The Skinner Co. Network

FC73 - FUNeral

Broadcast on:
22 Oct 2012
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Prepare yourself for: Poltergeists, horrible sounds, public shame, poison-resistant rats, winged monkeys, and Blackhall.

[music] Sunday's gloomy, my hours are slumberless Dear is the shadows I live with I'm underless Little white flowers are never making you Not where the braculture soul is taking you [music] Angels have no fire, evolution in you Would they be angry if I so'd of joined in you [music] Hello and welcome to Flashcast72, a Skinner Co presentation Skinner Co, we put the fun back in the funeral This episode is also brought to you by generous donations from Nick Tyler, Gigantor, Colorado Joe, and Juju Click Prepare yourself for poltergeists, horrible sounds, public shame, poison resistant rats, winged monkeys, and black hole Ever know that I'm glad to go Death is no dream for any death I'm caressing you [music] Hi, I'm Opoponax and joining me a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away Are Jessica May, hello, and Jerry Hello, before we get to the bulk of the popular press, a little October 31 stuff in there I just wanted to touch on the idea of public shaming a little in an odd sort of way Okay Have you guys heard about the Zumba scenario in Maine? Yes, like the exercise dancing? Yes, it was more the exercise, yeah, you're aware of Zumba as the exercise craze Yes, there was a Zumba teacher who was, I guess, arrested for prostitution She was giving private instruction Why are you bringing that up? Well, interestingly, there's a list, a list of locals who have gone to her for private instruction, and that list hasn't been released to the public yet, but it will be at some point, oh, at least at the time of this recording, it hasn't been released to the public But there's a lot of speculation in the town, because it's not a very large town About who's on the list, accusations are being made, you know, marriages are being tested, I'm sure And apparently these are professionals, they're not Who has the list, why would you do that, it's the worst Well, interestingly enough, on the flip side of that, the other thing I wanted to briefly touch on, which brought me to the theme of public shaming Touch on it Have you guys seen the Predators, Tumbler, that's Predator, like Reddit, Predators? No, no, what the heck is that? Okay, we discuss sometimes creepiness on the internet and people being disturbing on the internet Yes Unfortunately the truth is some generally young male Reddit users have a tendency to take secret pictures of females in public places who may be in an awkward position or exposing more than they intend to And you know, it's disturbing So apparently somebody's taking it upon themselves on a little bit of internet vigilantism To start posting profiles of these quote unquote "predators" Good To Tumbler, but the thing is that the person does a pretty good job of digging into who they are and reading their other posts to find out, you know, their Facebook page and all of their little personal details Well, it feels a bit like vigilanteism in the Wild West to me I mean, there are definitely some downsides to it, I don't really, I don't agree with what these Reddit Fellows are doing, obviously I think this is disturbing behavior that needs to be curbed But at the same time, you know, we're talking like 16, 17, 8-year-old, 18-year-old boy sometimes who are having their total private life exposed on the interdubes Yeah, well, that'll teach them, right? Yeah, fair enough Yeah, I mean, it's a good point It's just my concern is that the tubes don't go away anymore, you know what I mean, everything that goes up on the internet stays there now So you have to be careful and responsible for yourselves Yeah, it's a very good point We live in interesting times when this sort of thing is going on It's the new, you know Big Brother? Well, it's not just Big Brother though, like We develop social norms, and I mean, we've discussed shaming as a social tool before Gossip's important in the sense that It helps reinforce cultural norms, and sometimes cultural norms are arguably a good or not-good thing Mm-hmm, but, in this instance, I feel like, yeah, these boys are probably getting what they deserve Mm-hmm Anyway, speaking of people not getting what they deserve [Laughs] ♪ Open wire bread ♪ So Strasburg admonished me a little bit Apparently, when I mentioned Van Helsing last week, I forgot one very important detail Which was that Tom Cruise is apparently on board, or possibly on board, to play Van Helsing Oh, my gosh [Laughs] Watch and take it over happily through, and it ends up being like a superhero film or something or a decade We were dead the whole time Yeah, it turns out it was all zinnies It was just a dream Yep Anyway, I apologize for missing that essential detail, but this film Thank you for correcting us That'll be fun We'll get to the October 31 stuff in a minute, but I did actually watch Brad Frankistan with the kids Mm-hmm And that just brought me right back to that universal sort of mindset, the monster, you know, rambling along in a broken-down graveyard with a really heavy kind of silhouette in front, and a lot of- Aah! That's awesome It was cool And Pop and I were coming home from a date, and it was really warm in the house There was a big fire going, and the kids in JRD were sitting down It was right at the end, yeah Yeah, it was really nice But we'll get to that in a moment Pulled your guys' reboot Sold Yeah? I'd watch it Yeah, I wonder if it would scare me Sam Raimi, apparently producing, so that makes me, but he's not directing, supposedly And they've just announced a writer, so it's still fairly early in the process, obviously I will definitely want to see it I'm quite concerned about this reboot, Maimi, that Raimi's getting into, because between evil dead and this, I'm getting a bit worried that we're going to end up with, like, herculeas-level production values Which you may recall, he also produced Anyway, we'll see I'm just- I'm not settling in one camp or another Maybe maybe not Yeah, too early to tell Yeah, yeah That's the eight ball again later Speaking of horrible things Mm-hmm Or potentially horrible things, I should say I read a really interesting article, a little while ago, about the worst sounds ever And you know how you always think of, well, I don't know about always, but me, I personally think of, you know, nails going across a chalkboard Yeah, yeah, yeah That's, you know, the typical, that actually rated within the top five, but it was only number five, I was surprised Oh yeah? What do we have scoring above? Um, above, we had a knife on a bottle Oh yeah It was actually the number one And that was followed by a fork on glass Kind of the same Kind of the same Yeah, and then chalk on a blackboard That came over fingernails on a blackboard Yeah, and I can picture it, it's not like that stuff Really? And then a ruler on a bottle, and they had examples of all these sounds I kind of thought, you know, a ruler on a bottle, why would you? Yeah But it made a pretty terrible sound How was the study conducted? How was this handled? Well, it was done by some researchers from New Castle University Yeah And I guess they had these people undergoing MRIs while they were listening to the sounds Oh, the man on the machine They said the worst, the worst the sound was, the more heightened a response of the auditory cortex was and the amygdala naturally Yeah But that's the area of our brain that regulates negative reactions I love this phase of science we're in right now where essentially what we do is say Alright, we're going to shove you into this tiny tube and then subject you to something odd Let's see what happens Yeah, exactly We'll see how your brain responds to this But what was really cool, I found, is that all the sounds that were considered the worst fall within the frequency range of 2,000 to 5,000 Hertz And that's the same range that human screams fall into Ahhh So they thought it was some kind of like primal reaction Mm-hmm Yeah, I thought that was really cool Totally Mm-hmm Nicely