The Skinner Co. Network

FC45 - Just the Tip

Broadcast on:
01 Dec 2011
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Prepare yourself for dogs, Martians, sleep texting, Goodfellas, a monk powered airship, and Mulligan Smith.
[Music] Hello and welcome to Flashcast 45. Prepare yourself for Dogs, Martians, Sleep Texting, Goodfellas, A Monk-powered Airship, and Mulligan Smith. [Music] Tonight we have myself, oh, Popon X, Discool Solanel, Jessica May, hello, Angelio Duson, and Jerry. Hello. Hello, are you gonna keyboard monkey? Oh, what are the first two? Orator and like sound engineers, is that right? Yeah. Yeah, okay. Yeah, great. Yeah, thanks for the French. I figure rather than being creative, I'd be French. Yeah. Because the French aren't creative. But you know what? The Italians are. I just learned something really cool recently about the island of Ferdinandia. Have either of you heard of it? No. Where is it located? Well, that's a good question, Jessica May, because it is located at the very tip of the Empedocles volcano. Okay. And it is also commonly known. It like it's a, you know, in the Mediterranean. It's also commonly known as [speaking French] which means the island that's not there. Because it's a ghost. Buh, buh, buh. Well, it only ever appears for a little while and then it disappears. Because it is built, well, not built, but it is the tip of a volcano. Every once in a while that volcano erupts and creates this sort of basalt island. Okay, okay, okay. Yeah. So actually, Ferdinandia appeared in 1831. And there was a big argument between Britain, France, Spain, and the Kingdom of the Two Sisiles. Because they each claimed that they owned the island. But within four months, the island had actually been washed away by the sea. So there wasn't any problems after that. But since then, I found this really cool. Italian divers have gone down there and marked the tip of the island with a Sicilian ride. Was the tip? Just the tip. But it's actually really cool because in 1986, US planes dropped depth charges on it. Because they thought it was a Libyan submarine. What? And they didn't realize it was just an island that was right under the water. Report as recently as the early 2000s, there's been volcanic activity. So they figure that the island might come around again. And then everyone can fight over it. Yeah, well, it hasn't been around for the last 150 years, so. At least until the ocean level raises just a bit more. Yeah. Or until they're too hostile to the Americans. And then they bomb it again. That's right. Those crazy for denandians. Well, obviously, Libya had some sort of interest in the area. Maybe the island is pretty strategic. Maybe. All right, well, thanks for that. Yeah, but that's cool. That leads us nicely into Little personal business up front. Movember is coming to an end. Closing days. If you'd like to maintain my stash, donate to fight cancer. You can find me at, capital R, capital D, capital S. Kinner. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I'll be happy when it goes because it's scratchy. Some of your hairs went straight up my nose today. Charming. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I've learned a lot. Yeah. Have you tamed the whisker? I've kind of considered it a research project. Yeah. There has been a little bit of different treatment in public places. Really? Yeah, even, I don't know that in this sort of smallish town we live in that Movember has totally penetrated the popular psyche. I think they just think I'm a fellow with a very flamboyant mustache. A very pronounced mustache. Yeah. Anyway, it's been interesting, especially since I'm one of the few long-haired gentlemen in the area. Yeah, it only adds to your oddness. Yeah. Anyway, I certainly appreciate everyone who has thrown in some money, and it would be nice to bring up the total a little bit before the end of the month, but I'm very happy with how much I've been able to accomplish so far, so. Yeah, so thanks to everybody. Yeah, huge thanks. Also, another reminder about the guest episode call out. Yes, indeed. We've already got a couple fantastic submissions, one from Dave Doc Blue went, and from our own fish. Mm-hmm. So I'm very excited about those, and it'd be nice to pad out the Christmas holidays a little more. There's also a few inquiries, so we know that more are potentially coming. Mm-hmm. Yeah, and I'm going to be getting back to those people that have sent in the guest episodes. Now, keep in mind, although taking place in the Flashpelp universe, I don't consider any of these really canon, feel free to get a little crazy if you want to do so. I mean, don't kill off any of the characters. Yeah, I was just gonna say, go ahead, kill off Blackhall, but the mob might go after you. Yeah, yeah. No, I mean, be reasonable, but at the same time, I don't mind a little bit of if you have an interesting take, go for it, because it's not really going to count, I'm sorry. And also remember, Mulligan will never cheat on me. And then final bit of mob business before we move on to the big news. Still more stickers going out in the mob? Yeah, we've seen a few more pictures of people getting them. It's very exciting to see them everywhere they get to. I can't post it up. So, if you want to see the pictures that are posted up there, I believe there's one gallery, right? Unified, hopefully. Jessica May, that you've been telling to? Hopefully. Yeah, it'll totally be like that. At some point, in the future, when Rich arrives, Jessica May, you were telling me... What? What? You were telling me a story about a dog. Oh, yeah. A dog in China. A Chinese dog. A china dog? Yeah. And it was very sad that its owner died, so it followed the procession or whatever, and then has not left the grave. So locals are bringing it food and water and are very much considering making it a permanent home, like a house, next to the grave. Hmm. Poor puppy. I know. I've heard these sort of stories before, though, right? I remember when I was a little girl, my mom read me the story of Greyfire's Brawby. It was like the same thing, only it was in, like, Scotland, maybe? Dog that wouldn't leave a grave at the end. So sad. Because it happens, man. I know. Dogs are so loyal. Well, you know, it's funny you should mention that, because it reminded me of a story that I had heard from overseas, about an Indonesian man. Mm-hmm. He had left us nine dogs without any food or water for two weeks, while he vacationed. That's horrible. Two weeks? For the holidays. Yep. Two weeks. When he returned, his dogs were extremely happy to see him, but largely because they were starving. Aw. Uh, they had dogs. Do you see them? The dogs actually immediately attacked him, and he was eaten. I'd eat him too. That's so horrible. According to the Jakarta Globe, Lemoga was attacked by seven dogs when he returned home after the holidays. Were they all his dogs? Yeah. I guess it wasn't like the dogs were having a party. Who has seven dogs? I guess in Indonesia, maybe that's common. I don't know. That's pretty crazy, too. Well, that's what happens. Well, yeah, it sounds a little... I don't want to say he deserved it, but leaving them like that? Uh, yeah. Apparently, what's really sad is they probably killed the dogs after. Apparently, the cops only showed up because they... his neighbor noticed that there was like luggage just in front of his house still. He hadn't even unpacked or anything. It was like immediately lunchtime. Oh my god! His skull was found in the kitchen, and his body was found in the front of his house. Uh, geez. They ripped his head off. You think that they would at least eat it all? Let's... You know, maybe they did. That's a lot of dogs. You know, maybe they got their fill, and that was just... they were saving it for tomorrow. It was rationing. Yeah, you know, that's rational thinking. Yeah. Hah, rational. Yeah, it was really good when you said that. That was good. I want a little bit more actually pulp-related news. I was reading an article recently from the Comics Alliance. I don't know if you guys ever know. I have never heard of the Comics Alliance. Anyway, it was Alan Moore and