21st Century Wire's Podcast

INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine, Tony Gosling & Bryan ‘Hesher’ McClain – Trump Assassination Attempt

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18 Jul 2024
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TNT Radio guest host Basil Valentine speaks with author and investigative journalist Tony Gosling and Bryan ‘Hesher’ McClain host of The Boiler Room on ACR and ‘State of the Nation’ on TNT Radio, to discuss the assassination attempt on Trump, breaking down details of what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania on the 13th of July, to assess if it was incompetence or complicity. They also discuss the U.S. elections and whether or not Trump will stand up to NATO and the global warmongers whilst discussing Ukraine’s war of attrition in Europe and how Trump could start backing partially or completely out of NATO. 

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 ATTENTION: The Patrick Henningsen Show MON-FRI will be on summer hiatus for the next few weeks. Appreciate all of you who have been tuning in. We’ll see you all in due course.

at the top of the hour. We'll keep on top of the news. It's the most important thing we can do on today's news talk TNT radio. And welcome back to the Patrick Henningsons. So with me Basil Valentine sitting in for Patrick today Tuesday the 16th of July when it's all happening over in Milwaukee, unless your Boris Johnson, of course, he's flown all that way to address an empty ballroom as we can see now in this picture. Humiliation for Boris. Nobody's really interested in anything. He's got to say, nor should they be this trust and Nigel Paraj are also attending the convention, but it did not be known that Johnson was traveling to the Wisconsin city. It seems that this vapor technology association and American lobbying organization for Vapes are sponsoring the event that Johnson was speaking at. And just a dozen or so people came to hear him speak at the Fister Hotel, despite more than 50,000 being in Milwaukee for the event. It couldn't have happened to a worse bloke. Could it Tony? Well, it's because he's got no guts when he was bullied out as Nadine Dorries has very well explained in her expose of the coup against Boris Johnson. He had a choice, really. He could either continue to say things, which would be controversial as an insider working for the public on TV and in the newspapers. But he decided to keep Sturm. And this is what he's been doing ever since. And he's not really revealed anything interesting much through his newspaper column. And so, yeah, he's an obedient little gopher for the deep state, Boris is on the other side of the Atlantic. You've got is someone is rather different. Now, Trump is I'm not saying he's just rooting for the public. He's obviously rooting for himself as well. But, you know, when all these attempts are made to get rid of him in the last, you know, whether or not that's That was fairly done with the votes in the last presidential election. He just came out fighting. Now, Boris is not. He's just he's just bent over basically. And he's he's decided to give up. But but he still wants to have all the kind of trappings of some sort of major personality for the public. But he's, you know, that's why he's got nobody there. It's because the guy is not everyone knows the guys not going to say anything interesting because he's ciao towing to the deep state, just as he did when he scuppered the peace talks in Ukraine and led to hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths. I'm glad you mentioned that. And of course, that's in stark contrast to both Trump and now his new number two JD Vance who reiterated that Trump will bring the war to an end very quickly after taking office. I mean, that puts the pair of them really on collision course with the, you know, the with NATO, with the European Union, von der Layen with care starmer with the entire so called security apparatus of the West. And it's a high stakes game couldn't really be higher. I mean, I think it's hilarious the way Trump has derided Zalensky as a con man able to go to Washington for a few days and leave with $60 billion. I mean, I think Trump was ironically very impressed by that. But on a serious note. He wasn't allowed to win in 2020. It's as simple as that. Only certain people are ever allowed to become president of the United States. Hence all the gerrymandering and vote rigging that went on to make sure that Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden were the candidates in in 2016 and 2020 and not Bernie Sanders from all his faults. I'm not a huge Sanders fan, but nevertheless, he was not allowed to win the nomination. Simple as that. Trump somehow managed to slip through the net, then ended up filling his cabinet with neo cons like John Bolton and Mike Pompeo to have the very worst people in Washington. But this time round, people have been saying he looks like he's learned a lot. Do you think he and Vance are up to standing up to NATO and the, you know, the international warmongers? Yeah, I think they are. And I think it's largely because of what happened five years ago