The Skinner Co. Network

FC61 - Noisy Vehicles

Broadcast on:
29 May 2012
Audio Format:

Prepare yourself for: Robocop, Gary Oldman, time travel, the unknown package, and Mulligan Smith.

[music] Hello, and welcome to Flashcast 61, a Skinner Coat presentation. Skinner Coat, it's incredibly edible. This episode is also brought to you by generous donations from our Heron and Dave Dog Blue Wet. Prepare yourself for Robocop, Gary Oldman, Time Travel, the Unknown Package, and Mulligan Smith. [music] Hi, I'm Opopenax. Hello, Opopenax. And within the sweep of my burning gaze. Ah, she's burningly gazing at me. I'm like the one I like sour man. Um, are Jessica May? Yeah, yeah, that's me. Yep, yep, sorry. And, uh, yeah, the dirty. Oh, okay. Hello. Hello. You're here. All of you. In front of my glaring gaze. What was it? My burning, burning. Yeah. J.R.D. hates writing those interests. We're, uh, we're actually leaving out the other guest we have this episode. Oh, the, uh, ghost unknowable package. The Unknown Package. Yes. Our fourth today. Mm-hmm. We're staring down a bit of mail from Rich the Time Traveler. It's a rather large piece of mail. It's begun its own Twitter account. That's very exciting. I suspect it's larger on the inside, though. Yeah. That's how it works. These things do. Well, these things from Rich, for sure. This thing was a long time coming. I know. And it's kind of weird. None of the math works. Yeah. It's like someone's been screwing with time. Well, we can discuss that later. Yep, we'll get into it. I'm looking forward to it. First, however, I wanted to bring up something. Our man Strasberg mentioned to the mob. He always has very enlightening things to say. All right. The way this is working tonight was just like last night. We have the script of Star Wars. We are going to run through the script. Opening crawl. It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire. Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum. All right. First off, we are going to start with Darth Vader. It's going to be played by Tara Strong as Bubbles. The Stormtrooper will be played by Pinky. The Captain will be played by Jess Harnell as Adam West. And Princess Leia will be played by John DiMaggio as Jake. Wow. And scene. Where are those kinds of missions you intercepted? We intercepted no transmissions, Robert. This is a consular ship. We're on a diplomatic miss, God. Commander, tear this ship up apart until your family's plans. I bring me the passengers. I want them. Excuse me, Lord Vader, but... But, um... You all have such good taste. Excuse me, Lord Vader, but we have a prisoner. Darth Vader, only you could be so bold. The Imperial Senate will not sit for this. That was a fart. When they hear you've attacked a diplomatic... Don't surprise your highness. You weren't done any mercy missions this time. Several transmissions were being to this ship by Rebel Spide. I want to know what happened to the plan they sent you. I don't know what you're talking about, dude. I'm a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderron. You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor. Take her away! And scene. Oh, voices are fine. They managed to stay pretty consistently hilarious throughout. I like how they approached it. In the original performance. Yeah, it has a little something. Yeah, it's like the people with the most convincing voices were the ones with the most convincing faces. Anyhow. Yeah. That was awesome. I would love to be one of those guys sometime. Yeah, for a little while. Speaking of... I'd love to be one of those guys. Well, actually, we'll be doing voices live very soon. That's right. June 12th with Radio Project X. Oh my gosh, that's coming out. In Toronto. If anyone's around, we can give you the deets. The black swan. That's gonna be so awesome. I hope the rest of the mob is as excited as we are. Comments at if you're interested in coming along. We'll hopefully have some video or some recording or something. Yep. Yeah. We'll get it to you guys. A live rendition of a story. Yes. June 14th. Well, June 12th is not... No, this time... We're just adapting in the world. To ease into it. We're going to adapt an older story. And then hopefully Peter has been very kind and inviting us back again. So... Oh, really? Yeah, we'll see how it goes after this time. Do you know what? I don't think we need you guys later. Whatever. But next time around, I would like it to be an actual release episode. That'd be cool. Mm-hmm. It uses a little slim this time of year. Mm-hmm, yeah. But, I did catch a little something interesting. Gary Oldman. Oh. And already anticipation builds. Is apparently going to be involved in a robo-cop remake. Oh, wow. I heard. Won't it be weird if I see like the Robocop remake before I see the original Robocop? Robocop? I would love to see, frankly, I would love to see Gary Oldman play Robocop. Oh, yeah. Gary Oldman, he could have done anything. What? He could do anything. There was so little of actual Robocop visible. Mm-hmm. Most of him is a robot. I don't think he's going to have the same look to him. I buy into Robocop, but I do find it kind of hilarious to think that it's a grown man wandering around in a plastic suit, moving very slowly through every scene. And it doesn't actually make sense. Oh, he's really slow, too. Oh, yeah. That's kind of lame. He's so full of power. He's so full of power. He's so full of power. And massive and... Robocop-y. And slow. And judge. See, I even think it's kind of whatever, but when somebody starts attacking Robocop, I feel very defensive for majority. Because he loves Robocop. He's such a soft spot. We got him a Robocop birthday card last year. I play the music. Yeah. It's really awesome. But yeah. It meets exactly that sentimental spot for me from my childhood. It's like the ridiculous adventure with... It was one of those films I couldn't remember people discussing in the school yard being like, "Did you see that scene where I totally shoot that dude in the nuts?" I remember like your early 20s, you being like, so serious when I brought up Robocop, he was like, "What's wrong with Robocop?" There is a lot to love in Robocop, and I think the same can be said for Total Recall. There's a few other... Oh, totally. The original Terminator, the first one. There's something to the robot futurey fantastical. It's not even that. It's the mood they nail, but also with Total Recall and Robocop, and a few of the other SF films from around that time, there's a little more to wrap your mind around than maybe a modern action science fiction movie. Total Recall leaves you wondering about if it's actually happening or if it's all just... Yeah, in his head. Yeah, in his noggin. Oh, and I think Robocop, you know, as ridiculous as it is, it's making some social commentary in its presentation, and I enjoy that. Although it's not, you know, heavy-duty literature or heavy-duty film cinema, it punches above its weight. I'll take your word for it with Robocop, but yeah, I can totally see what you mean with Total Recall. But Gary Oldman. Yeah, for real. What can't he do? Nothing. There's nothing that man cannot do. Cures cancer. No, that's Sean Connery. Oh, sorry. I don't know if... I don't know, however, if he's going to be enough to save Dark Knight Rises for me. I'm having a real... It's only about Commissioner Gordon. Crisis of Faith in Christian Bale lately. I tried to re-watch Dark Knight the other day, or just... I caught a chunk of it, essentially. And I just... And it made you mad. Oh, it angered me. Yeah. Is there a movie with Christian Bale in it that you don't hate? Well, see, I was actually supposed to, I'm still hoping to, but I was supposed to get up to a balathon this weekend. And essentially I would watch The Prestige and The Machinist, which various folks on Twitter have told me are sort of his two good movies. So supposedly, if I watch The Prestige especially, I will have my faith renewed. Yeah, that's the one that you sent me the trailer for, right? Yeah. That's right. I was hoping to suck you into the experience as well. Yeah, I actually looked at the trailer again, sorry. That's okay, I guess. Batman vs Wolverine, as everyone likes to point out. Really? Yeah, Hugh Jackman is the other magician. We did finally get around to watching Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr. with Tony Stark. We were all pretty disappointed. Yeah. If it was the movie before the BBC show, maybe, but now that we've seen this BBC version, it's so meant. Plus, there's kind of some parallels and you're like, yeah, it's just like that one except it's not as good. Yeah. And you want to be like, I don't think Tumberbatch wouldn't do that. Well, I'm willing to buy Robert Downey Jr. Yeah. I just felt like the writing wasn't selling me. There's a way, there's a way a script is supposed to come together and intersect. It should have been a good choice to bring in. You know what I mean? To have a fairly large, but the way he handles things is to