21st Century Wire's Podcast

INTERVIEW: Ali Jezzini – Israel vs Hezbollah & Cyprus Warning

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24 Jun 2024
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TNT Radio host Patrick Henningsen speaks with Middle East security analyst from Beirut Ali Jezzini, discusses the latest developments along the Southern Lebanon front, as the Israel military continues to provoke Hezbollah, looking to draw the U.S. into a dangerous regional war. Hassan Nasrallah’s speech this past week was a shockwave to Cyprus and the EU – by bringing Cyprus into the frame thus forcing them to consider their role as partners in the conflict hosting U.S. and British bases there and assisting Israel just 120 miles from the Levant. 

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 TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 4PM-6PM (NEW YORK) | 9PM-11PM (LONDON)

this is today's news talk radio TNT welcome back ladies and gentlemen welcome back we're in the second hour of this live broadcast it is Friday appreciate you guys coming along for the ride this week it's been a powerful week we've had some great segments some great analysis will continue right now pivoting over to the Middle East now I want to welcome on to the program a guest right now he is a security analyst you also be familiar with his work on almaodine TV which is one of the I think up and coming premier outlets media outlets in the Middle East but now internationally they've launched a fantastic English language website and more content coming Ali Jazini joining us on the live link right now from Lebanon Ali I appreciate you coming on TNT this week thank you and hello it's great to have you it's great to have you now we've been talking a lot about the developments in the region especially regarding Israel Gaza and as things have drifted north now to the confrontation that is now unfolding between Hezbollah in south Lebanon and the Israeli military I want to get your assessment of this first initially a lot of people think that this is a convenient pivot for the Netanyahu regime that seems to have failed to meet any of its military objectives in Gaza and they just want to create distance from that open up a new front there's other people that think that they want to draw the United States into a wider conflict and this is how they want to survive I'm sure you've got a lot of different views on what's going on but just like to give an opening summary here of where you think things are at right now well to start thanks for hosting me on TNT radio and well the question the main question here in Lebanon the question that as a journalist you might be asked every day is will there be a war or not in the coming maybe weeks or months the situation actually has became tense in the last let's say weeks or maybe the last month or two on the blue line between North and Palestine and Lebanon the resistance here Hezbollah has started using its new a newer arsenal of say top attack ATGMs of drones that the Israelis have been unable to stop which actually did hit targets inside North and Palestine that were crucial for the umbrella for the defense system their defense system for the Israelis radar talking about radars airborne radars just like the big balloon that got popped a few weeks ago we're talking about also some components of the iron dose system so it's a cumulative effect that each strike actually makes it more easier for the following strikes to just pass their defense system some of them were intercepted but some of them are not the pressure on the let's say the Israeli government has increased a lot there to actually take action in Lebanon the main main of the US envoys here to Lebanon was to actually separate between the Lebanese front and let's call it the Gazan front most of the responses if not all the responses that they have received in Lebanon the Americans here in this case have been negative there will be no ceasefire there will be no stopping for what we call it here as a support front for the Gazan until the genocide stops the thing is the main question that we can ask you is this a bluff so we can say that the Israelis are bluffing or there is actual tangible material maybe preparations maybe like logistics works reformations of divisions that might indicate that there is an imminent attack it is a hard question to answer but I do not think that such an attack is as close as they like it to be since for maybe at least not before the US elections as in I don't really think the Israelis can launch any attack if the decision was not made in Washington the new thing the new main thing here is that helps me in the US envoy has actually said that if we didn't come up to a solution in maybe two three weeks the US he didn't say support but will not oppose an Israeli actually choosing his terminology very carefully in that regard but at the same time if you want to speak like materials the problem for the Israelis is not only technical material in the sense that its army is exhausted they lack maybe some certain types of munition from fighting I mean nine month in Gaza they even using anti-tank mines and explosive charges to blow up building blocks in Gaza because they don't want to use the expensive like the guidance kits and the bar the air drops munitions because they're saving it them up and not even like artillery shells multiple reports have talked about the Israelis actually saving up I mean on the platoon and the company level soldiers have been talking like we're not using firepower as we were using before so there's also a lot of disabled soldiers in the Israeli the army is exhausted and the army per