The Skinner Co. Network

FC69 - Mob Expo

Broadcast on:
02 Sep 2012
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Prepare yourself for: Mob Expo, spells for sale, cattle mutilations, evil Batman, and Ruby.

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[music] Sunday's gloomy, my hours are slumbless. Dear is the shadows I live with by nonetheless. Little white flowers will never awaken you. Not where the brach ultra-sol is taking you. [music] Angels have no fire of evolution in you. Or they'll be angry if I so don't join in you. Ooh, Sunday. Hello, and welcome to Flashcast69, a Skinner Co presentation. Skinner Co, a growing concern. This episode is also brought to you by generous donations from Hueo Donald, Ryan Hill, Juju Click, Scott Roche, Nick Tyler, and Gigantor. Prepare yourself for mob expo, spells for sale, cattle mutilations, evil Batman, and Ruby. Death is no dream for, death I'm caressing you. [music] Hi, I'm Apoponax, and as is required by Ape Law, I'm joined by Jessica May, hello, and JRD. So we're all here, back together, in the studio. It seems like it's been such a long time, but it was a good time. So have a good time, the sun can't shine every day. Unless you live really far north or really far south. Before we get into the meat of fan expo/mob expo, have you guys heard about the recent eBay ruling? No. No. Apparently eBay, this is interesting for many reasons, but apparently eBay has recently made it against their terms of service to sell spells or hexes. Key, key, key. Because they say that problem resolution is extremely difficult when something doesn't go properly. Do you think it's really subjective? Yeah, how do you evaluate the sale having been properly conducted? Why has this happened now? Has something happened where there's been a lot of sale of hexes recently? I know that eBay has always had sort of a secondary trade and supposedly haunted objects and very spell objects that you can, you know, buy these magic rocks and be rich. But I suspect that as time goes on, they've increasingly found, you know, somebody showing up and been like, "I'm not pregnant and I've been rubbing myself with this cream for 12 months," or whatever. Maybe she's rubbing herself with the wrong cream. Yeah, well. Anyway, I just thought that was sort of interesting. Yeah. Yeah, it's very interesting. I'd like to hear- I'd like to hear some, you know, stories that went bad after buying hexes. Yeah. Like somebody didn't get asked. Yeah. To clarify, from the article on, which I'll link in the show notes, eBay has updated its fall seller's guide to ban advice, spells, curses, hexing, conjuring, magic, prayers, blessing services, magic potions, and healing sessions. Well, good. Well, yeah. Forward thinking, everyone. Just sell goods and services that are for realsies. It's just so funny that eBay had to, like, write that down. Stop selling your prayers. I do actually have a few other articles that I just wanted to touch on quite quickly. Sure. Are they magical? I hope so. So have you guys heard about this supposed brain hack? No. That recently came around. No. That sounds painful. Apparently, some feisty keyboard jockeys have discovered that, have you guys seen, you know, an EEG is? Yes. Yes. Hook it up to your brain and kind of track your brain activity. And you've probably seen, well, we've discussed in previous slash casts even the devices that are starting to come out now for non-medical use, where there's, like, simple games, almost like Pong or something like that, where they'll hook up these sort of home units. Yeah. And you'll, you know, be able to do simple, okay. So apparently some quote unquote hackers, although I suspect they're just quote unquote scientists, have discovered that there's a method of extracting sensitive data if you can make the person, while wearing this helmet, think of, like, their pin number or whatever. Put on this helmet for me for a second. Yeah. No reason. But on the other hand, it seems-- Looks good on you. Yeah, it seems a little bit impractical, but consider an age when the CIA or somebody can start vacuuming your interior thoughts against your will. Yeah. That's terrifying. Now it's a really simple process, because-- Yeah, it's a helmet. --where it's, like, you know, you must think of this one thing. So it's pretty easy to, like, just don't, you know. Yeah, but that's difficult, right? It's, like, the old Ghostbusters problem. Don't think of anything. Whatever you do, don't think of your pin number right now. You won't even know that, like, you're telling them. Ooh. So if I'm ever forced into one of these helmets, clearly, the best offenses to think of nothing but the state put martial movement. I can't help but think of children in the corn. Huh? Or no, not children in the corn. Village of the damned. There we go. Oh, yes. Yes. Yes, very much so. Children in the corn. What am I thinking? I don't know. Children in that guy. Children in the corn, you know, same village children with their corn. Now, I haven't heard much following up on this, but have you, did you guys hear about the head that was found? It's not far from here. Niagara Falls. Mississauga. Really? I thought there were some more body parts found in Niagara. Oh, maybe there's some further information. There's body parts all up in this place. Apparently, we just got them lying around. I do. I'm not attached. Okay. Obviously, we consider it as foul play and we're treating it as such. And then after a brief dramatic pause, we'll be looking for the entire victim. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I suppose you would. Hmm. It's how you say it. Yeah. And he put it well. Perhaps not for the victim's family. Yeah. Well, we just got to find the rest of them. We'll look for the rest. Yeah. Yeah. I don't worry about it. We'll investigate this after. I realize it's summer in this problem. It doesn't come into play with this one, but I wonder if we have a greater tendency to find spare parts lying around in Canada because it's colder and they stay refrigerated longer. Yeah. And then they slowly thaw and get stinky. The spring foot thaw. Hmm. Well, actually, they're all like... Oh, yeah. No, but generally they're... They're all... And this came after finding a foot a couple of days before. Because in Canada, we can't have anything happen without a creature's or foot show. It's like they were all mountain climbers. And because of global warming, they're just slowly melting down the hill and falling apart. And then we find them here at the bottom of the hill. Well, I actually find attempting to write in some sort of, I wouldn't say the Langoliers, but some other beast that we've never had to deal with that, you know, it's... It's vampiric in that it eats everything except for the occasional head in it for some reason it hates feet. Yeah. It's a smell. It always takes off the feet first because it's considered, you know, uncouth or gross. Like when you pull off a shrimp tail? Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, exactly so. I just always do with my teeth. So do they. Yeah. Squeeze the tail a little bit. Get that meat. After that unsettling lead in, I did want to give a quick shout out to our friend, podcasting pal John Myro. He's got a website/ and it's just a variety of podcast-related wiki articles. Anybody's got the wants to, you know, what you do because we're instilling it into you at this moment. Check it out. So, my backspo. Wow, so much happened. So many emotions, so much up and down. So little time for all those feels. I know. I know. All those feels just crammed, crammed together. Yeah. Oh, where does one even begin? I don't know. Where does one begin? I feel like we should have, like, little, little, little, little music, you know? Bob Expo Expo Expo. Yeah. Well, let's start at the start, I suppose. We immediately settled upon a meeting place, which seemed appropriate to me. It was a double-winding staircase. Oh, so we're already in the hotel? Yeah, we've already met these people. No, this is before we'd even arrived, right? We'd arrived and then we'd essentially settled in, I suppose that was assumed. And then we settled on a meeting location, which was the clock that dominates the lobby. Yes, you may have seen it on the Instagram. It is very good. You know what? I did suggest a JRD that we use the photo for the episode art. So I'm going to say that again now, so that it kind of cements it. Yeah, hopefully if you look at your iPod/iPhone right now, the episode art is the clock that we are talking about. And yeah, we all came down the same elevator, but obviously at different times. And then we would meet at the clock. We were always last to arrive, except once Jeff, but he was like eight seconds afterwards. That time traveler is damnitably punctual. I know. I'm kidding. I know. Yeah. He doesn't have as much makeup to put on. Yeah. Yeah. Not nearly as much. No. So we met up with the time traveler. That was our first. That was really awesome. That meets. Yeah. We went out to dinner at the loose mousse. Mm-hmm. It was right by the hotel. All our mooses are looses up here. Yeah. Did we meet him at the mousse? Yeah, we met him at the clock, I believe, when we walked down to the mousse together. Yeah, yeah, and yeah, he was totally how I thought he would be. Mm-hmm. A little quieter. Remember? Yeah. We were like, we were noting that. Yeah. That and you guys listen to music way too loudly, so it's hard for you to hear. I'm hearing you're damaged. I was like, why isn't he right in my head? Mm-hmm. I can't hear him like right there. So yeah, we did a slow run all together, slow motion. All the patrons. Oh, yeah. The snotty patrons watched us. Yeah. And then we went forward and embraced and just like cried and cried and cried. It was... Okay, it was sort of like that, but not like that at all. Yeah. So then yeah, we immediately went out to Dins because we were all ridiculously hungry. And Gigantor was there. Now Gigantor joined us, which was fantastic. Yeah, lots of fun. Mm-hmm. And we had a bit of a wobbly walk down to the harborfront. A little bit. A little bit. Distributed some stickers along the way. Mm-hmm. Yeah, we left our tape gun in the car, so at one point we did have to ask the valet to go and get it for us. Yeah, the JRD decided he was going to get a glass of what was it to something rather? Oh, tell him or do. Tell him or do. Tell him or do. Yeah. And the waitress didn't believe that it was even on the menu. She's like, "I've never even heard of that before." Oh, it was an extensive discussion. It was pretty embarrassing for her. She was like, "Oh, I don't know what that is." So she just had to get her to read it on the menu. So yeah, we went down to the harborfront. We found a bar. It was called the waterfront, actually. Outside patio and boats and stuff. Yeah, the Toronto harborfront is... It was packed, but we never had to wait, which was great. It was one of my favorite, actually, we should just walk this back slightly. Even when we originally arrived at the hotel, we should set the scene. The Royal York is a very... Art Deco. Art Deco, a little bit gothic style hotel. Very tall, very sweeping, generally very ritzy. But the sort of wedding crowds/nicely suited businessmen. And celebrities. The occasional celebrity. The crowd was punctuated with the occasional furry. Cosplayer with a giant sword. Which was hilarious. It was amazing to watch Sora walk through the lobby between... Business club people. Yeah. And I think they were kind of thrown for a loop. Like what are all these people doing here? Yeah. But it was glorious. The amount of steam pump on display in the hotel itself was fantastic because it really added to the decor, in my opinion. But the staff seemed really happy. They had questions to ask and wanted to know if we were part of the convention and all that. And it was because you end up wearing the con bracelet for the entire three days. You begin spotting your fellas. Yeah. Or those bags for the exclusive members. Yes. And you're like, "I know where you came from." So the next day, we woke up early-ish. Had a pretty early-ish sort of breakfast-y lunch with the kind of high lunch. Breakfast-y lunch. Early-ish. Early-ish. I believe they call it the brunch. The brunch, yes. It wasn't entirely uneventful as we were sitting, eating our yummy delicious food. I figured it would be really sweet of me to throw a little bit of my lunch over to this poor little pigeon who had only one foot. But unfortunately, well, I guess fortunately for it, it did have two legs. Just one of its feet was hideously, hideously deformed. It was Tetsuo at the end of Akira deformed. It was bulging and just a lot of extra skin. We ended up calling it clubby. Yeah. And I felt bad for clubby, but then all of a sudden, all these other pigeons came. They were really with- They probably just wanted to get closer, like a mutant foot. They were super bitchy to clubby and just kept stealing his food, and he's like, "It's not bad, but I don't want to feed him more because there are so many of them." Yeah. There are so many of them that we had to leave, yes. Yeah. But we got burritos from burrito boys, which if you're ever going to Toronto, please discover where it is. It is worth the wait. I think when we met the time traveler outside the door, the line was like all the way out to the door, and we were standing like halfway in the place for a while before we could have- And it looks a little chaotic and it gets a little loud sometimes, but it's always like clockwork. They always come out just as fast each time. They're quick and they're delicious. Delicious. But get the small, honestly people, unless you want like a two-day sort of project. Yeah. Well, I got a small and I had about half a bit there, and then I ate the other half like two in the morning or something like that. So yeah, we had burritos, and then we had some freshly squeezed lime and lemonade. And we walked to the convention floor. Yes. It was the first time going there, and we were like day late, and jaredy was just like itching to get there. And