The Skinner Co. Network

FP235 - Coffin: After the Jump, Part 1 of 1

Broadcast on:
15 Jan 2012
Audio Format:

Part 1 of 1

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Tonight, urban shaman, Will Coffin, and his tipsy roommate, Bunny, find themselves seeking answers from the living, while contemplating the dead.

[Music] Welcome to Flashpul episode 235. This evening we present Coughton, After the Jump, part one of one. [Music] This week's episodes are brought to you by Geek Radio Daily. Welcome to the Interwebs, Home of Everything. Would you like to try the new Fruity Slush-O? Uh, what do you want? A podcast? What kind of podcast? Give me one with affable hosts talking about geeky things they do. I want one with geek-related news. Anything else? Let me see. How about a podcast with sometimes interesting topics or celebrity interviews? Yeah, let me have the one with the fitness tips, the one that talks about patio books, and maybe the one that talks about upcoming cons. If you want all of that, why not get a combo? You have something that has all of that? I wouldn't offer it if we didn't. Is that possible? Is that legal? You want the Sweetly from What's that? A running gag. So what is this Sweetly? It's the sometimes weekly podcast with stealth geeks who talk about their week, geek news, and it features looks at potty books, fit club, and con updates. I don't know. One of the hosts is a woman. Oh, really? With a sexy voice. So... So, Geek Radio Daily has forums for geek talks, an active Facebook and Twitter page, and the award non-winning, sometimes weekly podcast. All this and more at FlashPulp is an experiment in broadcasting fresh pulp stories in the modern age. Three to ten minutes of fiction brought to you Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings. Tonight, urban shaman Will Coffin and his tipsy roommate, Bunny, find themselves seeking answers from the living while contemplating the dead. Coffin, after the jump, part one of one. Written by J.R.D. Skinner. Art and narration by Opoponix. Audio produced by Jessica May. [Music] Daytime traffic had long drained away, and the Conitzer Bridge, a span over capital city's Leithy River, stood empty, but for the trio of late-night pedestrians beneath its grey iron struts. Will Coffin, who was in the lead, was providing some historical background to his companions. In the December cold, his words were steam. Like a lot of the grand expansion projects from the 50s, the thing was falling apart by the mid-70s. The second construction crew lost three more guys and a sudden collapse, bringing the toll to five. Word got around that the whole stretch of road was cursed, which isn't actually true, but it provides a certain mystique to the rock-bottom addicts, depressed teens, and betrayed lovers who come to jump. Doesn't hurt that the other two bridges actually lead somewhere people want to go, leaving this a lonely place to stew a while. The second in line raised his brow and tugged at his lavender shirt cuffs. I know large gentlemen who will make you familiarly intimate with the workings of your lower intestines if you do not let me go. Listen, be smart. I always get what I want in the end, so just deal now and we'll get it sorted before we freeze where we stand. What are you even looking for, money? I can hand you plenty of cash, but there's no ATM out here, genius. Bunny, whose arm was extended beyond the rail, released her now empty bottle of silent sand vodka and mumbled account of the seconds until it impacted. Well done, she said. You're a bit of a f***ing dabbler, aren't you? Wait, you're here to scare me away from Judy? She- I haven't seen her since she got the divorce papers. Coffin cleared his throat. Don't you mean since you tried to end her marriage by murdering her baby? Whatever the case, it's not the woman, but the poisonous dog you gave her that we're here to discuss. Don's eyes widened. "Uh," he said. "Yeah," replied Bunny. Before continuing his tour narration, we'll raise himself onto the lowest rung of the safety barrier and crane his neck and shoulders over the ledge. It feels a bit precarious, but if you really lean out, you can see the pylons that hold the bridge up. They built them seamless to avoid giving the leafy something to wear at, but their greasy cement is often the last solid thing the suicides touch. It's not quite as far a fall as they think, but the water moves quickly, and generally finishes the job. Having completed his survey will step down and turn to his captive audience. Who created the hex that was tattooed on the mud? I'll repeat the question as many times as necessary, but I warn you, each asking is going to be considerably less pleasant. "You can threaten to kill me," said Don, "but he can do things to me that make death look like a kindergarten nap time by comparison." "It's often ain't here to give you a hug, either," replied Bunny, "Frankly, the way you treated that little girl, I'm about ready to jab you myself." Her unsteady hand held an angle-bladed knife with a golden spine. "Wait, did you say coffin?" asked the once homicidal suitor. By way of answer, Will produced a silver chain from his pocket. Holding high the hook that was affixed at its end, he gave Don a clear view of the meat plug speared within the barb's intricate loops. Then the shaman gave the towelsman a pendulum swing, which built in speed to full revolutions. Don stepped back as if to run, but found Bunny at his shoulder and an unpleasant pressure on his spine. "Sh*t," she said, "I've never held anyone hostage before. This can't have fun." The dusting of snow which had settled in the pavement's cracks and upon the chill girders took to the air, and below, waves began to form on the black expanse of water. The charm gained momentum. Don, now gripping the railing with one hand and holding close to suitjacket with the other, thought he caught sight of a swimmer. As he squinted against the wind, he became sure it was a woman in a tank top, her arms beating uselessly against the flow. He spotted another, a thick-armed man wearing overalls, and another, a boy of fifteen, with hair past his shoulders and a bare back. They did not glow, but teamed with luminescence, as if the afterimage of a snuffed candle. "Holy f*ckin' nightmare LSD trip, Batman," said Bunny. "Look at 'em all." A dozen forums were now visible, and pained faces continued to break the surface. "I can't," pleaded Don, his chin trembling. As the hum of the spinning trinket intensified, he realized the swimmers were making progress. The tank-taught woman was now out of sight beneath the cusp of the ledge, and he was unwilling to lean forward to make out her progress in ascending the supports. He wondered how many were below, scaling the slick columns. As four translucent fingers curled over the concrete lip at his feet, Don began to weep. Before the phantasm could make further progress, however, a turning-taxi's headlight stands across the trio. In response, Will lowered his arm, letting the silver links coil about his wrist. With a little sputter, the gale ceased. "All was still." "You will tell me where you purchased the hex," said Coffin. "And you will open a trust fund for little Victoria, which you will deposit a thousand dollars in two monthly for as long as I allow you to live." "You will never sleep with a married woman again, unless her husband is in the bed with you." Finally, if I ever smell your name associated with the occult, I will be sure that you are right here and available to provide me with a profuse, daily apology. Do you understand? Don did. FlashPulp is presented by and is released under the Canadian Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial 2.5 License. Text and audio commentaries can be sent to or the voicemail line at 206-338-2792. But be aware that they may appear in a future flashcast. We'd also like to thank the free sound project found at For a full listing of effects used during the show, as well as credits for the users who provided them, please check this episode's notes at And thanks to you for listening. If you enjoyed the show, please tell your friends. [Music]