se is a very small army so once I think a few weeks ago people were talking about like the Israelis can mobilize 300,000 as they did at the beginning of the war on Gaza but there is a lot of discrepancies in that number the Israelis actually cannot just put like I mean 300,000 soldiers with rifles half of them are Air Force and Navy and some estimates actually do put the numbers I mean as fighting soldiers as grunts of the about maybe 40 to 50,000 we're talking just the scale we're talking about the offensive in Lebanon in 2006 they employed about 10,000 foot soldiers now we're talking about 25 in Gaza at its heights there were about 30,000 soldiers not all of them were entering Gaza some of them have been securing the perimeter or maybe protecting the flanks of the advancing forces mostly reservists while the regular army was composed of nine brigades I think five infantry and four armed the the regular one were the ones doing the let's say the not track a job or like the the the main the main fighting in Gaza so there are multiple Israeli analysts well renowned analysts like former Brigadier General it's hard to break he was actually at the head of the vision to receive the complaints of soldier the department can receive complaints of soldiers in Gaza and he is actually renowned as kind of a prophetic figure within within Israel in the sense that he had multiple occasions in the summer warned that we are heading to a certain situation like the October 7 he was mainly talking about an attack from Lebanon but as if what he said has came true so he Israelis were actually mostly mocking him and before now he's kind of a prophetic figure you know because what he did but he anticipated came to be true that guy exactly is saying that we're heading to a disaster we need to expand the army we don't actually have the troops to mount an offensive so to sum it all up what we can anticipate is mostly an exchange of fire at most I would say because entering from from a sober military standpoint that is just too hard to enter with such a truth with such a high risk of sustaining casualties we're talking about say 25,000 soldiers a casualty here in that regard is not only a dead soldier we're talking about disabled injured maybe missing in action which render you incapable of fighting which means the same thing within the context of battle so against an army it's the same situation in Lebanon like Sayyid Masrallah yesterday before said he we have more than 100,000 soldiers of course not all of them are foot soldiers but can you actually 25,000 soldiers actually do the job how many of them are trained how many of them will be reservists so the numbers don't add up so I'm more leaning into it either an exchange of fire like a wider scale or a bluff in Dr. Gord yeah I think probably Israel would want to test Hezbollah and to and Hezbollah would like to probably do the same so you could see a protracted chest match but in 2006 Israel you know basically leveled civilian areas in Beirut hitting targets all over the country hitting the airport so it that's that's what it was like back then what do Lebanese people think now do they think that Israel will actually could they actually do the same or is that type of targeting and that type of bombing ruled out this time by the Israelis because obviously the they themselves are much more exposed on their side than ever before yeah exactly that that is the point if something is let's say soothing the population here and making them more calm is that the belief that the resistance here in Lebanon actually possesses capabilities to impose a certain respect for civilians or like civilian areas in general such as hospitals infrastructure and Dr. guard like there is a total this belief here in Lebanon with the international law especially after the guard of the whole Gaza genocide thing okay so it's still ongoing nobody actually believes like there was a group of Lebanese people that tried to say like you know Hezbollah should resign his arms like give arms to the Lebanese state and just like we will just count on the international community to protect us in Dr. Gord actual statistics and polls do show that such opinions are marginal at the moment after seeing what happened in Gaza and that opinion let's say is shared by many Arabs at the moment the thing is the Israelis after let's say the reform I don't know if you read about the Dahi Doctrine the thing is they have reformed the army after the 2011 and 12 and they normalized targeting the civilian infrastructure of let's call the adversary or the enemy so that's the thing they that that's the contradiction because they say usually we're an counterinsurgency they don't even have the respect they call their foes like armies or regal for no we're just a counterterrorism counterinsurgency but this all the schools of the counterinsurgency in the world do like agree on the fact that civilian population should not be targeted but instead no you should try to like make it closer to you you know just at least make it less hostile as possible while the Israelis since they have developed the Dahi Doctrine no they said like no we should just stack numbers on civilians and Dr. Gord actual exerts psychological pressure on the enemy and that has been exacerbated by the usage of AI and the new legislation let's not legislation now but the new regulations they have put on their soldiers as if like if we kill 20 civilian for each resistance operative it's okay if we kill 100 civilians for each resistance leader or officer that is okay that they just say you know and then there was reports 972 report that was published in Israeli media there are multiple programs