The Skinner Co. Network

FC84 - Tainted Kidney

Broadcast on:
24 Mar 2013
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Prepare yourself for: Rabies transplants, prison escapes, nipple clamp sales, Nazis, the Gorn, and Joe Monk.

Read the full show notes at

Some days, gloomy, my hours are slumberless Dearest, the shadows I live with are none less Little white flowers will never awaken you Not where the bright culture saw a lens taking you Angels have no fire of evolution in you Would they be angry if I saw to join you Ooh, Sunday Hello, and welcome to Flashcast 84 A Skinner Co presentation Skinner Co, we were hiring apes to throw barrels at plumbers before it was cool This episode is also brought to you by generous donations from our Heron and Doc Blue Many thanks If you'd like to sponsor an episode, please feel free to use the donate button on the site But now, prepare yourself for rabies transplants, prison escapes, nipple clamps, sales, nazis, the gorn, and... Joe Muck Death is no dream for a death I'm caressing you With the strength of my soul, I'll be the rest of you Glue me Sunday Hi, I'm a Popenex And many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Windia was to remember that distant afternoon where his father took him to meet Jessica May Hello, and JRT Hello That was beautiful Uh, we're a little late in getting SC84 out the door We are I don't really want to get into it too much, but in the end, Jessica May has a new laptop, new production machine, third one in a few months, but anyhow, in... This one looks hardy Yeah, it looks like it might be around for a couple weeks We actually forced it to stand on the doorstep and called the names for a while before we allowed it in Anyway, did you guys hear this thing about the helicopter? Now I'm not sure how far this... I'm not sure how far this news penetrated beyond the Canadian border because it took place in Quebec, but I'm talking about the prison break involving a helicopter There was many people involved, apparently Yeah, it was quite a production Well... It was kind of a surprise to you You got away with the helicopter The person they think orchestrated the situation is what they call a "Hell's Angels sympathizer" There's big quote marks around that, at least in this article from the star that I was reading about it He essentially said that he could no longer survive in jail Apparently, the prison itself is rather reputed to have some problems There was recently a riot where they set small fires around the prison and all in protest of conditions within the Institute Are "Hell's Angels" prevalent in the states at all? Yeah, I don't think that they have quite the same Augusta Okay, well if anybody doesn't know the "Hell's Angels" Oh, they definitely know the "Hell's Angels" in the states Oh, certainly, yes Yeah, 'cause like Harley, right? Yeah, yeah Anyway You're walking down an odd path there, but yes But in Quebec, they have lots of other examples They are the dominant gang, yes, absolutely I would say most of the drug trade in the Eastern Kingdom I think all people in Quebec are actually "Hell's Angels" All of them, yes Don't quote me Especially those Catholic grandmas Yep It's always the ones who you don't suspect Two other suspects, not the two who broke out of the prison Rented a helicopter ride just to tour the area And they're like, "Shut it down, bitch!" They came with two backpacks onto the ride And then once they were in the air, they pulled out guns And basically put them to the pilot's head and said, "We're going to the prison" Wow Where they sat down on the roof And then, but the thing is the helicopter only seats three people Mmm, what? That's okay One of them sat on the other guy's lap Yeah, they got comfy eventually But when they first sat down, what they did is they actually just I believe they landed on the roof of the prison Which seems risky to me Because, especially if it's a prison that's known to be a little rundown You might be concerned about the roof collapsing in your little helicopter But they threw down ropes And then the prisoners somehow latched on And were lifted out of the prison yard And two nearby fields where they all kind of scooted down And got in, you know, comfy and cuddly And took off And where did they go? That's a question They flew to a French town 40, I believe 40 kilometers away, 60 kilometers north We didn't have a tragically hip-right song Yeah, yeah, yeah The police eventually found the pilot, he was in shock But they, you know, interrogated and put several hundred dollars Eventually they got to where they were going They hopped into a getaway vehicle And briefly Because they were caught But it was a big deal, it was a big deal when it happened I remember it being like breaking news and them stopping And being like, "Hey, there's these guys on the loose, come back" But it ended with them getting to this cabin In rural Quebec, like out in the woods, the Canadian north And the police cordon's moving in And they're just in this little cabin all holed up And the main guy had been like, "I'd rather die than go back to prison" So they weren't sure how it was going to go down But they did manage to just bust everyone Yeah, there you go Yeah, French all was doing everything in half-assed And there's talk that there may be other people involved But I don't know how solid that is Catholic grandmas But what a pulpy tail Yeah, totally Way to go, Quebec Although clear It seems like the vast majority of prison escapes Even ones as epic as this end within the first 48 hours or so Like they get to a certain amount of escape And then for some reason they're like Let's all just hang out here and Drink some beers I'm like, I'm not sure what they could have done to truly get away But at the same time They should have watched that show "Prison Break" More money Just get in a vehicle and keep driving and driving possibly I realize that's a difficulty Because there's cameras everywhere these days That's true Staying even reasonably close to the prison you just broke out of It doesn't seem like a great idea Yeah, especially looking at a small town You hear stuff Yeah Well, you deserve it Open where breath Actually, while we're discussing pulpy news items This is a bit of a sad story But at the same time it is To me at least extremely pulpy Because it speaks to a certain Genre of Transplant horror That seemed to be everywhere when I was getting anyway This guy in Maryland died of rabies recently After he had a tainted kidney Transplanted into his body So he died of rabies From his kidneys Wow, that's okay The person they had transferred it out of The donor was an airman He was training to be an aviation mechanic And I'm not quite sure how he managed to contract rabies But the doctors knew that he had inflammation of the brain When they harvested the organs But they didn't think it was a problem, I guess Mm-hmm But, and so there was no testing And they just And they just knew through the autopsy of the second person Yeah But doesn't, okay I don't know if you guys ever encountered this Because it seems to me that I most often read about it In the one-pager stories That would be at the back of like an E.C. comic But do you remember all of the tales Where it would be like This nice fellow who loses a hand And he gets a transplant But it was a gangster And suddenly it starts strangling everyone And it starts wearing a weird hat Yeah, well we remember that movie "Idle Hands" Yeah, that was very much the culmination of that genre We're about to watch "Franken Hooker" "Franken Hooker" Oh, I believe Yes, that's a very good point Because that's like the creeping It would be interesting if like You're a "Franken Hooker" And all of your parts wanted to do different things All at the same time Yeah, they all had different fetishes, things horrible She could never be happy Because "Hugger" or all about their fetishes Yeah, that's all, anyway And they're all happy, go lucky I just... This seems like it I don't think it did I think he just got sick and they realized and he died But it seems like the kind of thing Where he should have gotten there to the hospital And then turned into some sort of half-man, half... monster And then you just have to go to the hospital You figure everything's gonna be okay You can get any kidney It's tainted Babies or not, that's just I think tainted kidney maybe Tainted kidney maybe in the name of the hero Tainted... Yeah, I actually... I know somebody who got hepatitis from tainted and transferred That's a good... Ladies and gents Tainted girl Speaking of communicable diseases And summers, the sex store chain Oh yes Apparently, they feel that the popularity of The 50 Shades of Grey trilogy Has brought them a lot of extra business Well, they say that it's definitely Helped to sales Well, they're... In toys They sell toys, right? The one that... The stat that caught my eye They've seen a rise in sales in nipple clamps By 15 fold in the last year 15 fold Now... And everybody wants clamped nipples I just... I find that interesting We discuss a lot of the times How pulp can change social norms And the idea that people are publicly... Clamping the nipples Well, no, no You can see... You will see people on public transportation Reading 50 Shades of Grey Which seems like an odd thing Because you wouldn't feel comfortable Seeing somebody reading Playboy or something on a bus But... Times are changing You can read whatever the F you want Mind you, it should be on their Kindle True, a little bit more discreet No, most people are Or there's a lot of other people Reading 50 Shades They just don't have it in paperback But the point is It's... Kind of a... I don't want to say trashy pulp But it is in the pulp genre It's in that sort of... I want to say it's trashy pulp Yeah, okay fine I'm just trying... I'm not a proponent of this story One or another She'll be at her lip But it's interesting Because it is changing social norms And increasing sales and nipple clamps Yeah, exactly Actually, in a little more respectable writerly news Did you guys see that thing? Google Docs is allowing collaboration now With quote-unquote famous dead writers Apparently there's this... They speak to the dead And... Why does this not surprise me from Google? They can do everything There's a tool you can turn on And they have a bunch of automated responses set in place So that... It's trying to teach you... Have you seen that recent bout of commercials They've been putting out where... I think the example is They have a bunch of people collaborating on a dock And they're trying to