FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Midday Mobile - Apryl Marie is in for Sean and talks with Tricia Strange and Lindy Blanchard - July 26 2024

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26 Jul 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior. With that, this is painful and it will be for a long time. After all, these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper. No step too high for a high stepper. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 106-5. Well, Sean's a tough guy. I mean, I think everybody knows that. You know, Sean, he took some licks. He hangs in there. Yeah, what's wrong with the video we got? I mean, the deal we got drank pretty good, don't it? Did you hear what I said? So this is a babe council. I had no doubt about him. That doesn't shock. If you don't like it, you're bad. Last question. Were you high on drugs? Last question, kiss my ****. Good afternoon, everyone. April Murray here, filling in for Sean. Most of you, your favorite guest host, some of you, not so much. I do what I can. Well, wanted to give you an update on this story if you haven't heard it. The doctor, and we all know him. He's Ronnie Jackson. He was the former White House doctor, who's now a member of Congress. He released a statement, a letter regarding earlier testimony this week that suggested, which blows my mind, FBI director Christopher Ray suggested that Trump could have been hit by a bullet, shrapnel, or glass. Now, I have seen so much and so much information myself. We have the photograph of the bullet flying past his head. We have we've already had the one statement from the doctor. We have Trump himself saying it. There is zero evidence to support this conspiracy theory that Trump wasn't actually shot and what was a assassination attempt. And yet, there continues to be rumors and enduendo about Trump faking it, or maybe having been hit by something else. It is absolutely ridiculous. So in a new statement, released again, just before I came on, Ronnie Jackson goes on to say that as a former White House physician for 14 years, who served during three presidential administrations, served as the appointed physician for both President Obama and President Trump, I fully understand the global significance of this attempt on the life of the former president. And the current Republican nominee for president, as such, I want to reassure the American people and the people of the rest of the world, President Trump is doing extremely well. He is rapidly recovering from the gunshot wound to his right ear. Guys, if you know someone who is an assassination denier, the facts aren't there. Now, if you want to talk about how did this happen, that's a whole different conversation that we could have for days, right? Who was it? How did that let the security get as weak as it has for Trump that allowed this to happen? And was that by design? I think, and I think that it really, it wasn't a matter of that day, someone said, okay, we're going to let them kill him that day. But I do think there was a just coordinated effort to leave him as vulnerable as possible. And if something happened, something happened. I think that you don't have to be a law enforcement specialist, security trained specialist, you don't have to have any kind of training to know that what they had on the ground there wasn't enough, that the red flags that were put up by the shooter repeatedly, that they were, in fact, that he was a threat, that he posed a very real threat. The fact that more people weren't injured or killed is a truly, just it's a blessing, because he could have done a lot more damage. And the secret service, the fact that it took the secret service director so long to resign. And I think that she only did because of the election time. If this, if this had happened a couple months ago, I don't know where it wasn't as close to the election. I don't know that she would have any resigned. I think she would have just stayed on. But someone said, you're going to impact the elections. And so she had to go. But what happened the day of the Trump assassination was a just piecemeal, slippery slope of not covering Trump as well as he should have been covered, because it you do not have to be a security specialist to know that people on the left want him dead. You also don't there are people in this nation. And we don't know the motive for this shooter. It's every it looks like he was going to he just wanted to become famous. He wanted to be one of those who went down in history for something. And that very well might have been his motive. But I think that the amount of people we have in this nation who posed that kind of threat, and no, it's not a firearm threat, his gun would have been safe at his father's house had he not taken out and used it for an assassination attempt. But I think that what we really have to do is we have to say this was a this was a not just an error. This was a humongous humongous issue and problem. All right. I'm sorry. I'm getting a message from Dalton over here. All right, we are going to take a quick break. And when we come back, we're going to be joined by our next guest. Stay tuned for that. You're listening to midday mobile with April Marie. All right. Good afternoon, everyone. April Marie here filling in for Sean this afternoon. Thank you for joining us. As always, the text line is open if you want to shoot us a text. You know how to reach us there. Great. I'm so excited to have our next guest on. We've got Tricia Strange with the Mobile County Republican Party on the line. Hi, Tricia. Hey, how's it going today? It is going well. I apologize for leaving you hanging there. I I was just talking away about about this ridiculousness that Trump didn't really get shot in the ear. No worries, but are you surprised by all of that rhetoric? You know, I shouldn't be. Nobody should be because it feels like the left at this point is just denying reality at every turn. If there is something logical that we should know with our brains and see with our eyes, the left wants us to ignore it. The left has been living in a dream land for quite