David Lloyd who wrote V for Vendetta. Okay. They also... You know, Moore's response paper. The mask things, right? Like the... Yeah, the Guy Fox masks. Um, fun movie, fun comic. Not his best work in my opinion, but fun. Anyway, Moore and Lloyd were asked about the masks and how they figured into the Occupy Wall Street movement or the various Occupy movements, and frankly, they were showing up a lot even around the time of anonymous, really appearing in front of Scientology places and that sort of business. And it's interesting that it's become sort of staple of the modern uprising. Anyway, Moore said, "I suppose when I was writing V for Vendetta, I went in my secret heart of hearts of thought, wouldn't it be great if these ideas actually made an impact?" For real. So when you start to see the idle fantasy intrude on the regular world, it's peculiar. It feels like a character I created 30 years ago has somehow escaped the realm of fiction. Yeah, I can see that being weird. And awesome. Yeah. Imagine what it must be like for Stanley. Well, even Stanley is not quite the same thing because Moore really sets out to have... Like, he entertains, but he also has a social message a lot of the time. Yeah. And he's affecting social issues. Hey, do you know with great power... Yeah, all this great responsibility. The real life superheroes we've met have all been doing things for good and not evil. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. But they also, you know, they do harm to themselves. Yeah, well frankly, I'm sure Stanley does actually look at the real life superheroes and go, "Excels, yeah!" or whatever. I don't know. Yeah. I think he specifically said that he wished that they would, you know, these are stories and this is real life. Yeah. He was afraid they'd heard themselves. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. Which, I mean, is responsible. Way off. Mac, it's just a story. Oh, no. He wasn't cruel about it. Yeah, no. I recall. I recall. Anyway. So, uh, you know what I saw that was really cool? And I don't... I mean, I don't really know how pulpy it is, but uh... Game of Thrones is quite pulpy, madam. Yeah. I do love me some Game of Thrones. And I was over at the other day and I saw this really awesome picture in their art gallery. And uh, I think I'll get jaredy to put a link to it in the show notes, but it was basically a map that somebody had drawn of wisteros and it had all the different houses heraldry on it. In like all their relevant places, like, you know, it had the little stark banner, you know, winter fell and it had the Lannisters, the Lannis port. But not only did it have all the different heraldry on it, it also had like little various scenes from the stories and from, you know, legends and the stories and stuff. It also was Scratch and Sinif. It was so amazing. And it smelled so good. Hey, it was, no. But it was just insanely detailed and it was huge. And it was so cool just to look at it. I haven't even had a chance to look the whole thing over. One of those pictures where you feel like you're exploring it. Yeah, you're always looking at it and seeing something new. Okay, well, um, I'll definitely put it up in the show notes. All of the items we touch on, uh, news-wise go up in the show notes, which you can find at That actually segues nicely into me mentioning the Blu-ray and DVD for the first season of Game of Thrones is coming out. Yes, I saw it. Do you have any yet of hope? No. Yeah, I've sort of kept this, uh, on the sly from you on purpose. It'll include an interactive compendium of the noble houses and lands featured in season one, plus 24 exclusive histories of the Seven Kingdoms as told by the characters themselves. Oh, that's awesome. They'll include an in-episode experience that explores the creative minds and colossal efforts behind episode six, A Golden Ground, which was a really, that was a great episode. I know, I love that one. It's going to have information about on-screen characters, locations, relevant histories through out each episode, and hidden dragon eggs, which will provide even more never-before-seen content, which will soon show up on YouTube. You know what? Um, that's really awesome because I actually follow the, uh, making of Game of Thrones blog that's like this girl that's, you know, there while they're casting it. So I'm, like, really interested to see the series as it progresses, and I'm getting little snapshots of season two as it comes along. And, man, would I ever love to see additional content? You're going to get that for me. Stamped it. Yeah. Even if we find, like, really blurry, far away, some handicam behind a bush, and we're just seeing, like, a Lannister stroll by between, like, takes, she's like, oh my god, look at this. Oh my god. I'm eating him up in the head. I'm just eight in a scream cone. I think I know what scene this is. I'm so embarrassed. Well, while we're talking fantasy, while we're talking embarrassing, there's new John Carter photos out. Actually, they're not very embarrassing at all. Is that Nick Carter? Yeah, Nick Carter. Yeah, it's the other other Backstreet Boys. There's John Carter. John Carter of Mars, Carter of Mars, the new Barsoom movies that are movies that's being made. I've never even heard of that. The new, what, what? We've mentioned this on the flash cast before. Really? No, you'd care. One of the earliest... Okay, hold on. Let's take a step back here from people who weren't aware. Please, including me. John Carter, from the Carter of Mars series, also sometimes called the Barsoom books. Also, sometimes, I don't know, there's lots of other names. Yes, dig it, dig it. Written by Edgar Rice Bros. Take place on Mars, known as Barsoom by the locals. This fellow, I believe he's a civil war vet, although I don't remember that coming into play terribly much in the books, which I've only read the first two or three. He somehow finds himself teleported to Mars through semi-mystical means, which we've mentioned. I'm sure I've mentioned this before, because I actually remember Barry specifically correcting me about the methodology of which he gets to Mars, but I don't recall it at the moment. When he gets to Mars, he finds these giant ape-like men, who happen to be half of the race of Martians, the other half being supple ladies who look very much earth-like. Hey! Of course. And of course, Carter also finds that due to gravitational differences, he's incredibly strong. He's basically the Superman of Mars. All right, that's very lucky for him. All of these circumstances. Well, yes, but the thing is, these books were written very early in the previous century, and they were very influential in later science fiction that showed up, even though they are very much science fantasy. And it's, oh listen, it sounds a little ridiculous when I recount it like this, but these books are full of mountains made of diamonds and rubies the size of your head, and it's just a ridiculous adventure that you can get into. It's unfortunately very sexist, and it doesn't places feel a little racist. To loop back to the movie that's coming up, there's a few pictures that have been released. I really like the designs of everything. All of the ships feel really light and ethereal. Cool. The guy they've got playing Carter is well built, but not over buff. He's not like Conan wandering into it. You know who is? The name escapes me. I'm sorry. I did know at one point, but it's not there right now. Yeah, it looks really great, and I love the design they're using for the giant white gorillas. It looks fantastic. That's awesome. It really, the pictures they've released really put me in mind of sort of the Classic fantasy adventure movies that they don't really make those kind of films anymore Like Lord of the Rings touched on that a little bit, but it had its own sensibility. Yeah, but it wasn't like the classic fantasies There was always that desert motif Yeah, and even in the non classics like Outlaw of Gore. Do you remember Outlaw of Gore? No Jessica May give us a short reminder about love gore. Who are you? My name is Cabot. Cabot. Cabot. Cabot. Cabot. Cabot. No doesn't ring a bell Oh, that