FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show- Friday 7-26-24

1h 58m
Broadcast on:
26 Jul 2024
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from Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porte show. Good morning. Welcome to the Jeff Porte show at the talk 10065. They should be with us on this Friday. Friday is finally Friday morning. Text line you want to be in touch with the show two five one three four three zero one zero six is how we communicate on the program come upon the program about thirty minutes about Todd Stacy Alabama Daily News making this Friday appearance and then in the eleven o'clock hour as we always do our returning champion state senator Chris Elliott so please make sure you make sure you stay tuned for that like I said could be wide open the mid portion of the program so text message two five one three four three zero one zero six once again there if you want to participate what's going on but joining us now we're gonna lead off here with she is the Republican nominee in the second congressional district here in our part of the state. I carly Dobson joins us on the line. Carly good morning. How are you? Good morning. I'm doing great. Thanks so much for having me. How are you doing? Doing well, do well. Thank you for coming on. We do appreciate it. So if you things to get to here, let's start here. I mean, last it's the last time we talk which has been a few weeks. Probably been the most chaotic time in American politics in a long time. But you know, you're watching the the the ebbs and flows of your own campaign and I'm sure like knowing how that's going. I mean I'm sure it's impacting yours as well. What are you hearing out there? Well, what's been I mean more people started to really I would assume really tune in now for real. Yes, yes. I mean to the extent that a person's been not pathetic, I think you can no longer be just given the events of the past four weeks. You know, I was speaking to a Republican group that I spoke to last month and I realized that the last time I spoke into them was before the debate. So I mean the debate was a month ago last night. So you can think about all the events that have transpired and really, really monumental. But we have, you know, for our part, have just been blown away by the enthusiasm and the generosity and the excitement of the district to keep this deep red. Obviously, to get President Trump back in the White House, the flip the Senate, but also to increase our majority in the House. We've got to have all three to truly make our country strong again. And that enthusiasm is not just a ephemeral. We were able to actually outrage Shabari figures in the second quarter by about 50,000. And we were only one Republican non-income that campaign in the whole country looking at all the congressional districts to do that. So, and that's a lot of, you know, we've had a few donors with deep pockets, but mostly it's folks throughout the district that are giving what they can. We've got a lot of donors. Can you also look at Shabari figures at contributions? The majority of his fundraising was from political action committee and 97% of those that donated them are in the greater DC area. So again, I think that's indicative of where his support comes from, where the excitement about his race is in comparison to ours. And I think that's really going to translate on November 5th as far as to showing up to vote for their candidate district too. It's remarkable that that much that very little of his resources are coming from in state contributions. They're all out of state, it saves. Yeah, yeah, no. And again, I think that fits with his bio. You know, I mean, he's an accomplished young person, but his entire career has been spent in Washington. His entire adult life has been in Washington, Obama administration, the Chair at Brown, then obviously, Deputy to Merrick Garland, who's also part of Biden's transition team, which I think is also very, very important and something we shouldn't ignore. He looked as a member of Biden's transition team. He was there on the ground floor in Biden's first 100 days office. Well, what happened then? Let's see, if we open the border and stop implementing the stay in Mexico policy, under also orders are Harris, which is obviously had catastrophic impact on the daily lives of every American. And then another thing Biden did in the first 100 days was shut down the Keystone pipeline and then take the first steps toward abolishing our American energy independence, which again has had a direct impact on the prices that you and I pay. Not only have the gas comp for our groceries, but in virtually, you know, any commodity that we're paying for these days, energy prices have gone up 38 percent, then Biden took office and a lot of that is attributable to what took place in his first 100 days in which my opponent, Shemari, figures was, you know, what was part of that decision-making process is transition team. So, you know, if you want more of the same, then certainly vote for Shemari figures, but if you want a change, if you want more opportunity for your kids, safer community for your kids, then you should vote for me and for Donald Trump 100 percent. Well, and the thing about your opponent here is, I mean, like, he's not really, he's not really running on, like, any, any policy, substantive policy discussions at all, I mean, he's the guy with the Democrat label, seems to be the claim to fame here, but I mean, like, he wouldn't really weigh in on the Biden-Harris thing. And then the citizen Harris is named a nominee. I mean, he's, he's got all over his website pictures of him and her together. I haven't heard him talk any about what's going on now with the B.B. Netanyahu there in Washington, D.C., and the Israel question. He just seems to be kind of a guy running just because of the demographics of the district and not really on anything. Yeah, no, and, and again, I think, again, that's kind of reflective of this run being a career move for him. And, you know, that, you know, just being truthful, that's a motivator for a lot of politicians that we have, unfortunately, and that's why our country's in the position it is, because we have Washington insiders more concerned about their careers and special interest rates, the fact that they are about the future of the country, the kind of country we're leaving to our kids and the ability of parents and families to actually raise those children in a way that they see bidding. We have got to give, when it comes to education, got to get control back to the parents in Alabama. We've made a huge step towards that with the Chief Staff Legislative session. But on a national level, we have got to once again put parents and the drivers need when it comes to empowering their children to succeed, giving them the skill set and equipping them to have careers that are going to allow them to achieve the American dream. I mean, you and I have, we each have, have two young kids. We have a set of two young kids. And I know you also, like I do want to raise my kids in a world where hard work is rewarded. But, you know, under the Biden administration and certainly under a Harris administration, that's not what they want. They want to ensure equality of outcome rather than equality of opportunity. Well, it's this whole push for equity, right? Like that. This is a tackle meritocracy that hard work and the just a good old fashioned American way is not fair or it's it's not right. We, we, we, and then this idea instead of like your freedom and your individual liberties and the individual, their focused on sort of a collective outcome for people. Yes, absolutely. And I think, I mean, again, that paradigm is, you can trace it to the roots of Marxism that certainly was on the rise in college campuses in the 60s and 70s. And we see the outcome of that day on our college campuses now. I think Kamala Harris's father was a, you know, well-known Marxist professor. But, you know, when you're trying to ensure a quality of outcome rather than a quality of opportunity, and to be clear, I'm all for a quality of opportunity. You know, we've got to ensure that everyone has a fair chance. But when you, when you talk about equity in the way that the far left ones talk about it, it's really, it shows kind of the lack of, of really a Christian day too. Because, you know, you and I know, you know, part of seeing a Christian in the Bible tells us, you know, there is no quality of outcome for Christians on, on earth, you know, and I think the best people I know have been faced with hardship for all faiths, with, with hardship, and you can't, you can't control your destiny. You could work hard to be a good God-fearing person, and still, you know, bad things can happen with the book of Job. So I think it, even on a, on a deeper level, you know, it shows how far we've gotten away from the face of our fathers when we're trying to engineer results. Because that's, that's not reality. And again, you know, as a Christian, I know that, you know, we're, we're not, we're not guaranteed certain things in life. We've got to work hard and pray hard, and know that, you know, we may face adversity, but that's where I've been joined by Caroline Dobson here on the program. She's running into second congressional district. I guess Shamari figures for that house seat, this newly drawn district. And he gets back to this. I mean, your opponent, I, I think maybe, maybe this is what he believes. Maybe it is. I don't really know. It's like you said, this is a career move for him, but there's no question. Like, I think the, you know, when, when, say he is elected to DC, that's who he's going to caucus with that, whatever the, the mainstream of the Democratic Party, which is drifting further and further to the left, is probably what you're going to wind up with. Should he be elected? And is that what you, you know, for all these, all this discussion today, he can be like an Arthur Davis or some other Democrat that kind of ran a little more moderate. I don't think that's possible in today's environment. No, no. I think you, I mean, I think every, every Democrat is being forced to, to show the party line. I mean, we saw a, you know, a recently, obviously with Elise Defonic, a House resolution condemning Kamala Harris' job as borders are. You saw a few Democrats break rank, and then they were immediately, um, you know, characterized by their, their fellow Democrat colleagues. It's just, they just voted for that resolution to appease their constituency and a tough reelection year. So, I mean, so, lockstep with the Democrats and, and again, I think that's even more so, um, with Shamari figures by being part of the Biden administration, and therefore, you know, uh, signaling or trying to bolster Biden's