The Skinner Co. Network

FC82 - Sweet Monkey Meat

Broadcast on:
04 Mar 2013
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Prepare yourself for: Baby farms, roadkill, bad poetry, witchcraft, the return of Doc Azrael, Robot Combat League, and Blackhall.

Read the show notes at

Some days, gloomy, my hours are slumberless Dearest, the shadows I live with by nonetheless Little white flowers will never awaken Not where the bright culture's soul has taken you Angels have no fire of evolution in you Or they may angry if I so don't join in you Hello and welcome to Flashcast82, a Skinner Co. presentation Skinner Co. We tell you it's horse right on the packaging This episode is also brought to you by Janner O'Stonations from Nick Tyler Scott Roche and Die Gantor many thanks If you'd like to sponsor an episode, please feel free to use the donate button on the site But now, prepare yourself for baby farms, roadkill, bad poetry, witchcraft, the return of Doc Azriel, Robot Combat League, and Blackhall Death is no dream for a death I'm caressing you With the strength of my soul, I'll be blessing you Blue Sunday Hi, I'm Opopenax, and with me, between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis And the rise of the sun of Arias, in this age, undreamed of, our Jessica May Hello, I'm Jay Arty Hola, so before we get into it, these last couple of weeks I suppose have been a little bumpy Skinner Co. undergoing another plague infection, really Do the other one ever really go away? The rats never really leave Tummy rats? Yeah, the tummy rats But there's been some other items too, but we're not going to get into it Anyhow, I meant this piece I thought you said that we weren't going to get into it I meant this piece as a true crime Tuesday article, but I have to admit it was a little bit too intense Like, are you like a little humor in my true crime do you? This was not something I could do a little funny funny ha ha about So it's better that we're all here together to talk us through Take my hands, let us discuss Sweet, I'm on it, let's do this Amelia Dyer, have you heard the name? No Did she do something dire? Oh, quite, quite Apparently the British government recently digitized a bunch of their criminal records And we're talking, like, 1800s and earlier Okay So these are things that have been sitting around in drawers and really not applicable to any modern crime So why would you bother referring to them? Yeah But you know, as it is for historians, they want to have everything accessible So they've dumped a bunch of these records online And I kind of thought of it in terms of almost a collective detective thing, right? Sure You could somehow furl through these files and come up with some interesting factories, I believe, but Amongst them is the story of Amelia Dyer Who, as the independent pointed out She is the name that we should probably know better today Than we don't Her streak as a serial killer is When was it? Like what time? 1896 is the year that she stood on the scaffold Now from her prison commission file, this is from the independent The file records are hanging with characteristic Victorian efficiency And then they quote, "On account of her weight in the softness of the textures Rather a short drop was given It proved to be quite sufficient" So, I'm glad that they accounted for that, I'm sure they had issues before Yeah, I'm sure they were well practiced Yeah They had been, the police had been alerted to Dyer back in April By the discovery of another tiny infant on the reeds of the Thames Noooo An address on the parcel paper So that she basically wrapped it in parcel paper and checked it in the river But she did not bother to take her name off the parcel paper package Oh my gosh They led the police to a stout midwife described variously as motherly and homely A midwife? What they discovered inside Dyer's two up two down rented terraced Tyusland, Kensington Road was damning Her home was crammed with evidence of a hefty trade in infant life Now we have to go back to a moment here What is evidence of? Let's discuss briefly That this is in the Victorian, late Victorian, it might even be early Edwardian age And there's not a lot of child labor laws going on There's not a lot of regulatory oversight of, say, adoption Her home was crammed with evidence of a hefty trade in infant life Dozens of vaccination papers, vast quantities of tiny clothes and countless pawn tickets for baby clothes Letters and receipts for newspaper advertisements, arranging adoptions Were also recovered, indicating that Dyer was operating under several aliases Including Harding and Smith The most gruesome evidence was the heavy sense of rotting flesh coming from the kitchen pantry And from a trunk under her bed The police were in little doubt that they had uncovered a baby farm They ordered an immediate dragging operation Watched by crowds of onlookers lining the riverbanks Drawn by lured press coverage When the body count rose to 50, Amelia told police You'll know all mine by the tape around their necks Apparently she had a technique where she would tie white tape around their neck twice And use it to suffocate them and then So she would just, she would birth them from somebody and then she would kill them She would offer to adopt them, people would give her basically unwanted babies Listen, this is the whole story though, they would give her a sum of money To take care of the child Yes, and she would take the baby and the sum And then kill the baby And then apparently it goes so far as to pawn the baby clothes So they know that the number was over 50, did they ever There's a number in there, in this article they get to the number 300 Wow, so it was for money, it wasn't for the joy of the kill Apparently she also buried bodies, dumped them in rivers, yes, but also buried bodies And the gardens of the rented lodgings she would stay at So you wonder how many baby graves Anyhow, and her name, there was a time in the Victorian period When apparently her name was very well known, she was a media sensation in her time But then, and she may have had, that case may have had an effect on the change in, you know, regulation in that industry Good But, you know, after she had gone and fallen from the press No one wants to talk about the lady who killed 300 babies, so we've kind of forgotten her And tell this dump of old records online Amelia, dire Yeah, well, that's crazy Alright, now I happen to know that we have some better news on the other side of I hope so, geez Uh, Strasburg Oh, geez Through down, yeah Through down the gauntlet, as soon as he discovered that I was working on becoming an airship pilot to the northern communities of Canada We know what happens when Strasburg throws down the gauntlet, right? One of the babies catches it in the face, one of those kids So, he's, he dug up this article from the Straight Dope in which he gets familiar with the Straight Dope I just thrown some The Straight Dope is a Cecil Adams, he writes, or at least used to write, I believe he still writes An article for the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, I want to say I hope I'm not wrong about that Anyhow, he has a site in which he answers questions, like you ask him, he's the old He is the Mythbusters of yesteryear Okay So, somebody asked what you needed to become an airship pilot Oh yeah, I remember I read that article And in the article they say, you know, basically to become a full-size blimp pilot Which is, to me, the proper way about going become an airship pilot You need an actual pilot's license Oh, rough It's a, it's a training thing, well I mean That's bullshit Fair point, yeah, well, listen, fair point Apparently there is a minor loophole in that you don't need a license if you basically have a craft under a certain size And that size requirement can be easily, fairly easily met by simply tying a bunch of helium balloons to a lawn chair No, I need to have dinner parties aboard this airship Yeah, no, listen, I'm looking for an airship that I can punch Nazis off of Yeah, Strasburg is just looking to get into flight, I believe Oh, well But do you remember Larry chute his last name was going to escape me He's the first lawn chair pilot he did this, he had tied a lawn chair off to his jeep, I believe, his jeep bumper And then put a bunch of helium balloons and accidentally, accidentally or not, I don't want to actually recall Let go and he drifted off for quite a while and Planes are flying by Awesome And then he committed to a set of the couple of years later Hey, did you hear that Harry Potter is going to play Igor? That's Igor In what? In a movie by Paul McGiggan, I don't know how to pronounce his name He's the guy who directed, maybe, he's the guy who directed gangster number one And he did a bunch of the Sherlock episodes like that Cumberbatch, yeah The movie is going to be from the perspective of Igor Okay Which is interesting because Igor isn't in the original Frankenstein at all Alright I, Paul, let's call him Paul Is going to apparently be, as he quote from him A sci-fi take on this classic story about a creature produced through a scientific experiment Which is very generic, but at the same time, at the same time I'm worried they're going to try to nanobot this thing up They're going to come up with some junk science and it's just going to turn into... Anyhow And then two years from now, when you know that it's absolute, you know, for donkeylessness No one watches it But it's the net Stapled onto the side of that is that Radcliffe's character is pathologically dirty and dressed in old clowns clothing Ooo, interesting So I feel like this is going almost like... Repo the genetic opera or... Rocky Horror Picture Show, like, what are we going to do with this? Right here Oh, other movie news, there's