have a fairly large cast that all move in different directions and come together in sort of unexpected ways. But unfortunately, this film was such a character study on Holmes and to a certain extent, Watson. Even though both characters, well, Holmes was a little better for me, but Watson was totally flat. There was no depth to the characters, but there needed to be because they were the ones maintaining all of the screen time. There was none of the usual, you know, jump to the two Russian guys and then what's hop over to what's going on downtown? Yes. It was just Holmes. Oh, Watson shaking his head at Holmes constantly. Yeah. It felt a little tedious, unfortunately. Yeah. So there's that. But wasn't there the implication that there was going to be another one? There already is another one, I believe it has been released. Mm-hmm. Indeed. Yeah, I would definitely sit down to watch the next one. I just was hoping for more under this one. Yeah. It was essentially what it comes down to. I don't think it was a terrible film. I just... If I were to make a Sherlock Holmes movie, we'd just like so much better than that, though. Yeah. Yeah. Hurry up. So did you guys look at this time travel recap that the Atlantic posted? I think our fellow Jell-O posted to the mob. Yes, yes, I was seeing this. I didn't see Rich in there. Well, he operated as artists, generally a television-based device. I suppose. I don't know. There were a few interesting choices. I mean, like a lot of the obvious Terminator... Of course Men in Black 3, because that's just coming out. Mm-hmm. I suspect probably part of the impetus for writing the article in the first place. I found it interesting that they included Escape from the Planet of the Apes. Yeah, I love that movie. Which is a time travel story. But have you noticed that we don't make "time warp" movies anymore? There used to be a time when if you needed to throw some sudden chronological mess up in your film, you could just go "time warp" and that was kind of okay. Around 1987? Yeah, I think it lasted from the '60s-ish through to the late-ish '80s. Yeah. It was kind of a cheat. And then with Star Trek the next generation and D Space Nine and all of the SF it seemed around that period, there was the... It went from warp to wormhole. It's a wormhole. Oh, wormhole is brought us back to Earth in the 1800s. They were looking... Or they discovered their own ship. But it's been destroyed. It's okay because we can get back because we found a time warp. Wormhole. We can stop time. Alternate reality. They also included Slaughterhouse Five, which I thought was an interesting choice. Yeah, I guess there was sort of time travel in that. It's a little... See, I've... Interesting the way they handle it. I don't... I've seen the movie, but I don't really remember it. I'm way more familiar with the book. There's a movie of that. Oh yeah, they're discussing the movie. The '72 film. No way, really. Yeah, absolutely. I always thought of it more as his mind having come unstuck. Not so much as a fellow teleporting through time. His body isn't physically moving through time. Anyhow. Interesting. Interesting list. I'll have to see that movie sometime. I'll definitely throw it in the notes. Yeah, yeah, I will. I was on the internet reading my stories. And I came across some Mr. T information. And whenever I see Mr. T, I must stop and see what he's been up to. Yeah, check it out. So he is in a comic book, but it's an online comic book. I think they want to focus on the fact that it's green. It's eco-friendly because it's online. That's nice. But yeah, the first five, what do they call it? By the issues of the series are now available. And what is it called? It's from Mohawk Media, it's called... Mr. T goes green. Yeah. I find that interesting. Like, is it just about him, like, what recycling or something? It looks very hooky. Oh, awesome. He looks to be in the jungle with some man behind him. I'm sure there's some fisticuffs. I'm sure it's generally fisticuffs. It's interesting because... Even all the way back to the '80s, Mr. T has always been attempting to do... The right thing. Not just the right thing. It's true. He's always trying to do the right thing. But he's kind of ventured into these weird media projects. Like his... He's got no fear. Self-improvement for children tape. You want to know why he has no fear? Because Mr. T... Yeah, well. Sorry. Self-improvement for children. Yeah. It was like a treat your mom rides and stuff. Yeah. Be nice to your mama. Yeah, I remember the... Be nice to your mama. You know what? I should wrap that. But he, you know, he appeared in the Chipmunks. Take it. He... Yeah. He was in one of the Rocky films. Like, what kind of other fellow can just wander into different franchises? Are we supposed to assume... Wait. I don't remember enough about this Rocky film, but can I safely assume that B.A. Barakis at some point changed his name and got into some sort of wrestling fighting organization. Who knows? And somehow faced off against Sylvester Stallone as Rocky. Can I mix... Can't, better yet, can I imagine an A-Team episode where Sylvester Stallone punches through a wall and like... Starts taking dudes out as Rocky. Please. Because obviously they live within the same universe. That's what I'm asking, yeah. And so the Chipmunks. Yep. They'll show up too. They're on the sidelines. They're the towel boys. Towel monks. There's just some Chipmunks running around. Yeah, yeah. But all the towels are too heavy with sweat. That's really fast. So... Yeah, that's really cool though. Kudos for Mr. T. Yeah. He's really gay. Well, for experimenting. Yeah. He never ate anything. His experimentation is gay. Okay. Just a bit of personal news. Well, we've already mentioned the Radio Project X situation. Which is so awesome. So awesome. But I wanted to bring up Fan Expo. That's right. Just keep that ball rolling. Some exciting new guests showing up. It's a cool, closer and closer. Variety of True Blood character is arriving. I heard. I've told Buffy characters too. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Oh, Jamie. You're so excited. I'm so excited. I've already pre-planned some of my outfits. Do you have somebody that you're excited? Sorry, not contributor or mobster-wise. But do you have someone at the con itself that you're excited to see? In particular? Yeah. Yes. Who? Spike. Oh, Cory! Yeah. I must have my picture with him. I must. That was so awesome. I'm not even that huge of a Buffy fan. I'm really hoping that, like... But you know, when I was a pre-teen, I was very jealous of Driscilla. Oh, yeah? So I'm making a slapper in the face. No, I'm not even gonna look at her. That man bitch doesn't even exist. I'm hoping, still, that last minute we'll get some Game of Thrones people showing up. Oh, god. Well, they have... I'm sure they will be. Yeah, every time they release names, there's some pretty big headliners. Very excited. Sorry, did you say who you're in? Um, who am I excited about the most? I don't know. It's very kind of me. I'm still... I'm still... I'm still holding it. Patrick Stewart, huh? So far, I think he would be the top of my list. Oh, my god. Kevin Smith. But we're not actually... It would be cool. We're going to the... Yeah, we're going to see him, and I'm so... So, like, now that you just mentioned that, I'm like, "Oh, my god!" But it's not like we're gonna meet him. It's not like... Yeah, fan. We didn't get the Primo Primo tickets. There weren't any left, so... Yeah. Do you want this carpenter? Absolutely. Oh, yeah? That'd be cool. Yeah, for real. I'll want to, like, get a soundtrack for all his movies and just play it with me wherever I go. Will you cut me with this knife? I want to tell people on my popular podcast. I wonder how many Casios do something... John Carpenter cut me with a knife. This knife. What? Well, no. I don't know. It's gonna be interesting. Yeah. Casio, keyboard. Will you cut me to this music, John Carpenter? Oh, fan expo is gonna be so funny. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. People who are not coming are missing out. I know. And we feel so sad for you, 'cause we know that you're sad and that you really do want to be with us being cute. Now, those who live in the area but who don't have the cash to pony up for fan expo... I just don't want to. I've heard from a few of you now. We will be doing things offsite. We're gonna try to plan as many snakes and lattes slash... I know Jessica May has a plan to go to Union Station. Take some photos. Yeah, we're gonna go on a photo. Yeah, we're probably going to do a little photo touring. It's very close to the hotel. It's not a video. And we'll do some offsite stuff so people don't have to pay as much. That's right. So if you want to come out just for a day and let us know, shy. We'll probably have one event that we really push as probably the snakes and lattes things. Yeah, and then there's gonna be minor things because we're gonna have stuff going on at the con. We would like to have like maybe a little time just to ourselves. A nap. Yeah, yes. Leading's good. But yes, we would like to have some cocktails and hanging out at times. Especially those, yeah, especially for those who are like flying from other countries to see us. Luckily, we're so much fucking fun. We really fucking are. We really are. One of those gentlemen coming from a long distance away to see us. Yes, one of them is... Mr. Jeffrey Lynch. Yay. We've bought through some Spud of bother. Hi, mobsters. I'm recording this piece just a day prior to leaving for a long weekend trip to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. My primary reason for going is to visit the Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest. A small swath of protected virgin forest with 400-year-old oaks and 200-foot poplar trees. It's a magical place and I'm hoping to see a ferry or two. Nearby is beautiful Fontana Lake. There I'm gonna do a canoeing where at least have a swim. My only fear is that a nasty little water monster that's causing problems for the gentle focus of Georgia may have somehow made its way north into our waters as well. If after this post I'm absent from your ears for a while. You'll know the reason. A fourth victim of flesh-eating bacteria in Georgia lost his leg when doctors were forced to amputated three weeks after he received a cut in a lake while trying to install a new dock. The serious outbreak of the infection has left neighbors terrified to go in the water at Lake Sinclair. Afraid they'll come down with the rare and serious disease as well. Meanwhile, Amy Copeland, the 24-year-old graduate student who's battle with the bacteria, first drew international attention to the horrific medical condition, sat up in bed for several hours. She continues to recover after doctors were forced to amputate her leg, her foot, and both her hands as the bacteria spread rapidly through her body. Paul Bales, the latest victim, was standing in Lake Sinclair near Millageville preparing to install an expansion onto his dock when he cut his leg in the water on May 1st WGXATV reports. His son, Mike Bells, told the TV station that his father didn't think much of the wound when it first happened. It was a very small cut. Matter of fact, he just bandaged it up and then went on and played golf for the next couple of days. He said, "But within four days, the cut began to swell as the infections set in." On May 5th, Mr. Bells went to his local hospital. The next week, he was transferred to medical center of Central Georgia as doctors struggle to battle the aggressive disease. Mr. Bell's terrifying ordeal, coupled with the other infection rates, is beginning to cause panic in Georgia. Mr. Bell's neighbors on the lake are keeping their kids out of the water for the Memorial Day holiday terrified that the bacteria could enter their bloodstreams too. People are scared they'll lose limbs. Everybody in town scared to go out in the water. Austin Hunter, one of Mr. Bell's neighbors, told WGXATV. Ms. Copeland, despite her heartbreaking amputations, continues to improve. She remains in critical condition at Doctors Hospital in Augusta. Ms. Copeland, a student at the University of West Georgia, was infected after she cut her leg when she fell from a homemade zip line and splashed down in the Tallapooza River near her home in Carrollton on May 1st. The second victim of the flesh-eating disease, Lana Kaikindall, 36, noticed the infection on the back of her leg just hours after being released from Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, where she gave birth to twins. She has had seven surgeries to remove the infected flesh and remains in critical condition at Greenville Memorial Hospital in South Carolina near her home. The third victim, Bobby Vaughn, 33, has been upgraded to good condition after doctors removed two pounds of flesh from his groin. He is recovering at Doctors Hospital as well after he cut his thigh while cutting weeds in Carter'sville. Despite the bizarre outbreak of the disease, Dr. Mike Green of Macon said people shouldn't overreact and become paranoid about becoming infected. It remains very rare, he said. Okay, since two of these cases don't seem to be water-related, perhaps the lake will be fine, even that close to the Georgia line. However, I can't afford to lose two pounds of flesh, especially in my groin region. I'm going to stick to the woods. I'm Jeffrey Lynch, and that's this week's Spot of Bother. Hollywood Russell and the Case of the Virtuous Vixen, Part 7. While events unfolded in Hollywood Russell's cliche, dingy office at a frustratingly slow glacial pace, across town momentous things were afoot, great cosmic gears were turning that would bring two men into mortal conflict, a conflict that would change the course of Hollywood Russell's very life and leave one of them dead. At that very hour, across the country, in the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, and a small farmhouse on the outskirts of town, was born the infant who, in 22 years time, would grow up to be the drunk driver who would run over and kill Hollywood Russell, while the detective was on his way to buy a cheap fedora. But that's not for another 22 years. Next week, what does the woman in the red dress finally want? Don't ask me, I haven't written it yet. To be continued. Wow, that's rough. Better be keeping notes because at some point you're going to have to keep your continuity together. Yeah, right. I could listen ahead, I actually have the next two portions of Hollywood Russell. He was having some issues and was going to have to send me his New York minute later, but it has not arrived, which is okay because I believe in America, there's something called a Memorial Day weekend, and it's like extra long, and I fully will expect that you guys are doing other things. Wait, doesn't that mean you're supposed to remember something? Yeah, I assume the weekend is set aside for just the memorization of various lists. Yep, that's how they do it. They just do it at like one time. They learn everything, they take one weekend and just like memorize everything that they'll need for the year. Yep, that's what they do. I'm under the impression it's mostly baseball statistics. Good to know. The things I learned daily about Americans, it's always so interesting. So interesting. I'm fairly sure we're going to learn a lot about America once we open this box. That's what I'm helping. I know. Yes, it's all for science. Yes, it is. So what else can we learn for science? I believe we have a bit of horrible history. Well, that's sort of science. Is that kind of science? Before we head into that dangerous field and see what lab cats got up for us, we should mention that all of Barry's work can be found over at Yes, that's right. Come from beyond to save us from our own past. Gibraltar has found only one solution to protect us. Here, now, is your horrible histories. Are salutations, me fellow mobsters? You wrote through here. Now you're looking into your horrible histories. Well, it seems you're supposed to be stuff unpirited. Yes. Ah, we got to work it again. Now, here we go. Well, that doesn't be right. What? Hold on, there's radio. Lab cat. Now, let's bring news from all around the world and our history. This just in. Our research and development program led by the United States with participation from 19th in Canada that produced the first time of file. From 1942 to 1946, the project under the direction of Major General Leslie Clove of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Army component of the project was designated the Manhattan District. Manhattan, gradually, perceived the favorite code name, development of substitute materials. Along the way, the Manhattan Project absorbed its appropriate British counterpoint to its hour. The Manhattan Project began, honestly, in 1939, but grew to employ more than 130,000 people and cost nearly 2 billion U.S. dollars, roughly due to 25.8 billion out of 2012. Over 90% of the cost was the building of factories and producing efficientable materials, with less than 10% to the development and production of the weapons. Region and production took place in more than 30 sites across the United States and the United Kingdom in Canada. Two types of atomic bomb developed during the war on a relatively simple gun-type fusion weapon made using uranium-235 and isotope that makes up only 0.7% of natural uranium. That is chemically identical to the main isotope, uranium-238, and that's almost the same as to prove difficult to separate. Three methods were employed for uranium enrichment. Electromagnetic gas isn't thermal, most of which were performed at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. In parallels to the work in uranium, it was an effort to produce plutonium. Reactors were constructed in Hafford, Washington, and wish uranium was irradiated and transmuted in plutonium. Plutonium was then chemically separated from the uranium, and the gun-type weapon