discuss some sort of strategic plan And they end up just Guessing what's for lunch Anyhow They're trying to push the collaborative side of Google Docs Is what it comes down to Okay And they... To do so, they've written these little bots up That emulate Shakespeare and Dickens And a few other people And they'll intercede in your... As you're creating your document They'll come in and they'll change certain words Or leave little comments for you That's fun That's so fun Yeah, it's that... I'd totally do that Too bad I'm illiterate I wonder like how many authors they actually have Because that would be really fun If you could be like Oh, I'm Jane Austen and you... Today 'Cause you'd have to call it Jane Austen And you name me Yeah From the article I was reading about it From The ghosts get impatient too If you go too long without writing anything You'll get a somewhat passive aggressive retort So far I've seen Dickens interject Procrastination is the thief of time Color him And Shakespeare pipe in Let not sloth dim your horrors New begot That's hilarious That's super great though Yeah, I think it's a fun I mean... A writer writes some kind of unions What does Google... How do they... How do they do that? Well no, it's not that It's just it's interesting that Clearly as part of their business plan They have a certain amount of comedy injected in there Which is sort of weird Like even with the Google doodles and the extra And maybe they keep it like fresh and sort of Yeah On a... And taking away some of the seriousness From something that people are unfamiliar with Yeah I suppose it's really just Or on capital with even Yeah You get stressed out When somebody edits your work sometimes I'm you know if they throw it on a little joke Every once in a while Then you feel like they're a lot more personable Even though you know that they're actually a bop You know? So there Fair point, fair point But also interesting It's not clippy It's not the old Microsoft Windows 95, Office 95 You have a little paper clip dude Yeah But it is interesting that we're Slowly How do I get rid of them? That's the only question I ever asked that guy We're gently massaging these... Yeah We're gently massaging these little helper bots And I think these AIs Well specialized sort of AIs That aren't actually AIs Will eventually become more and more part You know it's spell checker plus one Yeah well you're learning something You know it's not just Spell checker that just automatically is Makes fixing something That you don't know how to Read your word you know It's one step further I like you Yeah I could just see an age Maybe not with Like obviously this is a stylistic thing Like they're really changing it to the style Of whatever the writer is But I could definitely see an age Where if a grammar checking bot Say it was far enough along It could not only tell you What you had done was wrong But explain to you why it was Yeah Yeah exactly Or noticing the same sort of errors Like really specifying to your needs Yeah you tend to do this Why don't you try? Actually speaking of unexpected resurrections They've already made a VHS too Oh that's interesting Yeah and it's getting surprisingly good reviews Especially considering the short amount of times How does it work? Like is it a cassette? Like does it No I believe it just Conting- No no Sorry That's fascinating that you thought that it was actually An upgraded technology Okay No I meant the movie Ah that's so adorable I was like wow I knew like VHS format That's so weird Bait of the two Yeah they're going back in time Okay now if you're- Yeah no that actually would be an incredibly slow resurrection No they've made VHS too the film They're continuing the interstitial bits You know the weird thing in the house As it were I suppose And then the rest are just going to be new segments And it previewed at South by Southwest And it's getting really good reviews as far as I've read Well I recall going into VHS 1 and thinking man I'm really gonna hate this movie I think everything about it And then being like oh it was so good It was so good Yeah No yeah I really enjoyed it Did get some complaints in places And some of the reviews I've read Were people essentially saying I didn't like the first one very much But I did really enjoy this one for whatever reason And one of the things that caught my eye There's an entry by two of the guys Who are responsible for the original Blair Witch Project But they're playing with the idea of first person camera Well as in VHS You know they often play with you know it's Skype It's somebody holding a camcorder It's somebody who- My understanding is that there's stories About somebody who turns into a zombie With a head-mounted camera Stuck to them at the time And then they just- It's sort of a comedy piece of the zombie wandering around And what a zombie's day is like Wow Yeah Maybe his transformation from human to zombie Yeah That would be really cool Anyway it sounds like it should be interesting First person on cue That's good Speaking of revival films There have been some reviews in from the Oz movie Oh yes We were kind of excited about that I've heard mixed things I haven't actually read any specific reviews I've just caught the Twitter chatter Well I remember first seeing the promo for it And being like oh my god You're so excited You were amazed and I was worried about the CGI Yeah you're like I don't know And although it looks like a really great film I would still watch it There's some problems with it apparently Okay Like major problems Like plot problems Script problems Leaky faucet James Franco problems Yes let me go back There are 17 Oz books Just in case anybody thinks Wizard of Oz Is like a Judy Garland only thing Yeah There are 17 books Right All the lead characters with a very few excluded Is this going to turn into a canon argument? Are we going to tumble her eyes on the show? Just listen It's not about canon It's about ladies All the lead characters are ladies Okay That's almost all the books Oh There's Betsy from TikTok of Oz There's Glinda of course There's General Ginger That leads a revolution against the Scarecrow Most notably In the book The Marvelous Land of Oz There's a boy hero By the name of TIP But later on In the book It's revealed that Momby the Witch Actually had Cursed TIP And TIP Is the original Osmo of Oz Okay All the characters With any kind of power are ladies There are male characters But they tend to be like the Faithful Sidekick type Mm-hmm Or the Villains Not even the False Power The Villains Yeah, well Exactly And the whole reason behind that Is because Frank Elbaum was a feminist And his wife Also kind of a racist Well no wait Not kind of He was a racist His wife, Maud Gage Bomb Was the daughter of Matilda Jocelyn Gage And she was a famous surfer jet And she was apparently Also the inspiration for Dorothy So a lot That's why so many of the female characters And his books are so empowered You know, it's because He was trying to send a message Right, okay Interesting back to the Pulpa's message Mm-hmm You're aware of Susan B. Anthony I've heard of her once or twice She was a frequent visitor At his house Because that's where they held the meaning For the Aberdeen Women's Surferage Club He was the secretary of the club That is so great Yes, I love this song It's too bad about the racism Oh yeah, but he's a racist That's really unfortunate Do we want to digress into his racism for a minute? Because he did suggest that Native Americans be wiped from the country Because they were really sad That they had lost all of their land He was like, you know what? They're so sad They're just going to be broken forever We should just put them out of their misery Exterminate the brutes Anyway, other than that Now here, it's the George C. Scott problem, right? People can be fantastic And have these slivers of Horribleness Because their goodness is so pure and ripe That they need some side of them That it's just absolutely disgusting It has a lot to do Well, I don't know that it's that I think it has a lot to do with The times It has a lot to do with the fact That we are silly animals Who think that we know a lot better than we do Yes There's a lot of things in there Yeah, you can be great in one scale And kind of a shit in the other Yeah, exactly so Exactly And we're just We're animals, man But it's kind of disappointing How in Oz is great and powerful Like instead of being The leads, all the ladies Or are like fallen for the wizard And they're all like In fact, specifically he had said He'd never put any kind of romance In any of the Oz books Right There was never any kind of Romantic attachment for any of his characters And it was intentional obviously It was, it was because he thought You know It would be boring for kids And that's who his readers were Like who his intended reader was I think it also goes to back up The fantastic nature of the You don't get You don't get concerned with earthly Worries You're always dealing with something epic That's another thing He wanted his heroines to have This like perpetual youth And personal freedom From for themselves Right As well, which goes back to the whole feminism thing Yeah, well even Even if you look at Dorothy And the one that everyone's most familiar with The idea that she gets whisked into this land And she just Can wander around nice and safe on the streets And I mean, situations happen But she always manages to figure out How to deal with it herself But the role of the reluctant hero Is kind of predominant now I don't know if you've noticed in so many Yes And I don't know if that loops back To what we were talking about last episode And that we've wandered into another weird 70s slump And that it's the anti-hero But it's really unfortunate Because the witches Specifically are stripped of all agency They're supposed to be all powerful And all knowing in the books And then They actually say in this film They actually ask him Are you the great man we've been waiting for? Right Whereas in the books He is the wizard is a charlatan Yeah, that's the whole point Complete And whereas in this movie It's like there's this Place set for him There's a prophesized great man Who will come fix these poor witches Who made a mess with their user So it's really unfortunate How they have taken this opportunity To have this really strong female character The thing is that If you want to do your own Oz style thing But not bastardize the original Like you may want to consider that Like if you're taking on Something that was very particular What do we talk about Wiz