21st Century Wire's Podcast

INTERVIEW: Trish Wood – The Biden Health Scandal Cover-up

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06 Jul 2024
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TNT Radio host Patrick Henningsen speaks with independent journalist and filmmaker Trish Wood,  about the rapid deterioration of Joe Biden in public, marked by a catastrophic collapse in Democrat voter confidence following the disastrous Biden-Trump debate which aired last week on CNN. How long have Democrats been covering up Biden’s onset dementia and who is ultimately responsible? What does this say about America as a world superpower?

More from Trish: X/Twitter Substack

Get a copy of Trish’s book “What Was Asked of Us: An Oral History of the Iraq War by the Soldiers Who Fought It”

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We don't rock. We talk. Today's news talk TNT radio. Welcome back. Welcome back folks. We're still in the first hour of this live broadcast. I'm Patrick Kennedy. She's your host live and direct here TNT. Today's news talk and a big, big hello and a big thank you to everybody in the TNT chat community. Great to see our community thriving there. That's where you want to be hanging out during the show. You can access that just down in the lower right hand corner of the red bubble. That's the chat community login. Stay logged in all week and get involved folks. You can also access that through the TNT app. You can download on Google play or the Apple store as well. The app store. I want to change gears here. We'll go into the US side of things. Which has been made of course since plenty to unpack after the great debate last week. It wasn't that great in terms of the substance of the debate but it's been a great tumultuous backlash following the debate as Joe Biden seemed to be in total collapse and free fall in terms of his public image. No surprise to any of us that have been watching this closely nor is it a surprise I'm sure for our next guest. Trish would independent journalist who's joining us on the line right now. Trish I'm sure what happened last week as tragic as it was to watch that train wreck unfold. You I'm sure were not surprised. Neither were many of our colleagues. We've been talking and warning about this for years. Suddenly though it's acceptable discourse in the mainstream is this incredible Trish. Yeah well you know I'm one of those people who didn't feel too sorry for Joe Biden because for me this eclipses any kind of sympathy I might have had for him in the sense that in order to maintain this massive Watergate eclipsing cover up the amount of lying deception and gaslighting against the American people and indeed all of us you know the G7 Lee I mean everybody is somehow now involved in this awful story if you start peeling it back. So I just saw a guy who was not able to give up power. I saw a guy who lies easily and a guy who's family and the people around him lie easily to to the American public. So I was not as sympathetic. Everybody's saying elder abuse elder abuse but you know I suppose it is but you know what here's the thing Patrick. People were arguing about what this is going to do to the election right. Is he going to make it to the election and how badly be when we're doing it? But we need somebody running that office who is commencementous right now there's two wars afoot. Hezbollah and Israel are rocking as we speak. We cannot have somebody who doesn't even know what day of the week it is in as commander-in-chief for one thing and in the Oval Office secondly and not able to run this cabal of you know neo-con creeps who surround him. So I kind of it was shocking to me to see the debate in America and elsewhere in the world devolve so deeply into this nearly as a political question. It's a governance question. It's a security of the world no nuclear war please question but for a day or two it was about two or three days before they figured out wow like if he's too demented to run for office maybe he shouldn't be running the country right. That took a while which tells us how sick American society is right now and I believe it is. I believe there's a mental illness that has been brought about by so much propaganda from legacy media. It's exposing a lot of things and part of me is I'm kind of here for that like I feel this scandal is so big Patrick that people and institutions surrounding the corruption in D.C. are going to start falling really quickly and when we get to it in a minute I'll tell you how his medical report even in detail exposes that. Well let's talk a little bit about his health much has been made of the cognitive decline I mean that was evident right at the 2020 presidential campaign you know in the primaries we're also seeing him stop but that was a much more you know whip it like Biden in comparison to this sort of decrepit in geriatric early onset dementia Parkinson's maybe not even early onset but you know I we've seen him sort of as the angry Biden during speeches clearly hopped up on meds I don't think that's an exaggeration for some of those and you know fist pounding his fists clenching his fist not able to get out of the fist and kind of this angry curmudgeon very unsightly very off-putting to a lot of people and as you said Trish there has to have been some some kind of a cover up here along the way because this isn't something that's normal Americans were not used