like the lavender where's daddy and and so on and so forth so there is the only way for the Israelis in that regard to win is to actually not only target the combatants and in a certain combat area but actually the target is the lien administrations the polka to target the like the elite of the society doctors how many doctors have been killed lawyers even let's say professors university professors mayors police chiefs so to collapse the civil administration in an area that is a scary thing no one no one in the world does such a thing this is something exceptional and they're trying to normalize it now like by pushing also the narrative that this is the usage of AI so this is the only way you can use AI and by selling such programs maybe in the future to other people in the world that is the danger that could be normalized in the sense that what is happening Gaza should become the norm so instead of like appealing the international law they're trying to bend it for their favor and to change the whole international for the whole world the whole humanitarian world because the Israelis know that they can't survive but by committing genocide so we shouldn't abide by international law no everyone should commit genocide in that regard that that's just so scary the only thing that could stop them from doing that is the deterrence yeah and also that's been reflected in we see a lot of statements on you know US media western media the talking point is well collateral damage this happens look at World War II you know 2 million RFK jr. Robert FK jr. said 2 million Germans had to die to defeat the Nazis basically comparing this to the situation in Gaza saying that well more Palestinians need to die to defeat Hamas that's that's basically the takeaway point so in the way they're normalized massive collateral damage to achieve military objectives exactly as you said and this is coming into mainstream it's not being challenged Ali that's the probably the most shocking part about it is I don't see the outrage maybe from some of us in the independence fear and some of the better commentators like yourself and other outlets have talked about this in the Middle East maybe but overall nothing there's no pushback so I think you're absolutely correct in that assessment that is actually very worrying for us but what should be worrying for israel's that Hassan Nasrallah in his previous beaches said if you hit our airport we're going to hit your airport if you hit our civilians we haven't before but now we will reconsider our doctrine and we will reciprocate and hit possibly civilians in israel so israel's never faced taking major losses inside of their you know their enclave militarily or civilian infrastructure they've never had to face this now it's a problem so I think that's a major change in the security calculus in this conversation but I don't think they want to admit this publicly what do you think it's it's that the Israelis are hanging now by a thread as you have as you have pointed out now in the sense they have never experienced such a situation so I read between their comments either on social media on diagram on X and I try to translate it the thing is most of the people are baffled and there's a lot of comments such as we do believe Nasrallah more than our army they're mocking their the spokesmen of their army each and every day after a strike let's say like the the spokespan says we intercepted the drone and then like the resistance shows the video that shows like no the actual drone has arrived and we have it like one two three four so the thing is there is a certain sense of exceptionalism the Zionist idea of establishing a colonialist regime that is based on the exception of them we are smarter than everyone we are more efficient than everyone and as like as a narcissistic idea in that regard it will become the shock you know that the fact that we're not as capable as as we seem like it's not like say let's put an objective here maybe to intercept the drone a normal Israeli would say like well they've just come up with something I mean before the war but now seeing that the drones are arriving and the Israeli and the Iranian missiles did arrive on 14th of April it's creating a shock an even worse situation than say a realistic person would have had the thing is the Israelis cannot say for their society that we're not as strong as we are because the only way we can stand and stay in a region hostile to you I mean as populist many of the regimes have normalized but the populists will always I think be hostile to the Israeli colonialists here the only way to convince your population to stay is to convince them that you're 10 times stronger than the enemy which have a like a certain repercussion you know a cumulative effect of gas lighting yourself into believing that it's it's gonna get better it's gonna get better we're gonna win we're gonna win but after you see failure after failure people tend to resort to like maybe denial projection at some later phases but they would resort to panic at some point so that's why if you want to read like the realistic assessments they are being spread at the Israeli media but not at a big scale I'll give you an example so yesterday there is the the head of the distribution of electricity the company NOGA in occupied Palestine as well so he said that I don't think that we will able to withstand the strike as the electric system won't be able to withstand the strike from Hezbollah in case there was an escalation and then later on he was bashed and attacked by every you know Israeli commentator even the minister himself said if they suffer from like a few hours of outages if we suffer