here When you It's really hard to step into the shoes Of Judy Garland Right Because she is the epitome of Oz Right When people think The Wizard of Oz They think of Ruby shoes and stuff So It's really hard to go from there To tell a different story And not have it be compared Are you telling me that all ladies Look alike to you Is that what you're saying to me? Oh my god I'm ominous I'm just saying It's hard to tell the same story But from a different perspective And have it not compared to That copy Because it's such an icon there But I think they tried to Switch it completely And they took the powerful role of Dorothy And they gave it to a guy Right It's basically just wist off And all of these things happened to him The bumbling hero And it didn't have such strong intention But it did Like because it had So much Because that is where the message lies Yeah It's just like You just completely turned off the message Tell your own goddamn story Yeah If you're not going to tell the same story Tell your own story Yeah Or one that totally ruins the initial There was such potential And it just got Apparently So Now I hate I don't mean the sound And anyway, crass I don't mean your point is entirely valid How is the film If you can detach yourself From the original source material Does anybody know? I haven't seen the film I haven't heard all the I heard that it's a little messy I heard it's a disappointment I heard it was like a big disappointment I do not think we have yet mastered the 99% CGI film Yeah, the fantastic I think that we're getting there I think that We've seen some things like Rise of the Planet of the Apes That wasn't 99% I would say that was more like 40% CGI But at the same time That felt That touched something properly You know what I mean? Like that came in You felt for those apes But Things like Oz And there's been a few others That, I mean, honestly The Star Wars prequels I think fall in the same trap And that those could have been Much better films If They just took you out of it so much It was more constricted by reality Yes Like if you put a person in there I'm going to consume that You couldn't picture a person You couldn't picture actually standing There in that parade with It is I was a fan I'm a fan of Feisti Yoda But to see him Lightsaber fighting Like a little dervish It just was ridiculous Like I couldn't help but laugh When that scene came up And I love it in part Part of me loves it But the rest of me is like Never have this This is ridiculous What is this? I am watching Anyway, so yeah Yeah I'm still ear to see the movie But again, like The movie "What Dreams May Come" Right Not the best plot But fantastic to look at And I'm hoping Oh look at that movie Yeah, Oz at least has a little bit of that I think we've mentioned this Before actually This is another one of those films The original Not the original But the Hollywood remake Of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Didn't really enjoy the film As a movie But I did enjoy it As a series of Locations that I was familiar with From the books in the original mini-series Oh What's that? Jessica May It's a message from the time traveler Cause today guys Is the day that he gets moo And who's moo? Moo is Well, it's Maggie Moo But I think it's better Just to call her a moo But she's a lab pointer mix It's a dog She's so pretty I know She looks like a cow She's beautiful It's sort of a sad situation They Marie the Time Traveling Dog didn't work out He was just too nervous And they have little kids I understand that Yeah, he had issues And they wanted to work them out forever But like their behavior list was like No, this is a no-go So that like devastated him But we've moved forward We found this beautiful- Who me like you're involved in the process You know what? I've made so many suggestions Yeah, sure you have But not many Not many of my suggestions have actually held Which is unfortunate But I guess they have their own opinions And more I guess So what is the breaking news on moo? Moo is home Moo just got in Moo has touched down And yeah, he says that They're trying not to overwhelm her And they're letting her get used to Cat sense And she's been in the crate already And so yeah, she's going to walk around They're not going to like cover And they're just going to take it easy So it's going to be great Like he's such a good dog on her And they've bought so many things for it And it's just really exciting Like this dog has been in a crate For however long it's been there At the rescue And now it's home and in a great place So it's very exciting news And normally Jared won't let me have my phone in here When we're recording Because I'll get distracted Because I'm so easily distracted But even though he gave me a look He let me keep my phone So I could see when Moo is coming home So Moo, yay In other moves Oh Anyhow, I guess to sum up what we were discussing Before the moon news Yes I think we're in the era And we may have actually discussed this on the show At least once or twice before I think we're still in the area of strings And badly made models Like we're in the original run of Star Trek era Where we don't really know how to operate All of these fancy toys that we have And we're still trying to figure it out And it's coming across as blocky And wooden sometimes When I went CGI And then I like screw it We're going back to models Because that is done better Yeah, oh, let's Actually speaking of Star Trek I have a little piece now But we'll save the TNG rewatch For a moment from now Because I have some interesting things I want to discuss about that Okay But I did want to In more of the popular press side There's a new Star Trek game coming out And it's based on the JJ Abrams Okay, I'm moved That's not entirely surprising What I found worth mentioning Is that the main enemy in the game Because it's It's an action-adventure game Yeah, it's an action-adventure game Yeah So you need an enemy Who is relatively plentiful Right, because you need a lot of people to shoot at essentially And if it's not Nazis Or evil aliens And at least in the Star Trek universe When you're dealing with evil aliens Because, well, I guess because It's no longer politically correct To kill Klingons You have to reach back a little further into the box And so what they've come up with is The Gorn What about the Romulans? It was totally okay to kill the Romulans for a while Why can't we kill Klingons? Are they too like humanly? I think they're avoiding the Romulans Because it's too related to the canon of the universe I think they're trying to move away from Anything that's going to be touched on In the actual movies So that they have a little more freedom So they can just say Oh, this is some adventure from the Enterprise It's really, really unlike the way they were going to come up With another Gorn like random Well, you say that Because you say that because What is it that you remember about the Gorn from? Diamonds and a canon Yeah, but I mean the physical attributes of the Gornians They were like sort of greeny gray and lizard-like With these sort of fly eyes And they had like very basic skin clothing So for the game They've had to reimagine them, right? Because if you recall the original He was basically a juvenile art student He just kind of wandered around Yeah, he looked, he actually looked to like The mascot from a chain store That would sell, I don't know It's like a space themed pizza place Yeah, maybe That would stay down, you know, Santa, I think they have a sign If you were more mobile He might be able to hold him son I'm just saying, yeah, it was pretty terrible But it was kind of a really ridiculous scene Like the entire thing And I wouldn't expect to see that thing It would, but yes I would expect to see it maybe a reimagined one Okay, so they have Obviously had to update the characters For the new game Because they can't just have this guy wandering around Barney suit So they basically turned them though Unfortunately, in my mind Into your... Oh, it gets unfortunate from that Yeah, your standard lizard man Okay, well that's not so bad I mean, you have lizard men and a lot of things But the bug eyes to me The weird silver little bug eyes Yes That was a huge part of the gore into me And they've just totally discounted that It just looks like your generic angry tooth lizard man Because it was totally like the eye It was a big part of the facial feature The eye and the pointed teeth I think they realized that part of the fact That it looked so cheap was that eye Like that was a contributing factor But I loved it They should have made some sort of lizard with bug eyes I really think they should have done that well But it's not It's just your standard kind of small crocodile slit eyes I don't know that their assholes I'm just saying it was a poor design decision I don't think they're bad people I do Well, let's go burn down their house Alright Let's make a date Just gonna call it out So, uh, speaking of TNG We're still in the middle of our TNG rewatch Yeah, we finally flipped from season one to season two A lot of big changes Okay, well, let's say first big notable change Crusher is gone Oh, yeah, Bev That's a little bit of a side plot In the first episode Wesley decides that he is going to stay with the enterprise As opposed to go meet his mother Who is on assignment somewhere else I have to confess I recall the first time I saw this episode And although I am a fan of Will Wheaton In his later incarnation In coronation as an internet guru At the time, I was actually on the side of the plot Damn it, he's staying Yeah, I was like, please just send him off Please let us just be in his last episode He wasn't wearing a sweater though And we knew it was coming We knew that Beverly Yeah, we knew that this was the Pulaski season She's the Pulaski She, uh, the actress Gates McVaden She had had some disagreements with the producers She didn't like the way her character was developing Or rather not developing Again, she said, why doesn't my character have more agency? Why is the lady, the dumb one? I am the doctor Because awesome A lot of what our guff with the first season is with her Is that she's the stupidest doctor ever Yeah, she makes terrible decisions And she pointed that out to production And they did not like that And she eventually left over it Right Although, um, as people know, Pulaski did not last Crusher came back Try and believe, which was wonderful And I think this was great too Because, um, I just heard from Nutty recently That she got a tweet from Gates McVaden Oh, wow I think she said