21st Century Wire's Podcast

INTERVIEW: Yousef Mawry – Yemen Just Raised Military Stakes in Region

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04 Jul 2024
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TNT Radio host Patrick Henningsen speaks with award-winning Yemeni journalist Yousef Mawry, about how Ansar Allah (aka ‘The Houthies’) have significantly raised the military stakes in the Middle East deterring Israeli economic trade, as well as U.S. and British naval dominance in the region. We talk about Yemen’s new hypersonic missiles and its accuracy against naval vessels in the Red Sea and beyond. This also changes the balance of power away from Western-allied Gulf powers like Saudi Arabia and the UAE in favour of Iran and its Axis of Resistance cohort. Will this be a game-changer going forward? Can Israel be forced to stop its genocide of Palestinians in Gaza? 

More from Yousef: X/Twitter

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the welcome back of the host patrick kennings and thank you so much for joining us here on t_n_t_ were in the second hour of this live broadcast and as mentioned before of the break we're going to be pivoting right now back to the middle east now there's been some very interesting developments uh... that haven't really been covered uh... in the mainstream media uh... especially regarding uh... the country of yemen in the role it's playing uh... in the resistance against israel what it's doing to the palestinian people uh... in gaza and to help us uh... look at this story a little more closely to glean some more insights here and some bomb-shown formation i'm sure we're going to get i want to bring on to the stage right now we're going journalists uh... from sonna in yemen use of mowery's adjoining us right now on the live link use of uh... it's great to have you with us a patrick but to be here again as always use of a appreciate you appreciate you coming on other program is well now uh... there's been some of very interesting developments uh... as we've discussed previously in what's unfolding last couple of weeks uh... regarding what yemen has been doing uh... i've seen reports i'd like to get your uh... you know confirmation on this that uh... yemen uh... test launched its first hypersonic missile uh... in the last week this is something that we've seen the reports of as well as uh... u_s_ and other allied uh... ships uh... and also uh... ships and commercial vehicles that have been transporting uh... material support to israel have been intercepted and hit um... as well also millet uh... military vessels are from the united states in the u_k um... have been involved in incidents as well uh... just give us a uh... uh... kind of update uh... use of on some of the significant things that have happened uh... in in the red sea near the bob and up straits uh... regarding yemen uh... in these other countries go ahead well these military operations are happening on a daily base now uh... used to you know used to be once a week with uh... when it was round one of military escalations and then we went to round two round three and now we're still in round number four of the onsala laws military escalations and this is what they've declared and they proclaim to be round four of military escalations so that's first and foremost the four phases each phase more attacks each phase more targets and with each phase um... more suffering of these ships and companies that are blacklisted in the in yemen's official uh... ban list right the ban list has expanded first it was the israeli wingchips then it was israeli wingchips british ships and in u_s link chips because they are attacking yemen because they started the air raids on yemen um now we're just you know we're rolling accustomed to seeing these daily attacks being waged from yemen's insat alah the only thing new really is the new weapons that are being used you mentioned the hypersonic missile and this was for the first time in yemen history this was revealed um and and the way that it was revealed remember i told you the only time we will see the new weapons is when they are activated when they are launched to hit a specific target and that's exactly what happened last week on solid law use the very first problem to hypersonic hypersonic missile to attack the uh trans world navigator vessel commercial ship that was blacklisted for shipping to occupy palestine so that's a that's a game changer that's you basically have a weapon now that is able to bypass most air defense systems and guess what they also targeted the u_s_ aircraft carrier the eisenhower and then the u_s_ of course they denied that uh the eisenhower was hit and then this was followed by on solid officials Muhammad Ali and Houthi with an open challenge to the u_s_ to broadcast I think we've uh we we may have lost the signal there uh with uh we'll try to get used to it back um might have lost the line there we'll bring him back there um in the meantime while we're waiting for use if i want to bring on on screen uh a news article exactly what he was alluding to there the u_s_s_ eyes and how this is a flagship aircraft carrier uh from the united states navy this is from the navy times uh bring this article uh up on screen here of the u_s_s_ eisenhower now this was arguably you know this was weeks ago uh in the uh the accusation here was that answer a la aka what the west called the Houthis uh in yemen um that they hit and damaged the u_s_s_ eisenhower here we have the navy times uh eisenhower carrier heads home as Houthi attacks continue in the red sea why did it head home why did it why was it doing uh evasive maneuvers there a lot of people suspect and there are reports that it did sustain uh some damage there uh was that because of an answer a lot missile attack uh on that aircraft carrier