it was so much fun. And then we opened our wallets. And that was fun. So much fun to see all the cosplayers on their way over there, like the stage stream getting more and more eclectic. I liked the advanced lines for us with the exclusive special- Oh, thanks. The premium pass. I did find it extremely funny that there was like a rest area, and it was just like- A premium room. A like a large room with like- With chairs. Oh, the lounge. Yeah, and it had like some water and tables, like maybe a Danish. Should be fair, though. The alternate was sitting in a corner in the exterior. On the floor. Yeah. I didn't find it. No, I dig it. I dig it. Try not to be run over by the lights. They're like, "Exclose, I'm praying me. I'm loud." Woo! You can get a chair. You want to sit down on a chair. Yeah. Premium chairs. No, actually 50 bucks. I'd like to discuss some of the individual vendors that we encountered, actually next episode. I feel like we've got enough content, and I have to do honestly a little poking around to websites. And it would be cool, because we have some wares that we purchased from them that we could highlight and put in a show note. So we'll deal with that next episode. But what would you say, Jessica May, was the best thing that you saw on the floor? Best? Like, best merchandise, best person, best friend. My best personal experience. Yeah. What was your best moment? I was buying jewelry from a vendor, and the jewelry was so freaking great. We'll get into it next time or whatever. Well, you can discuss it a little bit. It's a Cthulhu style necklace, right? Yeah, and it's got little gears and stuff, and it's all set like in this resin. Resin. Yeah. So they're like floating. Yeah. It's super fancy, like, paper in the background. And they're all one of a kind, and they are so one of a kind. And the salesman ended up being the father for the teenager who makes them. But he was just gushing over, and he's so sweet. Like I would have wanted to buy something just because he was nice, but fortunately, her art was like extremely amazing. So it was just so sweet seeing that. And then I took a photo of her, and he was in the photo, and he looked so proud and stuff. It was just a very sweet moment. I realized from that point on, there were so many families that were the vendors, and the kids like working with their iPods to get like the tax. Do the math. And kids describing how to play games and just being really outgoing and being like, you know, super excited to be there. It was great. Family. Love. It was really nice. Expo. I think for me, my favorite point was meeting the smoking man. Oh, yeah. I got really excited when I saw he was there, and I just happened to have pack of matches in my purse, so I ran up and asked if he'd signed my pack of matches. Mm-hmm. I got photos of that. He did. It's so wonderful. That was great. My reason for seeing geeky people and paying money for photo ops kind of fizzled, but I'm sure we'll get to that later. Yeah, we'll get to Neil Thon. Disappointments. I believe that first day we also saw the DeLorean. Mm-hmm. Yeah, with Christopher Lloyd, like, in it. Yeah, which was fantastic. Yeah. So, tell your DeLorean story just for me. I now have a DeLorean story. So I'm like, "Holy shit. That's Christopher Lloyd." And I'm trying to take a photo of him, and I realize that he's slowly, slowly walking towards where I am so he can get out. It's at the end of his photo op, period. Yes. Yes. So he's been, you know, snapping his fingers and shooting people. Mm-hmm. What is that? Queuing the guns. Yeah. Double guns. Whatever. No, double guns is when you... Oh, give people a finger. The double nukes. The double nukes. So many names for it. Yeah. So, he's about to leave. I'm right at the end of, like, the velvet rope or whatever they call that. And he's coming towards me and my flash is on, but it's just not taking the photo and I keep looking and, you know, when Christopher Lloyd's standing in front of you, you're kind of in it and you're like, "Buh, press the button, make it work." So by the time that it clicked, it was really, really close to his face. So then his publicist was all, like, "Excuse me, not so close," right in his face or something to that effect. And it was just like, "Oh, my God, I'm a peon and I've just been yelled at." Like, she totally put me in my place. I felt like such an... Like, if you could get in the Delorean and go back and science change it. Yeah. And then instead, I will then give him flowers and he will invite us all to a steak dinner. Awesome. Where we will take in some theater and finish the evening off with some pantomime. Mm, pantomime, eh? It's his thing, you know? I don't want to judge him. That's interesting. We have a whole thing going on, man. Yep. Me, Christopher Lloyd, and pantomime. Yeah. The thing I went back and down. Mm-hmm. Was it later that day that Jeff arrived? On Friday, yes. He met us for dinner. Mm-hmm. Correct, correct. And although the place was really good, like, the food was delicious. Oh, my God. It was so funny going to that place. It wasn't very full when we first arrived. Well, it was pretty full, but it got full as soon as we sat down. Joe Mommas. Joe Mommas. Joe Mommas. Which was our experiment in bringing some people from the south to a Canadian southern town. Southern Cleveland. It was like Louisiana, sort of. Mm-hmm. All right. It's not like North Carolina. Yes, I understand. But it's hilarious because as far as Canadians are generally concerned, there is no a special difference in the cuisine. It's always just southern style, which is ridiculous because anything southern style here can range from Texas to New Orleans. To Macon? Yeah. I don't know. Yeah. Anyway, so we get there. And the waitress is, like, rubbing her eyes and, like, super angry looking. Yeah. Just, uh, Rich didn't know what to drink, so he decided not to get a drink the first round just so he could decide. And it just took so long for her to, like, come back that second time that it was, like, forever until he actually, like, drank something. Yeah. JRT ordered a beer and it took, like, 45 minutes to get there. It was so ridiculous. Yeah. It was so ridiculous. But, uh, and then we were short on time because we're going to J. and Silent Bob. Yeah. By the time we got our food, we had, like, 15 minutes before. We left. But it was so good. It was so good. It was so good. I got food that was, it was, um, steak, chicken, and ribs. And I think there was potato with that too. What else do you need? There was a potato there. Yeah. There was just this big plate of meat. Remember the big meat platter? Yes. You were like, there's a meat platter. It was, like, an $80 meat platter is just full of meat. Meat. Yeah. Various meats. Meat. Yeah. So we hauled ass out of there really super quick and left the time traveler and Mr. Botherson who, you know, we met there. Did we know it was there too, wasn't it? He came in. Yeah. Yeah. No, and J. I didn't know it was so funny because he's really not the biggest guy, but his voice is so booming. Oh my gosh. And I ran to go hug him and he just lifted me up with his big giant hug. It was so great. And his laugh is, like, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, and I, he would never do that on bother some things. Oh, but he put on his bothersome voice for us every once in a while. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He had a wide array of vocal tricks and amusements. Yes. Mr. Lynch was a very fun guy. Yeah. So it was so great. It was so great. So great guys. And then we ran like crazy people to J and Silent Bob, which was also very fun, but we kind of had this. We abruptly listened. Well, we knew we wanted to get back to everybody. Yes. And at the same time, we knew we would end up listening to the show again when it came out as a podcast. Well, okay. I'm sure we can describe quite quickly and easily what it was. The show basically ended, but then they were going to add like a Q and A. The Q and A at the end, which is super great, except like the people who stood up to say things, like before it even happened, I'm like, dude, we're going to want to go. And they're like, no, we got some time, you know, sit down, whatever. And then the first one was just like this guy hawking his where is like, I'm a first time director and I was really inspired by you in my movie, his name's. And this is a bit about my name. Yeah. And Kevin's trying to like lead it off into a joke. And I'm sure the guy could have played off of that, but instead he's like, oh no. And then this person. No, it's about this. And then the next guy who came up, he had well, Kevin had told a story about when his father had died. Yes. Right. So this guy had just had his father die, but he started everything out with like it was just so many highs and lows and a very short period of time. He was like, I just want to say I'm talking to motherfucker Kevin Smith over here. And also, so white guy, ridiculous. And also my dad, last Tuesday, you like, wow, weren't you just like wooing? Yeah. So then at that point, I looked at them, so I'm going for my dough eyes. Please, please, please, I can't do this. Jessica doesn't. Why? What did you do? Yeah. She has something called the Wonder Your Syndrome, where she can't handle uncomfortable... Embarrassing moments. If I was an embarrassing moment, I can not handle it. I'll be like, "Boo's gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle. There are certain shows that you can't watch, because... American Idol. Especially if they're based on the... yeah, especially the audition parts. Anybody who's terrible, you just... Whew. I feel so horrible. Oh, like I am now. My stomach is just rolling right now, thinking about it. So, we made it back to the library bar. Yes. Which was so great. Peter Church. Peter Church. And Cam Church. She's probably like him. Of Radio Project X and Radio's Revenge. And overall, Magnificence. Oh, yeah. And Groggy Frog Tide Massage. Oh, yes. You must get her to stretch you. It's well worth it. Gigantor, was that hand? Mm-hmm. Oh, I should say, throughout the day, I believe this was the day that Gigantor... Our good friend Gigantor went dressed as Jane. Oh, yes. Jane Cobb. And we had an ongoing joke that it was very easy to reassemble the group whenever we would get to a booth or something or get a little too spread out, because... We would converge around. Yeah, we could easily see this floating orange hat above the fray, and we could just easily hone in on it. And he had the best one. There were a few people who had them, but were like, "Nuts, not my Jane." No. We had the best Jane. Yeah. And it's interesting, because I saw quite a few Jane's, but I don't think I saw any mouths or... I think I saw one mouth, but it could have been just steampunk. It was so... Yeah. Yeah, it was hard to tell those things. With all the people there, so many, so many, so many people, I heard one story of some people falling off an escalator. But other than that, no one ever complained about so many people on the convention floor just squeezed in this tight little space, like you could move, and if you stopped, somebody would go around you, because you knew that you were buying something. And it was just like this constant puzzle. The only time where I saw anything get bitchy was the staff, or the people who were with the famous people who were like, "Take your photo and move along, move along, move along." That's right. Yeah. Or don't shine your bright light and Christopher Lloyd's face, 'cause it might fall down, blah, blah, blah. We'll get to that. And they were always talking about that. I actually found the stalled crowds very helpful, but we'll get to that on... Because you had a moment, an extra moment to look around, because there was so much going on. Two reverse pickpock. Pickpock. Pickpock. Yes. So we had a fantastic time at the library bar, Rich educated us a little bit on bourbon. He was so funny. I do want to tell the story of when I asked him to help me get a drink. So we have this huge binder of all these different alcohols, all these different beverages. What? The menu. It was huge. Yeah. And the description of each drink was like a paragraph. And they would go back to the first time it was ever distilled, and it was just so much discussion on everything, on the area it came from, the barrels, everything. So I didn't know what to get, and I wasn't going to order like a girly drink, because that's not what you do at the library bar that has no library books, that has no books. There was a lady with an e-reader though. Yeah. So I'm like, Rich, me and Ray here, me and Gigantor, we don't know what to get. What should we get? He's like, I don't know, I don't know what you should get. It's very like TT to like, he's so organized, and everything's all well thought out. So when you throw a curve ball like, hey, the waiter's about to come over here, decide for me. What am I getting? It just like threw him for a loop, and I could tell right away, and it was so much fun. So when the waiter came around, I'm like, so what am I getting? He's like, I don't know, I don't know what you're getting. So then I giggled a bunch, Ray and I, we laughed pretty hard. And then when the waiter came around, got Rich's drink order, Ray and I just said, we'll have what he's having. So what did you end up having? We had Blanton's, and we got a lovely bottle of it. Yes. Smuggled. We'll get to that in a moment. Oh, yeah. Yeah. We want you to the appropriate moment. Anyways, yes. We tried some Blanton's. It was amazing, and I just, you know, had to figure out a different way of manipulating Rich, where I could get the information I required. Yes. So everybody take this as a lesson in how to manipulate Rich, that's what you do. Yeah. That's what you do. Yeah. The next day we collected for an epic breakfast. Mm-hmm. Oh, God. It was so good. It was so good. I had a restaurant called Epic, just to be clear. Yeah. It was called Epic. It was actually in a hotel. And you know what, apparently, both Jeff and Rich were kind of surprised to see Eggs Benedict at the breakfast buffet, because it's kind of a very common thing, whereas, I mean, up here, it's not that uncommon to have Eggs Benedict on a breakfast menu. I would love to hear Barry or Nutty chime in and see what sort of Northeastern United States have common that is, because I bet you it's boring. I got to say, one of my favorite breakfasts, Eggs Benedict with Asparagus, or ham or salmon. Well, I mean, that's a food in the Eggs Benedict. Yeah, yeah. But a little Asparagus on the side. Mm-hmm. They had a beautiful breakfast. They even had fruit that I didn't even know what the heck it was. Everything was so beautifully presented. A waiter dropped some stuff on me, and he was so embarrassed, he was like, "Oh, God, oh, my God." But it really was nothing. And we brought down our hot sauce for Rich. Yep. I kept just applying my purse, so any time we were at a meal, I could just pass them some hot sauce. He's like, "This is it, this is like for my whole meal." I think you actually got a picture of that. We left a little ball of it with the jams on the table. Yes. We just think we hoped it caught on. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure they'll leave it on for the next guy. Yeah, well, next time we come by, they'll have hot sauce. They had your plate and silverware away from you before you were even done. They were just so attentive. Yeah, a waiter put a napkin on my lap. Oh, and noticed that your knife was dirty. Yeah. So, take it away. He put it down and then grabbed it back right away, but it's such a smooth motion. Look. Really? I noticed. Take it. Yeah. Yeah. And then we wandered off to, in the bottom of the Royal York, there's quite a number of shops. It's a part of the atrium system under Toronto. There's a series of tunnels and shops. A series of tubes. Cold places have tubes. We need tubes. But one of the funner attractions in the basement is the Game Store Game Trek. Mm-hmm. And that was a fun wonder around despite-- There had a lot of like models and stuff in there too that I was surprised to say. Yeah. Yeah. Well, they had everything, like if you were a big spender, they had some very nice things. I found the staff was really, really cool and just let us kind of fart around and poke at games and be like, "Oh, do you try this one? Do you try this one?" Mm-hmm. So, that was a nice-- I suspect we're probably not the only fan expo people who had puttered through the story. I'm sure it's much more entertaining to talk to a bunch of geeks than it is snotty people. Yeah. I mean, not to say that people who are spending money are snotty, but it seemed like a very stuffy place, a very serious place. Agreed. Well, for a toy story, yeah. Yeah. And then we hit the floor again. Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah. Because Jeff hadn't been there yet. Yeah, we-- That's right. So, we were like introducing him. We walked to-- We got to hug a furry. He got to-- Oh, well, didn't we go to Union? That's a Star Trek furry. Yeah. We went to Union first. Oh, yeah. Yeah. We stopped by Union Station. Unfortunately, Juju Click couldn't join us. But-- But in her honor, we still made the Union Station trek. Mm-hmm. And it was really nice because everyone had such good chats like back and forth to places and it wasn't too far, except for one location, I'm sorry. And just like walking into Union with Jeff, just kind of nice and slow. And then-- So that every pigeon that passed us by was, you know, an age into clubby. Close and clubby. Yeah, I know. He had so many-- Oh, God. He was so much fun. Yeah. But just walking in and having Union like just its ceiling so tall and the arches and everything was just so beautiful. He's just like, holy crap, wow, I should have had my day's camera. I'm like, yeah, man, this is nice. So we just had like spent maybe 15 minutes just walking around. Yeah. Like, it was kind of cool because the convention and even around the hotel, there were so many people all the time that you constantly had to be looking for your buddy. Yeah, you did get some really great pictures that I think you put up on Instagram or in the mosque. Yeah, but when we were in Union, there was so much more open space, we could all just kind of fart around and then meet together. Mm-hmm. And it was nice to, you know, slip a couple of stickers in there, too. Every location we went, I was distributing stickers. Yeah, and we would pass them to people who were walking with us and then they would then put them on. I remember when we walked up to Union, I looked over and I saw a flashbulb on like the Union wall. Like, it's this beautiful stone or whatever. I'm like, mmm. And everyone came together and like, can we just not do it on the building and just do it like garbage cans and make sure it's straight, phone booths where people can't see, like, where it's still discreet. Like, if someone's looking, they're not really seeing it, but if they were to then use the phone and stand in a certain way, they would then find it. So it was so cute because then Gigantory kind of scurries over to the one that's on the wall and he's like, my bad, any stunt if I put it on the garbage can. Yeah, we're respectful of vandals. Yeah, for real. What was really awesome was going there and being like, oh, there's already a sticker here, right? Three times. I went to put a sticker somewhere and my sticker was already there. Like, not put by me. I'm like, previous. Yeah. That's awesome. Ah, it was so nice. And everyone's so into it. So back on the floor, we took an opportunity to try to do the meet and greets. Yes. You know, saw David Prowse briefly, saw Jillian Anderson. We also saw the Candyman. Oh, Tony Todd. That was fantastic. Yeah. And for Rigno Chris Sarandon, who I got an awesome picture. But you know who we didn't see? Who do you know we see? Or who you tried to see. We only briefly saw until his publicist yelled. It might have been him. I couldn't see from all the stuff he was wearing. Yeah, it was him. It was him all right. So I was standing there in his line waiting for him to come. Well, he was already there when we arrived. Well, there was some points where we walked around and he wasn't there. Oh, yeah. We had just been there. He was on that early. So, when it was like time... To clarify, you're talking about Lafayette from... Oh, Nelson Ellis from True Blood. Mm-hmm. Anyways, so we show up a few minutes before. It's his time to come and do the meet and greet. And he's just done a Q&A. So he's there and he's got this hat on and these big sunglasses. And there's people going up to meet him and his publicist is standing up and just lunging in front of him with this sign that said no or that he was a camera with a line through it. Yeah, she's waving the sign in front of people's faces. No pictures. No pictures. It was so like, ugh, so creepy. So then like... There were a couple booths. Was it just Nelson? I think there was maybe one other. There was a lady too. I can't remember. Who I couldn't remember her name. Oh, it was Spike and Drusilla. And then... The headstands leave kept in a corner. Yeah. But my point is most of the celebrities had no problem with you just now being a picture and passing. Oh, yeah. Like Jillian Anderson especially, she was just so on. She was on a corner booth and the only... They would tell you no flashes if you would start to get whatever. And like, don't hold up the line. And don't get... Yeah, keep moving after you get your picture but she was very... Very personable. Yeah. Like everyone really seemed to be really happy to be there. Except for... Except for... Yeah. Keeps up where it goes on. So ten minutes pass. And then he gets up. Oh, it wasn't even ten minutes, it was like right after she was yelling at people for taking pictures. Yeah, so like 245 when he's scheduled to come out, he leaves and we're like, "Dude, you're supposed to follow you now." I don't know what's up with that. So then we ask a dude who's working and he's like, "Oh yeah, he's just really tired. He's really tired. He's really hungry too so he's going to get a bite to eat, you know. He's really hungry." And you look left and right and there's like people sneaking bites at whatever the smoking man was eating. Like a bunch of people were eating, you know. But it's like the scheduled time, right? So he has two scheduled times. The Q&A and a photo op. So that kind of like pissed me off. So I went over to his booth where nobody was and I picked up her stupid sign and took a picture of her stupid sign and his stupid name and the fact that he wasn't stupid sitting there. And as people would come and be like, "Oh, there's no sign." I'd be like, "I don't know. But guess what just happened?" He says why I'm here guys. He was a total e-bag. And then I did speak to some guys who were really nice, who actually did see him. They're like, "No, you should tell I go over." But I was like, "Nah, I kind of don't wanna." So it was just kind of a bummer. Yeah. I did get a picture of him though, so I should totally post it everywhere and be like, "Screw you, Nelsan." We did have a good time on the rest of the floor though. Jeff and I especially enjoyed, I think, well, in Gigantor, especially enjoyed the horror corner, the room work staff, and they had some film setups for indie films. They have lots of props and people to boot. They were all looking really nice. I was particularly pleased to run into Ruby Rod from the Fifth Element. They had these free pictures you get on the Iron Throne. Oh yeah. And I poked at that. And the line didn't take very long to get the photo done, and then we were standing in the line to get the photos, and the lady who's printing them out, she's like, "You know what, it's gonna take about 15 minutes. You guys just wanna like go do something fun and then go back?" Yeah, those Iron Throne people were pretty amazing. They were so amazing. Everybody went totally out of their way. They had a duplicate cloak so they could keep the next guy, that line, ready to go. Yeah, it was really well done. A pope worked it. It's now on the board in the studio, behind me. I owned the throne in my pony shirt. We passed but did not get involved with a plushie panel, where they were making little tote rose. Yeah, that was fun. It was that same day. Mm-hmm. Everyone was really crafty. Mm-hmm. But you have to be. Like, looking at those costumes being like, "What the hell is that even made out of?" Yeah. Some of the costumes. Like it has to take them all year. Yeah. Some of the steampunk booths. Yeah, that's true. I can't remember what the name of the fellows from Edmonton. The Atticrators? Atticrators. Yeah. Man, they were so great. They were awesome instruments and stuff. Like, tell us what they wanted. They were fun. Yeah. And everything was so reasonably priced. They were amazing. Like, amazingly easily. What I was excited to see was that a lot of their items were functional. They weren't just, you know, here's a pair of gloves with some cogs glued on. Yeah. They were actually working items. Mm-hmm. So I bought a sundial slash. Compass, like, calendar. Compass, slash, calendar. And Gigantor, he got a telescope, right? Don't you go? Yep. And that was gorgeous. That came, like, in a cave. It was like brass and leathers. Oh, it was cool. And then, uh, Jeff got this really cool whistle. Yeah. A boson's whistle. A boson's whistle. Yeah. Yeah. He was specifically, he was asked if there was a technique for blowing it and the guy kind of gave a very, very brief demo. And then he said, "But don't do it anywhere near our booth, please." Yes. So then, on the way back to the hotel. Outside, yes. Yeah. Yeah. And it blew his whistle. Yep. It was awesome. It made me feel like I was on the bridge of the Enterprise. And it was kind of cool that, uh, that a few people got something from the same place, you know? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. And then, Rich was just T-shirts, T-shirts, T-shirts. But they were all awesome. He had such great T-shirts. Mm-hmm. I loved his Darth Vader loves cats. Mm-hmm. Super cute. We ended up heading out to Benihana for a supper. Yeah. Speaking of no pictures, that was interesting too, because our chef said that we couldn't take pictures of him. Yeah. He didn't want us taking any pictures. And J.R.D. still had his phone out too, because he was like, "Well, just take a couple of pictures of the table and you know, I'll make sure I leave you at." And he was like, "No, no, if you have your camera out, I'm going to be nervous. I'm not going to be able to put it. I'm not going to be able to put it." Yeah. I did. I took a bunch of photos of everybody eating. And then-- It was amazing. There was actually, I guess he was the employee of the month for the entire York hotel. Oh, I see. And so this picture was up on the bulletin board upstairs. Oh, I thought it was like a-- I took the picture. That's awesome. Yeah. I took the picture of his picture. We should clarify. It was a Japanese steakhouse, what do they call that? Oh, it was also a sushi bar too. They had like everything. But it had like that giant-- What did they call the table service? Tabletop. I don't know what you'd call it. But yeah, that's where they have like a chef who's for you in front of you. Everything is kept on the table. And yeah. His personality was so awesome. So good. And the food's so great. It was so funny. Gigantor ate so much onion without realizing it was onion. He still doesn't even believe me. He's like, "No, that was like cabbage or something." He doesn't know what it was. He doesn't even like you ate all that onion. And then I told the chef he hates onion and you eat all the onion, the guy laughed at him. "Oh, yes, that's onion." A lot of sea bugs. Yeah. You know, it's funny. I have a Benny Hannah story. I went to that restaurant for the first time and only other time, basically, when I was eight years old. And I've always hated seafood, but I really liked the shrimp that they had there that came with my meal. And I've never enjoyed shrimp ever again until I went back there this last weekend when I really liked shrimp. And I tried