to seeing this even with Reagan he wasn't in this you know with all his issues after being shot by John Hinkley junior yeah but this is something on another level yeah go ahead and even away on another level like you said early onset and let me just be clear about what that means early onset usually means that you've got dementia at a young age right and so what we're looking at here is probably appropriate onset mid heading into perhaps even late stage because he's not functioning right now he's not functioning and what is being debated about a possible prognosis it's very clearly cognitive it's some form of dementia it's either Parkinsonian and I'll tell you why they're saying that or something called Louie body Louie body dementia is what Robin Williams had it's actually the reason he killed himself it's a very tormenting with hallucinations and all kinds of awful things going on the Parkinsonian one that has come from a neurosurgeon who wrote into Alex Berenson the great Covid reporter and he thinks that for a reason I thought that too early on which is the shuffling gate and the freezing the freezing is very very Parkinsonian and I used to know a senator actually in DC at parties they would say if he freezes put your hand on his back and that kind of releases whatever brain freeze happens in that moment and they can start moving again and you'll see that that's how they're kind of moving Joe when he freezes someone puts a hand on him and he's able to kind of propel himself forward again I shouldn't laugh but this is absurd like we're talking about the president of the United States we're breaking down you and I two amateurs in an interview a medical discussion that should have been happening in the White House two or three years ago and here's what I think here's the scoop that I think is coming I believe there is another medical report this is the one that I looked at this is from February 2024 it's the official White House doctor his name is Kevin O'Connor he was the doctor for Bo Biden one of the advisors when Bo was dying of cancer so I think he and Biden are quite are quite close but here's why I think that there's a second medical report this one says he's fine this one did not do any cognitive testing now let's just stop and think about that here is a doctor five months ago we know what bad shape Biden was in five months ago who does a medical work up on this guy and doesn't do a cognitive test I mean think about that for a minute it makes absolutely no sense I think it borders on malpractice and I'll talk a little bit more about that the what it says in the report that's scary and is implicating Walter Reed Medical Center one of the big universities apparently they some plot shots all looked at this and agreed that the president has fit for duty and can fully execute all of his responsibilities without any exceptions or accommodation that's clearly not true right so the reason I think there might be another report maybe a secret report done by maybe a Biden family retainer in Delaware or someone who is maybe justifying keeping it secret because of HIPAA which are these really onerous medical privacy laws Biden has something cognitive whatever kind of dementia it is that requires treatment it requires treatment early on and the longer a person has to stave off these terrible effects is in some ways commensurate with how soon you start the meds right this report doesn't mention any dementia meds so and they can't because it's not saying he has dementia so they are either withholding dementia drugs from the president on the basis that they don't want anybody to know and ruin their big chances for another four years or there's another medical report by another doctor or indeed maybe this doctor I'm just guessing here that allows them to prescribe the kind of prophylactic drugs a dementia patient gets the minute they've been diagnosed it's instantaneous so I have to I have to make this comment his wife the first lady who's widely regarded and it's called doctor Joe Biden they're very quick to you know put her you know title out there doctor Joe but you know she's not a medical doctor she's a doctor of I don't know sociology or something like that yeah she's a teacher teaching that she's a doctor of teaching so there should be some responsibility on her part as as the sort of maybe more advanced cognitively performing spouse to to look at her husband and see what it what a what a humiliation this is not only for him for the party for the country that she as the sort of custodial family member should have that talk with the family and saying isn't it time that Joe steps down and if that's not happening in this situation what does that say about Jill Biden what does that say about this cabal that she is part of this this party cabal I don't know the story behind the scenes but I find it shocking that her as the wife or the family collectively it's a dysfunctional family let's face it hunter Biden he's a crack crack and all the other vices and everything like that yeah but the wife seems to be compass mantis yeah shouldn't she take the lead here well I mean we did think that but I'm starting to wonder really what the kind of intramural reactions are going on in the family now because what she's doing makes no sense unless she believes that Joe really wants it and she's going to give Joe what he wants he's being humiliated as you say I have heard that