going to be a sinister sequel Well, what was the first one about our movie? Oh my goodness, it was one of the better movies from last year that we watched on the October 31 It was a haunted house story There was... That kind of demon looking fellow Often hanging around in the corner of the room No, this is not ringing a bell We'll re-watch it, it was a really good movie Yeah And the making is equal, apparently Which I'm not too surprised because I believe that production company was set up to just do that sort of low-budget experimental film I wish I could remember which one that was Mmhmm Actually, remember that goofy bit of that science fiction movie they were trying to make an Argo, the pretend science fiction movie Mmhmm, yeah That movie was based, like, obviously based on a true story The actual movie, not named Argo at all, Lord of Light, based on a Rogers-Lazny novel And the guy who was going to make it was a fellow named Barry Geller This is before, you know how they, if you were calling the film, they stumble into this script that's been kicked around for a while And then they pretend like they're actually going to finally go into production with it Okay, so Barry Geller is the guy who originally brought the idea forward And he was serious about it, apparently, at first Like, this is all pre-CIA involvement, obviously Mmhmm He was going to make this movie, it was going to be huge Like, this was, we're talking Star Wars era, right, so they're really looking for this epic film Mmhmm And he was going to turn the sets, after the movie was done, they were going to turn the sets into a theme park Three times as big as Disneyland Wow Wow That's some pretty high hopes there He turned into a fake movie for a hostage crisis Yes, exactly Well, I mean, when you really think about it But that movie did more for people than, you know, the other movies True, true But he brought together some people, he brought Ray Bradbury, Buckminster Fuller, and Jack Kirby And he had them all doing design aspects on this thing Wow This theme park in this film But eventually, he actually got some investment money, started working on it, and then The fraud charges started And, which I don't know if that's how the government came in possession of this script, specifically Maybe they just, you know We've heard the script We took a cow and we took a script But there was a former mayor of Aurora was arrested, and then Geller was apparently arrested and then released Yeah But this actually comes from an article in I09 about the biggest science fiction movie hoaxes, which I quite enjoyed I'm going to skip through a couple, but do you remember that movie show in Vision, Iowa? No With William Shatner Oh, yes, yes, yes Where he was, it was a Spike Show, it was a reality TV show, and he was in this town where he was pretending to film It was a movie film, a show, but really it was a show about him being in town and watching the locals Yes, and I believe they eventually got busted, but You would not have been able to watch that show, you would be so honored It was full of what you would call wonder Wonder years moments? Yeah, just embarrassment for everyone involved Blue Harvest, does that ring a bell to anybody? Blue Harvest? No Apparently, after making Return of the Jedi, George Lucas found that everything they tried to buy or acquire to use for the filming took on triple the cost Because people knew what they were making Yeah, so when they went back to make Empire, they called it something else They called it Blue Harvest And they tried to keep the whole thing under wraps pretty tightly Apparently there was a time when they were in Yuma, and 35,000 dum-buggy enthusiasts There was some sort of dum-buggy event going on there, but only like 60 of them managed to figure out what they were actually filming Despite being like basically in the same space Yeah, that's what I mean Yeah Good for them, yeah, yeah And I'm definitely gonna link this piece in the... There's so many good ones in here, but I wanted to touch just finally on connexploitation Connexploitation? Wow The movie's produced in Canada, this is directly from the article The movie's produced in Canada from 1974 to 1982 are known as "Tech Shelter Movies" Due to the incredibly generous tax laws Canada had put in place to encourage the movie industry Now this explains so much about so many of the movies I saw in my youth Apparently by 1979, over half of the 66 movies in production weren't completed Because they would just start these movies and then just use them as tax shelters and keep them running Wow On the other hand, the article notes People like Ivan Reitman and David Cronenberg basically came out of that system Because people were willing to essentially throw money at nothing because They knew they were going to get it back, yeah, exactly They could take bigger risks It's like Ui Bowl, but better, anyhow To move into actually a little more pulpy territory I just wanted to quickly mention Comix Kickass Week Which was an idea that I picked up and hopefully I will see you about I know there was a lot of chat about it on the tubes briefly It's a call by To just podcasters, bloggers, poets, whoever wants to get it out there Talk about why comics make your life a little better I mean, I think I have some odd tale to tell on that During April 29th, I believe it is, let me find the date here Yes, April 29th, up to Free Comic Day on the 4th Just post up a little article somewhere, discuss why it means something to you We could even start a thread in the mob on Facebook Not a bad idea It's just a way to go beyond the Big Bang Theory Kind of... Cliche, geeky, geeky Yeah, exploitation of, geeksploitation Yeah, yeah Now to balance out the comic talk, I did want to mention some poetry Actually Are you gonna, like, lay some down right now? No, actually, a pope's gonna read some poetry for us But I came across this article in The Guardian A lot of what I consider pulp in a lot of ways is very cheese-heavy Let's put it gently You know, I mean, people take risks in the speculative fiction genre Science fiction is either really good or it's really bad There's not a lot of middle territory in a fantasy story or a science fiction story You're taking a huge leap, and if you don't land it properly It's gonna be a mess I think that's true of all, you know, art styles But back in the day, when we didn't have so many jewels or ends kicking around Poetry was really a huge portion of that entertainment And although what we remember, of course, is the good poetry There was certainly a time when terrible poetry was also well recognized, I think Speaking of which, where did you get this poem? Okay, well... From The Guardian, like, was it in the editorial? No, no, this, okay, in the 19th century What I was getting at is that in the 19th century there was a guy named William Tolpaz McGonagall Oh, great We've actually mentioned it before, although it was so far back in the- But it was in Harry Potter It was probably, yeah, it was probably one of the first dozen or so flash gas But I'm sure we've mentioned it before He was a weaver and actor, but he was also known for his really bad poetry And they recently turned up a handwritten, unpublished manuscript by him Which included, I believe, this poem And because he was so well known for being a bad poet, you wanted to share with us The poem sold for 3,000 pounds Wow And I feel like, if Pope is sort of the- a reflection of the popular culture in the time Then certainly so is this terrible, terrible poem So here, trying to make any sort of sense of its cadence Okay Let's hear it, Pope In praise of the royal marriage God bless the lovely and sweet Princess Mary And also the Duke of York, so handsome and gay Long life and happiness to them in married life May they always be prosperous and free from strife May their hearts always be full of glee And be kind to each other and narrow disagree And may the demon discontent never mar their happiness And my God be their comforter in time of distress And if they have children, may they grow grace And be an honor to the royal race Wait, I think that's a confused reading of genetics Of the Empress of India And Great Britain's Queen, who is faithful to her subjects And ever has been Very nice, very nice On that note, let's move into Skrkly outchments Okay, I just wanted to briefly mention that we will be closing the ning form For really reals It will happen probably very slowly In a month we will start transitioning in a way Well, probably before then, but don't panic I think we should have a party to celebrate this Yeah, I suppose we'll probably have a blow at the end Come hang out in the chat If you haven't had a chance, we're going to have a chat at the new place is getting a remodel I don't know if you've ever noticed But there's actually two domains that we maintain at the same time and And they really point to the same place at the moment But at some point is going to become an archival sort of museum site When Flashbulb ends, around 600 And will always be the newest Whatever we're doing The latest Skrkil is gone Exactly, Skrkil was eternal Maybe we should or until we're tired Maybe we should throw it off with like a mob game Like a mob game or something But we will be hosting the new form over at specifically And I'm quite excited Yeah, so I hope to see you there It takes forward motion I think it will be a much easier to navigate interface Than people found the name form The name was a little bit dense in its presentation And it never quite did everything we wanted Most importantly, it was really a pain on mobile to navigate Like it was a real pain on your phone You just weren't dedicated in that Yeah, well I want to spend five minutes trying to send a message Speaking of things that we wanted to