The Skinner Co. Network

FC006 - Apples & Oranges

Broadcast on:
08 Feb 2011
Audio Format:

Prepare yourself for ideas, Antiques Roadshow, séances, The Running Man, bathroom talkers and Joe Monk.

[Music] Hello and welcome to Flashcast Episode 6. Prepare yourself for ideas, Antiques Roadshow, Sances, The Running Man, Bathroom Talkers, and Joe Monk. [Music] Tonight we have myself, Opopon X, Imagery, and Vocals, Jessica May. Hello. Audio Spengali and JRD. Hello. Letter Puncher. I like that one Audio Spengali. It makes me think of that Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movie. I know there was like a zillion Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movie. You know them by their title. Me neither. Well that's because they're all named ridiculously unrelated items to the actual one. Okay but why though? I think it actually might have something to do a lot of times with possibly one of the songs that they thought were going to be a hit out of the film because I'm under the impression that a lot of times those movies are actually also about selling a soundtrack as opposed to just a film. It's funny because you know well I mean some people might be running out by the sand tracks but I'm sure at the time the records were a big thing you know. Yeah. There wasn't a whole lot of out there. There wasn't like a well there was a huge market but there wasn't a whole lot of artists I wouldn't think. I mean they were pumping them out often. I don't know. I need to ponder this. And now that's just my impression I could be entirely wrong. I may be misstating facts but that's my. Well I'll look it up Google it. Research it. Yeah I'll get back to you next episode. Thank you. Thank you. Okay hello. Hi. So I did have one bit of business. I wanted to deal with up front. Okay. We've been having some issues with Libsyn, our pod host lately. Yeah that's right. Got some Twitter feedback today that certain episodes were down and this is not the first time this has happened. So if anybody's having any problems with the archive please just drop me an email at let me know. If you can try to remember what your episode was that'd be fantastic. I think sometimes they don't even know if people come to our website and that bothers me. Oh Libsyn? Yeah. Yeah well. They've been having some stats issues lately. Okay well that was fun. Come on business. Hey remember Libsyn? Yeah. Oh I shouldn't say them but they suck because there are pod posts. Awesome Libsyn. But it would be handy if they were good. Yeah the things that we wanted to know could be discovered via the tools that they provide. There's no real smooth transition but we're watching the uh... Well what's that new show? It's not Antiques Roadshow. It's the one with... Pawn Kings? No. That's the rip off of Pawn Stars. The auction line. Oh! Auction Kings. Yeah yeah. Studio 64. Yeah that's the one. Anyway it doesn't really matter which show it is because the point is that I find that I have an affinity for all sort of the cluster of shows. Auction Kings, Pawn Stars, although not such a fan of the Pawn Kings. Or whatever that other one is. And uh... It's a hardcore Pawn. Yeah Pawn Kings, Antiques Roadshow, Pawn Stars. Because there's always these sort of odd antiques coming through. I find I get a lot of inspiration or that sort of thing. So I find myself strangely addicted to these. Yeah because a lot of, I find a lot of even like furniture had purposes for like or use for tasks that we don't have anymore. Yeah well you pick up a lot of details by the functionality of people's equipment at the time. And then you always get the weird like signal cannons for indicating that people can come into port and stuff. Yeah. Just the little odd antiques. The stories. Yeah. Anyway that wasn't really... There was no transition to that and frankly there's no transition away from that. So let's move right into. Back through watch. So we ran a week of the zombies. Last week it was a Ruby 3-parter. That was really nice. You enjoyed it? I've missed Ruby. Even though Ruby as well was a little bit more work because of the writing. I miss it a lot. Well I've been having some compunctions about writing. I think we mentioned this previously but just with Harmon dealing with his apocalypse. I'm already sort of feeling weird about writing two apocalypses in "Apocalypse by Apocolyte". Anyway two Armageddon's. And now friend of the site Ray who actually has a little voicemail he left for us and we'll play later in the show. He's doing his own zombie thing and I feel like there's a certain amount of overlap between the two. Feeling like the zombie space. Even though I know it as a genre to be still widely fertile. I'm feeling like maybe I want to move out of it a little bit. Maybe that's why I've missed Ruby. That's because I know this is coming. So I'm getting a little protective of her. I'm not saying I'm off in her. I'm just saying that I think she's going to maybe move into a mother ran tier character. Also we had a bit of a sad note. We lost, well not lost the pen that we had maintained as Ruby's pen throughout. Finally ran dry. That's right because it's always been the same pen. So I don't believe in omens but I'm kind of. Yeah, new pen for Ruby. But guess what? What? Secret surprise. I had another little nugget that I've been sitting on. That's disgusting for how long? So no listen, I'm having a discussion with Mr. Ade earlier. And I'm trying to point out that he shouldn't be rude to people. Even if he's expecting them to be rude to him. And I'm trying to go through the chicken and the egg conversation, right? You need to be the nice guy first and then maybe they're going to be rude to you but you need to at least have tried