The Skinner Co. Network

FC83 - Booze Yacht

Broadcast on:
14 Mar 2013
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Prepare yourself for: Meth syrup, undercover lovers, psycho television, loving robots, folk tales, and Blackhall.

Read the full show notes at

Some days glue me, my hours are slumberless Dearest the shadows I live with by nonetheless Little wife flowers will never awaken you Not where the bright coach of sorrow lands taking you Angels have no fire of evolution in you Or they'll be angry if I sort of join you Ooh, sunday Hello and welcome to Flashcast 83, a Skinner Co presentation Skinner Co, we want to believe This episode is also brought to you by generous donations From the always wondrous Juju click and the Katan Ninja Colorado Joe Many thanks! If you'd like to sponsor an episode, please feel free to use the donate button on the site But now, prepare yourself for "Meth's are Up!" Undercover lovers, psycho television, loving robots, folktales, and black hole Death is no dream for a death I'm caressing you With the strength of my soul, I'll be blessing you Glue me, sunday Hi, I'm Opopenax, and joining in Staring at the Sky above the port Which was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel I'll just come back Hello, I'm Jaredie Ola, alright, I got a little bit of true crime to start the episode We're going to start with the light one because the heavy one's going to be much more unpleasant So, meth labs? In an entertaining way Meth labs? Common problem Meth lab, yeah, please Ok, yeah Although, sometimes not as nefarious as they seem A Union County family, this is from And I'll post it in the show, as always A Union County family got the scare of their lives on Wednesday morning As drug agents swarmed onto their property I heard the dogs barking, and I knew that meant somebody was outside the house at Laura Benson And I looked at the windows, and I seen a truck Yes, seen I seen a truck coming up the driveway fairly fast And an Anna police car right behind it At first Laura says she thought her son had done something wrong Then she says she couldn't believe her years when she heard the drug agent say this They had a report of a meth lab going on in our property And they wanted to investigate So the one, Benson's gladly showed the officers what they were really doing Making their own maple syrup That's so Canadian of them To be busted for a meth lab Yeah, that's kind of like I could see that barrels and piping and Mapleness I would like love for that to happen to me If that was, you know, like just them coming in And then it being something like so friendly and sweet Oh no, it's our maple syrup You also maple syrup The lady speaking of Taffy In the snow, you want some Taffy in the snow? Another quote from the lady "I think my neighbors on their way to church see the buckets and stuff And think we've got a meth lab or a meth lab operation going on here And neighbors on the way to church I just want to put their minds at ease and let them know it's maple syrup And that they're all welcome for pancakes if they want to come on over Oh god Oh my god I'd be like screw you, I'm eating all the pancakes because you've done that It's all my meth syrup, I mean maple syrup Yes, they put meth in their syrup because they want to teach them a lesson Everyone feeling good? Everyone happy? Pretty funny story? Yes Yes Now it's time for All right, so have you heard about the undercover cop story taking place in Britain right now? No, wait, we just watched Sky 5 I know I'm like, were there a bunch of agents that were outed and now they're around the world and danger? Yeah, every day or whatever Every time I'm out Or every week Whatever it was Yeah I don't follow that YouTube channel anymore Anyhow, this is an article from BBC getting in the show notes Yes So yeah We've all seen films, Donnie Brasko comes to mind immediately But I mean there's a whole genre of them When I think of them The officer goes undercover Yes But he becomes so embroiled in his life He becomes more passionate for the life of crime Yes, it becomes difficult Well, clearly not Point break, Keanu Reeves, thank you Oh, yes, excellent choice Not all temptations though, of course, are illegal ones It's not to say that everything about that lifestyle You know, it's not like they're constantly like I wish I still have the drugs Yes But sometimes And as in this case taking place in Britain right now There's a flip side to that Because there are apparently testimonies coming forth To which Undercover police officers Specifically This article at least centers around a fellow Who was embedded with an environmental protest group Okay You're following me So it was basically a fellow Making sure the hippies weren't going to Start making films or something Six years he spent undercover Okay Five of those living with a woman named Lisa Okay, was she hippie? She was part of the environmental group She was one of the main players in the group Oh my god She did not know he was an undercover officer Oh, for years and years So he's like No, baby, I loved you from the start It's like that lousy old chair He just disappeared one day And She was like What happened to my boyfriend? And of course that's out He's like Yeah, undercover agent Well, okay Let me read some of this testimony she provided Wow Where is that? You imagine that somebody may be in public meetings That environmental groups have You imagine there may be somebody listening in there You could even imagine that your phone might be tapped For that somebody might be looking at your emails But to know that there was somebody in your bed for six years That somebody was involved in your family to such a gree That was an absolute shock Well, shock is an understatement It felt like the ground had shifted beneath me And my sense of what was a reality And what wasn't was completely turned on its head And then No doubt Yeah Because you'd have friends together You'd wonder who you could trust She continues Who was listening in on our most intimate phone calls Who saw our holiday photos? Was there anybody following us when we were on holiday? Who made the decisions About what happened to my life Where I was allowed to go Who I was allowed to see Which I thought was my free will But actually was being manipulated by this person Who was being controlled by other people Which is a really interesting idea, right? Like He's maybe suggesting they go Hey, let's go to the rally These certain things are a push certain people Yeah And then to consider that extending to vacation or something Yeah And the fact that he doesn't even say anything Like are you really that covert That you can't tell the hippie lady Who you've been with for five years That you're going away That's bullshit There's a series of ladies who have come forth In this article Similar things happening But yeah I'm not going to read the whole article clearly But from another woman named Claire Nothing made sense of what had happened And so I went there desperate She's talking about going to Where her I believe boyfriends Or suppose boyfriend His parents had died And he was basically trying She was trying to figure out where her boyfriend had gone He just disappeared So she basically launched a missing person's case about it And she had very little to go on He had said that her parents were dead His parents were dead, sorry So I wasn't expecting to see the parents But I thought that if I went there He had been missing a person for however long And I was desperate to find him I was really concerned about his welfare Nothing made sense of what had happened And so I went there desperate Thinking I have to follow every clue that I have And I thought maybe some other members of the family Might still live there Or somebody might know where she Where he was So she just went searching for him Like thinking he was an actual missing person And she ended up finding him And realizing that he was a cop No, she learned later That he was a police officer I guess they eventually came forward And had to like tell her What did... Ugh, that's ridiculous I don't like that I didn't really hear that Yeah, sorry I'm done with believing that On to something happy here Maple syrup, meth lab That's hilarious That's so hard Taffy I'm the snore So although a little depressing That was all pretty pulpy To get more into fictional and happier Territories Please We discussed recently Maybe not all that recently