The Skinner Co. Network

FC25 - Anonymous Donor

Broadcast on:
27 Jun 2011
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Hello, and welcome to FlashCast episode twenty-five – prepare yourself for crossovers, Ron Howard, orange juice, Mother Gran, and Nurture.

[Music] Hello and welcome to Flashcast 25. Prepare yourself for crossovers, Ron Howard, Orange Juice, Mother Grand, and Nurture. [Music] Tonight we have myself, Opoponix, wielder of the visual and narrative arts. Jessica May, hello. Choreographer in charge of auditory delight. Ooh, ew. And JRD. Hello. A typewriter monkey. So it's kind of odd. We actually just finished publishing episode 180 of Flash Belt. Yeah. And we've run back to the mic. We're actually moved the mic so that we can all fit in front of it. Yes. It's a very small closet. Mm-hmm. Studio. Studio. Studio closet. Studio under the stairs. Yes. That's right. Brief correction from last episode while we're just leading in. I said Joel Silver. I meant Joel Schumacher regarding Batman. He's the man who ruined Batman. Although Joel Silver's ruined plenty of other products. [Laughs] Yeah. And while we're talking about last episode stuff, you know what I found out? What did you find out? The Green Llama. Yes. Oh, that sound. It was a llama sound. Haven't you ever heard a llama? No, I see. The Green Llama had a radio show. Really? Yeah. And not only a radio show, he almost had a CBS television show. Almost? What year? The 1950 something. Wow. What pulled the plug, do you know? Do you know all the deets? Uh, I'm not sure that prime time television was ready for a Buddhist superhero. It may not be still. Until Kung Fu. The legend continues. [Laughs] That was the moment when. Exactly. So let's listen to a little bit of his radio theme. The Green Llama strikes for justice. [GUNSHOTS] Time now for another exciting adventure taken directly from the files of Jefro Dumont. Jefro Dumont, the wealthy young American who after 10 years into bet, returned as the Green Llama to amaze the world with his curious and secret powers in his single handed fight against injustice and crime. [GUNSHOTS] [SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC] I am perfect. That's awesome. It sounded pretty generic, though. That could have been any character of the time, you know. Absolutely, I agree. I mean, I heard no llama hoots. No, but I think that he-- No, he's supposed to be like the dolly llama, not like a llama. [GUNSHOTS] No, I think that's why it's so cool, though, because he's like so widely different from the rest of the characters, but he's portrayed in the same, like, um, like, flash, Gordon-type-- [GUNSHOTS] I am a little annoyed that he was an American. They couldn't just have somebody from Tibet. Yes. [GUNSHOTS] It had to be. And of course, he has, like, a Tibetan servant who has to-- [GUNSHOTS] Y'all, let's not even discuss it. Yeah. One day we'll have to, but we'll put it off for now. Oh, we already did, didn't we? Yes, but one day it will come out. Yeah. We'll have to face it head on. Guess what I'm taking you, ladies, to see tomorrow. What, Jaredie? Yeah. I don't know. The multi-spoken. Whee! It's been a little while since we've seen the multi-spoken and never on the big screen. No. I have to say, seeing it on the big screen is, like, one of those lifelong goal kind of situations. I never thought I'd have the opportunity to see the multi-spoken on the big screen. It's pretty exciting. But yeah, we're also leaving the house, getting some Korean barbecue with friends. So we're very much looking forward to it. Yes. Going to the big soda. I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to go with my hat on or not, my fedora. I really like that hat. You should do it with down curly hair. You know what? You don't even have to wonder. I will tell you how to do it. And then it will jam. Jamie dresses us. Yeah. Fadora it is. Fadoraing it up is-- it's fedora-boo. Oh, jeez. In other flasher news, we got a very kindly donation. Four realsies. Well, from several people. Yes, but we got one especially kind donation from a donor who wants to remain anonymous. OK. But the money means that we can actually get the stickers now. Wheee! Stickers. Yeah. So that'll be in very soon. Yes. Anytime you see emoticons coming from JRD sticker-- Call them on it. If you see any typos-- Sticker. --sticker. We actually have some backlog stickers. I think three people are owed stickers. I have a spreadsheet, actually, with people