The Skinner Co. Network

FC018 - Happy Trails

Broadcast on:
10 May 2011
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Hello, and welcome to FlashCast episode eighteen – prepare yourself for 50 foot mummies, Canadians in comics, St Stephen’s, the name game, and not episode 161.

[music] Hello, and welcome to Flashcast Episode 18. Prepare yourself for 50-foot mummies, Canadians in comics, St. Stevens, the name game, and not Episode 161. [music] Tonight, we have myself, Opoponax, Illustrator, Jessica May. Hello. Productor Adio, and JRD. Hello. Sange Kydance. And special guest, Carol. Hello. Hey. She's a friend of the family, old friend of mine, and she's here to celebrate my birthday week. Yes, it is a celebration over a week because it is that important around here. That's true. So yeah, so she's taking the train. She's come. We're playing with babies and enjoying our new patio furniture. Mm-hmm. I have a question. Okay, what's your question? That I doubt any of you will be able to answer. I bet you a million and a half cents that I will be able to. Ray was asking me the other day. He actually sent me an email that I'll comment on a little later in the show, and he was asking me, "Can you think of any DC Universe Canadian comic characters?" Oh, yeah. Yeah? No, I just want to see how it felt to be really like super geek out. Yeah. But then I had nothing. And I knew I wouldn't, but I just wanted to pretend. Canadian DC, I'm not familiar enough with DC to really... I was a Marvel girl. Yeah, and there's some prominent Marvel characters, Wolverine. Mm-hmm. That's the prominent Marvel character, Wolverine. I don't think that's fair to say that. Even had Alpha Flight in an entire Canadian team. That's true. I remember. And they worked with Wolverine. Yeah, well, that's basically how that's going to go. I will cut to the chase. There are no major DC Canadian characters. I knew that. I was going to say that, but I was just being polite. Yeah. You know who could have answered this question? Mr. A. He would have known this. Mr. Yeah? That's true. Another area that he's outstripped. Anyway. Yet another. We're just women. Speaking of women, it was just... What was that? It's a joke. Everybody knows. No, I don't think... They know me. I know them. I'm not a submissive woman, I'm not... Yeah. I was just kidding. It was a joke. Get off my back, okay? Get off it. You're right on my back. Get off it. You're a 50-foot pack? Yeah. I heard about a 50-foot lady. Yeah, and it's very appropriate that it should be Mother's Day recently. Because apparently, if any of you have heard of Yvette Vickers, also known as the 50-foot woman. No. No? Attack of the 50-foot woman? Is that a movie? Yeah. Is that like an MST3K? No. It's an old... It would have been well received on MST3K. Yes, it would have. As would have attacked the giant leeches. I believe they did attack her. It was also... Was it a bunch of green screen or how did they deal with the 50-foot woman? She was just... Was she dressed up all Amazonian? How was she? What was her dress like? I can't remember. Anyway. I see half-naked giant bikini. That's all I see with 50-foot woman. That's how it is. Isn't that all you want to see with the 50-foot woman? No. Keep it clean. So anyway, she was last seen. The actress or the 50-foot woman? The actress who played the 50-foot woman, Yvette Vickers. It was last seen. I know about this woman. I heard this story. Yes. This is like a bothersome-thing story. Which is really? Yeah. I was just thinking how appropriate it is that it should happen around Mother's Day and that they should find her. That they find her what? Mummified. Yes, I heard. Oh, mama. Ha ha ha. They did do attack of the giant leeches on a MST3K, by the way. Oh, did they? She should watch that in her honor. But yes, the actress she was left there, apparently a very social woman. So you'd figure she wouldn't be left there for as long as she was, but she was left on her floor dead decaying for four months. Yeah. Well, in a closet. In a closet. And I-- I suspect autoerotic asphyxiation. No. No. No, no, no. Here's the thing. I did not hear that she was a very social lady. I heard she mostly kept to herself in her plans. And when they went into her house, there was giant cobwebs everywhere. And, like, bags of garbage blocking off. That is not what I heard. Doors and parts of walls. So why was she in the closet? I guess because she was loony. She was in the bedroom closet or something like that. Poor woman. That's where she fell. Yeah. Poor woman. Yeah, so that's pretty crazy. Very envisioner. Apparently a very small house for a 50-foot woman as well. Yeah. Poor woman. She did a lot of other B-movies now. Yeah. Well, she was in a movie that was directed by, was it James Cagney, I think? Oh, really? Yeah. But it failed. And so-- She's not well known for it. Yeah. She kind of went on to B-movies after that because she couldn't do that anymore. Rough. Yeah. And then a sad ending. Yeah. Smart form. Speaking of B-movies. Yeah. Speaking