21st Century Wire's Podcast

INTERVIEW: Hussain Shafiei – What Really Happened in UK Election

Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
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TNT Radio host Patrick Henningsen speaks with UK Parliamentary Candidate Hussain Shafiei, about the tragic result in UK politics whereby the Establishment managed to pass the ruling baton from Torries – over to Trilateralist and globalist operative Keir Starmer and New Labour 2.0, with little or chance of any real substantial policy changes on the horizon. We also discuss the arch of the Workers Party of Britain and its growing grassroots movement.

More from Hussain: X/Twitter

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It's the final segment of the hour here I'm your host Patrick Kennington thanks for joining us big thank you to Freddie Ponton in the previous segment incredible breakdown of the French electoral shock and what it means what it means going forward what it doesn't mean same in the UK an incredible series of events have come together to give us not not such a great result if you're looking for change in policy especially foreign policy it doesn't look like you're going to get much of it with this new government led by new labor 2.0 Keir Starmer to get a little bit of insight on this want to bring on to the program an actual parliamentary candidate who was doing his best in his constituency to try to make some change happen he's name is Hussein Shafi otherwise known as Haas the Londoner on the live link right now Haas thank you for joining us on TNT thanks Patrick I didn't actually get to do a single day of canvassing in my area I didn't get to meet a single person in my area I literally got 12 signatures so I can stand for Parliament because one of my brothers one of my dearest friends Richard Medhurst was supposed to stand for us at the for that seat and it's the seat that Parliament sits in which is Westminster and he couldn't make it there was a mess up between me and him and he ended up not been able to fly in and do the paperwork so I had to step in but the good thing is I spent zero pounds on my campaign and I still got 727 people voting for me and the reason they voted for me was because people can put whatever name they want within a certain bandwidth and my party name was the workers party for Britain for Gaza so I didn't meet anyone but the fact that I had for Britain and for Gaza I got 727 votes in the city of London and Westminster which which goes a long way to show how angry people are for Britain and for Gaza because people are stressed out really stressed out everything it's going on in Gaza at the moment and tell us how tell us how what did you learn from this experience because I'm sure you had an opportunity to interface with things like hostings to find out what access you know an alternative candidate has to the electric to the electric system the democracy system in the UK what what did you learn from your firsthand experience so what I learned was that the mainstream party to the only ones who ever going to get any kind of time to do anything there were seven hustings in my area I didn't get single invite I went and looked to the ones I found and one of them was at the the Jewish border deputies who basically rejected me from coming in because they said we know who you are and you know they were very hostile towards me coming in and giving an opinion other than the ones that they had going in that and the other one was for the homeless group of there was a homeless hustings basically based on homelessness in the in the constituency which I went to and the only reason I was able to talk on that one was because the person the moderator was a guy called Paul who is the owner or and or chief executive officer of the big issue which is a magazine we sell now he was he invited me to speak so I can say to you as a person from one of the smaller parties but we're actually now the six largest party in the country we polled over 210,000 votes which means had we had one single member of parliament we'd actually count as a national party we were completely blocked out of almost all mainstream media and I had an opportunity and someone I say an opportunity I don't have opportunities my party leader George Galloway was invited to a couple of shows and the shows he went on to he was just abused by the people who were you know the moderators and journalists calling what you were and he was and it was just a very hostile feeling towards George I replaced George in two events and one event it was supposed to be a 15 this is I'm explaining this once you understand the level of hatred for us as the as the workers party of Britain I was supposed to be on there for five minutes speaking to Joe who is the politics live program journalist reporter I spoke for four minutes and I was on there for three minutes and 32 seconds and I said and they said to me well why do you not want labor to win I said well because there's no difference during the Labor Party and the Tory party both of them are accomplices in genocide in Gaza someone did a video there was a countdown of 30 seconds before I was kicked off and I was supposed to be on there for five minutes talking to her about our party and another further ten minutes to talk to the other you know talking heads call it we will never again the person you know we've rightly made the comment without being that's that's your time or politics life mr. Shafi and I was escorted out the door and I didn't go back on there I would my party leader was invited on to a LBC I went in instead of him again it's we didn't we were being treated as the smallest of nothing parties and it doesn't feel good and and the thing is this there are thousands and tens of thousands of people that are voted in all these different general elections the Labor Party Conservative Party we didn't get a look in that's the problem we did not get a look in to speak on TV properly they had Nigel Farage and every other person that applied Cambry got less votes than us we got more votes than them and yet their leader was allowed to come and have a debate as one of the six leaders of the party our leader party leader wasn't allowed on it's just so unfair the gross gross unfairness of everything that happened to us we were in a complete media blackout we weren't allowed our name was not ever seen on a you gov poll was not seen on any poll the only person who was seen on the poll was George Galloway for his seat in getting in rogerdale no no other time so when you're completely excluded from the media completely excluded from the TV from the newspapers and from all the polls you don't get a chance to arrive to this to actually make a case the only people the newspapers that were talking about us was so and so was caught for antisemitism he was caught for antisemitism he was caught for antisemitism and it's all just such vague reality symmetric things and they were just interested in one thing making sure that George Galloway who is the only person that would hold Kear Starmer to account that would hold him because every Wednesday he would hold him to get to account literally I could see George pulling Kear Starmer's trousers down to his ankle every Wednesday because if he was a member of parliament he'd get one question every Wednesday as the leader of our party because we got more than 150,000 votes we count as a national party so we're allotted one question they don't want people like George Galloway to be the opposition because he was only in there for 53 days, Patrick and you know as well as I do the impact of his voice in parliament putting basically the leadership and all the ministers scaring them like a kebab and that's that's the kind of rhetoric he's got they do not want that in parliament do you understand me so they did their best to destroy him to destroy our party and yet still we prevailed and yet still we had 