FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Midday Mobile - Apryl Marie Fogel guest hosting speaks to Paul DeMarco - July 26 2024

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26 Jul 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior. With that, this is painful and it will be for a long time. After all, these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper. No step too high for a high stepper. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. Well Sean's a tough guy. I mean I think everybody knows that. You know Sean, he took some licks, he hangs in there. Yeah what's wrong with the deal we got? I mean the deal we got drank pretty good don't it? Did you hear what I said? So this is a babe council. I had no doubt about them. That doesn't suck. If you don't like it, you're bad. Last question, were you high on drugs? Last question, kiss my ****. That never stops being amusing to me. For those of you who are tuned in expecting Sean Sullivan, he is not in today. Instead you get everyone's favorite guest host April Marie. If I do say so myself, everyone's favorite. As always, you can give us a call or send a text to the text line at 251-343-0106. And I keep my Twitter open throughout the show. That's at April Marie, a-p-r-y-l-m-a-r-i-e. Alright, so we've got a pretty jam-packed two hours scheduled for you today. I've got a number of guests who will be calling in. We're gonna hear from Paul DeMarco. First, we're gonna talk to him about some of these crime initiatives throughout the state as violent crime is out of control in areas. And these Democrat mayors seem to have run out of options. We've got one who's bringing in the reinforcements in Montgomery. And then we've got one in Birmingham who's bringing in wrappers. I don't know. And painting barriers and it's a whole hot holy mess. So we'll talk to him about that. He's got some strong opinions on what they really should be doing in addition to these other band-aids. Then we'll hear from Tricia Strange, and we're gonna talk to her about some of these Kamala Harris headlines, some of these Kamala Harris headlines. I saw one this morning on Roy Johnson, who by the way, I read his columns as if they were written for the Babylon Bee because it's always like I feel like I'm being pranked as I read them. But the headline of today's column was Republicans be careful in Kamala Harris attacks. Your daughters are watching. Well, I hate to break it to Roy. But the reason that I'm going to be so absolutely hard on Kamala Harris is because my daughter is watching is because my sons are watching. And this woman didn't earn or belong in the VP office. And she surely, under no circumstances, belongs in the Oval Office. I mean, that's that thought is frightening. But we're hearing all but she's a woman. And, um, color, well, first off, I'm so thrilled Democrats have figured out what a woman is again. When it suits them, they can find one. On the other hand, they want men in women's spaces and bathrooms because they just can't, they can't find a definition that works. It's a feeling. So Kamala Harris, we're going to talk about her off and on throughout the show. All of the different things happening with her campaign. I'm a little, I see a little, I'm a lot confused maybe that she had an event, a Zoom just yesterday on, um, I'm sorry, just, she had it was earlier this week on a white women call. Could you imagine? Imagine any candidate on the right having a teleconference conference call for only white women. This is not a party that wants to unite the nation. This is a party that wants to divide and conquer. And they are dividing us by saying, we're hateful. We conservatives, we Republicans, as a matter of fact, I'd say even independents who can use their brain. We are awful, terrible, no good people, um, because we hate everyone. And yet they're the ones having these minority only this women, this, um, playing every thing you could check off, every box you could label from the DE, their little DEI handbook. So frustrating. Um, a little later today, we will also be joined after that call. We're going to be joined by Lindy Blanchard. Right now, uh, Netanyahu is visiting with Trump. Uh, that is, of course, after the madness that happened in Washington, D.C. when Netanyahu spoke there. And for those of you who haven't seen that, you know, I am absolutely hate, like without question, I can say that January six was a, um, peaceful protest that turned into a riot. It was a protest turned riot. Easy. Got it. Like there's some, some people trust past. Some people did property damage. Some people assaulted law enforcement. Uh, their crimes should be, uh, prosecuted for what they were as if, um, there were no partisan impact influence on that whatsoever. What we saw when Netanyahu was speaking in Washington, D.C. this week, we saw again, law enforcement officers assaulted. We saw many, many monuments, um, spray painted, graffitied, um, vandalized in other ways. I, I just can't help but wonder if the FBI and DOJ and prosecutors in D.C. are going to prosecute those. They only arrested 10. They arrested 10, um, people, and we'll talk about why that, why only 10 a little later. Um, if they're going to prosecute them to the same extent that they prosecuted January six, of course, the answer is no, they will not because we don't live in a system anymore where there is fairness. And by the way, that's a key cornerstone of the judicial