that Trump has, I think, now he's got it in for the deep state. He's been fighting them right the way through these court cases. And by the way, this may not be the last assassination attempt on Trump. You know, I think looking at the running his running mate, both of them have put it on the record that they don't want to be fighting European wars. And they don't want to be basically that what they're saying is they're sort of backing out of being the lead leaders in NATO, which really starts to beg the question, doesn't it? Who's in charge of this Anglo Zionist empire? I mean, everyone's always asking, is this Israel? Is it the UK? Is it the EU? Is it the Washington? Well, it may be that Washington starts to back away from this alliance. And that's, I think, the thing that the Europeans are really afraid of. The Israelis are really afraid of. The Russians are looking at this and thinking, yeah, go for it, guys, because we don't actually want to have a war with Europe either. And we certainly don't want to do that with the Americans backing it. But I mean, and I'm not joking when I say possibly another assassination attempt may be more successful this time because my reading of what happened on Saturday night, Saturday, late Saturday night, our time is pretty simple. That is to say, access. So having access to a shooting position to kill the president with a rifle is absolutely not on. And anybody who's in charge of the Secret Service should immediately resign because this guy got access to it. You mean, first of all, you pick sites where there is limited access, and then you make sure all of that access to a shooting position is covered 100%. That's your basic job as the boss of the Secret Service. But the other thing is Action, no action. There were warnings. There were shouts in the crowd. There were police and Secret Service is communicating. I don't know if you've seen that bit of footage. There was obviously some alarm going on about a minute or so before the shooting around the stage by the Secret Service. And at that point, it seems to me, somebody made a completely wrong decision to allow Trump to carry on. Now, as soon as they heard, there was a potential shooter in the area. It would have been very simple professional decision to pause the proceedings, wait until that potential had been cleared up, even if it may have been a false alarm, still completely fine. Just pause proceedings, get Trump out the way, find out what's going on. But that didn't happen. So there was no, there was a warning about this and there was no action. I mean, Trump is quite right when he says, I should be dead. And I think this is quite a miracle, really, a minor miracle that he's managed to survive this. I mean, people have pointed out, oh, well, you know, that if they wanted to kill him, of course, they do it. Look, the guy was not a very good aim. He wasn't particularly good. He wasn't even allowed in the rifle club. I think he maybe was allowed in it, but he wasn't considered to be in any way a useful or effective marksman. Whereas anyone that knows anything about the JFK assassination and the role of the Chicago mob, James Files, the hitman, who was trained by the 82nd Airborne Division as a sniper in Korea, and then went on to work for the mob in Chicago, was brought down to Dallas and fired that fatal shot from the grassy hole. At least that's certainly what anyone that really balls to look deeply into this can see. Files is still alive, by the way. I've been trying to get through to him. It'd be lovely to get an interview with him. I bet he's got all sorts of interesting things to say about this. But the fact is that that was a hitman, a marksman, a real professional doing the JFK job. This guy was 20 years old. I mean, he's a hot head. So that, to me, is Thomas Crook's chat. The other aspect to all of this, Basil, is this woman, Kimberly Cheetall, the head of the Secret Service. She said that they didn't want to have anybody on that roof, and it wasn't necessary to cover it because it was a sloping roof, and that it's dangerous health and safety, you know, dangerous. The Secret Service people to be on there. Now, it's a gentle slope. This is the sort of thing. This is a tick box individual. Kimberly Cheetall should be gone. She should be possibly even jailed for the negligence that she's caused here. And also, you have to ask the question, has she been given this job because she's Kimberly Cheetall, the box ticker, or because she's actually good at close protection? And I would suggest it's largely to do with, she's a woman. She's a box ticker. She fulfills the equality criteria, and nothing whatsoever to do with actually being suitable for the job. Well, I mean, she's confessed that she didn't do her job. She was interviewed by ABC just today. The building, in particular, has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building from inside. That's a verbatium quote. But the building wasn't secured from inside. It's absolutely ludicrous. I mean, surely, if you, even if you take it out a word, which is obvious nonsense because the Secret Service people are capable of standing on sloped roofs, any workmen's