of B-movies. You'll be left in a closet for four months. Speaking of B-movies. Millions and millions of B-movies. Noting the other day from jetty lights. Yes. She was mentioning because we've had our last round of flash cast What's With B-movies. Yes. She mentioned that B-s have been disappearing and it's pretty crazy. But Doctor Who explains why. Oh. I guess there's a Doctor Who episode we haven't got to yet. And which he says in which I meant-- He explains the disappearance of bees. But she also points out the, I don't know if it's true or not. I've heard it before and I think it is. But local honey helps you avoid allergies to pollen by helping your body adapt to the local pollen. I heard that, I heard that people kind of distributed them, distributed them kind of willy nilly and just kind of whoever has money, whoever needs crop to be. Oh yeah, you're talking about the honey collection, what they do with honey collection. Yeah. Where they just grab a bunch of local honey makers and then dump it all into a vet and mix it together and it really becomes homogenized. Is that not the same thing? I felt that they picked bees and brought them to particular areas that they wanted pollinated. And there was cross, like, one particular region's bees were infecting other bees with illnesses that they had no-- Oh, this is why they're disappearing. Yeah, they're getting each other sick because they're not used to being in close proximity to each other. Interesting. Oh! She also makes us look bad by mentioning that DragonCon is in Atlanta, Georgia, which we should have known. And it's huge. She mentions it in multiple hotels, but I've heard that it's-- Oh, have you heard of this, Carol? We've been nominated for-- No, or six. Yep, for an award for, what, podcasting or writing or what is it? All of the love. A little birdie told me the other day that we may actually end up nominated for a second one, so. I would love to go to Georgia. I have nothing against Georgia, but it is far away. I don't think I can afford it. I have children crawling all over me. Even right now, they're just very, very quiet. Ghost children, yes. Oh, my gosh. So, as I would love to go unless you're going to sponsor my trip-- What do you want about it? I'm telling the internet what I want. Kind of backwards, so they give it to me. I don't know. I'm going to ask for awards because we can't go. No, no. You also have to realize that you need airfare for seven. It's true. All right. Yes. Go back. So, as I was mentioning earlier, we did get a message from Ray. He actually sent two parties this week. He sent one call in and he had a follow-up text message he wanted to ask about. Why did you choose to situate the bulk of your world, specifically in capital city, in the states? That has to be very intrigued. But I didn't think it was in the states. Capital city is absolutely in the-- Capital city is. Is it America? America. No. It's because Mulligan is a miracle. You're blowing my brain. Mulligan is an American. I thought capital city was, can I say, what I thought it was? Well, that's where Ruby is. Ruby is in Ottawa, which is probably where you thought it was, right? Yes. Capital city is sort of my mental amalgamation, I would say, of Ottawa and Washington, D.C. But it's not really intended to be either city. Like, Ottawa, if it were American, would be a strange combination. Yes. Okay. Well, why? Writer. Why did I situate it in the states? Well, one, there's an understanding that the audience isn't necessarily Canadian. Yeah, they're really not. We don't have, like, huge amount of Canadian listeners. A lot of international, and I think of American, and then I think of international, I guess, just because they're so-- Because that's how America refers to it. Yeah. Anyway. You'd be-- do you be careful? We have friends there, you know? Yeah. Loyal friends. They're apparently. Very actually said that the other day that if we ever make it to New York, he would take us on a tour around Coney Island, and I was quite excited by that. Good. As long as we avoid that big train thing. Man, that was droopy. The sign. He put on his blog a while ago. It was this terrifying, like, happy face sign saying, like, welcome to some kind of theme park. You're saying that if we-- if you come across this site, you're going to lose it. And we're like, I'm going home. You told me you achieved me from this. Can you dig it? Yeah. Right. The sign was a deal breaker. Exactly. I must have seen the sign. I think I've seen everything he's posted in the last while. I just don't recall this terrifying clown sign, for some reason. Maybe I've worked it for my memory in self-defense. It actually reminded me a lot of the wastelands. The Stephen King novel. And then the amusement park blamed the train. Oh, yeah. He's a pain. Yeah. Yeah. The other reason was that I already had Blackhall. He was very solidly in Canadian. And I didn't want to overdo it. So Mulligan was basically in the-- what I think of as the starting lineup. The