system. Fairness. We don't treat people differently because they voted for somebody. We don't treat someone differently because they're wearing a red hat as on, on a whole as a nation. I do have to say if I walk by somebody and they're wearing a, uh, Harris hat at this point, in my mind, I may think what are they doing? But our judicial system is a little bit more fair than me should be. And what we saw this week is absolutely atrocious. So Trump is, has now welcomed Netanyahu. There's a video of him walking up to Mar-a-Lago and we are going to, we're going to talk to Lindy Blanchard about that relationship and the importance of that relationship as the war continues. And I don't, I will not stress, cannot stress this enough. There is a war happening because the Hamas and even citizens of Gaza went in and killed and tortured and created just a complete terrorist attack in Israel. I think the mainstream media wants us to forget that. They want us to forget why this war started. Call for a ceasefire, they say, this is awful. They say, well, why is it happening? And there are still hostages there. So I'm interested to hear what Lindy has to say about, about her thoughts on Trump and Netanyahu visiting him. All right, we're going to take a quick break when we come back, all of those things and more. Of course, I've got the text line open. Send me a text if you got any thoughts. (Music) This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FMTalk1065. I'll get up and everyone. April Marie here joined this segment in the next, actually, by Paul DeMarco, former state representative and good friend of mine. Hi, Paul. How are you doing today? I am doing quite well. The rain has finally paused a little bit, which is nice because I feel like it's been raining nonstop for days. Yeah, Birmingham Mobile everywhere, rain, rain, rain. It is getting old. Well, I was talking, I sent you a message earlier, we continue to see absolute just chaos, just violence galore. And one thing that frustrates me is I can see a lot of these cities report their murders, but they don't report shootings and stabbings that end up, that aren't murder, but that still take away the quality of anybody's life. So, the city of Birmingham several weeks ago basically closed off a neighborhood. They used barricades. They painted them all pretty, so that's okay, right? They use barricades to control the entrance and exits of one of their neighborhoods. Mobile, Montgomery has called in all the law enforcement agencies. They can get their hands on. You don't think this is enough. You don't think this is going for enough? We have a shortage of police officers in Birmingham, about 300, 400 when you count the county, but it's not just Birmingham. It's across the nation with all of this anti-police rhetoric you've had starting in 2020 with the Black Lives Matter and you need to get rid of police and school resource officers. So, what did we expect? We also said, let's not have bail, let's not have bond. The chickens have come home to roost. People have no respect for the law. Morale and police is down. And you've got judges who are refusing to sentence the bad guys to what they need to be in jail to keep them off the streets because it's some of the same same folks because they don't feel there's any accountability for committing crimes. So, this is exactly what we're saying. We've seen this push by liberals and I say that word too frequently these days. We've seen these progressive pushes and even some conservative groups have gotten in on it. The prisons in Alabama are overcrowded so we just need to put fewer people in prison and give people more chances. But what's happening are the same people are committing the crimes repeatedly and the police officers know who they are. People within the neighborhoods where the crimes are happening. They are not turning their friends in. They're scared of retaliation against them if they do. It's a very weird culture. And so, I don't know what we do about it except use all of the tools at our disposal and that includes keeping people in prison or jail. And it's an interesting reading the mainstream media. We can talk about here in Alabama. When you look at their crime stories, every day there's a story about somebody getting murdered, killed, raped. But then all of their opinion pieces. And then some of their other news reporting is we've got to let people out of jail. The parole board is terrible. They're not letting people out of jail over and over and over. People need to pay attention to what's going on. You have this far left mainstream media, far left advocacy groups in the state who are trying to release the back guys on the streets. Well, the police are arresting folks and we are having more and more crime victims and public safety has gotten even worse because of this push back and forth in the state. The average citizen, all they want is to have safe streets, safe schools, safe neighborhoods. So, they've got to push back and they know they're elected officials. This is your number one priority. This is what we expect of you. Well, and a big thing, a big part of this is understanding where, you know, the culture of crime and not making excuses, not, not sure coding it. You know, I know there has been a lot of, oh, this has, this crime is on an uptake because gun laws in Alabama have changed because you no longer need a permit to carry. Well, gangbangers were never getting permits. I hate