But in a previous flashcast at least That it was probably about time For a re-vigoration of the Tarzan Franchise Because I think the last thing That was really done with it Was the Tarzan film If I recall correctly With the... Phil Collins Building in the front What's his name? Sting, was it Sting? Phil Collins? Phil Collins? Yeah, still Phil Collins Oh, I was making live action George of the Jungle I'm sorry Yeah, George of the Jungle Yeah, that's just a... Yeah, no Tarzan Disney Yeah, I think that anyhow Okay, so it's happening One of the directors of Harry Potter David Yates, I'm not familiar with him But apparently he's developing a new Tarzan movie At Warner Brothers But there hasn't been much more said about it I just... I'm not surprised But it seems like... It's Nicholas Cage, it's Tarzan Noooo Any piece, fire You're like, "What? I think I've seen this?" He pees fire vines That he uses to swing Yeah Uh huh Uh huh Uh Cause he has to save the declaration of independence There's a new speaking of cannibalized franchises actually You've heard about the... Actually, we've mentioned the new Hannibal series That's coming out Yes Yeah, there's a few horror series Series I that are coming out Well, that's actually something I wanted to just talk about briefly It seems odd to me that There's a Hannibal series coming out And a... Psycho series I think already in... Oh, because of that show right now That's on the TV No Oh, I guess so My feeling is that Dexter must have some part of that What were you going to say? American Horror? Yes, American Horror Story Well, I think that there's definitely... Because even they... Like, the structure of their show originally was different And then it became so popular in particular characters That it became like a morph into something else Like recurring characters Yeah But yeah, Dexter... Probably, right? That's HBO It's kind of real and gritty and all that Yep, I think that it probably made it okay Cause I can't think of any other... But it really seems to be like there's a bunch It was like a trickle before It was like ground breaking in now I can't think of a television psychopath It was allowed to kill people Yeah, that you were like... That he was the hero You know, you were hoping that he could talk Or the tagginess to the show at least Although we're... I find it very interesting And I feel like I somewhat predicted this a few years ago I feel... We've gotten to a point both in the economic downturn And sort of the cycle of civilization that's want to happen Where we almost returned to the 70s In that we're getting back to this weird gritty television situation going on Like our heroes are becoming anti-heroes again And there's a lot of breaking bad Kind of on the air and the wire And we're all looking at gritty in a pleasant time When usual people are put in unusual situations And it's not necessarily good Yeah It's like, well, you know At least my life is better than this shit Although it's odd because We're not doing the Charles Bronson death wish Kind of thing that happened in the 70s We're almost going in the flip side We're acknowledging these people are horrible We're acknowledging Dexter's not a good dude But at the same time We're rooting for them to kill the even worse guys Yeah, well, that's what you want, right? That's progress, I guess Knowing that the set goes Yeah I wonder if it'd be possible to go back and Re-cut death wish to just be This murder-strain page by an architect Anyway Yeah, yeah It's amazing how the era And certain Just aspects of life and culture at the time Really do affect the style Well, actually speaking of that We just watched "Drive" Not too long ago And that movie Although I think it aims for a certain amount of timelessness And the way it's shot And the way the sets and everything are produced At the same It really dug into that 80s vibe Like the electro pop soundtrack Even the title card with the pink drive And the goofball jacket That he's wearing all the time And the way things are conveyed with whimsy Like the scene and the When they're going down, oh, shoot Why does the name suddenly escape me? The LA water system The aqueducts Aqueducts, thank you They're driving down And it's just drenched with sunlight And the soundtrack swells And it's, you know, just full-out Electro pop, you know, synth Or the scene in "The Elevator" Which I don't want to get into too much in case I think the fact that they also slow down The scenes a little more Like there are silences between characters And you're noticing just different like facial changes And stuff And it's all really important to the story But it does kind of slow you down And consider things in a But it really helps underline when things happen Yeah, it tells the story Without having to actually tell The perfect example of the opposite of that Honestly is the other film that we started And stopped watching Which was once once once Which was just constant jarring noise Right off the start And I could not stand it I was having acid flashbacks And I've never even taken Took it I've never even took it No, I like took it better Yeah, it was like He'd go to punch somebody And it would have like seven different Angles of that same punch That would just flicker through In like a second But we Were like, why did we actually even get the game? I don't know, maybe It's just because I so Anticipate it to be horrible I was like, "A good instinct" No, I don't think so It was just It was grating, honestly We should try it with a glass of wine And see if we're a little Well, on the flip side of that Because honestly we watch a lot It's funny Because we watch a lot more terrible movies But there's like this in between Where it's like Not good, but not bad No, it has to be joyously bad There has to be a certain something To the awfulness There's still the well tailored suit Speaking of joyously bad bond movies Can I just Can I just mention that When we saw Skyfall It was hilarious Anytime they said anything Having to do with like Computers Because J.R.D. is just so funny Are you serious? Like what? No, the headers stripped the headers It was Guys, try, come on Rotate the 3D thing to try to figure out Anyways Did you really just dance? This one Like there's like They did a zoom in hands They did the like zoom in hands Not even just that But they had like They had this like model Of this like The underground sewage So like sewer system Yes And it's just like so intricate And then They're like Wait a minute This man in this word And then they're like Type in the word And then they're like You did it Yes, Bond notices something Yeah, and then it's just like Everything is solved Like everything is solvable Like all of the tubes And all of these cells It just sets me aligned Yeah, it becomes blue And everyone chairs It was definitely a Jurassic park I like it was Anyhow See that is the good kind of bad All of the doors are open As if in a place like that After you know like Like shit went bad Therefore you have to put Was it Am I six or Yeah Yeah Underground And yet you have one system Where you can lock all the doors With one button That's bullshit You can't be able to hack that Oh my god But to be to be fair We started that film It opened with a chase scene And that chase scene Was totally engrossing It carried you right into the movie And you didn't even know why They were chasing after each other You're like Oh that must be bad The hard drive Because M was so freaking out Let's just chase over this hard drive That's perfect I don't care Yeah Um But the fact that they would leave A dying agent It was like Holy shit This has got to be bad Yeah But uh Just a little note about Skyfall I don't We didn't look at the trivia But I really feel And if anybody has any further information on this I'd love to hear it There's a old Yeah Scottish man At the end of the film Kinkade Who I deeply believe Was supposed to be Sean Connery I think that role was entirely written for Sean Connery Yeah, the lines, the acting, everything The fact that he doesn't die Welcome to Scotland Yeah, totally Okay, so we're discussing How we're getting back In a weird way We're reverting to a 70 Sort of grittiness in our entertainment While still, you know We're trying to modernize it in our own way Are you guys aware that JJ Abrams I kid you not Is making a cop show With a robot Is it like a small happy robot Or like a mean Well, no But like In a different robo cop