The Skinner Co. Network

FC73 - Killer Kinks

Broadcast on:
13 Nov 2012
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Prepare yourself for: Murder by sex, curiosity killed the kids, DOOM, an occult ritual, and Ruby.

Read the full show notes at

♪ Some days glue me my hours are so long unless ♪ ♪ Dear is the shadows I live with by nonetheless ♪ ♪ Little white flowers will never be taken ♪ ♪ Not where the bright culture's all I'm taking you ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪ Angels have no fire ever tuning you ♪ ♪ Or they'll be angry if I sort of join in you ♪ Hello and welcome to Flashcast 73, a Skinner Co. presentation. Skinner Co. Where's the beef? It's brewing in sheets in our bioengineering R&D lab. This episode is also brought to you by generous donations from Our Heron, David Doc Blue Went, and Scott Roche. If you'd like to sponsor an episode, please feel free to use the donate button on the site. But now, prepare yourself for Murder by Sex, Curiosity Killed the Kids, Doom, an Occult Ritual, and Ruby. ♪♪♪ ♪ Death is no dream for a death I'm caressing you ♪ ♪ With the strength of my soul I'll be blessing you ♪ ♪ Glue me Sunday ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪ The other day I'm buying a chair ♪ Yeah, Jeff. ♪ While sitting in a chair it's a funny story ♪ Come on, man, we gotta start the show. ♪ There's PayPal, hello ♪ How did you even get in the studio? ♪ I'm on my phone buying a jacket ♪ Oh, okay. ♪ Come back to my place and you can... ♪ Actually, I thought I saw PayPal in the other room. Yeah, yeah, you want to go check it out? ♪ I bought it while I was sitting in a chair ♪ Jeff, have you been drinking? Is it just me? ♪♪♪ Hi, I'm Opopenax. And lost with me in the swirling maze of past and future ages during the first experiments on America's greatest and most secret project, the time tunnel. Arjeske me. Hello. And Jaredy. Hello. That was exciting. Time tunnel. Indeed. And it has been actually quite a while since we've sat down for a regular recording. Speaking of the time, tunnel. Lots happened. American elections. Yes. Sandy. Although, I guess we discussed that a little bit on Monday. Lots of other little odds and ends news around the world. But have you guys perhaps lost in the shuffle? The story of one Steven Boone of Ottawa, Ontario. Ooh, Ottawa, Ontario. Our former hometown. Mm-hmm. My former haunts. No, I have not. Well, Steve Boone is a... an interesting sort of criminal. A sexual predator, if you will. Uh-oh. But also perhaps an attempted murderer. Uh-oh. A 31-year-old Ottawa man was found guilty of three counts of attempted murder and three counts of aggravated sexual assault after failing to disclose his HIV positive status to sex partners. Oh. Steven Boone was found also guilty of two counts of administrating a noxious substance, his semen, and one count of attempting to do so. He was acquitted of two counts of aggravated sexual assault relating to oral sex with two men. The first charges were laid against Boone in 2010 after then 17-year-old Ottawa man came forward to police. Actually, 17, that isn't a man to me. That's still... Yeah, a boy. And it's odd that we kind of... uh, there are a lot of, obviously, there are a lot of double standards to the gay straight pathway. Mm-hmm. But one of the odd ones to me is that it seems to be okay for a younger man to have, or a younger fellow to have sex with an older fellow. But if a 30, well, what at the time here, 30-ish-year-old's man had come up to a 17-year-old girl... 17-year-old girl. Mm-hmm. And made that approach. There'd be more issues. It wouldn't just be attempted murder. He had tested positive for his HIV after having unprotected sex with Boone several times, and he said Boone never told him he had the disease. Ottawa police then released Boone's photo and a media release, asking any other potential victims to come forward. Mm-hmm. That's horrific. Yeah. So I guess last month-ish, maybe two months now, the Supreme Court of Canada actually ruled that you don't need to disclose that your HIV positive, as long as your virus count, is low enough that it's unlikely that you're going to infect another person? Mm-hmm. Which is interesting. Um, but apparently you also need to still wear a condom at the time. Yes. The condom is the make or break for the story. So without the condom, then you're still in attempted murder town. Mm-hmm. Murder by sexing. Yeah, not disclosing is gross. Yeah. 'Cause it is manageable, and people, you know, can choose partners who have it, but willingly, knowingly. Well, see, now on the flip side of this though, the gay community is concerned that this is actually going to cause people to avoid being tested just so that they can't be held culpable. Uh, but, uh, it's once you get down to that path, if you're that negligent. Yeah. I'd rather not know and potentially kill people. Well, and potentially kill myself. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Now there isn't, or the note that really nails it is, "During the trial, the crown relied heavily on sexually explicit online chat history in which Boone would seek sex with HIV negative men." Yuck. Now there's sort of an open thing there 'cause it makes it sound like specifically seeking HIV negative men, but if you read the sentence slightly differently, or with a slightly different annotation, it still, it could just be that they happen to be HIV negative and he was trying to get sex out of them. Yeah. So I don't know. I'm sure there's a way that you could seek partners that have the same ailment, but maybe that's like, part of his kink is to know that he's potentially infecting people. In fact, in fact, other men with a potentially lethal disease. Mm-hmm. Yeah, well, classy feller. Actually, he's got the look of just your standard, I don't know. He's got like a meaty-faced jackass look to him. Yeah. So, not entirely surprising, I suppose, but disturbing in its own way. [Music] Actually, before we get into the meat of Polywood Press, I just wanted to mention that every Tuesday on the site now, we post up, or generally I post up, a true crime Tuesday. Mm-hmm. I've been enjoying them immensely. They're usually something interesting and somewhat along the lines of this one, just odd or somehow fascinating criminal events. The thing is we've also been posting up items, well, we're attempting to post up items throughout the week more regularly. I hope it has her Skinner Coast going up on Sundays now. Mm-hmm. What did you do for this week's? Um, it was the, I keep wanting to call them hookers, but they're the hookies. Hooky jam. Oh, yeah, the hookies, the hooky cookies. Hooky cookies. Hooky cookies? Yeah. Uh, oh, oh, yes, with the key we're off. Mm-hmm. Which was actually a little homage to, what's that guy's name, Graham? Oh, yeah. Graham, Graham Annabel, I believe? He's actually from, um, to St. Marie. Hmm. Although, now I believe he lives in the Oregon. I know Jaredie loves his little gnomes. The hidden people. Are they gnomes, or? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, actually, Puzzle Agent 1 and 2 was really where I was introduced to him, uh, recommended by Strasburg. Mm-hmm. Actually, the goldbloom bit off the top. That was also recommended by Strasburg off YouTube. Nice. Uh, drunk Jeff Goldbloom. Google it and enjoy. Mm-hmm. Speaking of enjoying things, before we get into the meat of the news, uh, we recently went through another mob game night. Mm-hmm. Oh, yes. That was fantastic. Awesome. Penny. Penny. Yeah, I was, uh, very pleased that I got a bonus for actually checking if the door is unlocked. Mm-hmm. Very nice, yeah. Yeah, it was enjoyable. I feel like we cut it off a little short, but I think there was maybe a little more meat there on the bone for us if we had gone for it. Yeah. As Glenn kind of hinted at the end. Yeah, I think there's probably more we could have done there. But instead, we ran away to safety. Yeah. I kept suggesting we burned things. Trashed everything, set it on fire, and then left as quickly as possible. Yeah. As usual. As we will do no doubt in Buffalo after seeing the monkeys. Yeah. Set them on fire, trash them. So at this point, the plan, I believe, is to meet up for lunch. Jessica, may I have you selected the spot yet? The Buffalo. No, no, no. I don't think we've narrowed it down to a particular little target. Uh-oh. Okay, well, very early in the week, we will post up in the Flash mob. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. The location in Buffalo at which we intend to eat lunch. And if you want to come along and join us, that would be fantastic. And then if you happen to have a ticket to the monkeys right beside our own, we'd be glad to be doing it there as well. That would be a big coincidence. Speaking of, uh, critical pop culture from our childhood. Have you guys heard the new, uh, King Conan? Mm-hmm. Legend of Conan film? No. And Shwotanika is one there? Wotanika is returning to be King Conan, in Legend of Conan. Huh. Ah, but you know what's even more interesting? What? You know, our Heron pointed this out to me, and I have to say that I am, in fact, vindicated. They are rebooting the franchise. They're wiping out the reboot. Forget the reboot. Forget the original Conan. Er, well, not the original, but forget the second. They are forgetting also Conan the Destroyer, because it's accepted that it's so terrible that it needs to be ignored. Yeah. They're not ignoring Conan the Barbarian. This is going to be a sequel to the original Conan the Barbarian. Nice. That'll be good. So... Yeah, is it the beginning or the end, or the beginning and the end? I can't remember where they showed Conan on the throw. Oh, yeah. The crown. But that was a tale for another... But that was another... Yes, exactly. Exactly. Finally the day is arriving. Yeah, and it's interesting, because the way that film is set up, this is an almost expected sequel that's been... everyone's assumed was never going to happen for decades. Yeah, well, now the wizard's not going to be in it. Yeah, well... That's so sad. And what about, uh... Supertie? I want to see Supertie again. None of these guys wanted to live forever. On movie news, however, actually, on movie news that was critical to my childhood, Evil Dead. Mm-hmm. The new Red Band trailer came out this last week. This isn't even the second time today brought this up. Yeah, I know. Well, here's the thing. I started off quite against this film. I don't know if you're deeply into Sam Raimi. But he specifically railed, I believe it was the last Comic-Con, against the remake attitude it was currently undertaking. And then, he's producing Evil Dead, the reboot. And the thing is that I wanted to be against it. Mm-hmm. I wanted to take the... I was there when the original was planned. You kids don't know nothing. Yeah, but nothing. But when I saw that girl cutting off her hand with an electric bread knife, I said to myself, "We can do this." Perhaps we can get this chainsaw running one more time. So we shall see. I think actually I'm going to take much the same approach that I took going into Prometheus, which was actually a suggestion of Rich the Time Traveler. When I mentioned that we were going to be watching Prometheus, which we watched just yesterday. He suggested that I look into it as if it was not in any way related to the rest of the Aliens film. It was just its own standalone movie. And the thing is that part of why I enjoyed it was because of the hooks to the other movies. Mm-hmm. But... But not, yeah. But being able to step back and not have the expectations. Actually, the other thing that I think helped were the terrible reviews that were floating around forever for so long. I mean, they were terrible, but everyone was disappointed. You didn't have high expectations. So my expectations weren't terrible. They weren't terribly high, and I was quite on board. It was very pretty-looking movie, for sure. Yeah, it was gorgeous, and I thought some of the actors did very nicely with their parts. I felt like the characters lacked a little depth, but everything else was pretty solid. There were moments, you know, there was like, "Run right, why don't you just run to the right?" Yeah. That's great. I remember one of the first things you pointed out in that movie is how you thought the actor that played the robot would be a good substitute for Black All. Oh yeah, well, we've discussed the Fosbender. Fosbender. Fosbender. Fosbender. Fosbender. We've discussed him as a possible Black All in the past, although he was much too thin in this film. He was part of the role, but to be Black All, he would have to put on a little meat. Yeah. We'll actually get back to the movie business in a second when we finish up the October 31 discussion, which seems weird. Well, I guess that kind of is part of the movie discussion, isn't it? But I just wanted to touch quickly on The Happy Sunrise Home. Now, once again, being ripped off by one of Canada's leading novelists, Margaret Atwood, she's apparently putting out some serial zombie fiction. I don't know where she got that wacky idea. Margaret Atwood. Wow. So. Yeah. The Happy Zombie Sunrise Home. I don't know if you've ever seen her. She's sunny. So, what? Oh, she's 15. She lives in New York. She's got a few problems. She's failing geography. Her dad's a wimp, and her mother, Sumatra, is a stone gold bitch. But things get a lot worse when Sumatra turns into a zombie and eats Okey's dad. That's pretty funny. Yeah. But what's almost more interesting is Cleo, Okey's grandmother, lives in Toronto. But since the zombie apocalypse, Toronto's a lot further away than it used to be. Cleo suggests that Okey transports Sumatra across the border because families' family. But coaching Okey by cell phone isn't easy, and Cleo has some zombies of her own to contend with. Luckily, she has some garden tools. So. Well, here's the thing. It becomes this thing where it sounds like a travel narrative from New York to Toronto, whereas we're working on a serial fiction travel narrative from Ottawa to New York basically. Like, I mean, it's upper New York state, but anyway. Maybe she's been listening. Right off my porch at wood. So we finished off the October 31. Mm-hmm. With some pretty good films. Yeah, I thought so. Yeah. One of my favorite. We finished strong, too, because we got in quite a lot of movies. Not 31, but. No. Well, we never really hit the 31, honestly, but yeah, I felt like we did good. The Uninvited. Do you remember that one? Yeah. I really liked that one. It was a Spanish film. No, you're thinking of a different film. The Uninvited was a black and white and revolved around this house with a ghost. That's right. It was a good film. I don't want to give away too much, because like a lot of haunted house movies, the secrets are really what's essential to the plot. But there is a moment they basically resolve everything. And then there is this moment at the end of the film and I don't have the year in front of me, but I suspect we're talking '40s, '50s for the production of the movie. And they manage to solve most of the movie's problems without any sort of direct confrontation or like physical hullabaloo. But there's this tactile scene at the very end where the husband ends up flinging a candle at the ghost of the one, basically the evil of the house. And this is like the last motion to get rid of her. But really at that point, she's already been humiliated via some other things that I'm not going to get into at the moment. And it was almost as if they had written this scene in, because the husband throughout the film doesn't really do much. Most of it has to rely on an emotional reaction to, like trying to work through the puzzle of the story. And so he doesn't just get to punch anybody in a sort of '50s father, like I'm going to take care of this household. I'm the man. So they give him this candle holder to fling at the end of the movie, but it just ends up being this ridiculous. Why he has a word out in the hall with a ghost. I'm going to talk to you extremely out here. Anyway, we also finally, at Jack Antor's suggestion, watched Behind the Mask, The Rise of Leslie Vernon. And that was an interesting movie. I don't think it would necessarily be horror, I should say. Now it's partially a sort of not found footage movie, but it's a documentary style movie for sections. And then in sections it pulls away and goes into a normal horror film that is framing. Well, it's following this group who are doing a documentary on this serial killer. Right. So part of it is the footage that they're shooting, and then the behind the scenes of that. Right, and the parts that are compelling to me are usually the parts that are presented in the documentary style. There was some well done, it's interesting, because when they pull away, the documentary pulls, the documentary sections pull apart the tropes of your standard horror films. And this was an interesting movie to see actually after watching The Cabinet in the Woods not long ago, but then in the sections where it pulls back and is more of a standard horror style, the tropes are then sort of presented to us, which I sometimes pull apart later. Like, there's a scene in which sort of the main victim of the film is outside of the diner at which she works. And we see this creepy, standard, you know, stalker off behind the bushes, and she's looking around, and the door closes at an inopportune moment, and it's very Hollywood But then we kind of see later in the film how it was all done. How it was planned, how different aspects come across. And they do that in a few different places, they'll cut to the Hollywood aspect and then explain it later, or explain it beforehand, and then play out the Hollywood aspect. You know there's one thing that bugged me about that is that the guy pointed out that you want to just set them off with something, you want them to be there to be something in the background that they'll just notice out of the corner of their eye and then it's gone. And you know, it's going to make them scared and it's going to come back later. Right. She's saying that I noticed there's a guy walking in the background of the shot. Right. Right. And so for the whole movie, I'm expecting somebody else to show up at random point. And now that's just never panned out for me. It was an enjoyable movie. It was a lot better than perhaps the initial reaction would make you think. Like you watch the first five minutes of that movie, and you're expecting kind of a pretty standard. Yes, but they ramp up the creep, they do a pretty good job of keeping you interested. But the problem is that in the end it felt like it fell apart just a smidge. There's another, there's a second serial killer, a retired fellow who's introduced throughout the film. Sort of like the mentor. But it feels like he should play some greater aspect near the end and he never does. Well, that's what I was thinking like, oh he's going to show up, you know, but apparently the production crew, because the movie is slowly gaining word of mouth, like it certainly is worth a watch if you're into horror films. Apparently the crew was looking to make a prequel, but they have yet to pull together funding. Now what bothers me is that I don't want to see prequel to this film. I'm not terribly interested in what takes place before. I want to see where, I want to see that same creativity applied to a sequel because the ending is left in a place that really could have one. Yeah, it's open-ended, you know. Actually, we saw Prometheus last night, it wasn't part of the October 31, but we also saw Pandorum. Do you remember Pandorum? I didn't make it