done Mm-hmm Good catch, good catch Tear of a thing You know what's not terrible? It's a game night Ooh, I'm quite looking forward to it Coming up October 27th Awesome Yes, I believe Savage Glenn is doing a Halloween theme for the session Ooh Yeah, so you can roll characters there and then we can just chit chat while you do it No, I think he wants us to do it beforehand Oh, okay I think he wants to get right to the accident So if you want to get a character going, it's not very hard, I did it and I've never done it before and Glenn can answer any questions you have Mm-hmm And if you don't know how to do that, you can email us at Mm-hmm Yes, we'll absolutely lead you down the breadcrumb trail Yeah, and you don't have to come every time, you can drop in and out Glenn makes it easy for us Yeah, I believe he's going to make everything episodic, right? Mm-hmm So that we can just skip the session if necessary And even if you don't want to play and you just want to hang out with us, it is ridiculously fun Mm-hmm Because, like, everyone is so, like, awesome You can try to convince us Yeah, yeah Actually, speaking of mob nights, we have a movie night coming up, we haven't set the date yet I was hoping to get something Halloween-y and but I'm not sure we'll have time Mm-hmm We may have to do an early November, but how would you feel about still doing some sort of horror-related film? I think that can't be squeezed in in October I think this is bullshit Well, hold a little meeting after the show once you wake up Well, let's, we'll put a poll on the mob You have no idea, guys, how much I say that And usually, like, it's really inappropriate situations where things are like, you know, it's intimate discussion I'm like, I'm polling the mob And as a Polish person As a Polish person, I'm deeply offended Many apologies Not at all So, speaking of movies For a movie night Oh, yeah, well, we're talking film, I guess We have watched, I believe, 12 movies at this point Which is not bad Not bad Not the 31 we're looking for, but still Hopefully, we can cram a number in at an odd weekend Yeah But we're getting there What do we watch? Mm-hmm First off, we watch Countess Dracula That was, uh, awesome Oh, I don't know if I remember that one Very, very bathy kind of vampires, lady uses it to keep her young Oh, yes She pretends to be her daughter Yes, yes, it gets a little weird in that regard Well, it's a hammer flick, and it's from the early 70s Which is sort of getting into the scuzzy point of their career I remember when... I mean, I always love a hammer flick When Jaredie turned it on, and he's like, it's a hammer flick And I was like, oh, that's great And he said, well, it's from the 70s So it's not like a usual hammer flick like you're used to Yeah, yeah, we tend to stick in the 50s, 60s, period But I enjoyed it I mean, it didn't have unnecessary boobs everywhere, and the like Not everywhere, yeah Apparently Diana Rigg turned down the role That was eventually played by Ingrid Pitt Do we know why? Uh, probably about the amount of flesh that had to be shown Mm-hmm, okay But Diana Rigg will be playing Lady... Oh, and you can tell me if I'm pronouncing this wrong Oh, Lena Redline? That's right, Alina Redline The Queen of Thorns Yeah, with her own's I'm so very excited about her character Mm-hmm You're such a geek We also watched The Crazies Mm-hmm Oh, uh, oh, yes The opening scene was very interesting There was like a ballpark, and a lot of people coming to see these little boys play And there's this guy who just walks out on the field And he's totally dirty, and he's got a gun And there's a cop who's there, luckily The sheriff from Deadwood, unfortunately, is on hand Yes Timothy Olafund So, yeah, and... I can't remember how you got the crazy Uh, I don't want to give away too much of the film But craziness ensues Yes, indeed Yeah, and it has a sleep for that one Yeah, that's right It was really good, though, I totally recommend it Yeah, I quite enjoyed it I have to admit, although I'm a big Romero fan, I've never seen the original Uh, it was like the film, as I recall it is the film he did after Night of the Living Dead And it didn't really catch on as much Mm-hmm There wasn't enough living dead Yeah, perhaps Only crazy dead One thing, and it's not giving away too much of a spoiler There's a baby that sort of crops up during the film Uh, well, it is a bit of a spoiler, fine The couple in the film end up being pregnant And by the end of the movie, you found out that, you know, there's going to be a baby in their future And I hate that, because whenever you have a baby in a film like this I'm thinking of, like, the fly especially Yeah, you get that baby sequel Yeah Where the baby comes out and the baby's crazy Or he's like The baby, the baby, the baby The baby's just a jerk He's really sarcastic all the time Yeah I'm so lonely Uh, watch the Devil Doll I don't know if you remember that one I saw the very end of it The very end of it No, he's escaping from Devil Island with this scientist, who dies pretty quickly into the film But the scientist has developed this technique Which essentially allows him to shrink people And Lionel Barrymore, totally unrelated, is accused of bank fraud or something And he needs to clear his name, so to do so He takes the shrinking technology, begins to cross dress And opens a shop in France Oh, okay It's a bit of a confusing film, but it was pretty fun I can't even say how many times I've done that Yeah, the special effects were pretty fun for the era I mean, it was like a 30s film Oh, okay It was sort of a somewhat murderous Mrs. Doubtfire Okay It wasn't too offensive in any way, like it wasn't too stereotypical He played sort of a very kindly old lady And he did an okay job of it, it was fun And he lived happily of a rager Yeah, well, maybe not quite but close We also watched VHS I started off by hating that movie And then I began to like it It's an anthology flick, five, six different art films They all sort of interact with each other A little bit Yeah, there's like a Not to give anything away, but it's somebody or some people who are watching these VHS tapes And each of the VHS tapes are different stories And no matter how each story made me feel They all made me feel something Right, right And it was a strong emotion in every case Some of them were kind of skeezy in their way Mm-hmm, yeah No, it was interesting and I love a good anthology film And it's been a long time since Horror is really the only type of Other than I guess maybe something like an Austin Powers movie Which is almost just a bunch of sketches show together You don't really get anthology or just individual things like this in any of the genres Well, I suppose you occasionally get I'm trying to, what was that? Wasn't there a romantic comedy that came out a couple Well, probably more than a couple years ago now I was like four stories in twine We may have even talked about this before Anyway, it's very rare as what I'm saying It is very nice to see it coming back I also found a lot of umm Poppiness to the movie because it's all about cheap production Each bit was well made So yeah, like The editing was done really well And the effects were done really well And they were all very different from each other But they pulled them off really really well Yeah, yeah, it felt like this was A film made by the new line of Directors who we're going to be hearing a lot about from in the next few years Yeah, like imagine they were giving money Yeah, and they all managed to do a great job in what they were trying to do Now some of them held up better than others I'm thinking specifically There's a segment with a girl who is Going into the woods with her three or four friends And she's a little bit hanky I don't want to get too far into it But she was the only Delivery in the whole movie that took me out of the characters She just seemed a little too cheesy and a little too It seems like her lines were written badly And she was acting at badly But she was trying to Reach those words that were so intense She was jonkyless She was struggling a little with the role But everything else