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Whispers of Lunabell Island Episode 41: Burning Rubber

With the Sheriff hot on the heels of Scorpion and Mya, Dan assesses the perimeter and attempts to establish a defensive position in the cannery with Ronnie. Dr. Greenwood gets a closer look at the enemy.   Like what you hear? Find more of us here:

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25 Jul 2024
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With the Sheriff hot on the heels of Scorpion and Mya, Dan assesses the perimeter and attempts to establish a defensive position in the cannery with Ronnie. Dr. Greenwood gets a closer look at the enemy.


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Welcome back, dear listeners. We're so glad you've chosen to join us for this very special multi-part finale of our second season of Delta Green. It may be a little bit of a different experience than you've become accustomed to. This was all recorded in one continuous pulse-pounding session. The momentum will build, things will start quickly and move fast. And for some, well, their end may come even faster. But don't fret, this is all part of the process, it's all part of the plan. Just be sure to brace yourself for what comes next in the exciting finale of Whispers of Luna Bell Island. Right on. Right into another puddle. Just walks over the window just like, "Lasses are representations." Turn the music down, please. All right, so at that reaction, you see his arm come up and he has drawn his 38 pistol, but your foot slams down on the gas and you're trying to get out of there as fast as you can. Go ahead and give me a drive check. I don't want to. Hit me. Give it to me. Hit me. It's probably, if you fail, you're probably going to hit the sheriff. You're not going to believe this. What? 51 over 50. Oh my god, that sucks. Okay. Well, I think that you do have the wherewithal to watch out for potholes on this old, unmaintained road, but I think that that is just also sort of the deal is that while you're trying to move as fast as possible, you know you can't move too fast, otherwise you might put yourself in the same position. So looking in the rear room mirror, you see the sheriff whip around and you see those headlights pointed at the rear of your truck. You're not stuck, you're not in any sort of predicament, but he's just still, he still sees you and he's still bearing down on you. So as you're proceeding down the road, where are you going at this point? What's your plan here? Um, I mean, we got to get to Eleanor. I'm going to Eleanor. Okay. So you're waiting for that left. You're hauling ass towards that left turn out to try to head north. Yep. And I'm going shoot Maya Maya, are you taking up an offensive position and she basically wanted to want to like start winging shots of this dude? Yeah, she's probably like, fuck. And really didn't want to get into a situation like this or have to even do this at all. Ever ever get to this point, but it's the only clear thing to do. If we're clearly not running him and it's he like chasing us like it's he like trying to like, or is he, as you turn and kind of square up, maybe out of the back window, trying to line up a shot. You do notice that the sheriff is he's driving rather erratically at this point with his with his lights on and he is trying to catch you. If you didn't know better, he would say he probably is trying to ram you. Yeah, but he's aggressively pursuing you, but he doesn't want to drive checks to you. Oh, don't worry. He is. He's not like what drawn that we thought he had me. No, he pulled his pistol out. Okay. But now he's, you know, he's focused on trying to catch you. So he's got a drive at 90. Yeah, he probably does. It's crazy. Successing left and right. Yeah. Little bit of an island NASCAR or whatever version of that they have out here as long as you turn right, though, he won't know what to do. I mean, that is that is a good point, though, is like this dude was born and raised on this island. Like he knows where the potholes are, where the road's bad, but he's going to he's going to ram your truck with a bug. I mean, he's got a little like cowcatcher, whatever that thing is on the front, little ramrod. And I did just hit a pothole or a truck's broken foot. Well, Maya, as you're turning, getting ready to line up a shot, you hear his engine kicking over drivers. He's attempting to aggressively catch up to you. But through the fog, you see those headlights bounce significantly as you assume he probably hit almost the same pothole that you guys did and it does slow him down a little bit. What an idiot. So are you waiting for him to come into view, Maya, or are you just kind of trying to lay down suppressing fire? She's just trying to hit whatever like the better target is, even if it's just shooting at the wheels to pop his tire to slow him down. Like, are you trying to make a specific shot? I guess so. Don't forget it's like mechanically, you can also take an aim action. Yeah. I'm. Oh, yeah, I probably would do that. As he gets closer, I would probably target him, but I think where we're at, where he's a little further away, I would try to go for a tire. Yeah. And to be fair, you can't really see his car right now. He hasn't been able to catch up to you on account