FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

City Councilman Ben Reynolds talked about the Special Report, Amtrak and Civic Center - AT&T Breach - Mobile Mornings - Friday 7-26-24

Broadcast on:
26 Jul 2024
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806 FM Talk 1065 and Mobile mornings on this Friday morning a lot to get to in this hour as we'll be given away tickets last day to win some tickets to see sticks and forener at the wharf. That'll be a Friday, August 16th show and we're actually we're gonna have two chances for you to win this hour as we give away two pairs of tickets so stay tuned for that. Also, later on in the hour, an important national story that I think affects a lot of us, including me, this big AT&T data breach with tens of millions of people whose call logs were put out there. We'll talk with Michael Brummer who is with Experian and Experian Global Data Breach Resolution. So look forward to that interview just after 830 this morning. But I believe we have on the line right now, Mobile City Councilman representing District for Ben Reynolds. Good morning, Councilman. Good morning. Thanks for having me on. Yes, sir. Man, we've talked, of course, it's been such a big news month nationally with everything going on in national politics, but City of Mobile trying to stay just as busy as we have so many of these projects that are trying to get off the ground and you've had some busy, busy City Council meetings here over these last couple of months. No doubt about it. Just one thing after the other and, you know, we're in the thick of it right now, so it's been exciting and interesting all at the same time. And this week, of course, the City Council, you got this special Council to look into some of the allegations made by former Chief Prime. That report comes out, it came out earlier this week. What's the next move for the Council, kind of just to wait and see kind of thing? Well, I believe so. I mean, we sort of feel like we've done our duty. We had a lot of folks out in the community asking for us to investigate some of these allegations that were made. We hired what we think was a very qualified, disinterested party to come in and do it. He's now produced a very lengthy and extensive report revealing many facts, but I think it's also important for folks to know that, you know, in that report, he also, you know, maybe identified some shortcomings or some things that maybe we can do differently or do better. And I hope to, you know, pull that stuff out of that report, you know, make my suggestions to the administration and others to, you know, hope to get it, hope to get us to a point where we can avoid this sort of situation in the future. Right. Yeah, it's been, it's been contentious from the outside. I can imagine what it's been like there in the council chambers. And I think overall, if I can speak for a lot of the public out here, we're just wondering, you know, it seems like a lot of money spent over the last few months into all kinds of different investigations and really on its face, not a great look for the city as a whole. So I'm sure everyone involved ready to kind of put this behind us and then get on with the rest of the work. Yeah, that's kind of how I see it. It's been a just a huge upheaval of our ordinary sort of conducting business in the city. And you know, I'm ready to put it behind us, but I want to take advantage of the opportunity that we have to make some adjustments and get things just right so that we can avoid it. This really unprecedented situation in the future, you know, it's never happened in the history of the city of Mobile where the police chief was put on the agenda for the city council to remove. So, you know, we're all sort of learning how to go about this as we go. And you know, I think we've done our duty on the on the city council to this point. I don't expect any significant action beyond what we've done so far. You know, there are other other areas for folks to bring their grievances to and a lot of those potentially really lying in the judicial system. You know, folks can file claims and file lawsuits and do their thing over there, you know, from a legislative standpoint, you know, we've we've done our duty to investigate these these issues talking with Mobile City Councilman representing district for Ben Reynolds. I'm in his district on the fringe, but but in the Reynolds district. So great to get you on the phone. Let's talk Amtrak and some news this week as all signs pointed to a being a vote shy to bring Amtrak to mobile as like so many things need a super majority five vote in the council. And this week, it looks like Councilman Woods, according to reports, has flipped his no vote to an apparent yes, which would be the magical number five to get Amtrak into mobile. I guess some changes in the way the contract was worded. Is that what you understand? That's the way I understand it and I've read we've we've now seen this proposed contract along with this additional language that was added in there and I must say Councilman Woods and I we probably work as close together as anybody on the council. So when when