210,000 votes and we were that far away from getting George in and to be honest with you we're still going to be doing something about George's case it's not going away because hate and hope is a charity and that charity got itself involved in our politics they're not allowed to do that so we're talking to our lawyers we're talking to our solicitors and I'm looking forward to the next few days before the end of the weekend on what we're going to do next but it's not the end for us and I can promise you and I can assure you that you know our party is going to be there in five years time and we're going to be invigorated and I'm looking forward to see if Jeremy Corbyn you know who's basically you know the icon of the left does what he says what my party left George said which is organize a French version of the popular front for the left and let's get everyone behind us because otherwise you know that the Labour party's just gone to the right the Tory party's already right the reform are even further to the right and if you have to opposition to them to the to the Labour party is the right where's the left we can't as a nation just end up watching these people just take over politics and anyone who's got a left leaning attitude to life you know it's basically just ignored and then and you know these these elections have shown us one thing that in there was 12.6 million people voted for Jeremy Corbyn in 2017 and Kia Starmer has got 9.6 million that's a difference of three million people that wanted the politics of the left those people haven't disappeared these people have just fucked just about to swear I'm not these people have just disengaged from politics they've just said I can't be bothered we've had the lowest turnout you know some places are at 40% turnout this is not a democracy you know because everyone is so boring there's you know that we had a Boris Johnson we had a Jeremy Corbyn we had two Titanic clash we got a block of wood in the name of Kia Starmer and a wet trip in the name of Rishi soon again they're nothing politicians and you know and Labour has won the selection on one thing and one thing only we're not the Tories they've missed up for 14 years it's our turn to rule they're not helping the people they're not going to change the dynamic of society nothing's going to change nothing at all thank you for the incredibly long monologue well you know whenever you have a low voter turnout and a big margin of victory for the party that did win this is really a bad bad sign for the state of the democracy and it also means that there's no no possibility that you could say they have a mandate in terms of public support so this is a huge problem not only that as you said no difference in policies you do have the positive of Jeremy Corbyn breaking through and you know recapturing his seat in Islington he'll be a great voice on the floor the commons you have a slightly interesting dynamic maybe with Nigel Farroj on some issues but not completely out the lunch on others but still the Chris Williamson's the George Galloway's the other sort of you know more insurgent more visionary foreign policy led minds they're not there and I think that's a huge loss in terms of you know the debate we're both old enough us to remember when you had those types of debates in the commons you had the Tony Bens the John Smith's of the world who are ready to have a dust up that doesn't happen anymore it's a totally different culture now and it's because I don't think there's a lot of difference between these major parties on policy they're arguing over nuance at the end of the day but you know workers party of Britain do you think that the reason they called the snap election so quickly has because what if you had you know four or five months to organize in these various districts what would have the results might have been much different a lot of these insurgent parties even reform I could throw them in the same the same category there but especially workers party made massive strides in a short period of time how much did you lose from having to rush into this snap election as opposed to an October election on us I don't know if we would have lost gotten any more or any less but I think we'd have had more time to definitely change people's attitude towards Biden I'm not saying that there would have been any different and I'll point to the reason why the Labour Party was spending £50,000 a day on social media adverts they spent millions we spent £15,000 that's for the whole campaign that is like you know trying to grasp people's attention it's an impossible task when you've got someone that's given £10 million to reform for instance £10 million to reform that's their money to go and do what they got to do with they're able to put 600 and whatever candidates in I think Rishi Sunak called the election because he felt there's no difference whatsoever between now and then all that's going to happen is I don't know if you're watching our politics or not but the Labour Party had started just before the election were called to start going into what I call the start of their extended election period and that election period was pulling out Kia Starmer these are our six pledges these are let me start the brainwashing all more brainwashing all brainwashing and his attitude was Rishi Sunak was we're going to get wiped out anyway every poll that says we're going to get wiped out let's do it now get it over and done with okay because no matter what happens the Tory party have lost this election there is no chance and he'd rather get it over and done with now and he's got his own ulterior motive he's not going to be around there's going to be a by-election call to him him and his kids are going to be going to California I can't see him staying in the UK he's a Californian he's literally his brainwave works with that further there so he's had his own personal reasons and I think he was trying to limit the damage because he also believed that if the summer went on more and more ships are going to come in Rowan does not going to get through reform would get even more seats this is his way of damage control so I don't think the Tory party were worried about us in any way ship form they only worry about reform and how many seats are we going to lose because if they waited till October there might even be greater losses I mean literally the only seats that have left are what we call the terminally Tory party seats the ones that have never ever changed they've always stayed Tory they've been Tory since you know day one of their lives so I don't think we could have done much more other than maybe a bit of data science but then again that data science may not have helped us very much the important thing was being able to go out there and meet people and our party is too small to fight people like Labor we would have you know for instance Aroma Hasan is one of my favorite people she's one of my candidates up north Shanassadiki and you want to stop? No we're going to break it coming to the top of the hour Hawes and I forgot to mention the Great Craig Murray what a loss not to have him at this time in history on the floor of the commons making arguments for common sense and peace in the world I just it's a heartbreaking on one level but it really shows you what needs to be done right now I really appreciate you joining us on TNT this week Hawes hopefully we can keep this conversation going in the near future my pleasure thank you very much for the opportunity to tell you about our party and we will be around we're not going anywhere there he goes ladies and gentlemen and a big thank you to Freddie Ponton for this excellent rundown of the French election you won't get any better and what we've got to offer on this program take care you guys we'll see you on Thursday tomorrow we'll be doing a replay back on Thursday and Friday all the best Patrick Henderson your host signing out take care you guys