I No Like do we look with robo I believe the main character of the show is human But he has recently lost his Like squad or whatever His real partner And they give him a robot partner But what kind of robot is it? Is it like data style Where it's like Or a data robot Yeah I don't even know if they've gotten that far They have both the robot I love that we just want to know What's the robot? But what about the robot? Is his name Robbie? Can his name be ready? That was so wonderful I'm snailing my arms Carl Urban is going to be playing the man Like the robot The human lead He's the guy who played Judge Dred A new Judge Dred film Okay I'd like Stallone But I mean Listen Stallone plays the robot He has the voice voice J.J. Abrams I feel like we can mostly trust these days Yes I hope that he learned his lesson with loss But I mean a robot cop show What kind of I don't foresee this being a big mystery box They open the hatch at the end And it's heaven or whatever Yeah They open the hatch of the robot at the end And it's heaven And it's Robbie The robot is the mystery box Oh my god Your feet are so cold Yeah That's why I'm touching yours It's because you're a robot There's no blood in there Okay All right That's what we should call the episode Robbie I also just wanted to briefly touch on A piece by the Wall Street Journal on Hugh Howie Howie Mando No Hugh Howie The guy who wrote wool I think we're like Just trying to pronounce the name Hallew Hallew Hallew Toby too Toby woo No Hugh Howie He wrote wool He's written some other things Originally recommended to us by Rich I read it on my kindle It was fantastic Well I read it on my iPad But No, sorry Cobo Just get my plug correct Oh my god Anyhow Great book It was a series of interlinking Well it starts with a short story And then there's a second slightly longer story And it builds up The fifth one is basically a novel But he's collected the minisingle omnibus Very good There are a little few little plot holes That I bothered me slightly But everything about it was really engrossing So it wasn't a big deal There was it was odd to have the first Hugh stories constantly changing up characters Because there's a lot of turnover at first About who you're following The point of view changes very quickly But it does eventually as Rich put it It does eventually settle down Mr. Howie has apparently made over a million dollars On that A little e-book Wow I want to make a million dollars on any e-book Me too Me too Let's all make a million dollars And we'll have three million dollars I can't write stories guys Man I think we need to like Have a meeting about this Speaking of Just gonna call my outmates Um I uh was told by Dylan The Onion Knight Yep He actually picked my uh next Sunday song Oh yeah Yeah, you guys want to hear it? Yeah We choose some song Choose some spot Shoot the plot Do do wrong Do do song Do do wrong So believe we not Say that I don't believe what We do da shra La pa sa Da da ra La da shri La pa Da to sa sa Lidu wa wa Rei Shadda ha Shadda ha Bra Sa pa sa Shadda ra Sa pa no Shadda ha Lidu da Da to lidu da lidu da Lidu da lidu da La da shra Sue chardo Raw saw Raw saw Shadda ra Pa pa pa pa Okay, I couldn't Excellent suggestion Dylan I couldn't let that go by without doing a little bit of googling Shubi Taylor Apparently released a 14 track album in the early 80s I'm assuming it's sort of a vanity project Rebecca Black situation Although apparently he did Oh, I see you know what I had misread this I thought he had scatted on ink spot records As well as with Christy Lane But I believe he actually would just scat over the record As in as it was playing He would sing over top of it Um He apparently did Do an appearance of the Apollo theater 1983 He was booed off the stage Shortly after the beginning Yeah Shadda ra Raw saw Like after like the first five seconds I was just laughing my head off I don't think it's supposed to be comical Do you think this fellow would have been one of those people Who would show up at the start Of American Idol And would end up Oh William Hung He would have his moment Yeah, I see I'm wearing like a really flamboyant outfit And a big hat Like a top hat Very velvety We've got a little far away From the topic at hand However, but speaking of flamboyant costumes TNG rewatch We have been getting into the T Actually, you know what? Let's just go whole hog We've already started with the bad music Let us hear the TNG rap Come on, let's go The Enterprise is like a pleasure trip When it comes to picking out Your pet relationship If you're into angst and guilt Noncommittal flirtation Picard and Dr. Cracker will become your fixation It's a complicated friendship Not to mention The epitome of Ummer's all sexual tension A frustrating story I guarantee This is the ballad of Picard and Beverly The captain Picard And the deputy crush It bubble his love They could love a rough rush For people whose motto is to boldly go Is he not trouble with? Make it so I don't know how it will Having trouble making it so I really enjoyed that actually Yeah For a little YouTube rap And I thought it was fairly entertaining For YouTube rapping Yeah, I suppose I don't know It's better than any rap I do But Dr. Crusher Not a lot to note We're just at the tail end Of the first season still honestly Tush is still rough Very slow pace But it's notable that Riker hasn't macked on anything And at least three episodes Yeah, there's It's becoming more serious It's becoming like More of how I remember it When there wasn't so much I think they were really trying to push The kirk in the opening I think he was supposed to be The hoke Yeah Picard was too old He's awesome, okay He and Beverly But he had problems Down there Making it so is still in her construction Just a note The new form is on its way Everything is coming together But it will be another week or two at least In the meantime Everything's still available at Running smoothly Many thanks again, Jim What's up this weekend, Jessica? We are having a shoot the shit night This Friday You need to wear your fancy hats And apparently you also need to remember Your problems and your problems And your provinces Yeah, doing those Trivia games We're awesome Especially I did not play But watching to see who would get them first And he would be like Oh my god, I was just typing that I typed that Oh, I must've run it wrong It was so much fun But yeah, dress appropriately Which means Anything, everything And yeah Mostly just be dressed Yeah, I'm gonna have some false eyelashes On and some fancy hairdo Movie nights also coming up Yes, near the end of the month Do we have the exact day? Are we still working in it? Gino and Rey? Yes Working in it But I hear the movie's been fixed Yes, Rey has settled on his film Has he? Officially I've never seen so many suggestions Remind me that everyone's like "Hi, how about this, Rey? How about this?" Yeah, I really enjoyed that actually That we're getting a lobby together For... I know, they can't even wait for their own turns It's like after Snyder Man picked Everyone didn't want to feel Uh, railroaded into that sort of situation again They need some control over their own destiny So what did he pick? Actually, it was a suggestion from Strasburg Oh, the entirety of 1990s Frank and Hooker appears to be on Frank and Hooker Fantastic I'm actually not entirely without experience with this film, actually A medical student sits out to recreate his decapitated fiance by building her a new building her a new body made of Manhattan street hookers Oh my god This is the really 90s Oh my god, those could be some used and diseased parts where you're girlfriend for real And while we're discussing the various movie nights and game nights, etc We did get a little missive from our own GM Savage Glen He apologizes, especially to those folks playing or wanting to play He says, "MUB!" Unfortunately, there are technical difficulties preventing me from running the next game Our old gaming app has been shut down Oh no Yes, tabletop forage The app we largely use for rolling dice Just when I learned something Yeah, well, we'll find here I'm never learning again So I'm in the process of working out an alternative Excellent I wonder what happened with it I believe it was a funding issue I think they had back end servers They had to keep running that they didn't realize were going to be as expensive Possibly the best ones Usually, I like big back ends I like big back