The Skinner Co. Network

FC49 - The New Florida

Broadcast on:
11 Jan 2012
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Prepare yourself for foreskin cloning, SF brothels, Canadian cowboys, butt drugs, Fred Astaire, and Will Coffin.

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[Music] Hello, and welcome to Flashcast 49, brought to you by Time Traveler Rich. Prepare yourself for... Borskine cloning, sci-fi brothels, Canadian cowboys, butt drugs, Fred Astaire, and Will Coffin. [Music] Tonight we have myself, O-popanex, narration and art, Jessica May, hello, audio production and sound engineering, holo, and Jaredie. Hello. Hassels, nothing but hassles. Have you guys heard about this stuff, ho fabric? I'm probably not giving it its proper German... Ho fabric? Ho, not like ho, like, hey, ho, but like... Yeah, ho. Or, uh, hi-ho, hi-ho, that's the work we got. Okay, sure. No, it's like, you know, fashion. Like, like oat-coacher. Yeah, yeah, whatever, you want to call that ho fabric. Oat fabric. What does it consist of? Yeah, what is this ho fabric? Well actually, it's skin. What? This German? This German... Germany, this German company is attempting to replace animal testing by genetically engineering. Oh, I heard of this. They've got, uh, baby foreskin, actually, and that they're growing out into larger portions of skin, and they're essentially skin swaths so that you can test your fabric like you're cosmetics on it, as if it was just... I'm little. At least they're not cloning a whole baby to test it off. Baby foreskins? Well, let's not even bring up the fact that we shouldn't be lapping off foreskins, but that's for another day. Why foreskins? I guess... I guess they just had a bunch of lying around. Yeah. There's a spare supply. I guess. I feel like I should have heard of that from- from Jeff. Yeah, there's a little bit bothersome. Yeah. There's been so much bothersome lately that... Yeah. I'm interested to see what Jeff's going to come up with for this week, although it's probably something he came up with weeks ago. I'll post up a YouTube video on the show notes. I don't want to see that. It's very interesting because the YouTube video is very much of the old school industrial video style. Oh, really? Where, because it's all German, you can't really understand what they're saying. And then it's shot of an engineer, shot of an engineer, yeah, kind of, you know, busy music in the background, and then chunk of skin. And it's really in the prototype stage, so it's like bloody chunk of skin. Oh, that's Chris. Anyway. Lovely. Yeah, Keeney. Excellent. With that, we'll lead in to... ♪ How can we impress? ♪ So Merry Christmas, everybody. Yes. Merry hoho to one and all. Or post Christmas, really. Yeah. Happy holidays. Happy New Year. Yeah, that too. Do we miss anything else? Happy solstice. We missed that one. Happy Hanukkah. That's a holiday. These are all holidays. These are all holidays. I am keeping the Christ out of Christmas. Christ is not in your Christmas. In and around. Um, got a few pulpy presents for Christmas. Yes, we did. Quite a few. I got a fantastic steampunk watch. Mm hmm. Yes. Very beautiful. Yeah, it was lovely. As well as a steampunk coffee mug, which has a dial on it, which tells me the exact temperature, so I know if it's too hot to drink. It's pretty fantastic. Like that would stop you. Yeah. And you can also plug it in to keep it warm. Yes. It's self-heats, which is fantastic. And it reminds me of like an old-timey gas station pump. Yeah, it is a little bit more 50-styled in a certain way. Like a wretch-y almost. We got some lovely mics. Mm hmm. And a mixing board, and there are a few things that we need, like, stands for these microphones. Well, there are kinks to be worked out. Yes, there are. And there are no pop filters. So every P that these people are saying is just, like, hurting me. But yeah, despite like- It's going to be difficult to tell my story about picking pagonias later. Yes. Yes. Uh, I veto that story just for today. But hopefully we'll have all those things. But it's been really cool. And despite the fact that it takes so much longer to get ready, it looks really like professional. I'm quite impressed. Very nice. Mm hmm. Yeah. I took some pointers from what Jeff, from "Bothers and Things," what he has. I took a look at what he has, and we got something quite similar. He has a very quality sound. Mm hmm. Yeah, unfortunately, those products specifically weren't available to us, but I am pleased with what we have. Yay, for the future. And of course, like, the moment we recorded something and played it back, Darity's like, hmm, there's something wrong, there's a hum, I need to find something. So he looks on the internet to see what we don't have that we should have. Mm hmm. Can't, for once, just focus on what we do have. Speaking of something I do have, and Jeff, he actually recommended to me, this is sort of a sidebar. The Trent Reznor and Atticus Finch Girl with the Dragon Tattoo soundtrack? Oh, yeah. Yes. I bought it on iTunes. There's a bunch of bonus content I'm under the impression at least, that's one of those deals where they just send it all to you so you don't really know what's actually bonus and what was part of the original album, but quite enjoying it is writing music. He's really been coming up with some top musical recommendations lately before this was his David Lynch suggestion, Crazy Clown Time. Mm hmm. Very good. Thank you, Jeff. Very moody. Mm hmm. Great writing music. Anyway, so you know what I heard today. What are you here today? They are opening a science fiction themed brothel in Las Vegas, including people dressed up as Princess Leia. Of course. What about like Serenity? What's her name and Serenity? She was awesome. Are you, are we learning about some sort of fetish that I was unaware of until then? All of a sudden there's the ambassador. Oh. Come goodbye. I'm going to lose Geek Points, do you not remember her name? It begins with an A or an I and you don't remember which. Amara. Something to that effect. I don't know. Anyways, yeah, I can see that. But that's totally cool. I mean, yeah, just as long as you enjoy your profession as anyone should. Of course, the article I was reading, the image that was instantly the go-to was the green, I believe they're, oh, more Geek Points Lost. Girls from Orion, feasibly, from Star Trek, the sort of eponymous. Oh, yeah, just the green girls and the keys. Yeah, the epitome of Star Trek, ladies. I wonder if they'll get like Barbara Rella in there and stuff like that. I wonder how sci-fi they're going to go. The sky is the limit. I do wonder if it'll actually add a little entertainment for the ladies as well, something a little different. I would hope so. Mm-hmm. I wonder if they can go in every night. Do you have to stick with Princess Leia or can you switch it around? Mm-hmm. Yeah, and I mean, if you're, like, when you say sci-fi, that's a little bit different. It sounds like, you know, sci-fi, spacey or whatever, but it doesn't have to be spacey. It could be like, you know, robot lady or whatever. You could change it up. Well, I have a terrible feeling they're actually going to end up being very generic, because I don't think George Lucas is going to sit around for people, you know-- Bang in Princess Leia. --getting it down with C3PO or whatever. Still, they could have, they could, you know, I don't know, I think it's a great idea. Inara. It sounds pretty close. Inara. Yes. Firefly. Yeah. Good times. Yeah. She was a space war, but well regarded and respected. That was something that was definitely in the Heinlein mythology. He always had prostitutes who were highly respected in their society and were skilled in their own way, often given diplomatic sort of missions, which I guess is the same in Firefly. I wonder if that was an influence for Joss or not. Anyway, while we're talking space opera, we finished off the first of the NPR Star Wars radio shows. Mm-hmm. Yeah. We went one after another after another. We really got into it. Yeah. We finished that off on the way back from my mom's place along Highway Drive, a good place for it. Mm-hmm. So what'd you guys think? I really enjoyed it. I can't recall. I think there was one character that kind of pulled me out of it a little bit, but besides that-- Was it Han? Yeah. Yeah. Unfortunately. It was a different Han. Yeah, the guy who was voicing Han, I thought did a really good job, but he was not Harrison Ford. He almost seemed like he had a few moments where he seemed like drunken Harrison Ford, and that's what threw me out. He wandered almost into Lando territory sometimes, which was a little bit odd. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. But, you know, I really shouldn't even mention something so small, and there was a vastness of awesome-- Well, see, here's the thing. In the next episode, if it's the same guy, and that's distracting you, it's really going to become problematic and everybody's back. Yeah, and next to Lando. For real? Oh, yeah. Lando shows up. Yeah, whatever. I'll set it up. Hey. Hey. They do a fine job. Hey. I would recommend it to one and all. Anyway, yeah, I thought it was good. Mr. 8 was very enthusiastic. Mr. 9. Oh, goodness me. The 9's. Mr. 9 was very enthusiastic, and we put together a little review, which we will append at the end of the show. Yes, indeed. Now, I would like to take this moment to suggest that if anybody else has anything, they want to just recommend to the mob, recommend to whoever is listening. Feel free to email us. But at the same time, if you want to send in some sort of audio review, we can just quickly append it to the end of the show, even if it's not related to FlashPulp, or even tangentially related, we can-- Or even, like, KidsPulp, that would be something that would interest us, and yeah, I'm sure we have enough listeners that are parents as well, so, hope for not a grandparent. But it's always-- We've got to start them young, everybody. Always nice to get a heads up whatever the category is. So certainly feel free to email them on into But we love hearing your voices. In fact, maybe even a little more than we like text comments, so do what we like better. Don't be text-ous. Yeah. Don't be like that. I'm talking even. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's me. Yeah, yeah. I agree. So, you know what else I heard? What do you hear? It's not nice to spread gossip, you know, but I'll listen. They've also announced Paranormal Activity 4. It's quite quick. These things are really kind of rolling out, eh? We haven't seen number 3 yet, have we? No, we haven't had a chance to see them yet. But that's probably us, not them. Yeah. I don't even know what was released. Well, I think I recall watching the video. Last October? Yeah. So that's not that long ago. So is it the same producers, same everybody, same money? Seems like it. It seems like they realized they've got a money maker for a fairly low budget property and they're just gonna drive into the ground. They've done it before. Well, if it's a good story, that's all I'm saying. Yeah, but it wasn't. I hate feeling left wanting. Yeah, Paranormal Activity 2 disappointed me so much though. And didn't we hear worse reviews of number 3? The further I get from 2, the more angry with it I am. Yeah. Well, it was such a simple, fun concept for one. Yeah. And then the story seemed so flat and just confobulated for the second. Oh, nuts. While we were talking about Star Wars, I should have mentioned that Bob Anderson died. Bob Anderson was an Olympic fencer, and during the sword fights in the Star Wars films, he was the one playing Darth Vader. Oh, interesting. Which is pretty impressive. Mm-hmm, and the thing is that for a long time with those films, they attempted to keep that a secret. The only one they would credit with the Darth Vader role was James Earl Jones. Mm-hmm. Which is interesting. But he just doesn't move like that. He's obviously, well, he's a bit of a larger, shorter fellow. He obviously wasn't the one filling up the suit, and David Proust for a long time complained about not getting the credit for the role, because he was the guy in the suit. The guy, yeah. And who was going to have the speaking role until they heard him, right? Yeah, I'm not sure what that deal is. Did he have a big accent of some sort? Yeah, he's Scottish accent. Yeah, and you couldn't really hear past it, so they needed it dubbed, and then-- I think they were always probably going to get somebody. Yeah. I suspect maybe they didn't count it on the first time. Just wouldn't have worked. Yeah, Bob Anderson. He also choreographed the fights in the Princess Bride. Mm-hmm. Oh, and those are epic. Yeah. So there's a lot of genre history there. Mm-hmm. It's a sad one. Mm-hmm. Can I link that back to a really awesome Christmas show, isn't that? I got this Christmas. Absolutely. I got a super awesome t-shirt that, you know, like the Obama pictures. Oh, yeah, it's the Shepherd Fairy. Yes, that's it. Yes. It's like a picture of that only at San Diego, Montoya, and it says, "Prepare to die." And she got it from me. Mm-hmm. Very nice shirt. So awesome. Very classy. Very classy. Just like Bob Anderson. And me. And me. And me. Mm-hmm. We got to watch Captain America during the break. Yeah. That was very family-friendly. I was-- was it? Yeah. Here's the thing. Here's my question to you. How much of that movie do you honestly remember? Because I remember kind of enjoying it, but not really feeling like anything was happening during it. The whole-- the thing with Iron Man is that movie felt like it developed as it went along, but Captain America just felt the only thing that happened was he turned into Captain America. And the rest was like him throwing the shovel. Well, Nazis. And Nazis. Don't forget about Nazis. Nancy Punchin. Hi-o. Hydra. [laughs] Oh, no. Listen. Two-arm salute was goofy when it was in comic work form. It's extra goofy. Yeah. And I-- I bought the salute. I did. Two-arm black power note done. You know what movie that really reminded me of? The new Star Trek movie. Because I don't really remember very much about that movie. Just coming away from it, thinking this wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but not really having any connection with anything that happened in it. Just being not unimpressed, and that being enough. Yeah, not this one. Yeah, but not any one moment, that still-- Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Nothing groundbreaking. One of those movies. It was good. It just didn't blow me away. You know what did blow me away, though? What blew you away? We watched "Dye Hard" for Christmas. [laughs] I've never seen it before. Mr. Nye loved it. Yes. It was so nice. It was. It's really-- we've been discussing inappropriate exposures over the last few episodes. I think that was his first big time ever. I think he's watched one or two, actually, places elsewhere. Yeah, it has grimace. Oh, yeah. [laughs] Yeah. But when he was young, he got a little too punchy-punchy when watching, like, Power Rangers and stuff like that. He steered away from things like that, and now he's getting a little dabbling a little bit with video games and movies. And he's doing pretty well, no punchy-punchy, and he's not having nightmares. He's more in control of himself than he was when you were younger. And I thought it was hilarious, Bruce Willis, like, you know, I think a few times it was like he really didn't want to kill somebody, but he had to, or it was, like, by accident that it just happened. Yeah, off the start when he's starting to get into killing people, it's, yeah. Yeah. It's kind of like, whoops. It's a slow road into it. Going down the stairs or whatever. Yeah. But, you know, yeah. It wasn't his fault. Now, what I found out that I thought was intensely interesting is that Die Hard was originally intended as a sequel to a Frank Sinatra film called The Detective. I'm sure it was... And it was one of those things... I had re-write a few. Yeah. It was re-written. It was worked on. It was based on a novel. It was based on a novel that started a character that Frank Sinatra had played. And I guess the same author had written this one intended as a movie sequel to the same, like, to The Detective. Now, do you know why it never happened? I think Sinatra was too old by the time production got off the ground. Yeah. But why did they never link the two movies? Just because they didn't have Sinatra doing it? Honestly, I believe The Detective came out in, like, 1956. Yeah. And nothing that they really would want to. At that point, no one was probably remembering what that other film was. Okay. It seems so fresh. Yeah. Yeah. Also interesting, seeing Bruce Willis with hair. Yeah. That was fun. That was very odd. And all the ridiculous lines he had, that was really funny. All those people who came to us via our ads on Film Sack are who even just listened to Film Sack, an excellent movie podcast. Know that they did Die Hard for Christmas as well, which is sort of what inspired it. That's funny. I loved that, Jared, he told me about Alan Rickman. Oh, yeah. That Alan Rickman flinched every time he hit the fire or weapon in the very-- Oh, that sounded so adorable. That's so sweet. Somebody else said the fire is gun for him because every time-- No, they would just cut it away. They just cut it away to something else, which is why it's almost always, like, the guy being shot or, like, an exterior shot with a gun sound. Because they couldn't show Alan Rickman. They couldn't show him. They couldn't help but, like, picture Severus trying to shoot somebody. I think that's adorable. I just over and over my mind, I just see him flinching his eyes, squinting. You know, like, just the side of his cheek moving up because you can see his teeth. He clenches. He goes, and there's many variations in my mind. Adorable. To finish up the movie news, I have extremely good tidings. They have shut down the Akira production. Oh, good. Not for good. Just for right now. The productions are closed to rework the script. Yes. And that means that it gets a step closer to the fan. I think they're going to go somewhere entirely different. I think all the hub of it. I'm hoping that somewhere entirely different means Asia because setting it in New York is ridiculous. Yeah. I love New York. You know I do. But culturally, it just never would happen, is that you mean? The original story is so ingrained in sort of the Tokyo lifestyle in that sort of area. It doesn't make sense to set it in New York. I think you're just mad because somebody sparkly was considered for the role. No, even before our Pat's became involved. Okay, what else? So my New Year's resolution this year, I don't really believe in such things. I think if you're going to better yourself. Yeah, everyone this year's like, you know what, through resolution. But my New Year's resolution nonetheless is to do my best to maintain a movie diary. So that every time we watch a film this year, I will track it to some extent. And at the end of the year, I will have both a count of how many films I watched, their names, a minor review. And maybe I'll be able to come up with some sort of top 10 list or something for the next year in show. Which is great because we'll watch a movie and then after six months, we have no idea what it was about. So having a little synopsis and something to recollect what it was that we were watching. Even for our own benefit for the future of, you know, hey, that was really good. Or hey, steer clear from that piece of crap. Or then yeah, we can share it with the pulpy universe. Oh, look at those peas popping peas popping. In the pulpy universe, kickin' me. I guess pegonius doesn't have that many pops in it actually. Pickin' petunius. Pickled pumpkins. Peter Piper. Picked a patch of pickled peppers. Pumpkins. Have you guys heard about the murder by Queen? Oh, yes. It's a little bit old news now, but I heard of the body on the Queen's lawn. No, she murdered him. Yeah. I feel like the Queen has gotten to a point in her life where she's maybe semi-cino and they have given her a bunch of drugs to jack her up so that she doesn't go under because they need the Queen, look at what she's handing it off to. So sometimes at night, she kind of snaps out a little bit. She maybe smashes through a window or something and starts roaming grounds like a wild beast. Looking for a peasant, she probably got up on this poor 17-year-old girl with her knobbly little elbows and just choked her life right out. So she was 17? It was a girl? Yeah, I believe so. And she was Armenian or something. And it wasn't like a suicide? No, they're probably gonna murder it, I believe. And was it there? Where was she transferring? It was in one of the public areas because there's quite a bit of the land which is open to public walking. I know, I know. I know, I know. You're like, yeah, screw you. Go after yourself. It was actually Jamie that did it. I thought it would be conversational. No! Wait, wait. Yeah, I'm trying to think of something involving royalty. In the world. Filled with buck-tooth cousins. See, if it was a male thing, it could be like the king is dead. Shades on, long live the king or whatever, but- Looks like what we have here is a crime scene. It is a murder. Yeah, because they're English too, that's right. Yeah, he'd turn it on. You know he would, wherever David Caruso goes, he puts on the local accent. And just like Madonna. She's British, wherever she goes. Yep. Finally, I came across a little article regarding how to drink like your favorite authors, which I thought was kind of fun from flavor wire. Yes. I'll put it up in the show notes, but Hemingway, Hemingway's favorite drink, anybody, anybody? Remember that he was in Cuba. Cuba? Mojito. Mojito. One of our favorites. Mm-hmm. Not your support. You did not. I went a little overboard. No, you mean I went a little overboard. No, I mean I went a little overboard. No, he does. No, I ended up making them, remember? I recall, I'm just saying that when I was drinking them, I had one too many. Oh, yes. Yeah, no, I really wanted to. I was like it. I thought it was a nice, clean taste. I'm under the impression that it's possible to make a bad Mojito, that there's been some sort of fabricated, lesser quality Mojito floating about. But we went with the original recipe, crushing the leaves and taking your time with it. Yeah. And it was quite delicious. Mm-hmm. One of the few uses of rum that I actually really enjoyed. It was epic. Another one. In Colombia. Very pretty. The mint julep, of course, because he was a southern author. You know what? Aren't those both like mint-based drinks? Oh, yeah. I didn't think of that when I put on the notes for you. Yeah. You have a good point there. How refreshingly cool. Where was Faulkner? What do you mean? Well, he was just in the American South. I don't remember exactly the state. Yeah, there you go. In the South. He said, he has a quote here that I wanted to mention. There's no such thing as Bad Whiskey. Some whiskeys just happen to be better than others, but a man shouldn't fool with booze until he's 50. That is a damn fool if he doesn't. Hm-hmm. Very nice. But, yeah, I'll post, there's 10 of them I believe in the list and some of them are more worth checking out than others. That's interesting. Mm-hmm. Now, for the first time in the new year, I'm quite excited for Jeff DeBothers. It's about the father. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, just like the ones we used to know. But the tree tops glisten and children listen to hear sleigh bells in the snow. Ah, yes, that's Michael Schulte, one of my favorite YouTube performers with his rendition of an old holiday staple. Although the western part of the US and Canada received more than their fair share of white stuff this week, as a preemption to the holiday weekend, all that we got here in the southeast is rain and lots of it. Well, there is one exception to that, and it happened in South Carolina. Is it me or is South Carolina becoming the new Florida? Anyway, I digress. This particular snowstorm wasn't an isolated incident in the upstate mountain area as one might think, but rather, occurred in the backseat of a police cruiser. And before I read you this story from ABC News, I have to offer a hat tip to our very own JRD for bringing it to my attention earlier this week. Now you know who's really the twisted one over at Skinner Co. South Carolina police say Wayne Joshua Mitchell, 20, died after he ate an ounce of cocaine that was hidden in his brother's butt, according to a WCIV report. Authorities have charged the victim's brother, 23-year-old D'Angelo Richard Mitchell, with involuntary manslaughter. The incident happened when both brothers were in the backseat of a police car on November the 30th. The two had been arrested for trafficking. Video from inside the police car captured a conversation between the brothers where D'Angelo pleads with his younger brother to take the cocaine in his bottom and eat it to get rid of it. "One of us got to do it. You're the only one that don't have any strikes. You my little brother, I'm going to get live," D'Angelo said to Wayne. His brother complied and ate the drugs from his brother's butt. When officers saw the cocaine residue on the seat where Wayne sat, D'Angelo told officers that his brother swallowed cocaine. Within the hour, D'Angelo dwane struggled to breathe, bled from his mouth, and died. D'Angelo was charged with trafficking drugs and bonded out of jail December the 1st. That's toxicology results confirmed that Wayne died directly from consuming the cocaine from his brother's butt. Police decided to pursue more serious charges. A spokesman with the Charleston Police Department issued a press release on Tuesday stating that D'Angelo Mitchell was in custody and awaiting a bond hearing. I'm Jeffrey Lynch, and that's this week's Spot of Bother, and I'm wishing you all a very, very white Christmas. That was pretty terrifying. I'll tell you, I love you both, but I will never eat anything out of your butts. I was trying to think of the logistics of that. Are they handcuffed, so does he have to wiggle his pants down and eat it from his butt? No, he probably was able to wiggle out of his pants and then just stick a finger up there and pop it at. How far, you see, you're getting into some unspecified territory there, like how far up the butt, what sort of relation to the butt. Was it buttcrack? But you figure you know, that amount of cocaine really wouldn't have scraped the guy's life as much as it would have, or I'm sure he wouldn't have figured it would kill him, but why would you not? Yeah, anyway, drugs, drugs, drugs, drugs. People will do ridiculous things if put under air pressure. This is actually, this sort of communication problem is exactly the point I was making and coffin hidden, but anyway, that was my point with that story. I appreciate Jeff, in a certain way, I appreciate Jeff calling me the twisted one here at Skinnico. Oh, it's true, well, I don't know, Jamie, you're pretty gross sometimes, too. You like to be gross. Yes, I do. You're easily grossed out that I am, it's really fun. Not to be fair anytime I see any sort of bear be it teddy or otherwise, I think mom, mom, they're eating me, so Jeff really isn't what this week is about. That's right. Anyway, thanks a lot, Jeff, that was fantastic. And I guess, vacation time's over, I'm ready for your next one, I'd like you right to hear. Get your ass some gear. Definitely appreciate it as always, sir. Yes, yes, for sure. Your ass is always in gear. If there was ever an ass in gear, it is your ass that isn't gear. And also full of drugs, no, no. Just, just, just. Okay, now the return of the fish. Fresh fish, a new batch of cinematic pulp with the always listening, 3-day fish. Hey, Flashcast, 3-day fish here, using a different recording app, hopefully all goes well. So fish is going to use the power of Christmas to go ahead and review what would have been your Christmas review even though it's January. This is partly because we didn't get any new movies at my theater this week. So here it goes. This is a review of the adventures of Tin Tin, which, if I'm not mistaken, is the first kids movie that I've reviewed. So here it goes. Decent film, it's very Indiana Jones-esque, pre-Alien, a lot of high adventure going across the world, just to come back to where you started. If you don't actually, let me explain something about Tin Tin. If you don't know anything about Tin Tin, it's actually from a comic series that is popular in Spain. I believe it became a TV series, like one of those early morning, or like early, like right after school kind of cartoons. And it's about a journalist who has a dog named Snowy that investigates crimes and generally solve them. A lot of fun, something like anyone of any age can really enjoy. There are things that adults will get and kids won't and there are things that kids will thoroughly enjoy and so on and so forth. So I'll go ahead and give this a green light. Yeah. You can see this maybe. That's all. Always listening. I'm really glad to hear that. I grew up on the Tin Tin books. They were one of the few French things that I would actually re-consistently. Yeah, they had a lot of Tin Tin in my school library, which was a French school when I was a kid. So we were always Tin Tin everywhere. My cousin had the entire series, so it was very difficult to avoid. And they were one of the few comics that were really easily accessible as a child, because parents were pretty pro Tin Tin, which is interesting because if you look at some of the stories and for example, Captain Haddock's continuous desire for whiskey, you wonder. But they were originally written in the early 1900s. When that was a healthy habit. Yeah, when that was okay. Well, actually they stretched through though, right? Like, didn't they start in the teens and he had to stop for a while because of World War II? I know nothing of the Tin Tin stories. No, it wasn't that he had to stop. He, when the Nazis invaded, because he was a reporter, that's what it was. He didn't want to get into any sort of political intrigue sort of situation or to be seen as providing commentary because that would put him in a camp, so all of a sudden Tin Tin was an explorer. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, seeking adventure and yeah, kind of on a different level entirely. Which is not a universe, there is no war. Yeah. And it was definitely, when I was a kid, I didn't notice the change at all. Yeah. So, as I was aware, he was just a guy who would have an adventure as a butt. Yeah. At one point he wasn't. Anyway, I'm really glad to hear they didn't screw that one up. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, this is the year for not screwing stuff up. Yeah, I'm kind of excited about that. The Muppets. Oh, the Muppets. Yeah, that could have been a real mess and they did a really great job of hitting just the right note, in my opinion. I've got high hopes for the Jack and the Beanstalk movie. I think it's going to be terrible. I know you do. But I think it's, you know what? I think it's going to be like one of those Captain America, like Star Trek movies for me. You know? That wasn't terrible. Yeah. You know? I could watch that with the kids. Yeah. Understood. Well, I hear Fish actually has a new job at a bookstore, so I'm hoping he has no problems continuing his literary reviews. Yeah. Well, whatever Fish wants to do. There has been pretty busy these last few weeks, which is entirely understandable. So are we, frankly. If not New York, we are lucky enough to be able to visit Vienna this week. So let's hear a curious tale from Ingrid. The curious tales of Vienna. The Golden Will. In times of medieval Vienna when the town was surrounded by defensive walls, there was a tavern outside but closed to the town in an era which is still known as Leopodstadt and part of the second district today. Mr. Wern had the name to the Golden Will. The infosituated on an important road which led to Prague and Prühner. An emergence, coachmen and hikers had the rest there. The innkeeper and his wife are happy with their doing and they could live in modest prosperity. But one day war broke out, pestilences hounded the population and dried a state away. Fewer and fewer people came to the inn and finally the owners had to borrow money to keep their house. That situation was even getting worse and so the faithful innkeeper's wife decided to make a pilgrimage to the state of Mother Mary. She went to St. Stephen's Church and backed on her knees for virgin Mary's help. Mother Mary heard the prayers and whispered to the faithful woman, "Don't worry any more, my child, go home again and scoop water for the