Alabama's Morning News with JT

Katie Britt joins us live to discuss Palestinian protests

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25 Jul 2024
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An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save, too. With Medicare's Extra Help program, my premium is zero, and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to, paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Joining us now, Senator Katie Britt is here. Katie, good morning. Welcome and thanks for being here. Oh, absolutely, JT. I appreciate, obviously, always have an opportunity to talk to you, be in front of your listeners. Look, it's like the things that we've dealt with over the last six weeks are kind of once in a generation-type moment. And so to have the opportunity to kind of sort of talk through them and dig in with you and the people there that are listening to you is a real honor. You know, I appreciate you, Katie, for coming on, and you've always been very accessible for us, and we thank you for that. But your address yesterday from the floor and your support for Israel is where the United States has stood and stands today. But, you know, when you look at Joe Biden waffling because he's got it, well, you know, you've got squad members in parts of the country that, you know, we've got to kind of be nice to everybody. And now you've got Kamala Harris coming on who leans more squad on this issue than she does. And she is, like, right there with these members of Congress that, you know, all about Gaza and really slamming Netanyahu. I mean, you brought it home, though, as to where we ought to stand yesterday. Well, thank you so much, JT. It's important for us to speak loudly, to speak truth, and to stand by our great ally, Israel, not just in good times, but obviously in times of crisis. And, you know, you just mentioned she seems to be leading squad, vice president Kamala Harris. I'd argue that she's leading the squad on this. What she did yesterday was disgraceful. Let's just be clear. She has very few actual jobs as the vice president of the United States of America. We know that she was given the job to be the border czar. That is well documented, both by her in interviews and by President Biden, saying she's going to get to the root cause. She's going to fix this. She's going to come up with a legislative fix. Not only has she done none of that, none of that, we have the worst border crisis in our nation's history under her watch. So there's one. Two, she is supposed to stand in for the president during ceremonial things when he cannot. Well, obviously, given whatever in the world's going on this week, which we need to talk about in a second, he was not there to greet Netanyahu at the tarmac. That should have been her. Then you move on to the fact that she is supposed to preside over a joint session of Congress. We have very few of these. It is a distinct honor and privilege for a leader of another foreign country to be able to address members of Congress in that way. And that is her job. If you remember, she was standing right behind Zelensky. She had no problem being there. When it came time for Netanyahu to be here, she chose to be at a conference. Now, I want to be very clear. This conference that she went to, I have no problem with her going to the conference. Support that. Great. Do you do you and do that? I think there's a lot of value in conferences. But this conference lasted for five days. It lasts for five days. If the vice president of the United States said, I am so sorry, I'm going to need to address you at another moment during these five days. You know they would have accommodated her. What this was, was her being a coward. She used an excuse to get out of her duties. If she can't stand with our great ally, Israel, who in the midst of a war, where they are actually fighting for their very existence, she certainly doesn't need a promotion being president of the United States. It's we must stand with Israel. I think Netanyahu did a great job yesterday. And also, JP, let's not let it be lost. That neither her nor president Biden had the courage to say we stand with the United States of America, you know, burning our flag saying Hamas is coming for you on our national monuments will not be tolerated. I mean, it's despicable. When you start destroying property, burning the American flag, and I know it's protected under the Constitution, but when you start spray painting buildings and monuments and things got violent as well, I mean, where's the National Guard? Let them down. You know, Katie, let's talk about Kamala Harris and the race against former president Donald Trump right now. I mean, this is kind of unprecedented. This close to the election where a president says, all right, I'm not going to be in there. I've been telling you for forever, I'm going to be in the race, but now I'm out. So it's, you know, hurry up. What are we going to do? And I guess the delegates are going to put her in there officially when the convention comes here. Well, what about the party of democracy? Where is, you know, a primary where the voters decision on her, you know, they really didn't like her way back when. So your thoughts on that. No, you are exactly right. I said last night