hunter is now going to some of the meetings in the White House and sits in as an advisor like can this guy get he's a felon with God is he getting a security clearance here right why and why isn't she wall seeing her husband it's almost too late to wall some away into a dignified retirement one thing did at the cynic and me ask this purely as a journalistic question but the Bidens aren't rich if they're not adjacent to power everything they do is about that adjacency including everything in hunter's life and the brother and all of them you probably know who Tony bubble insky is and what he said about corruption in the Biden family they were all earning money on the grift around Joe to to fund this big lifestyle they've got right so you know a cynic and me says maybe they're trying to cling on to that as long as they possibly can so that they can continue to grip off but I don't know but it makes no sense it does say a larger thing about the blob right this blob in DC of democratic operatives and advisors who are all getting rich it says that they care more about power than anything the security of the country the legacy of Joe Biden his health and safety nothing matters except success and power and I think that the legacy media who've gone along with this oh he's fine he's just got a cold or whatever they've been saying about him for years are also having a rude awakening Jill Philipovic who is a practically a demoperative a journalist wrote a tweet today saying how destabilized she is about learning that she's been lied to all these years about Biden's health and I tweeted back at her okay so just respectfully understand they've also been lying to you about this and you know covid and and some of the Trump stuff and Russiagate they've been lying to you about that too so the good side of this and I hope it doesn't slip away is that some of the legacy media people who seem to legitimately albeit foolishly be believing everything they're told by these monsters who are now in charge of Washington are maybe having a bit of a wake-up call I'm not expecting a huge change but they're shocked by it some of them so maybe that's a good thing what does it say about the country really if you know the president is supposed to be the sort of you know figurehead of a muscular United States of America on the world stage and what a metaphor this is to have you know as I said with our guest Sam Usaini yesterday went from genocide Joe to geriatric Joe to Sam calls him the suicide bomber for the empire jihadi Joe but what does it say about him as a representative America what does that mean about American the American hegemon the American Empire I mean it's so ironic on one level that this would situation would be allowed to persist and here we are and we're all we're watching it happen in real time yeah I mean I'm quite unsettled by it but I've been unsettled by so many things for so long now that it's starting to be normal to be this you know I'm sad about things but but it did open the door like we Obama was out there disgustingly the day after saying oh he only had a bad day what a liar do you think obama doesn't know that he's got dementia so this is bad like obama revealed himself immediately fauci yesterday gave an interview where he said oh it was just a cold mr n i h who gas led us for four years about covid again he's completely revealing himself in this because there's there's no way out of a diagnosis for Joe it's coming right a whistle blower will step forward a doctor who wants to keep his license or somebody will step forward and say yeah we've known since xyz we did the test on him and we'd known about it so all these people stepping forward now to push it back into you know into the bottle like the genie are being are exposing themselves as operatives who do not care about the american electorate but I just want to directly address what you just said my first thought in watching the meltdown during the debate was gaza because I I think like you have been kind of gasping some days at how bad it is and how Biden and Blinken and the rest can just casually defend it and never hold israel account to any of the massacres and terrible things that are happening I mean it's really difficult to to think about but but I did think one of the first things he said was about the 40 b-headed babies remember he said he saw a photo he said he saw if somebody didn't this and I thought as I was watching him in the debate is this why the foreign policy is so nuts right now because the commander-in-chief cannot rein in these crazy kneel cons left behind by hillary clinton who want war with russia and iran and everybody else in the region so obviously it's going to have an effect on the decisions he makes and you mentioned earlier the yelling he does he he seems to yell to compensate for not thinking clearly and um that kind of aggression and and kind of soft thinking is very much a part of this dementia isn't just about memory right it's about the way you reason how paranoid you are about the world you know a lot of sort of demented grammars or like mad at their husbands because they think they stole their wallet or something like that's a feature of it so is that the guy you want making foreign policy and is that the reason that the world is so screwed up right now we have to think about that don't we yeah I mean it's uh Biden lies a lot uh he's talking about my his uncle or something