21st Century Wire's Podcast

INTERVIEW: Dr. Robert Epstein – Big Tech & Google’s Election Interference

Broadcast on:
22 Jun 2024
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TNT Radio host Patrick Henningsen speaks with psychologist, professor and author Dr. Robert Epstein, who discusses the important issue of monopolistic Big Tech firms manipulating U.S. elections through biased targeting of users through either propaganda or ‘get out to vote’ reminders – tactics which have already been proven to swing election results in tight contests, including a number of key swing states. To help combat this abuse by tech oligarchs, Dr. Epstein has launched a ground-breaking online monitoring system called Americas Digital Shield, which can now detect what firms like Google are doing in real-time, and then raise the alarm to try and stop attempts by power firms to rig U.S. elections. We also talk about the dangers posed by projects like OpenAI who appear to be merging with the national security state – a development which has been flagged by the likes of Ed Snowden and others.

More from Dr. Epstein: X/Twitter AmericasDigitalShield

 TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 4PM-6PM (NEW YORK) | 9PM-11PM (LONDON)

Today's news talk radio TNT Welcome back ladies and gentlemen welcome back to this live broadcast when the second hour here at TNT today's news talk Appreciate you joining us. Thank you to everybody in the TNT chat community We see the numbers growing in there today great to have you all with us Appreciate it and love the interaction and also the research the links if you want to access the app Just go to Google Play or the Apple Store and you can download the TNT radio app and you can get access to the chat room Plus all of the programming audio and live video as well 24 7 3 6 5 only here on TNT Now I want to welcome on to the program a very special guest to talk about a very important issue And even more important in effect is the fact that we're in an election cycle a major general election cycle in the United States right now Our next guest dr. Robert Epstein. He is also Has a project called tech watch? He's an American psychologist and author a professor a journalist He is a contributor to some of the big media outlets that you know NPR voice of America Washington Post the times of London he's also a pioneer in generative theory and behavioral sciences and Famously the author of team 2.0 saving our children and families from the torment of adolescence Dr. Epstein very much appreciate you joining us today My pleasure Now you're you're working in this particular field is extremely well-known now and important We can also point to your testimony with the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2019, which was a big alarm and a wake-up call for a lot of people to understand the role that big tech has Especially some of the big firms. We're talking about Google. We're talking about meta Facebook Instagram also talking about Twitter now called X And you're a lot of your work is focused in this and you've been proven to be right on many occasions with the release of the Twitter files When Elon Musk took over Twitter, which is now X a lot of this stuff was revealed. You've been talking about this for years Dr. Epstein you've been talking about it for years and then to finally see the receipts to see the evidence of actual Government agencies doing the micromanagement of censorship and information there is is pretty Astonishing, but now we've got an election cycle happening and this is where all lies are on all these problems that we saw in 2016 2020 the midterms in 2022 2018 And you've been raising the alarm about this for quite some time, but what's your assessment of this situation right now in 2024 Well, it's pretty bad in fact, I I ended up testifying a second time before Congress just this past December so I kind I gave an update on the research that my team and I have been conducting and I introduced Congress to a new a new tool that That we've developed over a period of now almost eight years Uh, it cost about seven million dollars to build this so we built in 2023. That was a three million dollar expense. We built the world's first a nationwide system for monitoring the content that big tech companies are sending to registered voters And that system became fully operational in November I introduced introduced it to the senate judiciary in December and just recently to Texas state legislature and they issued subpoenas immediately For both google and facebook The point is we now have a system in place That is telling us 20 hours a day what the actual content is That the big tech companies are sending to registered voters around the country And we're preserving the data. So we're building an archive of evidence that can be used in the courts used by the federal election commission and other authorities Uh to force these companies out of our elections This is critically important because whether you know it or not Uh Google pretty much took over Our election system back in 2012 and they've been getting more aggressive with each subsequent election This year alone in the presidential election if we don't stop them Uh google alone has the power to shift between 6.4 million And 25.5 million votes That's just in the presidential election. So they have enormous power. They know they have this power They execute this power. They execute they do this. They do these things We know this because as you said now finally there've been