FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Lindy Blanchard speaks with Apryl Marie Fogel about the prospects of another Trump Presidency - July 26 2024

Broadcast on:
26 Jul 2024
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This is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on FMTalk1065. Well good afternoon everyone. Sean Sullivan, not in today, in his place you've got April Marie here. This show has flown by, as we have talked about, the absolute madness of Harris being on the top of the ticket for the Democrats. One thing that happened this week was Netanyahu came to the United States, addressed Congress. I'm excited to bring our next guest on Lindy Blanchard. Welcome to the program Lindy. Thank you April Marie. You're exciting to be here. Ambassador Blanchard of course ran for governor, should have won, just saying. But she is exactly where God wants her to be right now and she and her husband will be the first ones to tell you that and that is trying to get President Trump reelected. Tell us a little bit about Ambassador about what's going on with the campaign in Alabama and then we'll get to Trump hosting Netanyahu today. Well Alabama's as red as can be and so pro-Trump I will say at the convention we were the loudest and the proudest and that's why everyone got so much media time and pictures on all networks and that's because we're just on fire. Alabama has been a Trump country and every time he has come to the state it has been an incredible crowd and Trump loves Alabama and Alabama loves Trump. Well this week we have seen just one of the clearest differences I mean just night and day and that is the support that President Trump would give and the Trump administration would give to Israel and Netanyahu came to Washington DC did a speech where a lot of those Biden-Harris supporters went in ruined monuments just they went in graffiti they trespassed they assaulted law enforcement all of those things and not welcome whatsoever by Harris supporters but Trump has welcomed Netanyahu and to his home today. He certainly did and of course Netanyahu accepted and that's because when Trump was president he was the president that did what all the other presidents did they were going to do and put the embassy in Israel and he did what he said and also while I was serving as an ambassador he was able to pull together the Abraham Accords which was spectacular because it had never been done before they had never really cooperated with each other meaning UAE Israel and Baran and that was a huge deal for the US but mostly for the world because as ambassadors we had to go to all of our bilateral partners and let them know this was coming up and I would say all of our allies that I know of signed the agreement beforehand so everyone was all in on normalizing diplomatic relations you know in that area. Well we have seen just what an absolute crisis it has been under Biden. I don't believe Harris has shown us any amount of success as a VP candidate worthwhile of elevating into the presidential position Trump has made standing strong across so leaders across the world know that he means business what do you think a second Trump administration how would it differ than a first Harris administration? Oh there is no comparison um you know these are not lacking matters and she seems to try and laugh her way through everything and this is serious national concerns and security and when you're at that level you need to be able to negotiate in a peaceful way and not align your stuff or any of your personal interests like she has done with Hamas and Palestine and I believe the Democrat Party has aligned themselves with Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis. Well we know that um that even the withdrawal from Afghanistan that Biden did was an absolute failure and cost Americans their lives and cost people had supported our country and helped our nation cost them their lives um a Trump admin is Trump has said among his priorities are ending these wars um but without sacrificing um you know without sacrificing to evil to terror the um the things that they want the concessions they want um what do you think a Trump administration in terms of um individuals and leadership looks like? 100% he will be involved with most of the picks you know before uh he believed in the other people around him that surrounded him and he found out that that was not the way to go so President Trump uh is very focused on new teams and how to react when it comes to choosing his top leaders like the secretaries and um ambassadors abroad because those are critical and especially these volatile areas so um I'm excited to see that he's so hands-on he always has been he just um uh trusted in some um initial uh I would say off-kilter Republicans that people would say rhinos and he would say that as well um but his job now and he would say this that he focused on bringing the party together if you were there April Murray we were a party that has never been more uh glued together focus on the same mission than um the Republican party's ever been and you know on that Afghanistan withdrawal us leaving the seven billion dollars worth of equipment that the Taliban were able to grab I mean it's just another debacle after debacle and we know it's peace and the world by strength and in anything that you do in business if you have a strong leader businesses run well the same with um you know any world later and I'm excited to see that we're moving that way and God definitely has a plan because uh that bullet was definitely meant to kill our leader of the Republican party and God provided an angel and it didn't happen I think that uh the assassination attempt uh it is it showed what has happened since uh it it has given at least for me um it's it's he seems to have putting more be more putting more emphasis on his family which is just a beautiful thing I know that those who are close to him knows how important he is his role as a grandfather is and his role as a parent is but I feel like we've seen more of that in the last couple of weeks starting with the convention and uh and that's been really I think heartwarming um and you know a brush with death is a very eye-opening thing for someone and it looked like it was that for him uh this was this convention you were at convention yes um was this your first convention it was not it's my second okay so I've been to conventions before and I have never seen this level of togetherness as you just mentioned in terms of the party coming together um I have been to three myself and then I watched this one this is the fourth one I've really paid attention to and I I agree with you I think that the party is united in taking back our country having seen what's happened in the last four years definitely it's united even the um vice president candidate that did not make the cut all three were in the same suite enjoying each other during the convention so it's nice to see that you know even though they were not the pick that they're still so um focused on unity just like I believe the whole party is and will continue to be like having Nikki Haley there that was um um the moment that she got on the stage the crowd was so behind her and the delegates are all in for unity and um I didn't hear any booing and everyone was excited that she's a part of the team and I think that's important the um the big umbrella that um is is back for the party in terms of um you know there was a tough primary and uh and then and people said things um Nikki Haley specifically um but she realizes that uh we can we earlier earlier that we couldn't have a Biden administration now we can't have a Harris one well thank you so much for your time ambassador um tell our listeners if they want more information or they want to follow you and um and what you're doing for Trump where can they do that well I can tell you we'll be giving out a lot of messaging in a couple of weeks we have a new opponent and so we had to flip and um most republicans will be receiving it from their GOP parties on the next step so get involved in our local party all right you got it well thank you so much thank you all right that was ambassador Lindy Blanchard um who has uh has been with Trump since day one of course she was his uh his ambassador pick for Sylvania the first ladies home country um during the first Trump administration all right we're gonna take a break and when we come back we'll close out our final segment so