some time. Yes, they have. Well, I wanted to talk to you a little bit about some of this Kamala Harris campaign efforts. She did a call and it was white. It was white women only were invited. Were you invited to this call? Well, I'm just curious how they are now defining women. This campaign is full of individuals who want anybody who feels it's just a feeling, Tricia. No biology involved. God didn't decide it. Can't notice the difference with your eyes. But now, all of a sudden, it's all she is a minority woman, minority woman, minority woman. I have said earlier this week that if Trump could put all this to bed, if he just says at one point in my presidency, I identified as a black male or a black female. I'm sorry. Then it's off the table, right? Then we have to take him out as word that for a part of his presidency, he was a black female and no longer can she run as the first. I wish it worked that way, but unfortunately, they are the masters of duplicity. They would never allow that. It would turn into he's mocking us. Absolutely. They have this call. I think that all of this minority women, all of these just labels, these DEI labels that have become more and more powerful. Segregation. Segregation. It is, in fact, segregation and it sets us up. Can you imagine if white women for Trump was an actual organization? Oh, gosh, no. I mean, oh, the how, it would be nothing else on the media until election day. That's correct. It would be absolute chaos and every name in the book is what we would be called. That's right. Yeah, it is just absolute. It is a force of a campaign to segregate us even further to take us back in time. We were moving forward and we were going to judge people on their merits and now the left has taken us back. It's how many boxes can you check? I tried this. Honest to God tried to think of something Kamala Harris has done since being VP and the only thing I could think of was being the borders are, but we're even being told now she was never that. Well, I can tell you what she had accomplished. Excuse me, is more death of young people due to fentanyl overdosing. That's on her watch. It's economy. The just the complete hold down on energy independence, that's on her watch. And there is there is nothing good to say about her because she's had no achievements. She she has the lied to the American people about the health and well-being of our president. She has been complacent in keeping that theatrical performance going and now we are all supposed to step in line because pink is on a zoom call for white women to donate money to Kamala, which by the way, the numbers that these donations, they're not records. Of course, the media is trying to hype it up as it's some big event, but the numbers aren't there. The young lady that is over the organization, mom's demand action, she supposedly has 10 million members in her organization, but she could only muster 160,000 people on a zoom call. I just don't see the support. I don't see the numbers there that they're wanting to hype up. Now, I take Kamala as a serious candidate against Trump, but it's just media hype right now. It is absolutely media hype. I think that she is counting on everybody turning everybody on her side, turning out not for a record because you're right. The Biden administration, if you want to look at what the Biden-Harris administration has done, they have absolutely abysmal record on anything that is measurable. If you can compare, are we better off now than we were when Trump was in the White House? The answer is no. And you look at COVID and you think, what could Trump have done? What more could he have done if not for all the witch hunts, if not for the COVID, if not for just the obstacles he faced? Biden and Kamala have had the opportunity to do a lot more without the distractions of all the things that Trump went through, and they have failed. Unless, of course, you are one of those people who believe, and I strongly do, that they encouraged people to come over the border. They welcomed them. They are responsible for letting them in, and that was their plan all along. Oh, absolutely. I do believe that it was a planned event. I think that there was an effort to get these individuals in, and then there will be an effort to grant them all amnesty, make them all voters, and just decimate our system of, whether it be system of health care, our education system, all of the things that fundamentally help our society prosper. We do not have, and earlier today, one listener mentioned the veteran services that veterans can't get. Well, that extends across the board to all of the needy in our nation, and I mean truly needy, not those who don't want to work, not those with, you know, face tattoos and nose rings who are too disturbed to work because, you know, they find life anxious. People who genuinely need our help are done a disservice, a tremendous disservice by Biden and Harris, encouraging people across our border. That's absolutely correct, and they do not even have to grant amnesty to these people. If they, in certain states right now, you can get a state ID, and these people, they don't even have to go vote. The numbers on the books just have to reflect the similarity because if they want to run ballots, illegal ballots, through an encounter, as long as the numbers in the county and the ballot votes are the same, it'll track. So nobody can say, well, this was a cooked election. Well, and we have, we, we saw one of the things that really stood out to me in the last election cycle was the ballots with that came in, whether they were vote by mail or early votes, the ones where they said the signatures may not match, but they, they mixed them up. And it was like, well, we, too, right now, we lost them. The people, the court systems who allowed votes to come in late beyond election day, they, they bent, if not broke, but they bent every which way so that they could get as many votes for Democrats as they could. And I think this is something that is a real threat to our democracy. Well, the Republicans are asleep at the will if they think that this is not going to happen again. It is time