a number of leaks from the company in just last week another 2,500 documents leaked from google confirming again what i've been warning about for so many years So that's where we stand right now Uh in other words google and to lesser extent the other tech companies have enormous power to shift votes and opinions on a massive scale And we have Successfully built a system to make them accountable to the public for the first time We've built the world's first nationwide monitoring system I've already been contacted by officials from seven other countries Asking me to help them build monitoring systems So here's the one situation one rare situation where I happen to agree with donald trump And I say america's america first we're gonna we are going to perfect this system and and and make it work To protect our elections protect our children. We're going to do that here First before we help other countries And we we've got a clip from your your intervention at the texas state legislature. Let's go ahead and roll this You're talking about the you know reminders That users get depending on what party they're affiliated with And google what google's doing to manipulate? Potentially elections here. Let's go ahead and roll this and we'll get your your reaction The research basis for this because you people can debate, you know the The bias being said to liberals moderates and conservatives But when you see a data point where you're where google is sending registered vote reminders to One party at two and a half times greater than the other party. That statistically is way past one sigma Um, you know, and that is obviously a Clear point of bias if you would elaborate Anybody else can add to this. I'm curious on this. I just wouldn't know what the statistical basis for this Let me just go back a little bit in time first of all to 2022 because in 2022 we had We had several thousand field agents located mainly in just a few swing states and in florida, which was one of them All day long on election day Uh democrats were getting go vote reminders on google's home page, which has seen 500 million times a day just in the united states only 59 percent of republicans were getting go vote reminders on that day That is a blatant and extremely extremely powerful vote manipulation So what we're doing now what we're seeing nationwide is this Two and a half times as many registered to vote reminders going to democrats Then to republicans now think ahead a little bit. That's going to turn into partisan mail-in-your-ballot reminders and then that's going to turn into partisan Go vote reminders the net impact of those three manipulations is staggering Roberts, uh dr. Dr. Epstein. There is some statistical uh basis for this um, it is shown that these uh reminders do actually change the behavior of people who use Uh, google platforms. Is this not correct? Yes, in fact a study that was conducted by facebook and some professor colleagues of mine out here in california A published in 2012 showed that when facebook and the 2010 midterms Uh ran a little experiment as they used to do now that now they still run them, but now they don't more They don't reveal them anymore But they ran a little experiment in 2010 and they sent go vote reminders to 61 million facebook users And they had a way of tracking to find out, uh, you know who voted Uh among those people and then they compared those to people who were not getting the reminders Uh in that study they showed that they got 340,000 more people to get off their sofas and go vote If they got we're getting those go vote reminders. So if you just excret extrapolate from that study, which was very well done Uh, if you extrapolate from that study to what happens today If google or facebook or instagram or tiktok if they start sending out Go vote reminders or register to vote reminders or mail in your ballot reminders and doing it in a partisan fashion Number one you would have no way of knowing It's a it's an it's an incredibly powerful manipulation that can shift over all millions of votes over time You'd have no way of knowing the only way you would know is if you set up the kind of system that my team and I have Have developed over the past eight years. You have to have a monitoring system in place That looks over people's shoulders with their permission with their permission That looks over people's shoulders and collects the information. They're getting on their screens. They have to be real voters This is exactly what the Nielsen company does to get the Nielsen ratings. They're looking over the shoulders of people watching television with their permission That's where the ratings come from. That's how we know who's watching which show And so we've set up the equivalent kind of system nationwide to monitor to track to surveil The tech companies just the way they surveil us and our kids 24 hours a day We are now tracking them 24 hours a day and we are catching them in their shenanigans now think about this If there's no monitoring system You don't know what they're doing You don't know any of the games they're playing with a monitoring system in place it's almost like just taking the Taking the the dark glasses off and now finally you can actually see And what we're seeing is astonishing and I have by the way, I just have to tell you one little anecdote here 2018 There was a leak of emails from google to the wall street journal And uh The folks at google were discussing how can we use a femoral experiences? I'm going to explain that How can we