The Skinner Co. Network

FC86 - Sick Ass Jams

Broadcast on:
12 Apr 2013
Audio Format:

Prepare yourself for: Horror-themed aerobics, eye-for-an-eye justice, 19th century movie posters, Evil Dead, and Blackhall.

Read the full show notes at

Some days glue me my hours are so underless Dear is the shadows I live with I'm underless Little wife flowers will never awaken you Not where the braculture soul has taken you Angels have no fire of ever returning you Or they'll be angry if I sort of join you Ooooh Sunday Hello and welcome to Flashcast 86 A Skinner Co presentation Skinner Co, it's all in the wrist Or more specifically in our new titanium core micromotor controlled wrist replacement solution This episode is also brought to you by generous donations from Colorado Joe and Gigantor Many thanks If you'd like to sponsor an episode please feel free to use the donate button on the site But now, prepare yourself for horror themed aerobics I for an eye justice 19th century movie posters Evil Dead and Blackhall Death is no dream for a death I'm caressing you With the strength of my soul I'll be blessing you Glue me Sunday Hello, my name is Hope OpenX And joining me on this bright cold day in April When the clocks are striking 13 Or just go back Hello And JRD Don't talk to the TV, hello We're recording on a Tuesday evening It's a bit of a late night session It is indeed It might be a good time to I've just ate a lot of cheese Tell a little spooky urban legend that wasn't actually an urban legend at all Oh So there's a marketer in Argentina Okay Where apparently it's reputed that you can buy Dreams Toy poodles Okay Can you follow me? Toy poodles All right Cute fuzzy little dogs Yep Run around like jerks Yep Never really could stand them Yeah But quite expensive Yes There are fellows in this Argentinian market Who will sell you said toy poodle But instead Of a yappy little mutt You will receive A snow white ferret Who has been raised from day one on steroids Wow That is insane Doesn't that seem like so No, it doesn't seem like so much more money Because the poodle will go for a lot, right? So Yes And I'm just nervous But wouldn't that be fantastic But the ferret when it stops receiving this steroids Is going to go back to look like a regular ferret Yeah, but they already have your money by then So We get pretty balked up, I guess I don't know Wow Yeah Now my understanding is that this was actually at some point An urban legend that was about the market Like Don't buy toy poodles or I got ripped off one time But then it turned out that somebody actually did report That they had purchased what they thought was a toy poodle And it was a ferret Oh, steroids Was it really ragey? There was a There was another lady Okay, the victim paid 154 the poodle Yeah, who news reports Another woman told the Buenos Aires station That she was stretching to buying what she thought was a chihuahua But was also a ferret Wow Yeah, I want to buy a versatile I once bought a dog Thinking it was a one breed And it was another and the people lied to me But never was it cross species Was it never was it a ferret? Yeah Well, there was at one time that it was a ferret That giant rat That's what I was expecting actually I was expecting the rat to come out there But It's interesting because for con men Yeah, well the rat Yeah It's interesting I think actually the Argentinians call the ferrets Brazilian rats I think that's what they call Anyway Just what they think of Brazil It's the the gap that pets a forward con men to sneak in Where they're like I'll sell you You remember that We had a roommate who got pulled into a bulldog scam Where she had laid out 500 bucks for her My dog that did not exist English bulldog that did not exist And there was some it was some complex like Send the money to Rwanda and we'll send you back I'm pulled back Or it was a missionary who had to move Something to that effect So they had to send the money overseas But the dog was shipped out of America Yadda yadda yadda Obviously there was no dog Anyhow I thought that would be a nice little lead-in too I have another interesting news item Pulpy news item if you will Give it to me Have you heard about the The fellow in Saudi Arabia Who was recently convicted For paralyzing another man Is this ringing a bell at all? I think I maybe passed over that In the CNN headline group Uh, this is actually a CNN article that I originally found this on And I note that the article hasn't been updated since it was posted Sorry on the third The reporter does cite that they couldn't independently verify What was going on? But you're very familiar with the concept of an eye for an eye Yes When he was 14 This poor Saudi fella Al-Kawahir stabbed his best friend Who was, I don't know about the same age And accidentally, well not accidentally I mean he stabbed him purposely Paralyzed him Okay, well that's pretty rough So the law basically says that if he can come up with 1 million Saudi reals Which is approximately 266,000 American dollars Then he can be released from prison Everything's cool Everyone's square But if he can't come up with the money High for an eye style They're gonna paralyze him from the neck down Wow How? Surgical procedure of some sort That's pretty rough Yeah, money or that And he's been in pr- keeping This is on top of him having been in prison For the last 10 years over the stabbing Oh, so how could he? I hope he has a rich family Since he was 14 When are they gonna paralyze? I'm like, what's the Do you date here? I think they've been in prison for that long And he hasn't paralyzed yet There's no indication as to when it would actually take place One would hope that the media attention has You know, sort of thrown the idea out the window Now apparently in 2010, local media Also reported on another similar case That after the initial reports The Ministry of Justice denied That the paralysis had ever been considered But Here we are again Again in this situation Theoretically I wonder if that's true Yeah, see, that's the thing I don't want to necessarily Yeah State of this fact, but it's interesting While we're overseas I just wanted to briefly touch on An article that I ran across That I found fascinating on Basically crime fiction and pulp fiction In South Africa Because just the news Well, that's exactly kind of The interesting part of it, right There's already a such a level of violence And I mean In the west We always refer to times of violence In to set our pulps, right And that's why we keep going back to the west Because it was much, you know Everyone had a gun and everything was a lot less Less justice Yeah, well, there was less law It was lawless When you have a modern situation like that Again, I mean, that's what we do, right If you want to make predator You don't make it It doesn't work when you put it in downtown LA Shut up It only works when you put it out in the jungle Where things are already I loved that movie Okay Anyway So this article was fascinating Because apparently one of the things One of the things going on in South Africa right now Is that there's this interesting Psychology where Although they are having a certain amount of violence It's not as bad as it maybe once was Okay This is what I'm inferring from this article Yeah, I suppose, all right But there's still a lot of fear of this violence Yeah So right now there's the Well, you remember the blade runner What's his name now? Oscar Patreus But yeah, is that it? No, I'm mixing them up with The story is so serious I'm mixing them up with General Patreus The story is yes, the blade runner Whatever his name is I think his defense played on that same thing, right? Like people are always breaking into houses in South Africa I never know I was terrified for my life Apparently there's a lot of that paranoid going on right now And it's not necessarily entirely justified But it's really informing their crime fiction It's like an outbreak of the murder plague in South Africa Well, it's not even It's like the impression that there's an outbreak But there's not really No, but you know how everybody's