he, you know, sees things in a certain way, I certainly want to understand, you know, where he's coming from and and how he has leveled it up, you know, and in his mind and how it best represents the city, the language that I've read, he and I will have some discussions I imagine, you know, on this and the language as I read it, though, it doesn't satisfy my concern, my issue with that going past year three, I think it says that they shall seek additional funding in year four from somebody else. Well, my concern lies is let's say they don't get it, let's say they go out and they seek it, but they don't get it then what, you know, they're going to be right back at square one where they're asking us once again with this sort of national, regional, political pressure, putting their thumb right here on us and mobile, you know, unnecessarily as far as I'm concerned, if the state is, you know, willing to put in money, the ports willing to put in money, then I would suggest that they should be willing to sign the deal. Yeah, and I mean, would it be possible to search out for a maybe a longer term commitment from the port or the state before the city dives all the way in? I don't know if that's the right way to go or not. I know that the mayor has really worked very hard to try to bring everybody together on this. I know this Amtrak train is important to the federal government. They really want it to happen. So I think there's some effort to try to, you know, get it done so that we have, we're positioned well with the federal government. And you know, it was strange, and I think you've pointed this out several times, that Louisiana and Mississippi, the states picked up those bills. That wasn't New Orleans putting forward the money or Biloxi, but it was a different story over here. And while the mayor did get a promise from Ivy's office that the state would chip in, it didn't go about the same way that the other two states was just kind of a different story for us. That's correct. And, you know, the state can make their own decisions however they see fit. They have a whole legislative body and of course an executive where, you know, they can decide if they want to do it or not. They're not in session currently, so that's been part of it that, you know, wasn't considered in the last session. And I don't know if the votes would have been there or not, you know, with the ports abrupt sort of turn face and change to accept or agree to some terms on allowing Amtrak to operate. So there's no telling, you know, if the state would sign the deal or not, if they were in session or if the legislature would agree to funding it at a later date, but it seems like everybody wants to get it done right now. You know, there's just been this tremendous amount of pressure put on us locally to get it done right now. And, like I said, I'm not fully satisfied with what I've seen. But if the votes are there, right, and I don't know, I haven't confirmed with everybody that the votes are there. But if the votes are in fact there, then, you know, now we got to consider, okay, it's going to pass. So now we got to get the best deal we can for the people that I represent if it's going to pass the way it is anyways. Well, you know, I've spent a lot of time in Mobile at the Civic Center. I've seen several bands. I guess the last band I'll see there was Judas Priest, took my kids there and we saw like I think I even seen the mystics there and ice skating there. So it's going to be a different landscape with the Civic Center. Is the demolition still on schedule? Yeah, it's on the agenda now for second read. So Tuesday, I believe we'll take that item up to pass that item. And you know, it's on schedule and I, too, just like many other mobillians have seen many concerts and joined many great memories there at the Civic Center. But I'll say it like I said it before, it's just an old worn out shoot, you know, it's about time that we get us a new pair. Definitely last time I was there, I noticed how outdated the whole facility was from the bathrooms to even inside and the bands were playing so loud and with so much pace. I was scared that it's going to shake the rest of the bricks off the outside of the building. Yeah, I, I've go to some Mardi Gras balls there and you know, you had my guest and stuff from out of town, they come in and see the facilities and you know, it's, it's a little bit concerning, you know, that it's in such poor condition that we have to do something, we have to take some action. I think we've got the willpower on this city council. We have been a very productive city council and maybe one of the most productive city councils and mayors in the history of the city. I mean, we are really checking boxes at a high rate and this is one very big one that has been needed to be checked for a long time and that is a brand new state of the art civic center for our city and remove that big wort off the nose of the city that's just been there for far too long. Yeah, to say that the city council has been active, maybe the understatement of the morning, you guys have been getting, getting after it for sure and you know, just looking