surprisingly was really well acted Yes, yes, watch it BHS Cemetery Man In a way Didn't we already talk about this one? Maybe, maybe we did I don't know, Cemetery Man That's the one We may have just talked about it after the film It's an Italian movie It takes place in a And it's got Rupert over it Yep, Rupert Everett's in it And you're like this is not what you think it's going to be Do you remember which one I'm talking about now, right? Yeah, yeah It was weird It was good though How do you, I remember you guys Actually being a little angry with it at the end Or at least a poop How do you explain the ending in your mind I don't I do not I don't remember the ending Do you feel like it would be too much of a spoiler To mention it on the mic? Okay, I remember they go through like the tunnel And then there's the cliff Okay, I'm going to propose to you That the film takes place in hell That's my theory I can believe that I suppose But it is definitely one of the few Zombie movies that you almost have to rewatch Just to figure out Everything that's going on in it Oh, it's screaming Seems like it's a little more than what it seems Anyway, something that was exactly what it seemed The screaming skull Which was just a... The truth is that to keep our numbers up Sometimes I have to pad the horror content A little MST3K Because I find that, you know, you're going to bed It's Saturday nights, but one in the morning You're not quite ready to go to sleep But you don't want to be thinking too hard about what you're watching It's very nice to throw on an MST3K The screaming skull Very cartoonish And it's delivered in my mind But the thing is When we deal with marital issues these days It's always a very grim thing Like a couple fighting Or like the secret I'm thinking of what lies beneath even I know a lot of people didn't like that But we've got to this point where it's really grim and gritty When we have like the husband who is turning on his wife And this is one of those movies But the thing is when we made these movies in the 50s It's so cartoonish Like it's so the villains are so black And the heroes are so white They're evil Yes And I don't mean that in any sort of racial sense I mean you can peg this film by the fact that American International Pictures, the company that produced it Promised free burial services for anyone who died during the making Really? So that's basically where it is Yeah, the poster is better than the movie in the end Awesome But at the same time, you know, MST3K, it's fun That's great That's good Another haunted house story actually, but something that was Quite quality in my mind, the orphanage It's so good Another Italian film, yes No, that was Spanish, that's right Yeah, the orphanage was Spanish, we had to read it But it was very well worth the time So good, I loved it, I loved that movie You did have one issue with it I did have one guff with it And I don't know if you remember It's tough to dance around spoilers in this one In the beginning of the title screen When they're running off the credits They're peeling wallpaper off the walls And I don't know if you recall later on in the movie She has to peel some wallpaper off the wall In order to open a door, right? But it's insinuated later that That door had been opened before So it's like, well, heck, it had happened If there was one paper on the door So that kind of bothered me, but Other than that one minor detail It's not that they pulled some attention to it in the credits Yes, yeah, well, I'm wondering if it's something I didn't understand When they opened it, it opened so cleanly As if it was pasted on that way Yeah, another film that I wouldn't mind re-watching It was so good Red herrings in that film that really, I thought were leading places That just never panned out, but at the same time I didn't feel robbed in any way Yeah, it was such a unique, wonderful film And I love the sort of ambiguity at the end where it's like Oh, well, oh, okay, I see Yeah, you didn't know until the very, very end Scanners Yeah, that time I loved it Canadian director writer Even though I said Jeremy Irons was in it, that's your fault Yeah, my bad, I'm constantly mixing up Michael Irons said in Jeremy Irons I kept wanting him to be like, I recall this totally I totally wanted a reference in there, but it was before Total Recall, wasn't it? Yes, absolutely Well, I knew something terrible was going to happen when you both looked at me And I'm like, I think this guy's head's going to explode And that was great I haven't seen before, though, the head explodes Yeah, it's pretty fantasy Yeah, from you Combin apparently actually wrote the film on the fly because Somehow he got funding from the Canadian government to make it Somehow But, yeah, back in the 80s, when they gave him money to make something like Scanners Sure, yeah sure, exploding head sounds fun, let's do this But apparently for some reason, Combin had to write it like He had a very limited window in which he had to write it So production started six weeks After he got the funding And he was writing scripts at like four in the morning that they would shoot later that day That's awesome And you can, I don't know, it's fun because I love Cronenberg It'd be like if Flashpull had a movie If we got a grant and we're like, make a movie Oh, okay, I knew that Somebody called Peter? Cronenberg, I find, has a tendency to go in the holes that don't make a lot of sense It'll just throw something in there Like, existence? How existence works? I watched existence and then I watched existence again right after Right And I still don't remember anything about that movie This movie, especially Scanners, it has a bunch of that where Okay, the idea is that the Scanners can somehow hook up to the nervous system of another person Oh, yeah, it was spread thin by the end of a word, it's like You can hook up to a computer Because the computer has a nervous system too Just try it, dude It was like a coincidence of the word system that they could suck in a computer Shut down the computer, then you'll kill 'em and you're like, what? It was great It was great It was a fun movie It was good, yeah And the way it looked was totally awesome Yeah Korea It just took me back to a different era of filmmaking Actually, we'll get to that in the funhouse in a minute But first I wanted to mention, it lives by night Another MST3K flick Basically a fellow goes through a series of goofy bat transformations Oh, yes Oh, that was so ridiculous, the acting in that was so ridiculous It's a little 70s and slow and everyone wears sensible bell bottoms Sensible bell bottoms? Yeah, there was a time when you absolutely had a sensible bell bottom cut And it was just so annoying because he had these huge symptoms And she's like, oh, are you okay? And they would continue to do crazy things And they would go and do things that were way too risky For this man who falls apart every ten minutes Let's go skiing now Yeah, yeah, anyways The funhouse That was a good movie That was a good movie I enjoyed it I missed 1981 so much I wouldn't know It was so deeply of that early 80s You got the boobies within the first like 30 seconds Yeah, that was a little surprising Well, actually that first little bit, there were a lot of shout outs There was like a Halloween shout out, a psycho shout out It was interesting Yeah, I really had that thick 1981 feel I enjoyed it And there was so much like Now don't go down there Or you know, like that kind of attention But then at the end, the very last scene It was so different in a way to me In the sense that it wasn't obvious But it was just as terrifying Because this, like, it's the morning She's walking out of the funhouse Yeah, it's the brutalized survivor Tries to depart the scene of the crime scene Which was common for the era Yeah, and there was all these carnies Early morning getting ready and stuff like that Or putting away their things from the night before And they see her and nobody does anything Nobody says anything They'll just look away And she didn't, you know, beat up But everyone just, it's mourning in the carnival Yeah, it's the carnival