paranoid Yeah, yeah, a fair point I've got to get you before you get me Anyway, so this This was an interesting article Because it really touched on some of the things that we Talk about with pulp representing culture And having a sway over Not necessarily a sway But at least representing what's going on at the time Speaking of what's going on at the time Let's step back to something a little less serious Are you guys familiar with the painting "Wonburr" above the Sea of Fog? I don't think so But generally I don't know art via its bar by its name By its name Let me No, I'm not familiar with that one Can you describe for people what you're looking at? It's a lordly looking dude On some rocks that are sort of jetting out over these waves Crashing over other rocks And in the distance Pass like a lake or something There's these foggy mountains and some clouds It's kind of a scene of foreboding, would you say? Sure, yeah Kind of a little bit ominous You know what it makes me think of? Napoleon on his island in exile Yeah, I can see that It looks like a guy looking upon like a grave yard Now it looks like me Does the image feel familiar at all to you? No It's like Lion King, man What about if I show you this series of posters From popular films over the last couple of years? Oh, Jesus Yeah, you're right So this article I had noticed that Well, I should say I had noticed like man looking upon devastation Or on inspiring vision This article from Which I love tour I love You know, that whole empire But this article Although really interesting and insightful Because they point out that battle LA Uh, the dark night in darkness After the raid redemption battleship Inception and oblivion And so many other films All basically have this shot of a fellow on a lumpy thing You're looking at this back, yeah Looking at devastation And it's essentially the same 18-18 painting Yeah Um, now Great observation Very interesting The rest of this article tries so hard to throw out slang that I found it really distracting Because they discuss a bit of like a manual can't But they really work for I'm trying to find some examples here A sick-ass oil painting from 18-18 A sick-ass A sick-ass oil painting That's kind of embarrassing We're gonna make art cool, man We're gonna make it sick-ass Because a sick-ass Is kind of gross, really Yeah, well, I start thinking of, you know Involuntary daria I mean, it's not like Sherlock Holmes or Hamlet Are Philistines when it comes to the subjects of truth Or universal truth That's kind of their jam Oh, hot damn Yeah, this is my jam It's trying a little too hard Like I love you tour It's okay It's okay, you've got me already It was writing this Anyway This one's been pretty popular It's made the rounds, but I did Feel like we needed to touch on it Did you hear about these microorganisms that were named after Cthulhu? No, but that's great Tell me more Giki scientists, you know what I mean? Of course High five They named two single-cell protists Cthulhu macrophagiaculum I'm sorry Dylan. I'm sorry And cassilla microphasiacomb I think that's a hot jam, you know Uh, anyway Fascinating and they really do have Although to obviously tiny microorganisms They have little tentacles that sort of poke off from one end And you can see why they thought that That's very sweet It is kind of adorbs Yeah, well, as far as microorganisms go I hear it also as some sweet jams Speaking of sweet jams, actually Leena Quigley Linnia, I've never known Anyhow Horror B horror star from the 90s 80s, 80s Do you remember what else was going on in the 80s? Other than I was born Straight to VHS horror films Workout tapes Oh yeah, that's right The real bit workout tapes This aspiring actress Actually pretty famous in the genre For you know, honestly What she did, this tape I'm about to mention Decided she was going to develop a horror themed Arobic workout That sounds kind of awesome Yeah Now I realize that this is And it just recently came out on DVD So if you're interested in buying it, it's now available I don't want to buy it Do we have a sample? Yeah, let's taste a little sample First of all, it's important to wear comfortable clothes When you exercise A metal-studded ball And fish-met stockings It may not be your first choice But face it Would you want to watch me work out in a baggy swept suit? I don't know It's kind of fun I was under the impression that she had never jogged before Did you feel like that? Yeah, she was kind of Unused here The process Like she was extra bouncy but no forward motion I like how long it took for her to notice the zombies I think that's fantastic It's you know that she had a go Okay, I think this came out at the height of her popularity But we're talking about her popularity Being the return of the living dead Being creepazoids The campy silly A nightmare in Elm Street part four the dream master Honestly, I'm looking at her IMD profile now And she's still doing a lot of work I mean, it's all bee camp She's in, you know, stripper land 1313 cougar cult Where the dead go to die Girls gone dead See it as her in auto's deadly christmas I've seen that one Mm-hmm Skinnico announcements Just a reminder that you can find all of the skinnico announcements Over, well actually not all of them But you can keep up to date on What's going on with And on twitter as Skinnico We're a good chunk of the way through season two on our tng rewatch That's right I don't know why that's the first order of business But there you go Why not? Hey, it's important I suppose Riker's beard's here and that's essential We had a Wesley falling in love episode But yeah, I think we saw his first on screen kiss I believe it was his first real life kiss as well Wasn't I believe Almost Listen, I'm not judging young mr. Wheaton But it seems to me that If he was already kind of making big bank and famous for stand by me Then he should have been kissing He should have made Well, you know what though a lot of the times Don't judge Maybe I'm totally wrong But I thought that was true Yeah, I think you're right actually I seem to remember reading that trivia somewhere Listen, don't judge mr. young Wheaton I find it interesting because perhaps um A lot of the times when a child becomes Of that renown It's because there's a parent who is like Really pushing them And I don't know his background story too well but I wonder if perhaps there was like a protective but aggressive mother or father On hand to make sure that he wasn't, you know Hanging out with the ladies, but also Anyway The uber-focused parent Uh, okay moving on to actual Skinner co-news Oh, no, I did want to mention season two clearly has basically better everything Better props, better sets, better hair cuts Except the doctor, I hate the doctor Plus he's still around She's such a jerk Yeah, I love that somebody had like some illness That nobody could catch And like the protector of some very important person was like Kill him Oh, that was a fun episode The nanny who essentially turns into a giant werewolf It reminded me because nanny was asking on nanny bites, you know You think of all these futuristic shows Would they get the common cold? Would they do that? And I was thinking Men in this episode of tng Miss mama bear Cause she morphs into this crazy Bear giant-eyed creature I love that she like her Human exterior was very like frail looking But she kept having words with wolf And he had seen her like the big scary bear And they just kept like having words and Yeah, the writing is tightening up He looked like he was nervous Over this, you know, old lady Yeah And I really liked that playing back and forth That was fun We've seen more Romulans and more Klingons We've been aboard both of their ships at this point Yes, and the sister ship to the Enterprise is now Kaputz Oh yeah I really liked the um The Amato Immediately exploding I really liked the episode with a riker on the Klingon ship Oh yeah, that's where he has to prove his allegiance Yeah, he got me totally like Gets the Enterprise to surrender That was awesome Yeah, yeah, it was kind of awesome It was totally badass Actually, I