use a femoral experiences to change people's views about trump's travel ban Well, first of all my head started spinning because I realized I've been studying the impact of femoral experiences for five years now and here Inside google I find people actually talking about using a femoral experiences to manipulate people Okay, so what are they and why do they work so well and why are they so powerful and why would they want to use a femoral experiences? Because a femoral experiences are those those fleeting experiences we have online Where some content appears it could be a search suggestion a search result a recommendation on youtube a newsfeed So some content appears and we then click and the content goes away poof It's gone and it's not stored anywhere. It's a femoral It's it's short-term and fleeting and temporary And why does google want to use a femoral experiences to manipulate because a femoral experiences Leave no paper trail for authorities to trace It's that simple and here we had been learning already for five years. This was as of 2018 How a femoral experiences can be used to shift people's thinking and behavior and opinions and attitudes and votes We've been very precisely learning how they work and how far they can push people And here we see google is acknowledging that they actually well of course, it's because of a leak But the but the point is here we see evidence that google knows all about this stuff So we just continued to build and build and build and we have identified over the years 10 different techniques that google has access to To shift votes and opinions All relying on a femoral content ephemeral experiences. We've learned how they work We've learned how many votes they can shift and then We started building monitoring systems to see whether google and other companies are actually using These manipulations and guess what? They are they are using these manipulations Unfortunately, this means that we have handed over our democracy to google and the gang We've handed it over years ago to them And they're the ones really in charge now. Can they can they flip every election? No Everything depends on the spread Everything depends on that spread So you this you can take to the bank if you're projected wind margin Let's say your republican is a 4% you're going to win by four points Uh anything four points or less Google decides the outcome if they care about that election they decide the outcome period If you have more than four points in in your lead Okay, it gets tougher for them. It's not impossible, but it gets tougher So that's the bottom line. Now. Are there a lot of elections which have Have spreads of 4% are under Uh, yeah Yeah, especially the presidential election and especially Those elections in the swing states which are the the states that determine who wins in the electoral college And so I keep my I My some of my friends are driving me nuts because they keep saying Trump's gonna win this thing because he's ahead in a couple of swing states or three swing states or something And I keep telling me swing states numbers swing take numbers and I say oh, yeah, how big is the spread in those surveys? And what you're gonna find in all those surveys is that There's usually at most one swing state where he's got more than a four-point lead Which means at this point in time according to the surveys i've seen Uh, trump has absolutely no chance of winning absolutely zero Now on the other hand if we Expose what they're doing And if some of the ags that we're working with and members of congress and lawyers from the federal election commission and others If they not only expose what what google and other companies are doing, but if they Take them to court If they just put pressure on from every single direction saying this is not this is not ethical and it's also Legal, you know why because they're they are violating campaign finance laws They're making massive in kind contributions worth tens of millions of dollars To a political party and a candidate without declaring that without declaring that that's illegal You can go to jail for that. That's a felony Our data in other words can be used To get them to back down to stop what they are doing Now this assumes that We can take the system that we've built And we can scale it up. It has to be larger than it is because right now We have court admissible data in 16 states. So we're getting data from 50 states 24 hours a day But we have court admissible data in 16 states. We have to scale up, which is very very very expensive So that's that's what's happening right now Not only that we got hacked a couple of days ago badly hacked by by by very very knowledgeable people And you know, that's we we expect those things to happen. So we have protections in place But at this point in time, we're not we're not fully operational again yet So, you know, this is going to be a battle. That's what i'm trying to say. This is a battle Can we get the resources we need make sure that we have court admissible data in all 50 states? That will positively push these companies out of our elections period Probably now and forever by the way because the system we have built we we intend that system to be permanent This is critically critically important um 1961 By the way, feel free to interrupt me No, just hold hold that hold that thought. I mean a couple of things. I think are really important Here, uh, dr. Dr. Epstein. One of them is, you know, the What what's great about what you're doing here is it gives us