some of just lobster, too, and I found it delicious. I don't know that I never trust anywhere else to make sea bugs for me. But if you're in Toronto, go to Benny Hannah. Definitely. I think Rich enjoyed the sushi. I didn't ask him. I took photos of his meal and I made fun of him because he was the only fork user. I mean, he owned it. He was like, "No, I'm taking a fork." Look at my fork. That was good. But then I still, you know, he had to model the fork until I got a good pitcher. I'd rather use chopsticks poorly but get better at them with practice. Yeah, Rich. What up with that? No, no. I'm judging Rich. I know that I'm terrible with chopsticks but I'd still rather the practice. I'm judging Rich. I'm judging Rich. Okay. So to rewind briefly in time, just before the meal, the TT and Jeff had us assemble. Was it just before it was there, too? Oh, and Jack Antore was on hand, as well. Assemble in our room. Well the box actually had us assemble. Yes. The box actually demanded. That's correct. The unknown package. The unknown package on Twitter. It's assemble and reformed itself. I've actually come to think of the box as sort of a malevolent star trek. It's because it is. Replicator. It regenerates itself. Yes. And it's slowly feeding us some sort of deadly chemical. It's feeding off our souls. But it was full of delicious again, and this time including some cross-border liquor, which was... Yes. I like it when the box refills itself with liquor. And cleaning products. So nice of both rich and Jeff to assemble the innards. The goods. And such delicious goods. Even favorites that I had from the box last time were back in there. And I've eaten a lot of it. Yes, but I think at that point we decided to crack open the... What was that? Well, not just that, but we also got some amazing shirts from Mrs. Time, The Trim Traveler. Yes. Which I believe we discussed in the last one. Yeah. Golf shirts with, just in case anyone doesn't listen to that. Anyways, golf shirts with our logo. Yeah. Embroidered on. Embroidered even. So we decided what we went to snakes and lattes that we would all wear our shirts. Yes. And after the meal, we wore the shirts to snakes and lattes. And snakes and lattes, not quite as close as you thought it was, isn't it? No. It was very far away. About five K away, wasn't it? But it was a nice five-case drill through Chinatown. Some people enjoyed it more than others. You know, I mingled within the group, Cody, your brother, came along. Yep. And the churches were at hand waiting for us at snakes and lattes and stuff. And Morale was high and low in two years. We had a couple of we had Scott. Yeah. We had Scott. We finally met him. He exists. It was interesting, though. And I mean, we took the opportunity. We finally got the tape gun out of the van and we put up quite a number of posters along the way. Yeah. And we got to go by the Spadina area where the university buildings are. Yeah. There was a lot to look at. Very pretty. On the way. And it was a little too bad that it was getting kind of late. So it was dark, but it still looked pretty awesome. Mm-hmm. There was a lot of colorful characters out as well. Mm-hmm. So yeah, we got there. We played lots of games. I fell asleep at one point. Really? Peter was so great. Yeah. Kept up. Yeah. One of the most favorite games that we played was this one called Ghost Blitz. Oh, yeah. That was so much fun. You have these five objects. There's a ghost, a red chair, a green liquor bottle, and a blue book. Yeah. And a gray mouse. Basically, you flip over a card and it either has a direct representation of one of those items. At which point you grab it. Yeah. And the first person to grab the item gets the point. Or it has a representation of all the other items, but none of them are exact, and one representation is missing. Like there might be a blue mouse instead of a gray mouse. Yeah. So you have to figure out, oh, what's the color missing or what's the object missing? And then be able to grab it before somebody else does. So you can't always be thinking, what's missing? Yeah. Because then you won't get the ones that. And if you messed up, you weren't able to grab again. So people would just like have their hands hovering or it was a lot. It was. So there was so much laughing involved. Rich. Ghost Blitz. Yeah. Rich Ren, Gigantor, Scott and I through a game of Dominion. Which is nice because you just picked up a good game. Yeah, which was interesting because we had picked up Dominion on the show floor. Great game. I don't really want to get into the mechanics too much, but it was fantastic fun, and I'm looking forward to playing some more. Actually, we should just briefly diverge here. Speaking of mob business, we are working on putting together some mob game nights, possibly using the vassal program to allow us to play board games with each other. If you're interested in that sort of business, check out the Ning mob, the flash There's also while we're on the topic, movie night coming up. The 15th, right? No, the 5th. 5th of September. It's Wednesday. Next Wednesday. So if you want to come along for that, all you need is Netflix and a Google account so that we can start up a Google+ Hangout. We will be watching Nazis at the center of the Earth. Because what's better than that? So we'll be showing up, I think, at about 7.30 with the idea that we'll work at any technical kinks by 8, at which time we will hit play, with a 3 to 1 play. Mm-hmm. That's all right, though. Anyhow, to swing back, vassal was a great game. And that led into-- Dominion was a great game. And we followed that up. What ended up happening is at the start because we were still waiting for more people to arrive. We had two games going on at two ends of the table. And then we worked into one large game of Red November. Yes, because there's nothing better than gnomes burning under the sea. Yeah, always burning. It's a cooperative gnome submarine saving game. I've heard a lot of this game, and I'd wanted to try it for a while, so it was nice to actually pick it up and be able to play it. Although, I'll say, by the end of it, it was getting so late. I didn't really care if my submarine sank. I just wanted to fight. Yeah, we were getting a little tired. I was thinking maybe I'll sabotage the ship. Yeah, well, fortunately in the end, Scott ended up getting drunk for ten turns and essentially set everything on the sub on fire. And then we were wondering, you know, do we walk back? Hell no! Yeah, we were not going to walk that distance back, so we cabbed. Yeah, second cab never really showed. Peter Church was lovely and waited with everyone. Peter saved the day. After we took off. Oh, well, it came so fast we thought the second one was falling, but it didn't. So yeah, we got our asses in bed because the next day, that was Sunday. Yeah. You say we got our asses in bed, but it was like four o'clock. Yeah. And then we got up for breakfast at ten thirty. Yeah, we had a nice little, more informed... At the cafe deli downstairs. Yeah, Gigantor, Scott, Mr. Lynch, the time traveler. Yeah, I appreciate Mr. Lynch. Mr. Lynch went off and had coordinate venture of his own. Yeah, and it was so great because we were texting each other back and forth. He's like, "Guess where I'm at now." It was awesome. Yeah, it was a lot of fun. He got some great pictures. It was also kind of cool because the last day we all had to head off fairly early, but Jeff got like a whole day and night in the city, got to see the harbor front, which I forgot to mention, but he found and met a bunch of great people. Yeah. Yeah, I'm glad that it went very well. Mm-hmm. And it seemed like his kind of bag, you know, to just go and see the city and he got to do that, which was cool. I mean, Sunday came so quickly and it was sad to see everyone go, even though it was such a compressed time. It was so sad. Especially waiting around the shuttle for Rich. I can't deal with crowds over time especially, but it would have been nice to have just the mob element hang out for an extra day or two. We did have a couple of times who were just hanging out in the room and recording, and that was so great because we weren't busy doing anything. We could just like talk about stuff. And not have shoes on. Yeah, it was really, really nice. So yeah, by the time it was time to say goodbye, we're like, "Just one more hug, one more hug." And then for three days, I couldn't post any of the goodbye photos, so I was like pretending it never happened. Yeah. But just like... You can get into that Blanton's too. Yeah. Yeah. There's a little left. Yeah. A little bit. But to go from the highs of, you know, any moment, I'm looking for this person who I absolutely adore, who I never see, and I can't wait to like, "Oh, now you have to go home. You're a family. Are you okay?" What I thought was kind of nice about that though, is it didn't feel like when we left, like it was like, "I might never see this person again." Exactly. It felt very much like, "Oh, you know, until the next time we get together, it's so..." Yeah. We were back to texting and figuring out the next place to go. Yeah. Yeah. May, the third weekend, or some junk. Baldgon. I mean, we're gonna be in Buffalo in November. We might have time for like a meal with somebody. Yeah. Anybody's in the Buffalo area or close enough that they want to, they feel like driving? We totally meet you up for Hardee's or, no, what was the other, oh, we were totally for a Sonic. Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. I would love to see that. Which is like a PS. Skip the Hardee's. Go to Sonic's. Yeah. Well, everything I've read about Hardee's always seems to imply that they are the deadliest of burgers. Yeah. So I would like to try that too, but I guess there's time enough. So yeah. Buffalo. November 15th, there's something. Yeah, and then Baldgon. And then Baldgon. Make it happen. Yeah. We were also like discussing maybe some South by Southwest, if anyone says this. Oh, yes, we would. But we're working on passports, and I can't wait to show them off. By that, we mean we're making our own. Yeah, we're making our own. Shh. Now, one last fan expo. As I said, we'll return to some of the specific vendors that we really enjoyed next week. But one last fan expo related item. We saw Dr. Holocaust. Yes. A local supervillain. Yeah, I've been following him for a few months, and he's so effing funny on the Facebook. Like he's a local villain villain, and he always has weapons and a lab coat on. He's very menacing looking. So yeah, I saw him. I was like, really quick. I was just going up the escalator. But yeah, he was scary. There's people around him. They held weapons. It was frightening. Yeah. But I pointed, and I yelled. Local supervillain. Well, you didn't actually yell. You were just like, hey, look. Yeah, there was a lot of pointing. There was more pointing than yelling, because secretly I didn't want him to hear me. I know. I'm coming there. Oh, my God. Too much minus. I know that guy. Interestingly, you stumbled across some con news after he hit the party. Yeah, inside our gossip about the Batman, because we met this one Batman, and he was so nice. There were a couple of Batman's there. Yeah, but there was this one guy, and he kind of lingered in an area near Shadow Expo. Yeah, the Shadow Expo. Yeah, you'll have to see that inside baseball. He was very lungy. Anyway, so there's this Batman there. He was great. He would say things for us. We'd say this, do this. He had a better bail voice than Belden. Yeah, he I asked him to say I'm Batman. It was so beautiful. I wish I had it on record. I'm sure he would have done it anyways. But then I was like, I saw this article about how the Toronto Expo Batman is not your Batman, and this is why. And then I was like, oh no, not super nice Batman, but it turns out it's not that Batman. It's this other Batman who like yells things like, you killed my parents. And like would say mean things to children and was homophobic like they had this one girl had an account of like she's a cosplayer and how they've come like and their paths across and how it's been not awesome like during Pride this last like 2012 he refused to take photos with other men, everyone was meeting together all DC characters and yeah just weird shit like that. So then when this lady would call him on like ridiculousness stealing other people's cosplay photos. Yeah, and cropping out watermarks and stuff. He was just like, yeah, it was all like put the whole there was like a showdown in front of a bunch of people at Fan Expo and he wouldn't let her leave for a moment. It's just, you know, she stood up for all those amazing wonderful cosplayers. Like it is sort of funny but I don't know if you wonder if he was all like, hey, you couldn't say that about me if he kept it in the voice. Oh yeah, no she did say that he quite often like and she was like, cut it out at some point. Yeah. Yeah. And he did. What do you want me to do? I have the costume on it goes and goes against everything I believe in. You killed my parents. So yeah, that was a little unfortunate. But I've only heard really, really great things about the expo. And the Batman we met with. And yeah. Great Batman. There's some great Batman so there guys. So nice to meet the mobsters. Yeah. So nice guys. Speaking of, here's a voice I've been longing to hear again in my ears. I think it's time for a little bit of bother with Mr. Lynch. That is blowing in the digital wind. In the early 1980s, investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howell produced a disturbing little documentary entitled A Strange Harvest. I was just a kid back then but I remember seeing this film and being both fascinated and shocked. This was my very first exposure to the ongoing phenomena of cattle mutilations. And the film was a shocking and informative expose which documented in detail the very bizarre nature of these crimes. Here's a bit of audio from the film with Colorado Sheriff Tex Graves interviewed in 1979 describing one of the cases. The very first one we had was southwest of Sterling. When we first