because if you just start rude then you just automatically get me rude back. So he had never heard of the chicken and the egg concept. So we're sort of walking through it and I'm like okay which came first and he's like the egg. And so I kind of we go back and forth like who laid the egg you know the whole deal. And then finally we get to the end and he's like well yeah okay fine but really it was the egg. So I'm not sure the concept was quite caught with him but. Either that or he's smarter than all of us. I was so sure of that same answer when I was a kid too. Well here's the thing though, the other thing he was doing to me was going well I don't think I'm smarter than you but I think I knew in grade one what you knew in grade three. So by the time I'm yeah he's just getting that smart math phase. That's great. Anyway so yeah he never believes anything I say. If a random stranger says something he'll believe it over me. He's like a 14 year old 8 year old. Yeah geez I know I know the looks I've been getting. Does that mean he'll be like so much smarter and cooler than the average like 16 year old? Apparently even more so than his father. Dis, oh god it's like 94 I'm sorry ampo just. Disrespect I should throw in a knot in there. Secret surprise. Secret surprise. Friday will coffin part one of one. Ooh will coffin. Crazy. Wow I need to get my. Are you repurposing old stories or are you starting fresh? Are you stealing parts? We should explain that I actually began work with a guy named Wilkoff and previously it was. And it was such a great story. It was a bit of a proto I wouldn't say proto flashpaul but it definitely had the flashpaul vibe. So I realized that I want to talk about him but I really shouldn't. Secret sub layer fact. Secondary? Super secret. Yeah secondary secret. Second super secret. Are you here that fan club? The flashpaul v universe although it doesn't exactly seem like it sometimes actually has a unified chronology and so I realized that Wilkoff and his introduction into the universe both like finalizes and also kind of in the in the end he may be the dude who destroys the flypaul v universe in an almost sort of way but oh my gosh. He's sort of the last piece of the history that I hadn't really figured out how I was going to tell if I ever bothered to tell it. Wow I think I need to make some kind of map some kind of reality flash map. Yeah good luck with it. Yeah but uh yeah I had actually created him previously and then I had a bunch of stuff written and I just never sort of did anything with it. I'm not really going to go through and just copy it all into flashpulp but I am probably going to take various little chunks and repurpose them. Well that should be interesting and that means another picture. A new picture. Do we need one for the collective detective? You know what I actually have a picture ready for the collective detective but it needs to be ready doesn't mean that maybe we should before we discuss this we should move into um art of narration. Yeah I know it's kind of what we'll just do it this way because it's a good transition. The art of narration. I have completed my picture for the collective detective and it has been scanned and put on the computer and now I just need to get it looking pretty. Inked essentially digital ink if you will. Yes the digital ink process which I haven't done any of since like September so right hopefully that horse will be easier since we moved to the big city. Yeah that's right I have to admit I'm really quite excited to see what you come up with for the Wilkopf and logo. I don't even have any kind of clue what I'm going to do for that. Then you should have like a child side of a really like really tall apartment building. The apartment building is going to be maintained for sure. That would be a nice picture that's a great idea. And just like something you know on the ground. I'm simplifying the universe a little. This is so insightful people are going to just be annoyed at listening to it. But I'm simplifying the universe a little bit so there's going to be very simple rules to it and both Bunny and Sylvia will be transitioning into. Excellent. Yeah there are characters that were there before that we know that you don't are coming back and they're awesome. So do you have anything else art wise that you want to discuss? Well I don't know how many listeners are also readers I hope most of them. But if they've been at your blog at all recently they would have seen some recent Ruby pictures. Well picture. Oh yeah there's a Ruby picture and some Joe Monk stuff. My very zombie Christmas. Yep I got that put in my sketchbook around the same time that we did that that recording and oh uh jingle Ruby to find a jingle. Yeah the one with the Santa hats. Yeah and spoiler I don't know. Well hopefully they will have listened to it already. But if not then the jakes yeah you jakes. But I had only just recently written out the story in Ruby's book and so it got me thinking about the zombie Christmas that I had done. So it was nice to see it up on your site. I had a question for you about accents. If you had any favorites like for characters or you know certain... You know what I was actually thinking about that recently because Ruby is the easiest for me because I can basically just talk. Just a little more business a little more monotone. Yeah well it is the zombie apocalypse. You can't get too excited. Yeah that's you during the zombie apocalypse. Yep um but actually and it's funny because he's always my favorite or everything. But Maligan is my favorite accent even though he's not an accent really. But I want to know accent accent like one where you have to go all out. Like is there one that's