scientific? Uh, at least the scientific grounding to the analysis Which is the complete opposite of all of the work that's been The money that's been plowed into academia for disinformation research in so many different institutions That's being used as to undergird censorship over the last eight years is unbelievable Uh in the united states, but what you're doing here is actual empirical data And you have it's scientific and you can prove it But the the ephemeral propaganda this is this is the equivalent of television companies Uh pre-internet doing subliminal advertising drink coke Uh, epop corn and there's no difference there and it kind of speaks to another problem These are public utilities effectively imagine if the telephone companies were favoring democrats republicans during the 70s and 80s Uh calling you with vote reminders or mail-in ballot reminds people would be up in arms, wouldn't they? But we don't see the same level of protest here, but it goes to show you how invisible Um big tech is in people's lives. Uh, your thoughts and then back to the 1961 Uh comment you're about to make go ahead Well, you know, I I just love what you just said because what you just said I'm gonna kind of twisted and reworded a little bit, but what you just pointed out Is that essential services and essential commodities in this country? Uh one by one by one they've all been regulated because you have to regulate them because you You water and air and gasoline and telephone communications. They when they become essential You have to regulate them. You have to protect the public from Possible abuses of those essential things Now what is essential now that was never essential 50 years ago? It's information and who controls most of the information in the world one company a monopoly And there's a big big index of theirs. It's a big database that they use to generate search results That's where all the information is and you know what all that stuff in that index. It's all stolen It's not their content. It's content. They scraped from websites. It's all stolen So there is ample ample reason here ample cause For our government to step in And make that index into what's called a public commons And that's what governments do. That's what our government has been doing to serve the public for more than a century They've done it with every essential service in kamata. You can imagine the time has come They must do this with the tech companies. Now. I published this concept this legal idea In bloomberg business week the day before I testified before congress in 2019 It's out there. The idea is out there. I've talked about it in Brussels because the EU could implement this This is how you would very rapidly end Google's worldwide monopoly on search. This is how you would end Google's control over our political system. That's how you do it Is that gonna is that little that like touch regulation? Is that going to be implemented in the United States? I doubt it Senator Ted Cruz Invited me for a private dinner with him at one point. We talked for almost four hours about tech Cruz is a brilliant guy Who really wants to solve this tech problem? And you know what he said? He said We've got a problem here. He said because the democrats they're not going to help because they're all in google's pocket They're not going to help they're getting votes shifted to them by google. They're not going to help He said and republicans generally most of my republican colleagues just don't like regulation They think the free market can solve every problem But we already know when it comes to these big tech problems the free market does not work will never work and We have to you know authorities must step in now There is an alternative fortunately if the authorities let us down That's why for eight years my team and I have been building monitoring systems Because the other one thing you can do is make these companies accountable to the public. How do you do that? you Capture you track you surveil you expose what they're doing then you use that information the more the better to Get them to back down and you can do it through the courts. You can do it through public pressure campaigns We're working with election integrity groups with parenting groups because google does a lot of indoctrination with our children And we think this really is a very practical solution Now if if that somehow laws and regulations can be put in place at some point all the better, but even then even then You don't know whether those laws And regulations are being complied with you don't know if there's compliance Unless you're monitoring you have to be monitoring. So the EU has put in all kinds of laws fancy laws and regulations to try to control google And they find them four times now over 10 billion euros, which is nothing to google but They have recently concluded there that they are faced with Aggressive non compliance. That's what they're calling it Because the companies there's just ignoring them And they have no monitoring systems in europe so they can't measure To see what what the real impact is of their laws One other thing i'll add a senator to josh holly from mizuri During the senate hearings on big tech censorship. He exposed a shared dashboard, which people from twitter From alpha bet and from meta. We're all sharing information about accounts to censor algorithms Sensorship sort of protocols and so forth. So these companies at at some level Dr. Epstein are talking to each other and they're all of similar