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INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine – ‘Dems May Bite Their Tongue with Kamala’

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06 Jul 2024
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TNT Radio host Patrick Henningsen speaks with TNT’s political editor Basil Valentine, about Biden’s train wreck of a debate, and how the betting markets are reacting to calls for Joe to be put out to pasture and replaced at the DNC Convention. Will Democrats be forced to ‘bite their tongue’ and vote for a widely unpopular and annoying VP Kamala Harris? She’s now the bookies favorite.

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and well i welcome back ladies and gentleman still now number one of this live broadcast and patrick kennes you know thank you for joining us uh... right now let's speak to it he's political editor basil valentine uh... basil great to have you with us uh... he had a conversation with uh... independent journalist trish would about the just the the real decrepit and disappointing state of american politics this uh... uh... display from last week of uh... joe biden but really just showing what we all suspected in new and we're very aware of but uh... the left wing in mainstream media uh... didn't want to admit it now for some reason this seems to be like the ultimate setup uh... and now everyone's talking about how to get rid of them who to replace them with it's kinda late in the game there was no battle extremely late patrick and uh... only the twenty-fifth amendment with joe actually voluntarily resigning the presidency but while still in office would enable uh... karmala harris to then use the campaign funds he's already raised some three hundred million dollars uh... otherwise uh... if he simply decides he's going to stay on uh... until the inauguration of the new president in january twenty twenty-five then the incoming candidate has to start from scratch he can't inherit biden's war chest so that's just one of the many kinks in the hose as it were uh... that prevent a smooth transition and if they do that that means then that kamala is automatically pretty much the candidate at the moment in washington they're saying she is the air presumptive she's far away the most likely person to pick up the mantle not least because of the democratic parties obsession with identity politics and the optics of parachuting in a white man over the head of a brown woman where we can't have that even if she is as donald trump said pathetic trump i don't know if you've caught that was hilariously caught on video describing describing joe but there's a load of old crap uh... pathetic load of old crap he said you know uh... who's about to quit the race was very funny uh... you must admit that uh... trump unintentionally often is absolutely hilarious with his brutal honesty uh... but uh... as for biden i mean at the moment he's still hanging on he had this meeting with the governors yesterday and three of them came out and sang his praises uh... noticeably gary newson wasn't amongst those uh... most of the governors walked off without saying a word to the press something significant in that i've no doubt so uh... he's hanging on by his fingertips joe uh... big weekend for him he's got the a_b_c_ interview with george stephanopoulos coming up that's only going to last fifteen minutes he's got to be completely coherent throughout and at the campaign stops in wisconsin and pill pennsylvania over the weekend or he is toast as it is i would like in biden to a sand castle patrick uh... that you've made on the beach but with your dad and you have all the fun of digging the moats and piling more dry sand on top of the sand castle we're going to save this thing but the simple fact is that the tide's coming in and it's going to get washed away and we all know it and that's the case with the biden presidency's going to get washed away too many key people including congressional democrats now turning against him and uh... noticeably the founder of netflix the billionaire Hastings read as today's said just in the last few hours that biden needs to step aside for him to have any chance of beating go on trump he needs the entire liberal establishment all the donors all the backers one hundred percent of capital hill on his side he hasn't got that and therefore he's fatally wounded with the donor class but uh... what's more disturbing is what trish would said that uh... hunter biden uh... has the keys uh... to the oval office and he's sitting in as a advisor making decisions and uh... she said something about the war chest bidens raised over three hundred million dollars now we know the biden's like a little bit of spondules to say goodbye to this war chest imagine stepping out and then still getting to keep the campaign funds funnel it through some foundation in Delaware something like that the bidens are in the chips for at least in the ten years i mean that's uh... crack in hookers for hunter probably for a good five years uh... and uh... whatever uh... leisure activities so uh... the biden's gonna walk away from you know three or four hundred million dollars and pass that up i mean forget about the country forget about dispensing your duties as the president that's the real cash there that kind of raised eyebrows if hunters in the frame there's money on the table that looks like uh... something the bidens might be strongly considering ducking out keeping the cash saying goodbye and then leaving the rest of the country to pick up uh... the mess what do you think or do you remember john kerry was allowed to keep quite a bit of his campaign contributions in two thousand and four people said in a rather dirty deal uh... to agree not to challenge the result of that stolen election do you remember that patrick mmm yep interesting how that works out yes could we see something different that you know something similar here you know numbers-wise harris fairs little better than joe biden who dropped two forty three to forty six forty nine against trump you know several points behind and harris does little bit of none of the prospective democratic candidates show any kind of a clear lead overdone will trump in the polling so the you know democrats have put themselves between a rock and a very very hard place uh... you know there's no doubt as you say that the biden's enjoy the trappings of power and statehood and the luxury that goes with it and yes hunters apparently right at the center of the kitchen cabinets along with doctor jill of course valerie biden uh... jose sister uh... and one or two other key people like wrong client and ted calffman uh... circling the wagons in the white house you know uh... but the loyalists are starting to thin out else where uh... crucially you know the big three beasts chukshuma nancy pollosi in barack obama you don't need one of them to turn against him and his toast uh... he may well be toast anyway frankly will bring up a bright bright news uh... reporting will bring this uh... story up on screen here i mean uh... right now of the bookies the bookies are backing uh... kamala she moved right into the poll position so she wasn't there though uh... it was really a i was talking about michelle obama gavin new sums uh... but uh... now it's it's uh... the vice president kamala Harris massively unpopular even with democrats a lot of people don't like her she's very annoying to other people in the party uh... she cackles a lot she's not known to be very bright she was really picked up on a diversity ticket uh... diversity higher by job by new telegraph the fact that he would uh... point of black woman is vice president sure enough he did softly shortlist to choose from in here she is just a heartbeat away no pun intended uh... from from power here potentially what do you think about this and how would she fair in a in a head-to-head against the orange man well she'd have obviously the entire liberal corporate media establishment on her side uh... bigging are up and paper over the cracks worth remembering that back in the twenty twenty primaries she was eviscerated by telly gabbard and withdrew from the race before a single vote had been cast because she basically didn't have any support at all none uh... you know that's why a lot of people were very surprised when Biden picked up because she had no natural constituency of her own there is no you know harris people as it were but you know now that she's been uh... the number two for the last four years she is the year presumptive uh... and of course as you say she's the right sex and the right color uh... and she is the name being talked up certainly a lot more than michael obama now she's into uh... camala is into five to one to be the next president of the united states a shorter price then joe biden who is seven to one so they've switched positions and biden's position has weakened dramatically over the last seventy two hours it was still holding up in the immediate aftermath of the debate he was still you know very much odds on to be the candidate according to that betting people are not even expecting him to be the nominee anymore well so the markets have uh... changed uh... in favor that uh... even the betting markets throwing joe biden under the bus uh... the only couple of weeks ago you could buy some uh... some secure money uh... by backing uh... joe biden uh... seem to be a sure thing not anymore things to change very rapidly basil valentine i'll give you the price is very quickly depending depending on what we just got a minute left yeah sixty four biden sixty four harris so that puts both of them at about forty percent chance uh... and then ten to one Gavin Newsom michael obama is blue across the board or not to check it that means there's money for her into thirteen to two just six and a half to one with Gretchen Whitmer and Hilary Clinton both friendless in the betting along with everyone else i was hoping it might be andy bishar uh... editorials in the daily telegraph speaking up michael obama frankly it's only a matter of time i think the poor joe is forced to throw in the town well there it is we'll see how those odds hold up next week basil valentine excellent analysis as always political editor for t_n_t_ thanks for joining us this week (upbeat music)