meant to mention this in popular press But I just really want to very briefly touch on this movie The Impostor that we watched It's a documentary in 2012 Was that that was real, right? Yes, I understand why you might think to yourself Was that real? But yes But it was documentary I don't want to say anything about it It was so great It is a I think the best unfolded on your own Do not google it Do not try to find out what's going on ahead of time Yeah Hop on Netflix Which is where we found it I'm sure it's available Just as easily in the American Netflix as the Canadian And Check it out Yeah It's kind of heavy, you know Like there's missing people and stuff But all of the characters All of the players within the story Are really captivating And yeah It's a very enjoyed reading of True Crime Tuesday over on There is a badass detective The private eye at the end No, no, no Yeah, we can't get into it But he is just There's a private eye And he is amazing And at one point JRD turned to me and said That's Mulligan when he gets older We sat down for some hot cakes Some hot cakes? No, I didn't He isn't Mulligan when Mulligan gets older He just has a lot of that in Mulligan in him Like The ornery-ness too But yeah And the use of conversation And anyhow Yeah Stepping away from that topic Go check it out Absolutely go check it out And then come back and talk to us We want to talk to you about this Regarding Game Night This is more on on point here Regarding Game Night, Savage Glenn did want to let us know That the AV software on the Roll20 site Doesn't work especially well right now There's a lot of echoing and feedback But it does have a Google+ Hangout app Which is great Because that's how we prefer doing our Hangouts But the Where of course the AV is fine Like that's, you know Always is But a lot of the other options that are available Through Roll20 aren't available on that app So you don't get maps, dice and stuff Gee-kur-gee-kur-gee-gur-gee-gur I am very excited to get back to Game Night And I am Me too So this is unfortunate But apparently There was a little bit of conversation I caught between Tiddy and Savage Glenn Where they were talking about How the lead from I think that was Nedy and Savage Glenn Yes, sorry you're absolutely right It was Nedy and Savage Glenn How the lead from the other software That we were using Has moved over to the Roll20 app As he was abandoned by his team Amazing, it was actually But I understand You kickstart these projects And they're not necessarily going to be around a million years You know what I mean? Like what's the life span of a kickstarted project That you're feeling like You've gotten the worth out of that Anyway I would like to SkinnerCo announced That you need to get on Vine It's an iPhone app And Tiddy's on it And Tiddy did a whole review Remember in one of her ambling rams Well, I'm telling you again You need to get on Vine people Because my children Even to this day Which is like Two weeks after she put out A April Fools video Which you can still see You can see everybody's old videos Anyways My kids are still singing it Over and over again I'm running away from home forever April Fools April Fools And because it's like It loops in the Vine They just do it over and over and over again Because you know It's Tiddy originally It's I as in Like iPod I Tiddy Yes, that's how you can find her On the Vine Everyone get a bite I hope I'm right about that If you don't have an I Whatever While we're yammering What is your username? While we're yammering I'm Jaredie Skinner on Vine I'm Jessica May And it probably acts as looking Yourself up I'm on there too Okay, well while you're doing that is still under construction I know that some people have been Asking for an update It's coming along nicely The form is on its way We don't have an opening date yet But it will be Let's just apply an opening date If we're going to do the Skinner co-enhancements thing Let's... Let's announce the issue Let's announce something Let's say that the new form Will be open By... You're making it up and twiddling your fingers I don't believe you Twiddling my fingers In the meantime My Vine name My milkshakes Is opoponax Bum bum bum Yeah, that's a surprise Great, great But how do they spell it? Like you would normally spell it Booponax The 22nd Alright The event of September You'll note I didn't say it once Anyhow Episode 200 is coming at one So I suddenly have flashbacks I believe actually We have the return of a good friend of the show It's been a while But as to with the excellent return Of at least I hear Of evil dead So to the excellent return of our own Three-day fish Fresh fish A new batch of cinematic pulp With the always listening Three-day fish A flash cast Three-day fish here With another review And this week Fish is hooking you up with the review Of the evil dead remake And I gotta say It didn't disappoint Now when I first watched The original evil dead I think I was like 16-17 And I was told like all kinds of stuff Like oh man This was banned in a couple of states You know People had heart attacks Well they were watching this movie I was like what are you talking about? Now I'm not saying that Evil dead Is the most horrifying thing You can ever witness in your life But evil dead Has this irresistible ability To make you think It can't get any worse And then it gets 10 times worse And this remake does the exact same thing You keep thinking Oh man This is it They've hit rock bottom Oh hell no Hell no you didn't hit rock bottom You don't know when the bottom of this rock is Now there were a few things I thought this movie did better than the original They fleshed out the story a bit more The pendant That actually gives his girlfriend Though this is a completely different set of characters Like no one has the same name But the pendant has significance Like there's more of a reason Why these people are together It's not just a bunch of dumb teenagers Getting drunk and getting high In the middle of the woods You know A few things That they included That I was worried they wouldn't include They wouldn't include One tree rape It happens Yeah Two They're still chainsaw Now I was surprised That Bruce Campbell did not make a cameo Or if he did He ninjaed it so well That I didn't even see him But I did not see a Bruce Campbell cameo This movie does so much fan service throughout as well The cameras are like They're not They're not exactly like they were Because like in the original era They're points where the camera You're like man This is kind of rough But it's that same like The camera is following The person type feel There's a scene where This like makeshift kit is being put together And it's much like in the original evil dead The basement floor Gets chained up in a very similar fashion And these are all details That people who haven't seen the evil dead Are like what is he talking about? It's like no These are important stuff right here people Important stuff The car Ashley's car Makes an appearance Maybe he was doing that In Bruce Campbell's stead I don't know But I have to say That this was a satisfying remake I watched this And I was like yeah I am very cool with this I like the um Will I still be a total hipster And be like dude I saw the original evil dead You don't know why this is so cool Yes, I am I am totally going to be like that It is fan freaking testing I think that's it folks I think that's it My only question now though Is I feel like this movie can have a sequel And I wonder how they are going to do that Because like Making remaking evil dead too Sure Remaking army of darkness Uh wait a minute No No No amount of Bruce Campbell And Sam Raimi involvement Will make me cool with that And of course As you can guess This is a green light This is a go Go see this Absolutely But that is all Always listening Like fish Evil Dead was a very Impactful film on my teenage lives Yeah yeah All three of the movies did actually Same Raimi's career in general Rob Taperth, all of the that crew Well let's get right to the notes The tree rape scene Hmm I Bruh The chainsaw great I'm glad