all the way through that, maybe, but I enjoyed what I saw. Remind me, Pandorum. Pandorum was-- Dennis Quaid. Dennis Quaid. Oh, Pandorum. Yes, yes. And there was monsters on the ship. Yes. And that was so great because-- Oh, were they? Were they monsters? I don't know. But-- Without giving anything. What I love so much about it is like there's like this alien race thing on the spacecraft. And every so often, a person is unfrozen, and generally, before they can actually wake up and get themselves in order, they're like eating like a snack by these monsters. So you hear like, bing, bing, like they're ready to come out of the microwave. These people have been frozen for years and years, and they're just like consumed by these monsters. That actually reminded me a bit of-- Smart time. Pavlov's dog. Yeah. Ruby Utopia. Yeah. That was pretty bad. Same sort of. Anyway, it was a very good movie. I quite enjoyed it. I quite enjoyed-- Absolutely. There was a lot to think about. Yeah, the ending without giving anything away was very interesting. I feel like the whole film held up really well. Except I had concerns going in about Dennis Quaid. Being Dennis Quaid. Being Dennis Quaid. But the thing is that I think the-- He like sat the whole movie. Yeah, the director of the film understood that he was dealing with Dennis Quaid, and they gave him a very good Dennis Quaid movie. Yeah. He just sat in a chair. So it was perfectly fine. And we had lots of moments away from Dennis Quaid. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. But, yeah, absolutely. It's totally watchable. Mm-hmm. Very good movie. Yeah. Which, to fiend without a face. Which I don't know if you guys remember that one month. No recollection. I don't know. Invisible. I'm just going to read the tagline because that's really all you need. Invisible atomic monsters attack a US armed forces base in the local residents. Director, Arthur Crabtree. What is this, like, '40s or-- '58, I believe. It-- I enjoyed it. You need to be a fan of-- Forbidden Planet? Not great late '50s sci-fi or kind of films. Let's just say that the end involves kind of worm brain, brain worm things. And I don't mean in the sort of con shove it in your ear, since I mean in the kind of a worm that looks like a brain-- no, no, actually I should say a brain that looks like a worm. Mm-hmm. Anyway. It's a movie to watch with others, for sure. A movie to watch with a lot of alcohol. [CHUCKLING] Wreck 2. Or watch it in Colorado. Yeah. Yeah. We're Colorado, yes. Wreck 2. That was a good one. So we watched Quarantine 2. Mm-hmm. And we watched Wreck 2. Mm-hmm. There was a lot about it that you wanted to be like, "Why are you doing that?" But yeah, it kind of bothers me when it's just like you're watching stupid people in film where you're like, "Well, that's just dumb." [CHUCKLING] Yeah. But they didn't pan out at all the samey. No, it was very interesting. The Spanish film went with a very religious sort of message. Yeah. And basically, blame the infection on demons. Yeah. And actually, one of the things I found really interesting too was to see the way that they chose to approach the two different films because Wreck 2 is essentially another found footage movie. Mm-hmm. And it doesn't maintain the single viewpoint like the first one. It's not just the single cameraman throughout, which I thought was really interesting. But at the same time, that made it feel a little stretched in places because it almost felt like they needed an excuse to bring in somebody with a new camera to keep like the plot advancing at certain points. Yeah. Yeah. But on the flip side, I think we flash gas 72, we covered quarantine 2. Mm-hmm. All the cat sounds like it was much more of a be American horror movie. Yeah. And I enjoyed it for what it was. But Wreck 2 felt like a sequel to the franchise, whereas quarantine 2 could have been... It's own. It's own movie. Yeah. Zombies in a plane. You know what I mean? Yeah. It felt actually- Yeah. Well, zombies in an airport. It felt like a zombie, a repurpose zombie script, whereas Wreck 2 felt like a continuation to the franchise that they were attempting to undertake. So we also watched the Black Cat. It was a lot of fun to see Bella Lugosi and Borskarloff together. Mm-hmm. Yeah. That was cool. It was interesting. The set designs felt very much influenced by the Frankenstein movies, which have these huge... Yeah. Big sets. The dining room. I really enjoyed. Mm-hmm. Yeah. It was cement-y, but it was arched in really kind of strange ways, and it made it seem very alone and hollow and cold. Mm-hmm. And the Black Cat was really full of those kind of sets, but there was an odd sort of crammed feeling. And I don't know if it was just the print that we were watching, and if possibly we were getting some like pan and skin cut off or something, but the sets were gorgeous. I just wish I could have seen more of that at a time. Yeah. Anyway, I think there are actually a few other films that we might not have on the list for now, but I think it's actually time for a little visit from our friend, Mr. Lynch. Spudger-Bother. Here in North America, the leaves are falling. Northern winds are blowing in, and at the time of this recording, Hurricane Sandy is churning up the Atlantic Seaboard. People all along the coast of the US and Canada are preparing for what many meteorologists are calling a "Franken Storm." Several intense and diverse weather systems are converging to rain-holy terror on millions of people. Perfect for the Halloween weekend, right? While we're all focused on the apocalyptic snow hurricane, the folks down south, south being Australia, are just beginning to head to the beaches as summer starts to sizzle. However, aside from the usual dangers associated with surfing, swimming and beachcombing, this year vacationers have a new fear, their own curiosity. Here's the story from Carn's News. Manisters, containing a highly toxic gas, have washed up on far northern Australian beaches in the past two days, with people warned to use extreme caution if they find one along the shores. The canisters, used on ships for pest control, contain aluminum phosphide, which has the potential to self-ignite and can be fatal if inhaled. The silver containers are about 15-20 centimeters long. Exposure to the highly toxic phosphine gas can also cause sickness, ringing in the ears, fatigue and chest pains. Two canisters were found at Cooktown yesterday afternoon, and canisters were also found in Carn's on Thursday and at Innisfail earlier in the week. There have now been eight cases in northern Queensland since February, prompting renewed warnings from authorities. Large District Crime Prevention Officer Sergeant Kerry Kooligan urged parents to pay close attention to their children during trips to the beach, with fears that exposure to the gas could be deadly. Kids can be very curious and may think the canisters are toys and want to play with them, she said. That curiosity, mixed with such a dangerous chemical, could tragically prove fatal. Police issued a warning on October 19 after four canisters were reported along a 200-kilometer stretch of coastline between IR and Ingram since February. Scientific examination found the canisters contained the dangerous gas. A recent spike in cases in the far north has raised fears more canisters are sure to surface. It's fair to say it's more than likely there will be more coming to shore, Sergeant Kooligan said. Queen's Lendifier and Rescue Far North Assistant Commissioner Wayne Weston said crews wearing breathing apparatus and protective clothing had retrieved the canisters before disposing of them carefully. Mr. Weston said under certain conditions the gas could self-combust. "We're not sure where these canisters come from, but they've obviously come off a ship somewhere and have shown up on some of our beaches," he said. Queensland Regional Manager Colin Sparks said beaches would remain open this weekend but lifegards had been notified about the canisters. Finding a message in a bottle is certainly intriguing, but these days it can be seriously bad news. I'm Jeffrey Lynch and that's this week's Spot of Brother. "Jeez, that's rough. That is." I have to confess, as soon as I heard what was going on, I thought this sounds like the opening of every Aussie exploitation flick I've ever seen. These canisters come ashore, some drunk guy picks it up, turns into some kind of mutant killing machine, half man, half fish, and two minutes later he's eaten his girlfriend or whatever. Yep, that's what always happens. I would totally be that guy that would, "Ooh, what's this?" What's this explosive pest control device? Very interesting that so many are washing up, I don't know. Yeah, and they don't know where they're from. Well, be safe people. Curiosity killed your children. Thanks a lot, Mr. Lynch. Yes. Isn't that a bit of bother? You can find all of Jeff's bothersome business over at or on his Twitter feed at Please Lynch Me. And now it's time for another Horrible Histories. Come from beyond to save us from our own past, Gibraltar has found only one solution to protect us. Here, now, is your Horrible Histories. Salutations by fellow monsters, I'm Jeff Walter and I welcome you back again to your Horrible Histories. So me and Lev get a bit hard of work comparing this scope again, really, 200%. So we've been selling parts from the Fantastic Scope. Ah, well, let's left with it anyway. I don't see a problem with that whatsoever. Dollar. No, I thought. Okay, let's get started. Lev kept pulling that lever and histoscope on. Hope you start James Dean, guided age of 24. The car crashed on a California highway chief. Dean was driving a Porsche 550 Spyder, headed to a car racing Salinas, California, with his mechanic rope with a ring when they were involved in the head on collision with a