that-- Very nice. Yes, thank you very much to the donations. In other news, I heard that Ron Howard, who is on top of the Dark Tower project, the making of the film of the Dark Tower. I'm pretty excited about that. I know. That's why I tagged this. They're working on toning down the budget via script edits. I don't like that. No, I knew at first that you would not like that. But let me offer this to you. My contention is that if they are doing script edits to bring the budget down a little bit, they are actually semi-serious about making it. As opposed to just writing this wonder script that'll never actually be made. Yeah. They've been saying for a while. Yeah, well, you've got to consider it's difficult. It's not just a post-apocalyptic wasteland. It's like an odd mishmash of culture and-- Well, there's the New York and everything, too. So I could see them doing a really great job with a sort of CGI treatment on a lot of those landscapes, but if it's not done right, I'm not going to buy it. When they say the dark tower, what part of the dark tower story are they telling? Are they telling it all? Really? Well, then there would be no, I don't know. No CGI? Well-- There are parts. I mean-- There's a house. You'd have New York and you would have a desert waste. A tall-- A tall? Yeah. Poor town at all. Anyway. Anyway, yeah. That's a little bit in depth there. We should start a book club. Speaking of films, I hear it's time for-- Fresh fish, a new batch of cinematic pulp with the always-listening 3-day fish. Hey, Flashcast. Coming at you with a special episode-- or segment, I should say-- of fresh fish. A couple of things-- special one. I'm sending it in a recording, instead of just calling. I'm trying this out because I listened to my green lantern review, and I was like, my breathing. It's crazy. So hopefully this will improve the quality for both the listeners and you guys. So yeah, this segment will also be special, because I get a little crafty over the weekend. Since there weren't any pulpy movies coming out, I decided to do what I'm going to call a retro review. Essentially, I'm going to review a movie that's been out, but maybe hasn't been heard of popularly or is just very pulpy. And the subject of tonight's review is a movie called Cube 2 Hypercube. Now, I do not know anything about the first cube, but this movie, Cube 2 Hypercube, was pretty interesting. It was a sci-fi. And it has an opening a lot like saw. Everyone wakes up and trying to figure out who each other are and what connection they could possibly have. And all in all, it's a good watch. I mean, it's not Oscar material. I wouldn't say that. But it's a good watch if you want to just watch some friends, see a cheesy movie. And this will be the third point that will make this segment special is I'm going to introduce to the listeners my new rating system. The rating system is basically a traffic lag rating system. Green means go. Go see it right now. It's awesome. Yellow means you might want to hear what other people have to say about it, or maybe just wait until DVD. But don't make like a whole night of this movie. And red, which means don't see it unless you're just love this kind of movie. I will give cube two hypercube a yellow light. Because if you like sci-fi, you'll like this movie, probably. But if you don't, then it'll just come off as a bad B movie. Always listening. Great stuff. That was a very good one. Voice sounds different. I like the idea of the retro review that's pretty cool. Yes. Excellent, excellent idea. I would also remind him to listen to our first episode compared to our episodes now. Not worried too much about his quality of sound and stuff. Yeah, I thought the new mic sounded fantastic. Yep. Well done. Thank you very much, Rich. Wait. [CLAPPING] Did you like the golf claps for the yellow light? I wanted some sounds for green, yellow, and red. But I don't know, we decided on various forms of cheering and clapping and booing. I loved how long the clapping went on. Yeah, I like the golf claps. And actually, the audio file was so much longer of just random clapping. So I think maybe I'll extend it sometimes, but it seemed the perfect length for that. So I hope you like that fish. I took a liberty there. But yeah, excellent job. Thanks for calling in fish. Now I have actually seen the first cube film. I may as even mentioned it on the show. It was a good little indie flick. It had a lot of what he said about the sort of soft feel, like