looked at it it was just unbelievable that you could take an animal and do this too without leaving some kind of track, some kind of evidence behind such as cigarette buts, matches, handprints, footprints, but there was nothing. The animal looked almost horrible and it was something that I didn't really want to believe then. And we probably had five or six others before I really did believe something strange was going on. We had one up north where we believed the animal was paralyzed and was alive when it was being mutilated and I in an ear the tongue, the rectal area was taken out but the animal dug a hole with its head but none of the other parts of the body moved, not even the legs. Speculations as to who or what is slicing and dicing away at these poor animals has been all over the map. These include secret government military operations, Satan worshipers, and even space aliens. After all these years I'm still not sure what to think. Sadly, the mutilations are still occurring and today I have for you the latest reported case from Denver, Colorado. Here's the story from the Denver Post. Recent livestock mutilations have Gunnison area ranchers shaken and on the alert for more strange attacks on cattle and horses. In recent weeks a horse was shot and had its head skinned at the La Valley Ranch property which is part of the Etsy ranch holdings about 8 miles east of Gunnison. The horse also had its tongue and anus removed. Less than two months ago a prize heifer in the same heavily traveled area just off of Colorado 50 and Colorado 114 had its tongue lips and anus removed. To me it looks like a ritualistic issue, either that or they are ion drugs. There is no logical explanation for it said Etsy ranch owner Mike Clark. Two other incidents took place on the ranch as in that vicinity in May and July. The four mutilations have prompted the Gunnison County Stock Growers Association to offer a $500 reward for any information that will lead to a conviction. The Colorado State Patrol has also been alerted to watch for strange activities in that area. The Gunnison County Sheriff's Office, the agency investigating the mutilations did not return phone calls asking for comment. Clark's ranch foreman Alan Roper told the Gunnison County Times the mutilated animals appeared to be shot but no bullets were found and the mutilations were done with knives and were not a result of predators. The recent mutilations have similarities to mutilations that occurred in the 1960s in the neighboring Saguar County. The famous incident was reported in 1967 when a horse that became known as Snippy had its head and neck skinned. Like in most recent cases there was no blood at the scene or tracks. The mutilations were never solved. In 2009 a San Luis Valley rancher found four calves with their tongues sliced out, udders removed, eyes cord and faces skinned. Those cases were never solved and there also was no blood or tracks around those animals. Clark said if there is another incident he expects the ranching community will really be up in arms. What concerns us is what are they going to do next, Clark said. Taking this strange mutilation mystery into consideration I can't help but wonder about the 2300 people that go missing in just the US each day according to TruTV's crime library. If the cattle cutting is kept on the down low I just wonder if some of those poor lost souls have met a similar fate. I'm Jeffrey Lynch and that's this week's spot of bother. I just wanted to mention real quick that the intro there or show promo for bothersome things was put together by Jeff and his friend Carter. Carter did some original music for him recently and the wind chimes are actually from Jeff's house. Very nice. Yeah I really enjoyed it. Actually speaking of music one of the things I noted from the string Travis clip, the Moog, the Moog music, and how back in the day any sort of strange going ons were underlaid with wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah. I missed those days. In a weird sort of way the science sounds will make this seem more reasonable by applying weird science sounds yeah wah bleeps and theremin buttons yeah theremin turn up the flash Gordon music as the MS-D3 guys would say that was sincerely creepy though well I find this situation bizarre and I suspect there's probably somebody with a weird violent fetish who is conducting you know and a bit of a brain issue didn't they say that it was very similar to stuff from sixties well yes but the thing is cattle mutilations are so general that it's hard to connect them well they were pretty specific eyes tongue anus yeah I suppose and maybe they're making a really fancy soup I've always wondered to me it seems like there's probably a certain amount of cattle mutilations that are people who are off the rocker and there's probably a certain amount of really poor people who just want some meat well I don't know I don't know if that's the case and they're taking eyes anuses and tongues why not I think you're overplaying the eye and tongue I think well because they're not all cattle mutilations in the sixties or seventies we're just I know but they're they're saying in that one area it's like the old cattle mutilations from another county over right well and they're also discussing like that it's being skinned and stuff yeah that's not for food it makes me wonder with how bothersome this is Jeff was actually saying when we were hanging out if you just saw the bookmarks I have if you saw the stuff I have on my computer it would just totally creep you out he frightened me with babies dead babies I did notice with bothersome things he does take away his accent some yeah yeah it's interesting yeah I really enjoyed it in person I had so much fun just listening to him talk yeah he's kind of such a good NPR voice I know and then that laugh from nowhere I love it well thank you for another bit of bother yes you can find all of Jeff's work over at and you can find him on twitter it please lynch me I want a hamburger some anus and tongue no wait that's a hot dog next up I think we have a bit of a retro review from our man fish awesome busy hectic transition I will be doing a retro review very retro possibly the most retro I'm going to do a review of of Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven starring Vincent Price, Peter Lorre and Boris Karloff. The first thing you need to know about this movie is it is not a horror movie despite the three main stars in this movie is actually a comedy and it's pretty good as a comedy and what makes it even better as a comedy is the fact that you can see a young Jack Nicholas running around being on silly. Jack Nicholas plays the son of Peter Lorre's character now I actually watch in this movie expecting like a serious adaptation of The Raven because I don't know if all the house of Usher gave Vincent Price his career boost and you know he was in he was in the pit in the pendulum I think and so on and so forth so I figured this would be like a true Edgar Allan Poe adaptation and like I said before this is actually a comedy and the only thing Edgar Allan Poe related is they recite part of the poem in the very beginning of the movie and then Peter Lorre's character has turned into a Raven a couple of times despite all this it's a really fun launch I was despite being taken aback of this was a comedy and not some kind of horror adaptation I still found myself enjoying it just like any good old movie that has comedic value to it there's a wonderful drinking game you could play with this every time Peter Lorre tells someone to shut up take a drink or any form of shut up if you do that you'll be smashed it'll be fun uh the other good thing about this movie is there's something I don't know there's something nice about these old 60s movies especially the camera work and maybe that's maybe there's some cinema snobs out there that'll be like oh what is he talking about but I kind of like the simpler camera usage in these movies don't get me wrong the sweet angles we get nowadays are often entertaining and even mind-blowing but it's just the vintageness I guess even the vintageness is props not a word just like props so anyway I'll just wrap things up here this is a yellow light because not everyone can appreciate a vintage movie and that's understandable it if you're not into it it will seem to drag on and for that we understand and we will judge you that is all always listening thanks a lot fish mm-hmm I loved the uh volume versus uh bubble ratio and I gotta tell you sir you've got a very good looking waveform very pleased you got a little clip to the start though yes yes you did um but we still love you great review so the Raven came later in the corman post cycle when they were doing those films uh follow the house usher was the first one I believe I had no idea the Raven was comedy uh yeah the film version is actually the film I would say is closer to this is called a comedy of terrors I believe and I believe it also may have been written by Richard Madison and which uh Laurie and Vincent Price play grave diggers essentially oh wait that does send yeah and it's of that same sort of comedic yeah okay the earlier films I think what happened was the earlier films made good bank and then it fell off a little bit and then they tried to change up the formula um this I wouldn't be surprised if people felt this movie dragged a little in places because corman is the king of filler right so he would have scenes that don't really necessarily pad the ads um yeah exactly but I'm really glad to hear this sort of retro business fish thanks a lot Peter Laurie Peter Laurie Peter Laurie sorry he kied me yeah actually I would recommend any of the corman Poe films um but I think we mentioned previously the haunted palace do you remember that it's it's named after a Poe poem but it's actually the only one of the cycle that is based on a hp Lovecraft story but it's that same vibe although it is more of a straight horror film uh that was Price and I'm trying to remember who else was in that anyway it's based on the case of Charles Dexter Ward so if you've ever wanted to see a Lovecraft film with a little bit of budget but in that sort of gothic style this is one of the yeah it's pretty good all right well again thanks a lot fish come from beyond to save us from our own past Gibraltar has found only one solution to protect us here now is your horrible histories welcome back boys and ghouls let's get a kick of the dinosaur to see if you can find something new once more of the British dear friends histoscope on being in the late 1940s the comic industry became the target of amounting public criticism over the content of comic books and their potential harm on children the problem came to a head in 1948 with the publication of Dr. Fredrick Worthand's two articles horror and nursery and psychopathology of comic books as a result the industry created group the association of comic magazine publishers formed in 1948 proved ineffective AC left the association in 1950 after gains had an argument with the executive director Henry Schultz by 1954 only three comic book publishers were still members and Schultz had made the ACMP sales placed on comics were tragically meaningless in 1954 the publication of Worthand's Seduction in the innocent and highly publicized congressional hearing of juvenile delinquents cast comic books and especially for life the same time federal investigation led to the shakeup and distribution companies that delivered comic books and pulp magazines across America sales plummeted and several companies went out of business gains called meaning of his fellow publishers suggested the comic book industry gather to find outside censorship and help repair the industry's damage reputation they formed the comic magazines association of America and its comic code authority CCA covered expanded the ACMP's restrictions unlike its predecessors the CCA code was rigorously enforced all comments required code approval prior to their publication this not being what gains intended he refused to join the association among the codes new rules where the no-comer book title would have used the word horror terror or weird on its cover when distributors refused to handle many of his comics and gains in the publication and all three of his horror titles and two of his suspense stories on September 14th 1954 AC shipped his focus to align with more realistic comic book titles including M.D. and psychoanalysis known as the new direction line that's the initial issues did not carry the comic code seal wholesalers refused to carry them after consulting his staff gained or what when they started submitting his comics to the comic code all the new direction titles carried the seal starting with the second issue this attempted revamp fifth commercially and after the fifth issues all new direction titles gained ways to number battles with the comic code authority an attempt to keep his magazines free of censorship one particular example in one particular example gains threatened judge Charles Murphy the comic code administrator with a lawsuit when murphy ordered ec to alter its science fiction story judgment day and credible science fiction number 33 the story written by alphine stein and artist jello or lando was a reprint of an early pre-code weird fantasy number 18 insert when the code authority rejected that initial story and i for an eye drawn for lando torres but it's self objected to because the central character was black the story depicted as human astronaut representative of the life of the public visiting the planet of serenia inhabited by robots he finds the robots divided into a functionally identical orange and blue races one of which had fewer rights and privileges than the other astronaut decides to do to the robots bigotry of the graphic republic would not admit the planet and the final panel here moves to hell and revealing to be a black man whereas even man there without any authority from the code that the black astronaut be removed gains of five-sided reviews and the story would initially