one. Yeah Much better is an MST 3k episode than an actual movie. Oh, yeah, yeah But I mean at the same time Conan I believe Stan the original Conan Stan's is the pinnacle of that sort of film. Mm-hmm. I loved Red Sonya But there was a whole genre back then beastmaster Beastmaster the ferrets the a-tor movies and Ridiculous. Yeah Have you guys seen? This the Prometheus trailer. I realize that's probably a resounding. No, but I need to ask you an excited tone because I'm really excited No, what's it about? An angry apparently I'm also full of rage Um, it is the new Ridley Scott film. Okay. It is a prequel to alien Okay, I believe that Ridley Scott was sitting at home feeling about what they've done to his franchise and Decided he was going to make a film to make things right You know what? If you guys He's gonna make you kidding down and stewing on plot points and yeah So the trailer that I saw was obviously stolen it looked recorded via like an iPhone off of a screen that somebody Shouldn't have been watching in the first place But it looked amazing. I have not been so excited about a film coming out of the preview and quite a while So and it looks like he's done. He's done it properly and that he's basically telling a different story that happens to link up with alien Which is the best that you can do like it explains a lot of the aspects of alien without yeah stepping all over the story It's they're not coming up with young Ripley. Yeah, you know what I mean? They're doing something interesting and you know, it's gonna be a quality Ridley Scott production without it having to necessarily be full of connections to the next film like enough to make it satisfying but not enough to Open old wounds. Yeah, or try to top something that they've you know that they don't need to I Wonder if there's gonna be a Sigourney Weaver came, you know, I'm I really would like it Yeah, but how would they work that in without it being a goof like without it being? Hey, look at me. I was a go any weaver Tap dance off the left screen. Yeah, I think that would be the most graceful way I believe they should recreate the scene from space balls at the space bar with the chest But it should be Sigourney Weaver bursting out of the chest of the larger alien You know that they encounter in the large alien ship in the first film when they discover where that's come from Realistically happening. Mm-hmm. You know what I think this would probably be a good time for Smart phones are just the coolest gadgets in the world. Aren't they for those of us in the audience in peanut gallery? Old enough to remember the days of landlines phone booths and pagers We are indeed living the future. Well, at least in regards to quick communications the future is yet to cure AIDS and cancer feed the starving and give us clean energy, but hey the phones are start, right? We can call text send photos and videos share special and not so special moments with friends and relatives with a few quick Taps on a smooth little screen However, did you ever consider the downside of being always on? Personally, I can relate to the story that I'm about to present to you dear listener I have an iphone, which sleeps on my nightstand Although I'm beginning to think that neither of us are actually sleeping that well Even though I switch off the sound it's always there streaming information and more importantly Messages that I feel compelled to respond to Here's more of the topic from this week's mail online The stress of daily life has sparked a new phenomenon sleep texting people with the rare condition send Coherent text messages while asleep to their friends and family completely unaware that they are doing it Sleep specialist dr. David Cunningham of Melbourne sleep disorder center in Australia Said patients had reported incidents of sleep texting and he has advised people to leave their mobile phones outside the bedroom He said we've had patients who have reported sending text messages to their friends and family while asleep It is one of those things that happens, but it is very rare and certainly not a common trend Unsurprisingly there are no studies into sleep texting, but a similar phenomena sleep emailing was indeed studied in 2008 Researchers at the University of Toledo reported the case of a woman 44 who would compose emails while sound asleep. She had no recollection of sending the emails when awake Dr. Cunningham said cases of sleep emailing were more common and were likely to have a more detrimental effect on the lives of sufferers he said emails can be sent to work colleagues and you have much more serious consequences whereas text messages are more likely to be Accidentally sent to a friend or family member so people aren't as likely to complain of a problem Dr. Cunningham described sleep texting as the result of people having too much to do during waking life He explained people are doing so much during a normal day that it can mean that they feel they're on call even at night Because it's so easy to receive emails constantly and get notifications from smartphones It becomes more difficult for us to separate our waking and sleeping lives Dr. Cunningham said people struggling to get a quality night sleep should keep their phones out of the bedroom If your phone is on the nightstand then it will be more difficult to have a good night's sleep without feeling compelled to reply To a message or check your Facebook account The key point is that people need to respect their sleep and make an effort to switch off at night Now even though all of this makes perfectly good sense to me And I know that it's in my best interest to leave my phone down the hall in the office I just can't bring myself to do it after all it now also serves as my alarm clock And I'd never be able to drift off to sleep with staring at the screen in a sleep-cotted fog playing word with friends I'm Jeffrey Lynch and that's this week's spot of bother Yeah, I can believe in sleep texting I've had conversations with you, JRD when you've been asleep Yeah, it's a habit I Sort of cultivated in high school being able to respond if they would actually waking up But at the same time, it's really not the greatest thing So it's not my intention to be a jerk and be late for everything But I can be fairly convincing without actually being conscious. The first like four hours of your sleep. There's no waking you Hmm or there's no waking you like with you actually comprehending what's going on It's better left like better leaving you a note and then four hours and beyond You could you know wiggle you wiggle you and then your eyes will open and sometimes you'll respond But then you have to like finish it up with, you know What did I tell you and then needing you to like speak it back to make sure that like you actually know because sometimes you'll just Pause and then I'll know that you haven't actually listened Or heard rather, but it is a science It's interesting. I actually posted something sort of in this vein on the blog not long ago Just down below the schedule on the schedule will be being updated regularly now hopefully and Joe Colorado Joe mentioned that he suffers from Responding to anything that arrives in the middle of the night if he gets a text message He has to be he's that guy who jumps up and has to respond to it Yeah, no, I dig that when I hear my bang for email. It could be a number of other things like Facebook accounts or whatever that I Want to know what's going on? I do tend to put my phone on silent when I go to bed But at the same time it is my alarm clock as Jeff mentioned You know, I think if I were to get a text in the middle of the night I would also have to respond to it, but I don't have anybody that texts me other than you guys so I suppose on generally things in the middle of the night if it's a text like it's uncommon and it's something that we Need to actually know well even on silent I tend to wonder I do wonder if in the middle of the night when my emails Are coming in and I'm getting that little like If I'm not waking up just lightly maybe not enough to actually you know there I just took a Seminar the other day and they were