The Skinner Co. Network

FC70 - Crusty Peeps

Broadcast on:
26 Sep 2012
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Prepare yourself for: Eye gnawing bacteria, Captain Worf, Eggs Benedict, Fred Phelps, and Mulligan Smith.

Read the full show notes at

[music] Sunday's gloomy, my hours are slumberless. Dear is the shadows I live with by nonetheless. Little white flowers are never making you. Not where the brach ultra-sol is taking you. [music] ♪ Angels have no fire ever turning you ♪ ♪ Would they be angry if I sort of join you ♪ ♪ Ooh, Sunday ♪ Hello and welcome to Flashcast 70, a Skinner Co presentation. Skinner Co, it makes its own gravy. This episode is also brought to you by generous donations from Colorado Joe and Juju click. Prepare yourself for I Nying Bacteria, Captain Worf, Eggs Benedict, Fred Phelps, and Mulligan Smith. ♪ Where is it a sad I know ♪ ♪ Ever my weak, ever know that I'm glad to go ♪ [music] ♪ Death is no dream for any death I'm caressing you ♪ ♪ With the strength of my soul I'll be blessing you ♪ ♪ Ooh, Sunday ♪ [music] Hi, I'm Opoponax, and joining me at the crossroads at midnight are Jessica May, hello, and JRD. Hello, been a little while since we've done one of these. I know, I know, forever. Now that fall is setting in, I believe we'll probably get back to a more regular schedule. I like to be regular. It's important to stay regular. We've got the window open a little though. It's a nice fall evening, a little chill in the air. Leaves rustling and such. And one of the signs of the season, Jessica May, have you heard about the new flavor of Oreos that they've got out? Is it pumpkin? No, although we are getting to that point where everything is pumpkin. Yeah. But no, in this instance, target has an exclusive flavor of Oreo, candy corn. Oh, yes, I saw this. See, okay, because maybe you'll learn. It's hard to get. If you go to the bulk barn, you can only get it during this season. And I can understand how the innards of an Oreo are quite like candy corn. Really? I was thinking maybe they were just looking for another way to try to get you to eat it because the candy corn wasn't looking at it. Whatever, but if this doesn't come out in Canada, we need someone. Well, it's target only. And I don't think any of the target stores around us are built in. Okay, America. So we're not their target audience. Actually, we are, but not yet. Yeah, they've bought up a bunch of joints around our place in our garden. They're replacing zellers with targets here. Okay, so that brings up the question, at least to my mind. Are there any other seasonal candies that you're excited about stealing from the kids' bags? Candy canes. Oh, wait. Candy canes? That was the wrong season. Give me Christmas now. It's a seasonal candy. You've apparently been focused on these candy cans. You're like, I'm eating a candy cane. Give me my candy canes. I really like green apple lollipops. And there's this one green apple lollipop that I got when Miss Nine was born. And I've been searching for this green apple lollipop ever since. It's a sour green apple. Seven eleven, right? Yeah. And it had a sour green apple gum in the middle. I really am a sucker for the mini chocolate bar. A sucker? Yeah. They're smaller, so it's like you're not really doing it. And... Well, I'm at a point in my life where I'm not necessarily looking for a full chocolate bar. I just want a taste. Yes. I just want the taste of O'Henry I can save. I want the taste of many. And Tootsie Rolls. Those happen. Sometimes you get like candy apple. That'd be great. But that's not something you can steal because not many of them come in the bag. Anyways, I've been stealing a lot less candy as children get older. When they're younger, they're like older, shouldn't be younger. It's harder than just. But it would be good. Yeah. Exactly. So. Good thing we have little kids. Still have candy to steal. Yeah. And good thing we have... ♪ I open my breath ♪ So, I see we've got mob movie night coming up. Yeah. Yes, there's some... We have... Interesting revelations in regards to it. Game night and mob movie night coming up. Mm-hmm. Game night actually coming a little sooner. The 29th. Yeah. I'm excited about both of them. Savage Glen's going to run us through a savage world. Actually a corporate espionage meets Cthulhu. This is kind of... I'm very excited. There's still time to jump in if you want two monsters. Just swing on by the flash and check the forum. Mm-hmm. Glen's got a nice posting up there. Everything you need to know to get on board. It's a couple bucks for a PDF and then you're good to go. Everything else we're going to do over Google Hangout, which is nice and free. Yay. And then mobby mobby. Mm-hmm. Uh, movie night will be coming up on October 6th, which is during Canadian Thanksgiving. So we're actually going to be in mom's basement. We're going to be really thankful that you guys can join us for movie night. Yeah. Maybe they'll be, you know, some family you haven't met before. They get totally gone too. Yeah. That'll be fun. Some strange dogs. You'll be grand. The last one was so much fun. Mm-hmm. And a reminder, everything on this one is also free. We're going to watch Cannibal the Musical. Whoo! Which trauma has released for free to YouTube. So theoretically, we're just going to use the YouTube add-on to Google+ and be able to watch it synchronize at the same time. Anybody needs to render the washer and we can pause. Everybody will pause at the same time. Mm-hmm. Should work well. But we're going to bitch in mode while you're gone. We're going to talk about you. Yeah. I can't believe he has to pee again. He must have a problem. I'm sorry. I have a small bladder. Mm-hmm. Okay. Something else I'm very excited about. What are you very excited about? I realize this has gotten around a little bit more now that it's been a while since we've... Casted? Yeah. Released a Flashcast. But I'm still so excited about it that I have to mention it. Okay. There is rumor, which I originally heard from. Oh, I should mention that it was Dr. Jones himself who sent in that candy corn Oreo link. Oh, very nice. Oh, thank you, Dr. Jones. Is it something he was developing himself? Mm-hmm. I don't know if he was involved in the... He must have had a hand. Perhaps. But our hair and mentioned on Twitter, I believe, that Michael Dorn... Mm-hmm. Also known as Worf, yes. Is working on hopefully pitching a spin-off series in which he is a starship captain. That's awesome. That's like one of the entries of Captain Worf. I would totally watch that. Mm-hmm. Absolutely. A couple of times. I have been yearning for the flavor of Star Trek The Next Generation for a while now. Yeah. There's something... I know. It came up in the... I hope they could recapture it. It came up in the ning mob a little while ago. I think they were trying to get a reboot going of The Next Generation crossed over with the office. [laughter] Yes. Oh, yes. That's pretty exciting. Brilliant plan. Rich and Strozberg and I cooked up. Yeah. But yes. The thing is that I think we may even have discussed it here. Voyager rings as a sort of B-class Next Generation. Mm-hmm. It goes produced around the same time and you get kind of the same vibe. But the scripts aren't really very solid and the cast is sorry. I've been lacking. People's heads look like bums. I couldn't get over it. The bum heads? Yep. Like the butt heads and the living color. Kind of see it. It's good. Yeah. Anyway, it may never get anywhere, but I'm excited about the idea. Mm. I think it's a surefire way to move forward. Mm-hmm. At least on TV. Enterprise was just a huge misstep and feels like the franchise has been floundering for a while now. Missing some wharf. Yeah. That's all it needs. Yeah. And the fact that it's wharf, they could make it, I don't want to say turn it into Battlestar Galactica because that's not what that universe is about. Mm-hmm. But because it's wharf and he's a Klingon and whatever situation they throw him into, maybe it could be a little bit grittier. Yeah. But not so gritty that it feels like Alien to the universe. Mm-hmm. Alien to the universe. Mm-hmm. That was very good, Smith. Uh... I want to get to the part where we eat the moon pies. Mm-hmm. Soon, soon. The box is calling me. A lot of, uh... We'll just touch on this generally, but there's a lot of news floating around about Avengers too in the Shield TV series. Really? Yeah. I haven't heard that. Joss has been talking about it a little bit. Avengers too, I... Yeah. He's, I think he's, like, totally nailed down. He's on board. He's molding the various franchises too. I'll be headed in the same direction and kind of hopefully interweave the same plot. Very nice. That's awesome. I mean, he says he's trying to be, he's trying to balance it. He doesn't want to be the guy everyone fears because he shows up and says, no, this is wrong. This is wrong. Mm-hmm. At the same time, they're working to, yeah, they've got a thread and they're working on it. So we recently watched Kevin in the Woods, speaking of Joss Whedon. Mm-hmm. And I think we wanted to avoid talking about it previously, but I think it's been out long enough now. We can discuss a bit of it because it's almost impossible to avoid some of the plot details. Mm-hmm. I knew for a long time that you were really excited for when it would come out, but I had no idea on the premise. Like, I figured, like, there was probably some sort of fever that went around or whatever. You weren't even aware that Joss Whedon was attached for a long time either. Yeah, no, I had no idea. Yeah. 