The Skinner Co. Network

FC80 - Canadian Hobo Pennies

Broadcast on:
12 Feb 2013
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Prepare yourself for: Sexy Anne of Green Gables, space marines, suspecting Agatha Christie, a real life superhero gunfight, and Mulligan.

Some days, gloomy, my hours are slumberless Dearest, the shadows I live with by nonetheless Little white flowers will never awaken you Not where the bright culture sorrow has taken you Angels have no fire ever turning you Would they be angry if I saw them join in you Ooooh, thunder Hello, and welcome to Flashcast 80, a Skinner Co. presentation Skinner Co. We run barter town This episode is also brought to you by generous donations from Juju Click and Colorado Joe, many thanks If you'd like to sponsor an episode, please feel free to use the donate button on the site But now, prepare yourself for sexy and green gables Space Marines, Suspecting Agatha Christie, a real life superhero gunfight and Mulligan Death is no dream for, and death I'm caressing you With the strength of my soul, I'll be blessing you Glue me sunday Hi, I'm a Popanax, and joining me in this cold hard city where the rain never stops falling and neither do the bodies In this town of torment and trouble, where all my comforts are a whiskey shooter and the shooter in your pocket are just coming Hello, and Charity Hello, that was beautiful With that pulpy little opening Have you heard about a somewhat unpulper related topic? The new Anne of Green Gables cover Yes, I don't, I think I was reading something over somebody's shoulder and I saw a picture of the girl and somebody saying, like, what the heck, wasn't she supposed to be like, you know, a redhead with braids and I think it isn't that pippy long stocking, I don't know, I can't remember very much Similar body structure, I suppose, but Not just lady, not just her braids naturally fall For those unfamiliar Anne of Green Gables is sort of a Canadian-beloved icon in a way Yup, but there's been so many TV series But it started as a novel, I thought we would start there In the first book she is ten, Ellen Montgomery The lady who wrote the books was very specific about how Anne was portrayed all the time She once fought a legal battle according to this article that I dug up from CBC She apparently went to a legal battle with a publisher who had published one of her books without permission and there were days of testimony dedicated just to the visual portrayal of Anne Wow So, interestingly, Amazon releases a three Well, I don't know that it's Amazon, or if it's just selling on Amazon, probably more of the case But there's a three-book set of Anne Tales with a busty looking blonde What? What farm works here, what? That is disgusting I mean, I'm not a guy to be looked at You must keep true to the original But Jesus Christ, consider this setting No, no, I'm done, this is over, I'm getting up, I'm out of here Well, I feel like this goes back to the discussion I was having the other day Which I was saying that covers right now are really in a slump I don't think we know where to go just yet with cover design Titties, apparently it's titties and long hair I don't want to sound like I'm being that guy, but everything in its place But this is not its place, like this is clearly not appropriate for Anne of Green Gables I don't have problems with the boobies, just not on Anne Anne doesn't have boobies I'm trying to come up with a, it would be like Dora the Explorer book being sold by some sassy Latino lady And saxifying her Well, even Anne grows up and, you know, all that time Yeah, she gets owned by the same child Yeah, that doesn't happen She's a country girl, she's a redhead Oh my God, you're destroying my childhood I'll put my breath While we're on the childhood path Did you guys hear there's a new Thunderbird series coming out? Oh really? Why are you so much Thunderbirds? Are they gonna be on strings? Because if they are, I have problems with that I know you have problems with the original series It's so creepy guys, I can't watch it It's just too scary A kid's show made so long ago Their eyes are a little too real Sometimes it looks like they are moving their own strings You know what? I have to admit to being kind of grouped out by Captain Scarlet When I was young 'Cause those mysteries And my stepfather Sharlut was my favorite show for a while That was definitely Oh, it was good, but it was frightening My stepfather grew up on the show and he really enjoyed it and we watched it together But as I got older, shit creeped me out Yeah, understandably so, I suppose Understandably? No, it's not quite understandable I'm trying to be sympathetic, but yeah Now really, you're just messed up It's all messed up The new series will be a mix of CGI animation and live action model sets While also paying tribute to the legacy of model locations from Anderson's original Oh, oh yeah Yeah, so I'm hoping they're gonna put just a little uncanny value into it Stay true to the original and then I'm like, I hope they totally change that shit Get away from the puppets, drop the puppets Burn the puppets That's not beloved in me, so whatever Replace them all with busty blondes Sold Everything in its place Yes, exactly Did you hear about, if you didn't hear about that, did you at least hear about the space marine kerf level? Space marine? Space marine? Oh goodness, where have you been in the puppets? That sounds badass Like for realsies? No, okay, space marines are a much beloved concept in science fiction It's basically your standard space badass Yeah, exactly so Apparently the guys who make Warhammer 40k You're familiar It's a model fighting fight game You have a little dudes and you move around on fake terrain and beat each other up Yes, yes, yes I do enjoy that sort of business I just don't have the money to invest in that or time honestly To invest in that sort of thing anymore But they have one of their factions are the space marines Okay So they've cooperated this term Despite the fact that it has, you know, a meaning to the community for decades and decades already And they went after spot the space marine, a book being published Just I think by a one man, you know, on Amazon kind of store How crazy? Yeah, and they told them to take it down Seriously? It went into a big, you know, we are all space marines now Oh good, well I'm glad Yeah, it turned into a thing And now they've They've backed off apparently spot the space marine flies again Good But this brought me back to another point Did you guys, are you guys aware and we may have discussed this on the show? Marvel will not allow other people I believe it's Marvel will not allow other companies to use the term superhero What? They'll copy right out of the term superhero That seems like you shouldn't be able to copyright a word Like that It has become a pop culture word, you know? And they should understand their fan base that completely pisses them off And you don't want to do that Yeah Jerkholes Toads Oh sorry, yes it's a trademark co-owned by DC and Marvel The only thing they've ever agreed on is that they own the term superheroes And no one else is allowed to use Ugh, ugh, that's gross Screw you guys Yeah, that's pretty rough Anyway, Skinner code never pull that shit Speaking of heroes though, did you guys see the item Snyder Man posted in the mob? But another real life superhero? Oh, no, where's this person based? Tell me all about him I believe he is in Argentina Oh, that's cool Which is always fun Now I did actually want to ask you because your Spanish is a lot better than mine Do you happen to know what the term Menjano, mangano? That's what he calls himself But I couldn't find what it meant in the article It's a disease Oh, sorry, he's in Buenos Aires Okay, okay And he travels around on what I'm going to assume is pronounced as a Baja Paul Sartre 200 Which looks a lot like Maybe not a Jerk bike, but certainly not your heaviest Harley So now as happens with a lot of these fellows Unfortunately, mangano, I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly It's all into a bit of an issue with the law As the vigilantes will And apparently he came home to his own place last January And found three people robbing his house So he pulled out a Glock and opened fire on them Uh oh Yeah And he apparently posted up some items on Facebook In which he claimed that he was counter-attacked And he showed a bunch of like holes in his car But the police are saying that he basically put them there When he was shooting at the bad guys Or that they were fired from inside the car So he's facing, he was actually unmasked at that point To be a former policeman, which I found really interesting From '86 to '96 Oscar La Fos Were the other people liked the other people who have weapons? It does not seem like it, it seems like they were just robbing the place And he's like, "This is a great opportunity for me to just splatter my house and other people's blood" Now apparently he generally patrols in your standard looking combat armory superhero And he carries a Glock? But he generally, no, that's the interesting thing Usually I believe he only carries like a flashlight, some pepper spray and this shield thing So he suddenly had a Glock? But well, the thing is he was returning home, I assume not in his role as Mangano or whatever Mangano But as, you know, retired policeman La Fos And he got some people robbing his place, so... So he wasn't a superhero at the time? Bruce? Yeah, he wasn't batmanning in it Bruce Wayne, just whipped it out and opened fire Anyhow, I found that really interesting So what's happened to him now? They're still trying to figure out what the end... What they're gonna do with him? It's interesting too, because since we've been talking about this I've found that I've been friended on Facebook by a few different real life superheroes Cool, that's awesome Yeah, that's a lot of fun, but they're... How do I say this without hurting anybody's feelings? The people who seem to be making the most of their time are not the people who are going out and punching anybody They are the people who go out and generally have supplies and distribute them to people who need it It's the people who are doing good It's not the people who are trying to look at the bad They're not trying to start a fight, they're out to help people And it's interesting because you see them having an exciting evening every now and then you'll see pictures from, you know, love of that But it's never like, you