original team that was Flashpulp. You know what's really funny, though? You say you already had Blackhall who was Canadian. But if you go back, the first episode of Flashpulp is Mulligan. Oh, yeah. Yeah, for sure. Well, that's because I had written a chunk of them. But ahead, I'd give them something of a buffer. Yeah, the first Blackhall was a six-part. I remember when, like, things finally had-- you have to have a fresh idea for every episode and how you just totally wigged out because you didn't have notebooks full of ideas anymore. That was a scary time. Oh, when I first broke over from having old content to recycle and to-- Yeah, and to something like, "Oh, I need a story tomorrow and I have no ideas right now." A huge part of this process has really been learning how to dig up ideas and hold on to them. And they're all original. I've never heard any of them before, you know? None of it's regurgitated. I'll try. Two little baby birds. Hey, guess what? I got something fantastic. You ready? Yes. I'm ready for fantastic. Okay, hold on. Does it have diamonds? I hope so. Hold it up here. Once there was a graveyard around St. Stephen's Church and there were some bone houses to keep the bones of the exhumed dead. In the biggest of those bone houses burned in oil lamp, day and night. Once upon a time the sacriston of St. Stephen's visited a friend. They spent joyful hours together, ditched and drank wine, and so they forgot about the time. So it came that it was already dark when the sacriston thought about to go home. His friend decided to go with him because, well, the sacriston actually had drank too much. On the way they had to walk across the graveyard and, unfortunately, a sudden gust blew out the candle of that lamp. Let's go into the bone house to light up the candle again. The sacriston suggested in his trolley mood. No, no. Don't do this. You know, it's a sin. You will disturb the dead, his friend answered. What a coward you are. The sacriston loved. Go home. Go to bed where cowards belong to at such a time. The friend racked his shoulders and left in a half. The sacriston, still laughing, went into the bone house. It was deadly silent there. He lit his lamp. But careless as he was in his drunken state, he extinguished the oil lamp of the bone house. You don't need a light anyway, he loved. You're already dead. And he started to move to the door. Suddenly he heard a rumbling behind his back and in the moment he turned around, a big bone hit him on the chest. At the same time another bone smashed his lamp into pieces. Then a true shower of bones beat down on the sacriston. The spook lasted till the clock stroked one. With his last power, the man could leave the bone house. But as soon as he was outside, he collapsed. More dead than alive, he was found in the next morning. And the same people also saw that the bones were scattered on the floor of the caramel house. The sacriston couldn't recover from that incident anymore. He got high fever, and a few days later he deceased. Oh, that was so fantastic. You have to do that for a living in good. Thank you so much. I wish you could see my giant grin throughout that entire thing. It was magical. Yeah. It's so good. It just relaxes me. You're so good at it. I love hearing you say "charnal house." It's awesome. Yeah. The bone house. Very good. Creepy and sweet. Yes. Very nice. Very nice working grin. She also posted up because you recall that the last legend that she sent in was also around St. Stevens. Great. Which one is the living church? That is actually the one that she recently posted up a little video on Facebook. It was beautiful. Which I shared on my profile. Yeah. It's fantastic. I read a little bit about the place. Apparently during World War II, the Nazis when they were evacuating Vienna, there was orders to destroy the church. But the guy who was in command of the city refused. Although after they left, apparently some looters accidentally set it on fire a little bit. But I guess they had protected everything inside in case of shelling their bombs. So they had put a bunch of interior bunkers. In preparation for the prior threat. Wow. It was just an amazing video. It showed all the different life within the church. Yeah. It's a huge structure. To say church is really understating it. And there's you know, a pope was saying mice and birds and bats and all of these animals that threw at it. I remember this one part where I don't know if it was a weasel or a ferret or something. But you see it crawl up like a little column and it grabs an egg from a bird's nest. And it's like at night. It's just beautifully done. I didn't get to hear it with any sound on but it was very lovely. And a beautiful structure. Yes. So I'm not surprised that legends spring up around it. I'm hoping she I believe mentioned that she had another one she may or may not have been working on which would be fantastic please. Yes. It's so much cooler knowing that that's the church that's in these stories too. It's really really