The Narrative Podcast

Episode 346- The Narrative Podcast

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The Narrative Podcast promotes positive reinforcement of original people and original people culture and provides positive frames of reference about original people and original people culture.

The Narrative Podcast: Changing the Narrative one episode at a time by destroying negative stereotypes about original people and original people culture.

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Let's change the Narrative!

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2h 0m
Broadcast on:
26 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Hey there, it is Ryan Seacrest with you. You wanna make this summer unforgettable? Join me at Chumba Casino. It's this summer's hottest online destination. They are rolling out the red carpet with an amazing welcome offer just for you. So don't wait, dive in now and play hundreds of social casino games for free. Your chance to redeem real prizes is just a spin away. Here to join me. - Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary. VGW Group, forward we're prohibited by law. Eighteen plus terms and conditions apply. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) You are now listening to the narrative podcast with Halsey Allen. The narrative podcast is changing the narrative one episode at a time. (upbeat music) - Hey, what's going on? What's happening family? Welcome to the narrative podcast. The narrative podcast is the home of original people, original people peace, original people reciprocity, and original people positivity. The narrative podcast promotes positive reinforcement of original people and original people culture. And provides positive frames of reference about original people and original people culture. Welcome to the narrative podcast. Welcome all my narrators. So, you know, I'm officially tapped in with the narrative podcast, and I am your host Halsey Allen. Welcome, welcome, welcome. All right. So, here we are on this terrific Thursday. Yeah, so, pretty much man. Same thing, different day. You know, we got a laugh to keep him crying. We're still reeling over the body footage camera. Or the body cam footage. There was released on our sister, Sonja Maas, Mexico. I'm still a little kind of shaking up. I was going to do a upload yesterday, and I just had to take a little moment to decompress. Still kind of trying to work the week. I can only imagine how our family's feeling right about now. So, before diving into the content, or rather, how I usually start my podcast office, I give a brief overview of my content just for full context before diving into the content. So, this evening, I'm going to, you know, I'm going to walk you through it, but we're going to take a brief moment of silence for our sister and her family, friends, loved ones, associates. So, this, you know, sister who needed help and, you know, didn't get any. Mother, you know, gainfully employed. We're just going to take a brief moment of silence for our sister, Sonja Maas, before diving into the synopsis of the narrative podcast. All right. Yeah. So, this is not easy, man. Like, yeah. It's not easy at all. I was streaming, like, half the day yesterday when I saw that footage. Just, like, could not stop them from coming down. Like, we're going to get through this evening. So, I'm going to walk you all through this synopsis of my podcast before diving into the content. So, starting off at the top tippy, the name, the narrative podcast, the name of my podcast, the narrative podcast, because I don't like the false narrative that the media weaves about original people and the original people culture. I get to the original people part a little bit later on in the synopsis, but essentially what I wanted to do to counter that is create a platform where I'm uplifting and edifying our people and putting our positive frames of reference to counter the media's intentional, deliberate misinformation about our people and our culture with the negative frames of reference about our people and our culture. So, that's essentially, you know, what birth the narrative podcast, why I'm doing that, why I'm doing this, and, you know, it's essentially my mission statement as well. So, you know, that's why I decided to do this podcast, you know, just to build a platform where I'm just celebrating all our accomplishments, making it a safe space, promoting, you know, peace, positive reinforcement, you know, talking this up, speaking positivity over our people and our culture, and, you know, encouraging the listening audience to do it as well, bringing awareness to the listening audience and why it's important to responsibly utilize your platforms to put out positive frames of reference about our people and our culture and encourage the listening audience to do what I'm doing, to put out positive frames of reference about our people and our culture, which is a perfect segue from my tagline, the narrative podcast, the narrative podcast, changing the narrative one episode at a time by destroying negative stereotypes about original people and original people's culture. How do I destroy the negative stereotypes about our people and our culture by putting positive frames of reference about our people and our culture? Hence the name, the narrative podcast, we're going to change the narrative one episode at a time. So, you know, that's essentially what my podcast is all about. I'm going to walk you through some more misnomeries you should know about my podcast to have full context of, you know, what I'm doing and the type of material I'll be presenting to you as the listener. So, first and foremost, I refer to my listening audience as my narrators, and I do that because I'm just acknowledging the times that we're living in, we're living in the digital information age. Pretty much everybody has a digital platform. We gather and share information online. Every platform, every platform, every digital platform has a section in which the owner of the page or, you know, the content creator has a profile in which they can, you know, share a little something about yourselves, a bio, if you will. And, you know, so in whatever digital space you occupy, you're essentially telling or narrating your own story about yourself, your hobbies, your interests, your turn-on, your turn-offs, you know, your cultural background, you know, your upbringing, your values, you know, whatever you like to do when like, you know, people are just online telling or narrating their own stories and when they're doing it, they're usually, especially content creators, they're usually telling the best story that they can possibly tell about yourselves. They're sharing the best photographs. Now, it's going to sound like I'm picking on women right here, but women, they go through a whole theme to get the perfect selfie. They do filters, they do lighting, you know, everything got to be popped before, you know, everything has to pop just right before they upload and share, you know, images. They want to share the best possible version of themselves, you know, when you're sharing your story, you want to, to show your outgoing, you want to, you know, share photos at the best restaurants, the biggest gatherings, the most fun places, amusement parks, movie theaters, you know, I did this, I went to go see this, you know, your life is very exciting on your page, whatever you're presenting to the world. And that's the nature of why I refer to my listening audience as my narrators, because as a people, as original people, we need to be sharing, or, you know, we need to be sharing, telling or narrating the best versions of ourselves, as the media gives the world such a warped, skewed version of us to the rest of the world. So we need to rectify that by, you know, uploading positive content, showing us at our best, showing us progressing, succeeding, being leaders, being problem solvers, being pillars in our community, helping each other, uplifting each other, edifying each other, being there for each other in times of need, you know, just basically the antithesis of how the media portrays us out to be, which is the most horrible people on the planet, they portray us out to be, you know, lazy, violent, hard to get along with, hard to, you know, they're penis out like we're beyond reproach and hard to manage, hard to deal with, you know, they want to really penis out to be like some really unsavory people. So it's up to all of us to, you know, not feed into these negative stereotypes and stigmas that the media places over our people, by regurgitating the negative stereotypes, the stigmas online, you know, the gang band culture via, you know, the drug dealer, the drug user culture, the violence culture, you know, people posting guns, sitting up there posting guns and, you know, I'm a bussing, I'm a let it go, that imagery, we need to, you know, banish that. This criminalistic lifestyle is Don