that the chainsaw is there I do think that As much as fish thinks an evil dead too Remake might be possible And it's feasible You have to remember that The first third or so Maybe a little less of evil dead too Is basically I mean so much of the movie Is just a remake Of the And then I mean the hillbillies show up And they're sort of a continuation But even then I don't think you can sell Well Perhaps depending on the way Because the concept is that These hillbillies lead The daughter of the scientist Who discovered the evil in the first place Back to the cabin Because they haven't heard From her father In a while or whatever Oh no She has another page Of the Necronomicon That's what it is Anyhow I don't know that that could sell as well Because The further into the series you go The more honest the camp Becomes Like whereas in the first one There's some camp based on Low special effects The creepiness is really effective In that film The first one Scares are really nicely done still And I mean the tree rape scene As much as I Kind of hate the concept of it It is really like Affecting scene It is not a pleasant thing to watch Is there a Bruce Cameo? I've heard that there isn't But I wouldn't be surprised To find out He's wearing a costume somewhere In the film But he's one of the Zombas Yeah Something to that effect Yeah That'd be neat Uh The Skylark Always great to have it in on hand I mean it's been in every Sam Raimi Did you see the thank you To the fans that he put out? Oh Bruce Yeah I thought that was excellent Mm-hmm That's pretty cool I'm glad to hear that they kept The camera work in place Because that The evil was really It's part of it Yeah You never see the evil itself Right So having its presence Depicted by being the camera And feeling like that voyeur Kind of Yeah You're being watched Mm-hmm But you're the watcher Now It's interesting I'm not sure if Fish is a Red If Chin's could kill Bruce Cameo's biography But that was really interesting And he Disgusts Disgusts the camera work That they used on the originally With like So it was such a low budget film It was just basically These high school College kids making a movie And so When they're doing scenes like You know The evil breaks through the window And takes Linda or whatever They basically would just set a 2x4 up on the bottom of a rig That they would build themselves And it would smash the window Just ahead of the camera running And do it And they'd all just have to Pray that nothing happened to the camera To the camera Wow Yeah But I mean Bruce and Sam Raimi Had been making these You know 16 millimeter films Together for years Like I guess Bruce had played His you know Indiana Jones and whatever For their youth Their end of their high school years at least That's awesome Which eventually developed in that project Anyway Um the movie really Started the dumb teens in the woods genre Like it was really the The start of that And so it's nice to see a return to it That it is apparently still Interesting enough to watch Because we've seen so many things Well I shouldn't say that right Because cabin in the woods came out Yeah I was just thinking But even cabin in the woods There feels like there's so much There's a point It is a trope Oh yeah And that's the idea right And yeah But there's It feels like There are parts of cabin in the woods That are hat tips Direct hat tips to evil dead I mean they have to be like the The opening kind of entrance to the cabin And anyhow Thanks fish It was so nice to hear you back It's such a great topic too Bloop bloop bloop Bloop Up next I believe we have Another podcast review From mr scott roosh Hello and welcome to this week's podcast proselyte First up let me apologize For my voice I've had a little bit of a bout with upper respiratory Issues but I don't want to let that stop This week's review So this week I am reviewing compensating controls By James Keeling James Keeling can be found At Synopsis Nicholas edgewood rides a wave of good karma A job he excels at A new girlfriend And a bright future When he gets framed for a cyber crime He did not commit He must run for his life While his entire world Crumbles around him Betrayal and murder Replace peace and hope As he finds himself In unfamiliar territory He may or may not be the Biggest and baddest guy out there But he has skills The kind garnered from a career Steeped in computers and code Now he must leverage these skills To their fullest To stay above ground and breathing It will take all of his talent And courage he may or may not have Just to survive Production Good audio quality I don't remember any glitches And good use of music Grade B Cast James does all of the voices For this production This leads him to doing Female voices as well as some accents Interestingly enough I like his voice acting Better than his straight narration Grade B Story This is a solid techno thriller While you don't have to be a geek To enjoy it If you are one it won't hurt James handles the technical end of things well Since he is a geek after all This seems like And I believe is a first novel The writing could be stronger There is some unevenness in tone And occasional word choices that bugged me The biggest example of the former Is an interrogation scene That was more horror Than thriller Grade B Verdict This is an enjoyable podcast novel I look forward to each installment Even going so far as to bug James For the next one when I caught up to it It's wrapped up at his site And at audiobooks So you won't have to wait as I did Grade B Thanks for listening to this week's review You can follow me on twitter At spiritualtramp And you can check out more of my stuff At And we'll see you next time At the podcast proselyte Huge thanks sir I haven't heard this one I'm a huge fan of techno thriller So I'm surprised I haven't So I'll have to check it out And your voice sounded cool Just added a little extra I'll mention something Yeah and I really appreciate This is a little inside baseball But I appreciate how quickly Scott turned that around Because I know that he Suddenly realized he had something He wanted to send in And had it in with moments So it was great Wow Speaking of Well first half Guess what time it is What time is it? Male bag? Oh god How many times have you been doing Male bag? Male bag Male bag Duck Blue just wanted to note The last flashcast I was saying That I thought dwarves Were on the hot tip for pop culture I thought we were going to have a Dwarf's explosion Yep, a dwarf flash Anyway Doc Blue mentioned that his son Is actually a huge dwarf fan Although he's just read It means that I'm going to say A sense of dwarf and he was Really pissed at you So awesome I'm saying he minds and caves Oh Uh Minds and caves That's what they do right They grow beards and mining caves Actually wait a minute Our sons who happen to be very short Because they happen to be toddlers Play a lot of Minecraft Do you think they might actually be Secret dwarves? Yes, I think they shave very early in the morning That's why they're always up before us Yeah Doc does mention that they've gone through Some Tolkien this year so Doc does mention that Our children are dwarves Yeah he does That too He does question their roots We had put out a Shoutout for Jingles Jingles And uh We've got another letter Where actually some comments from Facebook That I'll just give a second But you Afterwards Okay there was one jingle of book That you could not locate That's right But the armor hot dog commercial You would not let go for a few days I know Fat kids, skinny kids, kids who play on rocks Tough kids Sissy kids, even kids with chicken pucks Hot dogs The armor hot dog What kind of kids? Deed armor hot dog Fat kids, skinny kids, kids who play on rocks Tough kids, sissy kids Even kids with chicken pucks love hot dogs Armor hot dogs Fat dogs, kids, last few fights So Nelly says "Catching up on Flashcast 83" "Orias" "I haven't had the candy corn or the birthday cake But they sound great" But I will say, if you can get your hands On some Newman's own cookies They taste like Oreos did when I was a kid Soooo