The Skinner Co. Network

FC71 - Screw you, Lucy Liu

Broadcast on:
14 Oct 2012
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Prepare yourself for: Batman & the Lavender Panthers, meeting in Buffalo, involuntary organ donation, arachnid centaurs, and the Lighter-Than-Air Sneaks.

Read the full show notes at

[music] Sunday's gloomy, my hours are slumbless. Dear is the shadows I live with by nonetheless. Little white flowers will never awaken you. Not where the brach ultra-sol is taking you. [music] ♪ Angels have no fire ever tuning you ♪ ♪ Would they be angry if I saw to join you ♪ ♪ Ooh, Sunday ♪ Hello and welcome to Flashcast 71, a Skinner Co presentation. Skinner Co, because it's still food if you can't tell the difference. This episode is also brought to you by generous donations from Aunt Heron, David Duck Blue-Went, and Scott Roche. Prepare yourself for Batman and the Lavender Panthers, Meeting in Buffalo, Involuntary Organ Donation, Arachnid Centaurs, and The Lighter Than Air Sneaks. [music] ♪ Death is no dream for any death I'm caressing you ♪ ♪ With the strength of my soul I'll be blessing you ♪ ♪ Ooh, Sunday ♪ [music] Hi, I'm Opoponax, and boldly going with me where no podcaster has gone before are Jessica May, hello, and Jaredie. Hello, so did you guys hear about that guy in Michigan? The Batman. The Batman. No. The Michigander Batman. No. No. Michigonian. But I'd like to hear about all the various batmans. Well, actually, so many batmans, Lillian. It's interesting that you mentioned that. So, there's a fellow in North Michigan, which we may or may not have mentioned previously. I can't recall. I can't remember if I just posted the link to the mob or somebody else did, or if we've actually discussed it on the show. But there was a fellow who was arrested on top of a gas station wearing a batman costume. On top of the gas station. Oh, maybe that. I was thinking of the batman. The road way batman. Yeah, the batman that got arrested in the Batmobile got the ticket, I should say, in the Batmobile. Keep that thought in mind. But first, let's just deal with Michigan batman. Roof batman. Guest station roof batman. Okay. Actually, I believe he's commonly referred to as Petosky Batman. Now, apologies to the people of Petosky, if I'm pronouncing the name of your town wrong. He was recently briefly arrested again due to interfering with the criminal investigation. There was a minor car accident at which they were attempting to use dogs to track down the fleeing. Perpetrator. Perpetrator. Yeah. Perp in the business, and Petosky Batman refused to, he arrived on the scene, but he refused to leave, and he kept interfering with the smelling hounds. No, I'm trying to help. Yeah, he just demanded, he was not demanded, but he insisted that he be allowed to assist in the, uh... Well, he's a batman. You know, batman and the cops have never had a good relationship. Yeah. He needs a commissioner. He's a vigilante. You know, this brings up, uh, briefly, Severny Batman, who is Slovakia Batman. I like how he has, like, a leather suit jacket. Let me see. I'm assuming it's sort of like a trench or something. Oh, a lot. That's interesting. I'll post this clip in the notes. Uh, there's a little YouTube piece that I'll post up on him, but he very much reminds me of a, you know when they do, like, an Elseworld's Batman or, like, a sort of historical Batman? He's costume kind of reminds me that. It's a little more rough shot than your normal batman. Yeah, it doesn't have the bells and whistles. But this brought me down an interesting hole, because we've been discussing this idea of real-life superheroes for a while. And these guys, the Severny Batman is actually widely regarded in his area as very helpful. He's very much about helping old people, you know, children, people in tough spots, but not necessarily, you know, interfering with police investigations. Or getting arrested on the roofs of gas stations. Which is interesting. It seems like we're really getting to a point where one of these fellows could write a little handbook on, because really they, most, the ones who are helpful mostly do community relations. Yeah. So it seems to me that somebody, one of these real-life superheroes, not necessarily a Batman, but it seems that there are a lot of Batman out there. Should sit down, write a little handbook on how to get it done. And just, you know. Form a Batman union? Superhero. Yeah, well, maybe. Or how you could do it, like, for real season. Without being arrested. Or yes. In a helpful way. In a helpful way, exactly. Yeah, like, these are your rights, and these are where you should not be crossing the line. Exactly. Yeah. Speaking of that, however, this did leave me down a interesting super hole, if you will. And I encountered a, and I, I've mentioned in the past that I'm not a huge fan of bringing up cracked lists, but there was a list of quote unquote real-life superheroes that were possibly crazier to hear about than even these fellows. So my favorite of that bunch, and I'll link the list in the notes, as usual, my favorite of the bunch were definitely the Lavender Panthers, which I had never really heard of before. That sounds like interesting outfits. No, I admit, I haven't done a huge amount of research into the Lavender Panthers, and I'm not necessarily condoning physical violence as conducted by vigilantes. But essentially these fellows, these, a gang of gay vigilantes essentially, would cruise around in, I believe it was San Francisco, in pastels, in a van. And they would appear suddenly wherever there was, not wherever, obviously, but as often as possible, when there was some sort of hate crime business going on, somebody picking on a gay man or a lady, these guys would just show up and kick the crap in them. Wow, how would they know? I suspect that there was probably a certain amount of people who knew people who would call people. Call the Lavender Panthers. Exactly so. That's awesome. And interestingly enough, because generally I'm assuming they were fighting Hicks, essentially, more often than not, they would not get any real trouble because these guys wouldn't want to admit that they were just clobbered by a bunch of gay men, which is fantastic justice. Anyway. But not to condone violence. Yeah, but not to condone violence. Now, my second favorite of this list, and not for the same sort of possibly actually justified reasons, were the bald knobs, who were a Missouri, a Missouri band of vigilantes, who, well, this is, I believe, in a time when there was not really a lot of law in Missouri, and so they decided they would take it into their own hands. In the end, they essentially just started killing people they didn't like. Oh, no. So the leader of the bald knobs was assassinated, and the guy who did it was let off for the reason of self-defense. Even though they premeditated this assassination, like, assassination is the word. And so I guess the judge thought that, as the cracked article points out, these guys were just going to kill everybody, so anybody could have killed them in self-defense. Wow. Yeah. Anyway, there's some other fantastic entries on this list. You know, if you're planning on Batmanning out there, good luck to you. Yeah, just don't start killing everybody. Yeah. Just try to keep, try to keep that, keep help on old folks, stay off gas stations. Yeah, keep your violence, too. And get on that handbook. Yeah. Or at least get a lavender van. Mm-hmm. ♪ Bow, prayer, prayer ♪ Speaking of more fictional heroes, have you guys heard the cast list or the character list, I guess, for the nude shield TV show, which is, at the moment, one of the major things I am excited for? Is cool. Sent in it? No, not as far as I know. In fact, it can't be, right? 