Mafia, so lifestyle is gang banger lifestyle, you know, we don't need to be glorifying that online and within our women, you know, sisters, we don't need to be glorifying thought culture, whore culture, hot girl summer, you know, drop it low to the floor. We don't need to be glorifying that and regurgitating that online. That's what, you know, they're cranking out all this propaganda about our people and our culture, so we need to bring it back into focus and share the most positive imagery and tell the most positive stories we can possibly tell. You've heard of Pizza Hut's $7 Deal Lovers menu, right? All these delicious items for only $7 each when you buy two or more, but something's off. I mean, pizzas, melts, boneless wings, bacon, cheddar cheese, sticks, oven baked pastas, cinnabon mini rolls, and that's not even the whole menu. I'll keep eating or digging. You should too. Check out the $7 Deal Lovers menu at your local Pizza Hut. Product availability, prices, and participation may vary. Additional charges and exclusions may apply. Wings included are eight-count boneless. Hey there, it is Ryan Seacrest with you. You want to make this summer unforgettable? Join me at Chumba Casino. It's this summer's hottest online destination. They are rolling out the red carpet with an amazing welcome offer just for you. So don't wait. Dive in now and play hundreds of social casino games for free. Your chance to redeem real prizes is just a spin away. Care to join me? Sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Voidware prohibited by law. 18+ Terms and Conditions apply. That's why I call my target listening audience my narrators because, you know, being in the digital information age, it puts us at an advantage where the unique position to tell or narrate our own stories. And it's important to do so at all times because the media, you know, history hasn't taught us anything. It's taught us this. If you don't tell your own story, your own story will be told for you. And that's precisely what the media is doing. They're telling our story for us. And they're telling an inaccurate story about us. You know, the story they should be telling is the story of our true nature, kings and queens, gods and goddesses of the universe. That, you know, should always be at the forefront and on the, you know, the foolishness and the nonsense. It'd be easy to tell when it's just Hollywood laying it on thick. When it comes to our people and our culture, if we keep, if we, you know, be persistent and put out accurate images and portrayals of our people. So, yeah, next, the narrative podcast is a positive space. Like I said, starting out, this is a place, the safe space. It's a positive space. I promote positivity. I encourage, you know, a positive reinforcement. I don't do any negative slander gossip. I don't endorse that, you know, the name calling, the put downs. Within our people and about our culture, you know, it's all about positivity. It's all about uplifting. It's all about, you know, edifying. And it's all about, you know, just cheering each other on and putting out the best versions of ourselves at our times. This with the narrative podcast is all about our courage, our listening audience to do the same. Having said that, though, this is a place of truth. If I do, you know, I never, you know, kick dirt, fingerprints. You know, try to tear down a brother's sister on his platform. However, I do tell the truth. If I feel a brother or sister is, you know, intentionally misrepresenting our people for a monetary gain, then I will call said individual out. That's not the same thing as talking bad about them. It's not the same thing as name calling, you know, the truth is the truth. You know, I do represent that here on the narrative podcast. Pretty much. Also, I don't, you know, clout chase. I don't do the clickbait thing. I do mention a famous person's name on this platform. It's really the only kind of cement appointment I'm trying to make and I try to frame everything up from, like, the bigger picture perspective. I deliver commentary on here about current events, whether it's, you know, globally, nationally, or just something within our community. And like I said, the purpose of me doing that when I deliver my commentary is just basically to unpack, you know, whatever is going on around the world from our perspective because, you know, the media takes pain, pain taking efforts to, you know, make us look as, make us look as bad as I possibly can to have us looking in sound and crazy. You know, every time I'm talking about a famous person, especially a person within from our community, I'm framing up from the perspective of why this happened. You know, and I can always trace, you know, all my speaking points back to, you know, why do we behave the way we behave sometimes, which goes back to, you know, who've been systemically programmed and conditioned by, you know, society, the media, like, you know, a psychological warfare, how the media is misrepresenting our people and our culture. You know, it's in, you know, these negative stereotypes and stigmas about our people who is in embedded in American culture. It's bad abroad too, but it's really, really bad here in America. It's in movies. It's in television. It's in literature. It's in periodicals. It's in advertisements. You know, this bad portrayal of our people and our culture. And it's, you know, it's really just daunting sometimes. It's just like, you know, it wings heavily on your psyche. And, you know, sometimes once a negative thought is embedded in your psyche, you know, you kind of on a subconscious level act on that, you know, that mental cue has been placed in society. Like, it's like, for example, if you tell a child they're stupid, all they're like. When they become an adult, they will be paid unintelligent. Like, almost 90% of the time they'll behave unintelligently. When they mess up or make an error, they'll probably call themselves stupid. So in terms of our people, we're always seeing ourselves downtrodden, disenfranchised, poor, living surrounded by violins. You see, this is like that psychological programming and conditioning by the media. This is what they do. Now, there's a couple of mediums where, you know, they tell nice stories about us. For example, good, more in America. They have some pretty, every once in a blue moon, they'll have something inspirational. One of our people, you know, doing something positive that impacts their community and the world. But for the most part, it's, you know, it's drugs. It's drug, you know, selling, using. It's, you know, the ghetto. It's this, you know. It's still in. It's being lazy. It's being unintelligent. It's being ignorant. It's being overly voiceless and loud for no reason. This is how we all often get portrayed. And this is how, you know, we're programmed in condition to respond to react to each other. And then also people outside of our culture, you know, that's how they react to us when they meet us, when they don't know any of us personally. Because that's all they have to go on us by is, you know, what they're seeing on television and in the movies and, you know, all these other sources. So that's how I frame it up. So whenever I'm bringing up a famous brother's name, famous brother or sister's name, it's never not to, you know, like the clout chase or the, you know, attach my, try to get the views and likes and all that. This is just really to, you know, break it down and dissect why that, why that possibly whatever negative thing they're involved in, why that possibly may have happened. Which goes back to systemic programming and conditioning. That's how I try to, you know, frame up all my analytical points. Next bit of business of the narrative podcast. This is a time since it's a platform. I don't try to exceed one hour per broadcast. The purpose of me doing that is because, you know, I'm an all audio platform. I want to keep my listening audience you know, entertained and focused and have you pretty much receiving what I'm saying with an open mind. I can't do that if I'm just, you know, being repetitive, being redundant, talking in circles. Basically, I don't want to bore you to sleep. So I want to beat you over here with the message. I don't want to like go down rabbit holes. So I usually just try to keep it short, sweet to the point. Say what I got to say, mean what I got to have conviction, have conviction about what I say and try to have what I say resonate with the listener and I can't, you know, have the message resonate with you if I'm boring, boring the crap out of you. So that's why I try to, you know, keep it short because I don't want to have a glorified rank. I want to engage the listener. I want to make my content digestible. You don't have to clear your entire schedule if you miss the episode of the narrative podcast here and there. I want people to be quick on the uptake is basically what I'm saying. I want to engage all intellect