see off A Snyderman made his movie night pick Holy, oh my god That was something terrible It was actually like Compare that to the last one Zombie ass toilet of the dead Yes, that really says it all right there It's funny because You were giving me such guff for the room But I knew how deep the well could really go Yeah, like how many zombies could be in it? I thought when I saw the room That that was the worst thing ever But it was and it was tame compared Yeah, but this one is a different brand of terrible It was also in Korean and we had new subtitles Which was kind of awesome It was better to guess This must be part of a fetish genre That we're a little bit unaware of But part of me doesn't want to think that at all Yeah, because yeah When they were fighting with their boatworms Yeah, they were like it was like Tentacley farting as a method of propulsion Yeah, that was assnakes I've been a little slow in getting it up But we actually recorded the hangout And I'm going to clip a little It's actually on our YouTube page I'm gonna clip a bit in the middle And post it up I think I'm gonna repost it Most of the people didn't know that they were involved in the The actual recording of that one Yeah, we sneak deeper Just when the movie starts we're going to record our entire reaction So that if you ever feel like You want to damage yourself You can go back and start the recording at the same time as we start the movie We'll do some sort of three to one countdown so that people will know when to start And that will be You'll be able to basically listen with mob commentary That'll be fun Honestly, I went through and watched a few minutes of it And like there was so much I missed from others' commentary Because I was here Yeah, there was some funny funny... Oh my goodness, yeah, it was awesome It's nice to have a full room And we're having a hangout This was certainly the sort of movie you can only sit through because you're with other people or something I wouldn't try doing it alone Poor, poor Richard Oh, Richard Lot Oh, Richard Lot did it alone Poor Ian Yes, poor Harold Dirty Harry Okay, and well, we will be having a considerably less I don't even know I think that Gigantor has the next movie pick I don't think it'll have buttworms He's digging around the trauma library which Although Kind of disturbing in its own way It's not nearly as It's not buttwormy It doesn't need shots Anyway So I don't know Have we picked a date for the next movie night? We have some dates selected One for a shoot this shit evening Where we're just gonna like hangout And then a movie night, I believe, on the 31st of March I remember we had this discussion Perhaps we should go back to the recording of the last movie night Yeah, conveniently we were recording Sounds good, I will post I will begin actually posting these items on I forgot to mention everyone should be If you're wondering why you're RSS feed Hasn't been updating You're probably using the Skinner Dorifam RSS Do it wrong You're going to want to go over to And use that feed for the moment Because Skinner Dorifam isn't updating Until it's fully up to speech The new, yeah, the newness Anyway, on the buttworm disturbingness Let's move into something Probably equally as bothersome frankly [Music] SpongeBob Hi everyone Several years ago, I had an auto accident Involving my SUV and a very large deer I was tooling along the interstate highway When a pack of wild dogs Chased the deer into the roadway Directly into the path of my car [Music] Although I managed to reduce my speed Before impact The collision was still serious enough to do $1,500 worth of damage to the car And cut the poor beast in half [Music] It was a shame really Leaving all that fresh meat behind To rotten hot Georgia sun I thought about grabbing a few slimy pieces To take home for the grill But I had my dogs along for the ride And they would have most likely Gone into an immediate state of bloodlust And gorged on the gore While I drove the poor battered truck home Honestly, I'm not even sure if it's legal To haul away roadkill in Georgia Which is where I was However, the great state of Montana Has just passed a new law which addresses This very subject Here's the story from the Huffington Post Montana may now be the ultimate drive-through Destination for adventurous foodies Thanks to a new law that allows residents To consume any animals They kill with their car The bill which passed 19 to 2 Allows deer, elk, moose, and ancalo That have been killed by a car To be harvested for food State Representative Steve Lavon Who introduced the bill Initially included all animals But Lavon eliminated sheep, bobcats, and bears To offset any financial incentive To intentionally hit them We have some animals whose parts Are worth quite a bit Sheep, bobcats, and bears Lavon told the New York Daily News So I reduced the bill down to deer, elk, moose, and antelope The bill is confined to these four animals for that purpose Their parts aren't worth What sheep or bear parts are worth Lavon, who is also a state trooper Introduced the law because he thought people Were missing out on a potential food source As people know, motorists hit A lot of animals on the roadways And I mean a ton of them, Lavon said According to Fox News dot com There's a lot of perfectly good meat Going to waste out there The Montana Department of Transportation Reported more than 1900 wild Animal vehicle crashes in 2011 And nearly 7,000 carcasses Were collected from road sides ABC News reported Before the bill passed Lavon said the highway patrol Would call food banks to pick up The roadkill carcasses Even though that was in violation of the law Usually when we call them They're not available or aren't even Logistically able to come out and get it Lavon told the Daily Interlake newspaper There can be some dangers with eating roadkill Especially if you don't know when the animal was killed However, experts say if an animal was recently killed But otherwise healthy The meat is actually much fresher Than what you might find In a grocery store Oh, dear I'm Jeffrey Lynch and that's This Week's Spot of Butter I actually have some experience with this But a friend of mine Her dad was a police officer And it was well known And they in fact were on the list That you could get yourself on the list That if there was a deer hit That they would be called to come pick it up Deer moose Yeah, so it frequently happened I personally have eaten venison steak That was roadkill And I'm sure it was delicious It was Nicely done, Mr. Lynch Excellent piece Yes, thank you, Sarah Thank you, Sarah As always, you can find him on Twitter As please, Lynch me And you can find all of his wonderful work over at buzz at Yeah, you know who eats roadkill? Jupreltte And here's his horrible history Greetings, my fellow mufflers I'm Jupreltte, and I have both of you in the horrible histories But have anybody seen the live cat? He's been missing for a little while Hmm I guess I'm going solo again this week Alrighty Time to kick up the dinosaurs and histoscope In 1692, it's in the same village in the Massachusetts Bay colony It's a very good Sarah Osborne And Tibuya an Indian slave from Barbados were charged with illegal practice for witchcraft Later that day, Tibuya possibly entered a version confessed to the crime encouraging the authorities to seek out more Salem witches The problem was small puritan community began a month before when nine-year-old Elizabeth Parrish and 11-year-old Abigail Williams daughter and niece respectively of the Reverend Samuel Parrish began experiencing fits in other mysterious maladies A doctor concluded that the children were suffering from the effects of witchcraft And the young girl's crawry of the doctor's diagon was encouraged me from a number of adults in the community of the girls who were certainly joined by other afflicted Salem residents that accused a winding circle of local residents of witchcraft mostly middle-aged women but also several men and even a four-year-old child During the next few months, the afflicted areas residents incriminated more than 150 women men in Salem Village and surrounding areas of Satanic practice In the 17th century colony of America, the supernatural was part of everyday life For there was a strong belief that Satan was present and active on the earth This concept emerged in Europe around the 15th century and spread to North America when it was colonized Witchcraft was then used by peasants to invoke particular challenge for farming and agriculture Over time, the idea of white magic transformed into dark magic and became associated with the day of demons and evil spirits From 1560 to 1670 Witchcraft Perficutions became common as superstitions became associated with the double inn Against Moderns Sadikusum, published in 1668 Joseph Granville claimed that he would prove the existence of witches and ghosts in the supernatural realm Granville wrote that the denial of the bodily resurrection and supernatural spirits In his treaties, he claimed that ingenious men should believe in witches and apparitions If they denoted the reality of spirits, they not only denied demons also the Almighty God Granville willing to prove the supernatural could not be denied Those who did deny apparitions were considered heretics For it also disproved the police in angels Orcs by such men as Granville and Cotton Mather Tried to prove to humanity that demons were alive Which played on the fears of the individual who believed in them That demons were active among them on the earth Men and women of Salem believed that all their misfortune were attributed to the work of the depths And things such as infinite deaths, crop failures Or friction among the congregation occur, the supernatural was blamed Because of the unusual size of the