'Cause, anyway, spoilers, I guess. But Joss Whedon is creating the cast, and he's a fellow who I have a lot of trust in for creating a group dynamic. Absolutely. So, it sounds like, well, there's Sky, a late 20s woman, fun, smart, caring, and confident, with the ability to get the upper hand by using her wit and charm. What a surprise. Whedon is writing a female character who sounds highly intelligent and very strong. Yeah. Well. I bet you she's very quick with the one-liners. That's alright. He does so well. Yeah, I have nothing wrong. I have nothing against that. I'm just, not terribly surprised. There's also Agent Grant Ward. Quite the physical specimen and cool under fire, he sometimes botches interpersonal relations. He's a quiet one with a bit of a temper, and he's the kind of guy that grows on you. You know, the way you're reading these character descriptions really makes me not want to watch this show at all. Yeah, I got to admit that guy sounds a little angel-y to me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, just, you know. Agent Althea Rice, also known as the Calvary, this hardcore soldier has crazy skills when it comes to weapons and being a pilot, but her experiences have left her very quiet and a little damaged, which actually I kind of, I like the idea that she's maybe a little, you know, Janie, but at the same time, it's had an effect on her and she's a little bit more beaten up over it. Yeah. And then there's Agent Leo Fitz and Agent Gemma Simmons. These two came through training together and still choose to spend most of their time in each other's company. Their sibling-like relationship is reinforced by their shared nerd tendencies. She deals with biology and chemistry. He's a wizard at the technical side of webinarry. I'm really just reproducing these character descriptions out of this Critiques for Geeks article, which I will link in the notes. But it does sound interesting. I mean, on paper it sounds a little flat perhaps, but I feel like, again, Whedon is the man to handle this kind of situation. So I have faith. I think the only thing that could excite me more than the upcoming Shield show, well, maybe not actually, probably excite me quite a bit more, would be, have you guys heard of this Ship of Fear? No. It's a horror cruise. Like a for realsies horror cruise? Yeah. You go on a cruise, like, you know, they've been doing a lot of these themed cruises lately. There's the Jonathan Colton cruise and things like that. So Alice Cooper is the sort of the lead. The MC. Yeah, the MC, if you will, although there's another fellow, Tom Holland, who is on board as well. Anyway, the idea is that they're going to have, I guess, people dressed up like slasher than stuff roaming the halls and magicians and I'd never leave the room. It would be fantastic. I can't. It seems being trapped on a ship with this would be brilliant. Yeah. I'd jump off. It does sound like a lot of fun. You guys could go. Only because in the back of your mind, you'd know it wasn't real. Oh, God. No. But then there's that movie that's made where it's like you're on a horror themed cruise, but there's really a killer. Yes. Oh, yeah. That'd be, anyway. That'd be what. That'd be great. Here, I'll just read a brief bit from the article led by the architect of Shockrock, Alice Cooper, directors and actors from genre-defining films, including Child's Play, Candyman, Phantasm, Fright Night, The Lost Boys, Gremlins, Friday the 13th, The Howling and Pet Cemetery, which is to say, famous people who are no longer working in things. And more, we'll roam the decks with macabre illusionists, performance artists and rock stars for five-fold moonlit nights of madness for horror fans on board. That'd be awesome. I want to like it. I really want to, but you know me. Yeah. One million dollars. I don't know. We should do that as a mom. Get together sometime. Yeah. Oh, go on. You just have to suck it. Oh, no, here we go. The special before-done cabin rates will be in effect until December 31st and start at 7.29 per person. You know, that's not bad. How long is it? How long is it? Five days? Five days. Where is it? Like, where is it? I guess it's getting a little detail-y, but... Yeah, sorry. What port does it duck off of? Unfortunately, however, decent Adderall be there. So I'm kind of... What was that? Twisted Sister? Sister leads me. You know what's even scarier than the Ship of Fear, however? What is that? Rupert Sanders, who I'm sure you're not entirely- Oh wait, maybe you are. Snow White and the Huntsman. Rupert Sanders. He is talking in a very serious voice about remaking Ben Hilsing. Oh, no. As if of all of the films in the world that needed a remake. For real. Not that we're really at a point where there's a lot left out there that's begging to be remade. But Ben Hilsing of all things. That movie was such a disappointment for me. The first, I want to say 20 minutes of it, which were all in black and white and very much in the style, at least as I remember it, of the Universal films. The classics, you know, Frankenstein, the idea. At that point, I was still excited about the film, and as soon as it went over the hit, like there's a transition, I believe, where it goes color. Okay. Again, it's been a while since I've seen it, but this is how I remember it. And at that point, Hugh Jackman shows up and everyone starts exploding or whatever. But that film was such a disappointment for me to have the idea of all of these monsters being brought together into one thing and then just have it turn out so ridiculously. So maybe it should then. Perhaps, but I'm not sure that Rupert Sanders is the fellow to do it. Why? Why he seems pretty, you know, I never mind just, I've heard good things. He seems to be able to handle vampires? Is that what you're saying? There will never be any other Van Hilsing, but Anthony Hopkins for me. Oh, really? Yeah. I'm. Okay. Yes, let's discuss this. And it probably the same for you, Jessica May, knowing your love of Bram Stoker's. I mean, other people can touch it, I'm sure. Yeah, but is he your favorite Van Hilsing? His accent was so ridiculous. I mean, he definitely added something, but him plus Keanu Reeves's accent, they should have gone to school together. I actually love his portrayal of Van Hilsing in that movie, but there are moments. There's things about that movie where if you don't love the cheese, you're not going to put the film. Yeah. But I have to say, though, my favorite Van Hilsing, definitely Peter Cushing. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Well, I mean, he's great. He's Peter Cushing. Yeah, and it's funny because he's my favorite Van Hilsing, and he's probably also my favorite Frankenstein. Yeah, I really liked him as Frankenstein. Anyway. Speaking of Anthony Hopkins, that Hitchcock trailer you sent me today, wow. Very excited for Hitchcock. So excited. I'm not usually big into the biopics, frankly. And it looks so spooky, even. Mm-hmm. Yeah, it looks wonderful. Yeah. I'm very excited. I'm really excited about it. He looks so different. Yeah. There's a weird thing going on where it's almost like Hollywood has kicked up the need to submerge yourself in the role. What's the other one? Daniel Day Lewis is Abraham Lincoln. Have you guys seen that? No, I haven't seen a picture of that yet. He is incredibly Abraham Lincoln. Yeah, I believe it. Well, he goes all the way, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Daniel Day Lewis. All the way to... What is it? It'll lead you to make shoes. She's making. Yeah. Anyway, I appreciate the depth that they're taking on, but... Wait, what did he do for Left of the Mohicans? Do you just live in a forest? Yeah. Anyway. I'm sure there's a sight for that. There probably is. Gangs in New York. You know, Jamie still hasn't seen that movie. We totally have to watch that movie sometime, just for her seeing how it looks. It's pretty movie. Eh, I have to admit, the visual styling is a big reason that I didn't enjoy that film. Really? I think if they'd been able to just keep it a little more under control and a little... Less theatrical. Yeah, a little less theatrical, a little grittier. I can see that. I probably enjoy it more. But... I can understand that. Yeah. Anyway. Wandering around looking like a bunch of aggressive leprechauns did not do it for me. So we had a really great mom movie night. Yes. Cannibal the musical. If you missed it, we'll... You missed it. We'll one U.S. Yeah. Yeah. Unfortunately, we had to cut out pretty quickly because we were at my parents' place. Yeah, I had to go to bed because I was up early with the kids. But wasn't that when we first saw Donny here? It was. At first, it was so funny because I'm always making fun of him because he doesn't have a camera. So he'll be like, "Yeah, I'm just eating this." And I'll be like, "No, yeah, I can't see you two lying. You're totally lying to me right now." So I did that like really early on in the evening. And the moment I said