from a few hours of outages the Lebanese will suffer from months as of outages so the fun part is like most of the comments I literally read this comment most of the Israeli comments were just marking him on on the social media and you see other people other commentators have said no if somebody knows in the in Israel what's actual situation of the grid it's this guy it's this guy so why are not they being realistic if not to not spread panic because say unlike let's compare it to an ongoing conflict here Ukraine they block the depths the strategic depth so if the Russians say like hit the power stations of or the about distributing the distribution stations the Ukrainians do actually have the depths maybe to move stuff the died stuff and like since the Russians are not here at the gates I mean as a land force we can always fix though but since the Israelis are a foreign let's say society an alien society to the region and they let this this strategic depth like everything there vital can be hit with the most cheap munition possible and can be overwhelmed on multiple fronts they really need like starting to spread panic within the populace we just make everything collapse in a domino effect so they need that they can't just tell them okay we're gonna we're gonna be defeated or we're gonna suffer heavy casualties the thing is the last thing I want to say is that even the chief of staff of the Israeli forces actually complained about this multiple times is that the because the public is pushing the forces to actually act in a certain way not really understanding materially the repercussions of such a war like it's not gonna be only at the border or the blue line no no like you will personally suffer at ballistic missiles strike I mean at the maybe at the base next to you or at you will suffer from the lack of services and water and what you're gonna do about it adding to that if that happens they are really scared of also that's repeated so much of the Arab scene like it is written in every piece of media we should not let the Arabs see that we are weak it's like shark smelling blood so they have the potential any disaster has the potential to become a domino you know I have a domino effect to collapse the whole thing that's why they have to be bombastic about you know their capabilities and and threats and stuff so yeah because if the Israeli say where we're going to hit the Lebanese power electrical infrastructure and cause blackout it's not going to create much of a panic or stress and Lebanon is it because not having electricity is part of daily Lebanese life so but the reality is it's not it's not difficult to work out where the weak points are in fact you know Hezbollah released a video of a drone flight over flight over Israeli territory this past week a long video with high definition footage of all of their infrastructure military and otherwise so they know where everything is and they can hit it they have the precision guidance missile guidance systems and munitions and so forth that can do that they haven't always had that though and that's the whole point Ali is that things have changed and technology has changed capabilities have changed ability advances in telemetry advances in guidance in intelligence gathering has changed and once that's changed then the old rules don't apply and we've seen the old rules have dominated the last 70 years and so that's now we're seeing a revolution in military affairs happen I don't think the media us foreign policy establishment the Israeli society they haven't caught up to this change yet and this is where they're really I think handicapped because the propaganda within Israeli society in Israelis tell me this it's the most propagandized society in the world they're completely insulated from a lot of the things that most of us are talking about outside of Israel which is quite extraordinary but it's true so that's dangerous actually that puts them at a huge disadvantage right now because they can't mobilize politically or militarily in a correct way this could be really dangerous for them but they're not realizing it yet so this is how nations fall throughout history this is how empires fall so I think we're seeing a major game-changing situation here now we're going to take a break Ali but if you stay with us we have a clip from Hassan Nasrallah's recent speech where he sends a very clear message to the government of Cyprus again this is a major game-changer the likes of which we have never seen before we really need to unpack this so I want to share that with you after the break I'm here with Ali Jazini military analyst from the Middle East we'll talk about this and the situation that's unfolding the EU has been touched by the situation in the Middle East now and how are they going to react a little tremor a tectonic shift happened this week Nasrallah's speech which draws the highest ratings really of any political event in the Middle East and for good reason he said something that I think really rocked the West and Israel when he drew Cyprus into the conversation we're going to play this clip now I want to get you your reaction and also how you're interpreting what has been said here let's roll this clip well I think the message is pretty clear there your your response to this what do you make of this Ali well working today maybe reading through the western news the let's say the I think this speech has been misinterpreted of course most of the times on purpose so it has been described as a threat I don't say that as a threat in any way it is a warning maybe at at the max which is very compatible I think with international law in that regard it's just he's just