ends and I can't laugh Okay, where was I? Big back ends Okay As soon as I'm able to figure out a solution I'll post my findings on the mods In the meantime, if you have any questions about the game or game night in general let me know Ideally, I'd like to have another game going in the spring Best regards, I would glen So unfortunate news, but Well, we're getting there And he's around still He lives like Frank and Hookers Well, not like Frank and Hooker really at all Just like Frank and Hookers Thanks for the update, Glen And we'll be happy to get to the gaming when you're able to do so Indeed I hope we can come to a solution quickly Anybody has a suggestion out there in the mob, please send it in Please, we need our gaming Our precious Is it candy time? No That's damn you Instead Now I have a question In this time, we usually open with our old standby, our dear friend Mr. Lynch Yes, but I received a letter from Mr. Lynch saying that he was not going to be around for a while And I was all like, well then And he's all like, but not for long Not for long Because he was having some issues with his equipment And it was very sad So sad, in fact I also happened to have him He was very sick over these last few days, so Yeah, whatever Yeah, yeah Five days, and he finally got on his bike today I actually, you know, I did pay attention And I do care Anyways, so yeah, I didn't even Tell a pope that he was going to have a hiatus But by the time I almost did, he is actually back And got a great deal on a super sweet microphone Well, if it's a blue, it's the tiki version Anyways, it's super sexy I smell some Mike and V over there Yeah, I might have gone and read up on it That's really, really nice Yeah, so I want some of those And oh yeah, yeah, yeah, Jeff, not me I love you, and yeah, so he's coming back It'll be very soon But he is not here today But he apologizes, but we love him So you bitches are going to wait and do it nicely Word So instead, what do we have up first? Candy? No Still no candy I think, uh, next would be Season 2, uh, episode 2 of Doc Blue Azriel Ooh, yes, excellent [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Ronald Corley found himself investigating a most perplexing robbery at the Natural History Museum And now, the next episode of Doc Azriel, Angel of Death Stacey Wendell looked up from the display and glanced over her shoulder That look, that one right there Just for a moment, her eyes locked on Peter Park Peterson's, and she gave a small involuntary smile That's the one, that look is why I love my job Parker Peterson, startled by the intensity of Stacey's gaze awkwardly stumbled, nearly missing running into a nearby display case But I'm getting ahead of myself Let's start earlier in the day The senior class at the District High School had been looking forward to the field trip to the Science Museum for weeks Most saw it as a break from the monotony of the regular school day Several were looking forward to making out during the Star Show and the Planetarium And a few, just a few, were sincerely anticipating exploring the exhibits Chief among this last group was Parker Peterson As the students surged into the building, the chaperones tried to maintain order by dividing the class into groups Ms. Wendell, Ms. Lee, Ms. Sully, Ms. Jessica, Mr. Flashman, Mr. Peterson, Mr. Charles Your group eight, try to stay together Aw man, we're stuck with the parking lot, we'll never get through the museum Tommy Flashman put his arm around his girlfriend Come on Ellen, let's go Parker had earned the nickname parking lot based on the number of times he'd been knocked down by bullies Typically led by Tommy in the school lot Parker was even less happy to be stuck with Flashman than the jock was to be stuck with him But Parker knew from experience to keep his mouth shut The awkward turn trudged along with the group, staying close enough to avoid further taunts But not getting too close either Hey, the radiation exhibit looks dark, let's check that out I'll bet we'll find something interesting to do in there Ellen Lee punched Tommy in the arm but followed his lead willingly The senior class weren't the only visitors to the museum at With all the hormones running wild, it was the perfect place to apply my trade I moved through the building on notice drifting from hall to hall looking for likely targets Peterson and his assigned group had been in the radiation exhibit for about 45 minutes when I encountered them Tommy and Ellen were entertaining themselves But most of the rest of the students were gearing frustrated with Parker's prolonged fascination with the displays Looking over the group of students I saw a potential for a connection between Miss Wendell and Parker They just needed a little inspiration old The voice was like a choir of drill surgeons, but I knew that I was the only one who heard it I continued to prepare the tools of my trade You have no right to interfere. I did not look at the interrofer. I wouldn't see him unless he willed it anyway I tell you to stay your bow archer You step outside your bounds, Asriel My eyes tracked my targets as they moved through the exhibits I knew from experience I still had time before the moment would pass Do I? You have not read my book archer You do not know my role, but I know yours He let the implied threat hang heavily in the air between us Hold your arrows just a few instance longer The window of opportunity was still open so I ceded to the Asriel's whims Then without asking permission I launched two choros in rapid succession each unerringly struck their target Stacy was struck by sudden sense of something The redhead looked up from the display case She had been studying and glanced over her shoulder Her eyes cut Parker Peterson's as he looked up just at that same instant When his eyes got in so blue Stacy realized that he was quite handsome when he blushed and without thinking Moved across the room to offer him a hand after he stumbled Meanwhile At a display that Parker had been examining just a few critical moments earlier A black gloved hand reached out of the shadows to crush a very angry and very irradiated spider Duck Asriel left without further word to me. I took a few moments to explore the future of the new couple They would be happy, but otherwise utterly unremarkable Seemed odd that asriel would involve himself But as he said, I do not know what mysteries lay in his book That was a lot of fun doc. Thanks Mm-hmm. Mr. Pierre references. You might say spectacular Excelsior And the whole cupid aspect that was really that was nicely done very nice I love it when he dips into the other universes Or narrowly avoids other universes All right, what do we got next Jessica me? Welcome to Hugh lice comics today. I'll be talking about atomic robo along came a tarantula by brian clevenger and scott wegener Atomic robo is one of my favorite comics It follows the adventures of our robot built and brought up as the heir of Nikola Tesla What I find most interesting Is that this comic abandons pretty much all the cliched robot genre conventions robo is brimming over with humanity and personality and while he is a machine He doesn't spend any of his time wishing he were more human or Being inhumanly exact about anything This clever single issue is a good example of the more human side of the character This was a digital comic currently available from comixology And it's a good jumping on point if you wish to see If this is a comic you'd like It was given away free at the emerald city comicon this year and now it's up for sale It's a pretty basic story of about robo fighting off an attack from a mad scientist Who failed the tesla dine psychiatric evaluation and has built a prototype exoskeleton To prove how completely safe insane she is The setup works really well. Thanks to clevengers really clever dialogue and wiggner's art, which is at its usual high standards this is a special digital edition as well And it makes use of comixologies layout to do some clever tricks in guided view That make it looks like panels Fade in dissolve pan and zoom, which is really a lot of fun So I recommend going out and checking out atomic robo if you like fun Uh light-hearted action heavy comics that are also sciencey and That's all we got for this week on q likes comics Thanks for listening Excellent recommendation actually I have to confess I used to read clevengers 8-bit theater back in the day when that was a thing