like really guttural? One that's the hardest? No fun. But like Maligan and Ruby that's that's popular. That's just you talking. Yeah. You talking and you talking like a smart ass that's what that is. Yeah Maligan is a smart ass. No but you know you have to be in a certain place right? And I guess that's just the most comfortable but like put on. You know? And of course harm is the hardest. It's the one that takes the most effort for me. But she wants to know what the funnest accent and that can be some characters. Like Marco had a fun accent. I guess because I think about it like musically like what would be the most fun but like what physically like is the most fun for you. Like something that sounds like guttural in German or um I like doing a French accent a lot because I mean you can be really nice and fancy with them or you can sound like a rat turd you know. Like depends on how you do it. What's a rat turd? How do you sound like a rat turd? Well if you're French. What is the scatological topic on this channel? I don't know. You know one of the funnest ones I did though was in the Alcaro and it was doing the the Alcaro guys and every time every time I said anything I always thought Eric from True Blood how would he say it? I thought that was fun yeah and he loves me some True Blood so very nice. Yep that's cool yeah well thanks for finally answering my questions. Sorry. We're finally getting to it. As if I actually talk so much. Okay so how about a lit hole? The audio. On accident. Of hope. Um so I've done nothing new for the show in a really long time other than you know when we have the show I edit the music again and try to keep it you know fresh and better. Yeah you always have to build a show and everything. Yeah because I'm always learning but other than that like there's nothing you know. Has the theme song hunt for the collective detective going because you're going to need that for Wednesday I believe. What? Huh? Huh? And your mom what? Um. Oh that's your red den his cheek. I didn't even know about that. What kind of thing do you want? What kind of song? I think actually you can listen to the last episode and we had this discussion. But sort of. What techno? Yeah. Just a little bit more. Not like I don't want it to be like hackers or like uh. Like the Matrix man. Yeah well you know what actually I want let's just rip off the Tron soundtrack. Yep. Because that's pretty close to what I'm. Sweet. No we can't actually do that in Gopie. That's something along those lines. Um but I was thinking I was pondering something I was thinking about. Like what if I did have more time to do things for Flashbelt? Like all the things I wish I could do. Like all the interstitial bits like all the you know are different portions of the show. How it has music. It would be really nice if I could like go all out and do like something really awesome. I feel like kind of cheaped out on those but I don't really have the time. So I was thinking like what would it look like if we had full time. Like time for Flashbelt what other things would we do. Yeah. Um if I was working full time on it the story had obviously probably be longer. I'd actually probably you could do them daily. Yeah. I don't know that speeding them up is necessarily going to do the best thing for their quality. But if people had a story every day to go to. The problem okay actually you know what this is an interesting topic. The problem with doing them every day isn't so much the actual physical act of writing them. It's having the sort of seed idea that comes into making that story interesting. Like I could have Mulligan come out and get a couple fist cuffs and make up some sort of redonculus bad guy every episode. But like that that would get boring. But then we'd just be watching Batman. Yeah well exactly we it would just get kind of boring after a while. Yeah it's essentially the same stories. Yeah. So if I had full days to work on it would flashpult be better? Yes because I would spend more time in. Twinking maybe. Third or fourth drafts. I would have a lot more flexibility in being able to just chuck a script that I'm not necessarily the biggest fan of. And not feel like you know this is this is what we got. It's airtime and I got to get it there. And to be honest there's not been too often where I've gone to the mattresses. Gone to the booth with a story that I'm just totally off the rails with. But there have been a few times when I've definitely thought you know I wish I hadn't been sick when I had to write this or I wish I hadn't been whatever. Yeah but okay you're talking about seed ideas that's what I want to talk about. Because you said like it's not necessarily the act of writing the process of that it's having like the initial thought. If you had all the time like if you were just working on flashpult I think you would have a lot more time to just like stop and focus and think about seed ideas. Because I think a lot of times they just kind of come to you during like little you know like during your day when you're not even expecting it. But if you could actually spend a certain amount of time just opening up your brain to new ideas I think you would get more. Yeah you're probably totally right because a lot of the times it's to go back to bringing a paintings rocho and stuff at the start of the show. A lot of the time you know I'm watching a paintings rocho and I see some you know tool from some previous time or whatever and that'll be what sparks the idea and then I'll just jot it down in the notebook and then I'll come back to it a couple weeks later. I don't it's unfortunate because I don't remember what exactly the item was but there was a story that I especially associate