levels, you know, whatever intellect level you're at. I want to engage you. Don't want to have nobody feeling left out. I don't definitely don't want to dumb myself down. You know, I want everybody invited to the party. So that's why I try to just, you know, try to keep it as brief as possible. And then before I dive into my last point that you should know about the narrative podcast, I want to just, you know, point out, take a moment to quickly just kind of point out why the media invest so much time in, you know, putting out the worst representation of us that possibly can. The media pretty much portrays us in that negative light because, you know, they're ran by the powers that shouldn't be. Who are the powers that shouldn't be? The powers that shouldn't be is elitist, the wealthy elite class. And the wealthy elite class are predominantly white. And so, you know, they want to maintain their superiority over all other classes by, you know, manipulating imagery and pretty much trying to promote capitalism and mass consumerism, just spending money to be spending money. Meanwhile, they don't actually spend any money. They use like, you know, trust funds, wheels, living wheels, credit to acquire the air quotes, finer things in life. That's why they surround ourselves with all these status symbols that the elite class had. The big house, the big fancy car, the vacations, you know, their lifestyle is just kind of reflective of their old television show, the lifestyles that are rich and famous. You know, that's how they want the whole world to envision what success looks like. That's what success is supposed to look like. You know, you're supposed to have, you know, a whole entire staff waiting on you. You're supposed to have a private ship, supposed to have maids. You've heard of Pizza Hut's $7 deal lovers menu, right? All these delicious items for only $7 each when you buy two or more. But something's off. I mean, pizzas, melts, boneless wings, bacon, cheddar cheese, stick, seven big pastas, cinebon mini rolls, and that's not even the whole menu. I'll keep eating or digging. You should too. Check out the $7 deal lovers menu at your local Pizza Hut. Product availability prices and participation may vary. Additional charges and exclusions may apply. Wings included are eight count boneless. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun. For the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free. Get lucky today. At No purchase necessary. VGW group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply. You know, service in the service quarter, you're supposed to have, you know, a home so big you got to east and the west wing. You're supposed to have, you know, designer. You know, this is the lifestyle that they want to push to make themselves feel important. And it's really kind of a bully. It's like Marxism as well. I'm not going to school you about what Marxism is. We're living in digital information age, you can google, google, google, see what Marxism is. But yeah, that's primarily why they do it. They'll defy our people. They want to, you know, submit their position. They're threatened by, you know, our people. Like they do it to everybody. They make everybody look, you know, unsophisticated and unintelligent and unrefined and uncultured next to then. But out of all the people, they do it to our people the most. And the reason why they do it to our people the most is because they fear our people the most. And fear is really kind of a form of jealousy when you think about it. So they fear our people the most because our people, out of everybody else on the planet, I'll say it, we are the most impactful people in the entire world. Every single body in the world wants to be like this, wants to emulate us. Wants to posture themselves as us to some capacity, you know, through our music, through our dancing, through our arts, through our food, you know, through our athleticism, through our, you know, our natural ability for the arts. You know, we're just that influential and impact that we're just a whole vibe. In any room we're in, we shine. We're the whole vibe. You know, people try to be like us and try to get on our level all the time. And that's not saying we're superior to anybody. That's just a fact. We don't need to surround ourselves with that assembles to be it. Just to be that guy, to be that girl, we're just naturally that. Eyes are just naturally always on us anything we do. And they're threatened by that because they've been jealous since they found out about it. They wanted what we had. So they created all these systems and things to try to make themselves feel important. They want to create all these systems of government and, you know, all these power structures to basically feed their ego to make themselves feel important. You know, they want to have the power of exclusion and gatekeeping like this person can make it. And that person can make it. You know, that's just that they're true nature. That how they are. They're just, you know, by nature, conquerors, thieves. You know, they don't have any culture of their own, so they steal everybody else's identity. But that's primarily why the media picks on our people the most. Because, you know, elite class society, you know, they're natural historians as well. They're aware of their history and they're aware of our history. And they know, without us, there would never be a den. We are the direct reason why they have all that they have. For the direct reason why they have financial will. Why they have systemic power because they acquired all that because they were so jealous of us in the beginning. And their biggest fear is, you know, that, you know, we're so impactful and dynamic. We're a natural people. We don't need required art and things that they require. And, you know, they're afraid we'll spark a revolution. And say, hey, you know, I don't need all this to be happy. I don't need all these things to be happy. I don't need to just spend money just because I have money. So, in essence, they're afraid that we will usurp their power in that right there. People will just, you know, follow the natural order of nature being the original people that we are. We are, you know, everybody on the planet, the most closely linked to nature. So, that's just the natural order thing, not the worship objects. So, they're fearful that will, you know, cause everybody else to, you know, see how we see it. And then they wouldn't be important anymore. Nobody would pay attention to them. Nobody would want to aspire to be around them being their little secret clubs and organizations. So, they were fed out of existence. But their biggest fear, this is their biggest fear that will keep them up at night, who has them like, you know, they make the hairs on the back of their neck stand up. They're afraid that we, as a people, our people, original people, we would stop bickering amongst the shoving and get on one accord and replaying everything that they took and everything that they're currently taking from us. And do it then, what they've done to us. Yeah, that's why they fear our people so, so much they create all this propaganda. They create all these, you know, false portrayals of us. And, you know, regard to take all these negative stereotypes and stigmas and try to make us look like the worst people on the planet. When in reality, they're the worst people on the planet. So, last but not least, I know you've been hearing me saying over and over again, original people. I refer to our people as original people. Our people, I mean in black, African, American, Negro, whatever you want to call this. I refer to our people as original. For a couple reasons, reason number one, you know, it's just historically accurate. We were and are the original people of this planet. We were here about 5,000 years before every single being on this physical planet existed. So, yeah, that's an accurate nod to who we are. We're not black, black is like a color in the crayon box. Some of us are very darkly conflicted, but that's like mahogany, if you really want to be real. It's not black. Like some of us are so dark skin, you know, we got to, it seems like we got a purple tint to us, but it's not black. It's purple, right? But anyway, you know, it's more historically accurate about who we are as a people who come in a variety of flesh tones. We have from different land masses, you know, we're originally. Nothing beats the original. He was here first. And then the second reason why I refer to our people as original people is because there are many different types of us. For many different parts of the world, speaking different languages, believing in different religions, spiritual practices. We have all these differences among us, but some common factors that we have, some common ties to bind us together is that we are all original people. We are all here first. We can all trace our lineage back to the original point of origin for all