of hitting that pothole. And, but if you guys don't move much faster, he's likely to catch up to you soon. But yeah, I mean, I think Maya would probably get the impression she should wait until she can actually see, unless you just want to start winging shots at his headlights and hoping you hit whatever you hit. Welcome. I don't know. I don't want to like, I mean, I don't know how much ammo and stuff we have, but I don't really, I kind of want to use it sparingly because I don't know what I have. Okay. Keep in mind too, I think this truck still has like your supplies and stuff in it. Would I be able to access it? Not from where you're at. Yeah. So I think that I don't want to like, yeah, I'm going to preserve it. Okay. Yeah. Go ahead and go ahead and, well, we'll say you take the aim action because you can kind of see where he's you're basically just waiting for him to come into a view where you could take a shot. Um, squirping. Give me another drive check. Oh, come on, dude, come on. Don't know. Don't eat your dice. Okay. Thirty under 50. We will take that 50. We will take that. Okay. Just get a successful drive. Very nice. Okay. So, yeah, you kind of feel like you get a sense of where these potholes are coming up and you feel like you can kind of like maybe anticipate them a little bit more now that you've got an idea for the layout of them. So you hit the gas a little bit more and you're able to drive, uh, get some significant ground and distance between you and the sheriff and the sheriff rolled a one. So my ass here kind of posted up. Yep. We know. Sorry. That's it. That's a one. That's a crit. Oh, shit. Okay. Oh, thank God. I thought you crit success. I was like, you dumb bitch. Uh, Maya, you're posted up looking down the sights of your gun, waiting for him to catch up and waiting to do whatever you got to do to keep him from stopping you. But as the back tire, you see, as he drives over that pothole hits, you hear a loud clacking noise and something breaking and you see the headlights veer off of the roof. The road and kind of go off into the grass where they stop and you are able to create enough distance between you and him where the headlights disappear behind you under the darkness. So for the most part, you are clear from the sheriff right now. How I ever he he's still around. Yeah, he's still a problem. I think scorpions like looks in his rear view and sees the headlights or counties. I hope Dan's ready. I think Maya is just let's have a sign just like lanes back on the seat and it's just like, ah, it was close. Oh, good job. You too. This is actually probably one of the rare moments that we've had like a cum rotary, like, yeah, together. I think I think scorpions super surprised that you like we're like, okay, guns trained on the cop, like you definitely he definitely has a newfound respect. I think there's probably a moment of silence where she can feel you thinking that like being surprised and she get out of my head. You saw his fucking smile. That's fucked up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And as you recall that face peering at you through the window, he was wearing his normal abiator sunglasses, but at night, you can recall the, yep, driving in the mist. Yeah. He's bad. Why do you think he went off the road to be like, but yeah, you, that image is burned into your head and you recall the look on his face and the horrible smile and the criss crossing of those crimson red veins across his cheeks and proceeding down the road through the fog, probably driving a little bit more cautiously now again to avoid making that same mistake. But as you get closer to town, off to your right in a distance in a field, you see one of the townsfolk you haven't met before standing in the field, their arms raised above their head in a sort of somber, tranquil dance as they reach up towards the sky. And as you exactly make it for the visual label, Tara, seeing this proceeding further down this road, the closer you get to town, the more of these figures you spot and the more than you spot, the more various states of distress, you see them in some quietly reaching up towards the sky, some collapse on the ground with their head in their hands, some embracing each other until scorpion, you see two faces you do recognize off to the right little ways off the road, you see that big loud, boisterous man from the bar that you spent the night creating a cover story in an alibi for yourself and the bartender, she's lying on the ground and he is digging through her torso covered in blood, oh fuck. He looks up at you as your truck rolls closer past the road, creams in red eyes with a big smile on his face and he gives you a friendly wave. It doesn't seem to be something that's happening everywhere once, it's like this one guy is doing this. It's of all the various states you've seen people in. This was his avenue. Yeah. Hail Satan. Yeah. My, it's scorpion, give me that sanity check. 