21st Century Wire's Podcast

INTERVIEW: Niko House – Post-Debate: America’s Malfunctioning Democracy

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06 Jul 2024
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TNT Radio host Patrick Henningsen speaks with political commentator and presenter at Hot Spot MediaNiko House, about the upheaval in the Democratic Party following the Biden-Trump debate debacle last week, and why this is just the latest symptom in a chronically ill political system in America. It seems that this time, a fundamentally undemocratic establishment has painted itself into an impossible corner, leaving the voting public with no real choice in terms of policy positions on substantive issues, not least of all two brewing WWIII triggers in Gaza and Ukraine.

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This is today's news talk TNT welcome back welcome back ladies and gentlemen our number two this live broadcast appreciate you guys rejoining us we're going to do a little turn back to the US but we're not going to be talking about only US issues of course we'll talk about the foreign policy theater as well how this relates to the current crisis the political crisis in the United States right now we talked about this incredible debate circus last week the political fallout from it however is still ongoing let's bring Nico house on to the line right now Nico is with hot spot media Nico I don't need to tell you what happened last week but I would like to know your thoughts about hey what do you make of it and what is going to happen next because a lot of people don't seem to know I know somebody must know in a decision making a position somewhere in the elite recesses of the Democratic Party or the Washington but I certainly can't tell exactly what's going to happen what do you make of this incredible situation well for one I can tell you I don't know where to start because let's just go back to the debate format itself there were no notes allowed Pat did you know that that was agreed upon by both candidates before going into the debate why would you send Joe Biden of all people into a debate against Donald Trump with absolutely no data no statistics no proof of anything that he may or may not have done during his presidency and so I was not at all surprised whenever we hear things like we won the fight against Medicare for all he literally had nothing to work with so everything that happened after I believe is most of the Democrats fall and everything that happened before really could have if they would have made the right moves they could have prevented where they've arrived at which is trying to figure out who is the least likely to lose against Donald Trump going forward because when you have CNN you have Jake Tapper for example coming out and saying you know the Democrats once you don't want you to believe what you saw with your very own eyes you have Nancy Pelosi coming out and saying it's legitimate to question whether or not this is an episode or a condition from what we saw from Biden during the debate we have Trump a Trump video that leaked where he was like they're getting them on they're getting him on up out of there and you know Kamala is like work for him which by the way I don't believe was a leak I believe it was strategic I believe he did it on purpose he sees the news you know just going on he has somebody in his camp recorded and he leaked it to see what the reaction to the Democrats would be to see if it puts any more pressure on them to make a decision going forward you have a you have Biden's family pressuring him in his stay but you have the Democratic Party pressuring him into getting out so what I've what I'm taking away from all of this is that it's pure chaos but he will be swapped out the convention and some people have seemed to forgotten that Democratic Party made it very clear some people are saying oh man the voters have already decided yeah okay and what does that mean there's a convention they swap out candidates all the time at the convention you can go all the way back to Henry Wallace we don't even have to go to Bernie Sanders they swap out they swap down Henry Wallace after he won okay after he had been vice president for three terms okay so that's what I see coming and I don't believe there was a coincidence Nancy Pelosi a super delegate for California came out and made it clear that they are on the and they're questioning Biden's mental capacity because we know in that particular situation where Nancy Pelosi goes the rest of the super delegates in California will go so I believe it's clear the the switch is in with this with this last minute switch Nico is that going to give Democrats the time to rally the support they need behind whoever that is will this work in their favor will it ignite the base or are they just so behind the april at the moment with with this whole Biden debacle that they're really going to be sort of you know pissing against the wind so to speak uh definitely pissing against the wind this is the worst concoction of incompetence in corruption that I have ever seen in my life since I've been observing politics because obviously we know they set their primary up so that not only would Biden win but they would almost punish you for participating right so we we know that they had been the fix had been in for Biden from the beginning uh they had not put any real effort uh or allowed any other democratic primary challenger to at least get uh get some attention so that people know where they stand if this situation would occur which was extremely likely it was almost the Democrats back in the day were smarter right there's a reason that they switched out Henry Wallace overnight because Henry Wallace was completely and totally about socialist he was extremely popular everybody knew that when FDR died Henry Wallace was going to take over and this is a guy who came out and was like yeah we're going to pull out of our money from assisting the UK and other western European people our powers