competency to the American public. He's already shown that he cares more about ensuring his job security than he does about being truthful with the American people or fighting for what's best, um, for the American people and certainly for the folks of District 2. I think there's an, there is an issue of trust with everyone as part of the, who's been part of the Biden administration from Shamari figures to Kamala Harris. Um, you know, when Kamala Harris, um, you know, even just a few weeks ago was telling us that, uh, the president was absolutely capable of doing the job. Um, and then, you know, the events, um, just this last week, um, uh, in, in conjunction with the debate, uh, showed that he actually isn't. So, um, I, I think, um, you know, you've got to also consider who's going to be fighting for Alabama families. Look, I'm optimistic. I truly believe that we can turn the country around. We can make America strong again. Um, but it's going to take people who are willing to advocate, um, for the hard-working, God-fearing folks of District 2. Um, and I'm running to fight for all Alabama families. Um, rural, urban, Republican, Democrat, black, white, rich, poor, um, because all of us have been impacted adversely by the Biden administration. Um, and if we, if we don't get control of our country, um, reduced spending, curb inflation, secure our borders, strengthen our military, um, then we're, we're not going to have a country left to lead to our kids. Uh, we'll get you out of here on this. Folks want to find out more of your campaign, how to get in touch. Uh, however they can help, especially as we get into the home stretch here, how can they do so? Yes. No, any and all help is appreciated. Obviously, financial support is appreciated, but so also is, is word of mouth. Um, we're going to have some door knocking campaign, phone banking. Uh, we also have a, a form for you to fill out if you'd like the yard. Get your yard. Um, that also has a huge impact. Um, our website is Dobson for That's G-O-B is in Bravo. S-O-N-F-O-R, You can also find us on X truth, social, Facebook, Instagram, Dobson for Congress. Carol Lee, best of luck to you. We'll get you out of here soon. Thanks for coming on this morning. Thank you so much. Have a good weekend. All right. Carol Lee Dobson running an AL2. We'll be right back. This is FIT Talk, 106-5. Behind my J-Pand plan. ♪ You come again ♪ ♪ Just what I'm about to make it work without you ♪ ♪ You're looking to my eyes and lie those pretty knives ♪ ♪ And pretty soon I'm wondering how I came to a dark youth ♪ Welcome back to the Jet Force Show at the Talk, 106-5. Thanks for sticking around on this Friday morning, 251-34-301-06. That's how you get in touch with the show. That is the best way to communicate with your host. Next segment, we'll talk to Todd Stacey of Alabama Daily News, also the host of Capitol Journal. Find out what he's got coming up on tonight's program. So a few things here and this is, one of these questions I think, so we've seen all these controversies. They're just lying to us right now about Kamala, not Kamala, but Kamala Harris. I think I've gotten that right now. What she was, what she borders are, and then they try to play some stupid petty game with that. This DEI hire stuff is what Joe Biden was like priding himself on, talking about the diversity of his executive branch, and he points to Kamala Harris as one of his achievements in DEI, and then we're told, "Well, you can't call her a DEI president." And we, you know, there's just this reinvention of Kamala Harris, just trying to make her out something. We were told that she is, is not now, and they're just, they're flat out lying to you, and in another like really remarkable thing, somebody somewhere leaks some Democrat talking points put out by the DNC, and the media in this country are reading them verbatim. They're not even like, they're just straight up plagiarizing the DNC talking points. It's, it's completely Orwellian. It's just like right out of like some kind of like dystopian Soviet Union fan fiction or something, and these people are treating you like you're stupid. They're also going after JD Vance for things he said two years ago, three years ago, and the JD Vance calling Kamala a childless cat lady. Now, I know that's probably not the best choice of words or the best thing to say, but but guys, she doesn't really, she doesn't really hit it with the American people. She sees kind of an anomaly. I am telling you guys. She is people with JD Vance calls her a childless cat lady at 2021, and they resurrect that clip to show what a terrible guy he is and get Jennifer Aniston's panties in a wad. It may have said Jennifer Aniston, it may upset the wine moms who have TV shows on MSNBC. I think a lot of people like right on, right on, you know, you're absolutely right. She's not a great person at all. There's just, it's very cosmetic. It's very superficial, and I know that that's not how we're supposed to like a view politics, but I think just to some people, they're going to see her and there's just something all putting about her. She checks all she does. She checks the boxes for like the woke institutional left, or at least the institutional left is trying to create the perception that they're woke. I think they're just power hungry and profit hungry or whatever. So the American person you look at her and it just, it doesn't click. There's just something wrong. There's something off here. 251340106 will be right back. This is the Jeff Porte Show and I could talk about 065. I can't get to sleep at night, barking a lot so loud and bright. This he hasn't worked in 20 years. Probably never made a single person cold, but I can't say the same for me. I've done it many times. Somebody take me home through. We'll go back to the Jeff Porte Show and if I'm talking about 065, they just think it with us on this Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, morning, 2513430106. That's how you get in touch with the program. See the code of the program in about two hours from now. State Senator Chris Elliott will be with us our returning champion. In the meantime, between now and the bottom of the 11 o'clock hour, we're wide open. So if you want to text in, you want to interact, you want to tell me how stupid I am, whatever it is on your mind, feel free to do so 2513430106. Joining us now on the line in the end, I kind of talk about the weird news cycle right now, but always a pleasure to bring all my good friend. Todd Stacey, Alabama Daily News. You got to get his newsletter and also you got to go check out Capitol Journal on Friday nights on Alabama Public Television. Todd, good morning. How are you? I'm great. How are you? Doing well, doing well. So Todd, and the way I've been talking about this lately, can you remember a more chaotic time and it just feels chaotic, but but somehow like I'm not like we've been kind of, this is what we prepared for the last five, six years of American politics. Well, I'd say probably more like the last nine years of American politics going back to 2015, but like a more chaotic time, especially in our careers, but probably in our lifetimes in these last few weeks. I think you're exactly right. I wrote in Intel on politics, and there's this old saying in news that there are decades when nothing much happens, and then there are weeks when decades happen, and that kind of feels like what we're dealing with. Really, if you go back this last month, this last 30 days, because you can go back to the debate. That's kind of when it started, and then you obviously had that. You had a couple of Biden interviews. You had the vaccination attempt. Then you had Biden dropping out. I mean, it's just an incredible time, and says, yeah, for us in the news business, we're trying to cover all this and try to do it right, try to add context when we can, but there's really not time to add context. We're seeing it in real time, and we don't know what's behind the next corner. There could be something crazy coming around the bend, so yeah, it's really incredible, but you always remember, and I know you just had a carry-on. All this really matters for Alabama, especially for that second district rate. All this really does impact Alabama, and that's what's interesting for me, at least to cover and try to figure out. You and I were talking about this, and I think it's important discussion. I'm not going to make any bones about it. I dwell inside the conservative media bubble. I am a Breitbart editor, I'm an editor of 18-19 news, and I'm a radio talk show host, so it is what it is. And I was telling you this, like, for the first time in a long time, it kind of felt in the conservative media that the win was to our backs. The left was playing defense. They were, you know, they were having to justify Joe Biden. They were trying, some of them were divided on that issue. Things were going, and then unfortunate circumstances surrounding the tip-in assassination of Donald Trump, and he really put a spotlight on some of the rhetoric, and some of the things that has been being said. And then, like, as soon as Sunday went with the dropout, the transition, or whatever occurred, you want to call it, from Biden diarist, just once again, we're back on sort of playing either like a weird kind of defense, or having to, like, I don't just deal with the propaganda machine or whatever, but it's just, it's just funny how that transition occurred, and these are the terms we live with or something now, I guess. Well, yeah, you can't deny it, like, and you're right, and I'm not really, I mean, I'm not really in the conservative media, like, you know, I remember out in the same thing there, we just try to, you know, do it right down the middle, but you're absolutely right, in terms of there were the mainstream media definitely changed their tune, and had been changing their tune since that debate, and certainly since the assassination attempt, and it, there was some, I don't know, maybe some realization that, okay, we've got to do this better, we're going to do it more fairly, and that kind of thing, and which is welcome, right, what it should be, and of course, you know, folks, the writer, like, finally, you know, you all haven't been paying attention, like, folks woke up and said, oh, the president has problems, imagine that, and that's not everybody, there are certainly reporters out there, there certainly is a lot out there that had been covering it that way the whole time, but you're right, the, whenever the, the swisharoo happened on Sunday, you know, memos went out, talking points went out, I think nothing was more clear than when the whole borders are thing happened, right, you know, Republicans are saying, okay, with Kamala Harris, one of the main criticisms of her is she was put in