either of you guys familiar? Don't be talking about it, but it's basically the final fantasy characters It was him running through the plot of the original final fantasy And making jokes along the way essentially Now the thing is that he's a very strong writer, but he knew that he didn't have a lot of graphic talent So he was essentially doing a sprite comic to make that simple You know, I mean he could just manipulate the images that were already existing and put some weird bubbles over top that were funny yes, now I've heard that the art in atomic robo is Quite excellent, but I've never actually read the book So I think this might be finally enough to push me into the pool So another excellent recommendation here. Thank you very much. Thank you You can find all of he is business over at wave of the buffalo podcast hot Uh, he's back into the swing of things. I've seen some good interviews sliding by and I happen to Know that perhaps nutty enter Excellent husband the clockwork doc Now we're interviewed recently. So Although I don't think that's up in the feed yet I look forward to it nonetheless Anyhow, now I believe it's time for It's not like a big mailbag, but it's It's a delicious mailbag and speaking of delicious. Oh my god. It's kitty time. Oh my god Okay, I believe we will do the tippy comment first listen to tippy. Okay, and you have selected an item from the straws box I just put it in my mouth. Yeah, we're we're gonna eat Okay We're going to have this is from the straws The valentine's days straws box Yes It is a wonka ever-lasting gobsdocker heartbreakers. They're soft looking They're shaped like hearts Quite excited about tasting these extended gobsdopers There's orange and pink so far I can see it Oh, they're hard dude Oh, but I suppose I'm a bit hard. I got a bunch. I'll get a listen to tippy. Everybody ready That's for sure So for now I've decided to title these tibby's ramblings while ambling in Oregon Because I seem to really enjoy talking into this thing into my iPod touch while I'm doing my daily walk So today's ramble will be a review on the app Called vine It is to videos What twitter is towards Uh, you take a little you make a little six second video and then you post it Divine you can also post it to your twitter account and to your facebook account I am in love with vine It is so much fun. I did not realize how much fun doing videos and six second segments could be People Of course are are just discovering it Right now we got a lot of posts about dogs and cats Which I'm greatly enjoying for the most part Uh, I've discovered that if you search on twitter for You because that's how all the URLs start You can come up with whatever the most recent list of Vids are if you add an additional word in there, of course, you can Make that search a little more specific. I've discovered if I Search on podcast and There are some podcasters some of whom I've never heard of who are making a little six second videos While they're podcasting and that's kind of fun or before they're podcasting Uh One of my favorite podcasters christiana ellis did a whole bunch of uh vine posts of luna which I greatly appreciated and would not mind seeing more of I do believe the mob could probably contribute To vine in a way other people might not be able to so i'm Hoping some of the mob might get on vine eventually I of course are doing lots of posts of my dog ginger tea because she is so photogenic Uh Did uh some posts last weekend or made made some posts up When I went to uh play bingo And walking around in all in alpine which is where the bingo is held a few miles from my home And discovered that if I don't have my wi-fi The videos the vids just kind of pile up And then when you go to upload one they all upload at the same time So that's one slight down Down side of vine if uh, you're not Uh, don't have access to the internet You might spam your twitter Uh account Or your facebook account Some people might not Like that I Was I uh, did a twitter post before and after just saying oh a lot of vine Yeah, uh, video is about to come so I think that's polite Um It's just starting up so There's still adding functionality right now You can't save your searches. So if you search on a word you have to search On that word again Um Uh, so you might, you know, you want to make sure you tag Your videos if you want to other people to find them and You know, it's just nice being on the ground floor floor of a new app And that's it I'm walking so sometimes my brain stops thinking And cars are going by And Dogs are barking All just background music to reviews and other ramblings Okay, that's me. That's the end of this one Bye I really love the car in the back there When the birds that was really nice too. I really like going on your walks with you Yeah, well You say it like that But I was laying in bed yesterday and I was saying to a pup. I'm like, it's a bird Oh, and I think I put that as my status and she's like, yeah birds. Hey I don't see birds Well, it's been 10 degrees Rarely very rarely And sometimes like we do have birds that stay around the whole time But they're very effing quiet birds. They're angry birds. That's what they are. Well They're silent deadly birds. They're mocking jayards, but they are not silent. They're like Just know that pretty like hello. Like I'm laughing. It's beautiful We've got the the line will return to these birds Anyways, I think tibi's ramblings while ambling in Oregon is an excellent title. Yes I quite like that And I have to okay, so I loved the vine videos never enough Yes, I I love tibi's vine videos If you're not following her on twitter is itibi that is eyes and eye devices and ipod. I touch Itibi. I love that like tibi's so like, you know earthy Oregon friendly open And then she'll say something like my dog's really photogenic I just love it. I don't know. It's ginger tea is fantastic. I know I love you ginger tea and she's Been making these videos. They're very creative in their usage. I really quite like them. They remind me almost of an odd sort of way the sort of video you would see on Sesame Street when they when the hansing company was more in that experimental phase of what they could try to push on the children's television Yeah, and I noticed too like Uh in the beginning and it varies sometimes but in the beginning there wasn't a lot of movement with camera And then I noticed like the ones where we're looking at the weather and outside and the rain and stuff Those are kind of like moving and sometimes it's moving one way and then in the next because it's not just six seconds Like she'll put like two seconds of one thing in two seconds. I have another okay I have actually downloaded vine and the interface is really simple You just push on the screen for as long as you want to record so you can really you can do the full six To be very good at dividing up that six seconds into interesting shots that put together a larger story I have downloaded the app. My immediate thought was to put together a six second horror story I already have something terrifying to videotape. I just need to rank up one more children into a bit of business Awesome, that does sound like it would be fun. Yeah, so watch for that. I think we should all probably pick up vine She also has a blog app. I believe It would be dot block spot dot com if you want to swing by say hi. Mm-hmm. Tell her we sent you I feel like you need to pick a banjo like It's time for tibby's ramblings while I am blending in Oregon Anyway, oh, yeah, banjo wasn't a very Yeah, it's not a very banjo-y state, but there's something about the turn You know Yeah, but it's so like easy going and sharp and crisp like tibby, you know Especially when she's wearing a sparkly shirt for christmas tibby riddle. Let's this what is the music of orion? Yeah, or if tibby had a soundtrack sort of genre style. I believe this will Allow me to segue into the other mailbag item. I didn't really get a lot of Feedback about the legends. I did get a couple and they were quite good. Okay That I hadn't heard before. Okay, but i'm going to save them for something else. I've already discussed with those involved So i'm going to save them for something else, but I would love to hear your impression of what your regional music is both traditionally and Contemporary style are are you a people that listens to new country? Is there anybody out there still listening to new country? There's a very specific sort