maintain their colonies in Africa we're going to desegregate we're going to do this we're going to do that and they were smart enough to realize now we got to get him out because they understood the condition FDR was in the Democrats actually convinced themselves they drank their own Kool-Aid they actually convinced themselves that Biden's mental state was not slipping even though we just witnessed this for the last three and a half years so now you're in a situation where you have to find somebody who's popular enough that they can be Trump which in let's be clear this is the most popular incumbent to have ever lost that's Trump guys I mean he literally increases voter block amongst all demographics except for white men which was kind of peculiar but whatever that's that's what they're working against we don't even know if he legitimately lost to this day we don't know and so you got to somehow find a candidate to do that but also doesn't have a legacy that's going to leave them high and dry if there is too much time to do deep investigations and expose their career and that person doesn't exist and we talked about this in the previous hour and you know I look at this as the kind of you know legacy of this untoward candidacy of Joe Biden in 2020 a lot of question marks back then about who really would support this guy seem to be behind until about 3 a.m. on election night in a couple of key swing states now we get Joe Biden first term I wouldn't exactly call it a success by anybody's measure if you look at where the world is at where the US is at where we're at in terms of foreign policy the risks right now of world war three and and then we see this disintegration of this man in front of the country on the world stage it's almost like a national humiliation for the US is a global hegemon I don't know what other way to put it Nico I mean how does the world look at this I mean you're an international person and you travel what is the feeling in South America for instance the baris at that looking at the US embarrassing to be I gotta walk around Brazil explain to people in a foreign language I don't know guys I don't know how we got here I can't explain to y'all how we get that my wife doesn't speak English Pat and she was watching the debates with me because I had it on the background she was like is he supposed to be stuttering like that why does he look like he doesn't know what he's doing why is he taking such long pauses and just staring out in the space so for a person that couldn't even speak English she could perceive that there was something off about this man and I was like well that's because she wasn't paying attention at first until she started laughing and she was like what's going on and because she didn't realize that Biden was our president she had never actually looked at him before she just was like oh okay you know it's a president in the US whatever they don't have control of or anything anyway but then she actually took a look at him and was like hold on y'all let this man be president y'all voted for him has he how long has he been like this I said since he was elected now you understand why I'm so frustrated all the time now you understand where I live in Brazil the perception is not only has been a Biden a horrible president but it's it's almost an indictment of the the citizens of the United States because how could we have gotten to a point how how how could we have allowed us to get to a point where Biden was even an option right that's and it's not just a Republican versus Democrat thing it's as a as a country where did we go wrong that our only two options were a demented Biden in a Trump who can't actually remember which lot of tell on which day in front of which crowd like that's basically what it boils down to this man talking about he's gonna fight big pharma he's taking money from big pharma and this is Mr. Operation Warp Speed himself right so this is our option and at a certain point we do have to take accountability because we did let it get this bad and the other thing is the break with tradition we started you said the Democratic primaries they basically destroyed the you know tradition of having normal primaries even if it's an incumbent you know and you sort of you know take the box or punch the machine or whatever they basically said you can't vote they did or they turned it to a write-in campaign just to keep in my mind to keep any challenges out yours as well RFK junior was running as a Democrat not not after that then they moved the debates before the convention I mean is that not a dead giveaway that something very odd is a foot right now you can't have presidential debates before the DNC and RNC and RNC and sanctions it's one of the strangest things that I've seen I actually talked about it on my show I said you guys know that so that the CNN made the rules all of a sudden before it was we had to follow the Constitution then it was they had a general set of rules where you had to get a certain percentage right on a certain amount of polls RFK actually checked all those blocks but then CNN decided to add an extra set of rules which was that you had to have a certain amount of guaranteed delegates for you but but they forgot the part where like the Democrats can switch and super delegates haven't been counted yet and there's nobody who's been officially nominated for anything so those pledged delegates which we've seen in conventions in the past don't actually have to pledge until there's a nominee to pledge for in other words no one has delegates that's the best way I can put it and yet they use this as a random metric to determine whether or not you can be on the debate stage in order to keep RFK junior in this particular case off of the debate stage there is also the fact that we're in there there's the United States pretend it's a democracy a representative democracy or whatever and you had to basically pay Pat to watch the debate you had to have cable you had to have you had to be paying for HBO Max or you could have done