with having that antiques rocho moment which was do you remember the black hole where he goes to this town and he's been told it's possessed but when he gets there it's just been like a gas leak in a mine and everyone's kind of brain damaged. That was entirely based on an antiques rocho kind of I don't recall what the it may have just been an assortment of mining tools but it was more just there was a lady and she was talking to the guy and just discussing her uncle or whatever and how he had his experiences the mine and it wasn't like he had had a gas leak and become brain damaged or anything it was just yeah it sparked that idea yeah so that would be like part of your day then that would be like okay wake up workout shower maybe eat something watch antiques rocho for your ideas yeah yeah I get a lot out of reading too really who's that yeah but I was just thinking like if you were working full time on flash pulp that would be like how your schedule during the day started I suppose probably I think if I were doing only work on flash pulp um certainly uh I would be more practiced at reading you know which yeah I I like to think that we don't ever put in anything we're not comfortable with but you know I've always wished for they used to have not so much in pulp mags but in um like adventures for boys or whatever they would have these line drawings and it would always be like Tim and Bob found the duck and then you'd see like a line drawing of Tim and Bob but they have found the duck yeah well that's the other thing I think if I were given like you know a whole day to work on something like that then I would yeah I would put an illustration in every every yeah an issue episode I guess you know um but yeah not not anything too complicated but I think given enough time I could do it hopefully I don't know about you I think I would push for more sound effects and different sort of musical like when you did the the cell phone ring for Mulligan things like that like I would I would take an advantage of those moments and find some or make some music or audio layering yeah absolutely well fully is I believe when you do the yeah that'd be cool so yeah just worry more about the ambiance of the of the episode switching things up a little bit I'd have more opportunity to just kind of mess around but even if we did flashbulb full time we still are covered in children and I was thinking like you know even when we're trying to get things done there's usually one or two of us that have to cover you know however many it is that we have right now I was thinking like would it make sense maybe to even consider to get a babysitter or something once a week for like half a day on a Saturday just that we could all get something done yeah imagine like having three episodes recorded in one day and then just having us delete wow because I think we really take advantage of the time that we use that if we had that not to get too personal but I don't think that is he's giving me the face guys he's giving me the face it's like I just gave you my social security number or something so yeah how about how about the Super Bowl a yeah I have a confession to make I actually learned about the outcome of the Super Bowl on a podcast today while I wasn't even really thinking about it oh I feel bad for the Packers really oh good for them I don't know because of Scott Johnson good job Packers I'm giving you the thumbs up right now but you can't see it I give you nothing honestly I care nothing for the sport I'm not going to fake it not even for you podcast listener yeah maybe I think I just feel a little bit a little bit closer to football because I just just learned the rules of the game like a couple of weeks ago from your dad oh yeah yeah she got to play by play during a football so you know what yeah I'm an expert now expert I played a little high school football I had a football when I was kid I once saw but what did you do with the football jaredy nothing I was just trying to find a way to transition to the mail bag uh mail time ah that's not a very good transition we could have tried like 10 or 12 there just picked our favorite mail time so there's this hey guys it's Ray from Walker General Cohen just wanted to see great work with all the stuff we guys have been coming up with lately it's been awesome I'm really digging the collective detectives and harm is just keeping me captivated waiting for the next one uh my question though is uh what what happened it's a month uh haven't seen them in a while um yeah I'll talk to you soon bye that's a good question well okay wait first thanks a lot Ray appreciate it always nice to hear from you keep up the world good work on the Walker journals absolutely and I'm I'm fear that maybe you haven't spent so much time with Joe Monk because you didn't think he was very popular am I wrong tell me the characters I have built for the show run from Mulligan is always going to be basically my detective character like he's just blam the detective character and that's definitely an archetype in pulp that I felt I needed to cover and then Blackhall is sort of more my Robert E Howard although I lean more towards Solomon Cain maybe than Conan with him um but the truth is that Joe Monk is almost like a cartoon version of a Robert Heinlein or Heinlein character on purpose and I feel like the whole thing is a little bit too highbrow for most people like it's science fiction but it's science fiction sort of comedy but it's not entirely like whatever you know it's not really science fiction at all in a lot of ways of basically just populated the universe in a way that would be consistent with the bad 1960s novels well you may want to you know if you're afraid that