The Skinner Co. Network

FC52 - Zombie Pie

Broadcast on:
21 Feb 2012
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Prepare yourself for Ken Jennings, CTV, sitcoms, unsettling melodies, liquor, and Kar'Wick.

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[Music] Hello and welcome to Flashcast52, a SkinnerCo presentation. SkinnerCo. It may be as close to the future as you'll ever get. Prepare yourself for Ken Jennings, CTV, sitcoms, unsettling melodies, liquor, and car work. [Music] SkinnerCo. It may be as close to the future as you'll ever get. Hi, I'm Opopinax, and within pinching length I have Jessica May. Hello. And J.R.D. Hello. So, I don't want to start the show off on a bad note, but a little while ago, Ken Jennings kind of broke my heart just a little bit. Well, frankly, Ken Jennings sort of has a history of being a dick. Yeah, well, see, that's the thing. There are reasons I feel like I had it coming to me. J.R.D. told me that Ken Jennings was a bit of a dick. And how do you know that, J.R.D.? I've seen him do some interviews. I've read some of his pieces online. See, I mean, for those of you who don't know, which, I mean, is nobody really, but Ken Jennings is like the Jeopardy champion? Oh, as much as you feel that Jeopardy stands at the top of the pantheon of all television, I'm sure that there are many folks who are like, Ken who? Shh. Anyway, he's the Jeopardy champion, okay? And so, I happen to follow him on Twitter. He's A-chit. Like... No, he's D. Yeah, no longer Jeopardy. He broke Jeopardy. He was done. He was beaten by a computer, okay? A computer. He was beaten before that. Shh. Listen, okay. I follow him on Twitter. And, I mean, this is the other reason why it's probably my fault, you know? Like, I feel like I had it coming to me. He said something, and then I replied. But I got my grammar wrong, and he totally, like, took me to task on it. Like, totally tore me to shreds over it. And I kind of felt like, oh, that was kind of dickish, asshole. You know? You do sound a little bit like Tina Turner during the early Ike years, where like, why how to come in? But I don't think that you really did. It was a little bit of a grammatical mistake. It wasn't really... Anyway, the point is, it kind of made me be like, maybe you're right. Maybe Ken Jennings is a dick. But I still follow him on Twitter. And I love his article Maphead. Have you ever read it? No. I know I've mentioned some things that he's spoken about before. But in this article that I read of his recently, he was talking about the mole of Kintyre. I don't know how many of our UK friends will know anything about that. But it's... That's with the, like, Cinnabon and the Starbucks and everything. The mole of Kintyre. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. No. It's a very distinct landmass. And it has a very particular shape. It looks an awful lot like a penis and a set of balls. And... It's classy. Yeah, I know. And apparently there's this rumor that the British Board of Film classification has this rule. And they've denied that they have this rule. But they purportedly have this rule that in films, you're not allowed to show a naked man with his wing out if it's at an angle that's greater than the mole of Kintyre. Oh, that's fun. So there's the mole of Kintyre rule. And I thought that was really quite hilarious and quite classy. And that actually... Did it only be mildly erect? Yeah. That actually brought me to this other landmass, which Tasmania has been known to... Is this about Ken Jennings or is this about your odd geography porn thing? Jagger people are wrong. Yeah, that's right. Well, apparently Tasmania has a very similar outline to a lady's lady bits. And it has been known to be called... A lady's regions down there have been known to be called maps of Tassie. A lady's map of Tassie. I see. Which I think is hilarious. And I think I want to start referring to lady bits as their maps of Tassie. Yeah. I think that's great. Anyways, so that's what I learned. This is the last little while. So we've been going a while. Yes. A little bit. Just a lot of things going on. Mm-hmm. We're down a puppy. That's true. Yes, we are. Very sad news. Mr. Three got nipped. Yes. The skin wasn't broken. It was more of a graze. But it was a recurring item. It was a recurring event. It was getting a little risky. Mm-hmm. And it was so, like, I think a pope... You actually thought that she had actually got him in the eye. Oh, yeah. I was so scared I couldn't look. Because I was afraid he couldn't look. But she's in a good home now. She's in a good place to go. Yep. The occasional kid. I say, it's always, she's found a good place to go. Like, she, like, hopped on Craigslist and looked at where she is. Yeah, she's like, "You know what? This isn't working out for me." Yeah, I'm down. We gave her bus fare. Wished her well. Plenty of Yeah. Well, we've had a lot of other items going on. Mm-hmm. But this puts us back on a regular schedule and I'm quite pleased about that. Quite excited to be here. Mm-hmm. Now, as the show is almost uncomfortably overstuffed with the deliciousness, we're going to move along pretty quickly. But we did have, well, I did have one piece of news that I wanted to mention. Something that I actually came across today. Story of Kenya, actually. Kind of reminded me a little bit of a collective detective type tale or something to that effect. Chief Francis Kariyaki? Kariyuki? Mm. I apologize. I believe he's some sort of police chief said he got a call in the dead of night that these had broken into a neighbor's house. But he was out of town and he was in no position to be able to do anything about it. So he turned to Twitter and he sent out a tweet, "These in Kelvin's living room. Let's help him out, please." He tweeted in Swahili, the local language. In their way. That's awesome. And all those Swahili folks with, like, Twitter. Yeah. Well, the article from CNN mentions local residents who subscribed to his tweets through a free text messaging service jumped into action. They surrounded the house sending the thugs fleeing into the night. Awesome. Yeah, that's pretty fun. That is awesome. It says something about how common cell phones are these days, too. Yeah. It's really becoming an easy-on ramp to the information superhighway. Mm-hmm. I thought there was a fun piece anyway. Yeah, it's very impressive. I would like to think that my neighbors would go into a house that they willingly, like, that they knowingly are aware that there's people there trying to steal my stuff. Mm-hmm. Yeah, well. Okay. Well, we'll keep it mostly to flashpelt-related news because we have a lot to discuss in the back end. But I did want to mention up front that if you guys see a flashpelt reference out there in the wild, please let us know. Sometimes I'm hearing back that people have thrown up promos on their podcast or given us a little link on the website. I'm happy to give these people props, but if I don't hear about it, there's not much for you. If we only knew. Yeah. Well, sometimes I find out about it, but it's weeks or even months after it happened and it makes me... Makes us shed a tear. A single unicorn tear. We're also now available on Stitcher. That's awesome. I think I'm obligated to mention that at least once. Yes. Indeed. So... There is our quota. Stitcher, stitcher, stitcher. Yeah, that's good. Now we're good. That's a good enough service. Mm-hmm. Yeah. That's a good jingle. Yeah. It's good enough. Stitcher, it's good enough. We all know that Jim, board of the relic radio dot com empire, guardian of the dark reaches, wielder of banal spam, the arcane hammer of exhalation. Yeah. And generous host of and the wiki at moves in mysterious waves. Amongst his recent great works, we must now include ending the spam torrent that was assaulting the wiki. Nice. Thank you. He came up with a very simple solution. It is a perfect solution. It is 100% effective. If you now want to sign up for a user, you will be presented with one of three trivia questions. Ooh. All related to flashpelt. And if... Ooh, that's great. If you can answer it, you can have a username. That's cool. Mm-hmm. They're not too tricky. I mean, he kept them fairly simple, but I really appreciate it Jim, and it's a perfect solution. There's... We've had no problems with the way. But I must say, you only have the one chance. If you get one of them wrong, then you can never, never join the wiki. Actually, this old man crusader shows up and turns you into a skeleton. It's true. Throws you up a bridge. Is that because you have a bridge? Yeah, she's wisely. Do your research. Oh, actually, I forgot to... I was saying that we were only going to do one piece of actual news, but there is another item that was Jim related that I wanted to touch on. He was mentioning a documentary called 237, and it was premiering at Sundance. It's a documentary about the infamous room from the shining film, and it's really about four or five different competing conspiracy, well, not conspiracy theories, but different theories about what the movie is actually about, ranging from probable to a little bit ridiculous, but it looks fun. Really? All century around that one room? No, the whole movie. I mean, 237 usually plays a crux in what that, like, in every meaning, but it's about what the whole movie is about, because some people think that the films about Indian land rights, like Native American land rights, and... It's not pet cemetery. Yeah. Anyway, it looks fun. I'll throw the link in the show notes. Yeah, that sounds cool. Oh, before we go any further, I should mention two important notes. We will be ruling on the fifth element before the end of the show, although we're going to be touching it on it more in mailbag. It is kind of a news item, but we have reasons. And then, at the very end of the show, we will be running the first installment of the Hunger Games book club, a little bit belated, but... Oh, that'll be fun. We'll talk about the first third of the book. Awesome. And that'll be right at the end, in case you haven't read it, and you feel like you want to skip the spoilers, as soon as we flip over to book club, you can just end the episode. So we're continuing on with our law and order marathon. We're hitting a season finale. Yeah. Yeah, end of season two. Yeah, episode, yep. One more season with the original cast. Really? Only one more? I believe so. I have to check the episode guide, but... I dread the day when Ben Stone leaves. I'm just going to have to stop watching it. I don't know. I think you'll like McCoy, though. Really? I think the guy who ends up being the replacement anyway. I don't know. I did have actually a thought while we were watching the law and order the other day. Do you guys think that, at some point, the old aspect ratio is going to become the new black and white? Like, things aren't everything is widescreen now. And when we watch that, it's black. I notice that it's in the old box view. Really? I don't. No, neither do I. No? Maybe it's my old eyes like it thinks it's a cool day. It's looking for that. It's just becomes comfortable with it. I'm just wondering if the next generation, like even not necessarily the nines, but maybe Mr. two and three, if they'll be put off and not really enjoy it. Better not. It's like us if we weren't watching black and white movies because they're black and white. No. I suppose. It's going to be a picky generation, a picky group. I'm sure. When they see the disparity greater than the generation that grew up with it. Yeah, sure. It's always interesting to see somebody famous show up in one of the episodes. There's always like a dozen famous people. Yeah, it's weird. You'll get a few episodes with no one that you really recognize and then all of a sudden you'll get one with five known stars. Hey, it's that lady. It's that guy. Yeah. A lot of... Hey, it's that guy. You see them in so many shows. I think heavily based in New York, like a lot of actors. Yeah, it's the New York actors. It's the Seinfeld parents and... Yeah. Law and Order is definitely in that sense the Doctor Who of New York in that everyone in London at some point worked in Doctor Who apparently for a certain era of television. Because it's been running so long, right? Yeah. And because they required so many extras per show, like there's a very small core cast and then everyone else has to change every episode. Hmm. Good point. And you don't necessarily, like you can't necessarily see them ever again. Mm-hmm. Although it's interesting, like we saw Jerry Orbach as a lawyer and he comes back as a cop later. Mm-hmm. That's funny. Yeah. He played a much different character as well. I was wondering because I hadn't seen him in anything else before, that I was wondering if Jerry Orbach was just Jerry Orbach. Like if he was only ever Lenny? Yeah. Posture. You know, rightly so. It was the same. I remember, yeah, I remember seeing him in some early '70s-ish horror movies. Cool. Yeah. Usually playing a cop or a gangster, as ever go. Mm-hmm. Yeah. We also saw Sam Rockwell, a very early, a very young Sam Rockwell. Yeah. He worked at the fish market or the fish business. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. He shot a guy. Yeah. That's right. They're really awesome because we just saw him in that movie, Moon. Yeah, it's really great when Sam Rockwell shoots people. Oh, yeah. I know we see him on a moon. Yeah. But it's okay because they've got an extra clone of them, they can just kick in. They've had so many extras. They had so many extras. A good movie. Yeah. We should be careful about Moon because that was a really quality film, but it's really important to the structure of it that you don't know a lot about. Him and a robot and then some video. Kevin Spacey is the robot. Kevin Spacey is the robot. Yeah. Yeah. It was so good. You really need to, like, yeah, it has to be quiet. Your kids can't be running around. Yeah. And, like, I mean, you have Kevin Spacey's voice, but really, the whole movie is carried by this one actor, you know? He does everything and he does it so well. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. As his character devolves and develops too. Yeah. Yeah. He changes. He does. That's the American version of "Shutter." I think you guys may have been asleep at the time. Potentially. Or maybe it just didn't leave a very good impression. Yeah. Yeah. "Shutter," as I recall, is a Thai film, the original, and it's a ghost story. I don't want to give away too much because it's another movie that really depends on its surprises, but... Is that sore shoulders? Yes. It's about a photographer and his girlfriend, and he suffers from chronic back problems. But it's a lot more exciting than it sounds. Yeah. It is so good. Watch the Thai version. Oh, the original, I found quite quality. And creepy. I don't think I even stayed awake through that though. I wanted to watch it with you for so long. The American version was terrible. It was Josh Jackson, Pacey from "Doss this Greek," which I know everyone's yelling at me that he's in fringe and I should be moving on, but I can't quite do it himself. And they ruined it. Every reveal is terrible. There's a very... What about the last scene? I know. I'm just jumping ahead, but... No. They mess up. They take the simplest, most beautifully creepy idea and they manage to pooch it by the end. Really? Because that's the idea. Like, the Thai production houses I'm assuming don't have a whole lot of money, so it has to be, you know, a well thought out shot. There's an event at the heart of the film that really sets the rest of everything rolling. And the original Thai version is very harsh and it's not necessarily in what it portrays on the screen. And I know I'm dancing around this without saying exactly what it is and I'm sorry. But they really, because they can't have the lead of an American film, even if you're supposed to be the bad guy, being that bad a guy. And by the end of the Thai version, you really, like, and this is kind of giving away something, but the boyfriend is not a very nice fellow. And you know that by the end of the movie, but they try so hard to try to pad Pacey into being like, well, he's terrible, but he's not that terrible. It's a good guy who made a few bad decisions. But yeah, and that doesn't work for what the film needs to be anyway. It's all right to not love every character or even the main character, honestly. Yeah, do not watch the American version of this. And I mean, I'm usually actually pretty forgiving. I enjoyed the American version of the ring. Like I enjoyed the Japanese version, but I was willing to give the American version the benefit of superior special effects. Yeah, the Japanese version was kind of silly. Well, the faces in the Japanese version of the ring in Ringu or whatever, they didn't have any CGI or extreme special effects. They just basically white face them and then had their mouths extremely open. But there are other extremely effective scenes in that film. For sure, for sure. But they didn't slaughter it in the American version, which is always nice. Yeah, I prefer not slaughtering originals or remakes. Jeff, Mr. Jeff, Mr. Jeff Lynch was mentioning the river. Have you guys heard about this TV show? Yeah, it's a show. I haven't heard anything about it other than its name, honestly. All I recall about it is thinking I saw digital bees in the commercial. Oh, yes. Yeah, that was the one where I'm like, either our Canadian commercial cutters are added again and making something look bad when it's really decent, or this is a bad show. Well, I believe the concept is that it's a found footage television show or like a documentary style television show about these people on a houseboat being assaulted by X, where X is some unknown paranormal entity. Called digital bees. So Jeff is saying that he enjoys this watchable show? No. Jeff goes to the trailer and the trailer, which was not the CTV commercial that we saw, looked quite good, but the CTV commercial we saw looked quite terrible. Yes. Yes. Also, like the ever after