at the renderings of this new arena and if everything works out according to plan and already with the core of engineers building going up, just a totally different skyline heading, well, either direction, but especially west to east as people had people head towards the tunnel. It's just going to look completely different. Right. And that, that Eastern elevation is very important, I think, of the, of the new civic center building. You know, as folks come and go or pass through the city, they can see this, you know, grand structure that sits over there. You know, we saw the 60% designs and we look forward to seeing the 100% designs and give our feedback to what we think. Now, they're in an architect amongst us on the city council. So, you know, we're somewhat limited, but we'd like to hear hear from folks get their feedback of what they think, what it looks like. But while everybody keeps in mind that there's not an unlimited pot of money at the other end of the rainbows, we still have a budget and it's a huge budget and, you know, it's $300 million. I mean, this is no small amount of money. So as you give your feedback, keep in mind that, you know, we can't have gold plated handrails going around the city. Yeah, there's, there's some folks who are asking for a lot. That's for sure. But I mean, you mentioned that some of the budgets on these projects are, they're up there and that makes it some very, very big moments for the city. I talk with district four councilmen, Ben Reynolds, and I'll let you go after this. I just kind of wanted to get your take on, you know, as we look at Montgomery and Birmingham and going through some serious issues with crimes with homicides specifically, we've talked quite a bit with former chief prime, of course, she, Sheriff Birch is in all the time here. It seems, and according to the stats, which I don't have right in front of me, that crime has gone down pretty, pretty in a pretty good way for mobile over these last few years, especially after very dangerous 2020 and 2021. And while, you know, it's not zero, what are your thoughts on how crime has kind of been handled here over this last six months or a year? Well, I think, you know, as we're talking about these tourist items, you know, the Civic Center and Amtrak and, you know, all of the other developments, I think the most important factor of publics, of tourism is having a safe place to play in. And so it's good to hear that. If you, if you just read the news and the headlines, you know, I think there's a saying in media, you'll probably know it, if you believe that leave, yeah. So, so we typically see, you know, the worst stuff all the time, that's the stuff that gets the eyeballs. But, but our men and women in uniform, our leaders have really done a lot to help curb the violence. We're not where we need to be. And perception is still that crime is just outrageously high. And I think still across the country, there still is a lot of problems out there. But, but I want to say thank you to the men and women in uniform that have helped curb the violence in the city. And there are a lot of other efforts on going to try to get it down even further. And, you know, I haven't seen, I haven't seen reports that, that show that it's way down. But I did see Sheriff's Burch's announcement that he's going after games hard. He's, he's not holding back. He, you know, he's taking a hardcore approach, which I appreciate. I'm glad that he represents me as the sheriff. And I appreciate all the work they do with the Sheriff's, Sheriff's Department as well. Yeah, he's, he's not holding back on the warrants or, or the language he's using when he says he's going after him. That is for sure. Councilman Reynolds, thank, thank you so much for joining us this morning on Mobile Warnings. And hopefully we'll get to check in with you again here soon as it stays busy there at City Council. Yes, sir. Thank y'all. Have a good day. All right. Just for Mobile City Councilman Ben Reynolds. A lot to get to with him as has been a busy summer for the Mobile City Council. Coming back 2513430106. Let's put a pause on this for just a second. Yeah, let's give away a pair of tickets to see sticks and foreigner, the renegades and jukebox heroes tour at the Wharf Friday, August 16th together live for the last time ever. Call her number five. Let's do call her number five at 2513430106. A pair of tickets to see sticks and foreigner at the Wharf. 