Yes, mighty horrible And you're, like it just sounded so amazing Oh yeah, very interesting The music, it was so good Mhm, you need to get some co-op action on this lab cat though, or you're never going to get the control back So I think what we have coming up next is another incident from Daga's room [knocking] [music] [music] [knocking] [knocking] Previously on Daga's rail The ancient death and the citizens of the district considered the recent events And now the next episode of Season 2, Daga's rail, unnatural selection Doors Corley sat next to her husband on the speaker's dias, quietly rocking their infant son in her arms It felt like a day for a funeral The atmosphere was cool and grey with a thick, low-hanging fog A 13-piece pipe band consisting of seven bagpipers, four-side drummers, one tenor drummer and one bass drummer Played a mournful dirge which echoed off the hard surfaces of the district The only nine citizens had died as a result of the museum incident, hundreds filled the most diablos memorial plaza Friends and family of the lost, law enforcement personnel wearing black armbands, outraged members of the community And no small number of journalists made up the crowd From her seat, Doris could see the heads of the Slidell and Essel Groth crime families And their respect of entourage's Each seemed to be splitting their time between demonstrating their dedication to the community And watching each other wear a lay Trouble was clearly brewing between those families And it was not very far beneath the surface Standing slightly behind her father, Margaret Sidel, seemed oblivious to much of what was going on around her Dressed head to toe in black, Margaret's face was concealed by a mourning veil As one of the three survivors, she had been offered the opportunity to speak at today's memorial Her father's people had declined the invitation without comment Standing at the edge of the memorial plaza Just within Doris Corley's vision, the second of the survivors seemed to be observing the crowd Rather than paying attention to the presentations from the podium Ash Oldman did not need the angel of death to tell him that a gathering of this size would be a target Be it for the mad magistrate or some other criminal schemer A plaza completely erupted as Joey Beaman finished his tribute speech The third of the survivors, Joey was a hometown favorite to his athletic ability He was also a bit of a fame hog Good-looking and charming, a large percentage of the women in the crowd Would eagerly help Es, the pain of his recent ordeals, and he knew it He flashed Doris his trademark smile as he returned to his seat and his somber attitude Doris ignored the ball player and focused her attention on her husband as he moved to the podium Ronald gave her the high sign trying to look confident that his wife knew better He had been dreading this memorial since the moment had been announced My fellow citizens, it is only fitting that Ronald's speech was interrupted by screams from the midst of the crowd Doris stood trying to determine the source of the panic Citizens were moving away from the center of the plaza like ripples moving away from a stone tossed into a bull Something was pushing the ground up from below From below, you say? Yeah, that's an extra picture That's how it's so cool though, I love the ending Nice job, I love the duck For more information on Dokazriel Oh, D-I-A-M-1-D Sorry, I'm trying to... I was hoping that by the time I finished Dokazriel Yeah, I would have it up For the previous adventures of Dokazriel, you should point your browser over to We hardly recommend it Yes, and hopefully Dokazriel will be doing a little something for a mafia game He's saying it's collecting names, so I'm pretty excited I asked him to be named Sally Slop Bucket You never want to be on a Dokazriel's list, though Tell us the... My bad Tell us the story behind Sally Slop Bucket Oh, well, there's actually two stories behind that now Kind of, because it's the name that I've decided that I want to log into You know, webinars for whenever I'm... We don't want to mention that for now, we don't want to tell Just do the original, just go from there Oh, well... My grandmother, when we would be at her house When she'd be babysitting us when we were kids We still like to set up in her basement this sort of hotel This pretend hotel And so we would have like a little book where she would have to sign in Whenever she'd check into our hotel, she'd sign her name as Sally Slop Bucket I didn't want to grandpa to know if she was checking into a Strange Hotel Yes, in her basement And we would make little beds on the couches and stuff, that's great So I want that to be my name, Sally Slop Bucket Yeah, Miss Slop Bucket Yeah, Slop Bouquet And Sally, what have we got next? Uh, word on the street is that Hugh likes comics Hello, Flashbob, this is Hugh, and this is Hugh Likes Comics Today, I'm reviewing Dracula the Unconquered by Chris Sims, Steve Downer, and Josh Crock Everyone knows the story of Ram Stoker's Dracula, or do they? This is a fun all ages adventure starring the former King of the Vampires When Dracula is awoken ten years after the events of the book, in the crypts below the Tower of London, he has a choice He can either submit to the new regime of Lord