horses out of your house well. And you will find a gold coin on the bottom of every bucket. But don't take out more water than the animals need." The happy land lady thanked Mother Mary and heard it home. She told her husband about the prophecy. When it was time to water their horses, they took two pockets of water from the well and they really found the promised gold coins. From now on the misery had an end. Step by step the couple could pay back the debts and with the next gold coins they ran away to the data van. But as it is in the nature of some people, the landlord became greedy. They wanted more of those gold coins and so one night he sneaked off to the well and scooped a bucket of water. He emptied the water carelessly on the floor and looked for the gold coin. But there was no gold coin. Once more he lowered the bucket into the well, but again no piece of gold. Sadly, he realized that he had violated Mother Mary's instructions and so it came that the world's generating source dried up. It's like that ancient wise man once said, "You can't always get what you want." But if you try sometimes, you might find, "You get what you need." Very nice. Very nice and good. Little tale. Greed all too often, man's downfall. Got to be principle to people. Not to cast any aspersions on Ingrid's translations, but man there are a lot of stories relating to St. Stephen's. What a fascinating place. Yeah, that's really crazy cool. Anyway, I guess you build the density of population in a long enough history and it's going to end up something like that. Yeah, I think it's definitely the period of time that's been there. I'd love to go. Wouldn't that be awesome? We just don't have enough history over on the side of the world. I do try to reflect that in the black all stories, like there aren't nearly as many ghosts in the black all period and there's some other items going on there. Anyway, we'll get into that in a few times. Thank you very much Ingrid. Always wonderful to hear you. Thank you for taking the time once again. You can find all of Ingrid's work at or V&E's Or hit her up on the mob on Facebook 'cause she's there. She hangs out with us. But don't really hit her 'cause that'd be mean. She's much too nice to be. She's very delicate. Very delicate. You can also find fish if you wander into the mob. Somebody will gladly point you in the right direction. He is not as delicate. Go ahead and hit him. He likes it. Yeah. And you can find everything Jeff does over at Sometimes he puts out extra items that have nothing to do with the spots of bother that he puts up. Always interesting. Always worth poking around. Always interesting. Always professional. Even if you just wanna check out the stories that he based his articles on, like his pieces on. Okay. No, I think it's time to open my open. So I just wanted to mention before we get into the large volume of mail we've got on Hanford for the day. Which I'm quite pleased about. Please send in everything that you have to or call us at 206-338-2792. Feel free to attach an MP3. Just record a little something on your phone. Y'all are carrying around smart phones, I'm sure you are, or your iPods. Or you should be, if you're not, go get one. And yeah, just attach your little MP3, send it in. Jessica May is more than happy to clean it up for you. I'll make you style real nast, real nast. Mm-hmm. But we are lucky enough to have some text comments before we get to our vocal items. John Donahue from the mob. John Donahue knows that he was mentioning the dark adventure radio theater, which puts out HP Lovecraft stories in the form of radio dramas. That is really cool. Yeah, it is fascinating. Now there is one downside. And I think that I'm actually going to take the plunge and overcome it, just to be able to report back to the mob how good it is. But they do cost money. It is not a free project. I want to hear those. Yeah, I think there's a listing they've got, I think, five or six different stories that they've adapted. Okay. I'm going to go through, maybe we can pick out the one that we like the best and invest the money. Mm-hmm. And come back and see if it was worth it. Okay. I'll do that. I'm willing. Mm-hmm. Take one for the mob. And Zachman on Twitter was also mentioning, he says, "Does suicide by acts involve electrocution with an electric guitar?" Very nice. Very nice after the suicide story, or the acts murder story, I mean, that actually got me wondering. Did Cor ever cross over into wrestling? I really hope not. Because it seemed like they had the costumes, they had the theatrics. Doesn't it seem like in the '80s they were doing a lot of those sort of, they get like, I don't know much about modern day wrestling at all. And wrestling crossovers? I don't know anything about wrestling. Yeah. They had to avoid it. Yeah. They had to avoid it. Yeah. They had to avoid it. Yeah. They had to avoid it. They had to avoid it. Yeah. They had to avoid it. Yeah. They had to avoid it. They had to avoid it. Yes, yes, yes. Oh, all of these words are coming out of my mouth that I thought I'd forgotten. I am totally in the dark. Yeah. You're probably better off for that. Yeah. Okay. Anyways, costume really was a big deal. I'm surprised they didn't have, like, power rangers style, or they're like... Do you remember George the Animal Steel, who had a green tongue, and always was eaten through belt? Eating stuff. What? Those were stuff. There were waffles and whatever. Yeah. Somebody with a green tongue eating things? Yeah. This was wrestling in my youth. This was... This is why I bothered watching it when I was like... That was his thing. Because this was... Yep. He ate things and he had a green tongue. Yeah. And he had, like, black tights. They were long and he had no top. Listen. The... There was no top thing at all. The gimmick at that period were so ridiculous. There was a fellow named Coco Beware. Are you aware of Coco? My mom's favorite. Coco Beware after that. You're... You're... Your mom had a favorite wrestling. Well, she tried to... You know. At the time, everyone was into wrestling. Really? Yeah. I don't believe that. You could get wrestling items out of hostess chips. We're now like... Yeah. I do remember that. I remember when chips would have that little plastic thing in them and they've had like a little card or something you'd collect. Yeah. I'd say wrestling thing. I'd say wrestling thing. Really? Yeah. I've been to a few wrestling shows. Oh. I actually... So wait. Who was this Coco Beware? So you said... He had a parrot that he would bring the stage and he would dance. The parrot would dance? No, no. He would dance. But again, everyone comes out with swagger. What would happen to the parrot? But he would really dance. What would happen to the parrot? I'm sure his manager. At the end of the fight, he would eat it every time. No, just before he, but off his head, squeeze the blood and poke to frighten the other wrestler. Yeah. Yum. That's a sacrifice he made to his gods. Mr. Coco Beware. Coco Beware. Coco praise to no gods. Coco is God. Oh, dear. Now, I got to thinking while we were discussing this, as technology progresses and is really frankly wrestling, how far can they go with that, right? I mean, fake wrestling. It's pretty much the same thing all the time, which I realized when I was 11, sorry. But to step it up a little bit, what they did when I was 11 was they would introduce weapons, chairs and those sorts of things. And my question to you is, do you think in 10, 20 years from now? It gets bad though. Like I've seen terrible things. Like sometimes those chairs just don't close the way you want them to. Oh, yeah. People are actually getting hurt. Yeah. I understand that. Ouch. But cage matches. My question is, do you think that in 10 or 15 years, 20 years, 50 years, we'll get so bored with wrestling and the sort of MMA that I think people started doing the ultimate league in that sort of business because they were annoyed that wrestling was fake? I just see it in like giant robot suits. It's only not even giant, but robot suits. Like you said to them and what if two fellows stepped into a ring and they both had relatively padded suits in baseball bats? Would you watch that? No. Well, it would just eventually be whoever got more tired. You're like, dude, I'm really, I just, I need to say I want you to nap. What if you leave their heads exposed? No. Oh. Jesus. And they won't be going anywhere ever. Mostly. Knees and elbows. It's the only thing you let. Oh. No. Yeah. Hey, this is great fodder for another story. You should think about this. Take a note. Yeah. And he took one in the kneecaps. It hurt. Yeah. It hurt lots. The kneecap. So we also got some mail from Belkiri Page. I, yeah. I've been talking to Vala on Google+ a little bit. Yeah. Well, apparently she just listened to Flashcast 14. Oh, wow. Now here's the thing. I should actually mention before we get into these emails that, um, I'm not sure. Um, because we are so backlogged, she has emailed a few times since then. Okay. So we're going to cover some territory here. Okay. Go. She wanted to know if there was such a thing as Canadian cowboys or an equivalent. Yeah. We do have ranchers, but I don't think we classically had what you would think of as a cowboy because there was a certain... What about an Alberta? Yes. That's true. They want to be. No, listen. Go to Calgary and tell them there's cattle cowboys. They have the ranchers. They think they're cowboys, but to me, the American West, there's plenty of ranchers still in Texas, but are they cowboys in the sense of the classical Western portrayal of a man living by his own lot? Oh. The whole... Because I think we have more of it like a job where it's just a solitary man. Cowboy. He has a lot of cattle to get from one place to another to take care of it. Yes. It was in that sense, but I don't think that... Like the lawlessness? Yes. All the associations? What made cowboys mythic and not just cow pushers is the place that they... Cowboys are cowboys. They're legend came out of. Cowboy. It's like cow shepherd, it's a cowboy. Like, at the time, yeah, history, it may have been lawless, but that has nothing to do with the cowboys. Did you know that there was a time at which the term "pigboy" was afraid, like, was a common phrasing? It was an item like a cowboy, like, somebody who tended pigs. Oh, you're lying again. No, I'm not lying again. And the thing is that cowboys became such a specific association of a man carrying like a revolver and doing that whole business that you don't use "pigboy" anymore, but cowboy remains its own thing. I guess that's my point, is that I think of... I don't think of a ninja as being... If somebody were to ask me, "Did we have ninjas?" I wouldn't think of it as somebody who had trained in martial arts and had all these variety of skills. Like, I'm sure there's people who could be quote unquote ninjas, but we didn't have ninjas. You know