to break it to people. Nobody woke up one day and was like, you know what, today I'm going to start shooting people because I don't need a permit to carry a firearm. And we continue to hear the same rhetoric about the firearms being the problem rather than the people being the problem. And I think that a big part of the media is even skewed in terms of when the way they cover crimes that are committed with firearms because they want to put the emphasis on the firearm, whereas you and I and anybody with, you know, any amount of rational brain thought, we know it's the individuals and they aren't being held responsible through a number of different cracks in the system. Well, and if you talk to a lot of local police chiefs, which you'll hear them say is because of some of the sentencing laws in Alabama, weaker sentencing laws, they're going to the federal court system where you have a closer truth in sentencing, which is what we need in Alabama because what we've seen time and time again is someone might be sentenced to 40 years for a violent crime, but they're up for parole a lot sooner and that were the problem is where you have a correction system and we've got several cases in this state right now where someone murdered somebody in their in a community corrections facility. I mean, can you believe that they murdered somebody? They're not behind you would think, oh, they're in some dark cell. No, they're back in the community in some community corrections out on the streets for kill after killing somebody. We've got a real problem in our criminal justice system here in Alabama that's got to be addressed by the legislature and fixing the police part of it is only a part of the equation. Yeah, well, and we do need more bodies on the street. We need more who are willing to serve. We have to get back. You know, I always say this about our law enforcement, our law enforcement, our, you know, our fire. We need to get back to a place where we as a society, we as a community are, we have people that we trust in those positions who are not exploiting their power for personal gain, not using it in ways that they're not supposed to. And we need to get our kids, you know, I remember growing up, I wanted to be a police officer. I kid you not. I was a tight as little police explorer. I had a little uniform and did traffic stops and all the things. It was a lot of fun. But we, I don't see that. I don't see that in our little kids playing, you know, playing cops, playing cops from robbers and, and really understanding that this is a job that we need. And then you look at our military and I could go on for days about how the woke agendas of the left have really solid and I guess they solid law enforcement as well as the military. These great institutions by taking it and trying to water these men down, you know, take all the talk about toxic masculinity, what that did was tell men that they needed to be wimps. And I don't want my law enforcement wimps. I don't want my military wimps. I don't want my boys wimps for that matter. But all of the attacks on law enforcement and trying to take away immunity and trying to take away their ability to defend themselves. I mean, you have to make split second decisions. And look, there are clearly occasions where law enforcement has, have made mistakes. But they throw all of them out and make all these terrible accusations against police. When what they're trying to do is protect the public and get home every day. And when you have to make split second decisions, that's where a lot of these problems have become. Because of these coddling of criminals that we've seen from the left, including starting up at the White House. And we can talk about that about no bail, no bond, letting people back on the street. It's a real problem. And that's why it gets back to the citizens holding their elected officials accountable when it comes to public safety. Yeah, we really do. When we come back from this next break, you and I are going to talk a little bit about the madness that is this presidential election. I really didn't believe Biden was going to step aside and let Kamala be the nominee. I had been asked about it literally the day before by Dale Jackson. And I got it wrong. I said, as long as he's breathing, he's going to be on the ticket. And boy, did I eat some cray with that one. Did you see him stepping aside? When they decided to have a debate in June, which is never it's like, why are you doing debate in June? Well, how does that help Biden? How does it help everybody? That makes a lot of it, why? All right, we'll be back to talk about that on the flip side of this break. You're listening to Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. Well, good afternoon, everyone. April, Marie here. Gosh, it's good to do the afternoon show. I tell you what I occasionally will fill in for Jeff Port. I'm actually filling in for him twice next month. And when I do so, I have a tendency to say, well, good afternoon because my show was in the afternoon. And then I get all discombobulated because it's morning. We are joined right now by my friend, Paul DeMarco, former state representative. He speaks a lot about crime, but I was going to change that up a little bit and talk about the criminal justice system in the state of Alabama. But I want to change that up a little bit. Paul, you on the line? I am. Perfect. And I want to talk to you a little bit about this presidential