proved impractical to use with plutonium, so the more complex implosion-type weapon was developed. A concerted design and construction effort with the project's weapon research and laboratory, the design laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico. The first nuclear device for every detonator was an implosion-type weapon, and a trendy test connected to New Mexico's album and wrote a bombing and gun and range on 16th of July 1945. Little boy, a gun-type weapon, and an implosion-type weapon, Fat Man, were used in the atomic bombing set of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, respectively, operating under a blanket of tight security. Soviet spies still penetrate the program. It was also charged with gathering intelligence from the German nuclear program. Through Operation ALO's Manhattan Project personnel serving Europe sometimes by enemy lines where they gathered nuclear materials and rounded up German scientists. In the immediate post-war years, the Manhattan Project conducted weapon testing at bikini at all as part of Operation Crossroads. Developing new weapons and promoting the development of the network of the national laboratories, supporting medical research through radiology, and laid the foundation for the nuclear navy. Containing control over the American atomic weapons research and production until the formation of the United States Atomic Energy Commission in January 1947. And that's all from the news for the general listeners. Until next time, the updates from the Ace of Scope. Now, back to the music! No, we can't stay like this. No! Even if you look at your report or something. I don't want to set the world on fire. ♪ I just want to start ♪ We knew that we were open up at the same. Few people laughed, a few cried. Most were silent. I remember lying from the scripture of the prophet Adgita. Vishnu was trying to persuade the prince that he should do his duty. And to press upon him, he takes his multi-arm woman and says, "Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." I suppose we all felt like that one way or another. She had brought the dog of the hammer. ♪ I've lost all ambition ♪ ♪ The world will reclaim ♪ ♪ I just want to be the one ♪ I really loved that quote at the end. Yeah, very nicely delivered, sir. It sounded great. And the music. It's interesting to hear the evolution of horrible histories over time. He's obviously working at it and getting better. Every installment. Yeah. Definitely one of the horrible on a grander scale episode certainly as well. Yeah. But now I'm just terribly in the mood to go play Fallout frankly. No, I don't want to lose you from the machine. The only thing that could maybe keep me here would be another installment. Duck as real. Not your love for me? And the love thing. But also... Duck as real. Duck as real. Into the death. Grudge yourself for another entry in the tale of murder. Mystery. And dark motives. That is the ongoing saga of Duck as real. Angel of death. The last episode, Jimmy Keenan had an unpleasant discussion with agents of a former employer. And a mysterious new threat revealed itself. And now, the latest episode of Duck as real. Angel of death. So, as I was saying, last evening I was taking my daily sabbatical along Crimson Willow Road when, too, I hesitate to call them "Gentlemen" accosted me. Jimmy Keenan was trying for the third time to relate his story to Officer Corleum. The officer seemed more intent on the doodle he was developing on his scratch pad. Yes, yes, I'm sure. And when exactly did you see the blue light? All day, the station house had been flooded with reports of strange blue lights. The citizens who had reported them, attributed them to anything from aliens to magic to Duck as real himself. Unfortunately, none of the reports had been particularly reliable. Fairly early in the dailage, Sergeant Parr had instructed his staff to quickly and quietly take the reports and then get back to their real jobs. For once, Corlea agreed with the gruff senior officer. Some fairy tales were not worth pursuing. After giving the instructions, Parr had retreated to his office, closed the door, and had not been seen since. Again, with the blue lights, why do you keep asking me about them? I don't know anything about blue lights. I am here as an upstanding citizen to report an assault on my personage. Keenan's why, and finally drew Corlea's attention, the officer looked at the importer who sat across the desk. It was fairly obvious that the man had been beaten badly. You do look like you were on the losing end of a fight, which of your clients did you pass off. Keenan straightened himself in his chair with a wince. I've gone straight after our last meeting officer. Nothing but legitimate importing from me here on out. If you wish, you can contact Corlea. Sergeant Parr bellowed as he came through his office door. Corlea, I want you to hit the streets, go investigate those blue lights. I want everything you can gather, times, locations, everything. But sir, I thought you said earlier that, never mind what you thought, Corlea. I want you to hit the streets now. Yes, sir. Corlea pushed back his chair and started to reach for his coat and hat. Hehem, I am in the middle of making a statement. Parr turned his attention to Jimmy Keenan, just as the small man straightened his jacket collar. Briefly revealing a small pin discreetly hidden on the back side of the lapel. The sergeant glowered for a moment. "Corlea, take Keenan's report," he said in a half growl. "But you just said, take this gentleman's report and sent him to my office when you are done. Then you can investigate the blue lights. Am I making myself clear?" "Yes, sir," Corlea settled into his chair once more. "Why don't we start from the beginning, Mr. Keenan. You say two men assaulted you on Crimson Rillo last night?" "The mystery deepens." "I know. Such angry gentlemen." "Why are they always so mad at each other?" "In that same idea that it's the 30s and 40s films, those cop actors always were just shouting on their lines anyhow." "Yeah." "I'm so angry." "Yeah, at least they knew how to open their mouth in like Christian Bale." "Ugh, yourself." Doc Asriel does have a new home, though, over at You can check out the category over there. "It's not very secret when you tell us where you are." "I was just gonna say that, it's not secret." "But I said it first." "Yeah, you ruined her." "So I'm the funnier one." "You're a ruiner." "You ruined her." "You're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Yeah, you're a ruiner." "Okay." "I must admit, I'm not really watching my video very carefully." "Oh my god." "And this is when Jaredie lost his fingers." "Fingers." "And my red bull, which is equally important." "Yeah, fingers red bull itself." "Oh my god, I have to stand up. This is a big deal, guys." "Oh my god, it says things. It says things, guys." "Oh, this is so exciting." "Oh my god, there's Wonka." "Oh my god, there's Wonka right on top." "Don't look, don't look." "Okay, okay." "We gotta read it first." "Okay, here, take a look." "Hold on, we need a quick shot because this video can only be so long for the internet." "Oh, here's the Corona not seal." "Sweet." "Making a better tomorrow today." "This is so interesting, I'll try it so around." "We'll try it so around." "We'll try it so around." "And then we can discuss this continuously." "Oh my god." "Oh my gosh." "Mr. Time Traveler, you have outdone yourself." "Indeed, sir." "It's like we knew everything that we'd want in the future." "Oh my god." "You know what, I've eaten so little today, just in preparation for the snacking." "Your OCD is kicking it. We need to write down the exact number of everything that we have." "Everything fits your mouth." "Yeah, okay, no, it says, from Corona Division to Division of Management and Creativity. Internal Writing Destination, J.R.D.U.N." "Subject, Cross Time, Confectionary Special and Retrieval, a.K.A. Project Jelly Baby." "Very nice." "Due to a failure in the Skinner Co. transcontinental pneumatic tubes, I am sending this via overland career. Hopefully it will arrive securely." "Yes, just in the later future." "Indeed." "I have a theory that he had, he probably, it was a busy day. He had a lot of things he had to get done. His task list was long. Mrs. Time Traveler had a few things he had to pick up on the way home. "Maybe he accidentally set the chronometer a little bit off. Maybe he jumped back a few months, jumped around to accident a little." "It can happen, it's true." "It happens to the best of us. Any drop in the mail, just a little bit off of where he invented it too." "So it continues to say, oh my goodness." "I have completed, no, you have to wait." "What did you find?" "I have completed gathering confectionary samples from various timelines." "Oh my God." "And have included them for your comparative study. I trust you will find them to your satisfaction." "Warning, the Coronado Division takes no responsibility for any