what I mean? Anyway, yes, we have cowboys, sort of. Yes. Okay, well, to get on to her email, she says, "Good afternoon. I am now listening to episode 121 of Flashpulp. I don't know if you looked up either William Shatner or Patrick Stewart after your chat, but the reason people thought so well of Shatner's acting can be seen in the films, The Brothers Karamazov and Judgment at Nuremberg. I've definitely heard of Judgment at Nuremberg. My dad was big into war movies and stuff, so I'm familiar with that one. Brothers Karamazov? Anything, Jerry? Yeah, it's a good movie. Yeah, you know anything about it. He is also in two very good episodes of the classic television series, The Twilight Zone. He's all came out before he was ever in Star Trek. He is the fellow who sees the gremlin on the wing. Yes. That's correct. Mm-hmm. His other Twilight Zone story is also a very good one, but I have to admit at the moment it slips my mind, but she's absolutely correct that they're both classic. He did a couple of good turns on a show called Chiller 2. Do you remember that Boris Karloff hosting? No. Wasn't he in the devil rides out or something to do with the devil? Oh, you may be thinking of the devil's reign, which would not get him any. Sort of acting accolades at all. No, not at all. Actually John Travolta's role in that film. Anyway, we'll save that for another time we've never discussed this before. The other good thing about William Shatner is that he is able to make fun of himself and have a good laugh. I do think his acting after Star Trek did not fulfill its promise. I believe he fell into a trap that anyone in a creative line will work in, which is that he got enough money that he could just sit there. Like he really didn't need to keep working, he didn't need to push himself. I think we've had this discussion before, actually, about Neil Stephenson and his lack of editing or Spielberg and his need for an editor who can say no. Both highly talented, all of these people are highly talented, but no one was pushing them or saying no, we're trying to make it work. No, a crystal skull is a bad idea. Yeah. Patrick Stewart also does a lot of stage work, but if you look him up on IMDB, you will also find that he was in Jeffrey, LA's story, and Lady Jane, as well as playing Carla in the Alec Guinness Television version of Tinker Tailor Soldier's Pie. And Smiley's People. And Saginas? Saginas? Yes. And Saginas in I. Claudius. After all, as actors, they want to play a variety of roles and Shakespeare is not all as on offer, although he does do some great Shakespeare harassment. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Well, she makes a lot of very good points there, actually. I'm quite excited. I haven't seen the new version of Tinker Tailor Soldier's Pie yet, but I'm quite excited for that. LA story. Good callback. Not one I would associate with him immediately, but definitely. I can't help but think LA confidential. What's LA story? Um, LA story was of that romantic comedy period that Steve Martin went through in sort of the late '80s, early '90s with Roxanne, and this was another one. I can't-- he has the ability to control, like, traffic signs or something with his mind and he uses it to woo this lady. Something very odd like that. That totally happened to me once. Yeah. Um, I have a very clear memory of the film, however, because I was still fairly young when it came out. And so I'm hanging about my cousin's house and his older brother, my other cousin, is dating a girl whose dad owns a video store. So he brings back an early screener copy of this film, LA story. They're thinking, "Steve Martin, I love the jerk." There's actually-- this is just my memory and I was very young at the time and it would have been a high focus for me at the time. There seemed a lot of boobies in the film. But it was a very uncomfortable watch, right, because I'm in a room full of my cousins who I don't want to see that often and they're all a bit formal and actually the same cousins that I was originally terrified to Peeby's big adventure in her whip. Fantastic. Not because of boobies. Because of large marks. So anyway, she says that she's been enjoying all the stories so far and she's listening to more today, which was a while ago, I guess, and that's some good stuff. We hope you kept doing that. And then her next letter starts off Merry Christmas and Merry Christmas to you two. My cat and I are doing chores and listening to Flash and Pub. The well-trained cat. I like to see that sort of motivation, that gumption. Well, granted his chores are mostly sleeping and eating, apparently. On Flashcast 6, y'all were chatting about Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers' movies and speculating that they might be plugs for soundtracks. I don't know if you looked it up, but they were marketed just like films are now for every drop of merchandise and goodness. Fred and Ginger promoted new dances, which were shown in fan magazines. By the magazine learned the dance. I can't help but think of Tiger Beat right now. Yeah, I know. Yeah. Yeah. Music was sold on record, so you could do the new dance to the new music and see the movies several times. It was much less expensive in those days. Well, that's handy and fun. Thank you. You could buy the sheet music and learn to play it by the Fred and Ginger paper dolls, by the fashions, et cetera. The marketing phenomenon that was Shirley Temple was amazing as well. I'm definitely more familiar with the Shirley Temple marketing engine, but I can definitely see all of this being huge at a certain time. Oh, I remember paper dolls from when I was a kid too. I loved paper dolls. They're fantastic. It is so odd to me that we have lost this entire genre of film. There's musicals when they come out now are almost, or I should say good musicals when they come out now, are almost a novelty. Like you see something like Chicago, I'm trying to think of what was that other one from last year. Sweeney Todd was pretty good, but at the same time, these aren't dance films. You know what I mean? Well, I guess Chicago was. Hey, what about bring it on? Well, that's an interesting idea, just may. Are you trying to imply that bring it on as sort of the musical or the modern equivalent of Shall We Dance? No. Yeah. But I'm saying it kind of plays to the young person working hard and dance to become the top of their profession, and like that, but... Often there's an underdog, often there's a romantic subtext or sub plot, so I think you are saying actually. Well, to a degree, it's not like they have the gowns or... Oh, I guess it's not as quite immersive as well. Yeah. Absolutely. True. Or the numbers. It's just, you know, people drumming and dancing off and then like their dad just doesn't understand. So there are parallels, but not enough to actually... Isn't there? What about the fame off shoot of films? I'm sure there's a few of those. I'm trying to remember. Mama Mia and stuff like that. I'm talking more of the scrappy teen who is maybe formerly trained in ballet or some poop, but has to make good with a group of urban teens and somehow manage to win a dance competition to save the school or some such. Yeah. And then by the end of it, everyone knows their name and they're always glad they came because they're drunk. Exactly. They ended up with cheers. Yeah. That's what happens sometimes, kids, when all you do is dance and you don't go to class. What an education. That's right. So anyway, Val absolutely agrees with us on people who talk well in the bathroom. She finds it absurd when she realizes someone in a stall next to her is talking on their cell phone while making the most horrible noises. Wow. It's just business. Yeah. Yeah. I have enough time like being in a public washroom knowing that someone next to me is like leaking stuff. And let alone, you know, potentially making a toot while on the phone and everyone knows it. That's a lot of business meeting. Can you keep it down over there? But I know lots of people who go and call people. You just got to be quiet about it and public bathroom things though. You just admitted by that statement that you're really meeting you. Well, you know what? I honestly can't recall the last time. Oh, you know what I can. It was you, Jay and me, I don't know if you guys like two days ago, but generally I don't. Two days ago, but you just, I don't. Generally I don't. Okay. But a lot of people do. Just two days ago. That's what. But before that, I can't recall. Okay. So anyway, flashcast eight. I have to say I noticed the oops on the one F bomb in Wilkoffin and the beeping really does take away from the story. She's not the first person to say that. She finds it terribly distracting, saying I had to replay the story and actively ignore the beats to get the story out. I'm hoping to discover that in later episodes you simply use different but rough sounding words. Nope. Sorry. We just stopped burning. Unless it's funny. Well, she's she's talking about coffin, so wait, wait, wait. She says I've seen that technique used before and it works well without weakening the punch of the character in the story. She's a dirty lady who would only be swearing. Yeah. Unfortunately, I did go with more of a reality based approach. You can't clean up money. I do worry. No, you can't clean up money. I do worry that Val is going to get to the later archive and may a little bit annoyed with our cousin, but you can dress her up, but so she says she's looking forward to the next story. 