that, "Bam," he appeared, it was so funny. What is this? Which, if you're not a part of the mob on Facebook, you're really missing out. There was a follow-up sort of discussion on top of that where Donny who posted an absolutely hilarious little video, which is followed up by a series of video responses that had me laughing. We were taking into question whether he was actually a hologram or not. Yeah. That was great. That's what we're talking mob business, Game Night's coming up. Yeah. 27th. I'm very excited about it. 27th. Now, if you would like to play a... Which you should. Espionage-based Cthulhu mythos game. Oh, yeah. You are very welcome to join us. Mm-hmm. I have a tentacle. We haven't even started yet. We've like discussed characters and figured that out, but... Mm-hmm. If you contact Savage Glenn, which is an easy thing to do even if you want to just email me or I'll leave some sort of link, I'll link to the ning mob in the notes. He'll help you get your character set up offline. Mm-hmm. And then when you show up in the 27th, you'll feel more than prepared to go. He's so helpful to... And patient. Yeah, incredibly helpful and patient. Thanks so much. We basically spent the entire evening, like, dicking around about what we were going to do with our characters, and he was right there for us. And you know what? He... I took a screen capture of my character sheet and sent it to him to review later, and he actually pointed it out something to me a little while later that he was like, "Oh, you might want to change this up and stuff." He's got a great little tumbler up that's kind of background info and... He helped... And that's a lot of fun. He helped JMA Picker character, Betty McBeats. Yeah, it's my first time playing, guys, I'm kind of afraid. Will you be there with me? Mm-hmm. We're pretty excited. Yeah. So... Everybody show up? Yeah. Go ahead. Not half of Savage as he may seem, but... Show up even if you don't want to play. Yeah. Yeah. To have some drop-ins, we had an Amy drop-in. Yeah. I know. And she was just shocked as we were. She was like, "Oh, my God." I just put a link in here, I'm like, "Oh, there are people here." I know. It was so much fun. She ran off to get a glass of wine to drink with me, and... Mm-hmm. Yeah. Opposed. Speaking of Savage, Glenn, we will be hopefully encountering him in Buffalo in November. Yes. That's right. Do you recall the date? No. Okay. It's like the 15th. We are going to see... The monkeys. As I believe we've mentioned in the past. So we will be having a small buffalo meetup. Uh, Glenn... A small buffalo meetup. Yeah. A meetup of small buffalo. Only bring your tiny buffaloes. Yes, yes. Glenn was kind enough to provide us with some restaurant suggestions, which we'll get to in the mailbag. Mm-hmm. But... I am quite excited to try some of your American fare. Maybe we should bring the box. The box needs to go everywhere. Wow. I'm a little concerned about getting the box across the border. Oh, it is already pretty full, eh? Yeah. What? Well, I mean, if we were bringing a bunch of like, food products across the border and then back across the border, I don't know, that's a good idea. But on the other hand, we had... What? It did come from America. It's true. Returning to its homeland. Uh, well actually, no, that's not true. I believe, as Rich once pointed out, uh, he has traveled to the beginning of the universe, at which point there was only the box. Mm-hmm. And he had also been to the end of the universe, at which point there was only the box. Yeah. That's perfect. Uh, but on the other hand, in the same way that we got the audio equipment to Fan Expo in the box. Mm-hmm. Perhaps, I'm not sure if we want to bring along the audio equipment to Buffalo or not, but it might be fun to have Savage Berlin on for a couple of minutes. Yeah. Yeah. That'd be awesome. And some unauthorized monkey listenage. Mm-hmm. We really need to get a hold of... Two leg monkeys. Something like, uh... Mike Nesmith. H5N portable recorder. H1N1. Yeah. Yeah, we really need to infect ourselves. Just make that shit go viral. Haha. Nice. Thanks. Haha. Before we get into the bothersome though, I... We have one last item to mention. Something that sounds actually quite exciting. Oh yes. For anybody who knows how much I love Game of Thrones, I mean Game of Thrones and the Song of Ice and Fire, the series. Um, I am... Wait, is there like, not to be that guy, but is there some sort of fandom... Yes. Where... It's... Playing a rant? Yes. Um, generally Game of Thrones refers to the TV show, whereas Song of Ice and Fire is the series. Okay. That's great. Or the... Thank you. I mean, Game of Thrones can be the first book, obviously, but I'm sure they're not going to change the... Well, they didn't change the series's... Title. Yeah. Title, the next season. Yeah. Anyway. They are holding a convention. It's called the Convention of Ice and Fire. Or the Ice and Fire Convention, I should say. And it's taking place in April 2013 at Ravenwood Castle in Ohio. And a castle. And a castle. And a castle. Not to cast any aspersions on this plan. Where did they get a castle in Ohio? So there's going to be lots of activities. There's going to be lots of activities, including photoshoots. They have a medieval market at the castle grounds. And it's going to be set up like the market of Karth. And there's going to be excursions to like horse farms with a dothraki and there's caves for like dragonstone and stuff. There's going to be panels and discussions. There's a whole like costume parade and photoshoot thing. And they have games and tournaments. There's going to be a tournament of Love and Beauty, isn't that beautiful? And there's going to be like a high tea and feasting and everything. And there is even the possibility that there will be a Skype interview with George Arton. Wow. Wow. And if you see the pictures of this castle, it's just so beautiful. You can rent rooms there and like little cottages and stuff. It's gorgeous. The tickets are all on sale. There aren't a lot of them because it's only, you know, this castle. But if you want to go to, that's their main page, check it out. I really would love to go and anybody who's in the area, I demand that you go and take pictures for me. And I believe, yeah. I believe we'll be running some sort of promo business for these photos. Yeah, I would love to put up some stuff on the Facebook group and the Ning Mob. So if you want to go check out my thread over there or again, I will totally be pimping on on the Facebook because everybody should love this as much as I do, go check it out. It sounds like a lot of fun. It's really too bad that we already have our 2013 expo/con budget dedicated to bolt to con. I think we should somehow put together some donation group that can just send me there. Mm hmm. Yeah. I think so too. Yeah. Do it. Yeah. Stamped at. Now I believe Mr. Lynch has provided us with something considerably more bothersome. Spotted bother. Several years ago, my younger brother Bradley was involved in an ATV accident. He was rushed to the trauma center with minor injuries to his body and limbs. However, his primary injury was to the brain caused by a severe concussion. Although the docs worked furiously to relieve the brain swelling and bring him around, the damage was just too severe. He never regained consciousness. After completing many tests and procedures, the neurosurgeon determined that he was by all standards brain dead. Fortunately, Brad had been very clear with how he would like for this type of situation to be handled, should it ever arise. He did not want to be on life support systems and, in fact, was an organ donor. His wife signed all of the necessary documents and the process began, of ending Brad's life and saving three others. One person received his heart, and two others were able to avoid a lifetime of dialysis with his kidneys. Now during this entire event, we were never pressured by the hospital staff or rushed into the donor process. It was all a very kind and compassionate experience. However, this is not always the case. I recently read a book entitled The Red Market by Scott Carney, which examines the dark side of the trade and human body parts. It was quite disturbing. And just this week, a news article appeared that caught my attention further illustrating the darker side of this strange and intimate