Varney, the current King of the Vampires, or strike out on his own And rebuild his empire And you can probably tell which way the story goes It's full of fun little fight scenes, death traps, big monsters And it's a lot of fun, and the art is gorgeous The thing that I really like about this comic is that from Lord Varney to Renfield, Sims the writer clearly knows his vampire lore And he sprinkles in clever dialogue references without really hitting the reader over the head or showing off This is a very much an action comic rather than a horror piece, it's more Castlevania than Hammer Horror Cast in the world's most famous monster is the hero, in an all ages book is a unusual choice, but it pays off This version of the count isn't just sitting in a moldering castle pining away for his lost glory He's getting things done and going out and rebuilding it, which is interesting The book really works because it shies away from the darker bits of the vampire mythos without bolderizing them Dracula is a blood-drinking fiend who has killed thousands, but we just don't see that on panel And he's trying to turn over a new leaf Which is very difficult with his young girl sidekick Thalia so close at hand This comic doesn't come out too often, it's an all-digital comic which is available from as various types of digital files But I recommend you check it out at So until next time this is Hugh saying Hugh likes comics Sounds fascinating, I love this book, I especially love the description I especially love the description more Castlevania than Hammer Horror That's pretty cool Nailed it down Although I kind of do like the idea of a proactive Dracula trying to get out there Get on the street That happens a lot in the romance Dracula novels He was tried so hard, and he has this original character next to him that he can't drink rum I'm a coward Thanks a lot Hugh Yes, thank you sir As mentioned earlier, you can find more of Hugh's business over at We as Indeed, including the interview he did with industries recently Which was a barrel of monkeys Meaning fun For all you young kids out there who are aware Not to be so good, black market in Toronto No, not that kind of barrel of monkey meat A barrel of monkey meat Just bloody bloody monkey That was actually the original game We have one of Tibby's animal and rambles coming up Yes we do In which he eats a whole barrel of monkey meat No, I have to admit that one of the things that I'm really coming to love about this segment Is that I really have no idea what she's going to talk about Like it could be anything It could be Pulaski I know, I'm kind of hoping I'm hoping that It's just going to be Pulaski part 2 Yeah, maybe a little bit of lots of stuff Oh wait, do we have a theme song? And here's Tibby! Yay! So this is kind of a preamble to my ramble I wanted to use the computer to play some giggles I found So the whole commercials from when you were a kid Okay, when I was a kid it was the 60s So my jingles that I remember were really old I was lucky enough to find a website that has them online I will send the link One of the ones I remember so much that we used to sing it during recess Was the Chevrolet commercial See the USA in your Chevrolet And here's a little bit of it by the real singers See the USA in your Chevrolet America that you can call Drive your Chevrolet through the beginning America's the greatest land of all Oh how we roll along the levee Performance is sweeter Nothing can beeter Light is a platter and a Chevy Don't make a thing to say See the USA and see it in your Chevrolet I hadn't realized quite how ultra-patriotic the thing was Until I listened to it on the website And I'm finding that the jingles from my childhood I'm hearing things in them that I would be kind of embarrassed And they wouldn't be said anymore And since the Armor Hot Dog seen Hot Dogs, Armor Hot Dogs What kinds of kids eat Armor Hot Dogs? Bad kids, kitty kids, kitty kids Who are the rocks, the dogs, kitty kids Even kids with chicken pox love hot dogs Honor Hot Dogs, the dogs, kids love to bite Picking it up on the old banjo Don't trip it away, we go Yeah, I don't think a commercial could get away with Calling kids sissy anymore And then there was this one that For me was false advertising I remember listening to the Commercial for Cracker Jacks And thinking it sounded so wonderful And then here's that commercial What do you want when you gotta eat Gotta be weak, and it's gotta be your one And you gotta have it now What do you want? Nip, napkin, whip, crackin, patty, whackin, inkin, napkin Silver, hackin, go, hackin, crackin, gettin' Cracker Jacks And a coated popcorn in a bed of time That's what you get in Cracker Jacks I remember the first time I heard that It sounded wonderful And next time I got some allowance And had a little bit of money, I went I remember this, I went down to the store And I bought some, and I took my first handful And it was horrible Oh, it was the most terrible stuff I'd ever eaten I was very disappointed, that was my first Introduction to, at least to me, false advertising Interesting listening to it now, it uses all sorts of Terms that I don't think kids today Me have ever heard, patty whacking Stuff like that But then my all-around favorite Which I still love and I will still sing