good Wait Can you just make alternate Oreos? Cause The thing about Oreos And I think we've mentioned this in the past Wait Is that you, it's not the type of cookie you make at home There are a few in my experiences at least I have very rarely encountered Oh I've never encountered any grandma who puts out a played a homemade Oreos You can, all the chocolate chip cookies in the world Oreos, I don't know what about it The manufacturing process prevents I'm sure a million people, David Haiser Somebody's going to write in and berate me for Not knowing So long as they send a recipe I'm okay with that Yeah, fair point Apparently there's mint ones And they're amazing Go figure She says she stalks up When she visits the states for the times When she makes Oreo themed desserts Like baking chocolate chunk cookies around Oreos What? What? A chocolate chunk cookie With a hearted Oreo gold What? That sounds fantastic She does some excellent baking She, I'm always following her You're just always following her Yeah, following her around Who makes you'll drop a cookie at her bucket now On Twitter On new just on Twitter It's an excellent source of candy delight Cupcakes She continues just a flashcast 85 Still listening to this episode But I asked Tech about the first commercial played And of course he knew it too Oh, it's notable that Tech comes from A city not far from The bog Yeah, the bog A place not far from where the McElhang, Senny, Sunridge titular Senny, Sunridge Sounds real nice Anyway I knew that you wanted to Even the sound at the end Wonk And he could do the whole spiel That's great Yeah, yeah, I don't think there's any child of Northern Ontario Who does not have that jingle permanently burnt into their Memory Consciousness, yeah He asked if If you remember the Jim the Hammer Shapiro And Melfar the car dealer from Detroit Okay, first off, Jim the Hammer Shapiro Let's play this clip Hurts I cannot rip out the hearts of those who hurt you I cannot hand you their severed head But I can hunt them down And settle the store I'll squeeze them for every time I can Every single time I'm Jim the Hammer Shapiro But I cannot proceed Until you call 1-800-546-7777 You call I Hammer Now, I absolutely do remember this This was my first experience We didn't get a lot of commercials in the North With what I would later go on to think I've actually as the Skisie lawyer genre Like, especially in my adventures to America There seems to be a million lawyer commercials And they all They all have great hats Personal accident Personal injury lawyers Yeah, it just wasn't something that happened up north I don't know what that is So Jim the Hammer Shapiro Mike the Hammer Shapiro Jim the Hammer Yeah Or Colin Sam Colin Sam Yes, you know that wasn't something That wasn't something we got up north That was something I only encountered when I came down here I can't find mine So I thought maybe I would say it To everyone and see if somebody else Oh, see if it sparks Yes, you had a jingle on hand For more information on diamonds Called D-I-A-M-O-N-D Thank you, thank you very much If anybody has any information relating to that Yeah, yeah, I lived near Michigan Across the lake from Detroit Yeah Now, on the other hand, Mel Far For some reason, I just Had not encountered But I think we should play a clip from his commercial now Because it's pretty fantastic It's pretty gold The continuing adventures of Mel Far Superstar Fighting high prices to bring you a far better deal Yes, I'm fighting high prices on used cars With my role-minded painter playing Take a look at my used car special week This beautiful 1980 Mustang For only $119 once We've got a lot full of these barriers Brothers dealers can't say You're 80 Mustang for $119 once And they can't fly either Oh, oh, cool Okay Um Green Field and 10 Mile She says She can't remember too many commercials From when she was a kid Because she was very limited on TV time But she does remember From her teens The first 1-800 Mattress commercial Commercials Oh, I remember, yes Back before the jingle When they were done by Richard Bay Interesting And the classic now expanded empire flooring Again, jingle You knighted furniture Warehouse deep deep She quotes her bad boys as well Bad boys Oh, yeah He's bad boys Nobody No, the bad boy was me That was I added that in there Oh, okay Thanks, Nutty Mm-hmm, that was fine Yeah Yeah, so I think I'm just gonna let this I realize it's already been two episodes But I'm gonna let this go a third I'm just gonna let this research question simmer Because I feel like we haven't Okay Squeezed maximum juice out of I want to sing a jingle Can I sing a jingle? Yeah, go for it It was the jingle Don't let anybody stop your dream Of singing a jingle It was the jingle That I was talking about Any jingle specifically? Yes, okay, good On Facebook today Oh, yeah It goes You can couple up I have to dance too Yeah, you get It's good You can couple up a salad At variety to meet You can make a super casserole Or anything you eat Oh, yes you can Yes you can Yes you can With today's canned vegetables You know you can It was great Yeah, it was great Yeah, it was for a particular canned I assume it was Del Monte canned vegetables But I could not find this at anywhere on YouTube Yeah, yeah I'm really good Well, that was really good Yeah, yeah, thank you for the rendition It's really, really burned into my mind So if anybody knows the way I find myself through A hundred dimes in the sky Or this end Yeah, the diamond squirtle Uh, vegetable That's how I learned how to spell diamonds, guys That's how I know It actually is Am I D-I-A? Yes Yes, have more day, yes It all falls in the face For more information on diamonds And you call and you're like I need diamonds For information on diamonds Please send me a pamphlet And it's speaking of which It's almost my birthday by my presence Uh, so we'll let this run out for another week And if you have anything to mention Please send it off to Uh, also just let us know Generally where you are You know, just your state, your province Your country, if you're Country Uncomfortable, that's fine But I would like to know where you're Generally uncomfortable Yeah, just You know, like in the back of a Volkswagen If you have an itch Though Tibby does not have a commercial To share with us, which is fine Um, she does have Another segment for us Which also then points out to the fact This is the fourth week that Tibby is in the mailbag Which she should after the third Have her very own place In the meat of the show The line of the segment But I did not get to your uh You're still working on that punk banjo theme On the yes, on your theme song The punk banjo I tried The punk Uh, several times to record my Sunday song And then because that took forever Which it never ended up actually happening I just got so mad at it that I I walked away forever And uh So I didn't even get to yours So I apologize for that So you are in the mailbag Uh, but before we get to your comment I, we haven't gotten to the candy yet So we're gonna have some candy Um, we actually have two kinds So I think we're gonna have Some now and then some after Tibby Oh yes And before the time traveler This will be what the straws box selection Uh, no Oh Because uh, yeah You're not privy to why, but deal with it All right All right Okay, we're gonna start this off Nice and easy ladies and gents With some delicious That implies it's going to get unpleasant and rough Well, he always, you know He uh, pushes our boundaries And we, we learn from these experiences With straws box candy Where we are afraid to try And then we are pleasantly surprised So let you ponder that for a moment While we try this Most delicious, I'm certain Mike and Ike Jolly Joe's Are these just classic Mike and Ike? Mike and Ike's Um, they're great Mike and Ike's Try this 10% more free I can still taste it I'm sure they're uh Does it really say 10% more free? Yeah, it's quite a large box Uh, Mike and Ike's are pretty staple old people candy Mike and Ike's are delicious I love a good chew, man But you know that You know this Really good chew