trade. Here's the story from New York. New York hospitals are routinely harvesting organs from patients before they're even dead. An explosive lawsuit is claiming. The suit accuses transplant non-profit The New York Organ Donor Network of bullying doctors into declaring patients brain dead when they're still alive. plaintiff Patrick McMahon, 50, reckons one in five patients is showing signs of brain activity when surgeons declare them dead and start hacking out their body parts. "They're playing God," said McMahon, a former transplant coordinator who claims he was fired just four months into the role for speaking out about the practice. He said the donor network makes millions and millions from selling the organs they obtained to hospitals and to insurance companies for transplants, hearts, lungs, kidneys, joints, bones, skin grafts, intestines, valves, eyes. "It's all big money," McMahon said. The Air Force combat veteran and former nurse added that financially strained hospitals are easily influenced to declare a patient brain dead because they're keen to free up bed space. The lawsuit filed in Manhattan Supreme Court on Tuesday sites a 19-year-old car crash victim who was struggling to breathe and showing signs of brain activity when doctors gave the green light for his organs to be harvested. Network officials, including director Michael Goldstein, allegedly bullied National University Medical Center staff into declaring the team dead, stating during a conference call, "This kid is dead. You got that." The lawsuit cites three other examples of patients who were still clinging to life when doctors gave a note, an official declaration by a hospital that a patient is brain dead, which, as well as, consent from next if Ken is required before a transplant can take place. The suit claims that a man was admitted to King's County Hospital in Brooklyn a month later, again showing brain activity. It claims McMahon protested but was blown off by hospital and donor network staff and the man was declared brain dead and his organs were harvested. In November 2011, a woman admitted to Staten Island University Hospital after a drug overdose was declared brain dead and her organs were about to be harvested when McMahon noticed that she was being given a paralyzing anesthetic because her body was still jerking. She was having brain function when they were cutting into her on the table. McMahon told Mail Online, "He had given her a paralyzer and there's no reason to give someone who is dead a paralyzer." He said he confronted the person who gave it to her and he was speechless. "Finally," he said, "he was told to do it because they were cutting her chest open and she was moving her chest around and a paralyzer only paralyzes you. It does nothing for the pain," he added. McMahon added that surgeons took everything with regards to body parts. They took her eyes, her joints. She was right there when I was having the conversation that were inserting plastic bones where the real ones had been. McMahon has accused the donor network of having a quota system and hiring coaches to teach staff how to be more persuasive in convincing family members to give consent to organ donation. He said counseling staff are like sales teams who are pressured to meet targets and threatened with the loss of their jobs if they fall short. Counselors are required to get a 30% consent rate from families. McMahon added that staff members who collect the most organs throughout the year qualify for a Christmas bonus. McMahon claims that on November 4, he told the network's CEO and president, Helen Irving, that one in five patients declared brain dead show signs of brain activity at the time the note is issued, but the suit says she replied, "This is how things are done." In closing, I have no reason to believe that my brother was taking advantage of. It was a small hospital and a small town, but as for myself, that little organ donor box on my driver's license remains unchecked. I'm actually a pretty big proponent of organ donation. I think that it does a lot of good when you volunteer to do it when you're dead, at least. This is a pretty terrifying tale, but at the same time, I think it's important to note that it's a disgruntled employee who's suing his employer. It's entirely possible that perhaps this is overblown, or he's projecting a little? I don't know. I'm going to be interested to follow this case. I think I'm definitely going to follow this one and see what happens. The numbers that Jeff came up with were certainly interesting. This reminded me of Gildy Arm, and the-- well, actually, I guess a lot of Larry Niven's stuff from Earth, but Gildy Arm, when he started out, he was working for the UN fighting organ leggers, which-- and I'm sorry to hear about your brother. Yeah, that was really too bad, we're sorry. Very bothersome. Have you guys heard about China's position on organ donation? No. They have a long-standing reputation for breaking down political dissidents for parts. It's a humanitarian problem, but you can go in for talking against the government and end up in another guy's interest. Wow. That is so a gift from Earth. Yeah, yeah, it's very interesting. And they have a demand, anyway. A little bit. Yikes. But on the other hand, I mean, you've got the Chinese system, and then you've got, I would argue, the American private healthcare system, which is basically incentivizing breaking people down. I kind of like to sit in the happy middle of Canada where-- Yay. Yeah, keep me for as long-- keep me alive for as long as possible. Keep the tubes in me. Yeah, when I'm gone, do whatever you want to do with my hearts. But-- Make sure you're gone there. You're going to have to have a helicopter, but yes. Keep me on the machines for as long as possible for that. Just a note. Just in case. Flash forward to the future, this clip is being used in a court case. I don't know. You clearly stated. Anyway, what do we got next, Jessica, man? We have a review from Fish. Awesome. [CRASH] Fresh Fish, a new batch of cinematic pulp with the always listening. Three day Fish. [CRASH] Hey, Flashcast. Three day Fish here with another review. I got a review for you on Looper. I could not get taken to, sadly, though just know that Fish made value efforts, nonetheless. So anyway, taken to has a couple of points to it that I can understand people might not like, especially with time travel movies you got it. You always got the guy who's like, well, that doesn't make sense because he did this at the time, blah, blah, blah. Time paradoxes don't make sense. Well, duh, because they're time paradoxes, the word paradoxes in the description. So if you're one of those people, then just unless you love to waste your breath on such complaints, just don't see this movie. Otherwise, the acting is done, the special effects aren't overdone. I think I said the acting is done. The acting is well done. It's not just done. It's well done. And it's a good setting because when it comes to sci-fi, there's got to be like so far in the future that technology isn't even recognizable to us, or it has to be like there are some new things, but for the most part, we recognize the setting, and Looper takes place in the ladder of those two universes. Just of course, Leavitt does a great job. I think this is a great debut as a lead action role for him, and who knows, maybe we'll see a little more out of him down the road. So all in all, this is a green light, very pulpy, very sci-fi-y, and I'm just pleased to see a good sci-fi movie out there, and I think that's it. That is all, always listening. Hurrah, I'm quite pleased to hear that Fish enjoyed it. I can generally, time paradoxes do cause me issues. I'm not a fan of the way I say Star Trek deals with time travel. Oh, okay, you know what, I'll even give you an old timey Star Trek where it was, we're just going to slingshot ourselves around the sun, and travel back in time a while, and then reverse slingshot ourselves back into the future somehow. Wow. Yeah. I always liked the episodes where everything was like all old timey, but it was just like- They're on the holodeck? No, no, no, no. Where it's just like, oh, this is a planet that is very similar to Earth, and it's had very similar- It's not to Germany. It's had very similar- They speak English. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah, I enjoyed those two, but I mean more in the next generation. The next generation had some really wonky time travel blocks, and I really did not enjoy them. But on the other hand, if it's the basic premise, and it follows basic, and it follows internal logic, I'm happy that- It follows basic time travel laws. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Glad to hear Joseph Gordon love it during one of the- Mm-hmm. I really do want to see this movie, so- Yeah. Thanks for the review. I think we've mentioned it before, but speaking of him as a leading man, if you haven't seen Brick. I haven't seen Brick. Absolutely. Yeah, I don't know what you're talking about. Uh, it's a high school in the war. Yeah, I remember, like, we were going to start it sometime. So good. Anyway, thanks for a great review. Mm-hmm. Okay. And in the meantime, Doc Asriel, Angel of Death. [MUSIC] In the last episode, unbeknownst to Surchin Parr, a new threat known as the Trugla Dides emerged to threaten the district, where Chet Doris Corley was very much aware of another much more horrible threat that was foreseen its way through a rift in reality just outside of the Natural History Museum. And now the latest episode of Doc Asriel, Angel of Death. Doris Corley peered and dismayed down the length of her half-drawn arrow. Something, several somethings were pushing through a hole in the air above the street, just yards from her Ronnie. He chose a head and a half taller than a man, but there was no way she would mistake these things for human. From the torso up, there was something, some vague similarity, a head atop a pair of shoulders. Though those shoulders hosted far too many arms. In the head, the shape of the head and the torso, the limbs were in sectile, with too many eyes and mandibles framing a ground mouth. As alien as the upper body was, the difference was far more striking below the waist. At first Doris thought they were riding some sort of beast, but as they emerged more fully into her world, she realized that they were attached, and the place of a single pair of legs was a segmented body with a half dozen or more limbs. Later if she were forced, she would describe them as arachnid centaurs, but for now she was speechless with horror. Each retreat shattered and keen, an unholy chorus orchestrating their invasion. In response, Officer Ronald Corley fired his sidearm at the monsters, emptying it into their unearthly forms. And though a handful of bullets seemed to fly true, the creatures did not even flinch from the assault. To fend them from the unseally Doris Corley, there was no mistaking the speaker of that phrase. The young woman turned from the horrors to locate the strange man in black. But Doc Azrael was nowhere to be seen. Doris was alone on the street, even the cab that had delivered her was gone. There are other matters with which I must deal. Hold the line here. Me? Hold the line? Defend who? But if Mrs. Corley expected a response, she was sadly disappointed. Turning back to the rift, the young woman washed as the creatures. The unseally were returning Ronnie's fire. The three three creatures spat some sort of green substance at her husband. The projectile fell short, but where it landed it sizzled and dissolved a hole. Ronnie, back here! Doris, get out of here! Not without you. Doris loosed an arrow at the creature nearest to her husband. It flew wide. Undeterred, she adjusted, knocked, and fired a second bolt. This time the attack flew true, striking her target squarely between the eyes. The victim screamed and seemed to dissolve from the wound outward. Before her firing again, young woman paused to look at her ammunition. My bullets didn't do anything. What are those arrows made of? Doris turned the quarrel between her fingers and murmured. Cold iron, if I had to guess, then yelling, "Draw them this way, Ronnie!" One after another, Doris Corley knocked her arrows and let them fly. Corley struck true, but the invasion merely slowed. She did not know how many shots she had left, and for the moment she was afraid to find out. Elsewhere, Sergeant Power had his own problems. Several handfuls of minutes ago, the defenders of the warehouse had stopped firing. It was a trap Power had waited sufficiently before sending out a decoy. No response. Signaling to his men, he moved to storm the building. Even with multiple squads of officers mastered the structure, there was no sign of retaliation. Not normally a cautious man, the surgeon conferred with his subordinates, and then finally with the full agreement of his force, they approached the whole storehouse, a mass. It was them that Power learned why the resistance had slowed. As the first of his men neared the main doors, the portals exploded outward, showering them with debris. The policemen fell back into their defensive positions, waiting to see who emerged. None of them expected what they found. Her failings of robotic chimpanzees glistening with blood. Oh my. Chimpanzees, robotic chimpanzees. I was horrified by arachnid centaurs. Yeah, I like that a lot of times. Yeah, she was disgusted. Doris is like, to me, the Fonzi of this. Yeah. Yeah. The break-out star. Let's hear the Doris adventures. Although, you know, Power. Everybody's pretty great. I happen to know that we are reaching the exciting occlusion of Doc Asriel. Yes, that's what I hear. I'm hoping that Dave Wendt will come back to us after maybe a little seasonal break. It would be nice to have, you know, it would be nice to have him back for a second arc. I really like the way he's handling it. So, but on the other hand, you know, we've lost Barry, or at least Barry's on hiatus. Yes. I mean, it's really not his fault at all, but I do miss the New York minute. You know, we've had some comers and goers, the captain shows up on the captain damn well once. That's right. And, you know, there are many talented creative mobsters out there that I'm sure you were to think on it, you could, you know, to have a segment here. Mm-hmm. But I think that having the mailbag as a vetting system works very well. Yes, absolutely. Because getting regular entries is a little tough, I understand people have lives out there, so. Mm-hmm. You get a couple, two, three, four entries in, and you'll probably win yourself a slot. Except for TT, because he's always like talking about the last show. Yeah, it's commentary. It kind of makes sense that he being like, "Oh, I enjoy hearing from folks like Dylan Orion and TT and those sort of responses." Oh, yeah, we got a great Nettie comment coming up. I'm interested to hear this. Speaking of which, mailbag. Yeah, let's actually start with Nettie. Yeah, I was speaking to her a little while ago on the Facebook, and she was talking about how she had gone off about elementary recently, and I was telling her that I had a little mini rant to go on about the show as well, so she very graciously offered to send in a comment. So, let's listen to that. Hello, Flashcast crew. This is new jazz calling in for a little rant on elementary. Apparently, a pope was planning to rant about the show elementary, and heard that I am not so happy with it either. So elementary, the US version of Sherlock, from what I understand, CBS asked the BBC if they could do an American version of Sherlock, when Stephen Moffat took a look at it. He said, "No, no, do not like it, we will not give you our approval." And I guess they made some more changes or whatever, and they did their own show. Now going into it, I knew I wasn't going to like it as a Sherlockian. I had heard quite a bit about how if you just watch it as a police procedural, you might enjoy it, try not to associate it with Sherlock Holmes. And that's what I did. I mean, I've been reading Sherlock since I was a kid. I grew up going to sleep listening to the audio dramas. I am huge, huge into Sherlock. I've seen many adaptations. I just enjoy the lore. It's wonderful. This is not Sherlock. And that's fine. I can go into something and say, "All right, you're basing it on this, but I'm not going to pay attention to that. I'm not going to compare it." I mean, honestly, no matter how hard they tried, nobody's going to be able to compare with what the BBC is doing right now with Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch. I mean, that is quite possibly one of the best adaptations of Sherlock I've ever seen. I think if