unstable, "chrototone particles or unexpected quantum entanglements with enclosed samples that have "resulted from Time Travel. Please proceed using safety protocol C12-223." I don't even know what that symbol is, 84. "Signed, Rich Jefferson Time Traveler, Chief Skinner Co., Coronado Division." "That is fantastic, I've done this too, which is great." "Oh, wow, what do we get here?" "I have a game here, guys, it's called It's Alive, and it's a monster building game." "Oh, look, this is Bojangles famous chicken and biscuit french fries seasoning." "No way." "Bojangles seasoning." "Listen, I've been on the internet a long time, but I've never actually personally encountered peeps. "I have peeped legends." "I've never seen marshmallow peeps either." "I've never seen marshmallow peeps either." "What did it say about chocolate? There's chocolate and peeps? I thought it was just schmellow." "Play mad scientists." "Using the power of alchemy." "Whose fashion candy classics? This looks like it's really early." "Merry Jane." "There's something called cow tails. Chewy caramel with a cream center." "There's cows on it." "I'll eat some cows." "I've been waiting for this can." "Oh, I believe he included a little something for the gerbs." "Oh, yogurt cups, they're going to die." "I was going to say they're going to die, but that'd be really, really not cool." "Hey, there's frisbees!" "These mini drink things. These look like wax." "Awesome!" "Biden's peas." "Drinkum Chulam, like the whole thing, eh?" "Extremely well done, sir. I believe we'll be snacking on these through the rest of the show." "I claim the pink frisbees." "I can't believe they're..." "We haven't even, like, scratched the surface." "I know." "It's the spree things that we've heard so much about." "Okay, a propus totally just left. It has abandoned her microphone so she could get up and, like, squirrel herself." "They're not just peeking into the box." "It peeps." "That's so cool." "Okay, okay. Get back on your mic." "Our oxygen shoes!" "Oh, my goodness." "Sorry, I screamed there, but that's one from my tablet." "I'm going to. Yeah, everyone." "Back in the box. I will hand these out as we continue to..." "Do you want me to drink?" "How do we debrief this awesomeness?" "Okay, can I just tell everybody there was, like, four kilograms of, like, candy and games?" "Wait and drink 'em to 'em. Nickel nip." "Yeah, I should have them." " Nickel nip. Nickel nip sounds a little bit dirty, but I like the sounds of them." "You like a dirty." "I can't wait to play this game. It looks super cool." "I know." "Thank you very much." "Oh, man." "Wow, that was super cool." "It's interesting that, uh, kind of get it all back in place here. It's interesting that we got this at this time because it's obviously supposed to demonstrate some of the differences between Canada and America, like some of this candy is pretty familiar." "Mm-hmm." "But, uh, we were lucky enough to host the Rev P from Twitter." "Yeah." "And long-time flash call supporter." "Mm-hmm." "Not too long ago, so he actually sent on an email with some of the differences he found while I must admit I requested his commentary because I... "We had a very nice chat over Korean barbecue." "We did." "The differences between me and I." "It ended too soon." "Yeah, all too soon." "Uh, so yes, he says, "Just some observations of the passing gent as he quietly bimbled about in your rather fantastic country, and I love that he said bimbled." "Bimbled, that's wonderful." "I'm gonna pass around and we'll interrupt the letter with candy as I go here. I'm just gonna..." "Uh, buildings in general were different. The area of Manchester I live in is comprised almost exclusively of two-story brick houses, some detached, some semi-detached, and a fair amount of terrace housing. Toronto had a huge range of buildings, which gently changed as you moved away from downtown with its high rises to the slightly lower level of buildings in and around the Chinatown area." "Mm-hmm." "There was definitely a wider range of buildings that you'd be likely to see if you wandered out of the center of Manchester." "Though in all fairness, the city center itself is tiny in comparison to Toronto." "You can walk from one side of it to the other in half an hour if the weather is good and you have a following wind." "For the most part, everything was close enough to what I'm used to, that there wasn't an issue of massive culture shock. Not that I was expecting everyone to be walking backwards or anything." "No, I think you did." "It was the small details which caught the eye. Building works, construction sites looked odd. It took a well for me to work out why, but the scaffold they use is different compared to ours." "Mm-hmm." "That's interesting. You seemed to have many more diagonal braces than you tend to see in this country." "Mm-hmm." "Oh, that's weird." "Okay, one moment." "Wait, one moment." "Wait, I rather hope this doesn't mean we've been building them wrong for years and no one has noticed." "So what have you passed me here? They look like little gummy pop bottles." "Heroboe, happy cola now." "I have to say, this is the best cola gummy I've ever had." "I remember Carl, both Barry and Jay Strasburg, mentioning in the mob that some people swear by Heroboe gummy bears, that those are like the only ones that go for." "Yeah." "I'm quite interested to try these." "Yeah, they have a little more flavor." "Gummies." "When you go to the corner store, they usually have like this sort of like powdery waxy sort of on top." "I think we want the full corner store experience that we need to essentially leave this bag open for the next two weeks." "Like peeps." "I think this is the most delicious." "So to continue on with the letter, he says a rather striking difference was the overhead wires. Power and other utilities are predominantly buried over here with the general exception of phone lines. So we don't have the poles with transformers, etc. and every few tens of meters." "Though I say the difference with striking, after a few days, I barely noticed them. It's amazing how fast your mind adapts, isn't it?" "Mm-hmm, yeah. Land posts in Toronto pretty much all seem to be rather liberally covered with flyers. That's not something that happens much at all here." "Some of those flyers are our own." "You may see one or two, but they wouldn't stay up for long." "I'm not sure if it's an offence here to post things on land posts, but I suspect it may well be, or everyone would be doing it." "Bilingual signs aren't seen much over this way, for obvious reasons, but it was nice to be somewhere that had a good amount of bins, trash cans." "Strange as that may sound, the UK has a noticeable lack of public refuse points as a result of terrorism stretching back for years." "Mm-hmm. Bins in public places were favourite targets for various Irish dissident groups and led them to being phased out." "Thankfully, with such things pretty much behind us, they are starting to make it come back, though you'd still struggle to find somewhere to put litter in a train station." "Yeah, I imagine." "Yeah, yeah, yeah." "That's rough." "Yeah." "That's what they had considered." "Mm-hmm." "Extraits and pavements, sidewalks. We're a lot wider than you generally get in the UK." "It's because we're a lot wider here." "Yeah, it's true. And seeing vehicles go through a red light when turning to competitive getting used to, though it's a sensible enough system to have." "That's right, here in Canada when you turn right, you're allowed to do it on a red light if you're unless it's otherwise indicated." "Yeah." "Mm-hmm." "Yeah." "I'm not sure I'd want it brought to the UK, however. Some of our drivers struggle enough with the red means stop, green means go system that we have at the moment." "I wouldn't want to put additional pressure on their already overloaded mines." "Cars weren't too different, though there was much greater percentage of pickup trucks, which had never been hugely popular in this country for some reason." "And SUVs." "Yeah." "Trucks over with you guys are significantly bigger and quite a lot cooler looking than ours." "I've been meaning to get to it for a while, you should definitely follow the RFP on Twitter." "Mm-hmm." "And you just recently came back to Facebook, and I'm so glad." "Yes." "It was great to have him over here." "Mm-hmm." "And Caribbean barbecue." "And maybe we can get him for fan expo. I've been hassling, we'll see what we can do." "I can't recall if we've mentioned these before, but we recall warheads?" "Yeah, show me. Super sour, right?" "Yeah, absolutely." "Chew it on the inside." "Rich has provided us with some warheads sour chewy cubes." "Ooh, I remember them being hard, and you sucked on them." "Yeah, real warheads, but these are nuts. Yeah, real warheads. When I suck on real warheads, I want them to be hard nuts off." "Mm-hmm." "Mm-hmm." "The candy is big." "Oh, wow, that is very cuby." "Ooh, two different colors of squishy, sticky, sugary cube." "They're