actually talking about that because one of the One of the sessions in the seminar was about technology and stuff and they were talking about how Leaving your phone and stuff in your room. It actually disturbs your sleep patterns and stuff now Because even like the the light of like a radio or or a phone or something like that I can sleep with the lights on it can be in the middle of day it could be in the middle of the street like Seriously bangs. I don't see how it would affect my sleep But do you sleep is deeply and at the same time? I'm kind of trained to respond to that bing that big indicates that I have something I need to deal with that I just wonder if subconsciously I'm going oh what how are you never mind just you know it's funny because when we first had the kids the The baby monitor was on all the time and I swear we like sometimes it wouldn't be on and it wouldn't matter We would jump up because we would know and we would just put it wasn't on yeah, yeah, and Now I find as the like as the babies are getting older and we don't need the monitors much I find I'm not waking up as easily as I used to like when they were first first born Mm-hmm like every tiny little sale would wake us up before it now It's like yeah, they're knocking on the door and that awake me up, but otherwise, you know, yeah But I yeah, I totally remember that Because like even when they would be turning over in their crib. Yeah kind of like Wearing one eye open because yeah if it was like if they were switching back like swishing back and forth in their bed It generally meant like they're going to be waking up. They're gonna need something I should just get up now and find out what they need before they start to yell. Yeah, yeah So I look forward to being old and being able to sleep deeply again. Yeah when the babies move it Thanks Jeff that was fantastic as usual Absolutely, it gives us something to think about for sure you can find text versions of all of Jeff's post up But mm-hmm, and yeah also on the Twitter as please lynch me He's in it about the mob over now and again. I think he's fairly busy this time of year or so, okay Let's see what fish has on the hook for us Fresh fish a new batch of cinematic pulp with the always listening three-day fish Hey flashgast three-day fish here he's gonna roll along with the Romance pulp he's been reviewing With a retro review of the worst movie that you can probably find it is called The room actually I think that it's called Tommy with so's the room This movie you only watch because you know how bad it is you don't watch this movie because you're expecting anything good It is a typical romantic tragedy. There's a weird love triangle or there's a couple and they're engaged and Then the wife or then the fiance starts cheating with his best friend. Oh No, very so bopper so operatic There's all these side plots that don't really add up or mean anything to the main story It like you're just sitting here like what just happened? What just happened in the end? Johnny kills himself, but fish you just gave away the ending like I said you're not watching this movie Because you're looking for anything good. You're watching this movie because you you You can't understand how horrible it is until you watch it like that's why I'm Right now being so vague about it because I could sit here and quote this movie all day long But none of it would mean anything to you if you hadn't seen it so of course You can tell this is a red light. It's a red light you have to see It's a red light that's green whoa So I'm gonna wrap things up here with another hint This is a movie I reviewed on Flashcast before I was doing regular movie reviews Whoa, what could it be? That is all always listening. I really liked the clue sound That's a very interesting hint because that really narrows the feel but at the same time. It's so far back. Who knows? I may have to go back to the archive just to personally edify myself Yeah, the room. Oh my Mark, how are you doing? Yeah, it's totally one of those films that after you watch you will find yourself quoting constantly But until you've seen it, you can't really understand what it is As I recall large portions of the film take place on a rooftop that is entirely green-screened in Oh, wow. Oh, that's rough. It is fantastic. That's gonna be so distracting vanity project by The fellow mentioned by fish The producer, you know, you know be cool sometimes and star We could watch some really bad movie while like Have as many people Like flash people flash mob people on like Skype and watch together is technology there yet some sort of unified viewing event Yeah, hmm. That's interesting item. Maybe we'll reduce some research. We could do it on a second life. Couldn't we? Yeah, but that's asking a lot of horrible Yeah, I don't know second Let's turned into sort of its own digital ghetto It seems like the connections are very slow and nothing operates like it should it feels like an abandoned theme park Does anybody else know of any other means? Yeah, if anybody has any suggestions You can email us at comments at flash bulb calm or hit us up in the mob on Facebook That is the flash mob if you want to search for it Okay, well, thanks fish. Really appreciate yet another Recommendation even if it's sort of back-handed a red that's green. Yeah, it's I know how that goes Mm-hmm. I've certainly been there man. Oh, basically the entire MST 3 gun 3k You got a lot of any film that at some point accidentally lost its own soundtrack Crap. Well, we'll do it live Actually interestingly enough. I believe the room takes place in New York and you know what else comes from out of New York Really great pizza pretzels the New York minute. I was gonna say Ghostbusters, but yeah, let's go to Barry Hi, I'm Barry and this is your New York minute And if you keep track of these things at home, I'm now on my sixth take at this. So wish me luck While I do ride the subway every day I don't usually take the F train, but on this particular day I was meeting a friend after work and she lives right by the F station. So there I was The F train isn't one of the cleaner subway rides But it is one of the more visible for much of its run the F line is elevated and it's hard to miss for reasons I'll soon explain I'm willing to bet that most of you know this train line Actually, I bet most of you know one little piece of it as it figures into a scene in one of my favorite movies No, I'm not talking about Santa Claus conquers the Martians though. That does have its charms. My favorite movie is Goodfellas Towards the end of the film mobster Henry Hill was caught by the feds and Jimmy the GENT played by an amazing Robert De Niro Was getting ready to whack him Henry's wife Karen had caught a call from Jimmy and went to see him in one of his warehouses They talked a little and Jimmy offered to give Karen some swag dresses All she had to do was walk down the block and go into a sketchy warehouse Karen got cold feet thinking that Jimmy was going to whack her I love all this mob talk and jumped in her car and zoomed off That whole scene was filmed right by the Golanis canal under the F train You can't miss it the girders and beams of the elevated line frame the whole outdoor part of the scene In fact, the warehouse is right below the Smith 9th Street Station since Goodfellas is on the AFI Top 100 list I'm willing to bet you've seen it One interesting note is that at this point on the train if you were riding it You're on the highest point anywhere on the New York City transit system The Smith 9th Street station rises 87 and a half feet over the city Open in 1933. There was actually shipping on the Golanis canal below and the train line had to be built that tall to let the ships pass If you've seen the Golanis today the idea of major commerce on that clogged piece of water seems ridiculous But things have changed quite a bit in the last century You can get a really nice view of South Brooklyn and Lower Manhattan from this part of the subway And yes, we still call it the subway even when it's high in the air But don't try to visit that station just yet. It's being renovated until 2012 and