23. Oh, cool. Mulligan's father. Yes. That's true. I love some Sergeant Smith. I love everything having to do with Mulligan and everybody knows that, but yeah, introduction to Sergeant Smith. That was definitely fun. So again, hello again. I just listened to Flashcast 12, Flashcast 14 and everything in between. I'll be continuing after I finish typing this. Oh, that's awesome. I love the comment about gores for amateurs. Now, let's just take a moment and discuss this here because the truth is, to a certain extent, the stories have gotten a little bit gorier, but I believe that I've managed hopefully to maintain the integrity of the enterprise, if you will, even if maybe there are jets of blood in the occasional story. At the same time, I try to present it in a way that is somewhat classy and not what I think of as amateur gory. Mm-hmm. That's not a splatter fast. It's not ridiculous, hopefully. It just is what it is. Anyway, gores for amateur. She says she would love to have that on a T-shirt. And thinks that it would be very nice in white on black with a mop and a bucket below. Mm-hmm. She's thinking about it. That's the second really good T-shirt suggestion we've had. Jack Antor had some fantastic ones. If only Edward, gory, were alive to draw it, she says. I think his style would really suit it. Well, Pope and Acts could knock it out easily, I'm sure, just having thought to look at her site and Jessica Mays. Yes, more about my drawing meter. I've been getting the podcast from iTunes, so this will be my first look at the flashpulp site. Oh, awesome. My bad for waiting so long to do that. I don't feel bad at all. The terrible truth is that the vast majority of people who are going to enjoy this flash cast and all of the previous flashpulp episodes are doing it via iTunes or some other podcatcher. That's right. Although we do get a decent amount of traffic to the site these days, and I'm quite pleased about that, it is mostly audio downloads. So don't feel bad, because you're just one of the many. All right, great. She chuckled when she heard the bit about Tom Jones and Wales. The country, not the mammal. Yeah. I'm sure I'll be hearing more updates on things as I progress through the backlog, she says. Coughing. Gah. And not put the beeps. They really kicked me out of the story. They really kick me out of the story, Jaredie. To be fair in the early days. That's what you give another 100 to go with the bunny. But the thing is, I do recall, you have toned down the beeps and the new beep is entirely new. And it's kind of like a soothing little armpel, as opposed to like the beep. Yeah. So hopefully that helps. Please let us know when you make the transition. But it really is intentional with Bunny. She'd like to suggest taking a look at the father's cussing in a Christmas story. That works without disrupting the flow of the tale. Made up cuss words can work as well. For example, including frill and froling from far escape and frack and fracking from Battlestar Galactica, otherwise I do enjoy the coffin tales. They don't evoke Charles Delint to me, as I said they have to me. But they are quite good. I'm a serious Delint fan. That's pretty cool. I actually used to live like three or four blocks away from Charles Delint. I would go to his book sale every summer on his front lawn. Okay. So I'm enjoying all the series so far. I think that the accent in the murder plague is now evening out and becoming more of a Cary Grant Northeast Corner USA sort of sound. Thank you. I try to even him out a little, at least. I'm not hearing the different accents in it now, so it's more consistent. Thank you. I love the musical choices for the different stories. And for the Flashcast episodes, the sound work is very nice. I don't know if everybody saw this. I actually just pointed out in the mob a little while ago that I downloaded an app from Fantasy Flight Games off the iTunes Store, the Elder Signs Omen game, which is sort of a, I don't want to say it's necessarily a knockoff because it's by the same company that does Arkham Horror, but it's like a truncated Arkham Horror. And they had the same theme music as Will Coffin does, which I think is super awesome. I wonder who had it first, I'm her ass. I want to say S. They totally heard it from us and they were like, "Oh, that's okay." Yeah. I was just playing the game. I'm like, "Wait a minute. This is familiar." And creepy. So I commented on Google+ and I'll repeat it here that if there is no Canadian equivalent to the American cowboy, I'd like to suggest a traveling salesman character. It gives you room to go all over the place, just as a cowboy might roam on a cattle drive. And there are always the times a salesman might go home or be tempted to stay in a place that feels like home. Just a few random comments. Keep up the good work. Vow. Thank you very much for your lovely comments. Thank you. And I love that idea of a traveling salesman character. Yeah, it is a very tempting idea. Although you kind of get that with Mulligan almost, because he can just call it. Yeah. Yeah. It's not the same as Modern Times though. Yeah. For sure. We'll see. The truth is, I have a pretty full plate at the moment, but you never know what's going to come up in the future. So yeah, thanks so much, Val, and keep the comments coming. Mm-hmm. Absolutely. Please. Mm-hmm. Now, I happen to know that a certain time traveler has managed to unify the Chrono Streams. Yes, it was a very exciting day here in the mob. Rich the time traveler. Time traveler, Rich. Yes, he joined the mob today. It was very momentous. We've been waiting. We've been wondering when he would shop, and today he arrived, and he didn't think very much of the future. No. No, I told him to take it up with Michael J. Fox if he had improper ideas of what the future is supposed to behold. But in the meantime, I do believe he has sent us some messages in a bottle from the past. Indeed. Indubitably. Hello, Flashpault gang. This is Rich the Time traveler with a quick status update. We have finished constructing the transparent aluminum holding tanks. We have found a suitable pot of whales, and as soon as we get access to nuclear vessels, we should be joining you in the future. This is a quick holiday shout out to you guys. I wanted to send something before things got crazy at the end of the year. The last thing I send in, I may be at real time by the next time I talk to you, may not. I have eight episodes, actually, six episodes left to go right now, and maybe we'll finish them up over the holiday break and catch up with you real time in the new year. Crazy time of the year around here, we have an interfaith family. Hanukkah started last night, and as you recall, I'm calling it gift-a-palooza because Christmas is bisecting Hanukkah, so we have this strange 36-hour gift hurricane right in the middle with a night of Hanukkah Christmas morning followed by a night of Hanukkah. So it's going to be crazy for the next week or so. As I already mentioned about outtakes or retakes, I should say, in this previous one, I want to send an apology to Hanukkah. I just realized, listen to my previous comments, that I said "blacker street" for some bizarre reason, instead of "bleaker" where we stopped on the New York hike, so apologies to bury on that. I don't know where that came from and didn't catch it. Usually, I just power through them unless I completely blow the opening sentence and stripper my tongue and just keep on going. So, yeah, one take and sometimes you lift something like that. Also quick questions you guys have for me. Commute from hell. How did it change? Well, it changed simply because we moved. We were in the suburbs of DC for a while, and we moved back to North Carolina and shaved a good 90 minutes plus a day off of our commute. Also the Busker Festival, I believe I was up there for that assassin short-term assignment, sometime in 1996. It could be '95, I think it was '96. So if you were there then, I probably passed you on the street. We were staying at a place called the Minto, and we often, one of the weekends and after working the evenings, would walk down to, I think it was called the Market to the Market Place, a little session of restaurants and shops and pubs that was very nice nearby. This came a, talking about recording in the shower, makes me think of Buddy Holly and the crickets, at least the legend around where the crickets came from. And you had a question about unified viewing to get together to watch a movie together. One thing I suggest may not work well, but at least a suggestion, is the Xbox. If you have Netflix and an Xbox Live Gold account, you can watch movies together using that service. It syncs them up to everybody, you have a chat channel through the Xbox Live, having actually tried it myself, I got some friends I keep meaning to try it with and watch them pick a really stinker movie to watch together, which is the best thing to do with those kind of movies, and we just haven't gotten around to it. So if enough people have one, that's a possibility. Last thing I want to close out with, just to comment on the coffin story recently, through for thought, I like that it was a chiller call back, at least I think it was a chiller call back to the ghost child episode, I don't know what the exact title of that one was, I've talked to my head, I haven't looked back to find it, sorry about that. There's a great story, it's a little sad at the end, because I remember the original story, if it is a call back to that, a lot of sympathy for the parents at the end, and kind of sad to hear that they were a little abusive and maybe the stress got to them. But great story overall, I liked it, great call back, that's about all. Trying to speak a little more naturally, hopefully it's coming across okay, I realize that I'm talking so slowly on the previous calls, because I tend to run away a little bit if I don't, and it's kind of bugging me here in my voice like that. So you have to, on the other hand, you're going to put up a lot more "ums" and "us", so it's a toss up. Anyway guys, happy holidays to you and everyone listening, and I'll see you in 2012. Well, at least, unless Carl equalizes. I think it's pretty adorbs that now that he's hearing himself through the show, that he's picking apart all of his sounds and habits. Which is so funny, because I think he does such a professional job, I think it's a really job. He does, he does, you do, honestly, and it's just, it's a little jarring at first. But you should see J-R-D, where he's like, "Edit everything, everything I said is taken out every um, every uh, cut it all." I do feel a bit bad about getting to this comment so late in the season. But at the same time, given that it's time travel to Rich, I don't feel like it's necessarily that out of place that he's wishing us Christmas greetings. On the other hand, the gift of Kane sounds fantastic, and I think I know we're going to be spending next year, so I hope you get room down there in North Carolina. Although, in North Carolina, have you heard, I've heard that it's the new Florida. So in 1996, would that be about the time you were hanging out in the market? Yeah, I would have spent some time in the market, definitely in 1996. That would have been your band years, as it were? I wouldn't call them my band years, but yeah, I would have been hanging out there during the buskers festival. Mm-hmm. Very nice. Very nice. And the Minto. Yeah, the Minto. Minto is actually a pretty good, no, I didn't mean to say pretty good. I meant to say pretty big property company in Ottawa, so they had a lot of property. Yeah, yeah, and now they are the fellows who are developing all of the suburbs in the area. It seems like. A vast portion. A vast chunk of suburbs. Yeah. And I mean, I'm not in a Minto house before. I'm not going to say that all Minto housing was awesome or all Minto housing was terrible, but there was a lot of sub-par Minto housing around where I lived, which is not the stuff that was near the market or whatever, but yeah, Minto. It's interesting that you bring up Netflix on the 360. I've actually considered opening up my gamertag to see if we have anyone who plays just to maybe try to get together a flash-pauled knight. Yeah, mob-nights. Mob-nights. Even just with some games, but the idea of trying a Netflix party is definitely interesting. I've