both going in, ladies and gentlemen." "Oh, man. Oh, man." "Mr. TT, you have a good selection." "Jaredie is dying because we're chewing in front of the mix." "Dude, if you want us to eat candy every single episode, you have to get over the chewing sounds." "He's seriously like out of the room, his head is exiting the room, so you can't hear chew." "He's mortified. Talk about a Jaredie with candy in your mouth. Do it." "My mouth is candy-free." "He's just giving us these serious eyes." "Oh, my God, I can't believe you're making sounds while eating candy." "I'm one of those people who hates listening to chewing on podcasts, and I apologize to all of my brothers." "Yeah, every time we're doing mite checks, it's all they ever do is make gross sounds of me through the microphone." "I'm like, if only you would headphones." "Oh, yeah, I love it. I love it." "Okay, no more candy for a little while, so Jaredie can come down. But warheads, total winner." "Yeah, those are pretty good." "If we open the package on the show, does that mean we get to finish it?" "Oh, yeah, once the package is open, I think we're going to have to share it with the kids, because this is a lot of sugar." "Yeah, yeah, I'm off the sugar so much." Barry got back to us about Marvin, and him reaching out maybe via Facebook or something. "No way, really?" "Yeah, he said, regarding the idea that I reach out to Marvin and find out about the library of porn." "No." "I easily could. He stalked me on Facebook, but I voted like a plague. You've heard only the harmless tip of the iceberg." "I could tell another good Marvin tale, but it's an Atlantic City story, not in New York." "And it would incriminate him." "Yeah, I happen to know that he is probably going to go back to that tale and tell it." "Good, but I need more Marvin information, Barry. You got to get back in touch." "I mean, not if it's detrimental, because he's not going to leave me alone and maybe not." "You can find out if he's still writing romance." Rich also provided us with some commentary. He was asking, "Who is Skinner Coe's arch nemesis?" "Do we have an arch nemesis?" "I know he's your arch nemesis, but I know we won't be talking about that on the show." "Oh, I have a personal arch nemesis, yeah." "Yes, I do." "Yeah." "I'm thinking I need to switch up, though, because it's been a long time since we clashed." "Yeah, really. And it's over, like, really old business." "That's kind of the fun of having an arch nemesis, isn't it?" "Does he even know that?" "No, I'd damn it." "Yeah, we don't make enemies easy around here, guys." "But I like to hold on to them." "Yeah." "Yeah." "So, yeah, who would be our arch nemesis as Skinner Coe?" "Well, I consider some options." "The Queen." "Okay, tell me." "I consider it fairly Monday. I start with the fairly mundane ones." "You know, Apple kind of seemed like an easy one, but only because they've got the aesthetic of some sort of proper enemy. I mean, everything's white and shiny." "Yes, and the people who make it want to jump off buildings. Like, there's something kind of creepy about it, like Skinner Coe. We don't tell you everything." "Yeah, and you get the feeling that maybe Jobs isn't quite gone yet. Maybe he's going to show up in some sort of device down the road. If anyone's going to do that in this modern age, it's going to be Apple to have him show up in some weird, clear brain dome." "That they can store information inside DNA now." "Oh, I'm, yeah." "You're like, 'Oh my God, little girl, he taps me on the head. Shush now, honey, shush now.'" "Fine, fine, whatever. I'm not talking science with you ever again." "Oh, right." "I know, that is. I'm just kidding." "And then I went for the larger options, your world-level dictators." "Okay." "You're Kim Jong-il's." "Yes, yes, we don't like that." "But here's the truth. I think in this last little while we've sort of had a, I don't even know what you would call that. All of the good dictators are gone. I've all been sort of wiped out." "That's kind of good." "Castro's sorted down and out." "Good offie." "Kim Jong-il's down, get off, he's gone." "Who's saying he's gone?" "Who do you get left to fight on that, on that angle?" "So I've decided really the only enemy, the only arch nemesis I could ever possibly stand up to Skinner-Co, like it ever possibly face us, is obviously Skinner-Co." "Oh my God, you're blowing my mind." "As of this moment, in an arms race with a Skinner-Co from another dimension, we've all been paired up across the dimensions. H.R. got it all together." "Okay, well, we better boost our production then." "It's sort of..." "To beat ourselves." "Yep." "In the end, it's going to be sort of like Highlander, only one Skinner-Co will rule them all." "Sweet." "And that sweet music will also play behind us." "Rich is also wondering, should future listeners slot Episode 200 in the order based on Episode number or based on original air days?" "How do we specify this?" "Well, in the feed, it's always going to stand where it is. And I have to admit, I've been working on an archive page where you can download all of the MP3s directly, because it's one of the requests that I get most regularly." "My feeling is, you should actually listen to it based on original air date. I'm pretty strong in that, actually. Even though it's supposed to be 200 and it's supposed to be where it is. And I think you can listen to it and still, you won't lose anything out of it if you listen to it in the order it's supposed to be in." "Yeah, you will lose something. If you don't listen to it in the right order, especially if you're listening in a Flashcast, because it's something that was so heavenly." "Yeah, well, that's why I like the original air date, because of the build-up." "Yes, the build-up." "Joe's haranging and everything involved." "Agreed." "So, how do we make that happen?" "It has to be specially requested. Somebody has to be like, 'I'm so I am cut up, but I really like to go back to 200.' We'll release them individually, and they'll self-destruct." "Oh, wait, that's a bad idea." "Probably." "We're starting a new candy, guys." "Chooie spree. Have we ever had spree before? I don't think I've ever..." "I've never had a spree." "I think this is one of the ones that came up in the mob when we were discussing..." "I've had some polyphonic spray." "Not quite the same thing." "No." "They was at killing spree." "Yeah." "Shh." "And these are the chewy ones, which is probably not the best idea at the moment." "Oh, yeah." "Give me the candy, yeah." "I tried to face it a little bit." "So, oh, those are big." "A Mr. Wonka product, my favorite." "I like it." "I like that they're all different consistencies." "I love a different kind of chew." "Those were yummy, thank you." "Yeah, I like that." "I'm trying to think if we have anything comparable." "You know what we should do? We shouldn't give it to the children." "We should get like..." "Screw those kids." "Airtight containers, like cutesy, glass containers." "Let's put them in here." "Let's put them in containers." "In here, in the studio." "And we can just like nibble on time traveling candy." "Well, we're doing our various work tasks." "Yeah." "Yeah, we'll see, I think we do have to share." "This is a lot of candy." "Screw those kids." "Don't touch my candy." "They get candy all the time." "Do we have any comparables for this?" "I think some of the vending machine, like when you drop the order in." "No, normally this would be smaller." "Oh, this would be smaller." "Oh, this is like the gourd neighbor." "I've definitely had something like this before." "Chooie chews, or zing-zings, or zing-zaps, or chewy-zongs." "But, they were smaller, definitely smaller." "Probably one of the sprees." "That was so short-lived." "No more candy, no more." "I'm trying to break up the candy." "Yeah, I don't know, break up the candy, break up the candy." "Yeah, maybe we should stop, yeah." "I haven't had some sugar in a while." "So now that I..." "You're getting into the candy." "Good." "Got him more candy?" "Got him more candy." "Tylously seeks through the ages for fictions." "Besties rich the time travel alone." Hello Flashbulb crew and fellow mobsters. Rich the time traveler here. I wanted to start out by mentioning something I forgot last time, which is how nice it was to see the achievers again. I love how surreal all their appearances tend to be. I can't recall if you said they existed in the same Flashbulb universe with all the other storylines, or if they were their own thing, like the chiller tales and urban legends. Just listen to the latest Mulliken Smith tale, use. Very nice set of twists at the end, I must say, without giving anything away. I also found myself wondering if JRD was a golfer, or knew a bunch of them, or if that was all researched? Or more generally, how much stuff is pulled completely from your research fodder sources, and how much comes from personal life experiences? Thanks to everyone in the mob for the kind words on the pilling. Like