'Cause... Like, I saw it on the credits. I was like, Joss Whedon, oh my God! I'm so much more excited to see this movie. Mm-hmm. And at every turn, it was just, it was so amazing. Yeah. It is definitely a film. A film, movie. I've been really trying to limit the amount of media that I take in before film lately, and I had picked up a lot of buzz off of... Cabin in the woods, because I think it had been in, like, the making for years and years. Like, it seems like I was taking forever to get that thing made. Mm-hmm. But I would always avoid plot details as much as possible. And I'm really glad that I did. And I've been, it's justified in my mind doing it a little more and more. Like, trying not to watch trailers. If I know I'm going to, what was the film? Sinister. Sinister with Ethan Hawke. And it's a fairly low-budget-y kind of thing, but it looks properly creepy. It's actually by the same, not the same director, but the same producer who released Insidious on a couple of other things. Oh, okay. And it has that proper kind of creepiness about it. Mm-hmm. And I liked, well, I mean, we did hit a barrier with Insidious and its budget. If you remember the PBS in the dark scene that I've referred to a few times now. No, you don't recall that where there's a fellow with a light and he just gets wandering into this massive dark area. It just looks really like Doctor Who between sets, like back in the '70s when they were just, well, listen, he's in a huge cavern. So let's just walk around this dark room for a while. Yeah. Anyway, so there are budget concerns, but at the same time, this looks like a nice, gritty, murder, psychopath plot that doesn't necessarily need Insidious's, you know, ghostly effects. Mm-hmm. Man, I don't remember anything about Insidious at all. Oh, I quite enjoyed that film. I had a happily re-watching. Actually, speaking of these movies, we've got the October 31 coming up. Mm-hmm. I totally re-watch "Cabin of the Woods" for October 31. Oh, my gosh. I am, like, this close to wanting to watch out with the kids. "Cabin of the Woods"? Yeah. No. If not for the boobies and the, like, maimings and fairness. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The end sequence is not for them. Yeah, but it's such a good introduction movie. Yeah. Exactly. Like, when I think about, oh, you know, the first horror movies I saw was my parents. Yeah. That I knew were actual grown-up horror movies, you know? There's going to come a time. I feel like "Cabin of the Woods" is classic enough. That there will come a time when we're like, okay, we think you're old enough to watch "Cabin of the Woods". Yeah. It'll be one of those films. I was watching way creepier stuff, way younger than them. Well, yeah, exactly. I remember that. Yeah. Yeah. But the truth is because we've been a little more careful than maybe perhaps our parents were. Maybe they're a little bit more sheltered and they would be a little bit more frightened. Yeah. They get a little more easily frightened in that absolutely case. Anyway, the October 31. We've already got quite a few movies listed. There's a Google Doc. I'll link to it in the notes. Yep. If you have a movie that you think we should watch that you don't recall us mentioning on the show, even if you're not sure, just send it along. I mean, if we have seen it, we won't watch it. Mm-hmm. I'd really like to see the original "The Living Dead." I think that's perfect for every single October. We have this thing running with the kids that we started the movie to see how long they would last. And Mr. Nine lasted like eight seconds. This is a couple of years ago. Yeah. It was just like when the music started, it was too much. Creepy music. Damn, he got made to get him like a Halloween TV one year and completely scared himself. And then Miss Nine, she lasted about like thirty-five seconds. So I want to see this year how long they can last. I think they've toughened up a little. Yeah. Absolutely. We'll see. We'll see what the count is. I try to make the October 31 because it's so concentrated in films. We do a few classics that I've seen before, but generally I try to keep it to new stuff because there's also the burnout factor. Like, once we're done the horror time, I actually know. Usually I get hate for burnout. We never have burnout for horror movies. I like that some years it's a little heavier on the Freddie or it's a little heavier on the Jason or the Halloween. Yeah. But this year it would be nice especially to focus on the newer films. Or not necessarily new films, but new to us. Yeah. We kind of had a Jason year last year, wasn't it? Yeah. Which is interesting because I hadn't really seen the Jason movies very much. One of the first October 31s that I attempted, I watched all of them back to back to back. Wow. And that was exciting. Actually, I really, I came out of that having all of these ideas floating around for like a thesis on a connecting a unified theory of Jason, essentially. But I never got around to writing it. Maybe I'll sit down and get that done sometime. What was that movie that I pointed out to you that was like the fan movie that had Jason, Freddie, and Pinhead? Oh, it's by the same fellow who's hoping to do that George R. Martin fan flick. What is that again? Was it by the same person? Are you sure? Yeah. Same director. I'm pretty sure. You're thinking of the Dunkin' Egg Tales. Dunkin' Egg Tales. Yeah. I'm almost sure it was the same guy. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm wrong. I remember coming across it around the same time, but not connected. I thought it was the same director. Anyway, I'm really interested in seeing that one. I can't, of course, recall the name of it at the moment, but I should look that up and find a link and post it on the Ning Mob or something like that, because it looks like a lot of fun. I think anything having to do with Pinhead is a lot of fun, though. Well, most everything anyway. Yeah. Yeah. He's one of my favorites. Well, we're talking horror items in a more real life setting, actually. Have you guys heard about the San Diego Counterterrorism Summit that's going to be taking place near the end of October? No. They're running over Halloween. I guess this is a yearly event where they essentially, you know, leading minds of the field, go and do some talks. It's a con for anti-terrorism-- Do they, like, have booths and sell things? Yeah, I believe there's, like, a trade show floor, and there's also, like, you know-- I'd wonder what would be there. How to find terrorist kits. I could be absolutely-- I could also be entirely wrong, but I'm fairly sure that most people there are trying to sell something. Terrorists. But they also have tactical simulations involving, you know, generally it's real-life events. Playing Halo. You know, generally it's terrorism, natural disaster, pandemic kind of response. This year they're trying something a little different with at least one of their simulations. Zombies? Zombies. Zombies. Nice. They're going to see how people react to an unexpected threat. Yeah. So they're trying to keep it serious. An unexpected zombie threat. Yeah. And really aren't all zombie threats unexpected. What? Otherwise they're not really threats. You just walk away real fast. What if they're fast zombies? You know what? The concept of fast zombies scares me. In case we've never clarified this. In my mind, fast zombies are like ghouls. Okay. They're not zombies. To me zombies are critically-- it's critical to a zombie's nature to be slow. To be slow. All