know, I caught a mugger It's always this guy who really needed help when I happened to be there and I was able to assist him And that's really great That's crime prevention right there Yeah, when you're not going out looking to stop a wrong but you're looking to create a right, that's super awesome And we should be superheroes Oh God, we don't have the time, we have an empire to build Too many things Okay, somebody else do it for us and take pictures No capes Yeah, we all know no capes, right? No capes! I think if a Christie was investigated by the MI5 during World War II Did you guys hear this? No, we didn't I'm a big fan of, I've been digging into Christie's like really old non-famous stuff Her spiky, more for like wartime, saboteur kind of thing Well, it's interesting because a lot of the stuff I'm reading now is starting this teen duo It's like a boy and girl Oh, that's wicked Yeah, and they're, it's fun, but it's ridiculous at the same time They talk a lot of jive talk and they fight crime essentially That sounds like something, what's her name, Kate Beaten Yeah, it is actually, it seems like something Kate Beaten would characterize But apparently one of the books of this same kind of genre That she released included some details she named one of her characters Major Bletchley And Bletchley Park was where the Enigma machine was being decrypted The Enigma machine, are you familiar? I've heard of it It was the machine that the Germans were using to encrypt all their communications Was giving them a huge advantage in being able to chat back and forth Apparently, I guess it was good friends with one of the people who was high up on the chain Of working on decrypting it Really? And they became concerned because she would write sort of these spy thriller mysteries That more information than should have been was coming out of Bletchley and landing in Agatha's ear Hmm... Yeah, so... That's interesting You know, am I five-stepped in? Did some investigating? Told her to write more novels about an old lady She was good friends with Dilly Knox, which is such an awesome British Dilly Knox, you know... I'm Dilly Knox Anyway... But... I got a Dilly, am I not? So when MI5 finally came around and asked her if Knox had been giving her more information Than she should have She essentially replied Because she used the title Bletchley, right? Which... I guess she hadn't really considered the actual meaning of or whatever She replied Bletchley, my dear, I was stuck there on my way by train from Oxford to London And took revenge by giving the name to one of my least lovable characters So, and a nice little bit of Kristie, better too, but... You know what movie? We watched and I totally forgot about already You know what? I'm reading what we're actually going to talk about next And I have a hard time recalling it too I know, I saw it on the list and I was like, oh yeah, we watched that It wasn't like two days ago or something No memory We're talking about paranormal activity 4 Yeah, yes Which you can't even say If you're keeping score at home, puts us on a long streak of found footage style films That's true Which is very odd and entirely unintentional Yeah But despite the fact that neither of you soon to even be able to recall the film I have to say that I think this ridiculously stupid franchise is quickly becoming one of my favorites It has everything about the original kind of, I would say the slasher films of my youth Like the Freddy's and the Jason's Not so much in that there's all that much gore or even killing that Because it really isn't No, but it is the constantly making these sequels only changing 5 or 6 elements Yeah, and it's just a waiting game Wind it up and see if it'll march again And I found this one a lot stronger than I found 3 The only thing I remember about this is the connect and the green dots everywhere Oh my god, it's like the whole film has been revealed to me Just letting back to you Yes, now you remember the connect It frustrated me because, okay, we should say Every scene, it wouldn't still be on The premise in this one is that there are teenagers who are, you know, love bird teenagers And they're always chatting on Skype or using the family's home video camera to record what they're doing Right, so we get, and they present it in a fairly believable way Which was nice because I was wondering if they were going to pull a unmasked or something Or they would suddenly flip to Hollywood style But, you know, paranormal activity 4, they seem to know where their bread is buttered But the thing is, at one point in the film They realize they need to be recording essentially everything that happens in the house always So they install spy software on all of the computers in the house Which, you know, there's a bunch of computers spread out for really thin plot reasons But it's weird that one of the crux of these films seems to be that we need to get to a point Where we have justification of the flip-flip-flip shot You know what I mean, where we go from camera A to camera B to camera C to camera D Back to A, B, oh, there's something on C, and then, oh, we're back on D Like, that is as far as it is But it's time to cycle around again, it's gone It's gone, yeah, exactly That is the signature of this film somehow, which seems ridiculous Well, it's just like a fast forward of what you would regularly see in a horror movie You know, you're looking at these moments of, you know, this shot looks fine This one looks sunny, this one looks ominous, and then this one is scary You know, you go back and forth because, yes, you're really releasing and adding tension It's happening very quickly and without, like, with surveillance video Which, how expensive is that? Yeah, that's another thing As a tech guy, or from at least that aspect I was thinking of how much hard drive space they were just wasting Dreams and dreams of high-definition video being saved to the drive There was no way that the week or two that they were recording would ever, anyway Which, you have to think about those things in a film That's gonna be like, yeah, well, I'm willing to give them a pass on that Yeah, Jay Mays, like, they have money The fact that the Kinect was always on It made for this really interesting, they... Great visual effect, yeah They could turn on the night vision and they could see the Kinect dots Like, all over, yeah, the only light you would have in the room are the Kinect dots And there's just, like, a bajillion of them and it's the screen color So it illuminates the room And the dots were really easy to manipulate on a low budget to be interesting Yes, so it looked as though there was nothing there, but the Kinect dots themselves really Which show you... Which, it was kind of half-assed, even as it was It was like, yeah, I sort of see what they're talking about But they're like, "Oh my god, did you see this?" And I'm like, "Yeah, I kind of did see it" They didn't sell you Well, later on, there was a good child, anyway, I don't want to go too much away Yeah, yeah But, the fact that the Kinect was constantly on bothered me Because anybody who owns a Kinect knows that they go to sleep I really have appreciated the paranormal activity movies Because it really shows me how easily you can do, like, film on a budget With a creepy idea Like, yes, they're milking it for all it's worth Maybe, like, the milk is gone and they're just, like, looking the glass But it really shows me that there's something that we can do, you know? Like I said, it was ridiculous, the franchise is ridiculous But I actually really enjoyed this movie I found the two team leads actually surprisingly engaging Oh, yeah, that is true They were good, yeah, like... The acting was good Like, not even just paranoid Everyone else was pretty much background-standard background Yeah, the dad was really angry To say that you watched it, like, I had parent You know, some sequel movies, you're like, "I would just stop at this first movie" But I would go to four, or skip around, but get to four Yeah, if it wasn't for the fact that there is some as thin as it is As thin as it is plot that goes through the films Then I would definitely say go, you know, one, two, four But three does need to be seen just to understand Yes Because it's not exactly the clearest outline of how everything moves along between the people Oh, this one was also strong with the other franchise signature Which was one shot staring at something for a longer period Than you would ever see in a normal hell that would come So you know it's coming So you know something's going to happen But your eyes are tracking over the entire frame Because you don't know where the weird thing is going to come from Yes, and you're waiting And sometimes it just wouldn't even happen And you'd be like, "Ahh" Yeah, screw that I just wasted 25 seconds Yeah, it's like staring so hard It's like the "Where's Waldo of Jump Scares?" Yes, yes You're just constantly looking for any hints And you're like, "Did I get it? Did I see it? Did I miss something?" Did I miss something? Was that a nothing one again? But that's, you know, then they would throw something at you And then I would scream Okay, it's really a cat I don't know if you guys know this about me But like, just as an example Tonight I'm waiting in the car I mean, I'm anticipating Jared coming out with a photo to put in the back seat It's a large picture of the Eiffel Tower Yeah So he puts the mirrored frame in the back But, and I'm waiting for him I know he's coming But the moment I see him I scream at the top of my lungs And he doesn't say or do anything different He just slowly slides, you know, the glass into the car And he's like, "Oh, Jessica" 'Cause like, he fully anticipates it But I just scream So movies like this, if, you know Jump scares and surprise effects Yeah, but I have a lot of real life scares Like daily, daily I'm unfortunately a big brother at heart So he likes to, oh yeah, every morning That he gets up, he gets up as quietly as he can So he can come behind me and scare me And so I'll scream Every day that he can, that's the first thing he does is make me scream Oh, to start the day I love you, Jared Speaking of things we have watched recently We've been going through a little bit more TNG We have the outfits Oh, we saw the first one was more Yep, yep, that was fun in this way And Troy and her mom That's right, that was pretty awesome 'Cause her mother is fantastic Yeah, she's quite a character That's a drug barrier to