charge of trying to deal with the border, and it was so clear that a memo went out, right, to say, no, she's not the borders are, let's clarify that, there's been a lot of revision history, and it's embarrassing, really, how much better, but here we are, it's conservative, but we get like trapped inside that, and it's so frustrating, that you get these lectures about no, no, no, this is, and it's just flat out, wrong, and that's always been the problem, Todd, and I know I'm like, kind of whining about this, but like, when you know you're right, and you're being told, hey, guy, you stupid, whatever, she never was borders are, how dare you say that, and you just want to throw something, you know, like, no, you guys, even use borders are, and you know, we saw the Axios stuff and all of that, and no, that's, that is a talking point from you, the Republicans, and it's like this, this, this, or encouraging contributions to the Minnesota Freedom Fund controversy, and all these different things that we are told, no, that's not what really happened, and the talking points we had put out there, and like, there's just no critical analysis. Yeah, and the thing I'll say is that I think this was 10 years ago, 15 years ago, they could kind of get away with it, because that's the playbook, right? If, you know, the media, a lot of folks in the media, national media, thank you media, are just going to take their cues from the Democrats, their friends with them, but just what happens, I mean, I don't think anybody can really argue with that, and so when it happens now, because of social media, because there's so much on tape and everything, it's like, don't believe you're lying on, and when there's so much reporting that had gone on about, you know, Colonel Harris and the border, and what, what had happened back then, I actually don't think it really works. I think that sort of gaslighting actually might backfire. I think it certainly did, in terms of Biden, write all the articles that were written, all the attempts, they know, no, he's fine, he's turning cartwheels in the Oval Office, and all that kind of stuff. It actually serves to undermine their message, and so if I was the Democrat, I would be a lot more careful with that, because there's, it's not the same as it was. People aren't just blindly trusting the media, and so it's just different now, and it's pretty obvious. I take the border stuff, trying to deny the fact that the vice president was put in charge of trying to deal with the border and immigration stuff, trying to deny that really just kind of emphasizes it more, puts more focus on it, and so I think if it was 16 years ago, that might work. I don't think it works right now. No, I don't either, but as you can see, it's like a sort of a psychological warfare or something, I guess, it's just frustrating about it, but other than that, I mean, they're bringing home to Alabama, and I guess the biggest impact is going to be on AL2 because Todd, I think this, I don't even know that people are really going to care if it's the names of the candidates. It's all about the straight ticket voting and the R&D and how the top of the ticket performs in that second congressional district, I think. Yeah, and I've got both candidates coming up every journal tonight, really looking forward to that, we'll interview them, because the complexion of the race has changed, and you're right, but we had, with Biden at the top of the ticket for the Democrats, there was no question that he was in a nosedive, he was really struggling, and that would have really affected Shamari figures, right? You know, look at the historical voting data, Democrats should win that seat, but if you have severely depressed turnout, which I think we were heading toward, on the Democratic side, then that really hurts Shamari figures, doesn't matter, he could be the best candidate in the world, but if you get depressed turnout on the Democratic side, that gives Republicans an edge, and gives Carolyn Dobson an edge to win that race, so, and I've written this, I think that Shamari figures might be the biggest beneficiary of the switcheroo at the top of the ticket, of Harris coming in rather than Biden, I think that my inner God is just enough, Democrats, to get him back that voter, to close that voter enthusiasm gap, I still think it's going to be a very close race, but he needed that, he really needed the switcheroo to have him, he did not need Biden leaving that ticket, so it's no question about on the Harris leading the Democratic ticket helps Shamari figures. I mean, he feels like he is just running with the label, and he's kind of been a blank slate to this point, I don't know, I mean, I read this stuff pretty closely, and I don't really know what he's running on, or I guess I need to watch your show this evening, and I'll figure that out, but what's really good about Kamala Harris here is, I mean, she's been to Alabama at least three, four times, more than Biden had, I got a senior in Selma two times, I know Bob, I know she did a fundraiser for Joe Reed, I think she's maybe got a little more, she's got a little bit of a head start with Democrat, and Democrat establishment in this state, than you would expect for somebody who just started running for president. Yeah, I mean, it doesn't really matter, like, in terms of Shamari figures, it was difficult for him, because with Biden just in a, like I said, that polling knows that, especially after the debate, it's tough for a congressional candidate like that, because you want to talk about the record, you want to talk about the accomplishments and whatever, and it's really difficult for him to try to brag on Biden, because nobody, you know, he's not very popular, so now he doesn't really have to, and with Harris leading the ticket, it, you know, it's not necessarily about the record, it's not necessarily about the issues, of course, Caroline Dobson needs to make it about that, but you've got somebody that can finish his Senate, you know, I think they can go out there and actually campaign vigorously, obviously you're gonna, you know, go back and forth and debate this issue and that issue, but Kamala Harris is competent, right, she's there, she's with it, and that's really, I think, all that matters to a lot of Democratic voters, so again, it was, it's a huge benefit for Shamari figures that, you know, just getting Democrats to come out to vote, because I don't, I think there was going to be severe depressed turnout on the Democratic side, I think we don't, we still don't know how it's going to work out, but at least there's a chance now for Democrats to be, you know, have that enthusiasm back at least enough to where it's a normal turnout, all Shamari figures need is a normal turnout, and so yeah, he's a huge beneficiary of that. Well, it's just it, we knew this was a destination of nowhere with Joe Biden, and it may or may not work out with Kamala Harris, but it is, at least there is the opportunity there, right, I mean, like, that, that you know Biden's not really going to work out, at least you could be somewhat optimistic here with Harris. Absolutely, and that's the whole, that's the whole game, and like you were just saying, you know, with the Shamari figures campaign, it's tough, like, all right, how do you go out and like any normal congressional race like that, especially with an incumbent president, you would be kind of running on the same ticket, right, you'd be, you'd show your pictures with him and all that kind of stuff, but that really, you know, Biden's noticed, I really changed that trajectory, he can, he can't go out and campaign about how close you are with Biden or, you know, things like that, so it made it really awkward for Shamari figures. Now, he doesn't have to be like that, it, it really does change the complexion of the race, it's still going to be a really close race, I'm, I'm eager to talk to them on the show tonight, and, and here's, I didn't listen to your interview adopted, but, you know, she's not backing down one bit, and so I think it's going to be interesting to see them campaign, it's the first competitive congressional race we've had probably since 2010, that's fun to, to see what, and as much as he can go back and see the historical data on voting, people still have to vote, we don't really know how to work out, and I'm, I'm eager to see these candidates just, you know, campaign, talk about issues, talk, see what works, see what kind of, you know, resonates with voters, but you're right, it's very much straight ticket voting these days, and it's about turnout, it's about getting your voters to the polls. Todd, we got to cut it short, but I'm full to let you go, folks want to know what's coming up on Capitol Journal number one, let them know, and number two, they want to sign up for your newsletter, they want to subscribe inside Alabama politics, a couple of interesting scoops on that, let me know, let us know. Yeah, you can always sign up for the newsletter, it's free, just go to A L daily, you can enter your name and your email right there on the homepage, and you'll be on the list, and yes, Capitol Journal is tonight, we'll be interviewing Shamari figures, and Carolyn Thompson, the candidates for this international district, and also going to be talking with Jackie Bushman, the head of Buckmaster, maybe a bit of a political palate cleanser, talking about the exos, it's coming up, so a great show tonight, Capitol Journal, that's 730 on Alabama Public Television. Also, we here Sunday at noon. Todd's always, we appreciate it. We'll talk again soon. All right, Jeff, be good. All right, guys, we got to get a break here. I'll be right back. This is FM Talk. One of six five. Captain Flowers on the wall that don't bother me at all, playing solitaire, took dawn with the deck of fifty one, smoking cigarettes and watching Captain Pangerin, I don't tell me. I have nothing to do. Welcome back to the Jeff Porcela for talk one of six five. Hey, you're sticking around on this Friday morning, two, five, one, three, four, three, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, if you feel so inclined, that's the number you use to text the Jeff Porcela. Let me know I'm an idiot. Let me know I'm right. Let me know I'm wrong. Let me know whatever. Living out the Kamala Harris revisionist history era of our politics right now, like I was telling Todd, it's just frustrating because now Republicans are being gassed lit and we're being told, no, this never happened. Like we're crazy and we have the receipts and like, no, you will not you will not continue with this narrative or you will be fact checked or whatever. This is what they're doing, guys. So this is the world we live in and this is what we had to deal with. And then this is the problem with having such asymmetrical media. I mean, they just, they got to do their part. Guys, it is, they are literally taking the buzzwords, the talking points that the Democratic National Committee is handing out and it's being treated like conventional wisdom. So so here's what happens. Whatever news writer at Sinclair at the Associated Press at the name of your great television or whatever, your major big, big conglomerate media company, they do the, they do the substandard reporting where they take what the experts on the Democrat side of the propaganda machine are putting out and they treat that like, well, this is, this is, this is fact. She never was borders are, which is a debatable talking point. Even if you want to give them the benefit of the doubt, well, the number since are, it's a, we can debate that, but no, we don't even have an opportunity to debate it. It is, you're a liar if you say that. That's the struggle right now in this news cycle. We get more into that in the next hour. Keep them coming. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. This is the Jeff pore show on FM talk one, oh, six, five, under the barbershop. Oh, they set me up in the chair. From bucks pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff pore show. I don't think we've done it this way. We'll go back to the Jeff pore show at the talk. One of six, five, they just stay with us on this Friday, Friday, Friday morning, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, you need to be in touch with me, your show host, you text me. I'm kind of just ranting about the media this morning. It's not even a Kamala Harris or any of that. Although she leaves much to be desired, it's just there would be a line to that there's just some this reinvention underway and they're doing it to Jamie Vance as well. And the problem is there's just these snooty, elitist journalists who are not impressive individually. If you ever get to talk to them, if you ever, they're dumb. Do you want proof of how dumb these people are? Go watch, um, go watch Wolf Pulitzer in his performance on like Jeopardy about 10, 15 years ago, a little celebrity Jeopardy. And then these, they're just very robotic and they, they accept whatever is coming out of like their neck of the woods. It's just hardcore fact, and find if they were to do that, but they don't even allow critical analysis. It go back to COVID-19 and there were unknowns or COVID. I think we can acknowledge that there were people that it's better, safe than sorry and whatnot. But it turned out on a hysteria and all of the so-called COVID mitigation efforts turned out to be all for not. It turned out to be kind of just garbage. But we didn't know any better. Now we know better. Now there are videos. There are clips. They're, they're statements. There's the reporting. And we can point to it and say, no, you're wrong about this. And now it's just like pay no attention to that down the memory hole. And look, to be honest, only probably like 5% of us really care about this nonsense. I don't think it matters. I just, I think big picture wise, she's got some like very superficial cosmetic thing. She's got to work through to win over the vote. She's in her honeymoon phase right now. She's still losing in battleground states, guys. I, and then the smart people tell me this on Republican side, she's got to hit a ceiling. It's just a country just in general, the mood of the country. It's not that they care about whether she was the borders are or not. It's just that they're just kind of tired of the things of how they've gone the last four years. But anyway, since we are a radio talk show, it's just the asymmetrical coverage and the shameless gaslighting, like we're stupid people or something. And that this like almost religious fervor for this candidate, there's this sloppy love fest for this unaccomplished vice president is a lot to deal with. And I guess it's the principle of it, which is never a good reason that I am a hill. But in my business, it makes it hard to operate. I mean, you put something up on social media and you get fact checked. 2513430106 is the tech slide. And that's sort of the frustration of the news cycle right now. So, I don't know, we'll see. Let's kick it off here on a texture. Kamala is a manifestation of all things wrong with America. Auto, oh, not for radio. Okay, well, I'll have to check that out later. On a texture, I thought TikTok was bad on government funds, but Kamala officially joined yesterday to get the younger voters. Well, who's to say she's using a government phone? She may be using her campaign phone and a texture. So do I say it's up on the election, even though everyone else he lost? Well, well, he lost, but I think this is the important point. You change the rules of the game in the name of COVID-19. You change the name rules of the game at the very last moments of the 2020 election. State of Pennsylvania. They move the goalpost. They won. Let's change the rules. It was like saying, well, the Democrat side of the field is only going to be 45 yards. And we're going to be the Republican side of the field, 55 yards. And you're always going to be playing defense on the 55 yard if you're a Republican. And Democrats are always playing offense on the 45 yard. That's where the frustration lies. I don't like to tell you this. You know that. The Democrats had the change the rules to suit their voter. You look, there's a study after study, there's a empirical data to back this up. The Democrats have a voter participation problem. They win with the young vote, but guess what? The young voters are not reliable. So Democrats are aware of this, also certain demographics, and they want to blame, well, the good jobs or whatever. No. There, the left has to have more unreliable voters. So what they have to do is they have to open up the voting season is what they call it. Early voting and absentee balloting and now in some states mail in voting. And you change the rules of the game to just suit your voter. And that's the problem Republicans have with it. That election, I mean, that's just what it is. James, the official troll of the Jeff Porsche show. Why isn't 2024 the Republicans see my Johnson to quell them from using racial rhetoric? If they keep that up, they will energize the independent of the young vote. They will answer for it. Okay. So you're telling me your, your average, uh, video game, uh, uh, 20 something year old, sitting in mommy's basement playing, uh, uh, college football 25 right now is like, I'm really bad about this DEI label. I'm going to go vote now. How do you think the world works there, James? Is that, that, that way it works down in, uh, down into James Shen T. That we, uh, you, uh, you use DEI as a moniker for Kamala Harris. Did all of a sudden there's just going to be this great grassroots, uh, swing for Kamala Harris? Is that, is that how this works, James? I never seen that happen actually in my life, but I've been told that's what, how it, what, what leads to it. I'm sure you're typing furiously on your flip phone right now, James. But that's, that's, that's just, there's nothing to back that up. Like I got the video. I'll play it. Uh, Joe Biden calling Kamala Harris a DEI hire, like he did it recently. We had a receipt here guys. So we can't act like, you know, this is just some invention of racist Republicans. Let's see if we can get this going here. I'll play it for you. You know, you know, to say DEI, he says diversity, equity, and inclusion. Together we make history not a racist. To me, the values of diversity, equality, inclusion are literally, and that's not kidding, the core strengths of America. That's why I'm proud to have the most diverse administration history attached into full talents of our country and start to the top of the vice president. A memorial day, I proud. He says diversity, equality, and inclusion. My, my, my, my, he got that wrong. So we got the almost DEI. I don't know. But that's what he said. He said, starts at the top with the vice president. Referring to his DEI credentials. This is now while he was still running. This was like three, four weeks ago. And yeah, the, the president of the United States doing that and we get shamed for pointing it out. We're being ghastly guys. In this Minnesota Freedom Fund thing where she after during the Black Lives Matter. Ah, saga. And, and, and she's tweeting out, give money here and, and the media act like, well, that's just a, that's just Republican fiction. Then, and the borders are stuff. We're being lied to. Don't trust these people. And they're not smart. There's no critical analysis here. They're doing it because they don't like Donald Trump. They're liberals. And they're dumb enough to believe that they matter. And it's like this. It's like when they, you know, Hey, man, can you, can you do me a solid here? They're calling their, their, their buddy up. Hey, yeah, next time beers on me, man. But, but when you talk about it, don't, don't let them get away with calling her the borders are. Josh, can you really say Kamala and can finish the sentence when she's got her sentence structure wrote? She has issues with downs, verbs, adverbs, and so on. I think she, she goes into a sentence and doesn't know where she's going to end it. I think sometimes that's the struggle. That from Josh. I text her, who is JD Vance? Dops, it gets blown out. They got it from GOP, the lying that is. This is like the worst, you're the worst texture in the history of this show. Gene, one of the better textures. How quickly you forget Fox had to pay $800 million for repeating GOP talking points. And Fox settled that case. They never litigated it. Then they litigated it. I think they would have won. They didn't want to fight it. And when GOP talking points, it was the question about Dominion voting machines. I don't know where that came from. I don't remember, I remember it being more of like a Sidney Powell, maybe Rudy, Giuliani, realm of the Trump campaign. I don't remember seeing much of it on Fox. I think, I think Fox just sort of turtled in that side. It wouldn't work the fight and they settled. But Gina, you got to do better here. I mean, like, too wrong. Don't make a right. Your moral equivalence here is not, doesn't justify what Democrats are doing with the reinvention of Kamala Harris. And so if you want to do that, then good luck. But it doesn't change the current state of the media. Well, right back. This is the Jeff Porte Show at FIT Talk 10065. Welcome back to the Jeff Porte Show at the talk. One, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, wide open until the bottom of the next hour. So and I appreciate the text. They keep coming in, and I shouldn't be more expeditious getting through them. But sometimes you run into somebody like Jean. Let's see. A name