right. All right. I can dig that. Ghouls. Okay. Before we get to some more bothersome business, I just wanted to quickly mention that our friends over at Clark's World magazine are working very hard to move out of their classification and into pro. Way to go, Clark's World. Yeah. Yeah. They've been, you know, Neil Clark had a heart attack earlier this year. And that was a little scary. Mm-hmm. But he seems to be recovering well. And one of the things that my understanding is that it's essentially focused him to want to move up Clark's World, you know, live the dream and all that. Yeah. So if you enjoy short science fiction and all fiction of quality-- And get your ass over there. Go over to and subscribe or give them some general money. Mm-hmm. Assist them. They want your heart's mind and ass over at Clark's World. All right. But on a considerably more terrifying note, I'm sure. Oh my god. What is it? I hope it's-- I wonder if it's finally going to be Jeff's baby vengeance. No. No. No. It's not today. You said it's getting way too complicated for me. Yeah, you said it, Barack. [MUSIC] SpongeBob there. I have terrible vision. Like off the chart terrible vision. I began wearing glasses when I was in the third grade and was that goofy kid in the front row of the classroom that everyone picked on. Before I was a teacher's pet, you know the taunts. These days that sort of behavior would be called bullying. But back then, we just called it childhood and all I wanted to do was see the blackboard. By the time I reached seventh grade, I was completely used to being the class geek. Those big plastic frames were just part of my face and I have the class photos to prove it. Actually, by then, there were several other kids wearing glasses so my nerd cred was taking a dive. Good thing too, because that summer my parents had a big surprise for me. One afternoon, a few weeks before school went back into session. They threw me into the back seat of mom's big old Pontiac and drove me to the optometrist. I was psyched. Being a teenager now, I thought perhaps I was going to get actual cool glasses? Maybe some nifty wire frames for a change. Not the case. This time, contact lenses. For the first time since third grade, my classmates would see my face and not my goggles. It was the best gift ever. The lab tech taught me how to handle and insert the little plastic disks as well as the importance of hand washing prior to touching them and proper cleaning and disinfecting techniques. Although the solutions and materials have changed over the years, I still strictly adhere to those techniques. And it's paid off. After all these years, I've only ever had a few minor problems with eye health. Good on me, I suppose, because there's a nasty little creature lurking all around that loves nothing more than to chew away at your contact lens and then, for dessert, your eye. Here's more from the Daily Mail. Contact lens wearers are at the mercy of a bug that is found in tap water and gnaws through the eyeballs causing blindness scientists have warned. In addition to tap water, the Acanthomeba parasite is also found in dust in the sea, showers, and swimming pools. Millions of people are at risk worldwide for this potential problem. The actual number of infections is small, but treatment is long, painful, and not completely effective, leaving many blinded every year. Theonia Henriches of the University of West Scotland said, "It is a potential problem for every single contact lens wearer." Professor Craig Roberts of the Strathclyde University, who is working with Dr. Henriches to produce better contact lens cleaning solutions, said, "It's absolutely everywhere." The British Science Festival in Aberdeen heard that Acanthomeba, a tiny single-celled parasite, feeds on bacteria found on dirty contact lenses and cases. When the lens is put into the eye, it starts to eat its way through the cornea, the outer layer of the eyeball and breeding as it goes. Symptoms include itchy and watery eyes, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, swelling of the upper eyelid, and extreme pain. Vision can be permanently damaged within a week, said Graeme Stevenson, an optician. Generally, it leaves you with scarring. Your cornea is your window on life, and if the infection penetrates in towards the third layer, you are left with scarring with a kind of frosty windscreen. He added that many of the 75 infections recorded each year in the UK occur because people fail to follow the instructions they were given by their optician, usually a lot of its non-compliance. It's patient rinsing their cases out in tap water or rinsing their lenses out in tap water. Potentially, something as simple as swimming or showering while wearing the lenses increase the risk significantly. Treatment includes data all like eye drops with patients initially being treated every 20 minutes, day and night, and spending up to three weeks in hospital. The most severe cases are given cornea transplants. Advice for avoiding the bug includes keeping lenses and cases clean and replacing them regularly. The British Contact Lens Association advises against wearing contact lenses while swimming, unless goggles are also worn. And if contact lenses are kept in while showering, eye should be tightly closed. Dr. Tara Beatty of Strathclyde University said, millions of people wear contact lenses and don't have a problem. We don't want people thinking we can't wear lenses anymore. That's not the case, but what they need to do is be diligent about keeping them clean. You know, after reading this story, I'm thinking lysic surgery might not be so frightening after all. I'm Jeffrey Lynch and that's This Week's Spot of Bother. When he got to the part where it said "breeding", I really thought that there was going to be more description there and I was frightened. But once I saw the waveform coming to an end, I felt a little better. I don't get that kind of problem because I wear a monocle. She uses one eye at a time. She just switches the monocle. Yeah, that's disgusting. Wash yo' cells. At least it wasn't babies. Yeah. Or baby eyeballs. Moving on. Thanks a lot, Jeff. Thank you very much. It was very enjoyable. You can find all of Jeff's bothersome business over at On Twitter, please link to me. It's kind of sad to hear that he was, like, picked on a lot because he's such a cool guy. Yeah, Rich, you should do something about that. You should, like, go back in time and kick everybody's ass. But maybe you wouldn't be so special cool. Okay, I guess we'll just leave it for now. How about we leave it up to Jeff, okay? We won't go behind his back to Rich to change his early life. Okay. Actually, that does remind me of another sickness. I believe it's a worm that gets into your eye. River blindness, I believe is what the condition is called. If I recall correctly, Jimmy Carter is really into helping people in third world nations that suffer from river blindness. And it's the same thing. It's a little parasite that exists in the water and people get it in their eyes when they go in the river too often. And then it slowly causes cataracts. Ew. Ew. Ew. It pews all over your eyeballs. They do become blind. They do become blind, hence the name. And I think it's horribly painful. I believe a lot of people go crazy from having it happen. Jeez, just want to rip out your eyes. Yeah. But... Pop them out. Ew. Now not to, you know, break this down to such a ridiculous aesthetic, but it does look kind of cool. Like their eyes have this odd sort of dune look. Yeah. Muddy. Really, really milky. Yeah. It's interesting. It's horrible in a way. Yeah, let's go for it. Blindness, woo. Okay. Parasites. Anyhow, thanks a lot, Jeff. Yes. Fresh fish. A new batch of cinematic pulp with the always listening. Three day fish. Three day fish here with another review. This week, I'm reviewing Judge Dred. You can definitely tell that this movie is a comic book movie just by the dialogue. And also, they stick to the helmet and the guns from the comics. They're pretty loyal to that, just like in the original. And there's a lot of gratuitous action as to be expected, but there are things that they didn't overdo that I was worried they might, like his partner is a mutant who can read minds and I was worried like, "Oh, they're never gonna get stuck up on 'cause she can just read minds and be like, "Oh, hey, someone's sneaking up on us." But, or they get dropped on a couple of times. So that's good. They weren't unbeatable. Just nearly unbeatable. The action was well done. And if you're