was shot down in world war two of her popping oginian was eaten by cannibals and it's just one thing after another it's a lot's made about trump telling fibs and lies and porkies as they say in england uh but uh Biden has uh got a howler really uh every every couple of days or a week and on big stuff like the situation you said uh in israel and that's not a small thing if you consider all of that october 7th propaganda that was used to justify uh israel's what is effectively an ongoing genocide um it is those actual lies validated by the present united states of all people on the world stage that really gave a lot of credibility to those lies uh globally and then the palestinians are basically reaping the whirlwind of of those lies and those propaganda pieces that were put out ukraine as well uh there's another sensitive uh world war three trigger going on there so in the middle east in ukraine joe biden's not the chief executive it's now accepted he is not in charge how long has that been going on i would say right from the beginning to be quite frank um and what does that say about the the the system of politics and power in the united states and washington you have people that do not want to relinquish power they put the wrong person in he should have been cycled out earlier for the good of the country that didn't happen and look where we're at the worst possible situation i would say in my lifetime and maybe the next generation uh older generation would say in their lifetimes so i mean it's it it's yeah go ahead trish no no i would i mean i i'm i think significantly older than you and uh i live through the period of reporting on films like if you love this planet which is the big anti nuke film and i'm starting to feel again frightened and and one of the reasons i am frightened is because nobody else is at least in those days everybody was like ah nukes are bad we've got to get rid of nukes now there's no such movement and i see in podcast and various written items on sub stack people are starting to freak out a little bit about nukes again but my position is when did we ever stop like how could we ever have stopped being afraid afraid of them given what will happen when they when they start flying so i just feel now as this thing starts to peel away and the guilty parties in the big big lie about biden's health are being revealed that um america is in a it's in a state now i'm not sure how it will recover i how can you you know you have to roll back and think about is is just beeping at nia who have stories of sitting in meetings private meetings with joe where joe's fallen asleep like of course world leaders do and he wandered away at the g7 and they very gently couldn't have pulled him back into that photo i mean so they all have these stories about him and um pouton is probably you know laughing his head off at how this great democracy is being run by a weekend at bernie's you know mentoring kennie i mean it's it's i mean i can't even believe we're talking about it it's so crazy right how did we fall this off wow i don't i'll tell you i'll i'll start uh first and foremost again this i this is just goes under the general heading of anything but trump and uh you know from my vantage point during the 2020 election there was a lot of chicanery going on a lot of foul play uh mail-in ballot harvesting mail-in ballot voting all sorts of election rigging fraud systemic in the swing states um certainly in you know the state that i vote in arizona americova county and in midterms and 2020 had all sorts of regularities those we've never gotten to the bottom of any of that and i think the result was joe biden the result was somebody was put into office that wasn't supposed to be in office and now we're stuck with the worst possible scenario that's the nightmare that manifests after a situation like that nothing good can come from uh a fraudulent election in the united states on a national level i mean it's really the worst possible some of all fears uh that we'd get somebody that's so decrepit and out to lunch and we're at the precipice of world war three the doomsday clocks right the last 15 seconds that's where we're at right now yeah and uh and uh and not only that trish what it says about the integrity of the political system it's in an all-time low as a result that people have risked the country risk world safety for temporary power or permanent power depending on you know who you're talking to those people that do not want to relinquish power by any means necessary so well you know i i think the 2020 election yeah go ahead trish no i i agree with you i i also i'm in the stolen election camp even though that's not fashionable anymore but i still believe it and i have my own reasons based on some reporting i'm going to be releasing soonish but but just to say what you said about integrity i mean it i mean there's no integrity like we are now in a situation where the people running like the the blob as i call them are so completely immoral i mean they're so totally untethered from the idea that they're there to serve the people completely untethered from that that this even feels like new territory for me i i said in a piece i wrote about Biden in my sub stack last week that it joking kind of like this is Khmer Rouge territory but but the reason i said that is because these movements in history that do terrible things that they convince themselves are for