Yeah, it's grimy and dingy Oh, it's just another beat up girl leaving the carnival No, I would say a lot of The basic premise of the film A bunch of teenagers go to a funhouse They decide that they're going to stay there overnight Instead of leaving when the park closes Terror ensues Yep Without giving away too much more But the thing is I found that a lot of this movie was sold On the fact that they obviously found a working carnival That was still operating at the time And the majority of the first third of the film Is shot just basically wandering around that carnival They had some amazing shots too The first third of the movie is just wall-to-wall barkers Like there's so many Obviously trained carnival markers And they're so creepy Like the detail of the stuff that's in the funhouse too Yeah, well actually Like it's way overdone And you would never see a funhouse actually like that But there's so much And what they chose to bark in the background of certain scenes Yeah, they didn't have sound design like that It's so great I also thought There's a couple of Deformed animals that appear in the movie Just birth defects essentially And they're very... They're not shy about showing them at all And they're obviously just carnival attractions They're like, "Wow, that's neat!" "A cow with no nose!" We'll take a shot of that With a cleft lip Yeah That constantly licks Yeah, I mean it was... Just showing it had its own creep Absolutely It was definitely surprisingly good For what I went in expecting To that reality And definitely of 1981 Is that there are some shots where Like the camera will wiggle at the end of the shot Or something weird will happen But because it was Obviously shot on the scene And they didn't have an ability to reshoot it Like it's not perfect But it's so much more believable because of that Mm-hmm The one thing that really bothered me Was the whole time during this Or a lot of the time This fun house was like Staked out by one of the people's little brothers Yeah And finally when he can do something about it He's basically like, "I don't know, I'm tired!" You're like, "Where the hell was that going? Why did we spend so much time with this little punk?" Well it's supposed to be the little brother savior character, you know? Yeah, yeah, but... But then in the end he does nothing Nothing goes home Well the... Something notable about this film Is that the terror of the movie is so oddly specific Like it's not It's not like Texas Chainsaw Massacre Which Toby Hooper also directed It's very like the crime that they witnessed And everything that comes out of that Is very... Sad kind of... Close and personal And a little sad And I mean it does deal with that sort of freaks thing That Toby Hooper likes to deal with it at the time But... It's definitely not the meat grander of Texas Chainsaw Massacre Not at all You know, you can almost believe That they're gonna have the little kid save the day kind of plot And then they... I kinda like that they pulled it out from under that And we're just like... Yeah, because we're waiting on him And we're waiting on him and then he fails And you're like, "Oh God, well now we're just screwed" Now they're totally... Well I think it's even more interesting that You're waiting for so long for him to do something And then it's not even so much that he fails It's that once he finally gets the opportunity He chooses not to take it And I think that's much different than failing Because he had spent so much time waiting there himself And then... He just goes home But who would... It's like he gives up But would he... Would he... Something interesting... Apparently Toby Hooper turned down a offer from Steven Spielberg to direct jobs to make this movie And they did actually end up working together Oddly coincidentally on Poultrygeist later on And that terrified me, for sure Oh, but speaking of Oddly-specific terror We also watched Red State That was a great movie So great The terror of them running around And not knowing what was around the next corner I felt that The movie does a great job of Not letting you know who might survive And keeping you off balance about No one... Yeah, no one is... I really like some good minute too Even when you think people are safe They get killed And it's not even by like who you think It's like these dumb stupid guys, you know It was really well written And I know you guys said when we finished That it felt like a Kevin Smith film But I have to say The dialogue Yeah, the dialogue was really well written But the scenarios that take place within it Are outside of the usual Kevin Smith fair By quite a wide margin It's not like they're hanging out By the quick side John Goodman was so amazing Like when he's having a conversation on a telephone I'm totally convinced that he's having a conversation on a telephone He's got a lot of the one-sided conversation So great It's an area going Yeah, anyway, so if you haven't seen it I liked the boy in the cage I don't know how much you remember about At the end when he's talking to the girl And She's like, "You have to hope" And he's like, "What up?" "Yeah, why would I help you?" The characters are really well handled I really liked his resentment there Because, you know, it wasn't the typical "Oh, you're going to help me? And you need my help?" Yeah, he was a hero And another kind of hero And it wasn't that at all And they're going to have a relationship Yeah, yeah, I absolutely agree There was spite there And I liked that I really liked, even though the boys had put themselves in that position They were totally likable Like you wanted those boys to survive Yeah, they were dumb but loveable They were, yeah, they were They were stupid teenage boys Yeah, they exactly have to laugh at them Yeah, they could be the guys At your high school Definitely, definitely worth a watch Mhmm, yeah And then the last film that we've watched so far Brett of Frankenstein, which we mentioned earlier Yes Set design of that movie is amazing The script feels like it's missing some stuff And I know that a lot was cut in the final version I do wonder if there is a longer version out there Like a director's cut Because I've only seen the original Still a great foot movie It's beautiful to watch And the story is simple But still really effective The ending is intensely short though And it doesn't necessarily have a lot of foreshadowing It's just kind of like Oh, that sucks Let's blow everything up Yeah It's a fun movie I like the costuming for the bride Yeah The stitching on the side of her neck And upper jaw and stuff Yeah, it's a beautiful, beautiful movie It's just not necessarily The most beautiful Anyway, there's the roundup We've got a listing of what we've seen And what we're probably going to see Before the end of the month I'll link that in the show notes Thanks to everyone who suggested one of these films I know I have your names listed somewhere But unfortunately they're not with me at the moment Now I believe We have a little something from Always bother some friend, Mr. Lynch [music] But bother Halloween is just around the corner And everywhere I go these days I'm confronted by witches, jack-o-lanterns, ghosts, scarecrows, spiders, monsters, rats and crows Those last two are my personal favorites As there are lots of them around my house This time of the year The neighborhood outdoor cats keep the rats in check But the spooky dark birds seem to elude the feline predators What with their wings and all As luck would have it Both of my favorite creepy critters are in the news this week What better way to celebrate the season Than to give you real reasons To fear these little monsters That we have grown to love and despise Let's start with the rats This story comes from the BBC An increasing number of rats in areas of the west of England Are mutating to become more resistant to commonly sold poisons A university study has found Scientists at Huddersfield University set about 75% of rats In Bristol, Gloucestershire, and Wiltshire had built up a resistance The most serious mutations have affected rats in Bath and Wiltshire Experts have blamed the rise on the