fantastic. Oh speaking of urban legends. Well that's not so much an urban legend. It's just a classic legend. But well I guess it depends on your urban right? Anyhow, Nutty also mentioned recently and I think one of the urban legend blogs that I had done blog posts sorry that her husband and her had heard a story when they were young from their mothers that they ought to be I believe it was that they ought to be careful about making faces because if the wind changed it would get stuck that way. And I remember. It was never the wind. I thought it was if you made the face long enough it froze that way. But remember the story I told you about the thing that happened with my mom? Yes. That's what it was. I remember now that she was warning me that I shouldn't be making faces at my brother because if the wind changed my face was going to get stuck like the dude with Down Syndrome. That's that's interesting. Yeah I was always told that we just hold it for too long. Yeah. Yeah. Where's Nutty from? I believe she's from the coast. Hmm. I'm not sure if she originates from there. I know she's out there right now. Huh. Does anybody else have any like your face with your face? Yeah. How will your face stay that way? Yeah. Tell us how your face is. Call it in. Yeah. Yeah. Please. Mm hmm. So we can do one or two. Flashcast. Three day finish here. Um. Just realized on the other day. Um, well before I, before I talk about that first uh, song of the war. It's pretty sweet. I liked it. Um. But. Before he goes on any further about Thor, I think he's got a couple more things he says. Uh. Yeah. I'm actually pretty excited about it. I didn't think I would be at first, but it sounds like people are generally agreeing with a trusty three day fish that it was pretty good. Yeah. I'm hearing it was, it was good in, in parts and sort of over the top in parts. I heard Natalie Portman was totally expendable. Oh. It's funny that you say that. Really? Natalie Portman was kind of lackluster. Mm hmm. Nice. And I would definitely recommend Thor. It's awesome visually. All the stuff looks, all the effects and costumes look pretty sweet. Nice. Now when I was a kid, the thing about Thor that I really loved was the background premise. Are you familiar with Jessica May? No, I'm not. Uh, Thor was a god who was exiled to earth because he wasn't, uh, humble enough. So he was put into the body of a crippled surgeon who also had some, uh, attitude problems. And so the whole concept of the comic was that he could transform into Thor, but only for like half an hour or something at a time. Oh. But in the meantime, he had to learn humility and how to behave. And, yeah. But it evolved from there. It evolved. Was there not a cartoon in the early 80s as well? Oh, I believe so. I'm sure there was. Um, and then yes, later on in the, when I was more familiar with Thor, um, the original storyline had sort of played itself out because how long can you keep playing on that theme? So he had been turned into, Thor had returned to Asgard, the plane of the gods, and then come back into a human form again, melded his life with another human, a dude who was a construction worker. And that was interesting because the construction worker, like, he was kind of broke all the time. And he was divorced from his wife, and he was dealing with having to, like, see his kid on the weekends, and having to take off and play Thor instead of taking care of the child. He only got to see every now and then in the first place. Little Timmy is coming, but I have to go save the world. How will I make it a swim class? So there's a lot of space there is all I'm saying for, um, some larger themes and not just, you know, I'm the god of thunder, eat my hammer. Well, it certainly looked cool. So, um, that's enough. I'm getting more excited to see it. We did an extreme job on the trailer. Yeah, I will watch Anthony Hopkins and anything frankly. Yeah. But onto what I was going to, what originally I was going to call about. Um, and I can't believe I didn't tell you guys this earlier, except not about it for, like, a month or so now, but, uh, very pulpy movie expected to come out this summer called, uh, Conan in the barberry. To remake me and I saw a preview. Uh, the store movie and I got to say, I'm pretty excited. So yeah, that's all. Did we always listen? Always. Appreciate it. Thank you very much for calling. Didn't you already know this? You're like the biggest Conan fan ever. I did. But we, okay, first before we get into Conan and before we start arguing about Conan movies. And we need to, we need to get three day fish, a theme. Cause he's obviously calling in and he's taking up the movie mandate. I'm really appreciating that. You need to come up with some sort of short theme song. Three day fish. Three day fish. He's watching movies. Three day fish. Buh-buh-buh. Wow. And that's why you don't do the theme song. That's why you think I'm in prison. Conan the barbarian. It's short tonight. I don't know. He may make a guest appearance as my guest. I