never, I've seen the option, but I've never attempted it, so that might be neat. If anybody else feels like this is something they would like to participate in, mention it in the mob, tweet me, email us, anything. Punch us really hard in the face. I really like the idea. I definitely like to see something come of it. Thanks for your call, Rich. And thanks for joining the mob. We were waiting. And you didn't speak slowly at all. It was very, very eloquently drawn. Yeah, welcome to the present. It's not nearly as disappointing as it seems. One man who never disappoints Colorado Joe. Hello Flashcast crew and fellow mobsters. Hope everyone in the mob had a great Christmas. It's New Year's Eve as this is being recorded. Just a few brief comments to wind up the past year. First and foremost, I want to say what a pleasure it has been getting to know many of you. Aside from our obvious love of the work the Flashpulp Trail provides, it has been great hearing your stories, comments, and worldviews, and delightful that you've let me share some of mine as well. In what for me was an amazing year, joining this community was definitely one of the highlights. I'll close with some thoughts on the recent Flashpulp stories. Between listening to Pighart's tale of a Christmas zombie apocalypse and his suggestion of stuffing Christmas stockings with jellyfish, I will never look at Christmas the same. Well done. I'm still chuckling. I love Doc Blue's take on sour thistle. Great story with a good moral as well, and I love to Pope's voice work for the bear. Kudos to Fish for his coffin tale. Your take on Bunny was spot on, fun stuff, and an excellent ending. As for JRD's Mulligan tale, the twist in his Christmas tale reminded me of something Oh Henry would write, excellent job. Finally, I want to add a special note regarding JRD's essay, A Passing View. I am in complete awe of the way you described a tragic situation filled with so much emotion in so few words. Obviously, I enjoy all of your work, but in my opinion this is a true masterpiece. Thanks again for sharing it. Well, the New Years upon us, I hope 2012 is great for all of you. As I reflect on this, I realize, we're all time travelers. Rich just travels a bit more than the rest of us. Take care. Are you implying time traveler Rich gets around? It's not very nice Joe. No, actually that was very nice. Thank you very much Joe. Thank you very much Joe. Thank you very much Joe. It was like the nicest audio comment ever. Yeah, that was so sweet. Getting to the know, it's not quite the same perspective I suppose, but getting to know them all really has been one of the highlights of the previous year for us as well. Absolutely. The difference of where we were going into January last year and where flash pulp is and us personally, where we are, it was just amazing. Yeah, in the community it was, I remember even just the first conversations like mapping out how awesome it was like when people who we knew wouldn't have known each other by any other means than us and having these conversations thrive. That was really cool. Yeah, but look, they're talking and we're not even involved. Yeah, seeing that budding, but yeah, it's great. The mob is a real place. Yeah, and Joe's definitely been a major start of that, so I definitely appreciated you. Yeah, there have been so many, there were so many times in that comment that I had to go. Yeah, I know it's so sweet. It is. Thanks Joe. Yeah. You're dedicated. That's awesome. That's too. You did get very lucky in getting a trio of fantastic guest episodes to fill out the holidays. Thank you for your comment on my bear. I was trying to go a little, I was thinking big Russian bear. Mm-hmm. Well, the thing about the pig heart episode was that I didn't, I don't want to subsume pig heart into the flash pulp universe technically, like pig heart is pig heart. It's all nicks creation, I don't have any claim to it for one, but two, pig hearts universe is pig hearts universe. You know what I mean? Like it operates on its own rules. Mm-hmm. Whatever those rules may be. But at the same time, how could I possibly resist opening up the Florida, that fantastic tale? Yeah. It was really nice to see a few bits of, I don't necessarily call it fan fiction, but for Spide Doc Blue and Fish, I thought they both nailed the feel of the characters they chose to take on perfectly. I loved the Dapper Gangster. Yeah. I loved that so much. Every time I would read Bunny's lines, I would laugh. Yeah. We had problems. We were laughing at it while she was in the closet on the other side. I really enjoyed Doc Blue's sort of sense of whimsy that I brought to the tale and being able to step back in that kind of reflection for the year, it was very seasonally appropriate and also I felt proud of it. I'm coming together of the cultures too, you know, and like that. Plus the little, you know, the throwback to Blackhall and Coffin. Mm-hmm. Don't mention that name to me. You think maybe the Bears have something against Blackhall? Maybe? Poor right now. Yeah, I think it tickles us to see our characters and other people. Those hands. Anyway, we were very, very much impressed with those. Thank you very much to everybody who took part in. Yeah, and we would like more for the future if we ever just decided to leave the compound for longer than 45 minutes. We're definitely going to catalog them and I'm probably going to open up the floor to a wider, if anybody has just any sort of pulp story, I'd probably consider it. We just got to be a little careful about that sort of thing. You don't want to make it too confusing for people? Yeah. And the other thing too is if you submit a story for a guest episode, then a Pope edits your episode. Yeah, basically it's the entire process except for with somebody else plugged in instead of me. And don't fear, she's a very nice lady about it. Yeah, I don't rewrite anything for you. I don't change anything, I just sort of go through the motions I do. I have medical issues, I have a color code system which I send out in a little email. And the only one I pay attention to is red because those are swears, unless they forget them like the last time. Well, the only time you have to believe those anymore is when it's bunny, so that's really outstanding. Yes. Sorry, Belle. I know. Finally, I'd like to give another thank you for your comments about a passing view. Yeah, that was epic. When we undertook Flashpulp, I knew it was, it's in a sense of luck. You know what I mean? It's meant to entertain more than anything. I do try to work in a certain amount of social message, but it's not really intended to be quote unquote literature. But the thing is that I do like writing something a little more hefty right now than we're actually quite often. But the truth is... The time? Mm-hmm. Yeah. What's that old Mickey Spelling comment? I believe it was Spelling. They sell more popcorn in a day, or they sell more peanuts in a day than they do caviar. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So... I can understand that. But anyway, I really appreciate it. I feel like I'm more going out on a limb than when I do something like that than when I say introduce some weird twist to a black hall tale or decide to make a baby puke blood all over the place. Mm-hmm. But anyway... It's nice to know that when you try to flex that muscle, it works. Mm-hmm. Yeah, and I definitely appreciate the feedback, Joe. Mm-hmm. Especially when it's so good like that, you know, it's coming all the time. Yeah. Keep the really awesome things about me flowing in constantly. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Everything else. Just keep it to yourself. We're not about growth over here, guys. Just before I close up the mailbag, I wanted to mention we recently opened a Twitter list for the mobsters. So if you happen to be on Twitter and you want to get in touch with other mobsters, other folk of your ilk, drop me a message at jrdskinner and I'll be happy to add just to the list and you can either just follow the list itself or follow everyone on it. They're all good people. Yeah. I was finally paying attention to the fact that I was not following some of my favorite people, so I did that today, and they were like, "Oh my God, look who's here." So I'm sorry about that. [laughs] I really do care. Yeah. Well, I should be more on top of curating these sort of things, I think. So much happens to them, like in the mob during the day, generally, that getting on top of that and everything else that happens here is pretty much what I get to. Mm-hmm. Well, you do a lot. No one's saying otherwise. Yeah, I really do. I do like most of the stuff that happens here itself. [laughs] And as I mentioned earlier, if you have comments, questions, or suggestions, you can find us at the voicemail line at 206-338-2792, or email us, Now it's time for Backroom Plots. Just off a coffin three-parter hidden. Mm-hmm. I've gotten some nice feedback about it. And we're going straight into some more coffin, I hear. Uh, we'll see. We'll see what happens. [laughs] Yeah, it's up for debate. I hear, actually. Yeah, I got two. I'm trying to get more out of you now, but you're not. I have two stories that are about the same place in writing length at the moment, and either one can be polished off fairly easily, but it's like one of those two of your dearest loved ones are hanging over problems. I don't have enough time to finish both before recording time, so I'm going to have to pick one at this point. Well, one of them. And I suspect it's going to be Harvey Dent. Harvey Dent. Oh, no, two-faced. [laughs] What if one of those two loved ones is a very dear loved one of mine? If it makes you feel better, the other story isn't a Mulligan, it's a murder plague, so you can't... Oh, okay. Well, then... Oh, met. Harm can go hang himself in. [laughs] I was hoping you were going to give me a little bit of that Mulligan collective detective who you've been teasing me with. Oh, that's a bit of a tease there, but Friday, Friday, maybe. Gotta get down on Friday. Friday. There were a lot of ideas that I'd had for a while that eventually worked their way into hidden. There are some callbacks to previous episodes. I'm a big fan of the callbacks, obviously, but at the same time, there are some hints about future content, maybe bigger hints than people realized hiding in that series of episodes. Because we ended up having these conversations while we're, say, walking home from work, and we'll end up discussing, "Oh, I'm going to have to put this in the wiki, aren't I? How am I going to add that? I can't add that in now. I'll have to remember to do it later. This is going to come up again, isn't it, J.R.D., you know? Actually, Doc Blue, Dave Went has been very good at taking guesses. Pointing things there, yeah. Even when he's wrong, it's really a great idea. Yes. Time traveler, Rich has some good ones, too. I agree with you. If