Grapey Tastes like um Cold cigars Yeah Tastes like cold cigars You're right I need more Okay, well It sounds like my nicotine addiction too Chew, Chew, Chew This is rambling ample number four I think I'm going to title it the Polinsky conundrum This one's inspired by Star Trek the next generation rewatches That I've been hearing about And people's Seemingly instant dislike to Polinsky at the beginning of season two Now I always have considered her an amazing character One of my favorites I was quite sad when she left and Crusher came back I don't think I ever warmed up to Crusher in the whole series But I thought to myself, well, maybe I'm misremembering That initial episode where she first arrives and my reaction to it It's been a very long time since I've watched it Also, the episodes with her in them are not usually rerun by networks or syndication Which I suppose I should have taken as a clue to People's not quite liking her so much However Hulu is offering all the Star Trek's This month for free So I fired up the old pooter and Rewatched Season two episode one the child And I must say I still like her and I do not understand the dislike If anything I almost almost started disliking the other characters more I thought Not only was will The Wesley Crusher character as whining as I thought Oh, please let me stay please let me stay But the captain seemed kind of whiny the I mean from first not even knowing The new doctor's name. I mean what captain doesn't know who his chief medical officer's name is going to be and why wasn't he there to greet her when the shuttle Uh, doc I mean that's his chief medical officer That's a very important position. Why wasn't he there? So first he doesn't remember her name and then he's pissed that she doesn't come and meet him I don't know. I'm pretty sure protocol Said that he he should be there to welcome her So then he storms into 10 forward which I loved when they introduced 10 forward And there she is sitting having a drink I don't know why but I thought that was awesome I mean to me since the captain should have been there to greet her and wasn't There's no reason for her to seek him out So she wouldn't have a drink especially since At that point she'd found out about Troy's Bubba I think maybe that was why Maybe why people didn't like her Because one supposedly Potential love interest love connection Between Crusher and Picard Had now been severed and there was no hope for that And she obviously wasn't going to be his love interest But she was no nonsense take no prisoners Uh, and yet with a joyful curiosity that was the thing that got me in this first episode with her She was just she had all these puzzles in front of her um the uh weird baby Plague growing for no reason And data okay, so she called him data that was supposed to be his name at first in the series Uh, I thought that was kind of a little bit of a shout out But when he was so serious about it And she was I thought Kind of mischievous at that point She was trying to get a rise out of him She wanted to see where this would go And that's why she had the line about could it be could you have bruised feelings? Now remember at this point data is trying to figure out human feelings and he wanted human feelings Personally, I never really liked this part of his character And he was an awesome awesome creature all on his own why She he want things That other creatures had he should be exploring himself Aside from that in a way, she was Putting a pin in his balloon. She was busting his bubble She was this one person who showed up and Was not all in awe of him As the rest of the crew was was not enabling his His whiny again whiny Uh, oh, I want to be a real boy I never really liked the story of Pinocchio, but Maybe that was one reason I kind of always held off a little bit on data and his You know in that way everybody was kind of cuddly about him But to me, Pinocchio was a breath of fresh air she did not take any guff from the captain and I think it showed In that first episode It was as if a grownup had finally arrived on the ship and nobody knew what to do Uh, later episodes I think give people a chance to see cooler parts Of her, maybe they didn't notice it first Uh, especially her relationship was with war. That was wonderful Of course, warth being one of my other favorite characters Who I felt was never really given a fair shake So whenever we had Scenes between the two of them, I was just in heaven And if I could write better, I would definitely write fanfation about those two Polanski has been given a short shrift because people were All upset Uh by her non-coddling of the android Perhaps because she did not come aboard as an obvious love interest and sexual creature, even though people say they don't like that I think kind of in the back of their minds People always expect that when a new female A new woman character shows up on a show. It's like who she's gonna who is she gonna hook up with? Kind of reminds me My own navy days And that's it. That's it for this ramble a little longer Perhaps but I think I got everything I wanted to say set Okay, we're out in Oregon Did I hear Tubi say she was in the navy? Yeah, I I'd like to hear more about that. Yeah. Also, I saw in a vine today And several days ago that you're in the shop. Do you have a shop? Do you just frequent this shop often? Does she mean shop is in selling wares or shop is in creating Like wood and metal selling wares Yeah, that's interesting. Yeah, man. You're what insightful. Yeah. Yeah, I have to agree Okay, so I'm finding that overall I'm really enjoying Polanski a lot more than I yeah, not Polanski. Oh We should probably mention that. Yeah, okay. I was just gonna let it fly. Yeah, uh, I love you Tubi. Obviously you didn't mean Roman Polanski. I was thinking Roman Polanski too. Yeah, it's an entirely different conundrum. Um Yeah, but Polanski yeah, okay. I have to say for some reason I've actually really enjoyed her sort of rye interchange with Data I do find that they're working a little too hard to try to make it bones and spots sometimes but There's there are two episodes that stand out my memory um The episode where they first play Sherlock Holmes with data Sherlock Holmes. Okay. Yeah, she was getting that and I got it She gets involved and I don't like her. Yeah, she she ends up having this discussion with Moriarty who's just a hologram and so it's that same sort of mental approach where she doesn't really like she approaches it Playfully, which is a very good word for it. Yeah, but at the same time the episode Probably just a few later where there's a colony and they all have this plague where everyone gets old really quickly And I don't know what it was about that episode. There was something about the way she was written I did not enjoy her in that episode and I think that episode may have poisoned the well for me previously If I can ignore that for some reason just that one episode I did not The basic premise was kind of fun, but I did not enjoy and it It wasn't just that she was prominent because she was prominent in the episode, which is actually kind of nice It was just I don't know something about the way she was written She's got bones. That's what you're saying. Yeah, I it would have been nice if she maybe had a couple more seasons to grow into A better like a larger character because everyone else remember everyone else has a season under their belt And you can see how they're shifting everyone around like all of a sudden jordy's not just sitting on the bridge all the time He's down in engineering engineering engineering guys. Just nowhere to be seen There was some vaguely what was his name? It was a bearded fella who used to run engineering, but they only shot him like twice Anyway, you know what when does bark we come? I miss bark. We I think I think the thing with uh palaski Was you know, we had a certain vibe kind of silly starting off and then getting more serious But then she came and she's like the strong female lead and she's not the love interest and she's kind of like pushing people around And I think with that