cable of standing on a sloped roof, even so somebody should have gone on to the roof or viewed the roof. They've got drones. They've got, you know, it's a total failure. She's confessed there to total failure. She should be gone immediately, Tony. I don't get it. Yeah. Yeah, she should. I mean, absolutely no way that anybody like that. And it's an alphabetically, she's blaming the local Pennsylvania cops or something. But there's a whole other aspect to this, very important aspect. And that is this political climate where somebody thinks it's OK to do this sort of thing. And the general criticism of Biden has mostly been lampooning him, making fun of him and turning him into this sort of fun figure on the other side. The Democrats and their friends over here in the UK and other parts of the world, the Woke Brigade, if you want, have been really bad at demonizing Trump. Now, look, I mean, obviously, somebody with his amount of power, you know, he's made a lot of bad decisions, particularly to do with Jerusalem and Israel, but lots and lots of them. But the thing is, whether you like it or not, he's got massive public support in the States, like Putin has in Russia. And what's been going on is there have been several attempts to literally to call for his execution and saying things like the guy's a criminal comparing him to Hitler. I'm sure you've seen those clips of the US TV presenter saying what Trump is saying. He's exactly what Hitler said. These were, this is demonizing. OK, so I'm saying even Joe Biden himself said he wanted a bullseye on Trump. You know, and the public are being told that Trump is a threat to democracy. What you're doing is you're implanting this idea in people's minds that if they kill him, it's going to be better for democracy. If we do that, so these sorts of things, I would suggest the under existing criminal law are incitement to murder and shouldn't be allowed. It only under obviously under a satirical comic context, but these weren't, and we've seen various figures such as David Attenborough. David Aronovitch. David Aronovitch. David Aronovitch, both of them. Aronovitch and Attenborough. Yeah, I think it was back in around about 2015, there were headlines around the UK of David Attenborough saying that Trump should be murdered. You know, he's such a threat to the planet. You know, so this is the sort of thing we've been hearing again and again. Aronovitch, as you said, quite correctly, that was much more recently, just a couple of weeks ago, a week and a half ago. And he deleted his trip tweet. You know, he's got his own series on the BBC regularly speaking on Radio 4. I'm not quite sure what it's called. I'd usually switch off as soon as I hear it because he is literally an Israeli agent. I mean, I know everyone uses this term independent journalist. I was brought up with freelance journalists. Now, these are journalists that can speak their mind a bit more freely because they're not, they do not have their back signs owned through a staff contract. So many staff that matter by any external force, like Mr. Aronovitch. Well, well, I'm not sure. I think he could be freelance too. I'm not sure. There's quite a lot of these people working at the BBC. They even set up their own companies so that they can not not pay any tax through some sort of offshore in Jersey, things like that. The BBC have been shown to be paying money like that. So, but anyway, the point is also an investigative journalist. So I'm out there digging, digging the whole time, looking for what's actually going on between the lines behind the scenes. You know, somewhere else. So constantly skeptical. You could say I was born suspicious. You could say that. But yeah, so much of my work is much of my work has been around digging up the links between the Nazis in the Second World War and this fourth Reich industrial empire after the war, which we now see asserting itself as the deep state effectively, the satanic banks, as I call them every week on my weekly podcast. But look, getting back to Trump, we've also seen, I mean, we're talking about David Aronovitch on the BBC. I think it's called the briefing room, his program where he's just lying to the entire country and sending everyone up in the wrong direction with his rubbish and lies, him calling for Trump to be killed, a tweet he then deleted. Also, also David Attenborough, a friend of Prince Charles saying that, you know, Trump was very bad for the planet blah blah, and he should be killed. I don't know if he withdrew those comments, but all these sorts of things have not been coming the other way. Do you know what I'm saying is, yes, absolutely, generally from the right to the left, you're not getting people saying, oh, let's blow Biden's head off, but you are in New Zealand, even New Zealand TV, their independent channel, you know, so commercial channel in New Zealand, their breakfast show last year had a whole segment where all the presenters, and I was watching it earlier in the 2000s to use a pop gun to knock over and shoot at a little model of Donald Trump on their desk, and they were all having a laugh and a joke. Listen, in broadcast, certainly when I was brought