outbreak of which grabbed it Accusation, various aspects of the historical content This episode have been considered as specific contributing factors In June 1692, a special court of over to here and terminal to reside Confined in Salem under Chief Justice William Stalton to judge the accused First to be tried was Bridget Bishop of Salem Who was found guilty and executed by hanging on June 10th 13 more women and four men from all stations of life followed her to the gallows And one man, Giles Corey, was executed by crushing Most of those tried were condemned on the basis of witness behavior during the actual proceedings Characterized by bits and hues hallucinations that were argued to be caused by the defendants on trial In 1692, Governor William Phillips invented usage order to court the courts of over here and terminal to assault And replaced with the superior court of the judiciary Which forbade the type of sensationalist testimony that allowed nearly the trials The execution ceased and the superior court eventually released all those waiting trial And part of those sentenced to death The Salem wish trial which resulted in the execution of 19 innocent men and women had effectively ended Well, that's all for the history scope this week, ladies and gentlemen And you know what, under go, I'm just going to go get some coffee after that That's kind of depressing What? I can't marry the time dog playing cards in the kitchen What's that like? You and Murray the time dog are secretly besties Alright Murray, play us out Good Those fingers in my head Don't think that's all for free That's why I'm here the stairs That strips my contents bare It's witchcraft Nicely done, sir One of the things I love about the horrible history is that you're never quite sure what you're going to get Because there is so much horrible history Yeah, and there's so many possibilities Yes, people believed so many redonculous things Yeah, well, this is certainly an unfortunate thing Yeah, you can follow Gibraltar as Gibraltar42 on Twitter Thanks, cancer Thank you, sir You can actually follow his, I guess, star Murray as well as Murray_TTD the time traveling dog Yeah, I don't know if Rich knows that he's been hanging it with Donahue, but I don't know if he can't go Yeah, rival time lords You want to be careful, Donahue, because given lab cats propensity for, I don't know, backstabbing Mischief Mischief, yes, that's a much better word for it You may be replaced in an episode or two by just Murray and lab cat if he thinks that he can run that show Although, frankly, I'm not sure Murray would allow it Anyhow, I'm very excited for this next segment Surprise announcement The return of Doc Asriel We had a brief intermission, if you recall, in the mafia game that we ran in the ning-mom Oh, yes, yes, yes We had a nice little moment there back in the universe and it really got me in the mood for what I was hoping was his and many returns So, and here it is [Music] [Music] Last season of death stopped an incursion from another dimension with the assistance of a small group of hand-picked allies and now Doc Asriel, season two, unnatural selection Ronald Corley slumped behind his desk in frustration His desk He was having a hard time getting used to that idea A few short weeks ago, this small office had belonged to Sergeant Parr and now the desk, the office and all the problems that went with them belonged to Corley and what a cluster of problems he was facing today Last night, a gang of thugs busted into the gala event at the Natural History Museum But unlike a rational group of goons, they didn't do anything you would expect They didn't steal anything, nor did they rob the patrons Instead, they shot money into the crowd They didn't break anything, so the chaos from the mob certainly did significant amount of damage What they did do was kidnap a small group of mismatched individuals A small group including the recently retired Sergeant Parr The detectives Ronald had assigned to investigate hadn't found any clues Corley could hear his former boss now Corley, what are you doing? Take it an app, come find me Looking at the list of abductees didn't provide any more clues The adult children of two warring crime families, a museum employee, a football player, an EMT, a former smuggler, and a handful of others And so far, no demands had been made The newly promoted young officer considered calling his wife The source always had great insights, but she was so busy with their new baby that he hated to bother her He is starting to understand why Parr was always so angry Ronald poked briefly at the pile of papers that Parr had left behind before grabbing his hat Stomping out of his office, he shouted over his shoulder "I'm gonna go hit the streets, somebody in this office better have a lead before I get back" Elsewhere, in a crowded office at the University, Professor Salvador Ecten lay the daily newspaper down on his desk Intriguing doings at the museum last night I see I wonder what our local intro of death thinks of all the excitement Standing, Professor Ecten pulled on his overcoat and grabbed his hat Striding through the door, he paused only momentarily to speak to his office assistant Mr. Storm, cancel my appointments for the rest of the day I'm going out, there's something I need to look into Oh, I loved the throwbacks there Yeah, yeah, both to the mafia game, which hopefully, you know, won't be too confusing for folks But I don't think it will, he's unveiling it nicely Showing a little, like, kind of funny, I don't think there's too often a robbery at a Natural History Museum Nothing was stolen Yeah, especially in which money is thrown at the crowd Nice to see Corla back, a little bit, well, we'll see Because the problem with these stories, especially in the original, obviously, these are plays on the serial tales of the 30s and 40s Often, when there was a wife or husband/wife team, it was either the annoying nagging wife Which, no one, you know, that's an unfortunate stereotype of a less civilized age And one of the reasons I love Doris so much is that she's... She's badass Yeah, absolutely, so it'll be interesting to see how he integrates her into the further goings on But on the other hand, she is also, at this point, a better friend of Daca's Rial, and when he shows up, trouble usually arrives The par connection, it'd be interesting to see Corla slowly turn into par Because even as he was leaving, he was picking up that roughness, but anyway Nicely done, sir, much appreciated Glad to see you back Yes You can actually follow Doc Blue on Twitter as Doc_Blue, or if you dare, you can also follow Doc as Rial himself as Doc_As Rial We also have the return of another beloved Flash/Castian Flash/Cast? Or Cast to Flash/Cast? Anyway, we have another beloved return Captain Pickhart With a salty tale, would you please regale us with your best pirate rendition of Hope before we begin his story? I believe he's sent along a missive in a bottle Indeed, he says... Ahoy Flash/Casters, I think he welcoming arm waves from the bottom of the ocean This is where me ship now sadly lies, oh no, that's terrible Again, one day we'll figure out a buoyancy in McGuffin, and our cruises will be more enjoyable For now, I'm up to me armpits in tickle squid Obviously, this accounts for me general backwardness in the dryer realms where ye casted pod dwells Me thoughts are with ye surface dwellers, with ye dryness and air, and all the things a man longs for When his peg legs attract in vile mollusks In contrition for me absences, and belated listening, I offer ye a tale of maroonery I love that maroonery, fine cuisine, and cannibalism Maroonery If you love a good tale, and the splash of the salty brine on your face, then prepare yourself for the adventurous expulsions of Captain Ignatius Picard Ahoy The Gastronomical Adventure It was the kind of island where a man longs to bury his treasure Alas, my gold was now being colonized by humorous octopi who amused themselves by hurling coins at me splashing crew Now I know that ye may be a fear for the safety of me self and me crew, and ye should worry little For this marooning lark is bread and butter to us pirate types The forestation of the island was lush as Eve's own lady garden, before she choked on the serpent's apple, so we'd not be wanting for sustenance In time we'd assemble a rude craft to take us back to our wives and other foes In the meantime we rigged shelters and forage amongst the local flora for spit-rookstable fauna I must confess it was a tasty aisle with such rare delights to me tongue as I rarely had to me loins Each beast tasted sweetened the last, none more so than the friendly monkeys with the imploring eyes who hopped into our laps Understand this, we'd not meant to munch on 'em, for cute they were with their plushness and appealing blinking To us fate that pushed 'em twixt our teeth, for they was unwise in the ways of me men Through excessive petting one grew over excited and bounced into the fire, where it was immolated with an adorable squeak Why, it would be cheerless to waste its accidental incookination So Monty Witbulbo served the long-tailed sweet monkey, coiled on a bed of forest cabbage with a garnish of amphibious foreskin Ha ha, after that we hunted 'em rapaciously, desperate to cram as much of their divine flesh into us as possible Every day me and the lads would rise, with increase in difficulty, and go out monkey-cruning Whilst out on the hunt, by which I mean casually hooting, and then heard in the keen little beasts into a sack, no hands Mick was pounced upon by one of the Lemurian lunches The little snack-alate took exception to the tone of his croon, for Mick was apt to ignore me schoolings, and it snapped at him with unusual force Luckily Mick had lost both his hands in a