everyone thrown into this situation and not being entirely sure of what's going on. Now, the problem with the first film is that the ending was terrible and essentially ruined the entire rest of the film up until-- Well, luckily it was the end. Well, yeah, but it's like when you feel like you're going to get something out of it and then it feels like entirely wasted time and like angers you. Yeah, I mean the movie ends. Is that what you're getting at? Sorry, yeah, I kind of-- Well, no, exactly so. It ends on this terrible metaphor. And it's supposed to be this moment of like the filmmaker was obviously going to be like, this is going to wow him. They're just going to poop their pants. It was all just a dream. But then it's just terrible. Yeah, you end up getting mad. And then you end up going online and posting a review, because you're just so angry about it. Don't ever watch this, guys. And that's why nobody's ever seen Cube One, except J.R.D. Yeah. But we're hopeful for Cube Two. The Revenge of Cubeatron, I can't remember. It's a Cupid Matrix, the cubitorn, no, no, no. Fish also sent in a follow-up. He wanted to mention that Chris Maloney from Law and Order SVU, the male half of the main partner. Yes, they've just quit the show or they're going to be done soon. Yes. FYI, you know. He's apparently been cast on Man of Steel, the new Superman reboot. As who? That's the thing. All of the main guys on the film are cast, so no one's entirely sure. My suspicion, he may end up playing like Perry White. Couldn't you see him as Perry White? Maybe a little less older Perry White? Hmm. Hmm. All I can think of is Perry Mason. Yeah, I know. Ruled up sleeves. He's the guy who ran the newsroom. Oh, oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Well, I can see that. He seems a little young, no? I would have thought maybe the father, because they seem to cast a little young, even with Smallville. But I don't know. We shall see. The father's already cast. Jonathan Kent's already cast. Anyway, time for a metal bag. [PHONE RINGING] I wanted to give a quick shout-out at the top of the mailbag to Joe in Colorado. Hey, Joe from Colorado. He's actually not in Colorado right now. He's still-- Oh. Still visiting relatives. I'm still out and about. Joe, not in Colorado. Yeah. But listen, Joe's daughter is into this fascinating thing I wanted to discuss. And I hope Joe doesn't mind that I'm going to bring it up on that show. OK. Go. OK, go. Go. She does this-- have we mentioned this before? The racing thing she does? No. No, I'm unaware of Joe. See, I've been living vicariously through Joe's tweets for a while and then I'm kind of into it. Oh, tell us, tell us about it. She's a plane racer. Like, she races, I believe. Mases planes? Light plane-- like, not in a-- How old is she? Not in a sky. Well, she's got grandchildren. Oh, yeah. I'm thinking a little girl for some reason. Yeah, well, Joe doesn't sound very grandfather-like. Yeah. And when I think kids, I think kids, like, all right, kids. Yeah. I suppose. So she races light planes, like, single engine planes? Yeah. While light planes may not be the correct term, I'm no aviator. But she essentially has a map laid out. And I believe that it's point-to-point timing. So from when you land, when you take off-- So it's not, like, trick-playing or anything like that? No, no, they're not dog fighting in the sky. Can she do that, too, though? It's about, you know-- I think this is enough. OK, up OK. Yeah, I'm not saying it's not. I think that's fantastic. Yeah, and they cover a lot of distance. If you look at the map of this last race course, because they've just been going through over the period, it's pretty amazing how much distance they cover. That's pretty cool. Yeah, it was really quite neat. So good luck to-- How long is the general race? Like, is there kind of, like, a standard? Around the border. 