up in broadcasting, this is not if it's put in the context of a comedy program, maybe, but not on your main news breakfast program. These are incitement to murder, incitement to assassinate. And that's why I think you've got a, we've what's happened over the decade spazzle is we've slowly gone to this kind of gutter media, you know, in the national media, these sorts of things are not immediately jumped on by journalists, because if those journalists do jump on those people, making those, you know, assassination murder, incitement they get sacked, they get elbowed out, so there's this kind of groupthink that, you know, that work is right, left is fair and it's socialist and it's all about equality, and actually, at the end of the day, that isn't necessarily the same, it's a very narrow part of what is right and what is wrong, and that's what we're being, is being pushed down our throats all the time, and particularly in the press, but I think they've done a reasonable job, a lot of them in covering this I've been looking, for example, a daily telegraph, here's coverage of the Trump assassination attempt and that's a right wing paper I suppose you'd expect them to be quite critical of it, but at the end of the day, I think what we're going to see is this making, you know, this miracle really moving, making is a serious threat to the transatlantic elite, their alliance, because now they're going to have to try and bump him off, it is an interesting Tucker Carlson, in his interview with Vladimir Putin, a couple of months ago, was also talking about, you know, he's saying they're going to have to assassinate Trump now because his court cases are failing, so Tucker Carlson should be being rerun, all these people who've predicted this, now obviously, Carlson is not, you know, wanting it like Attenborough, Iranovich and these New Zealand TV, I mean, I'm sure there are many others, too, because it's become like open season on the Trumpites, Trump is terrible, Channel 4 News always having a go at Trump, any possible excuse having little tittering behind there, you know, so what it is, this is a kind of gangster system that we've brought up where the threats against Trump are very much like, you know, you get a little letter, maybe the ace of spades comes through your door from the drug dealers, saying, if you don't shut up and if you don't behave yourself, you're going to be a dead person, that is actually what's going on I think now, through the mainstream press has been going on against Trump and of course once it happens, the same exact thing, by the way, was going on with Diana, lots and lots of people not necessarily calling her to be killed, but also, but all of them demonising it, there was massive amount of demonisation, private I published a whole thing about it when Diana was assassinated a whole page of all the things that people have been saying the previous week about Diana, and all the load of the newspapers that morning had to be actually brought back and pulped and rewritten because they had so much horrible, you know, like sneaky horrible, so this is what it seems the West does now, whether it's a sad has to go, Gaddafi has to go, Putin has to go, Trump has to go, and then they get surprised when someone tries to blow his head off No, absolutely, there's a lot to unpack there, I mean, first of all, we've had Trump in office for four years, the sky didn't fall in, in fact the American economy prospered under Trump, admittedly the so-called deal of the century in the Middle East, that went nowhere, but it looks amazing now compared to the Shia horror on the ground there And of course he met Ji and, you know, he's willing to do diplomacy with standard of debate, including in the corporate press has now become so low that any attempt to diplomacy is automatically branded appeasement And, you know, Trump obviously stands in opposition to that, you're right, the language headed in Trump's direction has been some of the worst ever, I wonder if he might decide to exercise that one sided Well, it'll be interesting to see what the BBC does with him on a bitch, probably nothing, because they like to just shrug these things off, oh, well, it was just a joke, yeah, really, and then it happened, and the guy was nearly killed But you don't care because you don't believe what he stands for, these organizations are supposed to be impartial, and in fact we had a lot of fun back in the early 1990s being impartial, that is to say, in the time of the first Gulf War And he was actually getting somebody on the radio who was Megalie Pro Sedam Hussein, he actually lived around the corner from the radio station I was working at in Merriff and High Street in central London And we got him on the radio, and there he was singing the praises of the guys that the British had just sent off a flotilla or something to go and invade in the first Gulf War It's impartiality, and I don't think we've got that anymore, we've got this, we're not even allowed to watch our tea, we're not even allowed to watch our tea, you've got to use a proxy server to get it in the UK I mean, it's absolutely disgraceful the way the corporate media has become