The Skinner Co. Network

FC003 - Nycast

Broadcast on:
02 Jan 2011
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Prepare yourself for favouritism, nyquil, Texans, love, and more accents.
(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to Flashcast episode three. Prepare yourself for favoritism, Nyquil, Texans, love and more accents. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Tonight we have myself, Opopon X, lead narrator and pictorial overlord. Jessica May. - Hello. - Sound Engineer and Sanity Check and JRD. - Hello. - Word nerd. - So I would like to preempt all of this discussion by saying to you that I'm sick. I've been sick for several days and I've taken medicine that somebody told me would actually make no effect on my body but has made me quite loopy. So we're doing this very quickly hoping that I won't mess up too much or sound to ridiculous. So I'm sorry, I'm sorry. - All I'm saying is that there's a difference between the pill form of Nyquil and half and half a bottle of the liquid stuff. - Maybe, but I'm not huffing. Wasn't huffing like smelling? - Yes, fine. I was trying to do whatever, but yes, technically huffing is I believe like putting it in a bag and then breathing it in I really quickly. - This is 'cause I've been watching too much intervention, isn't it? - Yeah, actually this is the-- - An intervention intervention. - I didn't want to say anything, but your mom's here. (laughs) - You just talked about your intervention habit. - Yeah, there was so much intervention I started seeing the same interventions. - I know how this one's gonna end. - The one moved me so deeply, I had to find them on Facebook, it was so sad. - Really? - Yeah, we won't go into it, but let's just say. Let's just say. - Anyway, so this, even though despite the sound quality, this is going to be our last episode of the year. - Indeed. - Or really our first episode of the year, definitely. - Yeah, 'cause it'll be out after. - But recapping 2010. - A year of flash, poll, poll, poll. - Well, not really, 'cause we started in April, is that right? - Almost a year in flash, poll, poll, poll, poll, poll. (laughs) That was nice. We did that together. That was a team, you and I. Yeah. - We're gonna work. - Teamwork. (speaking in foreign language) - Of hope. - You know what I learned? That I don't know, nothing. And what I, actually, something that I, that I actually like tangible that I have learned, is not to like set too many boundaries in the beginning, 'cause I was kind of making like a cast of what, how I wanted to do things and being way too particular early on. When I really honestly had no idea what I was doing, or what would be proper for my creative process. But I found like, if I edit songs, I don't worry about like, you know, last week's edit of it. I do new edit, and so I have an opportunity every week to like, build on it and do better with it. So that's been kind of cool. Just kind of having a broader perspective and not trying to narrow things down too quickly. - Feeling like there's more of a process? - Yes. So that is nice. I'm trusting myself a little more to know what I'm doing and to do it properly. Not going to use so much, but just go with the flow and be like, you know what, this is going to be good. If I ask your opinion, you might want to consider it, as opposed to just going with the flow and enjoying it. So I don't ask you at all. Good play. But yeah, that's been the major adjustment or realization in the past year for me. I know anybody else have some big things. - Well, I wanted to, this is not really in the same line of-- - So you're not going to answer my question? That's what you're going to do. - I'll come back to it. - But I wanted to say sort of as a year thing, I have noticed. I wanted to send a quick shout out to Fort Worth. - Indeed. - In Texas. We get a lot of downloads for some reason from Fort Worth. I can't say for sure, obviously, like it's a whole city, it can't be, whatever, but if it's, I know that there's a high per person, per capita listenership of podcasts in the military because they get shipped overseas and they need entertainment. - They need stuff, and probably a lot of hours too, right? - Yeah. So I don't know if that's what's going on there, but I know we did a lot of those things. - You know, it was wrong with me to assume that Texas would not like us. - You saw Texas was there to get us? Did we mess with Texas? - No, not that I'm unaware of. - I've said things not nice about people from Texas, but I don't hold it against all Texans. I just feel you. - Are you trying to imply that all Texans look alike? - Listen, you don't want to get me in trouble with our obvious largest audience. Like, that's not very nice at all. What are you trying to bring me into? - Anyway, so I just wanted to say in these holiday times that if it is somebody serving in the American military or if there's anybody else in from any military. - Or if you're just from Texas. 