some like three-day trial for direct TV if it was available to you that's democracy these two men would determine the future of our country one of them will be the president on January 20th and you have to pay in order to view it and if you stream it god forbid you're an independent news outlet that streamed it you would be punished as if you were stealing artists stealing some artists music right like that is insanity that is not a democracy I mean we've gone into a full blown technocracy you know full blown we've gone full blown fascism and it's it's kind of creepy to me how a lot of people still can't see it yeah and that that's the other thing is CNN also I don't think they they allowed the press in in the room the press were like across the street in another building there was no audience at this debate you said there were no notes allowed I mean what was this other than a plan takedown of Joe Biden is this what CNN was engineering there because it certainly looked like it yeah it didn't look like it it looked like they were trying to take down Biden and it even though it they you know they always come out with a Trump lied however many times at a certain point I can't even get mad at Trump for lying or misleading his audience because when you are president or when you're trying to run for president and even Biden to some degree how can you possibly keep track of every single data point that you were involved in this president for a debate without notes it's hard for me I'm young I've debated I've debated half of my life Pat and I still need notes whenever I'm going into a debate there they they set up Biden and Trump thinking that it would make Biden look bad the format would make Trump look but not look bad but it wouldn't allow him to be as aggressive as he would normally be and that because they would assume I might assumption this they would assume that Biden would maintain his composure and look more presidential but in the reality it was worse because maybe if Trump was interrupting Biden more Biden might have been more engaging but because there was nothing to stop him nothing to interrupt him he was just interrupted by a silence his own silence right and it made him come off a senile demented and when you're in a we're in a we're in a position where you got join and read now come out and say she would vote for Biden as a corpse rather than vote for Hitler at like I said what what what are we what are we doing guys how do we get here there's a I get I get genuinely confused Pat I get so upset me I'm 35 I'm like I wasn't here long enough maybe to see how it all started but damn how do we get here well what it seems like nobody's interested in the issues in a in a real serious way no one's interested in the ideas that are being put forward all people are interested in is in power and it seems like and up from the Democrat point of view deploying the Department of Justice and the courts to basically tie Donald Trump down in a hundred different legal cases during the election cycle quite obviously to try to take him out of the race now they want to yank Biden because they realize they're now admitting that he's cognitively impaired it seems like on so many different junctures the party in power or the establishment does not want to have a normal election forget about who's running they just do not want to have a normal election because they're afraid of what the results might be that's kind of what it looks like and to me that's a total defeat for democracy in America so this is truly a post-democratic era that we are the swamp the real swamp that we are waiting into right now Nico your thoughts yeah no I mean going back to when you say it doesn't even matter who's running because to some degree Trump getting immunity for what he did as president although I don't believe he actually did anything wrong in that particular aspect of his presidency I believe that he exercised his right as president to uh try and challenge the election I don't think there's anything wrong with that however the fact that they said he had a mutiist president was a little bit bothersome because he did a lot of illegal stuff while he was president and that sets a bad precedent going forward for everybody if you can be if if they perceive that you can that you have certain immunity as president that is a precedent going forward that doesn't bother me regarding Trump specifically it bothers me regarding every other president okay so we have that goal we have that problem that we have to deal with now in the same vein of the as a DNC fraud lawsuit where they basically allowed them to rig the elections because looking what they did again right we're at we've arrived and find out right uh unfortunately then you have Biden which I mean he's a corpse at this point Jill Biden is should should be arrested uh and taken into it taking into into prison putting prison for elderly abuse at this point right after Biden goes to prison for crimes um and we we don't have it's like they're setting a weird precedent on how we should expect elections to go going forward this is these type of elections this is what they've always claimed elections in like places like Columbia where like El Salvador if they claim elections in Russia or the eastern bloc during uh the end of the fall of the Soviet uh of the Soviet Union excuse me like this is what they claim those elections were like but to some degree ours is worse ours is worse because we have access to all the information pat okay we have all we have access to all the independent journalists we have access we have the benefit of hindsight we have the benefit of watching this man's mental health deteriorate right in front of our face they had the benefit of watching Donald Trump uh once again not only past operation war speed but staying behind it would say everything about like it and boast about passing it uh we have we got I mean Bernie Sanders betraying his base we got totally betraying her base we have all this stuff playing out right in front of us and