it was her second track cast tweet Wow, that is so crazy I love the name Gates Yeah, I think too Having Pulaski show up for a season Actually lends a more organic feel to the show Like, I think it's actually A good thing for the structure of the show overall Because if you were on a ship like that There would be crew changes There would be things changing up That's true And it works Remember Broccoli? Yeah, well This actually transitioned into the first time We saw a tent forward And Guynan That's right And they did a whole intro episode With her giving advice And, um, Joe Piskopo showed up And one of my big problems with Pulaski Is how she treats data And I know you and I have this disagreement You're like, oh, she's like, bones and then She's critical of technology And I think she's kind of rude to him She's kind of just ignorant The writers of the show Try to make her bones And she tried to make the relationship They tried to make the relationship between Pulaski and data To be bones and Spock That sort of But even bones respected the fact That Spock was a person I didn't understand how Pulaski Doesn't recognize data as a person Because he is not But she totally like objectifies I think the southern gentleman aspect Of the original bones character That was always part of that Like his- Was forgiving The reason he was cantankerous Was because he was sort of old school And, you know, as an old boy How Pulaski as a doctor Think that she- The thought that she knew better Than somebody else She in Yeah, or better than the people Who have known him for how long Then she comes in She's like, oh, I'm a doctor I'll tell you all of the robots Like what? They spend too much time Trying to write for her character And they overdid it And it just comes across as a little hop And yeah Yeah Too much and ignorant To continue on with our TNG re-watch I want to say I was strongly, strongly uncomfortable With the Deanna Troy Spacerape episode Oh, that was- To the point where like I couldn't watch it I actually- We were watching it in a room I had to turn around and not look And I kept pointing out again and again How every aspect of this was uncomfortable And it was really horrible Really horrible The- You know what? I looked up the trivia for that episode actually Because it was so off-putting, honestly Yes, it really was And it's shock There's another- People on Twitter reminded me That there's another episode Coming up later on And which essentially- Very similar thing A mind rape, essentially happens to Troy And it really bothers me Because the way the writers of the show treat her character It's like Man, let's impregnate her And then- She's gonna love this baby And nobody can say anything about her But then she's gonna- It's gonna die And she's gonna have that And it's so horrible Like hello, rape is a plot device There was also the first season episode In which basically Somebody shows up It's the arranged marriage episode I felt like that was the same thing Where she was just like, "Okay, I'll find whatever" Like, she doesn't have any choice in the matter She just- Yeah, stripped of complete agency Now the- The episode we're talking about in question now though The script was originally for- There was an attempt to relaunch Star Trek in 1978 Yes, I remember being like, "Oh, the 70s, that's it." Star Trek Phase 2 And although they got fairly far Into scripting episodes for that And getting it off the ground It eventually didn't get the green light But this script was originally intended for that series As IMDD points out In the original script A being of light impregnates Lieutenant Ilya To experience life as a Deltan The Lieutenant Ilya character From this defunct series Went on to appear in Star Trek The motion picture Picture So you remember the bald lady basically So this was supposed to happen to her In the other series Which is sort of odd And this is Marina Sritis' least favorite episode No, shut As noted in the IMDB Trivia as well Okay, I mean It was really, like, emotionally intense for me Yeah, yeah I hate that episode Yeah, actually to kind of get out of that mire Another trivia item I noted for IMDB I think it was that same episode Because the B-plot of that episode isn't horrible That's what's weird about it Is that they inject this really unpleasant thing In the middle of an otherwise Pretty solid Star Trek episode But they try to make it so okay Yeah, they just, the fact Yes, that's the problem They're just trying to gloss over and everything's like Well, it's just interesting You know, if it was just If it was a matter of She was overtaken It perhaps went through her belly button But it was very much implied Yeah, it was up under her sheets Yeah, you can see where it's going And she's, like, sort of uncomfortable But almost looking a little aroused That it really seems like a very sexual experience Yeah, it was not, it was not cool Anyway Yeah, just the whole thing The fact that they didn't address it in that sense Was really what made it the word, like, weird And it stood out a lot But some of the background stuff was interesting Like, was okay From the trivia In one scene, Dr. Pulaski pronounces data's name as data Instead of the proper data To which data corrects her Prior to the debut of the series pilot Data's name actually was data But they changed it to the current format Other such original character traits Prior to the changes include Captain Picard's first name being Julian Riker's name being spelled with a Y And Wesley Crusher was to be Leslie Crusher Dr. Crusher's daughter Which would have been interesting in its own Yeah, Wil Wheaton probably would have been a lot different Yeah, his hair would be totally different Because it would totally have been played by the same And then he'd have to, like, permanently remove his penis Which is so unfortunate Or wear those really weird underpants Oh, actually speaking of Riker, however This is also the first episode This little bit Riker beard I had a little bit of heart explosion there But it's not fully in yet It's pretty rough and rough and ready It was great Anyhow, we're still working our way through And it's not going to be You know, I'm really enjoying it overall There's just these odd moments I really do Like, there's so, there's so much room For so many different experiences With these characters that I'm starting to enjoy Riker Now that he's not doing everything that moves Yeah, thank you Riker Um, and did we talk about the beard? What about the beard? He gets a beard this season He didn't, like, plan on keeping it But they liked it so much That they asked him to keep it for the season Yeah, he came to the production meetings or whatever Yeah, and he was just, you know, hanging out Grew a beard when he was in the show They were like, no, keep it You know what? I can't believe we didn't mention War's new head Oh, yeah, we were so much better We had posted to the mob quite a while ago a little infographic And I was like, I guess that was associated with it And which was a bunch of little factoids And his forehead was stolen at the end of the first season That's right So his new forehead looks so much better So much more proportional Less platey, more bigy Less bulgy, I don't know And the hair is a little different It's not long yet in the braid or the pony Which I really enjoy But it's a lot less poof on top Anyways, they're really doing well Picard's writing is a lot better, too I also want to say, like, there was a little bit of moment in the space rape episode where both Riker and Worf were very protective of Troy It's very sweet Especially knowing their future history And which I enjoy I enjoy that, you know, things happen That I ship it, that continue throughout the story What bothers me is the episode after that Where things are majorly going on with Troy And this deftly Oh, yeah And Riker's Did the Riker launch about it? Yeah, it doesn't really seem to mind Mind you, after And I don't know whether it was just really clever editing Like, somebody realized after Like, oh, I think Riker would be pissed about this Where they show him, like, alone in a room at a desk And just kind of contemplating Which could have been left over from anywhere Yeah, yeah, that was the final shot It made for a weird final shot I'm glad, I'm glad they did something about that I'm like Somebody address this bullshit Like, you get me emotionally invested From the beginning And you get to play for something to do with me And then you just pretend it never even happened With a show that doesn't consider continuity too heavily Exactly They don't necessarily write that evenly But it doesn't bother as well But yes, if you're gonna put it in there Don't Fuck with my heart My heart Play in games with my heart Okay, moving on to other Skinner Co-business, still under construction Just wanna put that out The new form is well underway, I'm getting pretty excited But probably About the better chat function Better announcement about that Next week, actually, no We should point out before we go too much further Next week will be an old school Three fiction episodes Week And we will return it with Flashcast 85 The Monday following We've got a Black Hall coming up, right? Uh, yes, we have a Black Hall And I believe following that Will be a three-part Ruby tale Million With a surprise Million, million, million, million, million Oh, giving it all away Um And it won't be Mulligan at all Oh No, of course it won't be Mulligan Yeah, no, I thought you all had a Mulligan present Mulligan detected that It was a zombie Shut up Don't you put my Mulligan here Also on the 29th of March We are having a mob movie night It's going to be Frankenhoeker That's right Picked by Gigantor Gina was coming, we were hoping But she got a promotion So that kinda did the work Yeah, that's so excited for her Which is awesome She's celebrating with Gyros And they're really, really good Did she put Nutella on them? Um, yeah No, because they're Gyros She puts that Oh, gosh, she knows what you're doing Okay, um So that is happening And there was a reason why I was saying Frankenhoeker On the 29th Frankenhoeker Oh, yes Skinner Co announcements If anybody has any idea Of how we can have more people In Google Hangouts There's some sort of other functioning thing We need some vids People are I believe our options are essentially To move to Ustream At which point I have an account there Video becomes a much trickier thing Why? We can stream the I can probably figure out a way to stream the film But we would all be restricted To yelling at it in the chat, I think