people may not dig them or it's not awesome for a wide audience you could always just put a one partner in there every once in a while and try to I'm sure when people spend a little time with him they'll get to know him and understand him okay to be honest the other thing is that to go back to what seems to be the common third of the show I take the ideas as they come in a lot of ways like I don't want to I could sit down and try to force a Joe Monk episode I suppose but the truth is that it's usually better for me when I just come along across an idea and I think hey that's sort of an interesting concept and Joe Monk stories don't just appear like the hive mind idea where everybody was just basically more efficient and they were almost leading better lives for being asleep but being like productive that was something that came to me and I thought okay this will be fun this is a Joe Monk story obviously this is whatever but that's not the kind of story I come across every day so I guess our answer to Ray is when you feel like it that's when you'll have a story punk when I'm good and ready yeah but thanks for calling and keep calling appreciate it yeah yeah more calls the better we'll post up the number at the end of the show here now Ray wasn't the only one to get back to us using the only repeat communicator Barry got back to us with a very nice email I'm gonna read chunks of it I apologize that I'm leaving some of it but yeah I'm just gonna kind of sort of do it you're gonna do yeah do it what I'm getting ready punk it's a common theme so from flashcast 4 you were discussing the change in sound quality with the drapes I didn't notice a difference but you notice I'm adopting my Barry now that we heard him that other episode also I have a berries yeah I didn't notice a difference but when you described the room small space drapes on the walls table it totally changed the way I saw everything in my mind previously I always saw you guys in a small but typical studio sound board with lots of buttons acoustic tiles all over maybe a big glass window but now the way you describe it it looks to me like you're able you're about to have a seance it's totally awesome I love to hear what you're picturing us I see you all circled around a table dark purple or maroon drapes low lighting and in the center instead of a crystal ball the laptop I see someone dressed as a swami with a turban but I suspect that I am mistaken I love this I love this that's exactly what it looks like I can't believe you figured it out Barry that's so cool we channel spirits from our KO yeah man that is awesome I thought that was kind of fun and then I don't yeah there's no way we could ruin it for you the switches and knobs are all on the laptop but otherwise yeah I don't really want to tell you because that's such a great break in the magic yeah for real uh jessica may she did purty things to my sand room she done perted it up yeah oh wait hold on we're making fun of american I wasn't making fun of anybody what you all talk about making fun that's how I speak regularly uh yeah she put really pretty sparkly lights yeah with snowflakes on the mind you the lights have been on for quite a while upstairs and some of them are burnt out so it looks slightly ghetto but um her draped room that we only use for when for one person right for when you're recording flash pulp but um yeah it's all lit up and full of magic it gives the appearance of looking nice and warm with it's cool like golden light but really it's it's a cold room and it has to be pre-opened in order to make it warm for her yes otherwise it is like the earth and then she's draped in blankets which are gonna help with sound quality when we're recording the three of us it's totally sand style yeah and then the spirits arrive yep as far as you this is sorry back to berry as far as your discussion of cussing in the use of or disuse i've preferred no cussing to the silly voiceovers that give us mother freaker and freak you cussing can often be gratuitous but it can also serve to define character and replacing actual curses with silly random near but not quite sound alike since just as jarring and takes you out exactly berry eyes agrees and is that why you were on the youtubes today was that for research yeah when i was when i was lad um they had a version of Arnold Schwarzenegger's classic 1980 let's say five film running man the running man and they played it on one of the local cable stations well not local to us i suppose out of the big city and they replaced a mofo with a mound of flesh but it's the famous it's the scene where there's this old lady and she's talking to Richard Dawson and she's like i'm gonna bread on Richards here's one mean mofo except whatever and then they replaced it with here's why mean mound of flesh so it's like she's uh like prepositioning him almost sexy with apples and oranges Richard Dawson like family feud match game Richard Dawson that's awesome you know can end the show now so you put uh a link to apples and oranges no only if you'll stop the show right now as we're talking and play 30 seconds of apples and oranges apples and oranges apples and oranges high in the tree i'll pick some for me fantastic it's like magic my bad somehow i wrote la when i meant escape from ny new york and he's absolutely right fantastic film um but it brought you into a discussion of pajama jean so it wasn't all bad your excrement urination stories led me to ask you these two questions are you ready one one okay i think this actually might be more applicable for me and i have a very specific answer for it do you like it when people start up conversations with you in the public restroom i used to work in a school and certain