when we were sitting there and people were watching Joe Biden give this address. He was obviously trying to make it that it wasn't about him and he was being selfless that that couldn't be further from the truth. He was being selfish because he wasn't being honest with the American people. Clearly he is unfit to serve if you can't serve it. If you can't sit, you know, for trial as a special counsel, her reported in his report, you certainly can't sit in the situation room. We know that he's not capable. I wish he had been honest with the American people, but one of the lines that he said last night, he said, the great thing about America is here, kings and dictators do not rule. The people do. The hypocrisy from that sentence or those two sentences out of his mouth was so great. I couldn't even quite comprehend that he was willing to say that because what is happening here is the dictators, whether it's George Clooney, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, you name it. The liberal elites and party bosses have pushed him out of this race, not because they don't think he's capable, but because they don't think he can win. And then when you talk about kings, this is nothing more than a coronation of Kamala Harris. Now let's remember when she left the presidential race, she left at about 3%. People do not want her. She is left a Bernie Sanders. How in the world, JT, can anybody be left of Bernie Sanders? You look at what she's done on the border, not only has she been a disaster as vice president, as a self-proclaimed and appointed border czar, she's done nothing there. She has telling us, tell us time and time again where she is on this. She believes that those who come here illegally should be given all of the rights of American citizens with regards to welfare and health care and others. It is absolutely insane to think about her position on energy. Look, when we have inflation and we have the dollar that we know doesn't go as far anymore under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and she continues to double down on her energy policy. Look, energy affects everything, everything from the grocery store to the gas pump to everything in between. And she wants to ensure that we are dependent on our adversaries for our energy needs. She said she'd break the filibuster for the Green New Deal. She has said that she would ban fracking. And what she doesn't realize is not only does that make us our dollar less stable and the people less stable here in America, because we do energy cleaner, better and more efficiently than anyone across the globe. It also puts us at a disadvantage when it comes to national security to our adversaries, because that makes Russia more emboldened, it makes Iran more emboldened, and anything that makes it two of them more emboldened always makes China stronger as well. All right. I want to get your comments real quickly on the money she has raised over $100 million in 30, 60, 48 hours, I mean, a big boom after Joe Biden pulled out, the donor said, "Okay, Joe's out. Give me the checkbook. Let's go. We're back on track here." Your thoughts about the wave of energy that she's feeling right now, is it sustainable up till November 5th, or is this just a quick honeymoon darling thing that will be over soon? Look, the far left will stop at nothing to ensure that we do not. We're not able to put common sense policies back in place at the White House and for our country. I mean, the money isn't coming from swing voters. I mean, it is coming from the liberal elites and the far left. I mean, it is clear though to me that America does not need to become San Francisco, and people continue to call her a San Francisco liberal. Look at San Francisco. Tell me, America, is that what you want for our entire country? It is not. They want a secure border. They want stable prices. They want safe streets, and they want us to project strength abroad. She projects nothing but weakness. When you listen to her, you listen to her policies. Not only is it not what America needs, it would make us weaker and more vulnerable at every single turn. I mean, it's truly the same type of crowd that you saw tearing down the American flag yesterday is who Harris is pandering to. It shows you what her presidential tenure would be about because she couldn't even do the right thing yesterday and show up at one of the very few things she's supposed to do as the vice president. Instead, she wanted to appease the far radical liberal left that is pro-homists in her party, and it's despicable. It's disgusting. It shows she doesn't have a backbone and doesn't understand right from wrong. Yeah. I'm with you there. I just need to start showing more strength through Israel in this whole thing, and more and more of our officials are kind of waffling and really leaning the other direction is kind of disgusting. Katie, thank you so much for being with me. I appreciate you. Hey, thank you. And hey, as a Christian, as an American, as an aldamean, I believe we must always stand with Israel. And that's exactly what I'm going to do. Thank you for having me on. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save, too. With Medicare's Extra Help program, my premium is zero, and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out.