race. So didn't really see the switcheroo coming. It almost feels like Biden didn't see it coming either, for that matter, and took him a little longer than I would have expected to get out in front of the public once he was able to, once he put out the statement and then to get in front of the public and say, this is what I've decided to do. It took him a little longer. What are your thoughts on Kamala Harris as our new Democrat candidate for president? Well, it goes back to Joe Biden being shoved out. This was a back room deal. Democrat said, Joe Biden's not going to get it done. Let's see if Kamala Harris will get it done. Thus, what is it? A hundred million dollars in donations. Most importantly, the the Clooney endorsement and then the Clinton endorsement. And now Barack Obama, you know, taps her shoulder and has given his official blessing. It's it's sickening. What it really is just like all this is all organic. This was planned months ago. You don't have to be conspiracy theorists. Somewhat frightening how quickly it all they all coalesced around her. We still don't know who her VP nominee will be. And they were able to secure the delegates. I would have much rather if Biden wasn't going to run again, him giving you support to Kamala, Kamala, fine. But the crowning her before the the they get there for their convention to me was just it smacks of a disrespect, not that I give much respect to Democrat voters. I've got a few I love. I like or I love, but but I just thought that that was wrong. I I would have liked to see the democracy process threat to democracy threat to democracy. How many times we heard that? Absolutely. They're lawyers who are questioning even whether or not they could do what they did in terms of just changing the name. Everybody who donated to Biden Harris, it now goes to Harris and whoever her running mate is earlier today. By the way, I saw some speculation. It'd be Nikki Haley. I don't see that happening in a million years. No way. Nikki Haley wouldn't do that. Why would she do that? She basically forfeit any future in the Republican party. Well, and I still stand by the idea that she is a that Kamala Harris is a sacrificial lingam in this case because they know coming off of the debate, coming off of the trials, all of the things that were intended to weaken Trump, the assassination of Trump. Trump has come out stronger. His base has been energized. Now, by the way, we're talking in the mobile just area, and I've got to say it's worth noting that Doug Jones won his election statewide in Alabama, due in large part to women. You've got that CD two race down there. I think that in terms of national politics, one of the only people that Kamala Harris is the change over to her helps is in that CD two race. I think it helps get out the vote and what would be an otherwise is going to be a really close race. Do you think it changes the dynamics of that or any other races? I want folks to really think about, is there a real excitement about Kamala Harris because there hadn't been over three and a half years? Is all of a sudden that going to just change on a dime? I mean, all the media may be in love with her. But less than a year ago, there was talk, would Joe Biden drop her as his boss presidential nominee because she was so unpopular? What does she have to show other than her failed disaster the borders are, are being in charge of the border? Now, Paul, you're not allowed to say she was the borders are. That's no longer on the talking points. That was all that whole thing was a figment of our imagination. Never mind the White House itself called her that. We are not allowed to say that anymore. It's this morning, I found an article, I went back to the, I Googled it like anybody else. This is from the date of this is back in 2021. President Joe Biden has tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the White House effort to tackle the migration challenge at the US Southern border. That was an Associated Press article. This is a, this is a head fake. It's much like, and it's the media. The media is like, well, dad, gum it. They stopped believing our lies about Biden because he showed us who he really was, a feeble old man who can't put together coherent sentences at the debate. And so, so that lie is done, but the media is still going to carry on whatever lies, lies, their money people and their handlers and the Democrats at the White House give them. And this is just another one of those. Kamala is incredibly capable. She wasn't in charge of the border. Don't believe your eyes. Don't believe your memory. Don't believe what we even wrote ourselves. It's all, it's all figment about your imagination. All right. Well, we, we're going to hit a break here in just a minute. But before we go, Paul, tell our listeners where they can find you online if they want to check you out. They can find me online. Um, X or Twitter at Paul underscore to Marco or on your publication, Alabama today. All right. Thanks, Paul. All right. That was Paul to Marco. And, um, we are going to let's see. Well, I'm going to continue a minute for, uh, with this go what's going on with, um, with Kamala. Um, I cannot stress enough. I truly believe that, um, that the Democrats knew they could not win with Biden. I think they didn't want to put up one of their candidates who actually might be viable in the future. I don't think Newsom's going to be viable at any point in his life or