if it was this is a huge embarrassment for the united states it's also a game changer uh because when's the last time that a u_s_ uh aircraft carrier has been uh interdicted or attacked by a state actor um it certainly is not out of the realms of possibility with the weapons that we're talking about here hypersonic capabilities uh on the part of answer a la i mean ladies and gentlemen this is a new uh era of uh military uh engagement in the middle east and you talk to the punditry uh the news uh experts and so forth uh in the united states and they seem to be still in denial that that things have shifted uh that the balance of power has shifted radically in the region in favor of the quote axis of resistance uh countries collectively yemen being one of the emerging uh forces within that matrix so i think we have usa maury back online we'll see if we've reconnected him here it looks like we've got back um yeah usa i was just bringing the reports that the isan hauer was uh taken out of the region and uh supposedly for repairs or routine repairs uh so there's a lot of credence to what you're saying a lot of people do accept that uh it's probably likely that they sustain damage as a result of uh being you know uh engagement engagement with answer a la military engagement so that's a game changer in history use if no one's ever seen that before no us aircraft carriers ever been hit um it's not something that uh happens uh and what's the response uh airstrikes against uh various targets and yemen have any of those air strikes by britain and the united states have any of those been effective have they hit their targets as far as as you can tell uh usa well they've hit a radio station and a number of mountains and empty land plots and and you know in order to believe that the us because the us is launching these operations and then the central command station is posting on their twitter page that they've successfully disabled on solid laws or hooties as they call the hooties ability to launch missiles so you know the evidence is right there before everyone's eyes it's very clear that on solid laws only getting stronger and stronger with each passing day and each passing week um look we've introduced the hypersonic missile here in yemen um we've also introduced the unmanned drone boats which are very effective very very effective in fact most of the direct hit is coming from these unmanned drone boats which you know they don't cost a lot of money they're very easy to maintain they're they're not costly and look you we're talking about bad men that the red sea where these ships are trying to cross a narrow path a choke point which stretches in with um you know 20 kilometers so it's not that you know it's not that wide of a of a gap to go and cross this dangerous sea undetected these vessels and these commercial ships that have that are affiliated with israel they thought it that it's it's a smart idea to turn off the you know the the ais so that way they cannot be detected on you know by by the radar devices the tracking devices but what's funny is you know well you know it's kind of a stupid stupid strategy because these ships when they cross that remember you're able to see them with binoculars with scopes so they can turn off the ais they can try to go undetected but that only draws more attention to them when they are trying to cross the red sea and they have not declared who they are what their intentions are known that there is a full blockade on any affiliated ship with israel or any company affiliated with israel and these companies are trying to turn off the ais they try to cross and once they are seen scoped by the yamans they will forces they are attacked no questions asked because you're crossing a dangerous area you know what the situation is there's no reason why the ais should be turned off um so on solid law is always advising that these ships should turn on their radar and should communicate with yamans naval forces as a only measure to avoid being potentially hit by these missiles by these drones and potentially even hypersonic missiles so these risk mitigation insurance companies these merit time insurance companies are having a horrible time but very difficult time because they're scrambling trying to figure out what they should do you know how what should be the strategy in advising these vessels now the you know off the top of my head i don't understand why any company why any vessel would jeopardize their crew members to cross batman men that knowing that they are banned and knowing that they are putting the ship the captain and the crew in the line of frost fire it's very bizarre to me because i think in any other if this was a conflict with any other country then israel i think then most of the ships would seek another route to you know to to go about their ship and activities but because it's israel and because the u_s is supporting israel they don't want this to be a moral victory a public victory foreign solid law you know to basically declare that because the unsought because these are these attacks are are successful and they've hit their targets they would prefer to keep things under the radar and to continue forcing these ships to cross the red sea so that the unsought law movement doesn't win you know does you know doesn't get a acknowledgement for their successful military activities and uh just to be clear if you hypersonic missile you're saying that answer a lot have demonstrated that they can the the accuracy on these are that they can hit a ship at sea uh normal sized ship with accuracy and land impact is that is that the is that the the the case with these we're talking about a hypersonic missile that's able to travel one to four miles per second with great accuracy with great accuracy and that's exactly what happened or