28 under 34. Ooh. Okay. Three. Oh, nice. I think, I think you see this and it weighs on you, but I think, I think it just sort of cements you resolve in this situation. You need to stop this before anybody else gets hurt, before anybody else dies. And do you tighten your grip on the steering wheel, scorpion, proceed down this road through the darkness? Ronnie, Dan, how'd you do with those searches is? That's going to be a, sorry, way away from a microphone out in space. That's going to be a, it's going to be a 44 under 60. Holy shit. Nice. 44 under 60. If I'm not mistaken, that is a failure call, a critical success, I mean, it's not a surge, but yeah, yeah, it is. You find everything. I'm cutting the truth, Tori. Sorry. Cut. That's going to be a 67, not for a 60. Oh. I mean, wow. You almost said it's a right failure in a great success. I would have been good. Ronnie, as you're searching around, I think just between being sort of distracted at the state of mind that you're trying to fight off constantly, I think there's also just, there's not a whole lot to find here that you haven't found before. But are you guys searching together separately? I was thinking we were splitting up in the searching part. Okay. I'm just grabbing sticks. Like a strong second body to it's too much for one person to carry multiple trips. Right. I mean, Ronnie, you find some various implements like, you know, like some, I don't know, broom handle, like a mop or something like that, like things you could construct into a rudimentary, like, you know, trap spears, things like that, but nothing that really like is easily deployable. But, um, Dan, I'm trying to think of what would be good to give you for a crit success. Hey, choke, choke point on the road doesn't even have to be a material thing, but it just is. Are you guys actually, are you in the lab or you upstairs upstairs? Upstairs. I'm setting up like defenses at the can around basically just defending that fucking cannery door. Gotcha. I'm not well, suspecting that anything's making its way down that cliff very fast. Okay. So looking around the grounds of the cannery, you do find, I mean, really, there's a lot of equipment to work with here, but I think what you do realize is that up to the left side of the gate kind of tucked behind one of the buildings, there's a large shipping container and it's on wheels that are chalked right now and locked with a break. So you feel like if, you know, they weren't really paying too much attention to like safety precautions and things, maybe in the fifties as everybody would think that they would, but you feel like if you knock that chalk out and releases breaks, that thing is going to head straight down towards the front gate. Did I lose my rope when we were climbing or do I still have that on me? I mean, you're at a port like area. I think there's probably plenty of rope around here. No, they don't use rope here. Yeah. So I'm going to, I'm just going to tie up those two wheel tracks and pull it across to a, as how far is it from the cannery? Like the, the building, well, it's like picture you're like standing there 20 feet back from looking out of the gate. It's up on a like a little hill, like a berm to your left where there's some small out building set up on and it's just kind of tucked back there. So what, like, what is your question exactly? So it's like, it's poised to like bomb the front gate pretty much, right? Yeah. Okay. Um, yeah, I'll try to like just run some rope through the, in fact, that'll be, I don't care if that's the only fruit in my whole search is that I'm going to run some rope, uh, back like to the cannery from those two wheel chalks. Okay. Just something you can pull and release it basically. Yeah. Yeah. Just give myself a position. If I get to that, defend the front gate. Okay. And with a crit success too, I mean, there's a lot of stuff you can find here. Do you have any ideas for like specific traps you were trying to make or anything? You're only going to have so much time to like spend on each one, but yeah, I was just going to, um, I was just going to set up like some basic stick traps against like corners and stuff like that where people might come around the corner tight and they'll end up catching a stick to their shin, just slow them down so that Dan has more time to shoot them all. Okay. Gotcha. So I think maybe enlisting Ronnie's help too, you can get, let's say you can put up three rudimentary traps in addition to this one, uh, this, um, basically like battering ram on wheels situation. So go ahead and tell me like exactly where you want to place them. Um, like the last three corners, like, uh, they've take that, that door is in kind of a central location, right in the cannery. It's yeah. It leads out into a room that there's only one other door into and it's a sizable room. Okay. Um, so I will go to that door, basically the three ingresses to that, that very last choke point before that big door is where I want to set those up. And then if there's four, Dan will cover the other one with his body. Okay. It's kind of cool to set up. I'm going for there. Well, it's a little more difficult. Actually, I think I have a one where to put the blue. There's like a aisle ways or something, I don't know. If I remember it right, there's, it's kind of an L shaped thing. So you have, you can put a trap on the door leading into this room. And then you could, there's going to be two main entrances from the cannery floor north and south. So do you want to set one up on each one of those? Uh, not so much main entrances is more like, if anything gets past my like line of defense that's just me defending the armory with