don't know. See my guest is, how are they going to make it? He's definitely not Conan. I loved both of those movies. No. Jaredie can't stand the fact that I still like the second one. They're fantastic. Of course the first one's better. The second one is like ridiculous. That is so perfect. You're getting too loud. The audio person is getting upset with you. Namely me. When is the last time you saw Conan the Destroyer? The second. The second movie. Conan the Destroyer. The one with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. A long time. It has a long time. It has a long time. Terrible, terrible movie. You know what? In a good way. Likely all of my memories are from the first. How many people do you think died in Conan the Destroyer? No. If you had to guess, what was the body? Oh, thank you for ruining my... No. No, I'm wrong. I'm actually wrong. Yeah, brilliant. No, just say it as she didn't. Say it as she didn't. Say I don't know. Please don't ask me questions. If you put me on the spot, I will cry. Never mind. Anyway, Conan the Destroyer had no deaths in it. It had, well, no. There's like one muppet death. No, the Wizard dies. Yeah, I know the Wizard dies. But he doesn't die. It's spectacularly awesome. There was great flesh wounds. He gets a sword through the chest. No, it's through the arm and he bled out over four days. It was very painful. Very boring. Anyway, Conan the Barbarian, though, the original film is one of my favorite films of all time. I have a deep love of Robert E Howard. I tend to stay away from even vaguely stepping into Barbarian Town because there is, in my mind, no other barbarian series that's really stepped up to that. Well, no, listen. I think he was... You're like, no, for reals. Listen to me. Let me lay this out for you. He was discussing themes of civilization in barbarity that he was taking it in a way that was very of his time, of his place. I know that people argue back and forth about his homosexual status. I think that there's a good chance that he was gay. I think that it kind of shows through in his work, not in the sense that everyone is prancing about, but in the sense that he's obviously conflicted in a place like Texas where he sees an image of manliness that he feels he's supposed to be going after, but at the same time, civilization isn't allowing him maybe to just be who he's trying to be. Who he wants to be. Who he should be. Himself. A barbarian. [laughs] And Cremebible Givar can't act. Anyway. Stamped. No, but seriously, Schwarzenegger. The new Conan, the barbarian, the new Conan, apparently, was on Baywatch. Really? Some people stand in darkness. I never saw Baywatch. Really? For realsies. I'll be right. It was awful. Is that really what it was? With that silence? You didn't miss anything. Oh, I thought you were just randomly spouting, like, 90s. [laughs] Hey, guys. This is Jeff Kline from North Carolina. Hey, Jeff. I'm just caught up on my flash pulp for the weekend, I guess. The black hole. The black hole tail and the, oh, what's the guy's name? [laughs] I'm trying to black bunny and what's his butt. [laughs] Anyway, it's late here. [laughs] No worries. A couple of things on black hole tail. I want to say, either a pulpin axe was feeling sick when she recorded that, or she didn't smoke it. Yep. And so I'm wondering, should I send her some NyQuil or a pack of Marlborough's or some other delicious brand cigarette? [laughs] And the second thing is on the coffin, you had mentioned the end of the world, Google May 21st. That's when it's happening, man. You guys check that out. No. And how? Wonderful week and I'll keep listening and talk to you soon. Bye. I don't want to check at the end of the world. Why would you want to check that out? I don't want to know. Jeff, of course, are going to bother some things. Awesome podcast. Thank you. Thank you very much for wishing me better. Yeah. I was pretty sick. So Popo was a great trooper during that illness. You did. We really appreciate it. Yes, she couldn't breathe through many of her orifices. [laughs] I could breathe through her orifices that I could before. Yeah. Let's just say that. Yeah. There was snot and oozing. Okay. So what he's talking about is this Christian group that believes that May 21st, end of the world. And I read a quote from one of the guys, which really kind of bummed me out earlier, saying that if May 22nd comes, he's going to literally, well, he's not literally, I suppose, going to be in hell, but he's going to be in hell. He does not want to see May 22nd, which I don't know if that implies that maybe they're going to turn into a suicide cult. I certainly hope not. I don't. Yeah. Nothing is worth that. I wonder, like, is it one of those cases where they think, like, that's when the rapture's going to happen and they're all going to be taken away? And if they're here, like, the next day, it's because they're not being there. Some various spaceship. Listen, people. Hey, Bob. Everybody thinks it's coming and then it doesn't happen. OK, just