knowing how New York City operates Probably the year after that But if you're interested in getting high, I mean height Hop off the train and go over to historic Greenwood Cemetery right in Brooklyn near Park Slope Many notable people are buried there from Abner double-day the man who invented baseball to more southern civil war generals Then you'd expect this far north. It's a sprawling place over 478 acres And if you want to find the highest point above sea level in Brooklyn, this is it Battle Hill is found inside Greenwood Cemetery And it was the site of a major Battle of the Civil War part of the Battle of Long Island You don't hear much about it outside of history books But this was a big one to commemorate it a statue of the goddess Minerva was built there and from that height It has a direct line of sight to the Statue of Liberty to whom its raised hand seems to be waving I could go on and on about Greenwood and with some authority since I graduated from Greenwood Cemetery Yes, I pause to let that sink in I graduated from a cemetery Greenwood runs a series of tours and some years back in one of the hottest summers I can remember I spent the series of three weekends Tramping over the hills taking a guided tour of that place that culminated in a graduation ceremony and yes I got a certificate at the end So take your Wharton School of Business MBA and your Harvard diploma who needs them? I'm a proud alumnus of Greenwood Cemetery and as a proud alumnus I have to tell you about the parakeets those of you who have never seen them may not believe this given the cold climate But Brooklyn boasts a thriving population of wild parakeets one major colony nests in the main arches of the cemetery and another Lives at Brooklyn College from which I also graduated I think those birds are following me and even though those are their main grounds The colorful birds can often be seen and especially heard in many parts of Brooklyn The accepted story is that in the 1960s a shipment of the birds escaped from their containers at Idlewild Airport and made their way to the cemetery Where their descendants still live today no one at the time expected them to live through their first New York winter But we New Yorkers are a hardy breed Idlewild is the original name of Kennedy Airport and if you saw good fellas you'd know that bring us back full circle I'm Barry and this has been your New York minute with a Robert De Niro cameo I love good fellas. That was great Barry. Thanks a lot. That was very good. I appreciate your six out of seven takes Yeah, a very pulpy entry The good fellas connection well I would say that good fellas along with the godfather went a long way towards cementing the Popular image of the New York gangster and I mean I realized good fellas I believe takes place in a couple decades a decade a couple decades after the godfather But between godfather - I would say the history opens with godfather - and runs through good fellas and then sort of the collapse Well, no, I mean you even get Donnie Brasko. That's New York, isn't it that sort of period into Serpco I realize it's more cop-related, but anyway, yeah, thanks a lot That was great and what does your cemetery certificate exactly entail like what are you now qualified to do? I want to see it Barry. He's qualified to die Well, I qualified to kill people Oh, can he bury people there? Does that what the certificate means? He's now Showguarded tour. Yeah, well, actually I was going to make that as the more serious suggestion But I do like the idea that he has open license to just start burying corpses wherever he pleases around the grounds Or to exume them. Hmm. That's messy. That would be a very interesting tour The curious tales of Vienna The flying ship Vienna June the 24th 1700-09 It was a very big tumult yesterday morning approximately at nine o'clock Everyone was alerted the streets were full of people and the ones who were not in the streets stood at their windows Everyone was asking what to do, but no one knew an answer Some people ran around crying. The last day would be near others felt a big earthquake to come and Some supposed that the large army of enemy besiegers stood before the gates of Vienna Finally more and more arms showed towards the sky and one so an incribable amount of bigger and smaller birds flying around a very big bird And it looked like as if the flock had a fight with this very big bird Then this odd flock moved further down and goes to earth It turned out that the alleged big bird was an object in the form of a ship with expanded sails The people could figure out a man on the ship dressed like a monk who announced his arrival with several gunshots The airship moved in circles several times It was now obviously that the air rider was looking for his suitable place to land Unfortunately an unexpected window rose and prevented the men from his undertaking It came even worse the wind led him to the spy of St. Stephen's Cathedral The sails got tangled up at the tower top so that the machine got stuck in it This incident caused a reasoned uproar among the common people who all ran to St. Stephen Square now It is reported that 20 people were crushed to death in the huge crowd The men arrested in the air wasn't helped by the staring people. He cried for helping hands But the airship was so unluckily entangled that it wasn't reachable After a couple of hours the men in the ship lost his patience He took a hammer and some other tools he had with him and started to demolate the tip of the spire He worked till the uppermost part of the tip fell to the ground Thus he came back into flight and after some panning around he skillfully brought his airship to a halt at a place near the imperial palace Protected by a company of soldiers Otherwise he possibly would have been scrunched by the crowd of people. The pilot was brought to the tavern the Black Eagle They are arrested for a couple of hours Then he told his story On June the 22nd at 6 o'clock in the morning He left Lisbon in his newly invented air machine in order to bring some letters to the here resident Portuguese ambassador His travel was a big challenge and he had many fights with eagles Storks Paradise birds and many other unknown birds He said if he hadn't had his two double hooks and the four shotguns with him He would have lost his life without any doubt Ingrid wanted to mention that this was from a newspaper Wiener Diarrheum. Oh, that's so bad. I'm sorry from 1709. Wow Yeah, of course obviously Sensational journalism this is maybe the national enquirer of its time for sure for sure But yes, I love the idea that for some reason although relatively docile went on the ground birds are really defensive about their air space Man just back off Yep, and this fighting munk with his hooks and his shotguns and it was something straight out of a hammer story Yeah, I like that he greeted them with a couple of shotgun blasts. That's great Yeah, yeah, it was it invoked a lot of visuals. Uh-huh very good story So that was a lot of fun and actually Stevens. Yeah another Saint Stevens connection. Mm-hmm, and Ingrid included a picture Not of this device mentioned in the story, but there was apparently a fellow I believe from Brazil I don't have the article directly in front of me who was working on airships around that time and although his designs Are really quite fantastical This diagram that she sent along. Oh, it does look like a bird. Yeah, it's quite Beautiful and ridiculous at the beginning of the story. The flock of birds was attacking the big bird. That was the airship Mm-hmm. I guess I guess birds just don't like imposters Yeah, they don't like other flying beasts. Maybe they just thought it was some sort of commentary on their weight. They're like what you call in a fat. I I'm sure that was it. Yeah, they get mean mad. Guess what? What? What up? Up front I just like I mentioned that you can send your comments questions or suggestions to comments at or call us on the voicemail line 206-338-2792 Feel free to call back a few times if you need to get it right, but frankly most smartphones is Those pesky pesky smartphones Jeff You can record a