my gun. Uh, if anything gets past that, I want them to be slowed down before they get like into a position where they're really threatening the, uh, the underground entrance. That makes sense. Okay. Yeah. And also, um, so I think like there's really immediate ingresses like 10 feet from the door in each direction that I can, um, you have military science. Correct. I do. Okay. I think that maybe also Dan would probably be thinking about this too. These people live on this island, especially the sheriff too, whose his was, his responsibility was kind of around the cannery in general. So they're probably pretty familiar with the like layout of those buildings and that, um, the compound, but like they've probably never been down to the lab before. So you guys might have more of a home field advantage using that stairwell as a choke point. Then like trying to defend the cannery broadly, however, it'd be pretty hard to trigger that badass trap you set up on the front gate while you're, you know, hiding down the lab. So that's true. I bet we could have a two phase defense, uh, yeah, one line falls as soon as the front gate is breached. And then, uh, yeah, set the trap off and fall back to the second one. Okay. Let me, yeah. Go ahead and just tell me what you want to do them. Uh, yeah, I guess in that case, I will just set up. So there's a series of at least two doors. I'll set up a trap on each one of those. Uh, I guess I'd have two traps on the main, the main door to the bunker. Okay. All right. Are you doing anything with money jam kind of thing? Yeah. Are you doing anything with that trip wire mechanism? Trimmeters. It's an alarm mechanism, right? Not an actual trap. It's designed to trigger something when somebody walks through it. But I don't have an IED to hook up to it. So I, does it come with its own speaker with a speaker? Yeah. Like, no, I don't think it has Bluetooth. I mean, I think in without like a significant amount of time, I can't think of anything necessarily good to do with that here. You couldn't set it up with like a liquid nitrogen? Well, shit. Actually, no, I'll, I'll set that up on the main gate. Yeah. I was talking about talking about running a rope all the way back to the cannery. That'll take a long time. Anyways, I'll just set it up where anything, first time anything comes through the main gate. It's going to get, so basically, how you can do it is you can run it across the front because remember, there's a two stage gate, it's like a double layered gate situation. You can set it up on the outside gate with the rope attached to the other end of that way. When somebody triggers it, it pulls the, it releases the tension on the line and like moves the wheel chocks to start the thing rolling down the hill. Can't wait. Yeah. Right now, we're going through the game of all you look awkward for. I don't know. I love it. And that was a car. That's good. And that was my dilemma with setting up any tracks like yeah, yeah, no, we were on the whole time. But also, not the whole town channel, I mean, it's not that that thing. Sure. It'd be risky if they found our channel, but we never told any on it. It's also better than us just running into that trap. Yeah. It is. It is better. I was, Dan's trying to think of a crafty way to warn Scorpion without. Or just saying all the multi creatures, because if they do hear radio waves, which they react to them in some way, you know, given that device underground that we tested out in the sheriff has a radio and no one has a radio and we all know them to be coughing and drinking the tea. Yep. Or just say, score, give us a heads up before you get back. That was a very simple solution. Yeah. Simple solution. We're not too far underground when you do get back. Well, if we're happy to be set off by, if you have to pull back, someone set off the trap. Yeah. And we need to tell them to watch out for traps too when they come back. So they would be keeping that in mind, at least. That means we'll be moving incredibly paranoid through the whole, like, right. It could be anywhere. Um, okay, Dr. Greenwood, a lot's going on. What's your next step here? You're just working on the centrifuges. So getting the centrifuges up and running, uh, really, what needs to happen is I need to have a base control that I can test my weapon eyes against and I'm waiting for the base control to test my, um, or to synthesize my, um, cure against. So I need blood from an infected source that Caroline, it could be Caroline, uh, I was thinking the doc. Well, that's to be, it has to be someone that was fully under her control and the doctor wasn't new or a, yeah. So that, but Caroline, we know went to the mainland and did shit. Yeah. That's true. And I do have that synthesize, I do have that specimen. So, um, okay, I do have that, uh, so really I'm setting up to make an efficient amount of both cure and, um, weapon as much as I can. So I'm, I'm, ultimately would like two centrifuges working on two different tables, um, setting up vials, beacons, buns and burners, you know, graduated cylinders to the point where I can just kind of assembly line this shit, um, to the point where I can comfortably say, yeah, we can test this. Yes, we can test this. We also referencing the notes that they made about how they made this inhibitor so that I