80 days. I don't actually know what the total time of the race is. I know that they would essentially land, get, like, a hotel room or whatever and sleep at a place for a night, and then go back at it the next morning. Wow. Yeah, that sounds so exciting. Yeah, it does. You wouldn't be too high up. Like, he could-- he'd be experiencing so much to see. It'd be lovely. Tell us about it, Joe. Or maybe don't, if you don't want to. If you're not comfortable. Yeah, it's up to you. I also wanted to mention that Juju Click, who was so kind as to sponsor the show recently. She sent some mail. It was super nice, but at the same time, it didn't necessarily have any questions. It was just very complimentary. So thank you very much, Juju Click. But she did mention that sometimes we post up pictures to the, and she was wondering what kind of camera we use. Because if you go to her website,, she does a lot of photography, but she does it all through analog cameras. Just very simple cameras that kind of pick up this nice, I don't know, aged feeling, but there's something more to it. It's hard to explain. Anyway, we really just use my iPhone mostly. I hate to admit and Instagram. Yeah. There's a lot of good filters out there now. Well, your iPhone's pretty nice, though. Yeah, the new iPhone has a pretty good camera on it, and sometimes we're lucky enough to borrow a nice Canon from-- A relative. A relative. And that's almost fun. Oh, yes. It's a very nice camera. But around our little munchkins, it is a little scary. So we try to borrow it for a short periods of time. And then on the blog post that I put up, calling out for commentary, we get a couple, I think, what I'm going to call, quick flashes. One from Nutty. She writes of I'm a fan of pulp in my orange juice, but the hubby is not sadly. Seriously, what's wrong with pulp? And I know she was just joking, but I love pulp in my orange juice. You know, I used to love pulp in my orange juice, because my grandparents used to get the most delicious orange juice in the world. And it was like the perfect thing for breakfast. But now that we have babies in sippy cups, we never get orange juice with pulp anymore, because it blocks the sippy cup holes. Yeah, and I actually was having some today with pulp. And I was like, whoa, whoa, what's in here floating? Oh my goodness. It causes a lot of baby fury. But-- So we're living pulp-less in the juice world. But I generally very much enjoy it. It seems more like I'm having the juice of an orange. I can feel it, you know? Well, the other day I went out and picked up some homestyle quote-unquote pulp juice, which it seems like there's pulp connoisseurs now. I didn't realize we had that much of an extent. I remember it-- no pulp, little pulp, a lot of pulp. Those were the settings back in the day. You know what? I thought even back of the day is with or without. Yeah, that's true. But now, yeah, there is varying degrees of pulp-edness. Another quick bite from a BMJ2K of He wanted to say, my sport for all things flash pulp is strong and unwavering. But I can't seem to get behind flashers. I admit it's better than pulp-ers. Pulp-y and there are flashies, but I just don't know. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I want to tell everybody the best place to be is in front of a flash or anyway, right? No, I think you want to be behind a flash or generally. Well, I guess that depends on your point of view. If it's your bag or not. Yeah, I was kind of hesitant because it's not really a great symbol of us. I don't think it really describes us very well. I was tempted to just call everybody who enjoys flash pulp a Skinner Co. employee, but at the same time, that seemed a little presumptive. Yeah, yeah. Well, Don and Drew have their minions. I'm a member of Skinner Co and corporated. Yeah. I don't know. I like to be intercooling numbers. You could have like work badges, like security things. That would be great. A little feedback maybe. Yeah, I think people should send in suggestions. Would people prefer to be flashers or-- Oh, that does remind me-- Skinner Co members. I have gotten some more feedback about the forum situation. And it generally seems, unless somebody steps up and says, I would really like a forum, everyone is essentially telling me, I love the show and I love you guys, but I do have the time for a forum right now. So let's just keep it to the flash pulp Facebook page for the moment. And if you guys dig on the Skinner Co situation, then come raid the Skinner Co page, and we can start turning it into a back channel. And you can ask me all sorts of weird and awkward questions that I'll make everyone embarrassed the next day. Yeah. Yeah, that sounds great. Fear the pages a little less and come around and chat with us because we're there quite often doing various flash bulb things, so. And that reminds me, big props to-- I'm just going to call him Rob. I'm not going to use his last name to set a courtesy, who comes around on the Facebook page, and he always has really interesting and insightful comments, especially he