relax. The history of the Jehovah Witnesses is actually fascinating for that. I don't know if you're ever read up on that at all, but there was several apocalyptic dates set and missed and set-- And amount of people who were allowed into heaven until they made the number more, right? Until they were like, ehh, he'll live more than that. Oh, wait. Well, that's the rapture in general. The number of people who are supposed to be raptured is very, very small. I don't actually recall now. It's in the thousands, though. Thanks. And to convince, like, modern Christianity that, you know-- Only a couple of thousand people are going to survive out of the couple of billion we have. Rapturized. Well, the thing is, two people misunderstand what the rapture is, I think. It's not just like-- Yes, tell us, Jeremy. Well, anyway. I've asked multiple people what the rapture is, and nobody can really tell me. It's when Kirk Cameron shows up. Yeah, that's what they told me in grade nine health class. Watch out for Cameron. He's a Lucy Goosey. Anyway, we'll see you on the 22nd, I suppose. Yeah, well, no. We'll definitely see you on the 22nd because it's not going to happen. Oh, I forgot. Why don't you feed some poor children and focus on something other than yourself and your selfishness and-- With the Jehovah's, I believe it's-- Look, I'm getting angry. Sorry, Jehovah, what? I believe on the 2nd-- Jehovah! I think after the 2nd failed apocalyptic date for the Jehovah's. They actually said that-- And I hope I'm not misattributing this. It may be another religious sect, but I'm fairly sure it's the Jehovah's. There's so many. That Jesus had come back and the apocalypse sort of had happened, but he was just like hanging out in an invisible sky castle. No, no. Yeah. The time wasn't right to reveal himself, but he was there. He was just not around yet. How can the apocalypse have happened if we're all still-- It started at the Earth this year. It just hasn't finished. Yeah, it's probably slow apocalypse. He's still in the hanging out phase. Right. Sort of juices and-- Chillin. He's kind of lazy. He's taken a kick. You guys are three Colin. Hi Ray. Great job as always. Charity, I was wondering when I was going to start seeing duplicate items between black hauling coffins. Yes. Yes, thank you. Smarty pants. Speaking of-- I noticed that. Yes. Artifact. It's a little about episode 159-ish. Yeah, I think so. Somewhere around there. 158-159. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. It doesn't. Really? I think it's just a little about. Anyway. I just confirmed this was suspicious. I do have a question. What kind of process do you go through to come up with names for your characters? It's a very interesting name for all your characters. You just seem to have some solid names in these really standards in your memory. I kind of get lazy and just throw generic names and forget who I am using. How do you come up with a good system? Anyway, that's all for me for now. Have a good run guys. Thanks for calling Ray. Sometimes actually the names change directly before-- That's true. If they sound a little alike and we get confused, then he'll change it up. But answer your question. Well, for example, Morgan in 161, which I was otherwise not even going to discuss, was originally called Lisa for specific reasons. But then the-- You're not going to reveal the specific reasons? Nope. Because I think that was a specific question. Nope, because I'm not talking about 161. But anyway. Ugh. Ugh. You're such a name prude. Geez. Most of the characters-- I tend to-- I think I mentioned previously I have a page at the back of my notebook where every encounter an interesting name, I'll jot it down. I tend to go through lists of census data. I have a few sites that I hit up pretty regularly. And I'll just scroll through until I find a name that I think makes that person like a name that matches the person I'm trying to create. Like the age and persona of that person? You know, you hear the name Mike and you have a Mike in mind. Yeah. Yeah. So for certain people like Harm Carter, that was a name that I didn't labor on for days or anything. But I had the name Harm jotted down in the back of my notebook. And it just was a matter of going through American certain names to find one that I felt was a proper fit. Mm-hmm. Why did you pick Morgan? Uh, I knew a dude named Morgan. That's all you're going to say? Yeah, yeah, because I'm not talking about 161. Why aren't you talking about 161? Why won't you talk about 161? What is about 161? 161. 161. 