commercials, we're trying to get that. You know, once upon a time, I do that every time. I want to start watching once upon a time, but I'm not sure if it's going to be any good or whether. I believe Rich was saying it was good, wasn't it? Well, I mean, it's right at Miami, I love like fantasy, you know, fairy tale stuff, that's great. But, you know, it might end up a little ridiculous, that's all I'm saying. But it has Richard Carlisle in it. Richard Carlisle. No, it wasn't. No, it wasn't Richard Carlisle. Richard Carlisle is from downtown, Abby. Robert Carlisle. Robert Carlisle. Yes. I do enjoy the work of Robert Carlisle. Yes. I do say Robert Carlisle is the Scottish Gary Oldman. Yes. Okay. Before we move on, I did want to mention that the last episode, oh, so long ago, a flash cast, we mentioned that we might be opening up some game playing with the mob. And since then, we've started a document on the Facebook page. And if you're interested, you can go look for that. I will mention here that I'm playing Hero Academy and any game center games on your iPhone and iPad, et cetera. You can find me as Jaredie Skinner. All in word. Okay. Well, that was a pretty quick bit of news. We'll come back to a regular real crime slash pulp book film news section next time. But for now, I think we're going to move on to a bit of bother. Long before Jeff was doing his bit for us, he had a podcast called, "Bothers and Things." With his fantastic partner, E. He always claimed he was going to continue to do smaller spots of bother after that podcast ended. And we kind of poached him, not long after, actually, to come help us out with a flash cast. So that was nice of him. But he has gone back to doing little tiny extra spots. So if you want, you can head over to and check out all his bothersome spots. Yeah. So I hear this week's bothersome spot even grossed him out. Oh, the one we're about to play. Okay, I'm excited. I've been excited about this. Oh, I'm excited. I'm excited. I'm excited. Spotted bother. Hi, mobsters. Okay. Straight up. I have to admit that although I've been following this story for the past few weeks, I've been avoiding it. Not because of the gore factor or that it's too twisted for color television, just because it truly frightens me. And since the whole thing is so very bizarre and unexplained, there really isn't much to write that isn't pure speculation. So today I'm going to give you a quick synopsis and then share a couple of audio clips. In brief, over the past few weeks, a very strange and ethereal sound has been manifesting itself in various places around the world with at least two instances in our beloved Canada. Areas include England, Sweden, Canada, the US, Hungary, Denmark, Costa Rica, the Czech Republic and Russia. Although there have been several reports of people reporting that the sound is manifesting itself inside their heads, most occurrences are heard by large groups of people simultaneously. DTV in Saskatoon recently did an interesting piece on the mystery sound, which has recently manifested itself there. It's a comprehensive news piece, so let's have a listen. There's been a lot of buzz over the last few weeks about strange sounds being heard in the atmosphere. People around the world and here at home have reported hearing some bizarre noises. The latest were recorded in the battle birds last weekend. John Beglieri has more on the strange occurrence that could have a very logical explanation. It came in many forms last Sunday night, to some it sounded like trumpets, to others a mariner's hornup. North battlefields mayor says he can't explain it. What I was hearing was what I experienced as a possibly scraping. Mike Hallstead was lying in bed when his phone rang, calls and text messages came in from his friends, saying they, too, had similar experiences. That's when the goosebumps got me and I kind of thought, yeah, it's awfully strange. Hey, 93.3 the rock? The next day, the local radio station the rock got flooded with over 40 calls and Facebook messages. Each person wanting to know what that sound was last night. I don't think I've ever had a response that big about something, and it's interesting right human nature. People just want to know what the sounds are. It's now days later and the city is still a buzz with talk about the sounds. Everybody with their own guess, estimation or explanation as to where they came from. I've heard that Jesus is coming back. I've heard that it's 2012, the world is ending. This phenomenon stretched beyond North Battleford. Similar experiences were reported in Saskatoon, northern Saskatchewan and parts of the US, even in Europe. U of S professor Jean-Pierre St. Maurice says there is a natural explanation. Somehow they're picking up noise from an environmental antenna that happens to be there. That is electromagnetic noise, nice natural noise, but really actually it's not a noise. It's electromagnetic waves are emitted from the aurora above our head or emitted from the radiation belts a bit more to the south. Maurice says it's normal and there's nothing to worry about. Whether a scientific explanation will satisfy all those people who say they heard something they can't explain is up in the air. Jean-Pierre, CTV News, North Battleford. If you'd like to hear more examples of the mystery sound, I have posted an interesting YouTube compilation at I have no idea what this is, but it doesn't give me a very warm fuzzy feeling. Perhaps Rich's wish is coming true and Karwick is indeed rising? I'm Jeffrey Lynch, and that's This Week's Spot of Bother. [Music] [Music] It's interesting, and the last thing I thought I was going to hear was CTV and sort of this funny guy. It was like me watching TV up here, but it was coming from Jeff, it was so strange. So yeah, it sounded like giant sky ships or something that are scraping together in the air. I believe obviously that this is a recording from the interior of an inception. Yeah, that's right, I believe the world is just being changed as- no, that's very interesting. I have to go with the scientific answer, it probably is just some weird phenomenon, but what neat. I totally remember hearing about that. I don't know whether it was maybe a year or several months ago, but I remember hearing that there had been these strange sounds reported. I think it was in England at the time, and I remember looking it up and then saying that it was something to do with electromagnetic fields or whatever, but how crazy would that be like your whole town, things that it's hearing something? Yeah, if you didn't know what it was, absolutely, that is one creepy sound. Yeah. Bother some indeed. Thank you very much, Jeff. Excellent work. Now we have, I believe two pieces from fish that we're going to go, maybe back to back, and then we'll come back and discuss them. Okay, great. Fresh fish, a new batch of cinematic pulp with the always listening, three day fish. Hey, Flashgast, three day fish here, and I'm not going to lie, it's going to be a chore this week. So I went and sat through Ghost Rider, Spirit of Vengeance, and I'm going to tell you folks right off the bat that this is a dark red light. This is the reddest red light I think I've given, and I think all the red lights I've given you for are kind of like expected red lights anyways. So here it goes. I'm going to compare this movie, this sequel, like going on a date after a breakup. And I mean like an awful date, like you go on a date with this person, and they're just like the worst person you could have ever gone on a date with. And at the end of it, you're just sitting here thinking, "Huh, maybe I'll go back to the other date, the other person I was dating." Maybe I should just reevaluate what was it before, what it was before, because that's what this movie does. This maybe makes you realize that they could have done worse than the First Ghost Rider. I sat through this movie thinking, "Wow, I feel like I need to watch the First Ghost Rider so I can really appreciate what was done well in that movie." That's awful, it is, even not even Idris Elba could like say this movie, like he's certainly the best character, but he does not make up for anything that happens in this movie. The lines are awful and they're delivered even worse. There's just nothing good about this movie. And I'm sorry to tell you this, J.D., J.R.D., wow, I don't know why I called you J.D., I'm sorry to tell you this, J.R.D., but that piss scene that you see in the previews where it's like a flamethrower and he's just like, "Well, that happened in the movie, but not only once, it happens twice. They see you through that twice in a row. It's awful, awful stuff, folks." And words are failing me. I'm not even exaggerating here. I feel like I cannot put into words what a disappointment, what a huge letdown this movie was. And I wasn't even going in there expecting a great movie. I was hoping it would be at least as good as the last one, but not even that. So I haven't seen the other movie that came out this week, this means more, but if you're going to see a movie this week, it's probably going to have to be that movie because Ghost Rider was awful. So, with Sad News, Fish signs off always listening. Okay, well, thanks for taking that bullet for us, Fish. No, we don't have to watch it. I'm almost happy that they do the urination of fire scene twice. Oh, God, I couldn't believe that because it's such a novelty, ridiculous thing. They've already put it in the preview, and they do it twice in the film. Do they at least have the good taste to make some sort of STD pun at some point? I hope so. It's interesting because it sounds like this was a really tedious, terrible film. And when you watch something like that in the theater, you can't, you're restricted in your ability to respond because you're in a public place. But if you're watching something like this at home, I wonder if Fish maybe follow up with us. Is it the kind of thing you could rent at home and then like scream at for an hour and a half and find some funny? Yeah, like you have people over, you're kind of doing something else, but then like Ghost Rider is going on. Maybe you're sort of drunk at the time. You'd have to be. Okay, well, that was actually the newer of the two reviews. Let's see what he had to say back in time. Three-day Fish here with another double feature. I'm just spooling you guys this month. So anyway, the two movies of interest this week are Chronicle and The Woman in Black. Two fine movies actually, but we're going to start with Chronicle, mostly because Chronicle was a bit of a surprise for me because I walked into this movie thinking, oh, so one finally figured it was long enough since Covenant to rehash the same movie/concept. It is kind of similar, teenage guys with superpowers, warm 'em, Ghost Crazy, oh no's. But unlike the Covenant, the acting was decent and the plot was pretty good. And that's the biggest thing, really, because Covenant was just awful, I never liked it. The other big thing was I felt like you cared about these kids, you know, it's like, oh no, they're fighting, uh, uh, and the Covenant, but in this year you're just like, oh gosh, someone might get hurt. I'm worried for their safety and well-being. All in all, I'd, uh, I'd give this a cautious green light, I think just about anyone could watch and enjoy this movie, um, you know, because it's a, it's a get-together movie kind of movie like guys could like this, girls could like this. Uh, now for the next movie, the movie I was really excited for. The woman in black, now I'm sure we're all wondering the same thing. Can Daniel Radcliffe not be Harry Potter? He can, and he was. Now in the very beginning, I was a little worried because he had that same like, Harry posture because he was just like standing there his neck craning over like six inches away from his body, his head just kind of like hanging out. My brothers reminded me that this is not a video so you guys can't see my imitation. So that kind of worried me, but that was the only memorial just like, oh god, he's slipping into Harry Potter mode. This movie is a very good, very loyal, uh, retelling or telling of a traditional ghost story. There's no like outrageous gore, there's no like cheap scare scenes, it's all like, holy crap, ghost, oh my god, ghosts, holy crap, dead kids everywhere, kind of stuff. Uh, it was very refreshing because so many horror movies that come out are just trying to be like, whoa, look how many people we can decapitate in this movie. This is the first time I'm gonna do this, but I'm going to give the woman in black a greener light. What's that mean? That means you should see woman in black before you see crop cool, greener light. So that's your fresh fish, always listening. I'm really happy to hear both those films are good, or at least pretty good. Mm hmm, and that about Daniel Radcliffe. Yeah, especially women in black, that has to be one of my most anticipated films this year, even though it's very early in the year. Super excited about seeing that too. No, the original is fantastic, it falls down a little bit and maybe it's lack of budget, but it's exactly that same creepiness through, not necessarily overt scares. Mm hmm. It sets the mood. That's my favorite kind, the moody kind, yep. Which for some reason I associate with the '70s movies, like the '70s horror movies. Yeah, less budget, no cheap CGI. You hadn't encountered the sort of '80s binge of cheap VHS films yet. Yeah. Long glances of cinematography and music. Like the wicker man. They would use like cool songs in the '70s. If you ever, it's interesting you mentioned that, it kind of reminds me. Back in my high school day, Shaft had one of its cyclical resurgences and popularity as will happen. And a lot of people I knew were really into the concept of Shaft and they said they liked Shaft, but they hadn't actually watched the film. Now you guys ever actually seen the movie Shaft? Yeah. Why is it like a liberal genre? No, no no, Shaft is, I don't know, it's like a two hour runtime. It moves pretty slowly, like it's a '70s movie, there's not a lot of action. It makes, you know, a good half the movie for anything to really happen. I think all I've ever seen is the commercials for it. So you know, it's edited quick and he's karate, chappin' or comin' around corners real quick lack. Now someone can refute this, but to my feeling was always that Shaft was sort of the apex of the black exploitation or like the Hollywood version of the black exploitation kind of film. Yeah, like the most popular, really, the most mainstream. There you go, that's a good way of putting it. Like it's a little more viewer friendly than something like coffee. Aw, that was so good though, I love coffee. I remember a particular thing she says off camera, that's very short, and they're like, "Oh my goodness, did I just hear what I think of her?" And we even, it got you from the vipers. But we even had to look it up to make sure that that's what we heard and it was. You know, it was kind of like a revolutionary, I swear to god, I've never heard anything like that in newer movies. Yeah. Can you not say what it is? So honest with sex. I think I'd rather leave that. Yeah, actually. I don't think I want to explain. I just remembered what you're actually talking about. Oh, yeah, no, you're right. You'll be good for you to discover, but you know what I'm talking about. You'll see it. You know what? I'm going to make a note here. I'll put the quote, because I remember it's in IMDB or something, somewhere there's actually this. Okay, so we'll link to it. We won't specifically say it ourselves. That's so funny. We're so decent. This is the same film that has a scene in it where essentially every female employee at a Bordello faces off against coffee enhancer shirt ripped open. Yeah. Yeah, there was a lot of ripping open up shirts. Or like one prostitute falls into another prostitute and they're sure it accidentally bursts open. Yeah, it's like coffee falls on somebody with her arms out in a ripping lotion. Yeah. She was going for it. It was all about the boobies. Yeah. Coffee. I loved that movie. It was just so over the top. And I believe in everywhere. I believe that she was enjoying that role. I really enjoyed watching it. She was fun. Yeah. I did think she was quite a fluency. She was like, "Oh, I'll infiltrate the criminals by getting in there like a whore." First of all, she would mess around or do them if she liked them particularly. And then she would finish her business after she'd finished her business. But yeah, it depends. I think she was supposed to be sort of representing a female version of, you know, your shaft or whatever. Yeah. No, absolutely. Yeah. I totally did. And it was the 70s. Things were really nice. I'm just observing. I'm not judging at all. I think ladies have just as much right to be a fluency as men. Anyway, thanks a lot, Fish. I'm looking forward to both Chronicle and Woman and Black. Indeed. Mm-hmm. But one before the other, because it's better. It's funny how we switch from talking about the woman in Black to the Black woman. Coffee. Coffee. Coffee. Yeah, do you guys remember a few episodes ago? Feasably last episode, although so far back in time, it's been since the French Revolution or whatever. And I don't recall. We were discussing that fellow who was slashing ladies' butts. Yes. The butt slasher. I like to slash butts, and I'm killing that lie. Not long after we posted that episode, Barry sent along an email suggesting we cover the dark man from New York. We didn't get a chance to get to it before he sent along a New York minute regarding it. It's happier actually that he covered it then have a stumble through it. Mm-hmm. Hi, I'm Barry, and this is your New York Minute. Bruce Wayne once said that criminals are a cowardly and superstitious lot. That may or may not be true, but if Batman comics have taught me anything, it's that the bad guys love their colorful nicknames. And while New York may not be as overrun with arched criminals as Gotham City, we do have our fair share of interestingly named