car driven by 23-year-old town student named Down Terpsie. Dean was taking the Paso Rotos War Memorial Hospital, where he's been out dead at 559 PM. Was the record with the drop from the car to the mine of the accident in terms of the age of a minor injury? No charges for a rebound again. Friends had told Dean the car was trouble when they saw it. A rare silver Porsche Spyder, only one of 90 in the main 90-55. They named a little bastard, the car carried the iconic screen level to his grave on September 25. After the car accident, many fans were used to believe that Dean was dead, and the story is circulating, and he was still alive, but terribly figured, and a true river in relation to the fashion of this tale of what you call a life of its own. After the tragedy, the managed car customer George Beres bought the car from $2,500. When the record arrived at Beres' garage, the Porsche slipped and fell on one of the mechanics on what we had, the accident broke both the mechanics' life. While Beres had bad feelings about the car when he first saw it, his suspicions became confirmed during a racing and Pomona Fairground, October 24, 1956. Two physicians, Troy McHenry and William Escrit, were both racing cars that had parts of the capacitor. McHenry died in his car, and when the Porsche knew which important engine had been installed, went out of control and hit a tree. Escrit's car slipped over Escrit, and survived the spiced severe injury. Players said the car was only locked up when he went into a car. The cars from the level of influence continued after the race, one kid trying to steal the Porsche's steering wheel, slipping, cashing his arm. Beres from Berlin, he sold two of the car's tires to the up half. Within a week, the man had been bald at a wreck when both the tires blew outside the car, and the Porsche would finally be put to good use. Beres learned to move the wrecked car to the California Highway Patrol for touring the supply of hills through the important swamp field safety. Within days, the garage housing the spider burned to the ground, and with the exception of the real bastard, every vehicle in the garage was destroyed. When the car was put into an exhibit in Sacramento, it built the main display and broke the teenagers hit. George Baroque, who was haunted despite her on a flatbed truck, was killed instantly when the Porsche fell on the United Reef, thrown from his truck in an accident. When this had surrounded the car until 1960, when the Porsche was flown to an exhibit in Miami, Florida, when the exhibit was over, the wreckage inward to Los Angeles on a truck mysteriously disappeared. To this day, the little bastard whereabouts are on now. And see, powering down, and we're fine, but, ew, all that poor intern, Doc Jones is gonna kill me. How was I supposed to know the damn thing had to laugh at a camera? Besides, I said not to stand too close, till next time, get a mop-lump cat. Wow, killer car. Mm-hmm, he was a bastard, that car. Yeah. A little bastard. Uh, I've read a little about this, actually. I think most of that info comes from a book by George Baroque himself, who kind of wanted to play up the car, so take it for what it's worth. He was, you know, king of the customizers or whatever, so he was trying to perhaps work on his legend. No, you know, I'm not second-guessing the histoscope, 'cause we all know what happens when that, you know. Yeah, last time, it was not pretty. But, thank you. Thank you, Mr. Donny. Highly entertaining. I'm glad that we managed to make it through that entire segment without stabbing a child. Yeah. Yeah. That's a little throwback to mob game night. Yeah, you'd know. You should really come, man. I think you'd really enjoy it. Anyway. There's lots of children to stab. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well done, sir. Excellent entry. Mm-hmm. Thank you very much. So, the question now, Jessica May, is are we about to hear some music before Gigantor talks, or... [sigh] [sigh] If you knew what my life was like for the last one, I love you, Gigantor. I have everything that I need. I just need to cream it together to make delicious sound sandwich. The only thing that she's missing is time. Time out to turn. Sounds like you have the butter and eggs, but you don't have the cake together. Okay. We may not have the intro, but we do have the Gigantor. And the love. Hello, Flashcast and fellow mobsters. It's Gigantor, and I have a board game review. This week, I am going to talk about Doom. Yes, they made a board game based off the popular computer game. It's a big box game, so it's like three hours. It was about fifty bucks. I don't know. I actually only played it from a friend. I did donut own this game. For two to four players, it recommends four players, and I agree. It's for twelve and up. I would like to just get a few things out of the way. The game pieces, though there are a lot of game pieces for this board, everything's done very well. The game is very nice. The miniatures are very good, though you have the typical game colors for your main guys, you know, green, red, blue, and the bad guys being gray. The miniatures are cut very nicely, they have very nice, they are very detailed plastic pieces. So it really helps with the game. Well that's because the game needs it. It needs all the help it can get. It has the greatest workings for a very good game, but the game is impossible. You have your three players that are the good guys, maybe four players on one bad guy. Anyway. The bad guys, and the other guys are losers, essentially. There is no way to beat this game. I've played as the bad guy a few times, and watching my friends struggle through this game was painful, and you know knowingly that you're actually holding back to give these people a chance, and if you weren't, it would have been like over such a long time ago, and to give my friends a chance, a few other people, they all played the villains, and it was the same thing every time. There are maybe ways of possibly cheating a success if everyone picks everything that you got to do. You get your character, so you get classes, and then you get weapons, but everything makes you lose ammo, and then suddenly you can't shoot, and you can't fist a cuff anything in this game. They got the big creatures, and they just show up anytime they want all willy nilly, and there's cards to be played on the good guys at the same time, and it is ridiculously hard. I can't stress this enough. It looks like such a good game, I want it to be fun. It is so close to being fun, but due to this one tip and the scales, and I'm sorry for ranting so long about this, but just to help prove the point, I remember standing in a game hobby store, just looking at other games, while another group of unrelated people were looking at games as well, and one pulled out and got all excited about the Doom board game. Well, one of his friends had played this game, and the first thing he's out of his mouth, he was, "Yeah, that game's impossible. If you're a bad guy, you're winning every time, there's no way about it." It was word for word, what the same reaction and opinion that we've had with my group of friends that have played the game. It's, by all means, try it, and if you unlock the code to Doom, please let me know. But due to the impossibility of this game, the very long setup and the very long time of this game, I got to give it a one. Wow, yeah, one blazing torch out of five. And that was my rant about Doom. Thanks for listening, bye guys. Wow, I think that's like the first negative review that we've got from a game just too bad. It's funny that a game that I thought of as a real jump into and just take out some frustration, you can play for 10 minutes and just shoot everything in front of you kind of game. It sounds like it takes forever to set up on a board game. I wonder if there's some reworking of the rules online that would make it better balanced. It's really unfortunate. If there's some sort of tweaking that you can do. I wonder if this is miniature makers overextending their reach into gaming territory and trying to come up with a game that just wasn't very balanced in the end. It's amazing how far you can get in that process, even start selling it, and then realize it doesn't work at all. But that's, you know, sometimes there's, and maybe Jergantor will be assisted by someone in the mob. Sometimes there is that secret code like, oh, you just really need to always be using the the heal button or whatever it is. Anyway, yeah, well, if anybody has one, please send it our way and we'll pass along. Yeah, in the meantime, I'm just trying to avoid the doom board game. In the meantime, I'm just going to boot up my 286 and play myself. No. Actually, I believe that required a 386 with at least four makes for me. We're a geeker, geeker, geeker, geeker. Hey, guess what time it is? It's time for lunch. Mailbag. So we've got a comment in the mailbag. It says, "Hi Flash Pulpers. I just wanted to share with J.R.D. Popenax." It was a question mark. Yeah, I like that he was confused about the spelling. It's actually Opopenax, but that's great, yes. Popenax. I like the Popenax. Yeah. It's like the short Popenax and Jessica that I really love the Ruby departed stories. She has the clearest hero's journey from selfish, spoiled survivor to possible leader or at least protector. With the most recent one, I really have loved the changes in her character. Cordially. John. Well, thank you, John. Yeah, thank you very much for the kind of comments. I take all responsibility for Ruby departed. It's interesting because I get it from both sides. I get commentary like John's and then I get comments from people who I will not name specifically, who essentially say why is she bothering with these people and she should just take off and take care of herself, which