life They talk about the race being perfectly Honest And it's not just honest It also is button-pushing But it really is, like, she makes a lot of observations About the humans and just how silly they are And a lot of, you know, like, just how deceptive they are And needlessly it is And I just really liked that they were reflecting on that I felt like it wasn't just about the man skirts and Wesley sweater But they were actually saying something Because she's kind of a comical character too But then when you really think about it She's teaching you a lesson I have to, I liked that I liked her better in this first re-sampling Than I ever did in my original film from the show In the original, yeah And I think that I'm going to be keeping an eye on her As we go forward to see if they managed to not just have her turn into a ridiculous cartoon of herself I noticed, like, so much is your perspective as a child Like, these characters were totally different people to me And I think of that now as a parent Like, when I was becoming a parent I'm like, oh man, I remember these moments as a child And feeling totally deceived by my parents Feeling these moments of no one understanding And it was such a big deal to me And as I grow up and I'm like, you know, I need to keep my eye out for these things I realize, no, it's just a child who's overdramatic and ridiculous And I need to stick to my guns because I do know better And, you know, like, anyways, it's just, it's amazing for me to see Like, just how different things are with a perspective change And you're such an ignorant child And they actually do have an episode, I think it's pretty early on in the series Of Troy gets impregnated by an alien That just, like, comes sweeping through her room and impregnates her The next day she's, like, ready to give birth It's all, like, this rapid movement And then she, and then he grows up within, like, even a few days Yeah, and he realizes, and then he feels like, you know, oh my god, these people are not treating My mother, right, they're telling her what to do, they tell me what to do This is so terrible, humans are a horrible race, and then they have to explain to them You're looking at these things to the eyes of a child Like, you don't know because you don't have that perspective And you know what, even looking back at that episode Without the eyes of a child, and looking at it with your own perspective now What a horribly terrifying thing to have happened with me And she was so sweet about it And I will, yeah, like her was pissed I can't wait to see that one, but at the same time you've mentioned that The episode where Troy's mom comes on board She's actually getting, Troy's getting married She's getting married to some guy she was promised to She seems really laid back about it Well, she knew the time was coming that she would have to get married But it was just like really random, this gift shows up on the ship She's like, ah crap, and Shawn looks like what? And she's like, gonna get married and shit Yeah, it was very odd, and then there's this interesting scene where she comes on to the holodec And she apparently is trying to get in Riker's pants And she's like, no, it's okay, and then the husband shows up and Riker's like, you should ask the husband if it's okay And then just to guess through something and see She wasn't asking to be inappropriate with him Oh, she totally was, there was this whole scene of She was trying to say that like, although she was Better choice, separate, physical and emotional Yeah, although she was getting married to this other guy It was still okay if they had their little thing on the side Yes, okay, yes, that's exactly what was going on there Yes, that's what was going on, and he was like, I don't think so, ask your husband But then she's like, that's how we are, dude And then the husband showed up, and Riker went off in a huff He kind of just wandered out of that scene, you remember? Oh, yeah, that's right, it was like, I'm gonna leave you alone now He stood there for a couple of seconds, and then just like wondered It's his own fault, because she's like, well, he just wants to be a ship captain It's all Riker ever wants, he doesn't want a relationship, he doesn't want me And he doesn't say anything different, he just acts all huffy and runs away Which is like, you know what, if you're gonna be all bitchy But at least you should try to like, make a go of it yourself It's so funny that she's complaining about how he wants to be a ship's captain But she's like, somehow she's the only psychologist who gets to hang out on any sort of ship bridge Like, when would that even ever actually happen? Yes, that's what I like, and you know, there are so many awesome things about TNG And things hold up that you're like, you know what, there's so much good nugget of truth in this But then there are moments, right? And I really like how different it is, again, in the change of perspective Because there's so much more to it now And subtleties of it, like those I always thought, oh dear, they're in love, but they just don't want to like, whatever, you know, in front of everybody But no, it's so much more like intricate and subtle than that It's not really like that at all They're just trying to drag you along for a little romance, but they never actually, you know And then wharf They do, anyway, we'll get to that Speaking of changes, however You specifically mentioned we were having, we were watching a scene And they're in that little conference room side area that they'll go to when they want to do a large cast shot When there's a big decision to be made? Yeah, and you were noting the streaks out the window because there was a lot of streaks It was a high, somebody needed to get out there and clean some stars off There were so many goddamn stars And you were putting out that later on in the series, they would not allow that sort of business It would still be starry, but it would look a little more convincing Yes, that you were not that close to planets, that they would just be whizzing by Yeah, it seemed like, you know, you were in a, like when you're driving by in a car and just everything has slowly altered very slowly But I actually came across a very interesting article just this last week that discussed Star Wars hyperspace Which is basically the same idea, right? That's streaking, you know, I see you when you're flying- Well, they're like in a special work drive or something Yes, exactly But apparently scientists looking at the problem have worked out that due to Einstein's theory of special relativity That if you were to be on a ship looking out at somehow we were going to skip all the other science problems And you're going to make this work All you would actually see is something that looks essentially like a white round sphere in the middle of your view area And everything else would look black around it Weird, can I see? Hang up So if you were going really fast, that's all you'd see? Yeah, because the Doppler effect, you would basically be catching up on light that you would be doubling your light It would end up being the smear of center light Yeah, I remember my stepdad explaining that to me as a child I was like, wow, just the Doppler effect The Doppler effect, yeah So anyway, I thought that was incredibly interesting and all of our science fiction is broken It is, it is And I mean, we obviously know to some extent But it would be nice to see when that actually affects science fiction movies Yeah, it's something to keep an eye on because I do think we move forward in all of these things constantly Like, I think Moon is, as an example, kind of us going back to these things from the 70s, like Logan's run And that sort of, what was, not necessarily Logan's run, sorry Logan's run is almost like Star Trek Run amok What was the other one, silent running? Yes, that's why the world is trees Moon is very much like silent running Gone back to, you know, that 70s grittiness And we're trying to figure out what space is going to be like in a more practical sense And I do think we're going to eventually get back to a point where we're telling stories Where it's super-fast ships doing interesting things, but I just don't think we're there right now We're trying to make it too realistic There's, yeah, there's like the long-term travel And how you would do that with like a species that dies out faster than you would actually, you know That would take you to arrive there As opposed to like the spaceships that go to planet and planet and then meet funny looking creatures Well, I think that one of the reasons we haven't, well, I'm trying to think We have serenity, I suppose Like the Firefly universe Yes But generally, I think after Alien and the whole cryo-sleep scenes from that I think we realize that there's not really a lot of reason to be, or at least the public conscience We can realize that there's not a lot of reason to be hanging out in the middle of space Waiting around for things to happen What about, have they done one where it's like, it's past the like cryo-sleep or whatever And arriving to a new planet and like what it would be like for people to spawn there And for obvious I was actually colonizing Well, that's not quite colonizing Yeah, I mean aliens, a lot of the stuff that was cut out of aliens is about the colonizing on the planet, but no, I don't think Oh wait, there was Earth 2, do you remember Earth 2? No There's an old Spielberg TV thing They had landed on some distant planet So it's been a while And it was spawning the colony But yeah, that was There's a need for this That was definitely back-to-back with Sequest D.S.V. or something like that era Anyhow, one more TNG note in an odd sort of thing We were watching Care Bears today with the kids The old Care Bears The ancient Care Bears Yeah And they had this ridiculous star I don't know if it was- I was so surprised, you'd never seen it before Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not totally boned up on Care Bears Cannon Come on Apparently they had some massive enterprise rip-off Oh yeah They were flying around and everyone was dressed up like Star Trek characters That is so funny Yeah, it was pretty hilarious I tried to even find a picture of the spaceship for Jared But he got a pretty good scream doctor Oh yeah, I do actually have a photo I took from the show Yeah, it was like a heart-filled enterprise Yeah, staring at each other there Yeah Anyway, we're a little short on the segments this