villains. The list of New York City mob nicknames includes Jimmy the Gent, Vinnie the Chin, Benny Eggs, Joe bananas, Crazy Joe, and even Johnny Cash. And while no one has been called the Joker, New York did boast Louis Haha and his brother, Bobby Haha. One man who had felt right at home in Gotham City was Dark Man, and that was no silly nickname. In 1990, at least 53 women were victims of assault by the mysterious Dark Man. Dark Man was the alias of Jerome Wright, a resident of the Bronx and a former thief and drug dealer. Named Dark Man by the press, he assaulted women by shooting pins or needles from a straw at their buttocks. None of the women were seriously injured, and after posting a thousand dollar bail, the charges were reduced to misdemeanors. He was only ever charged in two of the cases, there not being anyone able to identify him in the other attacks. Most of the needles never broke skin, and there were no substances found on the pins. Although he was found competent to stand trial after a psychiatric examination, no motive was found. However, all of his women had one thing in common, they were all light skinned and attired in business suits or skirts. The Dark Man attacks came a few months after a gang of girls were convicted of sticking rich looking women with pins on Broadway in 1989. Interestingly, those attacks seem to be the source of the urban legend of the pinprick attack. The legend goes that people were randomly pricking people on the streets or in crowds, with HIV contaminated needles and infecting unsuspecting people with AIDS. While the 1989 attacks had zero connection with HIV, and the needles were clean, this was near the height of the 1980s AIDS scare, and it's easy to see how this legend took off. The kicker of the legend is that the attacks would take place in clubs or late night movies, and the victim would have no idea they had been pricked until they found a note in their pocket or stuck in their clothes saying, "Welcome to the AIDS Club." For the record, there has not been a single case of anything close to that ever happening, but legends like this and of AIDS Mary still persist. New York has a lot of interesting characters, sometimes too many. This has been your New York Minute. Thanks very much, Barry, for your insightful submission. I was going to say your lovely submission, but it darts and asses and lies about AIDS. Yeah, that's pretty terrible. I remember hearing the "Welcome to the World of AIDS" story when I was young, with the variation of somebody goes on a trip and meets somebody, and then they give them a rose or something, and then eventually they leave at the very end, they leave a message on their bathroom mirror or something, something with the effect of "Welcome to the World of AIDS." Because the rose was infected. Yeah, I don't know. No, no. They sleep together. Oh, okay. But it's like the bachelorette. They give them the rose. They do it. You've got it. Then they get the AIDS. That's horrible. There's definitely a rose involved somehow. Actually, this urban legend goes back even further. I remember reading that "The Needlemen." You guys ever hear about "The Needlemen"? No. "The Needlemen" is one of those classic urban legends that's been floating around forever. Back in the '30s, I guess there were concerns that an unaccompanied lady is going to the movie theater. Might get pregnant. No, these people, "The Needlemen" might come in, and they would sit in the seat next to you, and then during the film, they would give you a syringe in the ribs and knock you out. Yeah, that's funny. And then they would kidnap you, and usually it was like a white slavery situation. They would bring you into slavery. Oh, my gosh. I love that people were once concerned of this. No, "The Needlemen." They would enslave me. "The Needlemen" will enslave me. "The Needlemen" will enslave me. "The Needlemen" will enslave me. When I met the movies. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. That's ridiculous. Well, there's like the needles and candy. It's never happened. Razor blades and candles and stuff. Even jaredies were like, "Dawdade outta here, told we're in Spucks of Candy." And I personally think that's hogwash. I think it's responsible to at least take a look. Okay. I don't want to make this a thing. I don't think anybody would ever give children tainted candy. No, you know what? You know. I don't think I would, if honestly, someone was tainting my candy, I would know the difference. I'm not an inspector gadget of candy. I don't really like the kids to have like homemade candy things from Halloween. Because you never know what their... Screw candy apples. No. You never know what their kitchen is like. Oh, goodness. It's cooked. You know who's always sweet? You know who's sweet. We're ants. You know who's sweet 100% of the time. We'll see. Ingrid. Ingrid. The Curious Tales of Vienna. The Tree of Lamentation. It was in the middle of the 13th century when a terrible disease broke out in Vienna. It spread around rapidly and disfigured people in a horrible way. No one knew a remedy for the plug, and so people who were infected were brought to our species outside the town. This infirmary was located near to a chapel dedicated to the Good St. Chop. Next to the small church to the beautiful big lintry. This place was haunted by the so-called lament, a restless spirit who sang their songs of lamentation out of the tree-top at night. This lament sounded so eerie that people were afraid to be in this area in the dark, and the patience of the host peace complained about nocturnal sleep disturbance. Finally, the people of the neighborhood asked the host peace priest to relieve them from the terrifying lament with prayers and invocations. In the following night, the priest took crucifix and holy water, and went to the mysterious tree, accompanied by a group of people. As they came close, it clearly heard their wailing tones. No doubt, a haunted soul held here their gruesome complaints. That largest companions halted, only the priest proceeded to the spooky tree. Further and louder sounded the plaintive, eerie alien, and yet human. A ray of moonlight pierced the clouds and threw its light on a shadowy figure. Immediately the priest picked up his crucifix, sprinkled holy water, and with trembling voice he recited his incantations. And lo and behold, the plaintive tones stopped instantly. But the concerned bystanders saw that the eerie dark figures seemed to take the priest and disappeared with him behind the chapel. The companions waited for the return of the clergy, but after a while the went home, depressed, and convinced that the ghost had taken their priest. But the next day, a smiling prince was back. He told the concerned that the odd sounds hadn't come from any kind of ghost. A singing knight whose name he had promised not to tell had performed his lamentations about the prevalent disease. The lonely wintery, so the knight had thought, was the perfect place to express his pain. But although the laments weren't heard anymore, the people didn't believe in the priest's words. They thought he had allied with the ghost and had persuaded the rest of the soul to move to another place. Since that incident, the hell's peace was known as "to the tree of lamentation" and the Germans from Clarkbaum, the name remained until the institution was closed. And still today, an alley of Vienna's fourth district is named Clarkbaum-Kassen, which reminds of the eerie melodies of the lamenting tree. Speaking of eerie melodies, that reminds me of Jeff's story, of nature making creepy sounds. Oh yeah, eerie sounds in the night. And the lamenting tree. Yeah, great story. Yeah, very nice. Even hopped up on Red Bull I find Ingrid's voice very soothing. She always takes her time. It was nice to hear her return. You know what else will be soothing? An orthodontic odyssey, courtesy of the cap. Oh, I'm quite looking forward to this. Ahhhhhh! Hello, Flashpull people. I am trying out a new microphone and as such have made now nine attempts to just record saying hello and have made a god awful mess of it so far. So hopefully this one will go better. And that might mean it's the one you actually hear. I've had a very busy January, which means I haven't been able to contribute to any of the Flashcasts, which I deeply regret because they were some of the coolest things that happened before Christmas. And I still haven't had an opportunity to fully express my gratitude for having a whole guest to sode over the Christmas period itself, which was awesome. Thank you so much. Just wonderful. The other guest to sode were particularly ace as well. And everything since then has been good too. Don't forget that you've been usurped, Eddy. Other people write you well, but you still write it the best. Good. I think I've covered that one neatly. I feel better now. It's been a busy January, so I haven't been around to play much. Lots of improv gigs and things like that, which is lovely, but it has taken me away from the joy of writing and from doing pirate stuff, apart from the gigs in which I did pirate stuff. But apart from those has been almost no pirate stuff. So it's time to record a new one for you guys. I hope you will enjoy it. This is Captain Pighart's Orthodontic Odyssey. Once more I was bound against me will. This time it was not strictly speaking me own fault. You see, I'd fallen for the butious, but eccentric, discombobulate Entata, Queen of the tiny island of Munt. Of course, she was not aware of me adorn, until I broke into her bedroom and offered her me hand. Ah, she took it, along with me teeth. Then she returned to me mouth, after sewing each tooth in the volcanic earth of her magical realm. There they gained the power to sprout into dinky homunculi, little versions of me self with twice the cursing. In reciprocative devotion I was to slay her nemesis, the wizard of ours whole, and being young and on pain of death I agreed. Me plan was one of hotheadedness and toothache, and led directly into a cell, where I prayed for a dose of scurvy to loosen me chafing pegs. In manical as I was I had no way to yank them, so I employed a cunning ruse. I adopted a ladyish pose, and began a beguiling crooning, like so, ah, a hoy there, sailor guard man. And on lure in a gullible soul into me false embrace, I was keen to avoid becoming his prison bride. So I knotted him in his manly region, acquiring the desired smack in the chops. With a vigorous shake of me noggin, me unnatural fangs bounced out onto the floor. The cell filled with a fizzin, rum-scented fog, and high-pitched cries of "Hi!" Blinded, I heard the clatter of tiny peg legs, screaming, and the thump of the guard striking in the earth. Through the alcoholic fog, I glimpsed a pocket-sized pirate hoof in the guard's eyeball into a rattle. Ah-ha-ha! A hoy, ship midgets, I whispered in my newly gummy voice as they freed me. The little devils were already torturing the rat as I stumbled out of the cell. Yet I felt dizzy, for I'd a kaleidoscopic view through the eyes of my homunculi. It made walking tricky, and when the shipmates grew bored of me tottering, they hoisted me aloft. With a delighted "We're off to see the wizard!" we barreled at the dungeon stairs like a disabled centipede. I was still attaining full mastery of my drainage vision, when we charged into a room bristling with soldiery. A coral garrr, heralded our attack, and the wee meads hurled themselves forth. The battle was frantic, then hook hands be nasty, especially when there's a midget halfway up your nostril. Some of the lads did get a mite trampled and booted out the window, but we won the day through sinus punching and in trouser'd combat. Both relieved and impressed, I fell through the next door and blundered into a boudoir. Ah-ha-ha! I grinned gummily at the dusky maiden strewn upon cushions in artful states of undress. In husky and Tyson tones, they explained that they were the wizard's concubine slaves, desperate for manly aid. To her tangent from me mission, a not-one discombobulared welcome, but in truth me heart will wane in, and they cheered me I. The fancy wenches hustled me towards a small door, shrewdly secreted within a painting of a door. It led to a tunnel filled with much giggling as me pig me pirate tickled the ladies with their clambered and bosom riding. I was gladdened in me splintered sight. The passage emerged into an alchemical utopia of files and jars, the content to which had shamed Monty's galley. I aspired me desire afloat in a jar, a fine set of dentures, fashioned, so the label said, of a narrel's love-handle. I snapped him into place, and rewarded the ladies with a devilish grin and a leaveny aftertaste. To his mid-snog that I noticed the wizard feller in the chair. I deduced from his weird, slurring tongue that I had nicked his tish, and though I could not crash fish fish, his crazy mime denoted a spell-casting. I dove sideways as his mangled magistry struck the wall, flinging forth gouts of insortial fluid. The ladies carried behind me against the melodious magic. Meanwhile one of the many men grew horns, and impaled himself in the enchanter's chest. Under steady fire of transmogrifying unquence, hurled by me atomised army, the wizard's shape stuttered like a zoologist's zoiotrope. Finally, he turned into a giant pigeon, and with a quizzical coup, detonated in a range of explosive butterflies with a obliterated half of the chamber. Whereas rabbits and angry doves ricocheted off of surviving walls as we regrouped. I was untouched, save for the wings sprouting for my ears, but half of me ex-teeth were grimly enchanted, being either newly amphibious or bobble in sludge. The remnants hopped mewards, their pegs shielding them from the ooze, and I swivelled on me budding stump, a feared of what harm might have beenfallen them ladies from the tide of Thor-matergic broth without such maritime maiming. Ahhh, not only were their clothes magically vanished, but the potion had reduced the buzz-me winches to that of me delighted diminutive doppelgangers. I had to remind him to talk to the face, not the chest, unless she'd be alone with your treasure, in which case it is a different matter indeed. Ah, it was sweet. With their whittle wooing I'd have to wait for the furniture which largely crocodilian and large. I gathered up my tiny tribe and secreted them about me person. Oh, how they tickled, the naughty rap scallions, until I realised I meant to leap out of the pigeonated wall. Then it was all squealing and pinching. Ignoring them, I'd die through the hole and fell. And fell. Finally, I discovered the means of flapping me head-wings, and began a brief spiral before I'd always smashed on to a little fishing boat. Fear not, the crew were easy subdued by me band of shortened swashbucklers. But then the teensy turn-coats bound me to the mast, and used me out for their flaps to guide their vessel to a land full of their choosing. Ah, I suppose they merely sought sanctuary, for their tiny twists, safe from the larger boots of our kind. Ah, I'd have appreciated being on-bound, though, before being set out to see once more. I'm growing too long in a tooth for these misanchored maroonons. Oh, that was great, Nick, thank you so very much. That was so good. I love your stories, I love pirates. And magic, and maybe some LSD, I don't know, I'm in place. And little tiny teeth man. Yeah, that was fantastic. Yeah, that was great. Your guest is so does well. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Thank you very much. You know, the Christmas story, that was great. Oh, and the new mic, absolutely a success. Mm-hmm. Sorry about taking nitroids, but- Oh, yes. It was very clear. Very good. Thank you. Very nice. So, keep sending more. Yeah, like, even when you weren't saying anything, it was completely clear. You had a very crisp, like, minimal line. She notices things like this. Do a lovely job. Now, it's interesting, because if you kind of go back to, I don't know, the pulp idiom, if you will, that we're trying to accomplish here. I think of the Flashcast as sort of a magazine show and the style of, well, back when I was a kid, you would get a comic, especially one of the old, like, tells from the crypt or something to that effect, where you would get a few short stories, and then there would be, like, almost like, a written story, or even, like, an information piece on, like, know your vampire, or, here's some stuff about werewolves. Yeah. All you need to know. Or it might just be a short story, where there's no images, no drawings, it's just this weird block of text in the middle of your comic, written by maybe the guy who wrote the story preceding or whatever. So I really think of, actually, if you think of the Watchman, I think of... Yeah, a little in between bits. I think of Pighart as our Tales of the Black Corsair. Yeah. And it's actually very much in that vein that I'm pleased to mention that we have two new segments on the show. Okay. Which were, I feel, almost bad about unveiling in such an over-stuff show, but they're here, they're fresh, and I'd like to get them out, so let's just throw it right to the segment and we can discuss it afterwards. Salutations, my fellow monsters. I'm your director, and I welcome you to Horrible History. Prepare the histoscope. Now, I haven't used this thing in a while, but I'm sure it's not supposed to make that sound. Damn it, rich golf screen. Oh, no, no, here we go. Now, for the week of January 26th, this member body of Florence Batello was found in a basket in several burlap sacks in Cleveland. The 42-year-old woman was the third victim in 18 months to be found, dismembered with precision. It's part of the panic in Cleveland, and now the murders are known as the mad butcher. On June the 26th, another head and later a headless body turned up. The police were unable to identify the victim. Even the replica mask of the victim's face that was displayed at the Great Lakes' exposition looked like the momentum of mystery, while the mad butcher continued killing. By summer of the 38th, the body count was in the double digits, and the Cleveland police were desperate to find the mad butcher. One suspect, an actual butcher named Frick D'Razelle, was interrogated by a woman. He lived for over forty-three hours until he confessed to killing poor flons. However, he subsequently changed his story several times, and killed himself in his cell before the court could take him to trial. In reality, though, few authorities believe that D'Razelle was actually a killer. His belief in the real subject was relatively prominent and politically connected. As a result, the police department trumped up the case against D'Razelle, and the official police writers were later destroyed. The mad butcher's attack stopped in Cleveland after D'Razelle's suicide. The tridentity of the mad butcher would make the mystery to this day. Well, that's a list of scopes that's showing me for now, and I'm gonna have to crack this thing open and fix it and anything. Now, today we're going to wreck a ten-pounds of disprovening him. Off-side note, I would like to point out that Shatter Star was lame. Wolverine was awesome until I turned 15, and while nothing could stop the juggernaut, juggle losses as stupid. I may have to explain that at some point later. Listen, I don't want to say anything rude here, but it's been a long time since I've been 15, and Wolverine is still pretty damn cool, so... Shatter Star is lame. Yeah, well, Shatter Star is almost gonna be lame. But Wolverine... That was fantastic. Thank you very much. Wait, for more. You only get to use the moniker the mad butcher once, though, so I'm glad they got the right guy to use it on, because the mad butcher is like one of the basic, you know, the angry butcher. He doesn't even work. Yeah. Yeah, there's not too many modifications on that. There's one angry butcher, or one mad butcher, and you're done. Yeah. Well, if it's the crazy butcher, what if it's like that kind of man? It's slightly disturbed butcher, the butcher who's off his meds today butcher. The irritated butcher, you know, the irritated deli guy. Yeah. The butcher with the ingrown tone in. So yes, I should have asked him before we aired this if he has a site that he'd like to push, but I believe he referred to himself as Gibraltar. Gibraltar? I like that. Gibraltar. Yeah, like the rock. So yeah. Thank you very much. That was fantastic. Mm. And as I said, we have chapter two, so we're all set for lash gas for three. We have so many notes for a flash gas, fifty three, so fifty two had to be pushed at the door. Yeah. You think this is long? You should see what it could have been. Ah. Oh my god. Oh my god. We were watching, we were watching Dragonheart earlier, which was the first time in maybe a decade for me, probably more than that. And Dennis Quaid's character of the night talks Batman. It is so good. Yeah. It's the gridded teeth leg. He will be a good night of the old gold. I'm talking man. Yeah. Okay. So he has this, he makes this poor assumption of a dragon. Okay. So we haven't finished watching this, I don't actually know. Oh no. You don't want to get on this because you find out almost immediately afterwards that he's like conning people and hanging out with the dragon now. No way. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Dennis Quaid. Not Batman. The other new entry we have in our pages tonight would be a new serial by Dave DuckBlueent, who also had a guest episode over the Christmas season as you may recall, same time next year. Yeah. The south is still too. It was fantastic. Mm hmm. I don't want to give away too much about what's coming up, so let's just throw right to the first entry in a new serial. Sergeant Power walked past a half dozen uniformed officers as he entered the warehouse. Each of them was leading a groggy and handcuffed thug out to the street. He nodded to each of the officers in turn. His men knew their jobs. They'd been watching this warehouse and its owner, Juan Jimmy Keenan, under suspicion of smuggling for several weeks now. But so far they hadn't been able to generate evidence against him. Power burst into the back room of the warehouse. The frosted glass window on the door proclaimed at the manager's office. This was the place where all the action happened. That's the story, Corley. The younger officer looked up for a movement where he was bent over a portly man in an expensive but off-the-shelf suit. Same as the other, sir. The vigilante has struck again. Corley gestured to a sheet of paper on the desk. The weird paper, Keenan's name, and a listing of all its crimes, complete with enough evidence to back them up, and one of those fancy letter pictures. Jesus! Jiminy Cricket, Corley illuminated. That's one of them illuminated texts. How many times do I have to tell? Never mind. Let me see that. Par snatched the patron of the desk. He recognized the material. It was identical, at least to the surgeon's eyes, to the sheets he had shown to the history professor at the university, Velm. Once it was common enough, at least among the folks who had books, but it was fairly rare now, and new, which was doubly odd. As far as the academic knew, no one was making this stuff now, not in any real quantity. Par was distracted from reviewing the evidence by a groan from the floor. "He's alive, sir." "I hear that, Corley. Get out of the way!" The surgeon pulled the uniform officer away from the victim. Keenan's eyes fluttered and he peered gruggly apart. "Officer, Parr is it. Come to save me from my oppressor." He smiled weakly. "Hardly, Keenan, and it's Sergeant Parr. I'm here to take you in." The smuggler's smile faded. "I'm a simple importer, and I'm the victim here. You've got no evidence," it says otherwise. "Oh, I've got plenty of evidence thanks to your visitor. That won't hold up in court." "Doesn't need to, but it gives my men what they need to find the truth, using more official channels." Jimmy lowered his voice, almost growling. "You don't know who you're dealing with, Parr. I'll be out in a week, and then we'll settle this. My way." Parr's face became deadly serious as he leaned close to Keenan's ear. "Our common friend gave you a second chance, Jimmy. He doesn't do that too often. Clearly, he sees something in you that I can't. Don't waste this opportunity. There won't be another one." The surgeon stood. "Cough, Mr. Keenan Corley, and get him out of here," Parr gestured to the bellum sheet on the table. "Make sure that page gets to my desk. We have some legwork to do." It'll be fun having a little fictional sidestep during the episodes. I wish to definitely be interested to see where this goes. Doc Blue is a world billular by, well, second profession. "By design." By design, yeah. So we'll see where he goes with this. "Thanks a lot." Mm-hmm. Yeah. So I think we're going to close off submissions for new segments, at least until somebody has to bow out. But I'm really pleased to the stable we have. We've been extremely lucky. So thanks to everybody who submitted. You can find Barry's stuff over at, Ingrid's work, over at or vne', Jeff, of course, at Pick's work? Can be found at You can go over and check 3-day-fishes Facebook, go over and like him. Mm-hmm. Or you can just shout things out the window because 3-day-fish is always listening. Exactly so. I love that you're second year like, "I love that you're second year like, "I love that you're second year like, "I love that you're second year like, "I love that you're second year like, "I love that you're second year like, "I love that you're second year like, "I love that you're second year like, "I love that you're second year like, "I love that you're second year like, "I love that you're second year like, "I love that you're second year mailbag. We do have to open the mailbag with a bit of sad news. It seems that our sexaholics anonymous confused voicemail line has finally been shut down on us. So we could no longer use it. I think we were asking people to call him one day. We were like, "Hey, it doesn't hurt." Yeah, unfortunately. Hey, that's professional. Well, it happens, especially when unruly strangers are calling to group. It was entertaining, well, last, but it was sort of sad. All good things must come to an end. Yes. But we'll have a replacement line in the meantime. We can certainly just email us MP3s to We did have a replacement number sort of in place, but it was equally hanky. And I think we're just going to invest in a proper solution so that we don't encounter the situation again. Unfortunately, that requires possibly a little bit of investment of research and time. Time Traveler Rich actually suggests that we use Google Voice, but unfortunately we're in Canada, so we can't get a number out of them. We can call out, but we can't call ourselves back. Which, you know, we really want to be able to do. Call ourselves back. The call is coming from inside the country. Okay, so I think we should delve right into the epic foray that took place over the fifth element. Yes, but we had some opinions. Some great opinion. Some were recorded and some passionate opinions anyway. I think that we should start it off with Fish since he was sort of the one who opened the open to that box. And it was full of spice that box. Time Traveler Rich, you dare stand against me and my movie reviews? Well, sir, Fish is here to defend his honor. Okay, I want to clarify something. I don't know if you guys are just really sensitive that I've not given an overly glorious review of a movie you all love, because let me make something clear. There's nothing funnier, the fifth element obviously, is what I'm defending right now. I said in my review, I'm pretty sure, that this is a fun movie to watch. The only reason I gave it a yellow light is because at least today, I feel like this movie doesn't hold up as well. I understand that the graphics are from a different era and all that fun stuff, because I first watched this movie when I was like six or seven and the graphics blew me away. I was like, whoa, flying cars. I'm going to stand by my yellow light, because as I said at the end of my review, this is for the sci-fi fan. I feel like not just anyone can like this movie. I'm glad that you guys like it, because it is a fun watch. A lot of memorable, quotable scenes in this movie, but there's just as much reason for someone who doesn't like that type of stuff to dislike this movie. And so Fish stands by his yellow light, ballsing your court, rich. It's funny because the mob really split pretty evenly, it seemed like. And everyone's been so passionate. I don't feel like you should take a personally fish, but I really do enjoy your healthy banter back and forth. Yeah, Nuddy was definitely one of the ones. First, Fifth Element is one of the best sci-fi movies, she said. That's right. No, one of the best movies of all time, and it really holds up a test of time. I watch it at least yearly. I would like to watch it at least yearly. I love Gary and I don't know if they realized that they weren't going to pull it off as a serious film or whether they had the planned be camp or they had the land to have it escalate at such a high rate. It makes me think of a Flash Gordon type movie. There was so much I loved about it so much. There is a lot of great stuff in there. There's obviously a lot of Blade Runner in there, especially in the way the cars in the city looks. There was a New York, the first part all takes place in New York. He's a taxi driver. When Bruce Willis has to make the decision, whether he's going or not, it seemed like up to that point it was a very serious film. There were parts of it, yeah, definitely. There were parts that felt sort of like a heavy metal cartoon. There are parts of that film that feel like a live action anime and there are parts of that film frankly. All of the special effects mostly feel like a Doctor Who episode, like a modern Doctor Who episode. But I honestly give them so much credit for making the effort for trying, for having the balls. I loved how it was all science fiction-y, but there was kind of like a little hint of magic there. The fifth element, you know. I love that. I think it falls unfortunately in a transitional period for the effects that they were trying to accomplish and maybe for the sort of story style even that they were trying to accomplish and it will be regarded as a sort of cult stepping stone for some people but it's not going to stand the test of time as a classic classic. Yeah, I can't see it being put on anybody's classic list except mine. Maybe Nettie's. But it will definitely always be around for me. A lot of that Bruce Willis squint in that film too. Oh my. Mm-hmm. Squinting up a storm over there. Well, there's always a lot of at rest shots in any sort of movie, you know, where you're looking back and forth. And he just was working it. He was working on the camera for all it was worth. Hi, I'm Bruce Willis. Hi, I'm Batman. Nettie also mentioned in her email though, we have a call from her coming up as well. No one holds up the test of time. Doogie house or MD for real. I would totally go back and revisit Doogie house. Oh yeah. I would be something I'd actually watch. I love his room. I wanted to just hang out with that guy, you know. There was definitely a time in my youth where I thought it was pretty epic that he had his own computer. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I think I hear Mr. Three. I think he's coming to say hello. You spilled an Emmys room? Do you want to come say hi to the Flashcast people? Come here. What do you want to say to all the mobsters? Yeah, okay, go back. Thanks for the visit. Okay, well, thanks for that little visit. Let's just continue on with a call from Nettie. Hey, Flashbulb, this is Nick Joss and I'm calling from weird noises and using my cell phone so this sound quality may not be great. Anyway, onto the cowboy debate and I know I'm probably a little bit behind but I have to agree with Colorado Joe there. Yeah, the rodeo guys that I know from out west would disagree and say that, yes, Canada definitely has cowboys and the Stetsons that the guys on the, no, HMS? I don't know, something S that I don't know the pre-nominal for the ships. Anyway, the Calgary, the Canadian ship, the Calgary, all the officers get to wear Stetsons so again, cowboys. But of course, this reminds me of a guilty pleasure of mine, Paul Gross. Well, actually it's one of his movies but yeah, he's a guilty pleasure too. His movie gunless, so funny and hysterical because it's all about an American cowboy that goes up to Canada in the times of the old west and doesn't quite understand how things work because of course they don't use guns. Very funny, awesome, lots of fun and yeah, Canada's got guns guys just because there's this stereotype that Canada doesn't have guns. No, no, we got guns. It just, yeah, I'm not going to go into detail there. The better left unsaid the better or the more left unsaid the better. I'm not that coherent. Sorry about that. Jubilee do. I vaguely remember the name of it. I'm pretty sure I saw it. Wasn't there like a cute girl on that show? Or am I thinking of something else? I don't know. I do know that having transplanted into Canada, I find myself making poker room references all the time and I didn't grow up watching poker room. It's weird and if we're talking about kids shows, this is a debate my husband and I always have and I'm sorry but Mr. Rogers, way better than Mr. Dressup, I don't care. Gonna go on record. Gonna say it. Also, yeah, your daughter should not be worried about liking vampire books. There's nothing wrong with vampire books. I mean, they're not all Twilight. Hello? Anyway, if she likes vampires or is looking for a long book, give her some Bram Stroker. Yeah? No? Little too young for that? I don't know. Anyway, sorry for not calling in more and I'll try to remedy that with bad recordings and bad audio. I'm too particular about making the call sound good and you know what? Screw it. I don't care. Oh and cursing. I love the bleeps. I think cursing in the flashcast go right ahead. I think if you feel that cursing should be warranted in the episodes, sure that's fine too but I happen to like bleeps. I think that they give a little more emphasis sometimes. There are a couple of shows that will bleep words that aren't actually curses just to make more emphasis because we, as a society, we hear a bleep and we expect it to be profanity and you know, I think it's kind of creative. On my own podcast, I dub to make it sound like a bad cable movie anytime somebody curses simply because I've got nieces and nephews and I don't want my siblings to say oh you can't listen to your aunt's podcast because there's cursing. So there you go. I don't have cursing in my podcast. The topics are still PG I'd say but no cursing and I don't know. I kind of like it that way. I especially think if you can have fun with the way that you dub all the more power to it and your your bleeps are not annoying now at least and again I fully support it so yay flesh pulp. Oh and for the record, Treed just screams online it seem or at least in text it seems in our hangouts he's never really screamed at me. His granddaughter may have screamed. I think she's inherited that. Anyway, enjoy. Have a good one. Bye. Thanks so much nutty. You always sound great even when you're just going off the cuff. Now listen nutty and everyone else out there but especially nutty you need to come to Fan Expo. I know that you're sort of not really but kind of in the area. Yeah make it happen. Yeah North Carolina is really close and I hear a lot of you are over there. Oh yeah yeah all those guys in North Carolina you get really close. You can go together maybe you can get like a discounted rate because there's so many of you. I hear that whole area it's just the new Florida now so you you probably want to come with it North. That's right. I found that fascinating about the HMCS which I actually had to go Google. HMCS that's right. But HMCS Calgary and the extensions they get to wear on the boat. I was shocked by that. Lucky guys. I mean I'm not big on cowboy