Now we will be Except us Because it's a movie What we will be doing is We'll be announcing two times Which we should have gotten in order for this episode But we'll deal with it later Two times Yeah, the first time will be Basically when the doors open The hangout starts And we'll all be like arriving Okay, and then It's always good to have a bumper I will be turning on the YouTube broadcasting So that anyone can watch what we're doing Once the movie starts Excellent So that if you can't be involved With the chatting chat You can at least watch the feed And listen to us whenever And can they also and they can chat? I don't know They can't chat in the Google Hangout Which is a problem What we need to do Is find a way to integrate A larger chat room Like we get all hangout in The ning mob But the chat there is very slow and kind of peeing Oh, okay What do we do? There's I want to have Once the new form is up We will set up a chat channel Where we can be Both in the Google Hangout And talking I want a million tiny boxes On my desktop While I'm watching a movie Why can't this happen? Internet Give it to me So are we Like formally announcing that we are recording This Yes, we will be recording Basically we're going to record The movie section Yeah, we don't want anybody Saying something like Totally illicit And then being like Why you have that on the internet? Well, we're going to mention that before I hit record even Just so you know that Yes, be aware But At the same time Keep your illnesses to the side I'm hoping to Cut an mp3 out of that video And we can do the 3-2-1 Start your thing now And you can post, listen to it As if you were watching it with a mob Yes, absolutely Because we do we At least in previous events We've been very lucky to have some Yeah, a little bit of the film sack Yeah, film sack That's right, yes, thank you Yeah, yeah But especially like for shade and stuff Who stays up in the middle of the night About five in the morning Yeah, I really want to make sure That people who work that damn hard To hang out with us Can at least arrive And yeah It was a little frustrating But We're on the internet again In this shade, everybody has to wear something fantastic For shade? Oh, speaking of shade Because she's always dressed fantastic Yeah, because she's as well as fantastic But really it's for It's for me It's for me And the necessity It is nice If you want to get on camera You've been to be fan playing Multiple wardrobe changes Always impress me That's true Um But yeah If you could have some sort of Beverage next to you And fantabulous outfit Bow ties are welcome Please Yes, bow ties most particularly For the gentlemen, that That really does make me happy Speaking Very happy about a monocle Speaking of fancy pants actually Oh wait, can I just say Hugh last time? He wore a tap hat Yeah, that was very, he was dapper Yeah, it was from his wedding Which is so wonderful So wonderful Okay, continue A man I would also suspect To wear a tap hat Three-day fish Totally This week we have a fantastic return of our Oh, it's weird A sushi friend Fresh fish A new batch of cinematic pulp With the always listening Three-day fish Hey, Flashguys Three-day fish here Oh, you've heard correctly Three-day fish is back He's gonna try and do more reviews In the coming weeks But here's the one for today We have Tomorrow the world Hey, maybe that came out in 1945 Is based on a play that came out in 1943 Uh, this is the basic plot So we got Uncle Mike Who brings back his German nephew From Nazi Germany Who was recently orphaned because You know, the Nazis that killed his dad However A meal Is nephew Was part of the Nazi youth And, obviously, when he gets here He's a little Nazi And he's such a Nazi that he just got a love It's just that kind of Nazi, you know what I mean? Uh, we got Uncle Mike's daughter, Pat Who between her and a meal Like, this is really why you want to watch the movie Uh, one because a meal such a Nazi, Pat Is just the adorable 1940s 11-year-old girl A year old girl, I don't know how well they are They're little kids, okay They're in that little kid phase Most of this movie is 1940s kid shenanigans The best kind of kid shenanigans I don't think you can beat that, really And things get clap-mactic on a meal's birthday because Pat catches him stealing Uncle Mike's keys to get into his study And get into his desk Because he's got top secret American military information in his desk for some reason And she's like, I'm going to tell him you And he's like, uh, no you're not So he cracks her across the skull With a fire poker But then he realizes he messes up And he's on the run And three of Pat's school boyfriends Not like boyfriends, like school boys that are her friends Yeah, anyway, anyway They show up Because they were bribed to come in because no one wanted to show him to a meal's birthday And they find out what happened, so They go into the woods to hunt him down And by the end of it all Our little Nazi friend is reformed And he sees the errors of his ways And the whole time this is going on though Uncle Mike he's engaged to a school teacher And of course having a Nazi in the house is going to mess with your engagement plans. I mean, it gets a little crazy But yeah, uh, I'll give this movie a green light Uh It definitely when you're watching it you get a you get a theatrical play type feel Just because It's based on that, but it's the dialogue the dialogue you're like, uh, this sounds like a play And then uncle mike has this wonderful little patriotic speech at the end when Little oatmeal is reformed So anyway, like I said fish is back. He's gonna try and do this more often I missed you guys And I hope you guys didn't forget about fish That's all always listening We missed you two fish. It was so great to have you back. I'm also Unfortunate that you're apparently being shelled by the Germans. Oh, yeah I guess that was for this review. Yeah Anyhow, sounds like a very interesting film. I haven't seen this one. I'm I mean, you know how crazy I am for Nazis. Yeah, I love nazis Well, I said how crazy I am for nazis. So it doesn't really imply like crazy. Good. It's just crazy. So now you just now You just like that you love not I feel like uh, you need to end that statement with the uh The cat that that that didn't get exact no the kill bill uh Attack sound noise, you know what I mean? We've watched that Han Solo clip not long ago jessica actually let's just do this Just repeat your line. Let's just do this. I'm crazy for nazis Uh, huge thanks fish so nice to have you back. It is never go away again Yes, and we've got uh some planning we're doing on the side with actually maybe it's me in person But anyhow actually Next up remaining on an article theme. We have an entry from our man pig heart Oh, I have to read this don't I okay I know you're gonna get really lads to back it up As soon as you say gary you're like right in the mic I'm keeping all of it Greetings you sweet canadians Ever you I much canadian with bacon in me brain thinkings Good as do I or with the sweet juice you trees bitchesle Into bottles Very slowly those trees bitches a little into bottles. They also have a jazzle into bottles. I don't know Yeah, but that's a little bit more bling Uh Ah How I dreams oh the taste of porcine goodness while I bob upon the waves Tis a rare flavor matched only by the toasting of island folk Provided you close your eye. Let's just see their barbers and spoiling illusory magic As for the sweetness of ye trickly tree we It would be a welcome addition to the tea brewed by Monte McBubo that most lepers of chefs Tis not enough that we endure a lack of property. Yes, he But he makes his own from the shavings of his crusted sores. Oh, oh Tis not the same Perhaps a spot of Canada's maple syrup would make the mornings tall more than a spa Ah, that's disgusting. I feel I ought to contribute to young gerds breakfast survey In light of me former bat. Oh, good. My breakfast this day was an adolescent bear jellyfish It's guts snorted out with a straw and refilled with a compound of apple and tuna crumble followed by a seagull cut in a crossfire Wow, that's really specific was not pleasant No doubt. I'm a preference for roasted demi pig with a slice of cheese Offset by two degrees north and a mug of coffee brewed in the thickness of pitch Any little tea I'll leave you now with a gentle tail. Let me father Captain pig heart's paternal adventure Gar as I sit here with a pot of crude coral rum and me peg leg resting on the table behind me I'm minded to recall a day most dear to me black and twisted heart The sun was bright in the sky Silhouette in the gulls that wheeled overhead The sound of me playmates laughter was on the breeze along with the endless clack of buttons in their bins It was just one more idyllic day at the merciful monk's manufacturing orphanage I'd been left there as a mere babe with all me limbs wrapped up in a pirate's hat At the age of four I'd only just mastered the sewing of buttons until ladies unmentionables But in time I'd be skilled enough to stitch boots of high fashion for gentlemen The sunny day was barely visible through the high windows But the summery atmosphere which you might consider a shoe midden close unpleasant even within Was suddenly split by a tremendous thundering No, it was not the portly lad chained to me left For smoke was rising outside and the walls shook more than was common Amidst the screaming and the sharp tang of something I'd one day know his gunpowder There came a hammering at the door to our workshop The doors flew inwards a man stood between him Reaved in smoke with pistols in both of his fists His beard was tasseled with the skulls of mice and sea beasties and his eyes had a glaze of madness upon him It was the first time where ever laid eyes upon me father captain Abraham C flange He made an impression I can tell you His eyes fell upon me which explained the glaze for they were made up porcelain As he poured the ground hopelessly his hands fell heavily upon me fine pirate hat Which dwarfed me child like head it is true as a child. I had the head of a child With a roar sea flange sees me up and ran blindly through the workshop He was strong in head and hand. He used them both to smash his way out towing me behind him like a dinghy After some time and with the aid of me youthful sight he took me aboard his ship the vision of ugliness He'd heard tell of me birthed and subsequent vending to the merciless manufacturing monks But could not bear the thought of his blood engaged in such drudgery My heart swelled with belonging and