2513430106. Call her five tickets are available at and the Wharf box office more Mobile Warnings right after this. Hi, it is the weekend or very close to it Friday morning, the last Friday of July. Thank you for listening to Mobile Warnings. I'm Dalton Orwig, Leanna Miller in for Dan Brennan this morning. Happy Friday. Happy Friday. Dan will be back very soon. And as we listen to what Willie here, reminder today, Red Clay Stray's album drop day is the newest album out today. So looking forward to checking that out later after work. And congratulations Tony speaking of catching some music sticks and foreigner live at the Wharf Friday, August 16th, Tony, our winner this morning. The renegades and jukebox heroes tour will give away another pair of tickets before the hour is out. And tickets are available. and the Wharf box office. While we have some time here, let's get into Kamala Harris and already the media going back and changing stories and trying to paint the Democratic candidate in the best light possible. Now you had a story earlier this morning, Leanna Congress, the house passed something yesterday, even some bipartisan there, bipartisanship with six Democrats jumping in. Yeah, they voted with Republicans yesterday to condemn Kamala Harris's failure to address soaring numbers of illegal immigrants at the southern border. They claim she has failed to get a grip on what's become a hugely contentious issue in the country with a vote passing 220 to 196. So they are placing the blame partially at least on Kamala, the now nominee, soon to be official nominee. You saw Axios earlier this week say in a story, Republicans are falsely labeling Kamala as the borders are saying she was never named that. Well, in an Axios article or maybe multiple Axios articles, they had said just as much previously that she was named borders are. Now we're seeing gov track back in 2019 rated then Senator Kamala Harris is the most liberal member of the Senate. We've gone back and scrubbed that and said actually that wasn't the case. I want to play this for you. This is kind of a media cut up from media years ago, sometimes even just months ago, calling Kamala, the borders are and now taking the White House talking points that were sent out to everyone that actually Kamala never was the borders are. So before and after back to back here and see if we can get this running. Well, borders are vice president Harris was not a borders are being time vice president and borders are Kamala Harris facing some backlash what he said about Harris and immigration was not true. She was never appointed borders are and this will be her first visit to the U. S. Mexico border region since she was appointed as the borders are by president Biden. People don't have to counter the misinformation. You already hear folks talking about the borders are she wasn't the borders are president Biden tapped Kamala Harris vice president Kamala Harris to be the borders are now she wasn't the borders are. That's what Republicans labeled her. They were very critical of Kamala Harris, especially in her role as borders are. Now what she's up against is folks lying about her border record calling her a borders are Kamala Harris who was appointed as the borders are the Biden team didn't declare her the borders are they wanted her to work on kind of the root causes of immigration. There has been so much criticism against Kamala Harris. You know, she was the borders are calling her sort of the borders are, which wasn't necessarily the case. So that's not even the whole thing. How much more ridiculous can this get? I mean, how could you work on the air on any of these MSNBC CNN? Whoever and look yourself in the mirror or go to work every day. You're obviously that much of a liar. Absolutely crazy. Hey, coming up, we'll talk about the massive AT&T data breach and what you can do to protect yourself in the future. That's on the way. [Music] Thank you, Kane. 835 FM talk 106 5 and mobile mornings on a Friday. Right now it's time to head over to McConnell automotive and we'll talk with Louie Arrata. Hey, Louie. Hey, good morning, guys. How are you? Hey, we're doing great. And Dr. Bill said pretty decent weekend on the way. And you know what I've started doing with the family? You know, everyone used to take these long Sunday drives just to get out and ride the roads a little bit. I've been doing more and more of that. And Louie, you have some great vehicles on the lot for just that right now. That's right. We have great deals. And I mean, I'm sitting there trying to buy some stuff down at Fort Lauderdale right now. And we're looking for cars. So if you got something in your driveway, you want to get rid of. Don't matter if it runs or not. Just give us a call. Two five one four seven six forty one forty one. We've got a bunch of wholesalers laying around here and they they'll put some money on your car. Like I said, if you want to get rid of anything, just give us a call. Buying stuff. We got plenty of trucks here. I mean plenty of trucks. We got three quarter tons. We got half tons. Got little trucks. Got some Colorado's and canyons and Toyota's and Nissan's. I mean, like I said, we've got a great selection. You can check that stuff out online at We're going to be here all weekend. I hope everybody has a great weekend and I'll come on to you. All right. Thank you, Louie. Thank you. That's Louis Arrada. Go see him at McConnell Automotive on Dolphin Street, just east of I-65. And of course, the website 836 here, FM Talk 106.5. And when I saw this interview became available, very interested and it might seem, well, I don't think it even just seems like it, but more and more hacks going on, data breaches, and it involves our personal information a lot of the time and on to talk with us about some of these more recent AT&T data breaches. Mike Brummer, Vice President