little voice memo and then just send in the one that sounds right And hopefully you don't get stuck like Barry having to do it six times. Yeah, so in response to flashcast 45 David dot blue went which is just a fantastic. He chose an excellent nickname. Yeah Mention that Chicago has two sports teams. Oh Yeah, how did that ever get past us? I did respond that I believe the second sports team was actually Only there to bolster illegal voting. Yeah, and that was probably made up just of Names taken from a local cemetery. Yep. Yep. That's how it rolls. That's how it goes. Barry mentioned that New York did in fact Start the 24/7 sports talk genre. I didn't realize it's 24/7 Can you imagine being the guy who's sitting awake at two in the morning trying to get worked out about? Some sport some yeah, I'm trying to think of some like some foul ball off a game three days previous Probably already spent the last two days talking about the same thing and Presumably they're playing other programs from previous previous hours later in the evening But now I understand what you mean listen, I understand wanting to throw yourself into something I totally appreciate that there are certain things that I do that other people would find a total waste of time And I'm totally on board with that. We all need our own entertainments, but I think we do need to realize that sports video games and soap operas are really all touching the same part of the brain, which is Somewhat turning yourself off, but really being able to emotionally invest yourself in something at the same time Everybody likes to judge everybody else's vice Mm-hmm. That's true. Barry mentioned that he had actually heard the very first broadcast back in 1987 wow Wow, I was three He actually at the time predicted a quick demise for sports radio, so that we're He also he also mentioned that he would not read a sequel to bimbo's and I have to After some consideration a little more distance from bimbo's. I probably had skipped it. I got a big read pile It's not really worth it, but if anybody else has any more bimbo's commentary, please feel free to send it in and Actually while we're talking about David Duckley went though. I did want to mention that he's working on a RPG he's a stats guy Which means he's a numbers man really which I like the idea of I believe if I was to go to Vegas He would be my wingman But he's working on a RPG based on an upcoming novel, which I thought was a pretty neat idea And it really you know if we ever get the chance to pay a professional to do a little business I think if we were to bust out some sort of flash ball part PG that could Yeah, like a Ruby game or a black hole game or something black hole I could I could help write that Anyway, he says it's a novel set in both New York and in Empire State To look back to Barry in the Big Apple. Okay, and it's all you know alternate reality sort of business You can find out more at Empire State dot CC So that looks neat definitely coming absolutely Definitely keep a little eye out on that boy probably move it up to the Popular press next time who's been waiting a while for his mail because we had to bump everything because of the book Club last Last week Greg says hi flash bulb crew. Hello Greg Hi Greg. I love the podcast. Thanks. I'm glad found you guys through relic radio early on nice Big big thanks to Jim. Yeah, I was fantastic supporter Anyway, I grew up in central Pennsylvania where there are a lot of Pennsylvania Dutch folk Amish men a night and various other Yep, Jessica Mays people I'm a descendant of Pennsylvania Dutch folk and have two tradition/superstitions Depending on how much stock you put into them I suppose they've been passed down to me. I Yeah, I'm a tradition of pie and that's a tradition I can get behind The first is a tradition of eating pork and sauerkraut on the first day of the new year Wow, I thought that it brings good luck for the rest of the year sure Second is more of a not for the pig, but yeah, well, there's always somebody's got to lose out Yeah, you're consuming the pigs luck by taking it's flesh The second is a more family specific thing when a meal was finished in the serving dishes are left empty We say there's gonna be a change in the weather. I don't hmm. That's an interesting one. I've never heard that one Can you explain that one Greg? Well, hold on my mom said this growing up and as I got older I also became more curious as to where this phrase came from and what it might mean She said her mother my grandmother always said it so I asked my grandmother who told me her mother always used to say it My great-grandmother I've asked other friends from the central Pennsylvania area if they have ever heard of this and as of yet I found no one else who knows about this so I figured I'd mention it to you guys cast the white net wider And maybe someone out in the flash mob knows about hmm or something similar at least Greg from Lancaster PA soon to be Kalamazoo Now there's another okay not to get away from Greg's mail because I do want to address it but Kalamazoo is one of those locations which although figuring prominently in my imagination and my childhood in that it was Whenever a mystical like a ridiculously distant but not really relevant place was invoked It was always Kalamazoo and at the same time I had no real indication of what Kalamazoo would look like because as a child I didn't really understand that anything outside of my town could Like for all I knew India was like 10 minutes away. Yeah, no. Yeah So Kalamazoo seemed like a very fantastically distant and exotic location I'm quite interested to learn that it's actually distant Michigan Well, you know what actually you know what I take that back Greg for all I know you are moving to Kalamazoo and it is going to be a fantastically mystical place and you're going there to weave Magic carpets. Yes, I have no idea, but I have also no idea what your traditions about so if anybody knows Okay, so Nutty has a couple of comments She was mentioning hell's gate and execution rocks from a couple New York minutes ago. Yes She was mentioning that she sailed under the hell's she has actually sailed under the hell's gate bridge There you go. It's a rail bridge, so no one actually drives on it, which is interesting Although apparently Barry was mentioning you can take the train in and out of town on it She's not sure that she ever noticed the execution rocks So she's gonna look into it, but she also mentions that the best view of the NYC skyline is from the East River on a sailboat Really? I can see how that would be nice looking and it's interesting because she was mentioning that to get it You need to time it you can only ever sail down the East River to the south But you can't sail north because of the way the winds and the currents are huh, and you can only sail through at high tide Although she says that the execution rocks have some sort of relation that she's just not quite sure Yeah, oh that's interesting, and it's highly elusive makes me want to do it more. Yeah, yeah It's always these interesting local given given so you knock twice at the speakeasy down on the yeah on a Tuesday and ask for Frankie She also mentions that From that same location I believe you can see Jersey and it just looks really thick and smoky and gross And every time she sees it she just feels bad for everybody in Hoboken and you work all the way Yeah, you just don't look that way Fantastic do the visual equivalent of sticking your fingers and your ears and going Cover one eye. Yeah, you wrecked a large screen on one side of your sailboat Because you're only gonna be going in the one direction. I'm trying to you know change those things the way they are just cover your eyes Jersey's Alaska's all right. She also had a quick call-in about a recent bothersome spot. She did Okay, I don't know how Well this recording is gonna come out because I'm using my phone, but anyway This is new jazz. I'm actually calling for recording some feedback for the bothersome thing segment or the spot of bother the Feet washing up than Vancouver Shores. It's it's definitely a story that I've been keeping my eye