is interesting, but part of the reason I'm writing it is to have that discussion a little bit, you know, discuss responsibility post zombie apocalypse. Anyway, thanks a lot. I'm glad you're enjoying it. We will be returning to Ruby shortly. We have a little bit of murder plague to deal with in the meantime, but next up I believe we have a call from our own Onion Knight, Sir Dylan Orion. Hello, Flashpump crew. This is the 22nd of October, and I am coming to you tonight from my house. It's kind of nice. I got to get home at a decent hour today, been a little crazy around the lab, just a couple quick notes because I've got a story I want to tell you guys this week. For the ice and fire convention, very cool that it's going to be at Ravenwood Castle. I actually used to drive through that area a lot when I was driving truck. It's a very, very beautiful area. It's one of the best areas in Ohio. And if you like the castle look, you should check out this other place in Ohio if you're there for the convention. It's this place called Canyon College, which is about two hours north of Ravenwood Castle, and that is, it's actually where I used to play cello in the orchestra when I was a teenager. It's made in the old English style. If you can't actually get up there, I just heard that they released a movie featuring Canyon College called Liberal Arts, but it's built in an old English style, and interestingly, they actually brought Stone Masons over from England to build Canyon College. So it's a very neat, neat little spot since Halloween is coming up, and it's been a couple of podcasts ago now, but you were, you guys were talking about how it's no longer legal to buy or sell spells over eBay. I wanted to tell you about my one and only experience of buying a spell. So this happened a few years ago. This was in the spring of 2010, and I was getting into making absent. And the first thing that I learned when I was making absence is there's this more ancient variation, which is like medicinal version called absentium. It's a combination of like 15 different herbs with the, you know, the main ingredients is still warm wood, but when you add all the others together, you get this really pleasing bouquet and it also has this really, really nice side effect of getting a person incredibly drunk and then waking them up with no hangover. This was an awesome liquor, and I was determined that I was going to perfect it. So I was hunting these herbs, and most of the herbs that I found, I found them at some European herb shops that I was familiar with, but there was a couple that I couldn't find there. So I went to these places called Botanica's in the Hispanic neighborhoods. Now Botanica is a Latin American magic shop slash alternative health shop. Anywhere there's a semi-large Latin American community, you will find a Botanica. They sell things like incense, medicinal herbs, magic potions, massage oils, tarot cards, religious icons, idols, altars, stuff like that. And Botanica's are set up to serve the neighborhood where they're situated, so the specifics of what you can find at any given Botanica is different depending on the surrounding population. Now also, if it's a good Botanica, you can usually get either a tarot card reading or a palm reading in this place as well. So this particular Botanica where I found the herbs was overseen by an old Mexican woman and her son. Now my mother-in-law Norma had been wanting to go to this Botanica for a while and check it out because she had heard good things about it. And as soon as we got in, I knew this place was going to be good because I walked in and I saw spells and charms tattooed all over the arms of the man who was kind of counter. Got into a conversation with him and I told him about the herbs that I was looking for and he thought that I was making a healing potion and maybe that I was a bit interested in the craft myself. I told him I was just making liquor, he just pointed out which herbs and we were talking about liquor. But while that was going on, the head of the shop had come out from behind her little curtained off room that she had in the back and offered to read Norma, my mother-in-law's cards because this woman said that she had such an interesting aura. This woman took Norma into the back and read her cards. They both came back about 20 minutes later and Norma said that she had gotten the best card reading she had ever received. During this time Norma's youngest son had been struggling with some really bad influences, some people that kind of just wouldn't leave him alone and Norma was concerned that they were leading him down the wrong road. So this woman had brought that up and had told Norma that if she wanted to get rid of this person that was bothering her son, this woman could take care of it with a ritual for a small fee, she was a priestess of this religion called Balos, which is a Central American folk religion that kind of has some roots in the Caribbean, but it's like most of the folk religions of Central and South and America and the Caribbean is a mixture of traditional magic with a little bit of Catholicism thrown in. Norma told her that we would talk about it and she would think about it and we left the shop. So on her way home Norma and my wife and I were all talking about this and she decided that she would do the ritual and invited my wife and I along, I was really excited about this because I really never tried to turn down the opportunity for an adventure. And that's got me in some trouble, but it's also given me a lot of really interesting experiences. So we decided that we're definitely going to do it. The day of the ritual came around and we went back to the botanica and when we got back in this woman and her son who turned out to be the man behind the counter that I had talked to the first time I went in there, we were waiting for us and the son was carrying chicken in a cage, just covered up by a blanket and when we got there we were told to go down to the basement. So we went through the back of the building and we went down into the basement and I noticed that when we crossed the basement stairs there was a heavy iron chain across the threshold and then when we got to the bottom there was another heavy iron chain at the bottom of the stairs. Anyway, we got into the basement and it was weird. It was almost like we had gone into another part of the world. There were idols and altars all along one wall, there were candles everywhere, there were spell circles drawn in chalk on the walls and on the floor and there were these stains that looked like blood and it smelled like blood and it just smelled wrong. So growing up on Indian reservations my parents had been very eager for me to experience the native religion so I had been exposed to a large number of native religious rituals and those were different but they never had the dark feeling that I got as soon as we went into the basement. We were directed to sit down on these chairs along the wall and the chairs were also surrounded by a chain on the floor and the woman and her son went into what looked almost like a giant iron cage, it wasn't a cage but it was almost like a room framed off inside the basement. There was no walls but there was just the frame and it was all made of iron and there were chains across the doors to go in and out of this frame. We sat down and then the old woman went to work and the curse that she was casting or this spell of rending or whatever you would like to call it, it started with her drawing this huge spell circle on the floor is like 10 feet across and it was segmented into six pieces by lines with tridents on both ends and then the strange symbols drawn into each of the sections that were sectioned off. The old woman then lit up some sage smudged herself and her son and then came and smudged us with the sage smoke and then moved into the spell circle and started singing and chanting in what sounded kind of like Spanish but had words mixed in that I couldn't recognize. She lit a cigar and then she took a bottle of vodka in her hand and proceeded to walk around the room speaking to each of the altars around the room before blowing smoke on them and then she would take a mouthful of liquor into her mouth and then spray it at the altar. So after she went all around the room doing this she moved into the center of the spell circle and took the chicken in her hands and began speaking softly to it and she carried the chicken with her around the room and presented it kind of to each of the altars kind of softly speaking the whole time and then she came back into the spell circle and passed the chicken to her son that joined her in the circle and then she took the cigar up again and she blew smoke in the chicken's face and then she took a mouthful of the vodka and sprayed the vodka in this chicken's face and then she started chanting louder and then from the floor right beside her she picked up this knife and took the back of it and drew it over the chicken and some weird symbol and then just started drawing it over the chicken's head and neck and then she started chanting louder and louder and louder and then she stopped chanting she just grabbed the chicken by the head and sliced this throat open and held the chicken over this bowl and allowed the blood to pour out into this bowl and when the dripping head finally stopped she used the knife the same knife and took the head of the chicken completely off. She left the head in the center of the spell circle and took the body around the room and carried the bowl of blood at the same time. She took the bowl of blood and poured it onto the altars and flipped the body to spray the blood against the walls and against the altars as well and when she had done this she came back to the center of the room, stood in the spell circle and