mankind. Like all mankind came from us, and it was on one specific land mass that they found to remain as the first person on earth. We can all trace our lineage back to that point of origin. And then, you know, we all possess high concentrations of melanin, also. The highest concentrations of carbon, aka melanin. So that's why I refer to our people as original. As a way to unify us as a people, as we refer to ourselves as different titles and, you know, but at the end of the day, we're all original, no matter what we call ourselves. You know, whatever nationality we claim, whatever, we're all original people. Now, one more thing I want to quickly point out before diving into the content this evening, which goes back to us being original people. I say this on every segment, you know, I got to just debunk this false narrative that keeps on being perpetuated about our people. Through history, some historians that don't look like this, once you make slavery the most crucial impactful time about our people. They want to like link slavery to our people. While slavery really did happen, it was a very real thing, it was a very violent thing, barbarous, barbaric, it really did happen. It's just a whole lot of inaccuracies about it. As I said, we are the original people. So being here originally, what you just think it was all just in one spot, it was on every single corner of the globe. We had a whole existence before the transatlantic slavery journey. It was already located, you know, in Asia. It was already located in Europe. It was already in Australia, Germany. Hell, even the North Pole and the South Pole was already there. Any place on the planet you can name, there was a large concentration of our people. We didn't get to all of them places via the slave ship. We know we existed before slavery. It's impossible just to say, you know, our entire existence was based on slaves. They went from one, which is also another fabrication, because that's like, you know, if you use critical thinking, that's nearly impossible. For hundreds of years, you just kept going to the continent of Africa, you know, all throughout. You've heard of Pizza Hut's $7 deal lovers menu, right? All these delicious items for only $7 each when you buy two or more. But something's off. I mean, pizzas, melts, boneless wings, bacon, cheddar, cheese, sticks, oven, baked pastas, in upon many rolls, and that's not even the whole menu. I'll keep eating or digging. You should too. Check out the $7 deal lovers menu at your local Pizza Hut. Product availability prices and participation may vary. Additional charges and exclusions may apply. Wings included are eight count boneless. Hey there, it is Ryan Seacrest with you. You want to make this summer unforgettable? Join me at Chumba Casino. It's this summer's hottest online destination. They are rolling out the red carpet with an amazing welcome offer just for you. So don't wait. Dive in now and play hundreds of social casino games for free. Your chance to redeem real prizes is just a spin away. Care to join me? Sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Voidware prohibited by law. Eighteen plus. Terms and conditions apply. The Transatlantic Lady trade are throughout Spanish-speaking nations. And taking African slaves to Europe and all, you know, Spain and Puerto Rico and the minute go up and yeah, the D.R. and, you know, England and here in America, it's impossible to think about it. You know, especially here in the Americas. The majority of us was already here. Some of us did come over on slave boats. He wears some, not all of us. So I just want to point that out. We had a whole entire resistance before slavery. And that was not the most critical era in our existence. Like, you know, we pretty much created everything. Everything can be traced back to us. We pretty much invented everything. You know, we got thousands of years of receipts and everything we did. But even though they try to wipe us out from history, one thing about history is you can't erase it. Anywhere, like the artwork tells you, the pictures on the wall, the statues tells you where we were on, where we was at. Look at the artwork, look at the statues. Does the statues look like the people that lived there, or do they look like us? [Silence] But anyway, I didn't mean to get too long windy. I just wanted to just point out that false narrative about slavery. And now on to, you know, the beginning. If I glazed over anything, I'm over 300 episodes in. It's really not too hard to keep up. Just remember to download this episode, not previously recorded episodes of the narrative podcast. We're ready to get your podcast information from. All right, so keeping it tight, we're going to dive on in to this week day edition of the narrative podcast. Keep in mind, I have two different format styles. I have a weekday format style and I have a week in format style. So you can browse through my episode catalog and, you know, you can figure out the difference between my weekend format and my weekday format for yourselves. But this is the weekday edition of the narrative podcast. And what I do here is I stay true to my mission statement to put out positive frames of reference about our people and our culture. And the positive frames of reference about our people and our culture for the weekday edition of the narrative podcast comes in the form of news articles. And I feel the need to share positive news articles about our people and our culture. Because like I said, the media psychologically tries to program and condition us to believe in people outside of our culture to believe that nothing positive ever happens in our communities. It's all gloom and doom, you know, nobody is, you know, is just like a big track. Nobody ever makes it out. You know, it's always some type of messiness. It's always some type of violence, some type of strife, some type of suffering. So, you know, to negate that, that's why I share positive news articles proving positive things do happen in our community that we are, you know, leading the charge and, you know, advancement that we are progressing as a people, you know, that we do give back, take care of our own and develop solutions to all these problems that the government or the AKA, the system, throws at us. So, yeah, so that So me sharing the positive news articles is just basically like a big take back to the powers that shouldn't be because basically me just pulling out receipts that, you know, what you see on TV about us, the negative things you see on TV about us as a lie. So, having said that, on to the first positive news article on this week, the edition of the narrative podcast. The first article the headline reads, childhood best friends for 22 years celebrate graduating from law school together. I said law school like that because, you know, I spaced it apart and I'm sitting at an awkward angle just if you was wondering. So, the two sisters in question are one Miss Ashley M Davis and her cohort, Tiavana Williams, they both graduated cum laude from American University Washington College of Law. That article was really short, it didn't list their majors and when they graduated high school that was just it, that was the headline and that's all it said in the article. So, other than that, you know, that's a tremendous accomplishment, noteworthy to share in just a very good positive frame of reference about our people and our culture. So, please, we want to extend a warm narrative podcast round of applause for our sisters, Ashley and Tiana, for graduating cum laude. All right, next up, positive news article on this week, the edition of the narrative podcast. The headline reads, Dr. Feneh Pettigrew, I hope I'm saying this is his name, right? It makes history as first black women to own the block on Baltimore's waterfront. Dr. Pettigrew is a multimedia professional and CEO of Root Branch Media Group. Her company's name, her company was named that after her family property located on Root Branch Road in South Carolina. She got her start in media after earning her bachelor's degree from the University of Maryland College Park. She also interned as a speech writer for Bill Clinton on the political news show on Capitol Hill. The article later goes on to say she became a self-taught, scriptwriter and produced content for TV1 and the Discovery Channel. She's also made history as the first sister to own her own block on Baltimore's waterfront canton, waterfront property on Canton Harbor. So that is an impressive, those are some impressive accomplishments. So like she wears many hats, she's also an author. She's also a serial entrepreneur. She's also a motivational speaker. And the list goes on, but to check out her business, you can go home, go on over to They offer an array of services such as their own film academy, providing film and digital media arts instructions to the youth. In grades K through 12. So go on over there, create a plan, design and redefine and share your