of folky Sarah harm or music to like this specific. Yeah, we are in a very hippie-ish kind of Lady with a guitar area. Yeah I would say this I believe it's probably because we're in two cities full of university students Especially Guelph is well known for it's like that's a largely university community. I would say And I think that is going to be with you. I don't know. I don't know what makes well. Yeah. Yeah, there's There's a lot going on specific there's a lot of outdoor sort of yeah elements and activities and yeah Absolutely rich people with time to worry about the environment. No, it's really not rich people. It's like just joking simple people and true Anyhow my point being send me your local music. I'd be fascinated to hear it Yeah, and if jr. D wasn't such a snob I would play you some from our I'm just I'm like that because it was our wedding song with Sarah Harvard a lady from this area. Oh, yeah, so for him to be like that. It's like I'm not taking both of their armor. I'm smarter than to go down the bed. What do you guys think of the gobstoppers? I've so good They are absolutely even more delicious because they're heart shaped my tongue Well, actually I feel like you get more of the Oh my god, it's going off here. Oh my god, it's going off there. So for him to be like that. It's like You can you can get a better grip and it's easier to crunch, which is all I do with gopstoppers I am not a You don't want to like you know when runs when they're like circular and it kind of slides up front of your teeth And then you like or you'll get weird. You'll get like a banana shard and your sinuses. Yeah Banana shard just Anyway, it doesn't make the candy shirts You know when your teeth they need a place to grab on to you nowhere. So huge. Thanks drowsburg And another huge thanks to tibi Yes And next up. Oh, yes before before we get to Time traveling to rich We have an item from the box. We have sold our soul a little bit Jared had already put this out before we even got in the studio. We just saw them I've been waiting Very burst ice cream Oreos it's not insane guys America would have you done what have you done? Okay, has anybody tasted this? I want to like have some audio comments on some things that we've sampled And is there any other such kind of like strange Oreo flavor that you guys had? I know that they have candy corn, but I get to try one hint hit Oh my god. Okay, this this Oreo this this cream seems a little fuller than your average It does like not a double stuff Yeah, it's a 1.5 stuff It's funny. I get closer to the mic to chew and Jared goes farther away and covers his mouth Mmm. Oh my god. That's because I'm not an animal It's like melting on my mouth guys. Mmm. You're in a good way. Mmm It's not like not like something else delicious You know, this isn't a time to joke In a weird sort of way. I feel like I need to choose and spit it out in a large bucket to me This tastes like those maple cookies That you can buy. Oh, I know it's tough. Yeah, but with a hint of berry. Yeah, it's like those There's no maple, but it's sort of the consistency in the fluffiness and the sugary shards in the fluffier sort of icing. Yeah Delicious, you know what they are And we have a lot of milk. Okay, would you Would you A pope went again. I wasn't a letter. I was denied You can wait for the segment. Uh I don't even remember what I was gonna say Oh, I recall Would you judge how would you judge these against standard Oreos? However, I don't know I'd have to try another one No, I think I would need a bag of regular Oreos I think somebody needs to go to the store. No, I liked him. I liked him. I'd say Every once in a while like maybe every fifth bag. Yeah. Yeah, not in every day. Like a holiday Oreo A whole lot of die Oreo like the spice Pepsi, you know, you know Pepsi whole lot of spice Of course, you know what it's called. Okay It's so inside baseball. Anyways, let's hear from rich the tt Hello flash pulp crew and fellow mobsters rich the time traveler here Public service announcement to all time travelers out there Remember that last weekend was your required biannual chronometer recalibration window If you don't do the maintenance you may notice that you're off by as much as an hour on your time jumps Going back to ruby and pecking order interesting story showing the post apocalyptic social structure I was also amused that you had a bumper for an Andy Griffith pop cast Included with it and then mentioned the now defunct charlotte hornets in the story It was sort of an odd nod to north carolina I really enjoyed the black hole three-parter the long haul Traveling being the green ship certainly doesn't seem terribly luxurious or easy I am starting to wonder about the origin of that artifact and how it was used by its creators or Excellent to see more of black holes back story getting flashed out One thing I noticed that I was curious about In one part I thought you were describing the hag using her minions to dig up the graves to add to her undead entourage But then later it seems that some were plucked from their graves and pressed into her service without the ground being disturbed As people had to exhume the grave to verify their love one was missing Did I get that last part right or was I misunderstanding A big thanks to you guys for the podcast recommendations And if anyone else has some please send them in or post them in the mob I'm enjoying a history of the world and 100 objects greatly It's very up my alley and reminds me a great deal of the fabulous connections television series with james burk And if you haven't seen that series you owe it to yourself to check them out It appears they're all available online for free Some including a link for it for them in the show notes Also I haven't started stuff you should know yet, but it sounds pretty good. And there's an interesting connection there That podcast is part of the how stuff works media umbrella is now owned by discovered networks who bought it from martial brain Brain the original creator was also long long ago My computer science 1 or 2 professor back at nz state JRD asked for local legends, so I have a couple to talk about I came aware of the first one when I was elementary school age not exactly sure how old The local park service had some people performing folk songs from the area that summer Several afternoons a week on the grounds of the local historical society I went many times to hear them and remember memorizing the songs But after a while only one remained in my head This was a prohibition era tale about folks who ran booze past the coast guard patrols These boats were called booze yachts and the story goes that one ran aground Had to lighten their loie by disposing of part of their shipment overboard Some local fishermen caught the illicit cargo and then chaos ensues But left at the song of the song tale the tale This is according by jul garish a local folk artist Oh Retreat Every night and morning the fisher was me One day there came a rounder Came russ seen by the door Said boy in the scope came look out there's a boulevard on the shore This way that way to keep a run The coming up the adventure but the fishing on the bum Some lost their religion and back slid by the storm The king locked stombers they stood they's high when the boujat ran the shore Ties have chases of days when some are up in jeez When some were down and out But they all feel just like me Some would give a hundred and some a little bit more To see another time like this when the boujat ran the shore This way that way to keep a run The coming up the adventure but the fishing on the bum Some lost their religion and back slid by the storm The king locked stombers they stood they's high when the boujat ran the shore I think part of what I really like about this tale is the man who that corrected Hadleyberg Undertoned to it the folks here were able to avoid temptation because prohibition and austerity kept it away But when the opportunity arose they back slid by the score Also, I recall similar tales whether true or not About the same general thing happening with bales of marijuana that had been tossed overboard to avoid being found by the coast guard patrols And being picked up by trawlers Of course, even the original story may not be true. I've never seen definitive proof either way I've also included a link to the full legend of it as well The other legend is more supernatural in nature I think I mentioned