then through the remaining blood from the bowl at the wall where there was another spell circle drawn. She kept chanting and then she finished her ritual she finished her chanting and she packed chicken and the head in two separate boxes and then came to talk to Norma. This conversation was really fast really quiet and kind of in almost whispered Spanish so I didn't really catch much of it and after that they brought us out of the basement we took the chicken and the head in these boxes and went out to the car. We got in the car and we had these two boxes, one with a chicken head and one with a chicken body. Norma told us that the old woman had instructed her to take the head to the woods, walk into the woods, throw the chicken over her shoulder and walk back out of the wood. The body we had to take to a graveyard and leave it in front of a headstone so we did this, this was all in the middle of the day too, this was at like 10 o'clock, 11 o'clock in the morning. We had gotten an early start on this magic. We did what we were told and then we went out for lunch and the ending to this story is that a week or two after the spell had happened that this bad influence decided that he was tired of Chicago and he moved to Las Vegas a couple weeks later so I guess the spell actually worked. So that's all I got for you today, this is Dylan or Ryan signing off. There are so many awesome things in that comment to talk about and there are so many times I had to look over at you and like this utter look of shock on my face like oh my god did he just say that? That's so grippy. Now I can't recall if he's mentioned his cello playing before but I thought it hilarious that he bounced between that and his truck driving days and he's like super scientist when I was driving truck I love that and when he lived on the reserve making absinthe. Wow yeah crazy which is very interesting I would like to try this what was it absinthe anyway I followed the exact same philosophy by the way about adventure any sort of odd situation that I can thrust myself in. Let's do it yeah whatever you feel about the rest of the story yeah yeah wow that was a crazy story you can take it as a really interesting occult experience or you can take it as a really interesting cultural excursion yeah either way I would have loved to have been there. The one sad thing about the story to me was that no one ate the chicken well yeah I know Chris chicken yeah Chris chicken yeah exactly always always dry yeah that was an awesome story if you have more stories like that please send them to us let out which life is already cool uh heavily you used to frequent a couple magic shops of sorts not so interesting as the sound of this material maybe it was actually very I want to say it was very familiar to I actually knew a few shops in Ottawa that are the same kind of case yes exactly although not catering quite to the same community more of their basements weren't quite similar yeah I mean it was close but not well the ones in Ottawa ranged from pretty serious wickens who were living a lifestyle to you know kids who had seen the craft and wanted to rent anime videos yeah so for the record I just want to say both my parents were brick in and I was raised wickens so I don't really get down with the craft folk the craft yeah fascinating to find a shop that does curses on demand yeah hmm while we listen to that fascinating tale we should mention we actually opened the straws box which we're quite excited about full of goodies she gets here in a moment but we sampled some old-time mustache candies which came in a fantastic mustache shaped tin herchemic fee hmm what did you guys think of the candy I liked them I enjoyed it at first I was afraid that it was gonna be black liquor me too yeah cuz they are dark must it has like a satisfying crunch but it's tasty enough to just suck on it's all candy plus the box yeah the stash box is awesome yeah runs but none of the bad flavors if we didn't have such solid episode art I would suggest maybe some stash candy well this tin will definitely go proudly on the mantle indeed if only you could see Jaredie wearing the largest fake mustache yep tin stache oh actually while we're just briefly let me side step away from the straws box I'm actually undertaking a mauvember effort this year which I should mention very quickly right now it just looks like a fuzzy beard yeah the moment it just looks like I'm the office hobo but if you would like to back me mauve bro dot co slash jaredie Skinner would be fantastic please do yeah I have to deal with this pokey hair guys what else was in the box a woolly-willy oh I love that she wasn't half as dirty as it sounds I remember those from when I was a kid what are they it's a make you draw on the fellow using a magnet sweet yeah it's a lot of fun it's old school yeah you got some oh so it's a holly Halloween themed items actually which I'm excited to dive into get some spooky nerds orange punch got some boogers box of boogers yeah box as well was tangy gummy boogies that look in real feel real I love that maybe we'll have to sample these next episode because the sounds I love that like they're in different shapes of boogies look on the other side of that oh yeah yeah and they're like a mold green we should put them in our nose and then take a photo a caramel apple sugar baby some mike and I shook up babies there were three job-breakers sent but I'm afraid they're all for me I'm like oh one for each of us he's like no one of my favorite items you can probably hear it rattling the rock paper scissors candy dispensers so that once you eat the little clear tube out from underneath you can still play rock paper scissors so though we have not had the candy innards we have played rock paper scissors I can't remember who won but I thought it was important that we were called that I think it was me must have been my memories good I'm sure it's right we'll save some of the surprises for future episodes but many thanks Strasburg there's a fantastic surprise this was a crazy box next episode I also hope to sample some boobberries before those go past you but Frank and Barry and Boo Barry totally unavailable here in Canada as far as I know so yeah I have no idea what to expect I'm I'm familiar with Count Chocula but this Franken and Boo Barry and this completely new concept the straws box was actually much more than I had expected yeah like we gave him a consolation kinder box and man I'm glad that we sent that it before we got his back because I wouldn't have sent it like we tried but it is not as cool as his box he seemed pleased well I'm pleased but he's pleased I'm glad he had a stash but this box is badass by the time Sandy rolled around yeah true that yeah I think he worked his way through most of the surprises yeah well if you need more kinder you just tell us and we'll be your pusher yeah speaking of awesome boxes actually as we mentioned during the as we mentioned during the mini episode we got a secondary unknown package or the unknown package seems to have divided itself which is terrifying right yeah yeah at some point I expect to open the studio and there's just a wall of boxes in front yeah and then the next day we come in and there's just one outside the door somehow yeah for real I love how the box always has some fun tape on it this time it's zebra yeah it's working it it's trying to disguise itself it was so funny because the lady at the post office didn't want to give the package to my mother oh no who picked it up because we use the same PO box and she was just like you don't need to take this there shouldn't have come in the country because it says it's the unknown package she's like i can't believe i caught past the border oh lord so the unknown package has been kind enough to steal our soul with a little bit of caramel apple milky way which i believe we are going to sample well we hear the dulce tones of mr time traveler rich yeah it's rich the time traveler rich i'm taking it back rich time traveler i picked it because i'm the best hello flash pulp crew and fellow mobsters rich the time traveler here when adjusting your time calibration controls remember this handy rhyme righty heat death of the universe lefty big bang well it doesn't actually rhyme yet but get the language a few thousand years to evolve and it does trust me first things first big kudos to miss nine on not only writing an award-winning story but also for presenting it so well clear you guys are doing something very right up there the lighter than air sneaks certainly presented a horrifying way to die at least for someone who is acrophobic like me black hole grip was interesting arc you seem to like to weave in tattoo magic a lot is there a deeper underlying connection that will come from that also i wasn't quite sure what all the worry was about with the spinster i certainly didn't see anything risque there as the mulligan legacy that will completely ensure i don't break my long held prohibition on convenient store coffee i just started the ruby ruby context storyline so i'll save my comments until i've finished the three-parter oh and already talking about what comes after flash pulp a but not flash pulp to i don't know the idea of flash pulp to electric boogaloo and how is kill all vampires coming hmm nice to see a good wrap up of doc blues for a season i certainly hope he returns soon with more stories i really enjoyed nix comments in the last flash cast too as much for his writing style as for the way they were presented you were talking about of then helping remake i saw the original on a trip to vegas when it opened i just arrived there with a college friend and we're waiting for another college buddy to rejoin to join us so we went to see it to kill some time unfortunately the time difference was an hour more than i thought