occasionally Was the mounds and almond joy Jingle Sometimes you feel like a lot, sometimes you don't Mounds don't Mounds don't Mounds don't Mounds don't Mounds don't Sometimes you feel like a lot, sometimes you don't People are not doing that nice People are not doing that cool Sometimes you feel like a lot, sometimes you don't Okay, that, to me, is a perfect jingle You could dance to it, which we used to do when I was a kid Like I said, we'd go to the recess for school And I don't know why, but we would sing jingles That was a thing we did Of course nowadays, they're probably all just stand around and text each other The joys of being a child in the 60s Anyways, that's this, I'm not actually walking anywhere right now This is my contribution to the whole commercials as a kid discussion You know, I am not a child of the 60s I am not American, but there was like at least three of those that I knew really, really well The nut one, the almond joy one, and the first two Definitely something we sang as a child I was singing that yesterday Yeah, and that Chrysler one Oh, the Chevrolet The Chevrolet Yeah, absolutely But that was probably from our watching of like MSD 3K and old movies and stuff But listen, don't feel bad about singing jingles during recess Those things are developed to be earworm specific That's why you look back at them with this sentimental kind of whatever The kids still do it at school Mr. Wolf will turn to us and give us weird sort of factoids About various commercials that he watched Because they're presented with a cadence or something that he likes Well not even just that, but he loves to be informed He's like, you know, this one works so much better It's the blue stuff here on it It's 35% more efficiently Yeah, yeah, it is so cute Like coming out of a four year old's mouth You're like, okay buddy, like sometimes They teach you for cleaning products Oh, the other day he came out of bed Which he wasn't supposed to be doing, but he came out and he said Sometimes to say yes to you, you have to say no to others And he had heard it on the TV And so I was talking to him like Oh no, sometimes you have to treat somebody wrong to treat yourself right And so we were trying to think of ways of how that was true And I'm like, you know, sometimes somebody won't want you to do something But you don't have time and you know that like you really need an app Or to take care of yourself and so sometimes you have to do it But like, he's like, I heard that in a commercial today And I was like the last thing that he was thinking about And I just thought it was like the sweetest little moment Yeah, it was a fantastic ramble Yeah, I really enjoyed that You have everything set up? Certainly Yeah, that was great. Don't ever go anywhere, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever You can follow it to be over at ITB on the Twitter Just the TIB So, do you know what time it is? But I said mailbag. Shouldn't it be mail time? No, mailbag. You finally got it. Yes, I love that. You're like, oh, actually, I didn't say it wrong to have to say it right again So can we, like, just talk about it? Because I know normally you'd have to edit here. I want to make sure that I said it wrong. It's become habit. A bit of a tradition. I'm saying Macbeth. Please send your comments, questions, suggestions, queries, quandaries, yellows and goodbyes Do comments at Indeed. We have a lovely comment here from Mr. Blad He says, "He there, Mr. Pulpers." Wait, that doesn't sound right. Is that Vlad Peters? Yes. He says, "He just wanted to congratulate you all for another excellent multi-part crossover event with the cost of living trilogy." I loved that one. Yeah, I totally wrote that one in my sleeve. I love the crossovers. We got a lot of positive feedback about the crossovers. And I'm glad because there's going to be a lot more of that business, especially if we can. Which I'm swinging it as the universe dies. Yes. As it converges in itself. He says, "I think my favorite part was the simple nod to the fact that our normally infallible detectives, black halls, sometimes a bit of a sleeve, isn't he?" Oh, yeah, definitely. Are all still human and still susceptible to their own assumptions and prejudices? You know what? That is exactly how I felt about it. Exactly. And I remember discussing that with that adjured and saying, "Well, you know, you're expected to be done." And then it's not. It's still a mystery. So yeah, that was really great. There may be more of that sort of business. It may become a critical thought point anyway. So black halls too angry to really see the flute woman. That's true. And Mulligan assumes the story stops with the cannibal roommate. Also true. Very good observations. Because yes, that is exactly the point. Like Mulligan sometimes is a little too smart for his own good. You know what I mean? Yeah. Being a smart man sometimes. And Thomas can get a little emotional sometimes. Yeah. So yes, every person has their own little sticking point. And that's very good of you to point out Vlad. Very good. He says, "Even coffin basically has to have a third party. Mulligan's dad come out of the woodwork. And Deus Ex machina. Deus Ex machina, I am in the right direction." Yes, I just burbed Deus Ex machina. Yes, absolutely. Although there