incorrect use of poisons Where dosages which are too low have been used Rats which are resistant to the poison are fattened up by the bait Those that survive then mate with the other rats Allowing a generation of rats resistant to existing poisons to build up Mutations have previously been found in many parts of the UK But the Huddersfield University study Is the first time the extent of a resistance has been measured in the west Dr. Dougie Clark, head of the biological sciences at Huddersfield University set Some pest control companies are still using the same rodenticides In areas where there are resistant rats and things need to change We're wiping out the normal susceptible rats and we're going to be left with resistant rats only in this area So alternatives have to be found so we're not using these poisons Fears are also growing over the risk to wildlife and cats which may hunt the rats Ratcatcher Andy Bedos from Gloucester said If you're putting poison down and it's one of the mutant strains If it takes a belly full of rodenticide you may as well be giving it sugar puffs He said the poison which stays inside the rat Could it be passed on to another animal such as birds of prey and cats? Which eat rats? In the study aims to survey 25 councils across the country and test samples from 600 rats So far about 300 samples have been tested Although the research is not complete the scientists said Within 10 years all rats in the Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Bristol areas could be resistant to poisons Now here's a bit of news regarding the dark flying ones from the Smithsonian Prions, the infectious proteins that cause illnesses such as mad cow disease Scrapey, chronic wasting disease and crits filled yachob disease Can pass through the digestive system of crows New research published in the PLOS 1 finds The crows are unharmed during the process and scientists suspect That the birds may play a part in transmitting prion disease from one location to another One animal or eventually human to the next To make this discovery researchers fed crows pre-on infected mice brains When the crows excreted the digested brains around 4 hours later The prions emerged without any damage The researchers then injected healthy mice with prions recovered from the crows droppings And those mice showed signs of prion disease Crows are likely not alone in their passive role as prion transmitters Other studies suggest that insects, poultry and other scavengers may passively carry prions Without showing any disease symptoms themselves But this study is the first to demonstrate that those consumed prions can retain their ability to cause disease Even after being digested When it comes to prion disease, po may have been right to dub the grim ungainly ghastly gaunt raven An ominous thing of evil tossed by tempest into horror haunted homes So in closing, I'd like to leave you with a bit of prose Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance at war "Although my crest be shorn and shaven, thou?" I said "Art sure, no, Craven!" Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the nightly shore "Tell me what thy lordly name is on the night's plutonium shore" "The Raven, nevermore" I'm Jeffrey Legend, that's this week's "Spot of Butter" Them rats be crazed! For real The idea of poison-resistant rat kings is a little disturbing I think it's kind of cool Do you remember what rat kings are? Yes But I prefer to think of them as mid-sized cat rats with big crayons Well, it's always an ongoing biological war between the various species Fortunately, I don't too often eat anything that a crow has pooped on Or a raven has booged on So far Not that we know of But I do eat a McDonald's Anyway Very interesting, Mr. Lynch, thank you very much You can find many more, bother some segments over at Or you can find Jeff himself on Twitter as Please Lynch Me And I think coming up next we have the finale of Doc Aswell Oh, I'm quite excited about this Unfortunately, this marks the end of season one But we're going to get a conclusion to this arc And the Doc Blue has said he will be back at some future date And if you want to go over to the You can check out all his work Yeah, and you can find all of the Doc Asriel entries To catch up if you've missed any Or in case you're just feeling a little mottlin' Want to go back and revisit Anyway Enjoy the finale Thinkin' Collusion In the last episode I'm just going to go back to the secretlayer And if you want to go back to the secret I'm just going to go back to the secret I'm just going to go back to the secret I'm just going to go back to the secret In the last episode The Corlys Ed Search and Par Both found themselves facing overwhelming odds of the inhuman sort And now the final episode of this season of Doc Asriel Angel of Death The Hawkface man grinned contentedly As the sound of bullets ricocheting off of metal Permeated the balls of the warehouse From his vantage point on the supervisor's balcony He could see his troglotides His robotic chimpanzees slowly pushing back the police force That had foolishly attempted to raid the building The law enforcement officers pulled their fallen allies to safety But the metallic warriors proceeded forward undeterred Soon, very soon now With the help of my tireless minions I shall seize control of the district And then expand the range of my Tesla generator He spoke to the corpses of his former minions The thugs and engineers who had served their role in setting up this place And then been repaid with death at the hands of the robots Then more of my troglotides will come online And we shall repeat the process until we control the city And then from there nothing will stop me from controlling the world It seems your enthusiasm is premature The plotting madman turned to face the dark figure that had just emerged from the shadows Doc Azrael, I had expected you sooner I had other plans to set in motion before dealing with the likes of you The suited man waved his hand at his spistle He should set your priorities more carefully It's too late to stop me now Doc Azrael stood motionless Nothing about his bearing between any emotion Is that so? Of course it is, for all your rumored power You and I both know that you cannot affect my precious troglotides I need merely summon a handful and they will tear you to pieces As easily as I will shred the pages of your precious book I think not The Hawkevets' man paused mid-gesture Now, why is that? Whether or not I can affect your toys is of little import For I can still affect you Against his will, the mastermind found himself climbing the railing above the energy-generating device below Elsewhere, on the street outside the Natural History Museum Doris and Ronald Corley found themselves with few remaining options The spider-like unsealy nearly had them surrounded And despite the young officers' attempt to recover his wife's precious arrows They were rapidly running out of the cold, iron-tipped ammunition Doris, let's go If we run for it now, we can get away Maybe we can find help The beautiful woman shook her head He told me to hold the line here She paused to look into her husband's eyes Ronald was surprised by the amount of passion he found in her face as she held his gaze Ronnie, if we don't stop them here, what can possibly The remaining part of her question was drowned out by a massive sucking noise With reactions born of his training, Ronald pulled his wife to safety behind a nearby car Picking over the hood, the pair saw the sickly rift in the air of collapsing in upon itself As it did so, the multi-limbed invaders were pulled towards it The creature screamed as the forces of the collapsed squeezed them down To fit through the rapidly shrinking hole After several long minutes, there was silence And the only indication of the pitch battle a few moments ago before Were a dozen arrows, and several alien limbs scattered about the street Sergeant Parr and his men walked carefully around the bloody robots Just instance ago, he had been ready to sound the retreat And then nothing The metal chimps just stopped Curiously, afraid of another