what we seen on fault last week with the use of the hypersonic missile it's it's being used tactically and strategically to send a message that we're able to hit any vessel and i can tell you this Patrick the reason you know when you talk about the timing why why right now because we seen this hypersonic missile displayed two years ago in the military parades by unsought law if you go on on youtube and you search military parades from unsought law you'll see that a year ago a year uh two years ago a year and a half ago this weapon was displayed in the capital sonah while during the military parade right so why are why are unsought law using it right now it's because they're sending a message to the u.s. that we will hit any aircraft carrier we're fully capable of hitting your aircraft carriers whether it's the the u.s. eisenhower whether it's the uh the rosevolt aircraft carrier which is a more offensive military weapon at sea which is also accompanied by six to eight warships each one containing eight hundred missiles eight hundred missiles right so you just just and those are air defense missiles so so they're there specifically to protect the eisenhower the the rosevolt aircraft carrier from being attacked however if you're talking about eight hundred air defense missiles unsought law has no problem launching eight hundred drones which costs one hundred two two hundred dollars in order to deplete this air defense system and then once that happens it'll be susceptible to an attack from the hypersonic missile or even just a normal ballistic missile because i'm not even sure that even you know the supreme air defense system of the eisenhower and the rosevolt aircraft carrier will be able to intercept the hypersonic missile and this is the lowest of the low of hypersonic missiles used by eisenhower this is the hop in two they still have a hop in three they still have you know bigger hypersonic missiles that are able to travel faster and hit targets in longer distance and as you said uh uh iran uh demonstrated this on april 14th uh when they overwhelmed uh the israeli anti-aircraft batteries so much so that uh at the end uh their medium range ballistic missiles were able to then go through the iron dome uh and land at a uh sensitive military facility uh within uh israeli uh uh territory there is really had held territory and occupied uh palestine so it has been demonstrated that strategy does work it certainly this is something that has well uh uh can also deploy uh against the idf um but really what that means is that uh u_s navy preponderance uh that they've enjoyed up until this point now comes into question uh yusef and if that's the case if that's the case that those offensive uh naval vessels that you're talking about they also form the defense uh deterrence for israel in the event of any tax like we saw on a november on april 14th um those ships provided cover they shot down quite a bit quite a few projectiles drones etc coming from the islamic republic of iran during the initial salvo's there so um if those aren't able to hold their positions uh in the in those bodies of water um then that basically hurts israel's uh defense that their their deterrence envelope is it were um so then they're exposed so that's that's another sort of second order problem that uh then comes into comes into consideration here so all in all yusef uh it seems that answer a lot is is stepping up in terms of their capabilities and that's actually having an effect uh with regards to the military equation in the region uh go ahead your thoughts on this i think the biggest weapon that the us has exercised and enjoyed over the past five decades six decades basically right after world war two is the fear element the us does not use two countries defying it the us is not used to countries not going and answering the call of water from the white house from us military officials uh you know the the biggest change that has happened recently is when this when the genocide began after october seven in in and in uh in palestine the us issued and man you know issued a statement and mandated that all regimes and all movements in the region they not get involved with what they called is you know the war between israel and kamas i'm sorry i'll reply back to the white house to the us that yaman is not a country that takes orders from the likes of you quote unquote to the us administer by the administration and then on that same day that's when we witnessed the very first military operation by us out of law which targeted israel with a missile and that sent shock waves across the world and then the following week we've seen on saw the law captured the galaxy leader vessel we've seen on saw the law then you know just from from that point we've all seen the attacks that have have been taken place so the fear element that the us has enjoyed all of these decades is no longer uh an effective war military weapon that they they can use because on saw the law is setting the example to the world that they have nothing they have nothing to fear they're also sending a message to other region you know regimes that if you say no to the us they really can't do anything if yaman is on your side if iran is on your side if has ball up if hamas if syria is on your side and this is what saudi rabia is starting to realize saudi rabia is starting to distance itself from from the united states even though they're the proceeding very very cautiously but they're you know they they're smart enough to see when a ship is sinking and they know the time to jump off that sinking ship and this is what we're seeing with the negotiations taken place between iran saudi rabia but in short the and i can tell you this because i do interviews with a lot of mainstream news networks they call me but the the only difference is