The Wrong Agenda

The Acolyte Episode 5 Review

Here we are again, just finished episode 5 of The Acolyte and here are my thoughts. (spoilers) I Still Like It.

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Broadcast on:
26 Jun 2024
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what's going on everybody's your boy just Dale and I'm back with another review This time we're gonna do the acolyte episode 5 if you didn't know I just reviewed episode 1 through 4 on my channel a few days ago, and I got completely Slammed in the comments some of the comments are absolutely disgusting But we got some comments where people Discussed their disdain for the show in sensible ways and like I said, I don't think it's a perfect show But I do like it still and I do agree with a lot of the criticisms a lot of these things are not great It's not the best show, but I don't think it's the worst personally Anyway, let's get into episode 5 of the acolyte Warning there will be spoilers here. So if you didn't see it and you care come back after you watch it Episode 5 I Greatly enjoyed episode 5. I think so far. This is probably my favorite Yeah, my favorite episode. So let's go over. Well, I like about the episode Let's start with simple things like the set design Most of it took place in the forest really wasn't much to give here standard forest Background I would say it was okay mediocre just Standard TV show level. I give that maybe a five five and a half We're gonna go over to the character development. I feel some of the characters as the twins Start to baffle me And really get their motivations from the start I'm kind of interested on how it plays out. Hopefully it rounds out into something that makes sense But right now is like their thoughts and movements and reasoning seems kind of chaotic I don't know what they're really getting out there, but hopefully it pans out and makes a lot of sense Saul still is probably the most interesting character to me. Well, let me just say from before So his motivations. Yeah, I can tell you have dark secrets this things going on I am interested on what he's gonna say to the Jedi console after all of this. There's a lot going on with Saul I feel like he's tormented and he has a lot of secrets and those make for good characters, especially him being a Jedi Yeah, I'm interested in him. There wasn't too much dialogue in this episode So I can't save the dialogue was super cringy or just general bad for a TV show But it wasn't much there. It wasn't much better than the previous episodes. So From character development, I give it another five Dialogue, I'm gonna give the dialogue a four and a half to five, but it wasn't much to go in there So that can easily be up or down the major reveal here of who the quote unquote Sith is is Not very surprising to me actually I was leaning towards him being the Sith Lord probably maybe 80% it was between him and one of the witch mothers and Am I glad that it was him? I feel like they could have developed him a little bit more before we got this reveal So it could have been a little more shocking, but I think he did extremely well in the character I felt the sinisterness. I think his acting was amazing and Yeah, that to me was probably the greatest part even though the reveal wasn't that shocking to me I think she was the greatest part of this particular episode Let's go on to the action the action in this episode. I I don't know. I don't know some people might say they don't like it I really want to know if you do not like you because I think this was one of the greatest action sequences for Jedi's and One of the shows in them if not ever in a good while It's one of my favorite as far as the TV shows go and I think it was pretty amazing Rest in peace to your and the padawan. I forgot the padawan name I'm actually kind of shocked that they killed them in the manner that they did at this time in the middle of the show Even though from a story standpoint, it makes a lot of sense that no one survives So I really want to know where they're gonna go with this being how we know no one's supposed to know about the Sith at this point So this has to somehow be hidden if by the end of the show They don't wrap this up beautifully and make it in a way where this is not known Then that's a huge ball drop. I agree I know that's one of the things the people in the comment will say that like how could these happen they're ruining cannon That part is very true if they don't find a way to wrap that up that is a glaring ball drop and I don't know We'll see action wise. Let's give it a score. I'm gonna go with the strong Seven and a half to eat for the action on this. I love the fight and I love the way it went down The the lightsaber is short circuiting and stuff I thought it was a pretty cool dynamic and how he dispatched of all the Jedi's is pretty amazing pretty ruthless I I really enjoy it I felt the power in there in the strength and I'm looking forward to seeing more of this So yeah, I'm gonna give it a seven and a half to eight Yeah, I'm gonna give it a seven and a half to eight on action So that's that the wrap up the story Now I kind of wish we got a little bit more episodes seem a little short coming in under 30 minutes This is a show that they said the budget was what a hundred and eighty million. I believe so I'm surprised We're getting such short contained episodes But maybe they're saving everything for the finale which so many shows tend to do they have a big episode in the middle And then a huge episode at the end so I'm gonna wait around and see I probably won't pop on for each of the next few episodes Maybe just give a wrap up at the end But hey, let me know in the comments Which you think what you liked about the episode which you hated about it If you're gonna continue watch it not continue watch it Just please keep it respectful and we got a great conversation as Star Wars fans and hopefully I'll see you guys next time I'm out. Thanks