we're still not the denial of the streets burning the cities down burning the states down burning these capital buildings down and each major capital we're on the country it I mean I see France raise hell for less like French French men raise hell for far less than what we're witnessing right now in our country and it's a little concerning to me and I get it America's are tired but the problem is uh we're not going to stop being tired until we do something about it to a certain point you got to just I hate to use this to turn but you got to pull out your bootstraps and go take your damn country back and what what what isn't what they've engineered here this last week where we the country we're all talking about the media the political conversations all about Joe Biden Trump is Joe going to run is he he's going to be replay we'll pull this image up on screen here this is uh Michelle Obama and Kamala Harris um these these are two names that are being hotly uh tipped as the sort of you know replacement as it is it worth the DNC convention and uh we got Gavin Newsom I'll throw him up on screen as well Governor of California that's another name uh that's coming in there so a lot of talk about you know musical chairs but nobody's talking about Israel, Palestine, Gaza, Ukraine we have two legitimate World War Three potential flashpoints and CNN has brilliantly gaslit the public away from talking about issues in a serious way and all we're talking about is Biden's mental state which is no surprise to anybody that's been paying attention for the last four years but that's where they've got us um pigeonholed right now I mean that to me is a huge uh victory for the mainstream media on this uh Niko yeah now you're 100 correct because you got the situation in Ukraine where Zelensky tried to come in and say I'm ready for peace talks NATO said no we're actually going to put an official in Ukraine um to make sure that we can continue to send aid there without Trump interfering which effectively sabotages all peace talks and then turns around and denies Ukraine membership in the NATO which is the whole reason the war was started to begin with which is I mean that's just like ironic in and of itself but now there's there seems to be no way out for Zelensky and no way out for Ukraine they're going to fight to the last man whether they want to or not they're slowly realizing it is not their war it's NATO's um and then the situation with Palestine just yesterday um the the Israeli government decided in order to punish Palestinians uh because a few countries decided to recognize Palestine as an official state they're about to annex almost the entirety of the west bank it like I mean all you can see is final solution blinking in a big bright red light it's it's obvious what they're doing and they made it very clear yeah we want to make it as least likely for them to uh achieve a Palestinian state as possible the the Israeli finance minister said this yeah with zero shame okay they're major major world war three esque situations happening in Ukraine uh between Russian Ukraine between uh Israel and Palestine and people are drawing their lines in the sand and like you said we're talking about Biden's mental health when we should have never arrived at this point anyway he should have been taken out of office he should have never been able to have a lot to run for office but you know after plagiarizing and you thought that would have been the thing that takes him out or sexual assault against airy or the the sabotage uh where he tried to to basically claim that Anita Hill was a liar in order to help uplift Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court I mean any of these things you know the because he ran more than once and everybody seems to forget that there was a reason we didn't pick him before but now we got the three years of mental health we all had every opportunity to help him bow out gracefully and it wouldn't have been an embarrassment pat he could have actually retired and people would have had respect for him for doing so and probably even more respect for the democratic party and you could have began working on a plan to get Trump out in a legitimate way but the problem is like i've said before pat they have no one else to protect them and shield them from the consequences of their corruption he is the last powerful democrat there is no one else that can win that can shield them there are other democrats that might be able to to compete eat after Donald Trump per se but there's no one that can shield them from what they're doing right now and they pissed off possibly the most vindictive man in the history of politics yeah yeah he's a made man as they say like in the mafia and he's it's a great explanation Nico he's the only person who can basically shield stop the reckoning from happening about all the corruption that's a very good way to put it but wouldn't it be great Nico in the debate if Jake Tapper or Dana Bash said uh president Biden what is your position on israel uh wanting to annex the west bank and then see what Donald Trump's going to say publicly and let's see if there's any difference in their understanding of this issue because some of us might even vote for somebody might vote for Biden on that west bank issue alone if they're a single issue voter but we were denied any of the chance to see what their beliefs were what their ideas do they understand this issue or not putting them on the spot that didn't happen that to me is a massive uh uh missed opportunity among other missed opportunities there but that's totally out of the question instead we got this i don't know what this uh this display was this performative uh sort this was theater i don't know they didn't even ask about Assange this is Assange's case was a case that both administrations were involved in right trump reignited the situation with Chelsea Manning in order to get information on Assange and his administration pulled him out of the uh Ecuadorian embassy the Biden Obama administration was the