'Cause we like you too. - I just wanted to wish them a Merry Christmas interrupting robot. - Oh, I thought that was. - Yeah, sorry. - It's okay. - I took some Michael, maybe alone. - Speaking of Texans, we saw the trailer for Cowboys vs. Aliens, or I showed you the trailer for Cowboys vs. Aliens. - Yes, that's right. - Yeah, it looked fun. - Yeah, like there was money behind it and talent and skill. - Yeah, I bring it up 'cause I thought it was, it's very much of the pulp vibe. - Yeah. - Are you saying all Texans are Cowboys? - I'm saying there's a high propensity for being a cowboy in Texas. - Yeah, if there is anyone to enjoy that, that would be the demographic, right? Cowboys, Texas. - Cowboys and Texans. - Wait, where's Roswell again? - New Mexico. - New Mexico. - Which is not in Mexico. It's in America, is it not? - That's why it's in Mexico. - Yes, yes. Yes, it's better than the old Mexico, it's the new Mexico. - Yeah, you're gonna offend Mexicans. - No, it wasn't, it didn't take that. - He just said it's better than the old Mexico. - Oh. - He's gonna offend Mexicans. It's not you, you're safe. - Is it new to all part of the Aussetland anyway? Am I gonna get in trouble for that too? Is that how that's pronounced? Probably just pronounced it right. - No, it'll get you in trouble. It's okay. We're at a day at an age where we can be mistaken about-- - You know who I hate? - The old Mexican-- - Carlos Mancilla. You know, mind of Mancilla or whatever that guy's name is. - Who? - Yeah, he's a stand-up comedian, but he had like a TV show for a while. - Why do you hate him? - 'Cause his whole shtick is to be a self-effacing Mexican, but he's like-- - Perpetuating stereotypes? - Greco-German or something, and he just, he has sort of like-- - Oh, he's not really? - All of his skin a little bit. - He's not even Mexican? - He's not a Mexican. - Oh my gosh. - Yeah, you have to leave it to the Mexicans for the Mexican humor, that's at least by-- - Yeah, otherwise you're just racist. - Yes, exactly. I think he's a racist. - Horrible. - Anyway, I don't know how-- - Actually, you know that racist? I don't like that racist guy. - Yeah, you know that racist guy? That's not good. Anyway, speaking of your end things, I also wanted to discuss a, I know over the last however many months we've been doing this, you've been somewhat compiling a gag reel, and I was wondering what the status of that is, if there was anything worth anything in there. - I once had a computer when it was dying, and I said, "JRT, fix my computer." I let it die, and guess what was on there? So much of my flash will be goodness. And you let it die. You let it die. - I don't even know what computer you're talking about anyway. - The one in the corner. - Yes. - Remember my corner? Do you remember it? - How did this machine dead? Isn't it just not plugged in right now? - I don't remember, I wouldn't turn another-- - Oh, that's terrible. And then we turned it off forever and ever and ever and ever. Anyways, it did have a gag reel. And most of it had to do with Campbell, it was a Campbell gag reel, because I'm spilling the beans 'cause I thought I wouldn't, but it's been so long ago, and it's been dead for so long. That, yeah, it was basically just a pope getting pissed off at Campbell every which way. And it was her various moods and pitches, and Campbell it is various. - I tried not to wear so much anymore, I tried. - I'll have to try to recover that, and it sounds really entertaining. - It was, it was, and I timed it all perfectly, so duplicated some stuff. It was coming along, but then it did, and so did a piece of me. - It's a piece of me. - Oh, no, we can't. - It's a piece of you. - That's not our show. - No, if I do, just a tidbit. I can't make it too obvious. - Uh, so, favorite episode? - I have got a couple. - Which ones? - I