on a very good friend of ours and essentially family member Lives out in Victoria and he's been keeping us well at the rise of this because I think it's strangely bizarre and wildly interesting The funny thing is I am originally from New York grew up on Long Island summering at Fire Island and For those unfamiliar with the area Fire Island is the barrier beach for Long Island, which is just outside of New York City. It's New York City suburbs and I think it was last year that it started or last year that we started discovering There are bodies buried in the dunes of Fire Island and along the Ocean Beach Parkway basically the profile is I believe they said that the profile of the killer is a Over 30 under 50 white middle-class man familiar with the area that pretty much sums up almost Every male I know from Long Island. Well now all the white ones at least and many members of my family and it's become a bit of a running joke when Somebody will tweet pictures from the beach or whatever People will comment. Oh, are you out there burying bodies including to the non-provial people? So there are these two serial killers that are on either coast and very closely connected to Me and my family and people that I know and so my my friend and I are constantly throwing back and forth I'll bring up the feet and he'll bring up the dead bodies and the dunes and It's very interesting because nobody knows on either end who's doing it And there really are no leads and the profile so far as I know is simply the person knew the area well enough to bury these bodies in areas that Would not be accessed. So discovery of the bodies would be very rare. It was a weird coincidence that the first body was discovered in on the long on fire island and They're pretty much have no leads for a big Cooper so far as I know, but Every serial killer they say is you know past 30s below 50s generally white middle-class male so It just goes to show that They don't really know what they're talking about sometimes or you know, maybe statistically into Pretty good shot, but anyway that is a bit of spot of bother Well, thanks nutty that was really nice. Mm-hmm. Absolutely very interesting Now I hope you know to make the dramatic arc complete You are going to discover that your friend is the serial killer possibly on both coasts Yeah, and secretly you have been Extracting him via text while asleep. That's right It's very very provocative. It's terrible quite bothersome. Mm-hmm. I was Recently batting around an idea very briefly with Jeff of doing a sort of spot of bother retrospective for the year end, but at the same time Jeff brought up a very good point that a Lot of the items aren't really something you can go back to like how do you check up on giant hog with a weed or whatever? But at the same or you know carefully call call up that mother of the bear attack girl and be like so how you do now? Yeah, still uh still having a lot of prank calls Yeah, they kind of pull a lot of new information and if they're yeah, if there is it's hard to get so So hopefully Jeff will just keep us up to date on the shoe situation as things develop Mm-hmm and actually and nutty keep us up to date if you hear anything more from your friend about the dune situation This is very interesting. Just wanted to address a couple of things for rich the time traveler. I Don't think we actually touched on the fact that he mentioned last episode regarding his accent He had mentioned Yeah, because frankly, I was going to say he sounds very much in the well not in the Jeff category But I basically think of Jeff is not having an accent. Mm-hmm, and I would say rich falls in that too I suppose we're all just sort of North American Easterners Also, uh When rich emailed me recently he mentioned 200 that he was slowly approaching 200 Oops. Sorry rich. Somebody forgot to tell you something Everyone just act like we did it I don't understand Wasn't that great tell me us to pay his dues in order to get 200 General update 200 is moving along. It's absolutely not forgotten It's certainly never going to live up to the hype of having this much of a delay as it has, but Yeah, it'll show up eventually When you least expect it With a knife All right, I think now all that news I can call myself down with a nice cup of geo Hello flashcast crew and fellow mobsters Winding down from our holiday, which was quiet this year Our daughter is home visiting, but it's under the weather. So she's spending a lot of time in sleep Got to say if you have to be sick, you want to do it in the same house Linda's in She can baby you like no other Anyway, I did some yard work and we had a nice meal again Thanks to Linda and even sick the girl managed to kick butt in katana As Barry noted in the intro to my bmj2k spotlight Losing in katana seems to be a hobby of mine. I got to try and fix that I really liked the latest mall look in trilogy have to admit pen state did not come to mind While similar in topic the lack of a year's long cover up distances this fictional story from the real one When I finish the story the thing that hit me is that these stories are probably enjoyable Not because of the horrible themes, but because in the end just as prevails I think deep down we wish the real world worked that way I'll be sending some book club recommendations along hoping one of you can create a whiz bang facebook pole and let the mob decide I tried to pick a variety of books a few i've read but some i've not I included one graphic novel But I definitely suggest an other topic to let folks submit something else in case they don't care for the choices This is me not handling the pressure So it sounds like jrd and I are going to have to agree to disagree on stevenson's work It is long, but I really enjoy that aspect of his work I've been writing like this as more of a the journey is the destination thing I loved the little divergences and attention to detail Tolkien suffered from similar criticisms and I liked his work for the same reason I'm currently reading stevenson's latest rimdi Really enjoying it It has a tied rpgs Online in this case and I almost added it to the recommendations as an updated view of geek culture to contrast with bimbo's A combination of nice mentions and some hockey talk on the mob was enough to get linda to join She'll likely lurk more than post but she's there It's kind of funny. We joke that I live vicariously through her in the real world And she does the same through me online Opposites do attract take care I haven't spoken much to linda, but I already know like I would just totally love her I know Yeah, it was it was very nice to see you're doing it's always nice to see a new face, but Yeah Yeah, it was very exciting. I feel like we're worth it now Wow, yeah, she's come out of her shell. Yeah, we just got to keep up the hockey tag. Just make it everybody the sport talk Hockey stick hockey stick puck puck puck AG double hockey stick. That's what I know. Yeah, that's that's your hockey experience Swearing now don't get me wrong. I really do enjoy the stephenson longness. It's just I feel like there's two parts. I'd almost rather him just keep doing these constant TED talks or something everything he gets into all of these little weird side tracks are absolutely fascinating, but at the same time I feel like it's a fellow trying to integrate his delicious feed into his stories and they're great. Ah again It sounds like I'm naysang it, but I really do enjoy it. I just plotting wise Wish that he would stay a little more on topic, but at the same time, how do you integrate those two aspects? Hmm I guess part of it too is that I sometimes feel he puts a gun on the mantle in act one and then you've just never shows up by act three. Cryptonomicon has a few of those moments also Even snow crash actually out of all of them snow crash probably stayed on Topic more than any of his other work. Anyway big thumbs up Yeah, I mean in a story this short. I mean justice usually prevails car wick is his own brand of justice in a sense I absolutely know what you mean. There's a sort of a satisfaction at the end of a story that you're not necessarily going to get in real