don't combine it with anything that would dissolve it or anything like that. Um, beyond that, uh, I think he's pretty well focused in on this and he's not going to tap into that micro inhibitor until, uh, until he gets his, uh, stuff ready or the, uh, the two bloods or the blood source because he's already got the other one, uh, because there's no need. There's that all it would do is break the seal. So he has no tangible reason to get into that until they are ready to go. So he's going to prep Caroline specimen to the point where he can just add the micro inhibitor and then he's going to wait for the blood unless, uh, one of the creatures that attacked us, you think would be better, but, um, for, for one that's under control. Yeah. Um, maybe I can try parts of that little dude that we froze. Okay. Could you like look at them in a microscope and see if when yeah, I can do that. Maybe you can tell which is better. Yeah. Maybe I can do that. That's a good idea. I'll do that. Say, are you some sort of scientist? What in the hell? Okay. So you're gathering samples from the ball monster. Yep. You have your sample from Caroline. Yep. And maybe the doctor's blood too, just to just to see that in there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Um, go ahead and give me, first of all, spending more time on these, uh, these, um, center feet. Just go ahead and give me another biology check to see and fucking, I'm going to try my blood too. Uh, I got a 48 under 50, so you're able to spend some time and get two of them functioning to a level that you find to be appropriate. Nice. And that's good. Because I think that you maybe also get the impression that like mixing equipment between two things that are supposed to have two different effects in a short order, it's just going to be cleaner to do it this way. Okay. So you're going to start set the work trying to synthesize that, um, the serum, the antifungal like weaponized version. No, I'm going to see which host is going to be more effective to do the, uh, to be the host for, um, testing my, uh, antifungal. Oh, got you. Yeah. Okay. Like Ronnie suggests. And just in terms of overall like fungal saturation, looking at these, there's probably a microscope around here somewhere you can use. Looking at these, um, these samples you've collected, you do determine that the greatest level of saturation definitely comes from either Caroline or the ball monster. If you had to lean one direction, the other Caroline would probably be a safer bed. I will lean towards Caroline because she was still operating as a quote unquote human. I think completely under more so under the, uh, controlling you thing. You get that too. Looking at the, um, the sample you took from this, you know, amalgamated like collection of human corpses that was essentially forming this monstrosity is just a lot more variants. Yeah. It's a lot more to take into account Caroline's sample is much simpler to work with and, and off and off, off and off, oh my God, English, not off and off, bomb panata. On the off chance that because I've been exposed to these spores and I am not feeling a negative effect. Yeah. On the off chance that I am just one of the people that would have an immunity to that, I'm going to draw my own blood and I'm going to test that after I'm done with those. Okay. Because if that's the case, then we can go ahead and synthesize this cure right now. Right. I don't think it's the case I really don't, but worth checking, worth checking the time. We got the time. So go ahead and give me a biology check to proceed with the analysis of Caroline's sample and the analysis of your own. You want two separate? No. Just give me one. Okay. I got an 1155 baby. Damn. Okay. Nice. Oh. Crit. Yeah. Crit. Yes. I didn't have audio. Brings. Yeah. Two ones is good number. Good number. Good number. Feel good. Feel good. And brain serotonin. All right. So yeah, you set to work comparing and contrasting the effects and just the visual and biological makeup of these two samples. It's going to take you just a little bit of time though. So let's cut on over to Maya and Scorp. You're rumbling down this road and it seems like the closer you get to town, the more figures you spot off in the darkness and various states of distress. But none of them seem particularly interested in you, at least not yet. See progress further. You can see, you can see lights from town off in the distance to your right. But that left hand turn comes up on your left, clearly, because I said it's the left hand turn, oh my God, we have to take this left hand turn here on our left. Scorp, you're feeling okay? Having a drink. All right. Yeah. That shouldn't be driving. So I'm assuming you're hanging a left and proceeding towards. Yeah, we're going toward the island. Yeah. You're hanging over. Hanging over. All right, you proceed up this road. It's a little bit in a better state of repair here because you've gotten away from the cannery and are more in heavily trafficked areas that they maintain a little bit better. But this does eventually turn into a bit of a rough dirt road. You slow down a little bit, cutting your way through the fog and you roll up to that turn out that goes down to the songbird and you see lights on in Sebastian's house. It all seems quiet. You're just continuing