was mentioning our last week's episode, we had Ruby as sort of the pick for the back room plots. Who would you cast character? And he had picked Laura Croft, but I pointed out that the new Laura Croft, I think, is very Ruby-esque. I'll include, hopefully, a little game trailer in this post, but-- Yeah, I've never seen that with you. She's got very much that look. And she looks a lot less 16-year-old male-centric. Anyway, to close up the mailbag, one of my favorite portions of the show-- And indeed mine as well. The wonderful classic voice of Ingrid, of dancing out loud at dot, or Viini's legends dot You know what? I'll just tell everybody. Whenever I'm telling anybody about Flashpulp, I'm always, you know what? We've got a listener in Vienna. That's you. Thanks, Ingrid, for making this classy. Yeah. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] It was in 1510, when Theo Frastus Paracels was lived in Vienna to study medicine. He used to walk through the forest to collect all sorts of medical plants and herbs. On one of those days, he was on radio on his way back to town. He had a rest under a huge fur tree. Suddenly he heard a groan and a hard-running voice crying, "Help me. Oh, help me." Paracels was chumped up. He looked around, but he couldn't find the collar. "How can I help you when I can't see you?" Paracels was said impatiently. "I don't know where you are, and I even don't know who you are." "I'm the other." The voice replied. "An accessist squeezed me into a hole of this tree trunk and closed it with a plaque. I cannot get out. Free me. Oh, free me. I don't want to stay here till the last day." "Huh. For my part, you can remain trapped for an eternity. At least you can't cause harm anymore." "Free me. Oh, free me!" lamented the devil. "I'll give you everything you ask for. I'll fulfill you all your wishes, and you even don't have to give me your soul." For a moment Paracels thought about the devil's offer, then he replied, "So listen what I ask for. I want a truck which can cure every disease. And I want a tincture which can turn everything I want into gold." "Well, well then, your wishes are fulfilled." Paracels took his pocket knife and scratched around the plaque till he could pull it out easily. A cold, black spider crawled out of the trunk which turned at the moment into a tall, galled man with red clock and a sword and a hat with red rooster feather. "Come with me," the devil said with grinning friendliness. Paracels was accepted to invite. He stopped at a rock and the bad guy hit his sword so forcefully against it. The rock split and the devil went through the gaping hole. Soon he reappeared with two bottles. "Here. Yellow liquid is the gold tincture. The other one is the miracle truck. Both bottles will never be empty no matter how much you will use." The devil handed Paracels the bottles. "So, and now I have to go to the exorcist who brought me into this awkward situation." They walked back to the third tree where Paracels is free to devil. The smart man used time to think about how he could save the exorcist's life. Finally he said, "That exorcist must be a very clever guy and a master of the black arts." "I mean," he turned you into a spider and squeezed you in the hole of the tree trunk. "Pah," the devil replied, "to turn into a spider is a very easy feat." "I bet the two bottles you just gave me that you can't do this," Paracels insisted. "Okay. The bat is on." And in no time the devil was a black spider again and crawled into the hole of the third tree. Paracels is reacted very quickly and closed the hole with the pluck. Then he cut the grass in it to make the devil mute. A couple of years later, Paracels is became one of the most famous physicians. He cured many patients with the miracle drug and helped many poor people with the golfing tincture. And the devil? Well, if a lightning hasn't split that third tree, I suppose the devil is still trapped inside. That was really cute. Yeah. I really liked it because this time bad guy didn't win. Yeah. Yeah. A lot of the Phoenix legends are kind of bad for the protagonist. A little sad, yeah. That was great. I love the reading. That was fantastic. Mm-hmm. Hearing the spider in the tree. That was a really, really good voice. I loved him. Yeah. That was a lot of fun. Most enjoyable, Ingrid. Thank you. There's always little aspects of these legends that I kind of pick up and internalize that I may end up using in like a black hole story or something