that we get together. We're talking with our friends. We are planning on being at the polls in such high numbers that they cannot deny we were there. Absolutely. One of the things I mentioned earlier in the show was how the fact that I do believe that the, that Kamala Harris does impact Alabama in the sense that Doug Jones won his special election for US Senate by getting out women, particularly Democrat women and minority women in the state of Alabama. It worries me to the extent that people who are not motivated by Biden, that might be motivated by Harris, again, not for what she's done or who she is, but for the boxes she checks. And I think we really need to continue to talk about what, why we need a Republican Congress and why we need it to be, have a bigger margin than even it currently has. We can't afford to lose CD2. No, we cannot. And Carolyn Dobson is absolutely a wonderful candidate for that position. She's highly intelligent. She actually lives in the state. She has vested interest in CD2. She is someone who's worked. She hasn't, she doesn't have political parents. Local name is the calling card. And again, you're right. The down ballot races are very important. CD2 is an absolute must win for the sale of Alabama. I think it can happen. I can't speak to how the Democrats in the South are going to react to Kamala some. You know, I know there's a lot of fans there, but you know, I do know some Democrats here in Mobile and we do have conversations. They're not necessarily excited about how this ordeal went down. No, that does not necessarily mean that they won't be at the voting booth. But it does mean that some are given pause about the way things are going down. And we hope that that those feelings continue through until November. Well, I think people. This is a Biden's administration got somewhat of a pass with Kamala being on the ticket instead because it's a it is about, you know, how the uniqueness of having an African American woman as a president versus talking about the policies and they don't want us talking about the policies of the Biden administration or worse, the policies, Kamala might actually be further to the left than Biden was. And we don't know because she hasn't had to have a real campaign. She hasn't truly been vetted by the voters. And I think that that should give everybody reason to get out and vote. Thank you so much for taking the time to give us a call. I really appreciate it. Always good to talk to you. And I appreciate everything you do. Absolutely. You have a wonderful day. Thank you. All right. We are headed to a break when we come back. Lindy Blanchard is going to talk about Donald Trump welcoming Netanyahu. And I want to talk to her a little bit about what that Trump looks like. Second administration looks like. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. Well good afternoon everyone. Sean Sullivan not in today in his place. You've got April Marie here. This show has flown by as we have talked about the absolute madness of Harris being on the top of the ticket for the Democrats. One thing that happened this week was Netanyahu came to United States addressed Congress. I'm excited to bring our next guest on Lindy Blanchard. Welcome to the program Lindy. Thank you April Marie. It's exciting to be here. Ambassador Blanchard of course ran for governor should have won just saying. But she is exactly where God wants her to be right now. And she she and her husband will be the first one to tell you that. And that is trying to get President Trump reelected. Tell us a little bit about Ambassador about what's going on with the campaign in Alabama and then we'll get to Trump hosting Netanyahu today. Well Alabama is as red as can be and so pro-Trump I will say at the convention we were the loudest and the proudest and that's why everyone got so much media time and pictures on all networks and that's because we're just on fire. Alabama has been a Trump country and you know every time he has come to the state it has been a an incredible crowd and just Trump Trump loves Alabama and Alabama loves Trump. Well this week we have seen just one of the clearest differences I mean just night and day and that is the the support that President Trump would give and the Trump administration would give to Israel and Netanyahu came to Washington DC did a speech where a lot of those Biden-Harris supporters went in ruined monuments just they went in graffiti they trespassed they assaulted law enforcement all of those things and not welcome whatsoever by Harris supporters but Trump has welcomed Netanyahu and to his home today. He certainly did and of course Netanyahu accepted and that's because when Trump was president he was the president that did what all the other presidents did they were going to do and put the embassy in Israel and he did what he said and also while I was serving as an ambassador he was able to pull together the Abraham Accords which was spectacular because it had never been done before they had never really cooperated with with each other meaning UAE, Israel and Iran and that was a huge deal for the US but mostly for the world because as ambassadors we had to go to all of our bilateral partners and let them know this was coming up and I would say all of our allies that I know was signed the agreement beforehand so everyone was all in on normalizing diplomatic relations you know in that area. Well we have seen just what an absolute crisis it has been under Biden. I don't believe Harris has shown us any amount of success as a VP candidate worthwhile of elevating into the presidential position. Trump has made standing strong across so leaders across the world know that he means business what do you think a second Trump administration how would it differ than a first Harris administration? Oh there is no comparison you know these are not lacking matters and she seems to try and laugh her way through everything and this is serious national concerns and security and when you're at that level you need to be able to negotiate in a peaceful way and not align your stuff or any of your personal interests like she has done with