trap, the police officers emerged from the improvised cover And worked their way into the warehouse The building was eternal house Clearly, before the Iron Monsters had burst out of the storage facility They had finished off all the people inside the structure But despite the smell of blood, it was the scent of ozone And cooking meat that was most notable As his men spread out to search the place, Parr moved to investigate the sparking equipment in the middle of the room Whatever these machines had done, they seemed to have recently burnt out Most likely shorted by the twisted body of the man lying across the largest of them Something on the man's body caught the old officer's eye Moving closer, he found a single black feather tucked into his shirt front Quickly, Parr slipped the feather out of sight, hidden in his own jacket But for turning back to bark orders at his men Wow, the angel of death really lived up to his name there Oh yeah, very nice, very nicely done sir I like the feather detail, it's cute And I liked that he took it away before anyone could see Yeah, it'd be a real shame if we didn't get a season two It certainly renewed from the suits up atop a skinnaker Well, thank you Yeah, thanks Doc Blue You can find Doc Blue, Doc_Blue at twitter Or as we mentioned over at Fantastic work sir Mm-hmm, thank you for your work There's going to be a hole here until you come back But we must But fortunately, Jack Antor is almost big enough to fill up that hole Yeah I'm really excited about this week's game review He promised me and he came through Oh, Flashcast and fellow mobsters, it's Jack Antor And it's a board game review time I have a game of thrones It's the second edition It's for ages 14 and up You can play three to six players Each player is given one of the major houses Lannister, Stark, Brathin Though the Targaryens are not available The game also kind of restricts which houses are played depending on how many players If you're playing with four players It tells you which houses have to be used The Tyrells and the Martels I believe come in with additional players at it If you are going to be playing this game people Set aside three good hours at least for this game Don't start at midnight, you'll be up when the sun comes up This game plays a lot like risk The board game is very much the same You're trying to blaze across the board And through the other players' territories To capture ten castles I believe it is To win the game You have ten rounds to do it If you don't achieve that after the ten rounds Then the one with the highest amount of castles claim wins And there's a bunch of other contingencies In case of ties and so on and so forth Unlike risk You might want to keep the rulebook handy The game is very extensive Because it adds a high political Essence to the game I guess There's a lot of political plays in risk But not like Game of Thrones They've added rules to really encourage that kind of play You need to backstab your friends You need to make alliances And then you need to backstab them again If you really hope to win this game And if you just want to play it well Then watch the politics fly And there you go, you're going to have a great time I promise you The art is good Every house is given a hand of cards That feature the major characters So like Tywin, Interian, Ned, and John These cards are then played During combats with other players To help To kind of help with achieving victory If I did have to complain about the game I would be complaining about the game pieces If I were talking about risk I would be talking about the cannons and the footmen Game of Thrones is no different They have footmen, knights, boats And they're siege weapons And I don't know if they just didn't want to take the time To carve a couple extra notches Or change some size pieces But the boats, the siege weapons And the knights are often mistaken They're not very inventive either With how they design these pieces It's a couple little squares That you move around And many, many, many times When I've been playing The common mistake across the table Was people thinking they had a night They were attacking somebody And then they turned out they Ended up putting a siege weapon on the board instead They were actually out of night So they shouldn't have been able to make that move And then it just kind of roller coasters And that part is Very mildly annoying Anyway, so I've only played this game once It's the kind of game that I think would take A lot of practice because the first time you play You're actually doing a lot more learning Than a lot more playing But I'm very excited to play this again I did enjoy my first time And yeah, now that I have it I just need to give it a couple people over And the politics will fly So if I had to give this game a review Based on my first time play I'd give it a three and a half out of five burning torches Only because It can get a bit dizzying And there are some mistakes If they get made Really take away from the game I may come back and review this game again After I've mastered it Or come as close as I can To mastering such a game Or at least the rules Anyway, I'm rambling now Go try it for yourselves I really do enjoy The fun that this game packs into a box Have fun See you guys Oh, I'm so pleased, Gigantor Yeah, this sounds like something I would actually really enjoy playing Yeah, I'm a huge diplomacy Slash risk fan, so I've had the game for Probably like a year now Maybe a little less than a year now And I haven't played it once Because we haven't been able to get it Together enough to sit down And play the three of us So every time I talk about this game With Gigantor, we say We're gonna play, we're gonna play So we've actually determined the next time he visits If you guys like Can't play, then we'll each We'll each pick two houses And we'll just play against each other And I'll make the sandwiches Are you on the dance floor? For real I'm really excited about this game So much, I wanna play it Sometimes I just look at the box Awesome Dudes and challenges Yeah, play confusion isn't wrong That's always frustrating Especially in something that is usually to Cool characters Yeah, anything that has a lot of depth like this And then to have something as simple as Yeah, somebody should write A letter To George RR Martin This is one of those things where Five, ten years from now Maybe twenty years from now We'll have 3D printers And you'll just be able to bust out some better tokens Yeah Anyway We have that now but We don't have that now Yeah, we don't have that now I mean generally It's whatever And now it's time for Mailbag! In our large sack We have some mail From Mr. Nick Tyler Mr. Pighart himself Captain Pighart Oh, before we get that far though How do people reach our mail sack Comments at Bitches Text 33s, always open The captain says A hoi pulpists Apologize for me absence I'd not realize the guff twix contributions And I reckon I'd draw our shores near once more 'Tis perhaps a form a nose snipe in bitterness For missing out on ye flashpulp expo joys Oh, it would have been happy to have you I listened to ye joy and felt as if I were there I blinked, well, winked And realized I was not My sadness filled me cup Oh, it filled our cup too, that's awesome The flashpulp bottles Take a while to reach my aisles or moroni And so I am about a month behind as usual However, I'd like to note That ye black hauls growing increasingly lyrical and tone and composition Tis a tincture to the ear Thank you sir To his also a boon to me coconut munching night To hear Angel Zapata's tail assignment Disturbin Fine mulligan Though it makes me long for soup And he karic tail, the last DJ Had me laughin' out loud into the lonely night Yarr, what else? I, Skinner, ink I've hoped this will become a charming desktop calendar 2013 Brat Pack being me current favorite Would you have objection To the reading of your tales and some island base Simulae Crum with your flashpulp live shows? Not at all They sound, they sound marvellous And nearly drown out the howling of the monkeys So I was thinking I might quell him further By bellowing