tragic oyster incident, so when the monkey latched on, it was only to wooden brass, granting Mick the freedom to bounce it off a rock It rebounded into First Mate Billy No Mate's arms, with whom Mick had been reluctantly saddled for hunting The striped-furred ingredient, landed in his arms a Kimbo, its huge, pain-filled eyes bored into Billy's own, and as it twitched convulsively, young Billy saw a possible friend at last He ran back to camp, ignoring mixed hungry bellows, and barricaded himself in his shack, where he stuffed the beast fat with desperate friendship and fruit Meanwhile, our Epicurean spasms made us rotund and liable to roll into the sea, where we bob like apples until rescued And worse, we're devoured almost every living thing on the rock, and in further worsening, the food was fighting back We'd found old archival flim flam, lying in a ring of monkey-dung, his spectacles speckled with blood, and his bones picked clean Mick hankled crew spotted the last banger of them given goosons above him, but no amount of hurl in their way to the tree could relax their delicious digit grip We'd grown shorter plans and breath, until one day as we lay war-rassign on the sand, Billy no mate emerged from his shack, cradling that pitious and well-stuffed monkey like a dead twin Hamish noted a likeness, twix its big blue eyes and stippled fur, and the devilry that spat at us through the canopy, and so a ploy congealed twix me ears We'd used Billy's tufted muppet to lure out the lass of his kind and furnish ourselves with one more meal, after that we really must attend to the matters of shipbuilding and escape We'd Billy took some catching, free-grown thin, while the floppy ape grew fat on his dotin, it was an effort just to stop me peg-leg from sinking up to me hip, let alone run about But alas we pinned them both down, and to placate Billy's pleading tied him together in a pit beneath the monkey's tree I'd no desire to eat the sickening beast, for it mainly shivered and slabbered, whenever Billy hugged it, whispering into its ear Me and the fat lads weighed in the bushes, attempting for quiet, but falling foul of various gastric ailments, and the need to chew on anything nearby Thankfully the howling of the monkey, or Billy, it was hard to distinguish him, veiled our greed nicely The sweet simian sharred us with bumbberries, and abuse in their chittering tongue, they employed instead of English Once they'd beaten us off, they seized the baboonie babe and Billy, and buggered off into the bushes We found Billy no mate's bone some days later, you could tell it was him, because he was missing, and also his skull had the same look at pathetic friendlessness as when it was clad in skin, so that were it, no more food We turned at last a shipbuilding, and on each other, I'd found a handy conch shell, and I used it to summon me men We used dice to make a simple choice, for we'd found that delicious though the monkeys are, they'd found an even finer meal in us Gar! An excellent tale is always captain I almost want to try that sweet monkey meat, sweet treat of that delicious monkey meat We can't do anything with that Yeah, no, I got nothing But what we do have actually, is a review from Jay Gantor Get a flashcast and fellow mobsters, Jay Gantor here, with a board game review of Last Night on Earth, the zombie game I'm going to get the usual details out of the way, because there's a lot to talk about It was published by Flying Frog Productions, art was done by Jack Scott Hill, and the game was designed by Jason C. Hill It accommodates 2 to 6 players, and an age of 12 and up is recommended The game will devour 90 minutes of your time, but you won't really notice as the game does keep your attention Depending on how many participants you have, you may have up to 2 people controlling the endless zombie horde, and the rescue to play heroes The players are stuck in a small town, which is brought to life with a very cleverly made modular game board The board layout allows a lot of randomization for every game, as there are different cities Not cities, but like different parts of town on different sides of the board, and you flip them up and you might get some might show up You might get the sheriff's office, or you might not Guns might not be available, but you may get the hospital and have access to meds and such The game has an excellent versatility, it offers pre-constructed scenarios with specific wind conditions You can play a basic game of just running at the clock, you can create your own scenario, maybe you want to rescue a few people in an isolated part of town And you have to collect a few items first You can also go online to the game website, and I believe they had some extra scenarios posted on their site This is a big box game, and like all the others, there are a lot of pieces and miniatures, and cards, and dice that come with it A lot of pieces to keep track of I have seen worse games for this Now unlike other board games I've ever played, this game came with its own soundtrack The music comes courtesy of Jack Scott Hill and Mary Beth Megalenis And it's made up of suspenseful instrumental tunes, with some zombie groaning The heroes and zombies are represented, correction are represented, by miniatures Made that are well crafted out of plastic, and captured the lightnesses of the heroes very well Character sheets are also included, that offer up a little bit of backstory for every character Each character follows the classic horror movie tropes, you have the jock, you have the nerd You have the popular girl, the sheriff, the drifter, the busty nurse, and there's a few others Once you've picked your character and your scenario, you're ready to go Now it's time to face the horde Well, the horde is also ready to feast on your squishy bits too The zombie numbers don't pile up as high as zombies, which I've reviewed in the past But the number of roamers that the board offers up is more than enough to add a bit of challenge And some pressure when you're getting down to the nitty gritty Both heroes and zombies are equipped with a fistful of cards to improve their odds against the other Items can be found depending on which buildings the board decided to offer up to the players The game is combat heavy and dice are thrown around constantly This game is well put together and looks amazing They've produced several game expansions and has won a few awards Unfortunately, I'm only giving you a very small glimpse into the last night on Earth This is actually probably my first non-conventional board game that I purchased and played a lot Unfortunately, I could go on and on and on with stories of this game But the really unfortunate part is, as I've acquired other board games Last night on Earth has been picked clean, the miniatures have been used for some RPGing And I've painted them and such I don't know why I'm mentioning all this But the game just keeps on giving to be honest with you And the board game kind of hit a peak and it just transferred into other things Though I do really miss this board game So whether you're a busy nurse trying to gather fuel for the old truck Or a zombie crawling through a window to feast upon the priest You're in for a good time If you want a zombie game that stays fresh Well, as fresh as the undead can be Then this is the game I'm going to give last night on Earth a 4 out of 5 Sorry, 4.5 out of 5 blazing tortures Thanks for listening guys I'll talk to you guys again soon Bye Awesome, I would totally play that Yeah, sounds fantastic I really like the game that has some leeway and how you approach it And zombies And yes, absolutely zombies Very important Have you guys also seen Gigantor's drawings? I'm seeing them on Instagram If anybody has Instagram Does anybody know Gigantor's Instagram information? Because it's totally worth it I believe it is just Gigantor Yes, I believe so Okay, look for them on the Instagram And we're discussing tablets and stuff Yeah, that would be so handy for him He doesn't post on Twitter too often, but Gigantor King Yeah, maybe if you follow him That will totally encourage him And I was totally not a Twitter user But the last few weeks I've been making an effort And enjoying it Is the Jessica May? Yes, the Jessica May There are others, but I am the Jessica May Next, I believe we have a podcast review from the Scott Roche Hi, and welcome to this week's podcast Proslite This is Scott Roche And this week I'll be reviewing Fables of the Flying City This podcast is done by Jared Axelrod And his stuff can be found at Fables of the Flying City can be found at Synopsis Ash, a young woman from the streets of the Flying City of Amperstam learns what it takes to be a member of the aerial guard and finds herself at war with an invading empire and the rulers of the city she has sworn to protect Production The audio here is very solid Jared is a podcast pro There's no added production overhead Grade B+ Cast This is a straight read Jared does most of it There are a few episodes where he has a guest voice All three voice actors do wonderful jobs with their segments My favorite are the Hannah Gatling segments Grade A Story This is a wonderful story It's a prequel for a graphic novel that has already come out He's done a good job of setting up the world and the characters It has a very pulp steam punk feel But this isn't just our world with gears tacked on There is some definite mystery here and this world is a different place than our own Ash, the protagonist, is a wonderful character and we see her grow and change But this can happen from time to time There's an ancillary character that steals the show when she's on stage The aforementioned Hannah Gatling I would kill for a Hannah-centric story Grade A+ Verdict This is a podcast not to be missed I had the