Sir Arthur Conan Doyle were alive today, that's how he would have written it. So I went in without these preconceived notions and tried to watch it just as a police procedural. And I got angry. In my past, I have worked in group homes. I have worked in the psychology field. One of my positions was working with those who are chemically addicted. I would have to bring them to NA meetings. I would have to do many things with them. So I have experience in this field. Everything that I see in this show contradicts everything having to do with the field of psychology and addictions. Number one, you would never have one person living with someone. Let me go back, because if you haven't seen elementary, I'm going to spoil things and I don't care. But if you haven't seen elementary, basically Watson is played by Lucy Liu. I can handle with the gender switch. And she's his addictions companion, which basically means that she's going to live with him for six months, I think it is, to kind of transition him out of rehab because he just got out of rehab. Yeah, no, you're not going to have one person living with an addict to keep them on the straight and narrow. That is counter productive. You're not going to have a female teamed up with a male whose preference is female and have them sleeping there. No, what you would normally have is you would have, even if he needed a 24 hour supervision, you would have a couple of different people who would take different shifts to be, if you want to call it a companion, it's essentially a direct care worker, somebody that is working with them day to day, going through the ins and outs of their lives. There's no point in having your counselor sleeping in the house. I mean, that's not supervising, that's sleeping. She doesn't seem to really under, she does understand certain things about addiction. I will give her that, but when he gives her classic lines that every addict gives, she believes him, you know, the whole, "Oh, well, I'm fixed, I'm done. I'm done with the drugs and you don't have to worry about me. You could take a vacation, why don't you take the night off?" And so she does, no actual counselor would do that. The guy's been out of rehab for less than a week and you're just going to take the night off. I don't think so. It doesn't work that way. There's a bunch of other things, he pushes her around and if she were good at her job, she would not allow that. Everything is highly inappropriate, I just, I just don't buy it. Certain aspects about the Sherlock character do screen classic addict to me and they're trying to make it as if it's him being special. No, this is classic addict behavior and it is not to be tolerated. That is what we're trying to correct. I tried to give it a second chance. I watched the second episode, I turned on the second episode and the first scene, she is sitting right next to him in the NA meeting, NA, Narcotics Anonymous. It's not anonymous if your counselor is sitting right next to you. That is not allowed. That is verbaten whenever I would have to take my consumers to NA, I sat in my lobby. They got to go, they got to share, they got to talk. It was none of my business what went on inside the meeting just as it is none of her business as to what's going on inside the meeting. Now you could see a sponsor perhaps that would be allowed but he hasn't chosen a sponsor yet and a sponsor is generally somebody who is a recovering addict themselves which she is not. She is a former surgeon who took on this job as an addiction companion, so stupid. It angers me not because it has anything to do with Sherlock, now it has nothing to do with that. It angers me because it's completely stupid, the premise is stupid. I do have a couple of suggestions to fix it if perhaps Lucy Liu were playing Sherlock. It might have been interesting and rewrite certain things about it. I could see that working very well if Lucy Liu's character Watson were actually, I don't know, a dog walker pretending that she had the credentials to do what she says she's doing. I could believe that because she's pretending but in this case she's not. Another suggestion that I heard a friend of mine said this and I think it would be fantastic is if Sherlock was not actually Sherlock his name was like Dave or something but he just thought he was Sherlock and he kept referring to her as Watson even though her name was Jones or something like that and it was part of his own psychosis that yes he was mental but that's part of why he's able to solve crimes the way that he does. A lot of the actors in this show I really enjoy I like Aiden Quinn, I like Lucy Liu. I actually don't think that Lucy Liu is doing a bad job. I think the show premise I think the plot and the writing is atrocious. The mysteries aren't hard they're very convoluted but it's just not really it's it's not engaging enough. I don't care about the characters and I really really hate the show and the thing that drives me nuts is you know what this show will probably get a second season and another really great sci-fi show is probably going to be cut down and canceled before it has a chance to finish it's story. So there you go that is my rant on elementary and I hope I didn't go too long but dah. Wow thank you for that yeah that was a great rant. You know what I think is is awesome too I know that JRD has some opinions he'd like to share on this show but Nutty's rant has nothing to do with my rant. Yeah you know what I suspect mine is going to be a little closer to you so what is your issue with the show? Well I've I've seen a lot of speculation that the whole reason behind the gender bend there is that they're going to try to play up the Sherlock Watson romance and so there's a lot of uproar on the intertubes about what's so what's so wrong with two guys living each other that they just want to say that they have to change Watson into a lady just to make it happen you know he's a lady why can't it like and listen I'm not trying to play into stereotypes at all either but at the same time why can't it basically be the Oscar wild mysteries like why can't this really snarky intelligent fellow go around and extravagant clothing just bopping people and you know occasionally getting pounded in the butt like I don't what's wrong with that why can't we do that you know what also come on America just suck it up and watch the British version it's obviously a high quality and it really I know I'm preaching to the choir here most of the people listening to my voice probably have watched the Sherlock you know original and yeah but just but that's very interesting to see like the reason why Nettie has a dislike for the show and I I agree like there's no it's when you examine the premise it completely falls apart you know like there's no way this would happen even if you don't know like the ins and out of the setup dudes just the setup sounds very much like a 70s or even 80s era sit sit calm or like they're just looking for a reason to throw them together to create this relationship you could gloss over the details of something like that and give a role to somebody that was much larger than what they would actually play in real life because the dissemination of info was so like low but these days I feel like television especially the high quality television really I'm pointing finger at HBO I guess the point is to to ratchet up the reality a little bit and to bring a little grittiness to it and you know which is really it's what's so great about the new Sherlock right like it feels very contemporary and very well no we have to wait so long I'm so sad anyway so yeah that was really really interesting point of view Nettie thank you so very much very very collardly contributing to the reasons we don't like that show and then Lucy Lou I really feel is still working off X versus Sever you feel like she still hasn't come back from that and the Charlie's Angels films yeah like I feel like those movies probably made her quite a bit of money but they did nothing for her acting resume anyway screw you Lucy Lou moving on okay there's a show title right that's the next season actually before we get to Gigantors game review I think it's time for a little segment we like to call yeah the box has been well we're approaching in Halloween oh my goodness we haven't even discussed the October 31 well we'll save our progress