looking to save a few bucks, there's only a few scenes that would have been really cool to see in 3D. I did not personally see it in 3D, but there were a few scenes where I was like, "Oh man, that would have been super duper cool." So anyway, this is a green light for you action. Folks, man, for Pope Folks in general. I feel like you can enjoy this movie as long as you know you're walking into an action flick. So that is all. Always listen. I must confess as soon as I hear the phrase, "His partner is a mutant who can read minds." I do get a little bit concerned, but... It's a little concerning, just a little. I still look forward to it. Sounds like it's gonna be a quality film. And it's not gonna be a semester still alone, you know? I can't hold that against it. My natural inclination was to sing some Britney Spears lyric that would fit in really nicely there, but I'm gonna save that. Britney Spears lyric? Oh yeah. You're like waiting for me to do it. Come from beyond to save us from our own past. Gibraltar has found only one solution to protect us. Here, now, is your horrible histories. Last time on horrible histories. Rich of the seas being overrun by Nazi zombies, what are we gonna do? Nuke the sight from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. Teddy Roosevelt still owes me money. That can... Curse new mark summers. Who's going to fly this airship? Oh, I fight dinosaurs here at the center of the Earth. I'm gonna leave on the wind. Watch how I soar. And now, the conclusion. Well, welcome back, my little kitty. You're a fantastic fantasy. Yeah, you're, uh, Gibraltar's in the back. He's, uh, kind of tied up at the moment. You'll never get away with this. You're your fantastic scope. Oh, quite you. Ha. And I haven't seen that delicious little cat of yours anywhere. I hate you. You're such a creepin'. Oh my god. Anyway, let me tell you about very fantastical stories of Atlantis. Okay, for one, Atlantis was a myth. Atlantis, the legendary island, first mentioned by Plato in his dialogues, Timus and Cratus, written around 360 BCE. According to Plato, Atlantis was a naval power lying outside the pillows of Hercules. What? That's ridiculous. They conquered most of Western Europe and Africa 9,000 years before the time of Ceylon. That's completely ridiculous. After a failed attempt to invade Athens, Athens sank between beneath the ocean in a single day and night of misfortune. See, some ancient writers at the time considered Atlantis to be a work of fiction, but we all know that's not true, 'cause it was obviously real with so much evidence. Atlantis was now a great use by Plato to mark the overabundances of, and condolences of his society, and the divine punishment of the gods would have if their ways didn't change. Oh, you don't have to be like that. But where is Atlantis, my good monsters? That's where experts have become divided. The major places of Plato's description are often conveniently overlooked, so their researchers, particularly theory, make sense. For example, the location of Atlantis is quite clearly described as Plato. The researchers nevertheless have found Atlantis pretty much everywhere else. I think possible locations also include Antarctica, the island of Thera, Cyprus, and Central America, just to name a few, but as we all know, Atlantis really lifted off. Of course it was aliens. Aliens really. Of course, all my information is provided by my fantastic peer. I have, but there's one thing you forgot. I've got a lab cat. Oh. Oh, please, what's your little kitty cat going to do? Ha, ha, ha, ha. Oh, God, physical violence! My one weakness! Ha, ha, ha! Where did you get a giant metal lab cat? Oh. Well said. I don't think that needs to be expoundered upon whatsoever. Oh. Oh. Oh. And we've destroyed the fantastoscope. Got the histoscope back in working order? Looks like things should come down here for a while. Maybe. Well then, Kent, you got to say the day, so you get to pick it out for our music, like I promised. Oh. Oh. Ha. Well, I've got most of mine. [music] [music] [music] [music] That was awesome. Yeah, that was an epic entry, sir. Yeah. Yeah, that was totally unexpected and awesome. I must say, though, somebody needs to check out Nutty now, because I'm very concerned that the reaver is just killed her. Oh. Oh, yes, yes. Or a lab cat will make everything right. Yeah, I guess Rich was on hand, so theoretically it can't be that far off course. Excellent entry. Mm-hmm. And interesting too. And informative. We all learned a little something. Yes. Yes. Fantasticly. Number one health concern in Atlantis? Physical violence? [laughter] That was awesome. My only weakness. [laughter] I eating bacteria. Yeah. Oh, yes. It's always in their context. They can't get away from the stuff. Thanks, Gibraltar. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. That must have taken some time. Some efforts. Speaking of Syrian installments, actually, something else I'm quite excited about. It's time for another entry in the ongoing saga of Dark Ezreal. [knocking] [music] [music] In the last episode, the results of the Hawkface Man's plan began to reveal themselves. Now, the latest episode of Doc Ezreal, Angel of Death. The Goons positioned at the upper windows of the warehouse continued to fire at any police officer foolish enough to poke his head out from undercover. The Goons focused on their task, the periodic crack of gunshots, and the ever-increasing whine of the device in the center of the building, made them blissfully unaware of what was going on below. After another, the planks making up the wooden crates positioned around the open chamber began to buckle and pop outward. With each splintering board, the scientists responsible for monitoring the machine moved closer together and further from the metalman's atrocities that were emerging. Each creature was approximately the size and shape of a common chimpanzee. Though crouched over as they exited their prisons, the automaton stood nearly five and a half feet tall once they pulled themselves up to their full height. They were all identical, made from metal. Their joints largely protected by a gray casing, but still with plenty of wires and pistons visible. Electric red eyes peered out of metallic skulls. On each one arm terminated in a tooth twice, while the other ended in a wicked claw featuring three jointed fingers and a thumb. The hawk-faced man cackled with glee, a disturbing sound to his man, who read rarely seen him smile, much less laugh. Meet my truggly dines. These obedient, inorganic minions will serve me tirelessly thanks to this Tesla generator. In the antenna that we have placed throughout the district will ensure them complete freedom of movement. He paused to observe his new servants. They appear sluggish, increase the power. The scientist glanced at one another for a long moment before one of them replied, "Yes, yes sir." The speaker looked to his peers who continued to hesitate, and then with a stern look, he stepped to the control panel himself. Twisting a large dial, he reported the changes on the gauges. 94, 97, 99, full power achieved. Elsewhere, a sickening, shredding sound announced the opening of a rift in reality itself. Officer Corley paced impatiently outside the Natural History Museum. When Sergeant Power had asked for help with the warehouse, Corley had requested to be assigned here. The young officer had been so convinced this morning that this location was important. But after several hours of holding down the sidewalk, Ronald was beginning to think he had chosen Corley. He leaned against his squad car and unfolded the map for the fourth time in as many hours. While he didn't quite remember making the marks yesterday, he was convinced they were accurate. The warehouse lead had panned out hadn't it. He had heard Power call for reinforcements a couple of hours ago. In the second mark, it was clearly located right here outside the museum. He shook his head and started to make his way around to the driver's side of his sedan. Maybe he should go help the Sergeant. At least that way his day wouldn't have been a complete waste. As his hand touched the handle of the car's door, Corley heard a massive wreck behind him. Turning quickly and instinctively crouching behind the vehicle for cover, Ronald's hand went to the gun at his hip. There, in the middle of the air, floating above the steps of the museum was a tear. A large tear that seemed to be leaking sickening green energies, and that was getting bigger by the moment. Officer brought his pistol to bear and