vision. At And let's give our sister Dr. Van Yae Pettigrew a warm narrative pie cast round of applause for all her accomplishments. Kind of noticing the themes, all sisters this week. I usually have a mix, but for some reason it was all sisters. I don't know, that might be the universe trying to say something. Yeah, I think this is my last article for this evening. The headline reads, Allison Felix teams up with pappers to create first ever nursery for athlete moms at the Paris Olympics. Allison Felix is one 11 medals in her entire Olympic career. I didn't say what medals, I'm guessing gold medals, I didn't do the stacks. I just want to make a quick sidebar. I want to just quickly shout out our brother Noah Lauz and our sister Shakeri Richardson. They are really tearing it up in the Olympics this year. A special shout out to her sister Shakeri Richardson. She has come full circle from her whole debacle a few years ago. She's turned to complete 180 from where she was. She's wearing her natural hair. She's being a real inspiration, nothing more inspiring than self accountability. She's really like walking back for the last couple and looking real good out there on their track. You know, doing the home team proud, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, but anyway. So our sister Allison created a nursery for the athlete moms participating in the games. Her sponsor is Pampers, her and Pampers also got together and have donated 1 million diapers to support pre-me families and children's hospitals nationwide in America. It didn't say what specific, you know, hospitals, it just said, you know, they donated over a million pampers for families with premature births. So very noteworthy, you know, very selfless and serving the purpose. And, you know, people forget that people participate in those Olympic games. They are just normal people to have lives and mommyhood is one of them. So they don't stop being moms just because they got to go and do some track and field events. You've heard of Pizza Hut $7 deal lovers menu, right? All these delicious items for only $7 each when you buy two or more. But something's off. I mean, pizzas, melts, boneless wings, bacon, cheddar cheese, sticks, oven, baked pastas, cinnabon mini rolls, and that's not even the whole menu. I'll keep eating or digging. You should too. Check out the $7 deal lovers menu at your local Pizza Hut. Product availability prices and participation may vary. Additional charges and exclusions may apply. Wings included are 8-count homeless. With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get Lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking. We've got clear runway and the weather is fine. But we're just going to circle up here a while and get Lucky. No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes add up quick. So I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright, and start getting Lucky. Play for free at LuckyLand Are you feeling Lucky? No purchase necessary. BGW Grab Boyd were prohibited by law. 18-plus terms and conditions apply. Okay, tree? So, yes. Please join me in giving our sister Alice Felix a warm merit of podcast round of applause for her accomplishments. [Applause] It don't get much more positive than that, y'all. Narrative podcast always showing providing positive frames of reference about our people and our culture. And I'm encouraging you, the listening audience, my narrators to utilize your platforms to do the same. So, now, here's the current events section of the Narrative Podcast, which I refer to as my speaking points. So, you know, first up, this kind of was really just one point, but I'm kind of stitching it around. Up first is Kamala Harris. And so, if you've been paying attention in class, what I said in the beginning, I don't speak negatively about our brothers and our sisters. Ever, but I do tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So, I don't try to call names. I don't try to drag people through the mud, but I do tell them how a TIE is. And I'm about to tell you how a TIE is about Madam VP, or quite possibly, next president, Madam President of the United States, Kamala Harris. You know, she done pulled a who be me on it. She, we ain't heard a peep out this lady since the beginning of the campaign trail. We heard, we did it, Joe, and not a peep. Not a peep since. Oh, correction. One of her first interview junkets while they were campaigning, when she wasn't even in the White House yet, she said, and I'm paraphrasing. I'm not going to do only for the Black community. I'm not going to do anything just only for the Black community. You're not going to do anything only for the Black community, but you're basing your whole campaign strategy around the Black community. The Black community was, you know, if it's personally, I believe politics is all of the mess, but the Black community was responsible for even getting you on the ballot. And that's the thanks we did. Okay. That's what we doing. All right, Kamala. All right. That's how we doing. That's how it is. Gotcha. I mean, I'm not trying to preach at you. Whatever your political affiliation is, you can vote for whomever you like. You know what I mean, that you believe voting actually works, but when you vote, my people take emotions out of you, take emotions out of it, and look at policy, and look at legislation facts before you mark down who you're going to vote for. And does this person deserve your votes? Now, I don't believe either, you know, party deserves my vote, because neither party has anything in legislation for just only our people, you know, but, um, you know, sometimes you got to call it status fade, and quite frankly, here's the bottom line. Class, can you say Patsy? I knew that you could. Kamala Harris is the Democrat party's Patsy. She signed up for it. That's why every time we see her on television, she dancing, she smiling, she laughing, because she already got the bag. She's going to get the bag regardless. If she don't get elected, she's getting the bag. But she knows she's not going to get, you know, she knows she's not going to be a president. This isn't just me being negative, this is just me being observant. We ain't never had a female president. We will not be the first country to have a female president. You know why? Because the United States has enemies. None of our enemies have female leaders. No other state in the free world has a female at the helm making decisions for the entire nation. If we had a female president, our enemies would take that as a sign of weakness, and you better believe it would be the first time in history, U.S. soil will be invaded. And that's not saying a woman is incapable of doing the job. That's not saying a woman is, you know, inferior to her male counterparts. This is just the facts of life, this is just nature. You know, Democrat, Republican, all parties in between, they're not going to let that happen. Whether she was black or white, it wouldn't have happened. We knew Clinton wasn't going to win. Hillary Clinton, my bad, I couldn't have a little brain fart. We knew Hillary Clinton wasn't going to win for that same reason. Kamala Harris, she can partner up with Michelle Obama. She still ain't going to win. She can partner up with any female. She wants to, she's not going to win. She can partner up with any male running mate. She's not going to win. She knows she's not going to win. They already told her she's not going to win. Her party already told her she's not going to win. It's just a big financial. So why all sitting up there, dedicating your timelines and trying to endure something is not going to happen. Like we ain't even paying attention to the context clues. She don't even have all the funding yet. That ought to be a telltale sign. It takes money to run a campaign for the presidency. She still has not even, the Democratic Party still has not even raised all the necessary funding for Kamala. Joe Benadun deal. That's why he dropped down. He tried to say C-19. He already knew the deal. He didn't want to lose. He tried to blame it on C-19. It might have been. Well, that's another interesting point that I can bring about later. I don't want to get too long with this. But bottom line, she's not going to win. And it's not me being a hater saying, you know, she's not qualified for the job. This is the same fact. She's not going to win. She knew she wasn't going to win. She knew she wasn't never going to be a president when she partnered with Biden. Do you know these things are contrived? Do we forget about the electoral voting college? All these policies and legislation, they're already in place no matter who wins it. No matter who wins it. So when they're elected, all they're doing when they get in office is going over legislation and policy that was already there when they got there. They're not making no new changes. Capitol Hill makes all the changes. Was we not paying attention in government class? They propose