stating the obvious if you give your facilities either civilian or military to an attacking force that is attacking my country you are a party of that war this is the most of the like the basic I don't international law I'm talking about codified law and let's say like the individual laws in general so the thing is it's not based on nothing he just didn't just wake up this morning and said like okay we're gonna like speak something about Cyprus the Israeli since 2022 have actually conducted multiple drills inside Cyprus with the proclaimed aim of attacking lemma and the British and the Americans have been using Cyprus and Cyprus's airport I'm talking about the two bases here actually and the here the the British bases the British sovereign territory bases and within Cyprus to bomb Syria to make to also like do reconnaissance sorties over Gaza which also makes them a participant in this genocide this is just basic knowledge they have also declassified UK have reported that 60 planes we're talking about the galaxy and the atlas we're talking about big shipping planes transport planes that have went to occupy Palestine to the Israelis since the beginning of the war what are they transporting we don't know they don't disclose it they also put a ban on the media discussing the involvement of the sas in any operations in Gaza so what I'm saying here is that the let's say the warning to Cyprus in that regard and the you it also in that case the US the UK and other parties that should think about giving their facilities is really the strike Lebanon should is based on let's say previous events that compound this into a solid case of international self-defense I do not see anything as let's say an aggression or any kind of threat towards Cyprus I think that we have in Lebanon we have had always like a friendly relationship with Cyprus but that will probably end if they give willingly or not so they might say that we were threatened or we are pressured by the US it doesn't matter your party of the war if you give your airports to the Israelis and that is basically due to the fact that as you as you have previously said the development of the nation into cheap munition and the capability is shown in April 14th to hit is really the Israeli systems and let's say airports and if a team on Ramon bases with Iranian missiles only only a volley are we talking about a volley that have exhausted two three billion dollars of interceptives maybe twenty percent of the whole arsenal of Israeli interceptives so if we talking about an expanded war that is my personal opinion I would it's going to be very hard to imagine the Israeli military airport functioning the same way at least they're functioning normally so they even might not have let's say air supremacy and that's also in that regard the US decides to send an aircraft carrier what would that make it and I know that this is just the thing is it makes it so funny as if I watch Western media and they are talking about it as you know Hezbollah threatening you know the asset will send forces Hezbollah threatening us forces but you're invading us it's just a kind of funny and sad at the same moment so of course it is a game changer as it is the first time I think Hezbollah has commented into a say a foreign area of its usual sphere of action which means the Arab and the Islamic region and Palestine, Lebanon in general but I think and on a personal level I think it was a necessary warning and to actually put some cost and heighten the cost on any attempts to use such facility because imagine if a war starts and no one had discussed the issue some people in Cyprus maybe say like we'll get a bail out here we'll get some money here we'll get here and then like let's just use it they're not going to do that so if you think about it no it's actually for the better of the Cypriot people like to put it in that perspective and actually like the Cypriot officials went on to say like no this is this is not going to happen we're not going to give any facility if we were interested in peace and with mediating with other bodies so it's the better of everyone I think that speech was and that exact point. The other thing people don't realize is Cyprus is the point where the European Union meets the Middle East it's not very far away if you take off from Beirut airport in 10 minutes or as soon as you achieve altitude you can see Cyprus it's that close 150 miles yeah it is literally a stone's throw geographically from Lebanon so now you have the EU is in the frame and it wasn't in the frame for the very reason which Ali you just said which is that before Hezbollah and South Lebanon did not have the ability to reach out and touch Cyprus or to inflict any deterrence or cost on any military activity and by the way signals intelligence satellite linkups reconnaissance all that sort of data gathering happens there with the Americans in the British the Israelis go there to do training for you know ground invasion drills and so forth they send their troops there so there's a lot of things going on in Cyprus between America Israel and Britain and other countries too NATO countries that use that as a way station so all of a sudden that's now been pulled into the conversation that to me is incredible and when Europe or NATO or anybody sees that they could basically incur a heavy cost and expose themselves in militarily geopolitically politically then people start having a different attitude about what's happening in around in and around Israel and so they're not going to be able to dismiss it as oh because as you know Hezbollah is regarded by the US and its main allies as a terrorist organization not a semi-state actor