I mentioned there, it was the first bit of non-technical writing done in close to two decades, so I was really nervous how it would be received. I said most of this in the mob, but it bears repeating. I was so surprised at Jessica May's use of my theme as the bumper at the top of the episode. When I heard a Popon X reading my story, it was probably a couple of minutes into it before I could convince myself it was my story, it sounded so good. She also did a fantastic job helping me edit it. And big thanks to JRD for not just letting us enjoy the goings on in his sandbox, but also letting us stick our toes in now and then. You guys were talking about ice cream trucks, and I'm curious to know what sound trucks the ones by you and any other mobsters want to chime in about it, use as their siren call. When I was growing up, we only had a snow cone truck, and it played the standard high-pitched tune that seemed pulled out of a carousel of some sort. But now we have full-fledged trucks that come around the neighborhood and sometimes through the parks and soccer fields. They all seem to be the same no-name fleet of generic yellow vans. Not good humors some such, and they don't carry soft serve just the assorted ice cream novelties. Nothing unusual there. The weird thing is, the sounds they play. They all have a big horn speaker on top, and they play a loop with synthesized songs, but the selection is so odd. You'll hear the yellow rows of Texas, followed by Silent Night, then Jingle Bells, Mary Had A Little Lamb, the Star Spangled Banner, and so on. Complete non-sequiturs with no regard for the current season. And then every song or two, the sample voice comes on and says, "Hello!" I just assume that these guys bought some novelty horns and put them on their trucks. I didn't know how to program them to play a particular set of songs, so they left them in demo mode. Yet that's not even the strangest part. When visiting some of my friends in Maryland, I discovered a similar nondescript fleet of trucks there. Only those were grey transfer vans instead of yellow cargo vans. But they all played the exact same loop of disjointed synthesized music complete with the hellos. Anyone else have these around? This last bit is something I like to call the pros and cons of time travel, which of course is a not-merry thinly veiled reference to my favorite Roger Wooders album. I just got the news that two shows I had piled up on the DVR ready for a time travel run, Alcatraz and Awake have both been cancelled. I was really, really looking forward to Alcatraz and curious to see Sam Neal in the role. I really agonized over what to do for about a week, but in the end, reluctantly, I decided just to jettison them and not to start the journey. Just too much heartache getting into a storyline, finding it good, and knowing it will never get the chance to grow to its potential. There are a few more cancellations worth mentioning if folks haven't heard. The first is the river, which isn't a surprise giving what I said about it before. And another is Terra Nova, which is a real shame because it was just hitting its stride. Apparently Terra Nova was actually making money despite the FX budget and had a decent viewership. I just did not make enough profit. I will resist ranting on the shortsightedness of Fox. The last one I can't recall if I mentioned before is the Finder. That was a great pulpy, quirky bubblegum show that my wife and I both really enjoyed. Plus it featured Michael Clark Duncan in a role where he actually got to act not just be either a big scary guy or a misunderstood big scary guy. Oh well, I'm looking into the future at the upcoming Fall lineup and I'll talk about what new journeys they plan to undertake further into the summer once I see more of what is on the way. That's all for now. Tell Cara Grises this is rich. When putting the show together, with guest episodes, I usually would just copy and paste the template. But I thought it would really throw everybody off. It would be rich's music. So I was just giddy with the idea. I ended up telling a pope before I did it, which generally I don't. I'll just do some things that can go and happen. So yeah, I'm very pleased that it seemed to have the effect I was looking for. It was an excellent entry, Rich. Yeah, in fact, it was brought up by your sister, Charity. I picked her up from the bus station and she said that she really enjoyed the pilling. Very nice. That's from Rush of the Time Traveler. Extra funny because I don't think she's ever told me that she's enjoyed any of the episodes ever. But I especially, well, not to give anything away about it. I'm always a little bit heartbroken with the guest episodes because I want so much for all of them to be canon. And I realize that they can't be because there are certain things people just don't know about the universe yet. But it's fun when something like the pilling shows up and there's no reason that it can't be. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. And there is so much great foreshadowing in that. You know, the stained glass window with a bicella crevasse. Yeah. It was just fantastic. Thanks as well for your kind words on the achievers. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I really enjoyed doing that one too. They do exist in the flat hall universe. The flat hall universe. They do serve a purpose which will be revealed later down the line. Mm-hmm. I mean, you're not going to get to a point where you're going to discover that each one of these incidents is necessarily some hugely important event. Mm-hmm. Sometimes the achievers are just doing stuff. But... But they're there. He was also asking about your golf experience. Mm-hmm. So let's... I'm going to save that one from background plots. Okay. Great. But I can tell you that our own local... Okay. A, this nondescript fleet of ice cream trucks. This is fascinating. That is so funny. I'm sure there must be one corporate over... Hello. Overlord that's getting these things cheap from somewhere. That's so funny. Now, do you guys recall what our local ice cream truck has been playing as it's... No. It went by today. Twice. I yelled it. No one came to my aid and brought me ice cream. Mm-hmm. I know. Our local ice cream truck for some reason plays Brahms lullaby. Yeah. I'm not sure it's encouraging folks to get out necessarily, but... He used to go too fast, and now he knows how to come around. He tends to gun it. Yeah. He really doesn't want to sell ice cream. When we finally, like, found him one day in the van, we're like, "We're going! How far?" And we found him in this, like, obscure corner. And because we kept him there so long, because we have so many ice cream... He just kept coming because he was... Yeah, exactly. We got our ice cream, and it was just like people after person, after person, after person. Maybe there is some sort of conspiracy with these generic fans. Although this... Yeah, they don't really want to sell you that. Well, these guys specifically, the rest of them are up to something nefarious, and this guy is the one who's... You know, he's not really into the plan. He just really wants to sell some ice cream, but... He's not very good at it. Well, he really knows that the ice cream is poison. So he got into it for the best of reasons, but now he just wants to gun it and not really sell anything. Naturally. But yeah, he came around twice today. And we all fell asleep. But it would... Yeah, I definitely want to hear what other people's trucks are playing. Yeah, with their ice cream side. Especially, do they occasionally say, "Hello?" [laughs] Oh, and I hope you're enjoying the wedding. A rich-to-time traveler for Memorial Day weekend. Is that a wedding with he and his family? They're actually in the wedding. Laura, and he... Like that movie in their space where they get really tiny and they get injected into the wedding party directly. That's horrible. They have to go through there. I think that's exactly what it is. I think so. But it sounded really great. I hope it was good. It's always sad when the series with Promise gets canceled. Serenity! Well, yeah, I mean, there's definitely some more mentionable ones than others, but the river. I was hopeful for that. I have to admit, I just kind of kept circling, though, because it didn't seem like it was going to make it. And it didn't. That bothers me, though, when it's like, "Well, it's not a big enough audience." You're saying to the audience that's there that you are benefiting from. Yeah. That they're not cool enough. Yeah. Well, it's me kind of nutty. If it's just you guys, we don't really. And if it's that new too. With something like Terra Nova, I can understand a little more because there's an effects budget, especially that needs to go into that. I think... It just proves that if you're going to try something risky, you need to go with something with really solid writing. You need to have some stuff. There should just always be solid writing. When I turn on