all the laws. Now the commander in chief, they can launch executive orders. They can grant amnesty. What do you call that? People incarcerated, they can grant pardons, they can do a filibuster. You know, it's a few things they can do. And their biggest thing is they're commander in chief in times of war. So they can push the button if they want to. They can say who we attack and when we attack. Essentially, all our laws and legislation, they're already made up before, you know, the president gets in the White House. They're already like all that is ready. Ready to go and all they're doing is saying like which ones they're going to tackle first. So out of all their campaign promises, you know, that's all it is is a campaign promise for the most part. And so we get down to the wire. We got to decide, you know, who do we want? A known enemy or an unknown enemy? What do we want? A true enemy or a false friend? That's our choice. The orange guy is definitely a known enemy. Kamala says she's our friend, but she ain't never did nothing friendly for us. So, I mean, the choice is yours. I ain't going to be on harm mind telling you who you should be shouldn't vote for. I'm just saying what's before us, we definitely, definitely have bigger fish to fry. And she's not even a guppy in the skillet. Like she wouldn't even like she's not even worth dredging to put in the skillet. So now what I meant is now about Biden. He steps down. He says he stepped him down for C-19 and contracted C-19 right before the election. And then we know we've been having natural disasters. We know we've had times in war. And we know we've had, you know, different streams of that thing. We know we've been having some things happening with our food supply. And where am I going with all these things happening right before, you know, the world shut down. And I think, I think we should all be gathering perishable food items and getting a higher ground strategy and be prepared for the BS because some BS is about to pop off. We'll bring my theory all the way into full fruition would be, you know, when we start seeing other countries, you know, go back to the mass mandate or, you know, do some severe measures as last time. Like all the factors are there if you look, if you look, all the factors are there. All these exact same things just happening right now, happening right before the world lockdown. And then we just had that big cyber attack. Yeah. So I'm not a know it all. I don't think I know everything, but it's a pretty good sound theory. It's something to really like be cautious of and not dismiss. It's definitely in the realm of possibility because history, what do we know about history? You can and does repeat itself. And when the work, it wasn't the first time that ever happened in world history. That's all I got to say about Mr. Biden. And last but not least, we got the address, the elephant in the room. Our sisters sign your message. So it's like so many. So many is given so many slain vibes like is giving Breonna Taylor vibes is giving George Floyd vibes his life. It was like right in front of our face. Like he didn't even try to hide his this is this thing toward our system. Like he did not want to be there anyway. You see how flipped and arrogant he was talking. They're saying she has severe mental health issues, paranoid schizophrenia. But for those that have watched the body cam footage for her to be suffering from all those things. She was very subdued in the body cam footage. She didn't make any sudden moves. She's very monotone. A person suffering from schizophrenia, they're all over the place. The emotions are usually all over the place. They're loud and jittery and jumpy. And slamming stuff. She wasn't doing any of that. She wasn't doing any of that. She was calmly rationally speaking to them welcome them into her home and they did what they did. And then the other officer he actually tried to get us a medical attention and that filthy beast. Yeah, I caught him a filthy beast because that's the true nation of his people warlike. That's filthy beast. That's how they told her I'm told to do at this point, you can go on, go go ahead, but for what? That was a headshot. You can't clean her up. She gone. No remorse. No empathy. Because he didn't want to get some hot water on him. Because he thought she was going to throw some hot water on him. The hot water was already boiling when they entered the house. And she's the one that caught him. She was cooking. She was already cooking something. It's good like the hot water could have been for tea. It could have been for some like she might have been whatever. It wasn't for him. She wasn't going to throw it on you, bro. She even at one point she even backed away from the hot water to show him she wouldn't. Said I would be doing the name of Jesus. Now is that or is that not a demonic force, my religious family? My spiritual family. Was that not, was that or was that not a demonic entity? Because only a true demon could spawn chaos in that moment. He has no remorse in his face. The mugshot has no remorse. Not sorry. So I called it over the summer. One of our sisters got attacked. And I believe it was Florida or somewhere, somewhere. I can't remember the exact headline, but the sister got attacked by a white. I call him Delusionist, a white Supremeist. He was over the summer like going into fall. And I said, I want to my old episode so that this is the kickoff. This wasn't no, there wasn't no random occurrence. You know, that's how they do. That's the signal. They got the signal and we're going to start seeing more attacks on our people more frequently. And then lo and behold, this happened. And before that happened, it was Roger Fortson. And then there had been a stream of them in between. We just don't notice it because, you know, life's happening. You know, we got stuff to do. There was a pay. You know, now that everything's open and everything's not locked down anymore. We can't notice all the things happening in our community. There's just so much other stuff they've thrown at us. Primarily, celebrity gossip, we spent, um, damn near three months talking about some content creators are still talking about Mr. Take that. Take that. Still. We're going off. We're about to go into the fall. People are still talking about that. No arrest, no conviction. The people are still talking about what he is, what he might be. He said, she said, you know, we can't focus. Stay focused on stuff like this that matters because we focused on celebrity gossip. That's how they always get us. And we gravitate towards it like, you know, moths to a flame. We just, that's exciting to us. Like, you know, that's, you know, we're like insects sometimes. You know how the, um, um, mosquitoes like flying to the bugs after. That's what we're doing. We're flying into the bugs after it. They put out things intentionally to, you know, misdirect their main itinerant, their main agenda. We gravitate towards the things that they intentionally put out that we shouldn't be paying attention to. And we get shot every time we get shot in the foot every time we get shot every single time. But that was horrendous to say the least. It's more horrendous. That, um, there's like the community is split. There's actually people saying that the policeman was justified. He has a literally an arsenal of non-lethal coordinates at his disposal. She is a woman. He's a man. She cannot overpower him. She did not have any weapons. He could have tazed her. He could have stun gunner, pepper spreader, even old school Billy Club. They got a collapsible graphite stash. They even got rubber ticked bullets. So many other non-lethal ways they could have handled that. If he felt threatened, air quotes threatened. And then this guy's check record, he's been fired from six other precincts in the last four years. Six other precincts last four years. He was not supposed to be doing this job. I know she's going to get financial justice because, you know, our brother is on the job. And any time, like, you know, something's found going on in the community. If he's involved, it's almost guaranteed the family's going to get something. There are loved ones, heck no, but, you know, it probably would have got swept under the rug had it not been for the, uh, the, uh, pardon me, trying to get it together. I just, I'm going to need a second. Had it not been for the, uh, body camp footage. You got to figure out a way to break up this, uh, brotherhood of the badge type ish because we literally had, um, training day in front of our face, like the rookie cop was scared to say something. He was trying to like, he was there. He watched it. He didn't yell out. He didn't tell the guy to, um, you know, stand up. You've heard of Pizza Hut $7 deal lovers menu, right? All these delicious items for only $7 each when you buy two or more, but something's off. I mean, pizzas, melts, boneless wings, bacon, cheddar cheese, sticks, oven, big