week But our male bag is swollen and swollen And in need of some- Glancing expression That's a rose What is it? No Yeah, a glained expression? Stop that Yeah, that's right So now that we've set the tone of bothersome Yes Well, that's here from Mr. Lynch SpongeBob Many years ago, as my college years were ending And I began working in the real world One of my favorite jobs of all time Was running a small, rather exclusive Bed and breakfast in Wilmington, North Carolina At the time There was a vibrant film production studio in town And as fate would have it I, our little inn, was just the sort of place the studio's preferred To sequester actors, producers, directors Who may be in town working on film and television productions One evening, I ran into an odd little man staying with us named Frank Frank was in town working as a consultant on a screenplay for an upcoming film While talking to our new guest, I discovered that he had led quite an interesting life To say the least You too can learn all about Frank's life Just check out a little movie called "Catch Me If You Can" Oh, and Frank's last name? That would be Abagnale I couldn't help but think about this old encounter As I was reading a new story out of Australia It would appear that a clever young man down under May be following in the footsteps of one of the world's most notorious impostors Here's the story from Sky News Police believe a 17-year-old boy from Adelaide Recently assisted a 12-year-old girl in a city hospital After she fell off her scooter Pretending to be medically qualified to examine the girl It has claimed the teenager then administered an unauthorized prescription drug The arrest comes after concerns were raised about a young bogus clinician roaming hospital wards Dressed in scrubs with a stethoscope around his neck The young man even stopped to read patients' medical notes between October and December of last year According to the newspaper Adelaide Advertiser Police urged hospital staff to inform them should they spot the intruder nicknamed "Doctor Who" In a staff memo, management said the teen had been spotted wearing a name badge in wards at the Royal Adelaide Hospital on at least three occasions It is also noted that he had not to date committed any substantive offensive blood Should he make physical contact with a patient posing as a clinician, this would constitute criminal assault The case is reminiscent of the professional con man pilot and Dr. Frank Abagnale who inspired the film "Catch Me If You Can" starring Leonardo DiCaprio Before the arrest, Australian Health Minister John Hill said medical officials were taking the issue very seriously This is not something we want in our hospitals We would like to ensure it doesn't happen any further, Mr. Hill said Hill added, "He walks around with a clipboard and just talks to people It has been reported that the teenager was suspended as an ambulance volunteer in November 2011 for inappropriate behavior Police said he is not qualified to a level which would entitle him to act in the capacity of a medical professional and he did so under false pretenses The teenager has been bailed to appear in the Adelaide youth court at a later date So just remember ladies, next time you visit the gynecologist and hop in the stirrups You may want to ask that fresh-faced doctor to show you his medical license before you show him your... well, never mind I'm Jeffrey Lynch and that's "This Week's Spotter Butter" You're right, stop, no, stop, you're right, stop, no, stop, you're right, stop, no, stop I don't feel proper up, I went to the doctor to get a prescription I told him it could fact, but lots of fiction about, about, about, fact I ain't gone, he tried to tell me faith-healing I think, no, I want Xanax, marketing, and I'll see cotton, funky fill the form out so I can drop them Got all these demons and I can't stop 'em To tell you that you're your dog, I might have a problem (ding) That was so fabulous You have so many good stories, Jeff That bed and breakfast, this is not the first time we've heard a stunning tale from it Yeah, we thought we knew the story that you were going to tell Yeah, we've heard this, oh wait, we haven't We haven't heard this, I bet you there Man, you should do a series that's just from the bed and breakfast Tales from the bed and breakfast Yeah Anyway, thank you, sir There you go, that was awesome Yeah, fine, Mr. Lynch On Twitter, please lynch me over at Yes, I do so And fear your medical doctors Ask for credentials Yes, please Especially in America God only knows But now, I believe it's time for Failback We got a little something from the TT Yes Which is the time traveler, but before He's the winner of the latest caption contest Oh, yeah, that's true If you want to join the caption contest, you should hop on Facebook I believe it's Indeed Now, in an interesting turn of events I'm not partaking in this week's box sampling No, am I What? These are punks We do not candy corn Oh, ooh Caramel candy corn And I'll take it as I'm saving it all for you, Jessica Saving all my corn for you So, will you can snack away on the caramel corn goodness Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom That's just for you, Nanny Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom Actually, it's really, really good Let's hear what the TT has to say Nom Timelessly seeks through the ages for fictions Besties reach the time traveler Hello, Flashpulp crew and fellow mobsters Rich the time traveler here As usual, I want to catch up on some comments about previous episodes first Mulliken Smith, in the patient, really hit close to home for me My paternal grandmother had a couple of separate falls and hip fractures in her 80s And ended up in a nursing home because she needed help getting around And someone to keep an eye on her 24/7 to make sure she was always using her walker From there, she slowly began losing lucidity And the ability to tell dreams she'd had from reality At the end, she often wouldn't remember anyone And she also would occasionally be very nasty to those who visited her Because of this strange view of the world she had constructed Everyone tried to visit her regularly and tried to keep her in good spirits But by the end, I know everyone was a bit relieved when she passed My maternal grandfather passed away when I was five or six, I can't quite recall And it was the beginning of a very slow downward spiral into depression for my grandmother She progressed to an almost catatonic state that was similar in some ways to Parkinson's By the time I was in high school, the aunt that lived with her couldn't handle the full time care anymore and had to move out Her care fell to my mother and two of her other sisters who stayed with her for 24 hour shifts in a rotating fashion This always gave me angry because I had two uncles and another aunt besides the first That lived in the area and none of them stepped up to help It definitely put a strain on the caretakers and when she did pass away during my freshman year of college All of them should have to get what they wanted from the house and to get their share from the eventual sell of a home It gave me a bad taste So I guess what I'm trying to say is this one brought up a lot of memories for me The legend of the wolf family's vacation was a good one This one of the few that as soon as some other showed up with the rabbit, I knew where it was going I definitely will have to work out how to slip that into a storytelling session at some point Mulligan Smith in Blood I'll confess the first couple minutes of this through me I couldn't figure out the players or who was who until the midpoint I'm not sure if that's just me being slow or if it was really an issue with the delivery and/or the writing Just something to look at Once I was able to follow things, it was definitely a very edgy little story For the record, I'd enthusiastically attend a look performance of The Shining, The Musical, if one were ever put on Regarding Jaime's comment about a day where everyone just walks around singing everything I'd ask if she's seen the Buffy episode once more with feeling So far as chewing on the air, I never found it particularly loud or egregious Since I have a special relationship with the box, dun dun dun And I am forced from time to time to do its bidding It's nice to hear you enjoying the things it sends Until of course it consumes your souls And speaking of chewing, I have to tell you that while you may have enjoyed the cookies you got, you were shafted The King, um, Queen of Girl Scout Cookies are the Samoas Samoas is Samoas, Sisas, Samoas, not important Caramel, Chocolate, and Coconut And Edie's makes an ice cream player of it Personally, I suspect that Hugh had some for you But at the last minute, came to his senses and kept them for himself I'll have to whisper a little something about this into the boxes Dun dun dun Uh, I'm gonna say ear Along with Fruity and Coco Pebbles and maybe a word on alternative Captain Crunch variants Also I notice you've changed from the Canadian Creative Commons 2.5 to 3.0 license As a lover of geeky details, do you wanna tell us why and what the difference is? Mrs. Time Traveler has undertaken a bit of a time journey of her own Having discovered that the entire run of the West Wing is on Amazon Prime Instant Streaming She is piling through all the seasons from the beginning I've set in on a few and this is definitely a perilous journey Last week I was working from home because I was feeling a bit under the weather I didn't want to spread the germs into the office On more than one occasion I'd walk to the kitchen to refresh my beverage While she had the show on Get cut up caught up watching some delicious bit of Sorkin-esque dialogue And fine after blinking my eyes that 45 minutes had just sailed by The other problem is this is all she wants to watch now So all our other new and old series are piling up on the DVRs We're getting more and more chronologically skewed from the so-called present Tangiting packed board games from the next bit Suro has been on my wish list as I saw the episode of Tabletop where it was presented I'd like to mention another game I have that is a lot of fun and reminds me A bit of a combination of Suro and Ticket to Ride It's called Metro Now let me disclose up front that Metro is apparently out of print So this could be sort of a game tease but I still want to mention it I've sent a link to the current IP holder site and an online two-player version to