on? Absolutely. Okay. Flip off Sebastian's house. And as you drive up further down the road, shoot one more glance over to Sebastian's house and you see what looks to be a figure standing naked in the middle of the living room. You have some decent man, dude. Put some goddamn clothes on. I'm going to give you a bad review on everybody. It's he's in his own house. Is he painting naked? Yeah, we'll see. Oh, no. Tara. Does that make him this creepy? It was funny. Yeah. Well, he likes painting. You know, he likes it, but he was he was a little shy about it. Now he's butt-ass naked. You convinced him that you should be proud of his paintings or was that worth? Yeah. That doesn't sound like my career. You know, Scorpion was really into his paintings. Yep. That's absolutely it. Yep. It's Canon. Canon. Right. So, you make progress up this dirt road. Give me another drive check because this road is getting a bit a bit more rough. The more you continue down it. Oh, 65 over 50. No. How do you keep doing this? Rolling. All drive. Never mind. I'm bad at it. We have to picture somebody good at driving those. Your red mist is just very disconcerting. This is harder than it looks. You're harder than it looks? No? Scorp's always hard. Um, yeah, just as you proceed down this road, a couple of knocks here and there as you have to like mantle a rock or two, fit this giant truck down this narrow path, but it does get to a certain point where it's definitely more of a footpath. It looks like nobody's driven out here in a very long time. Maybe it was a road at one point, but no longer. So, as you are cresting this hill, you come up and alongside this ridge that you now find yourself on, a view opens up. You can't see much to the fog, but it looks like you've arrived at Brightbell Lake. Okay. It looks like this road wraps around to the right and you know, Eleanor's house is somewhere up in Primrose Bluffs. I like how the longer we record, the more we just kind of start talking and simlish. Yeah. And now I'm going to flip bright balls to the Primrose, but yeah. Okay. From here, I'm going to go carefully. That was going to say, too, to re-cement the idea of how treacherous this is. There's no guardrail on this deep slope that leads down into the depths of the lake. Yes. Maya, and a bunch of you guys both give me kind of like an alertness as you're sort of traversing along this almost cliff side. I finally succeeded in alertness. I don't think I have. Yeah. Seven. Nice job. 87. Okay. Okay. I'm glad that was the alert. You're focused on driving. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, you're just taking it nice and slow, making sure that, you know, whatever you're about to drive onto isn't going to give way and immediately send you flying down into a watery grave. But Maya, you have a little bit more of an ability to kind of look at the surrounding area. And as you're driving, you see what looks to be a change in the terrain. There's a small little landing where it opens up a little bit. And it looks almost as if there's disturbances along the hillside here that leads down into the lake, almost as if a large volume of refuse or something was thrown down here at some point. Oh, shit, that polluted the lake and that's great. But tough to know what to make of it without doing some more investigating. And to investigate, you would probably have to get down to the lake side. We don't have time. But is it going to affect our path, like, if the tree is changing? If anything, it makes it a little bit easier driving through this little spot. Okay. Well, I don't think there's anything we can do better right now. This is not really the time, so. Okay. I think that, like, I mean, I still think Maya would say something, because that's only the only time to really do that. No, I'm sure you probably pointed out and just say, I think that's a good idea. That's why everyone got sick, maybe. Yeah. Tails all this time, I guess. And as you're looking out over the lake, too, I think up here, the air is moving a little bit faster. It's more open, so you can see a little bit further, but having kind of a more wide view across the landscape, you can see that this fog across the open landscape seems to be emanating from the ground itself, as if rising up like vapors through the dirt. Fuck. This sucks. Who has the sat phone and the field test kit and all that? You still have it in the light. It is. Yeah. Okay. So, I think Dan, Ronnie, you're probably finishing up your preparations on those traps, and you feel pretty confident about them. So where do you want to head next? I'm on my line, Ronnie, you can, uh, you can, you can head back. I'll talk out if you need to now. All right. You throw a big rock down the stairs if you need me, or shoot if I die. If I die, I will try to shoot the floor inside the light. I'm sure you're here. Yeah. Shoot down the stairs. And I'll hear just don't, I won't go in front of the door. Shoot at me to get my attention. I'm sorry. I can't hear you. Don't fire your gun while you're talking. Ronnie, Ronnie, you make your way down the stairs to go rejoin Dr. Greenwood, and as you re-enter the bio lab, Dr. Greenwood, you and Ronnie both hear this, the sat phone from inside the case, begins chirping. I'm going to immediately stop what I'm doing and just die for