pastas, cinebon mini rolls, and that's not even the whole menu. I'll keep eating or digging. You should too. Check out the $7 deal lovers menu at your local Pizza Hut. Product availability prices and participation may vary. Additional charges and exclusions may apply. Wings included are eight count boneless. With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get Lucky just about anywhere. Daily Beloved. We're gathered here today, too. Has anyone seen the bride and groom? Sorry, sorry, we're here. We were getting lucky in the limo when we lost track of time. No, Lucky Land Casino, with cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry. In that case, I pronounce you Lucky. Play for free at LuckyLand No purchase necessary. B.G.W. Greg Boyd were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. And now... You know, it just... Wow. Yeah, so we deal with what he did, man. Killed this. I'm alive, that's just a part of me. I can't blip it out, but... You know. And it's never going to get any better until we make it better. They're not going to make it better for us. We're going to have to get to a point where we're un-fearful. It's not like getting they face when we see them doing something foul. Because they're going to start picking this off one by one. Now, for our white friends, we don't want it to get to that point. We don't want it to get to that we had enough. Because you know what happened the last time when we had enough. So my white friends, my Spanish friends, my Asia's cute friends, my Middle Eastern friends, all y'all better use y'all's voices before we lose our patience. Because we're not going to keep being patient. And trust in the process. Because they don't listen to us when we say stuff. So we don't want it to go back to that. Somebody better start speaking up. So that's all I really have to say about that. I mean, it's not really more than that I can say about it. We saw it with our own eyes. Like if you didn't need a moment or two to yourself when you saw that footage, if you saw that footage. Like I know you hear my voice trembling now. My eyes are watering up. You have no soul. You're sitting inside. Or you really kind of clearly support what the police officers did. We're the only people to get treated like this here. Not saying police brutality doesn't happen to other races. It happens to us the most. And that's a fact. And you know how it gets deflected? That it happens the most? They deflected by saying we underlive each other at a disproportionate race. When in reality there's no such thing as black crime. Anywhere you get any group of people that look like each other, they're going to commit crimes against each other. And that's a fact. But when we get underlined by the police, it always, most of the time it gets swept up under the rug. If it's not for cell phone footage or that body can, it would have got swept up under the rug and not talked about. But every time we do something bad, you know, we got to hear about it for a year. If it's one of our people committing a crime against somebody from outside our community. Oh, we hearing about that all year round for like four or five years. We committed crime against somebody within our community. You know, we don't hear about it. We just like, who's that 11? God say, I'm alive. Come on. You know? He should Jenkins, unaligned Mark Weta, you know, and it's a week, week long, about two, three days max. You don't hear when one is, you know, when we commit crimes against each other. You don't really hear it. It's not. We commit crimes outside of our community. Oh, it's in constant rotation. It's reported heavily. That goes back to that so psychological programming and condition that I was talking about. That's how they use the media to vilify our people. And it doesn't help it when we get, uh, celebrities within our community saying we unaligned each other at a disproportionate rate when that's not accurate. They really get on platform and talk about we kill each other more than any other race. No, we don't. No, we don't. Now what the accurate thing she said is, you know, law enforcement kills us more than any other people. That's what you should be saying. Yeah, we're violent towards each other. We've been programmed in condition to behave that way, to respond and to react to each other in that manner. And then I'm going to go off on a quick little side tangent and wrap this thing up to all my, uh, scholarly brothers and sisters, my super educated brothers and sisters who point out there's no such thing as racism. Um, racism is a social construct. I want to say to you, you're absolutely correct. It is a social construct. And what is a construct? A construct is a concept. What's a concept? A concept is a theory. But now, that construct, that theory is now a reality. It's real. So when they created this racism stuff, it was a theory. In the beginning, it is now a reality. Because not only is America the most divided country in the world, but the world in general is divided. Division, everybody sticks to everybody. So when they created the notion of racism categorizing people, they was on to something. And unfortunately, with this little social construct, our people got hit the hardest with it. Because when they was constructing their theory, you know, they beta tested it on us. So, yeah, why are sitting up here talking about it's just a social construct. Take your intelligence super enlightening, intelligent self with that same mentality. Go deep down south at night time and drive down, you know, old dirt road. And see how much of that social construct that doesn't exist. And see if them law enforcement officers that get behind you don't exist. Or better yet, go to a residential suburban area. And see that social construct and test out that social construct theory if you want to. So it's definitely it's real in the field. We got to be aware, we got to know our rights, protect ourselves. I can't even say don't give them a reason. Because literally they have no reason at this point. They don't have a reason to do nothing to anybody to us. It's sad, man, it's really sad. She literally said I rebuked the name of Jesus and that. That's crazy. So like I said, I don't really have any more of a different perspective. I can't say anything that you haven't heard like 8 million other content creators cover since it's been around. The only thing I'm hoping from this is that, you know, within our community, we don't get exploited because it seems like everybody's doing a TikTok. Everybody's doing a YouTube channel putting their two cents in, trying to break down and assess and, you know, unpack what happened. It's like, yo, bro, we saw the body cam footage now we need solutions. And then also to like respect the grieving family and don't capitalize off their loss. But, you know, we don't need to be exploited in this time. We need to be respectful of the fact, the grieving family. It's like we got to put out the knowledge that these things happen. But then also when we put out, you know, bring awareness to the situation, we have to be respectful too. Some of y'all is just downright exploited. I ain't got to say, you know, the content creators is doing it. Some of y'all is just downright exploited. So, like, that's all I'm saying, like, bring awareness, but then also be respectful to the family. Because this is a very tumultuous, traumatic time for them. And just keep that in mind. Just keep that in mind when you're delivering commentary on this very delicate topic. Well, that's it and that's far. I'm going to wrap this thing up. I think I may do another weekday edition tomorrow. So, you know, join me if I don't upload something tomorrow. Join me this weekend for a full edition of the narrative podcast week in edition, which is slightly different from my weekday. I have more sections on my weekend edition. Yeah. So, in closing, I just want to say, you know, RIP to our sister. You got taken from us. Son, you're messy. I also want to shout out a few more that we might have forgot because so much stuff happened, didn't happen in. Hey, Tron, Jeffress. You've heard of Pizza Hut $7 deal lovers menu, right? All these delicious items for only $7 each when you buy two or more. But something's off. I mean, pizzas, melts, boneless wings, bacon, cheddar cheese, sticks, oven, big pastas, cinebon mini rolls. And that's not even the whole menu. I'll keep eating or digging. You should, too. Check out the $7 deal lovers menu at your local Pizza Hut. Product availability prices and participation may vary. Additional charges and exclusions may apply. Wings included are eight-count boneless. With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get Lucky just about anywhere. Daily Beloved. We're gathered here today. Has anyone seen the bride and groom? Sorry, sorry, we're here. We were getting lucky in the limo when we lost track of time. No, Lucky Land Casino, with cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry. In