warmth Not at least on account of the rum the captain had tipped into me to dull me squalling He was to teach me all he knew and all that I would know about piracy But first we had to escape the monk's blockade It was the monk's last desperate effort to prevent me father leaving with their best button stitcher The bulk of their wealth and a boxer lady's fancy goods. Me fathers a mean multitasking captain They'd piled the orphans into boats and punted them out into the harbor's mouth Ah, they misjudged me piratical papa He plowed with a plaintive cries dashing the boat into shocked sized smithereens In later years we'd lose legs together and go a whore in an exotical port But just then I was gazing at the mismatched buttons It jammed into his eye sockets and wondering if it need him stitched Gah, I loved me father the noble captain seaflange for he made me the pirate. I am today That is so touching You can find well, thank you captain as always Yeah, I love next work. It's the details. Anyhow, I don't know that When's daddy and everything captain see rescuing him from the orphanage? Uh Fantastic work. You can find all of the captains brings a tear to me patch You can find all of his writings over at captain pick art calm and you can follow him on twitter at the same We actually have another two more stories, although We have the return of duck as real Nice season two episode three coming up in a moment But I did want to note before we get to the back end that we have another mobster story coming up in the yard of narration. Oh, yes Well, I'm not so much a story. Well, we do have a little surprise coming up. Yes, and I'm squeaking all over myself But speaking of uh, I suppose Happening here duck lose back for another round. I'm really enjoying this fresh run Good I'm quite excited to see what he's cooked up for this I love how this one's kind of tying into the mob game that we had which I'm thinking we should maybe host another one soon But also while the Peter Parker situation. Anyway, there's been a lot of enjoyed so far this season once we have the New site set up. Maybe we should set them up. Yes, I believe we will have to inaugurate the new form with a mafia game Absolutely. I don't know that duck blue has the time to run it. I don't want to presume on his uh, no, but Although I did greatly enjoy this game. Mm-hmm Now that's listening to some more of a story *sad music* *sad music* *sad music* *sad music* *sad music* *sad music* *sad music* Previously Doc Azrael intervened in a high school field trip And now for the next episode of Doc Azrael angel of death season two unnatural selection May my rest be plagued by the nine fires of Hades Doc Azrael cursed himself He had allowed his attentions to be diverted by a side project and while distracted he had lost two valuable soldiers in his war One step forward and two steps back. I shall have to settle the scales with the responsible parties Elsewhere Ronald Corley nursed his aching head He had spent the better part of the morning as the verbal punching bag of one Cecil Essel Groth The kidnapping at the natural history museum had occurred a little less than a week ago And if the dozen people abducted only three walked out alive And much to Essel Groth's dismay his son Harold was not among them This was not an auspicious start to his promotion Not only had Corley failed to prevent the death of nine civilians, but he had lost his predecessor According to the survivors par had died on the third day of their confinement Anakin his office door interrupted surgeon Carly who's more Musings Sir the media is waiting A new hire officer Wendell poked his head through the threshold Should I send them away Ronald sighed and straightened his black arm band no no i'm coming It was time to make a statement to the press this day just kept getting better Doris Corley was worried for her husband They both knew the promotion to sergeant was going to be stressful But a kidnapping and multiple murders so soon into his tenure was going to make him look bad to the public Worse yet he was going to be harder on himself than anyone else could be The young mother decided to take things into her own hands But first she was going to need to find someone to take care of little Robbie Professor Acton busied himself reviewing Jimmy Keenan's personal effects hmm Four orphans three dead five individuals with criminal connections four dead that leaves three and Yes Two of them have these interesting golden triangles Salvador examined the lapel pin in the light I wonder if mr. Oldman has one of these as well Ah an excellent entry really punting along some plot items. I believe nicely done soon And uh just as a weird side note oddly Excellent audio too. I don't know what you changed in your first this time, but it sounded fantastic Yeah, your mic is really nice. I mean your work's always good, but that was super clear man You can find more of doc blues uh items over at strange cells dot I don't I don't push that one enough so Definitely head over there. Yeah Uh, guess what? What? Oh, I can't believe I spoke for it. How many of these have we done 84? Would be in the mailbag mr. Gerd Before we get into the meat of things, uh, I just wanted to remind you that you can send your comments questions or suggestions to comments at Yeah, now regarding we were talking about Hannibal And psycho and how they may or may not relate to Dexter and psychos on television Um savage blend actually noted something to me Uh, you may not know these. Oh, he says You may know these fun factoids already, but Hannibal is shot in Toronto and has kids in the hall. Um scott thompson in it And we have not I feel like You know the show is so heavy on food and candy and i'm so hungry right now and every time I think of savage line. I think Moogies yeah, the mob meat meet up, but that's really wasn't me it's interesting to hear that scott thompson is Uh taking on a certain Hannibal the cannibals. That is awesome. Actually. Yeah. Oh, I assume it's a series We should find out where they film and what days they do and then go and then like stock them You know what if we weren't covered in children, we might actually do this Or if I was allowed to drive. Okay. Well, you're so hungry. We will try some of the candy It was a pope's pick and she picked pretty pink candy penises. Oh the Okay, since since jamie just pointed out Um, these are valentines candies and some of them are shaped like hearts And some of them are shaped like what I was assuming are supposed to be arrows. I love really look like penises Um, is this from the valentine penises the heart shaped straws box? Yes Now this the company sour penises the company is actually truly they're Truly valentine mixed sour gummy candy But the fact that it's called truly makes me think that strawsberg bought this from some specialty site online Where they yeah, they're actually trolling they're actually penises and they well. No, the candy will taste disgusting or something I bet you I'm I'm assuming it's actually a company. I bet you this would be really good in the fridge I know that I say that a lot about candy But I really like something with a good chew, you know, and these look kind of gummy Give me some of the where's the penis. I just want to go straight for the penis I don't know. I'm not comfortable with that. I just want one though Mmm. I like it when my candy taste like medicine Oh, yeah, it's my brother. Why? It's very squishy This strawberry flavor is like bubble-licious strawberry I took the you can rarely find that I'm impressed. Is it unsaward? That's actually quick. It I like that we get to follow that up with boogers. Yeah. Yeah, I think the box The last of the what we've been calling the zebra box Oh my god, what are we gonna do with the box because like Every time there's a box, we just add it to the pile of boxes. I feel like once Occasionally we have items to ship out to mobsters I feel like we should retain the box and spread the box around. I think Um, but I feel like there's more value to that cardboard, you know, like we can't do that to the box Oh my god. It does have my soul Speaking of mobsters who deserve gifts. I believe we have a Ramble and Amble from tibi rambling while ambling in Oregon number three Review of the first season of king of the nerds on the sci-fi channel interesting concept You get I think it was 12 players competing against each other First they're in groups. There's two groups that you divide the players onto the groups compete uh, then two people at the end compete against each other and the loser of that competition loses and goes home The players were all rather young. I thought I would like to have seen more of a diversity in age I was disappointed on the last episode because until then Everything was skill based all the competitions were based on skill Well, except for the very first episode when you were picking the teams it was your typical the odd person The one really odd person didn't get picked, but then she got some power over the two teams Unfortunately, I think that backfired I think she became kind of a scapegoat until she eventually lost her nerd off and had to leave the house Aside from that We got down to two semi-finalists and then the People who had left the house all got to come back and voted for who they thought was the king of the nerds Which highly disappointed me because the person who won the popularity contest was not the person I thought really even should have been there She really lucked out. She was just always kind of in the middle of the pack I was always someone a little worse than her so She didn't get picked for nerd offs Yeah, a lot of it to me was just blind luck and then at the end They just didn't go with the person who really I think was the person who showed the nerdiness of her of her medal Maybe they'll address that later. I don't think a show About nerds Should have any kind of a popularity contest in them Okay, so that was my one bone to pick all in all really imaginative tests Introduced I think a lot of people who maybe hadn't heard of things like cosplay Or nerd songs songs about nerd them um to those concepts got to see a lot of stars as judges george decay was one uh kevin smith Oh and uh Well, I don't remember their their their names But they're two women who do really cool songs and comedy and I think it was like garf funkel And something that was fun watching them be judges. Anyways, that's my review if you If it uh repeats, I'd say catch it They're casting the second season So it would be interesting to see if they keep up the creativity of the test Or if it just kind of go downhill because this is the second season and they've run out of ideas. Okay, that's the end of my ramble And my ambling will continue on Over and out Oh my god, titty. I'm so glad you reviewed this. Yeah, actually At the uh, it's really specific for us. Exactly. Uh, we actually saw when it first started coming out Oh, there's this show king in the mirror. It looks like it might be fun And uh, we have this habit of watching things with the kids while we eat Usually it's something like uh, mythbusters or something like that But we thought, oh, maybe this will be a good show to watch with them Our dilemma was okay. We haven't actually seen this show. Is it? Portraying geeks and good night or we didn't want to Yes, exactly. We didn't want the mocking Yeah, and we haven't gotten around to watching the first episode and determining whether it's good for You know, but we have the full run of the season, I think on the pVR. Well that and G is really been enjoying the tng. So it's hard to pull them away from that That's true. Yeah, but um, it's really good to hear that it's it's more or less a good show I don't really like the popularity aspect like you say, but yeah, that's kind of poorly thought Can I actually Push up my nerd glasses here for a second? The end of the show king of the nerds Is to instate a democracy and allow them to vote on a leader. That would be President of the nerds. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Um, but you know what I was pleased with hearing A lot of the times when she was referring in pronouns. She was using she her Um, it was nice to see that there is a Basis of the female geek in the show. Yeah. Yeah, it's not just like total dude Yeah, yeah, screwed dudes. Yeah, that's not cool. Well, no, but like it's nice to see Yes, it's nice to see a good gender representation. You know, so yeah, I'm happy with that And I think you know, it's something that we totally could watch with kids Uh, so thanks tibi and you can actually find tibi's previous rambling amos and some other items over at Okay, so I need to collect your opinions. Mm-hmm. I'm filled with opinions. Yeah, the box of boogers Oh, oh, okay. The flavor was constantly changing from one bad thing to worse. Okay. I want to point out firstly Charity smelt them and it was very upset about it. Yeah, it was very floral I took yeah, like a like a Lysol like a novelty soap that you would leave in addition. Your mother or grandmother would leave in addition pot Pory. Thank you. I took a couple of bites And then sort of let it sit in the middle of my tongue while I gathered enough saliva to be able to swallow it Or without biting it again. It really was terrible And I think that we may actually have another package of boogers This I want to fish them out and like see if they're in this bed Uh This was the last as we mentioned. This was the last candy item out of that box. Mm-hmm. Do you think it was a final act of spite? Maybe maybe we would choose the boogers last It's funny that we actually have the box before it still available with candy. I don't know how that happened Just where it's sitting. Oh, yeah. There's tons of candy left so much candy Fortunately, they don't all taste like boogers Bigger's but don't ever do that again. That was really terrible. I didn't like you know the next box We get is gonna be like totally full of boogers Just out of spite, but real ones. Yeah So tippy was actually Sorry not to suddenly change the topic. No, no tippy was Mentioning previously my last question if you recall the last flashcast was asking about regional music Yes, yes, and I got some good answers. I mean it was a lot of what you would expect in a lot of cases So, I'm not going to go into that too much, but I did find tippy's answer for organ very interesting She said it was essentially punk and folk music Oh, that's interesting. That's what you get. No, if you even have folk punk Yeah Now I think Strasburg meant this as a response to This question that was definitely my impression, but who knows what Strasburg is thinking But yeah, there no man can say but It also brings up my next question. So first let's take a little sample of the song he was suggesting. Okay One eight seven seven cars for kids K a r s cars for kids One eight seven seven cars for kids donate your car today One eight seven seven cars for kids K a r s cars for kids One eight seven seven cars for kids Don't make your car today also on the web at So I think what Strasburg is trying to tell us is that uh the song of his people being specifically new jersey Are ketchy radio jingles? I want to know where the vacation is over. It says three-naves jersey three-nights vacation It's in jersey. It's specifically in a strip club in jersey The back room But you got to work for it. No, um, that's where they keep the towels That's why it's charity. So this of course immediately raised the next question. So many questions Well, yeah, I mean it there's always questions around Strasburg, but in this instance I would really enjoy hearing people's, uh, local commercials, especially the ones that everyone in that area knows You should add like one of those pembroke commercials for like zap toys Totally And we've discussed this pembroke commercial There's this one of my childhood if I can find it. Oh, man Next episode because we're gonna come back to this so you dig it up for next episode I'll I'll try to locate one for my youth, but Honestly didn't have tv in your youth. I don't think uh, yeah Just didn't not where you were. Yeah, so We'll see Anyhow, thanks a lot Strasburg Yeah, thanks a lot Strasburg in regards to a couple episodes back actually the onion night Uh, Dylan Orion on twitter. Yes He sent over a sporting some lovely pigtails today. Yeah. Well, he's he's actually in the middle of a excellent charity effort to I believe he's shaving his head. Yes And his hair well and his beard, but I don't think he's donating his beard So if you if you hear this early enough, you can probably head over to his twitter feed at Dylan Orion and he'll have a link in there Yeah, it's for fighting childhood cancer So he sent over a note about the beast of braid road, which is apparently something he was common Okay. He was the beast of braid road. He was the beast of braid road. Wow. He's in everything For my reading of the Wikipedia article. It comes across as very much a Bigfoot sort of situation But everyone is convinced for whatever reason local to the mythology that it is a werewolf Oh, okay, tourist dollars. That's interesting. Whatever the case and this came up originally I think in the 70s No 80s on a rural road outside elk horn, Wisconsin So although apparently now it's grown well beyond that and people coming up with stories because I love People online now do this on purpose where they'll have the creepy pasta or whatever They'll create You've never heard that term before. No, okay, so you'll have something like the slender man Which is a myth entirely born online and everyone contributes people photoshop pictures People make youtube videos with supposed slender man sightings and create this legend Doesn't actually come like come from anywhere. No, it was somebody on a forum who came up with an idea usually these things start as um Somebody trying to pass it off as a real thing like look at this urban legend or whatever and then but once people figure out I don't I don't know who we do something. Yeah, I don't know these Met people, but there's another one chrystraub created something called candle cove Are you familiar with this? So it was like a It's from his he has a larger series of the town Uh, which is essentially haunted, but he had this fake television show And he presented it as a form chat in which everyone remembered this television show But it's highly implied through anecdotal stories that there was no actual show. It's essentially just an extensive haunting via television and the last episode was How is it so cool? How is it described? It's it's essentially just a clip of the main character crying and then cutting to People screaming and then cutting to just all these random creepy items But also mixing in the original kid show that they thought they were watching. Oh, that is so creepy And so people take the idea They took the idea I should say and they created little videos and they started up their own little forms And sometimes when people are really working hard on these creepy pastas They'll go to a form. They'll sneak in the back door essentially And then they'll bring up the subject and start talking about it and try to draw other people in because To get back to what I was originally talking about Even before we had the internet and we were doing this on purpose, which I think we have for a long time I think that's exactly what crop circles are. Yeah, I think that People come forward with every town with a lake beside it has a myth about a lake monster Uh, and it's people collaboratively providing evidence that doesn't really I love that like In a way they're trying to convince others, but in a way they're also like just writing a better story Because for so long it's just the same bullshit all the time that it's nice that everyone can agree Okay, this is bullshit, but let's write the best story. We can well the interesting thing about things like the slenderman Is that some of the the better images rise to the top? You'll see them on tumblr more often. You'll see them distributed Whereas the ones that fail a little bit are obviously the ones that don't get passed around Mm-hmm. It's the same with the video. Yeah, and you're working on the idea because there's so many brains on it Yeah, it's not like some urban legend. It's a kind of collective detective idea. Mm-hmm I like it, but the beast of ray road most of the sightings as I've skimmed through this report They're just you know your standard kind of Bigfoot sightings, but there was a film in 2002 If I can't well at least it arrived in 2002 although it was supposedly made in the 70s It became known as the gable film. Okay. Okay. Yeah, and it was supposedly You know, it's kind of a big another big book. Yeah, it was another Uh sort of Bigfoot film at first Okay, let me find the Wikipedia entry here Near the end of the film the person videotaping is writing down a remote dirt road Where when he stops and goes out to check what looks to be a huge bulky creature on all fours The creature suddenly runs after the cameraman who tries to run away before there's a rustling and a brief shot of teeth and fangs And then the