and Head of Experian Global Data Breach Resolution. Mike, thanks so much for coming on with us this morning. Thanks for having me, Dalton. So I want to read a text to you first before we get into this AT&T data breach. This text here said, this is angry, Patriot. He says, Dalton, I've been a victim of five data breaches in the last year, including T-Mobile and AT&T. Last one was by Advanced Auto Parts. So they're offering free monitoring. That seems to be one of the ways that some of these companies try to patch up relationships. He said, please bring this up in your interview, but that's kind of been the story here, right, is just company after company, major corporation either being hacked or just having data breaches. Unfortunately, your caller is right. The average individual in 2023 got three notices of a data breach. So it's happening multiple times and not only adults are impacted, but sometimes children, senior citizens. And it's something that I'm sure we'll get into further. Yeah, and AT&T has been, well, a couple of the bigger stories in this kind of thing over the last couple of years, really over the last few months, they've had two major announcements of data breaches. And the more recent one here, they said, a failure to adequately protect wireless customers' information, left the company vulnerable to hackers who accessed its system beginning in May of 2022, lawsuits have since been filed. And they said that hackers downloaded phone and text message records from almost all of its 110 million wireless customers. And I guess this leak, it didn't include the actual conversations, but more so the call logs. This is massive 110 million customers affected by this? Yes. According to the reports, those are the same numbers that I've seen and you're correct. It is the text log. So every time your phone hangs a tower and a text is sent, it not only tells that, hey, the text was sent, the contents of the text were not compromised, but the location data from where the towers were receiving the information and transmitting your phone were compromised. What does that mean for us if we were someone who received that email from AT&T? Hey, by the way, you were part of this affected. You were one of these customers whose information was put out there. Is that something that criminals could use to, I don't know, access any more of our information or what would you recommend? Well, in the first event that AT&T had a couple months ago, your wireless number was compromised as well as some other data, potentially data birds, your passcode, mailing address, email address, according to the reports. And the concern is obviously, if they know where you are from a location standpoint, they do have your number. They can go ahead and create a scam to try to contact you, to try to email you, and then the light posing as AT&T technical support is one example. The fraudster is going to also track your data and where it is and try to extort money out of you. So it is really important that when you get a notice of a data breach, particularly like from AT&T, be aware that it happened and then take the required action. Because AT&T was very specific about here, the actions that you can say they provided credit monitoring and/or identity theft protection, and that was from Experian. And then go ahead and sign up for those services because that will help you not only check your credit file, check if your data may be out on the dark web, and then most importantly, it provides you with access to a fraud resolution agent. I want to talk with you about how businesses can try to ensure the same thing doesn't happen to them, as we've seen with AT&T and some of these other companies. But as far as customers whose data is leaked, like we're talking about right now, it does seem like this happens so often. And depending on how many different websites you have a login for or how many different companies you use for different services, that there's a lot of this going around. And I think it almost becomes easy to become too passive when your information might be just floating out there from one of these breaches. Daltan, you're right. We call that breach fatigue. And unfortunately, there are some people that have received one of those three or four notices of a data breach. And if it's the second or third time, they'll go, "Oh, hey, I already signed up for the protection or, yeah, I know my data's out there." And they don't take action. And that's a real mistake, because after a breach occurs, you should check your layers of protection. If you haven't signed up for a product like Experian Identity Works, which is a credit monitoring product, there's some free offers to monitor your credit file. You should change your passwords for the account that may be impacted. And I also recommend using a password manager, because that will securely store your passwords in one spot where you only have to remember one master password. And it will also help you create long and complex passwords for new account. I also suggest you file a police report to if you think you're suffering identity theft that way, if you need to make an insurance