it and start, you know, want to open it up. Okay. And you're looking at this signal that's reading out on the front and not to be pandantic here, but it would be dumb if your cell phone worked down here, but your radios didn't. So I'm going to say you're going to have to head back up the stairs really quick because the connection is enough to get a signal that you're being paid. I grab it. And I run. Go. Okay. You trip to trap. Don't shoot. Don't shoot. Okay. And tries to get your attention. I need her. Oh, no. Okay. Ronnie, you tear ass up the stairs. Are you following Dr. Greenwood? No. You're still working on it. Yeah. I need to get everything prepped so that we can immediately get this done. Yep. Okay. Ronnie, as you step over step, it'd be taking him two at a time, a little bit of adrenaline course and three. You make your way back up to the top of the stairs and Dan, you hear her coming back up and you hear this beeping noise that you probably recognize to be the sad phone. Ronnie, you come thundering up the stairs radio, sad phone in hand, and share a look of maybe surprise with Dan as he reached the top of the stairs. Which one of you's answer? You can both hear it. Dan, I'll answer. Okay. Ronnie normally would have beat you to that if he bet she hesitated with her state. Mm-hmm. Okay. Yeah, I think Dan, you just kind of like grab the radio out of her hand, the sad phone, not the radio, and pressing the button, the display clicks on. Here's a moment of a series of clicks. Oh, the static dissipates. The static dissipates. And here, a bit of silence on the other end of somebody fumbles with the receiver. Hello? Is this thing on? Can anybody hear me? Yes, this is operative Dan Durgen, with whom I was speaking. Oh my God, I've been trying to reach you guys for, I don't feel like days. How was that? Everything's a mess over here. There. And it kind of sounds like he's on the island, too? He almost sounds like he's distracted by something. It's spread, hasn't it? They're going to watch a missile, too, and I don't know when they suspended the countdown and they're just making preparations to do it now. What are your communications totally breaking down? What do you, what's your status out there? Well, this thing's likely already made it to the mainland. They launch a missile right now, they're going to kill our only chance of fixing that. Do you have a lead out there? Wanna wait to stop this? We got a few. Yeah, yeah, we got a few. But they die with this island. Listen, I'm going to talk. I'm going to do what I can to delay them as much as possible, but do you have a way off the island? Do you have a secure transport at all? We need to get you in whatever it is you found back here, as soon as we can. Brother, anything we secured before about an hour ago is fucking gone. Listen, I don't have much time here. I'm going to put out word, I'm going to try to get in contact with that original captain that brought you out there. I think that's the best way of maybe getting you out off the island. I've sent their transport, but I don't think I have that kind of authority. I don't even know who I report to anymore. Things are insane back at seaside. The whole place is locked down, but just know they may be ready to wipe that island up the face of the map, but I want to get you guys out of there. We got to gather some stuff first. We can't leave yet. It's okay. It's going to take me while to arrange transport, but just know it's coming. It should pick you up at the same place that it dropped you off. Do not make landfall here till we signal him. Copy that. We should still have a flare. Do you have any other instructions for him? This might be your only opportunity to make contact. Yeah, we send that flare straight into the water. That is a signal. Somebody flares the sky. Stay the fuck away. Okay, I'll relay that message. Why are they lunging transport on the other side of the island? This seems like a bad idea. I mean, where else is he going to pick you up? The docks that are here in the C-cave. Well, he can't fit the queen's right into that C-cave dock. You might be able to bring it into the cannery, but it seems like the cannery might be a staging ground for, like, you know, you guys making it a defense, so it's kind of up to you. Yeah, I just have thought. Anyways. Yeah. I'm not there. No, the C-cave is a great idea. It's just it's not big enough to fit that boat in there. Yeah, honestly, I think I'd rather have our expil somewhere else. I mean, one thing I'll say is, like, it's getting misty. I'm not there, but whatever. It's getting misty and, like, this is spreading, and he knows that dock can pack. Yeah. That's true. Yeah. Yeah. So it might be kind of difficult to maneuver it into a place that's more built for small fishing vessels. It's really fucking suck if they dredge it out, like, two feet too shallow for him to fit. Just watch our ride go down. Yeah. He said he never came to land on the island, right? He just pulled up his boat. Yeah, he says he's never actually stepped foot on the island itself. I mean, he's probably affected. Nice. I mean, he had a woman, like, melt in his, like, cargo. Yeah. Yeah. So that's true. I'm sure he washes hands, though. That's true. He doesn't, he doesn't strike his hand-washing type, but... Yeah. Australia don't believe in washing their hands. Yeah. All right. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't alienate our Australian fan base there. I'm not. I respect their courage. They love, they love Uncle Dickey's weird dumb accent. It's perfect. It's spot on. I think that went, like, British. Uncle Dickey. Well, close. Uncle Dickey. Okay. So, yeah, the voice comes back over the radio and says, "I think I can get him there soon, but... I don't know. Just be ready. Do what you got to do and go meet him at the dock." We'll do. I appreciate your work, brother. Yeah. Just know that there's people here that are still looking out for you. Despite what the rest of Delta Green might think, field operative, they're still the most valuable asset we have in fighting stuff like this, though. They don't reevaluate some policies after today. Do your best to get them to call it off. I will do that if I can, but it's unlikely that I, without some kind of leverage, without a cure or some type of inoculation against this in our hand. I mean... I'm not there. I'm not there. I'm not there. In contact with the military directly on this, it's become a national incident. There's only so much somebody like me can do. Hey, there's a... There's a frequency. Seems to disrupt him. If I snap my fingers just right time. Does this sound like anything to you? I'll see if I can get down there and record it. Send it back. How do I... Well, you know the frequency band. I don't know if it's accurate to what it would actually sound like, but it's around 48k. It's around 48k. Okay. Why? It interrupts the hive mind aspect, but it might enrage him. Oh, it'll make him mad for sure, but it makes him stupid. The hive is Christ. Just fucking get the ferry dog worker here. 48k. It hurts him. Fucks him up. Hahaha. I get it hurts. It hurts them. Hahaha. I get it. It hurts too. All right, I'll do what I can and I'll contact you again if I have the opportunity, but this might be the last time we speak. Probably will. I'll show him. You hear like some kind of commotion come from, you know, in the environment on the other line, and he kind of like drops his voice, he's like, "I kind of come. They safe come back alive." And the line goes dead. Good job, Ronny. Appreciate you bringing that up here. I'm going to shame to miss that fucking call. Yeah, but they're still going to kill all these people. Unless we fix them. Maybe. Apparently, we got to get them proof there before. Well, hopefully I'll nugget we just gave them. Helps. My bad, it's a couple hours. The timer that was displayed on the interface on the saffron has disappeared, and now it's just four blinking lines across the LCD. You don't know how much time you got left, but it seems there's even less of it now. But hopefully somebody is on his way to get you off this island when the time comes. All right, Dr. Greenwood, in the course of your experimentation, you don't notice too. Many variations in the sample of carolines remains. So turning your attention over towards your own blood sample, now that you kind of know what you're looking for, you focus the microscope, bringing the individual blood cells into line as you pan across and you see it. Small spindly, quick, aggressive, fungal cells. Quickly absorbing everything around them. You know, with your time with infectious diseases, this thing's pretty aggressive. If it continues at this rate, anybody infected, including yourself at this stage, would only have days left before whatever happens next comes for them. Hm, scorpion, and maya. You're working your way down this road, coming down the other side, a bright bell lake. Down the long stretch of the remainder of this path, you see. Tucked up a teen, tucked up a teen, tucked up a teen, tucked up a teen, tucked between two small cliff faces. You see lights in the distance, and as you get closer to this mysterious building, you hear something that you haven't heard you realize since you got to this island. Oh boy, you hear music. You've been listening to the multi-part finale of Whispers of Lunabelle Island. The horror doesn't end here. Next week, we will pick this up right where we left off. See you then. Thank you for listening to the re-roll gaming podcast. This actual play, Whispers of Lunabelle Island, is published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is a trademark and copyright owned by the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. The contents of this document are copyright-zane-garing, accepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green Intellectual Property. Want to follow us on social media, listen to another episode, or send us hate mail? Check out our link tree for all our info. You can find that link in the episode description. Big thanks to the Tabletop Audio for producing quality RPG music and ambiance that we can use in our games. The re-roll main theme and all character themes are copyright-zane-garing, the Chronicles of Rel theme and the frequency theme are copyright-tanor-prendis. Please consider donating to our Patreon if you liked our content. We are hell-bent on making more and with your support, we can make a lot more. New episodes of Whispers of Lunabelle Island release every Friday at 12 AM Pacific Standard Time. See you then! in the next video. in the next video. [BLANK_AUDIO]