teachers would come in ask who was in the stall and start talking i don't particularly enjoy being in a smelly public restroom to begin with so i tend to be all business in there you know what i am on board with that i am not a bathroom talker i hate bathroom talkers i have actually taught our children to just shut up when they go to the bathroom i think that's a little harsh certain duties i think there's certain duties that you uh will not perform oh okay uh in public washrooms no unless it's an emergency are you one of those aren't you one of those those guys oh public washroom to poop it won't lift the emergency yeah yeah i was trying to be classy but poop oh listen if anybody's a listened episode i believe it was for hospital rec room we all know oh oh we all know that you are yeah you speak the truth sir okay what's number two number two not you for party not so much not so much a question but in the same uh school teachers restroom i twice walked out because a man same guy twice was using the urinal but had pulled both his pants and underwear completely down to the floor to do so standing there in full weird nudity to make matters worse the urinal is right next to the sink where they don't even a privacy screen what what's up with that so the question is what's up with that and the answer is i do not know that is weird okay that man had a father who was very private and never saw anyone else go and his father before him did the same thing until this dude just you know he lives lives a sheltered life and then he goes to these washrooms he doesn't know any better and everyone is so shocked and amazed that no one ever tells me elsewhere in his email berry mentioned the the pv herin psa for crack that i posted up remember we discussed that i should we do a psa for like a bathroom talking and then we can sort of segue into maybe proper pant locations yes absolutely because people have to know because obviously there's a need berry we need to meet this need i think this is a job for radio as opposed to television anyway sorry okay by the way final question by the way who takes the pictures that accompany the flash cast i think um lately it's been you jrd i think sometimes uh if somebody has anything related to flash pulp business um like if anyone has taken one then it's really free for all we haven't taken a whole lot either yeah i do try to grab a snap usually when you guys are recording because at that point i'm useless to the process so you guys are just you guys are doing your recording bit she's in the booth and you're on the on the keys yeah i guess i'm gonna do but wander around and snap photos i was thinking of the flash pulp page like the facebook flash pulp page oh yeah well that's a little bit more of a free brawl yeah absolutely but yeah the flash cast uh pictures i think i'm mostly out of my instagram and you will anybody who watches my twitter feed which i don't know if anybody bothers to uh i wonder if we should oh sorry finish with that oh i was just saying they usually shuffle through my twitter feed before they end up on the flash cast mm-hmm i was wondering if we should have like uh well you know it depends who you are i guess the the popularity of instagram but it would be cool maybe down like in the future um to have an account just for flash pulp instagram stuff well you sort of need one phone one yeah that's the only thing i wish instagram had a method to easily join somebody else's instagram over the web like i wish i could point it's a little badge or link on the website and or that other people other than you know iphone users or ipad users or whatever can actually use this yeah i mean i i understand it's an app and but i think i think they could expand for sure we want more instagram i wonder okay i have a question is anybody in our audience using an android phone and if you are is there a version of instagram for android now you see i i can actually hear people going just google it jerk but uh by the time we're done this i'm going to have forgotten to go look it up yeah there's lots of other things that need to happen after this in order to get the show up so he's a brilliant mind you can't know everything oh come on now okay so i think uh i think we got all the various questions i'm sorry if i miss some stuff there berry it was a great yeah quality email though thanks very much for that berry mm-hmm and i think that about closes out the show if you have comments questions or suggestions you can find us at call our voicemail line at 206-338-2792 or email as texture mp3s to skinner at most phones actually i'm just going to cut out of the read down here have an mp3 recording function so guys subscribe your phone just record us up a little mp3 and fire at us and a reminder for some reason you're more comfortable using youtube feel free to just throw it on youtube we can rip it down it's not a big deal jesica maze vocal talents and musical stylings can be found at opoponax's artistic work and general updates can be located at opoponax if you have no idea how to spell that just go to and there is plenty of linkage the entire run of flashpulp can be found at or via the search bar on iTunes flashcast is released under the canadian creative commons attribution non-commercial 2.5 license thank you good night [Music] [Music] far away far from the blood so far from the guns and the dark gray line apple oranges apple oranges recharge the bus and pick them my life will i so far far away faces the gray i see not one to think and i hear no sound apple and orange and oranges orange and red a lot over here apple and orange apples and oranges pick them or name because i am dead [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]