simply a stenographer for government, and you say that, you know, organs like the Guardian, which used to be fiercely independent and an opponent of the deep state Now really seems to be just a mouthpiece for the security services, they embrace some aspects of the left, in other words the wokery, but they don't embrace the meaningful aspects of the left like peace Or for that matter, renationalizing the waterboards that pump sewage into our rivers, Tony, so it's very selective, the new ideology you could call it of neoliberal fascism Yeah, it is fascism, and it's a forthright, I think it's quite clear observing this sort of thing, that the private equity firms are quite in a position to control everything They've bought the political parties through groups like the World Economic Forum and the trilateral commission, they have completely owned the backside of our Prime Minister over here, declassified UCAB and doing some excellent work exposing his links to the deep state And so the other thing is that the private equity know how to do things, so they own anything that opposes them, they buy it out, look at what's going on with the water privatization back in the 1990s, it was quite a late privatization I think it was not the major or the tail end of the Thatcher government, the first thing that happened when water was privatized here in Britain, and of course the more you privatize, the less your vote means, so you're voting for something which is a little puny little regulator Which is trying to rein in these massive corporations, that's all you're voting for, you're not voting for the ownership and control of these things anymore And the first thing that happened was something called the camel for water disaster, within a couple of months of the privatization of water in Britain, we had some guy from a private company dump a whole load of toxic aluminium chemicals into the water supply, which knocked out hundreds of people in the area And long, you know, life changing, some of them were killed, life changing injuries, you know, so that should be an example, the other thing that they want to do is just to hold that talk to you because we've got to go to a quick break And I want to talk about black rock, and the connection between Thomas Crooks and black rock, and how on earth he became a potential person of suspicion, and for that we're going to be joined by Hesha Brian McLean to get really granular on exactly what happened last Saturday, we'll be right back after this short break Political commentator and investigative journalist, you're with Patrick Henningsen on today's news talk TNT Except you're with Basil Valentine today, Tuesday the 16th of July 2024 and I'm delighted to say I'm joined by this final segment by Brian Hesha McLean, host of state of the nation, which comes up after the news at the top of the hour But while we've got the three of us together, let's finally get granular on Thomas Crooks, Tony was talking before the break Hesha about the private equity firms, the likes of Vanguard and Black Rock, how they own everything these days Do they own Thomas Crooks, apparently he appeared in a black rock adverts, and he was also identified as a potential person of suspicion, according to Kimberly Chiekel, who is masquerading as director of the secret service Given that he was just a sort of rather bullied, otherwise unknown high school graduate known for being a bit geeky and highly intelligent, how on earth could it be a person of suspicion to the secret service, and is this connection with Black Rock of any particular significance do you think It should be, I mean it's definitely a big red flag, you know, it's not the first time we've seen things like this too, you know, and again it goes from this is an unknown person to someone, a person of interest, okay, so just like, you know, many situations in the past it went from lone wolf to known wolf Within, you know, 36 hours of the event, so that should be a giant red flag, we've seen that pattern over and over again with highly politicized shootings, assassinations and attempts at assassinations, school shootings, movie theater shootings You know, we see this over and over again, and of course, who's going to investigate it, the FBI, and who's the outlet that seems to almost always be just right there in that lone wolf to known wolf inflection point, you know, we've seen that over and over again, you know, going all the way back to, you know, at least Lee Harvey Oswald Yeah, no, absolutely. The Department of Homeland Security, which now oversees the Secret Service, is denying claims by the Trump campaign that they've requested greater resources for his personal protection requests that were repeatedly denied You know that Biden has personally, as far as we can gather, vetoed requests by Robert F Kennedy Jr for protection, so in this case, do you think there's a possibility that this was allowed to happen, Tony, cock up or conspiracy? No, I think that what happens nowadays, it's not so easy to control as it was in the 1960s with the JFK assassination, that was the CIA and the Chicago mob doing things rather covertly undercover, I think there's a lot of