really liked that black hole with the giant bear that he had conversations with, and he was on a hill or some jazz, and he never knew how he was gonna get down. - Red minus legacy? - Completely captivating to me. And I really liked the black hole, not the black hole, the well again with the (sings) that is ringtone, the rockford files. - Yeah, that was-- - Anything that was so much fun and-- - The Casa and I were suicide, the middle episode. - Yeah. - So, yeah, what I liked for the story and the other for the music. - I've been thinking about a really, really tough time picking. As you know, I recently made up those booklets, and they had all my favorites in them, but I think my favorite of the bunch would have to be strangers in the net. - Oh, yeah? - Yeah. - That's sort of weird. That's not when I would, wouldn't go with a carway, could they? - I know. You'd think it would be a mulligan? 'Cause, you know, I had such a thing for him, but, carway. I think that one just has a special something for me. - That's funny. - I was actually a friend of the site, Ray, was asking me the other day if I had sort of intended on carway being the last story of the year and sort of like, you know, him destroying the year. Although, honestly, it was just 'cause we got sick and I didn't put in another week's of stories, but-- - Don't say that. - Yeah, yeah, it seems really convenient. But I got a lot of positive feedback about this last one, and it's kind of funny 'cause I was really sick when I wrote it for one. But two, I'm never sure how carway stories are going to be taken just because of that abrupt ending. And people are gonna be like, screw this guy. Where's this guy get off? - Yeah, I remember the first readthrough I had of that script and thinking like halfway through, no way is this believable, no way would anybody treat their kid like that. This is totally, how can he expect people to take this seriously? And then as I read on it, I thought, well, no, maybe we're just, we're nice people and stuff like this does happen and families and places, and that's horrible. And it's not even something I could even conceive of to write about, you know, so. - I think this story is particularly carway because of, you know, you're setting something up. You're painting a picture and then you're destroying it all. It kind of drives my mother crazy. - Yeah. - She's like, I don't like it 'cause, you know, there's no sense of, yeah, me conclusion, it's not like a Bruce Willis movie where at the end he gets the ladies. - But if you think of-- - It's wildly hard. - Yeah, I understand. - I mean, I love her jazz, but that's just, that's her. - Complaint? - Yeah. You heard her a little bit every time. - I think my favorite might be, I had a couple. The Weeb and Axe was definitely up there. - Yeah, that was like a special thing all on its own, you know? Like, it wasn't as pulpy as the other ones. It was more like a fairy tale, you know? - Sometimes I try to walk that fine line between a little closer to magical realism or whatever, but that was more just like a, just total of folktale. Like a very kind of old schooly. - It must be nice to mix it up though. - Yeah, for sure. You can't have dudes, bunching dudes every episode. - Yeah, I dig that. - I'd say Lucy was another one that was right up there. - Yes, actually it's one of my favorites too. - It's kind of the reveal at the end what, like, he has becomely hates, you know? - Yeah, I like the way it was dove-tailed. I like the way that one came together, frankly. Anyway. - The art of narration. - A little bit of something I've noticed about the art over the course of the year. I noticed that it seems like the color that we used in the murder plague almost gets more of a response. Many of the pictures are black and white, and I think people's eyes are drawn a little more by the color. - I agree. I think we should have a couple different pictures for each person. - Yeah, I know. I've got to do something about my computer and get some kind of software on there so that I can actually do stuff on there. - The Photoshop. - Yeah. Ever since I got my new computer, I totally slacked. - And it's not that I stopped drawing. I mean, I stopped drawing for a while, but even since drawing, I'm just not getting anything online. - Yeah. - I need a kick in the butt. - All right. - That's my year. - This will allow me an opportunity to use