texter, Jeff, do you consider Fox News part of the media? Not part of the mainstream media? No, not at all. And I mean, they're not exactly the alternative media either. They used to be. But another, I don't know, we kind of mainstream conservative media. But I mean, you Fox News is doing something usually completely different from the rest of the media. I mean, Peter Ducey is not like the other people sitting in the front rows of the White House press corps in the briefing room. He's not like the rest of them. Uh, Sean, I don't think she has to do anything. They're going to treat her like they did Joe in 2020 limited exposure and let the media glow her up. But she just, Sean, she has a, um, there's just something off there. I mean, like you think of central casting and American presidents and yeah, Joe Biden kind of an old codger, but at least you could put a suit on him sitting behind a resolute desk and it kind of works. Kamala, I mean, aside, take away the race and the gender and all of that. There's a personality thing trait. It doesn't, I mean, even Donald Trump, you could see, but I, I just tell you, when you look at it, you, you do think like, well, how's that going to be branded to the American public? Forget about your personal biases, all of that. I just think mainstream American public pays attention to politics once every four years. Maybe not even, it's not even just pay attention, but care enough to know a few talking points to be dangerous. All of this adds up. I mean, it all in the aggregate, all of these things together sort of come together and then that determines the direction of the, of the election. It's just like, do caucus. There was just something that didn't really, wasn't really mainstream enough for him when he ran for president. John Kerry, now Barack Obama's the exception, but Barack Obama became more mainstream. It was almost too conventional. I don't know how to describe that. It was just, he, he, and the difference between Kamala and Obama is, Obama is a very talented, once in a lifetime. There I say Nick Saban F's type of politician. Kids, he's damn good at reading the teleprompter. He doesn't go into a sentence and not know where it's going to end. He, he plays up his accomplishments heading into a presidential election. Um, we'll see here. Chris, a Joe named her ZAR during his first state of union dress should be easy to check. He didn't call her the ZAR. ZAR is sort of a, it's just sort of a label that people used. It was like the official title of like, you're the manager, but you call them the boss, you know, like, they're playing too cutesy with the words here. So what the media does, let me get more to that in the next segment. 2513430106, this is the Jeff Pors show on FV talk. What a 65. The first thing I remember knowing was a lonesome whistle blowing and the youngest dream of growing up to right. Welcome back to the Jeff Pors show. The football to 65. They just stay with us on Friday, Friday is finally Friday morning. 2513430106, just kind of ranting about Kamala Harris this morning. That's so much her. We, she is cringy and she is everything she is. That's, that's a lot of it's just the cringe factor is off the charts. But getting back to this, uh, I mean, it's the media in a lot of ways trying to reinvent. And like, don't believe you're lying eyes. Don't, um, don't, don't, you know, this is, this is the way it is and then it's easily refuted. And there's no contrition. I think, but that's a, uh, it's a very selfish, uh, very selfish on my part, frustration. But nonetheless, it's a frustration just to kind of watch all this play out. And know that, like, come on, uh, 2513430106, if you want to get in touch with the show, hit us up there. Uh, not really much going on here locally to talk about just, I mean, I guess we're creeping up on football season. There's about the other boat parade coming up here in a few days. Kind of an intriguing. August 3rd, uh, I'm told 11 a.m. Mobile Bay. Ah, there's going to be a bag of boat parade. These things are always, they always go super viral on like Facebook, where if you're so inclined to have a boat, just get out in the water and you got to Trump flies flying and man, uh, people around the country just eat it up. So that'll be one to watch come up here in a couple of weeks or a week from Saturday, I suppose. Week for tomorrow, but, uh, yeah, it's a boat parade season. I'll skip back to the text slide, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, Tim, Jeff, why do you think school buses need wifi? I don't know. I guess so it's not like you could do your homework on the bus, can you? Well, does it hurt? I mean, how expensive is it to fit a bus with wifi? What they used to do, Tim, um, especially during COVID, so used to put the wifi on the school bus and then take it to like a neighborhood where there was no access to high speed internet and you could wifi in. I named textured the last presidential election. My neighbor did an absentee ballot and because she was fearful that it did not make an issue, she decided to go and vote thinking that if the absentee had made it in, they would not let her vote. The fact is that she voted twice for Joe Biden for president. Doesn't surprise me. But that's the other thing. You just don't really trust a government to, uh, you just, you can't trust the government to do it right. They're competency. James, the official troll of the Jeff pore show LMFA. What are you a teenage girl? You got to text me. Don't use LMAO James. Be a man. Type like a man. Okay. Well, this isn't Sweet Valley High School. Okay. You called anyone dumb when Trump himself said he loves his uneducated base. Plus you have JD Vance saying the Republicans are poor uneducated whites. That is uneducated. They're just not told that the elite institutions. I mean, did you read Hillbilly Elegy James and it's this like stop blaming other things outside of yourself, break the cycle of poverty. There's not a government policy that's going to fix this situation, but it is the forgotten man. It's the rust belt. You know, there's like a message in the book. It may not be straight up pull yourself up by your bootstraps kind of like conservatism, but the message there is not the government is not the solution to everything. You can't look at the government as you look at a deity and pray to the government to save you from your woes. And also the government just needs to be like out of the way. Toothless Bamber at the Jeff Porsche, check out mega Kelly's interview with James Woods, who doesn't do interviews. He sure tweets a lot though. unnamed texture. Why is she claiming to be black to make it in Asian parents? I don't know. I just always assumed she was African American. They text her Republicans need a commercial show of the KKK. Wallace Lester Maddox, Bullcoder, the American people who the Democrat party really is and still are today. Just the shameless pursuit of power. But really Jeff Fox didn't want to fight at her silly for almost 800 million dollar payup. If a Republican, I could read those tealies. Fox do they were about to get their butts handed to them? I don't know. I just I think they could have wanted eventually in the Supreme Court. I don't know. Were they acting in malice? What would the settlement have been if they had got it? They had a verdict rendered against them. Do you think it'll be a hundred million dollars? I don't. Marshall, good morning, Jeff. I know you have focused on national politics. They was curious to develop this report on 2026 race or governor of tinnock, attorney general from Marshall up in Hoover. Marshall. Yeah. Let me read the talk, say, he's inside Alabama politics. He thinks that Tommy Tumberville, the Trump is elected, and I think there's a good probability of that will be ag secretary. I know coach has said he doesn't want to be in DC full time, which a cabinet job would mean you're in DC full time. Well, let's say that happens. Well, I thought like if the Senate seat opens before the 2026 election with Tommy Tumberville would be running for reelection, that would be Steve Marshall. No brainer, right? That's necessarily talking about Will Sellers, just who Governor Ivy really, really likes. He's Supreme Court Justice, the Alabama Supreme Court Hillsdale educated, writes a column every now and then. He's actually been to the Fair Hope Bureau, believe it or not. That's who they think would be appointed to an opening. Talk about governor yesterday, Lindy Blanchard at a Capitol City Republican women club said she's not necessarily opposed the idea running for governor again, and she's a self-under. This could get, you know, 20% of the vote in the last Republican primary or something. Um, so yeah, Marshall, uh, uh, Attorney General, I don't know. A lot of talking about Jay Town, former US Attorney North Alabama, Jay Mitchell, another Supreme Court Justice. Those are two days I hear, but there's always, you know, like an Alice Martin or chess pencil kind of possibility as well, not necessarily them, but somebody regionally. To the governor's kind of interesting, Marshall. Um, that's why it opened name. I keep hearing, and I think it's probably no brighter, typical cabinet on public service chairman. She'll run. But, uh, Greg Reed, the Senate pro tem. There's some buzz about him running for that. Don't cut out Jerry Carl. What will he do? Having lost his seat. I think he can win something. I mean, there's a bunch of names out there. I mean, what, what Bradley Byrne, is he done politically? Rick Pate, the West Allen, there's some talk about him running for lieutenant governor. Rick Pate, you're here in governor. John Merrill, our buddy. Uh, there's some talk about him as well, doing something. And then so it was Allen, like who runs for secretary of state. My, uh, now former employee, Jim Ziggler out there as well. He's doing a get out the vote campaign for the Dobson effort. John, do you think people vote for Kamala Harris? Let me call she sexy. Is she sexy? I don't see it. I'll elaborate on that a little bit. Well, no, no, actually don't. Um, maybe Anderson, did I miss something has Joe Biden always been the most consequential president ever? Or is the newest and latest buzzword would make it a reference and a consequential? No, I don't know what he's done other than be bad. Got it. Consequently, yeah, I mean, the Democrats in Congress passed a lot of bad big spending bills. I think a lot of bailouts for pensions in the name of infrastructure. Like this, uh, this $500 million grant they're getting for the ITN bridge come from what? A 1.2 1.3 trillion dollar so-called infrastructure bill where only like 10, 15, 20% went to actual infrastructure to rest with all these other. Well, the, the pension mail out, I think number one for highest, but they were categorizing