pleasure of being at the launch party at Balthicon Year before last and I can say it lived up to my own internal hype Fair warning for those who don't like short episodes I think most of these clocky at about 10 minutes each I don't think that's going to be a problem for the mob Still, it's done now so you can mainline it Grade A While I'm reviewing Fables of the Flying City I can also say that anything Jared Axelrod is attached to is pretty fantastic So you should check out the rest of the stuff that Jared has done Again, you can find him at Well, that's all for this week You can find my stuff at You can follow me on Twitter @spiritualtramp And as a side note, Jessica made a request that I review or test the crave cereal that I mentioned on Facebook And I can say that I have tested it And it's like Captain Crunch that's been filled with chocolate And if that appeals to you at all it's really appeal to me then go check it out, that's crave with a K So yep, and I avoided eating any on mic because I know that would deeply defend JRT So anyway, thanks, see you next time Have a good week Bye I wanted to hear some deep chews Unfortunately, we have to defend it It was nice to get a little extra out of scott this week Yes, and I love Captain Crunch and we don't really get it around here chocolate filled Captain Crunch Although, we may have news on that front in a moment or two Wait a minute, are you saying you never had any crave? Because we've had it Yeah, no, I've never had craze We just never tried it I believe that we had it once for the children We bought it once and it vaporized into Yeah, it was existent for about ten seconds Which is why you never buy chocolate cereal for the children Exactly But yeah, I'm definitely going to do it now that you've described it that way I was never going to do it until you described it that way Now that you've described it that way, Scott, I am never going to do it I can also recommend the work of Jared Axelrod, though Good, well, I'm glad Although, Fables with Long City specifically, I have to admit, I have not heard Well, fortunately, we have an inn on that, we have a guy And his name is Scott Roche Okay, but speaking of Captain Crunch, it's time for Mailbird Mailbird Okay, while we have been away a couple of weeks, we missed a week for some reason Well, for very specific reasons We were very lucky, even though we were a little bit bummed We were much lifted by a series of packages that arrived at our door from the mob We were very lucky in the mail department this last couple of weeks Yes, first from Strasburg, we got a Valentine's Day box The Straws Shaped box Yes, for the Heart Shaped Straws box, that's what it was Yes, and we do have a video of that, which I'll put online, sorry Oh, goodness, yes And then Tibby Well, the Straws box, wait, actually, the Straws box was full of Valentine related to candy We should make that specific Yeah, I got candy corn Oh, well, yeah, it's funny because by the time we get to these items Because we already have the Straws box, like the previous one Yeah, although people will be dipping into the candy Into the new one a little bit Some of these are getting cleared out, pretty handy But, yeah, we're making sure that the candy stays in the original boxes So there's not too much confusion Unless Charity's just not paying attention when I'm like Here, this is from this box and here, this is from this box He'll never do it again, I swear So we will actually be tasting some dark side skittles from the Straws box Yes, from the Valentine's Day, the Heart Shaped Straws box But first, you were about to mention Tibby's box Yeah, Tibby's box had knitted items, which is like, well, there were thin mints Let's not overlook the thin mints There were, at some point, thin mints Yes, actually, to be honest, I think there are, like, several left in the freezer Yeah, there's maybe a couple left A guy I know may have gotten in here And, but, oh my god, you have no idea what it's like to get, like, okay, maybe you guys do But I didn't know how much I would absolutely flip over getting some knitted goods from Tibby Like, it just, it takes so much time and effort to make it And it was just a thoughtful, like, I just, I ripped it out of the package And then just threw it to my face and I wanted to smell as much Tibby, Oregon air as I possibly could I got a nice Tom Baker-esque scarf Yeah, but I'm talking about my hat right now and I just really love it, Tibby And I, like, I wear it a lot and I've taken pictures with the kids I'm sure you guys have seen on Instagram, but Yeah, it's a great hat Yeah, and everybody knows Tibby and everybody knows that Tibby likes to knit And then we got it and, oh man, it just, it means so much It was such, such a cool thing And you've been talking about it now, it's like the moment I got it The follower on Twitter is itibi That is just the letter I, itibi Itibi BBI On top of all of that, awesome There came a third box Yes, the unknown package Actually, the box is the third as well Yes, the third Which, I took some pictures of some things this evening The coolest thing ever, guys Well, there were so many things, there was, like, we'll, okay, maybe we'll get into the cereals Yes, we have to be careful because there are so many things We have to unpack now Yes, the box specifically asked that the family, including the children, opened up these four boxes of cereal In order to do the samples It wants to taste their young souls Yes, and their various Captain Crunches or pebbles Fruity pebbles Yes, we won't get too specific because we are going to have a special episode with just the children of us Oh, is it going to be an entire special episode? Well, it's going to be little, but it's going to be, you know, big enough Yes, it's going to be lovely, I have plans Clearly Yes, the box asks for it, and it does own a piece of my soul But we will be sampling, okay Hold on, but the light, can I tell you what the light is? Oh, yes, absolutely. It's my most favorite part, guys The light was what the light was. Because the TT, you know, he doesn't just buy candy, things, you know, about what it's like to be you And, like, we have this outdoor recorder from him that we got That, like, you know, we can get sounds and do our own fully in stuff Like, it's really thoughtful And now we have this really, really cool light It just looks like a regular light bulb, or close to a regular light bulb But it comes with a remote control, which if you look in the inside the studio folder A picture folder in the mob on Facebook You can see this awesome, well, we have it in a lamp But anyways, there's light bulb, this really awesome remote And there's just such a huge range of colors And then you can specifically hold on to one color, or I can, like, slowly morph into different colors And we put it in this sort of, like, elk hove thing And it just, it's so magical and sparkly And it really, like, it's great for the ombrels It's attracting ponycoons The kids love to, too Yeah, it's just, it's so considerate, it's a little, but it's awesome We've got little cable ties for all our, like, cables and stuff Yeah, we're so much more organized, it's just, it's awesome Huge to appreciate it, I guess, absolutely all three of you Yeah, thanks guys Okay, so Strasburg actually wrote in as well And we'll get a Pope to read it here, but as we do so We will taste the dark side And specifically, skittle format Yes, from the Valentines, dude I'm so chewing into the mic Except for me So Strasburg says, on mental epics, or james breakfast sausages I love this comment In my time, I've never come across a gag gauge For how upset my tummy might be Yeah, well, other than nausea The sausage gauge But I have learned, that my body has its own method of revenge for over indulgence In the form of bad music As I sit a stride, porcelain on the phone I am inundated with the absolute worst song I can think of Over and over and over At the last occurrence, it was the theme song to one of the shows my kids watch Nice In my college days, it was usually something by Fred Dearest Now Jessica May actually pressed him because she needed to know, she needed to know Like what child you saw And now Jessica May will grace us with a brief clip from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Say it with me Miska Miska Mickey Mouse It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Come inside, it's fun inside And I see K-E-Y, I'm O-U-N-E Okay, I have to confess I come from a land where chicken is counted as a fruit I come from a land down on top So unless the Skittlest chicken flavored I don't know The dark side factor is that it's essentially pomegranate and blood orange But I like that Yeah, I know you guys are Give me some beef and chicken and bacon Skittles and we'll talk I don't know if I can talk to you any longer Thanks a lot, Strasburg While we're shouting out Twitter handles, Jay Strasburg Yeah Go follow, excellent Actually, Timmy, although I've consumed the majority of your Thin Mints already We will sample from the box while we listen to a commentary I'm so excited about this, she sent us in a review of Robot Combat Fighting League, Combat Fighting Robots, Punch Punch Robot I don't know what it's called She will clarify, she's actually got the cover art for this episode I worked out, she did a little art I guess she had to express herself during her experience And we're going to share it with the world But while we do so, we're going to eat Oh my god, you guys, you have no idea Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god From the box, the box has bought my soul with Caramel Delights Now, are these some moas? Uh, I actually had to look that up, Charity Tell us what you've learned I've learned the truth This is some X-Files business up in here, we're