people now in the government and in the secret services, et cetera, that know how things work, so it's very difficult to use these big organizations like the FBI to directly to carry out these assassinations So, I mean, cock up or conspiracy definitely, what they do, I think is they allow little windows of opportunity, they insert somebody that might be able to do the job, this guy wasn't a particularly good sharpshooter so I think that's why we've still got Trump around But it seems obvious to me, in every single way, that somebody, probably the person on the scene from the secret service or the FBI from the national government has made sure that there was that opportunity for the guy to get to that position It seems very, very, very surprised if it was just an oversight, so I think that's what they do nowadays, that they will make a little chink in the armour, open up the armour a little bit and say, "Well, if someone wants to get in there, some other part of the deep state might organize for somebody to be encouraged to do it" This land's parents saying, "We hate Trump, here's your big chance, blah blah" You don't know, I'm not accusing them directly of it, but these are the sort of questions that the police, the FBI, etc, should be asking, but of course, what we're saying, as you can see, what I'm saying is the FBI are investigating themselves in this sort of case Now, they're not going to find themselves guilty, the government's not going to find itself guilty, and the reason they're so afraid of Trump is because he's made it absolutely clear that he is going to clear up these various parts of the deep state, which are the permanent government, the security state, the Democrats, he's getting in there to put his people in charge of these organisations and/or close them down, things like Department for Homeland Security, the FBI, as you know, the 9/11 John O'Neill, Deputy Director of the FBI, who'd resigned and got a job in the World Trade Centre because he was trying to get bin Laden and people who were working with bin Laden in the United States under surveillance, and he was vetoed from doing that, so he said, well, I may as well resign, what's the point of me being Deputy Director of the FBI, if we can't look at these people who seem to be planning some sort of massive attack in Britain, sorry, in the United States, and are working with bin Laden to do it So, you see, what you've got is totally compromised institutions, part of the permanent government, that's what I call them anyway, the civil servants, and if you come back to the UK, there's even the recent new Director of GCHQ, our version of the National Security Agency here in Britain, is this woman with some rather dubious qualifications for the job And I have to look at that and say, well, hang on, you've not got very good qualifications for the job, is it because they need to tickbox all these, you know, they must have enough women in these key positions, and that is taking priority over where the people can actually do it Now, I'm not accusing her of, you know, of doing, you know, actually being not competent, maybe she is, but these are the sorts of questions I think we've really got to be asking at the moment about some, whether people are getting into positions because they are pliable, and also the excuse to get them in there is this whole equalities agenda, now forgotten in the whole equalities world and agenda is whether people are legally poor and they're getting money, they're having to go to food banks to feed their family Not to me is what equality is all about, equality of opportunity and equality of at least having a roof over your head, something to drink and a decent reasonable income so all of these things I think are linked together as society is breaking down with this fascistic forthright financial takeover in the in the West, so what we're seeing is all those big institutions, the powerful institutions, elite institutions like the FBI, like the banking regulators, if you want to go as far as to say the water And the people who are being elected in Britain, they're all being compromised, people are being put in there, we've got no real interest in the public that they're supposed to serve, they're just box tickers, careerists and you know hopefully, you know, the thing is at least with an election, you can get rid of people, you can get rid of somebody like we've just done here in Bristol with on our awful MPs, thank them Dave and then now thank God she's gone, but within within the permanent government, it's much more difficult to do that Tony makes a couple of interesting points, a lot of people are saying the febrile atmosphere of American politics contributed to what the radicalisation of Thomas Crooks, all sorts of rumours around him, including of course that he might be a Manchurian candidate and MK ultra victim shades of Mark David Chapman and the John Lennon assassination What do we know about Crooks and apparently it was a terrible shot, he seems an unlikely candidate for this, there've been several other unlikely candidates for shootings in America in recent years, some of which were not allowed to mention Yeah, you