JRD with these comments So hopefully he'll set them into the show notes Essentially the game is thematically based on the Paris Metro system And the building of it in 1898 The game starts with the players putting their markers on their starting stations assigned to their colors Which varies based upon the number of players Then each player draws a tile and places it But tiles have various curved looping turned and straight tracks on it They are designed such that you can always place them The goal is to create the longest route from each of your starting stations to any ending station When a route is completed you score points for each time you pass through a tile Even if you loop back through the same one more than once on your way to the end The twist is you can also play tiles and other players routes to mess with their plans It's a great game if you can manage to locate a used copy or if it ever comes back into print The nice thing is it is simple to learn, quick to play, and can accommodate up to six players When I used to run an after-school board game club at my kid's school It was the first game I'd introduce I also used to have them play Castle Panic to give them an introduction to cooperative games And that you don't always have to compete against each other By the way, it appears that there is an expansion now for Castle Panic called "I believe the Wizard's Tower" I'll have to look into that at some point As JRD mentioned, there is a great implementation and also the only officially licensed implementation of Dominion available online It's part of the Goku board game platform that's Don't accidentally throw you in there, especially if you're at work, if you know what I mean You can also go to I've ponied up to unlock all the currently available expansions and the soon-to-be-released alchemy set Right now, I'm playing my way through the story mode they have for the game Where you play against AI components and sort of a progressing trail for the different kingdoms If any mobsters are on and want to play, shoot me a message on the ning mob or on Twitter And if I can, I'll hook up with you I tend to leave a window open to the site almost all the time Not that I'm addicted to anything I'm anxiously awaiting the offline and iOS releases from them And it appears they're doing a Facebook version too Their site also has a couple of other games available for play right now All the Kingsmen and Forbidden City They have about 8 more in beta and coming soon, including Race for the Galaxy Which I have a note to talk about next time since these comments are getting a bit long Last thing I want to leave you with is a request for all of you and especially Mr. Scott Roche As some of you know, we recently adopted a puppy, Murray the Time Dog Since he and I have been spending a lot of time on walks, I finally caught up on all my podcast feeds Including the fabulous We're Alive podcast that I'll talk more about next time So if you have suggestions of new podcasts I should add, send them in What I'm looking for specifically are things I can either jump in at the current point without missing anything I'm too overwhelmed with other things to take on another serious time travel journey So do you have something? A fiction short story podcast that can be picked up in the middle? Another commentary style podcast? Tell me I've already added a subscription to the Nutty Bites podcast Hi Nutty, which seems to be a good match for what I'm looking for By the way, before I go, Gibraltar? You might want to get the interns back for another cleanup Murray may have left you a little present over by your mini fridge I mean, the Subbasement 23 Ancillary Commissary Yeah, I cleaned it up quick if I were you And since everyone seems to be encouraged to do this If you're hard up for entertainment, you can follow me on Twitter at DeviceNol That's with two L's And you can follow the sporadic adventures of Murray the Time Dog at "M-U-R-R-A-Y" underscore "T-T-D" Or at least you can follow us until Carrick rises So I want to get it in there before we get talking about everything But I have heard the Buffy musical I enjoyed it immensely I've downloaded the songs and I know I'm pretty good, Kay, so leave me alone Yeah Absolutely, uh, it was amazing If you do follow Murray the Time Dog on Twitter And I really highly suggest you both follow Rich 'cause he's rather hilarious And Murray 'cause Murray's also rather hilarious Just don't get him excited 'cause he is a huge dog and he will knock things over, so You know, these little prisons near your mini fridge Mm-hmm Metro sounds fantastic, I will certainly leave some information in the notes as requested We have been playing quite a bit of Dominion lately as well Yeah, I may or may not have been playing Dominion on Gokko all day Which is over 9,000 Oh my god I need to get into it We had intended on playing some on mob movie night last night Sorry, I mean the Saturday night board meeting That's what we're putting on the taxes Basically devolved into trivia night but Which was awesome We hadn't done that before It was interesting 'cause the evening Unlike some of the other more structured events we've had The movie night switch Once you hit play, everyone's making fun of the movie and generally once the movie's done We may hang out for a couple more minutes but you're basically done the event Mm-hmm This was, we just kind of sat around And got into trouble As well as possible And there were parts where we were really stretching the extent of Google+'s hangout capability We were full for a while And then it also tripled away as the evening continued And we got down to three or four other folks Mm-hmm And it was really nice, it was great to hang out with everyone It was nice to have both a crowd and to be able to individually talk to people And feel like you could continue a conversation with them talking across a crowded group I mentioned in the mob My favorite part was watching the Americans do the trivia on the Canadian provinces and territories Because just following that, Skinner Co actually took a crack at- Yes, they knew how many provinces? How many provinces did they do? Two Yes, they couldn't even name ours for the longest time And then we took a crack at the 50 states How many did we get? 48 Mm-hmm Well, see, this is the thing, is that nearing the end They were helping a little bit Because they were gracious Americans, they were rhyming things for us But I think that we did a fantastic job But the fun thing about the trivia is it's cooperative, right? But you're trying to get your answers in as much as possible Because it also has like a little ticker clock on the side Of how many that you have guessed So, and yeah, and sometimes you'd realize that you were just spelling it wrong And you're like, "Oh god damn it, it was that movie, I just kept spelling it wrong" So, there was so many other elements of the trivia that made it really fun Jillin Hall without googling it Yes, because we had a no googling rule So you guys have any podcasts you want to recommend to the TT? Sorry not to suddenly Stuff you should know in all its affiliates I'm really enjoying that Yeah, I've been made in learning that a lot It's so good, even if you're just, you know, you go into the bathroom Throw on your iPod, don't throw it in the toilet, but you know, learn something The big ideas podcast, I've been catching up on my back catalog there Mm-hmm Oh absolutely TT already listens to a lot of Scott Johnson stuff, but film sack always Basically a little mini vacation, I think I've said this before My weekly film sack listening is like a one hour little mind vacation I take I often do it, I often do it on like Saturday night after everyone's gone to bed If family's in bed, pop in the earbud, maybe get some snacks Mm-hmm, it's not something that's just like, "Oh, it's here, I can listen to it" It's like you want to have a minute for it Yeah Well, there's also prep because usually I watch the film at the same time, right? Mm-hmm The movies are so poor that they're the kind of thing you can kind of Squeezing in the back of work or something, you know what I mean? You're doing something else and you're kind of doing that at the same time Mm-hmm But you have that anticipation once you've seen the movie, then you want to see, what did they think? Yeah, exactly, exactly Mm-hmm Or thinking, you know, "Oh man, this was so hilarious, this is going to be something Yeah, this is definitely going to come up A thread throughout the whole film I don't think what else I'm listening to out of the past, which is a film noir podcast I'm just getting into that a little bit now, that was actually a recommendation of Jimbo and OTR on the Twitter What was that one? It was the history of the world and 100 objects Oh, that was pretty great Yeah, history of the world and 100 objects Norman Centuries is another good one that I quite enjoyed Yeah, that seems like a good chunk Yeah, anyway, a lot of those are history-based for some reason, I'm not sure What else? I've been looking at a lot of things on the iTunes University A lot of the archaeology and anthropology courses and stuff I've got some really great lectures and videos and stuff I need to be listening more when I'm doing things Especially, like, there's so much time that I'm doing things in the kitchen Where I'm just, you know, I've asked the kids to go and hang out in a particular room And do a particular thing or whatever Just, like, I got, like, my thing that I do But I really, there's a lot of, like, brain time there I could be learning something I need to do, pull a gird and just, if I'm walking around somewhere I can just, you know, hear his iTunes Yeah, if I have that brain space, if I'm just transporting myself essentially from place to place I always have something on, I feel like I'm wasting time if I don't at least But to move away from the educational stuff, just a smidge We'd be remiss if we didn't give at least one shout out to Jim of And his massive catalog of OTR shows Now, he helped us, you know, get on the internet One of our, I would go with a very specific deep cut And I'd go to sort of selection from his stuff But if you go to his Orson Welles on the Air podcast He regularly releases a show called The Many Lives of Harry Lime Which is based on, you remember the third man, Harry Lime, the... Yeah, penicillin? Yes It takes place before that movie, and it's a much lighter look at Harry Lime It's not like he's murdering people by accident, or