Hamas in Palestine and I believe the Democrat party has aligned themselves with Hezbollah Hamas and the Houthis. Well we know that that even the withdrawal from Afghanistan that Biden did was an absolute failure and cost Americans their lives and cost people who had supported our country and helped our nation cost them their lives. Trump admin is Trump has said among his priorities are ending these wars but without sacrificing you know without sacrificing to evil to terror the the things that they want the concessions they want. What do you think a Trump administration in terms of individuals and leadership looks like? One hundred percent he will be involved with most of the picks you know before he believed in the other people around him that surrounded him and he found out that that was not the way to go. So President Trump is very focused on new teams and how to react when it comes to choosing his top leaders like the secretaries and ambassadors abroad because those are critical and especially these volatile areas. So I'm excited to see that he's so hands-on he always has been he just trusted in some initial I would say off-kilter Republicans that people would say rhinos and he would say that as well but his job now and he would say this that he focused on bringing the party together. If you were there April Murray we were a party that has never been more glued together focused on the same mission than the Republican party has ever been. And you know on that Afghanistan withdrawal us leaving the seven billion dollars worth of equipment that the Taliban were able to grab. I mean it's just another debacle after debacle and we know it's peace in the world by strength and in anything that you do in business if you have a strong leader businesses run well the same with you know any world later and I'm excited to see that we're moving that way and God definitely has a plan because that bullet was definitely meant to kill our leader of the Republican party and God provided an angel and it didn't happen. I think that the an assassination attempt it is it showed what has happened since it has given at least for me it's it's he seems to have putting more be more putting more emphasis on his family which is just a beautiful thing I know that those who are close to him knows how important he is his role as a grandfather is and his role as a parent is but I feel like we've seen more of that in the last couple of weeks starting with the convention and and that's been really I think heartwarming and you know a brush with death is a very eye-opening thing for someone and it looked like it was that for him this was this convention you were at convention yes was this your first convention it was not it's my second okay so I've been to conventions before and I have never seen this level of togetherness as you just mentioned in terms of the party coming together I have been to three myself and then I watched this one this is the fourth one I've really paid attention to and I I agree with you I think that the party is united in taking back our country having seen what's happened in the last four years definitely it's united even the vice president candidate that did not make the cut all three were in the same suite enjoying each other during the convention so it's nice to see that you know even though they were not the pick that they're still so focused on unity just like I believe the whole party is and will continue to be like having Nikki Haley there that was the moment that she got on the stage the crowd was so behind her and the delegates are all in for unity and I didn't hear any booing and everyone was excited that she's a part of the team and I think that's important the the big umbrella that is is back for the party in terms of you know there was a tough primary and and then and people said things Nikki Haley specifically but she realizes that we can we earlier that we couldn't have a Biden administration now we can't have a Harris one well thank you so much for your time ambassador and tell our listeners if they want more information or they want to follow you and and what you're doing for Trump where can they do that well I can tell you we'll be giving out a lot of messaging in a couple of weeks we have a new opponent and so we had to flip and most republicans will be receiving it from their GOP parties on the next step so get involved in our local party all right you got it thank you so much thank you all right that was ambassador Lindy Blanchard um who has uh has been with Trump since day one of course she was his uh his ambassador pick for Slovenia the first ladies home country during the first Trump administration all right we're gonna take a break and when we come back we'll close out our final segment this is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065 well good afternoon everyone thank you for being so welcoming to me today um even to even to the people who texted in that they do not like my program it's okay um I will say though I will be back uh filling in for Jeff Port two different days and as soon as I um I'll post about that on social media as soon as I have that in front of me because I do not right now um so yes I um I will be back again soon I get I'll be on the seventh and the ninth all right there you go um I'm sorry uh yes so I'll be seven eight and nine I got three days there you um so look for that um a couple things uh thank you uh Irish Indian for the message about enjoying the show uh David has a point while the world's attention is on uh Harris what policies will Biden put in place while no one's looking I think you meant to say David what policies will the people behind the scenes be uh pushing through because we know Biden's not quite aware of anything going on in his life these days not sure he fully understands he's not running for president anymore um regardless of politics one listener said text regardless of politics the left is corrupt the DOJ is corrupt the government is corrupt voting for um Donald John last election didn't work not sure it's gonna work this time I sure hope it will work this time um you know I keep seeing the