The Skinner Co. Network

072 - The Affair Of Honour: A Blackhall Tale, Part 1 of 1

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2010
Audio Format:

Part 1 of 1


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Tonight we present a story of honour, risk, and single combat.

This week's episodes are brought to you by the tellings of Captain Pickhart. Rather than listen to our pay limitation, why not try a free sampling of the captain's work for yourself? Gar, it was just me and me beloved Roberta Clementine taking a gentle stroll in the woods. The smell of wood smoke drifted through the trees in reasoners romantically. The light scent of toasting flesh and sofas only slightly marred the atmosphere. I'd been building up to asking a question of me wench and I were about to put her to it when the piece were disrupted by an exclamation as such profound foulness that Roberta cast me off with a slap. I reeled into the bushes for me love wore her conquering gloves and the spikes lead to soreness. By the Tails as told by the captain at or point your browser at b7h b68. Flash pulp is an experiment in broadcasting fresh pulp stories in the modern age. Three to ten minutes of fiction brought to you monday, wednesday and friday evenings. Tonight we present a story of honor, risk, and single combat. The affair of honor. A black haul tale. Part one of one. Written by J.R.D. Skinner. Art and narration by Opoponax. An audio produced by Jessica May. At the age of ten, Thomas black haul is witness to his first duel. His understanding of the matter was minimal, but Theodore Ashton, a long time friend of his father's, had asked the senior black haul to act as his second. And so it was that Thomas happened to overhear of the farmer's field, not far from his own home, that was to be the site of resolution. Creeping through the tall summer grasses, he came to the edge of a clearing in which stood for men. His father and Theodore Ashton were immediately recognizable, but he had no knowledge of their opposition. The man who would be fired against was young and lean, and stood a good six inches taller than Ashton. It seemed to Thomas's youthful eye that this would give his father's friend an advantage in aim. The stranger's second was a rotund gaffer, the face of which had grown red with anxiety and son, who fussed ceaselessly until told to stop by the man demanding satisfaction. The wind was at the boy's back, and he could not hear the words exchanged between the gathered. The marking of distance and preparation of pistols, however, was clear enough. There was a moment when all was hushed, then came the shooting. A crack and flare from Ashton's weapon, and on its heels, the echo of the challengers. For a moment the youth thought the encounter at an end. He was sure Ashton's ball had flown true, and that the stranger was done in. But after a moment the tall man smiled, and insisted on sending forward his second to converse with Thomas's father. The large man was animated in his commentary, and the elder black hall seemed displeased as he returned to speak with his friend. The pistols were once again loaded. The second volley seemed to come with less anticipation. The order of fire was again repeated, although the challenger seemed to pause this time, taking closer aim before discharging. Seeing Ashton tumble sideways to the ground, and the still-standing form of the tall man, young black hall moved from his hiding spot, his legs pounding homeward. Once he'd white clean his tears and ventured to the supper table, he learned that his father's companion had not perished, but instead was simply wounded. It would be a long year before the duelist might regain the use of his arm, but Thomas was happy to know the man had not been slain. The second duel to which Thomas was privy took place many years later, as he ventured through the western districts of Upper Canada. At this event he was far from the sole spectator. The demand had been well heated by all who'd been astride the General Brock's hard wooden stools, and no few of the Grogsman had turned out to see Paul Melnor, a half-pay officer with a well-known reputation for his embittered temper, challenged by a vagabond, who the locals referred to only as Ludwig. Black Hall had not been on hand for the issuance, but having awoken early to the Brock's morning gossip, he found himself making his way on empty belly to the designated field. The air was chill, and the morning dew soaked the feed of all who'd assembled. Thomas knew none of the expectant faces personally, although he had some passing acquaintance with the half-pay officer from his short time at the Brock, but it was none of the residents who caught his eye. Melnor's challenger was a lean man of some half-remembered familiarity, and the frontiersman set himself taking a closer look. He'd grizzled since Black Hall had first seen him, but his inspection left little doubt that it was the same duelist who'd done injury to his father's friend many years previous. Despite his increased age, Ludwig seemed limber and full of vigor, and upon the hour of their engagement, his face broke into his smile. The first shot was Melnor's and well-placed. Black Hall clearly saw the spreading crimson upon the tall man's chest, and Thomas was sure it was the aging stranger's turn to topple. After a moment, however, Ludwig seemed to collect himself, despite the neat hole in his waistcoat. Raising his pistol, the challenger took careful aim. The next day the local newsman would not report it as the result of a duel, but as that of an execution. There was little else to call Ludwig's deliberation in the murder of his foe. The crowd did little, but watch as he soon after sauntered to the edge of the throng, accepted a bill full which represented the winnings of the contested card game, and disappeared into the tree-line. Despite their conjecture that the man would soon be seen at the home of the local physician, the people of the town would not look upon Ludwig's face again. Black Hall had prepared himself for his final encounter with the lean man. He'd long since moved further westward, well past the settled reaches of the king's land, into the primeval forest dotted only by the occasional farmstead or palisade of the people of the long house. It was a year since he'd observed the duel between Melnor and Ludwig, and much had happened in the interim. Thomas had come into the area following a trail of butchery, both of the upper originals and the European farmers and trappers who'd braved the frontier. The murders had been cruel, and the sights of their perpetration were soaked with scarlet. He came upon the third set of duelists under the clean sun of midday in a small meadow. Ludwig had appeared without mount, but his opponent had tied off a well-packed mule along the edge of the clearing. This newest foe seemed to have a little stomach for the challenge. Thomas could see the tremors in his hand even at his distance, and the man's face seemed a mix of sorrow and concern. Black Hall knew the supposed act of honor to be little more than robbery. Both men had counted their distance and readied their weapons. Shot would soon fill the air. Thomas intercepted the process with a bellow. Thinking his opposition to a fired early, the shaken man fainted, his weapon falling, unfired from his grasp. Ludwig turned to meet the interloper. "I've been following you for some time now," Black Hall stated flatly. "Have you," Ludwig responded, his face twisting into the same smile he'd worn on the day of Paul Melnor's murder. "I've come to stand as this man's second," Thomas said, carefully pulling the man's limp body to a position of rest under the shade of a maple tree. "Will you utilize his pistol?" Ludwig questioned. "I'd rather my rifle, despite the disadvantages and speed that it presents," Black Hall responded. "I leave the choice to you." The two men faced each other then, and as a single raven broke from the trees to take flight, both raised their weapons as if to fire. Ludwig's arm far out sped Thomas's, but it was Black Hall who fired first. He'd been sure that the tall stranger would await the opportunity of a careful response. His greatest fear had been that the silver ball he'd cast would shatter under the force of firing, but as Ludwig's body fell to the earth, it twisted briefly into a form that was both man and wolf, proving his concerns unfounded. It was tiring work, but Black Hall had all but finished digging the lichen-thrope's grave, even before the lean corpse's penultimate challenger had fully awoken from his swoon. Flashpulp is presented by http colon slash slash Skinner dot FM. The audio and text formats of Flashpulp are released under the Canadian Creative Commons attribution non-commercial 2.5 license. [Music] [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]