my new catchphrase or you're prepared for my new catchphrase again, Bailey. - Okay. Wait. Okay. - It's unlike Tarragon. - Tarragon? - This Tarragon, particularly sticky. - Okay, if you didn't like that one, I got a few others. - I don't like Tarragon, like Tarragon chicken. - The following two are, yeah, you know. It's one of the like the major four French major herbs, isn't it? Herbs. - Herbs. - Herbs. - Okay, how about this one? These two are movie related. Either it's on like Red Dawn. Or the one that I prefer, this is my probable nominee. It's on like Captain Ron. - Oh, I like that one. I like that one a lot. - That was on TBS. Oh. - I was actually, we were watching. - You said it's on. - I was on. - It's on like TBS, 'cause they used to have it all on. - All the time. We actually had some company over a little while ago and we watched The Thing. And that was just so much fun. - You're going with the Kurt Russell connection. - Yeah. - I see. - Yeah, absolutely. - The Thing is definitely my favorite Kurt Russell film. - Yeah, well, that actually forced me into watching Big Trouble in Little China with my little boy. He loved it, that was lots of fun. But I have decided, and I haven't got the go ahead, but I've decided that DRD should grow a big Kurt Russell Thing beard to go with his hair. I think it could go great. - Woody, he should get upset pretty often. And then just kind of gyrate so his hair just kind of flows this giant quaff of beautiful, fair faucet hair. - Yeah, he told me if he grew the beard, though, he'd have to start testing everybody every day and see where-- - A pope is so wiggly. - I'm so wiggly. - Well, she starts talking, her body just starts moving and all the various. - I'm full of energy energy energy energy energy energy energy. - The worms. - The worms. - Jaredy said he'd have to test us every day to make sure we weren't aliens if he grew the beard, so I don't know if it's worth it. - And I'm going to have to carry a fling throw around. - Yeah, where would you get the blowtorch? - Back, broom, watch. - I've been working on next week's episodes. Gonna be three Thomas Black Hole episodes. - Five new singles or a three-parter? - No, no, it's a three-parter. - Hopefully they'll stand alone relatively well, but there's supposed to be sort of a completion to the Elgh Harris Aga that-- - Yeah, 'cause-- - I've infamously said wasn't really complete in the first place. - A hoken ran off. - All right, there's a hoken and then there's some more surprises in store. - Well, I remember asking you after that episode was done. Hey, what about this dude here? Kind of ran off into the night, nobody knows what happened to him. - And you told me I'd hear about him again. - Yeah, so that'll be-- - I've got my expectations now, are you better? - That'll be tied up in some other things with Marco, the boyier. - Marco, the boyier, the boyier. - The boyier. - Yeah, the boyier boyier, well, he's French, you never know. - Racist. (bell ringing) - So I heard that we got a call. - Yeah. - So one time we got a call. - This went in. - It was from like this guy. - No, Barry, friend of the site, Barry of Burry to New York. - B.R.J.T.K. - Yes, B.R.J.T.K. - Oh, to go to New York. - Good job, very impressive. We all look great, I should hear those. - Yeah. - Anyway, so he called in, he left us a voicemail. - Thank you. - With your little play now, thank you very much, Barry. - All right, it's Barry from Mr. Blogg's Tippa Ride, also for some reason on his BMJ2K. A long time listener, first time caller, I wanted to first of all say, Megadido's from New York City. Great to have me on Rush, but I heard you talking the other day about accents. Kind of funny, I've traveled throughout North America, I've done a little traveling in Europe, and there are a lot of accents in this world, man. Some of them are pretty funny. I don't have one, though. It's really weird, no matter where I go, nobody talks like me, so I really think I'm the only person in this world without an accent. This isn't too bad, you know, I heard you say a book once or twice, but, you know, it's close enough to mine. I don't get it, though. I just don't have an accent. I really think I'm pretty lucky that way. Guys, great show, keep up the good work. - His voice reminds me of somebody. I wish I could remember who. That's gonna draw me crazy. - He has a good point, though, about the