career, um, because of what he has done to California. But the Democrats don't have, um, don't seem to have a clue about how bad California is. And I don't know that they will, um, as it just further and further erodes, um, it's just horrible. Um, I think they've got, um, Gretchen, I think they've got, you know, they're going to number of people who just, they weren't ready to turn around and let do this campaign. And so they, they get stuck with Harris and now they're trying to act like they wanted her. Like this is a big get. This is a woman who couldn't make it as a, um, in the Democrat primary that she ran in. She was not a viable candidate then. They know she's not a viable candidate now, but they're hoping that the things that make voters come out, she's a woman. Well, good. Again, I said this earlier, but I'll keep saying it. Yay for them for figuring out what a woman is. She's a woman. She's a minority, although I know that I noticed that they can't seem to figure out whether she's African American or Indian American. Um, so they're, they're go back and forth on her nationality. Um, and so they, they, the media, they, the Democrats, they want her it to look like she's gaining momentum. I think the same people who are all excited about her for the most part, by and large, those are the same people who are excited about Biden. I don't know if anybody's ever been excited about Biden. Can you guys see those just about every event he's ever done? The people behind Kamala at her last event, a number of them looked like they were being held hostage. These weren't people who were excited about her. And you know, I asked, I, I dear, I challenge you to ask each and every person you know who is saying they're supportive of Kamala. Name one thing she has done as the vice president of the United States. Okay. You know what I think of when I think of Kamala, I think of her cackling, which by the way, we all have our nervous ticks. My nervous tick is I talk really fast when really quickly and really fast when, um, when I get anxious, she cackles. She cackles in the most annoying way. Um, her love for Venn diagrams. I hadn't thought about Venn diagrams since, I don't know, grade school, middle school is how about when you learn about them, but Kamala loves to talk about them. Um, this couple of statements she repeatedly says, nothing of substance. As a matter of fact, this administration has been very, very light on substance anyway, but then the VP is usually relegated, um, down to these like sub issues. And I can't think of a single sub issue that Kamala has done. That's worthwhile, not a single one. And, um, and that's what people need to understand. We are running against the idea that a woman can be president right now. We are, we are not running against a person who's qualified to be president and they want to get out the vote for this monumental election. And it scares me. Her beliefs genuinely scare me. All right, we're going to be back in a minute and we will continue talking about the hot topics of the day. You are listening to Midday Mobile with your guest host, April Murray. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. Well, good afternoon, everyone. April Murray here, filling in for Sean. Um, great to be with you today and every day, getting a few texts on the text line. Um, um, John says, uh, Kamala is hot. Okay, John, I'm just gonna, um, I'm gonna let you have that one. What, what's, what's happening to, um, oh, no, someone, uh, number two, uh, not a fan. Sorry about that. Um, I don't even know what, uh, he says we get two hours of this nonsense from Jeff Pore. Wait, did I just go pick compared to Jeff for? Well, that's not kind. Actually, I adore Jeff Pore. Sorry about that. Um, thank you, peacock for the kind words. Um, we also have, um, someone call it or wrote in about, um, talking about Israel and the war in Gaza. Um, let me ask a question. At what point do we allow them to settle their own disputes? Um, I served there and the truth is it will never end. We have, have over 300,000 vets on our streets yet we have billions to send to Israel and the Ukrainian people while Americans are suffering. Um, why are they more important than us? James, that is, uh, that is actually a very good point. And I, it's something I struggle with. I, I really do. Um, I, I am a big supporter of, um, of making sure that, uh, that Israel has what it needs to defend itself. Um, Ukraine, I, um, I don't see an insight there. I also see a lot of waste and abuse that we haven't seen in Israel. And so, um, so I, I think we are long past where we should be reconsidering, uh, our support, our financial support, uh, for Ukraine. I do say that a big part of what we need to be doing at home for our veterans is we need to do two, well, two things. One is secure the border and make sure that the people who are here illegally do not get better and higher benefits than those who served our nation period and hard stop. This is absolutely ridiculous. You've got places where the illegal immigrants are getting, um, getting treated better, um, getting treated better than our veterans. They get hotel rooms. They get money gift cards. They get, uh, health care. They get flights to wherever they want. Um, you know, cell phones and our veterans are struggling. They come back and they don't have a support network. They come back. They're, um, they're injured or, um, whether it's something physical or a PTSD and they don't