FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

#AL2 GOP nominee Caroleene Dobson - Jeff Poor Show- Friday 7-26-24

Broadcast on:
26 Jul 2024
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from Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porte show. Good morning. Welcome to the Jeff Porte show. What a 65. They should be with us on this Friday. Friday is finally Friday morning. Text line you want to be in touch with the show. Two five one three four three zero one zero six is how we communicate on the program come upon the program about 30 minutes about Todd Stacy Alabama Daily News making this Friday appearance and then in the 11 o'clock hour as we always do our returning champion state senator Chris Elliott. So please make sure you make sure you stay tuned for that. Like I said could be wide open the mid portion of the program. So text message two five one three four three zero one zero six once again there if you want to participate what's going on. But joining us now we're going to lead off here with she is the Republican nominee in the second congressional district here in our part of the state. Carely Dobson joins us on the line. Carely good morning. How are you? Good morning. I'm doing great. Thanks so much for having me. How are you doing? Good. Well, do well. Thank you for coming on. We do appreciate it. So a few things to get to here. Let's start here. I mean, last it's the last time we talk which has been a few weeks. Probably been the most chaotic time in American politics in a long time. But you know, you're watching the the the ebbs and flows of your own campaign. And I'm sure like knowing how that's going. I mean, I'm sure it's impacting yours as well. What are you hearing out there? Well, what's been I mean, more people start to really I would assume really tune in now for real. Yes. Yes. No, I mean, to the extent that a person's been apathetic, I think you can no longer be just given the event that the past four weeks, you know, I was speaking to a Republican group that I spoke to last month. And I realized that the last time I spoke into them was before the debate. So I mean, the debate was a month ago last night. So you can think about all the events that have transpired and really, really monumental. But we have, you know, for our part, have just been blown away by the enthusiasm and the generosity and the excitement of the district to keep this deep red. Obviously, to get President Trump back in the White House to flip the Senate, but also to increase our majority in the House. We've got to have all three to truly make our country strong again. And that enthusiasm is not just a ephemeral. We were able to actually outrage Shabari figures in the second quarter by about 50,000. And we were only one of the Republican non- incumbent campaigns in the whole country and looking at all the congressional districts to do that. So, and that's a lot of, you know, we've had some, a few donors with these pockets, but mostly it's folks throughout the district that are giving what they can. We've got a lot of donors. Can you also look at Shabari figures? And that contribution, most of the majority of his fundraising was from political action committee. And 97% of those that donated him are in the greater DC area. So again, I think that's indicative of where his support comes from, where the excitement about his race is in comparison to ours. And I think that's really going to translate on November 5th as far as you showing up to vote for their candidate district, too. That's remarkable that much that very little of his resources are coming from in state contributions. They're all out of state, it seems. Yeah, yeah, no. And again, I think that that fits with his bio. You know, I mean, he's an accomplished young person, but his entire career has been spent in Washington. His entire adult life has been in Washington, Obama administration, the Chair of Brown, then obviously, Deputy American Garland. He was also part of Biden's transition team, which I think is also very, very important, and something we shouldn't ignore. He looked as a member of Biden's transition team. He was there on the ground floor in Biden's 100, first 100 days in office. Well, what happened then? Let's see, if we open the border and stop implementing the stay in Mexico policy under, also, borders are here, which is obviously a catastrophic impact on the daily lives of every American. And then another thing Biden did in the first 100 days was shut down the Keystone pipeline and then take the first steps toward abolishing our American energy independence, which, again, has had a direct impact on the prices that you and I pay, not only at the gas pump for our groceries, but in virtually any commodity that we're paying for these days, energy prices have gone up 38 percent sent back to Biden's office. And a lot of that is attributable to what took place in his first 100 days in which my opponent, Shamari, figures was, you know, what was part of that decision-making process. It's a transition team. So, you know, if you, if you want more of the same, then certainly vote for Shamari figures, but if you want a change, if you want more opportunity for your kids, safer community for your kids, then you should vote for me and for Donald Trump 100 percent. Well, and the thing about your opponent here is, I mean, like, he's not really, he's not really running on, like, any, any policy, substantive policy discussions at all, I mean, just, he's the guy with the Democrat label, seems to be the claim to fame here. But he, I mean, like, he wouldn't really weigh in on the Biden-Harris thing. And then the citizen Harris is named a nominee. I mean, he's, he's got all over his website pictures of him and her together. I haven't heard him talk any about what's going on now with the BB Netanyahu there in Washington, D.C. and the Israel question. He just seems to be kind of a guy running just because of the demographics of the district and not really on anything. Yeah, no, and, and again, I think, again, that's kind of reflective of this run being a career move for him. And, you know, that, you know, just being truthful, that's a motivator for a lot of politicians that we have, unfortunately, and that's why our country is in the position it is, because we have Washington insiders more concerned about their careers and special entrance bridge the fact that they are about the future of the country, the kind of country we're leaving to our kids and the ability of parents and families to actually raise those children in a way that they see spinning. We have got