not an actual militia a self-defense organization protecting South Lebanon from occupation they regarded as a terrorist organization so they therefore they don't need to address any of the military points or any of the geopolitical points or security issues they just push it all aside and say it's Israel versus the terrorists so but that you can't have that conversation now because Cyprus has deployed emissary to Lebanon now emergency discussions this is incredible this is upstaged Amos Hodgstein and the Americans who were setting the agenda they're no longer setting the agenda here that that's pretty incredible isn't it Ali yeah in the fact that because the US thinks it administers the government governs the world so let's put a counter example in that regard even in peace like say when Saudi Arabia and Iran renewable normalizations the US media and the US officials were all worried they didn't express it maybe like in a public way but leaks were just talking about how they went crazy because other people are intervening making peace with talking yeah not about making war so it's just I think pulling the carpet from under the US the rug from under the US feet in the in the Middle Eastern in general and also the US is already feeling that is that it's been let's say it's all have been limited more by Iran the combination of Iran China and Russia in Syria so yeah it's making them even panic more and the whole situation regarding that it might escalate into original war and you have multiple scenarios right now in the planet where you have like to keep feeding the Ukrainian army and keep like providing it with weapons you don't know how the situation East Asia will develop so it's just adding to the panic of the US in general if you ask me like I would say the US if let's let's call it come if it if you tell the US that it can bomb Lebanon without any repercussions and maybe because 10,000 civilians they just wouldn't get the only thing that would let's say act as a deterrent for them to put a leash on Israel is the belief that this will escalate and that is why I say it must actually pointed out that this will be a war without limit and without any let's say anything any boundaries so and people actually this is counterintuitive but people think that okay he threatening and this is an aggressive move no no he's just raising the cost so this is actually contributes even more avoiding the escalation in the sense that there is kind of I see it a lot in the American and the Israeli discord this kind of exception is and when we say it versus when they say it so the Americans can just come and threat and then do whatever they want they have the second largest base and largest embassy in the world here in Lebanon nobody knows what's under that embassy and nobody can say anything you know just like impose dictates impose dictates I think it's going to be very hard for the us to understand that the age of dictats is over they live in for a big shock if it's not I really don't hope for a big war let's say a wide regional war no one knows actually who will win this war but what is actually guaranteed here is that the US will lose its race of hegemony with China for the for the world here so that is what also the US wants to avoid once they achieve its goal but it's once for avoid all but at the same time it's not about being dragged the US exactly knows that Benjamin Netanyahu wants to drag it into war the US is not a child they know exactly that but they're letting him so if you don't take action as the US to put the leash on him you're just as complicit like and if you also like Israel starts all and it gets beaten down and and almost at risk and then you enter the discussion it doesn't matter what you have already did to Benjamin Netanyahu you did not stop the war you're a party now so that is a real risk here it's not about words it's about actions and putting restraints on Israel you the other thing that the US is risking which I don't think it's in their interest and this might actually really be one of their saving graces in this if it does escalate and this does happen they have to basically they're they're gambling their footprint in the in the entire region all of these embassies all of these bases so they have to make a calculation at that point because once they are evicted from Lebanon Iraq these other countries they can't come back and not not for a long time so they have to calculate this what is that going to cost them to lose diplomatic and military presence in the entire region because that's exactly what they're risking and I don't think that Washington wants to make that risk so that leads us back to Israel then there has to be a change in the Israeli side that's going to be imposed somehow or a different shift attacked in their their strategy or relationship with with Israel that's what I'm I'm hoping for again I'm with you nobody wants to see a wider war for sure because there's too many things that the United States can lose I'm hoping this is going to be their self-interest is going to be a potential saving factor to avoid the worst possible outcome with your thoughts so the thing is the US is pretty much here in like let's call it like in a bottle like a scorpion in a bottle so kind of like two scorpions it really has a small small margin of action because it actually it realizes that Israelis and Israel in general is the unthinkable aircraft carrier it's it's the ship that the Americans used to actually project and impose power in the region so from a strategic standpoint if they want to continue to actually dominate the region in their Roman style let's say expansionist militaristic way they will