his money for high speed transit. It was really going to their pensions for these transportation workers, these transit workers. It was about to go belly up. And then like you hear about this, like electric car endeavor where they only actually have thus far been able to make eight charging stations or whatever. I mean, there's a reason Republicans should not have voted for that bill. Even though the Republicans that are and have been elected in this part of the state voted against it are reaping the reward. Beginis, the one first name, Kamala Harris's career benefited from a hey, hey, uh, and they text your jet liberals normally get, they get uninformed by unconscion in the illegals. I hope not. And mostly the stupid vote. That's from Uncle P. It's time for troll to get the Ricky treatment. Well, he keeps using LMFAO. It is taxed. He will. Uh, damn yet he combo is not African America. She's Indian Jamaican. The people of Jamaica refer to themselves as don't refer to themselves as African American. It just makes sense. Or as bees, freedom of slavery, ignorance is STR. I don't know. Ben, new t-shirt idea, the Jeff Porsche text like a man. So yeah, I like that one. Gee, JD Vance's grandma raised him, had 19 loaded guns to protect herself. Where was JD, the military guy? He was in the military when she had the 19 loaded guns. And he explained because she couldn't get around, I guess. So she needed to have a gun handy wherever she was to protect herself. JT, the military guy was in the military serving your ass, Jean, serving his country. That's where JD, the military guy is, Jean. Uh, dirt nigger, if you want government to control everything, we need the people to then why did England, why do we kick England's butt just asking? Well, that was like, I mean, there's a lot going on with that. But I, sort of the root of the tea party of the taxation without representation. People's spammer by an administration will still feel regardless of hair, spin. Trump should exploit that, stop with the name calling. I think college is very easy though, but get back to this like childless cat lady thing. And the media, this was not a great and this was a 2021. But how many people like are like, yeah, I don't really relate to her. San Francisco. Like, what about Kamala Harris is relatable to the average everyday American regardless of race. What about her upbringing or lifestyle? Let's say what's the same about Donald Trump, but they can relate to like the apprentice or whatever. What is it? Tell me two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, we'll write back. This is the Jeff for show at the talk, one of six, five. Welcome back to the Jeff Port showed up. I'm talking about a six, five, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. That's the tax line. I still come on a program in the next hour. State Senator Chris Elliott, our returning champion. So make sure you stay tuned for that. I need texture. Street borders are not Kamala night. Welcome to the new and 1984 be safe. That from beamer. Another I named texture. He can't get away from name calling because that's what kids do. I'll profound. I named texture. We have already been badly burned by Bradley Burns. It's just like George Burns, brother there named texture. Finally fired on Willard and Maryland. I made sure my wife and teenager daughter knew how to handle guns. This was important to me while I was starting stay away in Afghanistan and Iraq. Just a note, James, they hate you as well. You could fly a Palestinian flag and you would be help lost hostage of 15 minutes if you managed to get to Gaza. Yeah, well, I don't think they think that way, though. And there's just like this weird, I told you so is, um, um, it's, it's not even like, they really care about the outcome of politics. It's more about, Hey, I was right. You were wrong. You're stupid. I'm smart. So much of it is that this sort of like, they had to validate their own flow of leadism, their own pseudo intellectualism. Oh, speaking of pseudo intellectuals, the Atlantic have any of your drink Mountain Dew. I knew you would think pretty, pretty mainstream. Exactly. You know, I don't expect to see it at the, uh, the Met opening or whatever the beverage of choice at the Grammy Awards. But you know what a Mountain Dew is, right? So, so our buddy's the Atlantic given JD Vance's affinity for, uh, I think diet Mountain Dew had mentioned it. These, these people. Oh my gosh, guys, they had to write an explainer about what Mountain Dew is and its origins. Like they felt compelled to write like 700 words about Mountain Dew in an explainer piece. That's how these people view the world. That is what they think they think. Well, they didn't say what they think. It's that a beverage like Mountain Dew is so like so fly over country, so unfamiliar, like an alien culture or something. I don't know what they drink. Like locally sourced bottled water or something. The Atlantic and this piece about like, and in these art, like I say, very, very smart people. But how sheltered are you to the world to need an explainer about Mountain Dew? This is why they lose 2, 5, 1, 3, 4, 3, 0, 1, 0, 6, or wide open to the bottom of the next hour. So keep them covered. This is the Jeff Porchow at the talk, 106, 5. From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porchow. Welcome back to the Jeff Porchow at the talk when I was 6'5. Thanks for staying with us on this Friday, Friday, Friday morning, hour number 3. Now kicking it off, 2, 5, 1, 3, 4, 3, 0, 1, 0, 6. That's the text line kind of recap here. What's going on? And if you haven't been listening to the first two hours of programming, you would know how frustrated I am with the intellectual, pseudo-intellectual, substantive, the mainstream media needed to write explainer pieces about what Mountain Dew is for their sophisticated audience who does not consume such trivial, you know, substances that were designed for the rooms or whatever. Does it eat KFC? No fast food for them. They are people of high outstanding and distinguished character and they have very, very well developed taste. Far too superior to what the average person has. But it's one thing to be that way, I guess. To be so like just, not only what Mountain Dew is kind of a line, the cross. I don't want to be the guy that like goes nuts over the McRib coming back because there's those people too. It's just like necessarily celebrate it. Just a casual awareness of it. The need for an 807er word explainer piece from the Atlantic about Mountain Dew and its cultural phenomenon is a bit much. That is kind of sneering at the underclass the pearls. But this whole moment in history right now, it's like a scene from, well there's a lot of scenes from Anne Rann. Anne Rann fiction. It's like we're at the scene in Atlas Shrugged and Hank Riddin's wife. She's got the party and she has all these like who's who the intellectual elites in the titans of industry. And you had these professors and they just carry on and on about whatever. And these are really very runny and villains. It's like imagine a cocktail party in a modern America. And there's here's Tucker Carlson, there's Elon Musk, there's, I don't know, whoever, but there's also like Anthony Fauci and Andrea Mitchell and there's a crazy James comma over there. And it's just kind of this inflection point in the narrative. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, James swinging back into action here. I got to call him a teenage girl. While your callers are something special, instead of leading them in truth, you just validate their stupid talking points mixed with unfounded conspiracy theories. I am glad you have at least up your ability, James, to text message and communicate without a LMFAO. I'm very proud of you, James. John, diet, Mountain Dew and barbecue house got me through my studies at Auburn. Don't barbecue house. It was not great, but it was passable. Right, John? You gotta like Byron's smokehouse. What were the barbecue places at Auburn? Chucks. Chucks, the Chucks at Auburn. No, it's just more of an extension of the Chucks over in Opelica. Ben, they are so far left, they should change their name to the Pacific. Referring to the Atlantic. Oh, that's clever, Ben. Gertiger, I drink diet. I drink about new every day. It tickles your enters and it doesn't destroy you like the illegal drugs. Probably not the healthiest thing, either. Actually, it's some kind of like, what is this curious concoction called Mountain Dew? That these people in fly over cut your drink is so condescending. Well, it's either condescending or just completely out of touch. It's a little bit of a boat, to be honest, but like your upper west side liberal New York Times reading opinion page type. Probably with some education. It could vary anywhere from like Syracuse all the way to like Ivy League, backpacking in Europe when they were younger. Very into the trendy restaurants and the the bodega, you know, scene and then not really familiar with Walmart. Not really interested in going to West Virginia or anywhere like that. They do they need are they at a place where they need to be told what Mountain Dew is and why it's a cultural phenomenon. Squirrel, why are our local TV news or landing up reporting on the terrorist protest of the DC particularly to ask local Democrats how they see it and where they stand on it. And the news wants to protect them rather than expose their pro-terror group think and anti-semitic support. I don't know it's appropriate. Squirrel, I would say, especially with Laneyap, I that's just not their lane. I think you want to know what's going on in this weird mobile police, Paul, Brian, saga. Laneyap is the place to go. Our local TV news. You want to know what's going on with the terrorist protest in DC. You probably need to look at Fox News or wherever. I mean, I always kind of been to the opinion like we have a real I know me. I mean, I think focusing on the local is really important and we don't do a very good job of it in general in this country. It's my upbringing. It's my dad not knowing who our congressman was but knew exactly what Rush Limbaugh said in his opening monologue during his lunch break that day and tried to talk local politics later in life with him and he was just kind of not really interested in it. And then later, I get more into this business of Alabama politics and like trying to explain it to my mom and she just she's more interested in Liz Cheney and the weird cross-dressing nuclear physicist and that got somehow got a job in the Biden administration and not really like the very nuances of the gambling in this state and why all that matters and who your state lawmakers are. And I think the state's very underserved in that realm and we're just very resigned to be in this place where well it's