be reprinted on syndrome and critical science fiction number 33 comic book was the last ec published this experimental line lost money from the start and only lasted two issues per title before cancellation when ec's national distributor of my bankrupt gains dropped to all titles he was printing except for mad mad sold throughout the company's trouble and gains focused exclusively on publication of this magazine form so it's removed mad from the auspices of comic code and the magazine joint enjoyed great success afterwards as of 2011 ec publications continues as a legal entity holding cover rates the mad magazine and is under the management of DC Comics even at of time Warner there he is again well okay you got to fix on that great wait wait no no well now that that's out of the way let's go ahead and introduce all these new monsters to the brand new show that's going to be premiering here now that I've broken down the dimensional barriers yes that's right it's the evil flash bulb universe and I welcome you all to your new segment fantastic fantasies so there's a lot happening here oh yeah quite quite a full segment it's love the kefka laughs it's interesting that like with comic books even like there's battles you have to fight with like in the courts it's so funny like back in the day you couldn't put things like weird or yeah terror on the front of a comic book and that you'd have to and you'd have fights over details like that they had a lot of the old ec you know vault of horror and such at the fan expo but trying to buy any of those back issues i i scanned briefly but i'd rather buy maybe somebody out there can recommend for me does comixology have a decent section somewhere of ec like old books do they have a collection that i can purchase because i've never been able to find it but i'm terrible at looking for these things it really shows this sort of uh like prejudice that it really is that there's also they wanted to alter the fact that there was an astronaut who ended up being a black man at the end of the issue anyways it's good that there's some people out there who will fight these battles against prejudice fight power so let's see what happens next week with yeah whatever the hell this show is fantastic fantasies whatever the case many thanks to building we stay tuned for that adventure so what do we have next on the docket i'm actually quite excited for you guys to take a listen to this this is the second game review from jigantor and he does such a wonderful job describing it and i don't know what it is but he just he always sounds really comfortable on the mic but he sounds like you know he's like your friend and he's in the room yeah he does a really really good job if anybody is really into board games it's jigantor too like yeah we have a solid board game contingent yeah i think i need like a game board like a or whatever sort of game intro game review yeah we got to keep it bagged so we got to keep it just for jigantor i think he's i mean it would be he knows a lot of uh the tt or doc blue savage glenn yeah yeah it but at the same time i could have an alternative one that's one that's for jigantor because he'll mostly be doing it but if there's special ones i think that if i recall correctly there may be some credit collaboration yeah to to be given to savage glenn that he may be collaborating with jigantor in production well maybe once i know what it's kind of gonna be maybe i'll discuss it with him before i start writing songs about it yeah i suppose jigantor should also consider opening a thread in the ning mob regarding i mean oh yeah our mobsters love candy liquor and board games so here we go yeah section just for his reviews and discussion of those that would be awesome people could suggest ones for him to review and he was without further delay here is jigantor hey flashcast jigantor here with another board game review i want to apologize for the shabbiness of my voice i've contracted a cold strangely enough sometime after skinner co-exact paid me a short visit i wonder if the two events are not just a coincidence i'm sure um small world has gained a lot of popularity lately due to will Wheaton and a few others had a bout of it on youtube i have to admit that same video sent me out on hunt for my own copy i headed down to my nearest game shop but there was no small world there was however small world underground a standalone game that could be integrated into the original so i've yet to actually play the original small world i've played the shit out of small world underground which is good because the game cost me 50 bucks it's a fun game it accommodates two to five players and it plays in about 60 to 90 minutes the game has a great setup and separate boards are used depending on the number of players like the main game in underground there are a variety of races coupled with powers and players must choose their army before someone else takes them the variety of combinations available keep the game fresh and exciting the race tokens and most of the other game pieces have areas meant for their storage a courtesy not offered by many other board games i've come to notice just be careful with all the point tokens it's starting to be a running joke with my friends to see how long it takes before i spill them all over the damn place and have to race my dog before he hovers them up strategy math and timing are some of your biggest assets to play this game the art and design of the game holds an unmistakable charm kind of cartoony with an edge as i said since purchasing this game i've played the shit out of it and i'm still itching to throw down with another army no seriously i need the practice i keep getting my ass kicked i need help um the only beef i have with this game is the rules on the cheat sheets are sometimes worded differently enough from the rulebook to lead to some serious misinterpretations especially if you're complacent enough to think you can just get by the game by just using the cheat sheets and now no longer referring to the rulebook i guess that's an easy way of correcting your mistakes um typically their mistakes you only make once or twice so it's really just a minor complaint uh anyway i think i've rambled on long enough small rolled underground gets a solid four blazing torches out of five i highly recommend this fun game and i'm looking forward to getting a chance to play the original or you know playing underground several more times anyway thanks for listening guys yeah i've heard good things about small world and i've wanted to try it for a while yeah i it's probably tabletop that really kicked it off for me as well but i like the idea that i had um multiple boards depending on the number of people yeah that would keep it totally interesting it's also fascinating that modularity has really found its way into board gaming um dominion which we picked up we actually picked up dominion intrigue but the one we played at snakes and lattes was just plain dominion and apparently not so much with intrigue and dominion but uh there's a lot of extending sets that changed the gameplay slightly it changed the decks that you play with like carcassonne yeah like carcassonne like katana it's fascinating you would never or i suppose back in the day they had that as well right with talisman and and the ablin hill games actually i just picked up um a new expansion set for the living card game of the game of thrones series and uh i picked up the kings of the sea expansion and it's got a whole new set of rules that you can choose to play by but you never you don't expect it by monopoly and then but by like monopoly who tells it would be it'd be kind of fun though talisman style they have a board that snaps on at the other end like you get out of jail but it's all the slums are you yeah get out of the wrong side of the jailhouse anyhow thanks a lot jagantor great job yes excellent keep them coming thanks for working any ongoing experiments that may be happening at your house okay another item i'm quite excited for it's been uh quite some time mostly due to my own poor email habits but duck as real is chapter 13 ooh how ominous 13 so so in the last episode the mysterious man in black recruited a reluctant new ally to his cause and now the latest episode of doc as real angel of death such a par approach behind this cover of a sedan while shutting orders to his men based on corleid's lake work they had identified this particular warehouse as potentially being linked to the strange blue lights that had been reported across the district at the suggestion of one of doc asrael's agents such a par had brought back up when he came to investigate the warehouse based on the same suggestion par heads to approach the warehouse cautiously he was book glad for both suggestions when bullets were fired from the upper windows shortly after he exited his window his vehicle now he and his men were in a standoff with whomever was inside the structure senior officer might not be able to get in but the inhabitant sure as heck weren't going to be able to get out par figured he could wait them out he could call it back up complete with fresh ammunition and supplies his friends inside were going to run out of bullets or food or something eventually inside the warehouse the hawk-faced man did not seem concerned about the police barricade outside or apart a lab-coded scientist glanced at the gunman at the window before he spoke uh yes sir uh well the the preliminary results seem to indicate that the the well you see these results are tentative get on with it the clipboard bearing man continued it appears that at the current settings the tesla field is stable sir excellent increase the yield sir was i unclear increase the yield as you will sir the technician signaled to his compatriots scurrying around the machine in the middle of the chamber increase the yield heavy dials returned under careful scrutiny one of the men below signaled to the supervising tech standing above the supervisor translated 70 percent the home of energy in the room increased 80 percent a semi-automatic weapon rattled noisily presumably in response to the efforts of law enforcement to gain access to the building 90 percent it appears that the field is maintaining continuity scientists nervously look to the thin man for approval excellent activate stage two stage two sir shouldn't we you did say the field was stable didn't you without waiting for reply then activate stage two activating stage two the lead technician gave the high side to the operators waiting below one of the light lab coat wearing men below through a heavy breaker the blue light emanating from the machine dims slightly the tech monitoring the gauges gave a superior thumbs up report there was a slight drain as i'm sure you notice sir but overall the energy levels are stable the hawk face man gave a rare thin smile as crates positioned around the warehouse began to creak as if something inside was trying to force its way out the technicians moved to the center of the room wearily watching the wooden boxes startled one of the scientists nearly leapt onto the monitoring equipment as the planks of one of the containers shattered outward Doris Corley appeared cautiously out her window at the yellow taxi that was sitting in her driveway she could make out the licensing number nine three six the driver gave another friendly beep before sliding out of the vehicle and approaching the front door young woman answered after his first knock yes your chair you'd awake the cheerful man removed his hat and justified broadly to his car i'm sorry i didn't order a taxi no man but the car is for you nonetheless turning the cap so she could see inside of it he revealed a golden triangle and blazoned with the wing and an eye i'm supposed to take you to see your husband so i'm really interested to see where Doris ends up yeah yeah this is right back into the ticket things yeah did the thick of it yeah i remember the scene with the dark azrael in the kitchen yeah that was great so fantastic entry it's all coming together yeah next episode should be quite interesting yes yes thank you sir good build up uh you can if you're interested in you certainly should be to check the backlog of dark azrael stories get together the details and put together the threads you can find them all over at as well as a bunch of other comical and game reflection writings by doc blue and his fellow mad scientists and children and mad children children yeah he has a podcast oh yeah yeah definitely check it out yes or we'll kill you uh with children with children okay well i think it's time that we we have a really full mail bag yes only one way we're going to deal with that mhm actually i'm quite excited for some of these anyway let's just get back to it it's time for mail bag hi there this is tibi from Oregon fc 68 dog days was again a great flash cast really enjoyed it so many different things that i could comment on but i think i will concentrate on identification fp two seven seven um during the discussion you had of identification during the flash flash cast i was kind of surprised that you weren't realizing the character in the venue is a kid with asperger's um asperger's according to one definition is an autism spectrum disorder characterized by significant difficulties and interactions alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interest and i take restricted really to equal ritual um people would ask brothers tend to have rituals or comforting or you know that you know what you're doing in the world gives you a little control it differs from the other disorders by its relative preservation of linguistic and cognitive development so kids with asperger's can look and sound a lot like regular kids except there's something sometimes odd um i don't quite interact with the other kids the same way sometimes have unusual speech patterns um when i was if i was a kid these days i i know i would have been i would be diagnosed with asperger's and a lot of things i have learned over the years and trying to figure out how to interact