claim, that police report's already filed. We're talking with Michael Brummer, Vice President of the Experian Data Breach Resolution Group. And something that you do and do well, Mike, is helping businesses prepare for things like this, data breaches, and also what happens afterwards and how to make sure it doesn't get worse for the business and the customers. What would you say to, well, even local mom and pop businesses around here who have maybe a customer database and want to ensure the same thing doesn't happen to them? Well, the most important thing for any business, small or large, is to have security and privacy training for every employee, because you'll find the root cause of most of these breaches is human error. So someone's clicking on a link, someone's answering a phone call that may capture a voice print, somebody goes ahead and releases a file of customer data by the mistake that put it out on an unsecure site. So number one, security and privacy training for everybody in the business. Second, understand where your data is and what protected identity information or protected health information is available and make sure that is most secure and then have a plan. You're going to have a security incident. Every business has them, but they don't turn into a data breach if in fact you have the right controls in place. So the data is encrypted, it can't be seen. You're making sure that employees aren't using their personal email accounts at work. You check that and at the same time, make sure that you have a set of partners that you can work with. If you run into a data breach, you have an attorney that can help you decide, okay, what can I do? And that information can be all done before a breach happens. And I guess similar to your suggestion for an individual who's affected by something like this, if if a business finds out they've had something go wrong, same thing with filing a police report, letting, letting law enforcement now? Yes, the law enforcement support now for security incidents and data breaches has gotten much better and they will help you and if it's a significant event, a local law enforcement also may suggest you call in the FBI because they can also know that, hey, we've seen your information and sometimes businesses get phone calls from the FBI to say, hey, we've seen this information. It's out on the dark web and we think it may be related to you and they'll even know before a company realizes that their data's been taken. But they're a huge help and outside privacy counsel that knows a forensic sperm to help determine what was compromised and who's been impacted is also important. And you know, Michael, we're talking to Michael Brummer, VP of Experian Data Breach Resolution Group for these businesses who are affected by this. I've always wondered. It's so hard for them to tell sometimes if they've been hacked, sometimes they don't find out for months or years later. And then by the time that news makes it to the public or even the people who were personally affected by a breach or a hack, it seems like they had been covering it up, which which I understand isn't always the case. That's just kind of the nature of an online crime like this. But how do you recommend companies manage this once a hack or a breach happens to them in order to try to keep as much trust between them and their customers as possible? I mean, do they need to take care of some things before they let the public know or what's kind of that stage of events for once this happens? The real tricky question is you need to always respond to a breach with speed, but with accuracy as well. So if the company suspects that have been a victim of a data breach, they need to take action quickly. But before they go out and announce, they need to know, actually, what data was impacted, how many consumers were impacted, and then how do they contact them? Because they may not have email or physical address for these people. They may have to do a substitute notice, which is posted on a website or in the media. But the accuracy of the response is really important. The worst thing businesses can do if they've had a data breach, they've lost some people's data, and then they don't do the response well. They don't know how many consumers, and they have to say, well, it was X number of people and oh wait a minute, no, we made a mistake. It's actually a lot more, and it's a lot worse. And there's some examples out there where companies, as you pointed out, haven't done their due diligence. So it's really important to be well-planned because most people understand if, in fact, a company has a data breach and they do everything right in the response. They react quickly, they've got the letters out quickly, they provide identity theft protection, and they'll regain the trust in their response versus not doing it so well if they rush. Some great information this morning. Michael Brummer, Vice President of the Experian Data Breach Resolution Group. Folks want to get in contact with you or learn more. How do you recommend they do so? There's a couple of ways. We have a really good website. Ask Experian blogs. We'll give