that you know what's very strange Patrick is these mainstream news networks they don't they don't want to cover the on saw the law attacks on these vessels they don't want to cover the us eisenhower being attacked by a poofy on saw a lot of missile the only thing they like to they like to cover on their networks is when it's the us that's on the offensive when it's the us doing the bombing causing chaos destruction when it's the you know innocence being killed here in yaman and pal steining syria it's very very strange and it's almost you know it's very evil that mainstream media wants to cover only the primes the genocide and the brutality by the arm long arm of the us and israel but when the table is turned and it's the you know is really us British ships and and interests that are being targeted if it's when it's the eisenhower that's evac you know abandoning the red sea abandoning its mission and heading back home for repairs it's not being covered by mainstream media and that's because mainstream media wants to continue this illusion that the us is the almighty powerful and that is real and the us the western general are the ones who call the shots if you don't go with the program if you don't take the if you don't agree to the us western agenda then you will face chaos destruction and bloodshed similar to that experience in syria and experienced in yaman and that which is it's been experienced by the Palestinian people in this genocide so if that's not the reality anymore with you know considering what yaman is doing the military initiative by yaman syria the islamic jihadi factions in iraq which are also carrying attacks against israel this is not something that suits their agenda so they they prefer to shadow ban these military achievements by the axis of resistance and the only time they really want to cover yaman syria is when it's yaman is being killed and it is the us and the british and israeli in any western country doing the attacks and causing the bloodshed and put it out there for the world to see that anybody who crosses the line anybody who doesn't go with the us agenda they're going to be susceptible to starvation to you know deaths of innocent people in the hundreds tens of thousands and a blockade basically everything that was experienced in the ten-year war that yaman faced and despite that yaman came out on top and now yaman is on the offensive and it is the ballistic missiles the drones the uh unmanned drone boats that are doing the targeting against the western interests in the region so what uh what's what's interesting about what you're saying here eusip is that uh this is a whole new security architecture uh for the middle east this is the very thing that uh many people including uh former foreign minister javid uh from iran uh articulated years ago saying this is absolutely possible everybody kind of scoffed and laughed at it at the time what are you talking about but uh the tables have reversed uh before it was if you did you know the only if you accepted us protection uh then the you know you wouldn't be attacked by al-qaeda or you know you would somehow enjoy uh you know some sort of special status in the region but now it's like if if a country one if a gulf states if if you're allied with uh iran yaman in the axis of resistance countries and nothing nothing is going to happen to you nothing negative anyway um but if you're allied with the united states you're then exposing yourself to a whole host of problems so that's a total inversion of the previous uh security uh packed unofficial packed if you were in the region you said that to me is historic well that's and that's exactly why that's the message that the access of resistance wants out there they want that message that if you you know you don't have to depend on the protection of the us to stay in power to you know keep you people from starving to not face the brutal war imposed by the by the west and on the contrary as you mentioned and this is a very important point that i think your readers should understand and um even contemplate for a second the main goal of these military operations carried out by on solo on the axis of resistance is to show these regimes that are allied with the us that not only will the axis of resistance protect you if you choose not to if you choose to cut off the hand of us meddling in in this region's internal affairs but if these regimes like Saudi Arabia the UAE if they choose to continue to continue to support us's agenda in the middle east Israeli agenda in the middle east then they are opening themselves a door for unsought law to carry out attacks against them and this is the message that hasn't been declared openly but it is it is being sent it is a message that's being sent directly to these regimes that if the us does not cut its ties with with israel in the west if the ua e doesn't cut off its ties with the us and israel then the ua e will be attacked by yemeni hypersonic missiles the Saudi around oil facilities will be bombed and obliterated annihilated by yemeni hypersonic ballistic missiles any country that carries out the agenda of israel and the us and secures their interests they will be susceptible to attacks from yemen first and foremost and from the access of resistance because they're not backing down and i can tell you even you know that the the genocide taking place in in palestine you know whether it ends a month from now whether it you know ends five months from now we'll say it ends tomorrow the agenda of the yemen's internal law and the access of resistance is going to continue their goal is to undercut us in israeli military options from the region their goal is to not have a single trace of us military presence in the region and the reasons for that they you know they their countless it could be because