accentlessness. I would think of his accent as relatively. - Yeah, I can't remember the word that totally gave it away to me, that he was from the Americas, or I am from an America, just not. Anyways, what am I getting into that? - I think the night was talking. - Oh, goodness, yes, yeah, I'm feeling loopy as heck. Thank you so much for calling, though. That was awesome. Very nice message. - A boot. - A boot. - Yeah. - I'll give you a boot. (laughing) - Oh. - Yeah. - I shouldn't threaten the first caller. I'm sorry, the first intentional caller. - Yeah, intention. - That isn't looking for sex addicts help at our local church. So that's one up for you. - Episode one of the Flashcast for those who are. - Yeah, for those who are room. Yeah, you should go back and listen to that. - So I did want to bring up sort of a side thing that this sort of made me think of, sort of, sort of. To me, it seemed, okay, so like I was saying, I would count him as having a relatively low noticeability for an accent. Do you think that part of that process is the sort of flattening of accents by television and like mass media? So that we're all sort of used to hearing the same accent all the time. Like, what is the function, what is the, is it geography that's causing accents? Like, is it a height difference from sea level? Like, why do people talk funny when they're in different places? - I think they have something and then they're somewhat isolated for a certain period of time. Things get morphed a little bit, and. - They're a little dialect, right? Like, it all depends on. - So it's just a learned process? - Yeah, yeah. - And then you go to like Ottawa and there's this French, English, kind of gooey thing together. - So, okay, so then my proposal is, and I, yeah, I would say so. - So my proposal is that television and radio to a lesser extent now are causing us to have all one accent. - Well, it all depends. Like, if you're wanting to buy a luxury watch then you're from the UK or something. Like, there is a certain-- - Well, yeah, I mean, we're not gonna lose accents entirely, but it's also like-- - Well, it plus the prestige of it. - It's the reason Egyptian Arabic is so prevalent, right? - Exactly. - They control all the television media, so it's their type of-- - Plus, I guess with all the different dialects, it's easier to just kind of stick to one. - I'm not too nice. - Yeah. - That's interesting. So do you think that? - He's wrong and he has an accent? Absolutely. Still appreciate what he thought. That's really awesome what you call it, but, what'd you do? But I think I was sensing a little bit of silly sarcasm from him anyway, so, I hope so. - Anyway, so yeah, thanks for the call very much. And if anybody else wants to call, they can reach us at the voicemail line at 206-338-2792, or they can email us, text our MP3s, to skinner and skinner and FM. I also wanted to mention that we have a very talented dude who occasionally checks out the site, Nick Tyler, who, well, that's the daytime alias of one Captain Pighart pirate extraordinaire. And he recently did some Christmas videos, which I greatly enjoyed. - Videos, really? - Yes, on the YouTubes. - Is he dressed like a pirate? - Yes. - I'm so excited now. - Anyway, yes. They're quite quality. But it also reminded me that if anybody, for whatever reason, feels more comfortable providing us a YouTube comment, they can always do that. They can just rip the MP3 for the show, and then we can post the actual YouTube comment and the show note links at the end. - Yes, that'd be lots of fun. - So feel free, yeah. - Videos too. So should we close it out for 2010 and begin our first tentative steps into 2011? - Happy New Year. - Happy War weather. - Jessica May's vocal talents and musical stylants can be found at Poponax's artistic work and general updates can be located at The entire run of FlashPelp can be found at or via the search bar at iTunes. Flashcast is released under Canadian Creative Commons attribution non-commercial 2.5 license. ♪ One day to be my hour ♪ ♪ That's number left ♪ ♪ Even the channel ♪ ♪ I live with a number left ♪ ♪ And the little white flowers ♪ ♪ Will never awake when you worry ♪ ♪ Not where the black holes of sorrow ♪ ♪ Has taken you ♪ ♪ Angels have no thought of ever returning you ♪ ♪ A day behind me ♪ ♪ If I am joining you ♪ ♪ I will be my day ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]