it was and i was so tired i didn't remember it well and actually thought it was good so i made the mistake of renting it for my wife and i to watch later that a remake could work with the right cast and better writing so i'd give it a fair shake if one comes out you also talked about bringing the box done done done to buffalo i think the right thing to do is ask its opinion i'm sure it won't be shy about giving it digging guide gigantors game reviews i just wanted to point out that tabletop also did a great review of gloom a while back if you want to get another look at it check it out it really shows how the impromptu storytelling gets woven into the game to make it fun and i want to jump in on game night at some point and i'm talking to glenn about it work life and training for the city of oaks half have gotten in the way i won't be there for the next session but hopefully the one after that and speaking of mob game night and of course mob movie night are we going to do another mob book anytime soon might be interesting to read a book and then have a google hangout to talk about it food for thought perhaps i've just finished going through the entire run of star trek voyage or netflix i think i'll agree with jrd's comment and episode two ago that is a poor man's next generation and oh my god at the time travel storylines they made my head swim just not well done in general and they went out on a time travel plot as well i think i would go back and do the same run through deep space nine at some point but i'm going to take a break from trek for a bit first my head hurts from all the pseudoscience babble i have a lot of random horror movies i queued up on the dvrs this month and maybe i'll find another short series to go through as well before i come back i finished reading q howie's i zombie i'm not sure i can put inadequate words how awesome this book was without giving too much away it is a zombie tale from the perspective of the zombies not necessarily a new treatment but certainly not one done to death yet the writing is superb in this essentially character study how he manages to draw some very complicated characters the story telling is gruesome repulsive discussing and above all brutally honest though i'm not just talking about the zombieism though life drove me away mid-book when i had time to sit down with it it was fast moving and thoroughly engaging i shall never recommend this and give it an enthusiastic five brains out of five i'm very curious to hear of jrd has had a chance to start how he's wolf series yet and what he thinks of them if he has before i go a quick blurb about fall pulp tv we've just finished up the last season the warehouse 13 still fun bubble gum show and we're working our way through alphas and the last season of urika we also have falling skies and the last half season of seasons walking dead to go through too and then we can start on the returning and new shows the returning shows that we've got are walking dead grim once upon a time fringe the last season haven and the mentalist a few of the new shows i've got piling up on dvr is already our beauty in the beast arrow 666 park avenue last resort and revolution interesting that no pure police procedurals really caught my eye this time also the new comedy the neighbors which looks a little cone head esque i'm also waiting for premiere dates up got for gotham zero hour of the following and Hannibal whew i'm going to temporal vacation just to get through all these though following my normal rule i tend to wait until at least a half season or so builds up and there's been no cancellation talk before i bother starting them we also have almost all the episodes of touch left and watched while this key for settling show is quite good it's also very emotionally draining and my wife loves them but avoids them i'm not sure if this is going to make it with us so that's all the wrap up i have for now till car recognizes this is rich wow many thanks rich that was a really thick bit of commentary i can't blame you for enjoying venn hellsing the first time mostly because basically anything i would see in las vegas i probably enjoy um you know you're there with a college friend you're excited you're tired you're tired you probably had a wobbly to pop or two on the plane yeah no judgment um quick eye with the or i should say quick you're i suppose with the tattoo magic angle yeah yeah what's with that huh and uh yeah cabs on its way slowly but uh not so surely lately but definitely still moving forward mm-hmm i heard on your list of uh tv shows to possibly watch once upon a time i'm an avid watcher and i me too i've sucked jamay into the hole with me yeah i was like no i don't like it no i don't like it and then i watch like half an episode mm-hmm i'm like oh my god do you know there do you know there so darities behind on getting episodes for us mm-hmm uh i think your idea of book club on google hangout would be very interesting i think that's how nutty does all of her debates now i think it's really neat too because some usually we're you know we're watching something or we're playing something so there's not a whole lot of you know just straight conversation yeah and rich and i were talking about that of having like a shoot the shit night but then you know it's nice to at least have the conversation geared towards something that everyone knows well i continue to think that we should try to find some uh i think rich raised facel as a way of playing board games together mm-hmm but even something very simple that we could play together you know your monopoly or you know be so much fun doing like pictionary online together i'm sure there's platforms yeah okay so if you happen to have a multiplayer game that we can play either on google hangout or just simply via the web while on a hangout throw your suggestions at us yes i really love the idea of getting a vassal night going where vassal is a game board engine if you don't remember it just takes a bunch of different games no it's not just somebody who's in servitude to you it takes a bunch of different uh rules out from older games yeah uh and allows you to play a bunch of older games but i think that there are certain members of the mob and in no way is this a judgment upon them who would just find that two daunting uh a bar to hit so if we could find something that was easy peasy to get into that would be great yeah i like easy peasy i would be totally on board with a rewatching of ds9 i don't think i could sit through i i have come to the point where i'll catch a void your episode i think we've mentioned this before if it just happens to be on and i'm feeling kind of a little tng nostalgia i'll sit through and but if i was really to sit down and say there's a series i'm going to rewatch it i would watch ds9 before i'd watch voyager but i was always a huge fan of the concept of it being about a space station it was part of why i love babylon five we gotta watch that again i love that series so that she's like gritting her teeth i know i'm gnashing there is gnashing of the teeth great to hear i zombie was a winner i have to admit i haven't touched wool yet it's on my list but i've just been the promise that we always end up going to these used bookstores and even though i've gotten to a point where my e-reader is full of things that i should be reading i will still go mining for authors that i'm really enjoying and we'll end up with a huge stack on my desk as well and staring at those i'll end up i always have three or four books on the go there's a couple real books and then a couple e-books on the go and yeah anyhow i'm getting there i promise i've still never finished steppin wolf yeah it's been what three years now when you mentioned gotham i got a little excited there for a moment i had to go look up what it was it still sounds exciting at some sort of but then very just magical new york at the heart of the city and some clockwork maker who has to attend it sounds actually quite up above the alley but i was kind of hoping for the batman treatment and yeah i am really looking forward to handable as well i should mention although i continue to have heavy reservations and i realized to a certain extent this is perhaps mr's time traveler who's suggesting beauty and the beast but every time i see the commercials for the show and it's a fellow of uh you know it's a good looking guy with a scar on his face and it does not appear to be very beastly to me i'm sure he morphs in somewhat yeah i think he doesn't he get all a beast deal is he a werewolf okay in the original beauty and the beast there was no morphing there's a new changing he was just born that way baby he was born that way baby yeah i'm just saying i have some reservations unless it has wrong problem in it oh there ain't no other way plus wait they're super cheesy commercials on the TV for it there's like this it's almost like like okay elevator porn music almost oh yeah come out where i can say you and she's so not rough and tumble but what else what did you guys think of the caramel apple milky way i enjoyed it the cinnamon and chocolate kind of threw me off for a sec i was kind of hoping for a little more apple but it was still delicious i was one of my favorite i found the apple came through the longer i sort of enjoyed the well i kind of like just swallowed it like no like i didn't just swallow it i chewed but i was really excited i took my time i enjoyed the candy yeah i made a thank you to you yeah maybe i should have another one later maybe nama maybe you should ask me oh i see i see this is your box candy yeah we will ask the box's opinion on what we should do with it when we're in buffalo if it wants to be left behind or if it has plans because if it has other things going on as it does sometimes well that doesn't really matter