of the uh the false propaganda that was used to bomb and invade Iraq with the weapons of mass destruction the invasion of afghanistan the uh war that they instigated in in in in syria and now the genocide that they are supporting in palestine the region has no there's no reason why the us should be allowed to carry out its interests and preserve its interests in a region which they have spilled blood for many many years and continue to do so the us even with the presidential debate um couple of days ago i'm sure you watched it but you can see that the two presidential candidates they're they it's like they cannot escape the shackles of the israeli zarya's lobby they have to prove that they are with you know wholeheartedly with the israeli agenda no questions asked so this is what's going to lead to the us no longer being allowed in this in the entirety of this region in any country any politician or any official who wants to who wants the us to maintain its dominance its supervision its hegemonic international architecture in this part of the world they're going to they're going to be in greater danger than if they were to um uh you know rely on the blanket cover from the us because the us i can tell you is not going to be able to protect Saudi Arabia if the access of resistance decide to wage an all-out attack on on Saudi Arabia the us is two week they can't even get rid of or attack on you know a damage of you know military installations because that's by unsought a lot so this is the message that's being sent to Saudi Arabia to cc to king Abdullah in Jordan especially them that the time to change is now if they don't change their their their internal and foreign policy towards the us in israel then they will have to deal with the consequences that awaits them from the access of resistance and it's interesting to see a turkey you know really taking a much stronger stance against Israel imposing sanctions pretty much a full at this point 97 percent you know trade blockade the turkey has strident statements by president Erdogan of course so they they've made an effort to separate themselves from israel uh in every possible way at least publicly um and uh of course that means you know with the united states the washington has to basically accept that's where they are on that issue um but that leaves basically the key what who you said these are the key states Egypt Jordan the kingdom of Jordan and of course the united Arab Emirates um Saudi Arabia has has moved into a very very neutral position but very vocally opposing the genocide and the israeli regime and what they're doing pushing hard for you know Palestinian statehood or resolution to the issue so that leaves these three countries the UAE the king of Jordan and Egypt and so the most precarious of those however if you want to like put them in order um Egypt is what it is in terms of a major recipient of uh US aid IMF aid um their military dictatorship is more or less locked into position nobody sees that being dislodged anytime soon but we could be wrong um and the UAE of course uh same thing very very much uh died in the world GCC uh a Gulf state monarchy um with big financial networks globally now um and a lot of influence uh they're pushing uh in terms of what they're able to achieve in the region but the king of Jordan doesn't have nearly uh the clout the economic strength but yet they are actually partnering with Israel um militarily on a number of different levels and with the United States and Britain of course on the intelligence and military levels puts them in a very precarious position but as we learned on April 14th use of without Jordan working for Israel um Israel wouldn't be able to defend itself against attacks uh from from Iran or anybody else I mean they're so crucial aren't they uh the king of Jordan they're almost like uh they're almost like the sort of fraternal or Siamese twin of the state of Israel the the regime and Amman Israel wouldn't be able to do half of what it's able to do because if not without Jordan basically cooperating with it um this is extremely precarious position that they find themselves in now after October 7th um your thoughts on that situation all it takes is one spark to overthrow the regime in Jordan and likewise in Egypt you know the only way that these you know the population in Jordan and Egypt can be contained is through the rule of the iron fist which is employed by king Abdullah and by Abdullah Fatais Caesar however what do you think is going to happen when Amaz comes out victorious Hezbollah comes out victorious Yemen not only comes out victorious but also you know comes out as a regional superpower right um with a growing explosive economy perhaps one of the strongest armies in the region and to add to that you have the backing of Iran and from a distance Russia Russia which you know in order to secure its interest they need to align their interests with the axis of resistance in order to um you know in order to undercut US influence in the region and every US influence Israeli influence is aimed at um weakening Russia on a global scale so this is why the genocide is continuing Hamas needs to lose in order for Egypt and Jordan to remain proxies of Israel right because the public is going to turn against them the axis of resistance is going to turn against the regime of Abdullah um king Abdullah and and CC sooner or later you're going to start seeing military defections especially in Egypt you're going to start seeing military defections let's not forget the biggest opposition political party in Egypt is the Muslim Brotherhood Hamas has very close close ties with the Muslim Brotherhood the Muslim Brotherhood also here in Yemen they're beginning to re-change their strategy um you know they're they're obviously they went to war with the Ansala