it's not something that is going to happen, something that should. I appreciate a close reader/listener. I appreciate somebody who's paying attention, and I do try to give a lot of fodder to those folks. And it's funny, before people were guessing, I know that you would say, "No, I don't want to say that much because I would give it away." And now that people are guessing, you do have to be careful. You do have to leave some mystery. Because I have to poker-face my way through, because people come a little closer than they realize. Yeah, and you can't mess it up for the rest of them, guys. Stop being so smart. Yeah, don't be so smart, guys. Keep it to yourself, unless it's cool about us. Yeah, unless it's nice, then you can share. I will give this much as a further hint, we haven't seen the last of a certain Don. Don Juan. Don Juan. Are you a dassy, hope, hope? Yeah, so before we'd been discussing where we were going to record for quite a while, the new Flashcast, and we were waiting on the third mic. Two of them came, and we were waiting for one more. We wanted it to be like optimal for when we all sat down. And we're almost there, and I think we're never really there. There's always something else that we could add to make it sound better, but just before the show, I got everything set up, and then with nail polish, color, color coded, all of our equipment, like the cable that goes from the microphone to the mixer mixing board, they all corresponding colors, and then also on the individual mic cases, because they came with really badass cases. So a pope is purple, and iron, pink, and darity is blue. Very nice. Very nice, and we have an extra seat if we need to, right? Yeah, we have our old mic, which is pretty nice, and then on the mixer here, we have another spot, so any time we have a few drinks, we have the proper equipment. I've never mentioned this to her, but I am hopeful that one day we will have Nodie in person as a guest. Oh yeah, she's supposed to cook for her, but that plague happened, and it was just better that she stay away. She doesn't even know how much I regret that. It would have been fun to have her ever. I know. It would have. But the plague. The plague did not have been fun. Imagine that, though. Imagine it was a serious plague. When she did come, we wouldn't have made her, because it would have been one evening. We told her that we'd feed her, and then we stick her in front of her mic, which, at the time, we only had one, and we were all surrounded by it. And having to add another person like that. I guess we have before, but it's been like... I hope you're ready to get close. Yeah. Yeah, I want more for Nodie. We want better for you. Your own damn microphone. So musically, what does the new equipment mean? A wonder and magic. It means I can... I'm waiting for you. Zoopaloo Zoop. God. I love you. He knows random things of my childhood. Like Zoopaloo. Yeah. Well, Zoopaloo is one of those regionally produced children's television shows, because I don't think it got that much national attention. I could be wrong. Do they have Zoopaloo down there in the new Florida, folks? Yeah. Because I did. And I loved it. It was pure magic. Anyways, musically, I can stick up to four microphones in front of different equipment at the same time, and play at the same time, or... Because she's knocked a plane. You know, the thing that's actually really awesome is having headphones that are plugged in that I have like playback to that I have, you know, I can hear real time myself in the microphone while I'm singing. I'm excited to see if you get a little piano in there. Oh. What kind of an animal that was? It was cat. It was a cat coming up on here. Piano. My piano is out of tune. It's been a long time since I played it, and I can still do quite a lot on it. But, yeah, there's things I want to do, and I'm afraid of all of this clear sound because I can't hide anything. I'm not particularly good at it. But I have a lot of hope and a lot of fear, but now I have the proper equipment so I can't really make any excuses other than I don't have time for it, I don't have time, I don't have time. Make time. I know. Now I just move on to different excuses now that I have the proper equipment. I need diamonds. I can't play at all if I don't have more diamonds. Also, how can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat? Too true. So, how do I say this? My computer's busted again, but I can still work on stuff on JRD's laptop, but it's just been a little bit more awkward. So, I'm sorry, Skinner Co is a little bit late. Hopefully this won't be a trend. No. Let me correct that. This will not be a trend. I will get it done. I shed a little tear. I was the reason why I got up this morning and then I turned on my laptop and that wasn't there. But, yeah, hopefully that'll be done again soon. What's really annoying is I actually have a template of how I do stuff, but it's saved on my computer, so I can't like send that to myself. Backups, baby. Yeah. The reason for other things. For realsies. So, that's really annoying and learned. On the upside, I have dug my sketchbook out of the mists of time recently and I have been... I've been implying that Time Traveler Rich threw it out a window as he blazed by at 88. I don't know. I'm not accusing. It must be nice, but I wasn't there. It was in the future. Right. Or was it the past? Oh, I don't know. You have your sketchbook. Yes. I have my sketchbook. J.R.D. for the longest time has been bugging me to get a coffin picture done. Jay May and I are terribly fun of the picture that we're using for coffin now, but because we did not build a said piece of art ourselves. Have we ever discussed the history of the coffin box? That's funny, the coffin box. On the show, have we? We may have. Anyway, the point being we didn't make the box that has the little coffin figures that made up the picture, so Jay R.D. wants me to do another picture. I just recently did one, so I'm going to get that scanned and using J.R.D.'s laptop now. I'll be able to get that into Photoshop and we'll have some new coffin art sound. Yay! I'm excited. Can you see she's saying soon? There's no hard deadline. She's like... I'm leaving it everywhere. I hope for you guys that I do it for you. Maybe if you're lucky some time, some day. Listen. You're so pessimistic. Given the state of 200, I'm in no position to complain, so... So that's our narration. Speaking of things I never have any complaints about, Jeez, Jim has been out there... On the wiki? Fight in the good fight. I know, I went to update it the other day, and I just checked to see. I was like, "Oh my God, he's been on me forever since the last update I did." Which was only like a few days ago. You know those classic sort of 70s period, World War II movies where the Americans would go into this German stronghold? I'm thinking like into the Eagles-ness, that sort of thing, and they would just start shooting and they'd have infinite bullets and they'd kill just an unending number of Germans. That's how I picture Jim now, he's just this lone man wandering through the castle of the wiki, killing these Nazi spammers constantly, and there's just constantly more. Every corner he goes around. I was surprised at how many spammers show up a day. Yeah, robots. We are being attacked by robots. It's because we're becoming famous guys. Well you know, that's what I was thinking, because we didn't used to get this many spammers and stuff, and now it's kind of like, "Oh wow, we've got these many people that are trying to spam us now." But there's Jim all, like, Rambo, he's like the cowboy of wiki. Poor, tall, poor, tall, full of spammers. But like an American cowboy, not like a Canadian cowboy. Yeah, guys, there's no such thing as canning them. Because he's actually got a gun. Yeah, Jim has got a gun. Anyway, many thanks, Jim, for your efforts. And also don't shoot us, please. But Jim's actually got a new domain up for his blog and a fantastic new layout, so you can check him out at Jim's a robot. He's a man of robot art. He writes some great little personal essays there, I really enjoy them. He also releases, of course, The Massive Empire, relicradio,, and we sing Jim's praises for hosting and Mm-hmm. All the time before bed, we sit down, and we sing a song to you, Jim. One man, one hero, infinite spammers. And in case I haven't berated you with the information enough, I will remind you at this point that if you have comments, questions, or suggestions, you can find us at Call our voicemail line at 206-338-2792 or email us text or mp3 to Just get made of vocal talents and musical stylists, can be found at Yes. Do you want me to mention your thing there? No. No. The entire road of flashpulp can be found at or via the search bar on iTunes. Flashgases released under Canadian grid condoms, attribution non-coercion to pointed out glasses. You're going to say condoms. Creative condoms? Yes. Like the French ticular. Yes, just like that. That stays so sharp. Hello, Mr. Nine. Hello. Hello. Well, how are you doing? Good. So what are we here to do? Um, well... We're going to review the Star Wars radio show? Yes. Yeah. So, did you like it overall? Yes, yes I did. Did you feel that it stayed close to the films? Yes, I didn't know. It doesn't return to the script, does it know? And yes, because it had the same effects and it seemed like they had the same people. Yeah. So they stayed pretty close, but because the lines of dialogue were different in places and extra things happened? Yes. Now, did you feel like there was a lot of extra stuff that happened? No, not much, really. But there's some stuff at the start. Did you feel like it added or subtracted or made the script different? Do you feel like it made the story different? Well, it just made the story different, not like adding or subtraction, really? Equally is good. I see. Who's your favorite character this time around? Luke! Same in the movies? Yes. Played by Mark Hamill in both cases. Yes. What was your favorite part? It was probably when the gesture exploded. Yeah. Well, is that your favorite part in the film, too? Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. Okay. I understand. So the people who weren't the same voices they usually are, like Han Solo. And also, I think, too, it was Darth Vader. Yeah. There was a different guy playing Darth Vader, too, right? Mm-hmm. So how did you feel about the voice acting? It was actually pretty nice. Yeah. You didn't feel it was weird or distracting? Nope. Excellent. Yeah. Yeah, you liked him. Good. If somebody had never watched Star Wars before, would you recommend them listening to this thing? Yes. And then the movies. They compare. Yeah. Very nice. Which one would you tell them to watch first or listen to first? Movies. Yeah. Okay. Out of five, what do you rate it? Five and a half. Very nice. And are you excited for First Shrek's back? Mm-hmm. All right. Can I say bye? Bye.