hats. I mean I haven't been since I was like five but that's still pretty awesome. Some people out grow hats and some people out grow Wolverine. Some people also out grow Mr. Rogers or Mr. Dressup. You know what okay I loved him both. I don't need to fight. I was never a huge fan of Mr. Dressup because to me he always looked like he was an angry man. Last from her. I don't know like Mr. Rogers always seemed really nice whereas Mr. Dressup seemed like he would be nice with a camera but like he would yell at kids but he would stress them after. But you didn't say it right Tom. You know who was better than all of them though was Fred Penner. I have to disagree there. Actually Fred Penner was as oh anyway he strikes me as taking on the profile of a troubling man. I was always afraid yeah that he would get stuck in the law. One of my favorite things about Mr. Rogers is that there's an urban lighting untrue but that there's an urban legend floating around that he was a sniper in Vietnam and he killed somewhere between 70 and 150 people. That's so funny. And that he like it was after the war that he came back and decided he was going to change his life or whatever. That would be so hilarious. Yeah beautiful story beautiful and then he did a really nice show for kids and he spoke to Congress or oh he was very active in this time absolutely. Yeah um so Jessica May was there a cute girl in Zubilizu? Yeah was there? Yeah she she wore a pink and she was jumpy. I was just like you like them. Was she kidding me? No. It's interesting that you mentioned letting Miss Nye and listen to Bram Stoker. Bram Stoker is Dracula. I recently listened to a Mercury theater production which is Orson Well's old radio show back from the 30s. Well maybe 40s by then. Anyway it was their production of Dracula and it was compressed obviously it was like an hour long show but it was great there were parts that they handled in that radio format that I've I found better than I've ever seen in a movie or television presentation of it. For example the ship crossing scene. The way they present the story each section like the original novel is just told in the voice of whoever is talking about it like a writing about it essentially. So the ship crossing scene is all done from the captain's voice and it's very interesting they've managed to really sell the way the crew is being whittled down and he just has to keep going and like I just need to get the boat to land or whatever but he he does. He ends up dead by the end of it yeah and the last you hear is like him screaming. Yikes. I'm glad you brought up Gunless. It's one of those movies that hit my radar when it was originally being released and I wanted to see it because it looked fun but then it just disappeared and I hadn't really thought to go look for it. So I think you're I'm actually gonna go try and check it out. Yeah I'd be interested in watching Paul Gross. You gotta be yeah I mean you gotta be careful with Paul Gross. He's got this weird Canadian cult going on and it's not always a quality film. I was in Gross when he was in due south. I was a child and he's like you know I never actually watched that show until I was much much older. It was one of those on-before-work things. Are people in America even aware of the film Men with Brooms? I love that movie. Oh of course you are but of course you do because you're from Canada. It's got beavers in it. Hold on we gotta do that. Of course you do because you're from Canada. But it's got beavers. Yeah yeah winning cast of characters uh includes a beaver and and uh Leslie Nielsen. Thanks a lot Nanny that was fantastic. Excellent work yet again. Actually uh our man I am Ryan Hill on Twitter was mentioning that he uh he agrees with me and also with Nanny about the availability of vampires specifically for young people. Teenage me teenage me in this reference being him was thrilled to discover Anne Rice's vampire chronicles in my high school library but in retrospect there was a lot of stuff going on in those books that I didn't fully understand at the time. I agree. Sometimes it's I don't know having read those books when I was in like seventh eighth grade. I don't think I got all that. Yeah yeah yeah you got just as just enough that you need it right? And the rest of the month. We were also discussing how easy it was to copy keys in the long ago past episode of Flashcast and he was mentioning um I remember reading about a guy in Toronto who had an RFID chip implanted in the back of his hand like the ones with the newer credit cards where you can pay by tapping it instead of swiping it into a machine. No traditional locks on his house just a swipe of his hand to open the front door. I can't say I'm a fan of the idea. I'd much rather have someone steal my key if they wanted to break into my house rather than taking my arm off so they can hold it up to an RFID reader. He has a good point there and I'm also a little concerned um I don't see why people can't use some sort of RFID reader in a briefcase to get close to you grab your radio signal like your constant signal and then just play it back into your house to get in while you're not around. I don't know I'm sure there's some sort of I'm not it's been a while since I've read up on RFID tags but and I'm sure somebody's got some sort of methodology for dealing with that but gloves. I think for the general population who isn't worried about someone necessarily cutting off their arm in order to get in their home it would work but for those who may be concerned about it you might want to pick a different option. Yeah obviously they've never seen snitch and that is their mistake. Now as an alternative Nick was mentioning in the mob. My dad's house had a pin code system ever since my little brother lost nine keys in consecutive weeks. Wow since then I've had to remember numbers. He did of course promptly give that number to several friends and that led to my dad nearly killing one of them with an air rifle at three in the morning. So there's lots to be said for keys really and it makes a good point. Yeah some people just can't be trusted. Oh Nick was also this is a while ago but Nick posted something in the mob. It was this chav yelling at people on the bus. Do you remember seeing that? No. Some girl like freaking out. Oh yes yes yes. I don't think so. It looked like it was on a train and it was a girl a tanning girl and she was loaded and looking for a fight and a reason to toss her hair. What? Yeah yeah that's what it was. She just wanted to flick her hair and maybe wave a finger. What are you talking about? What are you talking about? You don't even know me. And then that's awesome. And then she'd almost be to the door and then she'd be like what? What the way she said to me? And then she would get another fight and toss the hair and toss the hair. It's like somebody who's permanently like in sweatpants and booties and they have their hair that they just slosh about and she was she was loaded. It reminded me of something that happened in my youth, in my Greyhound traveling youth. Have I told you the story about the drinker on the bus? Have I mentioned that on the show before? I know that you haven't mentioned on the show before. Oh no. I used to ride the Greyhound between my little northern town and the great city fairly regularly. And on one occasion you're looking for the cheapest fairs. I was a high school student at the time. So I would often ride in the middle of the night. I also had the stamina in my Well I mean never really up during the day right? Yeah that was part of me. True. Anyhow so I'm on the bus and I'm I don't know entertaining myself probably by trying to read a novel by whatever passing light comes in through the window. And I noticed this guy who's been secretly drinking from a tall boy of I don't know what it was, Molson or something. And there's this lady on the seat like he's in the seat opposite of me. So there's a lady beside me and she's asleep and then there's him and then there's a lady beside him and she's asleep. And on the other side of the aisle. And he starts like kind of like rubbing on. And I'm trying to kind of like at that point I'm trying to clear my throat. I'm making sounds like hey somebody else is awake over here. But he's obviously been into this beer for a while and she's snowing pretty loud. And he's like getting pretty vigorous. So at that point I stood up and punched him. Well no I figure okay now's a good time for bathroom break. You know what I mean really make it obvious that you know you're not the only one on this bus. So you're not alone. So I get over there and you know go to the bathroom and I don't really whatever. Come back and I can't really see him. And it's nude. But I can see like his elbow and his beer or whatever. But it's obvious that he's leaning like pretty far the other way. So I'm walking back and I do one of the like oh kind of fake trips. And I hit his elbow and I didn't like spill his beer everywhere. But it was like enough to really vigorously juggle his beer and get a little on his lap. And that was like enough to wake up the lady beside him and then everyone got really uncomfortable. And I sat down. Good job. Yeah he never went that to be your job though. Yeah. And then that was really uncomfortable. Really unpleasant. Anyway. But at least nobody cut anybody's head off. Yeah it's not like you were taking video. This will go on my website. Okay. Speaking of liquor actually this is a weird rabbit hole we're getting down. The whole we've discovered that the mob loves the mob loves ridiculous movies the mob loves candy and the mob loves beer like a liquor. They mentioned the availability of liquor in the last episode and you know having to go to Quebec stores to get certain types. And then everyone had a little something to throw in. So Scott Roche was saying that where you can get liquor in the states varies widely from state to state. In North Carolina where I live you can only get it from state controlled package stores. You can get beer and wine from grocery convenience stores. So your ardent spirits if you will. Specialized stores. But then beer and wine I mean why would you even. Why would you separate those? Well actually it was interesting we got into a discussion of that on the mob too because Nutty was saying that there's sort of a similar situation in New York and then she was mentioning that in Quebec everything is different because rather than an act of prohibition back in like you know the 30s or whatever it was decided that the government would regulate and control alcohol. So they kind of bucked prohibition and instead of ending up with the system that we do where everything is controlled by the government only ardent spirits in Quebec are controlled by the government. Beer is like was always available in convenience stores even through. Oh so obviously you don't want to get between a Frenchman and his wine. No. Wow. Oh speaking of casting. Have we ever discussed how Quebec was casting is so much different than the rest of Canadian casting? That is so very religious. Yeah it's all religious based. The rest of we traffic in the standard English like body functions. And even in Genetalia yeah that's true. Genetalia. But even in they're like veiki swearing like a shoot as opposed to a shit. Yeah it's it's still religious. I'm trying to like you'll get you'll have a French yeah you'll have a Frenchman say like tebabnak but they'll say like tebabwet if they're around somebody who's like they don't want to swear in front of you know. Right. It's it's like the same thing but not quite. I get yeah exactly it's the frack of religious cuss. And I've also noticed lately Jessica especially uses spas quite a lot and I think isn't spas and spastic kind of the equivalent of retarded overseas. So that's sort of oh really I believe so I believe Nick may be able to enlighten us but oh I don't sound enlightened do I well I mean it's regional differences right. Yeah yeah it sounds better than cholias. Buddy of Christ. Awesome let's all take communion. It's like a catholic thing too it's like the saints and the oh that jazz their bottled brand. I'm just trying to see what's actually worth mentioning here. I guess you don't get a lot of French people who are like who are very religious but not catholic you know. Well all of the colonization in glory canada or whatever was done by the church right. That was all even the if you look at the original town layouts for everybody and go back. It's all based around a church centered town and then everything else goes out in a circle. Yeah and it had to be the highest point for a long time too right. Right so I mean it's no it's not too surprising that that's sort of anyway. So one of our mobsters Zachman he mentioned a boy in his blog on tumblr. Oh a boy in his blog yeah um that's an interesting little site it's like it's a uh almost ruby-esque kind of story presentation of a fellow trying to survive the zombie apocalypse. Oh that's cool. I'm posting a tumblr account on a daily basis posting to his tumblr account on a daily basis. Yeah it's a neat little style for presentation and it was definitely worth checking out I'll put it in the show notes but it's a a boy and his blog dot with dashes between all of the uh first section. So a dash boy dash. Yeah it's a fun read. John Donnie who also mentioned the savage world of Solomon Cain which I believe falls under the savage Glen line of products. It looked really good. I would definitely be interested in trying a RPG in a Solomon Cain world. I would also be interested in finding out where the bomb's about to go on. No it will it'll stop before you realize where it is. The baby's always try to help me find it but give it 10 more beeps and we're all done the beeps. If this living room goes over 50. Oh my god. I also wanted to mention that Nick refuted the David Press's accent situation. We seem to have placed David Press all over the map. I refuse to actually just google it and find out. I'd rather that people just keep arguing me into different positions. Um he he linked to a clip from one of the uh Star Wars the various Star Wars documentaries and which Empire of Dreams in which they actually refer to him as Scottish but I believe somebody immediately below in the comments was uh backing up Nick's point that he's actually from Bristol. Well here's to not absolutely knowing. Yeah here's the here's to the magic of uncertainty. I don't know I'm pretty cool with the captain telling me what's going on. Yeah I believe you. Yeah I I at the moment he is certainly the opinion that I take. So Chillichan writes he flashcasters I've been looking on the mob for a little while now on the sound advice of my dear friend and improv mister Nick Tyler aka Captain Ignatius Pighart. Great work on both flashpulp and the casts. It's like you say. I'm currently working through each of the story threads individually. Oh that's a good way to do it yeah. I noticed uh Mr. Church was doing the same as well. Yeah yeah. Um I'm so far up to date on coffin and the murder plague and loving it. I'm finding it interesting that those are the first two that he chose. Mm-hmm yeah I'd be interested to hear why he picked those if they were at Nick's suggestion or yeah. Anyway flashcast 51 convinced me to break radio silence as you mentioned a couple of things that stirred me. Firstly Randy Newman's short people. Now I didn't want to include everything that people had said but there was a lot of feedback about Randy Newman's short people stuff. Um most of it equated down to Randy Newman is a dick. We love Tyrion Lannister rookie. When I first heard of Newman as the main man of modern Disney Pixar themes I googled his back catalog. Why? Being in a somewhat diminutive stature myself I was intrigued by what he might have to say about the show but the short that deserved its own song. Yeah I got that a lot when I was a kid because that was always like the shortest person of the class. I expected an independently naive ditty on the hardships faced by the vertically challenged. Imagine my shock then uh sorry imagine my shock then when in the first line Newman brazenly declares that short people might as well up and kill themselves. WTF Randy Newman and how does he justify his universal distaste for shorties by pointing out that being short makes you small the and somehow also a liar. Yes baffling logic even by Disney standards. Given that I was already dubious as to his musical talent I now have absolutely no love for that give voice half-witted a retinkling fascist. All my little people's stantal uh yeah let's yeah let's be nice standing proud very nice yes I agree screw Randy Newman. Yeah I had the same sort of thoughts but he was gonna tell me something that made me feel good. Yeah well I believe he he's obviously being ironic but anyway no no for sure. So secondly I also totally echo JMA's sentiments on Murdoch this being Rupert Murdoch. The guy has got to drop and hopefully say you know not wishing anything negative on anyone. When I was editing that I was wondering hmm should I really say that somebody should drop dead but then I thought okay Rupert Murdoch no I really no I really do wish that he would maybe like a painless death but just just to go so that we could move forward yeah well that little thing about the celeb phone hacking was actually the ass end of a national scandal in the UK media when it resulted in the closure of one of the world's most popular newspapers while Simon Taylorously forcing Murdoch to back down from a planned monopolistic takeover of Skye. The US or sorry the UK major satellite broadcaster satellite and cable TV are still effectively competing over here. I'm sure I'm unsure how it works over on your side of the pond. It's so disturbing what people can do and they have a lot of money yeah it's ridiculous. No he's kind of like the Lex Luthor of well yeah it's funny you should say that because he actually says that his name is now at long last mud to the general populace here rather than simply synonymous with Lex Luthor