camera falls to the ground so Yeah, and you know random found evidence tape. This actually No, uh, so random. Yeah, so random uh This would have Struck me these days honestly as a viral marketing ploy Because this showed up on I believe youtube or something to that effect And it was just like oh goodness. Look at this But nowadays I would totally think that it was just sci-fi making a movie about some sort of killer Mm-hmm. Yep, but a second tape appeared A second film was quote-unquote discovered and showed a police investigation after the cameraman in the first mail Found dead police camera pans over to two officers examining the body Which is revealed to have been torn in half by whatever attack the cameraman Impost to several kryptos zoology and related forms a user identified as Don Coyote Awesome state of that he knew a relative of the dead body in the film Said that the officer saw something that was apparently very traumatic the officer lost his mind began rambling dogs have four toes bears have five da-da-da-da very Again, I would continue to think this is a marketing campaign Anyway, apparently for years debate reached about whether the films were real or not And then finally in 2010 somebody from a monster quest on the history channel Got around to poking it and it immediately popped like the guy who filmed it and faked the whole thing It was like it was pretty comfortable stepping forward. I mean like I did it Is that gay? But apparently it's had some you know mentioned on that sort of history channel monster quest and Loose monstery Monster monster shows. There's a real hunger for something monstery Monster everybody wants something a little magical in their life, right? And I think that's where these creepy pastas come from where this where does the creepy pasta? Oh, let's not get into it. I don't understand where that comes into play Anyhow, thanks a lot Dylan. Yeah Now I believe it's time for Are you a dassy? Hope So um I'm doing this thing a song on sunday I'm not telling you what it is, but it is like planned. It is what it is And another song pretty well, you're teasing it because you were saying this is one of the first songs you ever That's right Recorded is it is it like a song that you wrote? No, okay, because I remember the first song that Like you wrote and you recorded I wish you would play more of your songs anyhow You listen this is what I want to do. Let me do what I want to do. It'll be yeah Um, you bumbling wizard You're a wizard Harry It's a song that I know really well So it was just a matter of like learning the guitar stuff, but because I know it so well I'm able to mess with it more Then something that you are vocally familiar with but you haven't played before. Yeah I think I just assumed that you had done it before but no I think I have an inkling of what you're doing Considering it. I walked in on you the other day playing guitar and you said what are you playing? And I said this song So I'm pretty excited if that's the one because I had some I'm kind of struggling because I can do it Just as the original, but I don't think I'm gonna and I thought that I would Well, because I know that it was enjoyed maximally Uh doing it the original way. I see I see but oh because you've done it enough times in public places that yeah Very interesting. Okay. Well, but I don't think I'm gonna do that at all I'm excited to see what happens Wow, I actually worked on a a little project with um one of our mobsters this week Our very own shade wrote a very lovely poem And she asked me to look it over and so I got so excited about it while I was looking over That I recorded a copy of me Nairing the poem and I sent it to her and I'd like to share that with everybody because I think the poem was really quite fantastic And I really loved it and I'd really loved her encouraged shade to write some more What I really liked about this poem is um She mentioned to me that uh, it's actually a recurring dream that she has And that's what her inspiration was it's this carnival And I know I had I had a little bit of back and forth with her where we sent some pictures And it's like this very sort of dark creepy Carnival feeling to it. So if you want to add that uh at that mp3 now jane I'd love to share with everybody The more you die the more the carnival grows Said the ticket vendor to the safest ride we remember seeing It was scary how right that was No matter how many times we died, we would always come back To the carnival No matter how much we tried to stay awake When we fell asleep We came here to die Forever Every one of our family and close friends We're here with us forever Dying One way or another Through starvation to sickness going down the path behind the ride Riding the ride itself To being killed by one of our family members who snapped We always died We knew we would eventually become like the people Or What we thought were people Forever wandering this carnival Empty in the eyes Like people we can't quite remember People we passed by in the street in the real world Someday We would be forgotten And we would wander forever Not dying But lost Empty The carnival Forever Dying Very nice. Excellent work. Yes. I loved that poem. It was so very full of emotion Yeah, and I really liked how She was saying that It's a it's a very sort of deep and scary world That she's into whenever she dreams about this place Um, she feels like she goes to sleep and she's there this carnival that you know It's a sort of crazy place, but she's always dying there right and it's kind of Intense because she wakes up remembering that she just died And in the dream knowing that you're going today. Yeah, exactly. So it takes a little bit of Getting used to cut, you know, it's a dream that she keeps having and having And it's like she's conscious, but she's aware that she should be dead at the same time. So very pleasant Yeah quite intense, but Thank you. Makes for a great approach. Yeah, makes for a great piece of work. So, thank you so much shade. Thank you for sharing that with us Backroom plots I just wanted to touch briefly on the joe monk that we actually just released. Oh, I love that one. I loved how it ended Uh Act two joes in a fairly narrow timing. Mm-hmm, but I wanted to well In relation to the history. Yeah, it's not a series that I Touch on often there's never going to be a joe alone book. Yeah, no like three-part joes, but at the same time I My idea when approaching his rise to uh, galactic empire is a lot the roberty howard Conan stories would jump around into these different times and conans Ascent to power because in the end of conans life, he's king conan He's got this excellent empire, you know, he's basically a story for another day. Yeah Exactly so And you'll note that little tweak whenever I open those stories. It's always Well before he was, you know, thinking of everything anyhow Uh, time in But something about the legitimacy Oddly a man with similar initials roberty hindland They're off the stories themselves are off They're kind of characters of that like That story. I mean there's so many of his books where it was essentially the you know, there's an orphan And he gets picked up by an old guy who teaches him some things and then he Different things happen and he eventually, you know becomes Someone of the note. Yeah And it's definitely following that arc, but at the same time it's not something that I have enough ideas come to me that are solid That I could be doing it constantly You know what I really liked about this episode that I mean, maybe it's correlation that you meant and maybe it's not I don't know, but You have this sort of ongoing procession in your ais Um, I don't know I By the laugh you're giving me and the look I assume you knew exactly what i'm talking about But there has been that one security system that trapped somebody in basement and killed them That was an ai there was that one Robot that accidentally killed somebody Um, there's been ai that saved people's lives. Yeah, yeah But there's been progression throughout the flashpaulp universe and there has been hints that okay, this is 2.0 of this one that was here before And I feel like the spaceship one directly links back to that connection with earth And i find that really interesting Yes, it is and I know tibi had actually mentioned recently that uh, she feels like Wait a minute. Joe monk is the last human Yeah, whatever the rest of us. So it'd be interesting Well, and he's also the beginning though, right? Yeah, how we affected the rest of the galaxy and that you know, the spinesians have these ships that have this ai Where we know that that kind of technology was present on earth and how do i get from Joe monk being the last human to the spinesian There's technology without saying too much. There are so many little Like ishmael my ishmael jokes. There's a little more to that than just being a man. Wait, just call him ishmael. Oh, okay ishmael Yeah, actually, you know what that was kind of it was kind of a moment in the reading of that episode that I had to I had to stop and be like, okay Because I find and maybe this is just like star trek that i've watched But I find when there is a computer voice. I automatically think Enterprise lady voice. Yes And so to have the spinesians say oh, no, I call him ishmael and to say him And ishmael being male male name. I was like, oh, I have to make this computer a dude I'm not used to that said to go back. I'm like change that. You know, that's interesting. Yeah There's also a line about sandwiches. Anyway, I think some more enemies in the sandwiches Sometimes the easiest way to sneak in details is to make them look ridiculous. Yeah, that's all i'm gonna say Uh But i've had some positive feedback about that episode. I really appreciate it. Yeah, I really enjoyed that He really like it really makes such a big difference his day after a story and people like say something about it So please please send in your comments and you know where you could give me that random pen on the back Where uh skinner co on twitter as jrd skinner Or you could also give uh jesica may some compliments over her excellent audio engineering or me or a pope Uh, well, yes, you can find jesica may uh the jesica may Yeah, don't cut off my my props Uh a pope an ex as a pope an ex with a zero zero p o p a n a x See, I even spell it. Wow you're patient enough to even spell it this episode Huge thanks to jim. Thank you jim for hosting and We appreciate it like so much Enjoy the show tell a friend really enjoy the show. 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