on purpose, but for money But he's got that sort of scamper thing, and it's Orson Welles doing the role I really enjoy it, it's a goofy show sometimes Sometimes it's just over the top But I really enjoy it for what it is And Orson Welles, the delivery is so fantastic Often it sounds like he's actually having a fun time with the role So, check that out Samoas, I cannot wait to somehow manage to sample these Samoas, Samoas? No, I'm pretty sure they were called Samoas Samoas is a little something like that, it sounds amazing I would become 1% more evil from the box for a tasty taste of that I would crunch it into the microphone, I'm glad that you don't think it's too much Which is really funny, considering I've never had so many crunches and gnoms, except for this one time with the candy corn And... Those bracks, caramel And before we listened to the TT, we had a little break And Jared went to get some more ice water And Popoas and I just kept hitting replay on my chewing sounds through the candy corn Did you have music? Oh my god, it's so much fun, I'm not cutting that, Jared, I'm not, I'm not, can't make me Pretty cocoa pebbles? Yeah, that sounded pretty exciting Oh, the Samoas, that was also one of the things Donahue mentioned almost immediately Oh yeah? Yes, yes, there's a word on the street These are the most delicious of all delicious Word on the street, sis We'll get a Samoas bounty Oh, even if you're not a Buffy fan, you gotta watch that musical guys Getting your Ludo, he's just like so snoring and snoring so hard Switching over to the new Creative Commons license I gotta make sure we actually have that at the end of this show now I'm gonna make sure on that Anyhow, it just updates some of the language, the legalese, that we don't really ever include If you go back to the licensed versions Basically relate to legal text that's available on the Creative Commons website So they update things to adjust according to So yeah, so you're just Like you're referencing We're staying on top of the legal revisions essentially But by removing the Canadian and moving it to imported This is also theoretically making it an international license essentially So, you know, that's nice We love the Canada, but we want to be relevant everywhere We're from the internet more than anything Yeah, man, we're people of the world People of the internet, at least We're patriots of the universe Yeah, to kind of do the saddest part Last and the first thing he was discussing The patient, Mulligan Smith of the patient My grandmother, I think I've mentioned this before She suffers from Parkinson's And, you know, it's one of the I don't want to say it's something I'm constantly sad about In any way, like, you know, you think about it and it makes you sad And you visit Grandma and that's a bummer But she's well cared for in her way But at the same time, I've had experience with Volunteering in places that weren't so great And visiting her even As it is, you know, it's a sad process to watch that descent And especially when medication with Parkinson's Medication is a really big aspect Depending on how well your medication is calibrated You can be quite, especially at the start of it, quite functional And communicating, like, her speech is so much easier to understand So, I mean, it's always tough when you're writing fiction You don't want to over-blow things And I didn't want to... The famous, to me at least, the infamous Example would be Alzheimer's in the notebook Right, Nicholas Sparks Where you can kind of magically work around Alzheimer's If you just do this certain ritual or whatever But at the same time, that's not how it works Like, I had a grandfather with Alzheimer's He would do things that were unpleasant Occasionally mean, even though he was a great man, like, throughout his entire lucid life Once they get down to a point where your brain chemistry is misfiring Things can go poorly It's not because you want to, or even because you're necessarily feeling that way Well, especially with Grandpa, he lived out on a farm, right? Out in the middle of nowhere, and he would occasionally suddenly believe He was, like, moved something seasonally He would just wander out into the woods with a shotgun, but, like, no pants Like, anyhow, not in any way You know But that's, like, even your own, like, safety and security Yeah, exactly so Anyhow, not, I guess my point is, not to belittle the sort of organizations That have to take care of these people A lot of those people are just doing great jobs Sometimes, unfortunately, it's not the best situation in the world And they are not the best facility in the world, but And really, the best situation is not really the most interesting, pulpy tail You take the good You take the bad Come on No, no, I'm not planning You do it I'm working on him, guys, he's loosening up Those are the facts of life, okay Oh, thank you Thanks, Rich, fantastic Oh, thanks for Not calling, but thanks for writing in Yeah, you said it was a longie, but it was thoroughly entertaining I went by incredibly fast And I agree with it all Okay, well, we have some text notes as well Doc Lou sent along a little something about Flashcast 79 Oh, yeah, he was actually referencing Gigantor's review of Dixit He said the bunny game Dixit expansions There are multiple Dixit expansions and alternate versions All with as many pictures as the original game So there are lots of images available Oh, that's good to know It's always nice to have that sort of variety Actually, with Dominion, it's that same thing There are so many little expansions to change up how the game is played Yeah, and I'm sure they were saying that it was very much like Words against humanity Cards against humanity I always say that, cards against humanity And I'm sure with time, because it is such a popular game There will be more cards, more expansions Yeah It'll keep it fresh That is, from the publishers perspective, if they hit that sweet spot It is kind of one of the nice things that It's not like Monopoly, when you buy Monopoly And then you're never going to invest anything more in Monopoly Exactly, except for now They've refreshed the board and they have the new character Do we want to touch briefly on the controversy? Actually, I suppose with Monopoly what they do is they try to tell you It's all on Tataway or whatever and make it Star Wars-y Yeah But do we want to touch it on the cat? I don't know It was an online contest, right? So they've gotten rid of the iron and they've got the cat I'm a little upset about that I like a cat, I'm full of a cat I'm like, I would have gotten rid of the cat I'm sure there's going to be a classic board I love the classic board, I remember the colors and the... The retro board? Yeah, like everything about it, but I would like to I think it's notable that every time one of these things gets translated into an iPad app It seems like there's always an option to have the retro basement look As one of your play areas And you don't even look at that, that's just something surrounding the board It could just have black space there, but it's always like Let's have the 70s wooded panel basement The way it should be played Everything's orange And it has your grandma's basement smell Not yet, a few years Man, when they have sent on the internet, I don't know how it's going to happen But goddamn it, there's so many things that people make You need patchouli delivered by the internet Savage Glenn mentioned about Flashcast78, he's catching up Which is great to hear, I think he's finally coming out of his unfortunate set of circumstances Which is good, I hope at least Anyway, he was mentioning the cheating at the Special Olympics And I don't know if we mentioned it and we couldn't recall the title Or if he was just mentioning that it was, but there's a film ringer With Johnny Knoxville And which Johnny Knoxville plays a non-handicapped fellow I remember this I mean, I didn't see it, but I remember the movie coming out Why did you watch this guy? A young guy's only option to erase a really bad debt Is to rig the Special Olympics by posing as a contestant Oh my god, this is the worst I am about to blow your mind, man Everything I've read about this film says that it's a really tender, caring approach To how they handled this And that it's actually a really heartwarming film I kid you not, I am not even joking Even Savage Glenn was like, I thought this was going to be a train wreck I was really surprised by how well it handled, it was handled Johnny Knoxville, really You totally just broke my mind So ringer Yeah, watch out for ringer, I guess Yeah, I guess you should watch that Maybe we should, should we? I know Dylan Orion also wrote in Yeah, we have a comment here from Dylan saying Hello, Flashbulb Crew No audio comments today, but here are my comments I guess some word Really enjoyed the Wolf Family's Vacation See, I actually said that right, the first time this time It was great Very much a chiller that I would like to tell some time And if so, I will record it I'm really excited to hear so many people Suggesting that they're going to try to slip this in I would really enjoy To hear the reactions He says he also enjoyed blood But it left him with a burning question Do people still do blood brothers? Yes Okay, I'm sure you researched it, right? Yeah, I mean he pulled This is one of those things where you can only go by anecdotal evidence, right? But I poked around on Yahoo answers Which is often the sort of gross underbelly Where you can find these things? Yes, and you actually did a story of that Was the collective detective in the movie? Yeah, the girl, the spirit Can I get pregnant? Can my baby get pregnant if I'm pregnant? Anyway I love you Yeah, who answers you so fun, anyway Anyway He enjoyed blood? Yes, sorry I got a little off track there On Rambo He says as much as we all love Rambo A real life Rambo situation A real life Rambo situation has been developing in California Oh yeah, we were discussing this Over the past few days with Chris Doerner, X Naval X LAPD officer Publishing a manifesto and killing three Daughter of an officer in her fiance I will see the manifesto For what he calls "the culture of corruption" Now, it's interesting that he brings up Rambo because I believe I've mentioned before I follow David Morrell on Facebook And he actually just commented something About the fact that Many people are comparing this guy to Rambo And he was saying, well, I mean The whole target of This manhunt is an