that case, I pronounce you Lucky. Play for free at LuckyLand No purchase necessary. BGW Graboid were prohibited by law. 18-plus terms and conditions apply. Sincere Pierce, Angela O'Crew, and like even though we wasn't a police officer, I'm pretty sure the outcome would have been the same had law enforcement came to the scene. I'm sorry, Devontae Mitchell. So, just in the course, you know, even though, suppose it just had got administered to our sister, Brianna Taylor, you know, we can never ever forget that and never stop saying her name. I mean, I think that that was the whole campaign that bought these police officers to justice to say her name campaign. You got to just remember to make a note to say, you know, all our slang brothers and sisters names every time these filthy beasts get out of line. And then I definitely can't forget about my brother, Roger Fortson. But yeah, this episode is definitely a wrap. Join me either tomorrow or this weekend for another edition of the Narrative Podcast. Thank you for all the love, supports, and the love, like healing energy to all our slang brothers out there who have been slain after the hands of law enforcement. You know, it's a corrupt bio system. Law enforcement is just an extension of, you know, what's already in place. So we got a big, big battle, you know. Like I said, join me this weekend for another four edition of the Narrative Podcast. Stay up to date with the most recent episodes of the Narrative Podcast, which you want to do is follow me on YouTube. And I'm Halsey Allen on YouTube. You want to hit the subscription button notification call. And then, you know, you'll be informed with the latest edition of the Narrative Podcast. Every single weekend. So this platform that I'm broadcasting on right now, it automatically uploads to YouTube. So YouTube and another good source is X, because it automatically uploads the X as well. When I'm done broadcasting, Halsey Allen, I stay good at Halsey Allen on X. So, yeah, and you'll always be up to date if you follow me on either of those two mediums, YouTube or X. And remember to download this episode and I previously recorded episodes of the Narrative Podcast and other things you can do for the algorithm. You can click the little heart-shaped light button, the little three buttons to share it on all platforms. And then for goodness sake, leave me a comment. They got a comment box on, you know, the link to the Narrative Podcast is a comment box. You can write a little comment wherever you see the link at. And then the best place to do that, to do all those options is to follow me on X. When you click the link to the Narrative Podcast, when you see it, you know, the Narrative Podcast on X, it has the light button, it has the comment box and it has the share button. So, do all of that. But, yeah, whatever you do, click the little downward arrow to download button. If you don't do any of those other options, click the download button. For sure, another thing I want to plug, I've written a book titled The Black Card. It's available on And the name of my book is called The Black Card. And if you're unfamiliar with or Poitizing, what that is, is social. It's a social media platform for writers, it's interactive. You know, the people of that community can interact with each other, read each other's work. You know, offer resources and all that. But, the biggest thing is they have a feature which will allow the novice writer, it's basically for the novice writer, the opportunity to, you know, pursue professional writing by turning their work into a book. They have a feature where you can turn your work into a book. They have a virtual online bookstore for everybody in that particular social media site. And, you know, it just displays, you know, books of everybody that made a book from their work that they shared. So, yeah, go check mine out, and it's for all writing genres, you know, people that like to write short stories, novels. Even essay writing and blog, generally, is encouraged on their site. But, it especially appeals to poets. It's in the name Poitizer. So, that's what I did. I wrote a book of poetry. And it's titled The Black Car. It's a 30-page book of poetry. It's all encompassing. Look about who we are as a people. You know, just everything we go through. All the nuances about our culture. Our way of life, our way of thinking. Just, you know, 30 pieces indicative of who we are as a people. If you're an original man, an original woman, when you read one poem, you will automatically resonate with it. And it'll resonate with you, you know, you can definitely relate to it. People outside of our culture that can still enjoy it. If they consider themselves open-minded and progressive, and like learning about different people, different cultures, and different people. You know, that's a good read for you. Go check it out. It's on It's called The Black Car. Go to Visit their virtual online bookstore and purchase my personal book of poetry. The Black Car. By me, Halsey Allen. I'll purchase your copy of The Black Car of the Day. I'll get your black card revoked. And then last but not least, I got a personal poetry blog on And what that is, is a collection of all my poetry that I've accumulated over the years. Since I started the poem, I started the blog. I started in like, ooh, I think I started in '89. But definitely go check that out. What's unique about that blog site is, you know, all the poetry that I have posted on that I spontaneously writing in the moment. I didn't contemplate on the subject matter. I didn't contemplate on what I was going to title each piece. I mean, just like literally just came to me. Everything that I wrote is crazy because the pieces are so detailed, intricate, and intentional. If one was to read a poem on that blog, they would think that I did some sort of drafting or some type of pre-writing before I posted it. But I didn't at all. I swear to you on any type of religious track. It was all spontaneously written in the moment. And that's what makes that poetry unique. It's comparable to like a spoken word poem or a freestyle rap, except I wrote it. But it's still like spontaneous. That spontaneous energy behind it. But yeah, you're in for a treat. Go to and check out my personal poetry blog. This is called "Hause His Poetry Corner" and the web address is And you can support it simply by sharing the link to "Hause His Poetry Corner" or a poem featured on "Hause His Poetry Corner" across all platforms. And of course, click that little heart shake like button. For the love of God, when you come on the site, leave me a comment in one of my poetry pieces. And then, of course, share either the link or a poem featured on the blog across all platforms. Now, my tip for people to occupy a visual platform such as YouTube or TikTok, you might have to kind of do a shout out type of deal to support. You might have to say, "Hey, I like this poem on "Hause His Poetry Corner." It's titled, you know, whatever, whatever. Just saying on YouTube or TikTok, you might have to shout it out like that. Not trying to get no free from, just letting you know the ways to support. But, yeah, go check those out on "Hause His Poetry Corner" on at and the tagline for my poetry blog is "Hause His Poetry Corner." Poetry with a fashion poetry for all occasions. And when you read one of my poems, you will see that they definitely live up to the tagline. 'Cause I literally have a poem for every single occasion you can think of. So, yeah, go check those poems out on "Hause His Poetry Corner." That's all that I have to promote. So, this episode of "The Marit of Podcast" is officially over. Thank you all for tuning in. Yeah, we're all a family. You know, it's in a love-like, healing energy over everything you got. We went on in your life right now. We were definitely, you know, it's all hands-on deck, so we can change the narrative. I'm Hause Allen. I'm changing the narrative. One episode at a time, I'm asking you to, you know, join my crusade to change the narrative of becoming the narrator. And while I'm changing the narrative, I might end one episode at a time. As the narrator, you can help him change the narrative on your end one social media post at a time. Until next time, Hause Allen, "The Marit of Podcast," signing off. And it's like that. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] You are now listening to the narrative podcast with Hause Allen. The narrative podcast is changing the narrative one episode at a time. [MUSIC] Hey, everyone. It is Ryan Seacrest here. Ready to heat up your summer vacation? Get ready. Things are about to get sizzling at Chumba Casino. Your summer getting a whole lot hotter with a special daily login bonus waiting just for you. So sign up now for reals of fun and reals of prizes right here at Chumba Casino. With yours truly, join me at and dive into a summer of social casino fun. 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