same meme sent to me over and over about uh oh no we foiled their plans any ballots they have with uh Trump are with Harris and Biden on it are no longer good um there's something to be said for that they gotta change their operation a little bit and I'm okay with that um to the person who said uh that uh I was racist it's not racist to point out it's actually the opposite of racist for all of those out there campaigning we must elect Harris not based on qualifications but on the color of her skin or her gender that is sexist and racist that is what that is by definition saying she has to we can't vote for the white man that's racist against white men that's racist against white when given the opportunity to choose between two candidates don't look at their qualities and skills don't look at their experience don't look at uh any of the factors that really should matter for the job at hand only look at their skin color that is racism and no I don't uh I reject her premise no I um I have been called every name in the book for insisting that uh that DEI is wrong will always be wrong and segregation is wrong and will always be wrong and um and voting for someone based on checking off boxes uh is ridiculous all right thought that get that out there um all right well it's been fun talking to you guys today I will um uh someone says uh it's not a requirement to be liked thank goodness right um fair fair point fair point so uh wrapping up today's program we've got um I my thoughts on what happened during Netanyahu's speech in DC is it gives us an opportunity to see just how absolutely corrupt and biased the FBI the DC prosecutors and law enforcement is in general um individuals caused all sorts of property damage that uh yesterday uh people caused assaulted law enforcement officers they trust passed they did a number of things and we will see and by we will see I mean we we know that the consequences will not be the same as those who are there on January 6 we had been talking about BLM um and the riots that that they would have comparatively but here we have something this week and by the way if you didn't see some of the graffiti that was written if you didn't see some of the destruction caused people wrote things like hate to America and um they were supportive of Hamas and there were individuals who took down American flags to burn to raise the flag of the Palestinian flag these people and I say this these people who are in our nation and yet hate us hate it hate our fundamental rights that that is what will be the enemy of our nation we don't have to be attacked in an all-out war from an outside nation when there are already people who have snuck into our country have overstayed visas who are here um and are with the sole purpose of undermining our way of life uh there has been talk about anybody caught with a visa who was doing uh causing destruction and causing mayhem uh deporting them I am a hundred percent behind that you have a first amendment right to buy a flag and burn it and I will judge you accordingly as a despicable human being but you do not have the right to take another person's flag and burn it we saw the left cheer there were hundreds of people there cheering on taking down the American flag here on the right here in the same side of the country we cheer on those who protect the flag as a symbol of our great nation as a symbol of those men and women who defend it now have defended in the past and for those who gave their lives for it I am disgusted by what I am seeing from the left I am disgusted by their hatred of us of the idea of families of the idea of virtues it makes me incredibly angry um we talked a little bit today about um the violence we've seen in our state I'm gonna remind you again um that there is no one solution to this but a big part of the solution to the crime we're seeing across the state and across the nation is one bring back respect for law enforcement officers two pay them an appropriate amount treat them with respect three let's not uh let's make art show our prosecutors are prosecuting let's put people in jail and keep them in jail if they have a violent committed a violent crime let's do let's incentivize people to come forward in neighborhoods where they know that the same people are doing the crimes again and again and again and let's bring in every resource available to us Montgomery is doing that Montgomery has said I we will work with everyone any area even in specific areas of cities um we all know the neighborhoods um bring in as much support as they can that's what law enforcement needs to be doing what you need to be doing as you uh as you head out for the weekend um in just a couple hours here is talking to your friends and family about getting out the vote this is an election where you can stay home this is an election where you can um you can just take for granted that Alabama is going to be a red state for Trump you live in a critical congressional district we live in a time where we don't need to just um Trump doesn't just need to win Alabama we need to run up the scoreboard think about like a football game yes run up the scoreboard get each and every vote out show the world around us that Trump has the kind of support that says no to a Harris administration says no to the nonsense of not knowing who men and the difference between men and women says no to the open borders and the benefits for illegals that far exceed the benefits for our veterans we need to work together and defeat the men and women who don't even know what man and a woman is all right well it has been my absolute uh pleasure to be here with you guys today for those of you not following me on social media um i've got twitter and facebook it's at april marie apr yl m-a-r-i-e also Alabama today that's al today dot com lately i've been writing about uh trying to strengthen our public records the laws in the state and you can find a series i've been doing there on that i will be back again as i said to fill in for jeff poor next week and until then i want you guys all to have a wonderful weekend stay out of trouble and um be nice to all the other hosts