which comparatively might be considered charming. Yeah well the other comparison I might make is he strikes me as J. Jonah Jameson without the charm. It was news of the world right yeah the google news of the world phone hacking. Anytime anyone ever asks the guy if he feels responsible for anything he's like well I shouldn't have trusted the people that he trusted. One of those plus as an old school print news mogul the closure of his biggest paper with subsequent embarrassment and damage to his public reputation has hopefully curbed some of his more megalomaniac ambitions in global media. Yeah we'll see. Google news of the world phone hacking if you're curious and show yippee yippee yippee. You know I'm usually not nearly this ranty. Flashcast 51 just managed to hit some buttons sorry. Anyway and finally a tentative suggestion I know it made technically and time cost wise be hassle but have you considered having separate RSS feeds for each story thread as well as the main chronological feed. Yeah I've talked to JRD about this before. Yeah we've considered splitting them by thread or also by sorting out the flashcast and the flashbulbs. And I was hoping that that's something that we could work out in the iPod app or the iOS app I should say. Oh yeah that reminds me we launched our Android app so it doesn't cover all of the episodes yet I don't know that it will go all the way back to the start of the archive. I'm still working with the folks who built a forest but you can check it out for previous episodes for contacting us. Yeah it kind of bugs me because I have no idea what it what it's like at all. Yeah we don't we don't have a Kindle or an Android phone or a tablet or anything to even test it on but when the iOS version comes out which should be fairly soon which would be exciting. We actually write all of our stories in Morris code and then somebody does it on their computer. That's true. Yeah semaphore too. Yeah we take pictures. But yes it's a very good point Trilla Jan and we'll see what we can do about getting it sorted. Yeah so it continues as your listenership grows and more set out to tackle the ever-growing backlog it'd be a really good way to make your work more readily accessible as if you're not using iTunes which I know most people probably are. It can be a little time-consuming using a mobile device to manually download all of one thread. Very good point. There are now some great apps for aggregating RSS podcast feeds such as BeyondPod for Android which has totally rocked my audio world. Oh it's good he has an Android so yeah oh yeah well he doesn't have to get the app necessarily but BeyondPod it sounds like a good recommendation for anybody who does. So that might take full advantage of such archiving. I love that we have an app and you're like no you don't get it on. Oh I have to be honest I'm not a huge fan personally of specialized apps like that and I understand if people don't want to pick it up it's more of a way of supporting the show than it is of necessarily I mean it gives you instant access to the show you'll always have it on the road or whatever. Yeah well I don't blame you if you don't pick it up. I want to like I would really like to you know do a little more and I don't want to be prejudiced because you know I can have iOS and not Android apps but you know I'd like to make it a kick-ass app I think we could and one of the things that I've been bugging to your idea about for a long time is a way to categorize the feeds because sometimes you know I want to listen to a mulligan playlist or I want to listen to a coffin playlist or black hole and I have to sort through and do that and it's annoying and time consuming and you can go and look at slash and there's the sidebar where you can go and look up everybody's individual feeds but there's not actually just a listing of episodes if you want a listing of episodes you have to go to the wiki and those aren't exactly where I'm flirting out for everybody. You know that sounds like a lot of work. Hey it's a coffin ray. Hey guys it's Jai Gantor congratulations on Flashcast 50 looking forward to listening to more. So J.R.D. I have the scoop for you on Shatterstar. He's currently on the X Factor team which is led by multiple man. The team is being used as a pride of investigation group so that they can help all manner of people. The lowly mutants J. Jonah Jameson you know whoever has a problem and needs something solved I guess. The team is currently made up of some of the old X-Force lineup as well as some of the members of X Factor during the 90s. Shatterstar got rid of his headpiece that kind of made him look a little bit like gambit and he's been given a haircut. Also he is now in the position of teleportation powers by cutting through time and space with his knives or something. I can't remember exactly how it works but I know he needs someone with a clear picture of where they need to go otherwise they could go very badly for them. The comic he's in has currently won some awards so it's possible you may start seeing him again. I know what they were trying to do with Shatterstar they're also trying to do with Deadpool and Deadpool's finally taken off I think in Deadpool's case less was probably better and I'm a big Deadpool fan but the amount of comics they have out now for him is a bit staggering. It's yeah they got a Deadpool Max version which is like the gritty Marvel version where they can have nudity and cussing and extreme violence and people can write out their eatable complexes through these comics apparently but I don't know anyway I just wanted to comment on a couple flashpulps before I let you guys go. I love the trail coffin is on to find the dog tattoo artist waiting impatiently to find out what's going on with that and harm. The little story bombs you keep delivering are fantastic it's great for coming up with more theories and I'm sure everybody else feels the same and thank you for another car wick but I got a couple of times short guys thanks for listening talk to you guys soon have a good one everybody. You know it's funny because I remember I was actually on Skype with Gigantor when we were discussing the last murder plague one and I told him I think it was in the the second episode of the three-parter I was like there's a big bomb dropped there if you're sharp enough to catch it yeah and I'm glad he didn't give it away but he obviously obviously saw it so I think that's awesome I love that there's always meat for people who are looking a little harder. Well we're getting into the second act of a lot of the series now we're past but I can we're into the second act of the universe as it were so these things are going to pick up a little more there's some things going on with Mulligan that are maybe a little more not as obvious yeah there's a little more going on with him and is yeah necessarily obvious same thing with not coffin but black hole you know there was something that I wanted to make note of and I just wasn't sure how to how to write it you know but oh in the wiki you mean yeah well even to to make a little post better than the mom I just wasn't sure how to say it without giving it away but here's the thing JRD never writes something without purpose and there was something going on in the background of the last black hole episodes quietly in the background you might be very quietly in the background and you it's it's something that you don't really take note of except in passing but I remember at the third episode being like you know what I have noticed this going on in the background the whole time nothing comes of it and like I said JRD never does something without purpose so for something to be going on and not resolved I know I know there's more in the future than something hanging there yeah yeah well I believe you may be correct I wonder how many people are gonna go back to those episodes and try to figure out what's going on only the true fans like Jack Antor who should also go to the wiki and update the article they're most interested in yeah the thread they'd like to follow please god there's so much to do we've been chipping at it but it is a long job yeah it's fun though it's like great big puzzle and it's because we love you now so if you were to reciprocate it placates my OCD thanks a lot for the update on shadow star too that's very interesting it's weird that they took away his hair and his head thing because those were two of the items that I most heavily associated with his hair really I have to shadow star oh they get the hair well he was blonde and it was long hair like it was kind of memorable um I have to admit I was never a huge fan of Gambit's costume design but I love Gambit yeah well I don't know who Gambit is that's fine that's okay i'll share thanks a lot Jack Antor absolutely fantastic as always yeah each call is better too he's getting really good at it he's good trip i'm eager for a return of the uh walker and more stories yeah we also got some mail from valkery page she says howdy folks once again i'm setting a long email still catching up on the stories and still enjoying each one that is perfectly fine mmm why not uh flashcast 49 okay so I cheated and sneaked and listened to one just because I knew you'd be responding to some of my emails i love the Captain America movie but that's just because i'm a fan of Captain America who fought fairly and was an all-around good guy he is one of the classic heroes like one of the classic or type bull him and Superman and a couple other guys yeah i think that was mostly the captain who was unfrozen and came back to become a graphic artist in his secret identity really i never knew that i never knew that i think i think they cleaned up a lot of what what would have been his politically incorrect attitudes then i was impressed with the film because i read that Chris Evans insisted on doing the acting instead of just letting them do CGI when he was like really really thin 98 pounds says here uh weakling Steve Rogers i also like the historical detail in some ways it's a different type of story compared to Iron Man because the Iron Man story is meant to be contemporary yeah captain is an old-fashioned guy a modern audience needs to understand what that means or he'll seem very strange in the Avengers movie and it won't make sense that's very true well i think that's part of the charm of Captain America too he's very like old school like pro-america he can be a little more black and white he's like the crotchety old man who's in in a super young man's body yeah get off my line or i'll check my shield at you speaking of Alan Rickman shooting watch him in quickly down under oh i love that movie so much you knew you knew i weighed that's a fun ridiculous little cowboy mustache no idea yeah oh yeah it's an Australian cowboy movie and who's the guy that's in it i also think of him as from friends it's it's been years so i can't really necessarily stay in behind it i can't say for sure but i remember really enjoying quickly down there frankly and finding it much better than the sort of lonesome doves stuff i know i'm gonna get a backlash or that but there's some people out there who are super into lonesome doves i really love Alan Rickman as a villain and as a cowboy villain that's so great who's the guy that's in it though the who's quickly i can't remember the it's a actor tom sullie tom sullie yeah i just think of him as a big mustache yeah there you go yeah um uh back to texas or cowboys our discussion of cowboys texas cowboys worked on ranches as well as working with cattle and on cattle drives there are still cowboys on ranches that perform the basic ranch work but it isn't what it what it was then again what is yeah it's a perfect point um it's not fair to call the folks working ranches these days not cowboys because they are i agree but it's not the same thing is that sort of western expansion period and what that meant and the freedom that went along with that i think that they still carry on that spirit like i think it's important to remember the heritage as it were do you remember we just recently watched flika with miss nine oh that was full of hardcore cowboys well there was a whole yeah they were so loco um there was like a whole almost like other community um you know it was like nothing i would have ever known she also wanted to say that she was seriously envious that you lived near charles de lint that is too cool it is flashcast 23 i would classify the falcon in the snowman as an espn ash film tarsanne movies have been made since the first one in 1918 with elmo with elmo lincoln in the starring that's a great name elmo lincoln one so informal and one ridiculously formal some great heist movies are the day they robbed the bank of england the brinks job the italian job and the great train robbery i'm just gonna go ahead and guess she wins the original italian job yeah but what about i guess it's not a classic but dog day afternoon yeah but it's not exactly a heist film dog day afternoon is a dramatic bankrupt standoff yeah i guess why do you hate the term gumshoe gum oh marx got his nickname because he wore gumshoes i'm sure you know the term comes from private detectives wearing gum on their shoes because they were quiet no gumshoes it's like um wearing gumshoes yeah shoes sold with gum so that uh like you know i didn't kind of click they'd be like they not gum like chewing gum like gum out of like tree gum i i oh okay i was seeing it as somebody like just like yeah no sticking in her new show no i believe gummo would move around in the theater um as the event was going on and he didn't want to be noticed so he would wear soft shoes essentially to i learned many things during the flash game and that's why private investigators also work quite shoes i agree that joseph gordon levitt would make a good mulligan still my number one choice by far um episode 173 through 175 i love the pithy quality of the mulligan stories and mulligan's rye delivery i also love the neat endings that kind of story takes some real skill to tell in such a short tight form and i think you do a very good job oh thank you very much also i like the way that these two stories tie together thanks mm-hmm episode 176 i love the twist on the automatic on the automated house yeah i remember that i've never seen it done this way and i was impressed very nice yeah but there's a story one that's right uh it does come from sort of a long uh history of automated house stories um i think probably the most famous is the uh Vonnegut tale with the automated i'm trying to remember what it's called the air conditioning man or something to that effect uh i try to keep the number of haunted house stories that i do and uh to a minimum and it's funny because i think the first one i did was called like the last ghost story or something but there's uh sort of a sub thread to flash pulp you may have noticed in that that story uh 176 the house what is it the haunted house on will be lane uh there's the there's also the tale with the boys in front of the house i'm trying to recall what it sabotaged something about sabotage do you remember yeah uh not exactly the vc voice on anyway yeah there's a sub thread of haunted house stories throughout flash pulp and i try to keep it minimal because it's such a old school genre i like but keep it fresh my favorites got to be well i guess it's not my favorite of your hauntings because my favorite of your hauntings would it would probably be the one with the baby um like oh the child is yeah that growing up as a ghost i said that was bearing it's etchings on the wall getting better with time i know it's so heartbreaking and then having to move but you know the child would remain oh okay let's stop talking about that one um but the the second favorite of mine is the uh the one where all the ghosts decide that they really don't want this guy to die because he's so annoying that they don't want him to haunt your house build more build more manner yeah that's the one yeah that one's really great for the one where the guy's haunted and then he dies there and then immediately when he's dead he runs back in the house to like go do something better because he finally can because he's a ghost too oh yeah that was i believe that was the last haunting yeah that was great well that's actually that's exactly the point i was trying to make in that tale is that most ghost stories are sort of broken because the idea is that you're being threatened with some sort of harm most of the time but if you were to die then theoretically you're dying under violent circumstance which is the only uh test i've really ever encountered for becoming a ghost and suddenly you're haunting the same space as this other person mm-hmm yeah just think if there really were ghosts wouldn't there be so many that you'd just be constantly bombarded yeah well there's uh there are some other rules to ghost that you encounter over time like they're supposed to have a certain amount of energy that is expended and anyway yes it goes on and on your ghost busters rules if you will uh okay flashcast 25 now i know to look for green llama he sounds a little like a rip off of the shadow everything and uh not everything that's unfair but there's so many heroes from that era back everybody has a rip off of yeah yeah i'll have to compare them i think all the i think all of the variety we find in superheroes in the 60s and 70s is a reaction to having so many white heroes in the 20s 30s 40s 50s if i had to name non-white heroes in those decades off the top of my head i can only come up with charlie chan mr moto chan do from the magician oh and chan do the magician which is funny because uh you can correct me if i'm wrong but i believe mr moto eventually was played by an asian guy but charlie chan mr moto chan do the magician all played by white guys in asian makeup i don't think you can count uh boong job or boong why way from little orphan any since we only know about them because of any and daddy orbox yeah it's like the it's kato right it's the really useful