that just kind of rubbed me the wrong way But I will try to keep an open mind for you too because clearly oh you mean because you are a uh b crush and john luke Well fan is that what you're saying because yeah the crush and john luke that romance was there and then it was broken up And you kind of were bitter at palaski for and for all the reasons I like, you know And she's you know a strong female that she's not a love interest That she doesn't have that she doesn't have the same point of view on on data that he should be that Winey. I wish I could be a boy even though like he's so spectacular Yeah, it's true. It would be nice if he But you know just listen to a little lady. We're humans watching it realized he was born that way Exactly Totally liberated. Anyway, I also There's another thing though. I do wonder if I possibly had A bad association between her introduction and the creepy general plotline of yeah the first day of the city Yeah, because I so she comforted her so well You know, plus we did a good job, but overall the episode is uncomfortable You say that but I do not like the way that palaski handled it I don't like the way anybody handled it because um You know the the I don't want to be generalizing here, but basically the men were saying Well, we can you know get rid of it get rid of it and then palaskis look no She'll want to keep it. It will she's having this baby, and nobody even is I think she was Going for diana's rights. No, like she did not when she was in 10 when she was in 10 for conversation Yeah, when they were in 10 forward Um john loo came up and he's like hey and he's trying to be all like politics blah blah and she's like This does not even matter because there's some serious shit going on right here And she was you know, she was all she was thinking of diana But I I just I Feel like she was all out there saying diana is going to have the baby before she kind of had clarified that with her I wasn't I don't know that wasn't my impression, but I did what you mean I do Okay, so the whole question of the love interest aspect Does make me wonder because I am sure that there's slash thick as soon as as soon as Tiffany mentioned the uh, not that kind of fan fiction. Yeah, all right, but obviously There is definitely Going to be that sort of thick for everything that's ever been on tv So there's gotta be a laskey. That's for sure. So who Who do you? Uh, is the person that you think is probably the person she's paired off with most often Because i'm sure it happens Picard possibly That's so late or they don't maybe jordy I could see warf, but clang on sex is so brutal Jordy you could handle it. That's an interesting one teacher student type Hmm Anyhow, yeah, anyway, I think it would be was john luke and it would be angry So let's let's not talk about how it all comes to be now. I have to admit. I did pika Peak the other day accidentally and what's about to come up So I happen to know that we may have another bit of spiciness On deck. Jessica you know what candies I'm sorry. I did not intend to you asked me to get your laptop cable the other day And it was just better cheater I'm a pre-picked so far ahead Jorda's a cheater. Okay. Here it is It is All natural beef jerky milk chocolate bar What? From american farms and altissolve. Oh, did I miss read? I thought there was some sort of spicy aspect to it too It's a beef jerky chocolate bar And it's for us to eat. Maybe it's just all sweet straws burger guy. I'm so happy that you have such a besto bear I love it. It's your face Thank you straws birds. You can see this packaging. Me too. Okay, so It's not a heart even I thought it would be That's okay Okay, definitely no spiciness Although it's made by wild aphilia which Does not okay. It looks like it's in a chocolate to bear really console me very much dude I'm afraid. What are you doing to me? Are we going to want to throw ourselves in a river after this? Oh, there's some sort of art in the interior It seems like very old-school style candy Okay past this to a pope Wow, you can have this nice big piece Okay, I don't know. There's a lot of chocolate and I don't see okay. It smells like beef jerky. Are you ready? Oh, it really does smell like go Mm That's so sweet. You got your chocolate in my beef. You got your beef in my chocolate Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. It's salty I don't know if I can't get over what I know it is But there's salty and sweet which is always good It's mostly Um, not that sugary chocolate, but like to beef. There are flakes of beef in here There are flakes of dried beef There are flakes of dried beef in my chocolate in my mouth. I don't know if I if I can No, I would have you know, I need to take a drink of my dad. It's oh my god. There's not left. It's like If somebody took like bacon bits dried bacon bits And like sprinkled them in there. No, it's like begging strips the dog food And then there's like little morsel stuck in my cheeks. I think that just lacking what it is because it really wasn't that bad It was pretty good, but it tastes like bacon bits salty and meaty and chocolatey at the same time. I'm sorry straw smoky Oh, that's quite stressful Uh So I would say the spicy lollipops from last episode very much a win. Maybe these ones a little less You've had so many winners of weird tasting treats Anyhow, you gotta know when to fold them. No one to hold them. No one to fold them. Oh, come over here. I gotta slap you Come I Rich the time Hello flash pulp crew and fellow mobsters rich the time traveler here You'll have to excuse me for missing the past few episodes I was caught cleaning up a series of temporal paradoxes, but don't worry Per skenrica protocols all the debris from them has been collected and flushed down the pneumatic map I mean I placed in the temporal containment facility I was glad to see joe monk again, and it certainly seemed like he's grown up a bit from the last time we saw him Though I was bummed to hear you say in background plots that it wasn't your intention to actually follow through and show his final rise to power Under wraps was an excellent tale and a nice use of how actual technology works to solve a mystery Black hole pinch have me wondering what the heck the ring was for right up until the twist That was a face pom moment for me. I actually am familiar with the use of elastic bands for animal castration from my royal roots But I never saw that angle coming The wagging tongue confirmed for me that superheroes no matter how cool are essentially assholes I'd comment on downing huge story fishing, but the terms of the temporary straining order forbid me Shade your poem was awesome dark and haunting and beautiful imagery I've just gotten current on the walking dead and man does that just keep getting better and better So a lot of action in at the end so if you fall in behind or given up is well worth catching back up with it I've also been mainlining the CW series arrow, which if you aren't familiar is about the green arrow It's a bit campy and cheesy and suffers from the malrose place effect and that everyone is just a little too good looking But the action is fun and they're setting up several sub plots What might annoy some folks is that the origin story is being told in a constant series of flashbacks throughout the season however, it's done well Definitely a good bubblegum series to shut off your brain and enjoy I want to talk a bit about a couple of games before I wrap up The first is an iOS app called alkimic phone Though it runs on the ipad and ipad touch just fine It's a simple logic game You start with four basic elements earth when fire and air and two basic sciences space and time You then combine two at a time For instance water plus earth equals mud to find new elements sciences natural formations locations and so forth Each day there's a random target you're given to try to create It's pretty fun to play around with and easy to learn for the kids The second is a board game called race for the galaxy Race is a card game where the goal is to accumulate the most victory points Each player is