Daily Short Stories - Mystery & Suspense

The Unjust Sentence

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25 Jul 2024
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Well, it sounds like the tenants at your rental property sure know how to throw a great party. You just wish they wouldn't throw so many parties, on Tuesdays, until 4am. And if they could pay the rent on time, that would be nice too. Being a landlord can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. Let renters warehouse handle the hard part of property management for you, like finding quality tenants you can trust. Renters warehouse manages thousands of single-family homes, and specializes in locating reliable tenants at the right price for your property, usually in a matter of days. And if your tenant defaults for any reason, they'll replace them for free up to 18 months under their tenant warranty program. From rent collection to maintenance coordination, their best-in-class property management professionals do it all. All for one flat, monthly fee. Get a free rental price analysis at, to find out how much your home can rent for. 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"I'll see what I can do," replied the old woman, also joking, "If you manage to kill a present husband," upon which Chu laughed and said he would certainly do so. Now about a month afterwards, the said husband, who had gone out to collect some money due to him, was actually killed in a lonely spot. And the magistrate of the district immediately summoned the neighbors and beatled and held the usual inquest, but was unable to find any clue to the murderer. However, the old woman told the story of her conversation with Chu, and suspicion at once fell upon him. The constipals came and arrested him, but he stoutly denied the charge, and the magistrate now began to suspect the wife of the murdered man. Accordingly, she was severely beaten and tortured in several ways until a strength failed her, and she falsely acknowledged her guilt. Note by Herbert A. Giles, translator. Such has doubtless been the occasional result of torture in China, but the singular keenness of the mandarines as a body in recognizing the innocent and detecting the guilty, that is, when their own averages' interests are not involved, makes this contingency so rare as to be almost unknown. A good instance came under my own notice at Suato in 1876. For years, a Chinese servant had been employed at the foreign custom house to carry a certain summer money every week to the bank, and at length his honesty was about suspicion. On the occasion to which I elude, he had been sent as usual with a bag of dollars, but after a short absence he rushed back with a frightful gash on his right arm, evidently inflicted by a heavy chopper and laying the bone bare. The money was gone. He said he had been invited into a tea house by a couple of soldiers whom he could point out, that they had tried to rest a bag from him, and that at length one of them seized a chopper and inflicted so severe a wound on his arm, that in his agony he dropped the money and the soldiers made off with it. The latter were promptly arrested and confronted with their accuser, but with almost indecent haste the police magistrate dismissed the case against them and declared that he believed the man had made away with the money and inflicted the wound on himself. And so it turned out to be under overwhelming evidence. This servant of proved fidelity had given way to a rash hope of making a little money at the gambling table, had hurried into one of these halls and lost everything in three stakes, had wounded himself on the right arm, he was a left handed man, and had concocted the story of the soldiers all within the space of about twenty-five minutes. When he saw that he was detected he confessed everything without him received a single blow of the bamboo, but up to the moment of his confession the foreign feeling against that police magistrate was undeniably strong. End note. True was then examined and he said, "This delicate woman could not bear the agony of your tortures, which he has stated is untrue, and even should her wrong escaped the notice of the gods, for her to die in this way with a stain upon her name is more than I can endure." I will tell the whole truth. I killed the husband that I might secure the wife. She knew nothing at all about it. And when the magistrate asked for some proof, True said his bloody clothes would be evidence enough, but when they sent to search his house no bloody clothes were forthcoming. He was then beaten to the fainted, yet when he came round he still stuck to what he said. "It is my mother," cried he, "who will not sign the death warrant of his son. Let me go myself and I will get the clothes." So he was escorted by a guard to his home, and there he explained to his mother that whether she gave up or withheld the clothes it was all the same, that in either case he would have to die and he was better to die early than late. Thereupon his mother whipp bitterly and going into the bedroom brought out of the short delay the required clothes which were taken at once to the magistrates. There was now no doubt as to the truth of True's story, and as nothing occurred to change the magistrate's opinion, True was thrown in the prison to await the day for his execution. Meanwhile, as the magistrate was one day inspecting his jail, suddenly a man appeared in the hall who glared it in fiercely and roared out, dull-headed fool, unfit to be the guardian of the people's interests, whereupon the crowd of servants standing round rushed forward to seize him, but with one sweep of his arms he laid them all flat on the ground. The magistrate was frightened out of his wits and tried to escape, but the man cried out to him, "I am one of Quanti's lieutenants. If you move one inch you are lost." So the magistrate stood there, shaking from head to foot with fear, while his visit continued. The murderer is kung-piao, True had nothing to do with it. The lieutenant then fell down on the ground and was, to all the period's lifeless, however, after a while he recovered, his face having quite changed, and when they asked him his name, Lo, it was kung-piao, under the application of the bamboo he confessed his guilt. Always an unprincipled man, he had heard that the murdered man was going out to collect money and thinking he would be sure to bring it back with him, he had killed him, but he had found nothing. Then when he learned that True had acknowledged a crime as his own doing, he had rejoiced in secret at such a stroke of luck. How he had got into the magistrate's hall he was quite unable to say. The magistrate now called for some explanation of True's bloody clothes, which True himself was unable to give, but his mother, who was at one cent for, stated that she had cut her own arm to stain them, and when they examined her they found on her left arm the scar of a recent wound. The magistrate was lost in amazement at all of this, unfortunately for him the reversal of his sentence cost him his appointment, and he died in poverty, unable to find his way home. As for True, the widow of the murdered man married him in the following year out of gratitude for his noble behaviour. When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game, responsible renter or perpetual party animal. Enter Renters Warehouse, the pros who turned the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind. 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