your tales of detection and zombies at them If you happen to recruit anyone else and get them recorded We'd love to hear them In closing I hope to rejoin the ranks of your fine contributors Jeff's slices of worry are enough to keep me awake Doc Blue's tail continues to intrigue Gibraltar's dark time traveling is also worrisome And many thanks for the fine film and game reviews From the lads three day fish and Gigantor Speaking of which I happen to catch a glimpse of Frankenweeny Reflected off the moon That'll happen if you don't cover your Frankenweeny you know what I mean A fine film Hilled with grim chuckles A fine Vincent Price And a very welcome absence of color For Tim Burton It'd be nice to see a very solid Tim Burton film again Watch it and make ye miners weep I hope to see you all soon And hope in the meantime you enjoy a tale From the alter ego Franklin Daggash The Simeon Entertainment Now what's interesting is although he wrote this on a parchment scroll With what looks like his own blood He's actually also included a USB drive In the bottle that he sent us So handy With a tail from Franklin Daggash So Open your ear holes And I also put his seam song in the beginning Cause we love it Alright dude Excellent If you love a good tail And the splash of the salty brine on your face And prepare yourself For the adventurous expulsions Of Captain Ignatius Picard After several weeks of intensive work in my laboratories I decided to take the afternoon off To imbibe sweet smoke and brandy But after only an hour of dawling in my drawing room I'd felt a need to have my buttocks more securely clasped And I adjourned to my club Once there I swiftly receded myself in my favoured leather chair Bounded by the great hearth on one side And the collected works of Alan Derryair on the other I was drifting into a pleasant insensibility When an hubbub ruffled the club's atmosphere At best its members are a somnal and punch And so anything breaching the murmur of private discourse Sends a ripple through the smoky piece I risked the peak There was a clamor at the windows Where the sunlight fluttered erratically Casing satanic shadows into the room In rage, despite my langer I joined the group squawking by the window I was halfway through a witty remark When the pains crashed inwards Followed by a black mass of panic And then the flying monkeys fell upon me The air was filled with their angry whooping And fiendishly accurate feces flinging They were my greatest success and failure Together in one terribly malformed hybridization I'd sought only to equip myself with a perfect man-servant Companion and pet Now I was surprised to find that once more Science had not done precisely as I had asked Using my considerable powers of reasoning and mastery Of the empirical method, I had expended the majority Of a local menagerie in my experiments The only creatures that proved compatible Were the humble barbery ape And the majestic goose How my heart swelled As the brute barked, sneezed And immediately brewed a perfect cup of lemon tea So flushed was I with tramp That I foresaw a brave new future of mankind And goose ate ruling the earth Hand in wing claw After a short apprenticeship Mr. Triglings For such I had been one could him Took to experimenting alone at night Whilst I slept, supervised by the moon And the fitfully active medical waste I'd inserted into his expanded cranium To my great sadness The beast was afflicted with a melancholy Whose bitterness he turned upon me For reasons I struggle even now to grasp For did not his father and feathers almost grow together In a convivial manner? Even the wing rafts had eventually healed With a minimum of residual weeping and infection However, I was unaware of the animosity Which grew every time I gently chucked him on his beaky chin Or explained how all of his kin had died When I forgot to clean my knives His nocturnal activities continued in secret Until Mr. Triglings was ready to unleash the flapping horde Which now plagged me The club members fought back with typical Britishness Cutting and brandishing a jumble-sales worth of weaponry Of the squalling apes For the most part this was unsuccessful The gentlemen were soon overwhelmed By the superior wielding capacity of the winged monkeys The intruders took advantage of their flight To equip both hands and feet With tools gleaned from my laboratory The rate of damage to my priceless equipment Was growing unacceptably And the wall of leisurely fodder between the monkeys and me Was shrinking alarmingly It was clear that I would be required to participate With a view to such activity I finished my glass and extricated myself from beneath the bobbiliates table Immediately they came a howl of triumph And Mr. Triglings himself flapped into view I snatched up a billiard cube And offering a brief apology to the club's sportsmaster One Joshua Ballhager Briefer still when I spotted his head gaping words as they all flew on I snapped it down across my knee Realising my error, I unscrewed it instead Favourying my bruised thigh I stood with bipartite ball potter at the ready We dueled for a time, Mr. Triglings and I As I battered away his brutish implements The nail-studded thighbone went first Followed by the foot full of dermis-penetrating needles Using the ancient techniques taught to me By the monkeys of a lemma de quim I battered the monkey into the bays And used the shredded cues to fire the billiards rapidly at his skull Stunning the treacherous ape With the drooling level impairment in place I mounted the brutish renegade And took a firm grip of his wings Mr. Triglings lurched beneath me As I tried to control him with my thighs Squeezed tightly about his chest Somehow he lurched into drunken flight Covening off the bookshelves and light fittings I managed to wrench one of his wings Free of its suitors And the flight ended abruptly As the half-winged ape crashed into a gramophone The winding handle puncturing his jaw At first I thought him dead But his angry rambling continued Accompanied by the mournful yawing of a slow turning gramophone record The very action of his jaw was engaging the device's machinery And the more enraged his denunciations The faster the handle ground round and the more manic the tune The rest of the hybrids were easily subdued Once they'd finished savaging the more elderly club members Mr. Triglings' evil plan had been foiled And the club had a new attraction The mono-winged ape was installed in a cage on the ground floor And wound up by passerby's To produce the unholy music and accompanying spasms Which so entertained them In time Mr. Triglings' reluctant contributions to the club's funds Out weighed the damage his creatures had wrought He died shortly afterwards From a combination of sepsis and brass poisoning His bones, with gramophone intact Now occupy a display case in the club's museum He was the monkey who ground his own organ I love his nonchalance when he's like The fodder between me and the monkey is growing thin It's clear I'm going to have to participate Damn I love Franklin to cash Yeah, that was excellent Yeah, excellent delivery We're going to have to clip out the line Then the flying monkeys fell upon me Then I can use that on some future show Oh, that was great Laugh out loud, great Yes, fantastic, sir You can find all of Pickhart's business over at Nick does a lot of A lot He does a lot He has many in alter ego He has many in alter ego I realize he's had a little work trouble lately But it just feeds his shank and nalia account Anyway, well done, sir Entertaining as always With that, I believe we actually close the mailbag And move into Are you a dassy? Oh, hi Hey guys Hey This is the part of the show where I tell you about what I've done And my plans Which continue to be Finishing up Gigantor's intro I do many unseen things For the mob, for the empire And unfortunately I get no gratitude for any of it I don't think that's actually made sure Everybody loves me It's not true at all It's not true at all, I lie I'm the liar Cause I'm a liar The liar Oh, never raised you Okay, so you can't see me do this But I'm going to like air quotes