the television and see something terribly written, I'm like, "What is the point? What is the point?" Really, I think there always should be a point. Honestly. Honestly. If they were only looking to our program. If only they listened to you. The quality of the content, the message, the moral. But they don't. Okay, before we get into audiotacity of hope. Okay. What is NuGet? Have we mentioned this before? Somebody explained NuGet to me because I'm trying these shelves to choose and this is weird me out. What is NuGet? It was my father's favorite candy and texture. It's actually probably why it's my favorite candy and texture. I believe it's a corn syrup or a chewy, fluffy marshmallow-y. Usually it's fairly dense. I like it the denser the harder the better. But the actual contents. I suppose we could Google it. I say things and I Google it myself. I Google it. I Google it my Google. I do a dassy. Hope. Radio Project X. I will be singing Gloomy Sunday. I'm doing an acoustic version of it. I am super ridiculously stoked. Scared out of my mind. I might vomit a little bit on myself at the time. It's been a very long time. Ladies and gentlemen, a very long time. And I know that you say that I'm young, but it was a very long time ago. When I used to do this sort of thing. And never with a guitar. Oh my God. I got to stop talking about this. Anyways, practicing. The practicing is fun. The art. Oh. Never raised it. So I was working on the Skinner Co. And your pimp is so awesome. Thank you. I had a. As far as pimp's go. Inspiring pimp in mind. Good. But it was actually pretty fun to do this comic too. Because I learned how to do something new. Oh yeah. I learned how to do like a neon lighting effect. And that was really cool. Very nice. Yeah. I really enjoyed doing this one. That was lots of fun. But what did we put out last week? There was short shorts. Oh yeah. The shorty short shorts. That's right. Can I say though? I did have a little bit of concern. But it was kind of like post when he had everything all perfect. And that was that the desk actually hid the short shorts. He would have looked entirely appropriate from that other angle. From the angle of the. Yeah. That's true. But that was entirely. It's part of the magic. Yeah. It's because only you the audience knew that he was in shorts. But the other guy he was so upset. It's because he knew because the dude was getting fired. But it wasn't obvious. That's why the. Should have been like working it on the side. The HR guy thought it would be okay because he was behind his desk. But it wasn't okay. He got fired anyway. Obviously she's had some internal dialogue about this. Indeed. Well I wanted to make sure that you know. In case this question were to arise one day that you would be ready. It wasn't a wrongful dismissal. Who wear short shorts? He wear short shorts. But not anymore. Oh no he does all the time now because he's not in unemployment. No he only wears those during happy time. And now he's really sad. Oh no. Because he doesn't wear your skin or go. No it's happy time. Everybody wants to work for skin or go. No more happy hour for him. I don't think we should fire him over that. I think we need to rehire him and use him again and another skin or go. Yeah we're firing people left and right. We should like embrace him in his short shorts. That's disgusting. We just fired a whole bunch of janitors in the sub basement. So I think we need to have a discussion with HR. I don't think you understand here. We're going up against an entirely separate dimension. We need to hire as many people as possible. But at the same time we need to keep our quality up. We can't be. There's not many people who can't work in the sub basement. We'll have to have a staff meeting. Because future or the other evil skin or go in the space time continuum. The one with the goatee. They can get us now because they're a lack of personnel. But maybe that guy was a spot. Anyway I'm not getting into this right now. Backroom plot. Can I just say I'm like super surprised you didn't slip in a reference to Mulligan in the golf episode? Yeah I kind of avoided the whole Mulligan golf situation entirely. How could you? Yeah I know. First up though I'd just like to mention the Miss Kills Ramblers. A band I encountered online I believe recommended by our own Captain Peyheart. Mmm. How nice are they from the UK or? Indeed they are. He has occasion I believe to encounter them all his life. It was performance circuits. So behind us you can hear their quality work. And I'll post up a link to their site on the mob. Mmm. Well and in the notes obviously. And thanks for the suggestion, Captain. Mmm hmm and thanks to them for letting us play through the whole song. That's a rare treat. Anyhow. There was a time in my years. Let me take you way back. After the death of my father. One of the fellows my mother dated. Not to make it sound like she was out and about. Was a heavy duty golfer. And his idea of bonding. Is that the guy who wouldn't let you play on the front lawn? Yeah he wouldn't let him play on the front lawn. Because it sounds like a golfer thing to do. That was exactly correct. He would not allow us to play on the front lawn. Mmm. And he would bring us out golfing as a bonding exercise but essentially we were free caddies. Nice. Mmm. It would be like what you have there is an iron. And I'm going to use it to this ball. And you're going to clean it and put it back in the back little boy. I became fairly familiar with the lingo and the walkabouts. But in no way have I ever been decent swinging a club. Although Jessica Mann I do enjoy frankly going out to rural driving ranges feasibly under the influence of our good friend Whiskey and hitting a few balls. Indeed. It hurts my hands. I need some gloves. It makes my hands vibrate in a very not nice way. Uh. This episode. I was actually a little concerned because you may recall we had another golf episode. Another Mulligan. Yes. Yes. The dude built me into traffic. Yes. But it was a sort of different situation in that case. Very different situation I think. Much like Mulligan I'm torn about golf courses. Uh. I'm a big fan of green space. I'm a big fan of. But that's for the elite and only so many can use it. Yeah. Unfortunately the restricted nature is a bit bothersome. And the fact that especially where I grew up a lot of the prime real estate is used in golf courses. That you once could use as a small boy. Yes. And then it's, yeah. There's a lot of pool organisms you can get to in a golf course that I would be singing. Fussing them up to you. Several of them on the streets. We'll put it in a haul already. Black market. Golf balls. Oh yeah. It's a big deal. Yeah. I had some friends who poached balls and ran the water traps. Just don't get caught and make sure the ball is not in play. Seriously. Yeah. That's like the loudest, angriest. Got to run really fast experience. You only do that once. That's a mistake. You only do that once. Um. But you did do some research which you very often do. Even if it's my first story. Oh yeah. Absolutely. Like I need to know this about this and you'll go on to various links until you've discovered it all. I hope I, and I'm always a little bit concerned that I'm going to throw something in there that's going to sound off to people who are more familiar than I am. Yeah. So I do try to be careful about it but I think I got my terminology fairly correct. Apparently. So yeah. Cause we, we are not viewers of this sport in this house and I thought it was very impressive that you were able to use that lingo successfully or so I hear. Put on you, Jared. Looking forward to next week. Uh, coffin one parter sort of blossomed into a three parter. Yeah. And I've, I've read the script and I, I find it interesting and I'm wondering how you're going to make it into a three parter. Cause it does seem like it, it should be a, a one parter. So it's like, you think it's the end of the story but it's just the beginning. Yeah. Well, Star Wars plotting strikes again. I look forward to it, sir. I love me some coffin. And if you're, if you're whipping through the backlog listening to this as maybe the case, you may actually be seconds away from hearing part one. So enjoy. Uh, in the meantime, you can find us on Twitter. I'm at Jaredie Skinner, Jessica May can be found at the Jessica May and a Pope can be found at. Oh, Pope and X only with zero. I don't know. Because that really clarifies the spelling of a Pope and X, zero P O P O A N A X. Thanks to Jim for hosting Wikidove and Oh, so much for us all the time. Enjoy the show. Tell a friend. Please really enjoy the show. We've got a donate button on the site. Maybe. A few of the comments, questions or suggestions, you can find us at or email us text or mp3s to Jessica May's vocal talents and musical standards can be found at Yep. Yep. While the entire run of flashpump can be found at or via the search bar and iTunes, more or less. 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