got the Republican label to it that's good enough for me. It's also my mom voting for Dean Young because she just didn't want to vote for KIV and not knowing who the hell Dean Young is. Sorry mom if you're listening but that happened. And I just like if you guys really would I mean not you guys in this audience because he would be listening to the show if you didn't care about that stuff. But this stuff is like to me just as important not more important than this whole these whole last few days what's going on nationally in American politics. I mean we haven't had the intrigue. We haven't had somebody take a shot at KIV. But they do need security. So I mean I don't scroll I don't really fault Y&E for not really going into this subject. Maybe they should and if it were a Republican they sure as heck would. Notice that a Marjorie Taylor Green event in Dothan a couple of years ago and the local Dothan TV reporters like asking Marjorie Taylor Green about space lasers or whatever it was that she said Jewish space laser lasers and you're kind of like well is that really like that's been like litigated by the mainstream media a hundred times. Why are you doing this and then just kind of like why are you here? What's your message? You have to take the Alabamians and you know whatever you can hear the TV news local TV news know your role in the whole news ecosystem and they text their apparently the elites leave one item off their diet brain food. Jean little contact shady advanced wife is Indian ancestry comments have been made that she cooks vegetarian. How does that Mountain Dew go with the Indian food? Is that true? I don't know I haven't heard did they eat vegan or vegetarian. Jean you're just full of a full of a counter just a little testy little nuggets there to to poke the conservatives aren't you Jean. Is this how y'all are going to win in 2024 this is how you know that you're going to get Kamala Harris up to her rightful role is the most powerful figure in the free world by poking at what JD Vance's wife cooks for dinner is that is that the path to prosperity there Jean. And they picked stir I sent my son to drum practice hydro stopping for snack sugar babies and Mountain Dew. He was so wound up sugar the class couldn't keep up. Uh, uh, strength borders are Kamala Kamala not welcome to the new approval. We're at a beamer beamer. Let's we forget the ministry of truth. It's here be safe. I don't think I think it's more like this, uh, that we're not, this isn't Orwellian. It's an Randian. It's it's like at least with the Orwellian narrative like the, the people who ran like really ran it buttoned down and were competent. The and Randian narrative is this the people the elites in our country are incompetent and they're not as impressive as they are made out to me. They, they kind of play the role of being smarter than you, but they're not really that smart. Sir James Locksley here is the picture of Kamala Harris and Jeffrey FC floating around your pickers and Photoshop. I don't know. It doesn't matter. Getting your picture made with, with Jeffrey Epstein is just like a lot of people did. It doesn't mean you slept with a underage girls. If you had to picture me with a man, Pat, I've never met a native American and didn't eat meat. I don't think she's the state of American, Pat of these, she's a true Indian, Lucia. They're digger. I hope Trump sees, even though I was shot at people, the U.S. have rights to bear arms and so on. She totes on himself. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. You want to be in touch with the show, text me. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Moore Show it. If you talk, one, zero, six, five. I keep a close watch on this heart of mine. I keep my eyes wide open all. Welcome back to the Jeff Moore Show it up and talk with those six, five, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. Programming note coming up on Monday Show. We're going to, Jennifer Fiddler has got some obligations. Just so you know, not next week, but the week after that, at least Tuesday through Tuesday, you will be spared from yours truly. Love a, love a committee of a guest host, my colleague in 18, 19 news, Craig Munger, filling in a day, lots of April, Murray Fogle, Scott Butcherman, and then Brian Dawson, who is the boss man at 18, 19 news, going to be filling in for me. So we try to sneak in that last week of vacation with the family. Well, I'll tell you what I'm doing in a minute, but squeeze in one more last week, last go at it before school starts with the three year old. So you'll get a week from Tuesday, you're going to get a different, a different sort of take on the program. But Monday, this coming up Monday, you'll get Jennifer Fiddler and Dale Jackson and probably one other guest to be named later. No, taking the three year old and I have a very ambitious plan here. And I don't know how it's going to go for entire week. We're going to hit a brains game on a Tuesday night. But I want to, what I'm going to try to do, I'm going to try to go with him the entirety of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Those of you who know the Blue Ridge Parkway, and then it starts in Cherokee, North Carolina, goes up and all the way up into Virginia. And then in Waynesboro, Virginia, it becomes the Skyline Drive and goes through the Shenandoah Valley or the Shenandoah Mountains there. It's the, the John Denver song, it's not written about West Virginia, but Western Virginia. But I'm going to take Skyline Drive all the way to front Royal. And then we get to front Royal, take the hour and a half ride over the DC, go see some of our friends, hit a Nat's game. On the way back, we're going to hit a NASCAR race at Richmond and then back to Alabama for school, which starts that following Wednesday. So I will be out, but that's my very, very ambitious plan. And we'll see if we can, it can be completed in a week. So we'll see. But that is, I won't be with you. I'm sure you're breathing a sigh of relief. Let's see other things going on in the news. What do we think of the VP, the Veep Stakes, if you will, on the Democrat side? Three year old at school, that is daycare, call what it is. Did you go to hell? I'll call it whatever I want to. It's PK, whatever, but it's school. Trust me, we pay a lot to send our three year old to school. So I will call it school and you can call whatever you want, a name texture. The Veep Stakes, Mark Kelly in Arizona. And this is the one take of that. Is it going to be kind of off putting to watch Gabby Gifford, who was shot in the head on the campaign trail? If he is the vice president nominee, will it feel that way? Because that's what I'm kind of wondering. Like they named Kelly, Senator Kelly, the vice presidential nominee. And it feels very Tim Kane to ask also. Then what are they going to? How are they going to use the second potential second lady there to former congressman who was shot in the head? And I'm, you know, I think there's a very compelling story there and I'm not necessarily saying it's a bad thing, but how will people react? Well, I feel like you're using this unfortunate circumstance to elevate your political calls. Just get a break in here, I'll be right back. This is the Ja'Por show it. If you talk about it, six, five. All right, let's take it on that. The muscle shows to the potato. Welcome back to the Ja'Por show it. If I talk one oh six five. Hey, just thinking with us on this Friday. What's led to this Friday morning soon to be Friday afternoon. Joining us now on the line, he is our returning champion. We talked to him about this time every week. State Senator Chris Elliott, Senator Elliott. Good morning. How are you? I am doing great coming to you from a Starlink Wi-Fi connection. We'll see how it goes. Oh, we are really testing the waters here, aren't we? Wiving in color. So it's it's not only coming across a cell tower somewhere, but it's also being zapped into space and right into the well, it's a it is kind of a very circuitous route, especially considering I am DeFero Bureau this morning. But anyway, let's kick it off here. So I know we spent last week talking national politics. I just want to start with that real quick. The chaos was supposed to be over when Joe Biden was elected in 2020 and 2021 was going to dawn on a new age of just we were all going to be like spared from the rigmarole of the tweeting Donald Trump and his chaos. I don't remember a more chaotic time than these last month or so of politics in American history, at least in my lifetime, maybe the Civil War, I don't know. No question. I mean, you know, you have to wonder if they should just go ahead and move the Democratic National Convention back to Chicago and go through that again. And, you know, maybe they can maybe they can top it this time around. But it's it's off the hook. I mean, it's just like it's just really happening. And I've had a couple people reach out to me and say, boy, we're really given the civics teachers of, you know, a lot to talk about here because, you know, you have these folks running around one side of the aisle talking about democracy and how they're defending democracy and then disenfranchising all of their voters that have voted for one person to do a switcheroo right in the middle of everything. I just don't know how the American people can get behind a party that can't get their, you know, their stuff together. And this things that are demonstrably untrue, then it gets that they're untrue, then backs up from them and then goes through a whole nother, you know, trying to rebrand it. This is this is much. I'm ready to get President Trump back in office and have some adult running things. Well, and here's how effective do you think all this is that they're doing? Because I was still in touch Stacey this earlier. Like the the before Sunday before Joe Biden announced he was stepping aside for the first time in a while, probably since Trump won in 16. It felt like Republicans kind of had our conservatives, I should say, had a little bit of wind in their sales. It was Democrats on defense. They were having to defend a they were split. They were divided on what Joe Biden ought to do. It was just it was kind of amusing to watch and didn't like a just as soon as she is the presumptive nominee. A there was like the American media, masonry media, the switch lit up. And then I mean, they just went full on. I mean, even like a very bland, typically bland wire copy from the associated press become flowery about Vice President Harris and just like, but but I'm looking at and here it is. It's 2024. I know we're like kind of segregated. We're at our own sides. We get our media from our sources on each side. I just wonder this like sort of full court press in America right now. Does it really matter? Does it