have what they need. And it frustrates me and it should frustrate each of us actually. You know, I get into a lot of conversations about why am I conservative? Um, I, I have kind of a JD Vance story, if you will. No, it's fun to have somebody to point to where I come from a working class family. I come from a family. Um, my parents worked at Walmart and Pizza Hut. They were political. I don't even think they voted most years until I got involved in politics. Um, but I'll tell you what, um, we knew right from wrong. And when people say, why are you Republican, I say because I grew up in a church that collected things for those who needed it, who provided services. My church had a, um, a pregnancy outreach to help women who were considering abortion, who thought they had no other resources and they help these young women with their health care, with their prenatal care. They help them with, um, the adoption processes. That's what they decided to do, help them with transitionary housing. If they needed that, if they decided to keep their child. I love our party because what I love is the idea that we can each help in our own way. Yes, we need to reevaluate a lot of the foreign aid we send. But what we really need to do is we need to do two things. We need to make sure that veterans are treated better than the illegals who are here. We need to make sure that veterans are not just in, you get veterans who come and they don't have access to health care because the veterans now Trump did some things to fix this. He allowed people to go out of network. Um, he, you know, we saw Martha Robey, who was a really big advocate for strengthening, um, the accountability within the VA. We need to realize as a party that, that it is providing care for veterans has apps is not in any way social welfare. And then we need to get back to, and I'm going to get on this soapbox. I could say I'm on this soapbox all day long, we need to get back to realizing that even when we are strapped for cash, and I don't know a single soul who isn't right now strapped for cash, even when we're strapped for cash, we have something to give. We have, um, we have time. We can volunteer, um, you know, once a month I make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that are given out. It's not a lot. It's not. It's, but it's something my church does. Collecting coats during the winter. Um, getting cases of bottled water during the summer. There is something each and every one of us can do. There's all sorts of places of charity. You've got old furniture sitting in a room. You've got things in a garage and a storage unit. There are places that can take them. We all have something at every moment, whether it, even if we don't have cash, something we can do to make the lives of those around us better. And when I think about the, the veterans out on the street, I think we all have a responsibility to help them. It's not even our government's responsibility at the end of the day. It is our responsibility as citizens of this nation who were served by these individuals. So I hope that answered your question. Um, James, I got got off on a tangent there, but, um, but that is that. Um, uh, John, uh, John says, uh, April, you're cool during May, June, July, August and September. Goodness gracious. And for those who don't know, I am, uh, I am April and I was born in April and that's why I'm April, Marie, and it's a whole thing. All right. I'm gonna get back into some of the news here. And so, um, so we've talked a little bit about Kamala. I won't, um, harp on that because we're going to talk on it a little bit more in the next, um, the next hour. Let me talk for just a minute about the Olympics. Okay. I, one of the things I loved as a younger person, and I didn't watch every Olympics. Like I, I think I want what would all true, you know, alternate, um, watching. I like the gymnastics. Um, you know, I like, I, they're only a handful of sports that ice skating, you know, I winter and summer Olympics. There's probably a handful in each, but what's really bugging me about the Olympics is it used to be about the athletic, the athletes and the athleticism. Now we have, um, we have just weird ideology, a lot of, we're seeing a lot of climate change stuff. This Olympics, um, we're seeing some really strange picks for torchbearers. Um, it used to be you go and you look at the torchbearers and the torch, the people carrying the torches were celebrities or politicians or, you know, people, um, they had a drag queen carrying the torch a couple days ago and then they had Snoop Dogg. And, um, of those two, I find Snoop Dogg the least offensive. Um, I just feel like we are having these culture war issues shove down our throat and it's absolutely just over the top. One, um, the person who created the official poster, I didn't know there was an official poster, who knew, for the Olympics is being criticized because he took off. Um, he made it woke. He, uh, distorted parts of the map to get rid of, uh, Christian symbols, um, and some of the colors. Um, and he says that he has, uh, he's reinvented it. And so he got rid of other national symbols, um, and added some, people are very upset. Um, I just don't understand why, why we can't just acknowledge the world around us as it is, um, to the extent that there are Christians around you. There are Jewish people around you. There are people of all faiths around you and erasing them just seems silly to me.