a good reason are the most dangerous people of all and it probably if you asked any of these two hundred and fifty thousand dollar a year consultants that are all around Biden and his wrong claim and all those people they think they're keeping the world safe from Donald Trump and and my question is that Donald Trump is not the guy that they should be fearing although they've made the public fear him with their own propaganda so my question is are they now believing their own propaganda about Trump in order to to justify what they're doing because that's their default right it was even in the debate you could tell how he was prepped he was prepped to say he's a liar right he said it over and over again that was his his default position to say that he's a bad guy who screws around on his wife and there was one other repeated talking point there oh and they also use the very fine people lie again right so so they don't have really an argument against Trump i mean i suppose somebody could make them i don't think Trump's perfect and he was bad on covid and i think he'll probably be more friendly to israel in the way that this is going to shake out than i would like but the stuff they're going after him on is most of its nonsense so why so so this is not a noble campaign of lies it's not a noble lie to save the republic from the terrible authoritarian it's not that at all it's them trying to hold power for power sake and that brings us brazenly and and squalidly into a new era for me politically and i think because it just because it's so brazen maybe they've always been that way patrick i don't know i didn't think i always thought there were good people in there too but now it just feels like it's the whole system is so corrupt whistle blowers will come out somebody i hope will come out of the white house and say yeah we've known this we've been secretly treating him we've known it all along somebody will come out and start talking and then hopefully they'll be hearings about it like Watergate hearings and we'll get the truth well Nancy Pelosi certainly knows that she among others pushing for the 25th amendment uh in just the latter uh days of uh the the trump administration knowing that joe biden was coming in i mean that wasn't for donald trump the 25th amendment to remove the president for health or senility reasons so if somebody knows i think it's the personally tricia i think it's the uni party struggling struggling to stay in power struggling to maintain their shape uh among other forces populous forces that are coming in the four they're just not managing it very well now we're starting to see the real dysfunction of the uni party it's almost like so this is the sovietization of us politics uh entrenched power to such a degree to such a degree it's almost like soviet times i know we don't have the communist economic system per se but in terms of politics it's kind of nearly there uh it's so it's like yeah mikel Gorbachev versus uh you know um leonad brezhnev uh there i mean we have to sort of aging politicians uh there's nobody young and dynamic apparently available in the country who's got any decent ideas who can hold power i mean but i just got a we've got a minute left here and we're going to break trish but um your final thoughts before we go well i i feel that the next couple of weeks are if if my instincts are correct are going to be explosive because the cover up is big this is all about cover it's not about election it's about all the people including maybe maybe Walter Reed army medical center everybody at the white house karee Jean Pierre got busted in another wapper yesterday she said we didn't do any medical exam after the debate today the governor said oh yeah they actually did one like though every day there's a new lie exposed and uh they can't keep this going the bigger the cover up i think once the dam breaks it's gonna start falling quite seriously and as i said earlier i'm here for it i'm sick of the lies and i think that the people in the white house press corps i was an old school journalist who should get up and walk out on her she lies every day and they don't have to accept it as a team they should walk out and she has been very instrumental in this herself so we'll see what happens stay tuned well she's being lauded as a team player she's got a seat for her at msnbc ready should she be jettisoned from that job just like her predecessor jenn pisaki uh so that seems to be the revolving door trish woods at wood reporting on x twitter trisha i really appreciate you weighing in on these very important matters this week happy to do it and my final thought is that they are saying they might not let you crane in because it's too corrupt did you see that there was a story this morning i know i mean what are what an epiphany what an epiphany yeah that's just crazy that's that's another story but um take care trish uh take care trish trish wood ladies and gentlemen great uh independent uh journalist and also filmmaker you can follow her in social media uh to stay up to the date i do as well look we'll take a break right now with tnt and connect basil valentine or political editor at tnt on the other side uh for the bookies favorite for the replacement for joe biden looks like somebody's moved into the poll position we'll find out who On the other side, stay with us, we'll be right back. 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