how meaningful is it to the whole presidential election process? It's a good point. I don't know that it did it matters a whole lot because I think the folks that are Trump voters are Trump voters. And I think the folks that are, you know, are not Trump voters are going to vote for anybody else. There's a little bit in the middle there, certainly. And I am amazed at the mainstream media. And it it amazes me that I'm still, I guess, naive enough to be surprised that that they are handling this in the way that they are. But they're falling over themselves to talk about a woman whose record is just so flawed that that she finished it, you know, distant, distant, distant in the Democratic primary for president just four years ago. And so you have to wonder how all of a sudden has this all changed. I mean, she certainly hasn't done anything good while she's been in office as Vice President. As matter of fact, it's just piling on more bad. The only thing she's done is take the Democratic party and hand her to its base, which Joe Biden had lost, right? Joe Biden's an old, you know, fairly centrist white guy. And so, you know, he's not, you know, his background is fairly centrist. Now, certainly they tried to push him farther and farther to the left in order to get elected and certainly while he was president. But, you know, he wasn't the champion of Palestinian transsexuals, you know, and then all of a sudden, you know, here she is. And she's this multicultural, you know, Palestinian, you know, loving, you know, LGBTQ, you know, crummy borders are. And you got to wonder what, what in the world does that say to centrist Americans who are looking for, you know, somebody to just get the economy back on track and stop, you know, stop pandering to the extreme left. Yeah, and then I don't know what the country wants right now. I mean, we're told, well, young voters really want all that sort of woke progressivism and I think it's time for a change. I'm not, I don't think they care enough. Madden 25 is out or not bad enough. College football 25 is out and they care more about that. But we're supposed to pretend like that's, that's the key to election success. But I just, I don't know if it, what it used to be like with, like sigma caucus or but governor even these far left figures, Howard Dean that they never really caught on. I think she's in that category of out of, you know, just just enough outside the mainstream where people will be like, I don't think so. But is 2024 different now? Have we really turned a corner as the culture more secular and does this, is this the time that it will actually work? I don't think it will, but I'm more of the mindset that it could work more now than it has ever in the past. I don't think it's going to work. I think this selection is going to be decided by blue collar workers who want to see their work valued. I think they are tired of this woke social ideology and are more interested in the economy and making their, you know, their income go as far as it can. They've seen disastrous economic implications of this administration, the Biden Harris administration. And then I also think that, you know, centrist, you know, soccer moms, if you will, are going to be the others that are going to make the difference in this election that they're going to have to decide, you know, which, which side of this are we on, a president that keeps us out of, out of war through being very strong and very assertive, or one that, that absolutely will, will get us back into war where their children may very well end up serving our country and putting their lives at risk. And so I think, obviously, that the interim is very clear, but we will, we will see how those, you know, those swing state moms and, and swing state blue collar voters bridge. I'll bring it back to Alabama. First off, just your thoughts on the, the Bay Keeper lawsuit. I haven't done enough justice on this. We had Bradley burn on earlier this week. I know Sean's done a lot on it, but the judging of the port, I want to do with the spoil and the threat to the Gulf Sturgeon. And I mean, you understand this stuff fairly well. Well, what do you, what do you think of that whole saga? Well, I think first and foremost, it's important to note that Bay Keeper is an organization that is funded off of donations. And just like, you know, clickbait media or, or any other political entity or association, you have to show that your members that, and your donors that you're doing something, right? And, and so I think that Bay Keeper has chosen this, uh, as the issue to demonstrate to their members that they're fighting for something and therefore we should donate more money to them. Um, I think that the outrage you heard from Bradley burn was, was justified. I really do. This is a process that has been going on since 2006. It has been studied, uh, acknowledgement. The core of engineers is a tough federal agency to get anything through and done. And, and they have, uh, we had the, this entire community has worked very hard to get to the point where we are right now. And, and so I think that the core studies of, of, you know, done by, you know, really esteemed scientists have demonstrated that this is a perfectly acceptable way, uh, to, to remove or dispose of the stretch material and, and that the environmental entities that aren't more focused on fundraising and instead are focused on the environment are, are the ones that have been at the table with the core of engineers trying to figure out as much beneficial use as they can for these stretch materials, up to and including the, the, the mobile national estuary program who is, in my opinion, you know, kind of the go to, um, environmental entity who's going to talk to you straight about what's going on without some sort of, you know, profit motive behind it. Um, and so I think, you know, latching on to the, the gulf sturgeon as an environmentally, you know, endangered species and trying to attack the core of engineers is, is probably the wrong way to go for beekeeper. And it's certainly the wrong way to go for our community. This has been vetted. This is safe. And, um, and we need to press on with, with what we've got and not upset the apple cart here at the end. Another topic, uh, here we're just in five minutes or so. So Kenneth Boswell, uh, with a deck, uh, pen, pen day, uh, I don't know if he pinned it or he had staffer or somebody, but it was just lengthy op-ed, uh, which I was not to run it at 18, 19, but I think Gillahammer and maybe APR ran it about the virtues of fiber and fiber internet and just really, really down on satellite, uh, or any other means of internet delivery, broadband internet delivery. I know you've been really on this kick, uh, senator with star leak and you have a star leak, um, um, subscription and the equipment and you've loaned it to some of your colleagues in the Alabama Senate to try out. And there's, I'm a little surprised to see an op-ed come out time to when it did, uh, and, and, you know, what's going on here? Why, why, why is this necessary? But, uh, tell me this, uh, you see something like that. The rule broadband discussion, you and I are going to be old men before that is fully realized in this country. I, I mean, in this state, I think the way they are selling it to us. What do you make and what's going on right now? And I mean, is there any chance that we would see some kind of alternate delivery method besides what they're trying to do with the fiber optic cable? Well, we need to see some, uh, comprehension and grasp of, of an alternative delivery method if we're going to get, you know, high speed internet to, uh, the majority of the state. I mean, look, what Senator Schofield and, and Representative Schofield, you know, started through ADEA is, is commendable, has worked well. The feds have come in, um, with a ton of money, uh, to, uh, to really push out, uh, fiber. And, and, and the grant requirements are such that it, that it will only go to fiber. And that's okay. Um, there's nothing wrong with fiber. Uh, fiber is great. Um, that, you know, and I've read, uh, Boswell's, uh, opiate and I will tell you how it's just shot. I mean, my first, first thing that I've thought of when I saw this was like, what, what in the world is, is his problem with the kid having internet, high speed internet access tomorrow? I mean, if I was waiting on fiber to come to my house right now, I, we wouldn't have high speed internet at, at my house in Baldwin County. If I was just sitting around waiting on Boswell's fiber to get there and there are a lot of things in that, they, they, so you can spend what you can spend less than what you would spend on a fiber and bill service. A senator, uh, a senator. If you're wondering right now, it'll be there in like seven days, it's supposed to seven years or however long it's been the same. A senator. Well, I think that what a tech is trying to do, uh, is, is certainly good to be good through the culture of the future of Alabama, uh, to invest in it, uh, that, that infrastructure, that fiber infrastructure. What are you, why are you fighting a solution that could work for our Indians today? That's the part that doesn't make any sense to me. I mean, he talks about this being the holy grail of, of, of broadband infrastructure. I get that, but maybe instead of providing the holy grail, how about a, how about this because I mean, this picture, they ain't got anything, anything to dream about the single to talk to them all the time. You know, he, he, he's right, not, not five weeks ago. And so let's, let's mix this stuff in and realize that technology that is changing is rapidly as broadband infrastructure technology lets you break something that works in the short term. And listen, if it's not the solution in five years, five, you know, throw it away and move on. But it's alive and inexpensive as it is, and as effective as it is right now, why would we not consider that as a solution? So forget the state, if I'm the one who wants to spend it all on fiber, right, if the governor wants to spend it all on fire, let him, but if you're in an underserved area right now, and you don't have access to the healthiest of course in the community, it's starting to change your life, and then make sure your kids are better than the system are while you wait on the speedy government to actually get something. Senator, I don't know if you can hear me or not, but your Bluetooth connection dropped. I think we got to just stop it there on the speaker, but we will catch up again next week. Thanks for making time for us. Thanks for having me. Sorry, there was a Bluetooth there. No, it's not Starlink here. All right. I think the Bluetooth dropped. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff 4 Show it up and talk. One of six five.