ethnic guy who has powers because he's exotics yes yes it's mystical you know like you don't know because there's that divide there may be others but just going on what comes to mind as i'm typing here special episode one i really enjoy kisandra it's questionable veracity gives it a spooky semi-conspiracy feel that is very cool uh flashbulb episode 182 i thought the idea of the notes in the books was very interesting you got to watch out for the average readers it's always the quiet flash gas 26 my condolences on the loss of your job oh this is sad because it's like a lube back to what's just recently happened i know it's been a while but still that's rough i could see michael jackson playing with phantom of paradise oh yeah definitely phantom of the paradise that rather that was a really wacko movie it was i don't know if you're aware of it but but there's now on dvd a set of one chinese senior as the phantom of the opera um that has the original 1925 theater release and the 1920 not restored version as well as a lot of extras and original soundtracks oh that's very interesting i've always wanted to hear um i have heard i guess a few uh original silent films with the soundtrack that was intended to play with them but so often it's just somebody coming in and playing some you know honky-junk piano or whatever over top of what's going on and i don't know that it's necessarily been scored properly so it would be really interesting to hear that like to see it into here um as she says it's very worth seeing in fact i'd recommend i'd recommend any of his films birtland castor once said that lon chinese senior was his hero and that he learned a lot from watching chinese films i also recommend the book the phantom of the opera by castan luru if you haven't already read it it is very different in many details from the productions you see very interesting um yeah i haven't actually although i've kind of done the tour of the classic horror novels i've never picked up family opera for some reason so that would definitely be interesting uh i picked up the music long before i knew the story i can't think of it as a horror either i think it's fair to say that lon chinese maybe is so memorable not only because he was one of the people really pushing to move into something a little more expressive with horror and something a little more subtle well not necessarily subtle subtle subtlety is definitely part of it i think that there was two aspects he was willing to push the genre a little farther in what people saw and willing to excite people a little more than you know everyone was concerned at the time that it would you know overwhelm their senses or whatever and they get too excited by these get the vipers yeah but uh he was willing to go for a little bit of scare and but at the same time i think the other thing is that he brought more subtlety to his acting style um everyone was very much of a stage acting very grandiose yeah and there are some things that he does what sells his fandom in the opera to me is a lot of more of the subtle characteristics than the grand sweeps and it's you know it's using shadow instead of using direct stage lights yeah so yeah i'm not surprised to hear burling caster who also frankly has a pretty uh athletic styling to him well back to catching up on the stories keep up the good work bow always fantastic here thank you very much i love these time traveling krono knots coming and it's okay if she gets a lift from rich into the future for a moment and sneaks up on the episodes that she's been mentioned in i have no problem with that mhm we will allow you there's lots of room in the delorean yeah speaking of i believe we have a little something from rich that i'm gravelly hello flashpalt gang and fellow mobsters rich the time traveler here with some mental flotsam and jetsam from the time stream it was temporarily appropriate that my comments protesting work on a jingle crossed in space time with the actual recording of it thanks so much to jessica mei i get a little kitty every time i hear it both it and giganter's theme were awesome and i really like the outtakes at the end i was laughing and having flashes of danny isn't here missus torrance at the same time i can relate to your love hate relationship with country as well it was the first music i listened to and about all the local stations played growing up this country and sometime around middle school i snapped and couldn't listen to it anymore i wanted to take a moment to point out the editing work in the last flash cast the way the soundtrack pieces that were pulled in around jrds comments were done was excellent nice work on the flashpulp side of things i'm anxiously awaiting the rest of the pieces in harm's story arc i'm also interested to see where the coffin thread leads to now i remember dorsett's backstory so my curiosity is peaked and as always i was happy to see an appearance by carwick for a while as i listened i wondered if the protagonist was a carwick cultist and if he's stolen what he'd stolen had anything to do with calling carwick to rise and this or not it was a fun place to wander mentally a few random comments you're wondering about the pronunciation it's Beaufort at least north carolina there's a similarly similarly named town in south carolina that the kretans there pronounce Beaufort sort of an inside joke between two states you wonder how seriously people take the period accuracy in the pirate invasion it's been a hopeless i've been seen been to one but as we recall it's not taking too seriously it's mostly in fun and as i recall as much emphasis is put on the winches fleeing the pirates as the pirates themselves Beaufort is also up for coolest small town in america in a highly unscientific reader poll over at budget travel dot com but then again what's colder than a town that can boast their own pirate in residence one captain her ratio sin bat i'm surprised that booze and theaters is such an odd thing up there or a bit more prudish about alcohol at least in north carolina i know a floor around here that serve beer and wine off the top of my head though they are more art house theaters and this area also has three major universities within 30 minutes drive of each other that may have something to do with it though you mentioned double features that's something i haven't seen around on wall in time except the occasional special event at the aforementioned art house places if you're wondering about good original american sitcoms i think you'll find the office is a naptation of a bbc series although i haven't watched either two original american production spring to mind modern family and subgatory they also have some interesting cross-pollination with the wider pulp world eric stone street who plays scott tucker on modern family was recently in an american horror story episode as derrick believe the episode was was called piggyman he was the new patient with the fear of urban legends subgatory stars jeremy systo who did a turn as detective lupu in law and order and he's been quite a mother pulp and b movies and alex tutic who was washing firefly alpha on dollhouse and also starred in tucker and dale versus evil you and i think joe mentioned waiting and picking up things with dvd we do sort of the same thing we'll add record requests for a lot of new shows that look interesting to the dvrs and then let them pile up a bit to see if they make it through the first season and get renewed before plowing into them i think there were at least three this past year that happened that happened to and we deleted unwatched and i still think fots can burn hell for what they did to firefly and to a lesser extent dollhouse i mentioned american horror story above i've been making my way through them slowly and just watched the two post halloween episodes by the left you say that she couldn't handle it she's a horror wimp she only watches walking dead because i told her she had to i'm really digging it so far especially the way they layering up the backstory has a great sense of suspense horror and touch of the erotic my only concern is given the way things are going how are they going to keep the family in the house for more than a season or two trust me i'd have been out of there a couple of days after things started happening and that's even without believing in ghosts now that's all for this time tell car crisis this is rich uh before we respond can i have a brief moment of silence for wash who's wash oh my god you just cheapen the moment you cheapen the moment of hope and you hurt my heart uh we're done here let's not even talk about it great suggestions rich um now you may have heard already american horror uh the way they're going to operate that one family one season i really like that idea i really accept jess kalene is just very recently signed on for a second season i think that there are parts oh perhaps the ghost whatever that's a great idea i'm not sure if it's different houses i definitely heard different families so that i like the idea that they can do a contained arc that there's a beginning and middle and end what bothered me about lost which was maybe the series that really got us going down this uh lane in modern television was that it felt like fourth season and i think we've discussed this before third fourth season and it started being like maybe they didn't know how i did or like the idea they originally had was a little too obvious and they wanted to throw up some chaff and it just kind of started wandering it almost seemed like uh came around around 24 when you didn't know there was going to be a second season like you had this idea that maybe it was going to end but yeah it really gave you the sensation like no one really has a plan here and have they secured a plan that soon i'm going to understand what the hell is going on or is it just going to be more of this yeah we've definitely discussed this before but i i prefer the british idea of making sure that there is an end season there's a point yeah sorry there's a conclusion that is catching up mouse we've had some mice getting a little anxious for summer i must admit enriches mention of double features has me in mind at the drive-in that i'm excited to get to always a double feature at the drive-in and didn't you just post something about the blurs theater opening? oh yeah it's more local news but unfortunately it's sort of a not art house but sort of classic cinema theater that they've been running for a long time but there's a local documentary festival that is essentially taking it over so 80 percent of the content now is going to be docs but only on sunday so they're gonna run some classics so we may still have a chance to watch some multisfogans in these boghurt films as it should be so i'm totally gonna have to google Horatio's soon bed that sounds awesome yeah yeah an actual pirate maybe him and ignatius pig heart will have to have a uh dual i think uh pig hearts is sort of made of wood so i fear for his safety not fair enough hmm have a war of words then you'll win sir for he has the sharpest of wits it definitely sounds like the coolest little tan yeah how would we say it uh in quebec bowfort bowfair bowfair bowfoe bowfoe bowfoe hey bowfoe you're a bowfoe i was here bowfoe uh oh is that all racist i don't know anyway uh it's interesting that you mentioned the car work cultist situation i'm not saying anything but i'm kind of saying something we should get robes made from your were soaked no no why you know what it's funny because uh our non-existent old warcraft guild is the cult of carwick hmm i have to agree about country music i was just over exposed as a youth and i've actually gone back and there are certain things that i listen to you now but i it's all western and previous to that i can't stand new country i can't stand anything that was probably recorded after 1970 i remember for the longest time thinking that the song riders on the storm was a country song and my grandfather really liked it yeah so it had to be right i actually get that song a little confused with the highwaymen or no wait highwaymen by the highwaymen that sort of uh country supergroup that formed for in the early 80s yeah well they had like one really good song i think they needed to run my run with and everything else i don't know if they did anything worth noting but it's interesting how you'll get these super groups and then they'll do maybe one song and then there's never anything quality that comes out of them yeah well i can understand why they would be enticed to do it i can understand why people would want to listen but i can also understand that when you get to reach that pinnacle you kind of want to do stuff the way that you want to do it and when you have three giant egos to deal with you want to go back to your uncomfortable thing especially i find especially with the rock song versions of those collaborations you'll get like three guitar solos because everyone needs to take their turn and like you know oh there's a drum solo but it's just because Dave Grohl's here and everyone's got to give him something to do yeah first spots anyway thanks a lot rich fantastic as always and i don't want to give anything away but i heard from Doc Brown and Marty that maybe Rich is considering writing a little guest episode for us so as always if you're interested in writing something in the flashpump universe uh please feel free to submit it and we'll take a holiday at some point and use it yeah but uh i would be especially interested to see what Rich has to say yeah you could send any fan fiction you have to opalpen X at mm-hmm she will edit she'll rub it down nicely mm-hmm give you the the royal treatment which is to say she'll bring you into an alley and then pour a molten gold crown over your head that's right at least in dothraki territory but a man who's practically royalty around these parts i think it's time to hear from Colorado Geo hello flashcast crew and fellow mobsters i have to open with a finger wag at jeff i was listening to flashcast on my nightly commute home there was a bad wreck on the highway i was slowly creeping around the emergency vehicles when suddenly i heard a horrible car crash startled i looked around to see if i needed to avoid something it was of course the end of jeff segment spot of bother indeed i also must point out that while i'm flattered please never put any money on me playing any combination of chess and or boxing i have the reflexes and skills strategic skills of a sloth i often observe that i'm sort for one trick pony i write really good code the good news is that pays well so i'm okay with this in pulpy news related to citizen cane i saw the headline to an article last week that indicated the herst family is ready to forgive wells for this evidently thinly veiled movie about their patriarch our guilty pleasure in the sitcom class has to be big bang theory we've been watching rewatching from the beginning via netflix great humor we love the cerebralness of it i can totally relate to the geek nerd personalities my favorite joke had to do with the fact that the sign of 30 degrees is exactly one half well i guess you had to be there i do wish there was a way to turn off the laugh track which i despise oh yeah and how it is an ass i'd love the new york minute discussion of glaciers in manhattan in documentaries they always show the graphic of the glaciers dwarfing the skyscrapers it's staggering to think about and props to ingrid who is now a published poet and author we can all say we knew or win to keep timmy from giving the family pin out consider two factor authentication you need a pin and a key card or perhaps some form of biometrics in the end locks keep honest people honest unless you bar your windows beefing up locks is sort of pointless that said i'm going to send a picture of the key to my pre-us i want to see someone copy it from a picture loving the murder plague arc interesting twists going on kudos to jay mayon the new jingles great job i love the idea of featuring her work at the end of flashcast also loving the sketches from a pope and the return of the skinner co inks i have a mental picture of her fist pumping as the latest was published not sure if you saw the news but colorado was hit by the snopocalypse this week snow totals in my area were around 18 inches so not too bad other areas broke two feet or for my friends north of the border we received 46 centimeters with other areas topping 61 the thing about snow here is though it doesn't last most of this will be melted within a couple of weeks take care i find that we have that same sort of experience around here for weather where you know you're in your town you mean yeah because when we were up north more in on wall of the capital um once the snow hit it was there until spring yeah but here i've really noticed around in toronto that um it comes and goes completely where you're almost seeing green grass again especially up here on the escarpment it's almost just this constant mist of moisture but never really proper precipitation yeah it's like early spring all the time with these dumps of snow every once in a while but in melting there's not a lot of snow at all yeah man 46 centimeters and 60 in other places that's insanity interesting to hear about your uh bit of synchronicity with the car crashes yeah huh i wonder what jeff has to say about that that must tickle him well especially since joe's okay yeah only because joe's okay stay away from any harmonious sounds you may hear in the sort of inception he noises wow interesting to hear about the Hearst family forgiving orson wells finally um yeah that's sort of the sort of legend making that citizen kane presents and frankly you know charlie kane is a fairly sympathetic character obviously near the end he gets crazy but uh to have that sort of legend making about somebody is more it should be like an honor even if it's not hmm accurate 100 percent with that sort of myth making um you know you're really presenting a larger a larger legend then you know randall first