going to Oh my god, it is in the heat, cover the windows Put the tin foil on your head So, um, there's more than one bakery that does Girl Scout Cookies Okay And usually they end up being the same, but apparently these cookies Very depending on what bakery they come from It's one of the only Girl Scout Cookies that does that So some moas are regional is what you're saying Um And these Caramel Delights are somehow Some moas are made by little brownie bakers That is the name of the bakery that does them And there is actually a difference Apparently, um, some moas are circular with like an orangeish color And they're thicker And they usually contain more caramel per coconut And they're made with dark chocolate Whereas the caramel delights are made with milk chocolate And they are, I think, a little bit thinner Huh, oh my god, there's some more good And there's a lower caramel content Oh my god, guys, it's so good So, can we, I want to hear some, uh, caramel delight versus Samoa arguments I really like dark chocolate No, milk chocolate's worth that Don't listen to her guys Ladies, ladies, put the knives away Alright, you know what else is good? I'm sure There's a review by Tibi Okay, so I'm going to be reviewing Siffy Channel's new TV show A robot combat league This is a show where they have 12 teams And they are these giant robots And they fight each other With the people on the teams Controlling them And when I first heard about it, it wasn't really all that And pressed with the concept Because one of the things I heard was That the robots Had to be supported in their, on their backs With something to keep them from falling over Which I thought, okay Well, it turns out that the thing that supports them Is this kind of very slender looking Tri-potty thing, which is They're much more mobile than I thought Would be possible Uh, and The Tri-potty thing lets them move backwards and forwards And then they have arms that can actually be moved And that way they can fight against each other And the teams are made of two people And one person controls the back and forth motion Of the robot while the other person Where's these arm things That actually lets them move the arms of the robot Well, start of the show We show how the Person who created the robots Makes these 12 robots with these cute little designs One's a commando robot One's got a roll cage on it And another is a steampunk You know, it's like his idea of what steampunk is I would have Maybe done up a few more different things That's kind of cartoony looking to my eye Um, I'm sure T and Philippa could have given him some really good tips If he'd been looking for any Well, it's just a first show One of the things I thought I was kind of sad about Was that the teams didn't have any input Into the design of the robots Robots were ready made by the time they got there Again, maybe in future shows This will change and they'll pick teams And teams will actually have some input there So the 12 teams, two people each, show up Except, I think for a father-daughter team I don't think anybody knew each other And they're just matched up One is a former Football player Another is a software designer Another is a gamer She, one of them is a Fighter boxer kind of thing, I guess Anyways, which will come in handy And after the teams are made And they are appointed to their robots They don't get to pick which one they want But they do a pretty good job of picking a robot That kind of fits the personalities of the two people They are then set to Oh, I should warn spoilers ahead Get ranked because it's going to be where Two teams fight each other And then we're going to go from 12 to 6 I guess down to 3, down to whatever And they have to use a sparring robot to hit a target And depending on how quickly and how well they do it, they get ranked So the first rank, I think they hit the target in 7 seconds And the father-daughter team hit the target in like a half an hour They had a lot of trouble coordinating because One member of the team moves the robot back and forth The other controls the arm and does the punching And actually, you do punch and jab Your actions translate to the robot And they had a hard time coordinating, so they're number 12 So the first fight comes up And it's of course the first ranked team who are really good and coordinated And they've got it figured out real quickly Against this poor father-daughter team And you're thinking, oh, it's going to be a massacre And it was for the first round The first ranked team just gets a good punch in to the other team's arm Pulls off coupling to the hydraulic fluid that they use to let the arms move And there's hydraulic fluid spewing out And it's like, oh my god, the robot is bleeding to death And you're thinking, oh, he's dead Well, they give 20 minutes to fix it between rounds And they get it fixed for the last second, so is that the last second? And they get back into the fight And you're thinking, oh, there's all this damage to the poor robot These guys are going to go back in and destroy the arm again Instead, this poor father-daughter team that you're so sure are going to die Get a really good center mass torso punch and demolish the top-rank robot I mean, he's dead, I mean, it's a knockout, there's no way to fix the thing that goes wrong I am just sparks and everything And whoa, they win! Which was cool because they're from Portland, Oregon I'm living in Oregon, so it was like, oh, they're my team I don't really want them to be my team, maybe, but for now, they're my team And that was the end of the first show, it was very cool, very unexpected And I'm looking forward to the next one And again, robot combat league And if you watch it, you'll probably enjoy it And that's it, okay, reviews from Oregon, over and out Sounds right up my alley, frankly, I mean, there's a certain amount of artifice there With the big tripod thing, and I understand what to be saying, but still, man, fighting robots Yeah, I remember watching the smaller fighting robots with you back in the day And I'd be like, I don't know if I want to watch this, but you start and you can't stop The problem is that eventually all of those fights turned into wedges smashing into each other Yeah, or there was a particular tool that would always work best And you're like, oh, this guy's coming back around, okay, he's going to win Yeah, yeah, but giant robots and repair times And that sounds kind of cool Right at the last minute, yeah, that kind of drives me nuts about reality shows We only have this much time The show we've been at I don't know, I don't watch a lot of reality TV, honestly, although this might be The only time I do believe it is for... Face off? Yes, I believe that Face off, and we'll see the other one that... Oh, hot set, although they're not in production right now I think they're making another season though coming out I'd love to see crossover of the two Yeah, absolutely But face off, well, the thing is that they're constantly having that Oh no, there's only five seconds left, but it's because they're actually going to be screwed almost every time Like there's always somebody who really needed another half-data get their business together Or like something can go wrong that could be fixed within a few minutes But you don't have it, so it is down to the last moment But no one ever ends up spirting hydraulic fluid, which is definitely something that's too good Mm-hmm, not yet Plus it's kind of cute to see a father-daughter team Mm-hmm, I... The underdog This seems interesting, but what I would really be interested in seeing is like the fifth or sixth season Where the show goes and how they transform things Mm-hmm, it's all wedges still Yeah, it goes back to just how it is Yeah, if it's really popular It's really big wedges And they can put more, you know, designed into the bots or whatever Yeah, I think we have to get to a point where I don't know if it's going to be battling robots Or if we're just going to allow certain athletes to finally augment themselves as far as they can possibly go Mm-hmm, but we're going to get an enhanced sports league at some point Like something that is a little bit beyond anything we've seen previously Mm-hmm, and I'm really excited for that day because maybe that's a sport I'll actually be able to get behind We'll have the new football Robot football Now I'm actually moving up the research question from background plots to the mailbag Because it's a little bit more appropriate there But I would like to kind of keep it with that idea in mind that this is assisting me in my writing really Uh, we got some cold remedies in a lot of Yes, I was reading this Yeah, a lot of vitamin C and those sorts of things Although we got a few really interesting ones Uh, Gigantor wrote in Look a pig, I was really surprised I was really surprised Well, actually, you might be surprised by this a little bit So, Gigantor, hey guys, I'm mainly resort to zinc, uh, echinasia and cold facts Looking a pig Looking through a cold, but I've heard of another When you're sick you rub fixed vapor rub on the soles of your feet Throw out your socks on and then go to bed for the night Supposedly, it helps a lot though, I haven't dried it myself Does it make your face go? Stay groovy, Gigantor Well, I assume it somehow probably wafts up through your blanket Cover and, like, your blanket keeps it underneath And you're just getting this constant waft of fixed vapor rub But maybe that's, I have no idea, I don't know why the feet aspect I don't know if I manage sleeping with socks on With, like, juicy feet inside the sock? Oh, man I think that texture would probably keep me awake Now that I'm thinking about it, the dew on the sock Put it in a wool sock Mmm And then, yeah, no, don't actually do that Anyone that sounds horrific Yeah