steadied it on the roof of his car elsewhere. A mysterious driver of cab 936 calmly handled an elongated package over the back of the passenger seat to Doris Corley. Our friend thought you might want this. Cautiously, Doris pulled at the outer package. She could see that it would contain a long bow and a metal stripped arrows. But what is this? Cold steel, I imagine. Doris didn't really register the cab's answer. She was busy examining the weapon. The young woman hadn't handled a bow in years, certainly not since she had met Ronald. But when she was in school, she had been a competitive archer. How had he known? Just how long had the man in black been watching her? And why did he think she would want this now? The yellow vehicle pulled her on the corner to the street facing the Natural History Museum and slowed to a stop. Since that's your husband miss? The driver gestured to the police officer ahead of them on the road. Doris slid out of her seat, slinging the bow and quiver arrows over her shoulder out of old habit. That was her runny up there and beyond him a greenish glow that put her in mind of something very old. She walked slowly towards her husband, watching the hole forming in the air above the street. Something was coming through. Several somethings. Without thinking, she knocked her new bow and took aim. Very nice to see Doris stepping up. The supernatural turn is becoming quite interesting. You can't just rip a hole in space and time and then not to get back to it. Yeah, I know when I summon forth tires and reality, I'm all over that. Yeah. Well, I'm sure we'll find it more and Duck has real 15. If you want to catch up on the adventures, actually I know he's kind of posted up the text of 15 already. So if you don't want to wait for the audio version, you can actually read ahead at Cheaters, pumpkin eaters, yet. It is the season. Next, I believe Gigantor has a little more board game information to provide us. Hello Flashcast and fellow officers, it's Gigantor and I got a board game review for you guys. It's Don Escajas the Resistance. I first played and picked up this game at Fan Expo. Actually, in the game shop below the hotel, that was mentioned in Flashcast 69. One of my hotel roommates brought this game and introduced it to me and Scott and a few others. The game is for ages 13 and up, though I would imagine you can get away with a younger crowd playing. There's no adult content involved in the game and the rules are pretty simple. It plays in 30 minutes and it requires 5 to 10 people to play. The art has a very Battlestar Galactica feel to it. The new series, not so much the old Lorne Green 70s series 60s. I'm getting my ears wrong. I hope I'm not insulting anybody. With the game, everyone has dealt out a card with their identity, whether you're a spy or part of the Resistance. Everyone closes their eyes, the spies open their eyes to identify one another, and then the game proceeds. It's 5 rounds. Each round, a team leader has to nominate a team of 2-3 people depending on the round. Then, before the mission actually gets underway, all the players get to vote yes or no if they want this team to go on the mission. So, if there's suspicion that one of the members going on the mission is a spy and might make the mission fail, they can vote no, and if majority carries, then the mission is scrapped. A new team leader is chosen, a new team is chosen, and the round kind of starts over. If a mission is okay to go, green-lighted, then the people on the mission each put in a card. They each have a successor or a fail card. The Resistance can only play the Success card, which stands to reason. The spy can play the fail or success card, so I guess if he wants to avoid suspicion for a round strategies. Then, what happens is everyone or the team leader will gather the cards, flip them over, and if there's even a single fail, then the mission is scrapped, the spies take that round. Since it's around 5, best of 5 takes it and are declared the winners. I really, really enjoyed this game. The first time I played this game, I played with Scott, my friend Ryan, and a few other people from Toronto. One of the people from Toronto was a psychologist. I don't know if it was my maniacal laughter, but every time I was a spy, she spotted me pretty well immediately, or had a very strong suspicion, which I couldn't prove wrong. So I guess lesson here is not to play with psychologists. Anyway, I'm going to give this game a 3.5 blazing torches out of 5. I guess someone broke a torch and gave me the stubby end for this one. Mostly because, though it is a very quick game and you can get a lot of rounds in, you need a small army to play it. Though I would imagine if you got a lot of people, it would make the game extremely hectic and extremely exciting. But that is my review on the resistance. And I hope you guys enjoyed. Thanks for listening. Talk to you guys soon. Bye. That's awesome. That sounds like a game we could possibly play on the mob. Yeah, that's an interesting idea. Yeah, I've played games like that before, or very limited. Something like Mafia, though. I love those sort of trust games where there is... You know, it's awesome because I was just thinking about that the other day, how we'd love to have something like that going on in the mob. Oh, we should get that going in the ning mob. That would be a perfect place to go. I've got to figure out the setup for it. Like, I'm sure there's somewhere. I could look somewhere. Mm-hmm. Yeah, well it's a little written to start. This sounds like a great game to play with a room full of people. For real. I think I remember him mentioning the game while we were at Mob Expo and then the same people who sold us Dominion. The same, I should say, like, 9-year-old girl who sold us Dominion was also pushing this game and mentioning the Galactica game. They're pushing the Galactica influence as well. It really, the art really looks like it's a non-licensed Battlestar Galactica game. And I mean the idea of, you know, the hidden people and the silent ones. Yeah, that's awesome. Sweet. Oh, just a note. I do believe that Galactica was late '70s. Just... There you go. You can tell 'cause of the hair. You can tell because it's the Star Wars report. But Gigantor really hit the marks on this one. He's really getting the notes, like playtime. Good work, Gigantor. Frozen cons. Yeah, excellently done. And we all learn don't play with psychologists. Yeah. Yeah. Any of these sort of anything more than craps. Even then. And even then I think you should have your craps alone. Yeah. Oh, rough. Okay, well, with that, let's move on to... Real bag. Okay, I think we have a pair of calls today, but first we're going to eat a double-header snack. Yeah, snack time. We're going to save the moon pies. No, the moon pies. We're going to start with the peeps, which I believe we originally had opened, like, two weeks ago? No, these were pre-opened by the time-travelers. Well, what I'm saying is they've been open a while. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, yeah. When we cracked them open, it was for the children, because at one point they were very sad. We said, "Hey children, the package has something for you. It's called a peep." So now they're like, "Unnie, honey, honey." Yeah, well. Yeah, the package gets them young. So we're having properly aged crispy on the outside peeps. I don't want to touch one. These peeps? Oh, weird. Much more than the first ones. Oh, I get that one. These ones aren't chocolate. The example of what I've always heard about on the internet in comedy routines is they're much crispier. Stiff. Okay, three, two, one, bunny ears. Dude, everyone eat the ears first. You said bunny ears. Is that just a thing? No, I figured, like, I had said it was such a little amount of time that, like, you'd just plunge it in your mouth whichever way it was facing. I don't know if the marshmallow was slightly desiccated or something. It seemed much easier to chew this down around. You know, there seems to be no real taste. It's all just a bit texture. Well, it's very sugary to me. Even like a regular marshmallow seems more marshmallow-y. Okay, well, while we finish off these peeps, let's hear what... actually fish has to say. Some commentary. A flash gas. Three day fish here without a review. What? Yes, you heard right. Without a review. So here's the dealio. Fish has a super cool, awesome job at Greylove Lodge doing stuff. And while I'm still employed at the theater, I'm there for, like, one day a week. And, while I still have the