down the line, so. Mm-hmm. Yeah, we'll see if she picks up on it, or maybe you could tell her, but it's not really your style, I suppose. Ingrid also added in her email that there are at least two towns that she knows of who claim the story is their own. I find that interesting, but I suppose there must be a lot of large trees with crosses carved into them. Yeah, I know my tree has the devil in it. My tree has more devil in it than your tree. I have more devil spider than you do. Yeah. Anyway, thank you very much, Ingrid, and thank you, everybody else. And on to... Back through watch. So we mentioned the casting segment we've been doing recently a little earlier about it. This week I thought we would try something a little more difficult. Mm-hmm. Mother Gran. Ba-ba-da. You know, that's easier for me than Ruby. Really? Yeah, me too. I find it difficult to see slightly, you know, naturally weighted women of that age. You know, like Ruby? Ruby's age. Yeah. Oh, I see your point. That was my issue. It's difficult to find sort of older actresses that I've felt fit the right appearance. I can't help but think of Angela Lansbury. She seems too old to me. No, Mother Gran is very old. Oh, yeah. So old Angela Lansbury, I guess, although her face has never been really what I've thought of, it's not quite harsh enough. Did you ever... Mm-hmm. Because I was going to say Meryl Streep. Because I thought she was all agile and stuff because I saw her in, uh, Ba-ma-mia. And I thought of Mother Gran as, you know, kind of kung fu-i. Yeah. Yeah, I could see Meryl Streep, too. What do you think, age, or... My choice is actually somebody who... Well, critique mine. Oh, sorry. Uh... You better be. Yeah. I could totally see Meryl Streep in the role. I think she would have to do a little Meryl Streep acting in it, like she would have to stupid and kind of... Yeah. Be the person, but... See, honestly, it's just, I hear Angela Lansbury's voice for her. Oh, yeah? Again, it comes in warm. It comes back to that, to that, like, I hear this person's voice for... Okay. What do you think? Charity. Who would you pick? Hold on. My dog's breathing. Is that a problem with you? It's nice. See, I find that interesting because I think of it in terms of visual, whereas because you do the narration, I suppose you think of it in terms of audio, like of the voice. And I first think of who can do the kung fu. I find it very difficult to picture the actual people. Like, I can hear the voice, but I can't. Mm-hmm. So, my pick actually has an age to a point that I think she would be perfect for Mother Grand, but she's on her way there. Another 20 years, and I think she would be wrinkled and trolled just enough. It's actually Mindy Sterling. Okay. Yeah. What she been in. She is the frow from Austin Powers. Mm-hmm. She's got sort of a sharper face. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. Mm-hmm. Yeah. She's kind of no nonsense. Mm-hmm. Get a little gray in that hair. Yeah, she's just not old enough yet, but I believe that one day she will. By the time the franchise is ready for her to play it, she will be able to step up to the role. Mindy, you're up. First pick. Yes. She's listening right now. Yeah. Oh my God. 20 years, I'm going to have the best role. I'm looking forward to it. Let me write that on my calendar. The Spencerland in there. We had a pretty interesting week plot-wise. Mm-hmm. Yes, I was very excited about this story, Eric. Very. Three different entries, three different main characters. Mm-hmm. A three-parter story. It was very cool. I was pretty happy with how it turned out. Yeah. We'll see how the numbers work out next week. I don't know. But I feel like people enjoy the one part is more because they can just jump in and jump out. Yeah. You know, I got to say like I was really excited because these are like some of my favorite characters. So I want another one. I want there to be more like crossover, but I can understand if other people want their one offs. I think it's pretty easy to define them, to navigate them on the website or through iTunes. I think I'm getting better at setting up the post so that people can navigate them easily. Mm-hmm. But it's a process. It's grinding off the sharp edges and we're getting better. Yeah. And if you guys have preferences, let us know. Absolutely. We'll consider it. I'm not necessarily going to write around people's preferences, but if I know that people prefer a three-year six-parter or one-parter's, then... It