expert In all the techniques that are being used against him And that's going to provide some problems for people Aside from that, he's like, I don't know if it's really the same Unless he goes out in the woods and That's the thing, is he? Well, that's the thing, is out in the woods Yes, let me in the mountains Let me continue Dylan's letter He has disappeared into the wilderness On Bear Mountain And has vowed to terrorize the police Until his name has been cleared Even though he has said he will not be alive To see it And again, that really made me think of Rambo Oddly enough Because if you recall in the last flashcast We were discussing how At the end of Rambo He had died Instead of in the movie Where they had him survive, obviously And go on to make many sequels Or sequels enough But he had died in the original book And this guy is saying, oh, I want my name clear But I'm not going to be around to see it With Rambo, he was really done wrong And he does try to give himself up But like the fumbling, bumbling police keep messing it up Whereas this guy, he's delusional And he thinks that they took his life on identity And until he can do something drastic Nothing will change Finish the letter because I have things I want to commentate about It says the LAPD response Has been enough to kickstart several conspiracy theories As at this point, LAPD has opened fire without warning On two vehicles similar to Dorners Enduring three people A woman and her daughter As of the last news Dylan had heard He was being hunted by drones in the mountains I was so free of that together However, they're having problems because of all the snow Six inches The police are searching all vehicles going in and out at gunpoint And are doing door-to-door sweeps of all homes on the mountains And they think they have him pinned in the mine And they're going to bring in the rocket launcher The National Guard, guys Oh, very interesting I have to be back at your office To a certain extent, this rings of an 80s cop movie In a weird kind of way Only in the 80s cop movie, he would be the hero I don't necessarily think so I think that this is like This distrust with big brother The military, with the government, with all of that I could see this being the plot of a dirty Harry movie Or Harry's tempted by this guy Who's just a little over the line Or the militia Because they're urging people not to go in the woods It says one big bear resident said I did 12 years in the Marine Corps Give me a sniper rifle, some gear and point me in his general direction And get out of my way Oh, God, people Well, no What you have here is also The Rambo can underman the sense that There's all of these people who have come back from service And they've all been trained up to pick up themselves This is one men armies But this guy, he's just A man, he's just a sick dude But yeah, it is making them go loco Because they're shooting people in cars Like without warning Yeah, that's the troubling part But this is the thing is that He actually pulled up beside two police officers And just started firing at them So there's So people are jumpy Yeah, they're freaking out Like he stole a yacht from an old dude They think that maybe he's trying to get to the Mexican border But they're not quite sure So this is in fact like the first time that they're ever using drones For like an American on American soil That's pretty crazy So it's kind of like a really big deal In a manhunt situation Because I know they've been using drones for a little bit of that other way And he killed the police chief's Daughter and her fiance They were just sitting there in their car And he killed them And then Anne, the car that they were looking for Was torched in the mountains So like they were looking for this car forever And he wasn't there How confident are we that he's actually crazy? Well he's kind of... He's not like Alzheimer's guy Like he's gonna forget his pants Like he's gonna like survive his ass off But he's also going into town And just shooting people randomly in cars You know like I don't know His manifesto was 6,000 words long Like how long of a story would that be? Oh that's only like three Very six stories basically Yeah Any ground Facebook threatening to bring warfare Wow Oh I know so you know Even people the people who trained him Like in Rambo are like This is a very scary situation We've given him all of these tools And now it's extremely worrisome and scary Says LAPD Police Chief Charlie Beck Yeah Colin Colonel Tretman Let's bring this boy in So yeah Alright well on a lighter note I believe Dylan had a PS Yes he says Why have I not heard anything from you guys On the loss of your the Canadians pennies? That's correct We are no longer making pennies Actually we're calling it hobo money now And we're basically just using them to throw At homeless people No No and I was wondering are they gonna like What are they gonna do with the pennies? Okay Here's okay There's been notifications in all of the local businesses Basically people have a little paper up in it It's been coming for a while Yeah we've been aware I mean when you do interact transactions Which we discussed before You know when you're using the plastic to pay for things Everything's down to the standard amount of cents But when they have to dish out actual physical money Now they round Now the fascinating thing is No the fascinating thing is The poster that they put out that Jessica and I Actually read Oh I believe a Pope and I may have come across one too Anyway the poster essentially says The shopkeep gets to decide how to Change up the amount of change Do the rounding Yes So basically the shopkeep can decide if he wants to That it's always going to go up to the next nickel No matter what But then they provide an example of rounding So they very clearly say one thing And then they give you a little demonstration chart You can look at That explains the concept That you learn in third grade Well no it must be a round of how to do rounding So there's no reason for them to do the rounding In that sort of sense And I'm wondering if they're also trying to Influence shopkeeps a little bit by Trying to imply without actually legislating That they should be rounding down Yeah And all the retailers actually get to decide If they will accept the penny or not But the government says that It's worth a penny for as long as they're in circulation But yes, but people can decide I will not accept the penny Because the mint is saying that it costs too much money To make them then they're actually worth It costs more than a penny to make a penny So no longer worth it Has anybody ever like swept up a penny And just decided not to take out the penny And threw it in the garbage Have you ever done that, Jared? No, no. Yeah, well you're not much of a sweeper Oh, that's nice No, I come from the north and we don't waste our pennies Yeah, well I, you know, when I was younger I might have done that But I don't anymore I really don't I'm like, damn, it's a freakin' penny Now I gotta test it, touch a dusty hairy penny That's the, touch the dirt valley, yeah And I have a little, you know, ramekin And that's where the change goes The dirty change I dusted off the penny And then you throw it at the hobos, no Exactly, the hobo pennies That's their money now They're just gonna buy things with They're hobo goods with their hobo money Make their houses out of giant stacks of pennies Yeah, and be like Don't move, don't breathe Or you'll ruin my house Just like you will goddamn you Thanks Dylan Yeah, thank you Dylan, sorry hobo Are you a dassy? Oh, ho! My hair's falling out Oh, this is an interesting topic You should have sang that You should have sang that Um, so I had, like, a really Like, I had a lot of hair guys Like, there was a lot of hair there Um, and now it's all gone Well, you've dyed it repeatedly And now it's pretty crispy I bleached it, okay And now I bleached it again And there's a whole bunch of blue on it And the lady didn't know what she was doing So she put three different colors of blue But only one works So the rest was like this green Sewage color Uh, and then finally just Slapped a bunch of dark blue on it Put a cap on and sent me home And then I, like, was pulling on the hair That was bleached before And it comes off so easy I can't even feel it From my scalp when I pull Anyways, there's not a lot doing that I'm going to be fine I'm not going to cry Anyways, it is I look like a smurf, my skin is blue everywhere Even after showers And Jared is trying to keep my morale up Despite the fact that I don't have a lot of hair And the hair that I do have Comes out sometimes And when I'm showering There's crispy little tiny pieces of hair All over the floor And our shower is blue It's blue Anyways, so I'm bringing this up Because I haven't done a lot of audio work Just saying that whole bit No, okay This is serious I'm not feeling it This is serious This is getting in the way of your artistic Everybody really is gone You look fantastic just kidding It's even in the board meeting last night The first half an hour Every time somebody arrives I'm like And I didn't think I was like that You know, I'm like It's just who But it's my hair, goddamnit See, I, oh, never race up I did a Skinnergo today Yes, you did Before I even awoke You also apparently found some sort of weird accent He's from Pembroke Yeah, right Pembroke commercials Shout out to all those in Pembroke, Ontario Yeah Ontario, one of the provinces For those of you in America Oh Christ, yes Especially straws Oh my god That hit, oh, anyway, so let's move on Yeah, so it was kind of funny Because we're still from Pembroke I went in a way I wasn't even trying to be from Pembroke No, that's what makes it funny I'm not from Pembroke Okay, continue Continue We're just getting up a little catalog of Like anthropic Skinnergoes Yeah, I don't know why the werewolves Are such a comedy source for me Yeah, how many good? And the furries The furries, yeah? Yeah, it looked it nicely Yep, so, furries and traps It's good Very nice They should be punished That's against god nature Backroom plot Okay, so we've been doing a lot of mulligans lately And actually a lot of chillers you made out A lot of do-overs Haha, a lot of mulligans Smith episodes The thing is, sometimes when we get to a point That is really plot heavy, I like to step away And have a cooling period of sorts And the whole coffin thing was Yeah, coffin's pretty intense So are you referencing That's a point that's