is some plot wrap up in that. The connection between coffin and Mulligan's dad has been teased for a little while. That's right. I remember in the episode with coffin how he talks about the letter that was slipped under the door. And before we even got to the hallway, the man was gone. He's a pretty spry for a little man, isn't he? So then he continues to say, "This gets me to thinking, though I'm sure you can't discuss it, Jody, that perhaps in the end, it might be the failures of all the heroes from all the stories that actually causes the rise of garlic." Deliciously chilling thought. Keep crushing it, folks. From Vlad. Thank you, sir. I loved that. I loved that. Comment. Yes, that was great. I can't really say much to that last part. I know. All the heroes failing. Oh, God. Well, we know at least two of them where they end up. There's one fellow who does nothing but fail. But maybe in the end, it will be the failures. Oh, I don't want to... So yeah, that was great. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Thank you, Vlad. Very perceptive of you. Yeah, actually, I really... Very good. You're saying people's close perceptions? Yeah. Yeah. Especially to the ones who are paying attention to every detail. Yeah. And how they see the connections and the threads. Yeah. I never want to make assumptions. I try to write them to be as open as possible. We've discussed in the past the idea of X-Files plotting where I don't want to wrap too many episodes. And it's going to get harder, especially as we approach the end to not have too much blood on there, but I'm always... Do not have too many plot upsets. Trying to make it approachable by keeping things fairly compartmentalized. Very simple. Yeah. What's in the box? This is actually out of the straws box. What's in the straws box? Uh... Actually, in the box today, Nico Wiffers. Okay. That sounds like necrophilia. This is something I... I was thinking cat, like, Nico. This is something I've heard about often, but I've never actually tried it. I like this. Or have we tried these previously? I don't think so, right? They look like really big, but thin rockets. This falls. Or smarties to you Americans. And it's been waxed paper. This, to me, falls again into the old man candy category. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks, old man. Yeah, I think... No, I don't. I think straws are actually an old man. No, this isn't actually. This is out of riches. That's right. And we know riches infinite, so... Well, I thought riches... Oh, wow, they are so thin. Mm-hmm. I really like riches variety because as a time traveler, I feel like he does go back and forth a little bit and get us something a little distant. You know what I really like about this too? This is good. Obviously, this will tell you about my religious upbringing, but it's like a candy that you can have in church, because it's thin. You don't have to make big faces. You don't have to crunch really hard. And you can open it. There might be a little tearing from the waxed paper, but it's not a foil. And the foil is killer, because you either go for it really quick and you're like... or it's like the slow. Now, interesting to note that it is wrapping waxed paper in a very old school kind of... I'm having purple. Oh. No, it's not purple. It's black licorice too. Oh, God. It is old man candy. Yeah, I do. Okay, I'm going with white... Praces. I'm going with cinnamon with a Zillow. Tastes in a mini. I feel like I'm taking it from here. This is not a factor I would expect. I don't know if I want this. Well, actually, this is a slightly flavored, flattened disc of Popeye candy cigarette. I'm taking pink. Yeah, Popeye sugar up. Hmm, interesting though. What if I tiddly minks with them? Yeah. Perhaps a better use. Actually, they taste also a little bit like the peppermint mints that my American would have. Yeah, yeah. A little jar kind of thing by the table. Yeah, you don't know whether it's like the powder. Yeah, you don't know whether it's like the powder, or it's just like dust because it's been there for so long. How long have these been here, Grandma? Can I have one? I'll eat them all, Grandma. With those sort of temporal questions in mind, I believe we have a comment from the TT himself. Hello, Flashpulp crew and fellow mobsters. Rich the time traveler here. I want to encourage all our Skinner Code Chrononauts to complete the new quantum training simulation. You'll find it on the discs labeled Bioshock Infinite. The cost of living arc was one of my favorite kinds. I really love the crossover storylines. I hope there are more of them coming. Will there ever be crossovers with the murder plague or Ruby? I guess Monk and Mother Grand are right out. I will confess I sort of wish Mulligan wasn't a contemporary with coffin so he'd have a bigger stretch across time when these happen. Speaking of Mulligan, misdirection. Yeah, thanks for that. Though I got a big kick out of seeing Billy Winnipeg again. I have a question about emergency. Listen to it twice and wasn't quite sure how to take it. Was the protagonist insane and just seeing things? Or was he perceiving a reality that everyone else was oblivious to? The latter has a real dark tower king feel to it, but I wasn't sure how to take it. No TV talk this time, but I