I air quotes Finished And air quotes The Skinner co Or no, not Skinner co Sorry, the car wick Flyer I'm with a chirop flier To follow up to our popular ruby flower And once she declared it done, Jared, he said It's not gonna change it Wait, let's make a side Interjection here for a moment If you want to help out the show, one of the best things that you can do Is to post up the ruby flower and place full of geeks Or anybody of interest And then take a photo of that for me Yes, and then if you can Take a photo, send it to Or post it in the facebook mob And we will be very grateful We would, honestly You can find the flyer under propaganda on the website And soon there will be a car work entry as well It's just not good enough yet Well, I finished it And then I sent it to Jaredie to look at And he wants me to make it just a tad creepier I'm a little worried that I don't want to get too detailed on it Because, you know, I want to make it printable Exactly So I got a little bit more work on it To do it So I've got a little bit more work to do on it But I think I should have something nice for you soon It just needs more as balls The new Skinner Co is up? Yes, I put that up myself And it was done in record time And it's very nice to see you doing more on the blog Yeah, I put that on the blog myself That's a I'm responsible for putting that up now That's exciting So blame you if there's any problems? Yeah, yep But yeah, I've actually known as soon as the Skinner Co came out That I was going to do a comic of that, of the one that I ended up doing And which one was that? I remember what it was It's essentially a reminder to the Photonics Lab not to use the death ray as a tanning device Yeah, exactly So we figured I actually came up with the dial idea Of having different levels of intensity of radiation Yeah, I wanted to have an alderan level It's a nice one you can add an extra layer to the joke Yeah It was good because as soon as that one came out I knew exactly what I was going to do for it And because I had thought about it and sort of planned it out So extensively in my head I didn't really have to do a rough copy for this one And it went really quickly Please just have that worked out If you want to sneak peek at what might end up being turned into a comic You can follow Skinner Co on Twitter @ Skinner Co And you can also check out the Facebook page, give it a thumb Which is just Skinner Co You've been doing a lot of great work lately Looks fantastic, I appreciate it Well thank you, I really like the idea that Nick had for the desktop calendar I've been thinking about doing a page day calendar type thing Or while not page day but We have many exciting things to announce about revenue venues But revenue avenues But we don't really want to discuss it just yet I suppose Yeah, we'll just keep those under our hats for now Awesome unicorn hats, thank you Toby It's gorgeous Well we may have something to announce next Monday perhaps Yes Backroom plots So we're in a bit of an interesting situation here Because we're actually recording this for release on Monday We're recording on Sunday evening But we're in the middle of a Ruby three-parter So we're taking almost a step away for a minute Yeah But I'm enjoying this schedule, this pacing, having two episodes a week I don't want to keep it here forever but It's allowing me to get a lot of back-end Skinner Co stuff that's been neglected done And it may even allow me to work on CAV a little bit And having a novel done would be very nice Yeah, and you're farther ahead, which is so great So if you can get ahead Get ahead a little bit and then come back to the three times a week It'll be a very nice spot A lot of working weekends That's okay So this Ruby that we've got going on So far, essentially we're left with the first part cliffhanger As I want to do I like the idea of the bike swarm And how hard it is to turn them once they've all got the momentum going I think of like a crowd buffalo The thing about Ruby is it's one of the quickest to sit down and physically write But it's also one of the ones that I spend a lot of time just daydreaming about various aspects Just kind of doing mental experiments almost of what would happen What I found really interesting about this one is how willing the chief was to step up and be like Yeah, okay, let's do what you say But remember, it's on your head Yeah, well, chief, huh? I don't want to say too much, but part two is going to be interesting I'm just saying she's really stepping it like we've seen it coming for a while But she's really stepping into that role of leader However unwilling she is to it She's not like she's still thinking in her head I can be out front, I can be a scout Because I can get away, I can run away if I need to But when you think about it, it's Ruby And she's not going to abandon all these people She feels responsible for them Even though she's not And she's not putting herself in this place of leader But they are slowly And it's like she's not even realizing it until she has this responsibility thrust upon her So yeah, really, this is my complicated retelling of Life of Brian with zombies Yeah, no, not right Oh, actually, I can't recall if I mentioned this, but I really wanted to also touch on the Black Call 3 Putter That we finished not long ago That's an interesting one Yeah, I've been moving There's been a lot of chronological order to the Black Call releases lately And I'm not a huge fan of that generally I like to jump around to the different Jump around The different times in Black Call's journey Because we've certainly seen parts that are much further ahead than we're at at the moment But this has been an arc Basically starting with the Perth cycle, really And leading up to what's going to be happening next in the Black Call story It's been leading up to something for a while now, and I'm really excited to get there So it's interesting because Ruby's also coming to that cusp Things are going to change a little bit in the near future for Ruby Or at least the world's going to seem slightly different And I'm excited to get there as well It just reminds me, however, that someday this will all come to an end [laughter] Now, with that in mind, though We still have a thread, a major thread that needs to be introduced That hasn't been, and some minor threads I even have artwork for that It hasn't come out yet You've got to hurry because it's not going to be long now And I may or may not have begun thinking about what might follow FlashPulp Oh, it's just still a ways away, like it's going to be a couple of years before we're done But I have an idea for a series that wouldn't be called FlashPulp 2 Would be another universe? Uh, yeah, yeah That's an interesting thought Anyway, that's for the future, however At the moment, we're in the able hands of Mr. Richard Jib Thank you, Jim, you're awesome Yeah, he hosts and Because he's so awesome Yeah, you can find all of his business over at I'm really enjoying the vampire and zombie tales he's been releasing for Halloween I don't know if you follow any of the relic radio stuff, but the horror The horror Especially, he's been doing a great job Good stuff, Jim You can follow us on Twitter, as I mentioned earlier, you can follow SkinnerCo at SkinnerCo Or you can follow us individually at jr.d. Skinner/TheJessicaMay Or slash the Popenax Or, no, sorry, just a Popenax with a zero That's right If that's not confusing Enjoy the show? Tell a friend Really enjoy the show? We've got to donate button on the site If you have comments, questions, or suggestions, you can find us at Or email us text or mp3s to Jessica May is vocal talent and musical stylings can be found at The entire run of flashpulp can be found at Or via the search bar in iTunes Flashcast is released under the Canadian Creative Commons attribution non-commercial 2.5 license Ever like flowers will never awake when you worry Not where the black holes of others have taken you The angels have no thought of ever returning you But baby, I live by some of joining you Oh, dear, I'm there Don't save it No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,