with people um kids nowadays are getting help with which is really cool but yeah the thing to me is there's a perfect example of a kid with asperger's especially the whole thing with um not quite understanding danger um some kids when aspergers don't quite understand these things um following his mother's rules uh a parent would ask her what a kid would ask burgers is putting this down rules and make that ritual for the kid and it's going to make it easier for the kid to figure out what to do and in case of that he just just here she just doesn't have that in them um to figure out entirely on their own anyways it was a great story i really enjoyed it kind of feel sorry for the dog because once they find out dogs been eaten on the owner dog like that tends to get put down but other than that it was an awesome story and look forward to future i look forward to ruby the ruby next ruby story it a long time since they've heard from her okay that's it signing out well that was a very good point tibi yeah thanks i definitely had um something in the autism spectrum in mind when i was writing that story uh we actually have a neighbor girl uh partially an inspiration for the story she doesn't quite get social boundary lines and it's not her fault she suffers from uh i don't know if it's aspergers specifically but something in the autism spectrum and she tends to like stand on the fence and stare at us for hours at a time across the yard or she'll be just well honestly part of that is bad parenting too like we'll head out there at nine at night and she'll just be sitting in the dark kind of staring at her house and that's her mom's cackling in the house while drinking good fun stuff yeah but anyway thanks a lot tibi it was very nice mm-hmm great comments yeah please please call every episode if not and i'll be very sad and i know you have a love of dogs i'm sorry there's a little dog action in that ruby three-parter little dog sacrifice but that'll happen yeah sacrifice happens and i promise i'll uh stay away from the dogs for the next little while thank you babies too yeah it's all gonna be babies from here now i believe we actually have a bit of more formal business to deal with and i'll let i'll let up hope read it but we have some mail from straws bird that needs to be addressed uh oh so he says dear skinner co sorry for the abrupt email but time is at a premium right now i guess that means i'm in your sack lovely first off official congratulations to mr skinner for his besting me at a focal fist kiss i shall heed tom maris's decision without complaint and i fully endorse the idea of an asimov theme to movember event perhaps using a different author each year to mix things up mm two words vernoff just throwing it out there yes thank you are correct thank you just kameh for being the kind bearer of indelicate news i still think you would have made an excellent judge and thanks opopenx for the skinner co ink and bo to confidence no problem i'll remember you both as i appropriate skinner's beardy luker and yes how could i forget the candy it's being prepared jrd so don't fret i hope to have everything together in a couple of weeks i just need to make some purchase requests and consolidate a few pieces of insider information i'll let you know when it's about to drop you may want to be watching your mailroom sir because i believe there may be a quite a stack of a kinder surprise yeah oh and since you asked kinder bomb kevin and the wane right surprise inside are both going to be fine kevin and the wane right both fine excellent in fact i just looked at the operations report and i'm very happy to say that we are able to recover 98 percent of the escaped ip as for the remainder our security advisor told me they were on their way up north and out of our hands oh they will be dealt with international borders the yard a cult of corporations everywhere anywho have to get this short i've got an appointment with dr ren in five minutes on kevin's recovery and don't want to be late mason's temperamental as it is have a good week oh and enjoy fan expo i'll be there with you in spirit we felt it think of me as you challenge trek cast members to feats of strength opop and axe and watch out for moldrew i hear she's a biter sincerely jaystrassberg thank you for taking the time that is so clearly valuable yes thank you that was a lovely letter i'm very glad to hear there's candy on the way yeah i'm really excited i know candy the box gives us much but we could always see it's a little bit more a little bit do you think they're just fattening us up so they can feed us to their gods i think that's the plan mmm delicious delicious gods yeah sweet like a peep thank you strawsberg we'll see how long you're entering step right oh i mean i think we have some mail from dylan awryne hello flash bulb crew this is dylan awryne aka dylan awryne from twitter coming to you from home surprisingly enough tonight although it is kind of a late night i had a weekend that went from being a intense weekend on monday to a slow weekend on tuesday to then being informed on friday that it was indeed going to be a fast weekend i have received a bunch of new mutant proteins and i am testing the viability of those as we speak anyway to my comments so ruby departed the circles series amazing okay all i can say is that zombie hunting on bikes should be fantastic and with ruby having the long handled spear i can only hope with my fingers crossed that there may be some bicycle jousting which is an activity that i took part a little bit in in college and it never quite worked out as well as we had hoped it would but i hope that if ruby does it it works out well so in answer to some of the questions that were raised by the flash bulb crew from my last comments my family actually moved to prince albert's a sketch one when i was three years old therefore the earliest memories of my life are from a winter in canada in saskatuan which they're they're pretty cold one of the memories that i have from my time in prince albert was this fantastic ice cream and i don't know if this was a saskatuan thing or a canadian-wide thing i haven't been able to find it it's an ice cream called tiger tiger which is a mixture of black licorice and orange sherbert which sounds really disgusting but was amazing to eat we lived in prince albert for a couple years and then we moved to sandy bay saskatuan which is about three hours north of the city of flinflon up in northern saskatuan which was an interesting little town it was a fishing village that was where i learned to set a trap line and i also learned how to hunt a lynx and how i learned to hunt a lynx was we were on our way home from a fishing trip with some friends and we were all in canoes canoeing across a lake and we happened to see a lynx swimming across the lake and my parents friends and my friends all said hey we can take this lynx and there's this old lady in town that knows how to make an awesome lynx stew and we can use the fur so we paddled up next to this lynx and basically beat it on the head until it stopped moving and then we flipped it into the canoe with us and kept on paddling and that's how i learned how to hunt a lynx after we lived in sandy bay for a while we moved to the city of saskatoon to sketch one it's a nice town i really dug it i was a great place to be a kid i have some really good memories of cutting through the railroad yards in saskatoon during school days my friends and i were all homeschooled kids so when we would go out during the day during the school year we had to be very careful because sometimes people that didn't mind their own business thought that we should be in school and took it upon themselves to call true and officers or the like i i hope everyone is having a really good time at fan expo i think that's actually happening as i record this which makes me kind of angry but you know i'm not as angry as i usually am mainly because i'm at home when i'm recording this right now i've had a couple beers i've had a couple shots of whiskey feel a little more mellow i wish i could be at fan expo with you guys but no can do maybe sometime in the future when i have a bit more free time speaking of i could really use a little assistance from the skinner code croner nuts i could really use a couple days off in other news um i'm trying to start uh an mc which is i'll actually it's a lot more difficult than you would think you would think you know you get enough people together and you all ride together and bam that's motorcycle club but no it's it's turning into quite a thing i'm not sure if i'm actually going to be able to do it anymore anyway that's the story for another time look forward to hearing what you guys are coming out with next this is dylan awryon from twitter signing off so i'm glad to hear you're not as angry yeah and you've had some whiskey are yeah you're mo yeah you're mutant proteins fascinating i need to know more about what you do um i'm sorry that you weren't with us we really would prefer that you be there but we were angry too yeah it would be great to have you at an upcoming you know mob expo mob con kind of situation you can ride the motorbike yeah remind me not to go swimming with you though just in case you have a paddle on hand yeah i don't want to end up in a stew yeah how was the links yeah that's the links that's a fascinating question i want to see the quote i've never had links meet true and officer issues eh yeah that's interesting the one well i don't want to say the one advantage but one of the things i was always envious about homeschooling was the ability to learn via adventure as opposed to being fed the curriculum and being able to get out places a little easier than say hauling you know 30 kids or whatever out to a historical site yeah plus whoever is teaching you at home you know knows your best style of learning and i mean i i have some reservations about homeschooling in certain situations i think it really depends on the kids and well on the kid as well i think there's a lot going on there but i really feel like the parents can make a break that situation like with anything else yeah at least you know your teacher has a vested interest thank you for your kind words on ruby yeah that was so much fun uh i know i will not deny that uh there may haps will be a little bit of justing in the future i want to know about this politics of a motorcycle club but yeah i would be fascinated on follow up on that even a recurring piece of yeah and the fact that you may not do it again the motorcycle club diaries or something's going on oh i want you to know that yes i know exactly what you're talking about licorice no inshirvert it's called tiger tail sometimes tiger tiger has a few different names oh yeah i know i'm talking about not as often not as common as i remember my childhood yeah you'll still hit it every now and then but when i was a kid it was pretty omnipresent i actually have black licorice was quite often it was more prevalent when we were children yeah that's true um i remember very distinctly having a memory just a couple years before my dad died of going to rent short circuit with him and we got tiger tail and we're heading out i was like this is the best ever awesome target too no johnny bye bye bye bye you me and all sweet little yeah yeah so many thanks sir hope that you're surviving your science yes and your science is surviving your anger yes please call in we have many questions for you to answer yes actually speaking of science we have heard back from our man dr jones head of jones uh quite pleased to see that he's still alive out there somewhere yes and he has lots to say he says hello flashcast crew and fellow mobsters dr jones here from the research and development department at skinner coo very exciting things going on down here in the r&d such as the anti-zombie re-kill bots which while being completely effective against the undead have a difficult time discerning the difference between the shambling no longer living and the poorly postured and shambling in terms of skinner coe i sent out an official memo advising all members of skinner coe walk briskly and upright so i say the problem solved check speaking of problems i don't wish to incriminate myself but there is a slight possibility that the recent ouch break as it was so cold may have been in part caused by me turns out energy force fields are both bad for electricity bills and the environment and are lousy at keeping dangerous experimental bioweapons from escaping during power surges i incidentally skinner co-employees are advised to be on the lookout for the dire wolverine which may or may not have escaped during said to power so we want to trust you we really do again the possibility is slight and if it did indeed escape it will more than likely fall into a coma after it satiates ungodly bloodlust and be easily subdued i'm hoping i'm hoping to get him into the skinner coe barber division yeah that'll be handy all business aside i have to say that i am honored to have been in your thoughts last flash cast which at the time of me writing this is number 68 i have to apologize for my absence on the social networks but as of april i unceremoniously deleted my facebook hmm the reasons were mostly logical but the main thing is that i like to keep my debauchery mostly private and as my fellow sci-fi nerd friend pointed out when the aliens invade all they will ever need to know about the current society is on facebook and i'd prefer to be an anomaly to them do know that i am definitely still listening perhaps not as diligently as fish but listening nonetheless and loving all of the current work especially the flash casts on the subject of flash casts i have to say that i am a huge fan of the phrase douche canoe hmm maybe i'm crazy but it's just fun to say yeah some of my personal favorites are ass hat i like that one but munch nice trolop i really like trolop and troglodyte because i'm classy like that my friend who never misses a chance to utilize her linguistics degree says that a good curse word has to have sharp