given a starting planet card in play and dealt cards which are either planets or developments Each of these has a purchase price listed on them. The better they are the more they cost Each player also has a set of phase cards Each turn the player selects the phase they want to play and then all revealed the phase they've selected at the same time Each player gets to do all the phases that have been chosen But gets a bonus when doing the actions of the phase they picked The phases are explore draw more cards develop place a new development card settle place a new planet card Consume trade use up goods you've produced or trade them And produce generate goods and resources on worlds and developments that can produce them In order to settle or develop you have to pay the cost And the cost is paid by discarding a number of cards equal to the cost indicated each development or world provides victory points and consuming goods also provides victory points as does a gambling mechanic available with some worlds and developments That I won't try to describe here Neither will I describe the military and rebel mechanics that let you settle some worlds for free The game ends when one player places their 12th card during a settle or develop phase Or an all the victory point counters run out due to consuming There's a great pc version of the game for free I'll add a link for jred to put in the show notes But that version will disappear sometime in the near future when go code dot com g o k o brings their version out of beta There are also three expansions available and implemented in the pc program I mentioned That add more mechanics including more direct player interactions I give this game a solid four out of five I'd give it five but some of the mechanics around production production and consumption as well as gambling you take a bit to understand That's it for now Tell kara graces. This is rich So I have a a couple of games that I've seen before that are very much like that Okay, my phone game Um, but I like the whole there's goals and this one stuff. So yes I've actually already started the games. Yeah, I've noticed you're a thumb got a little furious over there doing that too So that's fun Thanks for your commentaries in the episodes rich. I absolutely agree with your uh, I think that No one is driven to become a superhero without having some sort of I don't want to say character flaw, but often something that's driving them into that like the extremism of all kind leads to problems Mm-hmm Race for the galaxy sounds very interesting. I'm definitely going to pick up the pc version because I find it's a little Howie jam? Well, it's uh, it's interesting That I've gotten to a point in my life where I learn the rules of a game via the ipad or pc version And then go back and actually play the board game That's kind of funny. Uh, I've given flex to try it on the phone I should just kind of segue briefly into I find the interface really a bit annoying Yeah, I could see how as a card game. It would be a lot of fun But the ipad iphone interface is a little Yeah Yeah, I can see that I can't wait for Donahue to get his newest special delivery. Anyhow Via a pneumatic tube. Yeah, yep Or a Gibraltar I should say many. Thanks rich many. Thanks dt. Thank you, sir thank you if You go away that long again. We're gonna dock your pay Are you a dassy? Hope so yeah, it's my birthday guys in a month oh never race So it's like jamais birthday Backroom plots We put out the wagging tongue and I don't think that I mentioned this last episode So I did want to touch on how that was sort of a High five to the memory of michael born arrow and his marvelous bob series Yeah, I don't know that I want to say much more about that just google marvelous bob If you've never heard of it Okay, excellent I I believe do we had but uh, I wanted to make sure that I got this Bob Now we're currently in the middle of a three-parter. Oh, yes. Oh, I love crossovers although I was kind of Uh Having a bit of fun and not mentioning at first that it was three of three Sorry or one of three. Yeah Some reason expecting a two-parter. I don't know why And suddenly there was This is a resolve so I don't want to get too deeply into plot points because it's still You know pretty hot on the cycle, but There's a moment in the first one where you realize that black hole isn't going to solve the problem and there's Did you I know I actually I hope I was going to do the fake Did you notice but I know you noticed the factoid about black hole that popped up in the second one She didn't catch that mulligan did. Yes. Um actually Uh in the first episode black hole notes that there is a woman playing A flute and she's wearing these robes of a cut that he doesn't quite Quite recognize or he can't quite put his finger on where they are Or where they're from I should say and uh mulligan Immediately recognizes the woman to be japanese Right because there's a reason behind that Yeah, because japan as an island was still closed at the town of black hole So other than uh, what was his name engine? Unginson. Yeah other than jim clevels shogun Which is amazing No one had really Done a lot of trading with japan or would be familiar with their customs and cultures. Anyway, well And I mean some people would have but Very few at that time. Not certainly not black hole. Yeah. Not black. Oh, well. Yeah. Sorry my my Fair point fair fair Especially japanese. They'd be well aware of themselves. Yes. Well. I mean the the Spanish and the Portuguese the Okay, so I did want to verify that my knowledge of japan's foreign relations Was correct when I was working on the story So I went back and just made sure I had all my years in line. Yeah But it was one of those times when you go down to wikipedia hole because it turns out that they have specific articles based on per nation Uh, just relating to the foreign diplomacy that's taken place with that and with some people It's really interesting because okay, so you look at the united states and it's Obviously established a lot later than a lot of the european countries A lot of the points are really like flash points because it's like an intense all of a sudden a lot of action happens But it's interesting with japan because even though it's right there. There's so much just closed door and Stay away and then everything that happens with china is madness Anyway, if you have time you have the want after you're done watching in the imposter hop on wikipedia Yes After you do all the other things we told you to do Yeah And while actually you're doing that, why don't you follow skinner? Go on twitter It's great idea or you can follow us individually a jaredy skinner the jesica may And opopanax with zero still no idea how to spell it. Thanks to jim for hosting wiki dot Thank you, sir. Hugely appreciate it sir. Always you can find more of his business over at relic Enjoy the show tell a friend really enjoy the show Well, we've got a donate button on the site if you have comments questions or suggestions You can find us at or email us text or mp3s to comments at The entire run of flashpump can be found at or via the search bar in iTunes Flashcast is released under the creative commons attribution non commercial 3.0 on ported lights Some day is gloomy, my hours are stumbled Here is the shadows I live with are numbler Live a life flowers will never awaken you Not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you And you'll have no thought of ever returning you Would they be angry if I thought of joining you To me someday Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all My heart and I have decided to end it all Soon they'll be candles and prayers that are sad I know let them not weep let them know that I'm glad to go Death is no dream for and death I'm caressing you With the last breath of my soul I'll be blessing you Blue miss Sunday Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own Blue miss Sunday with a life flowers Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own Blue miss Sunday with shadows I spend it all my life on my own [BLANK_AUDIO]