161. Back from room. Can you believe that we're over half an hour in and we haven't even done back from plot yet? I know. Yeah. So, I did an episode, actually this one would have been 159 now that I think about it. Barriers, murder plague episode. Yep. And Barry was mentioning in the comments to the episode that he was unclear maybe as to if there would ever be a resolution with that specific gunman causing a threat in that episode. I'm hopefully not spoiling anything with that. Um, no. Does there need to be? I don't think there will be because my feeling, well, I didn't want to mention this on the site because I'm going to maybe ramble about it a bit. But happy endings in the murder plague is when no one gets killed. That's essentially how it pans out. So, um... They got to walk away. Exactly. And that's a win. They're still alive. And you know, that guy might be crazy but he might not be there. And he's still alive too. Well, that's what I do try to build some of that into the stories having the question of is this person just trying to defend themselves or... Or are they plague ridden with the murder? I'm going to... I'm going to be watching to see what happens with their new friend, the ox. [laughs] That should be interesting. The audio. An acidity. Of hope. You know what I'd really like to do? What? I would really like to make some bumpers. I would put it together if you would write it and if maybe Ingrid would read it for us. You don't think you're stepping on a pope's toes? I've got lots of toes. I'm good. She's got extra even. But we won't go into that because we're not talking about 161. She's always good. I've always got extra toes for you Ingrid. Why? Oh, because you wouldn't be reading it. But Ingrid's got that really great accent. I know. It wouldn't be our only bumper but we should get going on that. Yes. I'd love to have bumpers that weren't us. Yeah, exactly. Especially if they're Ingrid. We should get back to using Jess from bothersome things. Absolutely. It was so good. I'd love to hear an always listening. Yeah. A three day fish. Come on. Get back to work. Jeez. Yeah. You don't live that for us. It's an interesting idea. It's a good idea. Yeah. That was my thinking. Is it now time to move on to? The art of narration. You know who else I thought would be fun to get? I thought it would be interesting to get a couple episodes before we do a little bit larger cast. I don't want to get into doing that regularly because it's going to be real pain. But wouldn't it be fun to have Peter step in for an episode and do a couple of voices? Yes. Peter's our actor friend. He's our new friend. And he's fantastic. Yeah. So's his wife. She's also fantastic. I mean, flexible. We haven't known them very, very long. That sounds highly appropriate. I don't suspect. Oh. What? I said inflexible because she teaches yoga and Pilates and stuff. Yeah. Yes. Goodness. This is a PG show. He's always getting it. Anyway, Peter has fantastic voice. I think it would be a great entry for you. Yeah. Absolutely. I concur. Okay. Get on that too, Peter. Thank you. Oh, I forgot to mention. I think there's only going to be 500 episodes. I think at 500 we're done. Yeah. Yeah. I know I just kind of dropped that as a bomb there. But I got thinking about how we would have, well, special event episodes, essentially, where the next marker would be that would be worth having like a full cast episode to mark the event. If you could do something. Yeah. Also, we passed our one year birthday sometime in early April. Happy birthday a little while ago. Yay, birthday. You know, it's my birthday in two days. Yay. May the 11th. It's my birthday. I never think I'm going to say anything about it. But when it comes around on my birthday, I pretty much tell everybody. All the time. I'm really, I'm really pleased about it. It's a nice time of the year. Everyone should be celebrating with me. It's true. You're very good to celebrate with. Better not being sarcastic. And not being a sarcastic. This would be a great factoid to include in our wiki at When my birthday is, so people buy me presents. Yeah. And while you're there, you can just generally throw some other factoids from the show in. Oh yeah, that too. The show. And we should also give a big thank you to Jim at Holla, Jim at Relic Radio. And if you happen to have any comments, questions, or suggestions. Or you just want to wish Jim a happy birthday. Mmm, mmm. You can find us at Call our voicemail line at 206-338-2792. Or email us text around p3 to Jessica may as vocal talents and musical stylists can be found at Mmm. The Pope and Acts is artistic work and general updates can be located at a Pope and Acts or other stuff, or The entire run of Flashbulb. There's an archive. There's an archive. Chooop. Chooop. The entire run of Flashbulb can be found at Or via the search bar and iTunes. Flashbulb, or FlashAss, is released under the Canadian grid of films that attribute an uncomfortable 2.5 likes. Thanks for coming, Carolyn. Thanks for sitting in with us. I appreciate it. Thanks. That's a fun allowing you to do so. Okay, well, goodnight Internet. Oh, no, I can't say that. That's used. Goodbye. So long and such and so forth. Some are so warm. And on. And on. That's what you want to say. What do you mean? Okay. You're going to come here. Not where the blackboards of our all has taken you. In those who have no thought of ever returning you. Would they be like me if I am of joining you? Oh, yes, I'm there.