life I'm really glad that Mulligan and the pinch didn't come off as a pen state thing It really wasn't intended to be like that. It was just one of those ideas in an awkward time More than anything that comes out of those recurring news stories you hear where it's you know blonde teacher with male student And for some reason those things seem a lot more acceptable to the press than Mad like male student with female. Obviously, that's totally taboo and instantly shut down And male with male, but you can get this weird like man. He's fourteen. He's sixteen. It's cool And I really didn't explore that aspect of the story, but it is something that bothered me. Those weird idiosyncrasies Okay, well We'll get the book selections up in the mob So if you're interested just go to facebook and search for it or check the show notes at for this episode and find it Although frankly the mob is usually linked in every episode Um, we'll discuss the options a little more next week to try to build up some fervor as it were but at the same time I'm hoping to sort of plan this one out so that maybe we're reading the book by the Second week of december and we can come back to it near the endish of january So that people have time to deal with the holidays That would be important But at the same time I would like to say that I felt Discussion a little stifled because everyone was really concerned about spoilers So I think next time maybe we'll wait work out some sort of Chapter allotment by week or something that you're allowed to talk about in a certain thread on the mob So that people can discuss theories and such during the book Maybe not so much theories with uh bimbles of the death sun But I would have been interested to hear people's commentary on the various characters early on Mm-hmm. The mystery part of that novel didn't start till very near the end. Yeah, anyway But thanks joe. We really appreciate you having this one up Absolutely, you know have a little faith your fae your suggestions have always been fantastic So I definitely look forward to seeing who comes out on top The art of never raised you So I really appreciate everybody uh giving me the likes on my skinnico images Mm-hmm. Um, I'm having a lot of fun doing them. I've been going back through the log of all the skinnico entries too, and that just Is hilarious. That would be fun to pick from the list. Yeah. Yeah, so um I'm working on a couple of new like brush styles and stuff for the next one coming up so Do you find you learn a lot in between each skinnico? Well, I keep reminding jr. D that he won't even listen to the very first flashpulps anymore And so he's gotta give me some time to I'm not trying to you're doing brilliant work. I'm not saying you're not. I'm just trying to push you into experimenting a little bit Yeah, so I'm taking baby steps, but it's coming along. Thanks for the kudos everybody Mm-hmm. Well, I think it was great stuff. Yeah, it's been a lot of fun And I think it's going to be a lot of fun seeing how it develops over the next few months Thanks Uh skinnico is being posted up in the menu items on now It's going to be the left most the most current comic should be the left most item on the menu At any given time. So we'll see how well that continues to work out. Mm-hmm Okay, well, how about a little backroom plot? So food for thought ye old brain maggots Yeah, yeah, you actually got that idea Where did that come from? I remember the idea of the the head rejecting or the brain rejecting the body Oh, that's actually my personal theory about why I sleep so badly all the time My brain is an independent organism that actually it's like an organ transplant that's rejected the rest of my body So it's constantly giving me terrible lack of sleep Yeah, as though your mind is somehow I'm trying to flee And I sort of developed out of that and I thought it would also be fun to approach A coffin story from bottom to top as the client as opposed to following You know will and bunny around Also help give a little perspective on who bunny is and how that operates because she's not always just a loudmouth jerk Not always well. No, that's not true She generally is always a loudmouth jerk, but she's not always Got bad intentions. She's a loudmouth jerk with a hearted gold. That's right. I'm a whiskey Yeah, and a belly full of whiskey. Yeah, also Released mulligan in the master of the wild kingdom. I really liked that one. Oh, yes. Yes Too parter. You got red and red on that one Yeah, yeah That really surprised me the end scenario for the story came out of a discussion that a pope and I were having Um, I believe I sort of laid the groundwork and some of the details were filled in by your imagination Yeah, can I tell them what you were originally going to have going along with the island? Yeah, absolutely go for it. Um, it was originally going to be an island where like You know billionaires go to choke monkeys with their bare hands Yeah, yeah choke monkeys to death with their bare hands And then you pointed out that they would all be heavily sedated monkeys and that they would probably be the rarest species possible And this was in no way intended to be a story. This was just something we were talking about Yeah, um, but then I had to write my own The most dangerous game story and this is really that I have to admit I should have put more references in but That was just one of those things that's always it's one of those things that was at the back of my mind Although it probably is in no way apparent to the reader at the time Part of this too came out of the new stories. I remember around the dick chaney period to the dick chaney shooting his friend in the face period Involving birds that were captured and said in bushes. Do you remember that? They weren't sedated, but I believe maybe their wings were clipped or there was some sort of uh System for holding them back basically just like throwing birds a dick chaney to shoot Yeah, which is which is exactly how you end up getting somebody shot in the face But anyway, and then his friend apologized when getting out of the hospital. Yeah. Well. Anyway, that's a side issue But when a pope found out that she was getting writing cred like I have Those few minutes actually on uh, I have them recorded Yeah, he didn't tell me so I was just reading the script. Yeah, and then I kind of did a double take written by jaredy Oh Wait art and oh Yeah, and yeah, and she turned into a japanese school girl. So I'm thinking Well, I'm thinking maybe I should play that at the end of the episode I think you should save that one for the episode 601 blooper reel Oh So I think we should thank jim Thank you jim No, really. Thank you jim because you're kicking ass over there on the wiki and Somebody sitting directly to my left is maybe falling down a little bit on that business a little bit a little bit She feels bad. I can give I can tell you she's making the I feel bad face No, it's a pukoo. No, it's a pukoo put the knife down Okay, so thanks jim for going above and beyond Anything that we could possibly ask for and both policing that and hosting wiki. Oh and endless what you do for us bottomless If you have comments You being you at home You are in your iPod you in your car you on your bicycle you and your cubicle Where are you right now? You should let us know in an icicle Are you in an igloo eating a fetchicle? Do you need help? Can we help you do you need an adapter? If you have comments questions or suggestions, you can find us at Color voicemail line at 206-338-2792. That's fun. I like that or email at extra mp3s to comments at Actually, I kind of prefer that method You actually only prefer the voicemail line because that's where the sex anonymous people call Jessica may use vocal talents and musical stylus can be found at The entire run of flashbulb can be found at or be the swoosh bar in iTunes Flashcast is released under the Canadian creative comments I wish you no luck Bye (Music) I should take time when they know that I'm glad to go If the dead dreams then I'll dream I'm threatening you On the long journey I know I'll be blessing you I'll be a man (Music) (chimes) [ Silence ]