reason that he was in the Ecuadorian embassy to begin with and then the Obama the Biden administration uh forced him to take this plea deal and basically had him held up for an additional three years uh trying to run his clock out you know god thank god he's out thank god he's free but they tried to run his clock out but you know they were unsuccessful in that regard but they still were able to get a plea deal out of him which disallows him from uh suing for wrongful imprisonment and also puts an enormous debt on top of his head where it's going to be difficult to restart his life without a lot of help from the public uh so they should have been able they should have been forced to answer to that right why do you feel about this situation with Assange he fled with the victory for the country he flagged your dude that there was justification in imprisoning him why'd you accept the plea deal if what he did was so so grotesque uh and in dangerous they should have had a real conversation about that and what it means for journalism going forward but they weren't forced to because Biden could have Biden could have put Trump on the spot because there's a Trump administration that put the indictments on Assange but that that didn't happen so like what was this all about you know it's incredible absolutely amazing so i mean a lot of important points uh we're raising here Nico um i hope you know we hope that uh some of these important issues are going to rise uh trickle up to the uh top of the political conversation i hope it is an election cycle a weird one at that but uh there's still a few months left i don't know it's extremely strange but uh i don't know what to call it i never never seen anything like it in my life you know you know pat for us as independent journalists we're supposed to be excited for this type of circus but it's hard to get excited when you realize like oh man like is this basically what the fall of the roman empire look like but like with social media so it's a little bit more entertaining like it's it's the fall of the roman empire but with memes basically and we're watching it play out in real time and i don't know where this what worth is going to end up because like pooin is not playing and jim ping is also making it very clear he's not playing either bricks is becoming uh a force to be reckoned with people are choosing sides americans unfortunately are figuring they're starting to feel the same anxiety that country that people from countries all over the world feel which is the feeling that you have when your country is choosing a side and you actually have no power to control which side they choose and that is how it feels to be in iraq to be in afghanistan to be in columbia argentina these countries where the united states is effectively controlling the outcomes of not only their economies but the worst fall in and out of their countries so like now you guys get it now you guys understand like we we were able to reap the benefits of a country that ruled through fear through power through corruption through money uh and now we're on the receiving end and a lot of americans are coping in whatever way they can but a lot of it is you can sense the anxiety right there are people that are profiting but there it's it's it's few and far between that are profiting off of this most americans are terrified and they just don't know what to do um and so a lot of them are just sitting back and watching and trying to prepare the best where they can but i hope what it actually is to us people becoming more engaged finally and understanding that the duopoly i don't care which candidate you think is worse neither of them are good for you you can you can admit which if you think one is worse but it's more important to understand that neither of them are good for you we don't have an democracy it is all theater and once you arrive at that point uh you'll be able to understand why it's so important that we start to fight for third party candidates regardless of whether or not you agree with them to have their voices heard so that we can actually begin to to to drop our country in a direction where we have some semblance of democracy i don't expect it to ever be perfect but what we have right now is a circus uh but it's a service act where like imagine you're doing the trampines but everybody falls yeah that's it's not entertaining it's a circus act where everybody dies. Nico house uh go go to x twitter uh at real at real Nico house hot spot media you're putting out your sort of regular uh digest daily digest videos Nico you're taking very complex issues boiling them into i think a very entertaining engaging energetic format there and i think it's making a big difference in getting people to understand some of these difficult issues you're doing a great job uh and you and your team at uh hot spot media i encourage people to follow you and give us a shout out on the various channels and platforms uh where you're posting right now Nico. I appreciate you uh like you said at real Nico house on twitter at real Nico house on youtube or no you just look at my name nikho hosc on youtube to look at my for the people podcast uh at real Nico house on tiktok and on instagram as well and of course on rocks and rumble and it a rock fan and they got another great great platform for independent content creators as well Nico house thank you very much for dropping in uh to talk to us on tnt this week really appreciate it there he goes ladies and gentlemen that is Nico house again we'll drop uh his social media channels into the tnt chat community do follow Nico and especially the videos that he's dropping uh with hot spot media very informative and great material should be sharing with all your friends and contacts as well let's take a break and get it get back to things on the UK with Phil Zimmerman with a rendition of his new song live here premiering on the show that's coming up in just a few minutes so you don't want to miss that final segment coming up stay with us we'll be right back