political persuasion So this is sort of cartel Activity this certainly would fall foul of u.s federal law. I think on on a multiple multiple levels, wouldn't it? Couple of responses there first of all You mentioned that dashboard and I want to point out to people if they go to americas digital shield dot com right now americas with an s digital shield dot com You will see our multi-million dollar dashboard and you'll see data coming in in real time Coming from the computers of a politically balanced group of more than 15 000 registered voters in all 50 states And you'll see the bias we're measuring the bias in real time on google and bing and yahoo and youtube and other platforms And you'll see it happening in real time. You'll also see Explicit and varied disturbing images from videos that right now youtube Children is recommending to children and teens and this is not youtube for adults. This is youtube for kids This is these images that are that are sexual and violent images These are coming from videos that youtube right now is recommending to kids So america's digital shield. That's one place you should go. I mentioned 1961 a little earlier because in Eisenhower president Eisenhower's farewell speech, which a lot of people have heard of he warned about the rise of the military industrial complex But that's not all he did if you go back and actually read that speech It's astonishing. He also warned 1961 about the rise of what he called a technological elite That could someday control public policy without our knowledge And that is what has happened. Eisenhower said you have to be vigilant or these things will happen We have not been vigilant. We have let this happen. It's it's the whole world has shifted under our feet and We're just Going about our daily. We're just continuing to use all these surveillance platforms google search as a surveillance platform gmail Very aggressive surveillance platform google maps google chrome android. That's a surveillance platform These are surveillance platforms. You think they're free services. They're not free. You pay for them with your freedom And that's what's happened. We're all mesmerized. We're all mesmerized by these companies and you know a question that i've asked a lot of groups when i've given talks is the following What if the mind control machine and by the way google is the most powerful mind control machine ever invented But if the mind control machine doesn't want people thinking bad things about the mind control machine That's where we are right now Now i'm going to say something to you that you don't want to hear and well my father you a little bit, but i got to say it Okay, I know okay. I now have a lot of conservative friends because I myself am a liberal but my liberal friends will no longer talk to me because they think i'm I'm trying to help donald trump. I'm not trying to help donald trump. I'm trying to protect democracy I'm trying to level the playing field I'm not trying to help any any party all of us should put this country And and the values of this country and and and should put our our Our electoral system ahead of any particular party or candidate. That's all i'm doing Well, the market the open ai you you've you saw edward snowden Issuing a warning will bring this uh snowden tweet about open ai up on screen And uh, so he's basically really concerned about the fact that they've uh appointed uh, i believe a former nsa head uh to Had open ai and he's saying i've got they've gone full mass golf says snowden do not ever trust open ai It's products chat gpt etc. There's only one reason for appointing an nsa director to your board This is wilfully calculated betrayal of the rights of every person on earth You have been warned says edward snowden is he hyperbolic there is he uh within Concern normal concerns here. Oh, that's absolutely correct the and we're starting to monitor now the these chat gpt and other ai's We're monitoring alexa Uh, we're we're you see the the good thing about monitoring is it's tech So it doesn't matter what tech is out there and how evil it is we can monitor it Which means we can expose what they're doing and we can archive what they're doing. Don't forget every single Reply that that uh chat gpt gives people is all ephemeral Then they might write three pages for you, but it's still ephemeral. It's disappears. It's not it's not stored anywhere That's why they can get away with all kinds of shenanigans And they can get away with shifting opinions and they can get away with extreme bias And that's what we're up against. How do we fight it? Monitoring monitoring is my opinion. That is the solution Now If people want to help us build our system because it needs to be much bigger To really put pressure on these companies they can go to americas digital shield dot com You can actually see the system working And there's a little button here that says sponsor a watchdog We call our field agents the people who let us use their computers to keep an eye on big tech All all patriots in my opinion. We we only pay them a token fee $25 a month same with nielston. They pay the nielston families very little But you know, as soon as you have 10,000 of these watchdogs of these field agents, that's $250,000 a month Now you might be thinking why don't we just ask for volunteers Well, we've tried that That's a disaster because then google sends us thousands of people And since they know who they are google sends fake data to them and we don't see anything interesting happening at all When