to give, when it comes to education, got to give control back to the parents in Alabama. We've made a huge step towards that. We have to choose that, it's that legislative session. But on a national level, we have got to once again put parents and the drivers to come to empowering their children to succeed, giving them the skillset and equipping them to have careers that are going to allow them to achieve the American dream. I mean, you and I, we each have, have two young kids. We each have a set of two young kids. And I know you also, like, I do want to raise my kids in a world where hard work is rewarded. But, you know, under, under the Biden administration and certainly under a Harris administration, that's, that's not what they want. They want to ensure equality of outcome rather than equality of opportunity. Well, it's this whole push for equity, right? Like that, this is a tackle meritocracy that hard work and the, the just a good old-fashioned American way is not fair or it's, it's not right. We, we, we, this idea instead of like your freedom and your individual liberties and the individual, they're focused on sort of a collective outcome for people. Yes, absolutely. And I think, I mean, I did not, that paradigm is, you can trace it to the roots of, of Marxism that certainly was on the rise in college campuses in the 60s, 70s. And we see the outcome of that day on our college campuses now. I think Kamala Harris' father was a, you know, well-known Marxist professor. But, you know, when you're, when you're trying to ensure equality of outcome rather than a quality of opportunity, and to be clear, I'm on all four quality of opportunity. We got to ensure that, that everyone has a fair chance. But when you, when you talk about equity in the way that the far left one talks about it, it's, it's really, it shows kind of the lack of, of really a, of a Christian faith too. Because, you know, you and I know, you know, part of being a Christian in the Bible tells us, you know, there is no quality of outcome for Christians on, on earth, you know, and I think the best people I know have been faced with hardship for all faiths with, with hardships. And you can't, you can't control your destiny. You could work hard to be a good God-fearing person and still, you know, bad things can happen with the book of Job. So I think it, even on a, on a deeper level, you know, it shows how far we've gotten away from the faith of our fathers when we're trying to engineer results. Because that's, that's not reality. And again, you know, as a Christian, I know that, you know, we're, we're not, we're not guaranteed certain things in life. We've got to work hard and pray hard and know that, you know, we may face adversity, but that's where our faith has been. Enjoyed by Carolyn Dobson here on the program. She's ready to get into second congressional district. I guess Shamari figures for that house seat, this newly drawn district. And he gets back to this. I mean, your opponent, I, I think maybe, maybe, maybe this is what he believes. Maybe it is. I don't really know. It's like you said, this is a career move for him. But there's no question like, I think the, you know, when, when, say he is elected to DC, that's who he's going to caucus with that, whatever the, the mainstream of the Democratic Party, which is drifting further and further to the left, is probably what you're going to wind up with. Should he be elected? And is that what you, you know, for all these, all this discussion, that he can be like an Arthur Davis or some other Democrat that kind of ran a little more moderate. I don't think that's possible in today's environment. No, no, I think you, I mean, I think every, every Democrat is being forced to, to show the party line. I mean, we saw a, you know, a recently, obviously with Elise Diphonic, a health resolution, condemning Kamala Harris's job as borders are. You saw few Democrats break rank and then they were immediately, you know, characterized by their, their fellow Democrat colleagues. It's just, they just go to for that resolution to appease their constituency in a tough reelection year. So, I mean, it's so locked up with the Democrats and, and again, I think that's even more so with Shamari figures by being part of the Biden administration and therefore, you know, signaling or trying to bolster Biden's competency to the American public. He's already shown that he cares more about ensuring his job security than he does about being truthful with the American people or fighting for what's best for the American people and certainly for the folks of District 2. I think there's an, there is an issue of trust with everyone who's part of the by, who's been part of the Biden administration from Shamari figures to Kamala Harris, you know, with Kamala Harris, you know, even just a few weeks ago was telling us that the president was absolutely capable of doing the job. And then, you know, the events of this, this last week, in conjunction with the debate, showed that he actually is. So, I think, you know, you've got to also consider who's going to be fighting for Alabama families. Look, I'm optimistic. I truly believe that we can turn the country around. We can't make America strong again, but it's going to take people who are willing to advocate for the hard of working, God-fearing folks of District 2. And I'm running the fight for all Alabama families, rural, urban, Republican, Democrat, Black, White, Rich, or because all of us have been impacted adversely by the Biden administration. And if we don't get control of our country, reduce spending, curb inflation, secure our borders, strengthen our military, then we're not going to have a country left to lead to our debt. Oh, we'll get you out of here on this. Folks want to find out more of your campaign, how to get in touch. However they can help, especially as we get into the home stretch here, how can they do so? Yes. Now, any and all help is appreciated. Obviously, financial support is appreciated, but so also is word of mouth. We're going to have some door knocking campaign, phone banking. We also have a form for you to fill out if you'd like the yard time, get your yard time, that also has a huge impact. Our website is, that's G-O-B is in Bravo, S-O-N-F-O-R, You can also find us on X, truth, social, Facebook, and Instagram, dauptonforcongress. Carolee, best of luck to you. We'll get you out of here soon. Thanks for coming on this morning. Thank you so much. Have a good weekend. All right, Carolee Dobson running in AL2. We'll be right back. This is F and Talk, 106-5. ♪ Behind my Japan plan ♪