would have had in his own lifetime otherwise he like he obviously had a lot going for him and his newspaper empire to keep his name alive but nothing yeah i mean they should consider citizen kane almost a jewel in their crown in a weird kind of way no one's perfect and to you know respect what he actually did accomplish cost no man can say now the handy thing is what you can do joe is code a robot to win in the chess part and then code a robot with maybe huge jackman's assistance to win in the boxing part and uh you pretty much have the bases covered so congratulations on getting published in green oh yeah i can't believe we didn't mention that earlier but fantastic work i'm really excited to see it i'm glad it's being able to be shared yeah we've been used beyond the mob yeah and like joe says now we can all say we knew her back when absolutely obviously joe's ability to manipulate the sun is what keeps the colorado snow off i did like joe's uh pinning card idea but at the same time it just seems too complex i don't know yeah what if you lose your card it's the same as losing your key you know pin in our an implanted rfid chip yeah that still seems like security issues too yeah we'll never be safe never yeah it does sort of DNA dealer yeah yeah he makes a great point about you know but if you have windows why do you have locks yes yeah i'm looking around to all of our windows now i know i'm thinking about the zombies we need to get a basement full of plywood mmm zombified the house yeah i'll get right on that yeah you should i'll start digging the moat and uh joe already mentioned it but i should as well congrats to both of you on your jingles and your skinnaker work thank you thank you thank you very much appreciate it i'm glad you enjoyed it and thank you to joe for your submission absolutely and everyone else who sent in a little bit of mail for us this week we actually have a few more items that we're going to just hold off for flash cast 53 but i think we've cleared out the majority of the backlog i have no idea what hour we're into this marathon i hope we've raised some money for jerry's kids but uh i think it's about time perhaps that we move into backroom plots now in all honesty we've covered too many stories at this point for me to touch on every single one and i'm not even going to really get into too much of what i've been uh listening to during the period because there's just been too many bands but i would like to just touch on a few things uh flash pop 239 the getaway the car work tail from our last cycle the porn police uh well i had originally written a story years and years ago called the library police like when it in my youth in my misspent youth and the truth is that the structure it was a fun story and structure but it didn't necessarily uh translate to a modern like i couldn't really retell it because it just didn't work like the logic was a child's logic or you know teenager's logic and it didn't necessarily hold together when i re-inspected it but at the same time i really wanted to write a get a like a car chase yeah and what perfect venue then like what what better than car work because it doesn't have to go anywhere yeah well kind of exactly but yes that was a lot of fun to write it's always nice to return to carwick um i'm really pleased with how harm carter has been moving along and how coffin geez i've had kind of originally intended to loop back to them a little quicker than this uh we're going to be running a three-parter mulligan coming up after this yes uh opa is very excited uh and then we're keeping all of the major details uh from her yeah it's a surprise true little cruel business we'll probably be looping back after that back to coffin to see what's up with uh which is nice because it's been a little while yeah i don't want to drop any bombs ahead of time but keep any f-bombs the the league of ants the league of ants finally the black haul tale the black haul three-parter we just went through got a lot of positive response about that too yeah that was a fun one to write i wouldn't have thought there was so much positive response to something based around kind of like a sexual assault right i also shouldn't say it was a fun one to write it was actually a kind of a hard one to write but it was a satisfying one to complete i have to say um the ending i think through a few people off maybe a little bit and the middle part was uh i did get a couple of comments mostly positive about the part two yeah for the second but i'm pleased with how all of that is moving along and black haul is also coming to a bit of a boil so it's nice to have these uh irons in the fire as it were i really liked how in the end like the very last line he made it clear that he knew it was time to move on he couldn't dilly dally in this town of perth anymore because he's been there for a while oh i don't want to give away anything about what's you know there's more action coming there's no that's the thing i love about black haul he so easily slips from you know okay i'm on my way i'm on my journey to find my wife oh but there's just this one thing i gotta do i'm here it's happening i gotta help it out yeah yeah so he knows he slips off into these ventures where you know like what he's doing for captain fits you you know it's well you also have to keep in mind that he's kind of keeping in touch with fits you in the hope that he's going to pick up the trail again because he sort of lost it a little bit but now that you know he's on his way you know there's going to be more plot building like well not so many one-off yeah i've given away too many hints uh okay so let's just good along to are you a dassy old hulk i wrote those themes and i have two more to write um i kind of knew that i had two but instead i recorded some other stuff oh and it was fantastic you've been dealing with a lot in your cold play cover it was fantastic i'd been working on that one a while and i was really grumpy that day and i needed people to tell me that i was awesome so i put it on the internet and then it happened everyone's like oh my god i love you and then you made me feel better so that's when i did and i pulled that one out okay are you gonna include that one at the end of this episode after the book well see this is a thing is that the one that i was intended to back when 52 was gonna happen you know forever ago was our wedding song which i don't really want to skip over so maybe i'll do that one and then i'll hold on to the most recent for next time or something or you can head over to and check out all yeah you can check out all what i've done recently but we'll do book club and then we'll do the song sure to play a suit yeah anything else you'd like to add uh no i wish i had more time to devote to um having you say you love me so i actually got uh got ahead of myself getting i think it was three of the skinnercoast and all at once which was nice in an evening yeah that was uh i say all at once as though i'm some sort of op-post but i i kind of like that too and which freed you up for some other fun thing yeah um elude oh we should apologize possibly to savage glenn although those flyers got mostly completed and they are still in production it just didn't happen in time for us con unfortunately yeah but they are going to be finished off and we'll get them up on the site for future use yeah so if anybody is looking to promote us they can go right ahead we'll help you anyway sorry to interrupt uh no just that i i was really thrilled about getting a couple of those skinnercoast and early so that i could work on some of my other projects um i know i've had a couple of people going and you know frequently checking out my my site which i've been updating every day um which is nice we're yeah it had been quite some time but i've been trying to get something up there every day and having you know the extra things down on time it may be also worth mentioning that the or or or which is really the same thing right now yeah they go up on Mondays on the skinnerco page but then on Wednesdays they eventually travel down to your site too yeah yeah but that's nice and i've had some time to work on uh i don't know if anybody's seen well i know a couple of people have seen my uh krono knot badge for rich the time traveler mm-hmm i've actually worked on on uh doing a little bit of color for that i'm hoping to have that done soon mm so exciting things brewing there but i think we should keep it under our hat keep it all stitched up if you will haha uh but something we should certainly let fly to the world is our thanks for jim's efforts thank you for your efforts thank you for hosting and and yes and which is your media empire hola certainly uh that dracula that mercury theater dracula i should have mentioned that was actually straight out of his the horror feed there you go um he posts he also has an orson wall's feed that i'm quite into but he's putting up quality content all the time public domain stories for everyone to hear tell your friends mm-hmm so we're gonna run through the goodbyes and then book club so stick around for those who have read the hunger games first act enjoy the show tell a friend really enjoy the show we've got a donate button on the site if you have comments questions or suggestions you can find us at or email us text or mp3 or mp3s to comments at just come a vocal talent and musical stylings can be found at the entire run of flashpump can be found at or via the search bar and iTunes flashcast is released under the Canadian Creative Commons attribution non-commercial 2.5 license so the world has taken you in no time no part of ever returning you to a baby i'm nearby i'm joining you hunger games hunger games the first test what do you guys think so far overall overall impressions oh um it started a little slow to me but i i really got into it yeah absolutely yeah and there are quite a few characters right and they're all coming from different places with different tensions and i have to admit i like the sort of post-apocalyptic setting i like the sort of idea of the tributes and everything there were a few little things that i caught during the reading that bothered me and oh i can't stand there's that one big first person present tense yeah really drives me nuts and i after a while i started ignoring it and it's fine but i find it frustrating most hated of tenses um there's also a few other things like they say it there's a part where uh she says district 13 has a few thousand people in it and that sounded like in my mind these districts are pretty huge if you look at maps that people have sort of drawn up they're fairly large there's only a few thousand people living in these districts like i understand there's been some nuclear items and everything's collapsed and been rebuilt somewhat but it seems a little weird and there's also okay so there's that they have that meeting on the roof and they say specifically taped that they could be taped and i know it's just one of those little anachronisms but it sounded out of place with the rest of what i pictured the world to be like a cast but you'll still say you taped something off tv they have no i don't i would record something off tv at most but they have they have force fields that prevent you from jumping off the roof which that was another thing that felt like the author realizing oh wait i can't let them just jump off the roof what if they're suicidal okay well we'll put a force field there and it'll be neat but if they have force fields they have some sort of protection barrier that prevents them chucking themselves over the edge but they can't record things and sell state drives like they've got to tape everything i don't know so yes man what do you think of pita i he seems like uh like he has morals no they do she does the author does a good job of keeping it a little shady yeah making you second guess his behavior his motives yeah i do enjoy whether they're friends or not that twist at the end oh yeah just before the end of the yes first act yeah yes where he declares speed love yeah well it feels like up until this point like he possibly has more inside knowledge than she does about what their strategy is which is a little odd mm-hmm like his choice to train separately and mm-hmm but on the other hand maybe he's just heartbroken i don't know well i mean he thinks that she is better off than he is because she is good with a bow and whiz you really got going for him other than hey i can carry heavy stuff you know as he's pointed out right mm-hmm so i mean i like their whole we're gonna do this as a team thing but what's that gonna like what's the result gonna be at the end there absolutely that's a thing what do you guys think of well i don't want to get ahead but sinna seems to be behind a lot of this strategy do you know who's playing sinna yes i actually pointed it out to you oh yeah that's right that's right any gravits is going to be sinna in the middle and that should be very good that's an interesting choice i think it it might be really suitable because he's kind of this stylish laid back dude i'm i'm really interested about woody heraldson playing uh what's the guy's name i can remember the other the former champion yeah anyway the point the point being i really think there's something going on like these are the people that are supposed to be uh making up their their style and their image and coming up with their strategy but they seem to be so different than all the other districts i'm wondering how much proven wrong down the road but i believe the they're sowing the seeds of revolution i believe by the end of the trilogy we're going to have seen it over the districting system well because yeah recall that the ones from 12 were all is very not necessarily hateful of the capital but right um resentful definitely resenting coming to or having to come to the games you know i saw a map floating around of panam the other day oh and it didn't seem very convincing to me uh there was this weird long strip that i think was district eight but it like started almost at the canadian border and then just ran really tightly all the way down and it just it seemed more fanciful like this would be what a fun map would look like but nothing fit anything i saw something on um live journal a little while ago and it's somebody who had um built a map of what they figured wait i think it was taken cuz if you saw it on live journal it was probably back in '97 that you saw it i shut up um but uh they basically had the districts worked out and sort of a spiral like the capital yeah that was probably the same map yeah and it being uh in colorado which i found was very interesting it is definitely in that area i thought it was a little more well they they went step by step from all the crews of where where things were like they said the capital was this one specific city which i don't really want to uh divulge because i don't think it's been mentioned in the book yet so i think i kind of spoiled that for myself by looking at this map but what i found really interesting is like i just mentioned colorado it seems to be a very uh common apocalypsy meeting place like you think um uh the stand they were in colorado too would they yeah we've definitely discussed that before having to do the mountain range right yeah i think it's there you know it's the elevation the feeling of a little bit more yeah resiliency than that you've got the safety the shelter of the mountains if you could somehow get very debarven with us yeah yeah helm steep anyway i'm quite excited for the next section and maybe we'll move up the schedule a little bit well now we should still wait two weeks before we return to this but we are running threads in the mob if you want to go to facebook and look things up uh i know a lot of the mobsters have completed the book the only reason frankly we haven't is because we don't want to confuse the sections as we go along that and are myriad of other things we need to do but yeah we couldn't stop when it was time to stop for the first section no yeah you guys actually did overshoot by a chapter or so but it's it's definitely really cool and there are a lot there are a lot of people that have gotten a little bit ahead of themselves but we'll try not to spoil it for you so flashcast 54 we'll return with a summary of act two or a discussion of act two and as a as another little side note uh mr nine actually just got himself the complete series of the hunger games well i guess we got it for him yeah this the one sort of bummer about the kobo situation is that i i don't feel comfortable lending him my ipad for extended periods of time so he can read the book he does have kobo but it's my account oh yeah anyway the the point being uh he got this set of the hunger of the hunger games and uh we're all very very jealous because he's gotten himself a little mocking j-pin yeah and and he like remembers to take it off his one sweater and put it for the next day's sweater yeah oh so he can have it for school it's totally awesome so jealous i told him that we um because we did put that picture on the internets for a little bit and i told him that people on the internet were jealous of his pennies i really that was totally cool very cool okay well i believe that is an episode that is one chunkalicious episode oh thank you to everyone who contributed and everyone who will listen yeah we've already said thanks but thanks again and uh tell your friends Jessica may why don't you play us out? play us out what does that even mean? [Music] loud i see there a drift on the air reflections that speak out why can enter one of hearts are open here witnesses appear and recognize how sacred love can be when the stated share show for all to know the beauty that can grow when love is called tovated and our love is a sacred thing like for mysteries of the night and the darkness unwavering and still so strong come the light will our love is an infinite thing like the sun's last grade on the sea and was hit slow and the west and the moon ros it was [ Silence ]