you consumer tips on how to protect yourself, what to do with, in fact, you think you've had fraud committed, and then there's also All right. Thank you so much, Michael, for coming on with us this morning. Thanks, Dalton. I appreciate it. Have a great day. All right, you too. And we will be posting this as a podcast on if you want to go back and listen to it or maybe pass some of that information along to a family member or a friend. I think some very useful stuff you can take from that. Because this last AT&T one, Leanna, I was, I got one of those emails. Hey, by the way, you're part of this. You said, well, you really affected too? Yes. I had a past account and mine was affected and then my husband's account was affected. Look out for the seniors in your life and watch over what they do. Yes. Yes. Especially the clicky, clicky, clicking around on the internet and ending up in a place you don't want to be where you think your computer's locked up and you have a hacker or a great point there. And really, I mean, we're looking at numbers now with some of these hacks and breaches. 110 million customers affected than this latest AT&T hack. 110 million. That's well over a third of the United States population. I know that it probably includes some international numbers there as well, but it truly does affect everyone. 251-3430-106, that's the number to call. If you want to win the final pair of tickets, we're given away this week to see sticks and forener. The Renegades and Jukebox Heroes Tour together live for the last time ever. It's a Friday August 16th show at the Wharf and caller number three at 251-3430-106. Caller number three, that pair of tickets. The final pair we'll be giving away this week will be yours. Tickets available. Also the Wharf box office sticks and forener. Renegades and Jukebox Heroes Tour together live for the last time ever. And coming back, we'll wrap up Mobile Mornings for this week, the final full week in July. Lay out the Jeff Porsche show which is coming up and I'll tell you who his guests will be as Mobile Mornings continues right after this. All right, five till nine FM Talk 106-5 and Friday morning here on Mobile Mornings. I want to thank Leanna Miller for coming in for Dan Brennan this morning. You're welcome. It's always fun. It is and Dan will be back. Monday morning coming up the Jeff Porsche show on the way in minutes and he'll start the show with AL2 GOP nominee Caroleen Dobson. 930 Alabama Daily News is Todd Stacey joins the show and then the usual weekly Friday guest at 1130 this morning, State Senator Chris Elliot. A reminder here and you might hear these promos running throughout the day but the FM Talk 106-5 college pick them challenge. I think we've been going maybe six years now, five or six years strong on this and the the grand prizes get better every year. So we'll have a grand prize announcement here before the season starts next month and I know week zero you have some teams college teams that will be playing I think August 24th but most teams in action that following Saturday which would be the 31st I think. So that's when we will start our pick them challenge. That means you have until then to get in and I have links and instructions up on our website FMTalk If you participated last year if you were one of the around 450 people who participated you should have received an email earlier this week that tells you how to get back in the game. A reminder it is free to play and one grand prize winner at the end of the year that gets an awesome grand prize as we pick college games every week and of course it wouldn't be as fun if we weren't talking trash throughout the week here at FMTalk 106-5. So that's a a major part of it. This story that I saw yesterday I mean you talk about a presence of mind for a child a 10 year old. This was in Georgia if I can pull this story up he was riding around with his 70 let's see he was riding around with his grandfather and his grandfather passed out so he was going 70 miles an hour on a Georgia highway and the 10 year old boy grabbed the wheel when his grandfather passed out and was actually able to steer the vehicle to safety and what the Gordon County Sheriff's Office is calling an extraordinary act of bravery. The 10 year old's name Drake Lynn he was in the passenger seat and they were towing a boat so you talk about they were going 70 towing a boat they just picked up and they were riding down I-95 in Dalton Georgia home of the road runners that was just last week his grandpa called Papa 68 year old Hugh Cox was on the phone with a coworker when he suddenly stopped talking and fell unconscious the 10 year old said I don't know what was going on and I was scared but I guess he was able to to talk with his mother on the phone jumped into his grandfather's lap and drove the car over to the shoulder unbelievable wow there seems to be video of everything these days I would love to see video of that hats off to the 10 year old with the presence of mine to steer him and his grandfather his Papa to safety another great week of Mobile Morning's Jeff Porsche on the way next and we'll see you again on Monday morning