will affect the future. Yeah. It all goes into the hopper. You're all employees of Skinner Co. Mm-hmm. We care what you have to say. We will evaluate your needs. Something else about this episode, lots of wiki material. Yes, actually... The art of narration. Yeah. Well, I mean, I guess you could say I was narrating points to people in the wiki. Recently, I just did a couple updates recently. If anybody wants to go check them out, I gave Sergeant Smith his own page. There was also a page made for Timothy Mustard. Oh, poor Mr. Slugg. Yes. Well, maybe poor is not the right word, yeah. Well, I mean he's... Despicable Mr. Slugg. Yeah. Well, he's one of the recurring characters too, I guess, so he deserves his own little wiki slot, I suppose. But there's some pretty interesting stuff put up in relation to Mr. Coffin, which if anybody cares to check the wiki, they should find pretty interesting. Although, I mean, they'll probably gather the same information from this most recent episode that we've done just now. Things are missable though. Yeah. There's a lot that happens in our short stories. And that's why the wiki's there, so everybody knows how it all connects. And you can post anything you'd like as well. Yeah. We'll review it. Absolutely. I've been having a lot of fun lately going and updating little bits and pieces of things. Well, you always remember the bits and pieces, and I never do, so you're the perfect person. Mm-hmm. Well, thank you for working on the wiki. I really appreciate it. Yeah. Thanks to Pope. I love you guys. [laughter] The oddy oat, fun acidity of hope. I found a little surprise in our email this week. We got a promo from free day, from free day, from free day fish, from free day fish. And it's really awesome. We didn't ask for it, it just showed up, and he does a lot for us anyway, so I thought that was pretty sweet. Um, I figured I'd play it now for y'all. I'm tired of your everyday commute. Wish you knew what movies to watch. We offer you Flash Pope. Three to ten minutes of fiction, brought to you Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evening. Goodies every Sunday with three day fish, who is always listening. [music] Did you like that? Yeah, I know. That was so good. Very nice. Thank you very much, fish. Yes. I can't help but think of Fantasia. [laughter] Yeah, it was very epic, very epic. And I would like to ask if anybody wants to throw a promo, or, you know, even just some voice work, if you don't want to put music in it, I can edit afterwards, or whatever you want to do, if the spirit moves you, send it our way. Mm-hmm. And while we're at it, let's reinforce a call for comments. Mm-hmm. There's a lot of people downloading these episodes now more and more by the month, then. Mm-hmm. Yeah, just speak up. It's your show, too, in some ways. Mm-hmm. In some minor, tiny, tat, no. As employees of Skinner Co, you have a very small percentage of... Skinner Co. Yeah. [laughter] Well, I'd like to offer a big, old thanks to Jim. Thank you, Jim, from RelicRadio. Thank you, Jim. At Oh, pardon me. For hosting the wiki and for hosting Mm-hmm. Do you guys have any comments, questions, or suggestions? You can find us at Color voicemail line at 206-338-2792. And please do. Yeah, let us know if the spirit is touching you, too. Yeah, I know. It's not a line for that. Not Skinner FM Flashpop. He's got a... It's got a... Oh, I got to update my notes. works perfectly fine. Or email us text or mp3s to skinner at Jessica May's vocal talents and musical talents can be found at The old ones indeed, yes, yes. Oh, and... By that, she means all the HP Lovecraft gods. And the popenaxes are artistic talents and general updates can be located at a The entire run of Flashpop can be found at, or via the search bar and iTunes. Flashpast is released under the Canadian Creative Commons distribution and commercial 2.5 license. This light cloud will never awaken you, nor is it not where the black lords of Otto have taken you. Angels have no thought of ever returning you. Would they be highly advised that I'm joining you? Oh, dear, I'm there. Oh, dear, I'm there. Oh, dear, I'm where the upending is. This is the last time and then I am ending it. Would there be candles and prayers at us at our door? Why should they cry when they know that I'm glad to go? If the dead dreams, then I'll dream I'm threatening you. On the journey I know I'll be blessed to you. Oh, dear, I'm there. Jump from relic of rage. Oh, that come.