for the next one okay if anybody wants to play along at home to films that I can assure you we will have watched by next episode VHS available on demand and the orphanage 2007's the orphanage so the box what I was going to say is Halloween has me in a very classic kind of mood and the box has turned up as it's a little wax covered toffee is well greens old-fashioned candy classics Mary Jane's Mary Jane's very old school looking does it have any green additives yeah this this looks like something that I saw at our corner store the other day only it was called like netties something yeah it actually looks like something you would see in this store from episode 21 characters all right so while we chew away at these gooey looking things let's hear what Gigantor has to say it's stuck in my case hello flash cast and fellow monsters it's Gigantor and it's board game review time I was supposed to review one board game but gloom went ahead and jumped the roster so gloom it is this game is a two to four player card game it plays in about 30 minutes to an hour I believe the ages are about 13 and up I don't actually have the box with me so I can't confirm the actual age said on the box it does have some fairly morbid material in about the game so I can understand why the kid links are allowed to play the game cost me about $25 and the art is hilariously entertaining it is very gothic is very dark as are the families what happens is each players given a family of five family members although you can't cut down to four if you want a shorter game and the cards that you play with you have three different kinds of untimely death cards you have event cards and you have modifier cards then you have three phases to your turn before you pass on to the next person you have two play phases and a draw phase the idea of the game is to make your family your own family members as miserable as you can you put them through some series of events that would just leave people broken and that's the idea the worse they are on earth the better they'll have in the afterlife so you put your your family through the ringer and then they'll come out squeaky clean in the afterlife they'll have a good they'll have castles and puppies and and cake for all so obviously you want to play modifier cards until you deem it necessary that that character should be dying off the modern fire cards all have some kind of like title like was pierced by porcupines or was mauled by manatees the best part of this game and this is what makes this game a lot of fun is it's more about storytelling than anything else so you have your family members there's like the dark circus there's the frankenstein type family that are you know robbing graveyards to build automatons and such and what you're doing is you draw cards you get we'll take them all by manatees you you come up with a bit of a story you narrate it for the other players and then you play the card that'll give them a negative modifiers what you want there are also positive modifiers like found true love and such and you play these you can't play them on yourself because it will give you benefits but they'll slow your progress down or you can play them on the opponent and so they're progress now and then you can also not kill a character if he doesn't have a negative so that's kind of important anyway the the key to this game is the storytelling which if you have a couple good players that really know how to spin a yarn it makes for a really fun time and it's funny on how well the stories will net themselves together with all the other players it it just kind of falls into place I would give this game a four blazing torches out of five it's fairly easy to learn it's doesn't require a lot of third though there are some rule discrepancies it's not a complicated game and it is a lot of fun have a couple drinks get with some friends tell a couple stories kill a couple family members good times wait no that's oh god I'm out of here guys enjoy excellent juggantor thank you yeah another excellent entry actually I think I think just this moment we can officially declare that we're going to move him up after this episode to the official segment town I've I've seen that game for sale before or rather I haven't seen it for sale but I've seen it on like a game website before and it looks really great it's almost the construction of the cards I love the concept but it's almost unfortunate that it's a little bit too adult in content to be able to play with kids speaking of games that I would love to but cannot play with the children I think it was somewhere on Nutty's site that I had seen it but I found a downloadable copy of cards against humanity which is in case you don't know it's a sort of it's a card game and you have a card with a premise like today in school I learned you know and then blank and then you have a bunch of cards with just random things like Lance Armstrong's left testicle or something like that right I don't know Nazis you know yeah so you come up with the weirdest combinations of cards and basically everybody plays one of their white cards against the premise and whichever one is the funniest gets a point I'm actually I'm really excited to play that yeah it's a game that I've actually convinced Jamie that she wants to play so it you know it was free you got to download it just print it if you sent me the link I'll include it in the notes yeah it's great I should mention you can find Gigantor on the Twitter at Gigantor King and you can find Jeff at please lynch me or at oh Doc Blued can be found at Doc_Blue yeah you can play the secret layer dot com yeah we get rolling along in some time oh and fish can be fish can be located on the Twitter at three day fish or in the pond can't ever forget the fish because he is always listening yeah I was going to say or around every corner because he's always listening I got it in first alright well as we mentioned earlier in the episode we have a little bit of email from Savage Glenn now we're excited about this Buffalo meetup but originally my plan had been to essentially hit a hearties because there's no hearties up here it's just to try it you know yeah but Glenn has provided us with a very helpful list of local eateries that may actually better survive purpose and it would be nice to have something more regional just it's in America yeah it's a big cheeseburger yeah so a pope what did Savage Glenn have to say he says greetings flash pulp crew as I promised to JRD included is a list of fast food joints in Buffalo hopefully a decent variety the western New York area has greasy food and abundance so I'm sure that there will be something you like gyms stake out sub sandwiches tacos chicken fingers fries boneless chicken wings a place for carnivores that sounds yummy their most famous infamous sub is the stinger steak and chicken fingers oh that sounds so good they also have poutine out we're going there stamped it they also have poutine well that's what they call it anyway I'm sure it only vaguely resembles the Canadian version they have several locations around the area and to be frank it's popular with the drinking grad after the bars close sounds nice Ted's hot dogs hot dogs including chili dogs hamburgers and grilled chicken though they're the best known for their hot dogs decent place though most their locations are in the suburbs hmm Anderson's technically a frozen custard joint that's interesting but they're also known for their roast beef which is quite good again though it's mostly in the suburbs mighty taco sounds good for JRD a local taco burrito chain good stuff I think it's a not your book taco bell locations all over have I mentioned my disappointment at finding out that our nearest taco bell does not have the Dorito Loco I don't even know whether it's in Canada but he's like it's happening I saw a commercial it exists we're going and it's I mean it's not a horrible drive but it does a little bit of a drive to get there yep so I was and just angered yes I think he hit a man and finally there's just pizza they actually have more than just pizza but their specialty pizzas are what they're known for want a Hawaiian pizza with pineapple and ham taco pizza Jamaican jerk with jerk chicken yes breakfast pizza yes that and more several locations in the city now I have to say it sounds pretty good at it those sound