this in the mob before But until just before I was born my parents lived in a small house literally in the shadow of a much more famous home in town known as the hammock house This house is also known as blackbeard's house and was said to be haunted In fact, my parents told me about one time when a reporter from a tv station Asked them to let them into the house to see if he could stay the night without being frightened away I'm not sure if he thought they were caretakers or what but they said that he had to go contact the owners and send him on his way No idea if he ever came back and stayed Now this is the interesting part in my memory. There's a single story about blackbeard the pirate For he turned home from the sea to find his woman not clear if it was an intended his bride or simply a companion Had been unfaithful He caught them having a lively party at the house and challenged the man she'd strid with to a duel They fought with swords to the house and up the stairs to the attic where the pirate slew it The pirate left and the woman supposedly hung herself in a tree in the yard a few days later The legend was that no matter what they did the blood stains from the slain paramour Couldn't be removed or covered up on the stairs and that one could still hear the sounds of sword play throughout the house at night However Now that I went back to try and find the real story to give a link I discovered that there were three or four tails going on that I'd either combined in my memory The single one above or have been combined by others I'll include the link to that as well for the curious Well That's all for now To the booze yacht runs ashore and car rises. This is rich I hope the booze yacht comes first frankly. I love that booze yacht I was coming out of booze yacht I've ever got a yacht. It's totally going to be called the booze yacht Fantastic legend rich. Those were both brilliant exactly the kind of thing I was looking for Mm-hmm. Yeah, very specific to the area and I love that. It's so odd how Life with the sea like being so close at hand how much How many legends come out of that how anything can just come from the horizon when there's nothing but water out there It's really nice to hear you're enjoying the history of the world and the hundred objects Yeah, that's a great show And if if you get through that and some of the how stuff works podcast and you're still looking for more I would also recommend in our time with more Melbourne brag sorry, I just had a Marshall brain melbourne brag moment there, but uh I really enjoy that show. It's it's thick on the ground, but it's really interesting how he approaches it every each episode he has I believe four Specialists like usually professors Uh who are very knowledgeable with a very specific topic or period. Mm-hmm. So it'll be Like the reformation Yeah, but but even more specific like sometimes it's like pie And then it'll be the history of the number and how Oh, no, not though. I'd like to know the history of pie. Pennsylvania Dutch Fascinating to hear that you at some point encountered Marshall brain. Mm-hmm. That's kind of a podcasting rock star high five And you know he's smart They wouldn't have called him that otherwise Yeah, I was actually pretty excited when well not excited, but it was interesting news to hear that discovery Had bought the house stuff network house stuff work. Yes. Yeah, that was very surprising But I still love their shows Okay to address a few things first of all uh double high five for noting the hornets Situation, uh, I have a I have a love for defunct teams I actually I'm not a huge sports fan But I have a great sentimentality for some reason for the Hartford whalers and the Quebec Nordiques and I don't know. I don't know what it is. But anyway, uh Thumbs up for catching that but also okay. I realized there wasn't clear. This is actually behind the curtain stuff, but uh A pope mentioned the exact same thing about the sod And I explained at the time Oh that essentially once they got to the mud below they were Willy Nilly about it, but they had they were very careful with the sod so that they could replace it Yes, I wouldn't look disturbed And I realized that I there just should have been another line there I think that's what that is and it sometimes I wish I could go back and fix it, but I don't think I was clear enough. I think all of the pieces were there and I didn't necessarily connect them so I apologize But that's how that was you can do that for the e-book I think you should write everybody a letter. Yeah Anyway all your own envelope stepping and stamping because yeah all the pieces were there. I think I just wasn't clear enough But no, I think rich is wrong I always appreciate the PSAs all the top. I just want to know that very quickly Poppy, poppy, poppy, poppy, poppy Did we discuss the or yeah, we did discuss here. Yeah, this is yours And thanks again box for the Oreos Tasty We have a couple of quick comments that came out of the mob on facebook A pope, why don't you yeah, nutty has said I was just sent a 15 minute video of my adorable 18 month old nephews Stomping around my mother's house. Do you know what half the movie was him enjoying some thin mints? I swear they are everywhere Thank goodness. I'm in Canada and can't get them with everyone going gaga or girls get cookies I might have lost my wool by now. They've gotten myself a case. Oh, man. That's a noise. I'm glad we know some people It's just like the caramel how it kind of sounds solid. Okay, listen coffee man The caramel delights were delicious, but now I really need to know Well, I don't want to say actual because I don't want to Yes, because there's some people who like the caramel delights better But I need to know I gots to know Oh, I think we should get them. However, we can whatever you want to call them, baby. Just send them over here Doc Doc Charity. Who's there? Turn. Turn who? Dr. Who? I totally saw that on tumblr when I was cool Thanks, Dina You too can send your comments questions or suggestions to And don't forget to send in your regional music Let me know where you're at though. Remember to actually let me know what that region is in question Are you a Dassy? Oh, it's almost my birthday guys. Yeah Two months away It's fun how often these segments have nothing to do with what you actually do Um, okay, so besides it being my birthday Uh, I did another string of sounds on sunday mike nazmeth one of my most favorite of the monkeys. Do you want to give us a little sampling now? No But if you would like to hear it you can go to Maybe I'll end the episode with it I always say that but then I post you out by the end And the episode with it. I don't know. We'll see everybody. You know, it could it couldn't I don't even know I haven't even decided I'm just bringing your brain motherfucker the R. Oh, never race you You know what mine totally has so much more to do with art and narration Oh, yes. I know I actually yeah, actually it really it doesn't but you know what it does have to do with tumblr Awesome Okay, so all right. I was totally On tumblr you started talking about tumblr and suddenly totally all right like just totally totally totes And she's just like smile Okay Okay She has to start I was like, okay. I wasn't watching. I was scrolling. I was reblogging. I wasn't reblogging. I was Supernatural Actually, I was a little while anyway. That's not yes Shut up. I was tumbling along all right. Okay, and I was on this really cool tumblr blog And I thought oh my god, this tumblr blog is so awesome. It's so geeky. It's like steampunky Wicked video games and then all of a sudden this girl is like second some dude's dick And then everything else was totally cool like epically Perfect all down your alley Totally reblog that but what about this girl? There was a little bit of a day back there Bam and what I would what I really want to know is can I still follow them? Is it still a pro player that you don't know clearly you don't feel comfortable with? I don't think I can but because like because it's so shocking. Yeah Because I mean you do because can other people see what you are seeing in your tumblers Only if you favorite them like if you don't don't whatever. Okay, but it still is very jarring and sometimes Yeah, what if I'm like just tumbling along at the kitchen table and then I'm suddenly like yeah kid walks by and I think this is this is another one of those cases where Without making