we recruit on our own and we get real registered voters one by one and we vet them And we have them signed ndas and we will equip them and train them Now we're getting the real picture. We're seeing the real personalized content that google Is sending to real voters and that content is Disturbing You know, we're we're we're up it. We were asleep. We were asleep. We let We let the tech lords the technological elite as eyes and how we call them. We let them take over We need to we need to become More aware we need to as my dad used to say we need to get smart Get smart and we need to do that Uh, it's in a way. It's already too late because it's you know that a lot of damage has been done But we can fight and i'm telling you this but we're fighting now with the monitoring system And we're seeing its impact because this system went up in a in november of 23 If you look at the google graph on america's digital You'll see something very interesting which is over the last six months that we've been monitoring And that they have been aware that we're monitoring that we're babysitting them We're seeing a very gradual reduction in liberal bias, which is still substantial, but a very gradual Continuous reduction in liberal bias on google search Now, maybe they're just kind of playing with us. Maybe they're just kind of testing out our monitoring capabilities I don't know. I can't imagine them just all of a sudden Stopping completely what they're doing But if we have if we can get to the point in the next couple of months if we get the resources that we need And we can get corded missable data in all 50 states right now. We have corded missable data in 16 states If we can get corded missable data in all 50 states, they will stop They would be insane to keep going and doing what they're doing And the other important thing about this you're talking about the the american electoral system And it is great to hear that you are working on america's digital shield I think this is uh potentially a game changer But you you mentioned earlier internationally and one of the things we found from the twitter files When matt dieb and other journalists had been going through these emails um to find out that Uh the the the head of cia agent of 17 years was the head of trust and safety at facebook Who was then promoted to election integrity global officer? So This gives that firm and who knows what state interests are behind that firm Uh at the you know intelligence level, but power to do this in different markets around the world Um, and it doesn't matter which party Um one way that it could be left. It could be right. It could be something else But that's an incredible amount of power that's coming from the united states and projected into democratic systems Around the world. And so that's where I think your system might come into play. Could could you could you replicate the success of this in other countries? Absolutely and we have we have as I think I mentioned we we have been approached by people from seven countries so far Asking us to help them build similar systems We will when the time is right we will do that because every country in the world outside of mainland china Which has its own its own issues its own control problems And outside of north baria that they've got their own set of crazy problems But outside of those two countries every country in the world is going to need Either their own monitoring system or they have to be part of you know, some multi national monitoring system Because you've got to try to think way ahead here Uh, you know, there's google now And then someday there'll be another google and then another one after that in other words technology is not going to stop That technology Is going to become a bigger and bigger part of our lives with the moment people don't realize it But they're being surrounded by the internet of things Uh Rear refrigerator is smart and it's keeping an eye on you and everything you eat Uh, we're being surrounded more and more by ai And ais no one really knows how that's going to play out, but a lot of people Uh, like sieve in hawking he he he made some really scary predictions. So has elon musk by the way, uh, you know ai The tech tech is just going to keep exploding all around us And so you know what you've got to have you have to have in place around the world You have to have monitoring systems in place. That's the only way you will ever know what these companies are actually Showing people or saying to people on their personal assistance. You have to track it Analyze it look for irregularities look for manipulations Look for bias and you've got a very very very rapidly analyze the data And make it public share it with authorities. This is how you keep Bad tech or potentially bad tech. This is how you you you keep it Curtailed you keep it under control Now the the alternative is a disaster for humanity in my opinion Certainly a disaster for the system the democratic system of government the alternative is you have no monitoring system Which could happen we could get shut down. We're the only team in the world that's been studying these things and building these things We're the only team in the world Now think about how crazy that is That's the thing that really bugged Joe Rogan when I was on his show that really really bothered him And he kept bringing it up because he couldn't understand why there aren't dozens hundreds of research teams around the world taking on these issues And the answer is because of google because