might get sued for billions or trillions of dollars if you say some of them to the wrong people at the wrong time with a large enough audience, Alex Jones could tell us all about that, how that worked out for him And I think Tony's really on to something here, and we've got examples of this, you can look at the Biden administration picking Philip Washington as their FAA lead, they wanted to put him, they specifically handpicked him and wanted to put him in as the head of the FAA And he was under multiple federal investigations, state investigations, indictments, so why would an administration pick someone like that, Andy had no experience, he did not have the experience for the job And if you don't believe me, just watch his interview in the Senate confirmation hearing, which thank goodness you know, good journalists got a hold of people like Ted Cruz and shared all this information with him, and all this stuff was brought out on the floor And he was not confirmed to the position, the Biden administration did the same thing with Karen Bass, mayor of Los Angeles, she was very dubious position and Biden and Kamala flew out there to stump for her in particular And I wonder, aren't you guys supposed to be running the country, why are you so interested in who the people of LA vote in for the mayor, I've got a long list of these so I think it provides a whole lot of plausible deniability when things go wrong, look how many boings have fallen out of the air, look how many tires have popped while during takeoff, look how many, you know, they've just, they're having all kinds of problems with airplanes right now, and wouldn't it just be like great for the political environment, and the polarization to say, you know, have Phil Washington be in there, you know, so same with LA, look at LA, it's got the worst homelessness, there's like 70,000 to 100,000 homeless people in LA right now, and you know, these are, these are the leads that this administration has put in there So they're definitely putting in people that are compromised legally, people that are in, you know, legal trouble, some of them under indictments and investigations, and one really has to ask themselves, why would we, why would our administration be trying to find people like that and promoting them into head to head positions, and that leads to Mrs Cheetos or whatever her name is over here at Secret Service, where did she work before, you would think that the head of Secret Service would have been, you know, a colonel, or at least like a tier one, you know, pipetting veteran or something like that But no, it's a security person from Pepsi Now that absolutely bizarre, I agree, it's quite obvious why she got the job, it's being reported that European politicians and diplomats are extremely concerned about J.D. Vance being a vice presidential pick, he's known for his criticism of American aid to Ukraine, and that Europe should get ready for the US pivoting its area of focus to East Asia. But really, both of you, do you think that there's going to be another attempt on Trump to mean rumors about assassination attempts on Trump for some time now, and you know, frankly, this chap Mr Crooks, he was an extremely unlikely candidate if he, if he'd been set up by some. I don't see him as unlikely, I mean he's exactly the sort of person, I mean the sort of 1921 year olds are real hotheads, I mean the people like that, that's why they recruit them in their teens, late teens into the armed forces, because they know these people will go out and risk everything that they see themselves as sort of young pioneers that can do the stuff that those old people can't do, they're also a little bit naive, can I say, about, you know, their own, you know, that getting car insurance for 18, 19 year old in this country anyway is almost impossible, you're talking about 1,000 pounds, because they take lots of risks and he is the sort of age where he will be taking risks, somebody like James files at the JFK assassination, he was much older, quite a bit older in his 30s I think, but you know he's the sort of person who knew exactly the risk he was taking. In fact he would choose his own position or where to fire from, knew exactly how he was going to retreat, if anyone had approached him whether he'd kill them or just will pass them, that sort of thing he was, he was a hitman, he knew he'd been doing this for years and years for the Chicago mob, so I think he's a very likely candidate, the other thing is I do feel obviously quite sorry for the guy, he's a bit of a loner, it seems, you know he didn't make friends very easily, and he was very intelligent, wasn't really much liked, and I can totally sympathise with that, I think, you know, for a lot of youngsters, particularly growing up through the high school through the UK secondary school system, you'll find the cliques that are sort of cool You kind of think, well actually there are a bunch of idiots, I don't really want to try and, you know, to compete in their pecking orders, who's going to be cheating, you sort of know, I'm sorry for the guy I agree, likewise it was liquidated, you know, without a further thought, we run out of time