a moral judgment about anything tumblr is best used very and i'm actually a huge culprit at not doing this properly But used as a very kind of laser blog where you're just doing one thing. You're just doing steampunk pictures You're just doing horror movie stills you're just and when you start And I know that there's some space. I know we have some friends I understand I understand some personal stuff between their supernatural posts, but at the same time You have to be aware that you're going to be dealing with an audience. Yeah, I guess it's just a little difficult for me to Go ahead and follow something like that on the off chance that i'm going to get not that it offends me But i'm worried about the other people around me That i don't see that pop up on my dash You're a worker. Yeah, I wouldn't want to check tumblr At the opposite thing in case all of a sudden, but I i'm kind of a little downhearted because it was a really awesome looking blog And i'm like dude There apparently is a lot more important on tumblr than I would have thought I would have thought like, you know Supernatural took up like 98 Now listen He may be listening I doubt he is but there's a certain fellow who was following me on tumblr and I followed him And I had to actually anyway He is a super excellent fella but His interest lay a little bit outside my own. Yeah, he is deeply and supernatural And he also has an enjoyment of skin films So these two things would often come together. Oh, by the way, he's He's picky about the people he sleeps with but not necessarily the gender so He would often have these short porn clips where he would have spotted two guys that he thought looked like the leads from Supernatural and there was a lot of that sort of It's interesting Yeah, I get a lot of um Uh Battlestar Galactica like Pornfic on my dashboard, unfortunately Is that one of your culprits? It is it is one one specific culprit See now, it's easier to screw up my Because even when he was posting the supernatural Videos generally the movie still preview thing wasn't exactly something that was explicit You know what I mean? So it wasn't such a big deal at least with these battle star Pornfics you can scroll by them without it looking too weird Oh, it's not even that I have to scroll by this like Fick or whatever. It's like somebody Gushing about how they just wrote this awesome battle star Right, right and there's a link. Yeah, well, that's what I'm saying though is you can scroll past that without it being too weird I'll tell you there's only so many times you can scroll past that when it becomes super naturally annoying Backroom plot So we closed up the Thomas black all three part. Yes with sounds with drumming And then at one point we thought was drumming and we thought was Horses Which was kind of interesting having one sound morph into other sounds. I've never did that done Yeah, it was fun to change you a little bit. I actually offered to do all the sounds for jamming I was gonna be out like yeah I was gonna buy you some coconut sister Stomp stomp. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah So awesome. Yeah, it was so hard to like even start recording because we had so many like what would you know the literal? Anyways, okay. Sorry Stop stop Okay, so black all it was really good. It was really good guys. I liked the mary revelation at the end. Yeah Yes, it's nice to have that ball punting forward Again, I still I keep saying we're gonna be at the end of this run of Chronological order just almost done the perseca. Yeah, almost uh, we really are this time because It's a really big circle It's like a bicycle I See black hole and I'm really large But he's got like his cuffs rolled up because he doesn't want to get them cut and he has to keep drumming to keep it moving No It's not even a bicycle So so dirty background glass We also released mulligan in the peacock That was good. Yeah, I enjoyed that I liked the ending of that one a lot. Apparently it wasn't enough to tell one story I had to cram two in there. Yeah, that actually oddly happens to mulligan more than anyone else Mulligan is Oddly Marlow in my mind anyhow and that's not Philip Marlow. That's Joseph Conrad's my though, but anyhow One of the things I wanted to address actually while writing that or not necessarily address I guess but one of the things that ran through my mind was how Somewhat stereotypical the relationship was like I try to avoid standard affair kind of stories But the truth is Every now and that It is a stereotype often for a reason is essentially what it comes down to I suppose and everyone knows that jerk You know what I'm saying That guy that guy Anyhow, I had a little fun with that one. It's nice to let go and just tell a ridiculous story with You know, I love that mulligan's like he seems pretty young to me But just so well versed in how to get what he needs from people or You know, like what he did to get the shot of the guy in the balcony. Yeah It's not like Mike needed to tell him what to do. He just needed a little gentle prodding to be like Yeah, I guess it's the situation in which I would Have to do this, isn't it? I was hoping to not have to get there There's there's definitely a lot of influences and I may have mentioned this before but One more Mike is definitely partially my preparer who just always had a story for everything He had done and seen everything Would just tell you a story. Yeah Anyhow, a lot of fun putting those out. We've got a collective detective coming up Been a while. Yeah, this one We'll have a little uh harassment Nice It's always nice to I try to avoid Touching on anyone character - I like the recurring characters and the collective But having that network of people that you recognize and there's a specific reason with Harrison Especially a Harris With the the collective we do jump around a little bit about where the chronology is but His ascent through the ranks is going to become a little more important as we go down the road Which I suppose actually was what I was going to say about the the black haul story We're finally punting that ball forward, which feels nice And it reminds me how far we've come like 315 episodes now And really how far we haven't come with black all Yeah, because we're still in the Perth bicycle Well If I suppose but if you think about what he's managed to achieve how much of course, of course, of course Anyhow, when he's like, you know, I want to show down with a bear Yeah, yeah, if you really think about that's how black all started for everybody Yeah Showing down a bear Showing down a bear Yeah And that Interestingly is sort of also where we're heading now We're going to get a little more into what was going on there and the sort of uh The red mist that had descended And he was hurt, right? Yeah In the When he was on that Yes There are just Anyhow, I don't want to start Discussing what's going to happen, but We're getting there is what i'm saying Stop stomp me And you can uh Keep up to date with where we're headed over on twitter if you follow skinner I'm on there so much more now guys at the Jessica may she really is I really am for real. It's really starting to be a problem You can follow me as jaredy skinner. You can You can also follow upoponax with the zero I'm not even gonna tell you where it's placed because it doesn't matter. You don't have a spell atoponax Thanks to Jim for hosting Thank you, Jim And Enjoy the show tell a friend really enjoy the show We've got a donate button on site If you have comments questions or suggestions You can find us at or email us text or mp3a to The entire run of flashpulp can be found at or via the search power on itunes Flashcast is released under the creative commons attribution non-commercial 3.0 Unported All men must Have someone Have someone Who never take advantage Of a love bright as the sun Someone to understand them And you're just maybe one All men must Have someone Have someone Who would never take for granted All the pleasures and the fun Someone to stand beside them And you're just maybe the one I Yes, are you walking by? Oh, you're the love light in your eye I knew that I was trying To win You're more than just a friend I'm starting near the end And here I go again All men must Have someone Who would never take advantage Of a love bright as the sun Someone to understand them And you're just maybe one Someone to understand them And you're just maybe the one [BLANK_AUDIO]