Alabama's Morning News with JT

Dr. Paula Price on President Biden's Address on Wednesday

Broadcast on:
25 Jul 2024
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A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's Extra Help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to 8-4 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Dr. Paula Price joins us now. Love Dr. Paula Price, 70-year-old black female conservative educator/minister. One of the most dynamic speakers you're going to find this to be true right now. Dr. Welcome back in. Thanks for being here. I am glad to be back. You know how I enjoy our monthly visits, right? Absolutely. I mean, how are you? I haven't talked to you in a bit. I was on vacation and kind of missed you. How are you doing? I am doing great. I am on fire and I'm excited about what we're going to talk about today. All right. And so I'm going to get just real tickle when you introduce me. Here we go. Let's start with Biden's address last night and then we'll talk about the Trump rally and then we'll talk about Trump's momentum and the RNC, the convention and just a couple of things to talk about. So 11 minutes last night, did you blink and miss it or did you catch it? Well, no, but you know what's to say after all that's transpired. I think 11 minutes was kind of long to say I stepped down because I had to. Yeah, he didn't address anything like his COVID or the president about, you know, Trump's assassination attempt, you know, he kind of shied away from any of those points and just basically said, yeah, I'm going to go on and move on my decision. My decision, nobody else is so I'm not buying that. I don't think anybody's buying that, but the spin continues. Well, he was carefully scripted and clearly he's very bitter and resentful. I mean, come on, who wouldn't be facing his situation? So I'm sure that he's very resentful and grieved by the end of his journey because he had high hopes and the man was delusional. He really kind of thought he should win no matter what. And then he was taken in the backroom and chasing and so here we are. Well, here comes Kamala too. And I want to get your thoughts on this. She said to the American people, if you don't vote, you know, black people, if you don't vote for me, then you're not supporting the culture. And I saw a number of black people respond to that and say, I'm sorry there VP, but I'm going to vote based on what I think is right and what the merit of the candidate is all about. They ain't about just because you're black, I'm jumping on your bandwagon. Your thoughts being a black female on her statement. Well, you know, I did a service last night where I said very clearly, I am grieved when black people just vote black for the sake of black. I have a problem with that. And I have a problem with them constantly throwing us back to those that Jim Crow era that's really not us. I mean, when I do a whole talk on this ain't that. So black today is not what it was back then. We have gotten to school. We got some education. We have businesses. We've made some milestones, et cetera. But the fact that she wants to fall back on her blackness tells me that she doesn't have much else to offer because that means she can't compete according to the rule. Well, you make a great point there and the fact that she made something, you know, very similar like Joe Biden had said, remember, you know, you know, you ain't black if you're not voting for me, you know, to people and it's like how offensive, you know, that can be. You're right. I think the policies are going to be the same as Joe Biden's in Barack Obama's. I don't think we're going to see much change except that she is a little bit more left when it comes to, you know, the Israeli situation in Gaza, she leans even more closer to the squad than Joe Biden did. And as we saw with all these crazy protests in DC yesterday, that needs to be taken care of quickly in this country. And I get, you know, constitutionally, we're allowed to get out in protest. So when you start, you know, destroying property and things get violent, I mean, you got to shut these things down. Your thoughts on Kamala Harris on the global stage? Well, frankly, I think that Kamala Harris is going to be probably as adept as a global stage as I would be because she hasn't had that experience. She, you know, I've done a deep study on women's background and I don't see, I see milestones. I see, you know, hey, first this break in that, but I don't see anything significant that she has birth and established in her own name and her own right. And that bothers me. But I have something if you'll let me see it. Now, every time I say it, folk it upset. So I hope you still love me tomorrow. I love you go. Okay. But I have, I've been doing this for the last several years and I found out that America is not a democracy. Well, now the Democrats are running, they were running Biden and they were running Kamala on that Trump will destroy our democracy. However, that's a fictitious nation because it doesn't exist. America is a constitutional republic. There is nothing and I mean constant. I checked the constitution. I checked the federalist papers. I checked a number of things and I'm telling you the word democracy shows up in none of them. When I'm saying none, I mean zero. So here, now here's the issue. If Trump really wanted to take this thing and turn it, he could just simply say they're running on a fictitious platform, they're saving something that never existed and doesn't exist. Now, when I say this, people get shocked because we don't realize how they so duped us. So as long as they keep saying he, he's destroying our democracy. What is the psychological effect of that democracy? Good. Anything not democracy is bad. So they're running this campaign and it's really slick. They got to give it to them. It's really slick, but we have never been a democracy. True. We are republic. Sometimes people think we're a banana republic, but we are certainly our republic here. You're right about that. We elect people to elect our officials when it comes to the president of the United States. And here's the issue. This is the problem. The problem is this because when I say it, people are like, yeah, but you know, we're a republic, but whatever, but they can mark us and they can scorn us because nobody is using the word republic. Nobody is using the word constitution. We're all agreeing with them that democracy is good. So let's get rid of the republic. Well, your thoughts on Kamala's chances now that she's younger and fresher, according to Joe Biden and the donors certainly think, okay, well, dust off that checkbook. I'll donate. She did raise, you know, $100 million in the matter of 36 to 48 hours. So she's catching a bit of a wave and a bit of a flame and a honeymoon going on right now. And that's the standard do policies and lack of experience really start to enter the room. Well, if we still keep this thing on personality, then she might well win because she has the full strength of the media behind her. So the media can paint this facade that doesn't exist. She'll always be the, you know, the black woman who finally got there and everybody's going to look back and we're all going to move forward in that America, old black people can see their writing on that indebtedness thing as well. So, but now we're all going to think about, well, we have to do it because that's how Barack got in. Barack didn't get in before any other reason other than people felt indebted to him. But 28, I talked to the people with 28% of evangelicals who put him in and you know what they said? Well, we only did it to show we're not racist. Okay. So tear up our nation to make a statement. So I think that if the media does what this continues to do, they're never, they're going to keep us away from her policies, they're going to keep us away from her deficits and all of those other things and her failures simply because they're going to ride on the, now you don't want to upset. You don't want to say the wrong thing about a black woman, the first black woman who could be president and if black folk allowed themselves to be duped by that shame on us. Yeah. Amen to that. Well, Dr. Paula Price, always good to catch up with you. Thank you so much for being with me and we'll talk soon. Okay. All right. Thanks a lot. Have a great day. Bye bye.