because it seems like it can be everywhere at once yeah i really advise inside we may simply arrive in buffalo to discover the boxes already there yeah or we may actually arrive in buffalo to discover a wasteland in the box sitting at the exact center leave me behind will you yeah it's best not to assume these things yeah we better move away from these terrible terrible visions um if you guys have any commentary if you have any fantastic oh-called basement stories you want to send us or uh um wonderful candy yes we like that too or perhaps uh man i don't even know how to qualify the breath in depth of rich's commentary but anything you'd like to send along comments at we truly appreciate it mm-hmm we enjoy listening now i believe it's time for are you a dassy oh ho so your laptop's back up and running yeah just barely though it was a surprise to me today it was presented to me with a lovely desktop background it still has that new windows and stall smell it does indeed and i'm very excited very excited but there's a little moving in you got to do but i think you should be up and running producing theme songs by next week huh yeah that would be really swell maybe some more smutty books on my phone thing yeah yeah that's that's what all that effort was about behind in the smut there was the first thing honestly i thought of yeah it was what's the last suggestion from mrs time traveler because i got to get all that yeah if you happen to be a fan of smutty fiction you want to throw some suggestions james way feel free i mean i don't think you're in it well what do you have any parameters for your smut um you may want to be careful about how yes well no not really i like 50 shades how deep do you want to go as if that weren't a horrible enough question to ask no excretion like poop and pee but besides that i'm good no poo no pee send it to me you're gonna get some horrible japanese anyway um yeah comments at yeah i'm willing to have new experiences just like the onion night which makes it sound like the onion night is encountered a tentacle monster at some point which is not a fairest version to cast on i mean okay i'm not judging fantastic yeah i really enjoyed this show i totally did it's a good show we do here guys i speak words into a microphone several times a week yep that's one of the things that i do also oh you know what uh tippy just got my package a little while ago mm-hmm so i think you put up some just put up a couple pictures of when i sent her i specifically pointed out where i didn't lick the envelope i think there was a motion in the mob to make your ponycorns the official mascot of yeah i like that you need to do something really fancy and then we'll put it on as our uh profile picture well i i actually started immediately thinking in terms of coat of arms and how they have unicorns on but the ponycorns yeah but it has to have that ninja mask maybe a bear on the other side with a child in its mouth i don't know mmm it's eating me okay yeah ponycorns and you got a lot on your plate at the moment but a lot of it we can't reveal just i'm glad you liked your present tippy i was showing off your hat yesterday mm-hmm always advance around with it it was great backroom plots so we had our Halloween episodes quite enjoyed putting those out i think we touched on them a little bit last time uh we did go through our ruby three-parter yep got a lot of positive feedback about that really appreciate it everyone loves the ruby yeah well i gotta say um if you recall the comment that we had just a little earlier they were saying how rubies really sort of had a lot of character development and has stepped up into this leadership role and i think um it wasn't hugely surprising that the what happens to the chief you know oh yeah i mean because it's just another it's it's another nudge to ruby in that direction where she it's like she's not even controlling it herself anymore and yeah she she did have this sort of spoiled soul survivor thing going and now she's being given a lot more responsibility even if she she isn't doesn't want it she isn't really accepting that she has this responsibility but people are turning towards her and looking to see what she's going to do and i really like that dynamic thanks it's like the anti-hero we also uh speaking of anti-heroes in a sense we also put up a coffin which i quite oh i loved that one mark yeah it's over bunny yeah that was cray cray yeah it totally was and she was still useful despite the fact that she was sober which i didn't think she would because that i thought that was like for special power there i'm surprised she wasn't angry or developing out of that i mean we're going somewhere you totally like had a moment at the end you have to coffin more and more uh there are some of our series is that at the moment are not normally chronological but at the are kind of locked in the time loop at the moment or not in a loop but locked in a a forward motion yeah so black hole is really tight right now like everything from the Perth trilogy well Perth series on has been basically in order coffin has always been in order basically although there are gaps in between stories but right now it's very much like day by day you're not really missing much in between um except for long driving periods basically but that's eventually going to drift back to a little more normalcy i mean we're past well we're not past the halfway point but we're right at the the peak um we're still aiming for 600 episodes flash pop two electric boogaloo like as uh yeah we actually said that at the same time when you were like flash pop two and i was like electric boogaloo just as you said that it was hilarious can can you tell me this though in the last coffin he he was saying he was warning somebody and he's saying you know you can uh disparage my mentor you can do this but you can't do this to my and what did he call bunny and neophyte and what is that what is that eh that's weird i remember having this one being like what the hell is that like we have to put so much respect into her like she's got an important role i'm not quite aware of what that is things are cooking in the coffin universe i mean coffin thread he tells me nothing we haven't it's odd because a lot of my backroom writing at the moment involves the irregular division which i'm just going to throw out there as a i have i know you don't know what it is but there yeah it's going to say that's not really fair uh it tells me nothing but it is one of the missing threads from the series that's coming and as i'm writing it i'm realizing that there actually is room for a flash pop two in a sense but i don't know that i want to do it because okay let's actually flip back to another discussion we've been having we talked briefly about cabin in the woods and they're talking about making some sort of well the fear that we have anyway is that they're going to make some sort of sequel now while discussing this recently with well they can't make a sequel to that they would have to make like the question is how would they make a sequel to that right i mean you don't want to give it too much away because people may not have seen it but it would be a very difficult film to make a sequel to i understand that but the immediate thing you jump to is the same thing they did with or they're trying to do with behind the mask uh the rise of Leslie Vernon which is to make a prequel yeah but i don't think that anything in that film needs to be particularly explained everything stands on its own it was presented the first time around you could go back and explain it you could have everything set up how it's set up and that doesn't really further the plot exactly and it just goes back and explains which is kind of like oh okay treading the same ground if there is ever a flashpaulp 2 it will be something that is worth putting out it will not just be filling out you know another 400 episodes of and this is what black all thought well he was writing through that truth yeah between these two other stories i can cram this story so now the truth is though i've never because of the way the universe works and because of the lack of chronology and some of the threads like mulligan i've always intended that there may be a mulligan novel there may be a standalone mulligan mystery and i think out of everybody mulligan is probably the one who'd be most likely to have his own novel and the others require a certain amount of explanation you can't just like a little more with coffin and his wife well that when it started out that way i'm so excited and it's just bunny bunny bunny all the time be patient be patient oh you know i can't really yeah yeah anyway i hugely appreciate all the positive commentary it is largely what fuels me and money so and uh the energy of dead sons and red bull and frankly whatever comes out of the box what's in the box what's in the box he's versatile okay well jeff goldbloom's trying to make his way into the studio again so we better go huge thanks to jim over at relic radio dot com master of the relic radio empire we pray to you daily at our shrine we let your candles and kill your chickens and kill your you can follow us on twitter at skinnerco or individually at jaredy skinner the jesica mayo or apopanax with zero enjoy the show tell a friend really enjoy the show we've got a donate button on the site if you have comments questions or suggestions you can find set flash bulb dot com or email us text or mp3s to comments at flash bulb dot com the entire run of flash bulb can be found at flash bulb dot com or via the search bar in 19 flash gas is released under the canadian creative comments attribution not commercial 2.5 license please do not forget to subscribe to our channel for more videos and more videos. 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