always have to have you know a base but that that is the thing you know the US since it has came to the region it came as hostile you know there is something about the the Americans always asking why the Middle Easterners and Muslims hate us like but just put yourself in their shoes you know they have never seen anything but war death and destruction from the US and people are also complaining now why they like the Chinese and the Russians more it's because you know if you come in peace you know you want to trade you you just trade with you just don't let people like you so the thing is the Israelis also let's go back to the first subject the Americans can stop arms shipments from their perspective because that will weaken the Israelis and to collapsing you know they can't you know it's just like a spoiled child with that regard if you stop arms no I'm gonna just be angry and attack Lebanon and then you'd have to actually bail him out with US troops US taxpayers money and equipment and the whole thing but at the same time how can they pressure you see I don't know you saw that the back of between Biden and Netanyahu with the whole thing he didn't give us arms and then the Biden administration said like this is just out of this world what you're saying the thing is Biden administration keeps talking about the two states solution two states solution but there is literally no two-state solution the whole Israeli society is aimed at controlling the whole of historic Palestine they don't want a one-state solution they don't want a two-state solution they just want the whole cake I think what's out of this world is that actual realization of and the speech of the Biden administration in general that the Israeli society can still be pushed to a two-state solution the Israeli society is pretty much divided to a point that it will cause a civil war inside it if if a certain let's say two-state solution has been imposed and there is this kind of let's call it a big lie that has been said have been the Americans have been telling the sorry that the US administration have been telling the American people regarding that as if la be it or Benny Gantz or the other like the the leftists that want peace there are the doves that want the two-state you nobody wants the two-state solution so what are you going to do now it's just doesn't make any sense you're just gonna walk with the Israeli society that has always shifted more to the right within a certain situation that will put you against the whole region so that the choices between the Americans here is either imposed a two-state solution or a one-state solution or whatever solution that would avoid the deaths of people but would collapse it's unsinkable aircraft or base in the region and make it more into the democratic society but they don't care or either continue to support Israel just like give them the whole flywheel you know they they know better and just being dragged into a region and then you know getting into another quagmire in the Middle East without any end any gold you know any prospect so what is going to be their choice like unfortunately it doesn't seem that they're going to take any tangible solid action to put a leash on the Israelis because they're too fragile and the Israelis are too fragile to actually be stopped now because the moment you impose something the extremists are gonna make a coup that's that's my expectations so they're there in a little bit of a hard situation between a rock and a hard place the US administration and and and how about Hezbollah have their efforts helped to increase their support in Lebanon in the region of recent yeah of course so the polls actually indicate and the statistics that the resistance in Lebanon has the support of much of the Lebanese people in that regard as in supporting Gaza and preventing Israeli attacks on Lebanon as I said in the beginning of this session so the main issue here is that the Lebanese people actually see what's happening Gaza and how what's the limitations of the so-called international law and law based order the whole the whole situation while on the other hand if you follow social media you see that the you know the Lebanese resistance Hezbollah has an increased popularity in many contexts of the Arab region you know since Saudi Arabia Qatar and the whole Gulf States have went into a you know try to tarnish the Lebanese resistance as in putting the whole context of the war in Syria that happened as in a sectarian war so let's say what I'm saying on social media in general and from talking to people that had let's say opinions against the resistance in before the war no a lot of people have changed and I'm very hopeful actually that this schism that has caused us so many so much pain and so much destruction is actually starting to heal because of that no there's been definitely a change I think in the political conversations reflected by what's happening on the military theater it always happens this way by the way in history so it's certainly an interesting development Ali Jazini military and also political analyst from the Middle East almighty TV you can see him there and on other outlets thank you so much for coming on TNT this week I thank you so much thank you our pleasure great discussion ladies and gentlemen also Benjamin Rubenstein in the first hour it's been a fantastic program appreciate you guys coming along for the ride this week great TNT chat community participation love you guys we'll see you on Monday same time same place for another powerful weekend take care have a great weekend all the best stay here top their news headlines coming up stay to the nation up next on TNT Patrick