benefits of all that, I just generally don't have time to watch movies much anymore. But, fear not. For this just means that there will be more retro reviews. Or, it has come to mind that maybe what I ought to do is review specific TV show episodes of TV shows that mobsters, like, cough, cough, game of thrones, cough. Sorry about that. Whichever you guys would prefer, please let me know on the on my always listening thread. Or, you can tweet me on the Twitter @threedayfish. While we're deciding that, I do have a list. A list of things that I'm going to make an extra effort to be sure to review before this year is up. And, here's the list. In September, we have Judge Dred, course, course. And, we have Luber. Sorry. In October, we'll be having Taken2 and the 4th Paranormal Activity. In November, we'll have Wreck-A-Ralph, the man with the Iron Fist's Skyfall. And, I will make a half-heart attempt at the Twilight Saga, Breaking Down Part 2. I promise. And then, in December, we have, of course, The Hobbit. And, Django Unchained. The D is silent. Beyond that, fish can make no promises. So, mobsters, let me know again at the or on Twitter @threedayfish. How fish should reorient his reviewing powers? Fish would also like to comment on some things that went on on Flashcast69. First off, great to hear that the mobsters had a good time. I was super jelly by the end of the conversation. Also, thanks again for the praises for Leap Year. The Blackhall Tail I wrote. I'm really glad everyone felt like I captured Blackhall. It was something I really tried to do. And, it was a concept, actually. I've had for a while, like, somehow tying in Leap Year with, like, aging, but then having that little twist. And, I finally just found a way to do it with Blackhall. So, that was a lot of fun for me. Also, to everyone having a dimensional/time-related problems. Uh, I don't know what to say to you guys. I don't know, for some reason here on the second floor, we don't seem to have a whole lot of problems. I don't know. Maybe it's something about being under the head execs. Or maybe I wasn't supposed to mention that. I don't know. Well, anyway, that is all. Always listening. Uh, that was great. Fish, thanks. Uh, I would be interested, and I know this wasn't exactly what he was proposing. But, it would be fun to provide Fish with a list of, just a variety of series. Actually, I would be almost more interested in the older ones to have him go back and sample. Like, okay, Fish, do an episode from the middle of the run of Quantum Leap. Yeah. Is that, is that show actually hold up? Is it any good? Yeah, for real. Time tunnel. Yeah. Lost in space. I'm sure we can dig up Pointless doesn't, you know, television shows. Really? That would be so awesome. Yeah. I like that idea. I will totally have to think of that. So, but hop over to the ning mob. Yes. Check out the thread. And leave some commentary. Yeah. I know he also has a sort of exciting venture in his future, possibly. I don't know how confirmed it is, and I don't really want to reveal anything. We might have a different sort of show from Fish in the future. Something a lot more aquatic. Anyhow, I definitely know what it's like to have a concept that you hold on to. And actually, this is something I'm going to get to in background plots. But I'm glad that the leap year thing worked out. It was, you know. It was a great episode. Very nice to know. I love the end of it. So, having fully consumed the peeps. Yes. What are your thoughts? I really like the marshmallow strawberries with the sort of gritty sugar on top. But it seems there's flavor there. Okay. And a different sort of texture. Whereas a peep is just sort of like, where is flavor? I'm chewing. I know I put something in my mouth. What were your thoughts? It was just flavorless to you? Yeah, but it also reminded me of those strawberry things. That Jamie was talking about. But I don't like those things. Now, I'm going to propose the idea that these are the sort of sweets that are very dependent on an upbringing on the sweets. And the strawberries are the same thing. Yes. That you really buy. Very much like candy corn. Is it your same sort of feeling on the banana marshmallow? Banana marshmallow. You know what? Banana. I think strawberries. I think strawberries, you know, are like the only banana flavor candy I'll eat. Oh, you people. You disgust me. I'm out of here. Okay. Well, that's actually clear our palates with some moon pies. Some bouquets. Oh, these are actually mini moon pies. What? That's kind of exciting. Shoopa, mini moon pie. I like too. Yes, well. Okay. We'll eat these while we listen to... Something about this. It looks like a wagon wheel. And I remember like, is it a Joe Louis or a wagon wheel? Because if it was a wagon wheel, it was going to have like this dry cookie in the center, whereas the Joe Louis would have cream. I didn't get a wagon wheel, so Joe Louis got apples. Let's hear what Rich the Time Traveler has to say while we determine if there's a dry cracker in the little disk. [Music] Hello, Flashpulp crew and fellow mobsters. Rich the Time Traveler here. With the recent iPhone 5 announcement, I just wanted to remind you that chronological control via Siri is still in beta and not advised. I think I've mentioned before that the last pilgrimage was one of my all-time favorite episodes. It was really enjoyable hearing it once again in the live show. I've also listened to the first part of Mulligan Smith in a reformed man. I'm anxious to see where it goes. Hello, and a nice poke at Fred Phelps, eh? I wanted to clarify a couple things talked about last time. Eggs Benedict. It's not that it's uncommon in the states. Most breakfast brunch places will carry it. You just don't see it that often at home. I think it's because Hollandaise is a pain to make and most people don't bother with it. Also, why I took a fork at the Habachi Place and got ribbed by Jay May. Typically, I try to eat with chopsticks when I can at an Asian restaurant. However, most of the Habachi places I'm used to tend to make fried rice in the grill and it's served on your plate, which is flat. So, very hard to eat rice that's loose like that off of that type of surface. However, this time, they brought us sticky white rice in bowls for some reason, which was odd because the table next to us had the chef making fried rice on the grill. Not quite sure why it worked out that way. For Jeff, I have a bothersome theory about what the parts being taken in those catamutilations are being used for. Two words. Slim Jim's. Jaikander mentions Small World Underground. Small World is a great game. I have to suggest that if he gets around to picking up the original Small World, or if anyone here has both, go to the Days of Wonder website and order the Small World Tunnels expansion. It's free, just pay shipping costs, and allows you to connect the two sets and can be used with the various expansion races as well as the Tales and Legends add-on. That's all I have for now. I hope to have more news of pulpy shows next time as the fall television season begins to ramp up. Tell Karwick Rises this is rich. Moonpies, what do you think? They were better than a wagon wheel. Mm-hmm, I would agree. I remember as a child, you'd break it open and then the cookie would just basically fall over. And it'd be a shirt and you would just shake it out. I think wagon wheels are definitely badly made knock-off Moonpies. Well, these definitely weren't like crumbly powder cookies. No, like it seems to hold together. It's like it was a crumble cookie, but then like it absorbed some of the glue on the inside. It's like a Viva puff without the jelly, but I like this better. There's more, I don't know. Yeah, there's like a mirroring of all the textures except for the gluey in the center. I liked it. It was kind of hitting some childhood notes with it. It was a texture I wasn't expecting. I took one bite and then I thought, I think I'm just good with one bite. But I keep going back to the Moonpies. I know I kind of want another one, even though I didn't really enjoy the first one that much. It just, it tastes like it was sitting next to something stanky on the shelf and in the groceries store. Let's absorb part of this problem. The problem, they've been around since 1917. That's what the problem is. Says so on the package. Wow. That's a long shelf life. Indeed. That'd all be good for the apocalypse. I think you should stock up, Rich. Speaking of... Speaking of long shelf life, I'm quite excited about the iPhone 5. Not good. Yes, I've been