David Hayes on Twitter at Hayes Uh, was mentioning He puts honey, lemon, ginger, and a mason jar on the fridge for a day to do a week And then he drinks a spoon of the goop with hot water Actually sounds really delicious Like, I'd want to do that anyway How much ginger? I need specifics, David Hayes You know what, he actually sent along a series of pictures Obviously not so helpful for this podcast format But I will put them in the notes Thank you And you'll be, they're actually Amazing looking at what he's doing with this remedy Sold, sir I would eat it on a non-stick day, right here Yeah, you could put on an ice cream or something, would that be good, David Hayes? Now, Richard Lot You should jar it, David Hayes He does jar it, I don't know Send it to me, David Hayes Uh, Richard Lot, I included his because his kind of covered the general idea that I got from a lot of people on Twitter and Facebook And thank you to all of you, sorry if you don't make it into the notes, but it's always really appreciated In response to the SC research question, when I get sick, I drink a couple of the orange sobe, 200% vitamin C per bottle And then he drinks adwala immunity booster, and then he sleeps a lot And those vitamin C and sleep was really what everyone doesn't matter where you are Apparently, that's the advice you take Basically, OD on vitamin C, but also got to take in some vitamin D to help absorb the C Yes Which is a good tip Mm-hmm Okay, but we are coming out of our colds, and I don't want to think about them anymore So, how about, I know I've actually asked about this in the past But I would be really excited to hear some local legends from your neck of the woods Whatever you are, I believe Like that creepy house down the street Mm-hmm The last time we discussed this, I believe Snyder Man suggested the Jersey Devil, which is a fun little bit of creep from out there But, whatever you got, you got a weird uncle who told you about some house one time Whatever it is, I'd love to hear it That place, like that door in the school that nobody wanted Remember to give me some hint as to whereabouts in the world you are Because a lot of the time, these things are regional and it's very helpful to know Mm-hmm But I look forward to those answers That's exciting Yeah, this will be a good one Mm-hmm Okay, well, I guess that closes up the mailbag If you've got anything you want to send along, please send it off to Or you can hit us up on Twitter or on Facebook, really, but That's your sure fire method to go to So hang out with us on the mob on Facebook Text or mp3s We appreciate them deeply Mm-hmm Are you a dassy, ho-ho? I don't have a song for Sunday I wonder if people have begun to expect If you break into your bit singing, it's pretty clear you're obviously dancing Actually, that's our life with you in a way Anytime you're trying to duck out on I'll just sing too Suddenly you become Dolly Parton Yes, you do I know what I'm going to do for next week's song Okay I'm not necessarily going to tell you that right now But I have picked it Unless it's super ridiculous hard for me on the guitar, that's why I'm not going to tell you Okay, I think in the future, if you miss a week Then we dictate the song that you do the week afterwards Oh, that's bullshit Between a Pope and I, we pick it And I'm telling you that if you miss another week, the first song you're doing is "Love the Theme" What? That's... no The "I" Oh! Never race up Recently, I just did a little bit of narration work for John Miro over at Serving Worlds Mm-hmm, yeah, Serving, yeah I believe if you want to go check it out, it was his Walk the Fire anthology And you can go to Oh, yeah, Serving Worlds. Sorry, Serving Worlds will shun you over there in a second Mm-hmm It was a really great story Yeah, he does get work I really enjoyed it We actually lived geographically not far from him Oh, really him? Yeah, we should have a podcaster tweetup business Mm-hmm So if anybody is interested in checking that out Yeah, I will You should be and you will definitely recommend That's what you need to tell them Yeah, be a little firmer Mm-hmm You want to do this? You do Serving Worlds, go, hear a Pope, encourage this man Make it suck Jeez Backroom plot So we've released a pair of black holes since the last time we did Flashcast With sound effects Yeah, actually I'm surprised you didn't mention that in your segment I'm quite enjoying the full episode I'm so used to saying I haven't done anything This next piece is going to be a bit tricky, but I'm sure you're a little conscious What? Uh, often with the stories, I don't explain a lot of what's happened before But that's easier with a mulligan, right? You don't have to explain what happened on his last case, it's whole And with black hole, I like to start the story cold in that sense of not having to know what his previous adventure is But sometimes there is a certain amount of continuity that's carrying over For instance, we're dealing with the bells Who directly previous to this story have just escaped a pretty terrible situation And... I didn't really want to get into that very much, though, because it isn't entirely relevant to this I wanted this to stand a little more on its own So, there's a quick mention of it at the start But I've hoped that I've been able to escape over that A little bit, I have to say it was a concern to start, but anyhow Hopefully after this one... No, at the story after this one of the black hole thread That'll be the end of this little gap of continuity we've had That have kind of been thinking it was the perth cycle We get into these weird skids of continuity with black hole Where we'll get 9 or 12 episodes in a row that actually kind of link to each other And then suddenly he'll go back to one shot adventures But I quite like that, I like that you can hold on to both aspects When you re-release the stories will they be in order? No, because I'm telling them in the order that they reveal certain items Without getting into what the third part of this cycle is going to be We're going to be finally revealing a lot of information regarding black holes Wondering about in the first place And how many episodes in 300 and some We're finally getting to the impetus of why he's bothering to even be there I really enjoyed the visuals of the green ship If you don't know what the green ship is, you should listen to the story and figure it out That's awesome I don't know that people are too familiar with the legends behind Edmund's coins So I did want to mention that briefly You know, I'm sure people... They hold much power Well, you know, the idea that if dropped into a drink they would blind the... A wrong spouse to infidelity is actually a real legend, it's a thing Now why it works in Canada over other places in the world We'll get to later in the black hole cycle But did you guys know that in the original Greek sort of idea It was only one coin and it was put into the mouth? And some more along the way we picked up a second coin and put it over the eyes That's interesting Well, you know, it's all superstitious and just makes people feel better So it just makes... yeah, stick 'em in an ear It's an orifice It's interesting to see how it morphed over time Maybe people didn't like reaching into a dead guy's mouth Like just having a little shove a finger in there for a second I don't know, anyhow So they paid twice as much so they wouldn't have to put it in the mouth Yeah, either way It's the sort of thing that leads to all sorts of questions, right? Like, does Charon or however you want to pronounce that? Is there a banking system down there where he can exchange this variety of coins that he's collecting for some sort of standard health currency? Oh yeah, is that all it is? He's just a big collector, he's a big fan He's looking for those coins that have errors on them, what do they call those? Oh yeah, I have this terrible desire all of a sudden to write like pawn stars of the underworld Where he comes in and he's picked up this great coin he wants to get rid of But it's like, it's a remake, you know? Yeah, let me call my buddy Yeah, and he's like, actually this was forged And he's like, son of a bitch Goddamn Romans. Anyhow, I think that about wraps it up for us Thanks for sticking with us, home slices Uh, we'll be back at the regular, bad time regular, bad channel next Sunday Yep If you want to get your comments in again, comment at Or you can fire off commentary, your local urban legends, whatever it happens to be To skin or co, on Twitter And if you have regular segments for the show, please send them to Oh yeah, good note, good note If you have irregular segments from the show Uh, you can also find us individually on Twitter as jaredy skinner, the deskame, and a popen axe Good luck spelling of that Big thanks to Jim for hosting Thank you Jim And, hugely appreciated Very much Mmm Enjoy the show? Tell a friend Really enjoy the show? We've got a donate button on the site We usually appreciate when you hear it If you have comments, questions, or suggestions, you can find us at or e-mail us Or e-mail us text or mp3s to Or at us, whatever Mhmm The entire run of flashpolf can be found at Or via the search bar in itin No entirely. Shh. Flashcast is released as the creative comments, attribution, non-commercial, 3.0, updated, vice. Yay! Unported. Unported. Next time. We'll do better next time. Next time. It'll be updated. I'm no part of ever returning you, but maybe I'll leave if I'm not joining you, or if it's not. I'm not. I'm really touched there. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. If you put those two together, it tastes like medicine. I didn't say I didn't like it. I hate it. Okay. You can have a little bit of chewing near the end here. Okay. Now's the time we're getting back.