very interesting taco Jamaican jerk and breakfast I have certainly never heard of but Hawaiian pizza I don't know if it's just a Canadian thing but it's a fairly common place here basically it's the pizza that gets served to children yep it's sweet like candy so yeah he says uh that's a start anyways and if you have any specific quest let me know no find it I think we should go to as many locations as we can before the monkeys start well we need to pick one though to meet everyone at I think the first one sounds the best the one with the poutine and the steak and chicken fingers yeah as soon as yeah yum I'm sold well she would only eat that food we may have to cut a couple selections out based on location that is we don't want to go too far from where we're staying to yeah I think it lost guys yeah but we'll put up uh once we've done a little bit of scoping out on google maps we'll put up a poll with yeah the most likely and maybe we can get some crab reaction even those who aren't going to be there to get involved dictating where we don't you're not going there and if you're in the buffalo area drop us a line comments at or any of the other venues that we hang around anywhere else yeah basically just really loud next to your window and we'll be there let us know because we'd love to meet up with you okay now time for are you a dassy oh ho so because Gigantor is moving up in the ranks he is getting a new theme song is it the same theme song as the jefferson's because he's moving on up moving on up the east side um no because i'm sure we can't use it copy ready but i have some solid plans it's going to be awesome looking forward to it excellent always glad to get a new segment bit although you're still working on new sort of sound scapes for the show um to be honest with you know i haven't had that for the future yeah speaking of the future oh oh never raised up oh i've got so much going on right now oh i just got so much going on right now um but the thing i'm most excited about is a box that is on its way to see me yes i'm very excited about the tv box from tibby yes great and wonderful there is sort of a head in there which is funny yes um i have been very um lucky to be on the receiving end of one of tibby's knitted unicorn hat i love those hats i mean i would never wear one myself but i do think they're fantastic we must post a picture of jrd wearing it or all right all right there is pictures of the on the internet of this last yeah tibby if you go to tumblr tibby's account is tumbling sideways and she's got several pictures of the ones that she's done we should stick them in the notes so people can just scroll down and see it because it's awesome so there's so i grab her photos but i guess i could my hair one so they are so great and everybody should go check this out and if you want one too send a hundred dollars to tibby at the internet in the tubes but because she tape it next to your window yeah because she's so awesome and has so generously offered to do this for me i have put a little something together myself for tibby so yes she's she's going to be on the receiving end of and it's open x one of a kind original very nice i'm very excited to send that off too and i'll be sure to take a picture so everybody can see it once tibby has oh and actually while we're discussing packages uh the skinnerco who's shaping up for next week as well yes yes i'm very excited about that one too i got to draw dibby billy's package and what girl doesn't want to draw on dibby's package on dibby's package i think it's really funny because it reminds me of the time that i did the lee amnesian comic and how many times i had to keep redrawing his package because i had to make it really big and i kept laughing every time so i'd mess it up and i that was like the hard part of the picture it reminded me of the big times the coming smith lee amnesian package is huge so yeah um in conclusion drawing packages is really fun and funny and also if you want to send me some kind of clothes packages you know a big fan of it anyway and also if you want to send me something feel free to do so and i'll send you something too it'd be great would be buddies comments at i like tentacles back room plots so jeez we put out a few fiction episodes since i left so we've been here yeah we had a guest episode yes from our own miss nine that was fantastic yes her award winning story that's right she was so excited to record it it was so cool yeah and yeah it was funny because at certain points she was much more comfortable than others so she was really timid and they're really loud but for her first time those things oh yeah oh yes you know jamie is a magical wizard so i am a wonder and it's the power of voodoo it's got a mr nine interested in the uh in the recording process he seemed interested in the technical data which is kind of interesting that sounds nice to have a guest episode yeah uh we also did a three-parter black hole we may have been partway through last time we discussed things i can't recall seems to have gone over fairly well pleased to hear it gotten some very nice commentary about it glad there's no uh no one with any problems and we also released the the legend the lighter the narrow sneaks that one was great the description of the decaying feet and toes was really good i was saying i'm like what if you just took off like one shoe like would you like float to the ground you know trying to think of the next guy and how they should do it yeah well i uh the problem with these stories is that you can't get into the what if this yeah anyway but yes i i had some thoughts on what would happen to that situation i've been skipping the musical segment of my portion of the show recently but i did want to mention it i did want to mention that i've been listening to a lot of the new smashing pumpkin album oh and Jessica May is giving me guff for one of the two we're applying it that is how this show is ending oh i see do you even know what the song is called no this okay so he's writing an urban legend in the car and he's like so i need to write some uh no i need to listen to some theme appropriate music here and it was so ridiculous like it was that's the whole it was the man hunter soundtrack again i know that and it's so ridiculous so like i can't stop 80s dancing while i'm driving he's like you're making me laugh you're so distracting i'm like how do you not but how do you put this on it and expect me to behave gram i'm all gram i need to hear hot beats now i'm gonna win no i can feel the white tea down below so that's the uh the will gram theme i believe it's a beaut man hunter there was a lot of like what do you call this it's like a fist pump but there's a shoulder in it and it's like a strong individual fish shake i should like put a really short video of me doing it wait remember that uh is it like the funeral directors or something and they're just like there's that woman in she's dancing her and her husband and it was on the soup and it's the same lady that peed herself oh yeah and she's just like dancing with her oh yeah oh so quality yeah we've discussed this before yeah just a series of awkward moments so horrible and just a heads up that monday mm-hmm the fellas at new fiction writers podcast mm-hmm will be hijacking our feed in order to put it one of their own stories so we're very excited about that they've had some site issues so we're happy to lend them the uh the bandwidth mm-hmm so please join us for that that's again on monday and then a mulligan following that we mulligan wednesday if you'd like to follow us on twitter you can do so at skinnico which you should uh right it's the source for all the dancing certainly yeah and uh or you can follow us individually jaredie skinner the jesica may or a popo next with a zero we have vaccinations against that the source of all the dancing huge thanks to jim for hosting wiki dot and thank you jim you enjoy the show tell a friend really enjoy the show we've got a donate button on the site if you have comments questions or suggestions you can find us at or email us text for mp3s to comments at the entire run of flashbulb can be found at or via the search bar and iTunes flashcast is released under the Canadian creative comments contribution augurge will take way to have license you didn't hock me this is the first time you're out. [Music]