do have some games to discuss. Whenever I get a chance, I've been playing Dominion over on Again, G-O-K-O. And while the game plays ok in the browser and the iPad, I really have been wanting a native iOS client for the game. I found some folks recommending the game Piny Arcade to the game. Gamers vs. Evil. Say that three times fast. It is a deck-building game like Dominion, so for $3 I gave it a shot. I have to say it does get the Piny Arcade flavor well and has a good sense of humor, but I find it doesn't quite have the depth of a game like Dominion. There are probably fewer car types than in even the base set of Dominion, and the winning strategy seemed to be pretty flat. So I'd have to say if you see it on sale, pick it up, but I can only give it an unenthusiastic two out of five. The makers of the game, Play Deck, also did Flux for iOS and have a couple of other deck-building games in the App Store, Summoners War and Nightfall. Summoners War is free to play and appears to have more cars unlocked via in-app purchases, so I'll have to give that a try and maybe report back on it in the future. The other game I want to mention is Formula Day. Now I don't want to go into the mechanics of the game, there's an excellent recent episode of Tabletop that shows you that and I've sent a link for it in the notes. But suffice to say, it is a Formula One and Street Race simulation game. It had been on my wish list for a while, and when I saw it on Tabletop, I hadn't picked it up. The great thing about this game is there is a basic set of rules which keeps things simple, and an advanced set that ramps up complexity. It also appears it is easy to bring in the advanced rules a few at a time if you so choose, to make learning simpler. I played a session with my kids, her 8 and 11, last weekend using the basic rules. After a couple of turns, they picked up everything really well and seemed to enjoy it. I think every time they'll be able to increase the complexity with more advanced rules until they can play the full game. And this game has a lot of replayability. Not just between the various rules, the two included tracks, and two races, race styles, Formula vs. Street, but also with the availability of expansions that add new drivers with their own unique abilities and tracks to race on. I get Formula Day a strong 4 out of 5. That's it for now, tell Carrick Rises this is rich. I have to admit, I'm really torn about the ending of Bioshock Infinite. Yes, it just happened, didn't it? It happened to my heart. Yeah, I don't know. You're not going to spoil it, are you? No, but I'm going to wait for the DLC. I consider just trading it in instantly. Yeah, I remember. I have some questions. If anybody can just answer who built Songbird to me because that makes no sense. And I get the personality situation, but the comeback ending? He was very disappointed. It made him mad that night. Yeah, yeah, he hit me extra hard. They were not expecting that one. Thanks for the kind of words with the crossover. Yeah, you know, it's funny that you should say you wouldn't expect a Joe or a mother or a mother grand crossover because there's already been a mother grand crossover if y'all recall. Yeah, a black hole. But I see your point of a covering time. I think you'll be pleased when we lay down the final strut, as it were, and we are introduced to the regular division and the time period that that represents. There are changes coming up and some of them are not necessarily going to be popular. But it's for the better good. Really, a certain private investigator may have some changes coming up and I'm a little concerned about it. Uh oh. But... Yeah, I think I heard that 400 was going to hurt you, a pope. Did I hear something like that? 400 will hurt her. Uh, 400? Well, 400 will maybe leave people wailing. I don't know. I'm desperately trying to remember it. No, I can't. Without giving anything away, there may be more... You may recall a brief sort of overlap with Ruby and... Mm-hmm. Yes, I do. Ruby and black hole. Yes. Yes. And you may see some murder plague in the future. I should say Ruby, black hole, and Leroy Jenkins. Leroy Jenkins! So, it's going to seem like without giving too much away, there may be an episode in the very near future that you will look back on and go, "I wonder if this was inspired by that," but no, unfortunately I are... Well, no, I already had the episode in the pipeline. So, and it is what I've often referred to as the .5 thread, but we'll get into that later. Mm-hmm. One day. One day. Anyway, I just want to let you know that, you know, if you hurt Mulligan, I'll hurt you. Uh, speaking of Mulligan, we did, uh, Miss Direction, which I'll talk a little bit more about in the... Yeah, in the album. 'Cause it wasn't a Mulligan episode. Yes. Actually, you know what, let's just pack that one up for a moment. We'll come back to it, 'cause Christianity was really bad about it. Can we have more candy now? In a second. Emergency. I just want to address this. Oh, yes, yes. Was it his hallucinations? I have the same question. He's the only one having an honest... I like to think it was a bit of both. No, I wanted to leave it up in the air a little bit, but he definitely wasn't. So, that was on purpose. Yeah. It was... He was definitely crazy. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah. Very good story. I really enjoyed that. I remember you were very worried about it, because the Pope was like, "I don't know if I like this." And you're like, "Oh, my God. Well, we're running it." It's like, "Okay, we're going." We had some extensive help in the album. You go to publication with the story you have, not the story you have. Not the story you want. Or else you never publish it. Yeah. Wait. You also leave with the same publication you came with, right? Yeah. Yeah. Pretty much. Yeah. Two publications in the hand. No, anyway. Candy can. Candy can. So, this comes out of the straws box. It is so loud in your mic right now. Okay. But, okay. So, we're going to hear Gina submitted a commercial for us to see. Nice. For us to sample. And we're going to, as we've already mentioned earlier this episode, to be mentioned, we put up the call for jingles. Yes. And Gina submitted, well, this. Happy surprises, having puppies! How many? That's the surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Happy surprise! How many puppies are there in? How many puppies? Happy surprise! Surprise! Two! Three puppies! Two girls and a boy! They're so sweet! Surprise! Surprise! Happy surprise! How many puppies are there inside? There could be three or four or five! Five! I can't believe my eyes! And they're all different! One is different! Like puppies should be! But they all look like they're mommy! That's easy to see! Surprise! Surprise! Happy surprise! How many puppies are there inside? Four puppies! There could be three or four or five! We have three! Two are sleepyheads and one has spots all over! Surprise! Surprise! Happy surprise! You're my best surprise! Happy surprise comes with three, four or five baby puppies! One and five mommy dogs comes with four or five puppies! He's so separately! I recall this commercial. I totally remember. And I totally wanted surprise, surprise, puppy, surprise. Okay, maybe it's just now looking back at it. Because this is definitely a jingle that is deeply ingrained in my memory. But maybe it's looking back at it as a parent that I now realize, okay, let's say you have two daughters. Both of them want a puppy surprise. This is not an unprecedented situation. One gets three and one gets five? Yeah! Instant fights! Or worse! One gets three and one gets four because then you can't just split sees. Yeah. Then you gotta go Bible style and cut it in half. So tell me about this candy? Oh yeah! Okay. That means... But thank you very much, Gina. Yes, yes. That was a good one. Gummy bears. Give me more gummy bears. Three Joes. Gummy bears, which I chewed on during the night. They're delicious. Give me more. I need more gummies. I like them. You know, this is their first thing from Trader Joe's. I always heard them on the internet. Why not Trader Joe's? Okay. I got this $5 one from Trader Joe's. It's so nice. It came in a bag. I just realized, people will talk a lot of smack about the new crop of basing movies off of tenuously themed like board games and whatnot. Do you remember the surprise? The mid 90s? Mid 90s? Maybe early 90s? Cartoon? The gummy bears? Yes, I do. Which just... How is that even a thing? It isn't great. These are really good. Yeah, they are. They're super good. Listen, we got bears and they live in a tree and they're highly elastic. You know what? So much. You know, these are so much better than that chocolate with jerky in it. Yeah. You know what? I was actually visiting some friends last weekend and we were in a convenience store and she was talking about jerky and I was like, "Man, this guy sent me this chocolate beef jerky. What a jerk." And then we laughed. And then we told him how you were always falling down, man. Thanks, Strasburg. Thanks, Strasburg. Thank you. You can follow J. Strasburg. J. Strasburg on the Twitter. And he's so ridiculously funny. So follow his word. When he can stand up. Yeah. Poor guy. Okay. Because Timmy put in such an... It's an inner ear, so. I think so. Look at it. Timmy put in such an excellent piece on her amble and ramble. Yeah. And Gina came up with such golden little nugget to a puppy surprise. Golden nugget. I'm going to give this one more week. We're going to do the jingle thing one more week. And then I think we're going to move on to a new research. Because I'm really enjoying them. And it does take a minute to remember. It's very interesting to me because I know that Gina is from Alabama. And I believe she spent the majority of her life there. Yep. She's taught me to append roll tide to the end of every sentence that I say. It's a chance there. Roll tide. Roll tide. Why? It's very interesting to see that she was having, she was being affected by the same commercial that I was hundreds of miles away in an entirely different country. Mm-hmm. And we're both like four? What if I, what if I get three and I just want five? You know what I'm saying? I know. I never got any. I always dreamed about how many I would get. You know what? I actually had a friend give me one of the babies. What? So I had like a kind of baby. He had like a kind of baby. He had like a kind of baby. He had like a kind of baby. He had like a kind of baby. He had like a kind of baby. 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