pretty intense? I'm referencing some hot rage Oh, yes, well, white rage White rage, white hot rage Oh, that was so good Okay, but I don't want to give away too much about that Because it just went live Can I just say something about that one? Jared actually had that one written Maybe about a week ago Maybe even longer And I read it And he was like, "Don't out of it now Just give it preliminary read" And then the next time we went to record a flashpull And I got the script and I saw it was not mulligan I got like seriously angry with Jared Where is that mulligan? Wasn't it actually mulligan but it was a different mulligan? Yeah, and I was mad I got pouty Blood, yes Actually speaking of what Dylan read up You ever were saying? It was a bit of a button Well, it was another in a line of downer scripts Unfortunately, some of the items were a little heavy Yes Yes I'm sorry, man, to loop back to what Rich was saying I'm sorry he got lost, that worries me I should give it a listen now But the opening character interactions were a little bit Mm-hmm Quick to shift around Yes I was going to say the other one of White Hot Rage We were discussing how that one would make a good comic Oh yeah, a good comic or maybe another short film Yeah It's interesting that a lot of these now were considering in visual terms Yeah, we were thinking of the camera angles and the shots of how that could come about And now every time I think of that story And then it would cut to this shot And then it would cut to this shot Mm-hmm Something between the last two episodes actually The thing about mulligan is that even, I guess, the patient His stories tend to be a little pettier than some of the other tales Mm-hmm Intentionally so, absolutely intentionally so Like that one, the patient could have been a stage show Yeah, no, no, but I mean Petty in the sense of everything he's dealing with is a very kind of small problem Yeah, it's not like a hurricane gun Yeah, exactly so You know, coffin deals with the dead, which is on a different kind of scale of things Black hole toting around in the green ship above the tree tops Exactly When I undertook, you know, we always discussed sort of the rockford connection Mm-hmm And how he comes, I mean mulligan is way more than just the rockford thing It's Colombo and it's MacLeod, it's Herio But it's that 70s era mumbling detective A little bit, you know what I mean? I think there was that period of Marlow and Spade where they were always It was always like they were full of momentum Like they may not know exactly what was going on But they always felt very sure of themselves It's a rolling They were gonna go, you know, yeah, they're moving forward And if they're gonna throw a fist they're gonna do it or whatever But the difference was you didn't have that All of these guys were semi-reflectant almost And waking up still wearing their suits and stinking and But that's kind of cool Absolutely It's very pulpy Yes, and some of them did it better than others But I wanted to actually, in a weird way I wanted to touch on one of them Borretta, do you remember Borretta? No, sorry Borretta is hilarious, it is Robert Blake Plays a cop who always does undercover work And he has a parrot of some sort, as I recall now Actually, that just suddenly comes to mind He has a parrot that provides the comedic relief When they're not, you know, busting up the bad guys or whatever But, okay, so he's got his little ticks I wanted to mulligan, he does have some things, he has the hoodie I wanted to touch on these notes that all of these era detectives had Like, for example, okay, here's Borretta's Wikipedia article Just a little selection from that, because it's so good That's a pretty bird Caught the spirit of the show in all of the goofiness of the era So, Borretta, he often carried an unlit cigarette in his lips or behind his ear His catchphrase is included, "You can take that to the bank" Oh my god That's the name of that tune When exasperated, he would occasionally speak in a side to his late father, Louis Borretta Tony Drover rusted out 1966 Chevy Impala four-door sedan nicknamed "The Blue Ghost" License played 532 Ben He hung out at Ross's Billiard Academy and referred to his numerous girlfriends as his cousins So, what is, who played Borretta? Robert Blake Oh my god, the guy who offed his lead Yes, the one who eventually went off to, in a very pulpy way, killed his wife and then claimed that he had left his gun in the restaurant Which as soon as anyway, let's not even get into that at the moment I left my gun in the restaurant The one thing that... With a Borretta, no, I don't know, but that would be awesome And terrible You can take that to the bank I wonder if he said that right while offering her With the gun that was mysteriously at the restaurant And here it was there You can see with the Tercelle and the hoodie and some of the notes What I was going for with Mulligan to sort of relate to these things But the one thing Mulligan does not have that Borretta did have Well, he doesn't have a catchphrase last Or a parrot Or a theme song [music] Don't go to bed with no price on your head Mmm, no, no Don't do it, don't do it Don't do the crime if you can't do the crime Don't do it, don't do it then keep your eye On the sparrow [music] With the gun It's narrow [music] Don't do it Don't do it Where can I go where the cool winds don't blow now? [music] Oh Sammy Davis Jr. Oh, was it really? It was indeed On his day I'm going to slide into The crime sparrow and your parrot Oh yes, I love that they rhyme sparrow and narrow Oh, fantastic [music] Oh, Borretta, Robert Blake, future killer of his girlfriend So we discussed earlier, you know, what's it going to be like when we get to a point where science fiction takes on the proper understanding of space from today My mulligan is my attempt to bring this sort of ridiculousness into the 2000s Yeah, but it doesn't have Yeah, I know it doesn't have a boss theme song No, it doesn't have that ridiculous, you know, like you can take him seriously Listen, you take the good You take the bad [music] Okay, um, you're missing parts but I still love you And I will love you even though you should look it up and learn it properly for me or else I'm sure you won't let me forget it in the near term No I did want to introduce... That's a fact of life right there, but it's a fact of life, yeah A fact of my life, a fact of a pope's life Make it sound like it's hard, I'm easy, I'm low maintenance bitch I did want to introduce sort of a new, how's your hair? I did want to introduce a new idea into my segment I do want to get back to doing little music snippets because that was a lot of fun But I wanted to start presenting research questions because I often do... I can't complete the universe Well, no, for example, what Dylan was mentioning about the blood brothers thing I have to go and try to find anecdotal evidence of the internet about Oh, yes, these sorts of things And I don't want to necessarily be giving away future topics of stories But even general questions often the entire series Yeah, like related research and information That could, you know, apply to your story, I think it's awesome If that's what you're saying, is that what you're saying? Yeah, that's sort of what I'm saying, yes So, okay, so for example, today I would ask you Reach out to me on Twitter or email us at Okay Or you can email me directly, it's gonna go to femme What do you eat for breakfast on a normal day? And if actually, if you have some sort of extravagant breakfast at some point in the week If you have like a Sunday tradition where you sit down and have, say, eggs benedict Let me know I would be very interested, send me in your name, your general location And, you know, city or state or province Send those too Well, yeah, well, breakfast sausage Anyhow Why did you say breakfast sausage? Because I know it kind of makes you sick to your stomach Because it's your go-to for vomiting Do you guys, okay, I have a question There's a new part of my segment And it's a question I'm gonna ask you guys And I'm gonna ask you What is your go-to visual when vomiting? Do you have a go-to visual when vomiting? When I think I'm going to vomit at the toilet For some reason, and I don't think about it It just like comes into my mind I think breakfast sausage And if breakfast sausage makes me want to vomit It's just like it's gonna happen and then it happens It's just like if it disgusts me And then if not, if I'm just like Mmm, yeah, breakfast sausage is pretty good Then I know I'm not ready and then I leave the bathroom It's my go-to... It's my thermometer And then you go make some breakfast sausage Perfometer? No, no The thing is no, no, it's not what I do I thought you were talking about fodder related to your... Anyways, it's not what you're talking about at all Oh, I wasn't looping back to the blood brothers Although if you do have an interesting blood brother story Or some sort of personal ritual that you've conducted With people you know, I would be also as... Well, also you were saying that Like very shortly that there were still blood brothers So I figured that you had some research related to it Yes, as I mentioned, I went to Yahoo Answers I found some people who were asking questions That obviously they had either done something to themselves They were now concerned about Or they were considering doing it Yeah It was still a thing Okay But I'm just saying I would be interested in your own people I'm not going to get specific I don't remember the information Fine Great, well maybe you should in the future Because I'd be really good to know Maybe you should have read the article better Oh my god, Jared, you're falling down You can follow us on Twitter at SkinnerCo Now he's going to go cry into a pillow You can follow me individually at Jared's Skinner The Jessica May as the Jessica May Yep And a Poponex with a zero zero P-O-P-A-N-A-X Thanks to Jim for hosting Enjoy the show Tell a friend, really enjoy the show We've got a donate button on the site If you have comments, questions, or suggestions You can find us at Our email is The entire run of www.plashpop can be found at or via the search bar and iTunes Flashcast, oh I did change this Flashcast is released under the creative commons attribution non-commercial 3.0 imported license [Music] Care bears count down 4-3-2-1 Who's that coming from somewhere up in the sky? [Music] Moving fast and bright [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]