promised one and I tell you, sir, I will complain so loudly on the show. Have you been promised one? Yes. I've been promised one. Really? To be fair, you currently have this 20s. It is so old, it's like you really want to take a picture? No. No, maybe you don't. Maybe I'm going to freeze her for a while. You can say. No, no, you can't. You can say. It's so old. It's so old. It's one of the newest things you own in a way. That's one of the only things I... The life cycle of an iPhone is so short. I'm not complaining about it because I'm getting the 5. It's like my mom's old phone. I understand. I need a 5 and I will continue to loudly talk on the show about how I require one. I'm just going to be happy not to have cheesecloth photos anymore. Every photo I take now looks like it's soft lit in the 70s. I don't know. I hope it didn't really sound like the sound of that 5. She used a 4s. I don't know what she's complaining about. I don't need a 5s. You like 5s? I just got a 5s day. Okay. I'm just checking. I could probably squeeze you. It's Jared. You've shifted your eyes. Thanks for your kind words on The Last Pilgrim Rich. It was a lot of fun to do that. Yeah, that's one of my favorite episodes too. So we just bonded there. Yeah. And I hope you enjoyed the conclusion of the Reformed Man. Definitely. Wow. We'll get to it a little bit in background plots, but your Phelps Union connection. I like that you're pushing more controversial buttons or more outwardly because I think you're always pushing. Yeah. Outward your own morals. Yeah. Speaking of my own morals, I really like Eggs Benedict on Sunday, but we don't really make it at home. We had this last weekend. We went to the place that we normally go. And I took a bite and I thought, "I don't know. Maybe it's just me, man. Maybe it's just me." And then I took another bite. I'm like, "No, there is something wrong." So I got my mom to eat it. And she declared that it was the ham. And then when I smelled it, it was like... Were you from the peuted soup? It was like diapers. It was so bad. It was so bad. It's like barf. Barf and diapers. Yup. All together. So... Yeah. That was really disgusting. It was so nicely fried and everything. But, dude, smell your stuff. Taste it before you feed it to people. Aww. It smells like bum. It felt so bad. Good question. I actually should. At this point, do you feel like that experience is enough to push you away from ever going back to that place? No, not at all. I think they should just be more... Goddamn careful with my order. It was so super busy that day. I remember how busy it was. But how many people ate that ham before we complained? I'm not trying to, like, make excuses or nothing. But... Just saying. I think that would move from moving on. You know, less too short to eat stinky ham. And I was at the burger joint. And you go on the basement to use the bathroom and you're seeing their stockroom. And you just wonder, like, how fresh is this stuff, guys? Well, we live in a little town. We don't really have a lot of options. To be fair, you know that places like the Rallis burger, they practically slaughter the cow out back and grind it into burgers out front. Yeah. Like, all of that is entirely fresh. And that's the advantage of living right on the... I don't know. They look like a frozen burger sort of joint to me. No, absolutely not. It's on the menu. It's like they're claiming to flame, huh? It's on the menu. It's like they're claiming to flame. Okay. I apologize. Maybe that's why they have that big sign out of that farm. Yeah. The family that bought it are the farmers with the itch down. Oh, badass. Yeah. Well, I did go for breakfast at the Rallis burger. Mm-hmm. And it was pretty good. Was it badass good? Um, no. No, it wasn't badass good. I'm sorry. I do attempt, I must say, to always eat with chopsticks when we're out. I had a place where it's appropriate. Just anywhere. But, well, although I'm very bad at it. So, I spend a lot of the time embarrassed with my chopstick technique. Whereas the TT was like, no, I'm not doing what you guys do because I know it's going to happen because I know these places. And I'm going to need a fork. I choose, I support his right to fork. Yeah, for real. He can fork whenever he needs to. But I prefer thoughtless followers. The sheep who do not question my motives. No, I don't. I'm just kidding. That was a joke. Jared, he's like, what the hell are you saying? Whatever I want. It's my show. This Slim Jim commentary did make me wonder what happened to the macho man. What do they do with him after he died? He's stepping into a Slim Jim. Like, did they make him into a whole bunch of Slim Jim? Yeah, that's kind of funny. He's like, yeah, I really want this. And they're like, you know what? Much man's done so much for the community. But let's just not tell anybody. Yeah. They don't need to know. Pretty much. Oh, and then green, bitches. That's pretty much exactly what I'm implying. It's peeping. No, no, listen, maybe they ground him up. And then there was like a large funeral. I mean, he's a popular guy. Everyone wrote waivers. It's like when they eat, like, rat and stuff at those fancy restaurants. Because that happens all the time, too. Well, Jeff had a... Yeah, I remember. Yeah. It's like all those times. Yeah. And then they all went to the funeral and they all stepped into a Slim Jim. They held hands and sang. That's beautiful. Wait, all the wrestlers have like a ring song, right? Like, what's... Yeah. What was Macho Man's ring song? It is, uh... Whatever they call that. Sorry, I'm not versed in wrestler. I don't know. I think I should play it under this. I think it's playing right now, guys. Oh, yeah? Magic. That's the magic of radio. (laughs) I want you to eat me one day. No. (laughs) Slow cooker. Okay, uh... Slow cooker. (laughs) It's funny. I want to turn Jessica May into a diamond. If she dies first. Oh, this is all too depressing. Yeah. Let's hold this for you, everybody. Oh, shut it. (laughs) Thanks, Rich. Thank you, Richard. (laughs) Thanks, ET. If you want to send in a, uh, comment, be it Tech Store MP3, you can fire it off to Next up, I believe we have... Are you a dassy? Oh, ho! So, Jessica May. Hello, J.R.D. Word on the street. Oh, my God. What are they saying about me? Is that your... (laughs) ...the rest of creating a new audio baggage for the show? I hear that is going to be on my plate. (laughs) You hear that just now? It came down the tubes at SkinnerCo. Mm-hmm. And we've been discussing it. What we would do if they would be jingly, if they would be sing-song or whether... and who would do it. I like the organic feel of how they've come together right now, but it would be nice to have a unified sound scheme. Do people like it like jingles? Or do they like a little, you know, discussion of what it is they're about to listen to? Do you guys have preferences? Do you like it when my children do the intros? What do you want from me? What do you want people? I think you just need to make a decision and move forward with it. I think you have the taste for it. I know that I've voiced this before, but I kind of like the... say, a horrible history-style opening, or Doc Asriel opening, where there's a bit of audio and... This shit's about to go down now. Or there's a minor explanation of what's coming up. Yes, exactly. But singing songs is fun, dude. Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. I'm not going to push you in any direction. I haven't just mentioned it. Keep your face to the microphone. Look at the moon pies. Watch the moon pies. They are... Oh! They're a ratio. We've gotten a little bit of a tumbler thing going on now. Yeah, that happened. Yeah, uh... I don't really remember how I got sucked into tumbler. I'm pretty sure... You were kind of the anchor that dragged me down, honestly. Oh, yes. I definitely pulled you down with me. But... Like a drowning swimmer, you just wouldn't release me. I tried to save you, but you just pulled us both into depth. Yeah. And now, looking you, posting pictures of Frankenstein, smoking cigarettes and mutant sandwiches. It's great. As I will. It's all downhill from here. Yeah. But, you know, it's nice because it's another way where we can sort of... You know, interact with people. Connect with folks. Yeah, I got a tumbler account. And Jaredie has got one. Oh, I see you have a list here in the notes with people that you've been following. Yeah. Well, I've got a couple of people that I'm following now. There's Gibraltar. He can be found Gibraltar 42. There's tumbling sideways, and that's Tibby. Panda Pants Party. I love that. Panda Pants Party. That's Gina. Yeah. She asked me to say that so much. And we have Grim Perspective. And that would be Gina's Liz. Oh. Or Liz's Gina. And... Strasburg has one, too. If I would know who I'm going to do. Yes. Yes. I only just saw Strasburg's today, I believe. But I can't remember what it is. I'll have to put that somewhere. I'll put it on my tumbler. Yeah. Post of tumblers on your tumbler. Yeah. And then people can repost those. Yeah. And it'll be like the Circle of Life. Mm-hmm. The Circle of Tumbler. But, um, I'm not always there when I shouldn't be. Um, so if you go looking for me on the internet, you will not find me on tumbler. But just in case it's important, I'm always there. Always an eye on the tumbler. Mm-hmm. So do you think we'll be seeing a certain poster? A certain Karwick poster on the tumbler? Well, you know what? That's a complicated question. It is complicated because the Skinner Co. is, uh, very slowly getting done. But there's a bug in my computer. Yes. Unfortunately, technical problems have slowed me down lately. Specifically using my tablet. And so it's been very difficult to do anything. Yeah, 'cause using a mouse to try to draw sucks. And using a touchpad to try to draw with your finger sucks even more. We'll get you sorted out. Yeah. Background plots. Uh, okay. So let's start with a Reformed Man, actually. There's definitely, as the time traveler noticed, Fred Phelps kind of lying in this one. Although there was also a lot of inspiration from a much less angry group. But still a pretty aggressive group of marchers who would wander around the audible market. Mm-hmm. I remember them. I'm not gonna name them specifically. But at one point, actually, a friend of mine came along with me 'cause I became so curious about this. 'Cause they're so... It got to a point where every time I would go down, it was impossible to miss them. Like they would always be there, it seemed like day or night, they would have somebody patrolling. In the busiest place. Yeah. And so at one point, I became curious enough that I decided with a friend of mine, we were going to wander over to their church. 'Cause we happened at another location. Mm-hmm. And we got about as far as the lobby, if you will. Mm-hmm. I don't really recall the... The term. Yeah. No, it's called the lobby. Yeah, okay. So we got about as far as the lobby, and we were obviously not the type who were normally there. Yes. And they were honest immediately. There was basically, like, a door butler who came around and asked us really specifically. A bouncer? Yeah, the church had a bouncer. And we were like, "We're just curious about, you know, the church." And we weren't trying to be rabble-rousers, we were literally just trying to get a feel for what it was they were doing. Yeah, what these people are up to and what it is they believe. We just got turned out immediately. Yeah. Well, you do have all those swastikas on your tattooed on your face. Yeah. So a lot of that went into the reform man. I hope that people enjoyed the conclusion. Honestly, we haven't got a lot of feedback about it. And I noticed there was a little dip in the numbers there, and I'm wondering if people are a bit put off by it. And once in a while, we have these daisies spikes and we have no idea why. And I wish we had better stats on that. I think a lot of the postering has been successful. Usually it's a day or two after the postures have gone out. Yeah, yeah, because it could be people getting the backlog. But I remember the day where, like, you could find out anything. You could find out, like, where we're in their house while looking on the internet. Yeah, privacy laws have made it a lot more. Screw you, privacy laws. I don't want to know what's going on. Something kind of interesting happened with this story in that the ending was actually written twice. There was an entirely different third part to this story. Yeah, we were a day late because of it, right? I finished it. It was kind of exciting, but it just didn't hold together. I started to bondo the script a little bit and just try to shave off the rough bits. But the further in I got, it just fell. It wasn't enough there. Yeah, it was really rough. So I ended up, the thing is, it was actually the second idea for the ending that I had. The ending that is presented was the original way it was supposed to end. But I kind of fell in love with the idea of a street scene conclusion. And that's what the original one was. The thing is, sometimes you just chase these ideas and they seem like a great plan and they just don't really work out. They fall apart in your hands. And I really should have just stuck with the original script because I came to a pope and I essentially laid out just in the quickest terms how the story was supposed to originally end. And this was after hours and hours of... It was the next day. Yeah, it was a lot of consideration had gone into how to fix the script as it stood. Yes. Because usually if there's an issue I go in, I change a sentence, I clarify something, it's not a problem. But this just felt like it had too many structural weaknesses. Yeah. So I gave her the rundown of the original plan. And I thought it was great. So... I got excited about it. Yeah, and we did that one instead. Mm-hmm. And I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Yeah. And I laughed at you for coming up with a whole new ending when you already had such good win. And fussin' and fussin'. Yeah. So I guess I apologize to anyone I might have offended. I guess certain fights and churches isn't all that nice but... What do you... What happened? Yeah. I've seen a lot of good fights too. It is the nature of churches. Actually, speaking of scripts that were pulled at the last moment, there was a Jill Monk story a while ago. I don't know if you remember it made its way into the schedule that we ended up not running with. And I pushed off a little bit but what actually happened with that one was that I was reading, you know, Michael Ooma? No. I hope I'm pronouncing his name correctly. He's a fellow creative. And he does, amongst other plethora of other things, he does comic work. And he did this story where a fellow of space, you know, I can't recall the spaceman's name, has diplomatic relations with a race where they're constantly regurgitating and retuing their food like cows. And the thing is, months before I read this comic, I had the exact same idea where Joe was going to attempt diplomacy with a race where they're constantly regurgitating and chewing their food like cows. That's weird. I almost ran with it and then like three days before I was going to sit down to actually write the script because it was one of those ideas that had been sitting down in the drunk drawer and it was half of a story. Like I knew that that was an interesting premise to walk through the story but I needed a reason to be doing it. The thing with Joe Monk's stories, the reason they're so far in few between is that although they're simple in how they're presented in a lot of ways, I only like to move forward with them if the pieces fit together really well. There's three elements I'm looking for in any one Joe Monk story and if they aren't all there, I don't bother with it. So especially with this one, the diplomacy thing was a huge blow to me to have read that Mike had already done it. But I mean good job. If you did a great job representing it, I can't really be. All I'm saying is you're going to kill him in a sleep. Yeah, well. Or you could do it but better. I'm no Vatican assassin. Anyway, on that note, I think it's about time to close this up. Okay. We'll be back after three black all episodes. Mm-hmm. That should be exciting. And then we'll tell you who did it. In a while since we've had a black all. But in the meantime, if you'd like to follow us on Twitter, you can do so at SkinnerCo. We're individually at Jaredie Skinner, the Jessica Man of OpenX with a zero. I'd also like to thank Jim for hosting and Enjoy the show. Tell a friend. Really enjoy the show. We've got a donate button on the site. If you have comments, questions, or suggestions, you can find us at or email us. text her in or Jessica Manes, vocal talents, musical talents, can be found at My... the rest of my moon pack can apparently be found in a Pope's mouth. And the entire round of flashbulb, if you found it, would be at the search bar on iTunes. Flashgast is released under the Canadian Creative Commons attribution on commercial 2.5 license. [Music]