google Google doesn't finance that kind of research and they give a lot of money To research institutions and universities to kind of guide the type of research they do especially the kind of tech research they do so Think about No Epstein no monitoring no Identifying online manipulation online New forms of manipulation that are the internet is made possible. So just imagine None of that none of that exists and you know what? You don't know it means from that point on you have no idea You don't know what's going on. You don't know who's really in control And what and I can tell you for sure that who's really in control if no one is fighting back It's the tech companies It means that the technical elite just as i's and i were predicted the technical elite are in control and the public is completely Clueless it means the public doesn't understand they don't understand they don't know the content that's going to their kids They don't know about the indoctrination What's brilliant what's brilliant about uh, what you're proposing here is that you could take that And it could you could present it to members of congress or senate you could they could issue subpoenas based on Data coming out of your watchdog organization because you could flag it. There's a problem here There's a problem there and there's a problem there. Let's get them in and let's get them to testify under oath That can that can happen when you have real-time data. I think that's quite a powerful uh utility here Well, that same day that that I testified before that texas committee, which is just a couple weeks ago That committee voted unanimously. This is after all the witnesses left But that committee voted unanimously to issue subpoenas to uh google and facebook So, you know and again. I'm in touch every single day now with ags from various states members of congress and others Uh the the leaders of election integrity groups parent parenting groups and others Uh, really I have meetings every single day with people like this Who are who are trying to figure out? Okay. We've got this we've got this This corpus and this massive corpus of data that we've never had access to before We've got all this inside stuff on these companies. Okay. Now. What do we do? Okay, now that's not my department That's their department, but my job i'm doing as well as I possibly can And you know, we have figured out this how to do this monitoring how to recruit These field agents these wonderful people how to protect their identities Uh We're we are doing our job. We we just had You mentioned an issue earlier, uh about You know the threat is coming from multiple platforms. It's not just one And uh, we just finished up a new area of research on what we call mpe the multiple platforms effect And basically here's how it works if we expose people on one platform say google search To some bias content we can get a 40 shift in voting preferences among undecided voters But if we take those people now and we put them over onto, uh, let's say youtube And they're seeing youtubes that have a similar bias Now this proportion goes up to 50 If we put them on a third platform, it could be a lexa because a lexa actually has political bias Uh, uh, the proportion goes up to 60 Now this is this is really frightening because in fact if you look over at silicon valley 98 percent of donations uh from that little valley go to one political party So in other words, most of the tools that we're using online are pushing people in the same direction And the effects are as we say in mathematics Additive they're additive. They pile up one on top of the other We have created A nightmare a technological nightmare for humanity. That's what that's what we have done I'm trying my team and I are trying every single day To figure these things out and straighten these things out And until they get me, which is not impossible until they get me Uh, i'm not going to stop. Now having said that I did Uh, give a private briefing at one point to a bunch of ags. This is a stamford university And that's the same year when I first testified before congress And I told them I told them about all our findings and you know I gave them lots of details and lots of numbers And then I was done. I went out in the hallway One of the ags came out into the hallway and he said Factor upside I don't mean to scare you he said but based on what you've told us I predict that you're going to be probably killed In some sort of accident in the next few months And then he walked away Now I was not killed obviously But my wife was Mm Yeah, I'm sorry to hear about your wife. I know you still have um heard that tweet pin to the top of your social media profile Yeah, but uh, it underlines the seriousness Potentially any way of this issue and the people who dare to challenge and to take on things like this So dr. Robert Epstein again. We really appreciate you joining us here on TNT today's news talk Follow robert, uh, dr. Robert Epstein on x twitter and also go to america's digital And find out more information of how you can get involved. Thank you very much for your time today Thank you, sir There he goes. Ladies and gentlemen dr. Robert Epstein fantastic segment of course a big Thank you to dr. Sandra franandes in the first hour as well two very important conversations I'm glad we're able to share those with you here live on air folks take care We'll see you tomorrow the week is wrapping up quickly, but we got a lot more for you. I can't wait for tomorrow. It's going to be your problem