phonetics with a finality to it such as an f-bomb or c-bomb very good point both the mouth and the mind love finality which is why those words are in some part satisfying to say we spent a good while trying to come up with new curse words but mostly came up dry personally i think the ones we have now are pretty good i can sympathize with mr or ryan as far as lab work goes although i have to say i may not yet be filled with rage the environmentalist in me says it's because i ride a bike everywhere and don't eat meat but my boss says it's because i'm not in academia right now i work in a soil proteomics lab which in broad strokes means that i extract all the proteins from the microbes in a soil sample run them through some machines that are mostly magic and interpret the results to tell me exactly what the microbes are capable of doing such as degrading methane or oils my main project now is trying to figure out if the microbes that are in permafrost samples are capable of digesting the massive amounts of methane and carbon dioxide that are trapped in the rapidly melting Arctic permafrost you may like save the whole universe yeah i'm just saying that so we know how much worse global warming is going to get hmm although if my professor's hypotheses are correct you may want to invest in getting off the planet pretty soon oh that's kind of sad i may already have done soon it is a lot of late nights and five a.m experiments but i love it especially now that we can play music in the lab i may only be a junior researcher but i think if you let your experiments bog you down too much you'll end up like the joyless lady that works in the lab down the hall from me we call her the ice queen so hang in there mr. Orion and remember it could be worse you could be working for aperture science in pulpy news at least i think it has pulpy qualities i've been watching a sci-fi show called warehouse 13 and this sounds really good um if you have the Netflix i would highly recommend it it has a very monster du jour quality to it except that the monsters are objects called artifacts which belong to notable people in history the show follows a team of agents with different talents as they try to keep these artifacts such as adult hitlers microphone which can hypnotize people or Helen Troy's anklet which can seduce anyone from falling into the wrong hands it is a little hokey and sometimes shows the not so great special effects that the sci-fi channel uses in their original movies but the acting is great the characters are lovable and they balance humor and more serious plot points very well if i had fish's authority i would give it a green light i was super excited here gigantor's review of zombies i'm always looking for a new tabletop game to play with my dnd buddies whenever we can pry ourselves away from the vidya games i would welcome any other tabletop game suggestions from the mob if they have any in return i have a healthy amount of suggestions on which video games are worth playing hmm by the way i love that you guys play left for dead together my siblings and i used to play left for dead all the time a lot of family bonding and hurt feelings came out of that game and i learned that you should always be nice to your siblings because you never know when you might need them to pry a hunter off your chest hmm good point that's all for me i was going to do a review of men in black three and prometheus since i just saw them both last night and i can't remember if fish covered that territory but i think i've proud of all and long enough keep up the good work you guys always researching dr jones p s i don't want to point any fingers but there have been a lot of rifts opening up in the space time continuum letting all sorts of unsavory beasties in well it has been great exercise and useful for weapons testing we are losing a lot of interns and insurance premiums are getting a tad expensive i would like to remind a certain someone and his feline companion that the laws on unlicensed time travel are a fifth dimensional and therefore always have been and always will be in all dimensions and time illegal just saying an excellent well an excellent point as well yes although the corona lawyers may be arguing the point right now mhm we pay them so much money though come on come on um it's not it's not the individual paychecks it's how many times you have to pay thank you sir fantastic to hear that you are still alive in the ether and you had some good excuses for facebook but yeah i do know you know the flash mob dot ning dot com that's right it would be great to see there we all you'll never get us there i don't blame anybody for deleting their facebook page though that is something i find it hard uh oh you guys are all ridiculous i want to see you get some pages and talk to me every day anyway we really appreciate your efforts to save the planet yeah that's awesome that is so great i'm glad that you're feeling fulfilled we won't fault you for the uh iron d breach yeah all of the breaches all of the time the wolverines because we know that you try and we love we got a lot of balls in here yeah sometimes so many balls you know things slip through the crack cracks cracks and balls in time balls and cracks actually speaking it matters of space and time i believe we have another missive from one of our favorite time travelers tirelessly seeks through the ages for fictions besties rich the time travel hello flash folk crew and bellow mobsters rich the time traveler here just a quick word of apology if you experienced any disorientation nausea vomiting unnatural aging or unexpected death my bad i put last weekend into a temporal loop so i could re-experience panics a few hundred times oops really enjoyed getting to see ruby story progress more in circles i know it was discussed at least twice at the pan expo but the imagery of the mother and child of the first part was terribly disturbing now that she's orchestrated the safety departure whether he repercussions against her but we see her start to accept her status as a leader with a group became to kept coalesce more around her also i completely forgot to give a shout shout out to fish on his leap year story he really got the black hole flavor right and he certainly kept me redirected from what was really going on until the end and the twist to follow up on the lost boy sequels i finished watching the thirst in this movie Corey Feldman again reprises his role as actor frog but unlike the tribe this time he is the main character instead of just a supporting role he is hired to find the boy who's been kidnapped by a group of vampires intent on using him in some sort of arcane ritual well not a bad movie certainly a solid bee it does feel a lot more like a pure fan service movie there are lots of flashbacks told his clips from the original movie still good fun for your bad movie fix i just got the finished wool omnibus edition by Hugh highly this edition collects the first five stories in the whole universe into one i say stories because the first couple are closer to novellas and novels wool is one of the best done post-apocalyptic stories i read the way that holly we use a mythos of forbidden past knowledge and conspiracy really draws you in it makes it hard to put the book down the characters he creates are very believable human and flawed he also is not afraid to put those characters in jeopardy and kill them off at the heart the story is a long mystery arc woven through the five parts with a lot of unexpected turns and reveals it also raises some unsettling questions about what limits we will go through to survive it also raises some unsettling questions about what limits we will go through to survive i give wool omnibus edition an enthusiastic five out of five dark towers there is a six book in the series that i look forward to picking up shortly right now i'm working the way by way through holly's just released i zombie so far the book is amazing disgusting and deeply disturbing it's fabulous it goes without saying that fan expo was amazing it was so awesome getting to hang out with you guys for the weekend the conversations were amazing as was the hospitality Toronto was such a nice city and the folks so friendly the expo itself was crazy all the cosplayers the vendors the screaming publicists truly awesome i hope there's a chance to do it again and eat even more my fellow officers oh and let's talk about something to take care of until car recognizes this is rich uh oh sounds like you got a dialect problem there although his temporal looping does explain quite a bit of the uh episode up till now so maybe some of the power surges even well there's your problem as i say wool sounds fantastic definitely have to look into that and uh many thanks for your kind words on ruby departed last arc uh yeah i'm i'm really excited to sit down and write more ruby which i think i wasn't expecting because as i mentioned previously every time walking dad loops around i kind of want to back away for a while but yeah i mean we're almost at 300 certain threads need to be moved forward certain things need to be clarified so crazy how close to 300 we are and uh props to fish for his story too yeah we mentioned that in 68 right i i hope so it was yeah it was great tale many thanks fish if we've lauded you already please allow us to do it again yeah i i gotta say i really love the ending of it the solemn ending mm-hmm i might i might sample the thirst i'm on a bad movie run kori feldman yeah i found myself two-thirty in the morning yesterday watching a uh lu phillip lu diamond phillip watching lu diamond phillip's film which one was it carnie it was spectacular beautiful sounds the cinematography my god it was i can't i didn't watch the intro but i assume it was a sci-fi original production uh direct-to-video sort of situation but at the same time it looked like it was earlier in the cycle of those films or they had less money to invest in any one of them it was hard to identify what era the film was supposed to take place in because it was a traveling carnival they had they had managed to get a hold actually speaking of uh flash cast threads they had managed to get a hold of a jersey devil which you may remember i believe it was robert snider had brought up in the past that's interesting uh so this was becoming their main display or whatever at the carnival and then it escaped and murdered a bunch of people as it will happen but throughout the film you get a feel like it takes place maybe somewhere between 1930 and 1950 mm-hmm well within the carnival it appears to yeah it's very old school and i mean the surrounding towns it's usually abandoned areas or whatever that they're dealing with and they keep it of that era but the weird thing is there's a scene in which a guy yells dude about 15 times in short succession like dude dude dude dude dude dude dude dude dude dude dude dude they were saying that back then and that's so not 1940s it seemed odd and out of place dude dude this is not cool dude thanks for calling yeah thanks a lot rich yeah that's great missing you already yeah that was the game he sounds so different when he's not here next year next year mob expo year yeah sounds so long well it's really less than a year right because we'll be doing an early season in the spring we can just get rich to speed it up for us yes because clearly that's not causing any problems at the moment yeah it's no fair that you get to relive it a hundred times and we only once it's very selfish one time we'll actually loop back to rich in a moment but for now maybe we should move into the earth oh never race up i really don't have anything are you a dassy old poet hi hi girlfriend um i got me some long fingernails and they don't allow me to play the guitar so i've got nothing bitches backroom plots both rich and jeff had some very nice things to say while we were at the expo together but something rich was saying specifically about the little bastard hmm yes the little imp that sits on your shoulder and tells you how terrible your work is i think i'm going to work on addressing that a little more too often i come off a story and immediately hate it i feel like we're doing i would like you to be able to properly reflect without the crushing death of your imp yeah i think there's a place in pushing people forward that that imp does the little bastard does really assist in but at the same time you can't let it overwhelm you it's a big way for such a small little guy yeah yeah anyway i really appreciate your comments guys and it's definitely something i'm considering right thanks for coming out guys we really have a good time well like the fan expo all good things must come to an end and so too must this episode you can follow us on twitter at @skinnerco or individually at jaredy skinner the jesica may end up open ax with a zero big thanks to jim for hosting and our rock yeah we appreciate it sir over at real you can find all of jim's business over at relic here's a blog at the oddman' enjoy the show tell a friend really enjoy the show we've got a donate button on the site if you have comments questions or suggestions you can find us at or email us text or mp3s to jesica may as vocal talent some musical standards can be found at the old ones the entire run of flashpop can be found at or via the search bar and iTunes flashcast is released under the Canadian Creative Commons as you be sure you know the original 2.5 license and don't forget the ning mob docked at jones and on the way to the by all the number there here is the standard that is with our number there this light cloud will never awaken you or if not where the black load of power has taken you in you have no thought of ever returning you would they be I live I'm a joining you on day to me I'm weary of bending in this is the last time and then I am bending in oh there'll be candles and thrills at us and I know why should they cry when they know that I'm glad to go it's a dead dream then I'll be mine for helping you on the long journey I know I'll be blessing you oh be it a day oh oh [BLANK_AUDIO]