law however now there's negotiations taking place between the Muslim Brotherhood and Ansala law um so you basically have this this wave that will seek to wash ashore all of the remnants of the you know Israel and the western superpowers king Abdullah and Egyptian president Abdul Fatah and CC their fate is going to be perhaps even tragic in the near future if they remain on this course because I can tell you that with you know Ansala law has plans they're not just going to they're not just going to only target western interests and Israeli interests in these oceans they've mentioned the leader of Ansala mentioned that pretty you know pretty soon very soon U.S. interests is going to be targeted in the region and you know what that means Patrick the U.S. interest is these out of regimes who are extension of U.S. imperialism in the region so when the leader of Ansala says we're going to we're going to erase all of the U.S. interests in the region we're going to um annihilate the U.S. interests that expands throughout this region they're talking about attacking the regimes so you're talking about the Saudi government the Ramco oil facilities be interrogated by Ansala law because Ansala law views Saudi Arabia as an extension of U.S. hegemony in the region you're talking about the Jordanian regime being targeted and you can only imagine what you know Hezbollah Ansala law and the factions in Syria and Iraq have planned for Jordan because Ansala law and the actions of resistance they know that Israel's not going to go away or Israel's not going to be defeated unless there is a regime change in Jordan and in Egypt so that's something to focus on and look out for in the future perhaps sooner than we expect sooner than we expect you know don't be surprised if in the coming months you hear a declaration from Yemen that you know because the genocide is continuing and because the Jordanian regime is enabling this genocide that Ansala law declare Jordan the government of Jordan to be on the blacklist and for them to be targeted from Yemen, Syria, Iraq and even from perhaps Hezbollah. Isn't it true you, Seth, that you know one of the hangover issues of the U.S. sponsored war against Yemen from 2015 really still to the present. In fact, let's just say from 2015 to 2022. One of the hangover issues there is one of the co belligerents in that U.S. led war against Yemen is the UAE the United Arab Emirates and that they're still illegally occupying Yemeni territory. They've actually stolen territory from Yemen and are occupying it militarily along with their partners and proxies. Is this actually true? Yes, that's very true. They're actually occupying the island of Sakhapra. They're building military bases there. They're occupying and building military bases in the island of Maineun and there also exist UAE military presidents in federal mode in the province of Al-Maharah. And the list goes on. Basically, any any province where which is not under the control of Ansala law, you have the UAE Saudi led coalition forces in control. They control Aden. They control Shabbat. They control actually most of the provinces that are considered economic boom. They have the oil, they have the gas. I can tell you, Patrick, that Ansala law has plans to take full control of Yemen. It's just a matter of time. Especially with the U.S. encroaching, with the U.S. beginning to reinforce, resupply. And even there's talks right now of the U.S. planning an all-out attack on the Sana'a and Sana'a government by leveraging all of the UAE and Saudi military factions that are on the ground. So, if what you will see perhaps is a war in Yemen, in the contested areas, where you have Yemeni fighters that allied with the US, the UAE and Saudi Arabia, they're going to try to advance and take over some of the Ansala law controlled areas. And I project that you're going to see signs of that in pockets of Q'dayda, you're going to see that in pockets of Taz. And once that happened, it basically opens the doors for Yemen's Ansala law to say, okay, the ceasefire agreement is no longer in effect. And considering the military power that Ansala has on the ground, they're going to take full control of these areas. They're not going to be held back from taking over the provinces that are backed by Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Because we've seen them do it in 2015. You know, if you recall, Ansala law, they took over. They took over Aden. All the way into Aden. They had the military forces over there. And that's when Saudi, the Saudi-led coalition actually began. But I suspect this will happen soon, sooner rather than later, because I think Ansala law is very well aware of the dangers that it faces. And realizing that, you know, fighting the US Israel and the British army on one front is hard enough. But if the US is smart enough, they would spark this conflict from within and these forces backed by the US will start to move in from the south of Yemen towards the north. And then compile that with the US air assault from Saudi land, you know, from the Saudi airspace and from the Red Sea from the Arabians. Ansala law will have a lot on their plate to deal with. Yeah, so that is in the works, ladies and gentlemen. Yusuf Maori, a workling journalist from Sana'a in Yemen. We really appreciate your analysis and your insights on this very important issue this week. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for next time. There he goes, ladies and gentlemen. Follow Yusuf. We've got him tagged on our show post on X Twitter. Listen, that's all we got time for today. Big thank you to Piers Robinson, of course, Yusuf Maori. And a bigger thank you to you, our listeners, our viewers here on TNT. Thank you very much. We'll see you tomorrow, same time. Same place, Patrick Henderson, your host, signing out.